#what tf am I going to do. be like ‘hey can we keep talking about them. I really like doing that’ when a convo ends???? desperate mf
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huni-bii · 5 months ago
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Literally my mental state when a mutual suggests shipping our ocs together vs later on when the conversation inevitably ends
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libbytwq · 3 months ago
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merry christmas!!! (2024)
So, it's Christmas. Normally I never make this type of Christmas special, normally because every year I usually have no one in specific online to be grateful for, aside from my followers. But these past 5 months, my life has truly changed, and i finally have people I want to wish a genuine Merry Christmas to. So here is a gift for those wonderful people.
And thats not all, I'm not just gonna make a cute lil gift and not explain why I love these people!
SMG8 // @strange0-0storm -- STORM!! I know we rarely interact, but everytime we do, it's an absolute treat. I love seeing your art, the stuff you make is so awesome and fun to look at, and talking about goofy shit is so much fun. I look up to you a lot and I want to interact with you a lot more. SMG8 was one of the first ever SMG4 OCs I've ever gotten myself familiar with, he's such a silly man and I want to punt him, I love your stuff sm, stay cool 💥
Mango // @its-a-me-mango -- MANGO!! I've always been a massive fan of your art since I was first getting myself familiar with the SMG4 Tumblr community, because of your artstyle and the goofy jokes and silly stuff, but since joining the TSB discord server and interacting with you, I think you are even cooler. Our interactions are so incredibly goofy and I love every single time you appear on VCs. Our sense of humor almost feels like it clicks and everytime we make jokes I be cackling, to the point I sometimes get distracted from what I'm working on... but hey its okay because we're all silly here :3 i love your stuff sm man and i think ur an absolute vibe keep doing that forever and ever
N4 // @bluesbox -- BLUE!! It is so much fun interacting with you about theories and stuff!! And hearing you yap abt N4 lore is so fun and cool.... im INVESTED....... Yappin with you about goofy lil theory stuff is an absolute treat and i love interacting with you sm guh h,, we are the SCHEMERS......
TSB // @tiredsmashbros -- TOMM!! you...... YOU..... I WOULDNT BE FRIENDS WITH ANY OF THESE PEOPLE IF YOU DIDNT EXIST.... i look up to you like crazy and the fact that i can call you a friend is still batshit insane to me....interacting with you and joining your server has in fact changed my life for the better and i am not the same person i was before your 1k birthday party.... you are a huge inspiration to me and your lore is impeccable bUT DUDE I WANT ANSWERS, the TSB lore has me invested and i wanna know whats goin on im gonna..... GSHDJFNF IM GONNA GETTT Y /silly /pos dude your are so crazy awesome i love vibin with you n being silly all the time. qwah puh 💥
Neo // @neo91502 -- NEO!! You were one of the first people i bonded with in the server, and for that i think you are incredibly awesome, i love your art and everything you draw they always look so super cool and awesome and wa h,, i love your stuff sm but man you gotta handle your addiction to tsmg4 and long haired smg4 its gonna be a problem if you cant get it under control /silly YOU ARE SO AWESOME AND FUN I LOVE YAPPING WITH YOU RAAAGH
Hexsy // @nxva-blogz -- NXVA!! sigh..... i GUESS i have to include you.... for the sake of the hexore...... /j /silly you are so crazy and interacting with you is sm fun ill be completely honest. The hexsy lore is so so neat and i love your art sm guh,, I love vibing with you and being silly you are such a goofy ahh individual and you bring a lot of joy hehehehe explodes y
And now, there were a few other people I really wanted to fit on the couch, but couldn't because I burnt tf out. So heres me showing appreciation to those people too!
@knightedmares -- MY TWIN!! KNIGHTMARE KNIGHTMARE KNIGHTMARE!! We have so much in common and we just be vibin everytime you show up. I love your oc Trick sm and i love vibing with you guh
@rmgkyle -- KYLE!!! you feed me everyday and i appreciate it very very much. You are so incredibly goofy and i love RMG from the bottom of my heart and you are so insane but i love that WEE
@mikchi8 -- mikchi you are a menace to the server and i am very scared of you,, but thats ok cuz you are very silly and i love vibin with you /pos
@kittykibbl -- Kitty i LOVE your various AUs a ton and you were one of the first people i interacted with online, from one of the first WOTWs, and i still love your stuff a ton and interacting with you is a lot of fun yippe
Merry Christmas everybody!!
- Lore, libbytwq
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scourgeofmyownbrain · 9 months ago
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Ladies and Gentlemen, Bitches and Bastards, Witches and Wizards, Mothers and Fuckers. Esteemed robot enjoyers, I present to you a semi-accurate height comparison of Bumblebee across the multiverse (as of July 2024). This really helps visualize the truly staggering differences between universes, at least height-wise. Also, three of these characters are Canonically the Same Guy; guess which ones.
I spent way too much time on the chart in the back it's not even funny. I will probably make more height charts for more TF characters and universes in the future. Don't expect it soon though, because when I make these, I am fueled by pure I-Got-Bored-At-Work-And-I-Have-Decided-To-Fool-Around-With-Robot-PNGs, and that fuel supply is inconsistent at best.
Hey Fun Fact, Did you know that Generation 1 Optimus Prime is around 19 Feet Tall? Bet some of you already knew that. I have no ulterior motives for bringing this fact up, what are you talking about.
My height explanations are below the cut, because you couldn't shut me up if you tried.
In an order:
Gen 1 - ~10 feet (the wiki says greater than 3 meters so I rounded up to the first whole number because round)
Netflix Cybertron Trilogy - ~10 feet (He looks identical to Gen 1 so... the reason his photo looks weird is because I couldn't find a good full body photo with him standing straight up facing the camera so I put two images together to make the worst looking photoshop job you have ever seen)
Earth Spark - 10 feet (There is no confirmed height yet but using a screen shot of him standing in front of a barn door I was able to make a reasonable guess.)
Animated - 12 feet (I have no genuine source for this, I think this info is just someone's guesstimate, but it seems reasonable. He's a tiny two door mini car, how big could he be)
New Live Action - 15 feet (The wiki hath declared. Also do we have a name for this universe because we need one I don't want to keep saying like 6 words to differentiate this one from bayverse)
Bayverse V1 - 16 feet (This is like the first 3 movies minimum, I don't remember when he hits his growth spurt. also wiki my love)
Cyberverse - 18 feet (I'm gonna be honest, the only info we have is from a really shitty screen shot of a magazine. SO if any one has a copy of this book from the video below, a high quality scan would be greatly appreciated and I will kiss the ground you walk upon. Yes I found the video where the screen shot comes from leave me alone)
Bayverse V2 - 18 feet (movie 4-5 I can't remember which one, I'm not re-looking this up. I fucking love the bayverse tho, this is the only universe with concrete and consistent this-character-is-this-height info)
Aligned Cont. WF/FOC - 20 feet (video game info screens you god send, kiss me sweetly)
Aligned Cont. TFP/RID15 - 21 feet (I do not know exactly where these numbers were found, but I fully fucking believe them. Just by looking at these characters on the show I can verify these numbers in my mind. They made specifically this universe to be full of freakishly tall robots for some fucking reason.)
And for any one who doesn't know, the three tallest are the same guy. Like the 20 feet tall one and the 21 feet tall ones, same guy. The ones in three wildly different art styles and designs. Let that sink in...
I fucking hate the aligned continuity why is that one my favorite.
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perplexedjokist · 2 months ago
two face pulls his gun on anyone. harvey rarely uses the thing, two face uses it like a communication tool.
nights like this where harvey is too tired and TF is honestly at the end of his rope, they tend to lash out a bit.
"mister dent how do you feel about the new fabrics?" fine. "boss? hey?" quiet. "hey boss do you wanna look over these or not?"
he doesn't realize he's completely silent, only replying in his head. verbal communication is too hard when you have a nasty migraine and attitude to match.
they keep repeating themselves and other hired thugs ask new questions and it's just so mind numbing. boss what do you want this for, boss when's the break in, boss when am I getting a raise, it's all so annoying.
with all the energy he can muster without worsening his migraine, harvey gets up.
"disturb me and I'll fire you, any of you." harvey of course doesn't mean to say that, but TF is switching to their main conscious and honestly harvey is too tired to care.
thankfully this is one of the hideouts with small offices, so he goes there. slamming the door shut behind him.
for the next twenty or so minutes he sits to himself and tries to aid his headache with whiskey, despite the fact he knows it only masks it with a different pain, he doesn't care.
behind the door he can hear hushed yells before the door opens, footsteps towards his chair and he doesn't make a move to open his eyes.
he does however, push his gun into the person's face.
whoever it is deservers it. at least that's what he believes.
"something the matter? you seem quite.. trigger happy." scarecrow. his fucking luck, if it was joker he'd at least gain reputation shooting him.
he moves his finger over the trigger. "... now harvey."
"I will fucking kill you, crane." and for whatever reason two face opens his eyes, his headache died as much as his irritation grew. oddly enough his gun is pressed just below glasses, funny, the scarecrow usually isn't without his mask.
"two face, excuse my assumption."
there's a pause, and shift of the gun; it's pointed differently now. less intent to kill, a way of saying essentially I want to kill you less but still wish to harm.
and slowly two face lowers his gun, picks back up his glass. "you don't usually care about talking. what do you want?" alcohol burns in a way that's distracting from annoyances, without it two face would have more murders to his name.
"so aggressive today. I'm here at the moment not as a fellow criminal but as a therapist, we did agree on me analyzing you as a payment, didn't we? as I don't need money."
for once harvey and two face agree on something, even if they refuse the money, pay anyone that way or not at all. especially the man who makes his entire life around fear.
"you wanna analyze, huh? go sit in the corner. and don't talk to me."
and he did - surprisingly enough he simply did sit to himself and write in the small notepad he brought with him.
sure it was unnerving to have someone watch you just sit and drink till you felt calmed enough not to debate gutting someone, but everyone has uncomfortable things they force themselves through..
and hell, maybe the company calmed him.
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currentfications · 1 year ago
Ocean Eyes | Part 3
Pairing: Bada Lee x Producer!Reader
Synopsis: Latrice bailed on you for dinner, but set you up for a date with Bada instead.
Warning: Swearing, Flirting, Legs
AN: Sorry for the late upload and shorter than expected chapter!! Still trying to get over Monday - will try to upload over the next few days. Thank you to everyone for following along~
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After finally getting the keys to your recording studio, you were overjoyed and decided to take Latrice out for celebratory dinner.
Y/N: Dinner’s on me make yourself available
Latrice: 🤨
Latrice: u tryna poison me again?
Y/N: It was one time Latrice get over it
Latrice: I don’t have comprehensive health insurance here I’m not risking it
Y/N: 🙄 I’m taking you out for dinner
Latrice: Keep talking
Y/N: And I don’t wanna drink alone
Latrice: Wait that’s actually good news I’m so happy for you ahhhh 🥰🥰🥰
Latrice: But still no
Y/N: What why what did I do?
Latrice: Nothing I am busy
Y/N: 🧐
Y/N: Busy?
Y/N: …
Y/N: Waitttttt a damn minute
Y/N: I want a name cunt who tf you linked up with
Y/N: Whatever happened to sharing is caring huh?
Latrice: 👉🏾👈🏾
Y/N: Oh god what have you done
Y/N: Tell me it’s not who I think it is you dumb fucking bitch 😇
Latrice: 🤭
Y/N: Ms. Kabamba 😇
Team BEBE was filming the last bit of reaction segments with Mnet while they were interrupted by a few raps on their door. “Come in!” Lusher greeted her co-captain dance mate in with a hug.
Latrice slowly poked her head through the door, “Hey Bada can I borrow you for a quick second?”
Bada looked up, confused, but walked over nonetheless. “Is everything alright?”
“Calling in a personal favour,” Latrice smiled nervously, “can you go on a dinner tonight?”
“Dinner? Sure!” The choreographer hummed and nodded excitedly, “BEBE with Jam Republic?”
“You and Y/N,” Latrice snickered, “I have a date and had to bail, but she’ll be much much kinder to me if you’d go in my place instead.”
Bada raised an eyebrow and pointed at herself. Perplexed, she sounded a little dumbfounded, “Me? Why?”
Latrice rolled her eyes at the obvious question, “She has a fat celebrity crush on you since she the first episode aired, that’s why. Now please, pretty please with a cherry on top, would you go in my place tonight so she don’t-” Latrice stopped dead as you decided you’ve had enough of her ignoring your text and started calling her instead. Her eyes widen slightly in fear as she turned to the taller dancer. “Bada please I’ll owe you one, I’m so so sorry-” she swiped and picked up your call, “heyyyy Y/N, I was just telling Bada about your dinner plan tonight. She’s super keen! Here you go-”
Latrice palmed the phone to the choreographer like a hot potato, mouthing ‘thank you’ at the blonde.
Dinner with Bada? The sentence hasn’t fully registered in your brain as you begun to rip your high school mate a new one. “Ms. Kabamba,” you uttered with the coldest tone you could muster, a tone that Latrice knows all too well. A tone you only take with her when she knows she’s done something stupid, again.
“Sorry to disappoint,” a familiar voice broke you out of your rant. “Ms. Lee here. I heard we have plans?”
Damnit that cunt, I’ll deal with her later. You quickly composed yourself, “Never a disappointment, love. Any dietary restrictions?” You tried to mitigate your hoarse voice (from screaming ‘CUNNNNTTTTTT’ right before Latrice picked up the phone) and previously harsh tone by being as sweet as possible with your word choice, knowing that phone call rarely - if ever - made you sound more personable.
Love? Your husky delivery had the tall dancer flustered, trying to hide a blush taking form on her cheeks. Bada gulped, hard, and stumbled over her words, “N-no, I’m not picky. Where and when?” She tried to pass it off as cool and nonchalant, but Lusher seemed to have picked up on her change in tone.
“I’ll pick you up when you finish for the day? Latrice gave me their schedule.” Bada hummed over the phone, you can almost see her cute head bop as she does. Okay, dinner with Bada. One-on-one. I can do this, no biggie, fuck. “See you then, Love.”
Latrice gave Bada a parting hug when the call was over, the latter still bewildered by the unexpected call. “Thank you so, so much. You’re a life saver. Have fun later!” She quickly shuffled out the room, shutting the door behind her.
Lusher peaked over the tall dancer’s shoulder, Bada’s cheeks still warm from the conversation. She gasped as the blonde slowly clasped her hands onto her face, letting out a small shriek. “Oh god Bada what was that all about?” The co-captain raised an eyebrow at her leader’s demeanour.
“Lusher, did you bring an extra outfit?” Was the first thing that came out of Bada’s mouth.
Y/N: You’re off the hook
Y/N: For now
Y/N: I will grill you afterwards 😇
Latrice: What a weird way to say thank u but ok
Latrice: ure welcome
When you pulled up in your bike, you did not expect the gorgeous specimen to be walking out the building in a skirt. You gulped and paused for a (significant) moment, marvelling at her (legs). Her hair sat perfectly, framing her face. She smiled and waved at you, walking (omg her legs) over with a small prance (her legs y’all). “Hey, thanks for picking me up.”
“God you look amazing.” After pulling yourself together, you realised a slight problem. “I am so sorry,” you quickly apologised, motioning her skirt (legs), “I did not plan accordingly.”
She chuckled and shook her head, “Don’t worry about these, tights underneath. My hair however, is a different story.”
