#what the fuck is the ship name for tails x cosmo
cringelordofchaos · 1 year
Alright, y'know how some fandoms give more creative names to ships? Such as Kai x Cole from Ninjago, in which the whole shipping community collectively decided would be called "Lava/Lavashipping" based on their traits unrelated to their names? I wanted to do that with sonic! What if sonic ship names were like that?
So I have decided to start a list of ship names I created for some pairs! I'm going to update it as I go. (If anyone actually sees this, which is unlikely, they're allowed to share their own ship name ideas, and be credited). So here (also, for obvious reasons, I'm not going to list any adult x kid or adult x teen ships, nor inc*st ships. This post is more focused on romantic pairings and possibilities, sorry) without further Ado, I'm gonna try listing some names in no particular order (many of them are stupid)
Sonic x Amy - DestinyShipping (based on the fact that Amy believes she was destined to meet sonic, as well on the fact that Amy heavily believes in destiny while sonic believes in creating your own destiny.)
Sonic x Knuckles - SolarEclipseShipping (based on the fact that they were intended to have opposite personalities, as well as the fact that sonics round belly is supposed to represent the sun and knuckles chest thing is supposed to represent the moon. So sun and moon together make a solar eclipse.)
Sonic x Shadow x Silver - TimelineShipping/TimeTravelShipping?? (Based on the fact that shadow is from the past, sonic is from the present and silver is from the future.)(name can be used for sonadow, shadilver and sonilver alone as well)
Amy x Metal Sonic the hedgehog - PinkMetalShipping/ShockingDestingShipping (first name is based on the fact that Amys fur is pink, and metal Sonic is made out of metal. Second ship name is based on the fact that Amy for the longest time believed she was destined to meet sonic, but perhaps it wasn't sonic who she was destined to meet, because she also met metal Sonic on the same place, so perhaps it was metal Sonic all along.) OR RosegoldShipping (SUGGESTED BY @oddogoblino ) because rose gold is a type of metal
Amy x Blaze - BlazingHammerShipping (I'm so sorry for giving such a basic name.. blaze has fire powers, Amy's signature weapon is a hammer. Together, they make a blazing hammer as their signature ship weapon) OR TarotFlameShipping (SUGGESTED BY @thefakehedgehogaroundhere) . Amy uses tarot cards and blaze has fire powers
Amy x Knuckles - AngerIssuesShipping?? JUST KIDDING um PikoPikoFistShipping?? (You can tell I'm bad at this. Amy has a piko piko hammer, knuckles's dominant weapon is his fist, I guess? In a physical sense, he is more than his fists but you get it) OR StrengthShipping (SUGGESTED BY @kernelbastard ) assumedly referring to both of their strength
Amy x Shadow - PromiseShipping (this is not my idea. I dunno where I got it. Refer to sonic adventure two near ending, Amy and shadow interaction and you'll understand why I chose this.)
Tails x Charmy x Cream x Cosmo - FlyHighShipping (because tails, Charmy and Cream fly. And because Cosmo is dea-)(name can be used for the possible monogamous pairings in this ship by themselves as well, such as tails x cream alone)
Tails x Kit - WaterWhipShipping (I swear I'll update this but basically tails's uh tails whip(??) and kit has water powers so y'know)
Blaze x Silver - StarCrossedShipping (how did they even meet?? They're from both different dimensions AND timelines. (I don't believe in "blaze got sent to her dimension after the events of sonic06 crap). Realistically they probably would've never met. But hey, perhaps they will beat all the odds and not care what is probable, or what will stop them. Anyway this ship name sucks I'm gonna change it some day layerjdjjs)
Sonic x Shadow - MoonlitShipping (SUGGESTED BY @oddogoblino ) because sonic is the moon that lights up shadows arch
Knuckles x Blaze - GuardianShipping (they are both guardians, knuckles guarding the master emerald and blaze guardian the sol emeralds)
Whisper x Shadow - SilentNightShipping (stolen from @sonicrarepairtournament hehe) Whisper is known to be silent and quiet, whereas Shadow could be associated with the Night due to his design and personality
Amy x Sticks - WildRoseShipping (I don't think I have to explain this one, Amys last name is literally Rose, sticks is the wild badger we know and love, together they make a wild rose.)
Anyway that's all I have for now. Gonna update later.
You can suggest ship names and pairings you want me to think of if you'd like!!
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livewireprojects · 2 months
Old Sonic sketches(Plus extras)
Found some old sketches I had on DA & wanted to show them. Some sketches have the date I scanned them in the corner of the image because the date changes if I edit them & I had to edit them cause they're all bmp files along with needing editing to be darkened. It's there to show how old they are & cause I found it interesting, if the image doesn't have the date I'll list mention a date that's mentioned in the DA post or something related. Not all the images are in order of date.
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The image on the left was posted November 8, 2012 while the one on the right is from August 27, 2013
These were some wedding sketches I drew with the one on the right being a pic I made for a teacher I had in high school.(Graduated 2014) The pic on the left was a Sonadow & Silvaze wedding with Tails catching Sonic's bouquet while Cosmo(who was revived at some point) giggles.(tfw When you might end up marrying next thanks to a moment at your older brother's wedding & your girlfriend knows too)
Shadow & Sonic's rings(on the wrist) was inspired by a comic by Segamew on DA were Shadow used one of his inhibitor rings to propose to Sonic.(Fun fact at the time I didn't know what his rings did past the fact Shadow wore them, I only learned about the reason recently) I use a different idea for mobian wedding items now.
