#what’s ur favorite position? that’s not my fav but ok ig ill do it for youuuuuuuu
look,,, there comes a point in reading fanfiction,,, where you begin to just slowly lower what’s acceptable,,,, sure, this fic is currently using overdone tropes and also absolutely destroying the personality of one of my favs but i literally can’t find anything else i haven’t read!!! like, this fic is centered around my favs and the plots so good and yeah this character is kissing his adoptive father in the background and i don’t enjoy that-!!! but i just gotta ignore them bc my favs r over here-!!!!!
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entermates · 6 years
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sighs ok ill answer this under the cut and separately but for future reference please use “vr” or “vr///ains” for ask memes so my shit doesn’t pop up in the tags. ty
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | loved it | a favorite
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | give it a go, could be your thing | 5 star recommendation
fav characters: ema i guess but that’ll probably change once yoshida gives ema the vr tm annoying edgy backstory (and i also can’t stand anyone else)
least fav characters: yusaku, go, ryoken, light, windy, earth, bohman, spectre, blood shepard, god i hate literally everyone in this show
fav relationship: yusaku & homura’s friendship is ok ig
fav moment: ryoken’s dad dying because he fucking deserved that shit don’t tell me he didn’t don’t TELL me that man DESERVED ANY FORM OF REDEMPTION
headcanons/theories: miyu aint the lost girl she’s just there to fuel the “aoi struggles to make friends” storyline. probably gonna be some girl aoi was friends with and somehow aoi struggled to maintain the friendship im calling this shit rn
unpopular opinion(s): i. i have so many literally any opinion i have on this show is unpopular but here we go:
data////storm is bad and it romanticizes mental illness and nearly all the fan content does this too. please stop. please fucking stop romanticizing possession, ptsd, and any other mental illness with these two it isn’t healthy, it’s gross, and it’s really shitty. (note: not all. nearly all from my experience) below is a tweet from my boyfriend that summarizes up my point pretty well
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ryoken ain’t deep he’s 2d as fuck and horribly written and also he’s ugly as shit irl
aoi’s written horribly too she hasn’t developed at all and if she’s really the lost girl then her bad writing shows. it shows they shoehorned this shit in at the last minute when there were plenty of other opportunities to foreshadow it. (if u say that 1 frame from ep 19 ill scream bc that’s not foreshadowing at all)
ptsd and other mental illnesses are handled horribly in this show. vr is NOT a positive example of ptsd and other mental illnesses at all so please stop looking up to it as something it clearly isn’t
akira’s the only consistent character in vr. literally no one else is consistent in their motivations or goals (maybe homura but i honestly stopped watching at some point)
you don’t need to give every single character an edgy backstory. it’s not heartbreaking, it’s not emotional, and it’s not good representation. it’s annoying and honest to god it’s a fucking joke at this point. vr is literally a shitting contest to see who has the edgiest backstory. from what i’ve heard go’s entire character motivation is to beat playmaker  and get the power playmaker has and akira was just “yeah its his fuckin trauma lol” and go was just “gimme that” (i only saw screenshots but you get the point)
there is no reason for every single character in this show to have some sort of angsty backstory. it should be limited to the six kids and their relatives (like kusanagi or akira if aoi’s the lost child). blood shepard doesn’t need an angsty backstory. go doesn’t need one. ema doesn’t need one. haru and bohman don’t need one. RYOKEN DOESN’T FUCKING NEED ONE it’s also shit anyways
none of these characters are even real characters??? they’re just models drawn on a sheet and they’re given voices to participate in whatever duel of the week they need to. go’s the worst victim of this but it carries over to literally anyone with a duel disk. this is why we get our “main girl” vanishing for like 20 fucking episodes without a word.
the ignis are the only interesting concept in this show and yet the show REFUSES to do anything with them. the cyberse world is boring, the war between the ignis is boring because there’s no motivation outside of “welp i guess i hate humans.” why didn’t the ignis create their own sub species or kids or their own society? it gives em something to fight for and some motivation outside of hating humans for the sake of hating humans.
this show doesn’t know how to use it’s budget. most of the experienced vas are voicing characters that barely appear (vyra, aqua, etc)
how’d you find it: i like ygo so. i just heard about it.
random thoughts: stop saying it’s the darkest ygo when it isn’t, stop bashing arc v in ur vr positvity posts im sick and fucking tired of it.
i’m also sick and tired of every flaw in this show being excused because it’s literally a pandering shit show (no ryoken and yusaku aren’t good representation they’e fucking bait) yet arc v isn’t allowed a single fucking slip up. i’m so fucking tired.
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