#what's thiiiiissss
antii-me · 11 months
everyone follows each other so it’s a constant loop of the same content on my dash lmao
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aria0fgold · 6 days
I'm boutta make Raz' life hell. Imagine being this guy and his first wife divorced him, found courage to fall in love again and get married once more, only for his 2nd spouse to divorce him again. I'm so close to doing just that cuz of his damn patio.
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bestofasbestos · 6 months
I can't even go outside anymore because there's so many wasps and hornets and now a giant africanized wasp thats the size of a sparrow. which can kill you with one sting btw.
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thoselethalarts · 2 months
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I hate what they did to the tweels SO much for these cards, so I did a quick 15 minute airbrush to fix the fuckin horrible anatomy problems the new TWST artists seem to be plagued with 😭
OG banner and my bitchy nitpicking below-
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There's like... a visible seam where Jade's deltoid connects to his trapezius (upper back) muscle, Floyd's abdominals are like clay hexagons slapped to his stomach, they're not even connected in the center and abruptly end like they're not a rippling flat plane of muscles underneath his skin 😭 like that specifically really is frustrating to me more than anything... except there's the collarbones too. Floyd's fuckin collarbones don't even seem to have a visible dip to connect to his sternum! And where do the ends of them disappear to?? They're just floating cylinders that end at the mid-deltoid?? That's not how anatomy works! They're supposed to be connected to the shoulderblades and deltoid muscles!
It wouldn't even bother me if their skin didn't look shrinkwrapped to their anatomy 😭 They look like the ocean sucked every drop of moisture out of them, like... I don't get it. I know they're skinny boys but whyyyy did they draw them like thiiiiissss.....
I'm extra flabbergasted I think cuz they already DID the shirtless anatomy right! With the Stitch Cards!
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Floyd's collarbones here have the dip towards the center of his chest and actually are closer together so they don't look like they're running away from his sternum, and you can see the abdominals are defined but not Too defined, and all his abs are all connected too! You can even see where his serratus muscles edge along his ribs in a natural pattern to further provide depth and definition.
What I did: airbrushed Floyd's abdominals, pectorals, and collarbones so they blended together more naturally, also I airbrushed Jade's deltoid (shoulder), collarbone, and forearm so those also looked less chunky like a clay model. It's, like, not much at all, but I was so annoyed with the original card art that I felt I had to make this edit just for my own sanity
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eightstarr · 1 year
and also!! doctor abby!? i think a lot about her too. just so you know. you're spinning meee arounddd my feet are off the grounddd <3<3<3 (me when she) anyways... this one silly thought popped into my mind when i was on the bus while listening to this song. i think abby always tries to be like, casual with gifts but absolutely sucks at it?? lemme explain, let's say you're at a mall and she sees you look at a necklace for a little too long, next evening after you come home from somewhere idk could be school, work, wherever! and abby worked twice as fast & hard so she could leave early and get that necklace and bring it home before you came back :( and when you arrive she's reading, but her cheeks are like glowing red and she's smiling like an idiot. and she tries to surpress it but her lips twitch. you get a little suspicious but when you enter your room to change, you see a small box on your bedside drawer and you gasp loudly. "ABBY WHAT IS THIIIIISSSS ??" and you're like. actually screaming because wtf? wtf. how is she so wifey. "it's the necklace you were looking at today baby, thought i'd get it for you!" and her voice CRACCKKSS when she says that girl like i know it does. bc she's trying to sound soo cool and soo casual, as if her heart's not thumping and her cheek's are not flashing red.
holy fuck this is an essay
-penis cat anon
penis cat anon double feature!!! this is the best please write me essays whenever you want <3
you're never wrong ever! abby loves giving people gifts and she's so fucking good at it. thoughtful doesn't cut it. she'll get you the necklace from the store, but also a beautiful edition of a rare children's book that you told her you loved as a kid in a random conversation two years ago. and she's usually very cocky about her flawless memory and expert skills at picking just the right thing, but with you she's questioning everything!! she gets you the necklace and she stares at it for 20 minutes thinking "is this the right one? did she even say she liked it? i went to the wrong store. oh my god what if i made it up? were we even at the mall today—"
but it's okay because when she finally lets you see it her shoulders visibly relax, pouty lips losing a little relieved breath. your smile is toothy and wide and abby's giggling when you wrap your arms around her, grinning into the kiss she gets seconds later. suddenly she remembers, she is good at gifts. really fucking good. but it's never mattered to her as much as it does now and as much as it will again whenever she decides you need another pretty thing (probably next week. at most.)