I find it semi funny(semi cause it looks cringy) that when I posted this to DA I was like "I'm using Shadonic instead of Sonadow so fuck you" to be honest this came from past Naruto shipping were ship names go by who is tops. I've gotten over it by now but if I'm not using ship names I still put the top first.
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This was drawn in 2015
The top images are Monoko from Yume Nikki & Sonic as nightmarens from the NiGHTS series. I might redraw/redesign these one day but dunno. The little mini doodles between them are an old design for my self-insert Sonicsona & Monoko next to me. I don't know the context for them.
At the bottom is Reala(nightmaren this time instead of my OC Reala the hedgehog), Jackle & my nightmaren OC Halldis dressed up. Next to them is Pinkie Pie semi Rayman style.(By that I mean floaty limbs)
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The one on the left is cropped cause you don't really need to see my old Raymesis/Dark Rayman(Who is turned over a new leaf, also thought they were the same person back then) x Rayman stuff. Funny enough two images were edited into this from the cropped side cause they're semi related.
Left image:(Added in mini pics at the bottom of list)
Left to right, top of page to bottom of page
Rayman Sonic that I didn't put much effort in past hair & outfit
Rayman as a seedrian, this was made before learning that male seedrian look very different from the girls. He's a plum plant from the Rayman series.
Normal Rayman waving
Rayman!Sonic sitting down
An attempt to draw mini Rayman & Rayman!Sonic flying using their hair. Rayman obviously with helicoptor bangs, Sonic flapping like he's a bat/bird.
Right image:
Left to right, top page then middle page then bottom page
Older Rayman with kids
Rayman!Shadow & Rayman!Sonic, these are their old designs with Shadow's being inspired by Kanda from D.Grayman's hair & mitarashiarts's past design for gijinka Shadow. I guess I gave him Raymesis style eyes given how I drew them.
Rayman!Sonic in a Rayman version of Sonic after being blinded by Eggman(context my version of Sonic at some point in the future was blinded by Eggman)
Rayman!Sonic wandering around & hiding that he's Sonic & injured
A scene of old design Shadow finding Sonic after he was heavily injured & almost drowned in Rayman style
Random doodle of Sonic in a random art style
An old prototype design idea for revived Cosmo, two versions of her as a plant based deer. I ended up going with a plant based chipmunk in the end.(With help from a friend when I mentioned some suggestions)
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I don't fully remember the context behind the pic on the left I just know it was a scrapped idea. I think the idea was Silver visiting the past as a kid & helping Sonic after the reboot or after the reboot in Sonic 06 he was born in the past & made friends with Sonic.(The middle pic is meant to be them before the re-boot) I'm guessing this was before the paper towel comic I made.
The right image is meant to be Sonic walking with his siblings as they unknowingly pass by the spirit of Tikal with a bunch of Chao(plus Sonadow chao) & Chip. Sonic notices him & Chip waves to his future friend. From what I understand the idea is Chip some how got a chance to see Sonic in the past after the events of Sonic Unleashed.(Likely way on DA I named this "Meeting again before I knew you") No idea how Sonic can see them without his glasses on since Underground Sonic is blind without them. According to DA this image didn't need much fixing up.
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Here's a pic I drew on one of my folders for school(2011 was my first year of high school)
I had to grayscale this because the folder is yellow & it'd look stupid
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Left to right
-Sonic as a young child with his adopted dad after they decided to go frog hunting for the first time
-The idea behind this was Sonic returning to where he grew up before going to live with Uncle Chuck after helping his siblings & mom rebuild the kingdom after defeating Robotnik. I think the idea was that Sonic still met/took in Tails at some point cause there was an idea of Tails bringing Amy, Shadow & the others to meet his older brother.
Version 1 was meant to be Sonic having become more like he use to be before the trauma of losing his adopted parents & losing his confidence thanks to bullying(for being different) & the stress of the war. He's happily being Sonic in the woods he was raised in. Version 2 is just Sonic as I depicted him at the end of Sonic Underground were he has gained confidence but is still slightly timid & very sweet.(No idea why it says "Southern bell-ish" I'm guessing this was the only description I could think of)
-Sonic dressed in his adopted mom's outfit
-Sonic before losing his adopted parents & being taken in by his uncle. Sonic was a happy & energetic, he loves exploring the woods & learning to play music. He's a kid that hasn't fully learned that the world is full of things to fear despite knowing the dangers of going too close to areas everyone knows is Robotnik's territory.(I guess think of Robin from the game The Path were she didn't realize it's dangerous to fall out of a shopping cart nor jump on a werewolf)
The poor kid is in for many horrors when he made the poor choice of hunting for frogs near one of Robotnik's bases.
