#what’s that tumblr post that’s like I am deficient in so many minerals and about to do something I’ll regret? me
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i have such a huge friend crush on you!! So quick question about sea glass gardens:
since the reveal of gojo having adopted kids, the fact is kind of just accepted by the students and reinforced by the adults. But how do gojo’s kids view him? I may not have translated it properly but it seems tsumiki may either reject this notion entirely or is at the very least on the fence and sees gojo less as dad and more like… imposed guardian? How does megumi view gojo in the sea-glass-verse?
latest chapter is *chef’s kiss* btw and i wish i could meet you and pull a shoko and pick your brain apart. Idk how you come up with this, not to mention all of the fucking LORE behind it. While juggling adulthood? Like wtf? I cant even chew gum and walk at the same time.
we can be friends, beautiful internet stranger
devastatingly I cannot answer your question, but only because you’ve locked into something that’s going to be super explicitly discussed in the fic soon. If I include/explain something in an answer, it’s because the fic is not going to be any more explicit on the matter than it already is. If you’re interested in a broader/directors cut answer after it is addressed in the fic, I’d be super down to answer then.
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I hate when people ask when I am having kids [it's complicated]
⚠️Preface/warning: the content of this post will touch on issues having to do with infertility and having or not having children so if that is a sensitive or upsetting topic for you I would ask that you please take care of yourself and do not continue reading this. And as always I want to be clear I am not a doctor or nurse or mental health professional so everything posted here is purely my experience and opinions with the input of people I know personally and from doctors and therapists I see currently or have seen before. I do some research on my own but again I have no degree! You've been warned ⚠️
Some of you might be aware if you follow my main Tumblr page that on April 2, 2024 my sister in law, Caitlyn and my brother Liam welcomed their daughter and son into the world (they are twins). I can't tell you how much my niece Marley and nephew Pressley mean to me...they are so loved by the entire family! With the joy of the new additions to the family comes well-meaning (for the most part) people who use the opportunity to ask when am I having kids and when I say simply that I am not having kids because I don't want to people like to almost argue with me to get me to change my answer. Now, is it true that I don't want kids? Yes, from the time I was a little girl I knew I did not want to be a mom and that has not ever changed. I think 'I don't want to' should be reason enough but what many don't understand is there are many reasons for me not having kids...
I am not and can not have kids because I am completely infertile/sterile. Anorexia and orthorexia caused a lot of damage to my body. I struggled with these eating disorders from about the age of 6 or 7 all the way until I was 15. I am 18 now and have not ever had a period. my reproductive organs are, for lack of a better word, broken. They called it quits. It is doctor confirmed that I can not have children. I think this is a big reason why broaching the topic of children with women should be a topic left for the woman to bring up because infertility is very difficult for women. There are so many woman who struggle with the desire for children but are not able to have them. I wish infertility only happened to someone such as myself who already didn't want kids of her own. I hope if you are reading this and struggle with infertility you know how much I would like to take that for you so that you could have the children you want!
My health issues also would make it very risky for me and baby if I were able to get pregnant. I have hyperthyroidism and malabsorption syndrome and among other things that means my body does not process and absorb nutrients correctly. With out medication I could eat and eat and still literally waste away and die of starvation. Pregnancy poses a huge risk because my body would then need to also provide nutrition to baby and odds are me and baby both would become extremely ill, malnourished, and vitamin and mineral deficient and one or both of us could die. There is also the issue of medication that complicates things if I were able to get pregnant. At least one of my thyroid medications I could not take while pregnant and my heart medication I would not be able to take while pregnant. I simply would not survive without the medication and therefore I can not have kids.
The final reason is a lot to do with my mental health and how that effects my relationships. To put it simply I struggle with relationships of any kind. I struggle with showing and expressing affection of any kind. This is at least in part because of my struggle with reactive attachment disorder and post traumatic stress disorder. I am better in relationships with my parents, brothers, my aunt and 2 cousins than I use to be and that was after a lot of work and treatment and family therapy and home visits and all kinds of things. I do not want to bring an innocent child in to the world and potentially mentally and emotionally harm them because I don't connect well and I don't show affection. A child deserves parents who nurture and hug and love and adore them. I am not the kind of person that could consistently give those things to a child...it sounds horrible and I work and receive therapy and support to continue to improve these issues but that is where I am at. I'm NOT saying that everyone with reactive attachment disorder or PTSD is unfit to be a mother or parent. I am only saying that for me and me alone I don't think I would be the mother a child deserves.