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bottledkriegmen · 6 days
Once my period starts again, Another pad change will happen. None of you fuckers are gonna see it bleeding. My tampons are actually gonna work instead of those shitty cottonball tamps Reb and V0dka called "period products", No these will be REAL fucking tampons. No shit. My entire blood stream will be wiped off the face on this EARTH. its gonna be AWESOME. I'll be period underwear and panty liners combined. I already have my moms emergency stash and hundreds of bottles of ibuprofen, as well as copious amounts of cotton which im gonna assemble into tampons. I'll plant them all over, and if that piece of shit horrible period will become nothing but rubble. If anyone leaks? Shoot them. Anybody bleeds? Oh well, they were destained to get out of there. Fucking ALWAYS PASS. You puny idiots wouldnt get it anyway. Watch out, you bumbling baffoons with uteruses, OUTRUN. MY. FUCKING. PERIOD.
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“You could just leave him in the car but that might be a crime.” Thiiiiissss😂😂😂
and also kinky Ransom begging her for more😂 hope she tells him what he said when he wakes up and Ransom trying to deny it so she gets close to him and calls him a bad boy and watch him shut up real quick and blush and pouts🙃🥵
I think our boy like degradation hehehe
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What else happened?
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*The door open as 3 people came out*
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Yukio? Is everything okay... Is Nagi okay?
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Huh? Oh hey guys - sorry I had to leave the room a bit early, is... is everything okay now?
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Well the others are keeping an eye on Fuyuhiko, Mahiru, Nagito and Hiyoko right now and all of them are kept separately but the tension is still there.
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Which we had decided to check on you and our new classmate.
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Sadly we couldn't introduce ourselves but it turn into chaos almost instantly.
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Nagi Nanami, correct? Is everything alright... Our class wouldn't act like this.
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I'm managing but I want to ask something... it was what those 2 were saying; murderer and accomplice.
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Was there a murder at Hope's Peak Academy?
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Huh? Um what? A murder...?
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Well... the thing is... the-.
???: Oh my oh my, am I hearing that right...? A murder on school grounds? don't be ridiculous.
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*As if by instinct the 4 stepped back...*
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???: There was never a murder at Hope's Peak Academy, it was simply 2 students dropping out after a small disagreement and both students decide to drop out and are best to be forgotten! *Nagi turn around the person behind her*
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But it's okay, after all your just new here Miss Nanami and understandably you wouldn't know but anyway, I am your teacher of Class 77-B named-!
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Our teacher...our teacher... our teacher our teacher our teacher our-!
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She deserves to die...! You... Your at fault, your at fault! You are and you won't get away with this!
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YOU'LL DIE FOR TURNING US OUT LIKE THIIIIISSSS!! *Sonia rush over and grabbed Nagi by the neck strangling her*
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*Everyone watched as Sonia was strangling Nagi as Nagi try to push her off*
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o5oflies · 1 year
Oo! Nice! What’s the guest like?
I'm not sure, I've never met them before, I dunno why they're here, but it's not me and Secrecy's job to know for thiiiiissss time~
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outta-trouble · 2 years
TDL I woke up, as expected in the forest. - At this point I'm happy I wasn't killed while I was sleeping.- I thought seconds before hearing slow footsteps, as if someone was trying to sneak away. I looked everywhere, not seeing anything I thought that perhaps one of that group had gone to look for firewood or something similar. whatever it was, it had to hide me, the things I had used, and...-
-WHERE IS PROTOTYPE!? - I screamed unconscious of the place where I was, I covered my mouth while turning desperately to all sides.
So that's what this thing is called. - I turned slowly to see Chosen holding my spider. While I was looking at him, the only thing I received from him was a blow to the stomach that slammed me against a tree, paralyzing me for seconds, seconds that he took advantage of, approaching me to finish the job, while Prototype had been thrown down that ravine along with him.
To which we were What the fuck are you doing standing there? Come and kill me once and for all, that's why you came here, right? - I approached him slowly with the strength that I had left, head down.
