#what's cuter than siblings in love??!
zzencat · 3 months
A Peek Into Your Future Person’s Midnight Thoughts (NSFW) - Timeless ⏳
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From left to right. It’s the one you can’t take your eyes off of.
Batman wouldn’t get this info out of ‘em. What are they thinking about when they text you good night? These are the fantasies they’re too shy to share. No spiritual identities were revealed. (Minors DNI)
Note: This does not necessarily have to align with your kinks. This is what your future person wishes they could do to you.
Must do before you choose: Clear your mind. Time is now patient and still. Close your eyes, inhale deeply, fill your chest up to the fullest, feel the soft air brush up against the ridges of your nose. Breathe out. You may now begin.
Pile 1. ‘Yeah? Say that again. I dare you.’
straight up strength kink. trapping you between their arms (thank you kim mingyu for the inspo and energy)
you could share a (huge) height difference with this person and it makes them want to protect you
they either have a muscular build or are very much taller than you. a lot of fs in this pile have both. especially working out the arms.
they like to see you feisty so that they have a reason to conquer yo ass
HEAVILY thinks about pushing you against a wall (a beige-colored wall, in particular) in a hotel room and fucking you against it
the type of person to edge you so much that you start crying
this person may have given you hints or will you give signs of their kinks before, so you will get the idea that they have a brat taming kink
will purposefully try to piss you off to get you all hotheaded and feisty. they really want to test your limits so that you “try” and “teach them a lesson” or “intimidate them” with a finger to their chest and everything—like “just bc you’re bigger than me doesn’t mean you can keep pissing me off.” it’s laughable for them bc this is what they wanted. they’ll let this build up for a little more, keep trying to rile you up…UNTIL it explodes and they finally show you who’s really in charge. you may or may not of like this but you’ll be blushing like crazy lmfao
they tend to go for types that are too easy to overpower physically. it’s even cuter if you’re shorter than them and very obviously can’t take them down
fantasizes about holding you down/keeping you stationed while going down on you
this person might be hairy. think of a human to werewolf transformation. a good 50% of you will encounter someone completely clean shaven, sophisticated looking, keeps composure so damn well, but has reallllly freaky desires and fantasies. you wouldn’t be able to tell. the hints are subtle tho and will come up in their everyday actions towards you. (example: cleaning up after you or watching out for you, holding you close when a stranger approaches…i’ll add more in the points of interest 🤧)
holy shit…listen, if this is a sibling of someone you know, they’ll def fantasize abt fucking you with said sibling(s)/family members around, sneaking around the family house, doing it in risky places and times (have mercy!!!) — ex: cupping your mouth while they go down on you or tease you like “you don’t want them to find out, do you? keep quiet for me”
they’d love to hold your jaw in place and make you look at them while they pleasure you
wouldn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed for making you moan too loud. if youre at an event, they get off on people hearing you — doesn’t matter if your parents or the elderly hear it
this person really gets off on the idea of having sex in public. they’re a true exhibitionist :)
(expanding off my previous point) most of the fs in this pile don’t get…jealous?? like very “look but don’t touch” type of person when it comes to you; they know people don’t dare to compete with them. this person is very confident in where they stand in your life. if you ever suggest bringing in someone to watch you guys, they would be okay with the idea. now, a very small percentage are extremely possessive in this pile, but the idea is the same. i’m not ignoring them but only mentioning them slightly bc the small percentage want you to at least be aware that they’re capable of feeling extreme possessiveness (reminder: not the same as jealousy). as long as people know that you guys are together (and it’s been made obvious) and don’t try to cross the line or make passes at you, pile 1 fs is confident enough and typically doesn’t feel the need to prove more
^^ but i will say that some subtle signs of jealousy include trying to look superior to other “threats” to your relationship
stay with me now. they fantasize about you trying your best- whatever that means ?!?! bc of the height difference, if you get sassy with them or even get annoyed at them, all they do is just smirk and make it known that you’re just a doll to them (to keep it very vague w you).
honestly this person would be down to take you anywhere. for some reason, they always want people to know you guys are fucking so they think about doing it in public a lot. this person could work on just simply having nice slow sensual sex in the bedroom tho. i think it’s just cuz they crave the thrill and it’s a fat ego boost. but cmon…it’s nice to just have some chill loving sex once in a while (i’m nudging their spirit abt it)
you guys could be TOTAL opposites and have an enemy-to-lovers trope going on. OR extremely similar feisty, fiery personalities. some people here have a fwb or ewb kind of relationship w them already OR one of you has fantasized abt it
they could honestly give you a whole list of what they like and want to do to you but would rather show you (they’re pretty impatient). they need to know you’re wanting- no- craving the same thing- that you want them as much as they want you
points of interest: teasing to NO end (in bed and out); has a habit of calling you pet names (even when not in a relationship w you) or nicknames; tall; height difference; possible mbti: very VERY estp, entj, a tiny bit of estj vibes; your front or back against the wall; take you down - chris brown; backshots; hands behind head, “try it. i dare you”; “you’re not that strong” (idk who- either you or your person says this in hopes to rile the other up); tickle fights or play fighting that leads to…other things 😏; a friend’s sibling, unexpected or forbidden relationships; going down on you in a closet at a family vacation home (?!?! damn)
Pile 2. ‘Treat me like your doll.’
you or this person could be a switch, but regardless, you will have many chances to take charge
the bondage is too obvious in this pile. they also may have body image issues
this person could be sub-leaning tbh. probably struggles making eye contact with you during the deed or just in general (w/ you or people)
wants to please you and be used by you
masochistic as hell
someone here struggles with very obvious self esteem issues, but through this relationship and learning how to trust and be vulnerable, you will both heal each other on a deeeeeply emotional level. you will make this person feel comfortable in what they fantasize about and this will be reciprocated
for some in this pile, like a good 45% of people, your fs may have dealt with sexual guilt growing up. (for a second, i felt like saying more but it’s safer for me to keep it vague for their sake.) this is reallll vague, so i’ll try to word it more carefully…the guilt can come from a plethora of things…
yk what would be beneficial for them? if you pleasured them while making them look in the mirror
this person is pretty shy with expressing their sexual desires. for many, this could be their first time, or just extremely inexperienced (but they feel embarrassed to admit that)
listen, the emotional sex will be insane. crying, lots of love—if you’re into dacryphilia, this will be your jam
trust is so important for them. also looking at each other’s eyes while going at it
deep long kisses that fade into sloppier, more desperate and needy ones (coming from more of their side)
idk how to explain this kink but it’s like…getting off to something you can’t have? they’d feel guilty about touching themselves to the thought of you (during the time you’re not yet dating each other) and that mental image would spiral into picturing you standing in front of them and just watching them get off to you while they’re on their knees. they see you as someone to be worshipped. they’ll be begging and possibly crying for you to let them cum
yk the deeper i dig into this, the more emotional it gets. i think this person is a huge people pleaser and has found it hard to be loved in this life time. but no worries, bc this relationship will help you both connect and become vulnerable. as long as you’re confident in yourself and carry a normal to high self esteem, you should be great in the relationship
mommy/daddy kink (it doesn’t mention who will be what but it’s def gonna be something they’ll be shy to confess), loves praise, collars (being collared), being your pet
this person would thank you for touching them. they could get pretty poetic in bed when edged for hours and under so much exposure
they def have the ability to be more dominant, but you’d really have to reel it out of them; they’re afraid of messing up
on the other hand, degradation will work wonders on them as long as you soothe those wounds later. praise and degradation will change this person’s life lmfao, as long as your timing is right
they’ll touch themselves thinking about soft and sensual, sensitive and teasing sexual acts, like mutual masturbation or if you use your hand to get them off while peppering their jaw with kisses
very sensitive person so their has to be a lot of trust between you to unlock the…freakier stuff (which is why i’ll cut it short. this is all they’re giving you for now 😎🤚)
points of interest: pinkie promises, very in tune with their feminine energy, “you’ll be here forever, right?”, very soft person with an insane sex drive, shy, doesn’t ask for much- just wants you to be there with them, quietly existing, kinda reminds me of those emo kids who date and kiss in the corner (but you guys will be engaging in no such cringe, esp not in public), shyly clings onto your hand, HOODIES hoodies hoodies, cool toned filters on pictures, matching clothes or accessories- i’m getting one person has a lock and the other with a key, collars with a heart on it, likes when someone gets possessive over them, will unintentionally spill their thoughts and ideas and then apologizes for rambling…i feel like a lot of you in this pile relate to them a lot…like very similar in personality or smth…lot of similarities (even subtle or suppressed parts of your personality), i really don’t think you’d be able to tell they’re a secret freak (maybe thru the way they dress but by personality, prob not), very artistic people- whatever art form they love or seek comfort from, you will find this very attractive and unique
- very small note: i realize that i don’t feel the need to correct the commas and make them semi-colons to show the list. i think it’s their energy being very forgiving and that they don’t care if you mess up (lowkey it’s bc they’re used to being hurt 😞). very unlikely to call out your mistakes. they just want you to be there with them, to love them of their flaws. they will undoubtedly do the same. they just don’t want you to leave them.
Pile 3. If you look at them, you’ll laugh.
ok right of the bat, you guys are unarguably the most “nontoxic”, healthy, but also vanilla relationship out of the piles 😂😂
this person doesn’t have too many crazy ideas or thoughts when they think about sex tbh. they also don’t watch porn or at least are not addicted to it. very vanilla person with a normal sex drive
they prob get off like once or twice a day but sex to them is a bonding activity with you filled with laughter and some jokes (which both of you could work on if you want to ever engage in more kinky and dark stuff, esp since it could be hard for you to get serious and in the mood)
^^ like if you’re being handcuffed and you’re ticklish, this person will tickle you (unless you like this being done, it could mess with the sensual moment a bit 😅)
very gentle person. thinks about caressing your body
very affectionate and wants to tend to your needs. the last thing they want to do is have you in tears after sex (unless it’s happy tears)
they’re mostly serious with sex when they’re touching themselves alone (if you’re not physically there)
if you’re doing long distance, they’ll wait to have sex w you rather than touch themselves
don’t get me wrong yk they’re down to doing the freaky stuff too- but i think you guys are so in the “best friends” laughing with each other all the time, it could get unserious real quick 😂😂 if you’re okay with that, things should be ok for you 👍
open to engaging in all sorts of kinks and sexual fun, but they prefer it to be with you and not with another person involved. not that theyre judgmental of it, they just don’t want to have sex with others watch you guys or having another person/people involved. they prefer it to just be the 2 of you
so much laughing, too many good vibes, they’re completely enamored by you
you could share a similar personality to each other, but weirdly, without disrupting the balance
just touching your skin and cuddling for hours = sex for them
points of interest: EXTREMELY LOYAL; can’t see anyone in this world but you; loves what you think are your flaws; massaging your feet; caressing your body fat; will go wherever you want to go and they’d plan the trip too if you’d like; very kind person—so nice that they could try to help everyone- they don’t look at these as bad things at all; animal person; they’re as warm as they look; it would take a long time to piss this person off bc they’re that understanding; they could come off as too positive and naive tho, if you’re like “don’t you see that person was trying to scam you?” and they’d shrug, pull you close with a grin and be like “it’s okay. they probably needed that money. i don’t mind 🙂‍↔️”, very precious soul, not into polygamous relationships
Teddy Note: Sorry guys I forgot my little ending speech so I’m going back to add it here- THANK YOU for taking the time to read this. I hope your day is going smoothly and if not, no worries, we got tomorrow. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. I love that saying when any reader says it. Energy can seriously follow you if you dwell on it too much, while thinking about it negatively. Again, thanks for joining me on my readings if you’re new here :)
Have a good one guys. Teddy out 😎👍👍
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moosesarecute · 3 months
We named someone else after you
My second fanfic. Sort of a continuation of the last one, but not really. Hope you like it
Contains topics of fertility issues
“He then tried to fly and catch them,” Rhys told you with the biggest smile on this face. “He just gets cuter and cuter.”
He was explaining everything you missed from the Starfall celebration.
You were seated at your usual spot in the usual cafe for your lunch. Something you two had tried to do every week after you got free from Under the Mountain. It was a time for you to be normal siblings, not the high lord and his spy sister.
“We’re quite sad you two missed it,” your brother said with a glimmer in his eyes. “What is it you do every Starfall anyway?”
Ever since your first year together as mated the two of you had spent the earlier hours of Starfall recreating your first date. A picnic up at the mountains eating food made with your mother’s recipes. Since Azriel had been on a mission until the day of Starfall, you decided to spend the evening of Starfall together instead.
You huffed. “We’ve been doing it over 400 times, if you think we’ll start telling you about it now, you’re terribly mistaken.”
“But Feyre knows! It’s unfair that I don’t.”
It’s true. You had told Feyre a lot about you and Az’s mating bond when she spent some days at the cabin trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her mating bond to your brother. She asked questions, you answered, as long as she never told anyone about it.
Rhys then shifted in his chair and you knew what was coming.
“About what Mor said,” he started.
On Starfall, Mor had dressed you in a beautiful blue, backless gown with slits on both sides. You had asked her about the color that looked suspiciously similar to the colors of your mates siphons, but the female only answered that it was “a total accident”.
The dress was beautiful, but extremely different from what you usually would wear.
When you went down to the rest of your family Cassian had basically yelled when he asked: “who are you trying to impress? Last time I checked your going on to your 475th year as a mated female.”
You of course snapped back asking if he had become too old to see the difference between your and Mor’s clothing style.
Rhys, with a comforting hand on your shoulder, asked Mor why she dressed you. “I want to be an aunt again.” your friend answered with a smile. You had tensed, but luckily for you, your mate had come and saved you from the conversation.
“It’s nothing,” you told Rhys.
“Bullshit, I know you. I felt you get tense,” your brother said and you knew there was no way for you to get away from the conversation. “You don’t want kids?” he said that the same time you started speaking.
“I can’t-“ you stopped. “Wait what?”
“I just wanted you to know that if you don’t want kids, I’m sure Mor would understand. You should just tell her and she shouldn’t bother you about it again. I’m sure you two know that.”
You weren’t sure what you were supposed to say. Of course you wanted kids. You had always wanted to have a few young, winged children to run after. And you have loved being an aunt for Nyx, making you even surer that you wanted to be a mother.
“It’s not that we don’t want kids,” you hesitated.
Lucky for you, your brother knew you better than anyone else, except for Azriel of course. He soon realized what you meant.
“You’re sure?” He just asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I mean, we have been trying, but never succeeded,” you said looking down at your hands, trying not to cry.
Rhys let out a breath. “I’m so sorry, y/n/n. I didn’t know.”
You let out a small laugh. Of course he didn’t know. You and your mate were spies for cauldron’s sake! If you didn’t want anyone to know, no one would know.
“How long have you been trying?”
You looked up and met his worried eyes. He grabbed your hands and was stroking his thumb over yours.
“If you don’t count during Amarantha, neither one of us has taken the potion since our 100th year anniversary.”
315 years.
“Wow,” was all Rhys managed to say. His eyes staring directly into yours.
You removed your hands from his.
“Did Cassian manage to remove the wine stain from the carpet?”
“No, and Feyre is pissed,” Rhys answered, understanding your attempt to change the topic.
“You never mentioned you would be feeling this bad,” you mate said, holding your hair and stroking your back as you threw up once again.
“I told you it would be like my cycle just lasted four times longer,” you told him back. Your voice groggy.
You were trying a new fertility treatment. You had tried different ones before, but so far nothing worked. This one was particularly bad. After your cycle, you would spend three weeks taking daily potions. The potions didn’t taste too bad, but you would spend the following hours dizzy and nauseous with an aching pain in both your head and stomach.
“I don’t like seeing you like this,” your mate continued. “Your sure you want to keep doing this?”
You had now curled onto his lap. His arms were around your waist and his shadows tried to cool you down.
“I want to give you children,” you just answered, curling deeper into your mate. His comforting smell lowering your symptoms a little and making you tired. “And I want to be a mother.”
“Then I’ll help you through this, but if you change your mind, just tell me, okey?”
You nodded, starting to fall asleep.
It’s been another year after your treatment and you had lost all hope.
Azriel didn’t blame you, he would never, but you felt awful for not being able to give him and yourself children. But eventually, you started to feel content in your life without mini you’s. You were the best aunt and uncle to Nyx and Cassian and Nesta’s small babe.
This particular day, you had taken Nyx to get ice cream. Your mate had just days before, left for a month long mission at the continent. You had chosen to stay back home in Velaris to help your brother and Feyre dealing with a particularly busy period.
You had just sat down, exhausted, in Rhys office when you felt sick.
“He loves me! You just bribe him with some ice cream and suddenly you become his favorite! If I knew that, I would have done that all a-“
You had to throw up. You stood up and ran to the closest bathroom, Rhys not far behind.
“What’s going…” you threw up, “…on?” Your brother asked holding your hair away from your face.
“Probably just some bad ice cream,” you said.
“So you haven’t been sick before this?” He asked.
“Of course not, I think I would have-“ you started. But then you remembered that you also threw up after eating breakfast yesterday…and the day before that, and also the day before that. And when you first thought about it, you realized your back pain also had been a little worse than usual these days. “I guess I have been sick the last couple of days, but I’m sure it will pass.”
Rhys looked at you with big eyes. He then took three big breaths through his nose, smelling. He then smiled his biggest smile, shook his head and laughed a little. His actions confused you.
“I think you should go to Madja, sweetie,” Rhys said and basically pushed you towards the exit of his house. “And I’ll get Azriel home.”
“What? Why?”
“You can be quite daft sometimes, you know.”
You started to get annoyed, but then you realized it. The throwing up, the low energy, your brother’s smelling. Your violet eyes grew wide.
“Holy shit,” was all you were able to say. Rhys continued laughing.
You walked into Madja’s clinic and she immediately met you at the door to her office.
“Come here, love. Your brother said you were coming.”
With a comforting hand on your back, Madja guided you into the room. Madja had been with you every step of your fertility journey, so you were quite happy she was there for you.
You laid down and Madja started looking and using her powers on your stomach. She tried to stay professional, but a huge smile soon grew on her face.
“You are indeed pregnant, love. A healthy, winged babe. You’re at about eight weeks.”
You were overcome with joy and soon both you and Madja were crying tears of happiness.
You were still in shock when you walked through the doors of your home. In your hand you held a bag with a small newborn onesie in it. You had never been good at surprises, but a onesie was a good start.
You turn around when you heard the door to you cottage open in a rush. Before you could react, your mate’s shadows were swirling around you. Soon your mate’s hands were on your shoulders and his worried eyes met yours.
“You’re okay? Rhys said you threw up and just asked me to come home as fast as possible. Please say you’re okay.”
You immediately forgot all your plans about surprising Azriel and just blurted it out.
“I’m pregnant.”
You’re never going to forget the joy on your mate’s face. He was glowing and so were you.
“You’re not joking, right?” He asked and you let out a laugh while you shook your head.
You then picked up the bag that you had dropped on the floor and took out the onesie.
“A healthy, winged babe at eight weeks,” you whispered and started to cry again.
“You’re incredible,” Azriel answered with a tear running down his cheek.
Even though Rhys already knew, you wanted to wait a little longer before you told the rest of your family. You were quite sure they already knew, because of how protective Azriel, but also Rhys had been ever since founding out.
You were now 15 weeks along and started to become more and more difficult to hide your pregnancy. To your dismay you also still threw up multiple times a day and Madja was seriously considering putting you on bed rest.
You decided now would be a good time to tell everyone. All of you were at family dinner and you had just finished dinner.
“Now?” You asked your mate in his mind.
“Now,” he answered.
You waited until no one was speaking before you started.
“We have something we wanted to tell you,” you started to speak, taking your mate’s hand in yours. “I’m four months pregnant.”
Everyone was gaping at you.
“Gods! We thought you were dying or something!” Mor exclaimed. “We’ve never seen Azriel and Rhys that protective of you before!”
Before you could answer her, Cassian had pulled you out of your chair and into a bone crushing hug.
“Careful, Cass,” your mate hissed at his brother.
But it was too late, Cassian’s quick movements made you nauseous and you were rushing to the closest bathroom to throw up. Azriel of course followed you.
When you came back to the room you were surrounded by Feyre, Nesta and Mor. You asked: “you thought I was dying?”
“We had started to realize that you perhaps could not have children, so when you suddenly became distant and Az and Rhys looked so worried and distracted, we immediately thought the worst,” Mor explained. “But we’re soooooo happy!”
“Your child will be so cute!” Feyre said.
“And so close in age to our babe!” Nesta said smiling.
After a while, Cassian slowly moved towards you wearing an apologetic smile. “I’m so sorry, little one. I’m just so happy you’re finally going to be parents.”
“It’s okay, Cass. You’re forgiven, by me at least.” You gazed towards your mate that still looked very displeased with Cassian.
You walked over to your love and said “our child has the best family” while your hand rested on your stomach.
The birth had been hard. You were in labor for over 20 hours before you could start to push. You weren’t happy about it, and you grew more irritated by the hour. No less than three times had you kicked your mate out of the delivery room for breathing too loud, stroking your hair too much and asking if you needed something to drink.
But eventually you held your baby boy in your arms. And Azriel held you in his arms.
The moment of peace and happiness only lasted about five minutes, before you started to get worse and worse contractions once more.
You remember feeling scared, annoyed and frustrated when you heard Madja mutter the words “there is another one” to your mate.
Your second babe, a girl, was a lot smaller than her brother, but she also had wings.
“I don’t know how we didn’t see her! She’s a sneaky one.”
With two babes in your mate’s arms and a heart fuller of love than ever before, you finally got some rest.
After spending two days recovering from the birth, you were finally ready to introduce your babes to your family.
Everyone was in the living room of the River House waiting for you.
You walked in first, carrying your son.
Your family muttered how cute and how beautiful wings your babe had, but your eyes were set on only your brother.
You slowly sat down beside him on the couch and carefully let your son into his arms.
Rhys and Feyre both looked in awe at the boy that even at two days old looked like a copy of his father.
“I want you to meet Rhyland,” you said with a smile. Doing your best not to cry.
However, the second your brother’s wide and teary eyes met yours, you couldn’t hold it back anymore.
No one spoke for a while. Everyone was just enjoying seeing and holding their new family member.
As Cassian handed your son back to you, he said “I can’t believe you named him after Rhys and not me.”
The comment was obviously meant as a joke, but you had hoped he would say something like that. “You can come in now,” you told your mate through his mind.
“That’s because we named someone else after you.”
The door opened and in walked your amazing mate with your tiny daughter in his arms.
“We also wanted you to meet Cassandra,” Azriel said as he showed your daughter to Cassian, not quite ready to let go of her.
“How could you not tell us you were having twins,” Nesta gaped at you.
“We didn’t know,” you simply replied.
When you got home later that evening, Azriel carried both your sleeping babes and put them in their cribs.
“You’re an amazing father,” you told him. “It makes me love you even more, if that’s possible.”
He gave you a small kiss, before he picked you up and carried you to your bed as well.
“I can’t wait to raise them with you,” he said. “My amazing, incredible and beautiful mate.”
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7s3ven · 8 months
MY LOVE. luke (pjo)
( master list )
IN WHICH… the half-blood campers live in a world where everybody is granted a soulmate. Everybody but the favoured child of Aphrodite, who was always destined to live a life without true love.
“My love is mine, all mine. I love mine, mine, mine. Nothing in the world belongs to me.”
( inaccurate details )
Warnings : Slight angst, not proofread (grammar mistakes)
A/N : late Valentines special… oops
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Depending on what type of person you were, the concept of soulmates were either a blessing or a curse. To Y/N L/N, it was neither because she was never given a partner. The unseeable red string tied around her left ring finger never led to anybody else. Her skin never replicated the wounds of another person. Her world was always a scope covered in bright colours instead of depressing grey hues.
To others, her lack of a soulmate was great. She was free to love whomever she wanted without having to worry about a so-called soulmate. To her, it was hell. While it was true that she could like any person she chose, she would never be their first option. She was smart and beautiful and charming but their ideal pick would always be their soulmate.
It was sad, honestly. Especially when she knew boys would like her if soulmates didn’t exist.
Even when Y/N arrived at Camp Half-Blood, she was an exception. No soulmate meant no love life in other people’s eyes so it shocked everyone when Y/N was claimed by the very person who created the idea of fated partners. Aphrodite.