So there you have it...
Those are, in short, my reasons for not having kids but again I feel like I don't want kids should be reason enough. It really gets under my skin when I tell people I am not having kids because I don't want them and they say "oh you'll regret not having kids when you're older." Or "Don't you want to give grand babies to your parents?" And "Oh but don't you want to be a mom?" As if my gender and being female means I simply can't be happy or live a full filling life if I don't have kids. What if I went around telling pregnant women "you'll regret having kids when you're older" simply because I personally don't want them? That would be terrible, rude and insensitive right? So why should the opposite be acceptable? Guess what? My parents are totally fine with the fact that I won't be giving them any grand children... it's fine.
Anyway I am sorry if this is a little bit more like me ranting because I don't believe people have any bad intentions in asking me and making some comments. My heart goes out to anyone who does want children and struggles with infertility...I so wish I could take that for you. I hope this post didn't cross the line...I am not trying to upset anyone at all!
Thanks for hearing me out.
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celiacposterboy · 8 years ago
(Often) It doesn’t work that way sadly  (because people won’t take Vitamins these days) (seemingly) . . . but it should (and does) for those who take a Vitamin for their health ... subtitled Time for a Vitamin Reformation Part 2 or How Niacin and/or Niacin as the Amide form Niacin aka Niacinamide treats the Skin Issues associated with Pellagra (like Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne etc) now commonly confused for the DH of Celiac diagnosis today by the Celiac Posterboy
It doesn’t work that way sadly . . . but it should… How Niacin and/or Niacin as the Amide form of Niacin aka Niacinamide treats the Skin issues associated with Pellagra now commonly confused for the DH of a Celiac diagnosis today by the Celiac Posterboy
This is a summary of a thread of fellow sufferer from a former sufferer
When I first started blogging on my Celiac Posterboy blog.  I thought those who need to hear it most (if I was right and it could help Celiac's) then they would want to know.  
It doesn’t work that way sadly . . . but it should…
Sadly it doesn't work that way often . . . despite giving away 500+ books and  probably 100+ bottles of Niacinamide to people I still get it given back to me instead of people trying a vitamin.
Education is hard . . . and it doesn’t happen overnight sadly it takes a generation (often) for people to relearn what the generations that knew these things (Vitamins help people stay healthy) for the current generation to learn. I say https://celiacposterboy.wordpress.com/2016/02/06/time-for-a-vitamin-reformation/ if we take back our cornerstone's (vitamins and minerals) then our health will correct itself.
My way is not the only way.  It is the only way that helped me.  It is actually a contrarian opinion that in this genetic age often falls on death ears way more often than I could imagine 5+ years ago when I thought if I wrote a book about my experience then people would listen and be helped.  But I find the longer someone suffers the less they are apt to listen because   "everybody is right" in their own mind.
see this post are you a starfish quoting the poem by Loren Eisley https://celiacposterboy.wordpress.com/2015/12/28/are-you-a-starfish-part-2-of-a-former-sufferers-journey
The Starfish Story Original Story by: Loren Eisley
“One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean (world wide web) . . .
Son, the man said, don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish?
You can’t make a difference!
After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said I made a difference for that one.” .  .  .
People hear so much in this day and time that Celiac is genetic that when they hear a vitamin could help them . . . they often don’t believe it.
Want you listen? A vitamin can help us when we are STRESSED out. https://www.celiac.com/articles/23506/1/Stress-Common-Before-Celiac-Diagnosis/Page1.html  
And why my blog is/has mostly been about GI problems so far it (Niacin) does help skin issues as well.  I regularly give a bottle to friends with Acne and they all get better.
People get “locked in” and people lose hope because if it is genetic then why/how could a vitamin help, right?
See this link about the Pike Syndrome and how people get “locked in” often without realizing even most of the time. http://joshlinkner.com/2010/the-pike-syndrome/  
People stop believing there is hope anymore.
