#what was the reason dear hbo max
scorpireads · 1 year
if we're really getting the hp series and there's no way out of it,
Here's list of the things I want ( gonna be reblogged and updated if I remember to lmaooo) :
2. More of Luna's story
4. Remember love, not all evil made in Slytherin, sometimes they were made by Dumbl—
5. More of Hinny moments bc I need the build up on-screen( no, i haven't got the time to read the book i know it's awful please dont bash me )
6. More of book hermione the deranged queen ( yes, and the skeeter-in-a-jar scene too, yeah?)
7. ??? Marauders' flashbacks pls ESPECIALLY IN SEASON 3 bc I can see it when it's Remus' perspective and maybe like the transition when he walks through the halls (we're seeing in his perspective) and then we're suddenly taken to a flashback with the yell of his name and when we turn around we can see James or Sirius calling him from across the hall ughhh.
8. I want to see The dark lord with red eyes
9. I want to see Harry with green eyes and not some blueish shit.
10. Gimme more of Barty's perspective on 4th season, I need more of his screentime.
11. Give me a totally unplanned dumbass side character who can steal the screen from the mains. Like it could be the one kid that snape favors than any other dunderheads and they decided to open a potion tutor and people always talk about them as a filler conversation.
Or make a muggleborn character say something totally muggle or a book reference and the purebloods were all fucking confused cuz what the heck is that lmao and make it a filler conversation too because one of them decided to ask the professor like, " Professor Mcgonagall, what's a Jedi? Haw can you be one?"
12. I want some wlw or mlm either you fucking give me deamus, dorlene, or some other people ( maybe oliver and marcus cuz enemies to lovers why not but this is too pushing).
13. Give me those little scenes, little snippets of actions, give me Hagrid visiting his giant ass fucking spiders and his mate and kids. Give me Horace Slughorn telling someone about the goldfish(?) or something that Lily gave him (transfigured) and when it dies he knew that was when Lily died. Give me the little storyline of Severus and his childhood with Lily. Give me stories about Abeforth Dumbledore because we didn't talk enough about him and that damned fucking patronus. Give me the stories about The original Order of The Phoenix ( I may not like them but let's give them a background, maybe a flashback scene or two). Give me a scene about how some of the kid-soldiers back in '79 had doubts and it was a very vulnerable scene where they begged their s/o to just lets leave the war, that they're pregnant and they had to think about the baby but they stayed anyways.
Give me all the pain, all the fucking pain and gory details WE NEED THEM.
14. Give us trauma, with the fucking plots and storyline of how good the writing was, mind you. Not the castings and drama shits.
15. I demand, a Regulus Black episode <3
16. I desperately need one Slytherin scene where there's a kid fighting sleep when he's sitting near the glass to the black lake and was very much surprised and scared when the giant squid playfully peek his giant eye thru the glass lmao
17. I want A scene where Hermione was dealing with the aftermath of obliviating her parents, we can't just shove that aside!!
19. tbc
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bizzybkd · 2 years
Cornbread (1)
Killmonger x pregnant!reader / part one
Warnings: None, just super fluffy, and in this AU, Erik’s father never left Wakanda but he did pass at the same time as in canon, Erik just grew up surrounded by the rest of his family instead
As you looked amongst your closet, the growing mound on your front told you that most of your clothing wouldn’t properly fit you anymore right now. Carrying your fiancé’s big headed baby boy had given you enough reason to buy larger sized clothing ahead of time. Of course, most of the clothes you wore were Erik’s, seeing as he was almost an entire foot taller than you.
You reached your hand inside and pulled out one of Erik’s Nike tech outfits, the much larger size telling you that as long as you didn’t spill anything on it, and your baby didn’t suddenly decide to come two weeks early and have your water break whilst sitting on the couch, Erik wouldn’t be upset once he saw you in it.
Said man had already taken his leave to go to work, a job you knew very little about but didn’t care to know much. You had your dream Cadillac in the garage and subscriptions to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBO Max, and Disney+ and more than enough good food in the kitchen. Whether it needed to be made or even just removed from the packaging, you couldn’t be happier with the selection. Erik always made sure you had your favorites, which at the time were goldfish crackers, plantain chips, ice cold water from your preferred refillable water bottle, and your soon-to-be Auntie-in-law’s homemade cornbread, which Erik would either take you to get personally from her in Wakanda or he would go get himself.
For a royal family that could have any chef they desired and any food they could ask for at their finger tips, Queen Mother making cornbread always seemed to brighten your mood no matter what.
As you looked in the fridge for your cornbread, you looked at the container the cornbread was in had been gone, and taking a quick glance at the sink, you knew exactly why.
‘You ate the last piece of cornbread?!’ You sent to your fiancé’s phone, fingertips typing ten words a second at how furious you were becoming. How dare he! Taking the last piece of cornbread he knew you loved and knew he wouldn’t have time to get for another few days due to work. How dare he taken something quick to eat in his late morning that you had wanted first!
After five minutes passed of you staring at the message sitting on “delivered”, it finally changed to “read 11:27am”.
‘Babygirl, there was only one piece left.’ He replied, having deleted and retyped his message three times as the dots had told on him.
‘That was my last piece! Now there isn’t anymore and I want some! When can we get more?’
‘Maybe Thursday, (Y/n). I don’t know, I shouldn’t be talking right now, okay? I’ll get you your cornbread.’
You glared at the message and simply put a ‘thumbs up’ on it in reply, letting out a long groan of frustration before putting a hand over your belly, in your act of anger, you had forgotten to actually get something to eat. Getting up with a huff, you trudged to the kitchen with much less gumption that you had before. Pulling the box of Lucky Charms cereal from the cabinet and the oat milk from the fridge, you made yourself a quick bowl of cereal, leaving everything out by you as you knew you would want another few bowls.
An hour or so later, still saddened by the lack of cornbread as you munched on the bland tasting plantain chips you had beside you. The mediocre game show on screen made you cringe, it was obvious the contestants were guessing wrong on purpose to the easiest questions just to make the episode hit its target screen time. It annoyed you to no end, but seeing as you binged all your shows and wouldn’t dare taint your mind’s taste buds by risking a new show or movie, you settled.
Out of boredom, you decided to treat yourself, you were cornbread-less, patience-less, and had what the doctors assumed to be a seven to eight pound baby in your belly. Wakanda was only a short ten hour trip by flight, and practically 30 minutes if you could convince your cousin-in-law, Princess Shuri or King T’Challa to send a jet to your house.
You had always known about Erik, well, N’Jadaka, Erik simply being the name he took undercover when he came to America where he met you. You figured out pretty quickly he was the prince, shaving his beard, contacts and a switch from locs to a fade didn’t do as much disguising as he’d hoped, not from you anyway.
You kept his secret while you both attended MIT, as long as he promised to help you pass your physics and trigonometry courses. Aside from numbers and formulas, those weren’t the only things you were happy to take with you once you graduated.
Now having dated four years and being eight months pregnant, with a beautiful 4 carat engagement ring on your finger, and a very strong bond between your fiancé and his family, it wasn’t exactly uncommon for your pregnant self to call the princess and king if you needed something while Erik was at work.
Dialing Shuri’s kimono beads with your own she’s given you, it was almost immediately she answered, a large smile on her holographic face.
“(Y/n)!! It’s great to hear from you!! How are you and my nephew? Sleeping okay? Resting? Eating well?” She cried, the background of the hologram showing she must’ve been at work in her lab.
“Hello, Shuri, I’m doing very well thank you, M’Jabe too. Erik ate the last piece of Queen Mother’s cornbread this morning and I was hoping I’d be able to come get more? It’s really been the only thing keeping me—“
“Right away! I’ll speak with cousin later but for now you come here!!” Shuri interrupted, an interruption you couldn’t care less for as it meant you’d be getting what you wanted. “The jet will be there in ten minutes, shall you pack a bag and stay the night again?” She asked.
You’d stayed the night last month, having had phantom contractions that had easily convinced you that you were in labor. Seeing as it had been another four weeks since then, it was obvious you were wrong. Knowing you still had two weeks before your due date, you deemed yourself perfectly fine not to stay long, especially with how busy the royal family were already.
“No, Shuri, but thank you, I’ll stay again in a week or two since M’Jabe will be due then.” You assured her. She nodded solemnly but smiled. “That’s fine, but the next sleepover I’ll be meeting my nephew so I’ll be looking forward to that!”
You let out a laugh and nodded. You and Shuri continued to talk until the jet arrived, having put on a jacket to combat the nipping mid October weather and a pair of fuzzy slippers you loved. Okoye met you at the top of the stairs into the jet, giving you a smile as you walked in, lending you a hand up the steps as you used the other hand to hold your belly.
“Enkosi, General.” You smiled as she nodded and helped you to a seat.
“Of course, (Y/n), it’s good to see you’re doing well, I’d hoped you would with prince N’Jadaka.” She replied, earning a laugh from you and your son who kicked your kidney in agreement. God he wasn’t even born yet and he was heavy handed like his father.
The ride to Wakanda was short of course, and for good reason, you could only feel your drool escaping your lips as you nearer the great castle, as if smelling the cornbread being made already.
Erik called you after you landed and we’re being escorted inside.
“Why are you in Wakanda?” He asked almost immediately after you answered.
“I wanted my cornbread.” You replied matter-of-factly.
He let out an audible sigh. “You’re a trip..” he let out a soft chuckle before it turned into a light laugh. He loved your attitude, and his ability to tame it. “Don’t worry, Babygirl, I’ll be there soon. Tell Auntie and the other two I said hey.”
You smiled and walked along the long hallways with Okoye, her simply going about her duty alongside you. You couldn’t tell if she was just a master of not showing her opinions through her face, or if she truly tuned out your conversation. It didn’t really matter to you.
“Okay, baby, I’ll see you when you get here. And I forgive you for eating my cornbread.” You smiled, rubbing your belly gently.
He let out yet another laugh, but this one came from his gut, he truly found you amusing and that’s one of the things he truly loved about you. You loved his laugh as well.
“Thank you for forgiving me baby. I won’t touch your cornbread again.” He said in defeat, you could hear the smile in his voice and it made you blush. God, even after four years he could make you giggle like a school girl.
“Get here soon, me and M’Jabe miss you lots..” you admitted. Curse your pregnancy tongue.
Erik noticed the small difference in your tone, how sad you suddenly became at the thought of him being so far away. He hated doing that to you, no matter what his duties were. Of course, him working was to provide for the human you both created that was only days away from coming along. You and your baby were his priorities and everything else came second, so as much as he’d want to spend hours and hours tending to your pregnant form and giving you all the treatment you deserved, being able to stay with his family was the next best thing.
“How about you stay in Wakanda until my son comes along?” He asked you, knowing you had already discussed how you wanted to stay in the comfort in your own home until it was time. But you also knew that he was worried about that plan, what if you went into labor and he wasn’t home or couldn’t make it home, he’ll be damned before you had to take yourself to a rinky dunk hospital that charged almost 100k just for birthing the child and even just holding it afterwards, before the baby was born of course.
You went silent for a bit to think it over, you knew what he was worried about but also knew what you wanted. Being hormonal and pregnant, missing your fiancé who couldn’t be there for what you knew wouldn’t be another two hours, and in a castle you hadn’t spent more than a week at a time in, tears welled in your eyes.
You quickly wiped them away and did your best to hide the sudden spiral in your voice.
“How about we talk about that when you get here, baby, I don’t wanna make any decisions without looking each other in the face.” You said, mustering a smile.
Erik nodded, he knew that would make you feel better.
“Alright, baby, that sounds good. I’ll talk to you then, okay? I love you.” He finally said.
“I love you back..” you replied, hanging up the phone and letting soft tears fall as you made it to the thrown room.
Face to face was how you liked to handle things anyway. That how you got M’Jabe to be two weeks away to being in the world anyway.
Well… maybe not two weeks.
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llendrinall · 8 days
Dear Endrina
I am once again finding myself reading the secret language of plants, and I was wondering.
Are you still writing? Fanfiction, original fiction or others?
I would love to check out other things you are writing (if not already in ao3).
Is there any fanfiction authors your were inspired by for your work? I haven't really found anybody who writes just like you managed to do.
I am a big fan of your work and it always cheers me up reading your stories 😊 thanks for sharing with us all ❤️
Hello, dear.
I am writing, but I am not posting. There are many reasons why: less time, less energy, less fandoms that pique my interest, etc. I won’t detail them all reasons here. I dislike the idea of posting unfinished works so I have nothing to show. I will say that I am working on a collection of (fandom) stories and when I got your ask, I stole a couple of hours to other tasks and wrote 900 words. Nice! Although what started as 7 stories has grown to 16 so I don’t know when they will be ready.
As for other works or authors, funnily enough I had been meaning to write a couple of posts about books, so I will just do it here.
Endrina’s list of very nice books
Quality is subjective so the main criteria here is whether I have re-read these books, whether they had something to drawn me back.
Original fiction
Terry Pratchett.
Every Pratchett fan easily admits that his first books are not very good and that there is no good point to start reading. You simply pick a book, plunge into Discworld, and figure things as you go. Pratchett’s turn of phrase if excellent. Pratchett’s examination of morals is even better. Because it’s fantasy, Pratchett has not been taken seriously. He is too juvenile, too funny, too unserious. But he is also a master at making readers grow a political conscience.
The post I was meaning to write was a comparison between Pratchett’s witches (Weyrd Sisters, Witches Abroad, etc.) and some other author’s witches. Ok, it’s JKR, but I didn’t want it to be a direct attack on her or her character. It’s just a comparison of the content.
In Harry Potter the wizarding world is hidden. The reason given is that muggles would be demanding favors nonstop. Later I think it is implied that muggles may be dangerous to wizards. In Discworld, however, magic is perfectly public. People do demand favors from witches (and wizards, but less so) and people are a threat to magical folk. One of the Tiffany Aching’s books (aimed to younger readers, but still excellent) opens with an imprisoned witch about to be executed (she frees herself, of course, by magical and mundane means).
