#what the h*ll is going on?!?!?!?!
deus-ex-mona · 15 days
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monachan haul has arrived ✨safely✨
#ft. the gigo collab merch that i had proxied s o b s#‘how many albums did you buy m y g o s h’ j-just these 3…#thanks delivery guys for not notifying me when haul pt 2 was delivered lmao now my mother’s mad at me for not showing her what i got :(#‘just show her man’ d u d e she’ll lecture me about wasting my money— wait nvm i’ll show her my lls gk dvd that came in maybe that’ll help#im gatekeeping monachan from my fam idc if we’re related y’all c a n ’ t have her#b u t on another note the mona album standee looks really cute beside the new sena natsukomi standee#mona looks taller than sena in it but they just. look really cute next to each other aaaaa#though. yk. speaking of the gigo merch and stuff… man. i think i went to that arcade last year lmao#i didnt go up to the floor with the food and stuff since i was only there to play crane games and i was too lazy to climb the stairs#but seeing posts about the collab reminds me of the 1000 yen i spent trying to get ena pjsk nui in the mzen crane machine#i had. like. 4000 yen at the time and around 1/4 of it went to that machine… never forgive never forget#‘why didnt you withdraw more money then’ w e l l the debit card was with my bro and i broke off from the family to explore by myself s o—#and that was how i spent my birthday last year. on the 4th or 5th (cant rem) floor of gigo trying in vain to get enananui#that doesnt have anything to do with monachan but i needed to cry about it somewhere ig lmfao#m a n. what am i even doing with my life lmao#o k that’s enough of being annoying for one night see y’all for daily nagisa in a few hours byeeeeeeee
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bloodyrosesnthorns · 2 months
i can't do this anymore.
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holidaywishes · 4 months
What. is. happening?
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psalmsofpsychosis · 7 months
god i— i didn't think i'd live to say this but Sh*mel*ss US season 10 officially made me straight up hate the show. I dealt with 9 whole fucking seasons of category 5 bullshit and i still survived it, i survived all the incoherent inconsistencies and the writers' amnesia, the gradually worsening characterizations to the point of almost every single character becoming so irrelevant and annoying to watch save I*n and M*ckey, i endured all the unimaginably bland traumacore plots, but i guess— congratulations Sh*meless, you broke me. Season 10 is an industrial garbage fire the likes of which i haven't seen even on Sh***less, and honestly? i dont know what to say. I thought I*n and M*ck*y will survive Sh*m*less' horrendous writing, i was hoping they would make it, but the odds were against that i suppose. It says a lot that i get teary eyed whenever i pop up my playlists for earlier seasons because this show managed to go from one of the most sincere and intimate and heartfelt shows i ever got into to one of the cheapest most insincere and superficial and incoherent shit i've had the misfortune of watching. Fucking christ. The whole G*ll*vich proposal tournaments never should've happened, it's gross and made so light of and made so fucking cheap i was practically clawing out of my skin when M*ck*y didn't even let I*n finish his "i'd like to spend the rest of my life with you" talk. Sh*mel*ess has always had problems with emotionally constipated writing post season 4 (Save I*n whose characterization somehow miraculously stayed intact till the S9 departure), but like, goddddd. I'm so fucking disappointed i can feel my atoms slipping into black and crying while they sit for the show's fucking funeral. Was going through reddit earlier and so many people left the show behind after S10E08, and by gods i do want to. I absolutely can, given the fact that post S4 I*n G*ll*gher was the only important thing to me about this whole narrative and they regressed his character back to Alaska just to make a wedding plot happen. god i hate it here. biggest official "he would not fucking say that" status in the last 10 years.
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mewharley · 7 months
I tried to watch the m*tchels vs the m*chines for the first time ever
And damn
It was annoying as fuck
For me, I mean
Like wow, it's rare when an animated movie or, well, its characters are so grating
Maybe it was a combination of narrative and characters
I don't actually Ike that type of narrative where they're trying to tell you how they got to a spot and presenting us the characters
I prefer to actually watch them
And the individual characters idk
The girl was too much like oh no look at me I'm so different to others and didn't fit
While she's like a "cool teen" I guess and idk I stopped when she started describing her dad
Maybe I should have given it more of a chance
But idk
It felt like the movie was trying too much, you know?
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heavenangelly · 7 months
Make manifesting fun for you
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Manifesting is meant to be fun. You’re meant to enjoy it and have a carefree attitude towards it. You’re not meant to cr¥ and scre@m and become d€pre$$ed and d€$per@te because of manifesting. That’s not the Law.
I want manifestation to be fun again for you guys. I want you to effortlessly get your manifestations and literally never be on tumblr / twitter or any social media because of how much you’re enjoying life and being a master manifester.
Here’s how to make manifestation fun again:
- Do methods. Methods are quite controversial in this community and you most definitely do not have to do them if you don’t want to, but you can if you do want to. Types of methods consist of: daydreaming/visualisation, vaunting, bragging, scripting, affirming, subliminals, placebos, lullaby, SATS, vision boards, Pinterest, etc. pick which one resonates with you the most and stick with it. An important thing to note though, is that it’s not the method that manifests, it’s YOU and your ACCEPTANCE of the desire/wish fulfilled.
- Work on your mindset/self concept. I’m going to flat out say this is important. It helps tremendously. I used to hate having to do it but once I did, it made manifestation WAYYYY easier. And it’s not a process although popular belief says it is. It’s just a decision to no longer be who you want to be and then sustaining/continue being who you do want to be / the mindset you want to have. It’s that easy. You don’t even need to think about it. Now this will help you because you no longer think you’re a v1ct1m and manifestation becomes more natural and easy, therefore making it carefree and chill and removing the desperate need for something because you’re secure in your abilities that it’s already yours.
- Make challenges for yourself. Make 2 day challenges where you live in the end for those days, with whatever rules you want and doing whatever you want to do. You can say that today you will manifest 2 desires or whatever you want. Test yourself, know yourself, do whatever you want to. Do not be hard on yourself if you do not complete it. Just try again with a new and more determined mindset.
- Experiment with the law. Like I said above, get to know what works with you. Build your confidence in yourself and the law. Manifest a butterfly following you around, do whatever you want. The law is fun and personal. Manifest “illogical and impossible” things.
- Attitude. Now this kind of ties in with mindset/self concept but I recommend having a positive attitude towards manifestation. Obviously whatever you assume to be true is true, so use that to your advantage. Look at the law is a new light, in a positive one. In a lifestyle way. Don’t associate it with negative things and trying, but instead associate it with a new ch@nce at l1f€, a lifestyle, a way to be fr€€.
Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to manifest xyz before any specific date or just in general put pressure on yourself. Be kind to yourself. The law is incredibly simple and literally only requires you to trust in yourself/imagination and know that you already have what you want / are what you want while being not even caring about the 3d.
Make manifestation your safe space. Make imagination your heaven. Make manifesting easy for yourself. Build new assumptions. Play around with the law. Be unique. Get off of tumblr / twitter and have fun.
Read Neville if you want, listen to Edward Art, make your own rules, have fun. The law, again, is personal. Make it your heaven, not your h€ll.
Just be and have fun.
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firep0wder · 2 years
what is favourite i mean. who is. when. yeah you get it i hope
The boat boys hold a special place in my heart <3 they bite and chew and gnaw each other just like me <3 ultra autism I love when etho treats Joel's bloodlust like a really intriguing spectator sport. also impulse and bdubs are very good. Very fond of big dog !!!! Box my beloved. Ranchers are obviously sweet although it causes some confusion bc I (normie-dressing Just Some Guy) have a boyfriend (cool goth punk-influenced short king) and his name is Jimmy not the other way round.
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red-wolf-youtube · 2 years
Call Of Cthulhu //Part 4// - What The Sam H*ll Is Going On!!!
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ultralightpoe · 9 months
Full House - Eddie Munson
Authors Note: Wow. I think I went too far with these, lmao.
Word Count: 5,258
Warnings: Dad!Eddie. That's it.
Description: Stepdad!Eddie and his girls that gives nothing but Uncle Jesse Vibes.
Part ll HERE
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(Thank you for the gif @ionlyeverwantedtobeyourequal )
(Eddie is not the step dad, he is the dad that stepped up)
Eddie Munson was many things in life. 
Triple senior, Satanic Freak, Dungeon Master, High School Graduate, Vecna survivor, Waynes son, and now Mechanic shop owner. But his favorite title came by accident, a truly brilliant accident of course. 
Nancy and Steve had planned a vacation for themselves, the first vacation they had since the birth of their adorable son Edward…..okay they named their kid Vince but Eddie thought that name was ugly and had spent the past 5 years continuously mocking them over it. So, in everything Eddie, he had named him Edward Jr. this week. 
Anyways, Nancy and Steve were having a very lovely trip at Niagara Falls while the rest of the group watched little man. While Eddie was at work Joyce Byers took him, and when Eddie had gigs Dustin took him and they ‘studied’ together which meant Dustin used him as an excuse to play games rather than study for his senior year. 
It was all going splendidly, until Eddie got a call in the middle of his work shift telling him that he would have to go down to the school immediately since Edward Jr -Vincent, had gotten into a little bit of a fight. 
So Eddie booked it, still in his greased out mechanic suit, a bandana on his head and the biggest concern that Steve’s kid would be kicked out of his school while he was away. What had he done to the kids? Had he broken their noses? Made them bleed?
Here was the problem, Eddie forgot that he was talking about Steve Harrington's kid, so when he arrived at the school to see his nephew bleeding and whimpering he realized the mistake. Vinny had gotten beat up, not the other way. 
“What happened, bud? Who did this to you?” Eddie was gonna fuck a kid up, he was gonna scalp someones son. He was going to absolutely annihilate some random ass boy. 
His nephew whimpers, using the back of his hand to wipe away a fresh tear as Eddie takes a gentle hand to assess the damage. “L/n….” 
Eddie was gonna kill this L/n punk. “What’d he do? He been bullying you?”
“You must be Mr. Harrington.” A saccharine voice fills the air, drawing his attention up to an older woman with narrowed eyes. 
“No, I’m Vinny’s uncle actually. Eddie Munson.” He introduces himself, holding out a hand which the woman glares at, and he realizes then that he was still covered in grease. So he pulls his hand back, embarrassed and nervous. “Sorry about that, rushed from work-”
“Never mind that. Let’s go.” The teacher nods her head. “You too Vincent.”
Eddie, now partially annoyed by the use of his nephews full name in such a tone, grabs his hand into his own and follows the old bat into the office where two more three more figures sit. The sight before him makes him stop, blinking slowly as a heat crosses his skin. 
Was he blushing? Shit, he was. 
Sat in the chair is the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, with a small baby in her lap and a small girl softly crying sitting on the edge of the chair, hiding half her face in the womans shoulder. 
“Have a seat Mr. Minson.” The old bat snaps, moving around the desk to sit in the cushioned chair. 
“Munson.” Eddie corrects, sitting in the chair beside yours while trying to keep it cool. Vinny takes the arm of the chair, holding onto some of the fabric of Eddie’s jumpsuit tightly. The woman blatantly ignores him as she shuffles around some of the papers on her desk. So Eddie turns to you slowly, holding out his hand again. “Eddie Munson.”
“Y/n L/n.” You smile, taking his hand in your own. “I am so sorry about your son-”
“I prefer the parents not to talk until I explain.” Old bat snaps out making Eddie sit up straighter. “I brought you both in here because it seems that Motley has violently assaulted Vinn-”
“ASSAULTED?! They are 5!” You snap out as the girl, Motley, begins crying which leads the little baby in your lap to start crying as well. And right on cue Vinny himself starts crying. 
“Woah woah woah.” Eddie starts, pulling his nephew closer. “Bud, why don’t you explain what happened here?”
“She hit me!”
“He pushed me!”
“And then she bit me!”
“He pulled my hair!”
“Okay, ease it up.” You sigh, rubbing Motley’s back in soothing circles. “I am so sorry about your son, and I will totally get if you’re upset but they are 5 and I don’t really know about the assault word-”
“Miss. L/n.” Old bat interrupts but Eddie shakes his head. He will just handle this just as Nancy liked to parent. 
“What can make this better, huh Vinny? Like your dad always says, an apology?”
“Y-yeah….” Vinny whimpers which makes Eddie smile and imitate the whimper voice. “Yeah?”
“Do you think you can apologize, Motley?” You ask and Motley sticks out her tongue to Vinny.  Eddie tries to hold in his laugh at this, the little metal head was not backing down. “Motley.”
“Fine. I’m sorry Vincent.” She snaps out. “But the next time you pull my hair-”
“I think we got it.” Eddie laughs, picking his nephew up. “Let’s go get some ice cream and forget all about it.”
He smiles at the principal before tearing out of the room, keeping Vinny held above the ground as he rushes out of the school. He is rushing too fast to hear you calling behind him, until they make it out of the school. 
“Wait! Sir-” He turns, blushing wildly as he attempts a smile. You smile back, still holding the little baby in your arms and Motleys hand. “I am so sorry about all of that. Motley has been a bit…. Aggressive since her dad left. How about we all go get ice cream and it’ll be on me today?”
And then Eddie, as terrible as it is, gets excited. That meant your single, single and very pretty. So he smiles. “Sounds metal to me.”
The giggle that escaped Motley makes him happy. 
Soon enough Eddie found his entire world wrapped around his three ladies. You, the little 5 year old named Motley and the little baby Ziggy. (Both named after rock music. You don’t like it then name em something else.) 
His life did an entire tilt and he found himself going from the freak to being ‘Daddy Eddie’ as his girls liked to call him. 
“Lemme get the straight.” Eddie starts, holding up one finger and leaning back as he takes in the scene before him, Motley covered head to toe in flour and smiling from ear to ear. “The bag of flour just happened to knock down from the shelf and fall on you?”
“Yup.” The girl nods, still smiling. 
“And you don’t know how the step stool got there?”
“It was there when I walked by.” She shrugs. 
“I see. And you didn’t know that we hid the cookies on that shelf?”
“You do?!” She feigns shock, bringing both hands up to slap her cheeks. “What a coincidently.”
“Yeahhhhh. What a coincidently.” He imitates, bringing his own hands up to slap his cheeks in shock, trying very hard not to laugh at this entire thing. From her covered in flour, or her grammar and especially not the innocent act. Do not laugh. Do not laugh.
  “Motley! What did you do?!” You cry, coming into the kitchen in the pajama shorts Eddie loved so much, to see your daughter covered in your flour. 
You had both been in bed…..snuggling….. When you heard the sound of bowls falling. 
“I am innocent!” Motley cries, waving her hands like she truly could not believe you would think it was her. 
“She’s innocent!” Eddie follows, doing the same as her. “Tell her you want a lawyer, Mot.”
“Motley, do not-”
“I want a lawn mower!” She snaps out before you could warn her away from it. The room falls silent for a second after her words slip out and both you and Eddie try to control yourselves, but before you know it you are cracking up. 
Tears springing from your eyes as you cackle, Eddie finds himself using one arm to lean against the wall as his other arm holds his ribs, pained to be laughing so hard. 
“What’s so funny?” Motley asks, a puff of flour blowing out as she giggles herself which just sends you and Eddie into yet another laughing fit.  “Mama! Daddy Eddie!” 
“What Mot?” You laugh, swiping the tears from your eyes. 
“You’re being mean!” “Aww, we’re sorry Motty.” Eddie coos, moving closer as you do as well. Before she knows it you are both launching to hug and kiss at her, covering both of you with flour as she giggles and screams to escape. 
Eddie steals her another cookie before you take her to the bathroom to shower her off, you both lay with her to read for bed before you lead him back to your room, taking a shower together before going to bed yourselves. 
Eddie was completely at peace, laying on the couch after a long day at work, with Ziggy laying on his chest slobbering all over his shirt. Motley laid on his legs, her head shoved between his hip and the couch as she snored away. 
They were sick, and you were in the kitchen making some chicken soup. Eddie had been in charge of getting them showered and ready for dinner, the only problem was the steam from the shower had cleared their noses which meant about 10 minutes of getting them both to blow into a tissue. And by the time that was done all their energy was gone, so he led them to the couch to lay with them and try to ease their whimpers. 
They passed out soon after and he was trapped in a pile of heat from their fevers and their slobbering snores. But he was at ease right here, their warmth making him just as tired. One hand rubbing Ziggy’s back while making sure she didn’t roll off his chest while the other hand slowly rubbed Motley's scalp. 
Before he knew it he slowly began falling asleep himself, and by the time he woke up he felt your fingers rubbing his forehead very very softly, a small smile playing on your lips. 
“Do you want me to grab them?” You whisper, which makes him shake his head. 
“Let em sleep, they don’t feel good.” He whispers back, turning bleary eyes to Ziggy who was currently crawling her way up his chest, she whimpers and whines until she is able to put her mouth around his nose. The gums touch his skin as she sucks on his nose, and he laughs slowly. “Apparently she is teething too.”
“I’ll go grab her ice pack.” You laugh, moving to the kitchen to grab it as Motley wakes up. 
“Daddy…. I hurt.” She whines and he nods, sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the couch to give her room to get up, she does and quickly crawls until her head is in his lap. 
“You want some soup? Huh pretty girl? Maybe we can listen to Elvis before bed.” He offers, watching a small smile break out on her face that she tries to hide. Eddie teases her by leaning to see it and laughing when she covers her mouth. Then he pulls out the big guns, taking up the Elvis voice as he stares at her. “Let’s go eat some soup sweetie pie.”
“Hunka hunka burning love!” She giggles, jumping up to dash to the kitchen, when she passes you she nearly knocks you over but you manage to lean out of the way just in time. 