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Posted to DA May 28, 2014
Classic Rayman as a puffball, Sonic as a puffball & anime Kirby as whatever Rayman is
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Posted to DA June 24, 2019
Why I can't draw Sonic's eyes like they're meant to look
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Adding another pic last minute, this is an old sketch dump of Sonic & his siblings from my old Sonic stuff that went on to lead to my Lost Prince AU
Left to right
The sight Uncle Chuck saw when he got home. Thanks to having enough of the bullying while struggling to deal with losing his adopted parents Sonic chopped his hair/quills off to look more normal.
Sonia fixing Sonic's hair while Manic finds it funny she used a bowl to cut Sonic's hair
Sonic meeting his siblings for the first time as they hide somewhere after managing to run into each other. Moments later they're told what they're meant to be doing.
Sonic amazed, I think this was inspired by Ojamajo Doremi/Magical Doremi some how
Old design modern Sonic holding plushies I use to give him when he was a kid, lion & lamb plushies, I don't remember the context I think this was when he was living with his dad
Sonic laying on the ground with the plush dolls
Another old design modern Sonic
The triplets managing to sleep in a proper bed after some traveling
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starlight-phantom · 2 years
Okay I gotta know the story about Tails' dead plant girlfriend plz explain
Oh boy...
Okay, so: Sonic X has three seasons. Season 1 is your typical monster of the week set-up or I suppose robot in this case, season 2 is an adaptation of Adventure 1&2 and a few episodes of Sonic Battle for anyone that remembers that game (Please play it for Emerl), and then the third season... Wow.
In the third season, the Sonic cast is back in their world and a plant girl called Cosmo flees to their planet after a violent robot race (I can't remember their name, I'm sorry, it's been a while) wiped out her planet. So Cosmo is the remaining Seedrian and we've started off the season with a genocide. So these robots are going around the galaxy, draining planets of their life force and stealing chaos emeralds.
So Cosmo asks the group for help and they travel through space to collect the chaos emerald and stop the robots; There you go, that's the very basic premise for season 3 because a lot of crazy shit happens in this one.
Some of that crazy shit includes:
-Shadow making a friend in the resistance who is a human girl called Molly who later dies in a horrible explosion on screen. (At least in the Japanese dub, 4kids completely fucked that scene up)
-Sonic gaining a dark form and nearly going crazy after he sees his friends hurt by the enemies but gets talked down by Eggman of all people
-Oh and Team Chaotix are there and they try to play matchmaker with Tails and Cosmo in one episode
But getting back on track: Tails and Cosmo. They end up getting pretty close through the season to the point that they have confirmed crushes on each other. They're really sweet, you can see how they are just two awkward kids who don't know what to do with these feelings.
And then the final episode comes around. Metarex (I think that's the name of the main robot guy) is way too overpowered and even both Super Sonic and Super Shadow are barely doing anything to him. They have a cannon powered by the master emerald to fire at him but they can't get a clear shot. But that's when Cosmo powers up, basically blossoming into her more powerful state and flys over to Metarex, trapping him in plants and vines, holding him still for Tails to fire the cannon... But now Cosmo's there too.
And that scene, man... She tells Tails to shoot and his thumb is over the button but his whole body's trembling and tears are streaming down his face as he says that he can't do it. But Cosmo tells him that it's the only way and after some coaxing, the sound cuts out, you see but don't hear Tails screaming, and then he fires.
They win, but Cosmo's gone. Sonic returns to the ship and Tails begs for any information about Cosmo but the only thing left behind was a single seed. Sonic gives the seed to Tails and silently stands there, letting Tails cry on him.
It then cuts to several months later and the final shot of the episode is a small plant pot with a sprout staring to grow in Tails' garage. And that's it. That's how the whole series ends.
So yeah, TL;DR: Sonic X ends by making Tails kill his plant girlfriend
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alexis-medina · 4 years
Dissecting: Edens Zero Ch. 130-134
I was reading Ch. 83 and found this.
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See, I don’t know if Mashima plans his story out or if he develops certain plots on the spot because everything is connecting. “Oh, I could use this later...” Brilliant. Amazing. For real though, I was like damn it’s the Mildian/Sun Jewel arc again (Xiaomei’s battles foreshadowing).
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Shura vs Ziggy
It was interesting to read that Shura isn't the biological son of Nero. This leads me to think...what if Shura and Shiki are related? I mean they both have gravity ether and they both were taught by Ziggy. They both are also strong in their own right. We also have the theme from Fairy Tail of Good vs Evil (Zeref and Natsu) but in this instance it would be Shura and Shiki. We also don't know where they came from - their origins. Plus, Nero says that his power was incompatible with Shura but he was able to match with Ziggy's gravity powers.
Later, when the crew of Edens Zero find another relic (Robo Cola cap), they infer that Mother could be a place and a person. I was also thinking that because in FT: 100 years quest, Aldoron was a dragon god but his body was home to 5 cities.
So, if I'm right then, Shiki and Shura maybe are from a city on Mother...and maybe even Rebecca.
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I'm noting that Shiki is younger than Shura. When Ziggy was training Shura, that was 15 years ago but, that's also the same time Ziggy found Shiki as a baby....unless Ziggy is lying and he has false memories. 👀👀👀 Is Ziggy truly good or bad? Does Shiki have additional powers like Rebecca?