Y/N was awoken by loud giggles. She cracked an eye open, staring at her siblings across from her. “Why are you all up so early?” She almost groaned. It was seven in the morning and she knew her siblings always valued their beauty sleep. “Is Elvis Presley here or something?”
“No.” Silena grinned at Y/N, her cheeks flushing a pale pink colour, “Even better. A new boy just arrived last night and rumour has it that he’s cute. Cuter than Malcom.”
Malcom was an Ares kid. Ares and Aphrodite children always got along for some reason and because their parents had a complicated love relationship, so did they.
“Malcom isn’t that good-looking. What about Ben?” Y/N retorted, kicking her blankets off.
“I think Nigel is better.” Another sibling piped up, causing the whole cabin to burst into muffled laughter.
“That’s because you’re gay, Andrew!” They all exclaimed in unison, trying not to wake the other cabins.
Y/N leaned her head against her fluffed up pillow, gazing at Silena. “So, what’s this cutie’s name?”
“Luke.” Silena immediately answered, proud of herself for remembering the new camper’s name. “He came with Grover and a little girl.”
“Annabeth.” Andrew added. Y/N quietly hummed.
“Don’t be too loud.” She muttered, “I still want to sleep.”
As the commotion amongst her siblings died down, they too went back to bed. Y/N watched as Silena traced her soulmate tattoo before lying down, gently smiling. Y/N glanced at her own wrist, imagining her own mark inked onto her skin. What was it like knowing you were destined to love someone and they were destined to love you?
It must be reassuring.
Y/N didn’t remember when she drifted off, but she did and when she opened her eyes again, the sun was seeping through the light pink curtains.
Y/N lightly sighed as she sat up, running a hand through her perfect hair. That was a peek of having Aphrodite as her mother.
“Oh, you’re finally up. We thought you were sad. Too bad you aren’t.” Drew Tanaka was as cruel as ever. She was sitting at the vanity, applying a layer of pressed powder onto her face.
“Even if I did die, Drew, Silena would be the next cabin counsellor.” Y/N nonchalantly uttered as she stood up, stretching. Drew quietly scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“At least I have a soulmate.” She grumbled.
When Drew Tanaka hit hard, Y/N L/N always made sure to hit back harder.
“Yeah? Well, at least my ‘soulmate’ doesn’t hate me because of a rumour about me sleeping with his best friend. Which, by the way, was true.” Y/N quickly snapped back, leaving Drew speechless. Y/N was never one to act out but when someone asked for it, she delivered a killing blow.
Like any normal Aphrodite daughter, Y/N took her sweet time in doing her makeup. She could feel Drew’s glare on her as she swiped a red tint across her lips.
Y/N arrived at breakfast a little late, just in time to see the new kids stumble into the pavilion. Girls turned to whisper to each other, subtly pointing at the boy and blushing.
“That’s Luke and Annabeth, right?” Y/N questioned as she took a big gulp from her golden chalice. Silena quickly nodded, glancing at Luke.
“See, I told you he was cute.”
Y/N shrugged but Silena did have a point. Luke, with his perfect side profile, sharp jawline, and pretty curled hair, was a pleasant sight for sore eyes.
Y/N was caught off-guard when Luke sat down at the Hermes table and immediately lifted his head, his gaze settling on her without hesitation. Y/N quickly looked away, glancing at her wrist like she always did in hopes a tattoo would appear by some miracle.
Drew saw her moment of weakness and instantly commented on it. “Still no soulmate, Y/N?” Silena sent her half-sister a disapproving stare.
“Yeah. I’ll just fuck yours, I guess.”
Drew’s face sank for the second time. “Stay away from Sulan.” She hissed, glancing at the Demeter boy who wanted nothing to do with Drew.
Fate always drew people together so it was no surprise that everybody in Camp Half-Blood had their soulmates in the same place. There were multiple ways you could find your soulmate, depending on your mark.
Silena had her matching tattoo. Drew had that damned red string that only she could see. And Andrew could only sed the world in black and gray until his soulmate arrived, which they hadn’t yet.
Across the pavilion, Luke lightly nudged a teen named Chris. “Who’s that?” He asked, pointing at the H/C-hIred girl who was sitting with a group of unnaturally attractive kids.
Chris laughed for a short moment. “Y/N L/N. She will eat you alive, boy.”
“Has she found her soulmate yet?”
Demigods weren’t much better than their parents. They played around until they found their soulmate and that’s when they settled down. At least, for most. Some still had flings here and there, proving that they were just like the gods.
Luke’s question causes Chris to pause. He lightly chewed the inside of his mouth before stabbing his fork into a piece of bacon. “She doesn’t have a soulmate.” He murmured.
“How come?”
“We don’t know. She’s wondering the exact same question.” Chris shrugged before going back to his breakfast, “You can talk to her if you want but she’s a little mean so be careful of that.”
Luke quietly hummed, circling his finger around the rim of his cup.
The first time Luke talked to Y/N was when he and Annabeth were separated to go on different tours. Luke ended up with Y/N, who beamed at him and crinkled her eyes.
“Hi.” She effortlessly greeted him, waving.
“Sup.” Luke choked out, his voice accidentally going up a pitch higher. He cleared his throat. “I’m Luke.”
“So I’ve heard. Y/N.”
They walked side by side in a comfortable silence until Y/N spoke again. “Where’s your third person?” She questioned. “And I’m not talking about Grover.”
Chiron had tried to keep Thalia a secret but the gossip still managed to reach Y/N’s ears.
Slowly, Luke pointed at the tree that had mysteriously appeared this morning. It guarded the barrier between the camp and the mortal world.
“He turned her into a tree.” Luke grumbled, clearly displeased.
Y/N didn’t have to question who he was. Zeus, the king of the gods and ruler of the sky, had decided to turn his only daughter into a tree.
“Yes. The gods have always been a little… questionable. Shall we continue with the tour?” Y/N guided Luke forward. She did most of the talking while he listened, or at least tried to. It was hard when an absolutely stunning girl was standing in front of him.
“And last but not least, the strawberry field. Pretty, isn’t it?” Y/N smiled as she stared at the fresh strawberries. Luke let out a small ‘yeah’ but he was still staring at her. Y/N clapped her hands together, finally bringing Luke back to reality. “That marks the end of our tour. Any questions?”
Luke shook his head.
“Great. Oh, and if you’re worried about your soulmate, they’ll show up at some point. All the new kids freak out over it. If you’re a demigod, it’s almost guaranteed that so is your soulmate.” Y/N smiled again, making Luke’s knees weak.
Where was a matching tattoo when he needed one?
“So, uh… your soulmate… what are they like?” Luke knew he was most likely overstepping a boundary when he asked that. But Y/N, used to the shame and embarrassment of not having one, merely shrugged.
“I wouldn’t know. For some reason, my mother wants me to spend my life alone.” Y/N laughed but Luke could see the pain that flashed through her eyes. The same exact agony that Luke had been experiencing after all his peers found their soulmates expect him.
“If it makes you feel better, I don’t have one either.” Luke piped up. “I guess we can be lonely together.”
Y/N carefully gazed up at him. She felt a glimmer of hope spark inside her chest but she shoved it down. She refused to get her hopes up. “Everybody has one, Luke. You do too. Maybe my mom just wanted me to play the role of Cupid.”
Y/N walked off before Luke could say anything else. Annabeth instantly replaced her. “What did you say to make her leave?” For a young kid, she sure had a sharp tongue.
“Don’t even, Annabeth.” Luke’s cheeks heated up in embarrassment. He never had a problem with getting girls to like him because of his good looks, but they never stayed. And Annabeth took every chance she could to remind him of their awkward moments.
“What did you say, though? Did you mention your pet crocodile again?”
“First of all,” Luke retorted, “It was a spider. It was not a crocodile. And someone set him free! I really liked him too. And, I only asked her about her soulmate.”
“You’re an idiot.” Annabeth deadpanned, “Why would you ask that? Can’t you see that it’s a sore topic for her?”
“Not everybody is blessed with your wits, kid.” Luke playfully ruffled Annabeth’s hair while she huffed in frustration.
She quickly swatted his hands away. “What’s if she’s your soulmate?” Annabeth blurted out. “She doesn’t have a soulmate. You don’t have one. At least, you don’t have the common signs. What if that’s your soulmate bond?”
Luke chuckled. “I don’t think it works that way.”
“Maybe not… but either way, she’s still staring at you.”
Luke had never turned his head so fast. Y/N was perched on her cabin porch, leaning against the pretty wooden railing. And just as Annabeth had said, she was looking at him.
“Soulmate bond.” Annabeth repeated in that annoying singsong voice of hers.
Even as Luke walked back to the Hermes building, he couldn’t shake Annabeth’s words. Was Y/N really his soulmate? The person he had spent his entire life searching for?
Maybe. Standing next to her just felt so… right. He knew the moment he saw Y/N step out of her cabin that she’d have his unwavering attention.
Months passed by like seconds and years passed like days. Luke found himself becoming an expert at wielding a sword and not even Clarisse could disarm him. Y/N never bothered to try, always wanting to keep her appearance pristine under the hot sun.
“Do you ever get bored just lying around?” Luke questioned as he stood in front of Y/N. She was lying down under a large tree, enjoying the cool shade.
“No.” Y/N answered, closing her eyes. “I just don’t find it fun swinging around a sword in the hot sun.” The heat from the large star was unbearable during summer. Y/N hated the feeling of her clothes sticking to her skin so she was commonly found under trees during the hottest season.
“Why not try swinging around a sword at night? It’s cooler at that time.”
“I’m good.” Y/N truely was a daughter of Aphrodite, caring about her appearance above all else.
“I heard Silena found her soulmate.” Luke uttered as he sat down, keeping his distance in case Y/N didn’t appreciate his company. But she said nothing so he assumed it was fine.
“Yeah. At least he’s nice. I’d hate for her to have an annoying soulmate.” Y/N laughed yet that familiar look of envy and sadness flashed across her eyes. Y/N did well in concealing her facial expressions but her gaze never lied.
Luke and Y/N were seventeen now, almost eighteen. They had known each other for years and Luke had managed to notice some of Y/N’s subtle habits.
He also knew her opinion on soulmates. She craved for one and found the courage to despise her mother for her lack love. She prayed for one when offering a sacrifice. She dreamed of finding her other half and every time she woke up, she was disappointed that it wasn’t a reality.
Y/N knew there was more to life than relationships but why didn’t she have a soulmate? That was a query only Aphrodite herself could answer.
“Still no soulmate for you I suppose?” Y/N asked, glancing at Luke who shook his head.
“The main reason I was looking for you was because I had some sort of… theory.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows, suddenly curious. She gestured for Luke to continue.
“I don’t have a soulmate mark. You don’t have one either. What if, in a way, our lack of soulmate marks is our bond? If that makes sense.” Luke almost stumbled over his own words, suddenly feeling far too nervous.
“You think… I’m your soulmate?” Those words felt foreign as they slipped past Y/N’s lips. She was staring at Luke in slightly disbelief. “I don’t know, Luke. Maybe we just don’t have soulmates.” Y/N chuckled at the end of her sentence.
Luke’s breath nervously shuddered. “Okay… so if we don’t have soulmates then I can like anybody I want?”
“Technically, yeah.” Y/N aimlessly shrugged.
“Then I chose you.”
Y/N stared at him with her eyebrows furrowed. “What? Why me?”
“Because why not? I’m not taking pity on you, Y/N. I genuinely like you. As more than just a friend. The moment I saw you, I knew that if I had a soulmate, I would want it to be you. We can take it slow if you want. I don’t care as long as I’m with you.”
Y/N could only muster up a nod, still in shock.
She didn’t know what she was expecting to happen after her indirect acceptation to his confession but finding a small bouquet of roses on her bed was not what she had in mind.
“Oh, those are pretty. Who are those from?” Silena was at Y/N’s side in an instance, curious to see the flowers.
“Luke.” Y/N muttered as she flipped over the card, staring at the messy handwriting that was undeniably Luke’s.
“So my manifestation did work!” Silena exclaimed, happily clapping her hands together. “I’ve been shipping you guys since, like, forever! And I knew you wouldn’t make a move so I manifested Luke to.” Silena proudly beamed as she rocked back in forth on her heels, “I’m so happy for you two!”
Drew, on the other hand, was not.
“Cute pity bouquet, Y/N.” The ravenette said as she waltzed into the cabin.
“I will slap you with the thorns.” Y/N fired back.
At dinner, Y/N ended up sandwiched between Silena and Drew. For two girls who seemingly hated each other, Y/N and Drew sure spent a lot of time together.
“Here comes your lover boy.” Silena teased as she watched Luke guide a new camper towards the Hermes table. Y/N wasn’t sure if she should stare or look away but Luke was already locking eyes with her, smiling so widely that you’d think his deepest wish just came true.
“He’s not your soulmate.” Drew uttered.
“I know. We don’t all have to follow the rules of soulmates, do we? You should know that better than anyone else.”
Drew scoffed, angrily stabbing her fork into a piece of meat.
Y/N didn’t eat much. Her stomach felt too queasy whenever Luke so much as glanced at her. Was she nervous? Her leg was continuously bouncing up and down so she must be.
She left the pavilion early, expecting Luke to follow after her and feeling proud of her guess when he did. “Did you like the flowers?” He asked, tilting his head to the side.
“Of course.” Y/N answered.
“I really like you, Y/N. Please, just give me a chance. Who cares about soulmates? You may as well be mine.” Luke engulfed Y/N into a tight hug, his hands resting at her waist and refusing to let go.
“I don’t know, Luke.” She whispered. She had spent so much time alone in the dark that she forgot what love even felt like. Was it the butterflies in her stomach? Or perhaps the loud pounding of her heart? Or maybe her cheeks that were flushed a bright pink hue under the moonlight?
All her worries seemed to effortlessly melt away as Luke suddenly kissed her. He stepped back just as quickly but Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him towards her again.
She wasn’t sure what was happening but she could feel small beads of tears roll down her cheeks.
“Why are you crying, pretty?” Luke asked, furrowing his eyebrows in concern. Y/N swiftly wiped her tears away. As stupid and it sounded, that was her first kiss. And it was the first time someone showed a genuine interest in her, someone without a soulmate.
“If we do this, Luke… you have to promise not to leave me too quickly.” Y/N whispered so that only he could hear her voice.
“I don’t want my soulmate, if they even exist, Y/N. I want you.”
Those words echoed in Y/N’s head. I want you. Those three simple words set off fireworks in Y/N’s stomach. She felt her heart skip a beat.
She really shouldn’t have indulged in her own feelings when Luke might have a soulmate of his own but she couldn’t resist him when he was looking at her with those puppy dog eyes.
After that fated night, Luke rarely left Y/N’s side. He seemed to be attached at her hip and even when Clarisse laughed at him, he ignored her. Y/N was happy for a while.
It was the new girl that caused her fragile relationship with Luke to shatter into pieces. She really should have seen all this coming. She always noticed the bruises that lingered on Luke’s skin. Bruises that weren’t his but ones he simply brushed off as small injuries from all his hard training.
Y/N was the first to walk out of her cabin and, by default, that meant she would be showing the new camper around.
She had arrived early in the morning and while she was supposed to be resting in the infirmary, Y/N found her under the tree she usually sat at.
“You should be resting.” Y/N uttered. She could only see one side of the girl’s face but nevertheless, she was still pretty. Dyed blonde hair with heavy bangs framing her delicate and pale face and light grey eyes that nervously shifted from the ground to Y/N.
“They kept pestering me about my scar.” She mumbled, refusing to show Y/N her full face. “It’s my soulmate mark but they kept saying it wasn’t. Apparently… my soulmate has already found someone.”
She finally turned her head to reveal the scar. It was a jagged line, perfectly mimicking Luke’s. Y/N stiffened as the dread began to set in. She felt like she was going to collapse. Luke always preached about choosing Y/N over fate but would he do so now that his soulmate was here?
“Right.” Y/N choked out. “Well, let me show you around first.” It took all her energy to hide her true feelings. She didn’t want this girl to know that she was slowly but surely cracking under the pressure.
“I’m Lila, by the way.” The blonde muttered, fidgeting with her fingers.
As usual, she saved the strawberry fields for last. Lila seemed impressed by the big, red berries that the Demeter kids had grown. “One last stop.” Y/N said as she led Lila to a certain cabin. She knew she would come to regret this but the matching scars weren’t exactly subtle.
Y/N knocked on the door and just as she hoped, yet dreaded, Luke answered. “Hey.” He grinned widely at her as he leaned against the door frame.
“Someone’s here for you.” Y/N stepped aside to reveal Lila. Luke paused before he chuckled.
“This is a joke, right? Y/N?”
But she was already walking, more like jogging, away.
Y/N watched from afar as Luke conversed with the girl who had the identical scar to his. It trailed over the same eye too and it wouldn’t take a genius to realize what that meant. Luke had finally met his soulmate.
And Y/N was alone. Again.
The favourite child of Aphrodite. The golden star. The beautiful role model.
She was always destined to spend her life alone and perhaps she should have fully accepted that instead of falling in love with Luke, someone she couldn’t have no matter how hard she tried.
She ended up skipping breakfast and merely sitting in front of the vanity mirror, soullessly staring at her reflection. She wanted nothing more than for an ugly scar to taint her pretty face just so she could claim Luke as her soulmate.
She traced a faint line over her eye with light brown eyebrow and imagined that it matched with Luke’s. That, in another life, she could finally call someone hers.
The cabin door opened. Y/N didn’t have enough time to wipe the eyeshadow scar off before Drew walked in. The black-haired girl made an immediate beeline for her half-sister. Y/N thought Drew was going to taunt her as usual but she was shocked when the cruel girl hugged her instead.
“Soulmate or not,” Drew whispered, “He should choose you.”
PJO TAG LIST (FULL) : @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @jennapancake @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @justanotherkpopstanlol @simpforeveyone @papichulo120627 @corpsebridenightamare @lilacspider @urmomsbananabread @ur-lacol-dsylexic @hottiewifeyyyy @kamiliora @be-bap @finnickodaddy @th0tblckgrl @shoyofroyoyoyo @syraxesrevenge @ahh-chickens @dracoslovergirl @midnightstar-90 @liv1104 @krkiiz @arialikestea @lizziesliz @maryclx01 @lukecastellandefender @yuminako @coryoskywalker @crybabysbakery @jsbabyyy @liviessun @p3pperm1nttea @angie-esc @purplerose291 @prettylilsimp @10ava01 @happy-jj @czennieszn @gisellesprettylies @loveyava @kamiliora @jamesmackreideswife @2hiigh2cry @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @randomgurl2326 @niktwazny303 @luvvfromme @y0urm0m12 @mochi-lover26 @annispamz
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astaroth1357 · 9 months
Oh God, What Have We Done??: Father!Solomon Headcanons
You know what? I'm a Solomon love-hater but I'll go to bat for him too. You could pick worse.
Contents: Unhinged Ms. Frizzle-style parenting, the horrors of human biology, possible pregnancy implications, fluff
So. I can see this happening intentionally. Solomon craves a happy family, so I absolutely see the thought of rasing a kid with MC coming up once or twice.
That said, I think zero planning actually went into making it happen. This is a spur-of-the-moment decision made by two lovesick dolts. Not a damn thought was spared for the consequences, and it shows.
For starters, MC and Solomon both agreed to raise a child together while they were in the human world and told NOBODY ELSE. So from the outside looking in, they just left the Devildom for “training purposes” and returned with a random infant!
No call ahead. No fanfare. They both stepped out of the portal with a flying stroller and bottomless diaper bag, grinning from ear to ear like it all was just souvenirs from Disney World!
Naturally, all hell broke loose. The brothers were collectively hyperventilating, Simeon almost fainted, and Diavolo noticed that Barbatos wasn't moving or blinking, so the Little Ds had to carry him away like a malfunctioning android...
Does Solomon having a kid make him a grandfather…? He is not ready to ponder that thought. No one is.
Despite Mammon and Belphegor’s insistence they had to “Put it back!” after MC made it clear that raising a baby was what they wanted and that Solomon was there to stay, the brothers made peace with it… to varying degrees.
Asmo was the only one thrilled that his favorite humans now have an even cuter mini-human to take around because he'd get to try his hand at baby fashion design! The least happy was probably Belphegor because a baby means that MC is going to be way too busy to nap now. Plus, he had to deal with a lot more Solomon in his life, which very few people ever ask for...
The crew's reaction to the baby's development is actually pretty funny to see. Humans age much, much faster than their supernatural counterparts so, from their perspective, the new baby is growing at lightning speed!
Mammon was with them when they were teaching the baby to crawl and he started freaking out because, “How’re they movin' already!?” The first day their child came running, physically running, into the HoL without any help actually made Levi scream in fright.
The House had a complete meltdown when Beel was watching the child one day and they lost a tooth while eating some hard candy. They all thought that MC and Solomon were going to burn the place down, so imagine their surprise when the overjoyed parents kept congratulating their kid for losing a baby tooth...
And don't get any of them started on the growth spurts...
The one to take to the kid the most as they grew was, funnily enough, Lucifer. Most likely because their various milestones reminded him of when his brothers were doing the same things.
The child is more than happy to tell “Uncle Luci” anything, which he acts like he only tolerates, but in reality he loves being their favorite brother.
Barbatos is EXTREMELY protective of them. Nearly as protective as he is with Diavolo.
Their kid, of course, has no clue. He's just nice Uncle Barbie (he refused to be called Grandpa) who makes them sweets and watches over them in the Castle. But anyone who get too close while they're playing gets a stare down worse than all of Cerberus’ heads combined...
Mammon swore in front of them once and Barbatos strung him up so tightly that even Lucifer thought it was overkill.
Luke seems to enjoy having a baby sibling of sorts to look after, but he is going to be so upset when they get taller than him in the blink of an eye. He’s going to be their guardian angel for sure, btw.
As a father, Solomon is… spirited. Anyone can see that he’s ecstatic to be a parent, it’s just…
Well, years of isolation on top of being a once-in-a-lifetime prodigy may not have made him the most “in touch” with children these days, you know? MC has absolutely come home to find Solomon has propped up their 6-month-old with a stack of books to start teach them how to play chess.
Daddy-Baby adventure always end in spectacular fashion. Solomon is a very “hands-on science teacher” kind of guy with unwavering confidence in his abilities to keep his child safe. This, to be fair, isn’t unwarranted, however...
Does that mean you should make a plans to take your child to forbidden places for some sightseeing? Or let your child touch, paw at, and gnaw on any magic item that suits their fancy in the name of a making a new teaching experience...? Probably not, but it’s also how he learned so…
It must be assumed that whatever kid these two have, biological or not, will be a magic powerhouse of destructive proportions. All that training from Solomon himself since infancy? They'll have a wand in their hand before they can even work a fork!
I like to imagine that Solomon's kid would have a very, very hard time controlling their magic and it would get uncontrollable at times. Like, a sneeze could knock over a bookshelf or getting angry makes things go flying. But Solomon would never ever scold them for it like it’s they're fault.
He'd never make them feel the same isolation and shame that he did at their age.
It would be very, very sweet. But it also means that MC could come home to a flooded house and, instead of cleaning out the water, Solomon would teaching their child how to snorkel in the living room.
Pure chaos, but MC could never find a prouder father. Solomon would devote his entire being to giving their child all of the love and happiness they deserve. Their kid almost never sees him without a grin on his face, just ready to just wrap them a bear hug for no reason.
On quiet nights, he'd cradle them or rock them to sleep while holding back tears. MC has found him over their crib like he’s still trying to convince himself that they're real, that he's gotten this lucky.
He's not a conventional father. Hell, he's not a conventional human either. But he’s grateful for day he gets to be a parent... Every. Single. One.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
I have a very serious question
Opinions on Pervy!Levi?
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Pervy!Levi, huh? Well, I think about him a lot more than I'd like to admit. When I do think about him, that desperate little demon is usually up to no good.
[ nsfw/mdni below the cut. content/warnings: invasion of privacy, non-consensual recording/voyeurism, masturbation, other suggestive content ]
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First we should probably talk about pervy!Levi that buys MC a sex toy and finds out his tail works just as well.
Can't forget about voyeur!Levi who likes to watch his brothers fuck MC first before he gets a turn.
And then of course, there's Levi with a lactation kink, or Levi that thinks about using a love potion on MC because he's so fucking desperate.
Or there's horny Levi who jerks off as soon as you leave his room after a gaming session because he just can't help himself.