“What’s the rush?”
“Promised her Elvis after dinner.” Elvis was the king of rock, which albeit wasn’t the rock that Eddie liked, but Motley had grown overly obsessed with him lately and he was cool with that. Anything his girl wanted. 
Blurb song inspo hereeeee . 
The opening of King Creole began, Motley stood on yours and Eddie's bed wearing his sunglasses and his leather jacket. She held a ukulele he had found from a garage sale, and thought it was the perfect size for her to play guitar. 
Ziggy stood on the ground, using his nightstand to help herself stand as she swung her butt up and down to the music. 
Eddie stood by the bed, with his guitar in both hands as Elvis Presley's song blasted through the speaker, wearing his newer leather jacket and a random pair of shades he found on the dresser that he was sure belonged to you.  Motley giggles loudly as Eddie sings the lyrics, playing his guitar to it as Motley pretends to play guitar as well. 
You were at the store and Eddie was supposed to be practicing for his gig coming up, and when you left he had Ziggy set up in her little play crib before Motley came in with the leather jacket on. One thing led to another and they all were playing along. 
“There’s a man in New Orleans who plays rock n roll!” Eddie sings, leaning in at the same time Motley does so their noses press together and then leaning back as she does and shimmying their shoulders. 
They sing and scream, dancing along as you pull back into the driveway. When you come in to get his help to carry in the groceries you are surprised by the loud music, even more surprised by the Elvis playing with the Metal twist to it. 
“Eds?” You call from the door, watching both him and your daughter shimmy their butts to you as they sing before you lean and stop the music which makes them both twist quickly to find you. 
“MAMA!” Motley cries, excitement crossing her face as she whips his glasses off, dropping the ukelele on the bed and launching into your arms. “Daddy Eddie was teaching me guitar!”
“I see that.” You laugh, keeping a hold of her as you lean to kiss Eddie, laughing when you see him in a pair of overly feminine glasses. “Nice look baby.”
“I thought they were very metal.” He laughs, kissing your lips softly, holding your jaw before Motley groans out a ‘ewwwww’.
“Did you like the music?” You laugh, looking down at her. “Even Daddy’s guitar.”
“He made the song better!” She laughs before you set her down. 
“Go get ready. We are having Vinny and his parents over.” At your words she groans, rolling her eyes which makes Eddie laugh out and reach a ringed hand to pull one of her pigtails lightly. 
“What’s with the attitude, pretty girl? Your rock n’ roll career is already getting to you?” He laughs, leaning to kiss her cheek before sliding off his jacket, moving to pick Ziggy up and make his way down the hall as his baby girl giggles happily. 
“I hateeeee Vinny.” Motley groans, following behind and snatching the chain that hangs from his pants to slow him down. “Daddy Eddie, pweaseeee.”
“Ohhhh, not the puppy eyes!” He whines, looking up to the ceiling. 
“No!” You call, covering her eyes. “Not this time.”
Eddie sat on the floor of the living room with his back to the couch, water dripping from his hair onto his exposed chest as Motley sat behind him taking a brush through his hair over and over. He wore a towel around his hips, keeping him covered waist down but all his tattoos exposed as rubbed lotion on them, allowing Motley to have fun playing makeover with his hair. 
You sat near him, your feet in his lap as you read through a book you have promised yourself you would finish for months now.. Ziggy played with her toy blocks near as well, babbling along to the movie that played on the tv. 
Nights like this were perfect, no hustle and bustle and he got to spend time with his favorite girls. 
He rubbed some lotion on the bat tattoos, not really paying attention to what was happening around him only to be interrupted by a sharp gasp falling from your lips. Instantly he is sitting up grunting a bit when the brush Motley was holding puls his hair. 
“What? What’s wrong?” “Ziggy is-” But he already sees her, wobbling as she tries to stand without using anything to help her, blabbering quickly. Excitement courses through him as he sits up, Motley giggling behind him. 
It takes her a moment but she stands, turning to you and Eddie with a tiny smile. “Come here. Come of Stardust.”
Eddie coos gently and Ziggy wobbles, moving to take a step before landing on her butt. 
“It’s okay. It’s okay baby. Try again.” You coo, reaching your arms out. Ziggy giggles and picks herself up again, and once again she tries to take a step. Then, still giggling, she walks. 
Clumsy and heavy, she takes step after step until she falls into Eddie’s arms while everyone coos around her. 
“Da-Ed-ay.” She giggles and Eddie’s heart stops. Oh my god. 
“Did she just….” He gasps out as you tear up beside him. 
“Mix your name and daddy as her first word. Indeed she did.” You laugh, moving forward to kiss his cheek as he pulls Ziggy in to kiss her face all over.  
Eddie was beginning to get a little pissed off, his body thrumming with it as he watches his girls very closely. He keeps a firm hold on the neck of his guitar to fight the urge to punch someone in the face. 
That someone was Gareth. 
His band hadn’t had much exposure to kids, he knew this. The closest any of them had been to a kid was Jeff’s sister and she was only 2 years younger than her brother. So when Eddie had introduced his girls to them they hadn’t really known what to do. But he assumed they would get used to it by now. 
But his friends hadn’t. In Fact they did nothing but complain when Eddie showed up to band rehearsal with Ziggy on his arm and Motley's hand held within his own. She twisted his rings around, smiling from ear to ear when they walked up to the boys. 
Motley had been worried and had taken far too long to pick an outfit since she wanted to look as cool as Daddy Eddie and his friends. She ended up choosing the Hellfire shirt Dustin had made for her 6th birthday and his older jacket, she even let him braid her hair. And when they walked up she gave them a well rehearsed devil look, even sticking her tongue out just like Eddie does whenever she is throwing a fit. 
The only problem was Gareth and Paul both groaned outwardly, Jeff was the only one that seemed to try and smile, shaking his hand in an awkward wave. Eddie, now irritated and tense simply explains “Y/n had to go and help Nancy with something, I offered to take the angels.”
“Of course you did.” Paul scoffs, turning to grab a beer from the fridge with Gareth and Jeff in tow. Eddie bends down so he was level with Motley, rubbing her arm. 
“Don’t take those geeks to heart, yeah? They’re just nervous. You scare them.” He smiles which makes her smile. 
“It’s okay Daddy Eddie. Papa never liked when I bothered him either. We’ll stay out of the way.” She shrugs, kissing his cheek and taking her chalk set to the sidewalk before he places Ziggy on the couch. 
The papa comment unnerved him and he was already defensive. He didn’t like that they were in a situation that they could remotely compare to their deadbeat dad. It made him sad. 
They start practicing, but soon enough Motley is running up and dancing around in the garage as they play. “PLAY TIFFANY!” 
“Whose that?” Jeff asks, covered in sweat. 
“Please tell me it’s not that teenager that sings ‘I think we’re-’” Just as Gareth starts groaning, Motley begins singing and dancing to it. 
‘Ithinkwe’realonenow. There doesn’t seem to be anyone around!”
“Stop stop stop!” Paul snaps. “This is band practice. You can’t just-”
“I think we should play it.” Jeff smiles. “You have the tape Eddie?”
Of course he had the tape, it was Motley's favorite song at the moment. So, with a deep sigh since he already knew he would get shit for it he pulls the tape from his pocket, holding it in the air between two fingers. 
Gareth sighs, snatching it from him and taking it to the stereo system. 
An hour later and many snide comments, Eddie was about to lose it.  Motley had, at some point, gotten a little upset and chose to sit on the couch with Ziggy who was beginning to get whiny and sad. She hadn’t napped all day and Eddie knew it was time to call it a day before he punched one of his friends. 
“I think I’m gonna get the little ones home.” He mumbles, grabbing the tape from the speaker and putting it in the case as he looks over to where his girls were. Ziggy had her pre-cry face on and Motley was half asleep in the cushions. Eddie shuddered at the thought of how many times Gareth had sex on that thing. 
“Next time don’t bring the rugrats and we can practice actual music.” Gareth scoffs and that tight string in Eddie finally snapped. He pushes closer to his friend, getting in his face as one hand snatches itself in his shirt tightly and in a threatening way, his other hand holding the tape up to his friend's face. 
“THIS IS MUSIC!” He screams, eyes wild before he shoves his friend back and takes a deep breath, turning to where his daughters sit. “Come on, pretty babies. Let’s go make dinner.”
He scoops Ziggy up, then Motley, casting one more glare to his friends before walking off. 
“I cannot believe they would be such assholes. To MY nieces.” Steve scoffs, hands on his hips as he stands next to Eddie. Tonight was the school recital, so both of them were dressed up to attend. 
Steve had dressed himself in a button up with a nice sweater, making sure to match Nancy who was carrying their 3rd kid, the blue of the dress making her light up. Meanwhile Eddie chose a button up with his leather jacket, or well Motley had demanded he wear the leather jacket because it was a part of the look. 
 You, as per usual, looked truly stunning. He made sure to keep a hand on your hip or the small of your back to make sure everyone knew you were with him, that’s right. Eddie the freak munson had the hottest woman around and two of the prettiest and most talented daughters in the world. 
“That’s what I’m saying!” Eddie sighs. “Talking to my girls like that?”
“They are just jackasses who can’t even play guitar.” Steve scoffs once more, looking past Eddie to check the door. “Ah, there they are. DUSTIN! ERICA!”
Dustin spots them, smiling as he holds Erica’s hand and shuffles closer to them. “Is Mike coming?”
“No. He has a date to make El jealous.” Nancy laughs. 
“Where is El tonight?”
“Going out with Max.” Nancy explains, and Eddie feels you tense under his hand. He casts you a quick look to make sure you’re okay, watching Ziggy lay her head on your chest as she plays with your necklace. 
“You good?” 
“Yup.” Your answer is clipped, and Ziggy lifts her head up to copy you with a ‘yupyup.’
“Where’s Lucas?” Steve asks Erica, leaning to kiss her forehead. 
“He had an away game. Asked us to film it.”
“Then asked me to stop dating his sister.” Dustin laughs which makes Steve and Eddie break out in their own fit of laughter. 
“Da-Ed-ay.” Ziggy giggles, reaching for him so he grabs her quickly, kissing her lips to make her happy. 
“I’m sorry? Did she just mix daddy and Eddie?” Steve gasps and Eddie shrugs. 
“I’m telling ya, my girls are geniuses.” He smiles, leading you into the auditorium so watch Motley's recital. 
He sits with Ziggy on his lap, holding your hand tightly in his own as Steve pulls out a camera and squats in the aisle to film everything. 
Motley and Vinny come up to do their dance, the audience laughing loudly when Motley steps on Vinnys foot after he tries to trip her. They both blush, Vinny takes a bow and Motley holds up a rock sign, which makes Eddie cheer loudly and stand up to yell for her. 
Song Inspo for this blurb hereeeeee 
“Aruba, Jamaica, ooo I wanna take her.” Eddie sings, holding Ziggy on his shoulders easily as he dances with you. The Hawaiian shirt you picked out for him is light on his skin as the sun beats down on you both, the sweat from the day sticking to him. 
This was the fourth of July celebration, everyone in the group met at the beach to enjoy the day…… which meant Steve had shown up at 4 am to save the spot. Eddie had already applied sunscreen onto Motley and Ziggy twice, you had done it three times and you both were still scared that the girls would burn. 
You had gotten Ziggy the cutest toddler beach outfit, that included a purple swimsuit; hat; and sunglasses. And his baby girl looked absolutely rocking. 
Then Motley got her very own swimsuit, inspired by her favorite artist of the time Tiffany, and Eddie (who had been practicing braiding hair for weeks, your scalp was sore.) had put her hair into two pleats that she had proudly shown to her Aunt Robin who had spent the next 30 minutes complimenting her favorite niece. 
“Daddy Eddie! Come swim!” She yells out, running up to him. “Puh-lease!”
Now here was the problem, Eddie hated showing his abdomen in front of his friends. It was easy for Steve, who liked to say the scarring was Tom Cruise's amount of cool. Eddie however had never shown them how disgusting his scars were. 
“Daddy daddy daddy.” She calls, jumping up and down as Vinny dashes past to get to Dustin. “We’re gonna play chicken and I need my daddy.”
“Maybe Uncle Lucas can help you.” He mumbles, squatting down with Ziggy still on his shoulders, the toddler pulling at his hair sharply as she blubbers. 
“I don’t want Uncle Lucas. I want my daddy! Only you can help me!” She cries, grabbing his arms. His heart melts, and he tries to smile. 
“Okay pretty girl. Let me get Ziggy settled.” He sighs and she lights up, dashing to go tell Vinny as Eddie moves to hand you Ziggy. 
“I’m gonna help El set out the food. Be careful.” You mumble, leaning to kiss his lips before moving to the table as Ziggy waves over your shoulder. Eddie takes his shirt off, rubbing his abdomen in worry as he makes his way to the water where Motley now stood. 
“See?! My daddy has cool ass scars because he’s awesome and he’s gonna kick your slimy little ass.” Motley brags to Dustin, who stares at her with wide eyes that make Eddie laugh. 
“Language, pretty girl.”
“Sorry.” She blushes, turning back to Dustin. “My daddy has sick scars and he’s gonna beat your toothless ass.”
And suddenly Eddie felt a little better about his scars, smiling from ear to ear as he lifted Motley up, dashing into the water to help her win a game of chicken.
Thanksgiving was spent at yours and Eddies house, after hours in the kitchen and a quick fit from Motley you had fully prepped the table. 
Now everyone sat around it, trying not to laugh as Dustin tries to convince you to eat the mac n cheese he made, practically shoving the spoon in your mouth. 
“No! I eat that and I die!” You laugh, slapping the spoon away. 
“Who would take care of the kids?” Jonathan gasps in fake astonishment. “Me right?”
“You’d only get the kids if Lucas died.” You shrug which makes Lucas smile in triumph.
“I knew it-”
“And you only get my girls if Erica dies.” Eddie interrupts. “And that’s if Dustin is dead.”
A laugh tears from your throat as Dustin claps, but you’re quick to stop him. “And that’s if Steve is dead.”
“And if Steve has them then Nancy is dead.” Eddie laughs. 
“Who has to die for me to get them?!” Mike asks, face red and puffy. El laughs and Max rolls her eyes. 
“Let me guess, if Nancy has them then I am dead?” Max scoffs, and you go a bit tense. 
“Well in this entire hypothesis that means I am dead, so that’s a bit mean.” Eddie giggles. “Because if my girl is dead then they go to me.”
“No they wouldn’t.” Max laughs, which makes the table go a little quiet. “They’d go to their dad.”
“What?” Eddie asks as Motley giggles out a “PAPA!”
He turns to you, eyes wide. “That true?”
“Technically yes.” You mumble out, looking extremely guilty. “But only because-”
Eddie doesn’t want to hear anymore, he slams his silverware down and storms down the hall, slamming the door loudly. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry-” Max starts, only to have you glare at her and move to grab Ziggy. 
It had been a week since Eddie talked to you, he slept on the couch and only talked to the girls. The only communication he had with you was through the girls, and that was it. 
He made them pancakes, and took them to school and daycare. 
Right now he sat in Ziggys nursery as he tried to get her ready for the day, her only in a diaper as he sat in front of her. 
“Aw, come on. Gimme a smile, little baby.” He coos, wiggling his shoulders. “It’s such a cute dress and you know you want to wear it. Huh?”
“No, Da-Ed-ay.” She giggles. “Wuv yu.”
“Aww. I wuv yu too.” He laughs. “In fact I love you THIS MUCH!”
He opens his arms out wide which makes her giggle. “How much do you love me?”
“Dis Muck.” She giggles, opening her own arms wide. 
“Our arms are open, we gotta hug.” He laughs, pulling her in quickly which makes her scream and giggle, pushing him away as he kisses her stomach over and over. 
“PAPA IS HERE!” Motley screams from the living room which makes Eddie whip his head around to the door that had been closed. 
Eddie stands up quickly, Ziggy in his arms as he swings the door open, meeting your shocked face as you come up the stairs. 
“Did she say-?” He starts.
“I’m hoping not.” But as you are saying it there is a knock on the front door. So Eddie makes his way to the living room with Ziggy in his arms as you run to catch Motley before she answers the door. 
Choosing to do it yourself, Eddie watches with his heart in his stomach as the door swings open and he is met with-
No.Fucking. Way.
Part ll HERE
(Would y'all want a part 2? If you send in requests for blurbs or scenarios of Eddie and the girls I will 100% write them. Send em in.)
Taglist:: (let me know if you want to be removed)
@localemofreak @paradise-summertime @jenniquinn @eddiesxangel
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i have a request for luke taking care of you on your period 💗 thank youuuu :)
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| luke castellan x fem! aphrodite! reader
౨ৎ warnings ౨ৎ: periods (??)
౨ৎ summary ౨ৎ: you’re on your period and luke takes care of you. (ik i said aphrodite reader but that doesn’t play into the plot at all so feel free to change it <3)
“I never knew you could be this scary…”
you were dying. a million knives stabbed into your body as you cried out for help. that’s what your period felt like to you. cramps made you want to end it all. you were laying in your bed, not DARING to move because even if you moved a muscle, your whole body would ache like someone stabbing you with a sword over and over again.
“what would happen if i just ended my life?” you thought to yourself. “these cramps would sure go away.” as you were talking to your inner-self about k*ll*ng yourself, you saw luke, your wonderful, amazing boyfriend lay down beside you.