What is the all-link system? Looks like Shura and Ziggy have the same idea. I think if Shura and Ziggy battle - Ziggy will win. What did you guys think?
Xenolith and the Crew of Edens Zero
I wonder why Xenolith's maintenance is lasting longer. Perhaps it may be revealed in the future. I would laugh if he moved his consciousness/personality data into a younger robot body.
Weisz stays being a perv lol with the bondage training.
Did Xenolith teach Shiki 'Black Sky?' For me, I feel like in the next arc, when Shiki is facing a really tough opponent we will get flashbacks of his training with Xenolith and him learning Black Sky. Then, he'll perform it against the enemy...which could be Ziggy. So, yes, I think Xenolith did teach him. Could be wrong but we'll have to wait and see!
Both Xenolith and Xiaomei have stated that Rebecca's power will change/save the world/universe.
- Xiaomei (Ch. 64): "She has only just begun to unlock the secrets of Leap’s real power. This power may truly save the universe one day."
- Xenolith (Ch. 132): "Her power is weak…but it is the most special. Special enough to change the world."
Witch calling Rebecca a 'Chrono Witch' is giving me Scarlet Witch vibes...
Math for Dummies lol
Stronger heart = Stronger gravity Strength + Tranquility = Strong Heart = Rise from darkness Strength - Tranquility = Weak Heart Weak heart = Weak gravity = Fall to darkness
Fan service with the bath scenes but, at least it is keeping the story going, in that, she has to train in the bath in order to get stronger. Sister makes me geek, "You better get out of those ropes before this turns x-rated." When I read that scene, it gave me Virgo vibes from FT.
I also want to see how Xenolith met Ziggy. So, I'm wishing for a flashback.
I don't know if I put this on a post before or not but, my thoughts are that Ziggy did reach Mother and found Shiki there. He erased the Four Shining Stars memories because something bad would happen if he didn't (like they would get infected the way he is now). So, he did it to save them.
UGHHHH BUT THAT CLIFFHANGER...WHYYYYY - It'll probably blow my mind when it gets revealed.
Also, WOOHOOO! Jinn and Kleene joined the crew. That cute ass smile!!! OOOMG his face when he isn't able to untie Kleene. 🥺🥺🥺
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The Oceans
So cool to see the winners of the Edens Zero character competition featured as the Oceans 6! I'm a fan of all of them and don't you worry...we won't forget Shura's assistant even though she's not part of the 6. However, she might be since Shura killed off Cyca. Yikes.... RIP Cyca
Their designs are so clean!! (Sorry if the images look blurry Tumblr only allows 10 photos per post so I tried stitching them together in Illustrator but I think the file size is too big for Tumblr so that's why it may be blurry but, I hope you get the gist of their designs.)
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I wonder what she means by that...I feel like this will be important later. We also don't know much about the other members of the Oración Seis Interstellar. I'm excited to see what their ether gear is...especially Eraser. 👀👀👀 Does his ether have something to do with erasing things? Are they corrupt or good guys? I guess we'll found out soon...
Rebecca has carved 'Edens Zero' onto her B-Cube. Did you guys notice in Ch. 134 that Rebecca's ingrained B-Cube is the same one we see in Ch. 4? That's the scene where there are two robots 20,000 years in the future who find two bodies (a man and a woman) and a B-Cube which we can now confirm is Rebecca's.
The Ships + Other Notable Mentions
LOL I feel like if I was a B-Cuber, I would be an entertainment/fashion channel....basically like Sorcerer Weekly but make it Space Weekly or a cool name like Into the Void. Maybe a play off of 'Cosmopolitan' but shorten it to 'Cosmos.' So many options.
Anyways lets get into the ships. I talked about this first ship in a recent post.
#1 Homura and Creed
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I'll say it again...I SHIP IT! I am hoping for some more scenes with them together. He always looks so cute when he blushes <3 He's a Homura stan too hahah. 🥺🥺🥺
Predictions: - Creed and Homura will fight - Creed will protect Homura again - Homura will save Creed - Creed will join the Edens Zero crew
Now, I was reading on a few discord channels that people are comparing Creed to Mest (Fairy Tail). Now, I am really trying to understand this comparison because frankly, I don't see it. Creed has a crush on Homura. That's valid. Also, Creed doesn't just have pictures of just Homura, he has Weisz, Rebecca, and Shiki. He's not creepy like Mest.
Mest was a weird guy when we first met him laying in the pool or eating flowers. Their personalities are totally different IMO. We could talk ages about the age gap stuff but I'm not really gonna go into that.
Do you see the comparison?
#2 Rebecca and Shiki
Shiki escaping from his restraints to save 'Rebecca' made me happy lol. It makes me think what he would do if it was Homura or Weisz in that situation. What would Shiki do? Plus, after the simulation was over...we can see Rebecca in awe and blushing.
Then, Shiki is hugging Rebecca and they're both blushing 💕 That's a cute moment ngl.
"I'm not THAT into Shiki." - So, you don't deny that you like him 😉
#3 Hermit
I don't know if I mentioned this but I fucking love Hermit's name. It's such a cool name.
#4 Justice
Ch. 130 he was looking gooooood with his bandages. 🥵🥵🥵
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Ps. Did you get a chance to view Edens Zero PV 2?!?
