#wheel matched these two and I thought it would be funny personally
buddy-arc · 1 year
@bcrcavcd | horror/rpg starter call
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the shadows breathe peculiarly. the entity slithers from shade to shade ‘till she settles on a human silthouette. the beast’s many blue eyes open in wendy’s shadow, surveying the surroundings. she does not particularly care for the scenery, she’s simply making sure this human is alone.
once the coast seems clear, wendy’s shadow lengthens and contorts, sliding around so it sits in front of the girl. tendrils peer out of the sides, the shadow entity hoisting herself up. she still dons her raincoat look for half a second before flickering and appearing like a silhouette of wendy; a shadowy twin that has a smile with too many teeth.
“say… you look like a polite human. are you lost in this weird place too?”
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tbaluver · 2 months
Hiii! Can you make general Sylus HCs?? Fluff ones though! YOURE LIKE A BREATH OF FRESH AIR OMG LIKEEEE THE FLUFF MAKES MY HEART SIMPLY M E L T !
Sylus Headcanons- Love And DeepSpace
a/n: omg anon you're so sweet thank you so much ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ i hope you'll like this and i hope this is okay!! <3
any likes and reblogs are always appreciated! enjoy! <3
genre: fluff fluff
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General Headcanons ˎˊ˗
This man is big everywhere. If you have or seen the memory of Within Reach you know what I'm talking about. Since he has quite a large build in height and muscle, he probably has trouble finding clothing in his size in store. Sleeves would be too short or pants would be too tight so often he would have to get them tailored but it's fine because he has all the money in the world.
This man is 6'2. Since he's tall, mirrors can cut off your head or usually shower heads are mounted too low so he would have to crouch down often. But later on he took down any small mirrors and adjusted the shower to his height for his liking.
Would try to eat a healthy balance meal 3 times a day unless work got in the way. He also probably has the best skincare routine ever. He would have cleanser, toner, serum, moisturizer, and different types of sunscreens for morning or even at night.
In Tender Curve, he mentions he's there to feed a cat. Whenever he has the time he'll leave cat food outside for any strays. He has no time to take care of any pets and also Mephisto would squawk at him nonstop with jealously.
He probably thought he would never sing in his life until Luke and Kieran 'pestered' him to try it out in the karaoke room. He thought why not he had nothing else to do. He would lose track of time due to Luke and Kieran cheering him on. So if being the Onychinus's Leader never works out he figures he can be an idol in the future.
The type to accept any business as long as it's near your location whether it work or you have things to do in that area. How would he know your location? You would have your location posted on your moments and sometimes Luke and Kieran talk about you a lot. He would use any business matter to talk to you and ask if you can help him with any errands.
Relationship Headcanons ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Sometimes he'll let Mephisto spy on you and update him on what you like to eat so he can learn how to cook it for you when he doesn't have the personal chef around. He likes trying new recipes and you are always there to try them or help him make it. Would love it when you would hug him behind while he's in the kitchen cooking or the other way around.
Not super big on PDA especially in the N109 zone but will do gestures like his hand on your lower back or his arm around your waist. But in private he would be a lot more affectionate. In the car, he loves having one of his hands intertwined with yours as it rests on your lap while his other hand is on the wheel. Lots of forehead kisses. Sometimes would tease you because of your height difference and make you try to reach him to kiss him on his lips. Eventually he'll crouch down to kiss you after watching you struggle.
If anything were to upset you, he'll always be there to listen and to comfort you. He'll hold your hand or wrap and arm around your waist, rubbing soothing small circles reassuring you on whatever the issue is or helping you find a solution to whatever the problem is. If it was anyone that bothered you, they might want to sleep with one eye open.
He's also kinda silly. When you walk in his bathroom while he's shaving, he'll put some of the cream on your nose because he thinks your reaction would be funny.
Would always have an outfit to have for you to match with him in a business meeting. But if you wanted a different outfit he would find something to match with you that way everyone knows that you two are together.
He's extremely thoughtful. He remembers even the smallest details you have mentioned to him. He'll always find the perfect gift to give you on anniversaries or birthdays.
What's his becomes yours. You want his clothes even though they might be too big for you? Take the whole closet. He'll find his clothing in your fitting quite adorable actually. He'll even give you keys to his armory, he has many so choose whatever you want. He even let's you have Luke and Kieran as your henchmen too as long as he gets to have them back for work.
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cmncisspnandmore · 5 months
One Night Stand: Part 8
Pairings: Simon "Ghost" Riley X f!Reader
Warnings: Preterm babies? mentions of medical things.
Word Count: 2k
New to the series? Catch up here: 7
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Getting into the wheelchair was the most humbling thing you had ever done in your life. You had really taken for granted how easy walking around when you were pregnant was. Now as the nurse and Simon held onto your arms and helped you into the wheelchair as you gasped in pain, your entire body shook with the effort. As they carefully lowered you into the wheelchair, you caught a glance of Simon's face. His face was slightly pale, his eyes worried as he watched you. 
He looked like he was the one who could pass out at any moment, not you. “There we go, you alright?” the bubbly red headed nurse asks. She straightens up after she puts the foot rests down, her badge clip clinking together. Kelsey, her name was Kelsey.
“Yeah, i didn't expect it to feel like that…” You mumble, and she gives you a soft smile.
“Kinda like your organs are just gonna fall right out of you?” She smiles, and you can't help but laugh. 
“Yeah, pretty much. It wasn't painful, just really uncomfortable… But I'm okay.” 
“You sure?” Simon's voice is rough, his brow still pinched as he listens to the conversation between you and Kelsey.
“I’m fine Si, I promise.”
He doesn't reply, he just gives you another once over before stepping out of the way so Kelsey can wheel you out of the room. The hallways were long and white, a few vitals carts hanging around. Nurses passed every few moments as they went about their days. A few pressed themselves against the wall as Simon walked by. His large form takes up most of the hallway. He was the poster of intimidating, all muscle and an impassive face to match. 
As we reach the end of the hall our nurse Kelsey waves her badge in front of a sensor that controls the large windowless doors in front of us. As the door slowly open the soft hum of white noise and beeping monitors fill your ears. 
“This is the NICU, its where we keep my personal favorite patients,” kelsey smiles as she pushes me through the doors. There's a typical nurses station in front of us, but instead of the regular hospital rooms that you see in the rest of the building. There are two long walls with large glass windows that allow you to look into two rooms with 3 rows of incubators. Each room housed 9 of them, not all of them were full. Some were just waiting to be occupied. A few sets of parents stand around them, wearing pink overgowns, as they reach their hands into the incubators to touch their babies. 
Kelsey disappears for a moment and comes back wearing her own overgown and hands one to simon. “You have to wear these, its to prevent germs from your clothes getting on the babies. It just helps us keep them safe. We also need you to use hand sanitizer before you enter and when you're done. It's important we do everything to keep them safe.” she explains as she helps you put yours on. You look over your shoulder as Simon attempts to put on the overgown, its stretched tightly over his arms and chest. His larger than average form filling up most of the pink overgown. A small snicker leaves your lips as you take him in with the pink gown. He’s usually dressed in all black or dark colors. To see him wearing something so bright was actually funny to you. 
You never thought you’d see the day Simon Riley wore pink, but here he was, stuffed into a too small overgown, small frown on his lips. You can’t help the small smile that plays on your lips despite the nerves you were feeling growing inside you. What if you couldnt handle seeing your baby like that? Would they look okay? Would they even look like a baby?
You had no idea what to expect, your stomach was turning as Kelsey gave you some hand sanitizer. After you and Simon rubbed it in, she wheeled you into the room, it was warmer in here than in the hallway. The constant hum of the machinery louder, as she pushed you towards the last incubator on the left. It was a large plastic box, with 4 little circle windows, a soft yellow glow emitting from a light on top. As you get closer you can see some of the stuff inside A soft pink blanket, and the smallest baby you have ever seen. They wore a hat so small you weren't sure if it was even possible for them to call it a baby's hat. It seemed more fit for a doll. 
Your daughter laid in the center of the incubator, an array of tubes and wires connected to her too small body. Her eyes were covered with gauze, and she had a mask over her nose, and a thin white tube coming from her mouth. She was mostly still, the only occasional movement was her arms or legs moving in a sort of jerking movement. Her diapers were too big for her, even in the Nano- Preemie size they had on her. 
“Shes… shes so small..” you whisper, your hand coming to rest against the warm plastic of the incubator. 
“She is, but she's been doing really well. She’s been stable since we put her on the oxygen and she hasn't shown any signs of distress since. I think she's got a real chance.” Kelsey smiles as she looks between you and Simon. 
“If you want you can reach in through the little windows, just try not jostle any of the wires,” she smiles, as she walks over to another family standing around an incubator. 
Simon stands behind the wheelchair, his hands coming to rest on your shoulder. He's quiet for a few moments, the warmth of his large hands seeping into the fabric of the hospital gown. You shove down the emotions that are bubbling up inside of you, taking a deep breath you lean forward in the wheelchair. A dull ache pulling at your lower stomach as you carefully move yourself towards the edge. Your hand shakes a little as you reach your hand up and through the small open window. You hesitate, your hand hovering over your daughter's tiny frame. The only place where she didn't have monitors and iv’s was her small hand. It was no bigger than your thumb nail. Barely big enough for the tip of your finger to fit in, taking a deep breath you gently touch her tiny hand with the tip of your finger. 
Reflexively she grabs onto your fingertip, her tiny fingers gripping the tip of your finger. Emotion clogs your throat, but it's not you who makes a sound, instead it's Simon. It was quiet, and if you hadn't become accustomed to him over the past few months you never would’ve mistaken his sharp intake as annoyance. But you knew better, it was him trying to keep himself together. You glance over your shoulder and notice his brown eyes are glassy. A single tear falling down his cheek and dripping onto the pink overgown. 
“Simon…” you whisper, reaching your other hand up to rest on his hand that is still firmly in place on your shoulder. 
“Sorry..” he mumbles, wiping his hand across his eyes, before he clears his throat. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” You smile softly at him, “Come over here.” 
Simon hesitates, but moves a little closer, coming to stand on the side of the wheelchair, you can feel the tension rolling off him in waves. His entire body was stiff, every movement seemed almost painfully slow. 
You pull your hand out of the incubator and grab Simon's much larger hand, “It's okay, you won't hurt her.”
Simon's brown eyes searched your face, looking for any signs that it was a bad idea, he was so much larger than her, even you. His hands weren't the gentlest, and they had done terrible things for many years. How could he possibly touch something so small, something so innocent. His heart hammered wildly in his chest as you gently guided his hand into the incubator. As his index finger touched her small hand she grabbed it just like she had yours. 
“See? You didn't hurt her,” you smile, leaning your head against his upper arm. You hated to admit it but even this small venture had you drained. The events of the past 24 hours are catching up to you fast. Your body was starting to hurt, and sitting was uncomfortable but you didn't want to leave.