Oh dark
You shouldn't assume things like that. - Was the last thing he said while maintaining a sadistic smile. It was the last thing I remember, before he nearly killed me with a punch to the jaw that reduced my sight to nothing.
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myfriendtheghost · 2 years
I’m so scared for the Greenville show 💀 I can’t camp out either! This is my first gvf show after being a fan since 2017 and I’m scared I’m not gonna have a good spot for my first time 🫠 Also I was born and raised in Greenville like this is literally my hometown show, I graduated high school in that arena and had my very first concert at 3 years old in that arena. It’s special to me 😭 and back in October nobody was going and now everyone is and that’s stressing me tf out bc how am I gonna get a good spot😭😭 and I’m really short and don’t have any friends in this fandom lmao broooo
FELTTTTT THIIIIISSSS. I keep seeing people on Twitter referring to it as the next AC and I’m like .. could y’all not have chosen any of the other rescheduled shows lmao 🥲🥲🥲 Knoxville isn’t my hometown, but it was the closest thing I’ll get to a hometown show and my experience was greatly soured by everyone disobeying the venues rules and the band’s security letting them getting away with it/encouraging it. of course I still had a great time once they came out on stage and I was singing along to the songs, but I really wish I could’ve had a spot where I could see :( it’s really not fair to fans who aren’t able to camp overnight, or for fans who aren’t on social media and have no idea that fan lines even happen. so many people in the Knoxville Facebook group were talking about getting screwed over for doing what they were told and that’s just so insanely shitty to me
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hoonietual · 2 years
ugggh. i cant dooo thiiiiissss. but i cant just drop out anymore either. and even if i did, this was the one thing i thought i would be good at, so idek what else i can do
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mimikyufriend · 2 years
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what is thiiiiissss
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mixology-expert · 5 months
Run, kid, run.
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partypoisonofficial · 2 years
I'm nooootttt iiiiiiiiiiiinnnn looooooovvveeee thiiiiissss iiissss nooooootttt yoooouuuurrrr sooooonggg I'm not gonna waste these words, about a girl
To be loved, to be loved, what more could you ask for? To be loved, to be loved, everyone wants, to be loved
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losinqtouch · 2 years
There’s been a lot to do today. You’ve barely been around your room, in fact, seems you’ve forgotten entirely about it since you began your day. It’s not until much later that you find yourself back. And you find yourself a little gift. A thick envelope planted on your bed.
It’s pristine, white, but with a small bird on the flap of the back. You dare to open it. How bad could it be, given the circumstances?
Out slides a coin. One shining and gold with an imprint of long bird, one you’re not so familiar with. Nor is this a coin you’re particularly familiar with, either. With the coin you extract a note. Handwriting as elegant as the envelope itself. 
I’m sorry I can’t help more. But know that I’ve always wanted to. I’ve always wanted to do more for you.
AVEN’S FIRST INSTINCT is to look around, having felt that sharp stab of worry and panic in her gut. There are too many questions her head, coming in all at once and without pause, giving her no room to think of answers. Who could have done something like this — who could have gone inside her room to leave something like this here? Are they still around? Have they always been able to come in and out so easily? Is it from the Capitol or from the rebels? Is it from neither? And that’s not even talking about the message itself just yet. Beyond the fact that there’s no way of knowing who this had come from, what did the person mean by this? An apology for not being able to help more is not something Aven would expect from anyone she knows. 
She paces around, flips the paper again and again, holds it up to the light, tries to find something, anything. A clue of some sort. The coin tells her nothing. She’s tried to scratch at it, bend it, look at it from all angles. The bird isn’t familiar to her either. It’s long, unlike anything she’s heard of or known about. It’s not that Mockingjay symbol they’ve been bandying about in the districts for sure. She wishes she could show Silver, perhaps get their mind to help her figure it out — but would she be putting them in more danger by even daring to bring this to their suite?
She won’t deny that her initial thought, once the din in her mind had lowered just enough to give her time, had been Aurelia. It seems stupid, and maybe it actually is stupid, now that she’s thinking about it again. Nothing about the symbol on the coin or the handwriting in the note are familiar enough to her; that bird isn’t something her wife had ever associated with herself, and the script isn’t hers either. And what reason would Aurelia have to apologize to her, when it was Aven who’d sold her out herself? 
And yet, she just can’t seem to shake the idea.
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