Relieved, you handed her a helmet with a smile and hopped onto the bike, signalling her to get on. Bada giggled and straddled herself behind you, wrapping her hands around your waist. Both of you were suddenly very grateful for the helmets for keeping you road safe and hiding blushes. “You good?” You did one last check. Bada hummed and gave you a soft squeeze before you both rode off.
Tag list: @bada-lee-ily @lil-elliesgf
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mrsmiagreer · 7 months ago
Ik he’s so tired :(
“I am a failure” No baby no
“But i know you hear me”
This is literally so sad i’m crumpling
“Please Mother, Please Release Me” BAWLING
HE WILL NOT FAIL ‼️‼️‼️‼️👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
This is crazy cinematic
I literally almost didn’t know who he was
Oh Smartass is here too
Awe brother hug moment
“I’m so sorry” 🥺
All I can imagine is Elliott and that damn comfort beanie that we all imagine he has on💀
It’s throwing me off like crazy who tf is that?! ERIN???
I know what he did is bad but DADDY I LOVE HIM
Is he gonna die ☹️
I’m sorry but his story is so long :\
“Good. Give them back their fucking lives”😭
Memory modification 😲
“I just got my brother back”
So he’s gonna change the circumstances of their memories not wipe them completely
Okay aaron and brachium going back and forth like this —
Omg aaron is literally gonna sit here and convince them that their trauma is worth keeping😭
I get it’s the right thing to do morally but like wtf if i wanna forget i will. if i don’t wanna have nightmares and have to go to therapy from being kidnapped and tortured for days then i will
Elliott’s voice is so cute and innocent
“You want my body, you want my cooperation, then you let me have this. you let me have them”
I’m obsessed with Blake omg
“Hey!” OMG
He’s like sweating and almost crying omgggg
“We agreed to never talk about because you said if we did that you couldn’t have me in your life if that was something we talked about”
his stuttering 🥹🫶🏽
“I have to say this and i need you to listen to me when i say it…okay?”
He’s yelling at me guys i’m scared he’s yelling
His aggression is halfway turning me on and halfway scaring me
Omg i’m about to start crying
i feel his pain so much
“I never stopped loving you” UGHH BLAKE
“You’re gonna die !”
He sounds on the verge of a psychotic break. Not even the verge. Just the psychotic break
“I know how crazy this sounds, I know how crazy I look”
Babes….its bad. Real bad
this is crazy
“That’s why I did everything”
Blake i’m so in love with you
If they kill Bestie anyway i’m literally gonna cry
The silence in between his sentences are so deafening
“you can keep this deluded pet”
The fuck Aaron just grew up like another 10 years?!
“You tell him baby” ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
If i was smartass at this table id literally say “ewwwwww they’re kissing !”
“I’m coming too” YUHHH DEMONS TEAM UP
You guys. You don’t understand how happy i am right now. All of my begs and pleads have been answered to. I just wanted to know more about Blake and Bestie and I got an amazing amount of Lore. I’m literally gonna start crying
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foreststranger · 2 years ago
DAN FENG - Tethering The Sky and Reaching For Heaven
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ꜱᴛᴀʀʀɪɴɢ *:・゚✧*:・゚
↳ 『honkai: star rail』dan feng/imbibitor lunae/yinyue jun (ugh can he stop having so many names??? it makes tagging a complete nightmare) x gn!reader
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ *:・゚✧*:・゚
↳ parting ways with silly dragon guy before he reincarnates and dies idk idgaf abt his backstory 👍👍👍
𑁍 ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.0k
ɴᴏᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ *:・゚✧*:・゚
↳ surprise!!!! yet another short fanfic abt a long haired man! anyways happy early 1.3! i wish everyone a very e6 lynx and good luck on whoever you’re pulling for. ALSO HOW TF DO YOU DO CHINESE DIMINUTIVES/HONOURIFICS IN X READER FICS??? 阿Y/N???? OR MAYBE IN PINYIN??? a’y/n or ah’y/n??? OR WOULD IT BE LIKE 阿[the first character of your name] LMFAO
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“What do you mean ‘you’re leaving?’ Where are you going?” You ask, taking a step closer to him, trying in vain to figure him out.
“We won’t see each other again. I’ve… done something horrible.”
“Care to elaborate?”
“…It’s not our main concern as of now. I’m sure my punishment will come for me soon. I don’t know how much time I have left with you.”
“Okay, what’s going on? I still have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You’ll understand soon. I’d just like to spend one final moment with you.” Dan Feng grabs ahold of your hands, his grip almost painful as his fingers lock with yours.
“Are you… You don’t love me anymore?” A thousand thoughts rush through your head, yet none of them makes sense. “Do you want to see other people?”
“No, no, no. Of course not. That’s not what I meant. I meant that…” He pauses, concentrating. “We don’t have much time left.”
“But what does that-“
“Forget it. Would you just follow me, 心肝? Humour me. Please.” Your eyebrows furrow at the odd hypocorism. Before you can answer him, Dan Feng is leading you towards the dock. Bright yellow ginkgo leaves drift down from the sky, signalling a change in the year as they fall. There’s a scent in the early autumn air, and it reeks of… gloom; fraught with melancholy and a lingering anxiety that seems to cling to you. It whispers into your ear sweet serenades, singing a cacophony of incoming danger. The signal of change grows to a warning.
“Why are we heading towards the water?”
“Please, 亲爱的. Do not question me right now. Just… let us have a simple conversation. Would that be alright?” He sighs as the two of you exit the main area of the Alchemy Commission.
“I guess… You’re acting weird, you know that?” you sigh. “How was your day?”
“Great. And yours?” He answers a little too quickly.
“It’d be better if I knew what was happening.” Dan Feng turns his head to look back at you, a million words he wants to say are hidden behind his watery eyes.
Your shoe gets stuck in a crack in the stone walkway as you’re busy staring at him. You stop to pull it out but Dan Feng yanks on you, your shoe slipping off of your foot as he continues walking.
“Hey, wait! 枫仔! My shoe!” He doesn’t let go, his hand shaking in yours with a sense of urgency. “How am I supposed to walk without it?” You hop on a single foot, trying to keep up with his pace. In response, he picks you up into a bridal carry, cradling you like a parent would for their child.
“O-oh. Uh… okay. I guess I don’t mind…” You look up at his trembling jaw. Whatever’s going on, it must be very important to Dan Feng. If only he’d spit it out already so that you could offer your comfort. But the most you can offer right now is a small kiss. You bring your head up, pressing your lips against his cheek before resting your head back down on his forearm. The display of affection causes Dan Feng to stop in his tracks, but he quickly starts walking again.
“I...” He clears his throat, a light blush blossoming on his face. “That… means a lot to me right now. Thank you.”
“It’s the least I could offer you, 枫仔. You look so sad… Tell me what’s wrong.” He looks towards the horizon and the setting sun, a forlorn expression painting his face. The shadows of the evening light leave him looking especially somber. For a moment, he wants to tell you the whole truth. But he holds himself back to spare your feelings.
“I’m going somewhere. And… I won’t be returning. I am sorry, [name]. Truly. I do not wish to part ways but…” He looks down at you. A tear drips off of his face and onto yours. “There is nothing to be done about it. I… wouldn’t have done it if I realized the consequences sooner.”
“You’re… not joking. Would you tell me where you’re going? And when? Why are you being so vague?” You still couldn’t grasp the concept.
“亲爱的,you would hate me if I told you the whole truth. I could not leave knowing that you despised me. But… I’m sure you’ll find out soon when the news gets out.” Dan Feng looks back up towards the sky. You follow his gaze towards a few clouds that are coloured a hue of red from the sunset.
“I love you dearly. I apologize… I have forgone our future and forsaken you. Please remember me as someone you loved, and not a traitor to the Luofu.”
“Er… okay…? You’re really leaving?”
“Yes, I am afraid so…”
“…I love you too. Wherever you’re going, don’t forget that, okay? I… I really can’t believe it. I’m not gonna see you again. Ever…? Will you come visit me?”
“That is not possible, I fear. Though I wish more than anything that I could.”
The two of you reach the harbour. Dan Feng sets you down on the wooden planks and takes a seat beside you, dipping his legs into the water.
“Your pants are gonna be soaked, 笨蛋!”
“I am aware of that fact.” He pays you no mind, looking on into the horizon again. You gently hold is hand in yours.
“This… this is it? The last time I’ll see you? And we’re just… staring at nothing in complete silence?”
“You are speaking right now, [name].”
“What did you even do?” He glances at you. But as you make eye contact, he can’t seem to look away.
“…What are you doing?”
“You ask so many questions, 亲亲. I prefer it when you’re asleep. You’re much cuter in bed, too.” Dan Feng lightens up a little, a smile on his face as he teases you. “I’m just…” He shakes his head, as if to get himself out of a daze. “I’m just trying to remember your face. I need to make sure I don’t forget it…” His expression returns to how it was before, desolate and heartbroken.
“Make me a promise, 亲亲.”
“Go on.”
“We will meet in my next lifetime. And… we will live out a future that we could not have in this one.” He holds out his pinky finger and you take it.
“Sounds nice. I’ll hold you to it, Dan Feng.”
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ask before translating, taking inspo from (not copy), reposting, etc. my work. remember to credit me and if you’re taking inspo from it, please @ me as I’d like to see what you do with my ideas!
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idlingsomewhere · 6 months ago
hey man how's it going
(blog intro)
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Hey!! Welcome to my blog. You may know me from @shiftedelsewhere which Used to be my account before tumblr nuked it. rip fallen hero. hope u have fun on here! u probably won't. but....
"girl who tf are you"
good question! I wish I knew.
I go by "N" on the internet; I use any/all pronouns; and i love music with my entire heart. Call me whatever! it really doesn't matter to me all that much.
"why are you here"
to post about my interests
"which are?"
music! mostly. my 2 favs at the moment are porter robinson and jane remover. i also really like a lot of other stuff too; you'll figure it out easily since it's the main thing I post about on here
i like a good videogame sometimes. In particular I'm especially fond of zelda games, pokemon, splatoon, and those mii games on the DS!
i do NOT watch shows very often. i can count the number of tv shows I've seen in my life on my fingers. my favourite show is gilmore girls because I'm a massive autumn fiend. living my best life rn. whenever i finish a show i tend to write down my thoughts and share them. currently, I'm trying to watch community, big brother (season 26), and am on my 5(?)th rewatch of gilmore girls.
other than that i like math and physics and transit systems and some other stuff that evades my memory right now ! we will find out what i like together, in due time..
"ok, and?"
these r some general ground rules!
feel free to dm me or chat with me in the comments, just keep in mind I'm a VEERRRRY tired stem student and can't get back to you immediately. send recs or tell me about your day or show me a meme! we can be friends if you'd like :)
uhrm don't be weird lmfao. I'm not gonna tell you where i live. probably goes without saying...
no tagging system at the moment - let me know if you need me to tag something (i.e., a tw or something) and I'll do it!
i like a good tag game. if you don't wanna be tagged, please let me know! otherwise i got an alphabetized tag game list with all my mutuals who are okay with tag games that i copypaste every time lol
"if your tumblr goes down again, where else can i pester you?"
@shadowbannedsomewhere, the backup account 😵‍💫
art instagram (dead)
porter robinson fanpage (cloutless)
apple music (this is where i listen to stuff)
spotify (this is where i post playlists. also we should do a blend :3)
i readily give out my discord so just ask for it if u want to talk
i always follow back on these accounts but i do not always check. shoot me an ask if u followed me somewhere and ill follow you back obviously :3
yeah and that's all! thx for reading. they really deleted my old pinned post too..crazy. what did i do to displease the tumblr algo? i don't know >_<
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nightmaree-eyess · 2 years ago
Abby takes you in
Tlou fanfic
I’m writing this fic based on a dream I had and idk how tf to do this so yeah…
Smut mdni 18+ Abby butch, y/n, female reader, dom Abby, fingering, head, teasing, hickeys
Word count: 1526
Scroll down for smut. Starts at —
You were just picked up by a butch woman (she says her name is Abby) and her son (his name is lev) because your group up and left you because you were going too slow. But you’re glad you weren’t alone for that long when they found you. Ok, they might’ve left you for a couple days but they said they were coming back. You believed them till the 2nd day. Abby and lev found you on the 4th day and thank who/what ever is out there cause any longer you would’ve died. You have no supplies just a weapon and a flashlight. They say they’re looking for a group called the “fire flies”. Where ever they’re going I’ll follow cause I don’t mind the view of this woman’s ass.
We reach a farm house after a couple hours. The door seems to be jammed.
“Hey y/n help me with the door”
“You’re literally all muscle how am I gonna help you?”
Abby rolls her eyes but you see a hint of a smile
“Just get over here and help me”
We ran into the door and end up tumbling inside. You end up on top of her and you’re face blushes. It’s very noticeable. All you can think about is how soft her hair looks and how kissable her lips are. Abby looks at you. Her hands on your lower back so she took most of the fall and you see a slight blush bloom across her face.
“Can you guys get a room already? This is gross” Lev says jokingly
You scramble to your feet. Not entirely embarrassed but your face is still red hot. Abby gives you a shy smile while scratching the back of her neck. Maybe she was embarrassed but not mortified at least.
You go looking around the farm house wondering who owned it last. You go into a room upstairs and you find a desk, a guitar, some drawings of a woman and a child, and boxes everywhere. Who ever drew these had an amazing talent and you’re kinda jealous. In another room, you find that it was just used as a storage room and you’re curious as to who lived here so you rummage through their stuff.
You find a family photo and the person (you assume) behind the artwork. You read the back and it says “You’re not a burden, you’re the best thing to ever happen to me, I love you, Ellie” which ever one is Ellie must not have a way with words but she tried.
You look some more and find matching bracelets. I don’t know if it would be weird to give Abby the matching half considering we just met and these are random bracelets I found but you keep them just incase. You wanna thank her for taking you in somehow.
You guys get ready for bed and you lay awake for hours on end. You don’t know what could be making your mind race so you see if Abby is awake.
“Pst abby” you whisper
Abby groans
“Pssst abbyyyy”
“What y/n?” She says in her sexy half asleep voice
You clench your legs.
“Are you awake?”
“I am now what’s up?”
You give her a look as to say “I don’t wanna wake lev” and you guys go upstairs to talk.
You walk into the storage room upstairs and close the door behind you.
“I don’t know why I can’t sleep! I’ve been tossing and turning all night!”
“Maybe you have something on your mind you don’t know about. I mean your group just left you a couple days ago. That’s gotta fuck with your head”
Ugh you can listen to this woman talk all day. It helps that she is the most beautiful woman to ever walk in your orbit too. Her short hair faded on the sides and her piercing blue eyes. You can get lost in them.
This might be kinda weird but you figured that maybe you can’t sleep cause you have all this pent up energy you need released and maybe Abby will help.
“Maybe I can’t sleep cause I have all this pent up energy and need help getting it out” you say an octave lower
“Maybe I can help with that”
God her voice is like butter
She grabs your neck and pulls you into a messy kiss. All teeth and drool and you find it so exhilarating. You take each others shirts off and Abby isn’t wearing a bra.
She pushes you up against the door and ghosts the seam of your pants
She plays with your tits over your black teeshirt bra
“You gotta tell me what you want and affirmative yes’ ”
You shake your head
“I need words y/n”
“I-I want you to” you let out a breathy moan
“I want you to eat my pussy”
“That’s my girl. Wasn’t that hard now was it?”
She traces the seam of your pants with her calloused fingers. She’s taking her time just to tease you.
