#what was that event lol it looks like a fun lesbian gathering
magdasabs · 1 year
I support this tattoo! https://instagram.com/stories/sarasongbird/3176822966065985545?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
omg me too!! and getting it written by nattis is such a dream
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 38
3601. What brands do you like? i’m open to trying any brands but i guess after all these years i’m pretty loyal to apple. 3602. What do you think of the ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ policy of gays in the millitary? in light of recent events it seems though there’s a bit of a spotlight on this. 3603. Why do you think that so many people have such a problem with gays? i honestly have no idea. i guess there’s people against it from a religious standpoint but geez it’s 2017, get over it. 3604. It seems like it is more accepted for a woman to be bi or gay than for a man. Why do you think that is? straight men love sexualizing lesbian relationships, so there’s that. but i don’t know.
3605. When a kid kisses another kid on the playground is it sexual harassment? it depends on the kid’s ages and if the other kid consented. tbh i think it’s just innocent actions but it’s still important the parent’s be notified. 3606. If you had to name your self after an object in the room with you what would you pick? a pillow lol. 3607. Pick the two most important things out of these: writing deep thoughts, expressing your self clearly, being honest, finding new novel ways to waste time, being organized, practicing what you want to do, trying to be famous expressing yourself clearly and practicing what you want to do. 3608. You were only waiting for this momen to —– answer this. 3609. Knowing historically that native American indians were and are the first americans, how do you feel about america and current americans? i honestly don’t know much about the history between native americans and white americans (i’m not from there), so it’s best i don’t comment. 3610. Just what exactly determines whether or not one is 'mental’? the definition i guess. 3611. is it true that people with depression CAN’T function in society? not at all. 3612. fill in the word: half of what i say is ———– idk. 3613. Some people believe the Holocaust was a hoax? What do you think of this? wow, i don’t think so. there’s a lotttttt of proof from history that it happened. 3614. Does EVERYONE in the world care about how they look except YOU? nope. 3615. Do you love italian names like Lorenzo, Gaetano, and Grazziano? i don’t love them nor hate them. 3616. Everyone does horrible things. Do you think that people are more accepting of the bad things they do themselves or the bad things others do? they do. Which are you more accepting of? idk. 3617. Is it true that NO ONE wants to date grumpy people? in a sense yes, unless someone has a thing for angry people idk. it’s draining though. 3618. Bush and his henchmen have now come up with a list of people for the CIA to assassinate. What do you think of this? we’re like two presidents ahead now. 3619. Why is it that in many states sodomy and oral sex are still illegal, even if they are consensual? idk. 3620. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of: liberals? skipping this. conservatives? hippies? nobel peace prize winners? black panthers? time magazine? feminists? 3621. Order these issues from most important and needing to be dealt with to least important and we can put it off: cloning, skipping this too. racism, aids cure, the middle east, putting power back in the hands of the people, the environment, better education 3622. Do you feel like you are missing out because you can only know a certain number of people in this world and you can’t know everyone? not at all. i’m grateful for the people i know. 3623. What do you imagine being a soldier in a war is actually like? terrible. i don’t even want to imagine. 3624. Do you agree that woman should be allowed to enlist in the army? of course. it’s their choice. 3625. What is the purpose of government? conformity. 3626. Why don’t people believe in free love anymore? idk. 3627. Do you make desicions with your head or your heart? my head. 3628. What is the differance between sympathy and empathy? empathy is more imagining yourself in someone’s situation whereas sympathy is like compassion i think. 3629. Can you think of any person or group you cannot empathise with? rapists, racists. 3630. Like creme savers? no idea what that is. 3631. Your best friends asks you to marry them Out of the blue. You say: why are you asking me this? 3632. What makes you feel seriously depressed? work. 3633. Have you personaly worked for peace? no. 3634. Do you suppress parts of yourself because you are afraid of judgement? no. 3635. Do you take in the ideas and opinions of others too often?/ not too often. 3636. 36 - 24 - 36? what. 3637. What just isn’t right? idk. 3638. What make syour blood boil?? huh?? 3639. Have you ever gone to the bathroom in aplace that wasn’t a bathroom? like in the woods? yes lol. 3640. Want some water melon? no thanks. 3641. What’s your favorite gum? funnily enough watermelon flavoured. or spearmint. 3642. What do you imagine going to Harvard is like? stressful. 