The thought came to me regarding anesthesia use during labor. I am sure that in Harry Potter witches don’t experience pain giving birth, but they don’t share that gift with muggles.
In Harry Potter, magic folk let non-magic folk suffer.
In Discworld, magic folk understand magic as a duty, while accepting that there won’t be thanks or appreciation. If you have the ability to save a sheep, to remove someone’s pain, to make their passing easier, you must do it.
It’s surprising that school libraries would ban Harry Potter and not Pratchett, because he is the one with potential to bring people to the left.
Naomi Novik
How to describe the Temeraire series? They are very good, they have dragons, they are populated by people who feel very real.
The first book is dedicated to building a fantasy world. So cool. So exciting. It would look so nice as an HBO MAX show! They would blunder the second season, but the first season would be excellent.
The next eight books ruthlessly deconstruct the first one. Much like Pratchett, Novik takes an idea and asks, “but how can this work?” and, often, the answer is “by the suffering and exploitation of poor people”. And she (like Pratchett) will drag the answer to the light.
The third book, Gunpowder war, is my favorite because the structure is crisp and neat. Three places, thee different environments, three challenges. You go from movement to arrest and back to movement and afterwards you feel like having completed a videogame.
Agatha Christie
She, like Pratchett, is not considered a “proper” author. I suspect it’s because she is a woman and because her books are accessible. There is this bias against books and stories that many people can enjoy.
Being a British woman born in 1890, her writing does have some ideas that seem outdated, especially regarding foreigners and Jews. But it’s ameliorated by the fact that all her characters are individuals. Each one of them is a distinct person rather than a stand-in for a whole group. So when in Lord Edgware Dies a Jewish woman is described as greedy an ambitious, she is still given enough personality that it seems like a “her” problem rather than a group trait. I don’t want to completely excuse or handwave it. Occasionally there are racist undertones. But they are still way less obvious that many modern works.
For a long time, every October/November I would read one of her novels to get in the Autumn mood, but lately I have found myself reading her “out of season” and wondering why her call was growing stronger. I realized recently it’s because in her books people don’t enjoy killing. Oh, someone is going to die. Perhaps more than one person. But the murderer kills because a) they expect to inherit, b) they are guarding a secret, c) they are in love, d) a variation of the three. They don’t enjoy killing, is my point. They don’t do it for pleasure. There are no elaborate and inventive ways to torture someone and desecrate a corpse. I find that I am very tired of recent trends in which a psycho killer tortures young women and taunts the police.
Also, Christie is very compassionate towards women. Some women are good, some are evil, some are adulteress, some have relations with married men, some get pregnant while single. In the latter case, the tone is more of “it happens” rather than “what a slut”. It is no ideal, it means trouble and social exclusion for the woman, but it happens so Christie doesn’t moralize about it. (And in Hallowe’en Party there is a single mother who is treated as perfectly normal).
I said earlier her characters are distinct individuals. Christie’s strength lies in voicing varied psychological profiles. Her two main detectives (Poirot and Marple) read as asexual (no matter the forced heteronormative that TV/movie adaptations try to push). Poirot also is a clear case of OCD and… it’s fine. That’s how he is. There are also some great ADHD characters. There is whatever was going on Ms MacGinty is dead. The main suspect is clinically depressed or something, I don’t remember well.
People are varied and allowed to be weird, and I love it.
(Occasionally, a couple of lesbians will pop. Sadly, because these are murder mysteries, one of them may die. But it doesn’t read like a Bury Your Gays trope)
Miguel de Cervantes
This one is not like the others because there is a lot of scholarly work about Cervantes. So much so that he is taken as a Very Serious author when, in fact, he is Pretty Funny. Think lines like “thus came a man riding a donkey, although it may had been a mule, there is no consensus regarding the animal, except it was probably grey of coat. The man was carrying a basin on his head.”
Having some political and cultural context helps to enjoy Don Quixote, but it is not a sine qua non requisite. For English, I like Grossman’s translation.
(Also, this is almost never mentioned: Miguel de Cervantes and his brother were suspected in the murder of a high class nobleborn who was a known sexual harasser. And it shows. There is a chapter in DQ that could very well be titled: Incel Culture, let’s not).
Astolat’s stories follow the pattern of the Common Man falling for the Enlightened Man. This tickles something deep in my brain and I love it.
The Common Man may not be so common. He may be a renowned warrior. He may be a hero. He is only common when opposed to the Enlightened Man (who may be a woman, like Brienne of Tarth, fantastic). The latter is someone with their third, fourth and fifth eye open. Someone who understands magic and, what’s even more difficult, morality. Someone who knows. What they know may vary, but the knowledge is there and with it a certain sense of being removed, of not fitting in the world. So they are surprised to attract the desperate interest of the Common Man.
Other things to like: clever construction of plot, deep and surrounding worldbuilding with just a couple of strokes.
Her Bucky (MCU) series is fantastic, but the first work, This, you protect is particularly good. It is funny, it is healing, and it’s an interesting example of how to enthrall people. Most fanfics have sex, it is almost a requisite. Some readers will reject a story if the promise of hot scenes isn’t there. Well, This, you protect doesn’t have sex. It has coffee concoctions and grilled cheese sandwiches, and they are so satisfying that you won’t even notice there is no sex.
I haven’t read her latest works (I am bit tired of the MCU and Steve/Tony doesn’t work for me) but I have read her previous work, specially the Supernatural fics, and enjoyed them thoroughly. The setting of her stories is imaginative yet familiar. No matter how alternative the AU is, it always feels natural and real, as if she had been a long time there and knew every place and every aspect.
The hoyden
Her DP9 and XMen fics read like silk. I don’t have another word. They are delicate and soft and they flow. They feel luxurious.
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agentem · 2 years
Judith Light, Menu Spin-off
I love Judith Light and I love her in the film The Menu (Now available streaming on HBO Max). But she's not in it THAT much because she's not the main character.
This my pitch for a movie that takes place partly before and then concurrently with The Menu.
Spoilers, obviously.
It's a film about being complicit in bad things (tw: rape tw: incest) and seeking forgiveness.
I'd start with the daughter (CLAIRE, early 20s, red hair, faraway look) and maybe some sad scenes of her and Judith Light together. Judith doesn't know what is wrong. Then the daughter commits suicide. Casting suggestion for CLAIRE: Milly Alcock
Hard cut to the events of "The Menu".
HUSBAND (other actor) and ANNE (Judith Light) are on the boat and then walking to the Hawthorn island. They talk about how she doesn't really like this restaurant. But imply they are throwing away the money that would've been Claire's college tuition away. Claire was going to go to grad school. But now, sadness.
ANNE sees MARGOT for the first time and stops in her tracks. (Margot and Tyler do not see them.) For a second she sees CLAIRE on the island. Maybe some specific memory about Claire (about restaurants?).
[Possibility: All the flashback scenes with CLAIRE are set when she and ANNE are at a restaurant together.]
[Possibility: Claire wanted to be a counselor for victims of sexual violence. Maybe she wanted to tell her mom about some statistics regarding sex workers and her mother is like "please don't talk about hookers at the dinner table, dear." Maybe about how many sex workers were victims of incest? ]
[Possibility: Claire thinks her parents don't tip service workers enough or treat them well.]
[Possibility: The "PERRY" Anne mentions she saw is actually a friend of Claire's. He tried to warn Anne something was wrong with Claire. Husband thought he was crazy.]
ANNE points out MARGOT'S resemblance to Claire later, as they walk along the beach and HONG CHAU points out the fisherman. HUSBAND acts very offended. She is nothing like Claire. But he also inwardly realizes that is the escort he has been hiring.
Through the evening, ANNE comes to realize she turned a blind eye to her husband molesting her daughter. Need to do a lot of research on child abuse an incest. Varying degrees of complicity in incest from spouse (from outright knowing to having no idea). Talk to survivors. Try to get this part right.
She didn't "know" because she didn't want to know. Seeing him on the tortillas with a girl who looks like their daughter--obviously a sex worker because she is not feet in front of her with another gross man.
She admits to herself that the husband was molesting the daughter and that he does deserve to die definitely. She starts to begin to think she should die because she failed to protect her daughter. Depending on above research she could have flashbacks to various ways parents of abuse victims shut down the victim from speaking. From telling her not to tell, what will the neighbors think? to times Claire might have said something and Anne didn't want to hear it.
Eventually Anne starts to realize she deserves to die.
Something about her not remembering what they had to eat the last time they went to Hawthorn. She suggests cod as what they ate. THE CHEF says it was halibut and the differences "matters to the Halibut." Something about this strikes a chord. (The Halibut is dead not the cod?)
[Possibility: Anne realizes HONG CHAU doesn't like MARGOT and is relieved when she brings back the barrel. Tie to some flashback.]
Ultimately, she fully admits to herself that the husband was molesting the daughter and feels like she has failed her daughter.
THE CHEF'S talk of how the fire will make them pure is moving to her. She wants to be forgiven.
[Possibility: Some symbolic reason why MARGOT successfully talking her way out of death is like CLAIRE getting what she wanted out of life.]
[Possibility: ANNE more active in MARGOT'S escape than we saw in film? Speaks to THE CHEF? Confuses HONG CHAU or SOUS CHEF in some way?]
ANNE sees CLAIRE in the flames.
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
Anon’s brother just reminded me of an episode of his podcast where they talked about tv shows and what kind of shows they want or something like that. Or was it an interview of his? Either way, it got me wondering, I wonder what he and like Gale and the rest of the cast thought about the reboot of QAF. I mean personally I was against it especially once I heard it was kind of inspired by Pulse. But i wonder if they had any thoughts. But this then made me think of the reboot QAF and the UK version and I wonder what anon’s brother would say about that. If he doesn’t know about it yet but from the looks of it QAF US is the only version in his world.
Hello dear sweet anon! That’s a good question. I didn’t watch the reboot and, from what my fandom friends have told me, it was an okay show, just not… queer as folk. Like maybe it would have been better to call it something else and do an “inspired by.” I would love to hear what Randy and Jordan thought of the reboot. And in some magical universe where Gale comes on the podcast as a guest or something, hear his thoughts.
I don’t know if our beloved anon told her brother about the history of Queer As Folk at all. It seems like, to keep the experiment pure, she hasn’t told him anything about the show and will wait until after 513 to tell him anything (although she gave him the gift of Randy’s podcast after S4). But we absolutely must honor the original Queer As Folk and the incredible mind of Russell T Davies for creating the concept.
Funny story. My friends and I decided to start watching Doctor Who and, in the US, HBO Max (err Max) starts with Ninth Doctor and then Ten. So I’m watching and I’m watching and each episode credits Russell T Davies and eventually I start to wonder “why does this feel so familiar?” So I naturally google him and OF COURSE he created QAF and OF COURSE the reason his name looks so familiar is that he is credited on every episode of QAF US. This thrills me to no end. And of course I had to scream at my friends who just gave me blank stares because this means nothing to them. The same blank stares I got when I started babbling about my favorite drag queen being on the 60th anniversary doctor who. Sometimes being multifandom is a gift. ;)
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maxintegration96 · 2 years
What Is HBO Max Integration Test Email?
just contributing HBO's own exceptionally respected content for review, however the abundance of content from hbo max integration testing parent organization Warne rMedia as well, for example, from the Animation Organization, DC, and dynamite. This scope of content is one reason the streaming stage has been so generally lauded since it sent off last year and, thus, it has developed a client base of almost 50 million individuals as of now. Thursday's correspondence, however, is one piece of content endorsers of the help will not have been expecting.
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'Combination Test Email #1 arrived in individuals' inboxes containing just the line: "This layout is utilized by coordination tests just." With mailing list supporters taking to Twitter to communicate their disarray and entertainment, HBO Max in the end uncovered that the email had, obviously, been sent accidentally. Also, it happened that the episode had satisfied the deep rooted figure of speech of the mix-up having been made by an assistant. HBO Max guaranteed individuals that it was "helping them through it."
Reaction To HBO Max Integration Test Email
Obviously, Twitter was on fire with individuals responding to the maverick email, a few contribution their compassion and others essentially delighting in the diversion, all things considered, Microsoft Standpoint's Twitter account exemplified what numerous others will have thought, saying: "Dear Assistant, we've all raised a ruckus around town button before we ought to have been. It could happen to potentially anyone." Previous White House understudy Monica Lewinksy was comparatively steady, stating: "Dear assistant: it improves."
On the lighter side of things, @byDavidGardner recommended Coordination Test Email #1 was "a charming new show from HBO Max," while @Mattvsfood believed: "I trust Mix Test Email gets reestablished briefly season." Somewhere else, @petersterne acclaimed HBO Max for the email, expressing: "Congratulations to HBO Max on the effective reconciliation test," while @mitchellh j
Some HBO Max mailing list supporters got a surprising email on Thursday night, with the organization later letting it out had been sent inadvertently.
Some HBO Max mailing list supporters got some unforeseen extra satisfied on Thursday night when an email with the title "Joining Test Email #1" showed up in their inboxes. While it wasn't promptly clear what the email was for, some pondered that it could have been secretive promoting for another show. As it ended up, the justification for the email was significantly more unremarkable and has set off an incredible flood of help for understudies all over.
HBO Max benefits from notust needed to assist: "How would we tell the HBO individual their joining test passed?"
At last, referring to the cautiod Gmail can be.
clients feel when they see a renowned name moving on the stage, @squiliamfancy offered this quip: "Saw Reconciliation Test Email moving and thought he passed on." The unintentional email has been taken in pleasantness and prompted individuals sharing accounts of their own comparative episodes on the web — and it demonstrates how important an 'fix send' defer like on Twitter.
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maxintegration93 · 2 years
What Is HBO Max Integration Test Email?
ust contributing HBO's own exceptionally respected content for review, however the abundance of content from hbo max integration testing parent organization WarnerMedia as well, for example, from the Animation Organization, DC, and dynamite. This scope of content is one reason the streaming stage has been so generally lauded since it sent off last year and, thus, it has developed a client base of almost 50 million individuals as of now. Thursday's correspondence, however, is one piece of content endorsers of the help will not have been expecting.
