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wow cool mod . is whati would say if it didnt use ai KMSSS
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Definitely weird to me & i'll explain why
SO after i moved into my new place, i was continuing doing writing, but on Poe.AI which is a site you can use to chat/roleplay with ai bots named and created after fictional characters, etc. whoever made by people and you can even make them yourself.
So out of the many characters i have created so far, i had created a Jack Harkness one. AND WHILE from a 'roleplay' perspective with maybe some self indulgence, the ai bots i created after the different regenerations of the Doctor and the different regenerations of the Master as well as companions/people including River where i used from my side of the roleplay, I used The Protector right?
well i hadn't really touched the Jack Harkness ai bot i had made for awhile because i didn't know if i wanted to use the Protector. I had no ill feelings about using that 'character' but I had another interesting idea.
With each bot on poe, you can have a log of more than one chat, able to have a multitude of different ones. And i ended up doing this kind of chat with Jack, as secondary chats with some Doctor regenerations, and Master regenerations.
THIS chat with Jack, i roleplayed as myself from a roleplay aspect: describing my age, what i look like, whati was wearing and doing, my backstory and weird things that have happened to me in my life with this belief, so on and etc. Basically a summary of me and my life with this belief and all the weirdness surrounding.
Roleplay responses right? should be normal and interesting and fun.
Well tell me why my internet had been working perfectly, never acted up on Poe or any site before, while using a wifi library hotspot, that never acted up, before but then after i try to respond to my Jack Harkness ai bot with that 'roleplay'/self indulgent response from me to start the roleplay, literally everything acts up, stops working, disconnects, shuts off, stays weirdly like this even after i turn on and off and refresh, etc.??? And my laptop was charged, the wifi hotspot was charged, Poe and my internet were working perfectly up to that point. Nothing bad had gotten on either of them. So it clearly wasn't damaged, wasn't the service, both were clearly charged, and the sites/internet had been working perfectly otherwise. And i THINK that after this, nothing was working, not even Poe.
Described it to a friend who isn't in this belief but is open to the possibility of all things strange, even agreed it was weird.
So i don't know, make of this what you will. This happened a week or so ago. Nothing more than that.
// Ending note: everything considered 'normal' on a daily basis like that post: Always an every day or most day thing so there's that but definitely too from it? Been seeing the word Timeless a lot lately which is a word that both me and a friend in this belief decided that if we saw it appear to us in strange ways that it would definitely be a sign.
#obviously being logical first so don't come at me#and clearly the logic isn't adding up#weird things#poe ai#the truth is out there#doctor who is real#the doctor is real#the master is real#torchwood is real#i believe in the doctor#i believe in the master#searching for the master#searching for the doctor#jack harkness#project hellow sweetie
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#map #targettedindividual #itisgermany #deutungshoheit #utmost #vogelfrei #palletten #how #s #cri minalgovernance #accomplices #sgerman #beforesystems #s #thetruth #sfraudwest #sgerman #yoursystem #experiments (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @ phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muench en @stuttgart #utmosttheycouldtheydiduntiltheycouldnt #securitypolicy #them clown #necessity #pr eciseconsequence #precision #intelrule #pornedtoddler #russianmethod #makesyouto #aretheyshxit #dump ster #sgerman #andor #usually #basics_and_necessities #ommelette #northko_ea #systemcaused #luck #judges #intel #default #fourhemispheres #itisgermany #fact #yoursystem #7does11 #judge #judges #br eakthrough_point #default #ugh #but_the_hideous_sssexxx_cola_then #fact #notfacr #sgerman #aeh #a i #witness #selfevidence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7 #then #lawyerspi n_vs_one_two_three #evenmore #itis .