3643. What would you get rid of forever if you had to choose snow or rain? snow. 3644. Is there a santa clause? back in the day, yes. 3645. Do you understand yourself? Do you understand everyone else? yes and no. 3646. Do you think there is a connection between understanding yourself and understanding others? slightly. 3647. What’s good? nothing. 3648. Have you ever played dodge ball? yes. 3649. Is there anything you feel men can do better than woman? not at all. 3650. Is there anything you feel woman can do better than men? no. it really just depends on the individual. 3651. What do you think of jazz? it sounds nice. 3652. Why do you suppose Christmas has more hype than Chanucka? idk. 3653. What is like a rock? a stone. 3654. Who do you 100% trust? my boyfriend. i think lol. 3655. Are you dreaming of a white christmas? no. 3656. Have you done anything nice for your neighbors this year? no. 3657. What is the most courageous thing you have ever done? hmm idk. stand up for others i guess. 3658. What things (not people) would you miss most if you were locking the big brother house for weeks on end? my phone. 3659. Use five words to describe your life now. boring, flexible, chill, open, decent. 3660. Use five words to describe your family. loving, caring, dysfunctional, hardworking, helpful. 3661. Use five words to describe your childhood. fun, happy, educational, simple, memorable. 3662. Who has seen the wind? not me. 3663. what’s the point of MLA format? Why can’t students just freely write their gathered info and opinions the way they feel is best for them? not sure. 3664. What’s your favorite fairy tale? the princess and the pea. 3665. How will explain god to your children (or a child)? i’m not sure yet. 3666. Is this question satanic? no? 3667. Name a person that you love. my bf. Describe how they look: i just did this in the last survey D: Describe how they sound: they have a nice calming voice. Describe how they smell: he always smells like vanilla for some reason lol. Describe how they feel: nice. Describe how they taste: haaaa. 3668. What will last longer, the moon or the human race? the moon. 3669. Whose lives do you value more; those of your country or all of humanity? all of humanity. 3670. If the jehovas witnesses dropped by your house what would you do? politely tell them i’m not interested. 3671. Someone you work with or go to school with is giving you a surprise gift. Would you like it better if it were a talking teddybear or a mini tarot deck? neither. 3672. Where does the sky begin? Just above the ground? no idea. 3673. What’s the most romantic thing to do? anything sentimental. 3674. What’s your most twisted, perverted or odd fantasy? none haha. 3675. What’s wrong with lieing? potentially hurting the person you’re lying to. 3676. If you could have lunch with any _______ who would it be? rock star? prince. actor/actress? avan jogia. political leader? obama. historical figure? christopher columbus. dead person? marilyn monroe. person from your past? my grandparents. person in the world? my boyfriend. writer? j.k. rowling. artist? frida kahlo. fictional character? harry potter. Disney character? aladdin. What’s a samuri? huh? 3677. Dedicate a song to someone right now. no. 3678. It’s christmas eve at ten o'clock at night and YOU HAVE NO SHOPPING DONE! The only thing that’s open is the grocery store and the drug store. Do you do all your christmas shopping in the grocery and drug store? honestly, i probably could. 3679. If superman is so powerful how does he get with Louis Lane? Wouldn’t he kill her? no idea. 3680. What do you think of Jane Fonda? no opinion on either. Alan Alda? 3681. Remember Mary Poppins? Feed the birds tuppence a bag. What is 'tuppance’? no idea and they’re spelt differently too. 3682. What was the saddest most tear jerking heart wrenching moment of the movie Titanic? when jack dies, duhhhhh. or when the musicians play their piece knowing that they’re gna die. 3683. Would you like a nice hot bath? yesssss. 3684. Why is jesus always pictured as white when he came from the middle east and was probably middle eastern? idk. 3685. Which is worse: Sand in your underwear or Sand in your mouth? mouth. 3686. Has President Bush made his case for war with Iraq? idk. 3687. Should Senator Lott resign (or have resigned) his leadership post? idk. 3688. If you could pick time’s person of the year who would you pick? idk. 3689. Name all the people you know who you are attracted to and what is attracctive about them? just my boyfriend. 3690. What does RSVP actually mean? idk what it stands for but it means tell me if you’re attending or not before this date lol. 3691. Is rhyming fun? no. 3692. Are your dreams violent? no. 3693. What 3 questions would you love to ask either your mom or your dad? idk. 3694. What are the hardest words to say? i don’t love you anymore. 3695. Should I smile because we’re friends or cry because that’s all we’ll ever be? smile. 3696. What do you think of the slogan 'you laugh because i’m different. I laugh becuse you are all the same’ haha so cheesy and sooo 2005. 3697. How do you stop dry elbows? rub lotion on them. 3698. Why don’t people MAKE gifts more often? people would rather spend money than spend time making gifts. 3699. Tell it to the world! Read my lips: no. 3700. Do you like those plastic couch coverings? hate them.