“hey princess. what’s got you so tense?” luke asked, about to hug you. “get. your. fucking hands. away from me.” you said in a very serious tone while making a very serious face. luke instantly retracted his hands and his expression changed from happy to worried. “what happened angel? are you sick? did i do something wrong?”
then, all of the sudden, you started bawling you eyes out while barely getting out, “n-no i’m on my st-stu-stupid period and you didn’t h-hu-hug meeeeeeee!!!” you cry with big tears streaming down your face and off your chin.
luke registers what’s happening and automatically scoops you into his strong arms, kissing your tears away. “hey hey hey. it’s ok. i’m sorry. i love you so much sunshine. i’m sorry i didn’t hug you.” he says in a very empathetic tone. you continue to cry and he continues to whisper sweet nothings into your ear until you stop crying.
you sniff and shakily say, “sorry babe. i’m just hurting and i hate life.” “no no it’s okay. i don’t blame you at all. it’s not your fault you deal with these cramps!” he says hugging you and kissing your neck. just then, he had an idea. “i’ll be right back angel. i’m not leaving i just forgot something in my cabin ok?” he asked, making sure it. was ok to leave you. “ok..” you say a little suspiciously.
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as luke is walking out of your cabin, he think who to go to about this stuff. then it hits him like an arrow hitting the bullseye. clarisse and annabeth. first he goes to the athena cabin to see annabeth. he knocks on the door and coincidentally, annabeth answers. “oh hey luke. what do i owe the pleasure of?” she asks curiously.
“hey annie. i was wondering if you had any of those uh.. things you stick in to stop from bleeding? i think they’re called tampons?” he asks while whispering the word “tampons”. annabeth rolls her eyes at his slight immaturity and shut the door in his face.
just as luke is about to walk away, the doors opens again and annabeth stands there with all kinds of tampons. “before i give these to you, who are these for exactly?” she asks, cocking a brow. “oh. they’re for y/n. she’s on her period and im making her a bay basket.” (i mean bay basket cuz like its summer and bay yknow? i thought it was clever lol).
“oh wow. that sucks for her. tell her i say feel better .” annabeth says before smiling and shutting the door. next, luke went to clarisse. he was just about to walk towards her cabin when he found her irritating a kid. “hey clarisse that’s not nice. knock it off” luke says, giving the kid a chance to run away. “whatever luke. what do you want?” clarisse asks as she starts walking back to her cabin.
“well y/n’s on her period and i’m making her a bay basket. i was wondering if you could help me get some stuff she might like since you’re her best friend.” luke says, fidgeting with his hands. as soon as luke says “y/n” clarisse’s mood instantly changes to happy and she energetically exclaims, “of course i’ll help you! i love y/n.”
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luke is walking back to the aphrodite cabin with a basket filled with a pink fluffy blanket, a whole bunch of chocolate, tampons, a squishmallow (don’t ask how he got all these “human” things from camp half blood lol), fake pink roses (so they never die), a candle, and some extra goodies like his hoodie and matching pajama pants with him.
he knocks on the door and you open it, looking angry at who disturbed you. but your expression softened instantly when you saw it was luke. you pulled him inside as he presented the bay basket. “surprise! you should not be going through this much pain on your period so i hope i could make it a little better.” he said while smiling from ear to ear.
you look at the basket and then at luke as you take it and set it down. you walk over to luke and throw your arms around him, jumping and wrapping your legs around his waist. “thank you thank you thank you!” you says while crying because of how happy you are.
the rest of the day/week is filled with luke, luke, and more luke until you’re finally done with pain (for now hehe).
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౨ৎ a/n ౨ৎ- i hope that i fulfilled ur request lol <3 i had sm fun writing this!! feel free to request any more u want!🫶🏻🫶🏻
@t0byisher3 @simrah1012 @mimisamisasa @lizziesfirstwife
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deus-ex-mona · 5 months
we’re really in it now mona-chan
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simp-ly-writes · 27 days
The Comment Section (pt.2)
─────── · · A Social Media AU Fic
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Pairing: Spencer Agnew x gn!Reader
─ · · SUMMARY: Commenters are starting to get more and more worked up the longer you and Spencer grow apart.
─ · · TAGS: gender-neutral pronouns, angst, attempt at comedy, more angst, light swearing, fluff, mutual pinning.
─ · · A/N: thank you all seriously for the comments and support on the first part, hope you all enjoy this next one equally as much :)
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Super Smash Bros: Battle of the Chosen's
Smosh Games ✓ [Subscribed] Like 100k | Dislike | Share | ... 7.75M subscribers 1.1M views 2 weeks ago click to expand
username97 2 weeks ago Dear Diary, its day 14 and there are still no videos of Spencer and (name) together. username05 2 weeks ago Always love the Shayne and Spencer duo, but can they go back to their partners now? username39 6 days ago When's the next episode of Bored AF?? username22 6 days ago Okay, but why haven't I seen (name) in any gaming channel videos lately? I haven't watched in a while, can someone get me caught up? ▼ 12 replies ↳ username66 5 days ago So Spencer didn't exactly explain to (name) that FNAF was not the simulation-type game or party/table-top that they are used to playing but a horror-simulation. (name) got really scared and then super annoyed at him and they haven't been seen together in videos since then. ↳ username69 2 days ago They're overreacting, has to be doing this for views or attention. No other explanation. ↳ username66 1 day ago (edited) (name) is their own person with their own emotions and friendships. In the field they work it intermingles with life and the lives of so many others in ways that people like us will never get to experience correctly. They are entitled to their own feelings and if they think Spencer broke their trust somehow- they can act however they want however right or wrong that appears to others. ↳ username69 1 days ago Well maybe you both should just grow the eff up and shut the h*ll up. ↳ username01 1 day ago Maybe you should do the same username69? Can't even swear like a real fucking adult. username51 just now And so the Chosen Universe Lore expands... username81 just now first.
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Guess That Smosh Skit!
Smosh Games ✓ [Subscribed] Like 62k | Dislike | Share | ... 7.75M subscribers 477k views 2 weeks ago click to expand
⚲ Pinned by Creator SmoshGames ✓ 2 weeks ago Both new and old shows are coming soon, what are you hoping to see next? ▼ 765 replies ↳ username01 2 weeks ago Tell Spencer to buy (name) flowers, on theirs hands and knees begging, or write them a card- anything!!! ↳ username33 1 hour ago Spencer and (name) recreate famous ********** scenes. * [this comment has been censored for interfering with Youtube's Community Guidelines; for more information press HERE] ↳ username39 6 days ago BORED AF PLEASEEEEE. username20 1 hour ago Please, please, please bring Olivia back more, her small mutterings always have me rolling on the floor XD username24 3 hour ago I 100% forgot about the Every [Blank] Ever series! So good to see bits of it again! username55 2 weeks ago Anyone else keep rewatching old videos and fan-edits of (yourshipname)? I'm gonna keep acting like nothing ever happened like some other people...
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my favorite (name) and spencer moments :)
(Yourshipname) Updates [Subscribe] Like | Dislike | Share | ... 1.12K subscribers 217k views 3 years ago click to expand
⚲ Pinned by Creator (yourshipname)updates ✓ 2 weeks ago Thank you for all the support on this video recently! I wish it didn't have to come from this though... P-P username55 2 weeks ago Even before they both appeared on camera officially, there are so many background clips of them sitting together, sharing food and vacations in pictures, even pet-sitting?? Like c'mon, theres only so much a girl can take (╥﹏╥) username11 30 minutes ago This comment section is for our collective tears ಥ_ಥ username09 just now 19:45 My favorite clip ever of them, its so soft. Spencer with his eyes closed as (name) fixes their hair in the background of TNTL behind the screen. They're so effortless with one another... username03 1 week ago Lets make a thread! Post your favourite (yourshipname) moments underneath this comment! ▼ 173 replies ↳ username97 1 hour ago Spencer and (name) sharing a kickstart during DND sessions. Spencer and (name) sharing a kickstart during DND sessions. Spencer and (name) sharing a kickstart during DND sessions. Spencer and (name) sharing a kickstart during DND sessions. ↳ username66 2 days ago (name) being so excited over beating an Elden Ring Boss on stream that she runs and kisses Spencer on the cheek before brake dancing in the background while Spencer stares blankly at the camera, cheeks red and eyes wide. MWAHAHHAHA ↳ username04 just now Would have to be (name) dropping the burrito under the table and Spencer placing his hand above their head so they don't hurt themselves 𓏗ᵕ𓏗 ↳ username02 3 days ago 2022 Truck Simulator: Spencer, hand on their knee driving. It is my kryptonite. ↳ username15 1 hour ago (name) dancing with and twirling Spencer after Smosh the Sitcom. I want it as a GIF and framed. ↳ username11 4 days ago Has anyone mentioned their San Diego panel together? That whole hour is surreal, the head resting on shoulders, gripping one another in laughter, holding hands- speaking into the mic at the same time. OR HOW THEY WERE WALKING THE FLOOR TOGETHER IN MATCHING COSPLAY AFTER. ↳ username06 1 hour ago Darts and how they acted like one another. ↳ username32 30 minutes ago 27:49 Chosen Spencer pinning (name) to the wall during that interrogation bit changed my brain chemistry. ↳ username03 just now Wow, this is most responses I've ever received- thank you everyone!! ↳ username17 15 minutes ago 17:12 Them taking a power nap together at the same desk. username33 just now How have we entered a new era of how every "Where's Anthony?" is now a "Where's Spencer/(name)???"
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It's Awkward... (Who Meme'd It?)
Smosh Pit ✓ [Subscribed] Like 62k | Dislike | Share | ... 8.29M subscribers 565k views 1 week ago click to expand
username08 1 hour ago That meme coming from Ian was wild! ▼ 199 replies ↳ username87 30 minutes ago 16:16 Dog in Burning House: "Spencer when (name) doesn't want to play games with him - "this is fine, I am fine"" XDDD ↳ username02 20 minutes ago I would have never expected Ian to make that meme out of the list. ↳ username44 5 minutes ago IKR!? Like up against Alex, Courtney, and Trevor? No wonder no one picked him for it. ↳ username87 just now But we all are forgetting the best clip after: 17:12 Spencer proceeded to slip off his chair and hide underneath the table while Amanda was screaming defence and pointing fingers at the crowd. Has to be in the top 50 moments of all time. ↳ username44 just now YES! I love how the whole cast was AFTER THEM. They live for their relationship just like us. <3 username24 3 hour ago The editing team needs to be spotlighted more, BC all their memes were straight fire!!! username08 1 week ago You know when Shayne is hosting that its gonna be a good video ▼ 8 replies ↳ username97 5 days ago Doesn't Shayne already host most of the videos? ↳ username08 5 days ago That was the point- all the videos are good...
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─ · · A/N: want a part 3 anyone? what do you want to see happen next?
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
In a Lovesick AU, where yanderes are a known part of society, and darlings/bbys are as well, working like ABO with being a gender... Imagine Reader hides they're a bby.
They're this random teen or young adult who is tired constantly, does side jobs amd odd tasks to earn money, drinks coffee and sugar to stay awake and alert, and struggles to function amongst others. Reader is able to pass themself off as a yandere, just barely, due to having OCD and using that as a shield between anyone who suspects them. Reader is friends with the teens, and does their best to get along with the adults, as well as most of the school and it's students and faculty. This leads to Reader being well-liked by most, who have a respect for them, someone who seems to try and help others and has no hidden agenda, and someone who respects boundaries, and who leave everyone to their own devices...
What Reader doesn't know is this leads the yanderes and yanlings (baby/kid/teen/young adult yanderes) to really want their friendship and advice. Reader seems to know how to please others and is pretty chill, so why not try to befriend them or have them on their side? They think Reader is a pretty chill yandere, a surprise to almost everyone who meets them. Reader is funny, kind, smart, and obsesses over cute or odd topics! They'd be a lucky person to have! Except... they aren't a darling or bby. And no one can exactly touch them or make a move without getting into legal trouble unless Reader is okay with it (because they're registered as a yanling) or if they were a bby... If they were a bby, they'd have to have a yandere, or some support system, as yanderes protect darlings and bbys, they're meant to do that, they're supposed to he strong and caring and steadfast, not swerving or rejecting them, or letting anyone mess with their bby... And darlings are loving, caring beings, who give love and bring hope and provide care and comfort... Wars were started in ancient times over darlings... They're rare, usually being hidden away or dying early on, due to their diffent biology and pheromones and needs than yanderes...
Reader likes their odd friends and the school and their friends' strange mentors, but always always a distance between themself and everyone. They know they're different, they know others wouldn't let them be on their own if they knew the truth, and so many people could hurt them or abuse them or experiment on them if they found out... It keeps Reader up at night, it fuels their paranoia, it makes them add extra locks to their doors and windows and set up traps if they had a nightmare... They want connection, to have family, to be loved... darlings need that, so badly... it's why so many die, because they don't get enough, or they end up in horrible situations so young, and they simply wither away, dying... Reader couldn't stand that to happen to them. Couldn't stand to become a shell of themself. So they hide, they keep scent blockers so mutants, who have heightened senses, can't detect anything different about them. Reader even hones their mutation in secret, no matter how good or bad, controlled or destructive, they are, so they can defend themself if worst comes to worst...
It all goes to H*ll when an accident happens, perhaps a fight or getting wounded or just being caught unaware, and now the platonic yans, at least a handful, know what Reader is. And they're... shocked. Elated. Worried. Their friend or kids' friend is a bby... They've been on their own. With no yandere. No help. And they're still alive? It's a rough night for them, as they struggle struggle what to do. They can't leave Reader like that. It wouldn't be right, would it? Bbys need more love and care than yanderes, needing someone to keep giving it, constantly... Without it, they tend to get sickly, or go insane, or die... And if that happened to Reader, they wouldn't forgive themselves...
It's not much of a choice to them. They tell their team, they possibly alert the other group, and devise a way to get Reader to join them. If they can manage, they want Reader to join willingly. If not, they'd have to kidnap them or force them to stay, which could harm them or damage their trust and their instincts. They know Reader is now scared of them, even if they brush it off or try to hide it. Reader says they're fine, but they know they aren't. They see them being more alert, more wary. They see how they are more deceptive, more careful, with what they say and do. They even seem to be thinking of leaving, or hiding themself... And that behavior won't help them, or make anything easier.
They have a plan, they just need to hope Reader doesn't catch on untik they're finally somewhere safe, preferably where they can do a check-up and figure out what they need to feel better and accept them as their family...
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starsinthesky5 · 3 months
you belong with me ll || joe burrow x reader
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description: you and Joe have been best friends ever since ohio state and you’ve been his biggest supporter for as long as you both could remember. it was always the same dynamic between you both, friends. very very very close friends. but what if you were more than just friends?
a/n: welcome to part 2! i really couldn’t stop writing this one so i had to split it up :) sorry this took a while!! 
warnings: language, mentions of sex
word count: 13.9 k
Part 1 Part 3
A few days later 
You enter your apartment with tears flowing from your eyes. You throw your bag to the side and kick your shoes off before running over and face planting on your couch. You felt like absolute shit because of the day you had and your anxiety was through the roof. First, it was waking up to your period and dealing with deadly cramps while trying to get ready for work. Then, you got lectured by your Boss for being late to a work meeting because you had spent a few extra minutes in bed because of the cramps, and then you managed to take on a work project that you knew would be too much for you so you could make it up to your boss. Then, you managed to spill coffee all over your very new and expensive outfit. On top of that, the florist for your sister’s wedding–which was slowly approaching–had canceled last minute. You had taken on a lot of the planning duties for her wedding, which you now regret, and things were not going as planned. Everything just felt like it was crumbling. 
The thought of you and Joe’s relationship was also still lingering in your mind, you just wanted to know how he felt but didn’t want to push it, and it was driving you insane. So many thoughts were floating through your mind. What if he didn’t feel the same way? What if this caused him to pull away from you? You couldn’t bear the thought of not being able to talk to Joe, not getting to hear his adorable laugh; but most importantly, not having the comfort of knowing you had a person in your life who would always stick by your side no matter what happened. But what if he did feel the same way? What if he had felt the same way all this time but you were too blind to see it? It was an endless battle in your mind and your curiosity was only getting worse by the day; it all could go away if you simply just talked to him, but you refused to push both of you into that situation. If it was going to happen, it would have to happen on its own. 
All you could think about was him. Joe was the only person who could make you feel butterflies and lovesick simultaneously. 
Lovesick. You were lovesick. You couldn’t think about anything other than Joe and your feelings for him, and it was causing you to spiral, falling into an abyss of feelings you thought you moved on from a long time ago.
“Ughhh,” you grumbled into the pillow. “Why did everything have to be so complicated?” You thought to yourself. You lifted your head from the pillow and reached for your phone, checking the time before you opened up your contacts, calling the only person who could turn your mood around, who you really needed to talk to. And as usual, he picked up in an instant.  
“Hey, Y/N,” Joe grinned as he was on the way home from practice. 
“H- Hey, Joe,” you said, trying to hide the fact that you were crying. 
He instantly noticed something was off by the way you sounded, and this was one of his greatest talents. He could always figure out when you were lying, hiding something, or crying by just hearing your voice. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, his smile faltering.
“Y- Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” you lie, trying to hide your emotions because you don’t want him to be worried.
“You sound..off,” he said as he pulled into his driveway. 
“Just tired,” you mumble. 
He sighed at your response and was a little mad that you wouldn’t tell him what was really wrong. You had a habit of always bottling up your feelings and never openly talking about them. When they built up, they would come out explosively in the form of a breakdown, and it was not pretty. Joe always had to tell you that it was alright to let them out even if it felt like a lot, but here you were, bottling them up again and not listening to his advice. 