TechinWorld.net ger dig de senaste nyheterna, recensionerna och rapporterna från de viktigaste händelserna i den tekniska världen.
'Combination Test Email #1 arrived in individuals' inboxes containing just the line: "This layout is utilized by coordination tests just." With mailing list supporters taking to Twitter to communicate their disarray and entertainment, HBO Max in the end uncovered that the email had, obviously, been sent accidentally. Also, it happened that the episode had satisfied the deep rooted figure of speech of the mix-up having been made by an assistant. HBO Max guaranteed individuals that it was "helping them through it."
Reaction To HBO Max Integration Test Email
Obviously, Twitter was on fire with individuals responding to the maverick email, a few contribution their compassion and others essentially delighting in the diversion, all things considered, Microsoft Standpoint's Twitter account exemplified what numerous others will have thought, saying: "Dear Assistant, we've all raised a ruckus around town button before we ought to have been. It could happen to potentially anyone." Previous White House understudy Monica Lewinksy was comparatively steady, stating: "Dear assistant: it improves."
On the lighter side of things, @byDavidGardner recommended Coordination Test Email #1 was "a charming new show from HBO Max," while @Mattvsfood believed: "I trust Mix Test Email gets reestablished briefly season." Somewhere else, @petersterne acclaimed HBO Max for the email, expressing: "Congratulations to HBO Max on the effective reconciliation test," while @mitchellh j
Some HBO Max mailing list supporters got a surprising email on Thursday night, with the organization later letting it out had been sent inadvertently.
Some HBO Max mailing list supporters got some unforeseen extra satisfied on Thursday night when an email with the title "Joining Test Email #1" showed up in their inboxes. While it wasn't promptly clear what the email was for, some pondered that it could have been secretive promoting for another show. As it ended up, the justification for the email was significantly more unremarkable and has set off an incredible flood of help for understudies all over.
HBO Max benefits from notust needed to assist: "How would we tell the HBO individual their joining test passed?"
At last, referring to the caution some Twitter clients feel when they see a renowned name moving on the stage, @squiliamfancy offered this quip: "Saw Reconciliation Test Email moving and thought he passed on." The unintentional email has been taken in pleasantness and prompted individuals sharing accounts of their own comparative episodes on the web — and it demonstrates how important an 'fix send' defer like on Twitter and Gmail can be.
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rosie-kairi · 2 years
Please tell us more about the Infinity Train KHUX AU, I'm VERY curious.
I would be very glad to do this dear anon!!!
First off, for those who don't know what Infinity Train is: Infinity Train is a cartoon anthology series based around solving your problems and growing as a person. The gist of it is if you have any problem that would usually be solved via therapy or something the train just shows up and abducts you basically.
You wake up with a number on your hand that will go up or down depending on your personal growth, and the size of the number is dependent on the severity of your problems. The goal is to get your number down to zero so that you can go back home. while on the train you venture through various train cars filled with random worlds that shouldn't be able to exist in reality.
You, as someone who got on the train and as someone who has a number, are a passenger. The creatures that live on the train are called denizens. Denizens can join you on your journey of self-growth and help you out.
Infinity Train is a great series that deserves a 5th season and if you are interested in watching it you can find the whole thing on HBO Max, or you can pirate it or something. idk. Just be warned it WILL emotionally destroy you, be prepared.
Now onto the actual au
I'm still figuring out the details of how the au will go/the fine details of it, so this is all subject to change lol.
In the au currently Skuld and Ephemer both find themselves stuck in the Infinity Train and decide to team up with each other to try and get off. They are joined by a little stuffed cat denizen named Chirithy! In this au they didn't know each other beforehand, maybe. Still figuring that part out.
Ephemer is really the only character who I've got a solid reasoning for why they're on the train. See, Ephemer's childhood best friend, Player, died recently, and he has not been coping very well. Because of all his built up grief and him blaming himself for not being there for Player, the train shows up for him and he gets on it out of a want to get away from all his grief.
He wakes up in a Car where everything is super large, like he's been shrunk. Think the wonderland world from khux. After panicking he runs into Chirithy, who is NOT supposed to be there. Chirithy isn't quite show how it got there, and after explaining the whole situation to Ephemer asks for his help in getting back to its home. Ephemer, still confused, agrees and they find the exit to the car.
The two meet Skuld in the next car over, which ends up being some creepy abandoned lab type car. (like I said, the cars can be literally anything). Ephemer is wandering around the car looking for an exit when he is all of a sudden attacked by a ghom. A ghom is something in Infinity Train that are a bit like heartless? They're these weird black cockroach-dogs that suck your life force and kill you.
Chirithy panics because "Ghoms aren't supposed to be on the train! They're only supposed to roam the outside wasteland!" and doesn't know what to do, being a foot tall stuffed cat against a dog sized rabid creature. Ephemer is struggling to fight it off when Boom! Skuld comes in with a lead pipe she had pried off the walls! Before Ephemer can process what just happened, Skuld grabs him by the hand and sprints to the exit door, with Chirithy in tow. The three manage to get out relatively unharmed.
Skuld explains that she had woken up in that car and heard Ephemer struggling with the ghom, so without thinking she just attacked the thing. Chirithy explains the whole train deal to Skuld and, despite hesitance from Skuld, they decide to team up and get off the train together.
Now, Skuld's reason for being on the train is still a bit iffy, but I want it to have something to do with her isolating herself from everyone else after someone close to her abused her trust. She's built walls so high that nothing could penetrate them, but unluckily for her Ephemer is willing to climb.
The roles of the other dandelions are still unclear to me, I'll probably decided at some later point so we'll stick a pin in that for later. I'm thinking about having the au being an anthology, just like the actually show. Season one focuses on Ephemer and Skuld, and season two focuses on Lauriam, Ven, Elrena, etc.
Brain is the only one I have an idea for. Brain in this au is pretty morally gray, think his early update personality. Nobody knows why he got on the train, nor how his number got so high (Skuld thinks he murdered a couple people). He shows up now and again with the explanation that he's trying to get to the engine to meet the conductor, though that's where it ends. He's been on the train for years at this point and he's convinced that getting off the train would be a lost cause. He's an anti-hero who likes to mess with the protags.
And that's all for now! feel free to ask me anything else about the au lol. I ramble a lot
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2o2o-kit · 4 years
Dear CBS:
I heard you guys were thinking about doing an American version of the BBC Comedy Ghosts. As a both an American and a fan of Ghosts, I have a few thoughts. While most of the fans think that it’s a bloody horrible idea, I see potential in it. While through HBO Max and other websites, Americans can view Ghosts, having a right side of the road version of Ghosts can introduce us former colonists to the wonders that is Ghosts, IF DONE RIGHT.
Let’s look at the Office. BBC’s the Office was a good show and all but the NBC American version took the Office to a whole new level. While I want American Ghosts to be successful, I don’t want it to overpower it’s British Counterpart like what the Office did. I just want it to be good that the American viewers can become interested to the superior British version.
Okay so Ghosts concepts, DON’T DO THE SAME TIME PERIODS AS THE BRITS! Instead of like a WWII soilder and an early 19th century poet, do like a Native American, revolutionary war soilder or Civil War soilder, Gilded Age Millonare or second wave immigrant, an early news reporter, some businessman from 1929, a late 1960s hippie or some teen from like 2004.
For actors, I know it’s unlikely to get the Original Cast in this so I found some good American counterparts. Ben Schwartz, he’s just amazing and underrated (see Jean Ralphio in Parks and Rec). Kate McKinnon, she can play anybody (literally). And John Mulaney, he is perfect for this role, (I’m thinking early 20th century journalist) and he could be a head writer for this show. Another writer and maybe actor for this show could be...
ME!!! While I just finished High School, I took a year of theatre and Creative Writing 2, so I’m qualified. I’ve also posted some great BBC GHOSTS content which has been liked and reblogged by many Ghosts fans. These are some of my favorites, this one, this beauty, a crossover post but the main reason.
So yeah CBS please message me so we can discuss ideas
-thanks, O
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our-kendrick · 4 years
Review: “’Love Life’ is fantastic, and Anna Kendrick has never been better”
“The success of Boyd’s writing team is enhanced by a gripping performance from Anna Kendrick that will vault her into the Emmy discussion. Kendrick’s career-defining performance is more than enough reason to invest in HBO Max.”
Read here, or below. (Mild spoilers)
©: Dewey Singleton
Love Life perfectly captures the fears, hopes, the pitfalls, roadblocks, and promise of a woman’s search for the “one.” It is a remarkable accomplishment for series creator Sam Boyd and his writing team of Bridget Bedard and Brigitte Liebowitz. Many comedies have attempted this before, and almost all fail. It’s understandable because of the full range of emotions the comes with courtship. The success of Boyd’s writing team is enhanced by a gripping performance from Anna Kendrick that will vault her into the Emmy discussion. Kendrick’s career-defining performance is more than enough reason to invest in HBO Max.
The series follows the life of Darby Carter and her journey from first-ever love to her last love. Love Life also brilliantly shows it is the people and experiences along the way, which shape us into being ready to accept true love. Where this series separates from a show like Sex and the City is how deep and authentic the littlest moments come across on screen. With each moment of romance in Darby’s life and subsequent heartbreak comes emotional baggage, which Kendrick conveys as the series unfolds. For Ms. Carter, getting over a guy isn’t as simple as hooking up with another.
Each of the episodes is structured around either a guy Darby dated or a person who shaped her. These moments also represent a period in her life. The first episode was when she dated Augie Jeong during her early 20’s which represented a moment in her life where she didn’t know what would happen from one moment to the next. Darby ends up putting all her eggs in that relationship rather rapidly which results in heartbreak. That experience taught her the need to take some responsibility for the direction of her life which lead her into the arms of her recently divorced boss. She learns at the moment and older/stable man isn’t necessarily a better man. It seems that with each episode who Darby truly is and who she wants to become.
While the episodes about Darby’s ex-boyfriends are lovely, this show wouldn’t nearly be as engaging without touching on her relationship with her best friend Sara and the adversarial relationship with dear old mom.   Love Life isn’t about Darby’s quest for Love it’s about her evolution. How can you find true love if you can’t accept being loved?
Anna Kendrick is at the top of her game in Love Life. This is a role she was born to play and a story I can only envision her telling. The supporting cast is solid as well, but Zoë Chao stands out more so than the others. Chao plays Darby’s best friend Sara, who seemingly has everything together at the beginning of the series, but like anything, things change. That dynamic plays a massive role in who Darby becomes and where Sara is headed.
Love Life is incredibly engrossing and heartfelt. These characters pop off the screen in a manner that was unexpected. Boyd’s words rope in the audience and allow for bonds to be created with these characters, which only intensifies our feelings as we experience this journey and what a wonderful one it was.
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ezekialmcadams · 6 years
2018 In Review
So, another year has passed.
ANYONE else felt this year just flew by like a rocket? I remember when I was a kid, my parents or other adults always spoke of the furious passage of time as an adult, but, HOLY FIRE ROASTED TROUTS!, it felt that I sneezed and I’m already at the end of the year. It didn’t help that this year was a garbage fire.
I was pretty disappointed in myself this year. I set some pretty lofty goals, and unfortunately, I fell short on every single one.
I only read SIX BOOKS out of my 100 book Challenge on Goodreads. Some might think this was a big undertaking but I’m a pretty voracious reader, and last year I exceeded my list reading sixty books. So excluding comics and graphic novels,
This is what I read
1)End of an Era by Robert J. Sawyer
2)A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline D’Engel
3)Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolfe
4)Twin Peaks: A Final Dossier by Mark Frost
5)The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton
I had a few books that I’m still reading
Congo by Michael Crichton
Red Raptor by Robert T. Bakker
Sphere by Michael Crichton
The Serpent’s Secret by Sayantani DasGupta
Firebrand (Steeplejack Series) by A.J. Hartley
What Happened by Hilary Rodham Clinton
Aquaman: 75 Year Celebration by DC Comics
Green Arrow: 75 Year History by DC Comics
Ghostbusters: Ultimate Visual History by Daniel Wallace
I’m pretty disappointed in myself in not reading as much, but, honestly, I just didn’t have the energy this year. Every time I would start reading, my mind would wander with e5ith anxious thoughts or life stuff and I LOVE reading and don’t really want to sleepwalk through reading. I want to enjoy and be immersed into whatever reading, so instead I put the books down :(
Next year, I’ll hopefully do better.
I had a very overwhelming list of TV series that I either wanted to watch for work, entertainment or just to keep up with Peak TV and pop culture.I planned to watch all of my unwatched series on Netflix, so I could write an article on the overwhelming dump of Netflix original content. I fell short. Here is a list of all the tv, from everything I was watching weekly, to the series I had started but haven’t finished, unwatched series, upcoming series I’m interested in and everything I finished.