How could you?
The image of Simon standing in front of the incubator was something you wanted burnt into your brain for the rest of your life. His hand, which was larger than your daughter's entire body, hovering over her as her hand gripped his finger. After a few moments, Simon pulled his hand out and looked down at you. His brow slightly furrowed as he took in your expression. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, his fingers catching the side of your chin and tipping it up so he could see your face better. 
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you force a small smile, but Simon sees right through you. 
“Don’t lie to me, you just had major surgery,” he grunts softly, his hand sliding to rest against your cheek. You instinctively lean into him, his palm warm and comforting. 
“I’m just tired, and a little sore, but I don't want to leave her…” You whisper, your eyes falling shut. You were more than just a little sore, whatever pain meds they had given you were definitely wearing off. You could feel the incision now, it was a dull constant ache. But the headache that was starting to form behind your eyes was worse. It was like someone was taking an ice pick to the space behind your eyes. 
“You need rest,” Simon frowns, his brown eyes trailing across your face, “we’ll come back later okay?” 
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, and give a small nod. As much as you didn't want to leave you knew it was best that you got some rest. You weren't any good to anyone if you didn't heal. But it didn't stop the nagging feeling in your chest when Simon carefully pushed the wheelchair out of the room. 
Once you're in the hallway Simon helps you take the overgown off, he throws the light pink objects in the trash and turns back to you.
“Ready?” He asks, “You can go take a nap and we can come back okay?”
Would they let you?
Did they have visiting hours here?
God why hadn't you researched the hospitals sooner?
What if something happened while you were resting?
What if she stopped breathing?
What if she died....
She was so small, so fragile, so breakable. 
And it was all your fault. You couldn't do the one thing you were supposed to. You were supposed to keep her safe until she was strong enough. Your body was supposed to nourish her and carry her until she was bigger. She was too little. Who would protect her now that you, the person who's supposed to, couldn't.
“Hey,” Simon's thumb sweeps under your eye, “why are you crying?”
“It’s my fault…” You sob, tears falling rapidly now. “This is all my fault.”
“Love..” Simon whispers, now kneeling on the floor in front of the wheelchair. One hand resting on your knee the other on your cheek as he wipes away the flood of tears. 
“None of this was your fault,” he grabs your chin, forcing your eyes to his. “None of it okay? You didn't do anything to cause this. It wasn't something we could have stopped okay? No one is blaming you, and I know that she won't either. Whatever happens, we’ll get through this okay? We’ll get through it together.”
“Okay…” You managed to breathe out but the tears didn't stop, and neither did the guilt eating a hole in your chest.
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Next Part:
Taglist: @coffeeandtealol, @natashamea18, @itsmytimetoodream @humanities-cutest @ajrfanz @jggykhug09090 @dedicateeverythingtomilkshake @ashreblogsnow @liwooa
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meanbossart · 7 months
its funny looking between his former fixation (orin) and current one (astarion) and noticing he has a very obvious 'type'. what made him so taken with orin, though? what did he like about her? did he not have any initial misgivings? was he ever concerned she might turn on him?
B)c Please know how happy it made me to finally have someone spell this out lmao. It's absolutely true, at least within the dynamic that DU drow shared with each of them; there are a lot of parallels to be found between Orin and Astarion.
The tough part of this question however, is that I have a very difficult time pinning Orin down. She's easily the most elusive character out of the Chosen, and while I understand this Is likely a consequence of being underwritten, I also see a certain charm in a character who's lack of development is part of their tragedy - whose story is very much about not being allowed much individuality of their own, and having no resolution. I think this is a space worth playing in.
I couldn't tell you what the hell Orin likes, what she was like besides blood-thirsty and deranged. I can barely fathom her sitting down to have a conversation with someone. Think about it - she was raised from childhood in the Bhaal temple, both her parent's were faithful servants and she was essentially groomed from birth to be either Bhaal's Chosen, the Dark Urge's consort, or a sacrificial lamb. Nobody had ANYTHING to gain from allowing her to develop any humanity.
Of course, this doesn't mean she doesn't have any, deep inside. We see glimpses of it in fairly difficult-to-get dialogue regarding her origins during act 3. My very vague take on Orin is that she was a determined and persistent person who learned to make her circumstances work for her as best as she could, who had a strong sense of her boundaries but a horrifically difficult time differentiating between negative emotions - this is why I personally don't even know whether she """"led DU drow on""" our of malice or self-preservation. Perhaps she didn't know either - I think whenever Orin felt sadness, discomfort, anger or even happiness or love, she found a way to turn it into bloodlust and sadism, every time.
And it's in part this elusiveness that would have attracted DU drow. What did Astarion have to do to get DU drow to pursue him? He had to feign disinterest, he had to pull away - the fact that Orin never allowed DU drow to get close enough to truly know her plays a significant part in how unhealthy his attachment for her became.
That said, this was a long game - he did become infatuated pretty much from the moment he saw her when they were both teenagers. This is a much simpler concept to understand - he was profoundly emotionally inept and neglected, and she was probably the prettiest thing he ever laid eyes on, not to mention the only other person in the temple close to him in age.
Truth is, they did have a lot in common on the very basis of having been so thoroughly stripped of their humanities, but It was a closeness born entirely from circumstance - the implied vulnerability in the type of life they shared together, even if they never spoke about feelings or shared what normal people would qualify as a "sweet" moment. They didn't really use their words, and when they did, they were like daggers - twisted murder sibling banter.
But when they had to work together it was very different. They played off each each other like match and friction, like two fitted cogs turning a wheel. There must have been nothing that swelled DU drow's heart more than when they killed together, perhaps even more than when Orin hurt him. He loved seeing her in her element and yearned for nothing more but to be let into the joy she found in it.
He Never had any misgivings. He always thought she would come around (to him) eventually. He was completely and entirely blind to how much her resentment towards him grew throughout the years, how he lost a sister through wanting a lover.
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queenpiranhadon · 3 months
do whichever you want, I dont care lol
zenitsu agatsuma
Leo valdez
tanjirou kamado
grover underwood
they are put in order of how much I simp for them
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A/N: I'm going to assume you want x reader because yeah lmaooo but since his birthday is today, I figured I'd do our favorite Uncle Leo hahahah Here's the masterlist!!
Warning(s): Cursing, mentions of being burned, blood, crying, you are Leo are best friends, angst with a happy ending, Leo is in love and doesn't realize it bahaha, reader is unclaimed, people be shit talking, there's no timeline for this, just insert it where you want lmao, reader is gn but is written with f!reader in mind, usage of Y/N, Leo refers to you as an angel
Pairing(s): Leo Valdez x Reader
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•────•°•❀•°•───── ʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ ─────•°•☁︎•°•────•
Aw fuck.
Leo may or may not have royally messed up. Like a ton.
He didn't even know how it happened, because one moment he's walking through Camp Halfblood with you, his best friend in the entire world, and the next, he overhears some bastards talking shit about you and he just...snaps.
"Ugh who'd you get on your team for capture? Can't believe Mr. D thought it would be a good idea to split up the cabins and 'mix and match'"
"Yeah it's honestly super dumb- I'm not complaining though, I've got Annabeth."
"You're just lucky- I got Y/N of all people- literally the most annoying person on camp- and honestly the most useless too."
At at the sound of that, Leo whipped his head to you, just in time to see your eyes wide, on the brink of brimming with tears before looking forwards, attempting to pretend you didn't hear anything.
But you had.
And Leo knew.
You were unclaimed, and you mostly kept to yourself until Leo found you tending to Festus while he was away one day- and surprisingly the metal dragon seemed completely at ease around you.
Leo was awestruck, and ever since then, you two had gotten extremely close, the son of Hephaestus even found himself longing to be in your presence whenever he was on quests.
You were quiet, but around him, you opened up more, you were funny, and kind, and you have a quick tongue too, always engaging in light banter with him that never ceased to be entertaining to either of you.
To him, you were perfect- because you were there. His first best friend technically wasn't his in the first place, given that Jason, Piper and Leo himself were all under Hera's unnerving control. Needless to say, the three of them were still close, but Leo couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't genuine.
Along with the rest of the Argo II members, he felt more like a seventh wheel more than anything (if that was even possible) and deep down, the nagging thought that he was nothing but a burden always lingered.
Around you though, he felt like someone, like he was special - around you, he felt like Leo Valdez.
Maybe that's why he got so mad, he didn't even know he could get so mad- and the next thing he knows, a murderous scowl is painted on his face and he's lunging for the two other campers, fists ablaze.
But you were faster.
You, sweet angel you, saw what was coming the moment his palms tightened into fists, lunging forward to stop him, using your hands to stop him own.
In hindsight, you probably should've remembered his hands were on fire.
But even as pain seared your palms to the point tears where subconsciously running down your face, you swallowed, and stood firm.
"Leo, please." you beg weakly, and in an instant, his flames distinguish, and your blood now paints his first- horror overtaking his face as you stare into his eyes pleadingly. "They're not worth it."
Leo, in his guilt ridden frozen state, can only bring himself to look at you, and yet, he doesn't deserve it, your eyes wide and cheeks stained with tears- he can't believe he had done this to you.
He, of all people, had hurt his angel, his haven, his best friend.
But you didn't waver, when he buried his hands in his eyes, sobbing uncontrollably, you said nothing, engulfing him in your arms and pressing his face into the crook of your neck and he heaved, tears soaking into your shirt.
He was broken, but he knew, even if he didn't deserve it, you would be there to pick up his fragments, piece by piece, with your damaged hands, just so you two could be together again.
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blossom-works · 2 years
What if...
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A/N: Branching off my first Hades x Reader, what if he didn’t die in the seventh round of Ragnarok? What if Qin Shi Huang ended up the loser and Hades the victor?
Anxiously sitting on the couch, you watch the battle play out between your husband and the former emperor of China. You will admit, Qin Shi is a formidable fighter. You do not think your husband has not had so much fun since Beelzebub came to Helheim. A funny memory of yours. You were just about to enter dreamland when a large explosion came from one of the castle’s towers. You also remember Hades coming into your shared chamber with his clothing tattered. He had a grin on his face as he told you Beelzebub’s misinterpretations. 
While your husband has taken on more damage than his opponent, he has no intentions of giving up. You can only hope that the medical attention here can reverse the damage. You have noted that Qin Shi’s abilities allows him to see his opponent’s “stars” or weak points. The only problem though, he is fighting with a God. The King of the Netherworld. A man who has a family to come home to and a brother to avenge. With a last thrust of his Desmos, Hades lands the final blow. He pierces straight through Qin Shi’s chest, killing the old soul. They fighters share a moment of appreciation. A king fighting a king, and a king winning as a king should. 