She kisses you and trails kisses all down your neck, your collar bone, your breast, your torso
“Is this ok?” She asks as she’s about to take my pants off
“Mhm” I manage to get out. I’m already so fucking horny and she hasn’t even started.
“Words y/n, I need full sentences”
“Yes m’ame that’s fine”
She is eye level with your pussy and unbuttoning your pants. She looks up at you with hunger in her eyes. God she looks ethereal from this angle.
She takes your lace thong in her teeth and slowly slides them off you. Damn this girl loves to tease. You can smell your heat from here and it’s driving her crazy.
“You looks so gorgeous from down here princess”
You almost came just from those words alone
She dives in, her nose rubbing your clit and her tongue lapping you up.
You take a fist full of her hair and hold her head. It’s as soft as you imagined.
“You’re already so wet for me”
You let out a moan in response
As you’re about to come Abby stops.
“I need a better angle, lay on the floor on your back for me” abby says sternly, but like velvet
“Yes m’ame”
You do as you’re told and Abby kisses you and follows the trail of kisses she left before. But this time she ends up in your inner thighs. Leaving hickeys as big as quarters.
“What can I say? I love to leave a mark. Shows people I got to have you. That I was lucky enough to have you”
You blush and bite your lip in response
After that she goes straight in on your clit. She’s sucking while flicking her tongue and it’s the best fucking feeling ever.
She slowly enters a finger and you let out a moan
“Ah fuck yes”
“You like that baby?”
“Yes m’ame”
She enters another finger and you enter another demention.
“Faster Abby p-please”
She does as she’s told and your legs start shaking and your vision gets spotty
“Im- im gonna cum”
Is all you can get out before you start convulsing, your walls grip around Abby’s girthy fingers and you drip all down her face and hands.
Abby’s licks you up and slowly comes up for a kiss. You taste yourself and it almost turns you on again, ready for round 2.
“I thought you were the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen the moment I laid eyes on you” Abby says
You smile a drunken smile as you guys lay on the floor for a couple minutes recuperating. She nuzzles into your neck and inhales while she big spoons you. Her hand on your breast. And you whisper
“I thought the same”
You guys almost fall asleep upstairs but the hardwood floor was uncomfortable. Before you leave the storage room though there was one thing you wanted to bring up to abby.
“Hey abby?” You say sheepishly
“Yeah? Are you ok?” Abby said concerning.
“Yeah yeah I’m great but I just- I just wanted to say thank you”
“For what?”
“Taking me in and letting me join your group when you could’ve just left me to die”
“Well I’d never leave a pretty girl like you alone in the woods, also what your group did to you was fucked up anyways”
You blush “that’s very sweet. I don’t know if this is weird but, I found these bracelets in here and I- I wanted to give you one… as a thank you”
The bracelets are a dainty silver chain with a wolf on it.
“These are beautiful y/n thank you. That was very thoughtful of you.”
She puts on the bracelet and holds her hand out to show it off and you do the same.
Abby grabs your hand with the bracelet on it and kisses it
“This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you love”
You blush
“We should get downstairs the suns almost up”
Abby grabs you by the waist and you leave the storage room behind.
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cyberrose2001 · 2 years ago
Omg, omg, I just found your blog and you write tf +f! Reader fics!!! Ahhhhh. I was wondering if I could request a 21+ fic where reader disobeys prime when he told her to stay. Their feelings are unknown to each other. when she left, though, it caused issues something that prime did not like.
I also write tf +f!reader but mine are more dedicated to Prime than anything.
TFP Optimus x human!fem!reader
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oh lawd i think i got carried away with this *stares at 6 page word document*.... wanted this to be also hot and fluffy asf, with a sprinkle of angst for flavour. I hope this is satisfactory! 💕
Synopsis: Optimus Prime refuses to let you join him on missions, but eventually reveals why. He makes it for it, however, starting with you on top of him.
Warnings: Smut, ?soft dom optimus, first time sex, slight angst.
Word Count: 3189
It was mid afternoon when the com link went off. The bots were lounging around, either playing games with their human charges, playing lob ball or tinkering with equipment. Optimus Prime had been doing some research on the base computer and furrowed his optic ridges when he answers the com link to a very loud Agent Fowler, as usual.
“Prime! You better not be busy; I’ve got intel on some cons who have hijacked a nearby military base.” Fowler yells, “You better get onto it, I’ll meet you at these coordinates.”
“Understood, Agent Fowler.” Optimus nods his helm, then turns to the rest of the team who had gathered around him in the meantime, “Decepticons have invaded a military base 30 kliks from here, we must investigate and determine why.”
The bots spring into action, transforming into their alt modes while Ratchet opens a ground bridge to the coordinates Agent Fowler provided. Bulkhead, Bumblebee and Arcee race through the bridge. You removed yourself from the couch and ran up to Optimus just before he was about to transform.
“Hey! Can I come this time?” You begged. The last time you asked him to accompany him on a mission he declined but promised you that he would take you on the next mission. Your hopes were crushed, however, when he gave you a solemn look.
“(Y/n), I am afraid that this mission is far too dangerous for you. You are to remain here with the other humans. Next time I- “
You roll your eyes and stomp your foot onto the ground, taking Optimus by surprise, “You said that last time, Optimus! How come Jack, Miko and Raf get to go on cool missions all the time while I’m stuck here with… Ratchet!”
“I do not wish to put you in danger, you must understand this.” Optimus says, lowering his towering frame down to your level, “And you misunderstand, the others are not coming as well.”
“I know, but what about when you entrusted Jack with the Key to Vector Sigma and let him go to Cybertron of all places?” You questioned, knuckles turning white from your grip on the guard rail, “That’s pretty endangering to a human if you ask me!”
Optimus’s optics narrowed onto yours, standing up tall again, “We will talk on my return, you will stay here. Understand?”
You groan and push yourself away from the rail as you watch your guardian transform and drive through the ground bridge. You turn around, only to be met with wide eyes from Jack, Miko and Raf.
“What? You guys gonna boss me around too?” You huff, turning your heels around to head down the catwalk, your footsteps echoing across the now empty base. Jack shakes his head and attempts to go after you.
“(Y/n), come on, where are you going?” Jack calls out to you.
“Away from here,” You answer, not bothering to turn around. You didn’t want the kids to see the small tears that threatened to spill, “Maybe Optimus will appreciate me more when I’m gone.”
The kids watch helplessly as you exit the base, exchanging worried glances to each other.
Optimus was no liar. He had no intentions of making you feel useless or underappreciated, but he had a duty of care, to protect you and keep you from harms way. While he did promise you that he would take you along with him on his next mission, he could not bare the thought of the Decepticons hurting you, so he put it off every time you would ask him. He often wondered why he was fine with the other humans going on missions with their guardians, but when it came to you, he had a different opinion.
It took him a while to realise that his feelings were something more than that of a guardian relationship. He had developed a love for this human that transcended the boundaries of human and Cybertronian relations, and it troubled him.
But he must not get distracted, not in front of his team. He swung his sword and slashed a Vehicon into two, watching it drop to the ground. He disengaged his sword, and it transformed back into his normal servo and then approached the other members of team prime, who just finished offlining the last of the cons.
“Where’s the fire, Optimus?” Arcee asked. She had witnessed Optimus almost get taken down by the Vehicon’s multiple times, and the look on his face told her that his processor was not in this fight, “You struggled a bit back there.”
“Yeah, you haven’t been yourself lately.” Bulkhead also questioned his behaviour, Bumblebee beeps in agreement.
Optimus turns his helm away from them and closes his optics, “I appreciate your concerns, but I am fine.”
Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee turn to look at each other. They weren’t entirely convinced at his deflecting of their questions, but all silently agreed to not meddle in his personal affairs. Optimus coms Ratchet for a ground bridge back to base, deciding that he needs to tell you what’s been lingering on his processor, for the sake of the team.
Optimus, Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee walk into the base, the ground bridge dissipating from behind them. Optimus scans the base for your presence, but only finds the kids sitting on the couch in silence watching a tv show. He walks over to them.
“Have you seen (Y/n)?” Optimus questions. The kids turn to look at him, Jack is the one to speak up.
“She left, Optimus. I’m not sure where,” Jack gives Optimus a shrug, “She never told us, all we know is that she’s not in the base anymore.”
Optimus optics harden upon the discovery that you had disobeyed his orders to stay at the base, especially when there has been recent Decepticon activity close by. He thought that he would just have a nice conversation about why he cares so much about you, why he wouldn’t let you accompany him on missions. But now, he is going to have a stern talk to you. He thanks Jack and turns back around to head out of the base, ignoring the glances from the other team members. He knows you like the back of his servo; he knows exactly where to look for you.
Out on a cliff in the desert, about an hour walk from the base, sat you. You were absentmindedly picking up small rocks from your side and throwing them down, watching them bounce and crack of the face of the cliff. You often came here when you were deep in your thoughts, usually with Optimus. It provided a beautiful landscape of the Nevada desert and a perfectly secluded spot with no cell phone signal or contact with any other people. But it felt like nothing without him.
It angered you, it really did, how Optimus treats you like a piece of fine china. You were very capable of handling yourself, but it seems like he doesn’t realise that. It was unfair how often you would see the other bots take their human charges out on missions and having fun, it made you jealous, and sometimes you secretly wished you had a different guardian. But the more you lingered on that thought, the more you hated it, not having Optimus as a guardian.
It was no secret to yourself that you had developed feelings for him. He was strong, brave and the gentlest mech you had ever met all in one giant package. He made your heart flutter; he made you feel like a teenager again. But you wished that he would spend more time with you and let himself go and have more fun, maybe that’s why you were so desperate for him to take you on missions. You just miss him all the time.
You sigh, pulling your knees up to your chest after you threw the last rock you could reach down the cliff. You rest your head on your knees as you start to witness the early stages of the sun setting. Beautiful, you thought.
Ears twitching, you pick up the sound of pedes walking behind you, and you freeze, knowing that Optimus was not going to be impressed with you leaving the base. You heard the mechanical sound of him kneeling behind you and you wait for him to make the first move.
“You should not be out here without me,” Optimus says sternly, “Did I not tell you to remain in the base?”
“Yes, you did.” You answer, still staring out to the horizon, “I heard you loud and clear.”
Optimus is slightly taken aback by your bluntness, but continues, “Yet you disobey me, (Y/n).”
“OK, so what am I supposed to do, Optimus? Wait around for you to come back from missions only to wait for you to leave again?!” You stand up and face him, a small tear finally escaping you and rolls down your dusty cheek, “Is that it? Do you even care about how I feel?”
Optimus’s optics soften as he sees your tears. It was not his intention to make you feel this way, and now that he is witnessing your true emotions right in front of him, it’s making his spark break. But he stays silent.
You stand there, hands balled into fists, “Are gonna answer me? Do you even care abou- “
You are cut off short as the Prime leans down to plant a kiss on your lips, your eyes are blown wide open. He pulls away, reaching a servo down to brush your tears away with a cold digit. To say you were shocked was an understatement. He just kissed you, you thought he hated you for running off, but now you were just confused.
“It may be true that I have become… overprotective of you.” Optimus says, gritting his dentas, “But it is purely because I would never forgive myself if I let you get hurt.”
You stare up at him, eyes searching his optics for the meaning behind his words.
“I protect you because…” Optimus pauses, hesitating for a moment, softly rubbing your cheek, “I love you.”
You felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest. You had no idea that Optimus Prime was overly protective with you because he loved you, it made so much more sense now.
Optimus looks at your blank face, now worried that he has taken it too far, “I apologise if my confession comes off as abrupt. And I apologise if you do not return my affections.”
“No! No, Optimus. It’s ok.” You place your hands on his face plates to ease his worries, “I love you too.”
He smiles at your own confession and at the warmth of your palms, leaning into them and closing his optics, “I have a lot to apologise for, (Y/n). But allow me to… make it up to you. If you are content with me doing so.”
The way that your heat pooled at your lower stomach was embarrassingly quick, but you nod, pulling him into another deep kiss. Optimus smiled into it, opening his dermas slightly so he can start to explore your mouth. It felt very strange, kissing a twenty-foot tall Cybertronian. But the taste of his glossa rolling around your own tongue was intoxicating. Optimus had moved from his kneeling position to sit flat against a rock behind him, picking you up to hold you in his servos and not once removing himself from the kiss. Eventually, you needed air, and you pull away from the heated kiss, softly panting. Optimus smiles at your dishevelled state, gently kissing your cheek.
“You are so heavenly,” He plants small kisses down from your cheek to your neck, licking and tasting, relishing the soft moans that began to come from you. He plants a single kiss to the centre of your chest, “Waited so long for this…”
You breathe out a sigh as he brings a digit up to lift your shirt from the bottom hem, a silent request to remove it. You obliged and pulled it off, throwing it down to the ground. He can feel his spark humming louder when you also took the initiative to remove your pants and underwear. A jolt goes straight to his spike, now throbbing painfully against his interfacing panel. He proceeds with his worshipping, however, kissing both tops of your breasts threatening to spill out of the bra. Your soft moans sound wonderful to his audial receptors.
He works his kisses down your stomach, he feels the small goosebumps against his dermas and the way your hair stands on ends as he does so. Humans are so interesting and complex, he thinks. He stops just below your belly button, looking up at you one last time to gain permission. You nod, hardly containing your eagerness.
He allows you to lay down flat on his palm, his servo feeling cold against your back. You shyly open your legs for him so he can witness your arousal, blushing profusely. He hums in approval, soaking in the sight of you, raw and untamed in front of him. Only for his optics to bare. He brings your body closer to his dermas and places a gentle yet firm kiss to your folds, then experimentally sticks his glossa out and licks right up your centre. He notices your moans as he does so, cataloguing which areas bring out more of your delicious sounds in his processor. Optimus circles the tip of his glossa around your clit, which he realised straight away that this is the most sensitive part of you. He continues this for a few moments, drawing out sweet moans from you.
“Optimus… ughn…fuck,” You whimper out his name, oh how he desperately wants you to finish on his glossa, adoring the way you call out his name. But he can’t let you finish yet. He licks another stripe up your pussy, then dips his glossa into your warmth, teasing your insides.
Optimus’s thoughts are occupied with how you taste, so sweet and soft, more delicate and a stronger taste than that of a Cybertronian valve. His newfound taste for you has his spark yearning for more.
You feel the same way, his glossa is so much larger and warmer than a regular tongue and feels like tiny sparks of static on your skin. The sensations are bringing you closer to your orgasm than you thought, and you gently push him away with a foot in order to prevent it from happening too early. Optimus obliges and draws his intake away from your now soaking wet pussy. The sight of your juices covering his dermas is something that you only thought you could dream of, you take a mental screenshot for later purposes.
Optimus is not sure how much longer he can hold himself back, his spike is aching to be released. He needs to frag you; he needs to feel those velvety walls squeeze around him instead of his glossa. He brings you closer and gives you another kiss, nipping at your lip gently.
He lowers you gently and places you, so you are straddling his hips. You feel something shift behind you and press against your back, your eyes widen as you realise just how big the Prime is. Optimus senses your uneasiness, he can understand why.
“If it would please you, I can mass-displace it so it will be easier, (Y/n).” Optimus offers, servos softly fondling the flesh of your thighs, “I understand if this is too intimidating for you.”
You shake your head and bit your lip, “No, Optimus, I’m not intimidated at all… I want you to feel good too, but if you mass displace it, will it less pleasurable for you?”
Optimus laughs softly, a rare treat for you, “It is actually more sensitive, due to the surface area being reduced, the nerves are more… compact. It is difficult to explain this right now, your wonderful thighs are quite distracting.”