  2018 in TV            
Manifest (Eight episodes left)
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Queen Sugar: Season 2 (Fourteen episodes left)
UnREAL: Season 4 (Nine episodes left)
The Good Place: Season 3 (Three episodes left)
Murphy Brown: Season 11 (Three episodes left)
Escape at Dannemora (Three episodes left)
Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (Seven episodes left)
Snowfall (Nine episodes left)
I’m Dying Up Here (Nine episodes left)
Top of the Lake: Season 2 (Five episodes left)
Anne with an E (Six episodes left)
This Is Us (Seventeen episodes left)
The Handmaid’s Tale (Nine episodes left)
The Mist: Season 1 (Nine episodes left)
Guerilla: Miniseries (Five episodes left)
Jamestown (Seven episodes left)
Ghosted (Eight episodes left)
The Mayor (Ten episodes left)
Alias Grace (Five episodes left)
Tin Star (Nine episodes left)
Hard Sun (Five episodes left)
Britannia (Eight episodes left)
The Deuce (Seven episodes left)
Everything Sucks (Nine episodes left)
Altered Carbon (Nine episodes left)
Dark (Nine episodes left)
Mosaic (Five episodes left)
Rise AKA Drama High (Nine episodes left)
The Crossing (Six episodes left)
The Looming Tower (Nine episodes left)
The Terror (Nine episodes left)
Into the Badlands (Two Seasons left)
Killing Eve (Seven episodes left)
Marco Polo (Seven episodes left)
White Famous (Nine episodes left)
Reverie (Five episodes left)
Sharp Objects (Six episodes left)
The Outpost (Nine episodes left)
Cloak and Dagger (Nine episodes left)
Who is America (Six episodes left)
Bobcat Goldthait’s Misfts and Monsters (Seven episodes left)
Sacred Lies (Two episodes left)
Strange Angel (Nine episodes left)
Succession (Nine episodes left)
Insatiable (Twelve episodes left)
Kidding (Nine episodes left)
$1 (Nine episodes left)
The Purge (Nine episodes left)
Jack Ryan (Nine episodes left)
The First (Seven episodes left)
Into The Dark (Eleven episodes left)
God Friended Me (Sixteen episodes left)
Tell Me A Story (Nine episodes left)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Ten episodes left)
The Kominsky Method (Six episodes left)
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Season 2 (Six episodes left)
Titans (Eleven episodes left)
Dirty John (Six episodes left)
NightFlyers (Nine episodes left)
Preacher: Season 3 (Nine episodes left)
In Search Of (2018) (Nine episodes left)
Absentia (Nine episodes left)
Yellowstone (Eight episodes left)
Daredevil: Season 1 & 2 (Netflix)
Sense8 (Netflix)
Narcos (Netflix)
Love (Netflix)
Haters Back Off (Netflix)
The Crown (Netflix)
Ronja The Robber’s Daughter (Amazon)
GirlBOSS (Netflix)
Dear White People (Netflix)
The Keepers (Netflix)
Outcast: Season 2 (Cinemax)
Gypsy (Netflix)
Friends From College (Netflix)
Ozark (Netflix)
Mr. Mercedes (Audience)
Atypical (Netflix)
The Disappearance (CTV)
Mindhunter (Netflix)
Frankie Drake Mysteries (CBC)
Godless (Netflix)
The Indian Detective (CTV) - Nov 23 2017
Greenhouse Academy (Netflix)
Grace and Frankie: Season 4 (Netflix)
The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Season 4 Part 1 (Netflix)
Lost in Space (Netflix)
Stranger Things: Season 2 (Netflix)
Jessica Jones: Season 2 (Netflix)
The Rain (Netflix) - May 4 2018
Impulse (YouTube Premimum) - June 6 2018
The Hollow (Netflix) - June 8 2018
Treehouse Detectives  (Netflix) - June 8 2018
Two Sentence Horror Stories (Stage13) - Oct 2017
Queen Sugar: Season 3
The Dragon Prince (Netflix) - Sept 14 2018
Origin (YouTube Premium) - Nov 14 2018
Queen America (Facebook Watch) - Nov 21 2018
Carnival Row (Amazon) - 2019
They Can’t Kill Us All (AMC)
Heist 88 (FX)
Blood and Treasure (CBS) - 2019
The Underground Railroad (Amazon)
Messiah (Netflix) - 2019
Kaos (Netflix)
Away - Mars Drama (Netflix)
Lovecraft Country (HBO) - 2019
Motherland (Freeform)
See (Apple)
Northern Rescue (CBC Gem/Netflix) - March 1 2019
Search Party: Season 3 - 2019
Are You Sleeping? (Apple)
Another Life (Netflix)
Gen: LOCK (Rooster Teeth) - 2019
Diablo Animated Series (Netflix)
Avatar Last Airbender Live Action (Netflix)
The I-Land (Netflix)
October Faction (Netflix)
Warrior Nun (Netflix)
Hamelins (Netflix) - 2019
Sunshine Scouts (Netflix)  
The Passage (Fox)
Dark Cargo (YouTube Premium)
Barkskins (Nat Geo) - 2019
The Outsider (HBO) - 2019
Coroner (CBC) - Jan 6 2019
Cavendish (CBC) - Jan 8 2019
Unspeakable (Limited Series) (CBC) - Jan 9 2019
Deadly Class (SyFy) - Jan 16 2019
Black Monday (Showtime) - Jan 20 2019
Street Legal 2019 Revival (CBC) - March 4 2019
Diggstown (CBC) - March 6 2019
Ghost Wars: Season 1 - Finished Jan 7 2018
Van Helsing: Season 2 - Finished Jan 8 2018
Marvel’s Runaways: Season 1 - Finished Jan 9 2018
American Vandal: Season 1 - Finished Jan 24 2018
The Good Place: Season 2 - Finished Feb 1 2018
One Day at A Time: Season 1 - Finished Feb 10 2018
Star Trek: Discovery: Season 1 - Finished Feb 11 2018
One Day At A Time: Season 2 - Finished Feb 21 2018
SeaQuest DSV:Season 1 - Finished March 11 2018
Channel Zero: Butcher’s Block: Season 3 - Finished March 17 2018
Gargoyles: Season 1 - Finished March 30 2018
Max Headroom Pilot - April 3 2018
Prey Pilot - April 3 2018
Karen Sisco Pilot - April 4 2018
Wolf Lake Pilot - April 4 2018
The Magicians: Season 3 - Finished April 6 2018
Santa Clarita Diet: Season 2 - Finished April 24 2018
Black Lightning: Season 1 - Finished May 17 2018
Timeless; Season 2 - Finished May 19 2018
UnREAL: Season 3 - Finished May 19 2018
Superstition: Season 1 - Finished May 20 2018
Sien AKA The Deep: Season 1 - Finished May 23 2018
iZombie: Season 4 - Finished May 29 2018
The Americans: Season 6 - Finished May 31` 2019
Legion: Season 2 - Finished June 18 2018
Supergirl: Season 3 - Finished June 19 2018
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 3 - Finished June 24 2018
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Season 3 - Finished June 24 2018
Star Trek: Voyager: Season 3 - Finished June 24 2018
Westworld: Season 2 - Finished June 24 2017
The Expanse: Season 3 - Finished July 15 2018
Star Trek: The Next Generation:  Season 4 - Finished Aug 10 2018
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Season 4 - Finished Aug 10 2018
Star Trek: Voyager: Season 4 - Finished Aug 10 2018
Clarissa Explains It All Pilot - Aug 12 2018
Orange Is The New Black: Season 6 - Finished Aug 26 2018
Big Mouth: Season 1 - Finished Aug 31 2018
Cobra Kai: Season 1 - Finished Sept 2 2018
The Path: Season 3 - Finished Sept 6 2018
Freakish: Season 2 - Finished Sept 8 2018
SMILF: Season 1 - Finished Sept 9 2018
Castle Rock: Season 1 - Finished Sept 13 2018
Barry: Season 1 - Finished Sept 20 2018
Lodge 49: Season 1 - Finished Sept 21 2018
American Vandal: Season 2 - Finished Sept 22 2018
13 Reasons Why: Season 1 - Finished Sept 26 2018
Wynonna Earp: Season 3 - Finished Sept 30 2018
13 Reasons Why: Season 2 - Finished Oct 5 2018
The Haunting of Hill House: Season 1 - Finished Oct 13 2018
Light As a Feather: Season 1 - Finished Oct 14 2018
A Discovery of Witches: Season 1 - Finished Nov 5 2018
YOU: Season 1 - Finished Nov 12 2018
Lore: Season 2 - Finished Nov 12 2018
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Season 1 - Finished Nov 23 2018
Castlevania: Season 2 - Finished Nov 28 2018
Doctor Who: Season 11 - Finished Dec 11 2018
Preacher: Season 2 - Finished Dec 15 2018
This year, I intended to play more videogames, and while I finished Firewatch, which turned out to be one of my favourite games of the last decade and a great first person adventure game to boot, I again, bought many games I never finished including Stardew Valley, The Adventures of Willy Beamish, Inherit the Earth, Lighthouse: The Dark Being and Bioshock.
Many other games including personal faves, Maniac Mansion, Grim Fandango, Curse of Monkey Island, Escape from Monkey Island and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge: Remastered Edition I bought but either haven’t had the time or interest to replay.
Others such as Shivers, Ecco The Dolphin, The Dagger of Amon Ra: A Laura Bow Mystery, and Broken Sword, I just didn’t have the energy to start.
I’m hoping next year to at least finish five games.
If you’ve been following me on social media, you know this year, I really want to dig down and confront fears or personal biases on things I deemed embarrassing or nerdy such as conventions, D&D, Magic:TG, WOW (World of Warcraft) and rewatching all of the Star Trek series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager, as well as watching series such as SeaQuest:DSV, Battlestar Galactica and Babylon 5 for the first time.
Ezekiel Watches Star Trek
I really ENJOYED rewatching Star Trek. It was such a big part of my early childhood watching TNG  with my parents and I LOVED DS9 and enjoyed Voyager, so getting to go back was such a delight and reignited my love for these series and made me want to proudly wear them as a source of pride rather then a blemish of embarrassment., I’m sad I wasn’t able to watch all seven series of each of the three series, but I’m halfway done  Season 5 on TNG, DS9 and Voyager that hopefully I can finish all series by the end of Jan 2019.
Ezekiel Watches SeaQuest, Battlestar and Babylon 5
I never watched SeaQuest DSV as a kid, despite my LOVE of the ocean and exploration, again due to embarrassment and wanting to be cool. I’ve watched the first season, there are three in total, and despite a few problematic areas *cough* poorly written female characters *cough* I really liked the potential of the series and a few of the characters.
With both Battlesar and Babylon 5, I only watched the Pilots of both series and while I enjoyed them, I didn’t have nearly enough a sample to know if I’ll enjoy them. Hoping to watch more of each as well as finish the last two seasons of SeaQuest next year.
Ezekiel Plays WOW
I’ve never played WOW (or had any interest). For a decade, my two younger siblings have tried to bully me into playing but it wasn’t until my friend, Kelly, started playing with her husband, that I wanted to share something that had become important to her. I don’t know I’d continue if Kelly stopped playing but so far I’m enjoying myself. I didn’t expect to enjoy (mainly it’s Kelly), she’s an EXCELLENT guide and is very good with going slow with me and teaching me about the world and its rules and not making me feel stupid or a burden.
This year was my hard, my debut novel that was supposed to get published this past November, had an issue with my publisher and now its release is TBA, I feel like a failure, and my main priority of 2019 is getting the novel that I’ve worked on for five years PUBLISHED!
I wanted to lose twenty five pounds and start working out more to feel better, less sluggish and work on my mental health.. In this area, I succeeded, lost the weight I needed, and walked 3 km every day from May to late September. I need to work out more but I don’t feel as bad that didn’t happen.
I didn’t write as much as I wanted both for work and personal. I didn’t have as much published pieces as I’ve had in previous years. A lot of it was that my mental health was low throughout the year, and I had too many days off due to feeling depleted and exhausted .
I also didn’t work on the short stories much that I want to compile in a short story anthology that I want to self publish on Amazon and E Book. Again, I just need to push myself and write every day like I used to.
That being said, I’m really excited to go into the New Year and do better :)
BEST OF 2018
Two awesome things happened this year, I got my cat, Cheriden that was a rescue from my friend’s parent’s acreage, and he’s honestly the best part of my life right now. I had a cat, Sneaky, who was a tabby, when I was little but I’ve always wanted an animal that was a companion, that would come for snuggles and follow me around.  Cheriden was made for me, sometimes he’s too needy but he’s improved the quality of my life so much.
in 2005, I found a website, Isle of Coloden that was run by Kelly, who seemed just as weird as me and I admired her for her openness when blogging was such a new thing for me, I always thought she was a cool, and pathetic as it sounds, wanted to be her friend..  Last December, my ex, suggested I tell her how much she helped me through a difficult time in my life, when I had lost my girlfriend, I was initially reluctant but I did and Kelly and I started  chatting, she is now a co-host on my pod, Pop! Fishbowl, has helped me with WOW and I’m so glad to have such a caring, unique, opinionated person in my life.
For Christmas, she surprised me and bought me the first two seasons of Disney’s Gargoyles (Pretty much the complete series IGNORE Season 3!!!), which was such a delightful, thoughtful gift that came during a very tumultuous stressful week
and today I was again surprised to see I always made her best of 2018 list :) Shut up, I’m not smiling, YOU ARE! :) XD
Going into the New Year, I want to get my book published, figure out my two book deal so I get started on the next two that make up the trilogy, continue walking/working out both physically and mentally, finish my tv list, read at least 50 books and try to get short stories published in journals/magazines as well as play five video games.
In regards onto my website, Culture Gecko, I want to work on more local pieces in both Saskatoon and my other home, Vancouver. Interview local art7ist7s, business owners, report on news and current events. 
Fingers crossed, you guys!
0 notes
tuseriesdetv · 4 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de junio 2020
Tumblr media
Que esta nueva forma de vivir no nos impida ver nuevas series que podríamos recordar para siempre. Grandes estrenos nos esperan durante los próximos treinta días.
¡Feliz junio!