Did you notice the homage to Fairy Tail in Ch. 134? "Why are your ideas so Fairy Tale?"
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medea10 · 5 years
Medea’s Anime/Game Superlative of 2019
Well it’s that time of the year where I look back on the animes I’ve watched and the games I played with this outdated meme quiz from 10 years ago. But I still do it for the fun of it! As usual, it doesn’t matter what year the anime or game came out. If I messed with it this year, it counts for the honors. So if it came out two years ago (which feels like forever ago), it counts. Let’s get at it!
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First Fandom of 2019: The Promised Neverland
Episode 1! That’s all you need to watch to officially get hooked to this series. I jumped on this title at the beginning of the year not knowing what to expect due to Aniplex and Crunchyroll whoring this particular anime months prior. But once I saw the first episode, I was immediately hooked. It shook me to my core to watch one of the most graphic scenes to come from this year. I was captivated by Emma, Norman, and Ray’s plans in order to escape their doomed fate of becoming food for creepy demons. Each episode, I was at the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. Is Gilda in cahoots with Sister Krone? Will Don learn the truth about what really happened to Connie in episode 1? Can Ray be trusted? IS NORMAN STILL ALIVE?! Come on, I’m like really far ahead in the manga. I want to see Norman and Emma together again. I’m so happy this series is getting a second season in 2020.
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Favorite Main Character of 2019: Haru from My Roommate is a Cat
It was a close call this year for main characters and normally I don’t shoot for main characters. This year I will admit that I fell in love with Chika from Kaguya-sama. Plus, I still love me some Lana from Pokemon Sun/Moon! And I finally started part III of Jojo’s, so Grandpa Joestar is just the awesome OH MY GOD that I need. However, they all lose out to a cat! Yeah, just like that one year where I picked Nyanko-sensei as my favorite main character, I’m doing it again.
I know Haru can’t actually talk back to her human, but the audience can hear what she’s really saying and it’s absolutely amusing. She was funny when she thought the word “Haru” meant food. She’s so adorable when she’s playing with whatever catches her eye. She’s got quite the personality (almost tsundere even). But I gotta admire Haru too. Before she was adopted, Haru was on the street trying her best to look out for her younger siblings. Even giving them more food scraps when she would go hungry herself. After Haru was adopted by Subaru, she eventually warmed up to him as “her human”. It was a learning experience for both as Haru didn’t know how to react to having a human care for her and Subaru has never taken care of a cat before. But Haru is a loyal kitty who loves her human. Hell, she ran away from home because she feared her human collapsed somewhere. Haru’s the greatest!
Favorite Villain of 2019:
…Dear God, give me the strength to pull through this one.
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Princess Malty “Myne, Bitch, Whore” Melromarc (The Rising of the Shield Hero)
No, this is not me insulting her. These are all her official names. Really! In many of the animes I watched this year, the villains were pretty hit-and-miss with me. I’m in the middle of watching the elven uprise with Black Clover and didn’t want to talk about that this year. Fairy Tail’s villains are just okay. And I didn’t watch Frieza this year! So let’s talk about the ONE villain who even out-trump’s the actual villain to the series.
It only took one episode for an entire fandom to turn on one single character. A single lie that figuratively speaking threw our main protagonist Naofumi under the bus, kicked him in the nuts, shanked him, robbed him, and thrown him off a cliff. Myne did so much throughout this series. She lied about being raped. She abused her power to get what she wanted. She set up someone to fail constantly. She attempted murder on her own sister (several times) just to keep her status as first in line to the throne. And she cheats so she gets her way! It was so sickening to watch this vile woman for more than just one episode. When you created a character who was so disgusting and revolting as a secondary villain, you did something right! It’s like with Shou Tucker and Father from Full Metal Alchemist. Ask any anime fan and they’ll definitely remember Tucker over Father. Myne is this anime’s Shou Tucker! And I have to give her some credit, she is now one memorable villain. And aren’t villains usually supposed to be despised? I, Naofumi, most characters in Shield Hero after episode 21, and all of the internet can come together in agreement to say, we hate Malty, Myne, Bitch, Whore.
Final insult on the matter, she’s a cunt!
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Favorite Video Game Character(s) of 2019: Piers & Marnie (Pokemon: Sword and Shield)
I knew point blank that Marnie was going to be my favorite rival in this game. I knew I was going to enjoy the antics of her yell squad (a.k.a. Team Yell) too. But I never expected to meet her brother and enjoy him too. Like in more recent games, Pokemon has given your character a total of three rivals to look out for. And while Hop is just the British version of Hau and Bede is just…a fuck-face, Marnie was someone who marched to the beat of her own drum. She recognizes a powerful foe and has a level of respect for her rival. She has her own fanbase, but isn’t totally arrogant about it. Plus, she doesn’t mind helping you out and giving an extra boost in battle. Plus that smile scene is just too adorable for words. And then there’s Piers!