“Go for it then, Prime.” You smile, slowly grinding your ass along his length. Optimus vents hitch as you do so, he then mass-displaces his spike. It is still quite large compared to you, but you were positive you could take it now.
He helps you position yourself over top his throbbing spike, slowly pressing your thighs down as you softly whimper, feeling you stretch wonderfully over his thickness. He emits a low groan as you bottom out, spike twitching inside you. Any previous imaginings of what you would feel like impaled on his spike was snuffed out, the real you exceeded his expectations.
“Holy fuck…” You moan out, hands gripping the metal of his abdomen. Optimus gently rubs a servo up and down your back, letting you adjust to his size. After a moment, you give him a nod and you slowly lift yourself up, only to slam yourself back onto him.
Optimus lets out a guttural moan, he places the servo that was roaming your back onto your hip, guiding you up and down, “Primus… you are… hggn… excellent at this.”
You let out a chuckle in between your moans, “Us humans have had… a lot of practise.”
Optimus’s optics roll to the back of his helm when he felt your hips begin to move in circles, the sensations this little human was giving him was driving him crazy. Your moans and whimpers, the sounds of soft skin slapping against his hard metal are like an anthem to his audio receptors. He grips your hips firm and begins to thrust up into you. He was so close to his release.
“Optimus! Please… make me yours forever.” You moan out as your orgasm hits you, throwing your head back, arms move to rest behind you on his thighs as your hips quiver and shake at his continuing thrusts, “Oh my god…”
“(Y/n) …” Optimus groans your name, pushing one last thrust into you before he overloads. The sight of you completely lost in your pleasure is what made him reach his limit. His spike throbs intensely inside of you, filling you up with his transfluids. His hips shutter as you help him ride out his overload, venting heavily, “Frag…”
You both stayed still for a while, catching up with your breaths. After you collected yourself, you lean down and press a kiss to his abdominal plating, cherishing the soft sigh that leaves Optimus’s intake. He smiles at your affection, brushing a digit across your cheek.
“Was that… a satisfactory apology?” Optimus hums, still venting slightly, optics closed. You smile up at him and nod, pressing a kiss to the tip of his digit.
“Mhmm,” You sigh, “Optimus, I’m sorry that I argued with you… I just… miss you a lot when you’re gone.”
Optimus opens his optics and looks down at you, he brushes a strand of loose hair behind your ear, “I promise that I will never ever make you feel alone again.”
You smiled, leaning into his servo. Why bother going on missions with Optimus, when all you really needed was this.
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captain-n-crunchies · 1 year ago
Omg... He fell!
Todo Aoi x Black Reader!
This my first story y'all so be nice! well critic but keep it cute!
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' Omg...this nigga dumb as hell' I thought, seeing Yuji and Todo arm wrestlin but with..pinkies? Like I understand they both got loose screws in they head because of..I truly don't know but, they don't get it all up there! I was watching til my friend Liyah taps me and snickers " Girl you finna burn a hole in they head!" she giggled, and I just roll my eyes adjusting myself in my seat to look at her. " Hey na!, not too much I'm only watchin" I responded still somewhat looking at them but not Yuji; I mean he's cute and all buttt, I LOVE ME SOME TODO! I mean his muscles, and his smile that little smirk just gets me goin!, and lets not talk about his confidence! Usually, cocky guys just give off red flags but him, he's confident in himself! He don't need to prove himself to nobody because he knows he's the shit he like drake but not drake ( Fucking hate drake).
Me and Liyah continue talking about random shit like baddies and if Coi Leray a real rapper when Yuji and Todo waltzes, they big asses up to us.
" Hye ladies- I mean young pretties!" Yuji starts, to be honest he walked up like Chris Brown did that girl in the Fine China music video all smooth and stuff, me and Liyah side-eye him and we say our little " Hii!"s Yuji starts talking about how it's a new cafe opening up downtown and he and Todo wanted to invite us! I turned to Todo to speak to him but, he avoids my eyes! Like I'm Ms. Netta in the face and I'm like ' Don't make me cry rn why tf you are looking at me like my lace liftin!?' (But you don't have a- chile..) I looked and Todo, his tan a little darker around the cheeks and I ask what wrong.
" N-nothing! Just a little hot today! Afterall, I just whopped Yuji's ass in battle so i am a little sweaty" Yuji then cuts his eyes to Todo and gives him a stank face.
" Todo..I flipped you 12 time-"
" That don't matter brother" Todo cuts him off with a smirk.
Me and Liyah laughed at that and agreed, Yuji told us be ready by 5pm and we say our goodbyes and I headed to my dorm. I opened the door and let out the biggest giggle of my life! I'm going on a date with my man that's not my man, but ya know..we basically dating! I opened my closet to pick an outfit, not thotty but shows some skin, not too modest thought because it too hot to be a nun, and not too casual because we never gave basic; I just picked some blue and white dunks, light blue flare jeans, and a cute top and I touch up my hair and face ( Face card neva declined) and I called Liyah while doing my hair to see is she ready.
" Hey boo! You ready or almost ready?"
" Heyyyyy! About that.. I cant go"
... and I remember thinking.. I'm about to beat this bitch up.
" What you mean ' YoU CaN't Go' I mock, getting anxious and a bit pissed off.
" I'm Sorry! My job said for an extra $50 I can come in really quick for today! But don't worry Yuji told me Todo is still going an-"
" Wait YUJI NOT COMING!?" I almost yelled, I mean if the world wanna crash down on me it can! But GOD WHYYYY??
Liyah explained Yuji had a mission a bit far and he went but, Todo was going because it close to his gym. I just roll my eyes at the phone and just says ok and hangs ups, I finish up my hair and face and I grab my purse and keys when I open my door and Todo is mid pause of knocking on my door.
" Oh! Hi, why are yo-"
" Hello lovely reader!"
" Hi Todo, are you here to pic-"
" Ive come to pick up up for our outing this evening!" ...Well no shit I couldn't have guessed. I turned to lock my door and we are off to the cafe, as we're walking Todo seems quiet...for the first time he's not yelling or anythuing but he's calm almost nervous.
" Everything alright Todo?" I asked looking up at his stature.
" yes..eveything fine reader, just a bit off ease" Todo says stone faced or regular I don't know really but, I ask what wrong and he gets into how he feels like I don't like him like I like Yuji... this man must be dumber than a box of nails because I can't!
" That's not true Todo, I like you just as much as I like yu-"
" But its not what I want." He stops, I turn to look at him confused.
" I want you to LIKE me, not friend like, not family like but, LIKE me how I like Takada Chan, LIKE me how I like you"
I fucking knew it.
I get bitches and niggas, I'm that girl fr, I'm practically like Lori Harvey; Todo just confessed to me and all im doing is smiling like got $5 from my auntie randomly. I giggled though and Todo looks up at him and kind of frowns.
" I know you may not return my feelings but laughing i-"
" OMG SHUT UP BRO" I yelled and somewhat laughed, Todo confused just plainly stares at me.
" I've liked you since liem forever, when you told me how your favorite singer girl impacts you ti was soo cute! Like you really are kind, goofy, maybe a bit idoitic but it ok! Becasue it makes you well you!" I go on and on with my feelings and when im done odo is just crying
" Oh! Todo i dint mean to-"
" THATS THE KINDEST THING SOMEONE HAS EVER SAID TO ME!" Todo says well sobs, He hugs me tightly and goes on about his crush and I'm just patting his back awkwardly (I'll bite him tbh)
Todo lets go and wipes his face and smiles at me a bit, I return it and I grab his hand and I hold it tightly. The warmth of his hands cools down my cold hands, the world seems to slow just a bit, and everything seems more peaceful.
We interlock hands and Todo smiles, and we walk onwards happily...until Todo trips on a rock and busted his ass.
" OH- Omg..OMG! Are you ok!?"
Todo just lays there and says nothing...for a while, I look around and I just drag his body to a bench. He's big and hungry because aint no way your 17 and you weight 55,000 pounds you big and freaky man! I fan and him and clean him up with a spare napkin and he groans to consciences.
" You ok?"
" Yes...where is Takada Chan?"
...Don't tell me he thought I was Takada bro...he so dumb.
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Omg y'all this was like a spontaneous thing! And it soooo long like I'm really Shakespeare fr if you think about it. But yea this my first lil story or whatever tell me if like it or if it needs some work because I lowkey wanna expand on my headcanons about this FINE ASS MAN! 😍😍
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kolour-me-kourt · 8 months ago
Chapter fifteen: sex ain’t better than love
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Time really does heal wounds just not all of them. YN and Jayson have found themselves in a stronger healthier relationship.... Or so she thinks. She's tried her hardest to fully forgive him and honestly she has but she doesn't trust him yet fully that'll take more time. With her new budding friendship with Melo Jayson finally saw them together and he no longer was worried about it she was gonna step out but he was worried that she had something with Melo that she could never have with him again and that's friendship. The more they worked on it he felt better about the situation. Slowly becoming friends again had completely helped the relationship.
Right now they were meeting up for a lunch date. She came straight from work to see him. When she walked into the restaurant she saw LBG it had been the first time since the whole ordeal so yn wanted to apologize to her. It hurts different when you're the one being done wrong. So naturally when she saw her she walked right over to her table hoping it would turn her karma back positive.
"Hiiiii" "hey you have a mintue to talk in private" since the texts and videos had come out YN hadn't seen LBG Melo was 90% sure she was the one who leaked it so YN figured she knew about them for months "wussup? You came to confront me because I leaked the messages? And ruined your new relationship?" "Uh no I figured you did that but me and Jayson are better than ever actually I just wanted to apologize .... It was fake of me to be In your face and fucking Melo" "I guess we're even now .... Better than ever though? Did he not take the bait?" "Huh what are you talking about?"
"Me and Ella have been dming eachother and becoming friends for months so when I saw Jayson was gonna be in st.Louis with Nelly I let her know ... I knew he would have to fold.... Unless he just didn't tell you" She smirked feeling excited that she might've told YN she got cheated on  "trust and believe it's nothing about that man any other woman could tell me ... but like I said we good" be the bigger person YN thought "okay well so are we since we're even" "ight cool enjoy your lunch" "you do the same"
LBG walks off going back to her table YN walks a little further and sits down at the table with Jayson. "You look beautiful" "thank youuuu sorry ima little late" "uh what we're you talking to her for?" YN lifted an eyebrow "uh just wanted to apologize as a person who's been cheated on now.... Well I just wanted to apologize" "wow okay" "yeah she did say something interesting though" "what she say?" "She set you up to fuck Ella.... Well more so she told Ella where you would be and you fell for the trap so you were a pawn in a much bigger chest game .... Sad really" "... I'm sorry I thought we were moving pass this"
"no no no ... we were I mean we are but when it comes up what am I supposed to do?" "So you told her we're struggling" he sighs "hell tf no I don't care if we were in the trenches that's our business nobody else's especially somebody I dont like but .....are we struggling?" "I mean you don't trust me and that hurts" "that's something that has to be gained again I don't wanna say I don't... I also don't really wanna have this conversation in public... you know?" She smiled through the whole conversation but Jayson was noticeably upset. She reached for his hand across the table   "Nah I get it but we can talk later right?" "Of course" he smiled slightly
"I ordered some stuff already but you can order some more whatever you want" "oooou whatever I want daddy?" She laughed genuinely he was glad he could do that.... see the real glow come to her cheeks and her eyes glisten.... It had been a minute "yeah but don't make me go broke now" "we both know that's not gon happen" "hmm you gotta keep me on my shit so I know" "don't I always?" "You try but I'm stubborn" " glad you know" "oooh you got jokes" she laughed slightly
"just like you" "I did order your meal too and your drink ... so I hope you okay with that " "yes it's fine ... I was late " "you sure?" "Yeah you should know me by now" "you know that was one of the trust test on the list ..... that you refuse to read" YN rolled her eyes
"if I'm gonna build trust with you it's just gonna happen no therapist about to tell me to play a whole bunch of games to gain trust" "it's wild cause you the main one that hypes up therapy to everyone" "cause it's a great resource but you choose this guy and I don't like him" "why?" "He's clearly a fan and agrees with you all the time" "I'm doing this for us.... I don't think he does that" "and he's judge mental af" YN continued ranting completely ignoring everything Jayson had said he rolled his eyes "okay Bae you right I'm wrong" "don't do that I always want you to speak your mind" "so listen to me when I'm trying to speak" "sorry" she said softly
when Jayson spoke to her like that it turned her on. Sex after the infidelity had been completely different. He did all the same things that use to get her to her moment but she just couldn't cum with him anymore she found herself faking the orgasms which she vowed she would never do. She didn't wanna say the sex was bad because he would be effected by that and it would be hard to move on.
And honestly It wasn't that the sex was bad it was the fact that everytime she saw his dick she almost felt like it was contaminated. In the beginning of their relationship she absolutely loved having sex with him because she felt like he belong to her and after sharing Melo it felt great to have some ownership but two months ago everything changed. Did she enjoy the sex? A little bit Did she find herself having sex everytime he hinted towards it regardless if she was in the mood or not .... Yes cause now she felt like she had competition.
YN knows it's completely unhealthy for her to have these thoughts but she was coping so now ....in this moment actually being turned on by her man even in this incredibly intense situation she found joy because this was growth.
"I didn't mean to talk to you like that" he caught himself being too forceful she licked her lips. "Nah you needed too .... I'm all ears now" she looked him up and down slowly He smiled "are you looking at me how I think you looking at me?" "Jayson baby I'm trying to listen... focus" "uh you made me lose my train of thought .... If you don't like him we can find another one but this one specializes in relationships with athletes so that's why I chose him" "of course he does that's how he gets to meet all his favs" she jokes
the waiter starts to bring the food out and when YN sees her dish she smiles "this smells so gooood" "damn it look good too I should've got me that" she laughed "wanna try some?" "Yeah" he had ordered a white sauce pasta with red peppers chicken and Turkey bacon "well that's tooooooo damn bad" she smiled drinking some of her Moscato. "Oh damn alright" "I'm  playing bae let me try it first though" she puts some of the pasta on her fork eating it slowly "yeah nah this really good" she puts some on her fork extending it to Jayson. "We gon get two to go" Jayson spoke still tasting the food in his mouth  "for you?" "Yupp" she laughed "greedyyy"
"Can we get back to how you was just looking at me though ..... I ain't seen that look and heard that soft voice in a while.... Not that I'm complaining" "I didn't wanna fake it with you .... If I feel this way I feel this way" "you couldn't fake that look even if you tried it's little give away so I know my baby" "yeah ... you do" "so do you wanna...?" She smiled "finish my pasta? Yeah I wanna do that". He laughed "but after we leave here... and finish our talk do you wanna go have some sex you'll actually enjoy instead of faking it" she started choking because she didn't know that he knew he shook his head as she started drinking some of the water that was at the table
"You done with the dramatics bae?" She rolled her eyes "you caught me off guard ... why you think I was faking it?" "Like I said I l know you and I know how you feel when you cum and you haven't been feeling... like that no matter how hard I try" "my pussy?" She whispered he laughed "I meant you all of you physically and your energy ... watch your mouth" she smirked "my lack of orgasm doesn't mean I haven't been enjoying you ... cause I have... it's just different" "you didn't tell me though and anytime it came up you ensured me that you were fine" "you didn't tell me you knew.... Got me wasting energy" "you and your jokes"
"I'm serious" "oh yeah? How it's a waste of energy" "cause ...." He smirked "im waiting" " I was really trying to play it up ... ya know so that took energy" he laughed slightly "let me ask you something Fr though" "yeah?" "Did you fake everything for the past two months? Or was it just the ....big moment" "it still felt okay so like the reactions were real the moans were real but I just played it up a little" "is that the same reason you wasn't letting me .... Eat?" Her eyes got wide
"I ... just knew I wouldn't be able to ... so it would leave me frustrated and be a waste of everyones time " she whines a little bit "do you feel like I'm rushing you.... When I'm down there" "baby can we notttt" "sorry I'm just really interested in this conversation" "it's not proper dinner convo" "you right ... but this is being added to the conversation just so you know" "no..." "yes ...." "Jayson" "we not fuckin until I get to the bottom of this I can't stand the thought of not pleasing you" "Jayson it's fine" "it's not though that's one thing with you I got right from the beginning I knew you wasn't cumming but I thought you were at least enjoying it .... But that don't seem to be right either so can we please just talk about it so I can..." "yes sorry baby of course"
"how's your Merlot?" "Sweet" she said simply "you mad at me?" "No... I'm ready to go though" "tell me if you're mad" she smiled "I'm not mad I want to go... finish the talk and..." his smile became big "and what?" YN did the motion like she was sucking dick.