If that's not enough, I guess we can talk about...
— Pervy!Levi who lets himself into your room when you're not home. He's figured out all your little hiding places by now, so if you've gotten any new toys since the last time he checked, he knows. He also buys the same type of lube as you do because it enhances the fantasy that he's fucking you and not some random fleshlight later on. Plus, he likes to have all your preferred supplies in his room for you to use, just in case you take pity on him and decide to give him a chance...
— Pervy!Levi who hates walking into your room and smelling his siblings or other demons. He loves your scent though. He buries his nose in your pillow or your sheets and ruts against your mattress while he breathes your smell deep into his lungs. He also helps himself to a pair of underwear from your dirty laundry hamper. (He'll return them in a day or two when he's done with them.)
— Pervy!Levi who secretly records you. Sometimes he records you when you watch movies with him in his room, or he'll record your voice when you call him on his D.D.D. You don't realize all the cute sounds you make. His cock twitches in his jeans because he starts imagining what it'd be like for you to make those same sounds when he fucks you. He clips the audio recordings and adds them to a nice little loop of your noises he's spliced together. He puts in ear buds and listens to them when he jerks off later, and it's almost like you're right there beside him.
— Pervy!Levi who stays up later than almost everyone else. Sometimes he walks past your bedroom door and listens. If you're up late, he might get lucky and hear the muffled sounds of you touching yourself, or maybe one of his brothers is keeping you company instead. Other times, he walks past your room and the door isn't closed all the way. You're far too trusting, you know. But he can't complain, because there's nothing cuter than the sight of you asleep in your bed, your pajama shirt riding high up on your chest and your sleep shorts low across your hips. His fingers twitch because he wants to touch, but he can't risk it. Besides, his hand is clapped over his mouth so his heavy, panting breaths won't wake you.
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jahanmp4 · 11 months
I love Pomme's duality so much.
She loves flowers and animals and is so happy to help decorate w/ her parents, she writes beautiful entries in her journal and is artsty. Most people who don't watch POVs with her have this image of a sweet, calm child, which she is. She has pretty cheek marks and butterfly wings, has a personal art gallery and always tries to find goodness in people.
At the same time she's a CORPSE the poor girl stays up in the late hours of the night, she's gotten better at PVP thanks to q!Etoiles' guidance, she always has the best gear and never sleeps without her scythe. She genuinely fears to lose a life because that would mean not being the obvious target anymore, therefore putting all the eggs on an equal footing when it comes to threats. She's paranoid, in a constant state of fear that never truly leaves her. She has nightmares to the point where she doesn't want to go to sleep, and would, literally, die for her siblings. Her sense of sacrifice is such an amazingly unhealthy mix with her fear of explosions and immense hatred towards ElQuackity, planning on killing him just before they ended up disappearing. She hasn't known anything but fear her entire life, and somehow her need for survival is overshadowed by her fear of losing the people she cares about.
She's also dramatic, but the same way someone passionate about their favourite topics could be. She literally dug a hole to hide in when she saw a glass block that looked so ugly to her she couldn't even look at it (I am not stretching she literally said something along the line of it being "evil" in a "Get that thing out of my face" way.) She cannot bear the feeling of holes being covered up with just 1 block it HAS to be filled completely back to its original state, she loves symmetry to a sometimes irrational amount, she makes self-deprecating jokes and makes a habit of hitting her parents repeatedly when they say something she doesn't like (ESPECIALLY Baghera and Etoiles they have a permanent Pomme-hand-shaped dent on their backs.)
And I find it kind of beautiful that no matter what, most often than not Pomme fanart will always be really sweet, because she's still inherently loving at heart, and the beret+cheek marks+butterfly wings combo is just too cute. But she's cuter in a dumpster raccoon/possum way rather than in a rabbit/puppy way. The only complaint I could have about Pomme fanart is the lack of dark circles because you know that girl needs some sleep
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dellalyra · 1 year
a scenario: where tsumikis schoolmate says shes going to have a little brother, and then she hints at the reader and gojo like "those baby clothes are cute" or "that baby is so cute" and gojo and reader are like this😐😐🤔
A/N: this was ADORABLE I just had to write headcanons oh my GOD.
• Tsumiki comes home from school one day and she’s acting… cagey. No cagey isn’t right. She’s being suspicious either way.
• She tells you that she and Megumi are going to stay at Aunty Koko’s this Saturday night, and you don’t remember planning a sleepover for them? Did you forget?
• She ensures you that you didn’t, she just wants to and then she’s telling Gojo that he should take you to dinner on Saturday night. He blinks owlishly and glances at you, to which you shrug – you’ve no idea where this weird behaviour is coming from. But she’s 13, and kids that age are weird.
• Satoru does as suggested and you both have a lovely evening and dinner then you return home to be ploughed right into the mattress – the perfect evening.
• Things continue as normal for a few days after that, then Tsumiki is sitting beside you as you both get your nails done and she keeps showing you videos on her phone of sweet babies – tiny little things – even one dressed as a little bear. You giggle and coo at them with her, not even thinking twice about them, little girls love cute things – and what’s cuter than a sweet, pudgy baby?
• A few days later, she dragged a box from the loft and it was full of you and Satoru’s baby photos – a tiny blu-eyed, white haired boy in professional photos and ones of baby you sitting in a field of flowers taken on a film camera by your mom, she keeps handing Satoru the photos of you and you the ones of him.
• She calls you in one day to her room, saying she needs help with her science homework – and shows you a notebook you know isn’t her school one filled with 4x4 boxes she’s drawn out. She explains it’s about genetics and can predict the genes of a baby.
• “So let’s use you and papa as our experiment!”
• She proceeds to explain to you (weren’t you helping her) what you and Satoru’s offspring might look like.
• By now you’re catching on.
• That night you and Satoru are laying in bed, and you fill him in on your theories about her antics lately.
• “So she wants a baby sibling? Isn’t Megs enough for her?” He laughs.
• “No, she wants a real child, not one who acts like a 70-year-old man.”
• “What about you?”
• “Do I want a sibling? No – my brothers enough for me thank you ‘toru.”
• “No, dumbass. Do you want a baby?”
• “With you?”
• “No with Nanamin – yes with me!”
• “You know I do, silly man. I thought we said we’d wait until my IUD was out. I’ve only 2 years left until I get it out. Then we could just, continue as we are and see what happens?”
• “That’s a perfect idea – think we should get some practice in though, so we can get it right.”
• The next incident came when she was watching you get ready one morning, putting on your make up.
• “Mama, where do you keep your pill?”
• “I don’t take the pill, ‘Miki. I have an IUD.”
• “The the inside one, right?” She asks, slightly crestfallen.
• As you were shopping that day, the boys off somewhere – you took Tsumiki to the clothes stores with you. She snuck up to you, and handed you a little bundle of yellow fabric. It was a tiny newborn sized Winnie the Pooh onesie.
• “This might be a bit small for you, ‘Miki.” You joked.
• “Not for me! I just thought I’d show you! Isn’t it adorable?” Then she passes you tiny green socks and a red and white mushroom design sun cap for babies.
• “You trying to tell me something, sweet girl?” You smile at her, one brow raised.
• She blushes, knowing she’s been caught. Her subtle tricks hadn’t been that subtle.
• “Hana in my class, her baby sister was just born and he’s so cute! I was just thinking, that maybe I could have one too?”
• You giggle at her.
• “Is this what’s been going on? The impromptu date night? The videos of babies? The questions about my IUD?”. She nods at you.
• “Would you be happy to wait 2 years? Because we’d love to give you another little sibling – you’re such a good big sister already. I promise we can go shopping in every baby store then, okay?” You say, planting a kiss on her head.
• She seems placated by that, starting to ask you what you’d name them when the time comes.
• Akio really would have loved her.
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Never Before
[Waiting For A Lifetime II] Part 1 2 3 ?
Daemon Targaryen x Reader + Aegon Targaryen x Reader + Aemond Targaryen x Reader (im sorry i couldn't help myself T_T)
Summary: Never before had Daemon, prince of Valyria, been so sure of anything in his entire life.
Word Count: 7k+ 💀💀💀
Warnings: Fem!reader, Modern AU, i have slight pov shifts kinda i hope its not confusing, probably poorly translated high valyrian, sibling quarrels T_T, angst, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: hello im 6000% invested in this that i made a moodboard MY MODERN!DAEMON NONNIE I HOPE YOURE READING THIS I HAVE A MADE A PART 2 ENJOY MY LOVE i hope you enjoy it T_T come back to my inbox and tell me what you think pls T_T i beg. this btw is a p2 and you 100% need to read the first chapter to appreciate this i think lol "Waiting For A Lifetime" (but to be fair, i doubt you need to read it to get what's happening though) ps the valyrian wedding vows are from reddit Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @targaryenmoony also everyone who commented and messaged me about it my fic @pearlstiare @llovinjoonie @sabrina6272827 @ayamenimthiriel @comicsol1999 @fictionalcomforts @mirandastuckinthe80s @mooniesyubi @cookielovesbook-akie @panagiasikelia
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"Viserys!" Daemon shouted as he galloped loudly down the halls. He paid no mind to the staff greeting him good morning as he called out for his brother. No one minds. They are far too used to him. His hair jostles with his movement, yet he barely heaves as he runs. He is far too used to this.
Daemon changes the name he calls as he practically jumps down the stairs with how much excitement was in his bones, "Aemma!"
He huffs as his tousled, silver blonde hair flies over his face as he makes it downstairs.
The prince nearly collides with a servant who just exited a room he passed. He braces her, grunts as he pushes past. She squeaks and quickly mutters an apology that is quickly ignored.
Daemon runs down the hall, making a quick turn when he reaches a corner.
Had it been anyone other than the Wild Child himself, it would have been a concerning sight to see a man running frantically so early in the morn. However, Daemon had done worse, far worse in his youth especially. It was best to rather just get out of his way, lest he accidentally injure you in an unfortunate collision.
Daemon busts into the dining room with a dramatic bang, fitting of his innate dramatics. Finally, he was out of breath and catches it as as his brother and sister-in-law cooed at their newborn babe.
He huffs, walking over to the joyous family, absolutely illuminated by the sound of the young heir's laughter and seemingly indifferent to his entrance.
Daemon releases a sigh at the sight of them.
The little girl squeals in excitement as her mother rattles her toy over her face.
Viserys finally turns to his younger brother, "oh. You're awake."
Daemon reaches him and slaps a hand on his back in regard, making a beeline for Aemma, who he promptly seals into a hug and kisses her cheek.
"Off, you cunt," Viserys points loudly but emptily, making his wife snort.
Daemon smirks at the reaction to his theatrics, glad to finally have attention, smile widening as he takes his turn to coo to his babe, "Rhae-Rhae!"
Viserys rolls his eyes, "Rhaenyra."
Aemma gives her husband a look, swatting a hand at him, "I think it's a cute pet name, lovie."
"Aemma," the man sat by the side of Rhaenyra's high chair shifts on his seat, "Ray-ray was the name of his dog when we were kids."
"But you're much cuter than him, innit?" Daemon says as he reaches out to Rhaenyra, "you're so much cuter than my widdle pitbull was."
Aemma breaks into a fit of giggles upon learning the dog's breed. From the spot where she stood to the right of Rhaenyra's high chair, she threw her head back, her long platinum blonde hair cascaded down her shoulder. She thinks it's fitting that the prince cared for a pitbull; the most misunderstood breed of canines, she thinks.
Viserys watches as Daemon takes his daughter, "she's not going to let you hold her."
Daemon ignores him and beams when the child is successfully in his arms.
That is up until she broke into a loud fit of tears.
"Aww, shh, shh," Aemma coos at her daughter, "it's uncle Daemon! Uncle Daemon."
"Yes, uncle demon," the child's father states, "who will not hesitate to steal your candy the minute he can."
"Viserys," Aemma warns.
The said man raises his arms, "I won't let him, lovie."
Daemon turns to Aemma with worry written on his face and moves to bring the baby for her to take. When he turns to his brother, Viserys has a shitfaced I-told-you-so look written all over him.
Daemon decides to ignore it, not even sparing an eye roll that was itching in his skull. Aemma takes Rhaenyra and hushes her in her arms. The effect is instant. Daemon looks on blankly yet in awe. Viserys catches the way his brother sighs in what he could only describe as delight. The former walks over to Viserys, circling behind him to pull the seat to his side and hunch over with intent.
Viserys shoots him a look. And here he thought his brother wanted merely to have breakfast. He should have known, "what do you want?"
These words alert Aemma, who turns from her spot as she continues to rock the already pacified baby in her arms.
"I want mother's ring."
Aemma gasps, eyes widening, jaw slacking.
Viserys pulls his head back, screws his eyes shut, then shakes his head in disbelief. He opens his eyes as he says, "you want what?"
"The red one," Daemon points, "you know. I always thought the emerald cut suited mummy's finger."
Aemma beams, "oh my gods, Daemon!"
"Wait," the king raises his hands, "wait, wait-" he turns to his excited wife, "wait," he eyes Daemon, "why you asking for the ruby ring?"
"I just said that-"
"Don't fuck with me."
Daemon straightens up at the sound of the king's hiss. He then snorts, unable to mask his amusement over his older brother's annoyance. He leans on the table and then grabs a piece of some of the sliced fruit. He chews the sweet melon and grape in his mouth, lips curving into a small smirk, "I'm going to get married."
Aemma cannot contain the squeal that slips out of her mouth, "DAEMON!"
"Fuck off," Viserys mutters, leaning back on his chair, "don't mess with me, you nitwit. I will have your arse if you-"
"No, I'm serious," he places a hand on his brother's shoulder, "I have met..." Daemon exhales, shaking his head. He holds his tongue, trying to think of the right words to say. Aemma and Viserys both are stunned by this, the latter most especially. The prince purses his lips then utters, "the most enchanting woman and..."
Aemma whimpers, hand coming up to her lips, tears glassing her eyes.
Viserys shifts in his seat to turn to his brother.
"I..." Daemon shakes his head, turning away from his brother in thought. He knits his brows as he chuckles to himself. He retreats his hand, "I have no idea how, or why, but I just know," he turns to Aemma, "she's the one."
Aemma bursts into tears upon hearing the admission. She hands her daughter to her husband then heads off to Daemon to seal him into a tight embrace. Daemon laughs as he stands and meets his sister-in-law halfway, cooing at her as they hug affectionately. He rubs her back, and kisses the top of her head, "aww, my sweet girl, we do not deserve you."
The king is too stunned to do anything but hold his heir.
The embrace lasts a good ten seconds.
"Gods, Dae," Aemma whimpers, "I'm so happy for you."
Viserys is frozen in his spot as he holds Rhaenyra. He looks out to door and calls, "someone! Someone come and bring a maester! My brother is terribly ill! He's in fucking love!"
Aemma and Daemon pull away from each other, chuckling as they did. The former swats Viserys and the latter waves at Rhaenyra, who was looking up at her papa, then idly turned to her uncle.
The king sighs before he turns up to his brother, "well, tell me about her. I would damned die trying to wrap my head around what kind of woman got you so worked up like this."
Aemma watches as Daemon's face lights up. It warmed her heart so dearly to see his good-brother like this.
"I cannot put it into words, Vis, but the moment I saw her," Daemon waves his hands around, "I- it was like... the wind was knocked out of my lungs."
"Gods. The Mother. The Stranger. The Smith," Viserys whimpers, standing from his chair, placing his daughter on the highchair. He pats her bald baby head, "lest I hurl on you, my love."
Aemma is sill very much sobbing. She clutches Daemon's bicep, "so?! When did you meet her?! What's her name? What does she do? What does she look like?! Do you have a photo of her? Show me a photo of her right now!"
Daemon chuckles at her rapid fire questions and grabs her cheek, leaning his forehead onto her. When he pulls away, he places his cherished possession into her hand. Daemon pushes past her and Aemma looks at the small white card with much intrigue.
Daemon feels a tingle run down his spine as he hears Aemma read the name out loud. He steps in front of his brother as his sister-in-law chimes, "she works at a museum and is a professor part time," the woman turns to her husband, "she's an intellectual, Viserys!"
"I'm going to need that ring, brother," Daemon declared.
Viserys turns to Daemon, eyes narrowed in both scrutiny and annoyance by his telltale spoiled attitude, "I can't just get mum's ring. It's in the vault with-"
"It's not in the vault," Daemon asserts, "Rhaenys borrowed it for the recent gala and it's still in the storage chamber here. I was the one that signed off the insurance papers for it to be shipped tomorrow. It's Not. In The Vault."
Viserys sighs and rolls his eyes, "oh, very well, let's get it both."
"I am more than capable of getting it my-"
"No!" Viserys raises a finger in respite, "the last time you were in the storage chamber, you nearly cost both of us our heads with the tragedy you laid upon grandpa's antique pottery."
Daemon takes his turn to rolls his eyes just as Viserys begins to walk off, "I was nigh but 13, you dunce!"
The elder snaps a glare at the younger, "I'm astonished you've convinced yourself that you found any semblance of maturity past that age, demon."
Daemon rolls his eyes again. Aemma calls out, "wait," grabbing her daughter, "we're coming with you." She jogs up to her brother-in-law and hands him back the card. Daemon places it in his pocket, "thank you, my love."
"Lovie," Viserys calls out, "just enjoy your breakfast, we shan't be long," he places his hands on his wife's shoulders.
"Oh, breakfast can wait, this is far more exciting, lovie," Aemma grins.
Viserys is weakened by her and sighs. He presses a kiss on her forehead, "fine. Do you want me to carry Rhaenyra?"
"I've got it, baby," she smiles, leaning into him.
Daemon watches them as they walk off. His stomach is in knots, thinking about how badly he wants that to happen with him and his love this very instant.
Daemon didn't need help to find the ancestral ring. The moment they walked in the chamber, he made a beeline for the object with not a second thought.
He takes the box and opens it, heart leaping into his mouth as he grins from ear to ear. He closes it with a thud and raises it in his hand with an expression of a boy opening gifts in Christmas morn, "I've got it."
Aemma giggles, rocking her baby with excitement, "look, Rhaenyra, uncle Daemon's got a ring."
Rhaenyra looks out inquisitively as her uncle walks over.
Uncle tries, getting on one knee, opening the box, "will you marry me, Rhaenyra?"
Viserys instantly kicks him down, "oh, fuck off, you incipit twat!"
Aemma giggles, as does the struck Daemon, felled on the floor with not a hint of offence.
When he stands, he lunges towards his brother, sealing him into a tight embrace, "you've made me a happy man, Viserys."
Viserys finds it tempting to fight him off and curse his bones, but he had not seen Daemon so sincerely excited and bright in a long while, and so he wraps his arms around him and leans into his touch, patting his back firmly, "alright, you bugger. Now let me see that card this time."
Daemon pulls away with a grin, pulling out the card for the king.
"Oh, let me see a photo of her!" Aemma shakes her hand out.
"I've not had the chance to photograph her," Daemon shakes his head, "don't worry though, I'll bring her home soon enough."
Aemma grins, hugging her daughter tightly. She coos at Rhaenyra and raises her small, soft arm up at Daemon, muttering as though it was the child, herself, speaking,, "and just how soon is soon, uncle?"
Daemon smiles at his niece, "why, this very moment, Rhae-Rhae," he leans in to gently pinch her rosy cheek. He then pulls away to swipe at his wrist, uncovering the watch beneath his dress shirt, "I'm calling her at 11:55."
"EEEK!" Aemma cheers, "Hear that, Rhaenyra? You're going to have an aunt!"
"Damn, Daemon," Viserys lifts his eyes up to his brother, "when did you meet her again.?
Daemon turns to his brother, shoving the box in his pocket. He got what he wanted; there was no need to mask anything. "Last night," he noted, reaching out to retrieve the card from him.
"I'm sorry," Viserys pulls the card away, preventing it from being snatched, "what?"
The prince sniffles, pressing his lips casually together, "I met her at the Blue Ginger last night."
Aemma's face falls into a inwardly concerned and shocked look.
"Give me the-"
Viserys steps back, pulling his arm farther back, "and there it is. There it is!" His neck strains at the intensity of his speech. He scowls at his brother angrily, making Daemon's jovial expression dim into a similar shade.
"So, what?!" Viserys shakes his head, lips curving into annoyance and disgust. "What? You fucked her then-"
"DON'T," Daemon points a finger, "FUCKING talk about her like that!" he seethed, stepping forward, bunching Viserys' shirt.
"Daemon!" Aemma calls out in concern.
Viserys scoffs, eye twitching in anger. He doesn't care that Daemon is staring at him with darkness, ruining his shirt in his fists. He rips the card in his hand into pieces. Daemon releases his brother in shock, face falling, jaw clenching.
"Viserys!" Aemma calls in shock, the same time Daemon barks, "you FUCKER!"
"Give me the ring, Daemon," Viserys commands, snorting, stiff as though he declared war, "I will not allow you to follow through with your frantic idiocy."
"I love her!" Daemon growls, teeth grit in fury.
"You want her!" Viserys corrects, stepping closer, "you've no idea what love is, boy! You want her like you wanted to be king then not!"
Daemon heaves at his brother's chastises.
"You met her yesterday! That is not love!" Viserys snarls, "it is nothing but love sprung from the head of your haughty cock!"
"Viserys!" Aemma cries.
"It is lust, Daemon!" the king proclaimed. He steps back, turning to the torn pieces of paper on the floor. He kicks it, but it barely does anything in affect, "you will not follow through with this madness!"
"You think I've not saved her number, dipshit?" Daemon shudders in anger. He grips the velvet box tightly in his pocket, feeling his body vibrate in hatred, scorn... hurt.
Viserys nearly drops his expression when he sees the glassiness of the prince's eyes.
Aemma's lips part, "Daemon."
"You told me you knew from the moment you saw her," Daemon points to Aemma accusingly before weakly dropping his arm, "that she was for you."
"Daemon," Viserys sounds defeated, "Aemma and I got to know each other for years before getting married," he whispers.
"And I will continue to know her for the rest of my life!" Daemon exclaims.
"Daemon," Viserys and Aemma call at the same time. The latter walks forward, placing a hand on the prince's shoulder, which is sequentially shrugged off. It hurts the queen, but she was kind enough not to push him further. The former sighs, raising his hands questioningly, "no matter how visceral it felt, no matter how drawn you were to meet her," the elder Targaryen states carefully, "you cannot be sure of-"
"I HAVE NEVER BEEN-" Daemon wails, desperate like a cat surrounded by water. His voice nearly breaks when he continues, "more sure of anything EVER-" he heaves, annoyed by the tears that were threatening to spill down his face. He shudders sharply, "not since the day mother died."
The tone in the room shifts drastically.
Daemon looks at his brother with pleading eyes as he recounts the memory, "I told you she... I told you she was dead that night, I told you I felt it in my bones, and you told me not to worry," tears finally streak down his cheeks, "we both woke up to father's ghost of a face."
Viserys remembers the day well. He remembers how adamant and frantic his little brother was that night. He had done his best to pacify him. Yet that morning it was he that was pacified by Daemon.
The king does a good job concealing his perceived weakness to his brother, he holds back tears he was to cry out, as the boy continues to plead his case.
"What's the point of waiting years, delaying something I am certain I desire now?"
"Daemon," Viserys says, almost helplessly, "you are a prince. You cannot marry on a whim and leave-"
"I will not LEAVE her!" Daemon erupts. He cannot take it anymore. He begins to fume, chest rising and falling quickly, "there was once a time when a prince was allowed to execute his wishes-"
"AND I AM THE KING!" Viserys bangs on his chest as he screams. He begins to heave just like his sibling, face succumbed to disdain. He raises his hand up to him, "give me the ring, Daemon."
Aemma feels her heart hurt at the sight of them. She feels her heart hurt especially because Daemon's face was wholly sullen, a complete contrast to what it was a while ago.
Daemon's face is blank. His defenses were up. Whatever brightness in hin was now gone.
"Is that a command, my king?" the second born utters under his breath.
The king thinks. He is tempted to say it, to do what he promised his baby brother he never would, exert his sovereignty over him. His chest constricts, his brows knit, his eyes begin to water. He cannot do that to him.
"It is a plea from your older brother, Daemon."
Daemon rolls his shoulders back. He holds back the quiver of his lips, "why should I listen to my hateful brother's plea when he did not listen to mine?"
"Daemon," Aemma calls, herself now overcome with emotion.
