#what r we calling the sniper stick anyways
ixabits · 1 year
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i needed to make some sort of fanart for the new episode so i chose to do the thing i do best. Stick Figure Yuri :3c
im still a mangvic truther at heart but ihmmm polymercs is growing on me a teensy bit
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Standard fluff question but mercs reacting to their lover telling them theyre gonna be parents?
What?! You serious!? He’s gotta tell everybody!! Tell’s his ma, his 7 brothers, the entire team, Miss Pauling, the Administrator, Saxton Hale, Bidwell, Merasmus, etc. Everybody and their fish is gonna know you’re pregnant and expecting. Thanks Scout. 
Promises to be the best damn father there ever was! But he doesn’t know how to be one. So how does he learn? Asks his ma! Seeing as she was the only consistent parent in his life, it only feels right to talk to her about child raising. She tells him everything she knows from raising him and his brothers, all on her own, of course. He hangs onto her every word. He even takes notes.
Having any pregnancy cravings? This boy is sprinting to the store and buying damn near everything in there! Feet hurt? Lay back and let the massage master work his magic! Want some cuddles? He’s already holding you. This boy has got you covered!
You mean to tell him there’s going to be a little solider running around here soon? That’s wonderful! He’s been wanting to train a new recruit! Announces to the team that there will be a new soldier joining their ranks with a big stupid grin on his face. 
Already planning out how he’s gonna turn your kid into a skilled soldier. First, they must have a sensible haircut. Second, he must tell them the story and war strategy of Sun Tzu. Third, he shall introduce your kid to his heads outside. Fourth, he will blah blah blah blah...just be warned that Soldier will someday teach your kid the glory of fighting naked while covered in honey.
Wants to immediately start looking at baby names. You already know this man is gonna wanna name your kid something like America or Liberty. If you’re cool with those names, then go right ahead. But if no, then suggest a name you like and just say it’s patriotic or American. He’ll believes you. Still insists that your kids middle name be something like America.
Baby...they’re gonna be a parent? R-Really?? You just made them the happiest pyromaniac around! Will burst into tears under their mask and is going to tackle you into a hug. They’re so happy!! Not even pyrovision could make them feel this good! Everyone on the team can just feel the happiness radiating off of them.
They already know they’ll love their baby unconditionally but what if the baby is scared of them? They look like a monster in and out of the suit...so they decided to ditch the suit for a while and just wrap their entire body in bandages. Their lover tells them they look silly and they should just show the baby how they really look. From then, Pyro actually stops wearing his suit and mask when off the battlefield
Pyro wants to decorate the nursery with you. So that means painting Pyroland scenery on the walls and building a crib. Pyro also leaves all their stuffies in the nursery (even Balloonicorn) for their baby when they’re finally born.
THE DEGROOT CLAN SHALL PREVAIL!!! THE NEXT GENERATION OF DEGROOT’S WILL BE EVEN STRONGER!! Ahem, yeah Demo is pretty happy when he learns the news. Before you know it, every member of the DeGroot clan knows about the pregnancy and is sending the both of you care packages. The care packages are mostly full of bombs and fireworks.
DeGroot clan tradition demands that the parents abandon their kid and only reclaim them when they learn their true bombing potential. Tradition also demands they lose both their eyes. Demo will understand if you are rightfully horrified by these traditions. He is too. So he just says to hell with tradition! He’s never gonna abandon his kid and make them go through what he did! And it’s their choice if they want to lose their eyes or not! He rather you and your kid be happy than make sure some dumb tradition is followed.
Doesn’t drink as much anymore when he learns you’re pregnant. He doesn’t want to give you’re pregnant self a harder time by being black out drunk all the time. He’s also doing it for the baby. He wants his kid to think of him as some fun bomb throwing dad, not a fun bomb throwing drunk dad.
You’re...having a baby? This...this is the best news he’s heard in a while! Is going to pull you into a bear hug and spin you around while laughing jovially, tears are beginning to prick into his eyes. Will carry you all the way to med bay just so he could tell his favorite doctor the good news. He’s carrying you to every team member and telling them the good news too. Not long after he’s gonna call his mom and sisters and tell them the good news. He’s all smiles for weeks after you tell him.