First of all, I just love the design of this guy. What did I say when I first laid eyes on him? It’s like if David Bowie, Marilyn Manson, and Sid Vicious threw up on a pentagram crafted from Hot Topic gear and this dude emerges! And much like his sister, he marches to the beat of his own drum. That’s why he’s the only gym leader in Galar that doesn’t use the Dynamax method. I would have been satisfied if I only got to see him once or twice in the game. But I was blessed when Piers came to my aid to take down the Marco Cosmos thugs AND take on all the rogue Dynamax pokemon in the post-game. I’m impressed! Out of all the people they picked to help the protagonist and Hop in this adventure, it was Piers. I am ever so happy by this. I am so heavily invested in this guy that I’m already thinking of fic ideas involving him.
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Favorite Game of 2019: Pokemon Masters
As much as I really do love Pokemon Sword and Shield, I gotta give it to the mobile game this year. This game not only made one of my reoccurring dreams come true, but gave it something no other Pokemon game has been able to do in over twenty years. HUMAN VOICES! The trainers, they speak! AND YOU CAN CHANGE BETWEEN ENGLISH AND JAPANESE! Do you have any idea how much of a win this is for me! I know they’ll never have Tracey Sketchit in the game, but this still rocks my world. Do you know how much I love hearing Mamoru Miyano play a dickish bad guy? Do you know how badly I need to hear Daisuke Ono on a day-to-day basis? I’m a voice queen!
I know I don’t usually like to give praise to freemium games for the mobile phones, but this game is quite nice. I mean, yeah, you really do have to save up your gems in order to (hopefully) get the 5-star trainer that’s currently advertised and the urge of wanting to open up your wallet to actually purchase gems is tantalizing. Not as fucked as Fate/Grand Order, but you get my meaning. Unlike a lot of the freemium games, this one doesn’t limit you so much to play (unless you spend fake or real money in the game). You can super train all you want and not lose stamina! Plus, I like these special sync moves between trainer and pokemon. And there’s just something about seeing all of these different trainers from all these regions together and interacting with each other. Despite never seeing a lot of this in the anime, manga, or previous games.
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Favorite Het Couple of 2019: Retsuko x Haida (Aggretsuko)
In one of my baby accomplishments this year, I stopped being a tight-wad and splurged on a Netflix account. Right around the same time it becomes unpopular. Hahaha! Why does this always happen to me?
Throughout the series, we’ve watched Retsuko take chances with a lot of guys including a charming polar bear, a red panda with the brain of a pot plant, and the world’s handsomest donkey. But Retsuko has friend-zoned her workmate Haida the whole time. Meanwhile, I and pretty much like 90% of the fanbase ship the fuck out of this. Rightfully so! Haida has been admiring her from afar for so long. He tries his best to be supportive of her in the office and elsewhere. He was even nice enough to run back to the office to try and help Retsuko with the last-minute paperwork thrown at her on Christmas Eve. Hell, we watched him at his best in the season two finale helping to corner Tadano. And even though she turned him down at the end of season one, I still hold out that there’s hope. I mean, it was right after a break-up, so it was kind of the right call for Retsuko to not go out with Haida. Season three could give us this ship in the end. I know Retsuko doesn’t see Haida as boyfriend material as of now, but I have a feeling it can change.
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Favorite Yuri Couple of 2019: Atsuko “Akko” Kagari x Amanda O’Neill (Little Witch Academia)
That’s right, Akko and Amanda. This is the one Yuri ship I’m leaning on more than all the other ones. I know she wasn’t involved in the infamous love-bee episode, but that still didn’t stop me from making dirty jokes whenever these two girls were together for an episode. And that’s what makes it better! Akko and Amanda’s relationship wasn’t tampered with because of a love bee, what they have is real! Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating. But whenever I see them together doing something in an episode, I can totally see them as something more. Then again, my mind is warped.
Besides, this is as close to a yuri couple as I got this year. I can’t mention the one second we got of Ymir x Historia from Attack on Titan. Yayoi and Shion didn’t get much in Psycho Pass 3. And it’s leaps and bounds better than that OTHER anime I watched with two girls. Happy Sugar Life? More like a big pile of nope!
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Favorite Yaoi Couple of 2019: Mafuyu Satou x Ritsuka Uenoyama (Given)
You knew it was coming! I was rooting for these two boys since they met in episode one. And even though I had to hold it back a bit when I learned of Mafuyu’s grieving, I still hoped that one day, these two boys would defy the odds and become the sweetest couple of 2019. Was I correct? While it wasn’t as full-blown gay as Yuri on Ice, it still gave us so much.
As I mentioned, Mafuyu was in a relationship prior to meeting Uenoyama. And this one ended in heartbreak as Mafuyu’s lover dies. But meeting Uenoyama, Mafuyu was able to smile again and got to play the instrument his previous lover left behind. Mafuyu was able to shake off the sad shackles of the past and start life anew. Now is this feeling mutual? Of course! Uenoyama dealt with the worry of “will he, won’t he” and by the end of the series, the audience seems pretty satisfied with the outcome and hope for the best of these sweet boys.
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Fandom That You Didn’t Expect To Get Into: Domestic Girlfriend
2019 has given me surprise amounts of incest! This year alone I wound up watching several surprise incest anime plots including Kiss x Sis, Marmalade Boy, and Eromanga Sensei. And those of you who are not on the up-take, surprise incest is primarily a love plot involving your step-sibling. But there was just something about Domestic Girlfriend that I just couldn’t shake. I couldn’t believe I binge-watched this entire series. I couldn’t believe I picked up the manga immediately after the finale. I couldn’t believe…that I didn’t despise this anime! Yeah, usually anything with even a whiff of incest, I throw in the trash and put a bullet through its head. This one, I did not.