Qin Shi’s body falls flat on the ground, his body and the Valkyrie sister vanishing to Niflhel. Tired, your husband leans against his spear as he watches. The stadium is quiet. The match has left everyone, not just you, on the edges of their seat. Your brother-in-laws are no different. As much as Hades loves his brothers, they share the same affection. Suddenly, the side of the Gods erupt in cheers. The King of the Netherworld has proven how powerful he is. He is not a legend but a God. Your chest deflates from holding your breath for so long. You can now relax knowing that you will have company as you sleep. 
Teleporting, you appear by your husband’s side, gently taking the bloodied spear from him. You may be smaller than Hades, but you do your best to support his weight. Step by step you help him to his entrance tunnel. The announcer as always, is hyping the crowd, loudly stating the winner of the match. 
“I can’t believe you did something as stupid as cutting your chest open. You’ll be hearing about this for the next week.”
“I expect nothing less from you my love.” Hades laughs. His blood covered body is now staining your clothing. When the two of you enter the tunnel, a bunch of nurses surround you two. They guide the king down to play on an extravagant gurney, Hades’ bident is still in your palms. 
“I’ll visit you when you’ve been thoroughly checked out.”
Hades gives you a simple nod as he is wheeled off. Looking down at the spear you wince in disgust. The blood on it has started to oxidize and there are patches of red on your white clothing. Snapping your fingers a servant from your domain arrives. 
“You called m’lady?”
“Yes, please clean Hades’ bident and bring me a change of clothing.”
Now presentable, you head to the room where your family spent before the match began. When you open the door you are surprised to find it empty. Hermes comes from behind you and tells you where your daughter is. Apparently, she asked the servants to bring her to the sky box since she wanted to see you. Making your way back to the terrace, sure enough, you hear your daughter’s laughter. She sits perched on Ares’ shoulders, giving her a new vantage point. Zeus is behind them as he tries to tickle his little niece. 
Quickly she jumps off her cousin’s shoulders. With your fast reflexes you catch her before something can happen. She may be a goddess, but she is still a child. She started talking about how worried she was during the fight. Hades thought it would be best if she watched the match in the specialized room on the screen instead of in person. A request you did not and still do not understand. She cheered for her father the entire time. The owl she was gifted as a newborn unfortunately had to suffer through some serious whiplash. 
“Where’s daddy?”
“He’s getting some medical attention right now sweetheart. We’ll see him when the doctors are finished.”
A little disappointed but understanding, she nods. Zeus insists of transferring to the tea room as preparations for the next round starts. While waiting, your daughter plays with her cousins and uncles. It is not often that your family comes to Valhalla. Not to mention that she is the only child in Helheim, it can get quite lonely for her. A topic that you and Hades have frequently discussed. Sitting on your lap is her little owl she named “Ow Ow”. A knock comes from the double doors and Hermes answers. 
“Hades is ready for visitors.”
“Yay! C’mon mama! Let’s go see daddy!”
“Hold on there. What do you say to your uncles and cousins for the hospitality they’ve shown you?”
“Oh, thank you for the tea and for playing with me.”
You give her a pat on the head as praise. Saying your farewells you follow the nurse to your husband’s private room. Upon seeing her dear father, your mini you runs up to him, totally forgetting about his injuries. With a huff he envelopes her in his arms. You sit on the other side of the bed, Hades is now surrounded by his family. You and your daughter share a look, and then attack your husband with a kiss. Each of his cheeks gets a firm kiss from you two. A daughter who is glad to see her father again. A wife who is happy to have her husband coming back home with her. A husband who is happy that he avenged his little brother and most importantly, to have his girls in his arms. 
A/N: Should I make more Hades content with this story line? If so, what would you like to read?
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punsmaster69 · 11 months
"Uhh.. Papyrus?"
"Why are you in full costume already? Trick-or-treating doesn't start for another two hours."
"Well, you look absolutely GORGEOUS, if I do say so myself."
mettaton looked over papyrus' outfit.
"Maybe you should do an all-pink rebrand! It really works on you."
"I don't need TWO of you running around!! One is enough!"
"... You're right, Undyne."
"There is only one one person that can be as fabulous as I, and that's ME!"
"More like as ANNOYING as you!"
papyrus' costume of mettaton was a faithful recreation of his (non-rectangular) form.
and mettaton's... a very pink papyrus.
pink scarf, pink boots (now with heels), pink gloves..
but, other than the palette change, was actually pretty accurate.
alphys helped undyne finish tying up her hair into two ponytails.
mettaton completed the cat makeup on frisk's face.
tori put on her witch hat, and looked really pr
she adjusted the leaves of my pumpkin ensemble.
"There we go! A perfect little pumpkin."
wheels squeaked beside me.
"..the whole time?"
"Has everyone got their baskets?"
they all raised their baskets.
"Then, I think we are ready!"
so out the door and to the streets we went.
undyne lead the charge, alphys and mettaton not far behind.
papyrus, who would normally be in the front with undyne, lagged farther back this time, next to toriel.
tori drug the wagon i was in.
frisk hung out alongside me, flowey in arms.
a look at me, a look at flowey.
at me, at flowey.
at me..
"Here. Take this."
"NO! I don't agree to this!!"
"Sorry man, but I either carry your candy bucket or I carry you."
"Both is getting kinda heavy."
"...Fine, hand me to that idiot instead! Just don't let him have my candy!!"
"not gonna eat it, y'know."
"Like I'm gonna believe that for a second!"
i swapped them his bucket for the flower himself.
"ok. whatever you say."
"Why couldn't Papyrus carry me instead, like last year?"
"want him to have 𝗳𝘂𝗻."
"I'm fun."
"fun if you like shouting matches."
"You just annoy me all the time! I talk quiet, too."
"maybe you should show me how quiet you can be."
"for the rest of the night."
"worth a shot."
"Besides, I'll have you know that Papyrus DOES like shouting matches!"
"Papyrus yells all the time!"
"He's been quieter though, lately."
"..Ha. What? You think you're the cause of it or something? Don't get ahead of yourself!"
papyrus snuck a look back at me like he has been all night. clearly surprised to see me and flowey looking at him as well, he gave a small wave.
"i wish i wasn't, same as you."
"Everyone just needs to stop caring so much. It'd make everything a billion times easier!"
frisk gave us a funny look.
"What's even the point, if you don't care?"
"I 𝗰𝗮𝗻'𝘁 care."
"easier to get through stuff."
"That's dumb."
"The point of life is caring about things."
"Well MY life is just fine without caring, thank you very much."
they took a candy from flowey's bucket and handed it to me.
"WHAT are you DOING?!"
"Give me that!"
"You sure do seem to care now."
"Whatever! Just give that back!!"
he shouted, snatching his candy from my hand.
"Flower cat."
"Cat flower."
"Tiny cat.."
"...Pet the kitty."
flowey hissed at frisk's approaching hand.
"wow. you really 𝗮𝗿𝗲 like a cat."
"Shut up, gordo!"
"...What are you two laughing at?!"
"nice one."
" 'Cuz pumpkin."
"You know what'd be REAL funny?"
"If I carved you, and turned you into-"
toriel glanced over her shoulder at flowey and i, and he wiped the evil grin off his face immediately.
"Golly! I'm having SO much fun trick-or-treating with everyone."
("He's having SO much fun!")
frisk whispered, repeating flowey in a mocking tone.
he gave me and frisk the stink eye as soon as tori looked away.
we're getting along.
"..somethin' wrong, undyne? what's all the brow furrowing for?"
"Why are so many humans going as skeletons??"
"But why NAKED ones?!"
"Dunno. Maybe the thought is if you remove the flesh, the clothes come with it..?"
"i'm sure there's some skeleton nudists."
"Isn't it kinda weird for a human to dress up as a skeleton, anyway? I mean, they ALREADY have skeletons INSIDE their bodies!!"
"Frisk, did humans descend from skeletons?"
"Doesn't that make you guys, like, super old..?"
"nearing a millennium in age, myself."
"You guys don't even have parents, though??"
"And where did the original skeleton evolve from-"
frisk interrupted.
"Stop. My brain hurts."
grillby was handing out candy too, so of course we stopped by.
after everyone got their candy, i wanted to hang back and chat with him for a bit.
"Grillby will keep an eye on him, Papyrus."
"i'm in good hands with grillbs."
grillby did a thumbs-up.
"i'll catch right up."
"you really did up the joint. looks good."
"yeah, i know i don't normally dress up."
"but.. couldn't really say no to tori."
"he's doing well."
"oh, that."
"i.. had some health stuff going on. it's kinda put him on edge."
"i'm ok though."
"n-no. not dating."
"no 'yet'. not at all."
"not you, too.."
"a new face?"
"..i always look the same, grillbs."
"you're the first to not pry."
"you can't 'see it from my face anyway', i'm totally poker-faced."
"ok mr. dealer man, go ahead."
"wow. you need to get a new job, 'cuz you're reading these cards wrong."
"..enough about me, anyway. how's everything been with you?"
"sounds good."
"i'll come try it sometime."
"they've been missing me that bad, huh?"
"maybe. been busy, you know?"
"..only slightly related to her."
"i'd rather not talk about it tonight."
"sure. when i come by again, i'll tell you about everything."
"..you're probably right."
"seeya grillbs. happy halloween."
".....happy halloween."
"I take it you had a lot of catching up to do with Grillby, then?"
flowey looked incredulous.
"how what?"
"He doesn't SAY anything!"
frisk interjected proudly.
"Grillby said something to me once!"
"What did he say??"
"He said, 'thanks'."
"Basically NOTHING still!"
"you just have to learn his way of communicating."
"You too?!"
looking between me and papyrus, frisk seemed confused.
"Is there some kind of secret fire-to-skeleton communication system?"
"Then why are you two the only ones able to understand him all the time??"
papyrus shrugged, so frisk looked to me.
i also shrugged.
"Sans, will you get back in the wagon already?!"
"Let's GO, punks!!! We've still got some trick-or-treating to do!!"
as much as tori wanted to just walk past asgore's place, he was giving out full-sized candy bars.
she refused to set foot on even just the pathway leading to his (semi-decorated) house.
"what did ol' fluffybuns do, anyway?"
"...Let's just say that there is a reason I left that cretin long ago."
the whole
'sharing a last name but not being related' thing..
makes a lot more sense now.
definitely.. should have pieced that together sooner.
never really thought about who the ex-queen actually was, i guess.
sorry, asgore.
"Last ones of the night! Let's make 'em count!!"
"ok. start with one, then go to two.."
"Tired of walking.."
"you can get in the wagon instead if you want."
"I-I'm good..."
"Why is it always Papyrus offering to carry people?! I could lift all of you nerds at ONCE! Let me carry someone!!"
"Sans, come here!"
"Why not?? I'm super safe!"
"Frisk, can I-"
"Let us all just.. walk. We are nearly done, are we not?"
"...Why do you keep wincing?"
"wincing how?"
"Like you're in pain or something."
"dunno what you're talking about."
"You keep doing it! I SAW it!!"
"you're just hallucinating things, i think."
