#what would be the most popular pizzaplex ship .
camzverse · 3 months
wonder if people in the fnaf universe ever ship the robots
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pluck-heartstrings · 6 months
"Her aesthetic is platinum, with an array of subtle colours. Picture fine particles of glitter that catch the light and refract into a multitude of colours"
Do you have any *idea* what a yarn crafting nightmare this is? I have some ideas but I've finally decided on a long bodied frame I can put multiple dresses on so I can experiment. Unless I find the perfect embroidery thread for a mini......
In any case-
I fully believe the future of Princess merchandise for Fazco lies in makeup/costumes/dress up merch, and hard bodied dolls. Think like, american girl, barbie, monster high, ect. Ball jointed things with every accessory under the sun. The castle, by nature of its built in narritive, would be downright tone deaf to not merchandise towards pretend play. And fazco has two predominate plush styles. The chunky kind (think plush baby) and the long bodied kind (sun and moon AR plushes). While possible for them to redesign the plush's from the ground up, the infrastructure for assembly already existed from the pizzaplex. The attendant's hips are also a plush nightmare. But liberties are probably taken to emphasize other features and leave them the long body plush bodies.
Now you can either market the princess as a unit with the attendants, giving her the long body type, or independently, reusing the chunky plush style, which has far less detail and is printed felt. Actually given her size, and encouraging imagination play with the knight plushes (no doubt chunky), making her a chunky plush in sky blue (guarentee it would test better than grey. Might even end up in like a cream cause little girls would dig it as wedding aestetic) is most likley.
*having said that*
I personally would prefer her in a long body, to preserve her elegance.
So that's def what I'm doing.
after my current project, which unfortunately is slated for a few months worth of work given my limited work time, I'm definitly going to bare minimum rough out a body and face. Time to order all the armature wire ever.
(A mental image, of a small girl repeat customer, who obsessivley ships anyone but sun with the princess, and makes direct eye contact with sun while making her toys kiss. She probably has a crush on sun)
Nelly I'm so sorry I was just trying to give you more informationnnnn Basically I'm saying her palette is really minimal so she'll look great in a bunch of colours and I TRUST ANYTHING YOU DO I PROMMIE
I totally agree that dolls would be a huge hit later down the line when the Castle gets more popular. Doll!Princess would be a similar shape to the Glamrock action figures to encourage cross over play. Glamrock Chica and Roxy having girlie sleepovers with the Princess, small replicas of the Castle made ripping off Barbie's Dream House.
(Also that little girl with the Princess toy doll making them kiss everyone, that's me. That's my self insert. She's got a big ol' crush on Sun but keeps making doll!Sun smooch literally everybody.)
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tiresomeimagination · 3 years
Clean Up (Daycare Attendant x Reader) Sun Side
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Needy/clingy behavior. Sun has abandonment issues. Pretty much just fluff and reverse comfort otherwise.
Author’s Note: I headcanon both Sun and Moon with male pronouns, so that’s what I’m using (but reader is neutral as usual). I’m also going with the general popular consensus of the fandom of Sun and Moon being separate personalities in the same animatronic body.
The sequel is out and you can find that one here!
“Man, they really got you good, huh?” You muttered as you did your best to peel yet another glittery rainbow-colored sticker off of Sun’s body. The lanky animatronic of the daycare sat on the padded playmats in front of you, leaning forward to allow you access to his terribly vandalized surface. You weren’t surprised that the most recent hoard of toddlers had managed to cause such a mess, but you couldn’t help but cringe at the sight. There was everything from crayon scribbles, paint, and glue smears, to nearly every sticker known to mankind. You could hardly recognize the robot under it all.
Sun focused his blank eyes on you, tilting his head. “Aw, they didn’t mean any harm! They were all just so excited to play!” he exclaimed in his overly enthusiastic voice.
You sighed. It probably wasn’t even in the poor animatronic’s programming to deny requests like that from a kid, no matter how degrading it was. “Yeah…well, let’s just hope none of this paint got onto any of your circuitry. I’d hate for you to have to be shipped off to Parts and Services…” you said as you brought the wet rag up to try and wipe some more of the caked substance off.
The thought of you fussing over him like this gave Sun a strange warm and fuzzy feeling deep in his core that he couldn’t quite place. Before you could resume cleaning, Sun burst into motion. With a high-pitched squeal, he threw his arms around you and wrapped you in a tight hug. “Don’t worry, Friend! I’m just swell as long as you’re here!” He practically shouted.