"You can do that here...." his voice was deep as he looked her up and down "Boy stop" the waiter stopped by "everything okay here?" "Yea sir can we actually get to go boxes and can you give us two more orders of what she had and then the check" "yes sure no problem" "I hope you know I'm eating one of those" "why when you didn't finish that one" "only cause we leaving...." "You a headache" "yourssss"
After twenty minutes they were on the outside of the restaurant. "You going straight home?" She asked Jayson "yeah why? You not?" "I am..." "then let's go" he walks her to her car and then gets in his own He waits for her to pull out and Then he does the same.
Soon enough they were back home parking their cars she waits for him to let her out of her car. "You was racing me?" He asked "I won so it don't matter😝" "I know one race you can beat me at .... Get yo ass in this house" he pulls her roughly making her laugh  "oooou" he opens the door and shutting it quickly picking her up he pins her against the walls kissing her deeply she moans
"We gotta talk first..." he says on her lips "Jayson that's not fair" she whines"pay back for letting me fuck you terribly this whole time" she pouts "baby your dick is so hard I can feel you" "you want me?" "Yes please" "what if you don't like it?" "I will...." "I wanna finish these conversations first though..." "fine ... put me down? So I can focus" "sit on my lap? So I can remember what I'm trying to do after this..." she smiles "yes that works" she kisses his lips over and over again as he takes her to sit on the couch.
"You're so strong baby" she says on his lips as she kisses all over his face " yeah I gotta be strong ... now listen to me" he spanks her ass she pulls away "yes sir?" She knew that was his weakness "You trying me baby" "I'm not trying you... what are we supposed to be talking about?" "Well for one why you didn't tell me about the sex not being good for you" "cause I quickly figured out it was a mental thing so I didn't wanna tell you and it was nothing you could do... it would only hurt your feelings"
"I still wanna know those things it's no point of me fucking you if you don't like it ... I hate that... which brings me to the next conversation the trust excerises and our therapist" "what about it" "we need to start doing them" "you ordered for me and I liked it..." "I wanna do more ..." "like what bae?" "Like what's on the list .... Compromise?" "Fine I'll try three of them with you but if I don't like them after that it's a dub" "fine that's fair.... I got one in my head I wanna try a little later you okay with that?"
"You came up with it?" "Yes..." "ummm yeah it's making me a little uneasy but yeah" "why uneasy?" "Naturally ... idk what it's gonna be so I'm nervous" he kissed her lips "don't be.... Now do you wanna change therapists?" "No we would have to start all the way over..." "but you don't like him" "So?.... He's not bad he just likes you more" "I don't think so" "it's okay Bae ... are we done now?" He smiled
"no the situation with LBG....if you felt embarrassed or mad or any of that I'm sorry cause once again I'm sorry that you have to deal with my actions" "I forgave you .... So I had to forgive you for all that comes with that....it didn't piss me off cause I did some fucked up things to her so she was vengeful that's on me we all made actions that turned into bigger issues so I get it" he kisses her slowly "so ... we good?" "Yesss"
"Lastly..." "Ughhh" she cuts him off he spanks her ass "ow!" She laughs "like I was saying .... Lastly you gon let me eat your pussy?? I don't care how long it takes bae.... Let me make you cum" she was speechless as he picks her kissing her and taking her to the bedroom she moans. "You gon let me ... huh?" "Yesss" hearing yes from her was exciting but also brought a lot of pressure at this point he hadn't made her cum in two months so this needed to be amazing for both of them she tried to relax and stay in the moment so it could be good. She starts to take her clothes off watching him do the same. He hovered over her body looking in her eyes "you ready?" "Yes" she kiss his lips
He starts kissing down her body "if you want me to stop I will" "Jayson .... I don't wanna" he stopped on her stomach kissing all over and then he spread her legs. He didn't lick or kiss her for a moment building up the anticipation. She arched her back "baby please?" He kisses her thighs she felt him smirking "you so wet and I haven't even touched you yet...." "Ughh" she continued to move her hips up to his face everytime he would back away until suddenly she finally felt his tongue making her drop her hips he pulls her closer to his face and continued to lick her center she moaned softly she smiled it felt good already.
"You want fingers?" "Yes" he slides two fingers deep inside of her as his mouth continued to lick suck and kiss. "Yes yes yes yesssssss" she grabbed on to the blankets and herself to try and calm down but it felt so good and it felt completely new again it had been too long. "Want me to stay like this? You like this?" "Yesss baby pleaseee" he smiled and that's exactly what he was talking about earlier some things you just completely can not fake. "I love you Jayson..... Jayson I love you" she said breathlessly spreading her legs wider because she was getting closer to her big moment. "Mmmmm Jay—-" he cuts her off looking up at her  "I love you too" He said quickly rushing back to her center she pouted
"I'm taking too long?" "No such thing what I tell you earlier? I meant that and I'm enjoying myself ... I promise just relax" "okay ... okay I'm relaxing" he kissed her thighs "so can I finish?" "Yes please?" He started back up making her immediately arch her back she didn't realize how close she was before. He grabs her legs with each of his hands spreading them apart as she got closer. "Keep them open for me please?" "Yesss" he squeezes her ass pulling her close to his mouth. Her hands immediately grab his head. "Ahhhhh" he started looking in her eyes he groaned into her sending vibrations through her body.
"Oooou ooooou" her legs started to shake she grabbed her breast "ahhhhhh" he continued to groan as she moaned loudly "baby baby babyyyyyyyyyy" "mmmhmm?" "I'm gonna ...." He never stopped what he was doing "baby please don't stop pleaseee" she continued to rock her hips back and forth against his face as she finally came "yes yes yesssss...fuckkk" she felt so good it's nothing like she had experienced since he wasn't able to make her cum. She hadn't even been able to make herself cum like this. And he never stopped.
"Jayson .... Okay okay" she tries to push his head away "uh uh Im not done" "oh fuck oh fuckkk" he moves her hands pinning them down on her stomach "yesss baby yessss" "you still want me to move?" ".... Nooooo" he smirked taking one of his hands and moving it back in between her legs to slowly slide two fingers inside he kissed up her body. "That felt good huh?" "Y—es" "can't believe you been faking that for so long" "I'm sorry..." "I know." He tongue kisses her as his fingers continued to move upwards
"you'll cum for me like this?" "I want to bad" he smiled kissing her forehead "spread them legs wider" he smiled when she listen and his fingers felt so good to her "you dripping all on the bed ... all on my hand ..... just wet" she grabs his arm that's holding him up digging her nails in deep as she started to cum again. Her eyes closed "You squirting? Damn baby" next thing she knew he was back between her legs drinking from her fountain like he was the thirstiest man on earth. "ohhhhh fuckkkk" he kissed back up her body placing his fingers that was just inside her in her mouth she sucks them softly. He sticks them in the back of her throat making her gag
"you gon suck my dick?" She nods her head "what if I say no" he teases her "You won't tell me no" "why I won't?" "Cause I'm gonna do a good job"he kisses her lips adding tongue making her moan "get up and show me then" he kissed her lips one last time standing up she bit her lip siting up "you different you know that?" "Yeah I'm different now get yo sexy ass over here"
she finally scoots out of the bed walking over to him when she gets to him she kisses all over his chest softly rubbing her nails up and down his shaft. Then she kisses down his body until she gets on her knees. She smirks while looking up at him
"you trying to tease me huh?" He says
After a few kisses on his dick YN wets her mouth slowly spiting onto his dick getting it nice and wet Jayson pulls at her hair pulling her away "I asked you a question... answer me" "I'm not teasing" she starts stroking his dick he keeps pulling her head back "now you're teasing me Jayson"  "don't play with me baby.... Okay?" She bit her lip "what's gonna happen if I do?" "Nothing... just don't" "okay so let me start..." she pouts he lets her hair go and she immediately kissing his tip slowly placing it in her mouth his head immediately goes back she pulls him out of her mouth licking on the bottom of his shaft staring him in his eyes.
"Hit me with it" she moaned he smiled "say please" "Please"? he grabbed his dick hitting her right in the face with his dick he noticed her fingering herself as her mouth went back on his tip and her other hand started to stroke him again in perfect harmony moving down and up together "keep looking at me" he said softly "damn you so beautiful... that pussy so wet for me ain't it?" "Mmmmhmmm" "I need to feel you.... Let go back to the bed" she stoped "you sure ... that wasn't that long" "yeah I'm sure" he helps her up and then they walk over to the bed he pushes her down on her back...
"babyyy" she laughed "hmmm? You don't like a little bit of aggression?" "Yeah..." "yeah I know" she bit her lip  watching him intently wondering what was next he grabs his dick teasing her but also teasing himself. She wiggled as his tip continued to play between her folds up and down to her clit and then to her entrance painfully slow as she whined "please Jay?" She stared into his eyes and suddenly he was completely inside of her. He grabbed her boobs as he stroked slowly "yesss baby" "damn look at how you grippin me" he concentrated on his dick moving in and out of her which made her look too it was a beautiful site "I'm so wet" gasps  he grabs her hips switching up his tempo but it still felt amazing.
"Hold your legs ...." "Jayyyyy" she whined he hits her thigh pushing her legs back. "Now!" She holds her ankles "when I tell you to do something do it...stop playing with me" his thumb landed on her clit rubbing it just enough to make her say "I'm gonna cummm" "nah..." she smiled he leaned down to kiss her as they continued to moan in each others mouth. "Fuckkk" "shhh just kiss me" she kissed until she didn't have any more strength to because she was cuming. "Fuck" he groaned on her lips "squeezing me and you so damn tight .... Can't believe you thought you was faking this bae" "I'm so sorry" "nah I'm sorry" she tried to drop her legs that's when he promptly said no softly "no?" "We not done..." "oh....? can I rest them on your shoulder?" He smiled pulling out she looked at his dick wet from her still fully hard and wanting her
"you wanna be done?" "No..I was just—" "put it in the air for me okay?" She turns around sticking her ass in the air he watched her make the perfect arch. "Damn" he said softly and grabbed her hands putting them on her back holding them there and sliding in deeply "see I had to hold you .... You like to run when it's good"  "Jaysonnnnnnn" "hmm?" "I missed you" " I missed you too baby" his other hand comes around rubbing her clit "OHHHHHHHHHHHH" she started to cum "fuck you trying to push me out...keep your hands there" she holds her hands behind her back.
He puts his hands on either side of her head stroking deeply "throw it back on me" "ughhhhh" "yeah throw that shit back" she started to go too fast "slow down... you not even enjoying it when it's that fast " she continued going fast he slaps her ass "slow the fuck down" she listens going slower he grabs her hair pulling her up as he started to fuck her again. He chokes her a little bit making her smile "I love how you takin my dick right now" he kissed her cheek letting her rest back on the bed.
"Mmmmm" he said softly she knew that noise from anywhere he was about to cum. She tried to glance back to look at his face but then he went into overdrive making her lose her position. Her stomach now was flat on the bed and ass barely in the air but he didn't stop. "Bae you not being a good girl for me no more" YN whines as she starts to release "oh no warning?" "I'm so fuckin sorry" she moans into the sheet. "Bae you want me to cum?" "Pleaseeeee" "where you want it?" "Inside me Jay inside meeee" he smiled grabbing her hair and choke  her while her body remained on the bed he pulled her head close to him "where you want it?" "Inside me baby pleaseeee" she looked up at him as he groaned deeply
"pleaseee?" "Fuck I love the way you grippin me right now I want it to last forever" it's almost like he growled the sentence in her ear which turned her on more she notice him becoming weak as his hips went into over drive but also become sluggish and his eyes closed. "Baby I want it so deep in me please" she whined never has she begged for his orgasm so much but she needed it as much as he did right now. "Oh shit" he begins sucking on her neck "daddy don't stop" she felt him get tense and then release inside of her holding her as close as possible "mmmm"
He licks his fingers rubbing her clit "fuck Jaysonnnnn" "one last one for me baby while you keep me inside" her eyes were heavy as she started to grind against him "want me to stop?" "Nooo please" "please what?" "Don't stop don't .... Mmmmmm" "go head cum on me bae" she grinds slightly against his fingers "I'm .... So close.." she says softly his hand goes to her throat "so what you need?" "Squeeze it..." he didn't ask anymore questions he just squeezed her throat tight but not too tight as his other hand went into over drive on her clit making her cum almost immediately "ohhhh shit look at youuu drippin" he started to stroke again slowly and deeply
  "daddyyyy thank youuuuu" he started to cum again groaning in her ear softly "fuck" he slowly let her go she let herself relax laying on the bed fully he stands up looking down at her .... Legs still shaking He smiled he was proud. She lays on her side "come here.." "hmmm?" He walks closer to her lining himself up with her stomach "come up to my face I want a kiss" he walks closer leaning down to kiss her lips he stands up "anything else?" She licked her lips staring directly at his dick she slowly put him back in her mouth "damn baby" after she was content she pulled away
"just trying to clean you off" he leans down kissing her forehead "I love you" "I love you too.... Lay dat ass down" he laughed "why?"  "Why not?" "Cause I gotta pee" "me too and I'm laying down" "Get up" "your little deep voice worked one time now you wanna be talking to me crazy" "I better not hear nothing crazy come out your mouth for the next three days after that sex." YN laughed "so on day four I can talk shit again?"  She stands up walking past him to the bathroom "Shouldn't ever be talking to me like that..." he smacks her ass "ooouch" "I'm going to the other bathroom!" "okay then" he slides some shorts on going to her guest bathroom
YN pees brushes her teeth and then got in the shower about five minutes in her shower she felt a cold breeze from the shower door opening. "Can I come in?" "Mhmm" he drops his shorts coming into the shower with her
"I know I should just be happy that your legs are weak and we having this good moment but—-" YN cuts him off "—- baby please can we just live in this good moment it might continue to last you're trying to be twenty steps ahead in our relationship now and it just doesn't work like that... I love you ... we working this shit out that's all that matters the more we sit and analyze stuff the worse it's gonna get for me" "okay Bae I'm sorry" she looked at his face and couldn't help but smile "I want you to be able to get stuff off your chest but I also just don't wanna keep talking about the same things .... I truly believe we good" "alright then that's enough for me ... I promise" "did you tap out?" "Nah ... why" she turns around standing directly under the shower head rinsing the front of her body he grabs her hair making it into a pony tail standing directly behind her
"Wanna answer me?" She glances up "I was just asking" "from the way you standing I can tell your legs are weak .... I think you tapped out" "me? Never!" She smiled "so let me slide back in" "jaysonnnn" "prove me wrong..." "I can't cause you right" he kissed her forehead "thoughts so" "I know everything is a little crazy right now but.... I don't want you to leave" "I'm not we got time" "I mean ever..." he laughed slightly "baby .... You know that's not possible" " I do I'm just saying" "I'm sorry we can't be together all the time ... this long distance shit is for the birds"  Jayson turns around so YN could wash his back
"you thought about letting me meet Deuce ... and his mother"  "you think you ready for that" "it's not up to me" "nobody has ever met Deuce I've never even considered it but with you.... Shit" she grabs the shower head rinsing his back  
He turns around "you'll consider it?" "If you're ready he's older now I don't want him getting attached and then ..." "no I get it .... Ask your mom" he smiled "why?" "She knows things that I can't even explain and she knows you and Deuce so are you ready? Am I ready? And most importantly  is he ready? To meet someone I know I'm important to you and I love you you're important to me and I just think about the constant back and forth and long period of time when you're not here and it's because I can't go there when you have Deuce cause I haven't met him but if I do meet him I can come around more for the both of you"
"mostly for me right?" She laughed "was that some Jealousy I hear Jay?"