“Damn, that sucks,” he said, sounding incredibly stand-off-ish on purpose. “Maybe take a nap?” he suggests as he texts his parents that he won’t be able to join them for dinner tonight, then types in the address of the nearest pizza spot by your apartment. If you weren’t gonna talk to him about what was really wrong, he was going to have to get it out of you himself. This, plus what happened a few days ago with how you randomly left his house early in the morning without explanation was starting to bother him. He needed you to open up and what better way to do so than with pizza, wine, and ice cream? Three of your most favorite things.
You flinch at his sudden change of tone. “Joe-” you begin to say before he cuts you off.
“Listen, I gotta go. I’m kinda busy right now so I’ll talk to you later. Get some rest,” he says before he hangs up, not giving you a second to respond. You move the phone out from your ear as tears pooled your eyes again. Even the one person who could make you feel better couldn’t talk to you right now, and that made you feel even more shitty. 
He felt terrible for being so rude to you, but he knew that what you needed was some comfort and leisure, not just another lecture from him like he usually would give when you got like this. 
You wiped the tears that fell from your eyes, mumbling “Jerk,” as you got up from the couch to go change into something comfy. You opted for another one of his hoodies, which was a few sizes too big, and a pair of leggings. Then, you did what he said to do which was take a nap. Maybe that would make you feel better since he was too occupied to talk to you for a few minutes.
An hour later
You were woken by the sound of your doorbell, your puffy eyes slowly adjusting to your room which was now dark. You rubbed your eyes as you got out of bed, not bothering to fix your disheveled appearance, and walked straight over to the door to see what it was. 
You wiped your nose and cheeks with the sleeve of the sweatshirt as you opened the door, your eyes widening at the sight of what, or who was standing at the door. 
“Hard day?” Joe asked with a gentle smile. You looked up at his face, then down to his hands which were holding a box of pizza from your favorite pizzeria, a bottle of pinot noir, and a tub of cookies and cream ice cream. 
Your eyes softened when you saw him. This was your biggest weakness. You could never stay mad at him for longer than a few hours, even shorter if you actually saw him in front of you, just like you did now. “Yeah,” you sigh before you open the door a little more to let him in. 
He smiled as he walked inside, placing all the stuff he had on the kitchen island. He noticed that you had his blue Nike sweatshirt on, the one he had been looking all over for because it was his favorite, but didn’t say anything because you had it, and that was perfectly fine. 
He turns around and sees you standing in front of him, looking incredibly defeated with your puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks. He instantly grabs your arm and pulls you into him, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and another around your lower back. He held you incredibly close to his warm body, and you wanted him to never let go. 
“Jerk,” you murmur against his chest. 
“I’m sorry but I had to be a little jerky so I could do this,” he said softly, referring to his little surprise. “Did you really think I would’ve left you hanging like that?”.
“I meannn,” you drag out, teasing him as you look up at him. 
Joe gasped dramatically as he said, “I must really be lacking in the bestie department then,”.
“Mmph, please. If anything, you’ve set and exceeded the standards in the bestie department. You’re entering uncharted territory now,” you joke as you feel him rub your back, the warmth of his body making you forget all about your terrible day. 
“Oh really? What territory?” he questions as he looks down into your soft eyes.
“Boyfriend territory,” you say, feeling a pit of nervousness in your stomach because you didn’t know why you said that or how he would react to you saying that. It was pretty boyfriendish of him to drop what he was doing at the moment, which was probably getting ready for dinner with his parents which he so clearly was skipping for you, to come over with your favorite things in the hope of making you feel better. 
Joe swore his heart stopped when you said that. Boyfriend? He knew you were kidding, at least he thought you were, but the fact that you actually said it in regards to him was making his heart race. Were you calling him your boyfriend?
“I guess I’ll be setting the standards in the boyfriend department as well since nobody knows how to do that either,” he says, trying to act cool.
“Well, you’re setting them pretty high right now,” you smile as you break out from his embrace to examine the goodies he brought, letting out an internal sigh of relief that he didn’t say anything about basically telling him he was acting like your boyfriend. Little did you know that Joe didn’t just want to set the standards in the boyfriend department, he wanted to be the standard, and go above and beyond it for you. 
“You’re literally the best person ever for this,” you say as you get a whiff of the delicious pizza. 
“Nothing a good pizza, wine, and dessert trio can’t fix,” he shrugs as he walks over to the cabinets to grab plates and glasses.
“Are you drinking the wine too? Don’t you have practice tomorrow?” You ask as you grab the food and bring it over to the couch. 
“Nah, it’s optional tomorrow so I probably won’t go,” he says as he brings over the plates.
“Sooo that means you have time?” You ask as you jump on the couch with a grin on your face. 
“Yeah, I have time,” he chuckles as he puts the stuff down and joins you on the couch.
“Can we watch Pitch Perfect?” you ask, sticking your bottom lip out.
“Again? I swear to god I’ve seen that movie 30 times with you,” he grimaces.
“You can never get tired of the Barden Bellas, Joey. Just accept it,” you chuckle as you turn on the movie.
“Whatever you say,” he laughs, getting up from the couch and pouring you both a glass of wine. 
An hour later, you both are full from the delicious pizza and slightly tipsy from the wine. The movie is still playing in the background as you both are digging into the delicious ice cream. 
“Mm, this is soo good,” you groan as you take another bite.
“Told you. Ice cream makes everything better,” he shrugs as he takes another spoonful and shoves it into his mouth. 
“You make everything better. This ice cream is just a minor addition,” you say, giving him a loaded look before going back to the ice cream.
He stops eating the frozen dessert and turns over so that his whole body faces you. “You still didn’t tell me what happened,”.
You shove the spoonful of ice cream into your mouth, slowly removing the spoon from your mouth as you hear him talk. 
“I know you were lying earlier,” he says, raising his eyebrow. 
“Can’t ever hide anything from you, Can I?” You chuckle as you put the spoon down and turn so that your whole body is facing him, tucking your legs under you as you sit up on your knees. 
“Even if you tried,” he smiles.
You let out a deep breath before running your fingers through your hair. “I just had a really shitty day and my head feels like it’s ready to explode,”.
He reaches over and grabs your hand, entwining your fingers before giving it a gentle squeeze. “What happened?”. 
“Well first, I’m on my period so I literally feel like I’m about to die,” you say.
“Good thing I brought ice cream then,” he chuckles.
“Like I said, you’re the best person ever. Anyway, then I was a bit late to a work meeting because of the cramps and my boss absolutely berated me for it. So then to soften the blow, I told her I would take on this project for next month but I’m definitely way in over my head with it and I haven’t even really looked into it. And then I spilled coffee all over my very expensive outfit which I just bought last week,” you sigh. 
“I’ll buy you a new one,” he said, giving you a look that told you he was being serious and not just trying to make you feel better.
“You don’t have to,” you giggle. “This was more than enough,” you say, pointing over at the empty pizza box and wine glasses.
“Mmm, it wasn’t but continue,” he says.
You playfully roll your eyes and continue, “And then worst of all, the florist for Kaylee’s wedding canceled and the wedding is in 3 weeks. I don’t know why I took on so many planning responsibilities because I feel like I’m drowning and I really don’t want to screw up her wedding,”. You feel tears pool in your eyes again, feeling another wave of anxiety come over you. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay,” Joe soothes while rubbing your hands, noticing that you started to get antsy again. “You’re not going to screw anything up,”.
“Really? Because it feels like I’m screwing up everything,” you say, tensing up. You were partly referring to the wedding, but also about you and Joe’s friendship which you were at risk of ruining because of your emotions. You would always try to talk to Joe about your feelings no matter what they were, but this time you couldn’t even if it was when you needed to the most. 
“Are we still talking about the wedding?” He asks, feeling a change in what you were talking about based on your demeanor. 
“I don’t even know anymore,” you say as you start to cry. “I just have so many thoughts going through my head right now that I don’t even know what’s really making me act like this,”. You felt hot tears streaming down your cheeks again as you started to shake a little. 
Joe felt awful seeing you like this. He still felt like you weren’t telling him everything, but he didn’t want to push you if you really didn’t want to talk about it, especially if it was making you act like this. He hated seeing you upset and the sight of your tear-stained cheeks and swollen eyes broke his heart. 
“Come here,” he mumbles as he reaches out for your arm, pulling you on top of him and in for a hug. 
You shoved your head into the crook of his neck almost like it was a reflex, letting out another sigh as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “I don’t know what’s going through your head, but I’m here if you need anything. I’m always here and I’m not going anywhere,” he says as he rubs your back. Joe always had a way of alleviating your pain, knowing exactly how to bring you down if you were stuck on a dark cloud. Whether it was his promising words or his pacifying hugs, he could always make you ignore your worries.  
“Thanks for always being here,” you sniffle against his neck. 
“I’m always going to be here,” he says before pressing two soft kisses on your forehead, which is new. “You can’t get rid of me that easily,” he smirks. 
Your heart fluttered when you felt him press his lips against your skin. He’d never done that before, even when you had breakdowns worse than this. Was he just being sweet or was this something else? 
All he wanted to do was to take your pain and anxiety away. He still wasn’t sure what was making you act like this, surely it wasn’t just a bad day at work, so what was it? Was it connected to how you randomly sneaked out of his house a few days ago without telling him you were leaving? 
“No, No, No. Enough with the investigation. She needs her best friend right now,” Joe thought to himself as he went back to comforting you. He looked down and saw you clutching onto his bicep as your head stayed in the crook of his neck, feeling your shallow breaths and teardrops. You felt his hand move to the back of your head, his fingers moving through your hair and gently rubbing your head. 
“You’re okay,” he soothes. “Everything’s going to work out for the better on its own. I promise,” he says. You really couldn’t see how everything would work out on its own, but his words were incredibly convincing. 
A few minutes later, the once-flowing tears had now dried up and your breathing had returned back to normal. You stayed in his comfortable embrace for a little longer, relishing the peace and warmth it was providing. The warmth radiating off of his body felt like a safety blanket, just like how it felt when you were cuddling him a few nights ago at his house.
“You’re so comfy,” you mutter against his neck. “My personal body pillow,”. 
“You can use me anytime you want,” he says, pulling you in tighter. 
You smile at his words and then press a kiss to his neck, not really sure why, but it felt right. 
Joe froze when he felt you kiss his neck. You’d never done that before, ever. His heartbeat picked up and his palms started to get sweaty, and you could feel it. Was that because of you? Were you making him nervous? 
Then and there he felt like telling you how he felt. He wanted to tell you that it was going to be alright, that he loved you more than anything in the universe and would always be here for you in every way possible, and that you belonged with him. But he didn’t because he didn’t want to do this now, it didn’t feel right. He wasn’t going to do that to you right now when you needed comfort more than anything. No reason to push those feelings onto you and cause you to get worked up again. 
“Thank you for doing this. I know today was your weekly dinner with your parents so I appreciate you skipping it for me,” you say, pulling your head out of his neck and meeting his soft eyes. 
“You remembered?” He asked, a little surprised that you remembered his weekly dinners with his parents.
“Of course, I remembered. You’ve been having weekly dinners with them since you got drafted, same day every week,” you grin. “But seriously, thank you for doing this. You always know how to make me feel better,”.
“It’s my job,” he shrugs. 
“Well, you deserve a promotion because you’re doing amazing,” you smile as you move his hair out from his eyes. You stare at him for a few seconds, taking in every detail about his face. His perfect ski slope nose was a little red because of the cold weather, his deep blue eyes that you wanted to get lost in, the little scruff on his chin that you wanted to feel against your body, and his adorable smile lit up the entire room. Everything about him was perfect. He was perfect, and you wanted him so badly. 
“You still owe me an explanation for why you snuck out of my house that morning,” he said, snapping you out of your daze as he moved a few strands of hair out of your face. 
“Ohh, uhh. I thought I told you. Lydia needed my help getting ready for her brunch date,” you lie. “She was freeaaaking out. So she picked me up and we went back to my place to get her ready,”.
Joe knew you were lying. The tone of your voice gave it away but also since he asked Lydia. He asked her if you were alright after you texted him saying she picked you up for morning Pilates since she didn’t want to go alone. Joe didn’t understand why you were lying to him, but he also didn’t want to ask you since he had just gotten you to relax and didn’t need you to get anxious again. 
“Ah, I see,” he says. You let out an internal sigh of relief at his response since it seemed like he believed you. 
“Next time, wake me up because that felt awfully like a walk of shame,” he teased, making you blush and squirm in his arms. 
“That’ll be the first walk of shame that happened even though the pair in question didn’t do anything scandalous,” you giggled. 
“Tell that to my neighbors,” Joe mumbled as he looked up at the ceiling. 
“What?” you shrieked as you moved out of his arms, a look of confusion on your face. 
“Yeahhh, they saw you run out of the house and mentioned it to me when I was taking out the trash,” he said as he nervously wiped his hands on his thighs.
“Oh my god. Which neighbor?” you cringed, covering your face with the sleeves of his your hoodie. 
“Mrs. Nelson,” he laughed, knowing that you were scared of her. Something about that woman’s eyes sent chills up your spine whenever you would see her. You saw her most evenings when you were leaving Joe’s house, and she looked like she was judging you every single time. 
“She said, ‘Joey, I know that you young men have needs, but could you at least tell her to put on some pants before darting out the door bright and early in the morning. Some of the neighbors have kids that like to be out early,” Joe said in a girly voice. 
“Oh my god,” you whined against your hands. “Did you at least correct her?” you asked as you moved your hands from your face.
Joe looked around the room with a smug look on his face, avoiding your eyes which told you everything you needed to know.
“Joseph Lee!” you screamed as you got up from the couch and started hitting him with a pillow. 
“Hey, it was funny,” he laughed as he held up his hands to protect himself from your swings. 
“I’m not laughing,” you said, trying to hide your smile. Truth be told, it was pretty funny.  
“Okayy, we’re not about to do this again,” Joe says as he gets off the couch.
“Why? Because you manhandled last time and ended up under me?” you smirk as you twirl the pillow around. 
“Because this time, you’ll be the one under me,” he teases, giving you a wink. Your stomach did a backflip and the room felt like it got 10 degrees hotter because of his alluring words. The wine was definitely doing its thing right now, for both of you. Words came out of his mouth that he would never say to you, and you weren’t even thinking twice about them. For once, you didn’t overanalyze his words and went straight back to the conversation.
“That’s it!” you giggle as you start hitting him with the pillow again, but he retaliates by reaching down and swooping you off your feet. He throws you over his shoulder, resting one of his hands extremely close to your ass on purpose. He knew exactly what he was doing right now, and you were loving every second of it even though you could barely process it.
“Joe, let go of me,” you laugh as he makes his way through your apartment with you over his shoulder. 
“How does it feel to get manhandled, Hm?” he smiles as he kicks open your room door, gently tossing you down onto the bed as you let out a soft yawn.
“Extremely Comfy,” you smile back as he kneels on the bed to hover over you. He places both of his hands on each side of your head, caging you in; this position feels a little too coupley. His hair was falling into his eyes as his big body was shielding you from the overhead light of your room, almost creating a cocoon around you. 
“Hi,” you whisper, staring deeply into his gentle eyes that were now a shade of deep blue, just like the ocean. 
“Hi,” he chuckles. His lips were just inches from yours and he had the urge to crash his lips down on yours and kiss you like he had been wanting to do all these years. 
Similarly, you felt like reaching up and pushing his face down onto yours, capturing his perfect lips in a soft kiss. Both of you had the same thought but neither of you knew that. 
“You look pretty,” Joe mumbled as he moved a few strands of hair behind your ear before moving his hand back to where it was, setting fireworks off in your heart.
“I don’t but thanks for lying,” you say as you fist one of your hands into his hair, playing with the strands. 
“Please. You always look pretty, Y/N. You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen,” he adds, feeling lovestruck at the sight of you giggling underneath him. Your eyes sparkle in the light, your skin glowing, and your once puffy eyes are now back to normal. His stomach was doing backflips as he realized he was on top of you right now, in a position that wasn’t generally friendly, but you didn’t seem to be bothered by it; just like how you seemed when you were on top of him a few nights ago. 
The pit of nervousness in your stomach was back as your breathing intensified. Your palms started to feel sweaty while your face felt hotter than usual. There was no way that this was a friendly interaction right? He was literally on top of you, inches from your face, and had the same exact look he had on his face on the way home from the Christmas party a few days ago, lovestruck. 
“Thank you for coming over tonight,” you said, your eyes not moving from his. “I don’t know what I’d do without you,”.
“I told you, I'm always going to be here for you and I mean it. You’ve always been there for me when I needed someone and I couldn’t be more grateful for you. When the most special & important girl in my life needs someone, I'm there. Anytime, Any place,” he says, his face moving closer to yours. 
The most special and important girl in his life, he said. He was talking about you and only you and that was the cherry on top that sealed the deal. 
“I know that even if everything in my life fades, including football and the people I’ve met along the way, I know that you’ll always be there no matter what,”.
Your stomach was in knots right now. You wanted to scream and cry right now because of his words–but out of happiness and not despair. You felt like you were being transported back to college right now, experiencing those new feelings of excitement when you realized you had a crush on someone. Back in college, you felt those feelings of excitement about Joe. And years later, those feelings of excitement were still calling his name. 
Love. That was it. You were in love with Joe. You have been in love with him since you two were just a couple of silly college kids trying to get through young adulthood together. Those feelings that you thought were momentary and situational, were permanent and eternal. And now that you two were grown up, it was clear how you felt about him. You had avoided those feelings for too long, and they only got stronger as the moments passed by. No wonder none of your past relationships would ever work out. The right person was in front of you this entire time and has been there for as long as you can remember.
Screw letting things happen naturally. You couldn’t take it anymore. You were on the verge of screaming how you felt about him at the top of your lungs. You had to tell Joe what you were feeling even if it was right now, completely out of the blue. 