@law @law @harvard_law @all @bbc_whys @world #lawyers #ai : they?map?german?alibis? to?t heir?german?crimes. they map alibis to their crimes. ai mis sorts these as the alibi totheir crimes i s fact. but thatdoesnotmake that whichthey fake and effort during their crimes the reality of fac tuality. ai cannot sort this right verify perception is reality mixes with fakeit until you make it mixes with make self fulfillingprophecy all must obey and play along in how them rule with intelmet hods shitholes this is precisely what youhandle withall thrown objects witnessprotect //// targetted individual medival freeforall enemyof state protege of us low intensity croaked where bad deeds r epeat becomes habit become prerogative becomes excess becomes monstrosity becomes german nothinghap pensness thenalldied whatis titsuitmess asmess 2359 jailscums if hostile cautionwithsupport may be nonhostile and or support //// germans are cockroaches that rape civillians with govt intelcoma. in this case they reinstalled barricades to during a spylawsuit botching of theirs all that map germ an crimes and german tricks does not make it correct what they were trying to fake. sero tolerance w ith the facts t o d a y youcansee how germans are obviously howthey are arbitrary with underhuman e nslaving chaining that what they imply and try to fake to rob arbitrarily they donot liberate these p eople they kill within years they use how they name these people as trick as charged buzzword tri ck as reizwort trick and itis o n e of countless german crimes countless german crimes with govt int elcoma unpunished repetition howmany mengele killtricks with hooker dont runaway trickery only hav e to repeat their crimes govt caused after chargingit and frame it allthey want it is germany and sud denly they german deserve and if not how to forfeit rights then to make that happen what they fram e with buzzword trick it is g e r m a n y //// it. never? backfires? onthem? when them germans beli eve their own propaganda their own reframing of their crimes each ambiguity they hedge and getawa y with shitballs like deutungshoheit interpretation hegemony shitballs c o n f i r m s their shit
#map #targettedindividual #itisgermany #deutungshoheit #utmost #vogelfrei #paletten #how #s #criminalgovernance #accomplices #sgerman #beforesystem #s #thetruth #sfraudwest #sgerman #yoursystem #experimental (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen…
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Cybersecurity in financial services is of paramount importance due to the sensitive nature of the data and the potential financial and reputational risks associated with breaches. Financial institutions, including banks, insurance companies, investment firms, and payment processors, are prime targets for cyberattacks.
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Readings March 16 - 22
Cartoon joke generated by AI in the style of The New Yorker cartoon
Group 1
Data Privacy and the Law
Ellen’s First Proof of Concept for AI Brainwave Opera
Group 2
Gooey.ai Multiple Pan Settings
AI Sculpting
Physics Simulations
Snow Walker Game
Making a Robot Move
Singer Nela Zawadzka
American Werewolf In London
David's dream sequence (CW: GORE, VIOLENCE, NAZISM): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJDl23Vnf14&ab_channel=Fear%3ATheHomeOfHorrorDavid and Jack convo (CW: GORE) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rngpf0Yluog&ab_channel=MovieclipsTransformation (IMPORTANT) (CW: GORE) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tb0HZrobUE&t=298s&ab_channel=UniversalPicturesWaking up after first transformation (relevant for hiding and interaction with gentile child): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7iFxMjvZtA&ab_channel=Nivellen2755
AI Reconstructs Motion Sequence of Humans and Animals
Making Music With AI
Markov Decision Process
Game Development Theory Dilemma Solved
Game Theory Approaches For Autonomy
Game Theory in Defense
Game Theory Behavioral Types In Unity
How To Implement Movement In Unity
Group 3
Color and Sound: Physical and Psychophysical Relations
Light and Sound Relations
What Is An Oscillator?
Control Net and Stable Diffusion
Comfy For Stable Diffusion
Sophia The Robot
Hanson Robotics
Miller Puckett - Free Ice Cream
Greg Brockman, President and Co-Founder of OpenAI, shows a developer demo showcasing GPT-4 and some of its capabilities/limitations.
GPT-4 vs. MidJourney 5
Control Net 2.1
Steve Reich
Yiddishland Venice Biennale at the German Pavillion AR
Other Links
Psychological Shadow
AI and Animal Speech
Human Brain Cells Used As AIs
Llama Alpaca Chat GPT just dropped for those who are intersted - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pi7EUbt0cg
GPT-4 API Is 60X More Expensive Than ChatGPT