"Yeah definitely I want you to only be focused on me" "of course I am ... but isn't this getting serious" "it is .... So I would love for you two to have a bond but I don't know what that looks like cause once again he's never met anybody I was talking to or dating" "I'm not trying to force it Bae I'm just  .... That would solve this long distance problem and also I wanna meet his mom first" he smiled "that'll be interesting" "why?" "Y'all totally different" "yeah I'm cuter than her" "bae.." he says sternly
"my bad I'll be nice I just wanna meet her cause I don't wanna met deuce without meet her and getting the okay the last thing I wanna  do is start drama in your life surrounding your child so if you think that's gonna happen forget I even said anything" "close your eyes let me rinse your hair" "want me to turn away from you?" "Yeah so I can get that back of your head" she listens bracing her self on the wall as Jayson washed the conditioner out of her hair. "Let me think about it some more and then I'll get back to you ... how that sound?" "Like a plan" "good .... You so understanding" "I try"
"I love your wet hair... does something to me" she smiled "you like the curls" "yeah I do ..." "me too I wish when it dries I could keep it like this" "well at least I get the pleasure of seeing you like this." She turns standing on her tip toes asking for a kiss. "I love you" "I love you" "nah I don't think you understand baby I love you sooooooo damn much like so damn much it doesn't make sense in my head" he kisses her forehead "and I love you so much more than you could ever love me" "if you love me more than I love you that's wayyyyy too much" she smiled he shook his head "actually nah it's just enough" "let's get out the shower" "you can go ahead Bae I need five more minutes" "okayyyy" she leaves him in the shower after drying off she puts on one of T shirts that was too big for her and some cute lace panties then she goes to the kitchen to start fixing some spaghetti.
When he came out of the bathroom he wanted more of her. "Bae?" He yelled from upstairs "I'm in the kitchennnnn" when he walked into the kitchen he had no clothes on "bae!" She was completely shocked he walked over to her quickly sitting her on the counter kissing "what are you doing bae" "I want you badly" he continued kissing her spreading her legs he moved her panties to the side sliding inside her deeply. "Fuckkk I'm cooking bae" "it'll be fine YN" "...the ground beef is gonna burn" she said quietly "so I need to stop?" "Nooo ... I was just ughhh" she whined
"fuckk" he groaned in her ear as she shook "fuck Jayyyy" "sorry I even had to come at you like that but baby you look so damn good I'm so happy about us" "me too daddy me——ughhhh" "hmmm?" He smiled "your voice and then the way you .... Fuck why can't I finish a sentence" he laughed slightly "you still can say too much if I'm being honest" "mmfuck!!" she pouts as she gets closer "you feel so fuckin good yn" he says right on her lips "right there right there oh gosh Im About to..." "nah wait for me" "jayyy I can't" his forehead rested on hers watching her closely while her eyes remained closed he kept a nice grip on her booty
"bae hold it" he felt her walls begin to squeeze him tighter indicating that she was trying to listen she grabbed his back digging her nails "ahhhh ... daddyyyy I cantttt" "cum for me cum with me" he rubs her clit as he works on making them release together he continued to stroke inside of her until he was tapped out He kissed her lips and neck sucking softly "damn let me put some clothes on" he pulls out fixing her panties as YN sat there trying to catch her breath he smiled
"what's for dinner? I'm hungry" "spaghetti if my meat didn't burn" she said with a slight attitude he helps her down off the counter "let me go put on some clothes I'll be back" she bit her lip "okay" he smacks her ass walking away. YN begin making her sauce as Jayson walks back "you mad I fucked your like that?" "No the food will be fine so no .... And it felt good so.... but um can I ask what prompted that?" "Trust excerise wanted to be spontaneous and see if you would trust me enough to do it safely..." "well did I pass?" "With flying colors" she smiled looking back at him "mmm good" "food smell good" "thank you Bae" "can't wait to eat" "if the trust excerises we're gonna be like that you should've told me" she smiled "you didn't even read them Bae" "I know and I'm sorry" "mhm I know"
"Chile...." "What?" "Nothing Jay nothing" "that attitude coming back I see" "I'm in here fixing you dinner ..... what attitude?" "I appreciate that too" "mhm" "that attitude!... it's a little hint but it's still there what's up?" "What's up is nothing" he stand up walking behind her pulling her close "talk to me" she pushed her hips further on him melting into his body "oh Is that what you want?" He kissed her check whispering in her ear she moaned softly "I'm not doing anything until you tell me what you want" "Jayson" she whined "what?" He said sternly she glance up at him and then quickly looked back down pouring her sauce over the meat mixing it well
"you're being rough" "being rough how?" "Being aggressive..." she couldn't help but moan cause she could feel him poking through his shorts and her panties  "why you whining" "you know why" "nah I don't tell me" "I want more ...." "more what?" "You..." "me doing what ? Use your words" now that her meat was mixed throughly she turned it on low and turned her water up high so it can boil she turned around staring at him "nothing I guess.." "just cause I want to hear you say it? Cause I hope you know I'm not bluffin" "I know daddy ..." she smiled "oh so you want me to give in?"
He grabs her hand putting it in his pants so she could feel him "you see I'm ready .... You can feel I'm ready just tell me what you want" "I want you to eat it .... And I wanna get fucked over the island"  "why was that so hard to say?" He picks her up sitting her on the island moving her panties out of the way again she gasp "hmm? You not gon answer me?" "It's hard to say those things even when I want them I wish you would just ...ooooou" she stopped taking when she felt his lips wrap around her clit. He moves and starts placing light kisses on her thighs "finish that sentence you wish I would what?" "Just do what you think I want cause you're right" "so I'm a 100% right? all the time?" "you're very accurate when I'm trying to tell you something with my body"
his kisses started getting closer and closer to her center making her whine more "so why not just tell me..you could've been getting your pussy ate by now" "ughhhhh" "I ask you a question" "I don't know Jayson I don't know" "You gettin frustrated?" "a little" he smiled pulling her close to his taking one long lick she melted on his tongue "yessss" she loved the way his hands grabbed at her thighs keeping her close to his face she loved how when he started enjoying himself he would growl like he was hungry for more "you wanna cum on my face?" "y-e--e-e-esssss" her yes very broken which let Jayson know she was close he stands up helping her down
"bend over" she stared him in his eyes if she protested he was gonna fuck her but if she didn't he had no intentions on stoping his meal she bends over with no complaints and he places her leg on the island straight and then she felt his tongue on her clit one more time. "FUCKKKKK'' "mmmmm" she grabbed onto the other end of the island to keep her balance as she pushed her hips back onto his face "im...s---o ...clo--seeee" next thing he knew he felt her getting wetter as he struggled to continue to lick her up finally when was done he kissed up her body stopping at both butt checks and then her back sliding in deep. "fuck yes" he noticed
the leg he had placed on the island kept moving closer and closer to the edge  "keep you leg up there don't move that shit you hear me?" he grabbed her hair roughly when she didn't answer "You hear me baby?" "Yessss daddy I hear you fuck" "next time you want another round what you gon say?" "Fuck me daddy pleaseeee" "and If I say no?" ''you won't" he smiled laughing slightly "you right" he glanced at the stove noticing the water got a little louder they have solid three minutes before the water started to boil he kept a strong hold on her hair
"so damn wet look at my baby" "daddyyy" "cum for me? you wanna cum for me?" "yessss" "damn I love the way your ass moving on me right now..." he said lowly but she heard him so she begin smiling "Jay—- mmmm Jay right there" his eyes were closed because he had worked himself up and was so close he could taste it .... He wanted to make her cum again though so he reached around rubbing her clit which immediately made her move her hips forward "uh uh baby where you going take this dick" "fuckkkk fuck fuckkkkkkkk " she says as she releases all over him he smiles
"thank you" He says to remind her to say thank you "thank youuuu" "tell daddy thank you" "thank youuuu daddyyyy fuckk" "mmmm guess where I'm about to cum?" "Inside me" "mhmm that's where you want it?" "Yes yes yesss fuck" "shit" he groaned when he felt her squeezing her walls around him as he finally exploded inside of her her leg finally fell as she tried to get herself together once again he fixed her panties and the water started to boil
"fuck baby could you?" She ask Jayson "just put the noodles in?" "Yeah ... um please" he smiled fixing himself "yeah I gotchu" he poured the noodles in the pot and she still hadn't moved "you good bae?" He walked over to her face kissing her forehead "hmm?" He laughed "are you good?" "Yes I'm fine" she stands up fixing her shirt "I feel like...." "What?" "Nothing I don't wanna seem crazy" she reached under the cabinet grabbing Clorox wipes wiping down the island and the counter she was on earlier "you still want more?" she bit her lip. "yeah... is that crazy?" "it's not crazy but you gotta feed me first bae or im not gon be any more good" He laughed "okay bae lets get some food in you" 
she drained the water when the noodles were done and put him some noodles in his bowl and poured the sauce over "any cheese?" "Yeah exactly like yours" "oooop you wanna be like big daddy" YN laughed he shook his head "you ain't big nothing" "this ass is big" "your ass and that head the only big things on you" "you don't complain about this head when I'm giving it to you" she finally places his meal in front of him "you got jokes" "always, what you want to drink daddy?" "Mmm you catering to me? Some water is fine" "water it is" she grabbed him a bottle handing it to him and then fixed her food sitting across from him.
"What you drinking?" He asked her "this is lemonade" "oh damn can I have some?" "Out of my glass or you want your own cup?" "I don't wanna drink all of yours so yeah my own cup" "okay I'll get you some" she grabbed a glass putting him some ice in it and then poured him some lemonade handing it to him "anything else?" "Nah bae let's eat" she smiled sitting down after a quick prayer she watched him eat her food and then started eating herself "this good asf bae look at you catering to me" she smiled "I'm glad we back Fr.... Feels good"
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nkirukaj · 7 months ago
vVv is for Voe (2)
Pairing: StaticBeau & RadioBeau
Warnings: Swearing; Sexual Innuendos
Genre: Humor!
Word Count: 4.3K
<Chapter 1
2. Strut
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“And the break room is over there,” Vinny points to the room
Voe rolls her eyes God this is so fucking boring. She glances down at her nails and thinks about how they could seriously use a manicure, tuning Vinny out completely as she mindlessly follows him down the hall. 
“Are you ready to look around the lab downstairs? Or something…?”
Voe takes a moment to answer “Oh were you talking?”
“A-anyway the computer…place is uh- sorry, getting my notes mixed up,” He scrolls through his Vpad
Voe sighs dramatically and taps her foot impatiently, they’re in front of a room door where they can hear giggling coming from inside “What’s in there?” Voe points to it
“Uh, storage…closet,”
“I don’t know any storage that giggles,”
Vinny looks nervous “We should keep going,” he tries to rush her
She crosses her arms “You don’t even know where you’re going,”
“We’re going to the computer room! Just so you know how that works,”
“I know how computers work,”
He sounds exasperated “Would you please just come?”
Voe smirks “Why? What are you gonna do if I don’t?”
“You mean what will I do if you don’t?” Vox appeared behind her out of a nearby camera. She turns and looks up at him “Did we not have a discussion about you listening to me?”
“What’s in that room?”
“Whatever it is, I heard it giggling,”
“It’s a giggle monster,” He turns to Vinny “Take her to the system room, show her around there,”
Voe groans “Why do I have to do this, I’m bored!”
Vox turns back to her “Oh, do you know where everything is?” They stare at each other “That’s not a rhetorical question, do you know where everything is or not?”
She rolls her eyes again “No,”
“Great,” he turns to Vinny once more “Show her to the system room,”
“Yes, sir,”
“Uuuuggghhhh!” she stomps away
Vox enters the room and can be heard asking “What did you need?” before shutting the door behind him.
Voe plops down on her bed and pulls out her Vphone that Vox had given her, she had already set up a Sinstagram, if it was anything like the platform that it was copying, she’d be a Queen at this. She scrolls through her pictures of her in new outfits and trying on new shoes, pressing the button to go LIVE. When she does, she watches the camera, waiting for the viewer count to go up.
who is this?
holy Satan its a deer
why she not saying nothin? And comments like it float by at the bottom of the screen
um hi?
who tf r u???
“Y’all don’t know me…yet, but you will,” she chuckles
tryna b all mysterius but who is dis bitch
Voe smirks and finally introduces herself “I’m Voe, I go by Voe the Beau, because it means ‘beautiful’, and I am,” she poses in front of the camera
must be one of dem new sinners
“I am pretty new, but don’t worry about that, let’s worry about all the questions y’all could be asking me right now to get to know me! So go head, ask mommy!”
Mommy? oh hell nah
she is kinda hot tho 👀
that don’t mean she givin mommy
what she given den? daddy?
idk maybe
“I prefer to be called Mommy by men,”
oooo wat u want women 2 call u?
don’t ask her nuthin!
Voe smirks “Women can call me Daddy,”
that’s it I’m sold
wats dis? a follow button?
alright maybe she get a chance!
“Yeah that’s right, be good little boys and do what Mommy says,”
damn yes ma’am
“Now, who would be interested in seeing me wearing different clothes?” Many people put hands-up emojis in the comments “Great!” She claps her hands “Then you might want to follow me because I used to get real spicy on my lives when I was alive, especially when I get bored,”
r u gunna get nakey? 😁
“Wait and see…” she puts her finger over her lips, shushing them, and winks “If I do it’ll be for the ladies. I love me some women,”
“Currently I’m living at V-Tower, and I was bored as fuck today,”
shit u workin 4 da Vess??
“Specifically Vox, but he’s mad annoying,”
vox?? lucky!!!!
da most famous Overlords
some of ‘em
Nah the most famus
“Oooh, gossip! Who are some other famous Overlords?”
rosie, alastor carmilla carmine
i work for her!
nobody asked tho
what about zeezi
whats wrong wit her?
she ain’t all that
Yes she is
“Wait, what’s an Overlord anyway?”
the most powerful sinners in Pentagram City
“Oooh, I like power, and the Vees are Overlords?”
most powerful
put some respect on Alastor name 4 he cum 4 u
🖕🏽that guy
“They can own people?”
u become 1 by owning souls
the vees own millions each way more together
Voe rubs her chin “That’s interesting,”
how you live there and they don’t own ya soul?