Simple story! Boy named Natsuo fucks a random girl and also has a crush on his teacher. Natsuo’s father tells him he’s getting remarried. Then, BIG BOMBSHELL, the random girl that got fucked and his teacher are now going to be his step-sisters. Concept alone was just fifty shades of messed up. I mean, who the heck do you root for in this situation? Throughout the 12 episodes I went back and forth either rooting for Rui or Hina. And for episode, I rooted for Miu, the cute literary girl. I was so intrigued that I had to dig through the manga for more answers. But I enjoyed this trashy soap opera! I doubt it’ll get a sequel, but it was…fun for the most part. Too hot for television fun! And if that makes me trash, well call me Forky because...
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Yeah, I can admit that freely now.
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Fandom That Made An Unexpected Comeback: Fruits Basket
*squeals* I never thought this would come back into my life. One of my all-time favorite animes was returning with a reboot. AND IT WAS GLORIOUS! Oh sure, the first half of this series was literally a shot-for-shot remake of the original Studio Deen anime. But even that was enough to make me love every frame of it. Fruits Basket was just one of those animes that grabs you with the intriguing tale of a cursed family that changes into members of the zodiac. Then they take you on a fun ride with silly moments like Kyo and Yuki fighting each other or Ayame telling his ridiculous stories or Hatsuharu flashing some guy his junk. But then this series takes you on a detour of the most heart-wrenching stories involving heartbreak, bullying, gangs, abandonment, and hiding your true self.
This show re-introduced us to the many colorful and complex characters that exist. From the ultra-flaymboyant Ayame to the complex Ritsu! Many of these characters have severe baggage coming and going and you just wish the best for them. And seeing Tohru reach out to just about everyone in her own way, to tell them she’s there for them and she accepts them all for who they are, it just gets to you. 18 years was too long to keep this gem away from us. Welcome back Fruits Basket, we missed you.
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Fandom That Inspired the Most Crack: Zombieland Saga
I know it came out last year, but I got the opportunity to finally watch it this year. And it was every bit of crazy as people told me it would be. Who would have thought mashing zombies and idol shows together would be a good idea?
Seriously! You’ve got Mamoru Miyano voicing the craziest character to date, who’s a necromancer who brings back seven girls from the dead. Puts special makeup on them to fool unsuspecting audience members! All to bring life back to the Saga prefecture. Add another layer to the WTF cake, these dead girls are all from different times including 2008, 1997, the showa period in the 1980’s…you even have one from the freakin’ 19th century! But that’s not all! These girls end up becoming an idol group singing different kinds of genres. One episode they’re head-banging to metal rock and the next IT’S A FRIGGIN’ 8 MILE RAP-BATTLE! And then you have this one girl named Yamada Tae. She doesn’t speak and usually makes weird noises throughout the entire series, but we don’t care! We freakin’ love her! And even with the oddball girl, she’s not the craziest character on here. Who needs a Best Girl category when you know the best girl is just going to be the crazy dude in the shades!
I’m absolutely cereal on this! Kotaro Tatsumi STOLE this show for his own! With his crazy antics, constant shouting random phrases every five seconds, and eccentric behavior, this made for one of the most entertaining animes I’ve ever watched.
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Last Fandom of 2019: Pokemon: Sun & Moon/2019
I know I spent the greater part of Sun/Moon bashing several aspects of the series. But Sun/Moon was gradually getting better compared to its slow start. This year we’ve got some extreme character growth from some of Ash’s friends and even pokemon. I was amazed to watch episodes featuring Lana, Mallow, and even Sophocles growing. Lana up against Kyogre, Mallow’s thank you to her deceased mother, and Sophocles mastering Z-moves, all of these were great! Add to that, a Pokemon League that showed all of us up after 20 years of disbelief of Ash ever winning a competition. Where HE WON THE FUCKING COMPETITION! With the exception of one of the matches, this Pokemon League is definitely one for the history books for Ash. From his epic dog fight with Gladion, to the six-on-six with his mentor, to taking down a massive Ultra Beast, to taking on an island deity! All leading up to one of the most beautiful goodbyes and finale! Seriously, I screamed balls when I saw a pregnant Professor Burnet.
And my high continues with the new continuation of Pokemon 2019 (yeah, still the name). First of all, praise Arceus the animation has improved! Secondly, I am fully digging Ash and Gou traveling together. In answer to your question, yes I’m already shipping the hell out of them. Third, having these boys travel all around the pokemon world has given me so much hope in the world. The boys are going to be traveling the pokemon world revisitng old places including Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Kalos. I know I was disappointed in Ash not soley traveling to Galar and having Pikachu wear a Sherlock Holmes hat, but this I can’t cast to the side.
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And yes, I support Ash x Gou like a beast!
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alexis-medina · 4 years
Dissecting: Edens Zero Ch. 127-129
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Uhhh...I don’t want to be a glass half empty type of person but the ending of Sister saving Kleene just doesn’t feel over...