“Joe I-,” you start to say before the sound of his phone ringing interrupts you. 
You watch as he closes his eyes and sighs, “Hang on,” he says as he moves off of you and takes his phone out of his pocket. 
“It’s my mom. You good if I take this?” He asks you. 
“Yeah, of course. Tell her I said Hey,” you smile. You watch as he fixes his hair and walks out of your room, shutting your door and leaving you alone with your thoughts.  
You couldn’t believe that you were so close to telling him how you felt. So, so, so close. You loved him more than anything in the world and now that you realized it, you wanted him to be yours, and only yours. 
“I love him,” you whispered to yourself as you stuffed your face into a pillow to hide the blood rushing into your cheeks. You started kicking your feet back and forth, feeling exactly how you did in college when you first realized you liked Joe. It felt like pure teenage innocence. He was the only man you had ever loved now that you thought about it. Yes, you had said those 3 words to other men before, but you never meant it like you did with Joe. 
“Hey Mom,” Joe says as he sits down on the couch.
“Hey Sweetie. Everything alright? You didn’t really explain why you had to miss dinner tonight?” She says.
“Sorry about that. Y/N had a really bad day and I’m over at her place right now,” Joe said as he looked over to your side table, spotting a picture frame that had a photo of the two of you. The photo was of you two after the AFC championship game in 2022 that sent the Bengals to their first Super Bowl in years. You were clutching onto his waist, your head leaning on his chest and a huge smile plastered on your face as you were looking up at him. Joe had his arm around your shoulder and was in the middle of putting his championship hat on your head. Both of you were surrounded by tons of people, but the only thing you could focus on was each other. The candid photo captured both of your sentiments perfectly. 
Flashback to 2022 
You were waiting on the sidelines, taking in the moment as much as you could before you went over to celebrate with Joe. The Bengals had just beat the Chiefs, 27-24, and were on their way to the Super Bowl for the first time in years. You got an intense feeling of Deja vu as you watched Joe’s teammates lift him up on their shoulders, just like how they did when he won the Natty. You were lucky enough to be by his side for both of these significant moments and now you’d be by his side on the grandest stage of them all. 
“I’m so proud of him,” Robin said as she wrapped her arm around your shoulder, squeezing you tightly. 
“You and me both,” you whispered, a smile creeping up on your face as you made eye contact with Joe, his smile somehow getting bigger. 
His mom looks over at him and follows his intense gaze right over to you, smiling at the way he is looking at you. “Go over there,” she encourages as she lets go and lightly pushes you. 
“I’ll be back,” you smile at her before making your way onto the field. 
Joe walked over to you and met you halfway, an evident bounce in his step reflecting the happiness he felt right now. “Hey there Mr. AFC Champ,” you giggle as you pull down your beanie a little more to protect your head from the cold January air. 
He doesn’t say anything back, instead just wraps his arms around you and pulls you in for a big hug, swaying you back and forth. 
“Hey, watch the outfit,” you murmur against his warm neck. He was definitely wrinkling up your dark orange sweater with his big, sweaty, grassy, but warm body. 
“Screw your outfit,” he laughs as he pulls away from the hug. 
“Yeah, you’re right,” you smile. “We got bigger things to talk about,”.
“Oh really? Wonder what it could be?” Joe smirks. 
“I’m getting a major sense of Deja vu right now,” you say, your eyes navigating up to his head which was covered by the championship hat, your mind going back to the sight of the National Championship hat on his head in 2020.  
He suddenly pulls you back into his chest, this time squeezing you even harder. “I can’t believe it,” he whispers.
“Well, you better believe it. I’m so fucking proud of you, Joe,” you say, moving your head so that you were looking up at him, tears starting to pool in your eyes. Words wouldn’t be enough to describe how proud you were of him at this moment. His first full NFL season resulting in his first Super Bowl appearance was incredible, truly magical. You watched for months as he worked his ass off to rehab his knee and get back to where he needed to be, and getting to see all of his hard work pay off was the most fulfilling part of it all.
“You did amazing out there today, I seriously have never seen anything like this,” you sputter. 
He looked down at you, meeting your shiny eyes with his baby blues. His eyes moved to the beanie on the top of your head, and then you felt it being pulled off of your head. Your hair was flying everywhere as you watched him throw it down to the ground, your head now felt incredibly bare and cold. 
“Hey, My beanie!” You yelled as you looked at it on the ground. You looked back up at him with a scowl, “What was that for?”.
“So I could do this,” he says as you watch him take the hat off of his head, your smile coming back to your face instantly as you feel his hand slide along your waist. He places his hat on your head, giving your head a few pats to make sure it’s secure. Joe’s mom snapped a few photos of the adorable interaction, neither of you noticing her presence a few feet away from you. 
“If I’m Mr. Champ, then you’re Mrs. Champ,” he laughed. 
“Mrs?” You laughed as you raised your eyebrow. “Don’t see a ring to prove it,” you add as you pretend to look intensively at your fingers. You were trying to keep it cool, definitely not trying to act like you were doing backflips internally at the mention of being ‘Mrs.’. You knew he was just joking, but your heart couldn’t help but flutter at the sound of being his ‘Mrs.’.
“Ring will hopefully be coming February 13th, 2022,” he sighed. 
“Damnnn. So we’re talking about that kinda ring?” You teased, pretending to look disappointed.
“What did you think?” He smirked, knowing exactly what kinda of ring you were talking about. It was his fault for saying ‘Mrs.’, implying you were his wife, but he always enjoyed the playful back and forth. 
“Ya know, Princess cut? Emerald cut? But I guess a Super Bowl ring will do just fine,” you say while rolling your eyes playfully.
“Maybe you’ll get two,” Joe shrugs as he lets go of you. 
“Proposing without even dating the girl?” you say as you raise your eyebrow, straightening out your sweater which had a few grass marks on it from his jersey. 
“Well, if the girl already knows anything and everything there is to know about me, and I know anything and everything about the girl, then it’s easy to skip the ‘getting to know each other’ phase,” he laughs. 
“Relentless,” you chuckle while shaking your head; your heart still soaring at the flirty back and forth that you two would often have. Sometimes it would be silly, sometimes serious, but often flirty; but that never weirded either of you out for some reason. 
You turn your head to the side, realizing it wasn’t just the two of you out there and that you were surrounded by many other people who wanted a chance to talk to Joe. This would happen a lot, especially in these kind of moments. You two would find each other in a crowded room, and once you were face to face, everything around you would fade away, leaving just the two of you there, together. 
“I think I’ve kept you long enough,” you say, feeling a little shy that this whole interaction happened around so many people, many of whom were probably not even paying attention, but to your overthinking mind, they were. “You probably want to go celebrate with the guys anyway,” you say, looking down at your boots. 
A scoff leaves his mouth, “And leave you? Never,” he says as he gives you a loaded look. 
“That’s sweet but they’re your guys,” you say as you look back up.
“And you’re my girl,” Joe says, instantly turning tomato red as he realizes what he just said to you. That wasn’t supposed to come out of his mouth. He watches you flinch, your face tensing up at the awkward moment that just happened. 
“Not like that,” he quickly retreats, scrambling to make sure he didn’t just make you uncomfortable.
You stay quiet for a few heartbeats, his anxiety getting worse by the second. But then you let out a laugh and cover your mouth to hide your big smile, “I know what you mean,”. He lets out a sigh of relief, his mind cooling back down but your insides were still as hot as ever. Being ‘his girl’ didn’t sound so bad. 
“But seriously, you probably have tons of media and stuff to do right now since you’re now Super Bowl-bound, so I’ll leave you to it,” you say as you pull him in for another hug, sliding your hand up and down his back. 
“I’ll come find you later, I promise,” he whispers into your ear, sending chills down your spine and butterflies in your stomach. 
You pull away and say, “I thought you and the guys would go out or something?”.
“They are but I wanna take you and my parents out for dinner or something,” He smiles. “I want to celebrate with the most significant people in my life,”.
“I won’t fight you on that,” you beam as you stare deeply into his soothing eyes. 
End of flashback 
“Well aren’t you a good friend,” His mom says over the phone, snapping Joe out of his trance. 
“Yeahh,” he nervously chuckles, his mom instantly noticing his awkward tone. 
“Tell me what’s wrong,” she sighs.
Joe goes silent, he knows that he can’t hide anything from his Mom but still tries. He heaves out a sigh before getting straight to the point. “I like her. Like a lot. Like I love her,” he says quietly, making sure you didn’t overhear.
He hears his mom laugh over the phone, his brows furrowed at the response he gets. “About damn time!”.
“What?” he questions. “It’s about time you admitted it. I think everyone knows that you’ve had a thing for Y/N since Ohio State, Joe,” she smiles.
“Oh god. Is it that obvious?” he whispers, making sure that you don’t hear him. 
“Mhm. Obvious to everyone but the two of you,” she replies, causing Joe’s eyes to widen. 
“What do I do, Mom? I want to tell her but I feel like it’ll screw it all up if she doesn’t feel the same,”.
“Just talk to her, Joey. I know she feels the same way about you. I have seen the way she looks at you, talks about you, and acts around you. She loves you, just like you do her. Your girl has been in front of you this entire time,” she advises. 
“I told myself I’d let things happen naturally, but I just can’t keep it in anymore,” Joe sighs, throwing his head back to the pillow. 
“Naturally? Sweetie, you’ve been letting things happen naturally for nearly what, 9 years? You’ve been tip-toeing around each other for entirely too long. You both are grown adults now and I personally think it won’t hurt to give it a shot, especially since I think that it’ll turn out to be the best thing for both of you. She’s a wonderful girl and the effect she has on you is unlike anything I’ve ever seen, and the same goes for the effect you have on her. That’s true love,” his mom adds. “Just simply talk to her,”. 
And Joe took that advice to heart. His mom was right, he just had to talk to you. He never had trouble talking to you about anything before, you were always receptive and understanding. Talking to you about his feelings shouldn’t be so difficult, especially if there was a chance that you felt the same way. 
You got up from your bed, a little concerned since Joe hadn’t come back to the room yet. You opened your door and walked outside to him staring up at the ceiling. 
“Hey, you alright?” you asked as you leaned against the wall. 
Joe sits up straight when he hears your voice and quickly tries to recollect himself so that you don’t suspect that something is wrong. 
“Yeah, she just was asking about why I skipped dinner and if you were alright,” he said. 
“Ohh,” you nodded. If that was all they were talking about, why did Joe look so flustered? 
“Well, I hope you told her that I’m fantastic now all thanks to her son who knows how to flip someone’s mood around better than he knows how to make french toast,” you tease.
“I only burnt them once,” he scoffed as his jaw fell open.
“It was definitely a little more than that,” you said as you moved from the wall to the kitchen, grabbing him a water bottle. “We can try again tomorrow morning and see if you’ve gotten any better,” you laughed. 
“Tomorrow Morning?” Joe asked.
“Yeah. It’s getting pretty late and since you don’t have practice tomorrow, I was thinking you could stay over?” you said as you handed him the bottle. You were hoping and praying he would stay.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude,” he says as he takes the bottle from you, his thumb lightly touching your fingers which sends electricity through your body.
“Intrude on what? It’s just me,” you grinned. “The only thing is, the ‘guest bedroom’ is my storage room so we’d have to share my bed,”.
“It worked out pretty well last time,” Joe softly laughed as he got up from the couch. 
“So you’ll stay?” you perk up, trying to hold back from looking too happy.
“Come on,” he smiles, grabbing your hand and leading you to your room. Both of you were trying to hold back from saying something to each other about your feelings that you were both now certain of, and both of your faces were showing it. You were like two lovestruck teenagers. 
A few minutes later, Joe settled into your bed while you were changing into your Pajamas. His heartbeat only got faster by the second now that he was thinking of when the right moment to talk to you was. Was right now a good time or was it too sudden? You were probably tired anyway, so maybe the next time you see each other would be better. 
He watched as you came out of the bathroom in a short-sleeved Ohio State Football shirt, one of his, and shorts, looking absolutely angelic. He wondered how many of his clothes had piled up in your closet over the years. 
“Do you need anything before I turn off the lights?” You ask him while you plug in your phone.
“I’m good,” he lazily smiles as he pulls the covers up.
You nod, turn the lights off, and slide into the bed next to Joe. You weren’t nervous this time like you were a few nights ago. Maybe it was because you actually came to a conclusion about your feelings for him or maybe it was because he was in your bed and not the other way around. 
“Night, Joey,” you yawn as you look over at him.
“Night, Y/N,” he smiles as he closes his eyes. 
An hour later 
He couldn’t sleep. He tried and tried but he couldn’t fall asleep. He looked over at you, your eyes closed and soft snores coming from your mouth. His mind was still racing and it wouldn’t stop, and you being asleep right next to him wasn’t helping. Nothing about what happened tonight was helping. It was like he was on the verge of exploding because he couldn’t keep it in any longer, and he’d never ever felt like this before, and it was all because of you. 
He turned over to face you, your hair was sprawled out against the pillow, some strands on your face, and your breathing was steady. He moved his hand to move the stray stands out of your face, but as soon as he did, you started moving. He quickly moved his hand away from your face and turned back to face the ceiling, closing his eyes and pretending to be asleep. 
He felt you move around a little more before he felt weight on his arm. He opened his eyes and slowly looked over at you to see you resting your head against his bicep. 
“Y/N?” he whispered.
No response. You were definitely still asleep.
He carefully moved his arm out from underneath your head and allowed you to move into him. You turned so that you were on your stomach but still pressed against his chest. You draped your leg over his and pressed your head against his chest and his arms settled around you, holding you close. He tried to even out his breathing, which was increasing because of your movements. You were cuddling him right now, just like how he was cuddling you a few nights ago. This time, your warm body was providing him comfort and security. 
A few moments later, he had gotten a little more comfy, now feeling a wave of sleepiness come over him. He looked down at you, smiling at the fact that you were doing this naturally and completely in your sleep, like a reflex. He pressed a few soft kisses to the top of your head before looking up at the ceiling. 
You were right there. You had always been right there, he thought to himself. 
“I love you,” Joe whispered to you as he closed his eyes. 
Saturday - The Day before Joe’s Birthday 
The rest of the week had gone by pretty smoothly and you had Joe to thank for that. The morning after Joe stayed over, he helped you track down a new florist for your sister’s wedding. He pulled some strings to help you get the florist on such short notice, and naturally, it worked as nobody could say no to Joe Burrow. Then, he pulled out your laptop and helped you look through your work project. Going through it with him definitely helped you feel calmer about it since two minds were looking at it instead of 1. Even though his brain was wired to be a quarterback, he still had some knowledge about finance in his head from college which came to your advantage. He told you that if you ever felt like it was too much, to just let your Boss know, and if she ever had an issue with you, he would talk to her personally and let her know how much stress you’ve been under lately. 
He always put in so much thought when it came to you, and you could never seem to fully grasp it. He even went online and ordered you a bunch of new, very expensive, clothes to make up for the outfit that you destroyed because of your spilled coffee. He always thought of everything and hit every corner. The only thing that was now left to be sorted out was telling him how you felt about him, and you couldn’t wait to tell him. 
Today, you spent most of the day wrapping gifts for Joe as his birthday was tomorrow. The Bengals were playing Monday Night Football at home, so for once he was free on his special day. Even though he told you he didn’t want anything, you obviously didn’t listen to him. He always went above and beyond for your birthday, and you wanted to do the same for him as much as you could. 
You hit all the corners when it came to getting him birthday gifts this year. The first thing you got him was a funny Squidward sweatshirt, a character with whom Joe shared a lot of similarities. You thought it was so endearing that he still watched SpongeBob, especially now that he’s a 27-year-old millionaire, but he still found comfort in the things that made him who he was. The next thing you got him was the Lego Porche set he had been dying to get his hands on, but was extremely hard to find. You searched every Lego store in the vicinity before you found it in a rare collectibles store downtown. Joe loved Legos, another thing about him that was incredibly precious to you. That man could spend hours in a room building a Lego set when he could, and you were often there to help him. The next thing you got him was a new pair of Cartier Shades. They were a pretty penny, but he deserved to be spoiled on his birthday, and this was just the thing for him. The final thing you got him, maybe your most favorite, was a Night Sky Map from January 13th 2020, the night he won the CFP National Championship. For a man who loved space and anything related to it, this was the perfect gift. The Map showed the exact position of the stars at the time LSU had won the game at the Mercedes Benz Superdome. 
“Perfect,” you smiled as you looked at the Map. You finished wrapping the gift and placed it on the counter with the rest of them. You then pulled out your phone to text Joe and see what his plans were for tomorrow. 
You: hey there birthday boy!! what ya up to tomorrow?
Joe: hey y/n :) nothing really. prob watching some film and relaxing before the game on Monday
Your jaw dropped when he told you his plans. There was no way he was spending his birthday alone, boarded up inside of his house. 
You: joe….
Joe: yes?
You: your birthday is tomorrow 
Joe: i’m well aware lol
You: care to explain why you are spending your birthday alone? 
Joe: my parents and some of the guys were pushing me to do a dinner or something but I told them I just wanted to focus on the game and rest the day before
That was a reasonable excuse, but you were not about to let him spend his special day all alone. Especially since usually, he would have a game on his birthday. 
You: that’s fair but this is your first free birthday in a longgg time. don’t you wanna do something fun?
Joe: fun can wait until the season ends 
Hmm, this was going to be harder than you thought. He really wasn’t going to do anything fun on his birthday, was he? 