She shrugs “I don’t know, they never asked for it. Right now I’m just Vox’s assistant,”
right 👉🏽👌🏽 assistant
She laughs ��What does that mean?”
u know what it means
“I just hand him papers and write segments for him,”
seg-ments seg sex
don’t lie lots of ppl fuc Vox
“I don’t fuck him!”
But u want to
“I don’t actually, he’s kind of a pompous little baby,” she raises the pitch of her voice, mockingly “But I don’t know, Velvette’s got it going on,” Voe purrs.
She’s my fave, cuz she owns me.
“I love a Black queen,”
The door to the room she was given opens up. A different-looking assistant came into the room.
“Mr. Vox would like to see you in his office,”
“Really? Right now?” she looks at the demon
She nods “Yes,”
Voe sighs and rolls her eyes, turning the live off and putting her phone back into her pocket. She walks with the assistant out into the hallway, just stopping.
“Are you not gonna show me?”
“Mr. Vox said that since you know everything, you could find it yourself,” Voe raises a brow “I’ll just show you,” and she takes off showing her to the elevator, pressing the button for her. While she descends in the elevator alone, she thinks of all the things that the LIVE told her. Was Vox really that powerful, maybe she should cozy up to him, play into his ego, hop onto the bandwagon, and maybe something else? She wanted that power and she wanted it now. 
She steps out of the elevator and walks the thin walkway up to where Vox is sitting, in front of many large screens, showing the activities of many denizens of Hell. She stops and puts her hands on her hips.
“Yes, Vox?” She breathes out
He turns around in his chair “Saw you were doing a LIVE in your room,” he takes a sip from his mug that says ‘FUCK ALASTOR’ “Come closer,” he beckons her with his index finger “Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble,”
She obeys him and takes a step forward. He’s confused a bit “Come here, come to me, my dear,” she does, stopping when she’s about a foot away from him.
“I have an idea for you,” he smirks “We’re supposed to get a new shipment of appliances, and Velvette is getting some new clothes,” he pauses, sipping again “We’re sending them to you. You’re gonna advertise them on your LIVEs,”
“I just started doing LIVEs,”
“I know you did,” he grins “You’re gonna do another one later today, and then tomorrow, and then… next Friday you’re gonna be on Vox 2-Nite. We’re gonna meet this Voe the Beau, introduce her to all of Hell,”
She widens her eyes “Really?”
Vox nods “Yeah, really. But maybe you don’t wanna do it. Am I wasting your time?” he starts to turn around in his chair.
Voe yanks him back “Fuck yeah! You’re gonna pay me for making the lives right?”
His grin falls “No, it’s gonna be free labor, why wouldn’t I?!”
“Don’t yell at me Vox,”
“Or what? If you want this, you’re gonna have to be a good girl. Are you a good girl Voe?”
She blushes and looks away “Sometimes,”
He shrugs “Oh, well sometimes isn’t good enough. Maybe I could find someone else to do it,” he turns away in his chair mumbling to himself
Voe sighs “Yes,”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, Vox,”
“Yes, Vox what?”
She inhales her blush taking over most of her face “Yes Vox, I- I’m a good girl,”
He swivels back around in his chair, his voice distorting “I know you are. Your next LIVE is at 8 sharp. You are going to be doing a makeup tutorial with Velvette’s new ‘Sinful Palette’,” he opens it up for her, then places it in a bag that he hands to her. She takes the bag.
“Is that all?”
“And wear something nice. That’s all,” he smirks at her “Actually Voe” he turns back around and grabs a bag that reads ’Triple 6’ on it “Actually, wear this,” he hands it to her with a huge grin “Can’t wait to watch it,”
She turns to walk away and then turns back “Vox,” she calls
“You’re an Overlord, right?”
“That’s correct,”
“Why haven’t you asked for my soul?” 
He crosses his legs “I have bigger plans for you Voe, unless you want me to have your soul,”
She turns back around without answering him, and Vox watches her walk away.
“Just because I want you on camera, doesn’t mean that you don’t still have other work to do,” Vox tells her “I need you to do my dry cleaning, but don’t take it to that other place, I hate that place. Take it to that other other place, you know the one. And I need my lunch, you know my lunch?”
“Since when am I in charge of your lunch?”
She rolls her eyes “What do you want?”
“You know what I want,”
“No, I don’t,”
Vox groans “I don’t have time to explain things to you,”
Voe lets out an exasperated sigh as he throws his suit at her.
She wandered the streets of Hell trying to find the other other dry cleaners, going inside every dry cleaner and asking if Vox sends his assistants in there. They all told her, yes, but some of those bitches were lying. She settled on one that was bigger and newer than the others, it gave her a crisp feeling. She dropped it off and went to take care of lunch.
“If I was Vox, what would I eat? Hmm? Chargers and wires?” She chuckles to herself “Wait, how does he get food in his mouth?” 
When she exited, across the street was a restaurant that’s called ‘vVv Restuarant’ and slapped her forehead. ‘Trust us with your tastebuds’ it read under the sign. Voe was quite unimpressed with the lack of variety on the menu. Vox was a man so he’d probably complain about only having one sandwich, so she bought him two.
Rushing out with the sandwiches and a drink, she was walking pretty quickly, eager to get away from all the heathens causing damage outside. Her heels clicked in a quick rhythm as she made her way through the streets, not fully there in her own head. She thought of her first LIVE as an official influencer and what she would say, she wondered what Vox thought of her and why suddenly he was interested in her talent. Her thoughts were broken by running into something thin and solid.
“Yo, what the fuck?” Was her instinct to say, she rubbed her forehead and opened her eyes looking up. She was greeted by the sight of an extremely tall demon, with a fancy red coat, a cane with a microphone on it, and red hair with black tips, that gathered on top of his head in a similar shape as the ears she had on her head. A large grin took up the majority of his face and his bright red eyes were quite a sight to behold. 
“Oh my, such crude language for such a lovely girl,” he puts his hand out, leaning down. She takes it and he helps her up
“What do you expect, you knocked into me?”
“Well, perhaps you should slow down instead of rushing,”
“Yeah, I got things to do,”
“Then I guess you should be on your merry way,” and moves out of her way
“Right,” she walks past him “Weirdo,” she mumbles and takes off back to V-Tower
She plants the sandwiches in front of Vox 
“Your suit will be ready in two days,” she tells him
“Awe, thank you,” he speaks mockingly and pinches her cheek
Voe pulls away “I got you that for lunch,”
“Aw- wait, two? I only wanted one!”
“How would I know that? You didn’t tell me what you wanted!”
Vox groans “I gave you a clear list of things, did I ask for two fucking sandwiches? NO! I asked for one!”
“You didn’t ask for anything!”
Vox starts pacing “The camera already adds 10 pounds, now it’ll add about 500 pounds!”
Voe scoffs “First off terrible math, and second you don’t have to eat them both now!”
“I can’t deal with you right now, just put them down and get out of my sight!”
“Oh Vox, scared you’re not pretty?” She jokes
He whips around “Get out NOW!” His voice distorting
“Fine, geez,” she throws her hands up and leaves his office, unsure of what the previous interaction meant for her career and advancement. She takes the elevator back up to the ground floor finding Velvette looking around the lobby
“Just the sinner I was looking for! Come here love,” 
Voe walks up to the doll demon, wondering what she needs “Yeah?”
Velvette puts a measuring tape around her waist “I guess we don’t have to take it out. You know you should really wear clothes your size because I thought you were huge,”
Voe blinks “These are the clothes you gave me,”
She waves her off “Mhmm,” and types on her phone before taking Voe’s hand “Come,” She leads Voe to her studio, where there’s an entire rack of clothes set up and ready for Voe to try on. “Try these on,” she flippantly commands her while staring at her phone “Don’t do the live until I know if these fit, I will not be embarrassed,”
“Oh, Vox gave me something to wear,”
Velvette looks up in disgust “What from that horried store Triple 6? They can’t dress themselves, let alone anyone else! Did you see what they had Verosika Mayday wearing on her tour?”
“I don’t know who that is,”
“You’ll wear these that I give you. And you can wear those Triple 6 rags to bed,”
“Fine then. I will tell you that my signature color is pink. It looks great against my complexion,”
“And what a fine complexion you have, you’re welcome,” she winks at the doe
Voe tries on clothes for what seems like hours Velvette occasionally gives her feedback
“Strike a pose. No no, just. What are you doing? Just put your hands on your hips! Damn was that so fucking hard? How about earrings?” She leans into Voe’s face “Your ears aren’t pierced! Well, we’ll get on that. Hmm, maybe a nose ring?”
Voe shakes her head “I don’t know about that,” 
“You have the nose for it!”
Voe raises a brow, Velvette sighs
“Perhaps a bellybutton ring,” She claps “Now!” She goes through the outfits Voe has tried on, and picks one “Wear this on your LIVE. If you’re going to be working here then you need to look your best, always. You’re representing us, and we will not be made a fool of. Understand?”
Voe nods “Yes ma’am,”
“Good,” she hands her the outfit “Here,”
The outfit was a hot pink romper with a cool blue blazer and studded cool blue pumps.
“I certainly hope you can walk in heels,”
“I can,”
“Can you strut?”
Voe smirks “I do it every day,”
“Well do it right now,”
Voe slips on the pumps and shows Velvette her model walk, loading it with all the confidence she’s saved in her back pocket for years.
“A bit shaky, but not bad. Not bad at all,” Velvette glances down at Voe’s ass when she says this and Voe decides to give her a wink back.
“Hi guys, it’s Voe the Beau, and I know I did a LIVE earlier, but I’m back and I’m gonna show you how to do my makeup,” Voe takes off her blazer and puts her hair back
show us the palette!!
“Today I’m using Velvette’s newest palette, ‘Sinful’,”
oh shit
She opens the palette and shows it to the camera “Ooh these are some dark tones, I love that,” she reads the names of the shades “So we have, ‘Blood’, which a deep red ‘Poison’ which is a deep purple and- Oh” Voe sounds grossed out when she reads one. She turns it back to the camera, covering the name of one “Guys, you see this one? This white one? It’s called ‘Val’s Juice’, and it has little sparkles in it,”
“Same girly pop,”
ur uber hot
“I know!” She smiles “Damn, if this what his juice looks like, what Val be eatin’?”
“Oooh here’s one for me, it’s a dark pink. It’s called ‘Love Potion’,”
nah she too pretty to just be on my phone screen
“Then maybe use your Vpad, if you have one, which you should,”
i want it in blue
yesssss that electric
“Okay so today I’ll be using, ‘Love Potion, ‘Val’s Juice’ and this black one called ‘Abyss’,”
nah she a freak yall can’t see it?
“Me? A freak?” She puts her hand on her chest  jokingly “What gave you that idea?”
not u teasing us
girl please
Voe starts with her foundation, then concealer and powder. She fills in her eyebrows but makes it clear that “That’s an optional step,”
how r u so beautiful???
Voe shrugs “I guess I just died that way,”
shes so pretty
im gunna double die shes so gorgeous
show them thighs off
“My thighs are currently covered, but I’m known as a ‘thicc queen’” she puts it in quotes as she puts the white eyeshadow in the corners of her eyes “So I’ve got ‘Val’s Juice’ in the corners of my eyes,” she says while laughing
Voe laughs along with them and says “Now I’m using ‘Love Potion’,” She spreads the shade onto her eyelid “It’s so pigmented, I love this! You don’t have to go back over and over and layer it! It’s just right on the first go! Okay now I’m using ‘Abyss’ on the edge of my eye” She outlines a wing and fills it in with the shade, blending it on with her lids. “Okay you can never go wrong with some highlight and glitter,” she applies them and turns to the camera “How do I look chat?”
gorgeous 😍
promise to come back!!
“Okay, chat question. How would I look with a bellybutton ring?”
omg so cuuuute
even cuter with a nose ring
“Ugh, you guys and this nose ring propaganda,”
“But I’m not edgy,”
what are u then?
“I’m more of a preppy popular girl,” she pouts her plump lips and leans forward
preppy wit a nose ring????
“It’s not really my style but I’d try a belly button ring,” Voe looks at the time and decides to end the LIVE “Okay, that’s all for tonight! Love ya!” she blows the camera a kiss before turning it off. “UGH!” she falls back on her bed. Pretending to be all high energy was exhausting for her. She even raised the pitch of her voice on the LIVEs, it wasn’t all pretend, but this heightened version of herself required way too much energy. The door slid open and Vinny entered
“What Vinny?”
“Mr. Vox wants to see you,”
“In the conference room? Uh, well the Vess would like to see you,”
When Voe reached the conference room, all the Vees and their intimidating presence were fully displayed. They all have straight faces and are eerily quiet until she settles herself into a seat.
“Yes?” she sounds bored
“We saw your LIVE, and I just wanted to issue my congrats,”
They respond with scattered clapping “Outstanding dear,” Velvette compliments her “I had my doubts, but you rocked that romper,”
“Yeah, my juice looks good on you,” Val grins, saliva dripping from his lips
“There’s more isn’t there?” she asked “You didn’t just call me down here to give me praise,”
“We want the LIVEs to be longer, clearly the people love to hear you, so perhaps script them?”
“And you need to start doing videos too, and they have to be at least 3 minutes long,”
They all look at Val to see his input and he’s playing a game on his phone. He looks up “Oh I don’t have anything to say,”
An intern bursts into the room and calls out “Mr. Vox! Mr. Vox!” they sound out of breath and they all turn to them
“We are literally in a MEETING!” Vox slams his fist on the desk
When the intern catches their breath they say “The Radio Demon is on the air,”
Vox stands up hastily “Meeting adjourned!” And runs out of the room
Vel and Val purse their lips in annoyance
“Are you two coming or WHAT?”
They step up to begrudgingly follow him and Voe tags along, wanting to be supported. She runs up next to Velvette 
“The Radio Demon?” she asks the other woman
Vel rolls her eyes “Ugh,”
“What are you saying you fucking asshole?!” Vox asks crouched over a radio
“Vox, calm down before you cause another blackout,”
“What’s got his panties bunched up?”
Val takes a drag of his cigarette “El demonio de la radio”
Vel scoffs “The Radio Demon,”
“Who is that? Vox’s mortal enemy?”
She groans “I guess you could say that,”
“If you hate him, why are we listening to this?”
“Because he’s trying to find, what is it Vox?”
“An angle!”
“Yes, an angle,” Velvette mocks him
Voe looks around the room “Does he know that he looks legit crazy right now?”
Velvette shrugs “I don’t know what’s going on through his head in these moments,” 
Voe looks down at the radio “I can’t believe you even own this,” she goes to poke it before her hand is swatted at by Vox
“DON’T TOUCH THAT!” he snarls 
“What the fuck? Is it really that serious?”
Velvette rolls her eyes “You have no idea,”
“But you didn’t hear this from me!” The voice on the radio said, “Aha!”
“Aha!” He mocks “SHUT UP BITCH”
Voe leans forward on the table “Wow Vox, I haven’t known you that long, but this is the lowest point I’ve ever seen you at,”
“Oh trust me, he’s been lower,”
“Oh I am so much better than him, right?” he whips around to the others who nod bored
Voe laughs “Vox you’re constantly acting like the big man in charge, but you come undone for a voice on the radio? What, do you think he’s prettier than you?”
“Ugh, I can’t” Velvette walks away scrolling away on her phone
Voe turns to walk away. She cannot see Vox like this and hears the clicking of heels that are not hers. She turns to find Valentino behind her with a huge grin. 
“Amorcita,” he calls her, then bends down to meet the doe at eye level “I’ve heard from Vox that you desire the game that comes from us, yes?”