But they have to believe it will help before they take it/use it.
But more and more evidence is surfacing that epigenetics (environment) plays a role in a celiac diagnosis.
See this new research as reported in Popular Science how it is thought a virus (environment) can trigger a gluten reaction. http://www.popsci.com/virus-triggers-celiac-disease  
Lifestyle/environment is a risk factor for Celiac disease and the doctor’s haven’t figured it out yet.
The very definition of a Vitamin – something we need in a minimum amount without which we become sick.
It (GI issues) is just one of three 3 D's of a Niacin deficiency.  When it was first diagnosed in the mid 1700's it was skin disease today it mostly is associate with GI issues and hence my focus up until now.   Pellagra in Italian where it was first described means “Rough/Sour Skin” who knows that today anymore?
But I have seen it work for other's and wanted to give you hope that it could work for you by calling out people on the Celiac.com board/forum who had been helped in the same way.
See this thread on celiac.com https://www.celiac.com/gluten-free/topic/114082-at-my-wits-end-with-this-rash/ and this longer thread where sbatson has lost hope that links the above topic about how Niacin can help DH (because presumably) Pellagra is being diagnosed as DH today instead. https://www.celiac.com/gluten-free/topic/116368-dh-maybequestionsrash-is-driving-me-nuts/ But if you will notice not one Celiac/DH commenter actually tried it because they don't believe and the one who did try it from the forum thread "at wits end" did not comment on her experience with it because presumably her (DH) got better . . . mostly people on this board never find the answer they are looking for and if they do they go away just like Knitty Kitty who hasn't commented in 6 months because she/her DH got better using Niacin.
And note from the thread knitty kitty did not find it (her answer about Niacin) here either she was just reporting in the forums she found it after reading a book about it.
I didn't come to this conclusion for my self until 3+ years of study and the Lord being my help I have not looked back.
Reader Good luck on your journey. YOU will have to find the answer for yourself the way knitty kitty did. She didn't find out it from me. I just commented/messaged her that if Niacin helped then she had Pellagra Co-Morbid with her gluten problems.
The International Journal of Celiac Disease reports this http://pubs.sciepub.com/ijcd/3/1/6/
"Not only did/does the Journal of Celiac cite common symptom’s 58 percent of the time in Celiac and Pellagra but they also cite that Pellagra has been described in a Celiac Disease diagnosis.
I would argue that it should be the other way around if the majority (58 Percent) of the time Pellagra symptoms are described in a Celiac diagnosis it stands to reason that medical science is identifying the wrong disease."
from my post https://celiacposterboy.wordpress.com/2016/09/19/how-pellagra-is-often-confused-with-many-gi-diseases-like-uc-gerd-ibs-chrons-ncgs-and-even-celiac-disease-or-other-digestive-problems-in-its-late-stages-part-2-the-science-of-pellagra-a-hidden/
but they don't see it though their own research bears it out. Here is why it happened https://celiacposterboy.wordpress.com/2016/02/19/when-myth-becomes-medical-fact-people-suffer-unnecessarily-the-case-of-mistaken-identity-how-pellagra-now-thought-to-be-rare-became-known-as-celiac-disease-a-white-paper/
This is the only time I know this conclusion has been reached and I could be wrong. I am not afraid to say it.
But what if I am right? and a Vitamin will help you can you afford to wait another couple years till the doctor's figure it.
It took 35+ years for me to get a Celia diagnosis. And quoting Knitty Kitty again "Trying to get a diagnosis is frustrating.  I didn't get one for years" and it is even worse today for Pellagra because nobody knows today to look for it!
And not until her research matched up did/was she willing to try the Niacin for her DH.
Again good luck on your journey I hope it doesn't take too long.
2 Timothy 2: 7 “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things” this included.
The Celiac Posterboy by the Grace of God,
Joe “Rock” Pen Name
2 Corinthians (KJV) 1:3,4 3) “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; 4) who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble (starfish), by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”
I include these keywords for search purposes only but since I don’t have any support or marketing to support the knowledge of the difference one Vitamin – the right Vitamin can make when it is found can make even putting these key words in my blog post will hardly make a blip of a difference . . . in the number of people who will read this blog post or the number of people it reaches but alas . . . but it only takes one – to make a difference I hope for YOU (reader) that is you.  Praise bee to God!