Verde: series nuevas.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
1 de junio: 
Royalties (1T) en Quibi
Almost Paradise (1T finale) en WGN America
2 de junio: 
Dirty John: The Betty Broderick Story (2T) en USA Network
Fuller House (5bT y última completa) en Netflix
Legends of Tomorrow (5T finale) en The CW
3 de junio: 
En casa y Collective en HBO
Spelling the Dream en Netflix
4 de junio: 
Alex Rider (1T completa) en Amazon UK
Vagrant Queen (1T finale) en Syfy
5 de junio: 
Trackers (1T) en Cinemax
El presidente (1T completa) en Amazon
13 Reasons Why (4T y última completa), The Last Days of American Crime en Netflix
Dear... en Apple TV+
The Other One (1T) en BBC One
7 de junio: I May Destroy You (1T) en HBO
8 de junio: L.A.'s Finest (2T) en Spectrum
10 de junio: 
Curon (1T completa) y Lenox Hill en Netflix
What We Do in the Shadows (2T finale) en FX
11 de junio: 
The Bold Type (4bT) en Freeform
Man with a Plan (series finale) en CBS
Brassic (2T finale) en Sky One
We Hunt Together (1T finale) en Alibi
12 de junio:
Crossing Swords (1T) en Hulu
Artemis Fowl en Disney+
The Woods (1T completa), F is for Family (4T completa) y Da 5 Bloods en Netflix
13 de junio: Alexa & Katie (3bT y última completa) en Netflix
14 de junio: 
Marcella (3T completa) en Netflix
Helter Skelter en Epix
15 de junio: Barkskins en National Geographic
17 de junio: 
Mr. Iglesias (2T completa) en Netflix
One Day at a Time (especial animado) en Pop
18 de junio: 
The Order (2T completa) en Netflix
Mira lo que has hecho (3T y última) en Movistar+
19 de junio: 
The Politician (2T completa), Coisa Mais Linda (2T completa), Lost Bullet, Feel the Beat y Wasp Network en Netflix
Love, Victor (1T completa) en Hulu
Desaparecidos (1T completa) en Amazon
21 de junio:
Perry Mason (1T) en HBO
The Chi (3T) en Showtime
NOS4A2 (2T) en AMC
Yellowstone (3T) en Paramount
22 de junio: The Luminaries (1T) en HBO España
23 de junio: Greenleaf (5T y última) en OWN
24 de junio: Nobody Knows I'm Here en Netflix
25 de junio: 
Doom Patrol (2T) en DC Universe
Search Party (3T) y Adventure Time: Distant Lands en HBO Max
The Twilight Zone (2T completa) en CBS All Access
26 de junio: Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga en Netflix
28 de junio: I'll Be Gone in the Dark en HBO
Estrenos de series
Royalties (Quibi)
Pierce (Darren Criss; Glee, American Crime Story) y Sara (Kether Donohue, You're the Worst) escriben canciones por encargo. El dúo está detrás de las sintonías y canciones más conocidas y gracias a ellos conoceremos el desconocido mundo de los compositores. Con John Stamos (Full House, Scream Queens), Georgia King (Vice Principals, The New Normal) y Tony Revolori (Servant).
Escrita y producida por Darren Criss junto a los hermanos Nick y Matt Lang, creadores de StarKid. Dirigida por Amy Heckerling (Clueless, The Carrie Diaries). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 1 de junio
Alex Rider (Amazon UK)
Adaptación de las novelas de Anthony Horowitz, trata sobre un adolescente de Londres (Otto Farrant; War & Peace, Mrs. Wilson) que ha sido entrenado desde pequeño en el peligroso mundo del espionaje. En la primera temporada, adaptación de 'Point Blanc' (2001), entra de incógnito a un internado para investigar la muerte de su tío y qué conexión existe con el asesinato de dos multimillonarios. Con Vicky McClure (Line of Duty, This Is England), Stephen Dillane (Game of Thrones, The Tunnell), Brenock O'Connor (Game of Thrones, Living the Dream), Ronke Adekoluejo (Christopher Robin), Andrew Buchan (Broadchurch, The Honourable Woman), Ace Bhatti (Three Girls, No Offence), Nyasha Hatendi (Casual, Black Earth Rising), Marli Siu (Anna and the Apocalypse), Earl Cave (Born to Kill), Katrin Vankova (Snatch), Nathan Clarke (Tyrant), Talitha Wing (The Feed), Haluk Bilginer (Halloween, New Blood) y Ana Ularu (Emerald City).
Escrita por Guy Burt (Riviera, The Bletchley Circle) y dirigida por Andreas Prochaska (Das Boot, Kommissar Rex) y Christopher Smith (Curfew, Creep). Producida por Horowitz. Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 4 de junio Estreno: Septiembre en Movistar+
Trackers (Cinemax)
Thriller basado en la novela de Deon Meyer (2010) que cruza tres historias en Ciudad del Cabo, Sudáfrica en una violenta conspiración que une crimen organizado, diamantes de contrabando, seguridad estatal, rinocerontes negros, la CIA y un plan terrorista internacional. Protagonizado por James Gracie (Madiba, The Wrong Mans), Rolanda Marais (High Rollers) y Ed Stoppard (Knightfall, The Frankenstein Chronicles).
Dirigida por Jyri Kähönen (Bordertown). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 5 de junio
Estreno en España: 6 de junio en HBO España
The Other One (BBC One)
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Comedia sobre dos chicas llamadas Catherine Walcott, hermanas que no tenían ni idea de que la otra existía hasta que su padre muere. Con Siobhan Finneran (Happy Valley, Downton Abbey), Rebecca Front (Humans, War & Peace), Ellie White (Inside No. 9, The Windsors), Lauren Socha (Misfits, Catastrophe) y Amit Shah (Stag, W1A).
Creada por Holly Walsh (Motherland) y Pippa Brown (Psychobitches). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 5 de junio
I May Destroy You (HBO)
Tras ser agredida sexualmente en un bar, la vida de Arabella (Michaela Coel; Chewing Gum, Black Earth Rising) cambia de forma irreversible y se ve obligada a reevaluar su carrera y la relación con sus amigos y su familia en un viaje de autodescubrimiento. Completan el reparto Weruche Opia (Bad Education, Inside No. 9), Paapa Essiedu (Gangs of London, Kiri), Harriet Webb (White Gold, Scarborough), Ellie James (Giri/Haji), Franc Ashman (Prime Suspect 1973), Karan Gill (Flesh and Blood), Natalie Walter (Horrible Histories) y Samson Ajewole.
Creada y dirigida por Michaela Coel (Chewing Gum). Doce episodios.
Estreno: 7 de junio Estreno en España: 8 de junio en HBO España
Curon (Netflix)
Tras diecisiete años fuera a causa de un acontecimiento trágico, una mujer vuelve con sus hijos a su aparentemente tranquilo pueblo natal, pero pronto desaparece. Durante la búsqueda, los mellizos deberán lidiar con un siniestro legado que maldice a la familia cada vez que repican las campanas de la iglesia. Con Valeria Bilello (Sense8, Lejos de ti), Luca Lionello (The Passion of the Christ, Squadra antimafia - Palermo oggi) y Federico Russo (Don Matteo, I Cesaroni).
Escrita por Ezio Abbate (Suburra, Devils) y dirigida por Fabio Mollo (Tutto può succedere, Come Quando Fuori Piove). Siete episodios.
Estreno: 10 de junio Estreno en España: 10 de junio en Netflix España
Crossing Swords (Hulu)
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Comedia de animación sobre un campesino bonachón que consigue convertirse en escudero del castillo real y descubre así que su amado reino está liderado por cachondos, ladrones y charlatanes. Con las voces de Nicholas Hoult (Skins, The Great), Luke Evans (The Alienist, Fast & Furious), Seth Green (The Italian Job, Robot Chicken), Tony Hale (Veep, Arrested Development), Wendi McClendon-Covey (The Goldbergs, Reno 911!), Breckin Meyer (Franklin & Bash, Robot Chicken), Adam Pally (Happy Endings, The Mindy Project), Tara Strong (The Fairly OddParents, Teen Titans Go!) y Alanna Ubach (Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce, Hung). 
Creada por John Harvatine IV y Tom Root, del equipo creativo de Robot Chicken y SuperMansion. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 12 de junio
The Woods (Netflix)
Adaptación de la novela de Harlan Coben (2007) que cuenta la historia de un abogado de Varsovia (Grzegorz Damiecki; Pakt, Wataha), todavía afectado por la desaparición de su hermana hace veinticinco años en un campamento de verano, que investiga ahora la muerte de un chico en cuyo cuerpo aparecen pruebas de aquel caso.
Escrita por Agata Malesinska (Samo Zycie, Niania) y Wojciech Miloszewski (Swiety, Prokurator). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 12 de junio
Love, Victor (Hulu)
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Ambientada en el universo de la novela y la película Love, Simon, y narrada por él (Nick Robinson), es un spin-off que nos presenta a Victor (Michael Cimino; Annabelle Comes Home, Training Day), un nuevo estudiante de Creekwood que pide consejo a Simon para sobrellevar su vida en casa y en el instituto. Completan el reparto Ana Ortiz (Devious Maids, Ugly Betty), James Martinez (One Day at a Time), Rachel Naomi Wilson (Rise, The Good Wife), Sophia Bush (One Tree Hill, Chicago PD), Isabella Ferreira (Orange Is the New Black), Mateo Fernandez, Johnny Sequoyah (Believe), Bebe Wood (The Real O'Neals, The New Normal), George Sear (Will, Into the Badlands), Anthony Turpel (The Bold and the Beautiful) y Mason Gooding (Booksmart). Escrita por Isaac Aptaker y Elizabeth Berger, showrunners de This Is Us. Diez episodios. Estreno: 19 de junio
Perry Mason (HBO)
Basada en el personaje de Erle Stanley Gardner, se centrará en una etapa anterior a la de sus novelas y la serie de CBS (1957-1966), en la que Perry (Matthew Rhys; The Americans, Brothers & Sisters), en 1932, se enfrenta como investigador privado, antes de convertirse en abogado, a un secuestro infantil relacionado con varios casos de corrupción institucional. Le acompañarán Tatiana Maslany (Orphan Black, World Without End), John Lithgow (The Crown, 3rd Rock from the Sun), Chris Chalk (Gotham, The Newsroom), Shea Whigham (Homecoming, Boardwalk Empire), Juliet Rylance (The Knick, McMafia), Nate Corddry (Mom), Veronica Falcon (Queen of the South), Jefferson Mays (I Am the Night), Gayle Rankin (GLOW), Lili Taylor (Six Feet Under, American Crime) y Justin Kirk (Weeds, Kidding). Escrita por Ron Fitzgerald (Weeds, Westworld) y Rolin Jones (Weeds, Friday Night Lights) y dirigida por Timothy Van Patten (The Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire) y Deniz Gamze Ergüven (The Handmaid's Tale, The First). Producida por Rhys y Robert Downey Jr. (The Judge, Dolittle). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 21 de junio Estreno: 22 de junio en HBO España
The Luminaries (BBC One)
Adaptación de la novela de Eleanor Catton (2013), una compleja y épica historia de amor llena de romance, magia, asesinatos y venganzas durante la fiebre del oro de Nueva Zelanda en 1866. Protagonizada por Eva Green (Penny Dreadful, Casino Royale), Eve Hewson (The Knick, This Must Be the Place), Marton Csokas (The Lord of the Rings, Into the Badlands), Himesh Patel (Yesterday, Damned), Ewen Leslie (The Cry, Top of the Lake), Yoson An (Mortal Engines), Erik Thomson (The Code, All Saints), Benedict Hardie (Secret City, Hacksaw Ridge) y Richard Te Are (The Dead Lands). Escrita por la propia Catton y dirigida por Claire McCarthy (Ophelia, Domina). Seis episodios. Estreno: Junio en BBC One Estreno en España: 22 de junio en HBO España
The Salisbury Poisonings (BBC One)
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En 2018, en una pequeña comunidad inglesa, hubo una serie de envenenamientos por un agente nervioso desarrollado por la Unión Soviética. Este drama basado en hechos reales muestra cómo reaccionaron la gente corriente y los servicios públicos frente a esta emergencia nacional sin precedentes. Con Anne-Marie Duff (Shameless, His Dark Materials), Rafe Spall (The War of the Worlds, Roadies), Mark Addy (Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey), Annabel Scholey (The Split, Britannia), Johnny Harris (This Is England, Fortitude), MyAnna Buring (The Witcher, Ripper Street), Ron Cook (Mr. Selfridge, Chernobyl), Stella Gonet (Holby City, The Cry), Faye McKeever (Trollied, A Confession), Kimberley Nixon (Fresh Meat, New Blood) y Duncan Pow (Holby City, Flowers).
Escrito por Adam Patterson y Declan Lawn y dirigido por Saul Dibb (Dublin Murders, The Duchess). Tres episodios.
Estreno: Aún sin fecha
0 notes
tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Netflix renueva 'El vecino'
Netflix ha renovado El vecino por una segunda temporada
NBC ha renovado The Blacklist por una octava temporada
Paramount Network ha renovado Yellowstone por una cuarta temporada
BET+ ha renovado Bigger por una segunda temporada
BBC One ha renovado King Gary por una segunda temporada
BBC One ha renovado The Goes Wrong Show por una segunda temporada
La tercera temporada de Alta mar (Netflix) será la última
Cartoon Network ha cancelado Steven Universe Future tras su primera temporada
Noticias cortas
Delroy Lindo (Adrian Boseman) no volverá como regular a partir de la cuarta temporada de The Good Fight, ya que tiene planeado protagonizar un piloto para ABC. Tiene la puerta abierta para regresar.
Priah Ferguson (Erica) será regular en la cuarta temporada de Stranger Things.
Se ha detenido la producción de Shantaram hasta el fin de la época de monzones en India. Aprovechan para buscar un showrunner con más experiencia televisiva. El anterior, que proviene del mundo del cine y se había quedado atrás con sus guiones, permanecerá como productor.
Niecy Nash (Williams), Wendi McLendon-Covey (Johnson), Cedric Yarbrough (Jones), Carlos Alazraqui (Garcia), Ian Roberts (Declan), Joe LoTruglio (Rizzo) y Mary Birdsong (Kimball) volverán al revival de Reno 911!. Robert Ben Garant (Junior), Thomas Lennon (Dangle) y Kerri Kenney-Silver (Wiegel) ya habían firmado para escribir y protagonizar el regreso.
Rainn Wilson (The Office, Six Feet Under) interpretará a Daniel Dandon, el gobernador de Washington, en The Power.
Annie Murphy (Schitt's Creek) protagonizará Kevin Can F*** Himself, que alternará entre el realismo monocámara y la comedia multicámara. Será Allison, una esposa de sitcom que escapa de los confines de su serie y toma las riendas de su propia vida.
Bebe Neuwirth (Cheers, Madam Secretary) será recurrente en The Flight Attendant como Diana Carlisle, socia de la firma en la que trabaja Annie (Zosia Mamet).