(Side note: I’m salty because I was typing this long ass paragraph and it got deleted fml) here it goes again if I can remember. It feels too easy that Sister was able to cure Kleene. Like you know a thief plan to steal a gem and they get through all these lasers and sharks on the ground. The famous line, “that was easy, too easy,” then more guards, animals, and booby traps appear. That’s what it kinda felt like to me. It was just too easy for Sister to just hop into Kleene’s memories and erase Drakken’s debt collectors and Müller. That’s why I think it’s not over yet. I still think Kleene will revert back and there will have to be another way to save her. 99% could be wrong and I’m okay with that.
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It’s just reading this part and previous chapters. I think he did experiments on Kleene but not just seeing her emotions break down. That’s what I’m getting at. To what extent he performed his experiments not sure because Weisz and Hermit fucked him up so we didn’t hear if his other experiments except trying to mess with Kleene’s emotions and turn Jinn into a cyborg. 
Also, if Sister can go into minds, can she also go into Hermit or Witch’s memories and fix what got erased? I wonder if they’ll ever remember or something stimulates their memories. Maybe, Ziggy will grant their memories if he’s “cured" or turns good again?? Still unsure what will happen. 
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If this is the end of Kleene’s emotion issues. I’m happy her and Jinn. Now that she has her emotions, I wonder what Kleene’s personality is now. I mean we did see that she wanted to stay with the Edens Zero crew, offered to help protect in this arc, and loved dressing up. But, now we can finally see what she’s feeling, and maybe we’ll have a more dynamic brother/sister duo. 
IMO SEEING JINN’S FACE!!! PRICELESS!!! I’m glad we got to see him show emotions, too. It’s like they have a fresh start. AWWW I want them to join the crew! I hope they will. Do you think Edens Zero will get new crew members?? I bet Kleene and Jinn will add new energy to the crew. Will Jinn go by Kris now that he doesn’t need to be a mercenary anymore?
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FUCKING FINALLY!!!! I mean how was this old ass doctor able to escape prison??? He looks like he had a weak ass human body to ever run from the prison guards. But, who knows what happened. I was like “YESSS LAGUNA!! ELECTROCUTE THIS BITCH!” “FUCK HIM UP, WEISZ!!” “PUNCH HIM OUT OF THE AOI COSMOS, MISS HERMIT”
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I don’t think this is the last we’ll see of Muller. All Weisz did was destroy his cyborg body and all Hermit did was punch him. His head is probably somewhere and he reattached it to a dead robot’s body. My prediction is that he’ll reappear in an arc with Ziggy. 
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I guess we’ll have to wait and see. 
Laguna Beach 
Laguna. Laguna. Laguna. I’m still trusting you. I don’t know what his end goal is but I still think he’ll be a good guy in the end. My thinking is that he is an undercover Ocean for Nero. He was sent to spy on Drakken to see his secrets. Then, he was sent new orders after Drakken was taken out to keep an eye on Shiki and Rebecca. Maybe to send information about their powers or any info on Ziggy.
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I only think he’s working for Poseidon Nero because his ether is water (Tears Lover) and Nero is the emperor of Beasts and Oceans. Poseidon means God of Sea. Idk makes sense to me lol. Again, we’re making assumptions here on this Tumblr account!! ✨😤
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Side note:
This scene reminded me of Fairy Tail--when Gray was cooling down Lucy while she was rewriting Zeref’s E.N.D book.  
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Xenolith is a fun character and I’m already digging his little pose:
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Xenolith talk with Shiki about Ziggy reveals some interesting clues. 
1. “He was a natural. He mastered every move the very day I taught him, as if he had known the techniques all along.” Maybe in another life he did know it. I feel like there’s something there with this anecdote, I need more information on this before making my assumptions on the Xeno/Ziggy relationship. 
2. “That little upstart...teaching my moves all over the cosmoses with no regard for...” Perhaps, Ziggy wasn’t just a teacher for Shiki. Maybe he was teaching other robots or human’s gravity ether? Maybe Shura? 
3. “He has fallen into the dark gravity but, I hope you won’t fall into the dark side.” I mean no explanation needed, we can obviously tell Ziggy is not the person we saw in the beginning of the manga. But, what we don’t know is what changed. Is it because of his gravity ether? Is that a con of having gravity as your ether? I mean we saw in one of Rebecca’s dream that Shiki was like a totally different person: not friendly, blunt, and stern personality. I think we can assume that that might happen in the future or it happened in the past. Maybe Shiki might potentially fall into the dark side of gravity and he needs his friends to save him. 
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I’m excited to see what favor Xenolith has for Shiki. Though, seeing Xenolith’s personality...I bet it’s like a dumb task and Shiki thinks it’s something big and important. Watch it be like, “I need you collect all these rare fruits from each other these planets.” Then, Shiki sets off to find these rare fruits and all Xenolith wanted was a smoothie. But, then he’ll tell Shiki about his life and training flashbacks with Ziggy as a smol robot. 
I’m a fan of ships, sue me. 
Current favs: Creed x Homura (still don’t know their ship name) and Justice x Elsie <3 
Friendship to couple or just friends: Hermit x Weisz
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