"Fine, whatever. Suffer. See if I care."
as soon as we got to our house, frisk threw off their costume onesie and laid face-down on the floor.
"exhausted, kiddo?"
i laid down on the floor beside them.
"yeah, me too."
flowey paused mid candy-bar opening.
"You didn't even WALK."
"How are YOU tired??"
"hey, being a pumpkin's real hard work."
"Whatever. I have candy, and you don't, therefore I don't care."
"And it's SOOO tasty."
"And you don't get ANY!!"
he looked irritated by my lack of interesting responses. instead of continuing to fight, flowey resumed digging into his candy.
picking out the chocolates first, he definitely has a favorite.
i'll keep that in mind.
for the next time i wanna shut him up, you know.
"welcome back."
tori peeked out from the open bathroom, where everyone who wore makeup was removing it now.
"Aww. I will miss my little pumpkin.."
"Will I see him again next year?"
"wouldn't count on it."
"Then will it be someone else I see?"
"maybe. probably just some lazy skeleton, though."
"Ah, a favorite of mine!"
"Sorry to interrupt your little thing here, Toriel-darling.."
"Unless you're going for a bold two-faced look, you might want to come wipe the rest of that eyeshadow off."
flowey glared at me for the i've-lost-counth time.
"A 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 favorite of 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦."
frisk lazily swung their hand at flowey's face without looking.
something reminiscent of a "shut up, dude" came muffled from the area of floor their face was planted onto.
he slapped their hand away with a vine and rolled his eyes.
undyne sat, back on the floor, with these.. carbonated sugar-rock things (surface candy is weird) popping in her mouth.
"I feel like one of those fancy fountains."
papyrus already gave his to undyne, since these things are saliva activated, therefore they don't really work for skeletons.
frisk stared, with a weird look on their face.
"...Lemme try that."
"It IS like a fountain!!"
"In all my years of dumb-assery.."
"I can't believe I never thought of doing THIS."
"whoa. do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
"Do YOU kiss my mother with that mouth?"
flowey snapped at frisk,
then at me.
"Don't even THINK about it."
frisk turned to me on the floor.
"Does your mouth open?"
"...really abusing that tori isn't in here right now, huh?"
"I never get to Freaking swear."
"that one's too much for you?"
"aren't you a bit young for all this big language?"
"Flowey does it."
"Don't throw ME under the bus!!"
"Besides, he knew that."
"Why does he get to?"
"This trashbag has no jurisdiction over me!!"
"I can say whatever the f-"
"Whatever the-"
"Whatever the HELL I want!"
"i'm gonna tell tori you've got a big ol' potty mouth."
"or maybe i'll just ground you myself."
"You can't even do that!"
"yeah, kiddo?"
"You know what you sound like, saying that?"
"do i wanna hear this?"
"Like a dad."
"..Wow! That really shut him up!"
"YOU shut up, Flowey."
"What did I do??"
they sat up.
"What did SANS do???"
"He's an insufferable trashbag!"
"But WHY do you hate him?!"
"When did YOU become number one trashbag defender?!"
"When I realized I liked the idea of having-"
flowey shot a pellet at their face.
"What is going on in here?"
tori, stern look in her face, stood in the doorway.
"If you cannot get along, then I will take you both home early."
"Sans will let me know if anything else happens."
"i will?"
"Be good, will you not?"
"Sorry, mom."
toriel returned to the kitchen.
she's in there making some green drink with everyone else. a recipe she found, i think.
frisk and flowey sat in an awkward silence.
"...what'd you say you realized?"
"Heyy, Flowey..."
"My favorite sibling-plant-thing.."
"You'll trade me this, right?"
they grabbed one of flowey's candies and traded it for an objectively worse, chalky one.
"Hey, we're supposed to not fight."
"you're totally rippin' him off, kid."
"That's what I'm-"
"Why are you on my side for this??"
"i know a bad deal when i see one."
"But you shouldn't give a shit!"
"why not?"
"You should HATE ME!"
"B..because I treat you TERRIBLY."
"You- you should-"
"Hate me."
"Wish the worst upon me."
"Hope I choke."
"Want me to-"
"but, you're just a kid."
"and i know there's good in there somewhere."
"even if you hate it."
"That was cheesy as hell."
"I'm gonna- cheese your hell if you don't shut your trap."
"What does that MEAN-"
"Wait, you still haven't traded me back! Give it!"
".....Say please."
"It's MINE."
"Say please."
flowey looked at me, like i was gonna do something about this.
i didn't.
"..Fine! Can I 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 have my candy back."
they threw the candy back to him, almost hitting his face.
"They CLEARLY just tried to hit me."
"i mean. you did 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 hit them, earlier."
"They're sticking their tongue out at me!!"
"you have eyelids, don't you?"
"close 'em."
"....You're not useful at all!!!!"
to be honest,
it hurts.
has been, all day.
this skull-splitting, aching, vomit-inducing... thing.
..just won't leave me alone, will it?
not risking ruining today for anyone, so i'm outside in the cold again to make absolute sure i stay awake.
no passing out. i can't.
i can't.
"What're you doing all alone out here?"
"wanted to enjoy the weather longer today."
"Yeah, I get that."
undyne handed me a cup with a green liquid inside. a scoop of ice cream and some sprinkles sat on top.
"what's this?"
"It's witches brew."
"There's like, lemon and soda and whatnot in it. It's good!"
i looked at the drink. it didn't look particularly displeasing, or sound bad. but for some reason, i still felt sick.
"...i'll drink it later. i've had enough sugar for today."
"I think you'll like it, though."
"The ice cream is sherbet!"
"probably gonna melt before i get to it."
"It's kinda melted already, anyway."
"Today was cool, right?"
"There were a ton of cool costumes, but ours totally KICKED ASS!!"
"Had a lotta fun making them, too."
"that's why paps always makes his own."
"Let's make it a tradition! Yeah!! Making our own costumes every year is gonna be SUPER RAD!"
"Didn't wanna say 'cool' again."
"still thinking about that?"
"I didn't realize how just how often I said it until the other day."
"it's a cool word."
she looked up at the stars in awe.
"always been a fan of stars, too."
"even the ones in the underground."
"..This is better."
"leagues better."
"Do you ever miss it, sometimes...?"
"The quiet."
"The... knowing everyone around."
"The familiarity.."
"Yeah, me either."
"The surface RULES!!"
"The underground can eat my DUST!!!"
"..Uh, not literally, though. If I die, I wanna die up here."
"Wonder if anyone stayed?"
"they're missing out."
"Probably a few, at least. They'd wanna stay in their houses, right?"
"just bring the house up too."
"...How'd you guys do that, anyway?"
"do what?"
"Bring your house up."
"it's just a recreation."
"The snow is still on your roof."
"a very faithful recreation."
"The other one is GONE!!"
"sometimes a good recreation takes a sacrifice."
"You took it up piece by piece?"
"what? no, that'd take ages."
"Then HOW??"
"Dude. You..."
"BOTH of you."
"Constantly seem to defy logic and reality..."
"And you're always keeping secrets."
"Be honest with me."
"Skeletons totally have warp powers, right?!"
she quickly got up and raced inside, shouting for papyrus to show her warp magic.
close enough.
i really should take something for this pain.
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Guess what time it is, kids? Yet again, it's wild Welcome Home speculation time, but this time is a little different because we're talking about color theory.
Now, I don't mean "red means sex and blue is calming" marketing "color theory" that made children's hospitals a meme, I mean actual artistic color theory. You know, with the funny wheel? We're talking about that.
Color is very important to Welcome Home. It makes sense, as it's a very colorful project! But I'm thinking about it specifically in terms of coding character relationships.
Characters with matching colors in their designs have relationships codified in their roles in the in-universe show. Wally and Barnaby have the same color scheme of all primaries with only slight deviation, and they're written to be the bestest buds in the whole wide world. Frank and Julie both wear yellow bow ties and are similarly friendly, implied to be made specifically to be a perfect comedic pair.
But speaking of Frank, he's the center of a point I want to touch on: each character's assigned color and its complement, and what that might mean in the story going forward. If you didn't notice before, each character has a specific color assigned to them. This is used for their name on their bio as well as in the gifs for each character that you see on the links page.
Frank's color is yellow. Yellow's complement on the color wheel is purple. Purple is Eddie's color. We know that in the future, Frank and Eddie will develop a romantic relationship in some capacity that will be extremely important to the plot.
So, extrapolating this idea, I theorize that the relationships between characters represented by complementary colors in particular will be absolutely vital to the story in one way or another (relationships of all sorts, I mean, not necessarily in the romantic sense).
So then, besides Frank and Eddie, which relationships does that entail?
Firstly, with blue being opposite orange, that means Barnaby and Sally's relationship might hold some significance down the line. It makes sense to me, as they're both performers, though they often don't see eye-to-eye. I can see them becoming allies after the horror shoe drops because with Wally right at the center of it, Barnaby might not know where else to turn.
These last two sets are interesting as one complementary set is just a lighter shade of the other. I don't know if that signifies anything, but it is notable! Wally is red and Julie is pink, meanwhile Howdy is a dark, slightly bluish green and Poppy is a light green. So that means the complementary pairs go Wally–Howdy and Julie–Poppy (since the lights would go with the lights and the darks go with the darks).
Wally and Howdy...... oh, you guys already know how I feel about Wally and Howdy. I think that they're gonna be in kahoots to some capacity, considering the apple thing they've both got going on and points I've discussed elsewhere. This just adds fuel to my fire.
Now Poppy and Julie...... they're interesting. Julie has this very outgoing nature that I think could help bring Poppy out of her eggshell, so to speak, but I'm not sure how that might factor into the horror story. Unless my own personal view that characters growing beyond their initial roles is going to be a catalyst for the scary stuff is right, then perhaps her helping Poppy might set off a series of events she can't control.....
And that's all. I don't really have a conclusion, but I hope you thought that was neat, at least.
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lxkeee · 7 months
How are ya???
I made francis art his angel form and human form got lazy with his hair btw😭💔
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His angel form
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His human form
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The flower is gift from [name] hehe:3
Btw if you are wondering where is his wings let me explain!
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Basically when i had sent ya [name] arts there's always these two little things around her hair.That's her one pair of wings!
It's smaller bc since you said her wings are heavy so she just does not use them alot.
And her other two pair wings are around her waist
For francis since you said he can transform into bird i thought mabye i should make his wings be around his hair like [name] when he transforms to bird his wings would just behind his back
Amd for the other red spots [name] gave francis a black accery like hers around her wrist.And these to linda match with their wrist accessory and their little wings around their hair.
[name] and francis:We match!
Meanwhile azrael:
Azrael:why do i feel like thrid wheel?!!
୧ ‧₊˚💫🎞 ⋅ ☆
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I kinda headcanon that francis can himself smaller and hide inside [name] or azrael's hair easily.This is how it looks like when francis hide inside her hair
(a little thing:P)
Francis:[name] do you think they will see me?