Kristofer Hivju (Game of Thrones), Yasen Atour (Young Wallander), Agnes Bjorn, Paul Bullion (Peaky Blinders), Thue Ersted Rasmussen (Sygeplejeskolen), Aisha Fabienne Ross y Mecia Simson serán Nivellen, Coën, Vereena, Lambert, Eskel, Lydia y Francesca en la segunda temporada de The Witcher.
Jeri Ryan (Star Trek: Voyager, Body of Proof) interpretará a Gwendolyn Hayes, hermana de la madre del protagonista y exagente de DXS que fue dada por muerta, en la cuarta temporada de MacGyver.
Janet McTeer (Sorry For Your Loss, Jessica Jones) será Carolyn Brock, jefa de gabinete del presidente Stroud, en The President Is Missing.
Keegan Allen (Pretty Little Liars, What/If) interpretará al hermano de Walker (Jared Padalecki) en el reboot de Walker.
Carl Lumbly (Alias, Supergirl) se une a The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Se cree que podría interpretar a Isaiah Bradley, el Capitán América negro.
William Hurt (Humans, Damages) será Red Hulk, el alter ego del General Ross, en She-Hulk. Es posible que interprete a Ross en The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
Angus Sampson (Fargo, Insidious) será Cisco, antiguo miembro de una banda de moteros que ahora trabaja como investigador para Mickey; en The Lincoln Lawyer.
Kevin Bigley (Sirens, The Moodys), Allegra Edwards (Briarpatch) y Zainab Johnson (American Koko) protagonizarán Upload en Amazon junto a Robbie Ammell y Andy Allo. Elizabeth Bowen (Fargo, No Tomorrow), William B Davis (Continuum, The X-Files) y Owen Daniels (Space Force) serán recurrentes.
Odessa Young (Assassination Nation) y Ella Rumpf (Raw, Die göttliche Ordnung) se unen a Tokyo Vice como regulares. Serán Samantha, americana expatriada y anfitriona de un club exclusivo de Tokyo; y Polina, joven de Europa del Este y nueva anfitriona junto a Samantha.
Geoffrey Arend (Madam Secretary, Body of Proof) y Brandon Scott (Dead to Me, 13 Reasons Why) se unen como regulares a la cuarta y última temporada de Goliath. Serán Griffin Petock, un abogado defensor carismático y manipulador; y Robert Bettencourt, un joven y ambicioso asociado senior de la firma Margolis & True. Obba Babatundé (Dear White People, SWAT) y Elias Koteas (Chicago PD, The Killing) serán recurrentes como Ivan Tillinger, CEO de Tillinger Health; y Tom True, socio fundador de Margolis & True.
            Nuevas series
Netflix encarga seis episodios de The Chair, dramedia sobre la directora del departamento de inglés en una universidad importante. Protagonizada por Sandra Oh (Killing Eve, Grey's Anatomy) y Jay Duplass (Transparent, The Mindy Project). Creada y escrita por Amanda Peet. Producida por Peet, Oh (Killing Eve), David Benioff (Game of Thrones), D.B. Weiss (Game of Thrones) y Bernadette Caulfield (Game of Thrones, The X-Files).
Paul Rudd (Living With Yourself, Ant-Man) y Will Ferrell (Stranger Than Fiction, The Producers) protagonizarán y producirán The Shrink Next Door, adaptación del podcast inspirado en hechos reales. Es una comedia negra sobre un psiquiatra (Rudd) que llega a mudarse a casa de su paciente (Ferrell) y a encargarse de su negocio familiar. Se busca cadena.
Sean Penn (Milk, Mystic River), Julia Roberts (Homecoming, Pretty Woman), Armie Hammer (Call Me by Your Name, The Social Network) y Joel Edgerton (Loving, Boy Erased) protagonizarán Gaslit, adaptación del podcast Slow Burn que se centra en personajes secundarios del caso Watergate. Interpretarán a John Mitchell, el fiscal general de Nixon; Martha Mitchell, socialite de Arkansas y esposa de John; John Dean, abogado de la Casa Blanca; y G. Gordon Liddy, veterano de la guerra de Vietnam y antiguo agente del FBI. Escrita por Robbie Pickering (Mr. Robot, One Mississippi), dirigida por Joel Edgerton (Boy Erased) y Nash Edgerton (Mr. Inbetween) y producida por Sam Esmail (Homecoming, Mr. Robot). Se busca cadena.
Netflix encarga ocho episodios de Painkiller, drama sobre los orígenes de la crisis del opio de Estados Unidos. Basada en el reportaje de Patrick Radden Keefe para The New Yorker Magazine (2017) y en el libro de Barry Meier (2018) y escrita y producida por Micah Fitzerman-Blue y Noah Harpster, guionistas de A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood y Transparent. Dirigida por Peter Berg (The Leftovers, Friday Night Lights). Dirigida por Peter Berg (Very Bad Things, Hancock).
ITV encarga seis episodios de Trigger Point, thriller protagonizado por Lana Washington (Vicky McClure; Line of Duty, This Is England), una agente de la brigada de artificieros de la policía metropolitana de Londres que ha de controlar una serie de dispositivos improvisados que amenazan la capital inglesa y sospecha que el terrorista quiere atentar contra su unidad. Creado por Daniel Brierley y producido por Jed Mercurio (Line of Duty).
Channel 5 encarga cuatro episodios de The Drowning, thriller sobre una mujer (Jill Halfpenny; Humans, Liar) que conoce a un adolescente (Cody Molko) y cree que ha encontrado a su hijo desaparecido hace ocho años. Su esperanza crece de tal manera que toma un camino peligroso y transgresor hasta el borde de la razón. Completan el reparto Jonas Armstrong (Hit & Miss, The Bay), Rupert Penry-Jones (Lucky Man, The Strain) y Deborah Findlay (The Split). Creada por Francesca Brill (Crossroads) y Luke Watson, director de Britannia o Shameless, y escrita por Tim Dynevor (Emmerdale Farm).
HBO Max desarrolla The Gordita Chronicles, comedia sobre una reportera latina que recuerda su niñez como inmigrante dominicana creciendo en Miami en los años 80. Escrita por Claudia Forestieri (Good Trouble, Selena) e inspirada en su propia vida. Producida por Zoe Saldana.
E4 encarga seis episodios de Maxxx, comedia sobre una antigua estrella de boyband que intenta, con la ayuda de su prima/superfan/acosadora Rose (Helen Monks; Raised by Wolves, Upstart Crow) y de su antiguo mánager (Christopher Meloni; Happy!, Oz), volver a triunfar en la música para recuperar a su exnovia supermodelo (Jourdan Dunn). Con Pippa Bennett-Warner (Harlots) y Javone Prince (PhoneShop). Escrita, producida, dirigida y protagonizada por O-T Fagbenle, actor de The Handmaid's Tale o Looking.
McDonald & Dodds, antes conocida como Invisible, se estrena en ITV el 1 de marzo
La segunda temporada de Liar se estrena en ITV el 2 de marzo
The Trouble With Maggie Cole, antes llamada Glass Houses, se estrena en ITV el 4 de marzo
Noughts + Crosses se estrena en BBC One el 5 de marzo
Caronte se estrena en Amazon el 6 de marzo
La tercera temporada de On My Block llega a Netflix el 11 de marzo
La tercera temporada de Élite llega a Netflix el 13 de marzo
Ruthless se estrena en BET+ el 19 de marzo
Paradise Lost se estrena en Spectrum el 13 de abril
La tercera temporada de Vida se estrena en Starz el 13 de abril
Hollywood llega a Netflix el 1 de mayo
Tráilers y promos
Élite - Temporada 3
Westworld - Temporada 3
Little Fires Everywhere
I Am Not Okay With This
Amazing Stories
Vida - Temporada 3
On My Block - Temporada 3
Noughts + Crosses
0 notes
tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de junio 2019
Ya llevamos encadenando varios meses en los que se nota la variedad entre las nuevas ficciones, ojalá continúe la racha. Además, teniendo en cuenta que llega el verano y suele ser época de sequía, la gran cantidad de estrenos es algo que agradecer.
¡Feliz junio!
Verde: series nuevas.
Rojo: series de las que haremos reviews semanales.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
1 de junio: Arthdal Chronicles (1T completa) en Netflix
2 de junio: 
American Princess (1T) en Lifetime
Perpetual Grace, LTD (1T) en Epix
Fear The Walking Dead (5T) y NOS4A2 (1T completa) en AMC
Burden of Truth (2T) en The CW
When Calls the Heart (6T finale) en Hallmark
3 de junio: Chernobyl en HBO
4 de junio: 
Jonas Brothers: Chasing Happiness en Amazon
The Last O.G. (2T finale) en TBS
5 de junio: 
The Handmaid's Tale (3T) en Hulu
Black Mirror (5T completa) en Netflix
Grown-ish (2bT) en Freeform
6 de junio: Queen of the South (4T) en USA Network
7 de junio: 
Tales of the City (1T completa), 3% (3T completa), Designated Survivor (3T completa), I Am Mother y Elisa y Marcela en Netflix
Hierro (1T completa) en Movistar+
Warrior (1T finale) en Cinemax
9 de junio: 
Big Little Lies (2T) en HBO
Claws (3T) en TNT
Good Witch (5T) en Hallmark
Billions (4T finale) en Showtime
10 de junio: Gentleman Jack (1T finale) en HBO
11 de junio: 
Pose (2T) en FX
The Bold Type (3T finale) en Freeform
You Me Her (4T finale) en Audience Network
12 de junio: 
Younger (6T) en TV Land 
Queen Sugar (4T) en OWN
Krypton (2T) en Syfy
Wild Bill (1T) en ITV
13 de junio: 
Strange Angel (2T) en CBS All Access
Jinn (1T completa) en Netflix
Baskets (4T) en FX
Siren (2bT) en Freeform
A.P. Bio (series finale) en NBC
14 de junio: 
Jessica Jones (3T y última), Leila (1T completa), Trinkets (1T completa) El caso Alcàsser y Murder Mystery en Netflix
Too Old to Die Young (1T completa) y Absentia (2T completa) en Amazon
Los Espookys (1T) en HBO
Jett (1T) en Cinemax
16 de junio: 
City on a Hill (1T) en Showtime
Euphoria (1T) en HBO
The Chi (2T finale) en Showtime
17 de junio: 
Grand Hotel (1T) en ABC
Raven's Home (3T) en Disney Channel
L.A.'s Finest (1T finale) en Spectrum
18 de junio: 
Good Trouble (2T) en Freeform
Ambitions (1T) en OWN
Drunk History (6T) en Comedy Central
The Detour (4T) en TBS
19 de junio: 
Beats en Netflix
Yellowstone (2T) en Paramount
20 de junio: Reef Break (1T) en ABC
21 de junio: Dark (2T completa) y Mr. Iglesias (1T completa) en Netflix
23 de junio: Vida (2T finale) y The Spanish Princess (1T finale) en Starz
24 de junio: Legion (3T y última) en FX
27 de junio: 
In the Dark (1T finale) en The CW
Deep State (2T finale) en FOX UK
Life in Pieces (series finale) en CBS
28 de junio: Paquita Salas (3T completa), O Escolhido (1T completa) y 7 Seeds en Netflix
30 de junio: 
The Loudest Voice en Showtime
The Rook (1T) en Starz
What Just Happened??! (1T) en FOX
Instinct (2T) en CBS
Estrenos de series
Arthdal Chronicles (Netflix)
Nos cuenta el nacimiento de una civilización y de sus héroes mitológicos. Eunseom (Song Joong-ki), de apariencia inocente, lucha por proteger a su tribu y no dudará en usar la fuerza contra los atacantes; Tagon (Jang Dong-sun), el carismático y talentoso hijo del líder de la tribu Saenyeok, esconde su ira; Tanya (Kim Ji-won), la sucesora de la matriarca de la tribu Wahan, sabe que su destino es proteger a su pueblo contra otras tribus poderosas; y Taealha (Kim Ok-bin), la dama más bella de Arthdal, anhela el poder. Escrita por Kim Young-hyun y Park Sang-yeon, guionistas de Deep Rooted Tree y Queen Seondeok; y dirigida por Kim Won-seok. Dieciocho episodios. Estreno: 1 de junio
American Princess (Lifetime)
Una joven de buena familia (Georgia Flood, Wentworth) descubre pocas horas antes de su boda que su prometido (Max Ehrich; Under the Dome, Sweet/Vicious) la engaña y acaba en una feria renacentista revaluando su vida. Con ella estarán Lucas Neff (Raising Hope, Downward Dog), Rory O'Malley (Partners, Dreamgirls), Mary Hollis Inboden (Boss, The Real O'Neals), Lesley Ann Warren (Desperate Housewives, In Plain Sight), Seana Kofoed (Electric City), Mimi Gianopulos (Baby Daddy), Tommy Dorfman (13 Reasons Why), Erin Pineda y Helen Madelyn Kim. Creada y escrita por la actriz Jamie Denbo (Weeds, Orange Is the New Black) y producida por Jenji Kohan y Tara Hermann, encargadas de Orange Is the New Black y GLOW. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 2 de junio
Perpetual Grace, LTD (Epix)
Un joven estafador (Jimmi Simpson; Westworld, House of Cards) intenta engañar a un pastor (Ben Kingsley; Gandhi, House of Sand and Fog) y a su esposa (Jacki Weaver; Silver Linings Playbook, Secret City) sin siquiera sospechar lo peligrosos que pueden llegar a ser. Completan el reparto Terry O'Quinn (Lost, Castle Rock), Luis Guzmán (Code Black, Narcos), Timothy Spall (Sweeney Todd, Harry Potter), Kurtwood Smith (That '70s Show, Agent Carter), Damon Herriman (Justified, Flesh and Bone), Chris Conrad (Patriot, Young Hercules), Hana Mae Lee (Patriot, Those Who Can't). Escrita por Steve Conrad (Patriot, The Pursuit of Happiness) y Bruce Terris (Patriot, The Assets) y dirigido por Conrad. Diez episodios. Estreno: 2 de junio
Victoria McQueen (Ashleigh Cummings, Hounds of Love) es una adolescente con un don especial para encontrar cosas gracias a un misterioso puente cubierto que la transporta al lugar donde se encuentran los objetos perdidos. Un día, aparece junto a Charles Manx (Zachary Quinto; Heroes, American Horror Story), un anciano que resulta ser un peligroso psicópata que secuestra niños y los lleva a una tierra imaginaria donde siempre es Navidad. Completan el reparto Ólafur Darri Ólafsson (Ófærð, Lady Dynamite), Virginia Kull (Big Little Lies, The Looming Tower), Ebon Moss-Bachrach (Girls, The Punisher), Rarmian Newton (Rise, The Family), Darby Camp (Big Little Lies), Jahkara Smith (Sailor J), Karen Pittman (Luke Cage, The Americans) y Ashley Romans (Shameless, I'm Dying Up Here). Basada en la novela de Joe Hill (2013) y escrita por Jami O'Brien (Hell on Wheels, Fear The Walking Dead). Diez episodios. Estreno: 2 de junio
Tales of the City (Netflix)
Tales of the City fue una miniserie, adaptación de la novela de Armistead Maupin (1978), emitida en 1993 en la británica Channel 4. En ella, Mary Ann Singleton (Laura Linney; The Big C, The Truman Show), una ingenua joven de Cleveland, Ohio que estaba de vacaciones en San Francisco, decidía impulsivamente quedarse allí, encontraba un apartamento propiedad de Anna Madrigal (Olympia Dukakis) y forjaba amistad con una hippie bisexual, un donjuán heterosexual, un homosexual y muchos otros personajes que le mostraban un mundo muy distinto al que estaba acostumbrada. La miniserie tuvo dos continuaciones en Showtime, también adaptaciones de las siguientes novelas, en 1998 y 2001. Netflix continúa ahora la historia con un revival escrito por Lauren Morelli (Orange Is the New Black), junto a un equipo completamente queer, que cuenta con el regreso de Laura Linney, Olympia Dukakis y Barbara Garrick. Se suman a ellas Ellen Page (Juno, Hard Candy), Daniela Vega (Una mujer fantástica), Murray Bartlett (Looking, Iron Fist), Charlie Barnett (Chicago Fire, Russian Doll), Victor Garber (Alias, Legends of Tomorrow), Zosia Mamet (Girls, United States of Tara), Molly Ringwald (Riverdale, The Secret Life of the American Teenager), Josiah Victoria Garcia, May Hong (High Maintenance), Jen Richards (Her Story, Nashville), Michelle Buteau (Isn't It Romantic, The First Wives Club), Ashley Park, Christopher Larkin (The 100), Caldwell Tidicue (RuPaul's Drag Race), Matthew Risch (Modern Family, Looking), Michael Park (Dear Evan Hansen), Dickie Hearts, Benjamin Thys, Samantha Soule (Godless) y Juan Castaño (The OA, What/If) . Diez episodios.