But the Truth of the right diagnosis has freed me (us) and hopefully will fee YOU (reader) from the error of the wrong diagnosis.
*** This is not medical advice and should not be considered such. Results may vary. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your medical regimen.
Get the correct diagnosis and get better! Praise bee to God!
THEN tell others is all I ask – however that is (post on facebook, twitter, comment on my blog,  post it on you tumblr account, email a friend this link or link this blog to yours, or review my book on Amazon when you are BURPING for the first time in years or (EVER) – tell a friend about this blog or my book is all I ask but don’t let the chain break with you.
Or your Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema and//or other GI problems are better than they have been in years and years and Acne is in permanent time out (remission) and your “skin” flares have gone away even though you still eat your trigger foods.
It usually takes 6 months of taking it (Niacinamide) 3/day to get rid of most of the symptom’s of Pellagra.  The GI problems, Skin Issues etc.
There a lot of starfish (sufferers’) who STILL need help and haven’t heard because the doctor’s don’t see Pellagra anymore even when it is staring back (Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema, DH etc.) at them in your faces.
As always search for the “Celiac Posterboy” or “Celiac Poster boy” or “Fight Gluten Win” or “Fight GERD Win” if you want to read all my blog posts for as I have said elsewhere in this blog and it bears repeating “To Educate is to Free” Truly.
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mounasser · 8 years ago
Best Nutritional Supplements For Weight Loss
Even without trying to LOSE WEIGHT, there's no question any more about the importance/necessity for taking food grade vitamin/mineral supplements. The fact is the foods we're supposed to be getting all our nutrients from are not anywhere near the same as what they used to be 30 years ago.  Gmo foods, over-farmed soils and pesticides are creating produce with much less usable nutrients than what we used to be able to rely on for our vitamins. There are numerous fruits and vegetables that develop the majority of their vitamin/mineral content during the last 7-10 days of vine ripening.  Unfortunately, unless you live on a farm and eat directly out of the garden, you get your produce from the super market. In order for fruits and vegetables to be fresh and last long enough for you to buy them from the store, they have to be picked well before this time.  This means much of the produce we buy from grocery stores have finished their ripening process in dark crates or under fluorescent lights and never fully develop their full nutrient profile. Considering all of this, even if you are getting all 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, you should still take some kind of vitamin/mineral supplement to fill in the gaps your food may not be providing. On a reduced calorie DIET, the need for nutritional supplements is even greater. If your weight loss diet is properly balanced and correctly planned (which most are not), food is taken in smaller quantities while the exercise demand is considerably higher.  As compared with normal (non-dieting) eating, a good weight loss nutritional program should contain much more vegetables as they are less calorie dense, cleanse the body and are supposed to provide the proper nutrients needed. While the greater volume of these foods should make up for vitamin deficient foods, the greater demand from increased exercise will cause the body to require more.  Do not choose vitamin/mineral supplements based on price and go with the cheapest you find as these may not be the best for you. Do your research before buying and look for vitamin supplements that will be the most absorbable rather than affordable. The most absorbable vitamin supplements are colloidal (liquid) and/or as close to food sources as possible (minimal processing).