The said man walks away, pushing past them.
Viserys heaves. He watches his brother turn his back on him. He begins to flare with abhorrence and offence, "DAEMON!"
The prince does not listen as he walks away, storming out the storage chamber, slamming the doors on his way out. He mutters strings of High Valyrian curses as he roughly wipes his face on his sleeve.
Daemon soothes himself by remembering that Viserys was a rat, a gremlin, unadulterated rubbish, his absolute nemesis since time immemorial. He was difficult and cruel and irritating and selfish. He loathed him.
His eye twitches, his walking slows. Cunt. He hates himself for caring so much about him. Fuck him.
When Daemon gets to the garage, he wills the memory of choosing and purchasing the silver Benz with his rat brother in the very hell depths of his mind. He leans on the hood, his blonde hair falls on his face.
He'll turn around.
He snorts, wiping his philtrum.
He always turns around... he has to.
He pulls out his phone, blinking away the tears. He cusses when he sees that it was 10 am. There was no way he would get to the other side of town in time.
He gets in his car and drives off. He merely pulls over a few minutes before 11:55 to make good his promise.
Meanwhile hours before this incident, on the other side of the town, there was a heart as sulking just the same.
I had not gotten a lick of sleep in anticipation of this moment. I was hunched over on my desk, watching my screen, heart jumping every time the clock blinked with a new number.
"I got the One Eye comment again," a voice huffs as he walks into the office room, "people think they're so smart and original," his voice rises when he continues, "you told me I didn't look ridiculous with this on."
I straighten from where I stood, bent over, then turn to my side, catching the light haired intern, rip off his eye patch and slam it onto his desk. He roughly dusts off his jumper and pants for no reason other than annoyance.
I raise my brows at him and pout, "someone as handsome as you cannot ever look ridiculous, Aemond," I slump back down on my desk. I mutter, half-muffled, "it runs in the family."
Aemond rolls his eye, regretting it with the damned sty in the left one throbbed with pain. He huffs turning to me, pointing a finger, "you need to stop calling my damned brother pretty boy. He's starting to believe it."
I snort as my lips spread into a smile, "that's good; he is."
Aemond walks over to me, sardonic as ever, "historians aren't supposed to distort the truth, professor."
I stand, looking at his angular face, taking in his how the strands of his shoulder length hair, tied in a small bun, framed his sharp cheeks and jaw, how his pouty lips were curved into that of disdain. He was adorable, just like he was as a child when I met him perchance.
"Don't you teach me, kid," I narrow my eyes and purse my lips, "you're one failed review away from repeating the whole term."
Aemond is unfazed as he crosses his arms, "mmm, another term with a certainty to be had under your wing sounds delightful."
I roll my eyes, "Aemond."
Said Aemond's lips curl into a soft smile, enjoying the fact my words backfired on itself.
"We've been through this, my dear," I place my hands on his toned shoulders, "you're nervous about nothing. There's not a reason for you not to get hired here after you've graduated."
He hums again, relaxing against my touch, "and what of the failing mark my beloved teacher threatens to lay upon me?"
I huff as I pull away from him, drawing back my desk chair and plopping down, "you know I don't work like that, pretty boy."
Aemond clenches his jaw, "don't call me that."
I turn to him, resting my elbows on my desk, "why not? I think you're pretty too."
He turns away, thinking about his sty, thinking about how his breath hitched when he first met his beloved teacher, thinking about his brother, Aegon, made you laugh where he made things awkward in your first meeting, "that's the oaf's nickname. I do not want it."
I follow him with my eyes as he storms off, grabbing his eye patch, putting it back on. He then walks back behind me to finish labeling the books stacked there.
"Is it so bad to share a nickname with your brother?" I ask.
"Yes," he quickly blurts. Aemond doesn't waste another moment and grabs a book a lot rougher than normal.
I turn away from him, dejected by his ire. I grab my phone, seeing the time was 11:49. I brace my arms in front of me and lean down, sighing.
I repeat this process over and over and over and over and-
Aemond, who had been witness to it, finally asks, "what are you sighing about?"
"I'm waiting for a call."
"Mmm," he shifts on his place and presses his hand on a book, "is it from the Maester's Association?"
"Septa's Guild?
Aemond raises a brow, "they what are you so restless about?"
I check the clock for the nth time, heart leaping when I see it's 11:53. I straighten in my seat and begin to fix my hair. I clear my throat and do some nonsensical sounds to warm up my voice.
Aemond forgets about his task altogether and turns to me. His brows knit and he leans on the table, "who exactly are you waiting to call you, professor?"
I breathe in deeply, checking the time again. 11:54. I cradle my phone in my hand as though it is my lifeline.
"The love of my life."
Aemond straightens up, stiffening and deflating all at once. His face tenses so tightly, the sty irritates him again. For a moment, he is overcome with a bitterness in his throat. He thinks of his brother again-- but that can't be.
He clenches his jaw and relaxes. He thinks about how loosely that term is used when uttered upon his beloved professor's lips. He relaxes completely, releasing a breath. He turns back to his books, calming himself with his breathing.
He wonders out loud, "Alicent?"
Aemond thinks his guess to be right. After all, his cousin, your many times over research partner, had been in Essos for weeks for a riveting symposium. He was perplexed why you hadn't expressed the same enthusiasm in going there, considering the fact there was a dragon skeleton recently unearthed there, apparently Caraxes' no less. He did not buy the fact you weren't interested in the dig site at least, knowing how you were obsessed with his rider, Daemon Targaryen I.
"No, not Ali," I mutter, shaking my head.
Aemond thinks of another one of his professor's research partners besides Alicent.
I mutter softly, "someone else... you don't know him."
"... well," I chuckle, "I suppose you do."
Aemond is now utterly confused.
My heart nearly stops when my phone clock strikes 11:55.
Aemond once again forgets about his work upon hearing the gasp. He awaits the sound of the phone ringing.
The seconds passing are dreadfully unbearable. I count each and every one of them. By the time I reach 34, I begin to feel bile rise up my throat.
Dear gods, he forgot about me. He forgot about me, and he's not going to call. How silly of him to even promise such a thing. He's probably caught up in doing his princely politicking. Hell, I wouldn't even remember-
I gasp again, dropping the phone when it began to vibrate and ring. I choke on my breath, my hands fumble, my shoulders tense, my mind is racing.
Aemond watches this intently, how the most poised and composed person in his life began to break down like a tower of unglued blocks. He watches as his professor stares blankly at the ringing phone.
"Answer it," he urges, stepping forward once.
His voice wasn't even loud nor demanding, yet I still start at it. I nod my head profusely then scramble for my phone. I quickly gain my wits and answer the call.
I press the screen against my ear, carefully calling, "hello?"
"Hello? Hello! Hi! Hi, my love!"
Daemon sound ecstatic, relieved. My jaw is parts into a smile. I am heaving heavily through my mouth as my stomach swirls and my chest tightens. I grip on my elbow, breathlessly replying, "hi."
"Hi! Hi. Right. I'm pulled over in the side of the highway-"
"What?" I jolt from my seat. Aemond jolts as well. "W-wh-why? Are you hurt? Did something happen? What highway are you on? Should I call-"
"Hush, love," he chuckles, "lykiri," he hushes, calm down in High Valyrain, and continues in the same tongue, "calm down. I am well," he breaks into a soft laugh, "oh, my dear, my darling, I only pulled over to make good on my promise to call you at 11:55."
I release a breath of relief. I relax my shoulders, nodding my head, muttering mostly to myself, "on the dot."
I can almost hear him smile from across the line, "yes, my sweet girl... though a few seconds passed," he chuckles, "I hope you do not fault me for it."
"Never," I lean my head into my hand, releasing shaky breath. My breathing is shallow and my eyes flutter close.
My sweet girl. It was been so long since I heard his voice utter these words. A dam of memories break open and my mind floods with memories of him calling me this; it's all very tender, like an open wound. Tears begin to strain in my eyes and my throat constricts with a tight band of emotion.
"Are you crying?" Aemond mutters lowly that even he doesn't hear it.
"I reckon I'll be there in about 10 minutes, give or take," Daemon sounds guilty when he says this, "I'm sorry to make you wait, my pretty girl, but you can wait a few more minutes for your prince, can't you?"
I shudder out his name, biting my lip tightly for a moment, trying to even out my breath so he doesn't catch the sound of my sobbing, "10 minutes is inconsequential to how long I have been waiting for you."
He takes a moment to respond. I hear him sigh, "I couldn't sleep last night thinking of you either."
"You're the only thing I've ever thought about," I whisper like a secret, afraid to wipe the tears on my cheeks away, in fear of smearing my makeup.
He laughs at the admission. It is smug and self-indulgent, but it is unlike the other times I've heard him laugh conceitedly. At its core, Daemon sounded relieved, he sounded touched.
"I am glad to hear it," he openly affirmed, "I will come to you soon. Nothing will keep us apart."
His words squeeze my heart, my very soul, my being. I mutter softly, "drive safe."
"I will, my love."
My breath hitches. I lick my lips in preparation, but then I stop myself. Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say-
"I love you," I sigh.
A beat of silence passes.
Part of me feels foolish when I am met with only ambient noise. I don't regret saying it at all though. I punish my lower lip tightly with a bite that draws out blood, but then I release it in shock when he calls back.
"I love you," he says, "wait for me."
The call ends.
The moment I put my phone down, Aemond is upon me. He gently takes my arm and words my name out carefully. He doesn't say anything else. He seemed not to know what else he could.
I turn to the tall man, one eye covered, strands of silvery hair still haphazardly framing his face. He adjusts his hold on me when I reach out to his arms, gripping the fabric of his jumper, not so much him. He has his hands on both my arms and he looks down at me with concern, speaking my name once more.
I turn away from him, blinking rapidly as it all sinks in, "it's finally happening."
"What is?" Aemond asks, almost helplessly, quite unlike his usually certain demeanor.
I turn back to him, lifting my chin to meet his gaze, releasing my clutch on his top, jumping into him to seal him into a tight embrace. He is taken aback by my sudden haptics, but immediately hugs be back.
"I'm finally going to have him."
"Have," he coaxes slowly as he bends to offer me more stability on my feet, "him?" Aemond voice strains, "who are you talking about?"
"My love," I break away, blinking tears as I look back at Aemond. There is a line of worry on his face, but I could not bring myself to offer him but only a quick caress of his cheeks as comfort and reassurance. I pull away, fanning myself, "dear goodness, I have to get ready."
I dash to my desk, swiping my bag, immediately running toward the bathroom.
Aemond could do nothing but watch and rack his brain trying to make sense of it all. He is so perplexed by it that he thinks of calling his brother for answers. In his lack of better judgement, he dials the contact and his phone begins to ring.
Aegon on the other line barely croaks a tired hello and Aemond is already demanding answers, "you were with her at the Blue Ginger last night, correct?"
There is a moment of silence. There was no need for clarification for Aegon to understand what the seven hells his younger brother was on about.
Daemon arrives at the museum, in his black three piece, black trilby, and dark red shades. He adjusts his glasses. For once in his life is damned annoyed by his unmissably strong presence.
Immediately, this steward walks over to him, her eyes roving all over, brows raised in inquisition. He doesn't let her speak to him, a finger raise is enough to silence her. He states that he had business with a professor and asks where he could find her.
He wastes no more time than necessary, heading off to the direction he was given.
He shoves his hands in his pockets, paying no heed to the people who spot and gawk at him, wondering louder than they should about who exactly he was. He makes his way upstairs and goes down the hall as he was told.
His cool composure is completely destroyed when he sees the person standing at the end.
"Daemon," I mutter sparing not a second's thought as I run over to him, not caring that I was in heels, or in a dress, or even that my perfectly restyled hair was being ruined.
Tears begin to prick at my eyes all over again. After all my talk in front of the mirror not to ruin my redone makeup, I couldn't bring myself to care in this moment.
Daemon strides over to me, quickening into a jog as he removes his hat and sunglasses, sighing heavily as his lips curve into a smile. He outstretches his arms in anticipation.
Aemond, catching the quick blur from the window, stops what he is doing and runs outside.
Quickly, and all at once, I am upon him.
Our chests collide with a thud, our limbs wrap around each other tightly. We bury ourselves into each other's necks, basking in the affection, in the scent of each other, in the warmth.
I cannot help but sob onto him.
He instinctively hushes me, lifting me off my feet as he does, "hush, little one, I am here. I am here. Lykiri."
I pathetically sob into his collar, "I missed you so much."
Daemon tightens his grip on me. He mutters in High Valyrian, "I missed you like I've been waiting a thousand years."
I choke as I brush my nose against him, "2000."
When he tries to pull away, I nearly scream in protest, "please don't pull away! Please."
Daemon sighs and leans down, allowing me to stand on my feet. He was so familiar to me, so much so I recognized his impeding action. I felt him brush his hands down to my waist. I knew exactly what he was going to do. I jump when he bends to grab me, carrying me into his arms. I tightly wrap my legs around his waist and nuzzle against him. Daemon cradles my thighs and nuzzles all the same.
Aemond had seen enough from the end of the hall at this point. He regrets spending his free time doing errands as he waited for his professor. He keeps his gaze on the floor as he quickly makes his way down the hall to leave, somewhere far-- as far as his legs would take him. He is all but ignored as the heavily infatuated couple pass him.
"My office is the last one," I mutter against Daemon's neck, eyes closed, finger tips massaging his scalp.
I open my eyes to check if he got the right room. He did.
A part of me is concerned when I do not see my favorite apprentice. The thought quickly evaporates when I am propped on a desk and hungrily kissed.
I moan on instinct when our lips connect. I readily return his fervor just as hungrily. My heart is thundering in my ribcage as his large hands rub up and down my back. I pull him closer, tightening my legs around him, tugging at the roots of his hair. He moans. Gods I've missed that sound.
I pull away from him when his hands trail down my thighs, attempting to hike my skirt up.
"Daor, ñuha zaldrīzes," I mutter softly, placing my hands atop his.
No, my dragon.
Daemon pulls back and huffs heavily, the heat of his breath brings goosebumps on my skin. He looks down at me, violet eyes blown, lips stained with my lipstick, a predator, made tame only by the call of his mate.
He kneads at my flesh, leaning closer, brushing his nose against mine, "I promise you'll like it," he leans deeper between my legs, "I'll make it quick, so no one sees," he steals a kiss on my lips, "you were made for my eyes only."
I wrap my arms around his torso, leaning into his chest as I shake my head in disagreement, "Daor, ñuha zaldrīzes," I repeat in his mother tongue, continuing all the same, "I don't want to rush you. I want to savor you completely and recount every inch of you."
He curses in the same language, calling out my name like a prayer, He kisses me deeply.
Daemon pulls back to bring his lips on my cheek, my jaw, my neck, then the back of my hand. He rubs my knuckles as he takes me in. I bring one hand to his cheek, in utter disbelief that I had him here with me finally, that he was here, right in front of me.
My spirit leaves me when he gets on his knee and pulls out a box from his pocket.
"Never before have I ever felt such feelings for anything, for anyone," Daemon looks up at me with wide violet eyes as he slowly opens the box. I stare at the large emerald cut ruby. It was as red as blood, as clear as day.
He speaks my name, like he burned it into his tongue, like it is the most scared sound in the world, "gaomagon nyke se greatest rigle hen becoming ñuha ābrazȳrys."
My lips part and my chest inflates and deflates.
Do me the greatest honor of becoming my wife.
He didn't even ask.
In the intensity of it all, my quivering lips curve at his words. My nostrils flare in amusement.
How very Daemon of him.
I slide down to my feet and reach out to him. He takes my hand with a hopeful look. My hand lands back on his cheek. He moves to pull the ring out as he grabs the palm on his face. "No, Daemon," is all it takes for him to crumble before me. I push the jewel back in its place and close the box.
Daemon's brows furrow as he watches me pull the wheeled desk chair back and sit there before him.
The prince's eyes and cheeks are wet with tears. The sight is soul destroying.
He clenches his jaw as he places his hands on my thighs, shifting down on both his knees, "why not?" He asks this so helplessly that it strikes a chord in my heart because it sounded so much like his cries, at least the ones that I heard in my last moments before coming back to life, seeing he traded his breath for mine.
I grab his face, shaking my head as I lean towards him, "I am yours, Daemon.; before you were even born, I was yours. Nothing in this world, old or new, will ever change that."
"Then why would you," he heaves a moment to catch his breath, hanging his head low, "deny me this?"
"Daemon, look at me," I call, lifting his head up, "this magic between us," I speak carefully, "this will never change. My heart has broken a million times, but you have remained my beacon of light.
His face scrunches, he shakes his head. I can tell there is a veil of confusion covering his mind and yet he is trying to understand.
I cup his cheeks, "that may not have changed, but the world has. I do not wish to cause you strife where strife should not be welcome. The world is looking at you now, more than ever before."
He clenches his jaw, "I don't fucking care how many worlds watch me while I shit," his nostrils flare, "I want you, I need you, I l-"
He looks physically pained when he stops himself from continuing.
"Daemon," I uttered, "tell me, what did Viserys say about this?"
Daemon recoils. A shiver runs down his spine as his face hardens with betrayal. His hands grip my wrists tightly, "it nary matters what my brother thinks-- he doesn't think, he only tells me what to do."
"My love," I frown, "the king only acts the way he does in his care for you."
"You know NOTHING of my brother!" he snarls, face reddening in rage, shoving my hands off him, "do not come to me all sage about him."
I withdraw from him, straightening in my chair, sighing as I place my hands on my lap, "you can bare your teeth at me all you want, but your fangs are cannot pierce me. You are a toothless babe in my eyes."
Daemon's cheeks twitches. His breath struggles. He drops the box on the floor with little care. I internally cringe at the sound of it.
"Daemon," I huff, "I know you only want the approval of your brother," I add, lowering my head to him, "I know it hurt you when he forbade you to go through with your plan."
He looks away, tears steaking his cheeks. He levels his breathing. He releases his tension and sinks on his knees. He doesn't look at me when he pulls me close to him by my calves and drops his head on my thighs. I feel dampness pool on my clothes. I begin to comb through his blonde hair. He grabs at my skirt helplessly, "he thinks me a fool, the king... a puppet, desperately in need of a puppet master."
"You know that's not true," I respond in High Valyrian.
"How do you know!?" Daemon lifts his head, hands taking mine tightly. His voice is shrill, it's defensive and challenging. And yet he repeats the same words, "how do you know?" voice soft, wondering and desperate.
I rub his wrist with my thumbs, "it will take more than my lunch break for me to explain it."
Daemon straightens up, immediately concerned, "no. No, you cannot leave me. You cannot make me leave. I-"
"I'm not leaving you," I grasp him tightly, "and I will never make you leave," I continue in High Valyrian, "no one said anything about leaving."
Daemon clenches his jaw, he shifts his hands in mine, linking our fingers together. He desperately adds in his mother tongue, "I will die if you do not become my bride."
I cannot help the chuckle that leaves me when I hear his words. I tighten my grip on him, then feel a foreign object on his pinkie. I turn to his hand and see the iron ring on it. My breath hitches. It is the exact same ring he had before. What a marvel that it's intact after millennia.
I pull away my hands. Daemon starts, not liking the idea of losing contact. His settles slightly when gaze turns to where mine was and he sees me pull the ring off his finger.
"Hen lantoti ānogar, v sȳndroti vāedroma," I start, slipping the ancient piece of jewelry bearing his family's sigil on my ring finger, "mēro perzot gīhoti, elēdroma iārza sīr," I look up to him, "izulī ampā perzī,--"
"--prūmī lanti sēteksi, hen jenȳ māzīlarion," Daemon joins, expression perking, "qēlossa ozūndesi, sȳndroro ōñō jēdo," he brings his hands to my cheeks and leans his head against mine, "rȳ kīvia mazvestraksi."
Blood of two, joined as one, ghostly flame, and song of shadows, two hearts as embers, forged in fourteen fires, a future promised in glass, the stars stand witness, the vow spoken through time, of darkness and light.
I gasp when Daemon's lips crashes into mine. His hands dart down to my hind, pulling me close to him, trapping his body between my legs once more.
We only break away in desperation for air.
"We are wed," I mutter, pressing another kiss upon his, "here and now I am your bride and you are my groom. We are wed. The gods are our witnesses." I brush my nose against his, closing my eyes, "the wedding can wait, but from now on you are mine."
"Mine," he repeats, lips curving upward, "my bride," Daemon brushes my hair back, "I would die if I ever witness your pretty finger naked of my ring." He takes my ring clad hand, kissing the skin at the back.
"Please," I shake my head, "stop with that talk," I mutter, brows furrowing, "I forbid you from doing anything that would ever lead you to death. I will not know what to do with myself if I lose you all-"
I am cut off when Daemon crushes me into a tight embrace. I relax against him, tightening my arms around him.
"You will not escape me," Daemon mutters, sinking his face in the crook of my neck, "you will never evade me. I will be your air, your ground, your thoughts, your dreams."
My stomach is in a flurry. My head is swimming in everything that is him.
"My love," he sighs, "my wife," he finishes his thoughts in High Valyrian, "there would be no world worth living if I do not have you."
I cannot help the tears that fall onto his neck. I kiss his skin and sigh in content, "I am so happy that you found me, my dragon."
"As am I," he hums, "and I will never lose you ever again."
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kiyosw · 1 year
can i request with kafka, and himeko. where the reader was like always looking at people with a blank look but one day reader finally shows them a smile also showing their dimples for the first time, and kafka, and himeko has added another thing they love about you on their list. apologies if you're not accepting requests right now, aswell as if it's too short. but, i just love your writing so im interested.
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Himeko as your lover knows you rarely, barely smile.
Even when it's just the two of you on her room cuddling and enjoying eachothers presence, you would just comfortably hum while snuggling into her deeper.
She sometimes wonder if she makes you feel gloomy, or uncomfortable so that's why you rarely smile. But you reassured her that she never made you feel like that.
And on the express too, when you're talking to your fellow trailblazers (march, danheng, welt etc.). You would just stare at them with a blank, but not an intimidating expression.
She asked you one time on why you don't often smile, but you didn't really know why, really. You just told Himeko that you didn't even noticed it.
"Oh? Okay then, but do remember that I'll be more than fine to see you express your feelings more often, my dearest."
When she first saw you smile because of a corny but worth to laugh at the joke that march made, she was taken aback. Shocked, she's head over heels for you over again at that moment.
The way your dimples appeared while you're softly smiling melted her heart. She indeed, fell inlove again at her sweet lover.
After the conversation between march and you, she approached march and asked if she took a picture on her portable camera while you we're smiling and looking so effortlessly pretty.
"March, have you taken a shot of y/n while they're smiling? You did? Great! Can you please make me a copy of it? Just one will do."
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This woman would TEASE you for not smiling. Endless teasing. She would jokingly call you an "emo", "bladie the 2nd", and you would simply blush in embarassment from her silly nicknames for you. She's the only one allowed to call you that.
After a long and sweet kiss from her, you would just simply sigh in satisfaction while burying your face over her neck instead of smiling over her neck.
Nevertheless, she still loved your way of affection towards her even when you're not showing your enotions through your reactions.
Even when talking to your fellow co-stellaron hunters, you would just give them a blank, but not threatening expression while having a chat with them.
Blade likes to chat with you more often than the other hunters since you're not annoying and loud, just listening and giving out a few words for what he said. He's like your sibling, that's how some of the people around you see.
But as jealous as kafka is, she would literally snatch you up, pull you and kiss you while blade is just sneering at the both of you.
After what just happen, she then ushered you away.
"Aww.. is my little emo preferring that dead vampire looking blade over me?"
She was jokingly pouting and satirically giving you puppy eyes while saying her thoughts at that moment.
After she said that, you just simply chuckled with light pink hues scattered over your cheeks, then later on pecked her lips while smiling.
"Of course not.. even if you are a bit annoying with your nicknames, I'll never prefer anyone over you."
Oh how the tables have turned. Now she's the one blushing not just because of what you said or the peck, but because of your smile.Your damn smile.
Those dimples of yours got her blushing like a lovestrucked fool. She knew she won't forget this side of you easily.
After that she just shushed you and pulled you to kiss her again.