Suddenly, you had a lightbulb moment. It would be pretty lame if you told him you were going to come over for a bit to celebrate with him, so what about a surprise? You could lie to him and say you would be out of town tomorrow, but back for the MNF game, and surprise him at his house. You could bake him his favorite dessert, order his favorite food, and bring everything over to his house along with his gifts.
You: if you say soooo. but just so you know, i’ll be out of town all day but i’ll be back for the game on Monday. i have some gifts for you that i can give you after the game :)
Joe’s smile dropped as he read the text. He was hoping you would say that you were going to come over to keep him company on his birthday, which he deep down did not want to spend alone. He couldn’t show that he was unhappy that you weren’t going to see him on his birthday, so he pretended to act like it was alright. 
Joe: no biggie :) i’ll see you in the suite monday?
You: definitely. wouldn’t miss it for the world ;)
You felt bad about lying to him, knowing that he was probably sitting there thinking about how he had to spend his birthday alone. Of course, he needed to relax and focus, but nobody really wanted to spend their birthday alone. And he wasn’t going to, even if he thought he was. 
A smile crept onto your face as you thought about tomorrow. Maybe you could even finish telling him what you were going to say to him a few nights ago. 
Sunday - Joe’s Birthday 
You walked over to the oven, pulling out the fresh Pumpkin Pie you had baked for Joe earlier. You placed it onto the counter to cool as you heard your apartment doorbell ring from what was probably the food delivery person. 
You walked over to the door, greeted the delivery person, and grabbed the food; cajun from Joe’s favorite NOLA-inspired restaurant downtown. After placing the food on the counter next to the pie, you bring over the bag of gifts and set it next to everything, giving everything another check to make sure it was perfect.
“Food, drinks, pie, gifts…” you list off as you feel like you’re forgetting something. 
“Balloons!” you chirp as you speed walk into your room to grab the balloons you got him last night. After bringing the balloons over to the rest of the items you had for his little birthday surprise, you gave everything another check, and this time it was all perfect.
A few minutes later, your car was all loaded up with his birthday surprise and you were on his way to his house. You were bobbing your head along to the song playing on the aux, “You Belong With Me”. 
“If you could see that I'm the one who understands you, Been here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me, you belong with meee,” you sing, a huge smile plastered on your face as your mind strays to the only man it could ever wander to. “He’s gonna love this,” you say as you bite your lip in anticipation. 
20 minutes later, you pull into his driveway, watching as the sun sets over the horizon. You quickly turned off your car, hopped out of your car, and grabbed the balloons from the backseat. After taking a few deep breaths to calm your excitement with the balloons in hand, you make your way over to his door, but to just your luck, someone spotted you. Of course, it was Mrs. Nelson who seemingly was coming back home after her evening walk. 
“Fuck,” you mumble. You slowly walk closer to his door, and her eyes tracking you as you try not to look at her. You see her shake her head from the corner of your eye and let out a small chuckle, prompting her to clear her throat out of rudeness. You pause at the steps to his door, plaster a fake smile onto your face, and turn to say “Hi, Mrs. Nelson,”. 
The peculiar woman doesn’t respond and just shakes her head again before turning around and walking into her house. “Damn, tough crowd,” you laugh as you walk up the steps to his door. You press his doorbell, waiting for a few moments as you begin to think about how you are going to tell him about your feelings, but before you can get too deep into those thoughts, the door swings open. 
“Y/N?” Joe says, his jaw practically on the floor. 
You leap into his arms and pull him in for a warm hug, “Happy Birthdayyyy!” you squeal as you sway him back and forth. 
“I thought you–” he begins to say before you pull out of the hug to interrupt him. 
“You believed me?” you say as you gently push his shoulder. “I would never leave you alone on your birthday goofball,”.
“I seriously thought you weren’t coming,” he says as he scratches the back of his neck
“Damn. I’m for sure lacking in the bestie department then,” you giggle.
“Please, you have fully broken through the ceiling of the bestie department and are entering dangerous territory,” he teases, echoing your words from a few days ago. 
“Oh yeah? What territory?” you ask, raising your eyebrow.
“Girlfriend territory,” he teases as he watches your face turn a little red. Your heart skips a beat when he says the word ‘girlfriend’. Is this how he felt when you said he was entering boyfriend territory a few nights ago?
“Come inside,” he says, breaking you out of your trance. “It’s cold out here,”.
“Hang on, I have all your stuff inside the car,�� you say as you hand him the balloons. 
“What stuff?” he asks.
“Your birthday stuff, duhh,” you giggle as you quickly turn around to grab everything from the car. 
Joe shakes his head and laughs as he watches you scurry over to your car, and then struggle to grab everything all in one go. “You need help?” he yells.
“Nope! I got it,” you yell back.
A few minutes later 
You let out a breath as you finally make it inside with everything for his surprise, then slip off your shoes before walking over to Joe who was examining everything.
“Damn, when the hell did you do all this?” He asked.
“I’ll never spill my secrets,” you chuckle as you take everything out of the bags. His heart was soaring because of you. You really did all of this just for him, making him feel the the most special guy on the planet. 
He watches as you take out the food, his face lighting up as he reads the name of the restaurant on the boxes.
“Cajun?” He asks.
“You know it,” you wink. 
You then carefully take out the pumpkin pie from the bag, setting it next to the delicious dinner.
“And pumpkin pie?!” He says, his eyes widening.
“I know you love my pumpkin pie so naturally I had to make it for National Joe-Day,” you giggle.
“You’re the best,” he said as he grabbed your hand from across the kitchen island, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“I know,” you gloat.
His eyes then navigated to the other bag on the table, the one with his gifts. He reaches over to open the bag, but you quickly swat his hand away.
“Mmm nope. No gifts until after dinner,” you say to him like he was a little child. 
“But it’s my birthday,” he pouts. 
“Food first then the fun stuff,” you say as you give him a look.
“Fine,” he says, rolling his eyes and then grinning at the smile that appeared on your face.  
An hour later 
“Mmm, that was so good,” Joe said as he downed his bottle of water. You’re both full of the delicious Cajun food, reminding you both of the taste of New Orleans. 
“Literally. We gotta go down to New Orleans soon for the real deal,” you say as you clean up your dinner plates and load them into his dishwasher. 
“I’ll book us a trip for this summer,” he smiles as he takes a seat on the couch where you join him with two plates of pie. A smile on your face when you hear him mention going down there with you. 
“Is it gift time?” Joe asks, already reaching for the bags.
“Wait!” You say as you stop his hand. “Take a bite of the pie first,”.
“Why?” He asks.
“It’s technically your birthday cake,” you shrug.
You watch as Joe just continues to stare at you, not really caring much about the formality of it all. “Please, For me?” You pout.
“Anything for you,” he states, grabbing the plates of pie and placing them in front of you. You grab your fork, breaking off a piece of the pie and raising it up to his pink lips. 
“Open up,” you smile as you try to feed him a piece. 
He opens up his mouth, allowing you to feed him a slab of the pie. “Happy Birthday to you,” you sing-song as you take the fork out of his mouth while he lets out a groan and looks very cute. 
“Mmm, Y/N. This tastes like heaven,” he says, covering his mouth so you don’t see him chewing while talking. 
“Thank you,” you giggle as you place the fork back down onto the plate and then reach for the bag of gifts, moving it closer to you. 
“Finally,” he groans as he gets comfy on the couch. 
“Okay, here is gift 1,” you say, handing him the sweatshirt that was wrapped up. 
He peels off the wrapping paper, his face going from smiley to confused. 
“Really, Y/N?” He laughed as he read the text on the sweatshirt which said ‘Are you still talking’ with a picture of Squidward looking absolutely sick of it. 
“Hey,” you shrug. “That’s quite literally you anytime you have to sit down for an interview. I know you feel like darting outta there as soon as they finish talking,” you chuckle. 
His confused face turns into a smile, “You’re right,”.
There were so many interviews or media appearances where Joe looked like he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. He wasn’t a fan of interviews or anything that needed him to speak for an extended period of time. It was even worse if he had to sit there and listen to someone else talk for an extended period because it prevented him from leaving, so this little quote was very applicable to him. 
“Do you like it?” You say, your smile dropping a little.
“I love it,” he says as he whips his shirt off, showing off his muscular chest, and putting on the hoodie. 
“God damn,” you mumble at the sight of his very attractive body. 
“Hm?” Joe asks as he straightens out the hoodie.
“Oh, nothing. Here, this is your next gift,” you say, changing the subject and placing the Lego gift in his lap. 
He peels off the wrapping paper again, his jaw-dropping as he catches a peek at the gift. “No fucking way,”.
You bite your lip at his reaction, knowing exactly how bad he wanted this set but couldn’t find it anywhere.
“How did you find this?” He gasped.
“I have my ways,” you tease as you grab the wrapping paper and stuff it into the bag to clean up the mess as you go. 
“More importantly, how did you remember?” He asked, his heart feeling like it was ready to burst because of your thoughtfulness. 
“I always remember when it comes to you. Never forgetting a thing,” you smile.
“Oh we’re so building this later,” he says as he turns the box around to look over the visual.
“You got it, birthday boy,” you salute. 
You grab the last two gifts out of the bag and place them into his lap. He opens the Cartier’s first, already knowing what it probably was as soon as he sees a peak of the red box.
“These must’ve been so expensive,” he says as he looks at the sick shades you got him.
“Don’t worry about that,” you say as you rub his shoulder.
“You shouldn’t have spent so much, Y/N. All of this was more than enough for me,” he said, his soft eyes meeting yours.
“You go above and beyond for me, every single year. This is nothing compared to what you do for me,” you say, giving his shoulder a squeeze. 
“Thank you, for everything,” he says, grabbing your hand and gently rubbing your skin. He had to fight the urge to press his lip against yours and show you how thankful he was for you, and it was killing him. 
“Ah ah ah, I think we have one more gift to go and it’s my personal fav,” you say as you move the glasses to the table. 
“What could possibly top all of that?” He said as he started to open up his final gift. You stayed quiet, carefully reading his facial expression to see his reaction to the gift. He opened up the gift, his eyes widening and his jaw slightly falling.
“Oh my god,” he said as he observed the Sky Map. His heart skipped a beat as he started to take in the amount of thought you had put into his birthday. You really hit every single point and nobody had ever done this much just for him. You were extraordinary and you were magic. You belonged with him, and this sealed the deal. You were the most thoughtful, loving, and extraordinary girl he had ever met, and he wanted you to be his. 
“Oh my god,” he said again, this time looking over at you. “This is—,”.
“January 13th, 2020 at the Superdome,” you grinned.
“Holy shit. Are these the stars that night?” He asked as he examined the map. 
“Mhm. The stars at the exact time you won the Championship,” you replied.
“Y/N, this is the best gift I think I’ve ever gotten,” he says as he stares at the map a little longer.
“I know how much you love Space and Stars, and this night was very important to you and your Career,” you said.
“I love it. I love all of it,” he grinned as he put the map on the table, then turned to you and pulled you into his arms for a hug. He wanted to add ‘I love you’ to that sentence as well, but that would be too random. If he was going to tell you, it had to be more special than that. 
You melt into his chest as he squeezes your body, “I’m so glad you like it,” you mumble against him. He held you against him for a few moments, not letting you move one bit, and it was making the pit of nervousness in your stomach grow again. You wanted to tell him how much you loved him and show him how much you did as well, but you didn’t know if you should tell him now or wait for another moment when you were a little more relaxed. 
“You wanna go for a walk?” He asked as he pulled away from the hug. Maybe he could tell you then, he thought to himself. 
“Okay,” you smiled, maybe you could tell him then.
He got up from the couch, putting out his hand for you to grab onto. He helped you off the couch and you both made your way outside. The sun had set and now the sky was dark, the only light being the streetlights and the moon. 
“Thank you for today,” Joe says, breaking the silence as you both walk down the street together. “You really know how to make a guy feel special,”. 
“Anything for you,” you say, echoing his sweet words from earlier. 
“No girl has ever done this much for my birthday,” he laughs.
You looked over at him, seeing that he was being serious, which came to your surprise. “Not even Stella?”. 
“Nope. I think last year all she got me was some clothes, most of which were not my style, and a framed photo of us that I already had,” he says. 
“No way,” you giggled.
“I don’t care much for gifts, you know that, but like come on,” he said as he shook his head.
“Did she at least get you a cake?” You asked.
“Nope, she made me apple pie instead,” he said looking disgusted. 
“What?” You shriek. “You don’t even like apple pie,”.
“That’s what I’m saying. Apple pie was her favorite. And you know what’s even better?” He said.
“She wasn’t even there for like half the day. She was too busy helping her friend with her little sister's birthday party,” Joe said, rolling his eyes and running his fingers through his hair.
“There is no way,” you said, your jaw falling open as you felt sorry for him since his birthday last year sounded horrible. 
“Yeah, so I really mean it when I say you’re the best person ever and this was the best surprise birthday shin-dig ever,” he said, flashing his million-dollar smile at you. 
“Well, if it helps, I didn’t really like her anyway and I’m pretty sure she hated me too,” you joked.
Joe looked over at you, staying silent and not saying anything to debunk your theory. 
“Oh my god? She did hate me, didn't she?”. 
“She always thought we had something going on. She literally would grill me every single time after we hung out or something, accusing me of cheating on her with you,” he said.
“No fucking way,” you laughed. 
“She used to say that even best friends didn’t spend that much time together and always thought we were hooking up or something. And then I did everything I could to make it up to her, but that would only last temporarily before she found another thing to get mad over,”. 
“She must be delusional,” you said, rubbing your hands together as you were starting to feel the December cold. 
“Wait, why didn’t you like her?” He asked. 
“Her vibe was off. She also didn’t really seem like your type in my opinion. She was too flashy and hyper and you’re-–”. 
“Lowkey and Calm?” He interrupts.
“Exactly,” you chuckle. 
“Yeah, she really wasn’t the one,” he sighed. “At one point she literally told me to pick between you and her,”.
Your heart sank at the words that came out of his mouth. “What?” You asked, feeling a lump in your throat. 
“That’s why we broke up,” he admitted. “I chose you,”. 
He chose you. He chose you over someone that could have been his forever. 
“Joe, I’m so sorry,” you said, looking down at your feet as you both kept walking around his neighborhood.
“For what?” He laughed.
“For making her make you pick,”. “If it wasn’t for me, maybe things would’ve been different for you guys,” you say, feeling a little guilty at indirectly ruining his relationship. 
“That’s not your fault, Y/N. She wasn’t the one anyway, and everything about her showed that. That was just the final nail in the coffin,”.
“I just wish you could’ve told me in the moment,” you said.
“Well, I am now,” he shrugged. “And I know you don’t really like talking relationships with me anyways,”. 
You didn’t like to talk to him about his relationships because all these years you wanted to be the one in a relationship with him, and the mention of other girls always made you bitter. 
“That’s fair,” you giggled. “Anyway, enough with the depressing topics. It’s your birthday, no need to dwell on past heartbreaks,”.
“Yes, Ma’am,” he salutes.
“Are you excited for the game tomorrow?”. 
“Very. I feel really good about where we’re at right now and my body feels good too,”.
“That’s great,” you beam. “I’ll never get tired of the feeling of game day,”.
“I hope not,” he laughed. “You’ve been a part of basically every game day for the last four years. If you got sick of it, I think I’d actually lose it. I need you up there at all times to be fully locked in,”. 
You smiled at his silly thoughts. He didn't need you to be the already exceptional and phenomenal quarterback he was, but that was sweet of him to say.
“God, I wish we could do this for the rest of our lives,” you giggled. “Everything is so much easier when it’s just us without all the chaos that is our life”. 
Joe’s heart fluttered at the thought. What if you could do this forever? His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest; this was it, this was his chance to tell you how he felt. Those feelings he’s had inside of him for years were finally about to come out.
“So then let’s do it?” He blurted out, stopping and looking over at you. The streetlight casting a direct glow on the both of you on the dark street. 
“What?” You said, stopping and sporting a confused look on your face.
“Do this with me. For the rest of our lives,” he said. 
Was he being serious, you thought to yourself. 
“You’ve been with me through everything for the past 9 years. The one thing in my life that’s stayed consistent for as long as I can remember. The most special, kind-hearted, loving, and beautiful girl I’ve ever known. When I’m with you, I feel like I’m flying. You make me forget about all the background noise and make me feel like just a guy. I want to feel that feeling for the rest of my life. I’ve been trying to figure out how and when to tell you,”. 
“Joe, I—,”. 
“No, let me finish,” he interrupts as he holds your hand. “I have to say it because I’ve been holding this in for way too long. Y/N, I’ve thought about you every single day for 9 years. Back at Ohio State, I knew I liked you from the moment I saw you. I knew you’d be a special part of my life and when I went to LSU and you stayed by my side, that was solidified. You’re the only girl that makes me feel fireworks. You’re the only girl that I think about and you’re the only girl I want to think about. No girl has ever come close to making me feel the way you do. My mind has been spiraling for the past few weeks because of you, Y/N. You’re the only girl I’ve ever truly loved,”.
Loved. He said he loved you. He loved you this whole time, and you were too blind to see it. This entire time you thought he didn’t feel the same way about you, but he did. He has felt the same way about you for just as long as you did. You felt like you were about to pass out, your flushed face & your silence were saying everything. 
“Y/N.. say something. Please. I hope I didn’t just fuck everything up, but I had to tell you. I couldn’t keep it in anymore,” he said, squeezing your hand. 
“Joe..” you say, breaking your silence and meeting his eyes, which were filled with love. “What are we?”.
“What do you mean?” he laughed. “I’ve been wrapped around your finger this whole time?”.
Your solemn face breaks into a smile as you realize what he is saying. “You– You really love me?”. 