You instinctively winced at the new position. Metal bodies weren’t the most comfortable to be forcibly squished against after all…Not to mention you could practically feel the gunk rubbing off of him and onto your previously tidy Pizzaplex uniform. “Ah, S-Sun! You’re gonna get me all dirty!” you whined, biting back a chuckle at his childish affection.
“Oops!” Sun squeaked, pulling away immediately at your protest as if the thought hadn’t occurred to him. He worriedly scanned over the new paint and glue smudges adorning your shirt. “Oh no, what a mess! I’m so sorry, Friend!” He said in an anxious tone, using his hand to try and wipe it off but to no avail.
You couldn’t hold it back anymore and let out a low laugh, swatting away Sun’s hand. “It’s okay, it’s okay. I was going to wash this later anyway,” you assured lightly. Sun didn’t seem too sure, still hovering his hand in front of you as if trying to decide what to do to help. If he was capable of frowning, you were pretty sure he would be.
You took a moment to think over how to convince him that he hadn’t messed up or upset you. Your eyes scanned the floor around you, your gaze falling on the small pile of used stickers you had already pulled off of Sun’s body. With a grin, you grabbed a smiley face sticker and slapped it onto your forehead. It had just enough stickiness left to stay in place. “There, now we’re both works of art!” You added another laugh for good measure.
Sun reeled back slightly in surprise before visibly relaxing and joining in on your laughter.
“Now come on, let’s get you cleaned up before this place locks down,” you said cheerfully, picking up the wet rag and resuming your task. It was a bit tricky getting Sun to stay still long enough for you to reach all the places you needed to. Even when he was sitting in one place, the hyperactive animatronic couldn’t help but wiggle and sway back and forth.
Of course, Sun was trying his best to stay still for you! It was just so hard to do when he was so happy. And how could he not be happy when his favorite friend was here with him? You always took time to come and visit him, sometimes even using up your precious break time when you were assigned to work somewhere else in the Pizzaplex. You even liked to help him clean up the daycare after a particularly rowdy bunch of kids left! None of the other employees liked to do that. You were so so nice! And gentle! And funny! And- oh wait, were you talking to him?
“Sun, hey, are you okay? You were kind of spacing out,” you said with a hint of concern. You sure hoped those brats hadn’t damaged him.
“Oh! Yes, of course! Sorry!” He said quickly, snapping out of his thoughts.
You frowned, giving him a worried look. Honestly, you probably should have taken him right to Parts and Services for a tuneup just in case, but you knew that the mechanics and other workers weren’t always very friendly with the animatronics. They were the property of Fazbear Entertainment after all. Why would anyone spend extra time and effort just to spare the “feelings” of glorified work equipment? You’ve caught workers like the security guard yelling at the Glamrocks before, and you wanted to spare the Daycare Attendant that kind of treatment as much as possible.
“You know…you should be more careful,” you said, thinking over how to phrase your next words as you dipped your rag into the bowl of water beside you and wet it again. You knew that Sun had a bit of a thing about messes, so you doubted that he was the one that suggested this “makeover” in the first place. As long as it didn’t break any of the daycare’s rules, he tended to go along with whatever the little guests wanted.
“Huh?” Sun hummed, tilting his head in confusion.
“You…you don’t have to let the kids walk all over you all the time. It’s okay to say no. Especially when something might hurt you,” you explained gently.
Sun reeled back dramatically to look at you, his voice box sputtering in surprise. “Well- Well I…we were just having fun! That’s what I’m here for after all, hehe!” he insisted, sounding a little nervous as if he was trying to convince himself as well as you.
You nodded and shifted your position, rising up onto your knees so you could reach Sun’s faceplate. You wouldn’t keep pushing the topic if he was uncomfortable with it. “If you say so. I just want you to know that it’s…well…it’s okay for you to stick up for what you want…or don’t want,” you said as you carefully began cleaning his cheek.
If you had stopped long enough to notice the position the two of you had ended up in, you would have been more than a little embarrassed. You knelt in front of the Daycare Attendant, his large hands having drifted onto your shoulders as you wiped the colorful grime off his faceplate. Your faces were close, and he couldn’t focus his attention anywhere but your eyes. If you listened closely, you could hear the whirring of his internal fans picking up.
“R-Really…?” Sun squeaked out, his voice much quieter than his usual shouting.
“Of course!” You replied instantly, giving him a confident smile.
You were caught off guard when you felt one of Sun’s hands wrap around your wrist, stilling your hand as he stared at you.
“I…I want you to stay,” he managed to get out. His voice box warbled slightly with the force of the words.
You felt your heart twist at his shy request. Of course he was lonely spending all night alone, but it wasn’t like you could just live here. You had to go home sometime.