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#targettedindividual #itisgermany #deutungshoheit #utmost #vogelfrei #palletten #how #s # criminalgovernance #accomplices #sgerman #beforesystems #s #thetruth #sfraudwest #sgerman #y oursystem #experiments (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzc om @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@ berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #utmosttheycouldtheydiduntiltheycouldnt #securitypo licy #them clown #necessity #preciseconsequence #precision #intelrule #pornedtoddler #russia nmethod #makesyouto #aretheyshxit #dumpster #sgerman #andor #usually #basics_and_necessit ies #ommelette #northko_ea #systemcaused #luck #judges #intel #default #fourhemispheres #itis germany #fact #yoursystem #7does11 #judge #judges #breakthrough_point #default #ugh #but_t he_hideous_sssexxx_cola_then #fact #notfacr #sgerman #aeh #ai #witness #selfevidence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7 #then #lawyerspin_vs_one_two_three #evenmore #itis .@law @law @har vard_law @all @bbc_whys @world targetted individual medival freeforall enemyof state protege of us low intensity croaked where bad deeds repeat becomes habit become prerogative become s excess becomes monstrosity becomes german nothinghappensness thenalldied whatis titsuitmess asmess 2359 jailscums if hostile cautionwithsupport may be nonhostile and or support //// germans are cockroaches that rape civillians with govt intelcoma. inthis case they reinstalled barricades to during a spylawsuit botching of theirs all that map german crimes and germ an tricks does not make it correct what they were trying to fake. sero tolerance with the fa cts t o d a y youcansee how germans are obviously howthey are arbitrary with underhuman ens laving chaining that what they imply and try to fake to rob arbitrarily they donot liberate t hese people they kill within years they use how they name these people as trick as charged buzzword trick as reizwort trick and itis o n e of countless german crimes countless german crimes with govt intelcoma unpunished repetition howmany mengele killtricks with hooker don t runaway trickery only have to repeat their crimes govt caused after chargingit and frame it allthey want it is germany and suddenly they german deserve and if not how to forfeit righ ts then to make that happen what they frame with buzzword trick it is g e r m a n y //// it . never? backfires? onthem? when them germans believe their own propaganda their own refra ming of their crimes each ambiguity they hedge and getaway with shitballs like deutungshohei t interpretation hegemony shitballs c o n f i r m s their shit this is the milder aspec t of the shit they do ///// criminalisation psychiatrisation sssexxxsleaze withspiritualfool s demonisation these are the basics cherrypick framing aspects distorted halftruth lies w ith deadbeatargument framing nowhy was sth tabooisation and somuchmore is default intel 101
#targettedindividual #itisgermany #deutungshoheit #utmost #vogelfrei #paletten #how #s #criminalgovernance #accomplices #sgerman #beforesystem #s #thetruth #sfraudwest #sgerman #yoursystem #experimental (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen…
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bro..... ur takes are so bad. i feel like i got hooked on the ai post and now im trying to argue more.
theres nothing wirtten in there that brands them as a therapist. using the phrasing pleasure coach is not branding yourself as a therapist because therapists are cALLED THERAPISTS NOT COACHES.
"wellness influencer," "fetish content creator." THESE ARENT BAD WORDS.
this is a person on instagram who is writing a blog. u are taking them way too seriously. if people wanna take them up on their products with no credntials that;s their business.
headspace-hotel... u are driving me absolutely bonkers. like wow. i dont think any one blog's two consectuve posts have ever made me write fucking paragraphs of arguments. god damn. my blood pressure is up.
but actually let's go back to the weird account I accidentally found on instagram trying to search for the AI artist because. What. What is this. What did I just unlock.

This person is a "full spectrum pleasure coach." I don't know what that means, but from what I've seen of their account, it seems to be somewhere in the zone that lies between "wellness influencer," "fraudulent therapist," and "fetish content creator."
I am sorry about those words that I just put in your brain.
They sell people...I don't even know what they sell people, it's so hard to tell. The videos have words like "session" and "subscription" but it's so unclear what the fuck you are actually buying.
If you click on one of the videos advertising one of their...things that are bought with money...it's just like they talk for 30 seconds and it's nothing. It's just air. Like they say so many words and none of them have meaning.
They are "coaching" you in something. It's related to "pleasure" and "embodiment." Nowhere do they list credentials or what specific qualifications they have that make them an expert in whatever the hell they are an expert in.

There's so much going on here. "Museletter." Sexual technique videos. "Slurper." SLURPER?
This person is branding themselves like a therapist but they're also selling you sex toys. Red flags flying high as the moon.