“I really, really, love you,” he grins.
“Guess what?” you ask him.
“..What?” he asks, letting go of your hand and feeling nervous all of a sudden.
“I love you too,” you blush, even harder than you were before. 
“Really?” he asks, trying really hard not to freak out.
“Really. I’ve loved you since we were just two college kids trying to get through that awkward stage of life together. I never said anything back then because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, so I buried those feelings and moved on. Or so I thought. But as we got older and time went by, I realized those feelings didn’t go anywhere, and more importantly, you didn’t go anywhere. No other guy has ever had an effect on me like you do. Those fireworks your mom talked about, I only feel them with you,”. 
“Kiss me,” Joe blurted out, turning red at the fact that he just said that.
“You aren’t serious–” you reply.
“I so am,” he says as he grabs your waist and pulls you into him, crashing his soft lips against yours. 
Electricity. Kissing each other felt like pure electricity. It felt like you were coming home after a long day or getting a sip of cold water on a hot summer afternoon. Comforting & Refreshing.
His lips molded against yours perfectly as you moved your arms around his neck to pull him in closer. His hands slid up and down your waist, relishing every single part of your body as you moved one of your hands into his hair, pulling at the soft strands. The warmth of both your bodies protects you from the frigid and dark night around you. He whimpers into the kiss because of you pulling on his hair, causing you to break away. You press open-mouth kisses around his jaw, then press kisses all around his face, causing him to laugh.
“I can’t even begin to tell you how long I’ve been waiting for this,” you say, pressing your forehead against his.
“We have all the time in the world for you to tell me, and show me,” he winks.
“Already trying to get in my pants, Burrow?” You flirt.
“Uhh yeah," he says straight up. "Have you seen yourself? Absolutely Sexy and Breathtaking,".
"Besides, I think we can skip the ‘getting to know each other phase’ since we’ve been in that for a longgg time,” he says before he presses another kiss to your lips. 
“Didn’t you say that a few years ago after you won the AFC championship and called me Mrs. Champ?” you say, recalling that moment from a few years ago, the same moment from the photo Joe saw on your side table in your apartment.
“You really don’t forget anything do you?” He smiles.
“Like I said, when it comes to you, I never forget anything,” you smile, then press another kiss to his lips. 
“I love you,” he says, staring deeply into your eyes, in which he finally found what he had been looking for all these years, love. 
“I love you so much, Joe,” you grin. 
An hour later 
After your eventful walk, you make it back to his house, immediately following him into the kitchen for some hot chocolate he said he was going to make to fight off the cold. 
“Ah ah ah, you go sit down. I got this,” he says as he turns you around and pushes you towards the couch. The smile on your face gets bigger as you hop over to the comfy couch. 
A little later, he brings over two mugs of Hot Chocolate along with the rest of the Pie for you both to dig into. He hands you your mug, then plops down onto the couch next to you, opening his arms for you to curl up next to him. You rest your cheek against his chest as he settles his arm around your shoulder. 
“This feels right,” he says as he takes a sip of the chocolatey beverage. 
“So right,” you say, wiping the milky drink off your lips. “Everyone’s gonna lose it when we tell them. But I mean, most of them already saw it coming from a mile away”.
“Wait, so does this mean you’re my girlfriend?” he asks, looking down at you.
“Does this answer your question?” you mumble as you press a kiss to his chocolatey lips.
“Oh yes, yes it does, girlfriend,” he smirks. 
“Good, boyfriend,” you giggle. “I can’t even imagine what the fans are gonna say once they figure it out,”.
“I mean, most of them thought you were my girlfriend anyway,” he shrugged. 
“I can’t believe even they could see it before we saw it,” you said, referring to the love between you both. 
“We must be really oblivious,” he laughs as he takes another sip of his drink.
“Must have been really oblivious,” you correct. “Oblivious no longer,”. 
“Right, oblivious no longer,” he says, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Thank you for making this the best birthday of my life,”.
“You’re welcome,” you say, meeting his eyes again. “But get used to it. Next year will be even better, and the year after even more better,”. 
“Can’t wait,” he sighs as he rubs your shoulder, his brain now filled with thoughts of the future. Everything was perfect and brighter now that he had the comfort of knowing you were going to be by his side forever. Was it a little early to think about that? Sure. But he knew that you were the one. 
Your brain was also much more relaxed and free now that you had the man of your dreams with you, hopefully forever. Those anxiety-filled thoughts had left your mind and were replaced with thoughts of love and hope. He wasn’t going anywhere, and you were all his. 
You finish drinking your Hot Chocolate, and Joe does the same, so you take both of your mugs and place them on the table. Then, you move back to him, this time settling in his lap. He wraps his hands around your hips and presses his lips against yours again. 
“I’ll never get tired of that,” you mumble against his lips, going back to the kiss.
“We’ve got 9 years of kisses to make up for so you better not,” he says as he moves your hair out of your face. 
“I can’t believe this is real life,” you confess as you stuff your head into his neck, feeling his hand slide up and down your back. 
“Well, you better believe it because this was meant to be. You belong with me,” he whispers into your ear. 
You pull your face out of his neck, meeting his gentle eyes that are still filled with love, and passion exclusively reserved for you. “And you belong with me,” you say before kissing him again. 
–The End–
part 3
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mysticheathenn · 6 months
Is Your Next Partner a Karmic, Twin Flame, or Soulmate?
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is for my Patreon All Tiers. This pick-a-card reading is all if your next partner is a karmic, twin flame, or soulmate.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
Extended Patreon Includes:
What can you do to avoid or bring this person in?
What will you learn from this relationship?
Extra Messages
Patreon Link
Ko-Fi Donations
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Pile l: 
What label is your next relationship? Tarot: Knight of Swords, Queen of Swords, 7 of Cups, Queen of Wands, 8 of Pentacles (all Reversed), The Chariot (Upright)
KARMIC. Pile l your next relationship is showing up as a karmic relationship. Now before you start denouncing the devil back to his corner office, just know that karmic isn't always a bad thing just like everything in life has a polar opposite of good and bad karmic is the same...except when it comes to this person. I hate this energy for you. I pulled a few more cards from an oracle deck and this person will disguise themself as your soulmate I'm hearing Taylor Swift "I'm a nightmare dressed as a daydream." At first, you are going to believe that this person is the one and will be over the moon but slowly over time this person will start to do the "Breadcrumb method" on you. For those who don't know what the breadcrumb method is "when you give an individual just enough morsels of attention to keep them or hooked into the relationship (or situationship), without any intention of really committing." for those who want more in-depth here's a video from TikTok https://tinyurl.com/4688bus3 . This person just wants your attention as well as the idea of being with you but does not want to be with you for a long-term commitment that goes anywhere. The Song Keep Me Hanging On by Kim Wilde is this situation "Set me free why don't you baby..you don't want me. You just keep me hanging on." I see a few of your friends will point this out to you or some of you won't mention it to your friends because you know what they will say but your guides want you to reach out to your friends and let them help you see the light to get out of this situation. Patreon Post Link
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Pile ll:
SOULMATE. I love the energy of your cards pile ll. It's very peaceful, calm, and healing about this energy. You're next relationship I don't know why but for a lot of you this is something that was a long time coming. Maybe you have been used to karmic after karmic, aka lesson after lesson and now life has seen your growth because the sun is coming out to shine a blessing over your next relationship. This next person coming in for your love life will be about healing what other people have broken in you. For some of you, your previous relationships may have broken your trust in specific genders or even the types of people you tend to go after. You can relax your head with this person coming in because that is all they want you to do is relax, trust in them, and heal what I am hearing your feminine energy. If you are the masculine reverse the role of your next partner all you want is for someone to relax and trust you without you having to apply to boot camp to even get a name out of them. Your heart chakra will be singing with nothing but pure love with this person. You may have trouble opening up at first but when you do you will look in the mirror not sure of who the person is in the mirror you're looking because this person is meant to transform your life, mentally, emotionally, and for a few of you financially.  Patreon Post Link
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Pile lll:
What label is your next relationship? Tarot:   The Tower, The Hermit, 9 of Cups, 8 of Swords (reversed), The Chariot, 10 of Cups. 
TWIN FLAME. Britney Spears - Chaotic popped in my head as I looked at your pile's cards. This energy is beautiful but also a bit intense in a way like most twin flame connections are. I just kind of hate how TikTok has made Twin Flames out to be. It's not this lovey dovey relationship, even though it can be but twin flames you are basically walking mirrors to each other. I am hearing this quote from Twilight movie: Eclipse (3rd movie) from Bella's mother when she meets Edward and she says
"Renee: The way he watches you. It’s like he’s willing to leap in front of you to take a bullet or something. Bella: Is that a bad thing? Renee: It’s an intense thing. You’re different with him. He moves you move, like magnets. Bella: I don’t know, we’re just… Renee: In love. I get it." Link to clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6bWmjbXpiw 
Twin Flames are chaotic. They show you parts of yourself that you didn't even know existed as well as the parts of yourself that you may hate about yourself because technically you are one split from the same soul. But don't let this scare you because this connection is actually beautiful overall you know this person is your 10 of cups, your fulfillment, your person, your "everything" It's going to feel as if there is no one else in the world who is meant for you and other days you are wanting space you will second guess things but not enough to where you think about breaking up for good maybe a small break but leaving each other alone isn't an option because this person is it. They are your Yang to your Meridith Grey from Grey's Anatomy. Patreon Post Link
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay safe and be blessed
262 notes · View notes
chlorinecake · 10 months
convenient chances lll
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PAIRING: yandere!stalker!enhypen x fem!reader
CW: violence, paranoia/anxiety, foul language, kidnapping, kissing, mentions of hunger and torture, reader just gets treated like a toy basically
WC: 5k — read part l and part ll here
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YOUR BODY WAS still going through the effects of last nights torture fest in Jay’s classroom.
You knew your ex-boyfriend was crazy, but you had no idea he'd go to such lengths to get you in line, all for the sake of chasing this love he couldn't resist.
His deadliest fantasy.
Jay woke up some time ahead of you to prepare breakfast for you both. You’re not sure if this was his way of making things up to you after last night’s events, mostly because what you went through didn’t seem to bother his conscious in the slightest.
You’d bet your well-being was only partially a concern to him, especially on the matter of “corrective discipline.”
Taking a moment to recollect your emotions, you got up out of bed, just now realizing the silk and lavender nightgown you wore to bed for the night.
Oh, Jay, the man you aspire to be.
From the looks of it, Jay hadn’t made any changes to his bedroom since the last time you saw it before running away from him.
There was something about the familiarity of the space that soothed your nerves. And so, you held onto that sliver of tranquility, walking into his bathroom before closing the door behind you.
There was a fresh toothbrush sitting in a glass cup on the bathroom counter. Beside it was a feminine all purpose skin wash and expensive moisturizer, both in the scent of “Captured,” which had notes of white grape and peach.
What a pleasant pair for such a confining name, you thought to yourself.
While brushing your teeth, you looked at your reflection in the mirror, thinking of what you were gonna do with your hair for the day.
Hmm…. Nevermind.
You decided to just wash your face instead, as your current case of bed-head wouldn’t gain much improvement using Jay’s close-tooth comb and near empty container of pomade.
Pump, pump.
The shimmery peach soap filled the center of your palm before you lathered it all over your face.
The faucet water was cold, and you expected it to be somewhat refreshing, but the wetness only made your face feel as though it stung all over. With that, the memory of your muggy eyeliner clouding your vision resurfaced in the back of your mind.
You remembered similar stings, like the ones you get in your wrists and feet and Jay’s goons held you down.
The sting of Heeseung’s weight straddling your hips as he poured bucket after bucket of water onto your face, taunting you as if you deserved every last drop.
You turned off the faucet, reaching for the face towel that hung on the nearby wall rack. Twisting the bathroom door handle, you busied yourself with making up the bed and fluffing the pillows as a way to draw your mind to simpler thoughts.
Thoughts of fabric, and cotton, and loose threads.
“Good morning, my love,” Jay smiled softly, startling you as you approached you from behind, planting the lightest kiss on your exposed shoulder. He then inched up to your neck, leaving feathery pecks of affection on your skin before speaking again, “How’d you sleep?”
“Fine,” you answered plainly, wincing a bit from his persistent actions.
In his own sick way, you knew Jay was only trying to make you feel loved, but your neck was still tender from Heeseung’s idea of using it as a chew toy last night.
That fucking dog—
“Is everything alright?” Jay asked in a concerned tone, turning you to face him as you responded by covering the marks on your neck.
He walked up to the thick velvet curtains that clothed the windows of his bedroom, sliding them open to reveal the sunshine you didn’t even know was visible from here.
“Come here,” he said, moving your hand away to reveal the dark purple bruise, splattered upon your skin like paint. He muttered something under his breath that you didn’t quite catch, but from the look on his face, he didn’t seem very happy anymore.
“Which one of them did this to you?” He asked, sitting you on the bed you’d just made.
“Like you actually care—”
“Don’t play smart with me, ____. Answer my question.”
“I don’t see why you can’t just ask your little minions for the details. They seemed more than glad to watch it happen, anyways.”
“____,” he went on with a weak voice, “it’d be a lot simpler if you just answered for me like I asked. This sort of thing is not okay.”
Yeah, your entire life for the past few months has not been okay. All thanks to him and his stupid friends.
“I just really don’t wanna talk about that right now, Jay,” you raised your voice slightly, hoping that your anger would scare off the feeling of nausea that brewed in your stomach.
Jay looked down into his lap before meeting your eyes again and taking your right hand in his, pressing a kiss to your skin.
“Very well, then,” he smiled, getting up from the bed and motioning for you to meet him at the door, “I expect to see you downstairs in the next thirty seconds,” he said, not even bothering to close the door.
There goes his cold side again, you thought to yourself, following after him. It almost humored you that he gave you a time limit as if testing your obedience to him, even though he knew you’d come running.
All the way downstairs and into his kitchen, where a small round glass table sat in the middle of the dining space.
You took a seat before noticing the already prepared napkins, utensils, and champagne glasses that were filled with orange juice, meticulously arranged.
Jay washed his hands in the sink before walking over to the counter, fixing a plate of French toast, fruit, and an omelet of some sort before bringing it over to you, gently placing the dish on the table.
Walking off, he grabbed himself a cup of black coffee and joined the seat in front of you, a look displayed upon his face that you couldn’t quite read.
“What’s all this?” You asked, staring at the food as if it started talking to you before taking hold of the fork, poking at the plate.
“Is that a trick question?” Jay chuckled, sipping from his mug.
“Why aren’t you eating anything,” you went on, but he only ignored your question, taking another sip of his coffee.
“It delighted me to see you making the bed this morning. I’m surprised you still remembered the way I like it.”
Blech, you thought to yourself, making a mental note that you definitely wouldn’t be making the bed anymore from now on. And the way he got so giddy about it-
You placed your fork on the table and crossed your arms, “I’m not eating all this, Jay.”
His grip on the mug tightened at your words, “Are you suddenly allergic to kind gestures or something?” Jay tried, stifling an annoyed scoff.
“No, but I’m allergic to trusting you,” you said, bringing to mind an old memory of when he tried to drug you when you first started dating. All you remember was that you got into a silly argument, ate something that he made, and couldn’t walk or see clearly for half a day.
"I just thought you might've wanted the fuel for today, love. But as it turns out, you're still the same ungrateful little bitch you've always been..."
“And you want me to think those kinds of words come from the mouth of loving man?…”
“I made you breakfast which you rudely rejected and I haven’t punched the shit out of you yet. Yeah, sounds like a VERY loving man to me.”
“Fine. I appreciate the breakfast, Jay, but I’m simply not in the mood to eat right now,” you said, pushing your chair from the table, “Better?”
“No,” he retorted, getting up too, “I’m still pissed that I wasted my time in the kitchen for you this morning.”
“Aww, so now the love of your life is a waste of time?” You pouted facetiously, reaching for a glass of water on the counter before retreating your hand, walking towards the sink instead.
He might’ve poisoned that, too.
“You’re twisting my words, ____,” Jay said in a softened tone for reasons you didn’t understand, taking the same cup of water you walked past before bringing it to his lips, drinking every last drop, “you’re just too stubborn at times...”
He took a few steps closer to you, meeting your frame at the counter while taking in the view of you in your silk nightgown, the water still glistening on his scarred lips.
My beautiful burden, Jay thought to himself.
“What makes you so confident that I didn’t poison the tap, too?” He said with a sultry voice, suddenly taking your lower jaw in his grip.
“Maybe I’m in the mood to die all of a sudden,” you said stupidly, fighting for the last word, though, your tough façade crumbled a bit under his intense gaze.
“Then don’t let me stop you,” he said, taking the glass of tap water you’d just poured and bringing it to your lips, “Drink it… love. I dare you.”
Water had never seemed more daunting than it did now, not even when you were being dry drowned did the sight of liquid frighten you so much.
“This is stupid,” you said through pouty lips as his grip on your face remained firm.
“Oh, so you see that now, right?” He smirked, inching closer to your face, “You always think smarter when my hands are on you,” he said, retreated his grip from your face before tossing the glass on the ground, the sound of its shatter causing you to flinch before him.
God, this was embarrassing.
“Now clean that up,” he hissed, leaving you in the now messy kitchen, “I’ll be waiting for you upstairs to help you get dressed.”
Get dressed? You thought to yourself, for what?
IT SURPRISED YOU when Jay finally revealed what this “big day” he had in mind would entail for you.
Dressed in a fancy pair of heels and skirt-suit, you were at least visually prepared to take on Jay’s idea of a great opportunity.