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NOTE 2: AHHHH I hope this was what you expected, I apologize if I may not so thats why I made the two scenarios of them different so you can pick at the two. BUT ANYWAY! HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED!! :3
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hidden-snow · 8 months
✦┈⋆┈ ⋞ 〈 Running Home to You 〉 ⋟ ┈⋆┈✦
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Summary // You thought your relationship was as special to him as it was to you. You thought he loved and cherished you as much as you loved and cherished him. But when his family leaves the Omatikaya and all he has to offer is ‘I’m sorry’ when you beg and plead for him to stay with you, you realize that you were so, so wrong about him. Heartbroken and defeated, a girl barely seventeen years old, you decide that you will never love again. After all, it hadn’t meant anything to him. Years later and you are the best of the best. A strong warrior and an even better hunter, you provide for your people in every way except for a child to add to the next generation of Omatikaya people. They respect your wishes but you can hear the whispers. You can feel the concerned gazes from your parents, too old to conceive a sibling to make up for your lack of children. When he comes back, it throws you through a loop. Handsome, mighty, and different, he comes to you right away. But you promised yourself.
Warnings // Angst, a bit of stalker Neteyam, some fluff, mentions of drinking, heartbreak
Word count // 1,405
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
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What were you doing?
If someone could help you navigate your emotions, you’d accept the help immediately. Unfortunately, they were either busy fawning over Neteyam or doing their daily life’s work.
You found yourself attracted to Neteyam in a way that you’d never felt before. Your brain offered the possibility of manipulation, but Neteyam wasn’t that kind of person.
Was he?
Before, you couldn’t stand being near him. Not even for a minute. Now, you couldn’t stand the thought of being far from him.
It was like your brain did a sudden 180 and you had no idea how to process your new feelings.
When you were near him, all you could do was eye his lips. You seemed to be sensitive to his rough, calloused hands that brushed against your soft skin occasionally.
At times, when you were alone, you could smell his musky masculine scent that only belonged to him. It danced on the breeze, teasing your senses, whispering of what you were beginning to want but couldn’t allow yourself to have.
It wasn’t until you got drunk at a feast that things progressed rather suddenly.
Neteyam’s arms wrapped protectively around you as he guided you back to your family’s alcove, your feet dragging through the lush soft greenery all around you. You swayed around in his grasp, stumbling so many times that you couldn’t help but wonder how he was keeping you upright.
“Y’know, I used ta hate yer guts,” you slurred as he guided you in and towards your sleeping mat.
“I know,” he responded dismissively, tucking you into the bed. Your hand slipped into his, your grip keeping him from leaving you just yet.
“I don’ hate you no more.”
His hairless eyebrows arched at that statement and you patted the mat beside you, letting him know you wanted him to sit with you. He did just that, sitting down while waiting for you to explain exactly what you meant.
“I can’t stop lookin’ at you. Everythin’ is about you. I smell you everywhere. I feel you everywhere too. I can’t go nowhere without you bein’ there.”
He was starting to grow confused now, brows scrunched together to make him look even cuter than he had looked before.
“Come here,” you instruct, pulling him down so that he was mere inches from your own. Your finger touched his lips, sliding down slowly to feel the plumpness of the soft skin beneath the pad of your thumb.
“You broke my heart. So why do I… want to kiss you so much?”
You were drunk. Heavily drunk. But he couldn’t help himself.
“Is that so?” he whispered as he leaned in a bit more, breath brushing softly against your own lips.
“You want to kiss me? Well then, Y/n. Kiss me. I’m right here.”
You didn’t need any more prompting than that. Your fingers entangled in his hair, closing the distance as you press your lips against his. Lips parted and pressed against his own, you feel his tongue poke into your mouth, brushing lightly over your teeth before fighting for dominance with your own tongue.
Despite the passionate heat of the kiss, you do nothing more than that, as it satisfied your craving for his lips. The only downside to this moment of pure bliss was that your craving would come back with a vengeance.
When you woke with a thudding pain in your skull in the morning, you found yourself curled in his grasp, your head resting against his chest. You took a moment to just feel the steady rise and fall of his chest cavity, still half asleep and a little confused about who’s lap you were in.
After a couple minutes of confusion, you finally gather the courage to look up at the owner of the lap and you squeak, jumping out of his lap. Your sudden movements startle him out of his sleep and he tilted his head to watch you with a silent curiosity.
“Please tell me we didn’t do anything,” you pleaded with him, watching as his tongue poked out to swipe over his thin lips.
“Well… we didn’t do too much, if that’s what you mean.”
You groan, hands falling to rest on your hips, gaze burning into his surprisingly calm eyes.
“You know that’s not what I meant. What happened last night?”
He stood up slowly, stretching out his body, and you can’t help but find yourself entranced in the stretch of his ribs and chest, arms straight out in the air.
When he straightened, he smiled a lopsided grin at you, pushing some of the beaded braids behind his ear.
“You confessed your feelings to me. How you really wanted to kiss me and how obsessed you currently are with me. I just went along with it. I told you to kiss me if you wanted to and you definitely wanted to. That’s about it, though. We didn’t do anything else other than kiss. Now, some good breakfast will help you look a little less like you’ve just seen Eywa herself.”
You ignore him, hand to your forehead as you paced, mumbling to himself.
“I-I didn’t mean it! I was drunk and you know it!”
Neteyam can’t help but smirk at your feeble attempt to explain what had taken course the night before. He moved to touch your wrist but you shied from his touch. That’s when he sighed. An impatient, exasperated sigh that only belonged to a parent with a difficult child.
“Look. I really don’t mind it, Y/n. I kind of enjoyed it, actually.”
“Of course you would,” you snap back before you could stop it and a look of hurt flashed across his face for just a split second.
“Neteyam, I-”
“I have to go. I have a lot of things to do today. I hope you get some food. Take care of yourself, alright?”
He left before you could get another word in and you felt the sinking of your guilt deep in the pit of your stomach, your own words coming back to slap you in the face.
You shouldn’t have been so harsh with him. It wasn’t right of you to behave like that. He was only trying to help, after all.
Straightening your clothing and fixing your hair, you try to hold your head high, but it was no use with the shame of what you’d just done weighing heavy on your shoulders.
He was avoiding you, leaving you feeling that guilt and shame wherever you went. You didn't know how to approach him, especially when he seemed to always disappear as you are coming to apologize.
This was what you wanted, right? For him to leave you alone so that you could live your life without heartbreak.
Something wasn’t settling in your heart and, as you focused on what it could possibly, you realized that in trying to avoid more pain in the deepest cavities of your chest where your fickle little organ was, you’d broken your own heart.
Oh, the irony of this whole situation.
You were no quitter, though. He hadn’t deserved your backlash and, as you sat and thought about everything that had happened since he’d come back home, you’d applied your knowledge to the situation at hand.
He had been trying his best to show you that you didn’t have to be afraid that he’d do what he’d done in the past. He’d changed and he was desperately trying to get that through your guarded mind in the best ways he could.
You had to apologize.
Working hard and planning carefully, you came up with a way to jump him so that he couldn’t avoid you anymore. You were going to show him that you’d changed too. You’d changed so much more since he’d come back to you and you needed him to see it too.
You weren’t perfect. Not by a long shot. Emotions were hard to understand and, since you’d pushed them aside for so long, you didn’t know the slightest thing about how to interpret your own.
You just hoped that he’d understand that too. You had to make him understand that you were like one of those earth flowers. The rose. You had so many thorns and each one hurt more than the last. You needed someone to smooth out the sharp points of your heart and mind. And he was the person you needed.
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Taglist // @earthling55 / @cardi-bre91 / @bambithewriter
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hybbart · 2 months
What are magical Lizzie and magical jimmy’s powers and do their powers change with their outfits? What are the microphones for?
what do they fight or work towards in the au?
Well, it's funny that someone mentioned hirogaru precure in the notes first of all because the hirogaru transformation is the one I use in my head for theirs.
Anyways way too much info below
The Enchanter Wands are their transformation and final attack items, its day to day form is a pen probably. (This is where I show I thought too much about this) the paw on the front has three toe bean buttons and those control which mode they transform into and then press the heart in the centre while saying which mode into tbe microphone. The little coloured lights along it light up one by one during this cause all the best transformation toys do. And of course, the ribbon is moulded plastic like the rest of it. I'm awful at designing wands and toys alike but I think I did a good job of making something that meets the typical standards for the transformation trinket while making it stick out just enough to seem like it was designed first.
Anyways they're music themed! Just like my old art. They're Magical Enchanter Jimmy and Magical Enchanter Lizzie, because they're semi-idol magical girls so they sing, but I went with chanter because chanter is also french and it's not magical girls without random french. And enchanter makes it magical and a reference to minecraft. Magical is redundant but it rolls off the tongue. Also the abbreviation would be Macha rather than Maen or Maencha, just cause its cuter and be a similar pun to Precure.
Their transformation modes are as followed:
Cod Cajun and Axolotl Shanty. Aka their aqua forms they can breathe water and swim with these forms and their attacks are nature and water themed and magic oriented. They also let them create objects.
Cow Folk and Cat Carol. Aka their land forms, these ones have super strength more than the others and are defence oriented. They use fire and earth themed attacks. They also can make shields.
Canary Blues and Butterfly Ballad. Aka their sky forms. They can fly and have superspeed with theae forms. They're fragile but powerful. They use wind and light themed attacks. They also let them use disguises.
All the forms have about average strength, speed, jumping ability, and fighting ability like your typical combat magical girl, and they can also talk to animals. Jimmy also has super hearing while Lizzie's voice can travel long distances.
They're regular siblings who just love karaoke until their singing attracts the very distressed faeries, Norman and Joel, to them. They need help defeating The Silencer (Martyn) who attacked the Harmony Kingdom and stole the citizens' ability to connect. The seablings are heavily music themed but the overall theme is the arts and communication.
His henchmen are Tango, Cleo, and Shubble, all former citizens of the Harmony Kingdom brainwashed through their individual difficulties communicating. The daily baddies are manifestations of people's lonelines. The Harmony King is also Ren, who's been put into a great depressive slumber on his throne. Oli and Joe are also there somewhere too, but no one knows what's up with them.
Later they're joined by Katherine, the princess of the Harmony Kingdom who has a sewing and fashion theme who is very sociable but has a curse that turns her into the Dark Enchanter, who got brainwashed trying to save her faerie friend Shubble. And Pearl, a strange upperclassmen they meet in a gallery who has a sculpting and art theme who uses technical/scientific knowledge like redstone to enhance her art (cause the very first thing I would do if I was ever given a children's series to work onis subvert the performer-technician dichotomy trope since its my least favourite thing).
Both have their own unique trinkets of a makeup case and stamp palette, and their faeries are Shubble and Tango after they've been defeated and turned back to thwir faerie forms.
Jimmy and Lizzie's story is largely about them drifting apart after their parents divorce and they grew up going to separate schools, and reconnecting with one another through their shared love of singing and cute animals.
I think they would also all join theatre club together, as a way for them all to show off their talents. Lizzie is already part of her music club at the start but wants to switch to theatre because it better suits her passions (but isn't as respectable), and Jimmy is a bit more aimless, constantly getting in trouble and being bullied, and joins to make friends. Katherine and Pearl later join also in as the costuming and set design department. The teachers are oddly familiar...
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blippymilk · 9 months
Big Brother Veneer x Little Sister Reader
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❥ Definitely your biggest supporter and hater at the same time (normal brother behavior)
❥ Although you wouldn’t consider having Veneer as a sibling a “normal” experience
❥ At all.
❥ He had very mixed feelings about you for the first few months of your life
❥ He knew he wasn’t the baby of the family anymore according to Velvet (and dude loves attention soooo)
❥ He thinks your cute but thinks he’s cuter
❥ May or may not have tried to plot with Velvet on how to get a stork to come by and take you back to where you came from (he was pure ok)
❥ For the record Velvet did not agree (she wants Veneer to experience what happened to her too)
❥ The second he learned to love you, you were his favorite person ever.
❥ Your parents stopped worrying about you when they couldn’t find you because they knew Veneer always had you
❥ When he first tried singing he would take you to his room, grab his microphone, and sing to you. And when you clapped for him with your little hands he felt so pleased
❥ As you became a bit older Veneer turned into your biggest cheerleader
❥ He always woke up before anyone else in the house to feed you or warm your milk when you were fussy
❥ He was there when you took your first step
❥ He was there cheering you on when you said your first word
❥ He was there when you took a bite of your first solid food
❥ Whatever the occasion you name it
❥ As you got a little older your parents tended to notice you had a lot more personality than they expected
❥ And it was sort of like Veneer’s (and a little of Velvet)
❥ Veneer loved that for you
❥ You were a pretty stand your ground kid, with a little sass
❥ Veneer risked being late on his first day back at school to see your first day in kindergarten
❥ Gave you as many words of advice as he could
“You go in there and show them who’s boss. And let me know if anyone tries to mess with you, I’ll deal with them.”
❥ Veneer got smacked a little by his mom for the last sentence but he still stood by his word
❥ He was so happy for you later on when you came home excited
❥ Getting a little older and mature (around 5th grade) Veneer was basically your partner in crime
❥ Something was always happening under your household and it always landed back on you two
❥ Veneer’s the type of brother to know his parents will say no so he’ll send his younger sibling to ask
❥ One time Veneer encouraged you to watch a scary movie with him while the adults were away. You agreed and Velvet did not want to be apart of it.
❥ So by time your parents got back and it was lights out, you were shaking in your bed
❥ You ended up running to your parents to tell and you thought Veneer would be mad at you just for them to find him shaking in his bed too
❥ You both got grounded for a week
❥ When you made it to middle school Veneer noticed your energy shifting a little bit
❥ He knew there was a lot that could be happening to you in middle school because he hated middle school
❥ It could be teachers, students, homework, guys/girl problems, bullies, etc.
❥ So he convinced you to come to him whenever you needed to spill
❥ And you did
❥ Veneer definitely helped you with your fashion sense
❥ …Veneer when you get into your first relationship…😟
❥ Not exactly smooth sailing
❥ That’s why you tried to hide it at first
❥ Just so you know it did not work out and Veneer felt almost offended 😭
❥ Ends up getting along with them really well (if he likes their persona)
❥ But when it’s time for your first breakup he’s along with you every step of the way
“I never liked them anyways to be honest. You deserve way better.”
❥ Will definitely go with you to a school dance if no one else wants to
❥ And if you’re not into school dances yall are going somewhere fun like a movie, or a trampoline park
❥ Your brother Veneer who supports you reguardless of what you want to do in the future (he won’t ever let you be a lazy bum though)
❥ He cried when you started highschool
❥ If you both are in highschool together he’s your “bodyguard”
❥ Please don’t let him find out anybody is messing with you
❥ Likes to see what outfits you come up with on your own and he adores the way you dress
❥ His love for you never changes
❥ Veneer is overall just the best brother you could ask for
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merakiui · 1 year
RAAA STEP BRO CATER 👹👹👹 he would ask his step sibling to do suggestive things and assures them it’s just an innocent trend :33
(cw: yandere, nsfw, stepcest, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, stalking, non-consensual photography, obsession, cater’s so creepy and gross >_<)
Sb!Cater who’s the first to swoop in when you’re brought into the family, if only to get to you before his sisters do. He doesn’t want you to become yet another sibling of his who he dreads seeing when he must return home from NRC. You take to him immediately, warming up to his friendly, “cute” personality. Of course his sisters also adore you, seeing so much potential to ruin you—or that’s how Cater views it. His sisters shower you in clothes they think you’ll love, and each outfit must be cuter than the last. Cater would feel sorry for you, but he just can’t when you seem so genuine in your gratefulness. Are you really okay with his sisters shaping you into something you might not be?
Most days, you spend your time being shown around the town by Cater. He introduces you to all of his favorite, most photogenic locations. He even takes a few selfies with you to commemorate your arrival! This is the most excited he’s been for anything. Maybe it’s because you’re interested in his photography. Or maybe it’s because you actually listen to him and treat him like a person rather than some dress-up doll. At first he sort of hated the idea of getting another sibling (especially if you’re a girl; that would mean yet another sister). He can hardly handle the two he has now, so the fact that you’re much more of a relief compared to his sisters is like the biggest blessing ever.
Cater finds he’s restless on the days his sisters take you out. What are they showing you? What are they telling you? Do they talk about him? He wants to be the one to share things at his own leisure. He’s supposed to be the cool brother! That image will be ruined if you come back knowing his life’s story. >:( when you aren’t home, Cater finds himself poking through your room. It was mainly curiosity at first, but then he’s opening your drawers to look at your belongings and to see just what kind of clothes you wear. It’s nothing bad, he thinks while he’s running his own internal assessments. Your clothes are cute, but are they really you? Do you like this sort of stuff, or is it just the influence of his sisters?
He mainly snoops. That’s all he really does aside from scrolling through his phone to look back on all of the photos he’s taken. The two of you went swimming last week, and he zooms in to look at all of the skin that’s not covered by a swimsuit. It’s silly to think this, but you really are cute. He spends the hour compiling an album of photos with you, cropping the ones that include other people. He’ll add more to this album soon.
The next time Cater’s in your room, it’s to steal your underwear. You won’t miss it; and even if you do his sisters will overhear and insist they take you shopping. So he gets to be greedy and pick from the selection. Grossly enough, he fishes through your dirty laundry instead of the drawer filled with clean pairs. He’s gone before you come back from the kitchen, and you’re wearing that pair of short shorts he likes so much. Maybe his sisters’ influence isn’t so bad this time…
Cater’s added more photos to his collection. Some taken of you when you fell asleep on the sofa watching a movie. Some taken of your silhouette against the shower curtain. Some taken of you as you’re getting ready, your back turned when he stuck his phone through the small crack in your door after it was left slightly open. He’s gotten daring with each photo, straying too close to being caught. It’s dangerous and wrong. You’re supposed to be his step-sibling. He shouldn’t have these thoughts about someone who’s meant to be family. But he thinks you’d be even cuter if he had a chance to ruin you. You don’t need his sisters’ influence. You need big brother Cay’s influence (sure, he’s only older by a month or two, but that still makes him your big brother)! :D
He’ll teach you all about the pretty parts of your body you rarely touch. And he’d know because he’s watched you for months and snooped through your things in search of sex toys. It’s a little exciting to wonder and theorize. Have you even used your fingers yet? Are you truly textbook virgin (like his friend Riddle. Oh, if that’s the case he must introduce the two of you!)? Have you even taken a cock before, whether silicone or not? It would be super cute if he was your first time! There’s a floor-length mirror in his room. He can spread you open when he slides you down on his cock to show you just how widely you’ll stretch to accommodate him. And of course he must record it! Good memories should be captured in permanence, right?
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wonwoosthetic · 11 months
< series masterlist
word count – 13k
warnings – sibling energy
A/N – this already turned out so much longer than I wanted it to be, so I would have more content for a part 2😅😬
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minnie's struggle (and blessing) of growing up with 13 dudes
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[Minnie being the only girl in an idol group with 13 other guys is as iconic as it gets]
[I think we can all agree on that]
[but, we also know how much of a struggle this brings as well]
[as someone that grew up with an older brother, I don't even want to imagine how it must be with 10 of them + 3 younger ones]
[now, there's MORE THAN ENOUGH on camera footage, BUT we also have quite a few stories]
[and we'll be looking at a few of those today]
[pls enjoy]
teasing her
[some of these are really such canon events if you have older siblings and i love them for it]
Minnie was relaxing her back against one of the lime-green walls. 
[warning: there's quite a lot of content from the melona prison]
[just so you know]
With her phone in her hands, her eyes were focused on the screen as her fingers were tapping on it frantically. After a few seconds, a chuckle would tumble from her lips, only for her to start typing again.
Seungkwan had been entertaining the camera, with the girl only being shown in the background, but as soon as he turned around, his attention was fully on her. In a few steps, the '98 Liner stopped by her extended feet, tapping the souls of them with his toes.
"Who are you texting?" He asked her, continuing to nudge her feet with his own.
[the amount of times my brother has done the exact same thing, ugh]
[but seungkwan does it in a much cuter way]
The girl pulled in her legs and brushed him off. "No one." Only to chuckle at the screen again.
"Are you texting a friend?" Seungkwan got down and slid across the floor, his hands now placed on her knees. Once he didn't get an answer from the female trainee, he patted her bony knees. "Is it your boyfriend?"
[THE question as soon as you laugh while on the phone istg]
"What?" Her head shot up as soon as he threw the question into the room, pushing his hands off her with an annoyed sigh. "No! Get away from me."
"Just say if it's your boyfriend," the younger boy shrugged, still not getting up to leave her alone.
[i would've already smacked him ngl]
"Seungkwan!" Minnie rolled her eyes. "Stop it." A clear blush brightened up her full cheeks.
With a grin, the boy pushed himself up, pointing a finger straight at the girl. "Noona's blushing! She's texting her boyfriend!" His exclaim gained the attention of the rest of the members that were in the room.
[why did he do her like that hahahah]
"Boyfriend?" Seungcheol called out from the other side of the room.
[oh no]
[big bro mode activated]
"No, I'm not! Seugnkwan, I said stop!" With her extended legs again, Minnie was able to reach his shins kicking him, making him groan as he backed up. 
"Don't lie!" He pointed a strict finger at her again. With a quick push-up, the girl stood up and slapped his hand away, only for him to slap hers in return. With a frown on her face, the female trainee pushed him by his shoulder, but before the '98 Liner could do something again, the oldest of them all stepped in between them.
[the bitch fight they were about to have HAHAHAHAH]
"Stop fighting!" He growled at each of them.
[just a quick intermission: i need him to shout at me like that]
[okay back to the scene]
Immediately, both teenagers raised their fingers to point at each other.
"She pushed me first!"
"He started it!"
A groan from Seunghcheol got both to lower their hands again. "Both of you stop!" He turned to the boy first, "Seungkwan, stop annoying her."
[cheol was soooo done with them hahaha already back then]
[i just know he probably already had to stop SO many fights at this point]
"You always defend her, hyung." The younger one rolled his eyes, crossed his arms in front of his chest and walked away.
[well, we all know why, soooo👀🥰]
[she‘s a Choi deep down🫶🏼]
Then, Cheol turned to the girl. "And you, don't hit him."
"But-" She started, but as soon as Minnie saw the scowl on the oldest's face, she shut her mouth again. 
[i. am. on. my. knees.]
[like i know this is very big brother vibes bla bla bla]
She turned around to sit back against the wall, sliding down with a sigh. Wonwoo was quick to jump up from his place on the floor and join her, sitting closely by her side.
[aaaand of course, there's wonwoo to save the day again]
With a grin, Vernon made his way into the view of the camera. "You know, we're gonna lose a lot of male fans now."
[bro hahahah]
[what a comment]
[not the right moment]
"Ooh, that's true," the youngest, Dino, nodded with a chuckle.
The female trainee said nothing in return, instead chose to throw a pen she had lying next to her at the duo, making them laugh as they tried to dodge it.
[them as annoying younger brothers actually seems so much fun]
[but i also know that i'd be beating them up left and right]
[this is technically not really a moment of them teasing her, but it was mentioned]
[and i really liked this moment in street women fighter]
[it's very cute, so i'm gonna include it]
The members of the HolyBang group had gathered in their greenroom, each getting comfortable on the sofa and chair provided. As they fell into a comfortable conversation, Belle spoke up.
"Where's Minnie?"
The leader started frantically glancing around the room, trying to find the eyes of the youngest in their group.
"Where did we lose her?" Jane wondered, also looking around.
"Maybe she went to the toilet," Taro suggested, but the eldest of the room wasn't listening.
Honey J got up from her position on the couch, pulling up her pants just a bit. "I'll go look for her. I'll be right back." 
[i really am so glad minnie has a woman like her in her life in korea]
Without looking back, she exited through the door they had just come in. Walking through the hallway, she tried to get a glance into each room that was open, evening taking quick peeks around each corner she passed. Up until she reached the toilets that were on the same floor. The cameras only showed the hallway that was connected to the green rooms that housed the dance groups, but the microphones followed the female dancers all the way.
The '87 Liner opened the door to the female's bathroom, not expecting to find the younger girl by the sink right away.
"Oh, what are you- are you crying?" She wondered with a gasp. "Why are you crying?" 
[this literally broke my heart🥺]
[i knew minnie was going to have a hard time bc of stupid comments]
[but her crying really killed me, like fr]
Minnie's sniffles were caught by the microphone. 
"Don't say no, I can see that you're crying. What's going on?" The older woman interrupted her.