[name]:nope.Just stay quiet francis
Francis:alright girlfriend!
I seriously headcanon that francis,azrael and [name] is dazzlings trio like i said before and francis calls [name] girlfriend bc he loves him(plonatic) and [name] calls him boyfriend.When they first called eachother that azrael thought these two were dating
(again little thing)
[Name] walking up to francis and azrael as francis spoke
"Hey girlfriend!"
[name] smiled as she waved at them as she replied
"Hey boyfriend!"
Azrael's colors went pale as he looked at the two with shocked look on his face
"Did you two hook up or something?"
As [name] and francis looked at eachother as [name] spoke
"No,we two thought it's funny that we could call eachother boyfriend and girlfriend.Don't worry you are his boyfriend XD"
"Why you two."
୧ ‧₊˚💫🎞 ⋅ ☆
And just imagine when the others in hotel found out francis and was asking who he was from [name] i think he would speak
"Hey you leave my girlfriend alone and ask it from me personally!"
As lucifer would be stunned.And [name] just facepalms herself
୧ ‧₊˚💫🎞 ⋅ ☆
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lanaactuallyabanana · 3 months
Hey, Darling! Currently this account is under full management by me for a bit! This is Jackie! I was wondering though if I could ask for a MCYT match up? (Excluding Wilbur Soot after all the drama that erupted this year) ((Also, warning for some stuff that isn't accurate, but it'll help stuff flow easier, that stuff with have two ** at the beginning of said sentence and end with a single parenthesis)) Not quite sure on how much info I'll need, but I'll put as much I feel comfortable with! Okay, so to start with my looks, I'm about 5'4, with brunette hair. My hair has slight curls, but only on the ends of my hair. I have curtain bangs of which I frequently style. I have clear, square framed glasses, light skin, and freckles mostly on my nose and the apples of my cheeks. Moving on from looks (style will have more description later) some of my hobbies! I really enjoy archery, pottery, and Greek mythology. I love, love, love to read. One of my favorite authors is Rick Riordan. I have every single one of his books. Like literally, I will walk into a book store for one book and come out with 15+. So obsessed with reading. **I make storytime tiktoks, and have a decent following. Same with twitch). I own a pottery wheel, and I make a lot of clay pots for fun, I never actually fire them in a kiln. I have a little section behind my house for arrow shooting and archery.
My love language is very clingy and anxious. I send long paragraphs, I double text, and if I don't get a response in 48 hours without warning I will spam in a sense of care. I really like stealing hoodies, sending mirror pictures, and cuddling. I overall though, around people I'm comfortable with, very happy and uplifting and usually less anxious, except with lovers, then it goes back to panic. I love calling and texting, sending lovey dovey spotify playlists, and sharing pin/tiktoks/youtube shorts to my partner and stuff of the similar.
My style is decent. Not amazing, but it works.
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This sums it up pretty well. The outfit that fits what I wear majority of the time is 2, 1 is more of so parties or hangouts, and then the 3rd outfit is for events like a dinner or something of the sort.
Overall, I am a very energetic type person. I'm very uplifting, sassy, caring, and just excited to meet new people. I could enter an event with an old and relatively empty phone and leave with 10 new contacts to chat with. I can be oblivious to things like flirting, but I am very academically smart.
I'm not sure how much you can use with this, but I tried <3
Take your time getting to it!!!! (If there is anything you feel uncomfortable responding to in the matchup, please just ignore it and proceed with writing what you feel comfortable with)
-Jackieeee <33333333
yayayayay!!! i missed doing these matchups + i love getting requests from you guys!! <3
, streamer matchups !
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you have been matched with ... niki!
niki loves to play with your hair
she thinks its so unique + pretty, especially your curls on the ends
she loves to also style your hair if you like that or if you're too tired to do it yourself
matching hairstyles !!! niki would be super good at doing hair
she also loves your glasses, she'll steal them as a joke and take funny pictures with them hehehe
she loves your hobbies and thinks theyre very cool!!
she loves watching you make pottery and tries to pick up some tricks and tips she's learned from watching you
matching pottery items !!!
your pottery is all over her place like a little art gallery <3
she also loves your passion for reading!! she thinks its very cool
constantly will buy books for you
"i found these books at the store and thought you would like them !!"
she def has a little place in her house like a lil library for you with new books every time you come over + extra copies of your favorite books
she was def your first follower on your accounts on social media aswell
your biggest supporter 100%!!!
probably has donated $100 a few times on twitch ....
you've caught her watching your videos on repeat on her phone just to hear your voice (RAHHHHHHHHHH <3)
she loves how youre so thoughtful even over the smallest things and she thinks its a really good trait
she also loves how you have so much attention to detail, again,with the smallest things
she also leaves some of her hoodies + sweaters for you to steal on your bed,
she sends you pictures of outfits when shes away all thetime!! she loves getting your honest opinion cause itmeans smsmsm to her
she also loves to call whilesleeping, she finds it very peaceful
SHE LOVES YOUR STYLE. (and so do i, omg its so cute)
sheloves buying you clothes out of nowhere
you guys going shopping together and playing dress up withfun clothesomggg
she posts your outfits on her socials and shows you off
she compliments you ALLL THE TIMMMEEEE
to the point where it flusters you a lil too much (but she finds it funny)
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
omgggg!!! i loved writing this eeeeekkkkk
your asks and rquests are the BESTTT
requests are open for anyone and i hoped you guys enjoy :)
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I'd love to get a match if you're still doing them!!
I'm currently listening to American Teenagers by Ethel Cain. There's something about the lyrics that remind me of my angsty teen years. I'm really stuck on the lyrics "crying in the bleachers and I said it was fun", super relatable lol. I'm also stuck in Hummingbird by The Haunting. My favorite lyrics are "I wish you'd walk in and I miss you pillow talk"
My ennagram type is INFP
I love video essays, the longer the better, but I especially like the ones about videogames I'll never play. I just finished one about no more heroes that was fun.
My go to way to fall asleep is my fan on full blast, covered in a large blanket, and kicking my foot back and forth until I fall asleep, which is pretty fast since the motion soothes me for whatever reason.
I love the Guy confession audio. I love Guy's energy and how he goes from light hearted to fairly serious. He seems so chill and funny and his confession was so sweet.
I'm not a big fan of David. He's cool, but I like guys who are more gentle and emotionally open I guess?
I'd love to be best friends with Gavin because he's so supportive and fun. I think he'd be tons of fun to hangout with. Or Huxley, he's so sweet.
I've researched criminal minds more times than I can count. I love crime shows and such, but I'm not a fan of the personal character drama. I just want to see people solve crime. I know the endings to them all but still like them.
When I'm tired I love to ramble about human behavior. I'm really shy and bad at social interactions so it's usually me hyper analyzing an interaction and pointing out all the ways society's social standards are weird, at least to me lol.
Other stuff- I'm a fairly artistic person, I love paint and drawing, I also enjoy cooking. I'm shy and soft spoken in public but loud when I'm around people I like. I also love sleeping and naps. I'm a bit of a pushover and need people to like me but do like helping people. I also love listening to music, picking just 1 song to write about was hard so I picked two because I like so many, sorry!
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Okay, so hear me out. He gets a little bit of a bad rap because of the whole Sadism’s Hold thing, but you and Ivan, specifically FlyBoi!Ivan, would be so cute together, give him a CHANCE-
I get the irony of pairing you with someone who could have once been on Criminal Minds, I swear, but I feel like Ivan is a wonderfully gentle soul when not being otherwise manipulated. His normal voicemails are proof of that, that he’s thoughtful and communicative and not afraid of being vulnerable and putting his heart out there, you know? This would wonderfully complement the sensitivity that INFPs are known for.
Overall, I think you’d have a lovely, sweet, domestic sort of life together. Ivan also strikes me as a people pleaser which is great because when you pair people pleasers together, you get a couple who consistently looks out for one another’s needs. He travels for work and never forgets to call home or ask what new creative project you’re working on, never lets you forget he’s thinking about and missing you.
You could be dancing on tabletops/ Wearing high-heels/ Drinking until the world/ Spins like a wheel/ But tonight your apartment/ Had so much appeal/ Who needs stars?/ We've got a roof/ But there's nothing/ Like doing nothing/ With you
I don’t have a firm grasp of what genre Ivan would like, but I do like the slower, swaying vibes of this song for you. It’s sweet, relaxing, the soundtrack to when he finally comes home from a work trip and is grateful to see you napping on the couch in the dimming, sunsetting light of your living room.
Morgan is a runner-up because he has a lot of similar vibes to Flyboi!Ivan, though I don’t know him well enough to match him confidently and he doesn’t strike me as forthcoming with his love and emotions. Cam was a closer candidate if I had not really liked the domestic vibes of you with a human or unempowered person.
note: if you don’t like Ivan and I took too big of a risk I am SO SORRY but he’s a darling and I love him he’s so lovable
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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hollenka99 · 6 months
Highlights of my time getting surgery under general anaesthetic because yesterday was A Day for me:
There was just something inherently funny about my nurse, anaesthetist and surgeon all trying to speak to me one after the other then getting abandoned by everyone for 3 hours.
Won't say the day surgery name for privacy reasons but it sounds like 'half 11' so when I tried to tell my mum on Wednesday that 'oh btw we are now going to [Day Centre] for 8' it started an impromptu comedy routine that Abbott and Costello would be proud of.
While waiting to be called onto the ward, Mum kept trying to tell me all the gory details about getting the anaesthetic since she's seen it countless times as an interpreter, at which point I told her 'can you Not?'
Like obviously there were other patients to tend to and the doctors have their jobs to do but the '15 minutes of activity vs hours of nothing' is kinda funny in retrospect.
My mum complimented the anaesthetist on his prominent hand veins.
The nurse and I were talking about being certain about those mandatory pregnancy tests coming back negative and she told me about how one of her patients had just finished her period, therefore understandably believing there was no way she'd conceived, yet happened to get a positive test back. So uh congratulations to that woman then? Or my condolences idk.
Compression socks. Just compression socks. Bastards to put on but I now want more of my socks to have grips on the soles.
That high stakes pee because you don't want to get a bad grade in being a patient.
There was an amendment to my procedure because my condition deteriorated since my pre-assessment 10 months ago. As such, I was made to sign consent on these changes.
This in itself wouldn't be an issue if my surgeon didn't make me sign in a cluttered patch of his notes on the side of the page. This unconventional location would have Consequences multiple times throughout the day because none of my other care providers could find my signature.
When I finally got wheeled to the operating theatre, my porter got chatting with another porter about a recent match our local team played while I lay there like🧍‍♀️or I guess more like 🛌.
To be fair to him, it only lasted a couple minutes and he apologised as soon as we got moving again but I was still going 'uhhh...' in my head.