She blinks “You guys talk about me?”
“Of course hermosa! You’re something special,” he winks
She lets this compliment settle “Go on,”
“You’ll never get what you’re looking for working for Vox…come work for me instead,”
She’s skeptical “Don’t you make porn?”
He takes a drag on his cigarette “I prefer to call them adult films. They’re art,” he chuckles “and you are the perfect asset to enhance my art. A thick brown doe, now that is something people would pay top dollar to see. You could easily be bigger than Angel Dust,”
“Isn’t Angel Dust your pride and joy?”
He shrugs “Don’t worry, he’s just a toy. You would have my full attention,” he grins again 
Voe starts walking and Val follows her. 
“I don’t know about doing porn,”
He grabs her chin “Aww, are you shy? You can’t be with that body,” he bites his lip
“I’m not shy, I just think I could be doing better things. Did you know Vox invited me to be a guest on his show?” She pulls her chin out of his grip. 
Val squints and furrows his brows, letting out a tiny ‘squeak’ as he responds “And then what? You’re on the show and then you’re done. With me, you’ll be a star forever,”
“Do you want my soul?”
“Well, that is the price, yes,”
“Wouldn’t that mean you own me?” Val shrugs “Give me time to think, we may be able to work something out,”
Time to think? She already knew that she would not be participating in his whore activities, but it was good to leave the door open for further business opportunities. She was above pornography, but never above fame.
Chapter 3>
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tf-lover · 2 years ago
Hey all! I've decided it's about time I open up writing commissions, so here's a little post detailing how it's going to work!
First off, sending me a message is going to be by far the easiest way to contact me about comissions, NOT asks. I'll want to talk you you a little about the idea before we go any further (see rules 2 and 3 below), so start there and we can figure out what's going on. Secondly, as I've already mentioned, please check out the rules below. Details on pricing is at the bottom (rule 4) so keep that in mind when getting in contact.
How many commissions I take on at once will depend largely on the level of interest and my own writing mood, but I'll try to keep an update either on this post, on my pinned one, or in my bio as to if I'm open to them at the moment or not.
Anyway, without further ado here's the rules for commissioning me. Make sure you read them!
1. reserve the right to say no to commissions.
Regardless of the reason, I may not give one, if I say no it's a no. Maybe I don't like the idea, maybe I'm busy with life or other commissions, maybe I'm just not in the mood to write at the moment or am working on new stories. Don't constantly hound me asking if I've changed my mind, I will just block you without hesitation. (Use common sense here, if you want to politely ask again if my time/mood was the issue I'm not going to bite your head off.)
Also, please keep in mind I have a life outside of this. If you message me asking about a commission and I don't respond straight away I'm probably just busy or asleep. I will reply to everyone that enquires though, it just might take me a second.
2. Be creative, but realistic.
Requests that just say "Turn me into a jock!" will likely get a no. Make it a little more interesting, come up with a plot or throw some more tf's in there. Not that there's anything wrong with a good jock tf, but there's only so many I can write.
Be realistic about the length too. I can't fit a hugely detailed tf AND a plot in 1000 words, it just won't happen. I'll leave some examples of rough length linked below so you have a rough idea.
500 words (Caption Series - The Wrong Trousers)
1000 words (Caption Series - Tailored)
1500 words (Shifting Gear Part 1)
2000 words (For Men)
3000 words (The Morning After)
If you're insane super generous and want examples of longer pieces than that I'll happily refer you to some.
3. Things I won't do.
Some of these go without saying:
Bathroom stuff (watersports, scat etc)
Hardcore pain/violence/rape
Hyper/non-realistic sizes
Animal tf's (furry stuff welcome though)
Heavy female focus (gender tf is fine in either way, but I'm primarily a MALE tf author)
Celebrity tf's (more below on this one)
Don't ask, I won't write them.
As mentioned, I don't generally do celebrity tf's. "Turn me into Chris Evans!" style stuff. As much as there are a lot of very attractive celebrities, it's just never really interested me to become them specifically; original characters are usually more my thing. There is of course some flexibility with this, so if you're not sure you can always ask. If the idea is good enough (and the guy hot enough) maybe I'll make an exception, the worst I can say is no after all.
4. Payment & Delivery.
I charge £0.04 per word, which is equivalent to £40 per 1000 words, or £20 for 500 words. Payment is via PayPal, in full, up front. I won't start writing until I've been paid.
In terms of delivery, I write in Google docs, so will send you both a viewable link to that document and a pdf of the final thing provided you give me an email to send the pdf to. Otherwise you can save a pdf of the story yourself from there.
5. Images & Posting.
Final word on images included in these. You're welcome to bring your own you'd like me to write around. If not, I'm happy to attempt to find one's I deem appropriate for the particular story if you'd like me to, but I make no promises. If I can't find something that works or you don't like the selections I offer I won't go to great lengths to find something. These are writing commissions in the end, so keep that in mind.
I'll also include a word on posting these commissions here. If you specifically don't want me to post yours please let me know at some point during the process, otherwise I may post some of them here and there when I feel like it after they've been delivered. If you're happy for me to post the commission but would like to remain anonymous (i.e. not tagged in the post) do let me know as well. This one is an easy one to forget, so I'll follow up with you on posting after I've delivered it.
- Tf Lover
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Also, for those of you that don't want to or can't commission me, you can also tip me here on Tumblr, or over on ko-fi (link here)! You don't have to of course by any means, but any support people want to throw my way is always welcome.
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spacedoutman · 9 months ago
(Out of character note) Hey everyone! I’ve been roleplaying as Ace from kiss immortals for awhile now but I’m going to spin some lore and stuff for this account and roleplay to hell on it.
Life’s getting batshit insane, I mean getting kicked out of my house, insane, so I want a distraction haha and just to have fun! If you want to join in, feel free to! I love group projects and we can get together and write stuff up.
But these posts will be coming! Please also note I still have yet to watch the full game playthrough so I’m probably gonna turn the universe into some eldritch horror or whatever.
So here’s to the start of a hopefully long lived writing project!
(Will be based on Kiss immortals and I’ll be going off their in game personalities)
Ace’s blog entry pt.1
Tumblr? Tumble her, Tumbled? What could that mean? Before we left—and crashed the ship, they were like:
“Hey, Ace, you into tech?”
Of course, being me, I was like “You bet!” Or something along those lines (can’t remember anything at all) and I took the stupid square device and am greeted with a giant T.
Apparently, they told me it belonged to some Skinwalker before and I could keep it if I found and eradicated it. I have no idea what they’re talking about.
Of course being me, I messed around. You all post thoughts here? Crazy. I’ve always wanted a little something like that secretly. Saying I was excited was a crazy fucking understatement.
I’m learning the ropes of this thing but I think I’m addicted! I’m also lucky to have enough food. Gene keeps reprimanding me for drinking out of the milk jug at 3 in the morning—why? It’s only been three days!!
Well. That must be off putting. Let me tell you how my day went. Still trying to get in the hang of this. 🤦🏻
Ship’s been crashed for.. what, two days now? Everyone is tired. We kinda don’t know what to do or we know what to do and don’t know what to do to do what to know what to do…?
We just fuck around. Like tease each other, eat stuff, Gene is being his grouchy self.
Apparently you guys are a whole different… generation? So you use text acronyms. I want to use text acronyms so when I showed Peter, of course, he was like, “hey, let’s do it!”
lol- Loving our life?
Omg- Out my garage
Iykyk- I yodel (to) keep yall kalm
Idgaf- I don’t give ace food (for days) (Gene)
Jk- Jeremy Klein
/j- SLASH Jeremy
wtf- where the fucking-
Tf- The food
Hru- i am chronically tired
Rofl- Pisses me off
Lmao- What a schmuck (Paul did this one)
Anyway I’m pissed. Peter and I just started yelling these at Gene and Paul was like: “oh no stop it” and I was like no and then we had a food fight and now we all might go hungry I’m distraught
So how was your day?
P.S Maybe I shouldn’t have tried to flirt excessively with Paul it’s kinda going wrong
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fereldanwench · 1 year ago
WIP Whenever (Actually on a Wednesday!)
@chevvy-yates had tagged me in a WIP Whenever thingy last week (I think? What is time) and @breezypunk sharing their WIPs reminded me I meant to do this. So, stuff I'm working on!
Over my Christmas break, I just started barely scratching the surface of working on my own custom poses. Because I'm me, I desperately need some battle couple poses--Fighting side-by-side, holding the other one while they're wounded, maybe fighting each other, etc. I compiled a Pinterest inspo board here to get an idea of what I'm going for.
This pose isn't anywhere close to being finished, but it's a start:
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A small confession: while I actually like working in Blender quite a bit, I kind of hate everything else about modding, lmao. I've probably said it before, but my day job requires me to use so many shitty apps and software that always require 37 workarounds just to perform normally--I really don't have a lot of patience for troubleshooting shit during my leisure hours. Hopefully, the project won't become too much of a headache when I get into importing and working with props. 🤞
Virtual photography is always a constant for me these days--I was actually thinking yesterday how it feels like the absolute perfect creative medium for me. I like drawing and writing and 'real' photography, and I very much need to make sure I have more analog and tactile creative projects to keep me sane, but VP just hits in a way nothing else really has.
I am still working on the photostory I shared last time, but I don't want to give away too much there. It's also on a bit of a pause while I figure out some tech issues (read: I regret updating my game, lmao). However, I already have a ton of shots/mini-stories I need to queue up:
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Other than that, it's kind of personal reflection shit and contemplating goals/resolutions for 2024. Getting long-winded and a little blunt under the cut:
I've always really struggled with making goals--I don't think I've ever had a situation in which I explicitly stated "I have a goal of XYZ" and then I achieved XYZ. I've had plenty of nebulous "Hey, I think I'd like to do XYZ" thoughts and then lo and behold, I do actually make XYZ a reality, but as soon as the word "goal" is attached to something, I just check tf out.
It was actually something I was trying to talk to my therapist about last summer, and then we kind of hit a dead end on that specific topic and decided I had other problems that were more pressing to deal with, lmao. But all the best goal advice in the world--following the SMART method, sharing it with someone for extra accountability, etc.--Just does not work with my brain.
(The accountability thing in particular always hugely backfires for me because just telling someone I want to do a thing tricks my brain into thinking I did that thing and now I don't need to anymore. Also, I don't like people telling me what to do, so if someone was like "hey, shouldn't you do this thing so you can meet your goal" I will say no just on principle of being a brat, lmao. I really hate that piece of advice.)
I know some of it, probably a lot of it, is fear of failure if I don't meet the goal. I'm very hard on myself--That's a no-brainer.
But I also think some of it, maybe just as much, is fear of success. Which I used to think was the stupidest fucking thing anyone could say about this shit, but success can mean big change. Success can mean increased feelings of imposter syndrome. Success can mean attention and responsibility I don't want. Success can mean bigger consequences if I do fuck up later.
I've come to realize that success is honestly as equally scary to me as failing.
I think this is a big reason I've always been content (or convinced myself to be content) with being good and not great, even if that means I'm not reaching my ~*full potential*~. (There are other external/macro reasons for that too, like my loathing of people trying to push me to monetize my passions, but I don't feel like getting into systemic gripes, lmao.)
Goals that require me to step outside of my usual routine also give me a lot of anxiety, which is something I've working towards managing (you could say that it's a goal of mine to get that under control dfgjhfjgdf), but that's still a very real hurdle for me.
Like I've been trying to go back to a minimum of 20 minutes of dedicated exercise (versus just walking a lot) a 3 times a week, and I get stressed if I miss it, or even just feel like I'm going to miss it (like if 7 PM starts creeping up and I haven't started it yet), but I also get all bent out shape spending 20 minutes on exercising while I'm doing it as if there's a better use of that time and THERE'S NOT. Like, what am I really missing? 20 minutes of scrolling Tumblr? Shut the fuck up, lmao.
All this to say that I don't really feel like I'm ready to set goals in a traditional sense, and that might not be something that ever works for me, but there are things I think would just be... kinda nice for me to do for myself that I want to do this year:
I need to actually be nicer to myself. As a matter of fact, @ren3gade--I hope you don't mind the tag, but I've been meaning to thank you for the "forgive yourself" advice you shared a couple of months back. I started making it a point to use that in my self-talk when I start spiraling, and it has been one of the best means of mitigating certain aspects of my social anxiety. I felt goofy as hell when I first started doing it, but that shit works. Positive self-talk makes you feel better, wow, who knew certainly not me
In a similar spirit, I want to stop being so judgemental about my limitations, and I need to mitigate feelings of guilt when I set boundaries for my mental health and energy. This is something I want to achieve in all areas of my life, but I think the easiest place for me to start flexing these muscles is with fandom. Because, damn, I let myself get into some really bad habits with the CP77 fandom (and I forgive myself for that 🙌). One of the big ones has been putting pressure on myself to keep up with what all my CP77 mutuals are doing at all times, and I'm not doing that to myself anymore. I've spent so much time in the past two years methodically going through tags and blogs to catch up on stuff I missed, and I'm just... relieving myself of this obligation. I know a lot of folks have tried to mitigate that for themselves by encouraging everyone to use their username-tracked tag--I'm not doing that. I'm not giving y'all more tagging work, and I'm not going to give myself the same obligation just in a different way. If I miss a post, I miss a post. Of course y'all are always more than welcome to @ me or send me things you think I'd enjoy (I love that, actually!!), but I'm just one person--I'm incapable of being an omnipresent fandom cheerleader and I don't know why I was pushing myself to be that. Well, that's not entirely true--I have some idea of why, but that's also a mentality I'm leaving in the dust. 😘 Also, for a long time, I did not use the like button for anything other than personal posts purely out of spite because I got tired of people complaining when they'd get likes but not reblogs--My asshole mentality was "Fine, now you get nothing." And that worked for me for several years and several fandoms, but I'm frankly tired of the "like" slander on Tumblr. It's a valid form of interaction and letting someone know you liked their stuff. I don't say this with malice, but other people's mentality of being unhappy with likes instead of reblogs is not my burden to bear. Anyway, I don't want to turn this into a rant about fandom stuff, lmao, but the point is I need more boundaries in my life, and I'm starting here.
I'm happier when I spend more time than I have been on traditional art and creative things that get me off my PC. Like I said above, I love VP so much, but it does unfortunately tether me to my computer desk longer than is probably good for me in the long run, mentally and physically. I stocked up on some new traditional art supplies, and I need to put those to use now that I'm settled into my new place. (And I've been itching to do a charcoal portrait of my bb girl.)
Reading books (gotta be physical, no screens) also makes me feel better. I've got about 7 books on my nightstand that I could totally finish this year--Doing that might be the one stereotypical goal I make for myself.
I want to reevaluate how I "multitask;" in particular, I want to break the habit of always having to have a background show/movie on OR always feeling the need to do something on my computer/phone while I watch a show/movie. Even as a kid (way before I lost my attention span to my smartphone lmao), I've always been inclined to doing something else while I watch shows and movies, but that used to be limited to drawing or painting my nails, which I think is fine. Now I just always feel like I need a screen nearby to do something else, even if there's really not something else worth doing. And listening to music or podcasts while I work on a thing is also fine, but it's gotten to the point where I almost can't have complete silence, and I don't like that. I miss being comfortable with silence while I pour all of my focus into a project. I just need to find some equilibrium here.
I know this isn't exactly a standard WIP Whenever, but me is what I'm working on, and I think it's all essential stuff to nurturing my creativity. 😊
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