Minnie whimpered as she patted her cheeks down with some tissue. "It's nothing, I was j-"
"Ya, Minnie-ya," Honey J's strict voice was clear as she spoke. It was not often that she turned this serious. "Don't lie to me, okay? What happened? Did somebody say something to you?"
[seungcheol if he was a woman, TELL ME I'M WRONG]
The sound rustled as the '97 Liner shook her head, her hair brushing over the microphone. "The critique just hit me harder than I expected. I- I... I don't know- I didn't think I would react like this."
"Because of what they said about you?"
Minnie only nodded.
"Don't you want to go somewhere more comfortable where we can talk? I don't think the bathroom is the best place for a conversation like this?" The leader wondered, getting a soft chuckle from the girl.
"No," her sniffles continued. "If my members see me cry about this on camera, they'll tease me forever because of it." Her statement got a whole-hearted laugh from the other woman.
[and i bet they still did]
[but i'm also sure they were ready to throw fists]
[rules of brothers: make fun of your sibling for crying first and then beat up the person that made them cry]
"Minnie-ya! That can't be your concern right now, are you serious?" Chuckling along with the female idol whose cries have gotten less and more quiet.
"I'll beat them up if they do, okay?" 
[you dropped this 👑]
Honey J's question made the girl laugh out loud and cover her mouth as they both exited the bathroom and got back into the hallway. "Look," both women came to a halt, the leader looking intensely into her member's face. "Listen to me. You and I both know exactly why I asked you to be here with us. Because I know how good you are. YOU know how good you are. Fuck them and what they think just because you're an idol. You were a dancer first. And you'll always have that."
[alright, make me cry i guess]
Minnie nodded, her eyes lowered down to the floor.
[i just wanna give her a hug😢🥺😭]
[everything with na pd was CHAOS]
[but there were some moments i just had to highlight bc my god]
Once the producer hit the 'play' button, the intro music of the next song filled the room. Minnie, along with some other members shot up from her chair, but S.Coups beat her to it when he shouted out the name of his team. He was able to name the right group, but Woozi forgot the correct name of the song, giving them an altogether wrong answer.
Minnie was about to shout out her team's name that she shared with Hoshi and Seungkwan, but Mingyu pushed her back into her chair, taking a step forward to cover her form as he screamed out the name of his and Jeonghan's team. 
[stand up for yourself minnie and smack him]
Right after he said the name of the group, the '95 Liner followed with the correct name of the song that was playing.
Pink Venom. A song performed by the project girl group Minnie was part of.
With her mouth agape, she glanced up at the tall member, still surprised by his action.
"Why did you push me?" Almost pouting, knowing it would hopefully make the rapper feel bad.
[this must be such a weakness for the members]
"I'm sorry," he chuckled, sitting back down, placing one hand on her shoulder and the other on her knee. Minnie was quick to brush both off, smacking his chest and making him wince.
[pls he's so dramatic]
Unbeknownst to them, Dokyeom had made his way into the middle of the area, stopping right in front of the main camera, after he had thrown his jacket to the floor. The members started hollering after him as he got ready for his performance.
[i love dokyeom so much]
[but it i were minnie, i'd be RUNNING]
As soon as the chorus that Minnie sang started, DK started to move. He knew the choreo to this part inside-out at this point. The rest of the members couldn't help but laugh at how seriously the '97 Liner took his role.
[dk's coming for your career minnie, watch out]
"Dance like Minnie! Stick your butt out more!" Dino commented with a laugh, getting the girl to stand up from her position.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She argued at him before getting suddenly pushed forward. 
[fr hahahaha]
Turning around, she found Hoshi motioning for her to get closer to Dokyeom to dance with him, but she shook her head.
"Hyung, do a sexy face!" Seungkwan shouted out, clapping along to the rhythm of the song.
[istg she's with them for like ten years and then finally gets to do grown up girlgroup dances AND THIS IS THE THANKS TO THAT]
While the members were hyping up their friend, Minnie hid her smile behind her hands as she sulked into her chair as far back as possible.
[i love how shy she gets about this still though]
[on stage a beast but off stage still so shy, I LOVE HER]
When it was finally over, the room filled with applause.
"Woah, hyung, that was so good!"
"How are you so good at that dance?"
[svt really is just a bunch of simps]
"He really looked just like Minnie on stage," Vernon jokingly commented. The girl shot up from her chair.
[he went to far with that comment hahaha]
With a few steps forward, she was close enough to her fellow '97 Liner, lifting her leg to try and kick him, but he was quick to jump back with a giggle. "I don't dance like that!" Minnie pouted.
[well... i mean...]
"But you do," the leader told her, relaxing back into his chair as he eyed the girl's expression.
[he's not even bothered by it anymore PLS]
"Stooop," she whined.
"Minnie-ya," Na-PD spoke up. "Do you want to go again and dance with Dokyeom?"
She quickly shook her head. "No, thank you." Getting a laugh from each of the members, including the staff and producers.
[no thanks, i choose to keep my career and not have it taken away by one of my members]
[i felt so bad for them during this episode]
[but can we talk about how minnie and dokyeom pushed an entire car?! i salute them]
With the wind hitting the members' faces, it was hard to talk, but they still made the best out of it, just like they did with most situations. 
[they really had to film gose on one of the windiest days of the month outside on the street🫠]
Minnie was trapped in between Dokyeom and Dino, violently shaking her legs, hoping to create some kind of warmth as the small heaters in her pockets were almost not helping her at all.
[i bet mingyu's arms would be warm enough🤭]
"What do you think, Minnie-ya?" Woozi suddenly called out for her, making her look up. "You've been really quiet so far." Commenting on the unusual lack of banter coming from the girl, especially with the topics the members were discussing.
"I-I'm really cold, I'm sorry," she explained, a somewhat smile on her face as her lips felt frozen.
Seungkwan rolled his eyes, "Suck it up then," unfazed by her statement.
"Yeah, we're all cold. You're nothing special," Vernon added, getting the girl to sulk into her chair as the rest of the guys started laughing.
['you're nothing special'😭]
[i have no words, they're just annoying hahah]
[can we just agree on that?]
Minnie rushed to the door the directors were standing in front of, the cameras focused on the door that was closer to the blackboard in the room. She opened the sliding doors after knocking, only to find eleven pairs of wide eyes already looking at her. After a quick bow to the teacher at the front of the room, she introduced herself,
"Hello, sorry for-", but he didn't let her finish,
"The girl's classroom is two rooms down the hall." 
She looked at the man, slightly perplexed, "But- but this is classroom 17, right? I'm supposed to come here."
Soft whispers from the rest of the guys could be heard,
"Is that the new girl everybody's talking about?"
"Wow... she's really pretty."
[facts jeonghan🤝🏼]
"I heard she's French," "Oh wow, really?"
"No, I think she's British."
[I BET YOU this was exactly what was going on in the heads of the trainees when she came to pledis]
[everyone's a simp for minnie]
[her members included]
"Aha," he nodded his head slowly, still unsure of the female, "A girl in an all boys' class... interesting. I don't know how I should feel about that."
[i love how this was one of the things they were most critisised for at the beginning of their career]
[but it made them even more unique than they already were]
[and now they just make fun of everyone who ever said it was weird]
And became very stern unexpectedly, "Why are you late?!" 
Minnie flinched at the sudden change of attitude and tried holding in her laughter after closing the door behind her to take a seat at the closest seat in the last row, "I-I'm sorry, I'm-"
"No, you don't get to sit in the back! There's still a free spot right here," the teacher pointed to the first row, where an empty table stood, right in front of him.
"I'm pretty comfortable here-" Again, she got interrupted by him shaking his head,
"No, no, no," and motioned for her to come forward. She sighed, earning a warning glance from Mr Lee Soon-eung, shutting her up quickly, before sitting down in the middle seat in the first row. 
[he was using this role to his advantage in EVERY way possible hahah]
"You interrupted me calling attendance."
She bowed her head, "Oh, I'm sorry. Please," and extended her hands, "continue."
"You don't get to tell me what to do," the homeroom teacher shook his head, getting a chuckle from most of the boys in the room and making the girl find a camera to look into.
[pls tell me she beat him up after filming HAHAH]
He went on, calling out the names, "Lee Seokmin?", the student raised his hand and answered,
"Yes, Mr. Lee!"
"Ah," then he stopped, "There you are on the list. Number 10... Kim Minnie," his eyes found the girl's again.
"That's me," she raised her hand politely, a pretty smile on her lips.
"I know. That's what I just said," he continued.
"Right," Minnie whispered, nodding before mumbling to herself and the microphone attached to her, "He already hates me..."
[she was so done😭]
[inse really gives us some of the best moments ever]
[before we had the pink venom moment during game caterer, we had this:]
"We have something very important to discuss, everyone." Hoshi's face took up the entirety of the camera's shot as he spoke in a low tone. 
The practice room was not yet occupied by every member, so the background noise was limited to a few people talking while the songs of their newest album 'Attacca' were playing. 
"There's a member. In this group." He let his fingers run through his hair, checking himself out in the viewfinder. "Who... we should interview today. And that member is right... there." As he turned around, he revealed Minnie's form, right next to Jun, as they were presumably caught up in a conversation that made both of them chuckle. 
[never could i have ever predicted what he was going to talk about]
With her back turned towards the performance unit's leader, the taller '96 Liner had to point behind her to make her look around.
"What?" She wondered as her eyes found Hoshi's already trained on her.
With a smug smile, he walked over to the girl, the camera following his every step. 
[right there is were we see kwon 'younger brother' soonyoung energy]
"I just told them," he pointed at the lens filming them, "there's a member that we should interview today." The tiger threw his arm around her smaller frame. "Do you want to tell Carats something?"
[here we go]
"Me?" Unknowing about what he was talking about, Minnie glanced at him wide-eyed. "What should I want to tell them?"
"You know," Hoshi nodded, but the female member just continued to stare at him.
[oh no]
"But I don't," she simply told him.
After clearing his throat, he took a deep breath, looking back at the camera again. "Everyone... a few days ago, the new episode of Street Woman Fighter came out-"
"Ah, stop it!" With a swift move, Minnie got out of his hold, brushing his arm off her shoulders with a frown. Her voice echoed through the practice room.
The '96 Liner gazed at her with a grin on his lips. "What?" He played innocent. "You don't even know what I wanted to say."
[you sneaky little bitch]
"Of course, I know!" She whined. "You guys have been teasing me about this all week!"
[i can only imagine how bad it must've been for her oh god]
[i just wanna know who she watched it with]
[scoups? wonwoo and mingyu? PLS]
"That's not true," he tried to argue back.
Minnie scoffed, "Yes, it is."
"Anyways," he brushed it off. "Carats, in case you haven't seen it yet-"
With a shuff to his side, Hoshi was kicked out of view from the camera -the culprit being Minnie. "Of course, they've seen it by now. So, stop it."
[she's so whiny when she gets shy hahahah]
"No, we should talk about it." The dancer stayed calm and put his focus back on the camera, but was interrupted by the girl's voice.
"Jun!" She called out with a pained chuckle. "Help me!" Her arms tightly wrapped around the '96 Liner's bicep, cuddling into the loose sleeves of his shirt.
[bestie pls help]
[come support]
"Don't drag me into this!" Jun tried to get out of her grip. The girl's surprised facial expression made him laugh.
[well done bestie]
"You said you liked the performance!" 
[alright junie]
After the episode had aired, the members saw the choreography HolyBang had created for Jessi's new song 'Cold Blooded'. And let's just say... they didn't expect their female member to go ALL OUT.
"Ya!" the '96 Liner shouted out. "Don't say it like that, that makes it sound weird! I said you looked really confident and comfortable."
['confident and comfortable'🥹🥺]
[i'm gonna cry, he's so supportive]
"And I did," Minnie crossed her arms in front of her chest. Hoshi took a step closer to her. "I really liked our performance too."
[don't listen to those men]
"Then that's all that matters." 
Was Jun's last comment before he disappeared, leaving, much to her dismay, the girl alone with their unit's leader again.
"Well," he started, "that's not really ALL that matters."
[hoshi pls😭]
"Yes, it is."
"Seungkwan-ah!" He directed his attention to the '98 Liner that had stopped in front of the mirror, now glancing towards the duo with wide eyes.
[oh no, he's getting the devil involved in this]
The '96 Liner's arm was back around the shoulders of the girl.
"What did you think about Minnie in the last Street Woman Fighter episode? HolyBang's performance."
"Oh, you mean this?" Without a warning, Seungkwan bent over, putting his ass up in the air before doing circles by bending his knees. His butt on full view for the rest of the room.
"Stoooop!" Minnie crouched over giggling while Hoshi was clapping along with the main vocalist's performance right in front of them, a big smile on his face.
"Why is Seungwan impersonating Minnie?" Vernon suddenly wondered as he walked up to the small group, only getting another round of laughter from each of the members.
"Guys," with sniffles, as the girl had started tearing up from laughing, the female idol whined. "Why do you do this to me?"
[girl is literally crying 😭😂😭]
"Why are you showing your butt like this on TV?" Seungkwan confronted her with a strict voice.
[he might be asking the real questions here]
[we need more adult girly minnie]
[god gave you that for a reason yk]
"You're being mean!" She shouted back at him, getting him to mimic her mad facial expression. Minnie shook her head with a smile. "I just did what Hanee-unnie told me to do. And it looked good." She turned around. "I'm sure, Carats will agree," and winked at the camera.
"Agree with what?" Dino appeared to her left, smiling innocently at the female member.
[keep his eyes covered pls save the maknae]
"That HolyBang's performance was good."
"The one from last week?" He wondered.
Minnie nodded. The maknae's smile dropped as he pressed his lips into a tight line. With slow steps, he started walking backwards. One step at a time. Slowly. His eyes never left Minnie, who had her mouth slightly agape.
[the image of his noona just got RUINED]
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Before he could answer, the familiar loud voice of Seungkwan bounced off the walls as he stood in the middle of the room.
"Hey guys!" He called out as most of the members had gathered. "Who am I?" And once again, he repeated the dance move, putting his butt up extra high. 
[they ain't letting it go. EVER]
The joined laughter from all of the members could be heard through the camera.
"Ah, Seungkwan-ah!" S.Coups had to stop his chuckle, his hand half covering his eyes. "We've seen enough of this. Don't remind us."
[big bro to the rescue]
"Yeah, once was enough," Wonwoo's deep chuckle was immediately recognizable.
[i just got reminded that he's really possessive]
[nvm i take that 'shook' back]
[dude's too obvious]
Minnie just shook her head, the lens back on her. "Help me," she whispered. "Help. Me."
"Minnie-ya!" Jeonghan suddenly called out. "You did well!"
"Thank you!" The girl was quick to react, smiling brightly at the second oldest, who was resting on the bench they had put up against the wall. Joshua sent her a thumbs-up as well.
Surprisingly, Minghao jumped into the camera's view, his arm embracing Minnie right away. "Yeah, don't listen to them." He reassured her before talking towards the camera. "We're all actually really proud of Minnie," the two '97 Liner nodded in chorus as the girl chuckled. 
[crying again]
[may we pls all be gifted with a minghao]
[how dare he be so cute and supportive]
"It was a bit of a surprise, but the performance was really good." 
[oh, the money i would pay to see all of the guys' reactions to the performance]
Another smile at her earned him a tight embrace, making him laugh as he tightened his embrace. 
The moment was ruined once the camera caught the BooSeokSoon trio in the mirror, all repeating the iconic moves of HolyBang's performance to Cold Blooded. 
[ngl though]
[they kinda ate that up]
This was going to haunt her for quite a while.
[i'm so sorry minnie HAHA]
minnie as 'one of the boys'
[or in other words: the members forgetting that minnie is a girl and like half their size]
[tbh i don't even know if you could call it 'forgetting' or rather just ignoring that she's a girl]
[which, ngl, love it]
[like yes, sometimes you'd definitely need to consider it, like whenever they talk about showering together and what not bc let‘s leave that to the melons prison times😂]
[but like... with everything else]
[those dudes do NOT give a single fuck]
[they either treat her like a bro or like a princess, there's literally no in between, AND I AM HERE FOR IT]
[she really gets the best of both worlds?]
[she's been one of the dudes since day one, and we have content to prove it:]
Mingyu surprised the rest of the group when he suddenly showed up, carrying Minnie in his arms.
[a queen should never walk, and that's on period💅🏼]
"What are you doing?" Woozi couldn't help but laugh as he eyed the two friends. The female trainee was tightly clinging onto the neck of her fellow '97 Liner.
[although, she does look like she ain't enjoying this even one bit]
"He's gonna drop me!" She whined out loud, re-securing her grip.
The boy shook his head, "No, I won't," before turning to the older member. "I wanted to see how long I could carry her for. She's really light, I think I could do this forever."
[did he just brag about his strength or compliment her body?]
[slay i guess]
Minnie rolled her eyes, "Yeah, alright... but I won't let you, so can you please put me down?"
[back then she wasn't taking advantage of it just yet]
[and then you watch in the soop and she's being carried around literally EVERYWHERE hahahah]
"Wait!" Aprubtly, Soonyoung rushed towards them, away from the conversation he was having with Chan. "I want to try to carry her too!"
[this seems like such a dude thing]
['i'm strong too, let me show you]
"Noo, why?" Ignoring her whine, Mingyu crouched down slightly as the older member had his arms already extended. They switched quickly, with Minnie having to loosen her grasp around the taller member's neck slowly, one hand leaving his skin first, only to switch onto Soonyoung's neck. As soon as her body was fully in the dancer's arms, he started bouncing her up and down, making her chuckle, but a frown was still evident on her face.
[annoying ass]
"No! Hyung, please!" Tightening her grip once again.
"Woah, she's really light!" 
[so you think i'm skinnyyyyy]
The '96 Liner commented, carrying her towards the middle of the room when the other members got closer to them.
Dokyeom got to her legs and started holding onto them. "Should we try throwing her up?" He suddenly asked.
[can they be any more bro-like?]
[like who even thinks of that?!]
[boys. that's who.]
A round of laughter and applause filled the room, "OOOH YES!", "Let's try it!" The whines of the girl were overheard by the boys as they gathered around her, each placing their hands on her back and legs.
[she was so helpless, oh god😭]
"Guys, no! Please, you're gonna drop me!" She shouted out, a nervous chuckle falling from her lips, not helping how scared she actually was.
[i would literally be screaming at the top of my lungs]
"We're not gonna drop you," Wonwoo tried to assure her, but it wasn't helping in the slightest.
[yeah alright, move over loverboy]
"Minnie," Vernon spoke up, "You have to let go of Soonyoung's neck."
"No!" She argued back while the older member was already moving his head around, trying to loosen her grip on him. Seungkwan got up behind him, his hands working on the girl's fingers that were intertwined.
[also: the staff? didn't care. not one bit.]
"Come on, Minnie, trust us," he chuckled as he pulled her hands apart.
"Ey, please, guys," she covered her face, still trying to get out of their hold. For some reason, even though she was scared to the bone, she couldn't help but chuckle.
[the nervous laugh is so real]
[like what else are you gonna do?]
Together, the guys lowered themselves slightly, bending their knees.o
"Alright, everyone!" Soonyoung called out. "On three!"
"No, stop!"
"One! Two! Three!" As soon as the last number fell from his lips, the guys pushed their knees back up straight, extended their arms, and managed to throw the girl up into the air. Minnie's scream echoed through the room, still ringing in their ears once she fell back into their arms.
[it looks kinda fun]
[but jeez, i'd be pissing myself from fear]
"One more time! Higher!" It was Mingyu's turn. "One!"
"STOP!" The girl's exclamation was ignored - possibly because she was still laughing along with them.
"Two! Three!" And once again, the eleven members threw her up, only that this time, they underestimated their strength as the girl had to reach out with her hands, so her face wouldn't hit the ceiling.
[i actually would've died]
"OH!" A round of exclaims came from the boys as they were surprised by the sudden sound her hands made once they hit the hard material. 
Hastily, they tried to catch her again and lower her onto the floor. She caught them off-guard when she suddenly started to laugh.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" Vernon was the first to ask her, followed by Chan who got down on his knees.
"Noona, did you hurt yourself?"
"Are you okay?"
After taking a deep breath in, Minnie pushed away all the upper bodies that were now way too close to her face, for some reason still softly chuckling.
[how tf she can laugh in this moment, i don't know]
[i would be crying and running home]
"I told you guys to stop!" She was still trying to catch her breath, as she pushed herself up from the floor, Dokyeom trying to help her.
Seungkwan, Vernon, and Chan had taken a step back and watched her with wide eyes, fear written all across their faces.
Dokyeom lowered his head to meet her eyes as she fixed her hair. "Did you get hurt?"
"No," the girl shook her head. "I'm okay."
For a quick moment, the entire room fell quiet, only for Mingyu to break it again.
"Alright! Let's do it again!" Getting cheers from the others in return.
But the female trainee was already running away, her screams disappearing behind the door.
"Jihoon has never had a girlfriend. Ever."
Vernon, Seungkwan, Jihoon, and Minnie were together cramped in the small room with muffled walls, that was right next to their practice room. The youngest one was talking to the camera.
[they're literally babies, I CAN'T]
"He doesn't even have friends that are girls."
With furrowed brows, the girl turned to her right, glaring at the English-speaking member.
"And what am I then?" She wondered, making Vernon's head shoot in her direction.
"I'm friends with Jihoon," she explained, "And I'm a girl."
[you tell him girl]
"Oooh, yeah right," the young rapper nodded. "I keep forgetting that, I'm sorry."
[explain to me why i find this kinda edearing]
[she's so close with them and they're just enjoying their time together and do not give a shit about gender]
His comment made the '96 Liner laugh and lean forward, giving the girl the perfect opportunity to grab the notebook from the table in front of her and whack Vernon across the head with it. The youngest groaned with a chuckle, his hand reaching for the back of his head.
[idk why but seeing minnie mad like that is so funny for no reason HAHAHA]
[she looks so cute, but then she just whips out a freaking notebook and hits you with it]
To his defence came Seungkwan, who snatched the notebook out of her grip, only to hit her with it as well. He added about twice the amount of strength, letting the sound of it hitting her skin ring through their ear.
She turned around, trying to regain the pieces of paper, but the younger member pulled back with a sheepish smile plastered on his face.
The girl's high-pitched giggles filled the room with joy as Chan joined her laughter while she ran around in circles, carrying him on her back.
[minnie is the best big sister ever and i will fight anyone who says otherwise]
[even in the melon prison, they were so happy🥺🥹]
"Noona, can you jump with me on your back?" The maknae wondered. 
Minhee didn't need to be asked twice as instead of answering him, she tried to do exactly that. Less of a jump and more of a gallop got another round of giggles from the trainees, making the girl continue doing the action.
After only a few seconds, the female member started breathing heavier than before as she slowed down.
"This is more exhausting than I thought," she commented as she lowered herself onto her knees, letting Chan get easily off her back. Minnie laid down on her stomach, her arms by her side as she enjoyed relaxing on the floor.
"Noona!" The youngest, still as excited as ever, threw himself onto her back, getting a groan from the older girl in return. "You're so much stronger than I expected." Making the girl chuckle.
"Yeah, it surprised me too."
[minnie bulking up? let's gooo]
"Are we cuddling?" Seokmin's loud voice echoed through the room as he saw the two lying on the floor. 
Without waiting for an answer, he copied the maknae and threw himself onto the two the same way. This time, a second groan came from the youngest.
[i mean, at this point, the ppor girl]
[come on guys]
Before any of them could rake themselves up again, the next trainee followed - Seungkwan.
Minhee moaned out in pain. "Guys, I'm still underneath all of you."
[hi, pls, help me]
Then came Mingyu, who let himself fall back onto the mass of his friends, his back hitting the '98 Liner's.
[this would've been my last straw]
Wonwoo decided to go next, slightly jumping up, so he could be at the very top.
[and there comes the next]
A chorus of moans filled the room.
"Guys," Seungcheol rushed over to the hill of people, ready to push them off. "Come on, guys, you're crushing Minhee." 
[thank you]
[poor girl was about to see the light with all of that weight on her]
The younger members quickly reacted and got off again, one after the other, releasing the blockage of air the girl had experienced.
"You're all so much heavier than her," Joshua came towards them as he laughed at the antics of his fellow trainees. 
[aaaaand seventeen's gentleman back in the game]
He crouched down, his hand reaching out to help Minhee get up once she had rolled onto her back.