I know it's standard procedure but it will never not be funny to me that to find a vein, you have to slap the shit out of someone's hand while another person has a death grip on the arm.
Two things I remember from this part is being told what the scientific name for the elbow pit is (immediately forgot it) and being told I should take up powerlifting for a couple years so my veins wouldn't stay hidden.
I was kinda hoping that I'd recall passing out/feeling the drugs kick in but all I do remember is wishing someone would fix the oxygen mask that had moved up my face to an awkward position then gradually waking up elsewhere.
I never thought a presumably plastic tube would leave a woody aftertaste.
They also put a towel around my head in the recovery room for some reason? I don't think I was at risk of losing a ton of body heat through my head so who knows what that was about because I can't think of any other potential reason.
My body started acting like it wanted to kin a Victorian who dramatically realises they have tuberculosis as soon as I fully regained consciousness which was Fun. Thankfully no blood was involved, just tons of coughing.
"Why do you keep saying 24? It's the 11th today." "You're 24, aren't you?" "...Oh."
I sat there for an hour, not because of any issues I had but instead because literally every computer was capable of showing my discharge papers except the one by my bed.
And then when the lady looking after me finally tried another computer, my already prolonged stay was delayed further by there seemingly being no porters available for nearly 30 minutes.
Spent the hour fidgeting with my pulse monitor in a way that wouldn't get me in trouble and getting constantly annoyed at them activating my blood pressure cuff every few minutes.
I was completely useless at drinking water through a straw because my lips were swollen. How I managed to actually drink anything during that first hour of being awake is a miracle.
Not much happened after I finally got brought back to my mum downstairs. It was mostly hanging around, wishing they'd let me start the process of preparing to go home already.
Mum expressed surprise at how quickly I ate my yoghurt but my response was along the lines of "Shh, just because I can't feel the hunger at the moment doesn't mean I haven't eaten in around 20 hours. Let me have this."
If I had a nickel for every time I got complimented on how my blood was clotting-
When it came to removing the cannula, I was expecting it to hurt but honestly, I didn't feel the needle leave which was a nice surprise.
Also sidenote but, while I'm certainly not disputing that dehydration was one of the main causes of my borderline headache, you sure can't rule out 'getting bright lights shone in my face' playing its part in that.
What did hurt though was all the tape getting peeled off. Because ouch. At least when Mum ripped off my shoulder nodes as I got changed into my regular clothes, it was instant and only lasted a second.
Speaking of nodes, we both missed the one on the side of my torso which I didn't discover until about 5 hours after returning home. Didn't feel it at all until my hand happened to brush past it.
Got worried some kind of liquid was leaking from it because I couldn't figure out whether the glue just felt weird or not.
Generally just chilled for the evening then stayed awake way past what I would normally call a night.
Oh yeah and I learnt about OJ Simpson's death on the ride home which was Something.
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h0lidayg1rl1225 · 8 months
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Say hello to Mary Jane Selser, aka Sonelle, the gal in my PFP and banner! This design in particular is for a deltarune AU a friend group of mine has, which just replaces the cast with our sonas, with Sonelle in particular being your's truly as Noelle! There's some changes here and there, so I'll just go ahead and start down the line. I also don't know if anyone else wants to be mentioned by name, so I'll just refer to them as "[role] replacement". General: Relationships with the Kris and Susie replacement basically swap. I've been basically best friends with the Susie replacement for a long time, and kinda have a massive crush on the Kris replacement, so those are reflected here, with Sonelle already being buddy-buddy with our Susie replacement, and being comically head over heels for our Kris replacement. The ferris wheel scene in Chapter 2 is also between her and our Kris replacement, rather than Susie.
Dark World: Ice as a general theme of sorts is replaced by druid-y, general nature stuff, specifically vines and flowers. A crown of thorns on her head, and bracelets to match. Those bracelets canonically tighten to a painful degree if she ever tries to take them off. The thorns themselves are a little weird, retracting whenever she's particularly happy, and on her crown specifically, are replaced by flower buds. Something funny is that I imagine it'd almost seem like it's the other way around, since she'd almost always be happy enough for the flowers to show, when she's around our Kris replacement, and.. well, you rarely see her without her being around them. I also thought up hypothetical names for each of her spells, since, I dunno, I was bored. N-Action - M-Action (kinda obvious but for consistency's sake) Iceshock - Bloomburn (operates like a paper mario attack. you hold down z until the attack bar thingy reaches the sweetspot, and then let go. attack itself is two vines sprawling up around the enemy, before flowers bloom and pop at the top, basically hurting the enemy with the pollen. the burn part is just to have something that acts like the 'shock' part of the original) Sleep Mist - Melamist (this one's.. iffy. probably gonna change at some point. just a melatonin pun) Snowgrave - Thorntomb (Violent. basically, the idea is that vines wrap around the enemy, before immediately closing in, leaving nothing but clothes if they're lucky.)
Heal Prayer isn't here, since I'd rather leave that up to the person actually taking the place of Ralsei.
Her 'weapon' would actually be the crown, with the Freeze Ring and Thorn Ring replacements canonically having her bracelets permanently tighten more and more, and that's why she's constantly taking damage.
oh my god i am so ranting that's more than enough.
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iwannaban0nym0us · 2 years
time for a ramblely post about my life because i'm actually really happy rn
so my partner holy shit they're so amazing i don't even know how to explain it but everything they do just proves how incredible they are,, like we haven't said "i love you" to each other but i feel 100x more loved by them they i ever did by my ex who must have told me they loved me at least 100 times
ok btw i have no idea where this post is gonna go it's probably just gonna be a bunch of random thoughts all lumped together
so uh the reason i've been fairly inactive lately is because it's robotics comp season! Our first comp was last weekend meaning that the week leading up to it I was super busy trying to help get all the things to work (they still didn't lol) friday and saturday were insanely long days that were fun but also so tiring
we barely got things working in time on friday to clear inspection and make it to one practice match and then on saturday we had the worst possible schedule (first match of the day, a random match, last match before lunch, then 2 10min turn arounds, and then last match of the day) the most stressful part of the day was when in the last match before lunch we overextended our arm, pulled out all of the electronics, broke the extension spool, and got 25 penalty points. we spent lunch trying to fix all of that and also change out wheels (we didn't have a chance before because of our shit schedule) and also someone thought it would be a good idea to swap intakes but then we had to unswap intakes because the new one was too big and then the two very fast turn arounds after that were hella stressful
we actually ended up wining our last match of the day tho and i'm very proud of that since i took lead on the strategy talk before the match
then sunday we had a better match schedule and won one lost one so we ended quals 39/42 and therefore didn't go to playoffs, and me being the so so smart person that I am decided that since the other goalie was out sick it would be a great idea to go to my soccer game that afternoon (after 2.5 long tiring days of robotics)
And so I did and by the end of the game i felt like i was gonna fall asleep and i don't know how i managed to make several good saves and we only lost 5-0 (2 of their goals were super lucky tho) I am really glad i went since i got to see an ex-teammate and teammate who might quit the team soon for running and i hadn't seen either of them since last season
this week i've had a bit more time and monday i was so so so tired that during my freeblock which i usually use for hw since i have no free time i just hung out w/ my partner and was like half asleep the whole time, me and my partner also skipped an assembly on burnout because we were both too tired (they had a vaulting comp at the same time as my robotics comp) also tuesday i skipped soccer because of the weather so i got a whole afternoon off
over the next 2 weeks i'm only gonna have 5 days of school because we get next wed-fri off for conferences and then i'm at robotics the following thurs-sat which i think is kinda funny
uh anyway shifting gears,,, thursday i had my gender and sexuality class w/ my ex and since the teacher was out we spent the whole time in small groups talking about quotes from our hw reading and I ended up w/ a friend and my ex and ofc my ex felt the need to read out each of the quotes which normally would be like whatever but for some reason that day i just could not deal w/ their voice or their strong opinions on stupid things
there was one point where their voice had gotten to me so much that i just kinda zoned out and then they had the audacity to ask me if I was ok and that threw me for a fucking loop because when we were dating the only time they would notice something was off was when i was tired not when something was actually going on, like the day where they caused me to have a mental breakdown i was very clearly not ok that afternoon and they didn't say a single thing despite us having class together and so for them to say something now despite me having made it clear we're not friends ??????????
also i was in this state where I was torn between why does their voice still hurt me so fucking much and why don't i hate them more they did some really shitty things to me and i'm just so confused how i can feel both of those things about them and aaaa i just want them to go away
ok this has gotten long enough and i have some things i need to do so i'll probably reblog this later to talk about yesterday :)
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cousinconnie · 2 years
Y/N wanted a pet, what would the aot casts adopt?
What pets would the AOT characters get with you:
Okay so actually I don’t think that Eren would like the idea of pets!
Putting a free animal in a “cage” (even if that cage is just your house), collaring it, only feeding it a certain type of food, it all rubs him the wrong way.
I think the closest he would get to being okay with a pet would be having an indoor/outdoor cat. Having a little cat door so it could come and go as it pleased, and it can go hunting for its own food if it doesn’t want its cat food you buy. Treating the kitty more like a roommate/friend than a pet! I also think he would name it something stereotypical like “Tiger”
Hear me out: fish.
I think she’d LOVE having a little aquarium!! Going out and picking each fish with you, naming them with you, decorating the tank with you,,,, she’d LOVE it omg
Would call you in the middle of the day sometimes like “so the clownfish are NOT getting along 😣” sends you videos of the fish swimming around, loves just watching them. You two like coming up with little personalities and making up fish tank drama. The 104th LOVE hearing out it lmao. She’d INSIST on you being the one to name them because she says she isn’t creative 🙁
I think he’d be cool with any pet you wanted, but if you asked him what pet he wants, I think he might enjoy having a bunny! He likes cute things!!
+ I used to have this really cute bunny, but he was like absurdly grumpy all the time. So imagining Armin with this grumpy little bunny is SO funny
Just him being like, “um yeah, you can hold it. But he does bite sometimes. And kick. No, he doesn’t stop glaring 😥”
He would probably name it after a book character or a famous philosopher!
She’s a hamster girl. She LOVES watching it fill its little cheeks up with food. If she had to be any animal in the whole world she’d be a hamster.
She finds the BEST toys and wheels for it, has a whole dedicated hamster room in your house 😅 lowkey might become a hamster tiktoker. Be prepared for her to call you in a panic every time she thinks something is wrong though
Okay I think Jean is the dad stereotype where he acts like he hates the pet and doesn’t want it but then like a week later he is obsessed with it,,,
So imagine: you tell Jean that you kind of want to expand your little family by getting a pet, and he says no, that he’s uncomfortable with the amount of responsibility having a pet requires. You respect him obviously, even if you’re disappointed.
Then one day it’s raining really heavily and he hasn’t come home from work yet, so you start getting worried. But then he walks in the door soaking wet, clutching something to his chest. He leans foreword showing you that it’s a little dog-
“I think it got hit by a car”
So the two of you nurse it back to heath together, and you take it to the vet to see if it has an owner, it does but they don’t want it. So now you and Jean have a little dog.