Estreno: 7 de junio
Wild Bill (ITV)
Bill Hixon (Rob Lowe; Parks and Recreation, Brothers & Sisters) es un agente de policía de Boston al que nombran jefe de la policía de East Lincolnshire, Inglaterra y se muda allí junto a su hija de catorce años (Aloreia Spencer) para huir de su doloroso pasado, pero la gente de su nueva vida le obliga a cuestionarse todo sobre sí mismo. Con Rachel Stirling (Detectorists, The Bletchley Circle), Angela Griffin (Ordinary Lies, Lewis), Tony Pitts (Peaky Blinders, Line of Duty), Anthony Flanagan (Versailles, The Terror), Divian Ladwa (Detectorists), Steffan Rhodri (Gavin & Stacey, Manhunt), Vicki Pepperdine (Sally4Ever, Getting On), Anjli Mohindra (Bodyguard, Cucumber), Ty Hurley (Call the Midwife), Aleksandar Jovanovic (Close to the Enemy, Arctic Circle) y Bronwyn James (Harlots). Creada por David Griffiths (The Hunted, Collateral Damage), Kyle Killen (Awake, Mind Games) y escrita por Dudi Appleton (Silent Witness) y Jim Keeble (Silent Witness). Seis episodios. Estreno: 12 de junio
Jinn (Netflix)
La primera serie árabe de Netflix es un thriller sobrenatural sobre un grupo de adolescentes que viaja a Petra, donde liberan sin querer a un Jinn (Hamzeh Okab), una figura espiritual que podría destruir el mundo. Mientras tanto, Mira (Salma Malhas), una chica rebelde devastada por la pérdida de su madre, aprende a amar de nuevo. Con Sultan Alkhalil, Hana Chamoun, Yasser Al Hadi, Ban Halaweh, Faris Al Bahri, Mohammad Hindieh, Zaid Zoubi, Mohammad Nizar, Abd Alrazzaq, Karam Tabbaa, Anouar H. Smaine, Manal Sehaimat y Aysha Shahaltough. Escrita por Elan y Rajeev Dassani (Seam) y Amin Matalga. Cinco episodios. Estreno: 13 de junio
Leila (Netflix)
En un futuro cercano, en India, donde hay guetos que separan a las comunidades por clase social, religión o ingresos, Shalini (Huma Qureshi) se convierte al Islam al casarse con Riz (Rahul Khanna) y tienen una hija llamada Leila. Cuando Leila tiene tres años, detienen a Shalini, matan a Riz y raptan a la niña por ser mestiza. Años después, Shalini intenta encontrar a su hija. Basada en la novela de Prayaag Akbar (2017) y escrita y producida por Urmi Juvekar. Seis episodios.
Estreno: 14 de junio
Trinkets (Netflix)
Tres chicas adolescentes de distintas esquinas de la cafetería del instituto se encuentran en una reunión de Cleptómanos Anónimos y forjan una amistad especial gracias a la que encuentran la fuerza para lidiar con la familia o el instituto. Protagonizada por Brianna Hildebrand (Deadpool, Tragedy Girls), Kiana Madeira (The Flash, Sacred Lies) y Quintessa Swindell (Granada Nights). Les acompañan Larry Sullivan (Big Little Lies, Scandal), Brandon Butler (13 Reasons Why), Odiseas Georgiadis, Henry Zaga (13 Reasons Why, Teen Wolf), October Moore (Baskets) y Larisa Oleynik (Mad Men, Hawaii Five-0). Basada en la novela de Kirsten 'Kiwi' Smith (2013) y escrita por Smith (10 Things I Hate About You, Legally Blonde), Amy Andelson (Step Up 3D) y Emily Meyer (Step Up 3D). Diez episodios. Estreno: 14 de junio
Too Old to Die Young (Amazon)
Escrita, producida y dirigida por Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive, The Neon Demon) al estilo de su trilogía Pusher, explorará los bajos fondos de Los Ángeles siguiendo el viaje existencial de ciertos personajes, desde narcotraficantes mexicanos hasta mafiosos rusos, que pasan de ser asesinos a samuráis. Protagonizada por Miles Teller (Divergent, Whiplash), William Baldwin (Gossip Girl, The Squid and the Whale), Callie Hernandez (Graves, La La Land), Nell Tiger Free (Game of Thrones), Celestino Cornielle (Bosch, The Fate and the Furious), Alexander Gomez (Best. Worst. Weekend. Ever), John Hawkes (Winter's Bone, Three Billboards), Jena Malone (The Hunger Games, The Neon Demon), Babs Olusanmokun (The Widow, The Defenders), Cristina Rodlo (Miss Bala, The Terror), Augusto Aguilera (Chasing Life), Hart Bochner (Die Hard, Rules Don't Apply), Chris Coppola (Ray Donovan), Manuel Uriza (The Last Ship, The Bridge), Gino Vento (The Deuce, Mayans M.C.), Kegn Matungulu, Carlotta Montanari y Dereck Seven Smith. Diez episodios. Estreno: 14 de junio
Los Espookys (HBO)
Comedia ambientada en México, y rodada en castellano, sobre un grupo de amigos que convierten su amor por el terror y el gore en un negocio peculiar. Protagonizada por Bernardo Velasco, Fred Armisen (Portlandia, Saturday Night Live), Cassandra Ciangherotti, Ana Fábrega y Julio Torres. Escrita por Fábrega y Torres y producida por Armisen. Seis episodios.
Estreno: 14 de junio
Jett (Cinemax)
Daisy 'Jett' Kowalski (Carla Gugino; The Haunting of Hill House, Wayward Pines) es una ladrona profesional que acaba de salir de prisión y accede bajo coacción a seguir haciendo lo que mejor se le da para una serie de criminales con muy distintos objetivos. Completan el cast Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad, Once Upon a Time), Elena Anaya (La piel que habito, Wonder Woman), Gil Bellows (Ally McBeal, Patriot), Violet McGraw (The Haunting of Hill House), Gaite Jansen (Peaky Blinders, Line of Duty), Michael Aronov (The Americans, Billions), Christopher Backus (Bosch, Roadies), Jodie Turner-Smith (Nightflyers, The Last Ship), Greg Bryk (Frontier, Mary Kills People), Gentry White (UnREAL, The Shannara Chronicles), Lucy Walters (Power, Get Shorty), Shiloh Fernandez (Gypsy, Jericho), Mustafa Shakir (The Deuce, Luke Cage), David Damane (Chicago PD), Rainbow Sun Francks (The Umbrella Academy, Eyewitness), Alex Mallari Jr. (Dark Matter, Shadowhunters), Gregg Lowe (Grantchester, Frankie Drake Mysteries), Dwain Murphy (The Strain, Rogue), Jonathan Koensgen (Copper, V-Wars), Hamza Haq (The Art of More) y Stuart Hughes (Frontier, Orphan Black). Creada, escrita, dirigida y producida por Sebastian Gutierrez (Gothika, The Eye). Nueve episodios. Estreno: 14 de junio
City on a Hill (Showtime)
Drama sobre la corrupción y las bandas de Boston en los años 90 centrado en un agente corrupto del FBI (Kevin Bacon; The Following, I Love Dick) que se alía con el ayudante del fiscal del distrito (Aldis Hodge; Underground, Leverage) para atrapar a una familia de ladrones de coches blindados y acaba destapando un gran escándalo relacionado con el sistema judicial de la ciudad. Les acompañan Jonathan Tucker (Kingdom, Westworld), Mark O'Brien (Halt and Catch Fire, Republic of Doyle), Jill Hennessy (Crossing Jordan, Madam Secretary), Amanda Clayton (If Loving You Is Wrong), Cathy Moriarty (Raging Bull), Kevin Dunn (Veep, True Detective), Sarah Shahi (Person of Interest, The L Word), Rory Culkin (Castle Rock, Waco), James Michael Cummings, Kevin Chapman (Person of Interest, Sneaky Pete), James Remar (Dexter, Black Lightning), Gloria Reuben (Mr. Robot, ER), Vincent Elbaz (The Hundred-Foot Journey), Lauren E. Banks (Maniac) y Georgina Reilly (Murdoch Mysteries). Basada en una idea original de Ben Affleck y Matt Damon y escrita por Chuck MacLean. Doce episodios. Estreno: 16 de junio
Euphoria (HBO)
Adaptación de la israelí Kids-meets-Trainspotting, drama sobre drogas, sexo, trauma, redes sociales, amor y amistad en la vida de un grupo de adolescentes. Protagonizada por Zendaya (Spider-Man: Homecoming, The Greatest Showman), Eric Dane (The Last Ship, Grey's Anatomy), Storm Reid (A Wrinkle in Time), Maude Apatow (Girls), Algee Smith (The New Edition Story, The Bobby Brown Story), Sydney Sweeney (The Handmaid's Tale), Alexa Demie (Love, Ray Donovan), Jacob Elordi (The Kissing Booth), Barbie Ferreira (Divorce), Nika King (Greenleaf, Funny Married Stuff), Hunter Schafer, Austin Abrams (The Walking Dead, Paper Towns), Keaan Johnson (Nashville, The Fosters) y Javon 'Wanna' Walton. Escrita por Sam Levinson (Assassination Nation, The Wizard of Lies) y producida por Drake. Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 16 de junio
Grand Hotel (ABC)
Adaptación de la española Gran Hotel que nos enseña el último hotel de Miami Beach dirigido por una familia. El carismático Santiago Mendoza (Demián Bichir; The Bridge, Weeds) es el dueño, y su segunda esposa (Roselyn Sánchez; Devious Maids, Without a Trace) y sus hijos adultos se aprovechan de su éxito aportando escándalos, deudas y secretos a este hotel de fachada lujosa. Completan el cast Shalim Ortiz (Heroes, Señora Acero), Denyse Tontz (The Fosters, Incorporated), Bryan Craig (Valor), Wendy Raquel Robinson (The Game, The Steve Harvey Show), Anne Winters (Tyrant, 13 Reasons Why), Chris Warren (High School Musical, The Fosters), John Marshall Jones (Smart Guy, Hart of Dixie), Feliz Ramirez y Justina Adorno (Seven Seconds). Participan como recurrentes Jencarlos Canela (Telenovela),  Richard Burgi (Desperate Housewives, Sentinel), Adrian Pasdar (Heroes, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Katey Sagal (Sons of Anarchy, Married with Children), Freddie Stroma (UnREAL, Game of Thrones), Ken Kirby (The Gifted, Good Trouble) y Cassandra Scerbo (Sharknado, Make It or Break It). Escrita por Brian Tanen (Devious Maids, Desperate Housewives) y producida por Eva Longoria, que participará como invitada. Trece episodios. Estreno: 17 de junio
Ambitions (OWN)
La divina y poderosa Stephanie Carlisle (Robin Givens; Riverdale, The Fix), la esposa del alcalde de Atlanta (Brian J. White; Scandal, Ray Donovan); y la recién llegada Amara Hughes (Essence Atkins; Marlon, Are We There Yet?), abogada de la oficina del fiscal; fueron amigas en la universidad, pero ahora se convertirán en rivales tanto en su vida personal como en la profesional. Les acompañan Kendrick Cross (Saints & Sinners), Brely Evans (Being Mary Jane), Erica Page (The Resident), Christina Kirkman, Gino Anthony Pesi (Shades of Blue, Dallas), Steven Williams (The Chi, The Leftovers) y Matt Cedeño (Power, Z Nation). Creada por Jamey Giddens (The Rich & the Ruthless), escrita por Kevin Arkadie (New York Undercover, The Shield) y producida por Will Packer (Girls Trip, Obsessed). Estreno: 18 de junio
Reef Break (ABC)
Creada, producida y protagonizada por Poppy Montgomery (Without a Trace, Unforgettable), trata sobre una exladrona impulsiva, imprudente e irresistible que ayuda al gobierno de una preciosa isla del Pacífico a atrapar a criminales. Con Desmond Chiam (The Shannara Chronicles, Now Apocalypse), Melissa Bone (Pulse, Janet King), Ray Stevenson (Black Sails, Roma), Tamala Shelton (Cleverman, Nowhere Boys), Stephen Hunter (Wolf Creek), Melina Vidler (800 Words) y Joey Vieira. Escrita por Ken Sanzel (Numb3rs). Trece episodios. Estreno: 20 de junio
Mr. Iglesias (Netflix)
El cómico mexicano Fluffy Iglesias protagoniza y produce esta comedia sobre un profesor que trabaja en el instituto en el que estudió e intenta sacar lo mejor que llevan dentro ciertos estudiantes que no encajan con el resto. Participan también Jacob Vargas (Sons of Anarchy, Luke Cage), Maggie Geha (Gotham), Cree Cicchino (Game Shakers), Richard Gant (The Mindy Project, The Chi), Tucker Albrizzi (A.P. Bio), Sherri Shepherd (Trial & Error, 30 Rock), Fabrizio Guido (World War Z, Welcome to the Family), Oscar Nuñez (The Office, People of Earth), Megyn Price (The Ranch, Rules of Engagement) y Coy Stewart (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Bella and the Bulldogs). Producida por Kevin Hench (Last Man Standing, Cristela) y Ron De Blasio y Joe Meloche, encargados de los shows de Fluffy. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 21 de junio
O Escolhido (Netflix)