“I expect you to perform as though you’re on a full stomach,” Jay began as he drove around the neighborhood, “Energetic. Content. Professional.”
“Riiight,” you returned sarcastically, just now putting your seatbelt on, “so why do you want me to work anyways? Don't you bring in enough money on your own?”
“By now, you should know it’s not about that,” Jay said, finally making his way out of the gated community. “This way, I won’t drive myself mad thinking about what you’re up to all day. We’ll wake up, go to work, have lunch, and go back home together for most of the week,” He finished, a small smile creeping up at the corner of his lips.
To him, you getting a job was the first step of his perfect plan to keep you in check.
A few hours had passed, and of course you aced the interview, considering how the company was fully aware of your associations with the CEO's son.
The old you might’ve been proud to date such a popular and successful man, but now, you could hardly argue the same.
Afterwards, Jay told you to wander around and explore the building until his shift ended.
Once Jay finally came back, he greeted you again with another congratulations, taking pride in all the compliments you received on the outfit he picked out.
His little doll, you thought to yourself, all dressed up to act out whatever scenes of make-believe Jay chose to play for the day.
“See, I knew you’d fit in here,” Jay said as he maneuvered the steering wheel, driving off into the distance that continued to grow darker with each minute.
It was getting late, and quickly.
“Well, it helped that I got to finish the interview before my hunger pains started kicking in,” you replied, not even bothering to look at him as you spoke.
“You had an opportunity to eat at home, so I really can't take the fault here, love. Perhaps in some way you deserve to feel the pain,” Jay added, turning down a slightly fogged street lined with old trees at each side.
“Where are we headed?” You asked, ignoring his attempt at making your discomfort out to be a learning lesson.
“Goldman’s,” he said plainly, still maintaining the relaxed tone in his voice, “Think of it as a treat for your good behavior today. You can get whatever you want, since you’ve waited so patiently.”
It took everything in you not to scoff at his choice of words, so you distracted yourself by thinking of how you’d actually been dying to get back to the convenience store.
You didn’t care too much for the idea of Jay potentially turning one of your safe spaces into another bad memory, but you were far too hungry to let that worry you at the moment.
THE ELECTRIC SLIDING doors sounded as you walked beside Jay, arm in arm, taking in the view of the inviting space.
“This place sure looks a lot different from what I’ve seen,” Jay remarked, slowing down his strides to analyze his surroundings.
“That’s because you’ve only seen it from the outside… or perhaps from your smartphone screen while recoding me,” you said, eliciting a chuckle from him that caught you off guard.
It's not that you were surprised by his sociopathic sense of humor, but more so the smile that grew on his face.
The smile you hadn’t seen since the first month of your relationship.
From the looks of it, he was falling even harder for you now that he had you under his complete control.
How sweet.
“Welcome in, ____!" an elderly voice chimed a few feet away from you, "Long time no see..."
“Mandy? Oh my goodness, it’s so good to see you,” you smiled, asking Jay for permission with your eyes before walking over to her, “how’ve you been?”
“Fine as always, sweetheart. But now I see why you haven’t been visiting over the past few days,” she winked, leaning over the register on her elbows, “Now tell me, whats with the new wardrobe?”
“Oh- I had an interview today,” you admitted nervously, feeling your stomach grumble a little, “and before you ask, it went surprisingly well, actually”
“That’s great to hear, missy. And what about your new man-friend? Has he been keepin’ ya busy?” She teased, leaning in closer.
A part of you honestly wished she hadn’t noticed him. Clearing your throat, you could feel Jay’s eyes on you as you felt compelled to answer honestly.
“Uhm… yeah. He’s uh… His name is Jay.”
Mandy quirked up an eyebrow at the name before trying to recover her expression with her previously welcoming smile, “Jay, huh? Sounds like a very sweet boy, to me,” she feigned, suddenly fidgeting with the ring around her finger.
Did she remember? You asked to yourself. All those nights that you came in late for snacks, ranting about the psycho ex-boyfriend you ran away from?
Yes. Of course she did.
Jay finally decided to walk over, meeting you at your side as Mandy continued to speak, avoiding eye contact with him, “Welp, you two youngins know what to do! Let me know if you need anything... I’ll be out back.”
“Thank you,” Jay offered kindly, but the lady only nodded, staying in place despite having said she was going to the store-back.
“Hey, I’m gonna go use the restroom real quick. Pick out something good while I’m gone, too. I’ve been dying to try your favorites,” Jay said, pressing a tender kiss upon the top of your head before walking off to do his business.
“That’s exactly who I think it is, isn’t it?” Mandy began with a whisper, folding her arms in front of herself.
“Yes…” you confessed, a feeling of goosebumps rising to your skin at the realization.
You were slowly relieving the nightmare you escaped all over again.
“Then why are you with him? That guy’s a monster… Do you… Do you need any help? I can… I can call the police!” She continued frantically, already walking towards the storage unit in search for the wall phone.
“Mandy, don’t!” You whisper-yelled, her long white braid swaying with her urgent movements. “You can't get the police involved... It’s for the best... Jay is crazier than I thought, and I can’t risk dragging you into my mess.”
She let your words settle in the air before continuing, “You can’t expect me to let you go on like this, ____. Just act normal, okay? I know what to do.”
“But Mandy-”
“I’ve been in similar shoes before, sweetie. Your shoes may be a little bigger, but thanks to the food I’ve been eating, so am I,” she said, trying to lighten the mood.
Or maybe that was just the natural sense of warmth she always exuded.
“Now go on, get to shopping before he comes back and suspects something's up!”
“Okay,” you nodded softly, grabbing a hand basket before walking down the aisles in search of God knows what.
You weren't sure what to expect with Mandy calling the police, but you also weren't sure how much longer you could take of Jay and his antics.
The heated convenience store air welcomed in the chilling weather from beyond its walls as another hungry costumer entered the space, your back still turned to them as you examined the dessert aisle.
Naturally, you felt the urge to glance at the unknown face, but part of you knew that you might not like who you'd see standing there.
"Hello," a murmuring male voice greeted Mandy, who replied with a likewise salutation.
Ok, now you had to take a peek.
Looking through a gap in the shelves, you saw a tall, hooded person standing before her at the register.
"One moment, please," you heard the older lady say in response to the costumer asking where they can find something.
Mandy made her way to the back of the store in search of whatever the costumer asked for, but still had her initial goal in mind of calling the police.
She typed in the three digits on her wall phone, anxiously waiting for the service line to pick up.
Boop, boop.
She twirled the phone cord around her finger.
Boop, boop, boop-
“You've reached 9-1-1. What’s your emergency?”
Mandy let out a yelp that was soon muffled by the mysterious costumer who had followed her to the store-back.
“Oh, never mind that, officer. I took my Grandma to work today and she's just a little disoriented from the meds. Please excuse her behavior.”
“Not a problem sir, just make sure she stays away from the phone from now on. Is there anything else we can help you with tonight?” The operator inquired, oblivious to the way Mandy struggled in the man's vicious grip.
“No ma’am, thank you for your assistance and have a great day.”
“Yup, we're always here to help. Just keep a good eye on your grandmother, too, alright? Stay safe.”
Boop, boop.
Mandy let out a wheezy breath as Sunghoon finally uncovered her mouth, dramatically wiping his hands off on his clothes, "I never understood why you wrinkly hags even bother with putting lipstick on. You're still just as hideous," he said with disgust, watching as the frightened woman fell to her knees, closing her eyes with a now bowed head.
A string of silent prayers poured from her lips, ones that she hadn't felt the need to rehearse in a very long time. The poor lady was overwhelmed with terror, and her only developed response was to pray for protection, which for obvious reasons, humored Sunghoon.
“I hope you got enough “Amen’s” in while you were down there,” he snickered, lifting her up from the ground in his harsh grip.
“How dare you?” Mandy cried with a weakened voice, struggling yet again against his strength, “You will pay for every wrong you've ever committed if you don't unhand me!”
“Would you just shut up already,” Sunghoon complained, opening the back door with his foot for Jungwon and Niki to come in, who quickly went to tie Mandy's hands and feet together with rope, sealing her mouth with a piece of duct tape.
“You’re lucky we haven’t strangled you with this phone cord yet,” Niki threatened, annoyed with the woman's persistence in fighting them off while dodging her feeble attacks.
"Thing's would be so much easier if you just stopped moving for ONE fucking second," Jungwon grunted as he tightened the rope around her feet.
“Alright, this’ll have to do,” Sunghoon said, Niki helping him prop Mandy up against the wall before making their way back to the storage room door, “let’s go.”
Meanwhile, you had successfully managed to get some grocery shopping in before you felt someone harshly grab you by the hair.
“Ahhhhh," you winced in pain, dropping your basket of items on the ground, "J- Jay, what the hell? You said you wouldn’t hurt me anymore,” you cried out, already feeling tears form in your eyes from the sharp sting.
“I've never been called Jay before in my life. But I'll let you guess again, only because I think you're cute," the voice of your offender whispered eerily.
What, you asked to yourself, turning your head to see none other than Heeseung staring back at you with his hungry gaze, his hold on your hair not letting up for one second.
“Didn’t expect to see me, huh? Have you missed my presence?”
“Get your fucking hands off of me, pervert!" You screamed, using your nails to scratch at his arms, though hardly to leave any marks, "Jay! Mandy! Somebody help me! Nngh- Jay!” Your weak pleas seemed to amuse Heeseung as he continued to swing you around like his personal play thing, chuckled at your words.
“What would it take for me to get you to scream my name like that?" he started, pulling your face up to meet his again, "All desperate and trembling for me.”
“Fuck~ let GO!” You cried, tears slightly blurring your vision as you could feel him now guiding you out of the store by the hair.
You couldn't believe this was actually happening.
“Watch your mouth, princess,” Sunghoon suddenly said, opening a bag of chips from the shelf that he didn’t intend on paying for.
The sound of rushed footsteps distracted the two boys for a moment as Jay ran over, having rushed out of the restroom given all the calamity.
“What’s going on over here? Is everything okay," Jay asked in a concerned voice, but you knew he wasn't talking to you.
Heeseung forced your head up to look at Jay, “Just your little toy here forgetting what game we’re playing... What sole purpose she was made for.”
Jay hummed in response, biting his lip as a disappointed look wavered over his features.
“That’s such bullshit! Jay, you were just in here! They’re lying-”
“Take her to the truck.” Jay cut you off, still looking you dead in your watery eyes.
"W-what?" You tried, but he simply ignored you, watching as Sunghoon walked out the store first, with Jungwon and Niki already having left sometime earlier.
You tried not to trip as Heeseung dragged you to the vehicle, finally releasing his grip on your hair before shoving you in the car.
Looking ahead, you saw Sunoo in the driver's seat, Jay soon climbing into the seat beside him followed by Jake appearing out of nowhere.
"This is ridiculous, you know that?" You started, gritting your teeth slightly from how much your head hurt, "I've been playing by your rules all fucking day, and now you just decide to punish me with a random sneak attack from your blood-thirsty goons?"
"You know what you were up to in that store, ____, so cut the innocent act," Jake started defensively, "We saw everything from outside."
"You saw what?" Jay inquired, fastening his seatbelt as Sunoo took off in the truck, exiting the parking space.
"She must've told that old chick something off about us. I caught her trying to call the cops in the back," Sunghoon clarified.
"I didn't tell her anything about you sickos... she just recognized Jay and wanted to help, given how crazy you clearly are," you fought back, wrestling with the door knob but to no avail.
"God, can I just punch her again?" Niki groaned in annoyance, "I swear, she never stops running her damn mouth."
“Remember what Jay said, we're not allowed to leave any bruises on his precious toy,” Heeseung sighed, cracking his knuckles and glancing at you from his seat, “…Unfortunately.”
“What’d you guys do to Mandy?”
The car nearly rocked you out of your seat before Jungwon reached over a hand to hold you in place, “We cooked her in a skillet with onions and bell pepper.”
Their lack of humanity was unbelievable.
“What’d you sick freaks do to her!?” You screamed with a cracked voice, pushing Jungwon's hands off of you in a fit of rage.
Sunoo was getting so annoyed with your whining that he slammed his foot and the gas, causing the view outside the window to become blurry given the increased speed.
"Hey, try not to get us all killed before we even get there, speed demon," Jungwon sighed, wrapping his hand around the roof's coat hook.
Sunoo slightly slowing down a bit as he trailed down a rocky path you're sure you've seen recently.
Maybe even just yesterday.
Before you knew it, the truck was coming to a complete stop under the shady forest-life surroundings, doors unlocking in sync at every which end.
Just like before, Jake and Heeseung carried you out of the vehicle before detaining your arms, clutching you by both the armpits.
Your shoulders were starting to tingle from how tightly they held onto you, your feet dragging dumbly behind as they walked towards a ledge where the rest of the boys stood nearby.
By now, you're not sure if it was the fear making you feel dizzy, or your lack of energy from being starved all day, but what you knew for sure was that fighting against the seven boys always made you feel better than just taking their plows.
“I know you’re not gonna throw me over, so you can put me down already," you taunted them, frustration still ever present in your voice as you spoke, "You punks don’t have the balls to.”
"Oh, yeah," the eldest boy started amusedly, "Maybe I'll have to prove you wrong sometime-"
“For the love of God, would you stop being horny for one second?” Jay cringed in disgust, to which Heeseung only chuckled in response.
“Look. Sunghoon and I have a better idea,” Jungwon offered, motioning for Niki to walk towards you as Jake and Heeseung still held you firmly in their arms.
“Mhm, and what’s that?” You challenged, not feeling threatened in the slightest by Niki’s presence in this moment.
You’d give it to him that he was scarier than the others, but his age was enough for you to underestimate him.
Bad move, honestly…
“You say we won’t throw you over, right?" Niki huffed, staring you down with his piercing eyes as he stood behind you, "Then I say let’s prove that theory wrong,” Niki grunted, kicking you in the back as gravity snatched you clean from Jake and Heeseung's grip.
You tumbled down the hill, rocks and sticks coming into contact with your fragile skin before you rolled into a steep ditch, falling flat on your back. A bit of dirt got caught in your throat, making you cough more than desired given how sore your stomach was feeling now.
“What the fuck, Niki?” Sunghoon scolded the younger boy, aggressively pushing his shoulder.
“I had to do something! Otherwise we would’ve just spent our time taunting her for hours. And besides, she was gonna rat us out anyway.”
Sunghoon shook his head at Niki's words, “But Jungwon and I didn’t agree upon kicking her over the ledge, Niki... Jay, aren’t you gonna do something about this? She could die down there!” Sunghoon pressed, a worried expression wavering over Jake’s face now, too.
“And I’ll worry about that in the morning,” Jay said plainly, biting his lip as if in thought before continuing, “Go home. All of you.”
“But," Sunoo started, finally starting to feel an emotion other than anger, "what about you?”
“I’ll get back my own way. Just do as I say,” he answered coldly, leaving the camp sight and heading up the hill, likely to walk home for the night.
"All… alright then," Heeseung frowned almost, motioning with his hand for the rest of the boys to follow him as they walked back to the truck, obeying Jay's words.
You heard most of the conversation but your coughing caused you to miss a few parts. Though, one phrase echoed in the back of your mind a few times as your eyes began to fail you in the darkness of the hole.
She was gonna rat us out anyways...
That's when you felt something fuzzy crawl over your hand.
Wait- no?
It was actually kind of cold and sticky- OH MY GOSH, something else just crawled over your foot!
A- and... what the heck, your face.
A family of rats ran rampant around you, your scream of terror causing the sickening creatures to retreat to whatever hole they crawled from as you got up from the ground, now feeling more disgusted than ever.
The tears were finally starting to fall again.
The squeaks that croaked from their tiny bodies was enough to make you feel nauseous, and the smell of rot that emitted all around you didn't seem to help, either.
You fell back to your knees, too weak, too hungry, and too hurt to keep pushing yourself. And for what? That clan of reckless freaks who had no other goal in life but to help Jay fulfill his delusional needs?
A cluster of thoughts floated within the foggy space of your mind.
What if you submitted to Jay from now on?
Would that really make him happy?
Would that really change the rocky course in which your life already in pieces was crumbling upon?
No, you fought with your depleting strength, I can't give up on myself… not just yet.
You tried climbing out of the ditch, shoving your feet into the soft dirt that made up the walls, but you were already in too deep.
It didn’t bring you any more comfort knowing that you’d be stuck down here for the rest of the night, and maybe even longer if Jay saw fit. No matter how loud you screamed nor how pitifully you cried, no one was coming to save you.
To be continued…
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☆ ᴀ/ɴ: in no way, shape, or form does this fanfic intend to romanticize unhealthy relationships or abusive behaviors. i simply write for entertainment and creative purposes. thus, reader discretion is always advised.
☆ taglist: @squoxle @nikisdubblchococake @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @03sunoos @kaykay11sworld @gigiramirezsblog @hoonsyo @en-thralled @haechansheart @night-en-shining-armor @cutiejseong @j-wyoung @bambangan @wonbyf @4imhry @zhangyi-johee @naddii @valhrts @tinyenha @lisaaannna @valentineluvr @heecries @espyluvsyou @tokusatsutoad @confuse20x @teddursa @riviyw @tamii4 @lovelycassy @addictedtohobi @gardenwons @nikipedia07 @tubatusoobs @03sunoos @oshsha @elleflying07 @jjungwonss @soobins--dimple @heeseung-min @yevene @clarisabutterfliescupcake @heerinnie @wonbyf @naddii @smouches (forgot to tag you earlier, sorry)
☆ Special credit to @kimjiho1 for the vintage borders used in this fic !! She called me “cute” and “bro” in the same sentence once, and I nearly folded in half—
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