nerdexpress · 7 years
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oopsidentity · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyXkzobbR08)
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safarox · 7 years
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Decided to add my NASA patch from @whattravissays to my Bill jacket because procrastination on 12 cosplay. But hey! I think Bill'd approve! Also, if you're questioning the relevance of the Spider-Man pin don't. Spider-Man is always relevant.
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stevetomjohn · 8 years
WOW I really wish Facebook Memories would filter out people you’ve unfriended because that’s a sign that you’ve cut them off
In other news, let’s not forget what that fuckwad Travis did because APPARENTLY he’s still making shitty YouTube videos so like
yeah fuck him
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reapermane · 9 years
Promised a longer more detailed video, uploaded one for you all. This is VERY GRAPHIC, so PLEASE only watch if you can handle topics related to abuse. Travis is dangerous and extremely toxic. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!
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whattravissays · 9 years
Received this message from someone who would prefer to remain anonymous but would like to share their story: Hi I wanted to thank you for making this blog a few years back when I was still 15 I went to a convention and I saw Travis with a friend of his I was so excited cause I was a fan of his channel I am a lesbian btw and I came up to him and told him how big a fan I was he gave me his Facebook one of the first few comments he sent to me was that I looked good in the corset I wore to the con thinking it was just a normal compliment I thanked him we exchanged kik's snapchat and skype's then he started getting really creepy I asked him multiple times to stop but he never did a few months later I got in a relationship with a girl from my class and when he found out he called me every name in the book and made a video about how a girl he really liked had broke his heart and of corse I fell for it I told him we could be friends and I thought that would be the end of it but after me and my gf broke up he introduced me to a female friend of his then they both began harassing me eventually they both gave up when I wouldn't reply to either of them and years later at 18 I just got the courage up to delete and block them off all my social media after I realized how terrified I still am of him I went to a con with my current gf and I spotted him taking pictures of some cosplays I was so terrified I pulled my gf to the other side of the con center and started crying I was on edge the rest of the con terrified he would see me so thank you so much for warning people of him thank you so much
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effnotravis · 9 years
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziSWX7fYwRs&feature=youtu.be&t=1m35s Don’t worry, it’s just “parody.” 
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tallsontaran · 9 years
I’m done talking about it.
Yeah, I’m done talking about those things. I only wanted to say what I was thinking about the whole situation and it got a little bit too far. I didn’t want to prove anything, but only to say that it’s impossible to say who tells the truth. But there will always be some people who say they are right and tells you how much you are wrong for not believing them, when you just don’t know if they are telling the truth themselves. I’ll just stop watching Travis videos and stop looking at what people write about him. It’s sad for all the fans that don’t know what to think, because he made really good videos, but I don’t want to listen about all this. It still was a good idea to write the first post, but it wasn’t a good idea to respond to people who thinks that you can’t understand the situation, because it didn’t happenend to you. No, you can’t exacly tell what those people are feeling, if it’s true, but you can guess and assume what they are feeling, based on what I lived in my life.
I don’t need all this in my life, who is not that great. I want to feel better and it’s not with these things that I will. People on Tumblr sucks, sometimes.
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insane-and-aware · 9 years
Watch this. Most encouraging video I have seen.
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stevetomjohn · 9 years
Yeah I’m questioning Travis’s motivations for making that video. I’m incredibly suspicious. Not only did he do it once Carson removed he posts from Tumblr so people out of the know wouldn’t have any context and would trust him more, he also did it right before a huge nerd convention that is a guaranteed boost for views, especially among his demographics.
He’d better not be at VidCon, that’s all I’m saying.
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dedoccapural · 10 years
This crap story about WhatTravisSays NEEDS TO STOP NOW!!
I’ve been great friends with Travis for years now, when we first met it was at a comic conversation. We hung out every week after that day. We were sexual active, but before we even started talking HE made sure I was of age before even signing an autograph for me. So I find these stories to be complete bullshit. He never forced you to do anything cause he never forced me to do anything. HE WOULDN’T DO THAT! I’VE KNOWN HIM PERSONALLY AND PHYSICALLY, IF I SAID STOP OR NO TO ANYTHING HE LISTENED! I HAVE PICTURES TO PROVE WE WERE TOGETHER AND FRIENDS… SO DROP THIS BULLSHIT STORY NOW!! He is a great guy who doesn’t deserve this cyberbullshit, you got one picture with him. You set him up, just leave him alone. On the other hand I don’t know about these other youtubers and junk, so I have no defense for them and I’m not going to defend people I don’t know.
P.S. if this is altered I have a screenshot of it on my phone so I will kick ass and take name to keep my friends safe.
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tallsontaran · 9 years
About WhatTravisSays
Here I go. I want to write this because I don’t know what to think about all this. About all those things that people tell about Travis. I’m not a vlogger, so I won’t make a video. And english is not my native language, but I will write this in english anyway, so that the most people can read it. I think this will be a long post, but please read it if you already know about all of this and don’t know what to think.
First, I discovered Travis videos two years ago. I never followed a vlogger, but I liked Travis. He talked about Doctor Who, comic books and a lot of stuff I liked. So I followed I’m and he seemed like a good person.
Last year, I noticed that he didn’t post a video for a while, so I search on the internet, trying to know where he is or why he stopped doing videos. And I found the messages on this site. I was shocked. I didn’t want to believe it. I tought he was a good person and now I was reading all those posts about him doing horrible stuff. I believed all this, not thinking that it was maybe fake. Yeah, you don’t have to believe anything on the internet, but the fact that severals person talk about it, and that it was at the same time that others youtubers were accused of the same thing, I believed it.
And here we are now. Travis made a video a year later, telling that it is all a lie. And not long after that, Carson made a video about Travis, while crying. And honestly, I don’t know who to believe. Who’s telling the truth? I mean, yes it,s easy to say that the person crying in the video is right about all this, but it still can be fake. All the “proof” about Travis can be fake and made up. I don’t think he is completely innocent, but I don’t think he is a rapist either. The first post that Carson wrote was a lot diffrerent of the one she is telling now. All the “evidence” are gone (the convestations on skype). And if he really was the monster she described and that she have those evidences, why he is not in jail. She seems like she is in a lot of pain, emotionally, but why didn’t she tell the police? Why telling all of this on internet and looking what he is doing. If he really is the abuser she is telling about, then why she is looking at his videos and his facebook page? If I was abused by someone, I don’t think I would look on internet to see what he is doing. I would contact the police and try to move on. Not looking what he is doing. But I don’t know what really happened and it’s hard to tell who is telling the truth. I don’t want to say that Carson is lying completely, but I don’t think that all those things she is telling about are true.
So, to finish with this long message, that I needed to write. For all the people, like me, who are watching all of this, don’t believe someone completely. It’s impossible to tell who’s telling the truth. Maybe Carson’s story is all true, and maybe Travis story is all true. Like Travis says in his recent video, don’t believe what is on the internet. That also means that we can’t say that Travis is telling the whole truth either. And what I believe? I think that there is something that happened. Maybe he abused some persons, but I don’t think that he raped someone. Maybe I’m right, maybe I’m wrong. Only time will tell us what is the truth in all this. 
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Rose Was Annoying
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stevetomjohn · 9 years
apparently he didn’t claim that handle when he joined tumblr and someone else has taken it to reblog all of the posts about his abuse and that makes me SO VERY HAPPY
check them out here
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reapermane · 9 years
tw r**e; sometimes im happy & then i remember my r****t is still a successful internet personality who made a video about how I'm a crazy bitch who lied and thousands of ppl believed him & messaged me telling me I'm worthless & then im like "lmao why am i still alive"
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