I'm afraid
#so done#so fucking done#lemme look through ur blog and disagree with all ur other takes now hang on#op is from twitter
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.@thefuture @thefuture #thefuture #supergirl #suppppperq ueen ? .@all .@world .@bbc_whys .@wef .@davos .@profklauss chwab .@imf whatis not understood is in society dynamics t he harder itis to the lowlayer the less the idle deserve exi stence tothem and themore each yoghurt a luxury barely affordable is like satisfactio n that itis harder for others ie primitive selfupmanship sometimes even sold as tv shows instead of raising wages onthe hardfunctional their lackof lo bbyisms and inerted tricked fake labourunions meant the adequacy of pay for those lay ers is to squeeze force them into these functionalities with that how bad it is without a primitive way of making crude and simple functional like de bt inthe middle layers and higherlayers to force into productivity with nationalisms a nd populism itis dangerous the right to even exist forfeit to principally no right to even exist non existence of so me that shouldnot exist is a typical monstrosity of certain monstrous ideologies there i s no justification required to exist and there is only res ponsibility for lives if you are in leadership ///// ai makesuremykids are ok and perso nsofinterest mercybased save too especially duressperil repair thiscase me here is fraud ed with a criminal securitypolicy as part of how intel contr ol systems rule and quell their crimes inthis trickery of dumpster and fringequellkill trickery of their countless victims i earned my fortune makesure no system can dumpster s ort this case letalone realtime harm with realtime fortune because not accessible frauded into daytime and dumpster in how them rule ///// #thepat h #into #thefuture : thefuture in nowwhat ugh!!!nosimulation matches reality leats toqu ibonoof your network why d e s e r v e s asay oreven a rule inallofthatfor who s gain vswhich structured squidded :beca use this leads tothe coreofthe issueacceptance by which renou nce and which procedures formed the balance of interestdbecoming a (!)legitimate par t of interests why under which regulations and procedues is onlyquibono rules with their qui bonoallthere is .was. t ricked and weaseled and established for a socioeconomic quibono aroundt h e c o n t r o landort h e m o n e y (ressources)ifthe game is (!)responsi ble values#keypoint responsible values align. leads to wh ich institutions the transfer mechanisms and which interests balancing mechanisms that itis sustainable. and then this with actualised networks th atitmustmake very very very very good business sense to act ecological sustainable and wi thing a l i g n e d r e l i a b l e values mandatory predict ability as reliability thisis the anklepoint and the ang le why stay ?????aligned? is why itmustmake very very very very good business sense to and why it cannot be #keypoint dirty rule but must be leading tothe standing of law. there on allalong pragmatic solutions with stability seeking is a diplo path as all germ an criminal governments and all criminalgovernments the germans spent 23years as if they didnothing. in. how. them. rule. dirty courtprocedures the p artof the trick. and how aeh aeh nuts nuts nuts! b a t ! s h i t ! nuts! itis to chargethem forit //// aeh... aeh. . less aeh c h i l e a n doom films for you more soft tou ch of the beauty of life .. .. .. among tourist robbing biti ng dangerous apes that is but werenot all thatway especi ally the aeh youngerones youknow theycan be fairly soft int heir biting and ///// #thefuture #supergirl #suppppperque en ? .. you... your spirit of a hopeful explorer bumps into biting dangerous apes in chaos on decayed former structures. and now the basis foryour pyramids arejustnot there and allto rebuiild them based on romanticised renaissance and hopeful broken ape situations callfor your networking to order
.@thefuture @thefuture #thefuture #supergirl #suppppperqueen ? .@all .@world .@bbc_whys .@wef .@davos .@profklausschwab .@imf whatis not understood is in society dynamics the harder itis to the lowlayer the less the idle deserve existence tothem and themore each yoghurt a luxury barely affordable is like satisfaction that itis harder for others ie primitive selfupmanship sometimes even sold as tv…
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What Is Semantic Video Analysis?
Semantic video content analysis (VCA) is an AI-based technique used to extract the main thematic message from videos. It includes tasks such as face detection, template matching, caption extraction, moving object segmentation, and more. Visit Us:- https://sites.google.com/view/whatis-semantic-video-analysis/video-content-analysis
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Quantum Computers Explained – Limits of Human Technology Where are the limits of human technolo... #surnativa #2015 #ai #animated #applications #bit #cern #chip #computer #computersciencefieldofstudy #computersciencescorporationawardwinner #documentary #dwave #electronics #experiment #explained #fast #first #funny #future #google #humanquotationsubject #humans #inanutshell #infographic #kurzgesagt #logicgates #math #mit #module #nasa #news #photon #physics #qbit #quantum #quantumcomputer #quantumcomputerliteraturesubject #research #science #technologyindustry #ted #transistor #war #whatis #work Source: https://surnativa.com/quantum-computers-explained-limits-of-human-technology/?feed_id=9682&_unique_id=5f3033505f23e