“Sun…” You sighed, your expression melting somewhere between worry and pity.
“I don’t like it when you leave. you're my bestest most special friend!" he whined, gripping your arm with both hands now. "Moon likes you too! We don't want you to go!" he added, hoping that might help sway you somehow.
you let out another heavy sigh, patting the back of his hands. "... You know I can't stay forever, right?" you asked, trying to be patient with him.
Sun gave a hesitant nod.
"But...I will always come back," you added, giving him a reassuring smile.
"... Pinky promise?" Sun asked quietly, lifting his right hand and sticking out his pinky finger.
You paused, looking at his outstretched hand. You wondered if it was a good idea to make such a commitment. You probably wouldn't work here for the rest of your life or anything...Eh, what were you worrying about? It was just a little pinky swear to cheer up your robotic companion. He would probably find some new worker to cling to by then anyway.
"Pinky promise," you echoed, curling your pinky around his and giving a gentle shake.
"Ahh, thank you Y/N! I feel much better now, hehe!" Sun giggled before wrapping you in another tight hug. It was astonishing just how quickly he could flip moods sometimes.
You chuckled, this time hugging him back. His joy was always so contagious. You had to admit, it was nice to feel cared about. Even if it wasn't a human doing the caring.
The two of you stayed like that for a little while. You were just about to pull away and get back to work when you heard the distant sound of the mall's automated voice over the speaker systems.
"Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex is now closed. Initiating Nighttime Protocols."
"... Crap."
"Language, Y/N!"
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Do Gregory and Becca get to play a few levels of Help Wanted? How do they do?
Oh no, they’d have to wouldn’t they?
Gregory’s a hardcore gamer, and you cannot convince me otherwise. He loves action and horror games the most, always hungry for a challenge. He kinda treats being lost in the pizzaplex like it’s a big video game, actually. His singleminded focus on getting upgrades an jumping into danger shows us just what kind of gamer he is.
Becca likes activities that let her use her smarts and creativity at her own pace. She prefers more relaxed puzzle and sandbox games as a result. Poor girl also has many sensory sensitivities, so games with unexpected loud noises or flashing lights are a big no no for her. Timers give her really bad anxiety, as well.
Gregory, despite being a big fan of Freddy’s, believes the scary stories are all fictitious, just like most people in this universe. The way I see him, he’s a young FNAF fanboy who watches all the big youtubers. It explains why he decided to squat at the plex. He is not aware of the truth behind everything going on beneath the Fazbear brand yet.
Becca just moved to the area, and knows little about Fazbear Entertainment. All she really knows is what she’s heard, which is probably incorrect information anyway. Her parents hoped other kids would want to come to their daughter’s party if they had it in a local popular location like the pizzaplex, even if it wasn’t very accommodating to her disability.
Assuming Into The Breach takes place around the early to mid 2020’s, they are definitely making meme references left and right. They’re only children, after all. They’re inclined to joke around, if only to lighten the tension and distract themselves from the existential dread surrounding what’s happening to them.
Glitchtrap flings them both into the FNAF 2 level, just to see how well they’d work together as a team before they are fused with the spirits of CC/Elizabeth. Gregory finds the Freddy mask, and lets Becca listen to the tutorial phone call like a total noob. He immediately starts cracking Among Us jokes, and the two terrified kiddos start dying of laughter.
“W-watch out, Gregory… T-that blue Bonnie is in the right vent—!” “WHAT?! BONNIE’S BEING SUS!” “Pfft… K-keep your voice down, before they all—!” “Oh please, I have the Freddy mask! Just duck under the desk! I got thi—AHHHHH!” “I-I think we lost…?” “N-No fair! It was totally camping! I vote the gay looking Bonnie be ejected from the ship!!!” “Uh…W-what’s gay…?” “THAT STUPID BONNIE!”
Glitch looking very confused and turning to Vanny like “What the bloody hell are they even talking about right now? Why does that twelve year old boy know what the word gay means? Have kids gotten even worse over future generations? Dear lord… and I thought Micheal was as bad as it could get…”
He has them play individually next. Gregory manages to beat the third night of FNAF 1 by himself after a few attempts. Becca plays Freddy’s parts and service, but she is taking forever. Eventually, the yellow rabbit gets impatient and checks on her. He finds her hopping on her tip toes because she can’t reach. He has to excuse himself to laugh before getting her a chair.
Both kids find Foxy’s Pirate Ride in the Halloween DLC and it is by far their favorite level out of all of the others. If Vanny’s looking for them, they’re probably trying to get the captain rank for the millionth time in a row.
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