"Ugh," she groaned as she pulled herself up with the help of Jisoo's grip. "Thank you, Josh."
[what happens in the melona prison, stays in the melona prison]
[this too]
[although, i have to admit, i'm pretty convinced they would still do this]
Nine of the members had their arms tightly interlocked with each other as they lay on the floor in two separate rows. The six others were on their feet and trying to pull the other trainees apart. Somehow, Seungcheol had managed to tear away Wonwoo and Minhee from the rest of the chain as those two were clinging onto each other the tightest.
"Let go!" The oldest's shout was filled with laughter as he tucked on the '96 Liner's legs.
[can you imagine getting pulled away with cheol's strength]
[i'm convinced he could rip out an arm]
Mingyu saw his struggle and was quick to rush to his help, getting a hold of the girl's legs. With her starting to kick like a fanatic, it was hard for him to hold his grasp, sighing in relief once he got her loose pants's leg.
"Mingyu!" She called out. "You're taking off my pants!"
"Then let go!" He argued back.
[mingyu, how about you try to use less strength on a girl that's two heads smaller than you]
Minhee started kicking her legs again, hoping the boy wouldn't accidentally expose her underwear and naked legs.
[i love how her number one defence mechanism, after throwing random shit, is kicking them]
[bc same]
"Cheol-hyung! He's gonna take off my clothes!" She shouted out for the oldest member, who looked up at the '97 Liners.
[and just when she thought big bro cheol would come to the rescue]
"Stop kicking, then we can pull you guys apart!" 
[he pulls this...] 
He surprised the female trainee with his answer, originally hoping for his support. She was caught off guard as she was still busy trying to keep her pants up when she suddenly felt an emptiness by her arm. Looking to her side, she found Wonwoo an arms-length away from her.
[and there goes her other half]
"No, hyung!" Minhee laughed as she tried to sit up and stand up completely, but instead, she felt another tug on her leg. Before she could react, the floor was already being swiffered with her body. Mingyu's evil laughter rang through her ears as Dokyeom joined in. His hands wrapped around right arm while the rapper still had his grip on her left leg. 
[they were EVIL]
[how tf is she supposed to defend herself against THAT]
Helping pleas and giggles from the only female trainee filled the room, but went ignored as the guys started adding to the laughter. The other members who were already separated decided to just sit on the floor and watch the '97 Liner group with big smiles on their faces.
[no helping hand in sight]
[love it]
[going from the melona prison, to even more public on camera]
[oh, you thought they'd stop once they became famous? hell no.]
The members were lined up in front of the pool, all ready for their sign-off towards the camera on the other side.
"Seventeen!" Jeonghan started them off, with the rest of the members following him. "TTT!"
Minnie was about to turn around and walk away when she suddenly felt two strong arms wrapping around her torso. Mingyu had her tight in his embrace as he turned her to the side, his mischievous giggle right next to her ear.
[here we go again]
[how she managed to survive stuff like this for 10+ years now, with no broken bones, i'll never understand]
"Let go of me!" She shouted, but Seungcheol had already grabbed her legs, lifting them up. The girl tried to kick him away from her, "NO!" 
But before she could do much, the two strongest members of the group had already started rocking her body back and forth by the side of the pool. 
[how is this fair ...]
[like bffr, at least give her a chance ...]
On three, they let go of her, letting Minnie disappear underneath the surface, her scream muffled by the water. All of the members stared at the pool with their mouths agape.
[bc they really had to THROW her]
[they couldn't have just pushed her in the pool, no they literally had to throw her up in the air, to make her entire body turn]
With a gasp, she came back up to grasp for air, her hands running over her face as she tried to free it from her hair.
"You idiots!" She cursed at them with a giggle, but the guys were already on the floor, clutching their stomachs, trying to control their laughter.
[i would've left]
[i'm telling you as it us]
[no contract renewal bc of this betrayal]
For a good five minutes, Seugnkwan, Minnie, and Mingyu were hurdled up in the stairwell of the warehouse. They had yet to open the doors and enter the corridor that would officially lead them into the horror house the Going Seventeen staff had set up. The rapper had already tried once but as soon as one of the killers crossed his eyes, he closed the door again right away.
"Ok," the '98 Liner took a deep breath. "Noona, you go first."
[what a gentleman]
Her head whipped in his direction. "What?! Why me?"
But the younger member just shrugged.
"Please, Minnie-ya," Mingyu practically begged her. With her mouth slightly agape, she glared at both of her members.
"Are you- you know what, alright." She brushed their fear off of her and opened the door, not able to see the little claps the two did in celebration of getting her to go in first.
[i can definitely tell that if she hadn't agreed to it, they would've just pushed her in through the door]
The three had just managed to run away from the first few killers they had encountered and were now stuck in a dark room. Mingyu had closed the door as they all rushed to the very end of the room, trying to get as far away as possible.
Minnie couldn't help but continue her giggle that had started once she was being chased.
[for now she's laughing🙃]
"Why are you laughing?" The rapper hissed at her in a whisper, clearly shaken up by the situation.
At his reaction, the girl crumbled over, her hands falling to her knees as she laughed out loud. Then she pointed at the youngest of them.
"Look at him," chuckling at the crying expression Seungkwan held. 
[she's literally making fun of him while he's almost having a mental breakdown, what😂😭]
He was quick to switch to a neutral face, glaring at the girl before lifting his hand, and threatening her with a slap on the back of her head, making her slightly flinch.
[some members need to learn how to fight back just like seungkwan does]
[not looking at anyone in particular👀]
Before she could react back to him, the door unexpectedly opened, revealing one of the killers with the light-up mask, catching the three idols off-guard. Subconsciously, the two male members, grabbed the girl by her arms, trying to hide behind her much smaller frame.
"What?! I'm gonna-" the '98 Liner tried to toughen up. "You've been waiting for a long time, right?" 
[don't even try seungkwan💀]
[don't even]
Minnie tried to free herself of their grip on her shoulders but was unable to do so. Once the killer started to get closer, the three moved together in synch, further away from him, along the wall, towards the opposite corner of the room.
[they were CLUTCHING onto her for dea life, jesus, let a girl breathe]
One quick look towards the door showed them the next killer that had shown up, the killer clown.
"Oh, what?!" Mingyu cried out, clutching tighter onto the girl's arms. She continued to brush his hands off her. 
[not impressed]
Seungkwan's scared whines echoed through the room and hallways, only adding to the thrill of the situation they were put in. The masked killer was to their left, slowly getting closer, while the clown decided to stay by the door.
As if the guys had made a pact, with one push to the left, Seungkwan and Mingyu threw the girl right into the killer's chest, leaving everyone not involved in their action in shock. The two rushed out of the room, leaving the girl alone.
"Are you kidding me?!" She shouted out as the man made sure she stood up straight, his arms that had caught her now back relaxed by his body. "They really just did that...," she shook her head in disbelief, mumbling under her breath. A comforting pat on the shoulder made her look up. 
[they were so sweet 😭😭]
[scary horror killers that have a soft spot for minnie]
[don't we all]
The actor of the killer was looking at her while his free hand pointed at the door. The clown had copied his motion, showing her the way out.
"Are you letting me go?" She wondered, her fingers running through her hair to straighten it out.
She got a nod in return.
"Because those idiots left me here to die?"
Another nod.
"Thank you," Minnie sent them a tight smile.
After a quick exchange of looks with each of the killers, Minnie sprinted out of the room, the actors waiting a few seconds before rushing after her.
[and back to killing]
[btw still mad they all made it out, minnie should've left them there]
[i just have one thing to say: i want to go on vacation with them]
[i am BEGGING]
Woozi, Dokyeom, Joshua, Dino, Wonwoo, and Hoshi were still focused on their water game, passing the ball around in the circle they had formed. Vernon had gotten out of the pool, leaving Minnie alone on one of the floaties. 
[they were so unbothered in this scene, i love them for that]
The floating pineapple pool mattress gave her the perfect opportunity to rest on her back and close her eyes, just listening to her other members playing their game.
[how she can be so quiet and unbothered while they are literally shouting and being as loud as possible is still a mystery to me]
[it's like her superpower almost]
Her fellow '97 Liner noticed her still form, not having moved for at least fifteen minutes. The game came to a halt as he ushered the guys into a smaller circle, exchanging whispers and chuckles between them. 
[this isn't gonna end well]
Shortly after, the maknae made his way over to the girl as carefully and slowly as possible. The sudden quietness made the girl slightly suspicious, opening her eyes to see what was going on. 
[oh oh]
She noticed the movement. She pushed herself up, and her eyes fell on the youngest of the group.
[got ya bitch]
"What are you doing?" But she got no verbal answer other than a sinister giggle.
The members were already waiting in position, all on one half on the floatie when Hoshi started counting to three with his fingers. 
[bye minnie]
The girl caught on to their prank. “Wait! Wait, guys!" As quickly as she tried to move away, Minnie was still too slow.
Once he held up three fingers in the air, the guys put their hands underneath the mattress and lifted it easily, throwing her into the water, her scream getting muffled underneath the surface.
[girl just wanted to relax]
[and this is what she gets]
[no quiet day for seventeen ever]
With proud claps and hollers, the guys cheered on themselves as the girl got back up, her hands immediately pushing her hair out of her face.
[how proud they are of themselves 😭]
"What the hell was that for, you idiots!" She laughed out loud. Before any of them said something back, Hoshi started splashing her frantically with water, making her turn around and hide her face. The rest of them quickly joined in, all attacking her with splashes.
"GUYS!" She continuously shouted, all covered by laughter from each member inside the pool.
When they finally stopped, she turned back around towards them, glancing at each of them with a small smile on her face.
"I hate you all." Getting a chuckle from each of them. 
[yeah yeah]
[you love them, we know it]
They were about to get back to their game when Minnie suddenly attacked Dokyeom by jumping on his back, catching him off-guard and slightly stumbling back. In return, he let himself fall backwards, taking her down with him, both laughing all the way.
Once they got back up, they were separated again, and as if both had agreed on the next move, together they started attacking the person next to them with water - the victim being Woozi.
With no warning, Minnie was suddenly lifted up by Hoshi, who just threw her back into the water. She was quick to come back up to the surface to start splashing him right away. The '96 Liner got support from the youngest, joining in to attack the female member. She, in return, got help from Wonwoo, who had joined her side and started helping her. 
[this was all just so chaotic]
[i love them all]
The next emotion for their SVTSIDE OUT episode was anger and Seungcheol started it all when he suddenly shouted out loud, his deep growl too close to Minnie's ear. In return, the girl pushed him harshly away from her.
"What is wrong with you?! Don't scream like that!"
[only minnie is brave enough to do this to cheol]
Instead of a verbal answer, S.Coups grabbed her arm and threw her onto the soft part of the trampoline they were standing on. 
[come on bro]
[don't do this to her]
[i was so shocked hahahah]
With a heavy huff, she landed on the ground, but before she could get up, the '95 Liner had already started jumping around, making her body bounce off of the stretchy fabric. The members came to his help, using the strength of their knees as they made the female member unable to stand up.
[no mercy]
"Stay down!" Dokyeom shouted at her, to which she couldn't help but giggle when she screamed back at him.
[none at all]
"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Somehow, Minnie managed to get onto her wobbly legs, only for Joshua to throw his arm around her shoulder and pull her down with him. While he chuckled, the girl groaned, squirming around as she tried to get away from him
"Get off me, you wannabe wrestler!"
her actions speak for themselves 
[you better bet i'm putting in another scene from street woman fighter]
The nine women of HolyBang had gathered in their green room, waiting for further instructions as they got comfortable on the sofa and chairs. Some of them had already turned to their phones, while others had started talking to each other.
"Who do you guys think are gonna be the strongest rivals?" Belle suddenly asked the rest of the members.
Hertz shrugged, her eyes glued to the screen in her hands. "I don't really care, we're strong anyway, we shouldn't worry too much about that."
[i love how confident they were]
[gotta teach me their way, please]
"Oh," Minnie chuckled nervously, "I was ready to say YGX, but that's gonna sound really insecure now."
"Yeah, don't say it, please," the older woman chuckled. "Let's stay confident."
A sudden laugh surprised the women. Honey J was hunched over on her chair.
"What?" Taro wondered, chuckling at her leader.
The older women pointed at the youngest of them all. "I just love how Minnie is sitting like the most confident dude, but wanted to talk about being scared of the other groups."
[well, who do you think she got that from]
And she wasn't wrong. Minnie had her knees wide apart, her back half on the seating cushions on the sofa while only her head and shoulders leaned against the backrest.
"Oh," she chuckled, "Sorry," and pushed herself up immediately, straightening her back.
"No, no, no," the older woman reached out to her. "You should look relaxed. It makes you seem more confident, that's good."
[and that's why she's perfect]
"Fake it 'till you make it," Belle nudged Minnie's shoulder as she repeated a phrase she had recently learned from the younger girl, getting a giggle out of her.
[yes, another game caterer moment]
[i loved these episodes just too much alright]
[can you blame me?!]
The members had just changed into the basketball jerseys the staff had provided for them and were making their way onto the field. The weather was slightly cooler than expected, so Minnie had put on a long-sleeved shirt underneath. Each jersey seemed to have come in the same size as her white one was almost reaching her knees.
The guys had started throwing the ball around randomly, each of them trying to get it into the net. 
"Minnie-shi?" Na-PD called out for her, making the girl turn around towards the cameras. "Didn't they give you pants? Do you want some sweatpants?" He kindly wondered, two staff members behind him already standing up.
[okay but can we talk about how sweet he is?!]
[i mean, the entire staff seems amazing]
[but i love this man so much]
Without thinking twice, the girl suddenly pulled up her jersey, revealing the black biker shorts she had put on. 
The action surprised the staff members as they gasped and quickly turned their heads, as they had thought she was still without any piece of clothing on her legs.
[their life literally just flashed right in front of their eyes]
[jesus christ minnie HAHAHAH]
This time, the members' attention was also turned towards the staff, their eyes though on the girl who chuckled,
"We thought you weren't wearing anything underneath," another female staff member explained, joining in laughing at the moment they had shared.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry!" She giggled, scrunching over as laughter took over her body.
[don't scare them like that girl]
"What?" The leader suddenly came forward, switching gazes between the staff and the girl. "What's going on?" 
[protective bro is back]
Still confused when Minnie leaned on him for support, the laughter coming from her and the people behind the camera still filling his ear. 
"What happened?" Now it was Hoshi's time to ask.
[protective bro #2]
"I-" the female member tried to explain through her giggles. "They- They thought I wasn't wearing anything under the shirt, so I showed them." She repeated the action, catching some of the members off-guard as well as S.Coups, who was quick to reach out, pulling her jersey back down again.
[like, how many times has this happened before that he just reacts within AN INSTANT]
"No! I'm wearing the biker shorts." Minnie pulled the jersey up, revealing her choice of pants. "But they weren't expecting it."
A slap on her shoulder made her turn to the side. Vernon's bright smile was shining at her, his uncontrollable laughter only making hers start again too.
[supportive younger bro that finds everything you do hilarious]
[love him]
"Oh," Seungcheol chuckled as he shook his head. "Don't do it like that," he scolded her, gently nudging her shoulder as she was still laughing with the '98 Liner.
[pls scold me like that coups]
[everything about this game was so chaotic]
The game was at full speed, with Mingyu, Dokyeom and Joshua from the white team on the field, while Minnie, Jun, Dino, and S.Coups were sat on the bleachers.
DK tried to pass the ball to his fellow '97 Liner, but Wonwoo, who only shortly before got switched in, blocked Mingyu and the ball fell outside of the field's line.
"Wow," the girl commented with a nod, the '96 Liner clearly better than expected.
The deep voice from the PD behind her made her jump. "Minnie just said 'wow'!" Letting the rest of the crew and idol group know. Her head shot back to the older man.
"Wait, what?! 'Wow'?! Because of 'wow'?!"
[fr hahah]
"Minnie-ya!" The leader to her left punched her shoulder, making her wince slightly.
[a punch from coups really must leave a bruise]
[dude is STRONG]
The maknae next to her put his hand on her upper arm. "Noona," he spoke softly, to which the girl turned back around, her eyes immediately on him. "It's 'woah'. 'Wow' really is English." He explained with a tight smile, but Minnie could only groan out loud.
['noona' will forever be my favourite word from him🥺]
"YA!" From the field came Mingyu's deep voice. "Minnie-ya, get over here!" His right hand had a tight grip on the basketball.
The girl stood up with her arms crossed. 
[she was SO ready to fight ...]
[the confidence she built up over the years to be ready to fight a 6ft2 man should be studied bc this is insane]
Before she could say anything, a strong arm wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her down. Seungcheol held her in a tight lock.
[and here we go]
[you're supposed to be the protective bro, wtf is this coups]
"Let go of me!" She shouted out, holding onto his arm, trying to open it, so she could escape.
[big bro taking advantage of his strength, smh]
"Do you promise not to speak English anymore?" He asked her, laughing at her trying to fight his strength.
[he's literally enjoying this 🥲]
"I didn't even know 'wow' wasn't Korean! How the hell am I supposed to know that?!"
She was freed very suddenly, her hair all over the place as she took a deep breath before falling back to the bleachers with a huff.
[you got this minnie]
[i believe in you]
The leader nudged her shoulder. "No, stand up and go in. Dokyeom's gonna go out."
With that, she pushed herself off the benches and switched positions with DK but before the game started, Mingyu walked up to her, the basketball still in his possession. Thanks to her back being turned towards him, she couldn't see his form coming closer. Once he was right behind her, he held the ball up, letting it drop onto her head from a short distance, just to tap it, not to actually hurt her.
[pls kick him]
The girl flinched with a surprised expression and turned around, finding the mischievous grin of her fellow '97 Liner.
"You deserved that."
As Minnie decided to stay out of the game, she was sitting next to Woozi on one of the stools provided by the Game Caterer staff. Seungcheol had joined them after losing his challenge and having to eat four pieces of lemon. Now it was Jeonghan's turn to sit down next to them, a cup filled with his own amount of lemon pieces in his hands.
The singer took one of the slices and bit into it, an instant groan tumbling from his lips.
Minnie turned her head. "Give me some," the girl held out her hand. "I can help you eat them."
"Isn't that cheating?" He wondered, making the girl chuckle.
"Since when do you care about that?" To which he nodded, taking one lemon piece out of the cup and handed it over to her.
[fr hahahah]
With ease, the female idol bit into it, sucking the juice out first, before ripping the lemon's flesh from the peel, jewing on it as she put the rest of it back into the paper cup.
With shock written across his face, Jeonghan gazed at her. "You don't think it's sour?"
Minnie shrugged. "I don't mind it. I really like it."
[hell yeah]
"What do you like?" Seungcheol's head popped up as he leaned back to glance past Woozi's frame to look at the girl.
"Sour lemon. Do you want me to help you with yours too?"
"You want to eat my lemons?" He wondered, slightly surprised by her request.
The '97 Liner nodded and reached out, holding out her empty palm to the leader, who placed one piece on it.
"Give me two," she stated, to which she got another slice. With a grin, she sat back straight and enjoyed chewing on the citrus fruit.
Seungcheol sighed. "Woah, I didn't know you became that much of a cheater."
[who do you think taught her that 🫣]
With a proud grin, Jeonghan patted her knee, leaning forward a slight bit to get a look at the leader. "I taught her well," he commented before his hand ran over her long hair.
[jeonghan is just so happy he got another member on his cheat agenda hahah]
but at the end of the day, they love and care for her
[as much as i love them for their sibling energy]
[and them making fun of minnie]
[and teasing the shit out of her]
[like look at this]
"Noona!" Seungkwan's voice made the girl turn around from the conversation she was having with Jun about the Harry Potter Lego set he had just won. The game the Na-PD and the rest of the Game Caterer producers had prepared was over and everyone was free to take the presents that didn't get picked in the first place.
Minnie walked up to the younger member who had called out for her.
"What is it?"
His hand reached out, holding a few of the pebble snacks he had taken for himself. "Eat this."
The female member shook her head. "No, thank you-"
"You haven't eaten much today yet, take this." He grabbed her hand and put each snack piece into her palm.
[when i tell you i teared up?!]
"Seungkwan-ah, only a few."
"No, take all of them." He answered back, brushing off her comment. 
[he wasn't having it]
With full hands, she turned back around and stopped by Jun again as she put one pebble into her mouth.
"Do you want some?" She asked the taller member.
For a second, he looked down at her hands before shaking his head. "No, you should eat them. Thank you, though." Giving her back a comforting pat.
The members were standing in the 'living room' of their dorm, looking up and speaking into the camera that was being held up by Joshua. 
Once Hoshi and Dokyeom finished their sign-off, they disappeared into another room, making room for Jeonghan, who had been hiding behind Joshua. He was just about to say something as his mouth opened, but the sudden appearance of the female trainee from around the corner made his eyes light up.
"Oh, Minnie-ya, come here for a second!" The older of the two called out for the girl. With a smile on her face, she crossed the floor and walked up to the '95 Liners as they broke apart, leaving a space in between them for her. 
[they look so young, oh my god]
Jeonghan raised one of his arms to welcome her, making her look straight into the camera.
"Today is a very special day for Minnie-ya. Do you want to tell them why?" He asked her, making a shy grin appear on her lips.
[he literally looks like a proud mom]
[somebody get me tissues pls]
She turned her head to look at him.
"Do you mean the test?" She softly wondered, getting an encouraging nod from the member in return.
"Oh, well," her lips curled up even more. "Today I had to take a Korean language test, and I passed."
"Don't just say you passed!" Jeonghan whined at the younger girl. "Because you passed extremely well." He turned to the camera, "She got all the points, guys."
Minnie nodded, her hands clutching onto each other. "Yeah... I'm now officially a B2 Korean speaker."
"Is that the highest ranking?" Joshua wondered, turning his head towards her.
"No, it's like levels. B2 means I can speak it well enough to hold up more complicated conversations, but I still don't know specific words and... terminology. That would be C1. And then C2 is that you speak it like it's your first language," she explained.
[our smart girly👑]
Jeonghan nodded, "But you've been here for four years already, so you'll be at C1 very soon. And then C2," he patted her head, getting a smile from her in return before she waved into the camera and disappeared again.
[pls i need somebody to be this supportive of me too]
"She's really smart with languages. I don't think even I would be at a C1 or B2 level now," Joshua admitted. The older '95 Liner couldn't help but chuckle.
"Learning new languages seems really easy for her. But she also worked very hard and studied a lot for this test."
[yes pls praise her even more guys]
"That's true," the Korean-American agreed, smiling into the camera. "Everyone, please congratulate Minnie."
The team had just scored another point at the foot volleyball match they were playing. The big white walls were shining brightly in the background of the studio they had rented for the Going Seventeen episode. After celebrating the added point, Minghao passed the ball to the opposite team.
"No, no, it's ours," Jeonghan told him, but it had already gone over the net.
With his foot, Mingyu hit the ball to land in the other team's half, but he underestimated the strength he had put into the pass. The ball flew over the net, right to where Minnie was looking down at her pants, straightening out the creases, not realising the ball was getting dangerously close to her head.
Dino was quick to react as he rushed to stop in front of her, smacking the ball away from her before it could hit her face. The girl flinched up, her wide eyes glancing around the room. 
The members wooed their maknae as he ran a hand through his hair, proud of the scene he had created. 
[the confident boost omg]
Their claps bounced off the walls before they got interrupted by Seungcheol's voice.
"Ya! Mingyu-ya, be careful," scolding the younger member.
[go cheol go defend her!]
Minnie glanced at her fellow '97 Liner. "That was you?"
He quickly bowed after nodding. "My bad."
With a smug smile, Dino let his jacket fall from his shoulder, looking at the girl, who started giggling at his antics.
She patted his shoulder, "Alright, you got your Drama moment." 
[i need to be friends with her, pls god]
To which maknae started laughing out loud, his arms wrapping around the female member.
With the cameras placed around the dorm, the viewers of The Manager were able to see each room the Seventeen members lived in.
Minnie was standing in front of the mirror in the living room, holding up different bottoms in front of her legs. She had two pairs of pants and a skirt in her hold. 
"How does the skirt look with this top?" She turned to Wonwoo who was sitting on his makeshift bed in the corner, and Seungcheol who had found a place on the floor.
[i love how the members probably could not care less about this but she still wanted their opinion]
The '96 Liner lifted his head up from looking at his phone screen.
"It's really short. I'm not sure you should wear that."