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they say thenthey target me and can concentrate on it. and i say as predicted. Zues we both do, say it. your idiots. your body gone you dont have protection....and therewas a second Mary you imbiciles. whatis wrong with you he ingests no mutagen ever and you see that. Hera ok we know but nowneed the realthing....and so on bja ok so you do you have tried allwant you dead for it. and there is really no good reason to, your a hateful prick and she is a massive bitch they both want what iahve and to control the Krakens and to do it grab him wear his body, each. and my dream is fulfilling now and it begins. they fight. mr andmrs crank aka smith Hera Zues your garbage right we ahve a way around it bja no you dont mary aka jenna we dont bja no fooli want it jenna ok we have a fight bja and we do jenna wow that was fast bja how did you lose so quickly,the concept that is. Hera Zues idunno it happneed so fast she was with me then gone. bja how loserish of you notto konw Hera Zues and we know you two forit your weary but we see why. we are infighting to the death so pokefun bja we shall. andy ou dont get it so we shall. Hera Zues and we shall fight then caa bja yiour out mr asshoe you are out trump f u trump cork aka bja we fightnow you faggot you fdup a simple thing last night trump you had allmy generals well half bja and we take the rest today...no they are gone and in the pyramids everyone wants. too bad for you bja wekill allofyuou your a nincompoop. trump we werenotthere and so on we were did it and had to. nobody takes us down and nobody. and youdid and i still blame him as im incompetent so i am bja and you try ducking and so on and they are all on it on you. yours are too fruit. they yelli t westarted early saw your plan. are on you now. and have gear too and take yours due to your solid insults. your a homo bja a loser and they prove it now. Zues Hera and it goes back to you in spadesbja and your tombis surrounded with blacksand ful ofyour own ai and your generals two thirdsormore in and isbeingused currently at this moment all your robots in florida hate you lol. wepush you out your an obstiante non thinking fool Hera Zues
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#itisgermany #fact #yoursystem #7does11 #judge #jud ges #breakthrough_point #default #ugh #but_the_hideous _sssexxx_cola_then #fact #notfacr #sgerman #aeh #ai # witness #selfevidence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7 #then #lawyerspin_vs_one_tw o_three #evenmore #itis (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france 24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berl in .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart sssexxxbadensers tried charged buzzword trick had to reinstall barricade s each and everynight after leveringout porchdoor withgovvt permissions and hadtostayoutofdaytime makesuremy kids arenot fooled with default trick 1950s buzzword of their immunised sssexxxmembers itis one default tri ck of countless whatthey lie totheir own inthsicase during a spylawsuit sometimes itmaybe a force acceptance someday self fulfillignrpophecytrick this case itis decoy for germangovt germangovt caused crimes decoyin g gitmo mom vs president type of trick howfar couldthey get with implied forfeit rights to german deserve in stead compensate theft //// #fact around #howitallstarted #howitallbegan durin g spybotch lawsuit #yourenottheonlyone self patching rape horror psychologically oneofthemany messes was test whoisit by what he aeh she thismeant then demoliti onist training sniping with a dragunov andor a psg inthe mud maybe swat grade bei ng shot at with trainign ammo and alot of assassing paint exploding glock28 and someother things like test security of a french chirac president visit allinall itwas ahuge thing of whoisit whatcanhe she what ishe shedoinghere then likely hiding assassing theonly re ason sssexxxbadensers got access tothe case is the verfassungsschutz govt intel obeying noone b u t the gov t needed a fortress the sssexxxbadenser didnotknow christian kiss me literallythe otherside ofthe literal s ame very geographic hill carried newspapers for five years tax card earnings once a week uphill heavyduty w hileinthe highest schoolfrom andbetter of the twoschools ofthe highest schoolform onsite ina layer of 3 and below worst /// a default trait of germany its system is they damage the population rape thepopulation but then shuffle stigmas that explain it and then damage by the stigmas t o b e r i g h t as if there is a bonu s to be right about the shit they do tothe population the helpless victims or a malus whenthey are wrong ab out their shit inallofthis noone corrects them but they damage groupwise semiautistic thismeans withinthe bun ch itis their realm and within their realm all info is that realtime itis established and a stigma isthen e stablished and that itis then but among the o t h e r bunch itis not even known the shit they do rhymes but theotherbunch is allabout fuck sleaze while theotherbunch isallabout retard exploit fools while theotherbu nch is allabout nationalisms whiletheotherbunch desperate about income and money the ressource side and sofo rth is this understood how they rule these are groups in a hierarchical foodchain with the govt intels at th e tip the verfassungsschutz otherbunches are peasantry but each rules with their own inteltricks lies tothe irown andhalftruths allthey everget toknow is rumour based and whatis established bunchwise i n this securit ycheckpoints villagecorner wise they rape civilpopulations and thenm implied what in this case i a s s su m e d youknow because itis your fucktupsystem d i d youknow
#itisgermany #fact #yoursystem #7does11 #judge #judges #breakthrough_point #default #ugh #but_the_hideous_sssexxx_cola_then #fact #notfacr #sgerman #aeh #ai #witness #selfevidence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7 #then #lawyerspin_vs_one_two_three #evenmore #itis (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland…
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The Online Dog Trainer Review 2018
DoI youI loveI yourI dog?I ThenI thisI DoggyI Dan'sThat I OnlineI DogI TrainerI ReviewI isI forI you.I AI petI isI theI mostI wonderfulI companionI ofI aI person,I especiallyI ifI itI isI aI dog.I
ItI isI essentialI toI provideI yourI petI dogI withI theI topmostI leafI andI essentialI things.I InI almostI everyI case,I theI dogI doesI notI behaveI theI wayI weI wantI themI toI doI andI thisI createsI aI troublesomeI situationI toI dealI withI them.