As important as good quality, absorbable multi-vitamin/mineral supplements are to your health, these products should be the baseline of every nutritional supplement program. They will not however make a noticeable difference in weight loss if they are the only supplements you're taking.  There are many other products designed specifically to help you lose weight and build healthy muscle. Like a good multi-vitamin, these must also be carefully chosen so you can get the best results possible for the cheapest price. When used correctly at the right times and for the right reasons, there are many nutritional supplements currently for sale that can help you achieve new levels of fitness and health very quickly no matter what your age is.  When shopping, the number of different supplements available will keep your mind spinning; this market is huge and there are many good companies offering an astounding number of great products. However there is also an equally large number of ineffective junk products as well if you're not careful. For simplicity reasons, you can categorize most weight loss nutritional supplements into three groups; macronutrient replacement, fat burners/energy pills and performance based products. Macronutrient replacement type supplements are available as protein drinks and meal replacement powders. The goal of these nutritional supplements is to support your diet with more macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Meal replacement powders are a cheap and easy way to get excellent nutrition on the go in a very convenient way, a drink you can mix up and get down quickly on the go.  These products make dieting much easier and tastier! Whey protein drinks and meal replacement powders are sweet, tasty, come in lots of interesting, delicious flavors and are excellent for satisfying the sweet tooth cravings everyone struggles with on a diet. For WEIGHT LOSS, protein drinks and meal replacement powders make it easier to get all the protein you need every day to keep you from losing muscle. When taken directly after a muscle building or strenuous workout, liquid protein drinks are the fastest and best way to get the nutrition you need for both growth and recovery. If you're not a breakfast eater, a tasty meal replacement protein drink can be easy to get down and an excellent way to get a good shot of vitamins with BALANCED, easy to absorb nutrition to start your day. These supplements are not expensive, especially when you consider they are replacing food, however cost-wise it equals out to about the same.  Macronutrient replacement supplements can also be found as pocket sized, protein bars that are also very convenient. While these products are popular, they are harder to digest and will not absorb as quickly as liquid drinks. It can also be a struggle to find a protein meal replacement bar that's tasty enough to want to eat it more than once. Compared to the flavor and ease of liquid protein meal replacement drinks, the bars are merely a back-up for most dieters. Perhaps one of the most important supplements for weight loss are the FAT BURNERS. These are pills and/or powdered drink mixes designed specifically to help speed up your metabolism and target fat burning. They do work well however should be used in conjunction with rigorous exercise; in fact most of these products work best when taken directly before.  Fat burner type supplements are also great for adding energy to your day. These products often have caffeine or natural substances such as herbs that cause a stimulatory effect. While macronutrient replacement supplements are deemed very safe for most people, fat burners should be looked at a little closer if you have a history of certain health conditions such as heart problems, etc. If you are prone to certain conditions that are sensitive to stimulants, you would be well advised to consult your medical doctor before taking a fat burner supplement.  On that note, beware of asking any medical doctor about nutritional supplements, exercise or nutrition advice if they are not an athlete themselves. Overall, fat burners are helpful for weight loss, but very secondary to how much exercise you do and how good your nutrition is. If you're hardly exercising and your diet is not dialed in for weight loss, fat burners will not do much for you. If your program is good and you're exercising hard and regularly, fat burners can make a great difference. Besides meal replacement powders and protein drinks the next most usable nutritional supplements are performance based. These products are powdered drink mixes to aid in your workouts. Performance supplements include pre-workout energy drinks that give you more energy for your training but also contain ingredients to help with other aspects.  For example, some pre-workout drinks also help your muscles get a better pump and help them expand larger to make you bigger. Some pre-workout supplements are combined with FAT BURNERS and also ingredients for long term energy used best for endurance sports.  Performance supplements also include drinks designed to be consumed during and after your workout. Intra-workout supplements are great for supplying your muscles with nutrients and amino acids while you train. These not only improve performance during the workout but also help you recover faster for the next set.  Post-workout drinks are designed primarily to aid recovery and are perhaps the most valuable of all. These products are best consumed directly after training or right before bed and greatly aid the body in recovering faster and more completely. I'm Dan Levesque, owner OPERATOR of HighlandsFightGear.com. We are an online store that sells combat equipment and training apparel for wrestlers, mma fighters and boxers. Our store caters to every aspect of these combat sports including WEIGHT management, so we also sell some of the best nutritional supplements you will find.  I have been a sports chiropractor, professional powerlifter and strength coach for more than 20 years and have personally trained and coached many high school, college and professional athletes. I am currently the strength coach and nutritional counselor for several high school and middle school wrestling teams as well as numerous competitive bodybuilders and strength athletes.  I personally recommend all the supplements we sell to all my athletes and witness first hand amazing results in every one of them. If you want to know what the best supplements are FOR WEIGHT LOSS, building muscle and improving performance fast, visit our website and see what the top athletes are taking. Article Source: http://ift.tt/1Vc1KDk
Best Nutritional Supplements For Weight Loss Best Nutritional Supplements For Weight Loss from Blogger http://ift.tt/2nvsnLd via best4you-now ref=da&site=tumblr">IFTTT
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