The dog loves you obviously,, but it LOVES Jean, you think it must realize that he saved its life 🥺
Jean acts like he doesn’t like the clinginess of the dog at first,, but give it like a week and the two will literally be inseparable 😭
Okay you already know he’s a dog guy.
He wants a big dog he can run around with and play. A dog that will match his energy,, but is also good with kids because he definitely wants kids one day. So like a Golden Retriever or a German Shepherd!!
I don’t even think that you have to bring up wanting a pet, I think he would bring it to you first 😭
And MAN does he love that dog 🥺 they go on runs every day, and he can literally spend hours playing fetch with him and teaching him tricks
(Buys himself a “dog dad” t-shirt 🗿)
Okay so hear me out, I think she’d get a Gecko.
You tell her you want to get a pet and she is like “oh, that’s a great idea!!” So you guys go to a shelter with every intention of getting somthing fluffy, but she just so happens to see someone surrendering their Leopard Gecko. It was really small, looked kinda sick, and the tail had fallen off. Like it was very much not doing good. And she had to take it.
You guys some home with it (and with medicine from the vet) and she’s immediately googling Leopard Geckos. In like a few hours she’s an expert, and knows exactly what supplies she needs.
She nurses it back to heath almost all by herself with little help from you (even though you wanted to help, she wanted to save the gecko herself). When the tail started growing back she SOBBED in your arms.
They totally like snakes right?? Like I can see them collecting the shed skins and putting them in resin. I also think they’d like ferrets!!!! Just curious little guys who have a ton of energy?? They would def have snakes and ferrets‼️‼️‼️‼️ If you guys get ferrets though Levi refuses to be in the same room as them because ferrets are stinky lmao
He’s a cat guy 💯 at first he wouldn’t want a pet because animals are dirty but he’ll eventually come around to the idea. Cats clean themselves and they don’t need too much attention and are independent, so I think he’d respect them. If you see him up in the early morning drinking tea and petting the cat, he’ll deny it 🫢
If anyone wants more of this lemme know 😤❤️
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thedarkplume · 2 years
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A meeting in the gardens
AN: Whew! This one took a minute guys. I'm sorry for the delay, but I recently had a birthday and had a few weeks before and after of "omg, what the hell am I doing with my life???" But now, I'm in a slightly better place than what I was and the first thing I wanted to do was write!
This is the promised follow-up to Ari's story from 'i dream at night i can only see your face'. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you to @localbookshop for allowing me to use the pretty girl in the top left corner and @nix-akimbo who is no longer on tumblr, but gave us this beautiful depiction of tattooed Ari.
Warnings: noncon touching, some swearing, and character death mention
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How It Started
“And topping the news this morning, the remains found in the ravine last Saturday has now been identified as Natasha Romanoff. Romanoff, 37, was last seen leaving Stark Industries, and was reported missing by her sister on Tuesday. Authorities are still investigating her death…”
Ari Levinson, switched off his television, wondering why he even bothered watching the news when the world was in such a depressingly dismal state.
Today was supposed to be a good day, a great day if he had anything to say about it. It was Friday, marking his three-day weekend from the clinic, and hopefully, the first of many outings with his Tinder date. But now Ari was having doubts. Since making plans to meet up at the Botanical Gardens, she went MIA on him. From deleting her Tinder account to not answering his texts. Ari would be lying if he said her ghosting him didn’t hurt his feelings a little. He thought that they shared some real chemistry. She was funny and sarcastic, and not to mention beautiful. He hoped that he would see her today.
Ari went about his usual morning routine, showering, trimming his beard, and making breakfast and coffee. He dressed casually in an unbuttoned beige shirt, white undershirt, black jeans, and white Nike’s.
The Botanical Gardens was only a short walk from his apartment, but Ari had the feeling he might need his car today. He sat in the parking lot, enjoying the precious moments of blissful AC before venturing out in the sweltering summer heat again.
I’m here.
He waited a beat before he texted again.
I’m looking forward to finally seeing you in person.
Five minutes went by. Ten minutes went by. When it was nearing twenty and he was officially wasting the gas that he had already spent an outrageous amount of money on, he decided to call.
The line rung twice on his end, before a gruff voice answered. “Who the hell are you and why are you calling my girlfriend?”
Ari’s eyebrows disappeared into his hairline from both the man’s aggression and the news that his date had a boyfriend.
“What are you doing with my phone?”
“Who the fuck is Ari?”
“Don’t talk to me that way, James.”
Ari drummed his fingers against his steering wheel as the silence on the other end of the line stretched.
“I’m sorry, doll, you know I don’t mean it.”
Hearing her low murmurs and the sounds of them kissing turned his stomach. Ari was about to just hang up and cut his losses when she suddenly said, “Ari?”
“Boyfriend, huh?”
“I swear we weren’t together when you and I matched. It just, it just happened suddenly.”
“I get that things happen and you meet people, but you could have at least shown me the courtesy of letting me know what was going on rather than ghosting me.” Ari tried not to let it show how upset he truly was, after all, what were they beyond two strangers on the Internet? He had no obligations to her and she clearly understood she had no obligations to him.
“I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, Ari. Take care.”
She hung up on her end and Ari was willing to bet his life savings that she immediately blocked his number. If she did, it was for naught. Ari had no intentions of getting further involved with a woman who thought no more of discarding him than a child does when they’ve grown bored with a toy.
Still, a part of Ari couldn’t help but be concerned over the anger he had heard in James’s voice. He’d seen that type of anger focused on a partner firsthand. He only hoped her story had a better ending.
Ari leaned back against his seat, weighing his options. He could go back home and sit and stew over something he had no control over. He could pop in at the clinic and risk being scolded by his staff for refusing to take a break.
Ari huffed, turning the key in the ignition and stuffing the keys in his pocket. He was already there, he might as well go inside before dragging his sad self back to Charlotte.
The gardens were as lovely as always, bursting with colors and filled with the fragrant scents of exotic flowers. Visiting the gardens was one of Ari’s more relaxing hobbies. Although, this visit was now tainted by the aftermath of bitter disappointment.
Ari strolled leisurely through the exhibits, doing his best to shake off the bad start to his day. He walked until he found his favorite topiary, the Pegasus monument, he fondly nicknamed Fred. The topiary reminded him of the one he and his mother created back when he was a child, an eight foot tall hog in the likeness of their beloved sow, Mary.
Maybe he would go home next month. He missed the farm and he missed his parents. He knew they could use a hand with his nieces.
Ari went to pull out his phone to snap a few pictures to send to his mother, when he noticed the sound of little sniffles, as though someone was holding back from outright crying.
The little sniffles became shuddering breaths, and Ari knew whoever made those sounds was slowly losing the fight to hold it together.
The sounds came from the other side of Fred.
Just leave it be, Ari. Leave it be.
The mental pep talk failed and Ari found himself slowly inching around the other side of Fred.
The first thing Ari noticed about you, the thing that made him softer towards you even more so than your tears, were the brightly colored scrubs you wore. Ironically, it was the same pattern he had to talk to his assistant out of ordering for everyone at his clinic. You wore your hair swept back into a ponytail. A few mutinous curls escaped, fluttering around your nape and ears in the soft breeze.
Suddenly, your eyes flickered to his, making Ari feel like the worst type of creep watching you the way he was. “Um, hey.” Jesus, let the ground open up and swallow me whole. He was usually more confident than this, but one look in your big, tearful eyes and he was a 6’6 mess of a man.
To his great relief, you smiled back, albeit shakily. “Hey.”
“I don’t mean to be creepy or anything, but are you alright?”
You looked down at your feet, seemingly thinking of how you should answer or if you should answer at all. “I don’t really know.”
“I’m Ari.” Your smile is a little less stiff when you tell him your name. “So, what do you think of Fred?”
“Yeah,” Ari gestured to the topiary before you. “Doesn’t he look like a Fred to you?”
“I guess he does. I like Fred. He makes me smile when nothing else does.” The light in your eyes faltered. “Why did you name him Fred?”
“I don’t really know,” Ari answered honestly. “It was just a stray thought on one of my visits. ‘Fred looks good today,’ you know?”
You giggled and Ari thought it was the sweetest sound in the world. He hardly noticed that he moved a little closer to you than he originally was until he heard someone say, “you’re a very hard woman to track, sunshine.”
You didn’t seem particularly upset over the abrupt presence of the man with the trashy mustache and shirt that was clearly two sizes too small. “Are you pretending that you didn’t ping my phone’s location to find me?”
“Eh, well, if you answered the fifteen missed calls from myself and Jen, I wouldn’t have had to resort to that.”
Your face fell. “Shit,” you muttered. “Everything happened so fast I didn’t even think about texting her that I’m okay.”
The moment you looked away and at your phone, Mr. Trashy Mustache, who was only a few inches shy of being classified as a 70s pornstache, raked his critical blue eyes over Ari. “Who’s the meathead?”
Your head snapped up and your wide-eyed gaze went from Mr. Trashy Mustache to Ari to him again. “Lloyd!” you hissed, swatting his arm with the back of your hand as he fake winced. “This is Ari. Ari, this is Lloyd. My friend’s husband and resident pain in my ass.”
“Oh!” Lloyd clutched his left boob in faux hurt. “Would a pain in your ass have everything you need to bury the Olympic Asshole and your former boss in the palm of his hand?” he showed you a flash drive. “She tried erasing the camera footage, but it’s all there. I even added a few of the boss making her way through most of the fathers of your little ones.”
Your lips parted and your nose crinkled in disgust. “Those poor kids.”
Ari had no idea who or what this Lloyd was referring to, but from the way you gingerly plucked the flash drive from his hand, he knew it must have been at least a part of the reason he caught you crying in front of Fred.
Lloyd’s attention flickered to Ari again. “Sure he’s not bothering you?”
You huffed a little, pushing the drive into your pockets. “I’m sure, Lloyd. In fact, Ari and I were going to grab lunch after the butterfly exhibit.” This plan was news to Ari, but he kept that fact out of his expression.
“You don’t need to worry about her, Lloyd. I’ve got her.”
Lloyd tilted his head to the side. “Have you?”
“Oh my god, Lloyd, stop being an asshole. I’m fine! Tell Jen I’ll call her later, please.”
But of course, Lloyd disregarded your words, taking another step closer to Ari until you were practically squished between their bodies. Forcing himself to ignore how soft and warm you felt against his chest and how good your hair smelled, Ari didn’t allow himself to break eye contact.
“By the time you’re both finished with lunch, I’ll have found out everything there is to know about you, Ari. If even a single hair is out of place on her pretty head, well,” Lloyd chuckled. “It might take them a while to identify your remains, Ari.”