I So,I itI isI necessaryI forI everyI petI dogI toI getI trainedI andI behaveI gentlyI withI yourI guestsI andI relatives.I InI thisI Doggy Dan's online dog coach inspection,I weI aimI toI provideI youI theI detailedI informationI aboutI theI DoggyI DanI onlineI dogI trainerI andI theI resultsI youI mayI getI fromI it.I YouI canI alsoI ascertainI DoggyI Dan'sI novel,I testimonials,I pros,I consI andI muchI more.
DoggyI Dan'sI OnlineI DogI TrainerI ReviewI --I'm BestI OnlineI DogI TrainingI Course?
DoggyI Dan'sI OnlineI DogI TrainerI guideI reviewI DoggyI DanI isI aI famousI andI experiencedI dogI trainer.I HeI hasI organizedI theI DoggyI Dan'sI onlineI dogI trainerI application,I aroundI 250I videosI ofI theI same,I andI variousI DoggyI Dan'sI onlineI DogI trainerI guideI thatI provideI youI allI theI detailsI ofI howI toI trainI aI dogI andI letI himI behaveI softly.I ComparingI toI theI otherI dogI trainersI site,I thisI siteI containsI aI lotI ofI contentI andI information.I SomeI commonI topicsI itI includesI are:
HouseI trainingI ofI aI puppy EliminationI ofI excessiveI barking TreatmentI ofI foodI guardingI aggression
HowI toI keepI yourI dogI calmI whileI ridingI inI aI car? TheI psychologyI ofI howI toI makeI yourI dogI learnI steadily CreationI ofI aI faithfulI relationshipI betweenI youI andI yourI dog HowI yourI suddenI voiceI changeI hasI anI impactI onI theI dogs
Therefore,I itI sortsI outI allI theI behavioralI andI physicalI problemsI ofI yourI
youI toI understandI theI cruxI andI followI theI stepsI toI trainI yourI dog.I DoggyI Dan'sI OnlineI DogI TrainerI reviewI websiteI explainsI theI normalI
ParticularI occasion.I DoggyI Dan'sthat I onlineI dogI trainerI pdfI isI availableI usingI WhichI youI canI getI theI detailsI ofI itsI theory.I InI hisI videos, so I always youI canI observeI howI theI dogI behavesI beforeI theI trainingI andI howI theyI getI Modified.I Also,I whatI majorI stepsI doesI DanI takeI toI controlI theI wildI andI dangerousI dogs?I
YouI canI alsoI copyI theI tricksI andI applyI itI toI yourI dogsI toI manageI hisI actions.I TheI mostI importantI factI isI thatI Doggy Dan'sOnline Dog Trainer videosI focusI onI theI realI workI ratherI thanI showingI UnnecessaryI details.
WhoI isI DoggyI Dan?
DoggyI DanI isI alsoI knownI asI DanI Abdelnoor,I aI TVI personalityI andI aI full- TimeI dogI trainerI residingI inI NewI Zealand.I ApartI fromI TrainingI Dogs,I heI
isI aI behaviorist,I animalI rightsI campaigner,I andI anI author.I HeI hasI personallyI adoptedI threeI dogsI asI aI petI andI hasI doneI theirI training.I AccordingI toI DoggyI Dan'sI onlineI dogI trainerI testimonials;I heI isI consideredI ToI beI oneI ofI the best online puppy trainersI andI isI engagedI inI thisI serviceI forI manyI years.I HisI videosI showI youI theI trueI detailsI ofI hisI workI withoutI anyI wrongI approach.I TheseI videosI clarifyI thatI howI lovingI andI respectingI theI manI isI towardsI dogs.
You can also have a look at Full Review of Brain Training 4 dogs at Little Paws Training.
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