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mvsicinthedvrk · 3 years
ollie’s massive post of pride month headcanons
now that i’m back from vacation, and it’s JUNE, i thought it was time for a fun headcanon post before i dive back into all the replies i owe lol 
i am nonbinary and queer & this is how i interpret my characters and their pride-month activities, full respect intended for all identities listed below  🎉 
this is my collection of queer characters, who i love not just because they are queer, but also, i’m glad that they are. below are descriptions of how i think they’d spend pride:
wei wuxian: this man is bisexual; throughout his many years in D.C. he’s had many terrible dates/great dates with people who are women and also with people who aren’t women. he’d be decked out in bi-flag facepaint colors and front row for the pride parade with a group of as many friends as he can gather. he’s unaware and doesn’t remember his soulmate lan wangji who isn’t here anyway, so he’ll probably go home with someone at least once over the pride weekend festivities (although he sort of does that all year round anyway). it will be a nice time had by all.
martin blackwood: martin is gay. he’s fairly inexperienced with relationships in general, and he probably downloaded grindr then immediately deleted the app out of vague panic. he never would have mentioned it to his mum when she was alive because there was no reason to, and he wouldn’t mention it outright to his coworkers, though he would answer honestly if asked directly. he’s not much of a crowds-person so i think his main pride month activity would probably be attending a low-key drag bingo event at a bar somewhere that’s warm and welcoming but not overly crowded. he’d probably take home some cheap sunglasses as a prize and be very pleased by it.
patroclus: he’s gay as well. sadly he probably got scheduled to work at the hospital most shifts during pride so he won’t get out to the festivities, but he wears a subtle pride pin on his nurse badge this month, since that’s allowed in the dress code.
orpheus: currently in a hetero-passing relationship but probably bi otherwise? and THE most supportive of people on the lgbtq+ spectrum. almost definitely owns a “love is love” bumper sticker that he doesn’t actually put on anything because he doesn’t have a car. he’ll donate money to trans-related crowdfunding websites when he comes across them online even if he doesn’t really have the money to spare, and he is made immeasurably happy by the whole vibe at pride.
henry strauss: this man is canonically bi. he’s probably still working at the bookshop during pride but he took it upon himself to set up a special section in the front of the store featuring underrated queer authors, and he’ll go out and get fully trashed at the bars late at night to get the full Pride(tm) experience. 
(sidenote: i do acknowledge that pride-- and the lgbtq+ community in general-- needs more non-alocholic spaces, but, like, getting trashed at the bars is my favorite pride activity so it is what it is. -ollie)
wen kexing: this man is gay and canonically loud about it. he is the type of person who literally tells his crush roughly the equivalent of “have i mentioned i like men?” so i am sure he would special-order a hanfu that elegantly includes every color of the pride flag rainbow, and he’s probably found atop a corporate-backed float in the parade. 
ki yu ri: she’s probably pan in my interpretation of her. i honestly don’t know what she’d do during pride?? probably get up to the same mischief as always. nothing special, actually-- though she’d almost certainly take advantage of the crowds and the chaos to make extra trouble.
melanie king: my one lesbian character. she has a lot of strong opinions about pride (she has strong opinions about everything lol) that basically boil down to “ban cops and ban corporations” and she supports only buying pride merch from queer artists and creators. she’ll go to the parade, and she’ll probably fight a terf while she’s there if any cross her path. 
pippin took: my interpretation of pippin is definitely queer in some way, though i don’t think he’s interested in labels so idk what specifically he’d identify as, if you were to ask him. but he’s very supportive of any reason for people to have a good time and celebrate themselves. 100% gets sunburnt at the parade.
yuri plisetsky: he’s never been interested in women at all and has been attracted to fellow figure skaters who are men, so he’s pretty sure he’s queer, but also: he’s too busy with his training to really care much. he’ll go to pride events only if someone drags him there. otherwise, he’ll keep to his usual daily schedule and not bother with it much. 
noah czerny: he’s not strictly canonically queer but he’s not strictly canonically straight, either, so i actually like interpreting him as bi. anyway, he looks perpetually 18 despite being much older so he’ll never get into 21+ pride events, but i think he’d have a great time at pride hopping around the different concert stages in the park where people are performing their musical acts during the day & night (and actually, since he’s so ghostly cold all of the time, he’d be the perfect pride companion because of how ridiculously hot it always is)
(sidenote: my favorite thing that has ever happened to me at any pride event was when i happened to be in london during pride in like 2018 and i was suffering what i’m pretty sure was some form of heatstroke at the parade. and a glitter-covered stranger took one long look at me, like all teh way up and down, walked away-- then walked back a full five minutes later, HANDED ME A FAN, and walked away without a word. hero. why is pride in the middle of summer? it’s the worst. anyway, i owe that stranger my life and i think about them every year around this time. -ollie)
and then there’s also my small collection of heterosexuals, who i care less about in regards to describing their pride month activities specifically but who i’ll mention what they’d be doing anyway:
holland vosijk: straight and confused by pride month because it doesn’t exist where he’s from. on the day of the parades/festival etc in D.C. he’d stay home only because he’s annoyed that there are so many people out and about. not unsupportive, just apathetic. 
kaz brekker: he is straight; has literally only ever been interested in inej and at this point he doesn’t even remember her. he does not involve himself in pride month activities but kaz will let everyone working for him have take time off for pride, though. if they remember to ask.
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