You covered your face, embarrassed that your friend’s husband had resorted to threatening him. Ari, on the other hand was faintly amused. This Lloyd person might have been connected to the government, CIA probably, but Ari was unbothered. “And what makes you so sure you’ll be the one walking away?” Ari simply asked.
“Okay!” you said, voice pitching higher than before. “While I love being trapped between two unmovable walls of testosterone, Lloyd, Ari and I do have plans, and it’s hotter than the Devil’s balls out here, so would you please?”
Lloyd finally tore his eyes away from Ari smiling down at you. “Fine, fine. Far be it for me to voice my concerns over you have a date with a rando in the Gardens.” Lloyd tapped your pocket twice. “Use it.”
Lloyd disappeared as quickly as he arrived. “I’m sorry about him.” You turned to Ari with a rueful smile. “I would say Lloyd’s not normally so abrasive but,” you shrugged. “Lloyd’s just—” arrogant? Condescending? Walking around with a few screws loose? “—overprotective of his wife and by extension the people she cares about.”
“It’s fine,” Ari waved off her apology, no longer interested in Lloyd now that it was obvious you saw him as more of a family member than anything else. “Were you just trying to get rid of him or do you really want to have lunch with me?” together, the two of you made your way to the butterfly exhibit. “I get it if you only said it to get him to back off a little.”
“No, no,” you rushed. “I meant it.” You smile at Ari, looking more beautiful to him by the minute. “If you want to, I mean.”
Ari smiled, distracted by the multicolored butterflies fluttering around you, some landing on your hair and top. There was even one particularly brave purple and yellow butterfly perched on the tip of your nose making you go cross-eyed trying to watch it. “Sounds great.”
Ari scrapped the pub idea, not wanting to have the rest of your day together shadowed by his Tinder date fail. Instead, Ari followed your lead and the two of you ended up in your favorite little diner, Bette’s, a cute little restaurant that Ari somehow never noticed. The two of you sat on the patio under an umbrella, splitting a cheese pizza while you sipped on a peach iced tea while Ari drank a blueberry pomegranate tea.
“Wow, so, she reels you in like she’s really interested, ghosts you, and then suddenly reappears with a hostile boyfriend?” you huffed, shaking your head as you nibbled on a piece of ranch dipped crust. “I think you dodged a lot of drama and maybe even an unnecessary arrest.”
Ari couldn’t disagree with you. He told you about his clinic, his staff that he could not have been luckier to have by his side, his messy divorce, and his best girl, Charlotte.
“Aww!” you gushed over the pictures he had of his five-year-old Tortoise shell cat. “I always wanted a dog growing up, but my mom has an intense fear of dogs, and my dad always conveniently moved us to places that had the No Pets Allowed rule or made you pay an obscene deposit just to have your fur baby.”
“I think every child should have at least one pet growing up.”
“Because it instills a sense of responsibility and nurturing?”
“Nah, I just want every animal to have a loving home.”
“That’s definitely the doctor in you, Ari.”
Your eyes drifted down Ari’s exposed arms, tracing the various lines of ink and color. “Do you have any?” Ari asked, gesturing to his arms.
You shake your head with a wistful sigh. “No. I want one and almost got one when I went off to school, but I could never think of anything important enough to put on my body forever.”
“Why were you crying earlier?” the words tumbled out in a steaming pile before Ari could catch them. That was one of his biggest flaws, he decided then and there. His brain never knew when to tell his mouth to shut the fuck up. “You don’t need to answer that. I don’t know why I just—”
“Ari,” your soft hand fell atop his to stop his rambling and self-depreciation. “It’s okay. I knew you were curious, and Lloyd’s appearance only made it worse.” You sighed, glancing down at his arm again. “You could probably tell from the uniform, but I’m a kindergarten teacher.”
“Over at Miss Honey’s Starbright School?”
“Yes. I’ve been there a little over seven years. I love kids, I always have. I’ve never had a problem until this past school year. This new family moved to town and enrolled their daughter in Miss Honey’s. The little girl is one of the sweetest kids I’ve ever had in my class. Her mom is…” you hesitate as if thinking of the best way to describe the mother. “Doting, but the exact definition of a business mom.”
“But the mom isn’t the problem,” Ari deduced, now getting a better picture of what may be going on.
“Her dad adores her. He’s there for every parent-teacher conference. He’s always asking questions about her work and if there’s anything he needs to pay attention to at home. It just—it all came out of nowhere…or maybe I was just ignoring it because nothing matters more than those kids.”
“What did he do?”
“It was the little things. Telling me how much he liked the way I styled my hair when it was his turn to bring Addie to school. Or saying how much he enjoyed seeing my outside of my scrubs when we had little fieldtrips around town.” You fidgeted, growing more uncomfortable as you recalled every leering look and every inappropriate word. “The more I brushed off his words, the more emboldened he grew. Lloyd’s wife, Jenny, is a teacher, too. She noticed right away what he was doing and how uncomfortable I am around him. She urged me to go to Principal Alice. I don’t like causing trouble. What if it was all in my head? What if he was just being overly nice because his daughter adores me? But then last Monday, he groped me. Right there in front of the school. I slapped him. It was a knee jerk reaction, but some of the other parents saw me hit him and so did some of the kids, thankfully not Addie.” You huffed, eyes growing red and teary again. “The principal pulled me into her office and sent in a sub to take over my class. I tried telling her everything he had said and done leading up to the point, but she didn’t want to hear it. She said that the Tucker family was beyond reproach; they were big donators to the school. Besides, what could he possibly want me for? She suspended me for two weeks without pay. Jen called me a couple days later to tell me Mrs. Tucker came to the school and showed her ass, demanding swift and immediate action for attacking her husband. I don’t know why I thought anything could go back to normal. Alice called me in this morning and fired me on the spot.”
No wonder you were so upset. You were assaulted on your job and your principal refused to do anything about it. Ari’s hand curled around yours, threading his fingers with yours. “I’m so sorry that happened to you. Are you going to sue Tucker for assault and the principal for wrongful termination?”
“I don’t know. I really just want all this to go away, but if I don’t do something, who knows what Alice will put in my file. I don’t want something that was not my fault to ruin my chances of teaching again.”
“Don’t forget you have that flash drive. Whatever’s on there, your friend Lloyd seems confident it will help.”
You stared down at your entwined fingers, lips pulling in a shy smile as Ari’s thumb stroked over your knuckles. “Do you happen to know any lawyers, Dr. Levinson?”
Ari’s smile was radiant. “As a matter of fact, I do.”
How It’s Going
Ari had the day off. He could have done anything. Go to the movies. Take Charlotte to the park for a walk. Try that new Mexican restaurant that opened last week. Instead, Ari was spending the better part of his morning in his favorite place. On his knees with your legs thrown over his shoulders. Your panting breaths and gentle sighs of his name are muffled by your soft thighs pressed against his ears. Ari groaned, loving the taste of you on his tongue, the warmth of your juices smeared on his lips and cheeks. His large hands cupped your ass, pulling you impossibly closer to his face so that your scent was now embedded in the hairs of his beard. Ari felt the faint trembling of your legs and your fingers gripped his hair a little tighter, signaling you were about to come.
 Ari’s hands slid up your torso, cupping your breasts and pinching your nipples just enough to tip you over the edge. He held you tightly as you moaned and thrashed above him, back arching as your release gushed into his mouth. Ari sat back on his heels, licking his lips as he watched you lay across your share bread like a starfish. He tried not to look to smug when you finally looked down at him.
“Are you relaxed enough to face the day now?”
You laughed, slightly out of breath. “I feel relaxed enough to sleep for the next five years.”
“Only five? I must be losing my touch, Mrs. Levinson,” Ari teased, leaving you to retrieve a warm washcloth from the bathroom. When he returned, you had the top of your sundress pulled back into place and was cuddling with Charlotte, who wandered back into the room now that the fun was over. He gently cleaned between your thighs, faintly listening to your quiet murmurs and Charlotte’s purring. He pulled your panties back up and pulled the hem of your dress down.
Today would be the day you were finally able to put the worst moment in your life behind you. Thanks to his longtime friend Andy Barber, and if Ari had to begrudgingly admit it, Lloyd Hansen, you were able to successfully sue Lance Tucker for assaulting you. Once Andy presented the school superintendent with the documented evidence of your assault and threatened to sue the district on your behalf for wrongful termination, everything escalated rather quickly. The Tuckers settled almost immediately when the videos from the flash drive surfaced, and last you both heard, Lance was also in the process of working out a divorce and custody agreement. Principal Alice, now just Alice, due to guest starring in five videos with five different parents, was promptly suspended herself by the superintendent. Karma at its finest, Ari liked to think. You were reinstated and issued a substantial settlement as an apology.
And somewhere amid this chaos, you and Ari grew closer. Long talks on the phone, dates on the weekends, impromptu lunch visits to his clinic, and even the most aggravating double dates of his life with your friends Lloyd and Jen, although Jen was never the problem, she was a peach. But Ari ignored the baiting comments from Lloyd, who was just an abrasive asshole by nature, because it made you happy. And you made Ari happy by becoming his lover, his wife, and ultimately the love of his life.
Ari was beyond proud of you. You were going to walk in that room with your head held high, look that Olympic Medal asshole in the eyes, and take what you were owed.
“What do you want to do afterward?” you ask, once Ari pulled out of the driveway. He gave you that look, and you smiled, lightly smacking his arm. “I mean besides that.”
“Why don’t we go to Liberty Plaza? That new year-round Autumn store is open.”
“Since when do you want to go shopping?” before he could answer, a smile worthy of the Grinch curled at the corners of your mouth. “Oh, I get it. This is you telling me you want to go crazy in Books-A-Million without actually telling me, right?”
Ari did not blush. That was just something that he did not do. “Um, no, I just thought it might be nice to spend the day with my beautiful wife.”
“So, did I imagine hearing you talking about buying that new Nightmare Before Christmas book with your new friend Lloyd?”
“That asshole is not my friend,” Ari vehemently denied.
“You’re right, you’re right. He’s your best friend.”
Ari waited until you were parked outside of Andy’s office. He calmly pulled the key from the ignition and when he looked at you, you shivered, knowing exactly what was burning behind those cerulean orbs. “Tonight, Mrs. Levinson, I’m going to make you come on my tongue again and again and again until my face and chest are drenched in you,” Ari leaned over to your ear, relishing in your heaving chest and clenched thighs. “Then you’re going to ride me until your legs give out, and when that happens, I’m going to fuck you so hard, your soul is going to leave your body.” He slowly licked the shell of your ear, relishing in your needy little whimpers.
“Ari,” you whined, hand slyly reaching for his belt buckle.
Ari deftly grabbed your hand, kissing the shining band around your finger. “Let’s finish this.”
As you walked hand in hand to close this chapter, Ari felt an immense sense of gratitude to his would-be Tinder date. Had she not backed out, Ari would never have met the most amazing woman and built this life with her. He hoped that she got her happy ending the way Ari has his.
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