[protective mode activated]
Before Minnie could say anything, their leader took the word. "You shouldn't." 
[deep ass voice cheol is my biggest weakness]
He got a roll of her eyes in return, making him sigh as he pushed himself up. "It's also way too cold for that. You're gonna get sick."
[minnie is so much stronger than me bc i would obey to his every word]
[but girl was NOT having it]
"I asked you how it looks, not what I should and should not wear. I can decide that for myself," the girl snapped at the older members, mostly directing her comment at the '95 Liner as he stopped in his tracks right next to her.
[and that's on period]
[biggest slay]
[but talking back to scoups 🫣]
[that's pure bravery]
"I'm only telling you my opinion," he stated, his voice still laced with tiredness as he had just woken up. "Do you think I would give you advice like that if it wasn't meant well for you?" 
His question made the girl shut her mouth. Without another word, she turned around and walked back into her room. She came back out wearing a pair of black pants.
[the power 'coups holds is absolutely insane]
After Youngji took another big sip of her glass, she let it hit the table again. A big sigh fell from her lips.
"But for real," she started, "I really like all of your members. I was nervous when I first met them, but they really are... something else."
[she's such a fangirl, i love it]
Minnie nodded, her mouth still full from the rice cake she was eating.
"I know. I always say that... I really do think that all of them are gentlemen. Because," she cleared her throat. "When we debuted, Joshua was known as 'the gentleman of seventeen' but in reality, all of them are really really nice. And like gentlemen."
[i will cry]
[like rn]
[the fact that she even says it]
[this means so much to me]
[they love each other so much]
"Even when they punch you?" Youngji laughed along with her question as she remembered one of the stories Minnie had told her.
The '97 Liner joined her. "Even then! Mingyu even threw me into a wall once when we were trainees, but that's just what you're like with people you're comfortable with and like." 
[their stories will forever haunt me]
[like what do you mean he threw you into a wall and you just go 'alright' ...]
She ended her statement with a shrug.
The younger rapper chuckled as she choked on her drink. "Or that's what they tell you, so you'll believe that."
"NO!" Minnie shouted out, hitting the other girl's shoulder as they laughed in chorus.
"No, no, but seriously, they are very very kind," Youngji stated after they both had calmed down.
[we stan the right group]
The female idol nodded. "That's right. I honestly- I don't even remember the last time I paid for... like food or something. When I was with them."
[excuse me?]
"Every time we're out together, one of the members pays for me," Minnie explained, her back resting against the wall.
[she's saying this as if it's the most normal thing ever?!]
"Are you serious?" Youngji was clearly taken aback by the words of the woman in front of her, glancing towards the producers and back at Minnie.
[i love how shook she is hahaha]
But she just nodded with a smile on her face. "Yeah... I mean," she turned towards the cameras, "Don't get me wrong, I can very well pay for myself and I really try," before looking at the '02 Liner again. "But they don't let me. Every time I go to pay, one of the members says 'I already covered it'."
[a girl that can pay for her own stuff but gets treated like the princess that she is]
[hell fucking yes]
[i just want to know which member does this the most]
[my guess is cheol, mingyu or hao]
[maybe joshua or wonwoo too]
[or jun would do that too]
[woozi definitely too with his black card]
[and dk would for sure treat his fellow '97 Liner as well]
[but seungkwan and dino would want to treat their favourite noona too]
[and vernon won't let his bestie pay either]
[alright, so i guess just all of them]
"Woah!" The female rapper looked at the table with an open mouth, still taking in what the idol was telling her. "See! See what I mean?!" Making everyone in the room errupt in laughter. "I want to have members like that! I want members to take care of me like that!"
[good luck to minnie’s future partner]
[her standards must be 📈📈📈📈]
"I will share my members with you, okay?" Minnie proposed to her.
Youngji's eyes lit up. "Would you really?"
With a sheepish smile, the '97 Liner grinned at her. She shook her head, "No, I wouldn't." Getting a groan in return. 
[possessive minnie for the win]
[but let's be real]
[i wouldn't ever share them either]
"They're my members!" She then turned towards the camera again. "I love you, guys!" Raising her arms up, with her fingertips touching the top of her head, she formed a heart.
[conclusion: seventeen is the cutest group ever]
[thank you very much]
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quick polls you can take ˙ᵕ˙:
minniexmembers moments
poly!mimiwon moments
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Taglist: @shrynkk @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108  @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms
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izzabela · 4 months
There's a First Time for Everything - Lin Kuei Siblings x fem!reader (scenario fic)
in which Tomas, Kuai Liang, and Bi Han give you their first kiss
a/n: so an anonymous requested the Lin Kuei family trying pda/first kiss, but my tumblr buggin hella, so i can't find the actual anon request. IF YOU REQUESTED THIS TROPE PLEASE SEND A DM BECAUSE I WANT TO TELL YOU THAT YOU. ARE. SEEN. also big thanks to anon for being my first ever request.
ship[s]: kuai liang, tomas, bi han x fem!reader (separate)
warning(s): pre-betrayal, consider yourself an opp if you hate fluff
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Kuai Liang
The winter festival near the Lin Kuei Palace had wrapped up, and everyone was gathering in the field for the final fireworks display provided by the village. While the many families, couples, and festival-goers were heading to the field, Kuai Liang was leading you somewhere else.
"By the elder gods," you managed to muster out your chattering teeth, "I'll turn into a popsicle up here!"
Kuai Liang turned back at you and saw you clutching onto the fur pelt he gave you to fight the freeze. He smiled sheepishly and went by your side, taking your shoulders with both hands and lead you up the path. His hands were warmer than usual, and you figured he turned his powers on for you.
"I'm sorry, my love, but we're almost there," he said apologetically, kissing your cheek, "Hold on for me just a little bit longer?"
You rolled your eyes, but gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, "If you say so, love."
You and Kuai Liang have been dating for a couple of weeks now, but it honestly looked like two high schoolers dating more than two adults. Being raised in the environment like the Lin Kuei already left little room for a personal life, let alone a girlfriend! Besides, as second-in-command to his brother, Bi Han, he had very little interaction with women. I mean, there was Frost? But she, like the other female initiates, were training equally as hard as the men.
Kuai Liang had the basics of intimacy and PDA: quick kisses on the cheek, forehead, and hand were the only weapons he had on him. It was cute to see him learn new things about casual intimacy displays of affection, and even cuter to see him flush bright red when he tried them out on you. What was coming next, though, was something you did not expect at all.
Kuai Liang had led you to a beautiful Chinese Pistache tree, covered in frost and snow, overlooking the entire village and the field where the fireworks were going to happen. The sun was still peeking beyond the horizon, ad you could see the light reflect off the frozen pieces of the tree, giving the tree a natural glimmer.
Underneath, there was a seat for the both of you, a pit for fire right in front. Kuai Liang used his magic to set it alight, the fire warming up for both of you. Although you were warmed by Kuai Liang's magic, love had overflowed your heart at the sentiment.
"Okay, this is pretty good," you smirked, turning to him and giving him a soft smile, "This is wonderful. Thank you."
He nodded and led you over to the seat before the fireworks started. As you two waited, you were talking about the amazing day spent: winning cheap festival prizes, trying all the food from the vendors, even talking about how you two saw members of his family around the festival. Your mindless chatter was interrupted when the first boom went off, signifying the fireworks had started.
With the sun's final remnants of brightness gone, the stars and explosives were the only light against the darkness of the sky. The night sky became a canvas for pretty hues of blue, white, purple, and other colors representing winter. The exploded in shapes of snowflakes, mittens, and other iconic images of winter. You watched the show with your mouth slightly open, in awe of the show.
"Beautiful.." you murmured quietly, "Don't you think so, Kuai Lia...ng?"
When you turned to Kuai Liang, all his focus was on you, not the light display. His eyes stared deep into yours, making you turn pink from all the attention. He looked... lost in your colored orbs, and he definitely did not want to be found
"Yes, it is indeed a beautiful display," he said, a warm smile on his face.
His hand reached for your cheek, stroking it lightly with his thumb. His other hand took the hand you rest in your lap, still trying to keep you warm. However, your heart's pace was going so fast it might have been your personal heat generator. You realized he was slowly leaning in, eyes half-lidded as he was getting closer and closer to your lips.
You closed your eyes and waited for him to close the gap. When he did, your heart exploded with its own fireworks. His lips were warm on yours, and the kiss was filled with desire and longing, as if he'd waited for this moment his entire life. You pulled him closer, your arms flinging over his shoulders, and his hand tilting your face to allow for more room to deepen the kiss. Both of you were fired up, and not due to the warmth Kuai Liang provided with his magic.
When Kuai Liang separated from you, his eyes were glossed with love and euphoria, finally kissing his girlfriend for real. Yours were too, although there was a bit of pride in them since Kuai Liang had initiated it first. You moved one of your hands to his cheek, mimicking the same thing he did to your face as you spoke.
"That was amazing, my love. Where did you learn to do that?" You asked.
He chuckles, a shit-eating grin on his face as he puffed his chest up with a bit of pride.
"The Lin Kuei's secrets are not meant to be shared, love."
You gently shoved his chest, huffing at his response. Although, you had your own arsenal of teasing jabs.
"Well, for a guy who grew up without interacting with women, you fared pretty well."
He tilted his head, this time a smirk of knowing on his face as he brought your face close to his once more.
"Get over here," he said as he closed the distance.
You had more jabs for him, but they were ineffective against this deadly finisher of a move. Still, your mouth welcomed his as you both connected once more, the firework show being nothing but background noise for your guys' moment.
"Boy, were you hungry..." Tomas said wearily as he looked at the bill.
A little burp escaped your mouth, covering it with your hand and offering an "excuse me" to lighten the embarrassment. Regardless, he ruffled your hair and paid the bill without worry.
"I can't help but agree with the sentiment," Kitana said, "The food was indeed delicious."
You, Tomas, Kitana, and Raiden had finished dinner at Madam Bo's in Fengjian, a double date insinuated by Raiden. During a mission to Outworld, he had the courage to ask Kitana out to dinner. However, he was just a bit nervous dining alone with her, so he sent a letter to you and Tomas to come and ease his worries.
The entire night, the four of you enjoyed casual conversation and updated each other on the affairs of your lives. Kitana had been promoted to Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army, Raiden had become an elite monk, teacher, and member to the White Lotus, and Tomas shared updates on his brothers and the Lin Kuei (the updates he was allowed to share, anyways).
You, on the other hand, were a simple villager farmer in Fengjian, which translates to boring. As boring and plain as white rice.
Even so, Tomas made sure to make you feel included. He always mentioned the little anecdotes you told him, asked about your family, and even made sure you and Kitana had stuff to talk about. He knew you were intimidated by her aura, but by the end of the night, she was just another girl (only a princess-warrior to a semi-immortal race).
"You must write to me, my friend," Kitana addressed you as you walked out the restaurant, "It has been too long since another acquaintance as entered my life."
You blushed at her praise and honor, "Of course, your highness! I would love to write to you!"
You and Tomas bade farewell to the other couple, Raiden walking with Kitana before seeing her off to a nearby portal. Hand in hand, you two walked together and enjoyed the quiet night in Fengjian. The casual buzz of June-bugs, flutter of dragonflies, and the light breeze that shook the trees gently filled both of you with peace.
You clung onto Tomas's large arm, nuzzling your face into his beefy bicep. His walk becomes more stiff, this display of affection getting into his heart and head.
While Tomas may be the more affectionate one of his brothers, it still surprised you that things like this flustered him. To be fair, he grew up orphaned from his mother and sister. Thankfully, he was taken in by Kuai Liang and Bi Han, but learning the ways of assassins and growing up with brothers left him very little time to engage with others of the opposite sex.
When you and Tomas were out, PDA was as foreign to him as him growing up in the Lin Kuei. Of course, he welcomed all the innocent brushes of your hands, the little kisses you blew at him, even you holding his hand. It was cute watching him turn beet red, and you always imagined him going back to his home with a love-struck face.
As you two walked, you noted how Tomas was leading a little ways away from the village. Gone were the little wooden houses and loose streetlights, ahead of you two were fields of tall grass and fireflies. Just a bit more walking, and Tomas stopped in the middle of the path.
"Where to now, darling?" you asked.
He simply smiled and walked behind you, covering your eyes and began leading you. You were surprised, but you trusted him and allowed him to guide your body.
"Lin Kuei secrets, my dear. Allow me to escort you, though," he said cheekily.
You heard the brush of the tall grass and the slight mush of the dirt below you. From your ears, you could hear the soft rustle of a tree, and the gentle flow of a small stream. When Tomas's hands were moved, the sight left you breathless.
Madam Bo's teahouse stood at the center of the scene, the houses were lit up and you could see the figures of your people enjoying the evening. You noticed the tree and its long branches stooping over, and you look up to be greeted with the most beautiful Weeping Willow tree in your life. What made it better was the fireflies that blinked their lights, like a personal light display.
A huge, beaming smile was plastered on your face as you began dancing underneath the bugs, watching them scatter and blink. You swung your body around in twirls and pirouettes, enjoying the place Tomas set you up with. He, too, was enjoying the place he brought you. Watching you spin around in pure joy, he decided to join you. He took your hands and danced with you, accompanying you as your dance partner.
After on final spin, he made sure you faced him. With both of your hands in his, you had nowhere else to go or look. He let go from on of your hands and brought it up to the back of your head. He gently brought your forehead closer to him, and he leaned down just a bit to make sure his connected with yours. You could feel his exasperated breath on yours, and you realized there was something else coming after this.
"May I kiss you, darling?" he asked gently.
You nodded shyly and felt Tomas's lips attack yours. You knew that before Lin Kuei, he was a hunter, and his kiss was proof. Sure, this was his first, but there was a primal hunger in it, the urge to have you for himself. His hand down in your other hand moved to your back, pulling you closer to his chest. He dove deeper into your mouth, loving every taste of you.
When he parted from you, he looked breathless and exhausted, yet his eyes longed for more of you. He held back, though, and fixed your hair before resting his hands on your face.
"Did I do well, darling? Was it good for you?" He asked (a little too quickly).
You giggled and rubbed his face gently, "Of course! For someone like you, I'm surprised you pulled this off."
You laughed, but his pout took your joy away momentarily. You frowned a bit and sighed a bit, apologizing.
"I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean to tease you too hard. I was just-." You were interrupted with another kiss from him.
You giggled and welcomed it, wrapping your arms around his shoulder as he wrapped his around your waist.
It seems that the "King of Smoke" is nothing but a puff in your arms.
Bi Han
You two walked side by side, silently strolling around the compound-palace as the snow fell. You two were the only ones up at this time of night, minus the guards up in the towers.
As grandmaster, Bi Han had very little time for personal matters. Other than his immediate family and his clan, he was so sure nothing would put him away from his goals. He grew up with the most pressure on his shoulders, reminded that his inheritance would be worth more than gold. Of course, that should have left him with practically zero percent chance of interacting with women- until he met you.
You and Bi Han have been dating for a couple of weeks now, and it has been nothing but enjoyable. Although gruff and strict, he did his best to reel it back for you, especially with your PDA and innocent intimacy. It felt surreal, different, but not unwelcome, and allowed you to do what you wanted with him.
Sometimes, when you held his hand, his magic would affect him and create a very thin barrier of frost in his hand. While it was chilly, he worked on it for you so that you could enjoy normal couple things. There were similar moments when you massaged his head while you two cuddled, any objects in his hand becoming frozen immediately. Sometimes, he worries in hurting you and always asked you if you were alright, even if you told him multiple times you were okay.
You concluded that any time you showed affection to him, his "embarrassment" would come through in the form of ice. It was cute, in a way- dare you say wholesome.
Anyways, as you two walked, you decided to sneakily link your hand with his. In surprise, Bi Han had frozen in place, looking at you with an incredulous look of bewilderment. You smiled at him and watched him turn away, but he couldn't hide the pink that colored the edge of his ear.
"You're blushing, my dear~" you teased, "Why won't you look at me?"
He huffed, "Your games are useless, woman. Let us keep walking."
You chuckled and let him lead the way, his hand in yours as he led you past a couple more corridors and hallways. You were a bit nervous, since these parts of the compound were alien to you.
"Where are we going, dear?" you asked nervously, "I have never seen these parts before..."
You didn't finish your sentence due to the sight in front of you. A beautiful Wisteria tree stood in the middle of a pond, and smooth stone seating was underneath. There was a walkway that lead to the seating, and beautiful flora and shrubbery lined the path. The snowfall added a fantastical touch, this entire hidden garden area something out of a movie.
"No one, besides my family and Tomas, has ever seen this part of the compound," Bi Han explained softly, the natural gruff of his voice still lingering, "This garden area was built for my mother per request of my father."
"It's so beautiful," you breathed, following the path and reaching for a flower, "How can you maintain the flowers life here?"
Bi Han sighs, a rare smile on his face, "I personally see the care to each of the flowers and greenery in here. I coat each one in a layer of frost for the especially colder seasons."
Bi Han follows you as you walked the path leading to the seating. He watches you gently touching each plant, smiling at how well taken care they were. It was a rare sense of softness Bi Han felt. He offers his arm to you and you link your arm in his, escorting you the rest of the way.
"Thank you, my dear, for showing me such vulnerability," you said whole-heartedly as you walked.
Bi Han looks at you and nods, a little smile on his face, "I believe you were deserving of such a place. You are always welcome in the Lin Kuei, especially here."
When you both reached the center, he sat down on one of the stone seats, to which you took the opportunity to surprise him and sit on his lap. Locking eyes with him, his turned wide before turning away, pink lining the edge of his ears once again.
"Enough of your surprises, woman," he huffed out. However, he gently snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you closer.
You smiled and held his face in your hands and gently moved his face to yours. You gave a quick kiss to his forehead, a form of "thank you" to him. You noted that his eyes held gentility, rare softness, and love for you. His eyes slowly closed as he leaned into you, one of his hands supporting your head.
By the elder gods, he was going to kiss you.
Closing your eyes, you felt the cryomancer's slightly chilled lips on yours. Despite this, you had never felt warmer. Bi Han kissed you with ferocity, afraid that your very being would dissipate if he let go of you or your lips for a split second. The grip around your waist tightened just a bit, and you allowed it by throwing your hands around his shoulders and pulling him even closer (if that was possible).
When Bi Han split from you, his gaze was kept on you, his hand moving from the back of your head to your face. He fixes your hair and cups your cheek, a soft smile on his face as he teases you.
"How was that for a first time?" he mocked you playfully.
Your voice dripped with teasing, "Good, I guess, for the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei."
You were taken by surprise when he kissed you again, a little rougher this time.
He didn't care though, if it meant having you for longer in the privacy of this garden, shrouded in frost and snow.
i read the original request multiple times to make sure i could ace this, and i hope you enjoyed anon. ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON FOR BEING MY FIRST EVER REQUEST. PLEASE SEND ME A DM OR ANOTHER REQUEST SO I CAN SHOW MY OWN AFFECTIONS TO YOU.
okay enough glazing. thank you guys so much for reading and i'll see you all in the next fic!
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genyasbf22 · 1 month
Genya x Male! Reader headcanons (Kimetsu Academy AU)
Note: Ughhhhh I regret deleting the first version of my Genya x male reader oneshot. It was so much more popular + cuter imo 😭 but what’s done is done now. So anyways ! Here’s more Genya content for those who want it. There’s no angst this time, i promise :))
Reader is: A male…⁉️ idk what else to say
Trope: Fluff !
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Genya Shinazugawa, who you met on a Friday evening after class, in middle school. His older brother, Sanemi Shinazugawa, was you two’s math teacher and wanted you to tutor him since you were good at math.
Genya Shinazugawa, who didn’t like you at first. To be honest, he was kinda jealous of you , since you had WAY better grades than him (poor boy just wants to make his brother proud).
Genya Shinazugawa, who eventually realised how nice you were to him, and started appreciating you a little, slowly. There was no reason to hate you after all, you’re such a kind person :).
Genya Shinazugawa, who ended up wanting to be your friend badly. He was scared to abord you at first, due to a lot of rumours about him being apart of a gang (his big scar on the face scares his classmates) people tend to avoid him. But obviously, you were really happy to have a closer relationship with Genya, so you immediately reassured him. You two ended up being best friends, and stayed best friends until high school.
Genya Shinazugawa, who was extremely confused when he started catching feelings for you. It’s weird, he never fell in love with a guy before, only girls. Does that makes him gay ? What will his family, his friends think ?
Genya Shinazugawa, who was TERRIFIED of asking you out. He didn’t even know if you liked guys like that anyways. Poor boy was all stuttering and incapable of making eye contact with you. When you said you returned those feelings and would love to date him, a warm and strange feeling of relief and happiness overwhelmed him. He’s never been in a relationship before, so obviously the idea of dating you scared him a little, but he trusted you and knew it was gonna be worth it.
Genya Shinazugawa, who was panicked about how he would come out to his family and friends. He’ve never talked about sexuality or same-gender couples with his loved ones, and was scared of how they would react if they found out you two were dating. Of course, you reassured him and told him to take his time, that there was absolutely no need to rush things.
Genya Shinazugawa, who ended up talking about it to his mom first. And as you expected, she ended up being very supportive and was very happy for you two (it was kind of obvious, Shizu is a lovely woman after all). She told Genya that he could trust her and that she was sure his siblings will be completely okay with him dating another guy. Genya didn’t doubt it, but he was too scared of Sanemi to tell him. You understood him, Sanemi was a very scary looking man, plus he’s literally your math teacher, so it would be awkward.
Genya Shinazugawa, who decided to keep you two’s relationship secret from the whole school (including Sanemi). Don’t misunderstand his decision, he’s not embarrassed of you at all ! He just wants to avoid troubles, since homosexuality isn’t fully accepted in society yet. You understood and respected his decision completely and kept quiet about it as well, even though you knew your friends would be very much supportive as well (i mean, they already knew that you like guys, so….). There was tons of rumours about you two being a thing already, so it didn’t really change anything.
Genya Shinazugawa, who always ask you if you want to come over to his house whenever he has troubles with his maths homework. Even though you already tutor him on Fridays, you’re always happy to help your boyfriend, and you end up staying for the night most of the time.
Genya Shinazugawa, who’s little siblings ADORES you. Shizu had a talk with them and explained them briefly about you two being more than friends, and even though some of them didn’t understand how it worked, they didn’t mind at all. They love to tease Genya about you whenever you’re not at his house, and sometimes some of them come up to you at school, asking about your day etc. You’re very much welcome in the family :)
Genya Shinazugawa, who loves it whenever you come see him at his shooting practice. He always tries to show off and impress you when you watch him, which you find adorable. When he won the first place at the shooting tournament, you made sure to remind him every SECONDS of the day of how proud you were of him.
Genya Shinazugawa, who loves hearing you talk about whatever you like. No matter if it’s about music you listen to, a good movie you just watched, a stray cat you saw in the street, if it interests you, Genya is definitely interested as well. He loves hearing your voice, wether you’re talking about your future exams or reminding him of how much he means to you, your voice always manages to make his heart flutter. This boy really IS down bad for you my man.
Genya Shinazugawa, who’s the clingiest when you two are alone. He’s very scared of experiencing homophobia or being caught by someone from your school when you two are in public, so please avoid PDA with him. But when it’s just the two of you, he’s a completely different person. When you come over, he loves to snuggle with you while sleeping. Your arms around him makes him feel safe, a feeling he craved for a while now. He’s still very shy so you have to initiate the movement most of the time, but trust me, he loves your touch.
Genya Shinazugawa, who tries his best to be there for you when you’re struggling. He isn’t the best at comforting but he wants to make sure that you know he’ll always be there to support you when you need it. Since he doesn’t know how to comfort people, he mostly takes you to places you like when you’re down, or buys you little gifts, like your favourite snack for exemple.
Genya Shinazugawa, who immediately tries whatever you recommend him. Wether it’s a serie, a movie, a music artist, any type of food, he wants to know more about your tastes.
Genya Shinazugawa, who doesn’t care that you’re a boy anymore. It doesn’t matter to him, you’re still you, the person he fell in love with. He’ll NEVER be embarrassed of you, and trust me, soon enough he’ll be confident enough to show you off to whole school, bragging about how amazing his boyfriend is.
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Author’s note: I’m sorry if this was kinda short, I’m sleepy haha. Hope you liked the headcanons, I’d love to make a part 2 if y’all want !
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