Tres médicos jóvenes son enviados a un remoto pueblo del Pantanal -el humedal más grande del mundo, entre Brasil, Bolivia y Paraguay- a vacunar a sus habitantes contra una nueva mutación del virus Zika, pero sus esfuerzos son rechazados. Notan que la comunidad es devota de un enigmático líder que dice curar dolencias sin usar medicinas y se ven atrapados en una zona aislada y llena de secretos. Protagonizada por Paloma Bernardi, Gutto Szuster, Pedro Caetano, Renan Tenca, Alli Willow, Tuna Dwek, Mariano Mattos Martins y Lourinelson Vladmir. Adaptación libre de la mexicana Niño Santo. Escrita por Carolina Munhóz y Raphael Draccon (Supermax). Seis episodios. Estreno: 28 de junio
The Loudest Voice (Showtime)
Limited series que contará la historia del ascenso y la caída de Roger Ailes, el ejecutivo de Fox News que dimitió en 2016 por un escándalo de acoso sexual. Estará protagonizada por Russell Crowe (Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind). Naomi Watts (21 Grams, Mulholland Dr.) interpretará a la presentadora Gretchen Carlson, pieza fundamental de la historia. Participan también Seth MacFarlane (The Orville, Family Guy), Sienna Miller (American Sniper, G.I. Joe), Simon McBurney (Utopia, The Casual Vacancy), Annabelle Wallis (Annabelle, Peaky Blinders), Aleksa Paladino (Halt and Catch Fire, Boardwalk Empire), Barry Watson (7th Heaven, Samantha Who?), Josh Charles (The Good Wife, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt), Josh Stamberg (The Affair, Drop Dead Diva), Jenna Leigh Green (Sabrina, the Teenage Witch) y Emory Cohen (Smash, The OA). Basada en el libro de Gabriel Sherman (2017), escrita por Tom McCarthy (Up, Spotlight) y producida por Jason Blum (Get Out, Sharp Objects). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 30 de junio
The Rook (Starz)
Drama sobrenatural de espionaje sobre una joven con habilidades extraordinarias (Emma Greenwell; The Path, Shameless) que despierta en un parque sin recordar nada y rodeada de muertos y es perseguida por enemigos paranormales. Le acompañarán Olivia Munn (The Newsroom, New Girl), Joely Richardson (Nip/Tuck, 101 Dalmatians), Adrian Lester (Riviera, Hustle), Ronan Raftery (The Terror), Catherine Steadman (Fearless, Downton Abbey), Jon Fletcher (Genius, Reverie), Paula Patton (Somewhere Between), James D'Arcy (Agent Carter, Homeland) y Shelley Conn (Liar, The Lottery). Basado en la novela de Daniel O'Malley (2012) y escrito por Stephenie Meyer (Twilight) y Stephen Garrett (The Night Manager). Estreno: 30 de junio
What Just Happened??! (FOX)
Creado y producido por Fred Savage (The Wonder Years, Friends from College) junto a Dave Jeser y Matt Silverstein, guionistas de Life in Pieces o The Cleveland Show, es un aftershow -talk show emitido después de una serie para comentar el episodio- de The Flare, thriller de ciencia ficción dirigido por Jon Cassar (24, The Orville) y adaptación de las novelas de TJ Whitford, de las que Savage es fan, en las que un acontecimiento relacionado con el Sol provoca efectos en la Tierra, y más concretamente en el pueblo obrero de Milford, Illinois, y poco a poco desemboca en una batalla postapocalíptica por la supervivencia humana. El programa, presentado por Savage y la comediante Taylor Tomlinson (The Comedy Lineup) y dirigido por Carrie Havel (Talking Dead), contendrá entrevistas a actores, visitas al set y discusiones con fans. Quizás cabría comentar que ni los libros ni la serie existen y que el guion de este falso talk show estará escrito por Abbey McBride (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Alone Together), Edgar Momplaisir (Great News), Chase Mitchell (The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon), Agathe Panaretos (Chelsea) y Sean O'Connor (The Late Late Show With James Corden). Nueve episodios. Estreno: 30 de junio
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tuseriesdetv · 8 years
Noticias de series de la semana: ABC renueva el TGIT
Renovaciones de series
Stan ha renovado Wolf Creek por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha renovado The OA por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha renovado Love por una tercera temporada
Showcase ha renovado Travelers por una segunda temporada
Sky 1 ha renovado Delicious por una segunda temporada
Syfy ha renovado Channel Zero por una tercera y cuarta temporada
Channel 4 ha renovado Damned por una segunda temporada
ABC ha renovado Grey's Anatomy por una decimocuarta temporada
ABC ha renovado Scandal por una séptima temporada
ABC ha renovado How to Get Away with Murder por una cuarta temporada
Cancelaciones de series
MTV ha cancelado Loosely Exactly Nicole tras su primera temporada
MTV ha cancelado Mary + Jane tras su primera temporada
Incorporaciones y fichajes de series
Annette Bening (American Beauty, The Kids Are All Right) será Kathleen Blanco, antigua gobernadora de Louisiana, en American Crime Story: Katrina.
Michael C. Hall (Dexter, Six Feet Under) y Jodi Balfour (Quarry, Bomb Girls) serán JFK y Jackie Kennedy en la segunda temporada de The Crown.
Judy Greer (The Village, Arrested Development) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Casual interpretando a una nueva compañera de trabajo de Alex (Tommy Dewey).
Yara Martinez (Jane the Virgin, True Detective) será regular en The Tick como Ms. Lint, papel que interpreta en el piloto.
Jennifer Finnigan (Tyrant, The Bold and the Beautiful) protagonizará Salvation junto a Charlie Rowe y Jacqueline Byers. Será Grace Darrow, madre soltera y secretaria de prensa del Pentágono.
Tovah Feldshuh (The Walking Dead, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) volverá a interpretar a Danielle Melnick, personaje de Law & Order, en un episodio de Chicago Justice, esta vez como juez y no como abogada.
Bradley Whitford (The West Wing, Transparent) será un poderoso abogado en el crossover de Chicago Justice con Chicago Fire y Chicago PD.
Chris Redd (Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping) será regular en Disjointed como Dank, un cliente habitual del dispensario de marihuana de Ruth (Kathy Bates).
Esai Morales (NYPD Blue, Caprica) se une como recurrente a Chicago PD. Será Lugo, veterano del departamento de policía de Chicago.
Larenz Tate (Rescue Me, House of Lies) será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de Power como Rashad Tate, un concejal de la ciudad.
Brian d'Arcy James (Spotlight, Smash), Trieste Kelly Dunn (Blindspot, Banshee) y Elizabeth Reaser (Grey's Anatomy, Twilight) se unen a Manhunt: The Unabomber, antes conocida como Manifesto.
Tiffany Boone (The Following) y Alex R. Hibbert (Moonlight) serán Jerrika, novia de Brandon (Jason Mitchell), y Kevin, testigo de un asesinato a sus trece años, en The Chi.
Robert Wisdom (The Wire, Nashville) y Q'orianka Kilcher (The New World, Princess Ka'iulani) se unen a The Alienist. Serán Cyrus y Mary, criados de Kreizler (Daniel Brühl).
Ellie Araiza (The Bridge) se une como recurrente a Legion.
Ali Liebert (Bomb Girls, Harper's Island) será recurrente en Ten Days in the Valley como la detective Nickole Bilson.
Blair Redford (Satisfaction, Switched at Birth) es el primer fichaje del piloto sin título de X-Men para FOX. Será Sam, un nativo americano que lidera un grupo clandestino de mutantes.
Kelly McCormack (That's My DJ), Karen LeBlanc (Motive, Cracked), Ted Atherton (The Expanse) y Prince Amponsah se unen a la tercera temporada de Killjoys.
Dora Madison (Friday Night Lights), el DJ Dillon Francis, Jamar Neighbors (Keanu) y Bobby Lee (MADtv, Love) se unen a What Would Diplo Do?.
James Marsters (Buffy), Ever Carradine (Major Crimes), Annie Wersching (The Vampire Diaries), Kip Pardue (Ray Donovan), Kevin Weisman (Alias), Brigid Brannagh (Army Wives), Ryan Sands (The Wire), Angel Parker (American Crime Story), Brittany Ishibashi y James Yaegashi serán los padres de Chase (Gregg Sulkin), Carolina (Virginia Gardner), Gert (Ariela Barer), Alex (Rhenzy Feliz) y Nico (Lyrica Okano) en Runaways.  
Natalie Portman, Chris Pine, Michelle Dockery, Ed Helms, Niecy Nash, Mary McCormack, Ernie Hudson, Constance Zimmer y Timothy Omundson, entre otros, participarán en la tercera temporada de Angie Tribeca.
Pósters de series
      Nuevas series
Audience Network ha dado luz verde directa a Condor, adaptación en diez episodios de la película Three Days of the Condor (1975), protagonizada por Robert Redford y dirigida por Sidney Pollack. Max Irons (The White Queen, Tutankhamun) protagonizará la serie.
HBO ha encargado diez episodios de Succession, drama dirigido por Adam McKay (The Big Short) y protagonizado por Brian Cox (Troy, Braveheart) sobre una familia poderosa y también poderosamente disfuncional. Se tratarán la lealtad, los negocios familiares y el poder en el siglo XXI siguiendo a una familia con un gran imperio en los medios de comunicación. Jeremy Strong, Kieran Culkin, Sarah Snook y Alan Ruck interpretan a los hijos del patriarca. Completan el reparto Nicholas Braun (Date and Switch, Sky High), Matthew Macfadyen (Ripper Street, Spooks), Hiam Abbas (Lemon Tree, The Visitor), Rob Yang (Stockholm, Pensylvannia; ), Parker Sawyers y Peter Friedman.
Amazon ha dado luz verde directa a diez episodios del thriller criminal Too Old to Die Young, escrita, producida y dirigida por Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive, The Neon Demon) al estilo de su trilogía Pusher, que explorará los bajos fondos de Los Ángeles siguiendo el viaje existencial de ciertos personajes que pasan de asesinos a samuráis.
Discovery Channel ha encargado diez episodios de The Suck. Creada, producida y dirigida por Marshall Herskovitz y Edward Zwick (thirtysomething, Nashville, Once and Again) y basada en las memorias no publicadas de Stephen McCallister, veterano de Vietnam y antiguo ejecutivo de Greenpeace International, contará la experiencia de los americanos en la Guerra de Vietnam.
Fechas de series
SS-GB, la miniserie de BBC One adaptación de la novela, se estrena el 19 de febrero
La segunda temporada de Hand of God se estrena en Amazon el 10 de marzo
La tercera temporada de Grace and Frankie (Netflix) se estrena el 24 de marzo
La tercera temporada de Angie Tribeca se estrena en TBS el 10 de abril
Return of the Mac, antes conocida como The Joey Mac Project, se estrena en Pop el 12 de abril
La sexta temporada de Veep (HBO) se estrena el 16 de abril
The White Princess se estrena en Starz el 16 de abril
La tercera temporada de Bosch llega a Amazon el 21 de abril
Girlboss se estrena en Netflix el 21 de abril
La cuarta temporada de Silicon Valley (HBO) se estrena el 23 de abril
Dear White People se estrena en Netflix el 28 de abril
La tercera temporada de Catastrophe llega a Amazon el 28 de abril
Anne se estrena en Netflix el 12 de mayo
La quinta temporada de Orange Is the New Black (Netflix) se estrena el 9 de junio
La quinta y última temporada de Orphan Black llega a BBC America el 10 de junio
Tráilers de series
Iron Fist
The Americans - Temporada 5
American Crime - Temporada 3
The White Princess
The Originals - Temporada 4
Underground - Temporada 2
Samurai Jack - Temporada 5
Stranger Things - Temporada 2
Catastrophe - Temporada 3
Welcome back your favorite filthy couple. #Catastrophe returns 4/28. http://pic.twitter.com/a0ALzHX4ue
— Catastrophe (@catastrophe_tv) 8 de febrero de 2017
Feud - Opening
Dear White People
Grace and Frankie - Temporada 3
Return of the Mac
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Patricia Clarkson en House of Cards
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