Becomes 10x more caring. Will have Medic check you daily to see if everything is okay. Will do tons of research on what you’re not supposed to do during pregnancy and will make sure you don’t do any of those things. This man will carry everywhere you need to go, can’t have you straining yourself now, can we? Makes sure you and the baby are as comfy as possible.
Along with becoming more caring, he also becomes a lot more protective. No one except Medic (even then Medic’s only allowed to get up close and personal when doing your check ups) is allowed anywhere near you. Heavy becomes something of a personal bodyguard. Will glare angrily at anyone who gets too close to you. Will also not hesitate to throw somebody across the room if they do manage to get close. Eventually everybody learns to stay out of your way. They also realize they shouldn’t do anything reckless or dangerous in front of you in fear of incurring Heavy’s wrath. 
His honeybee is pregnant?! Yeehaw!! This calls for a celebration! This boy is gonna throw a whole ass party with the team and just cook an entire feast for everyone. Spends the entire time insisting that you eat enough for two and making sure you’re having a good time. Never fails to remind everyone that you’re pregnant, eventually Demo and Sniper make it into a drinking: every time the word “pregnant” comes out of Engie’s mouth, they take a shot.
Dad mode overload. Engie’s days are now spent just tending to you. He’s going to be cooking you your favorite breakfast and dinner everyday from then on. Full body massages are going to become a lot more common. Will fluff your pillows to their most fluffiest state and make sure your bed is as comfy as possible. Cleans up any mess you make with no hesitation. You’d think he would be tired from all this extra work but no. He’s just as energized and motivated as ever. 
Just like Pyro, he wants to build a nursery with you. He’ll leave the painting and decorating to you while he starts building the crib and every other piece of furniture needed for a nursery. Will also not hesitate to build his own toys for your baby to play with when their born.
You both kinda find out at the same time actually. He’s doing your monthly check up when he finds out you’re pregnant. Then he tells you and it just kinda spirals from there. He’s all smiles and cheers when you both tell the team but that all but disappears when the two of you are alone that night. He never imagined he would be a father...isn’t he too old anyway? Those thoughts quickly leave when he realizes how excited you are. Maybe having a baby with you, the love of his life, won’t be too bad after all. Plus the thought of having a little apprentice gets him all giddy.
Just like Heavy, you’re gonna have daily check ups from then on. As your doctor and lover, he has to make sure you and your child is at peak health. Will get snappy if you try to skip an appointment. Will also have a panic attack if he sees something even slightly wrong with you or the baby. Even his doves look a little stressed. So it kinda becomes the patient’s job to calm the doctor down.
Will have his doves on guard duty. Whenever he’s not around you, one of his doves (mostly Archimedes) will stick with you and keep a close eye on you. In the event that something does happen to you, his dove will report back to him and squawk at him. That’s Medics cue to drop everything and attend to you. 
Not gonna lie, this man is gonna faint when you tell him. Believe him when he says he’s overjoyed, but he’s scared out of his mind. He’s not fit to be a dad!! He pisses in jars and throws it at people!! He shoots people for a living!! HE LIVES IN A VAN!!! What kind of normal dad does that?!? Snipes is gonna cling to you even more and ask for constant reassurances. He doesn’t want to screw this whole dad thing up...
Will ask Engie to help renovate his van so there’s more room for you and the baby, in the end it kind of resembles a trailer. Fully intends on traveling to places with you and the baby. Witnessing the world’s many wonders with the two of you will only make those moments that much sweeter.
Just like the other guys, he wants you to be as comfy as possible. So that means knitting a couple blankets and sweaters for you if you ever get cold. Will also do the same thing for the baby, he’ll even try to make little booties for them too!
excuse me what the fuck??? Doesn’t faint like Sniper but gets very pale and sweaty. Oh god this can’t be happening again...once was already enough. Seriously plans on running away, he’s already trying to fake his death, when it dawns on him: Scout turned out to be disaster. He wasn’t there for Scout...so there’s a chance of your kid turning into a Scout 2.0...no...he won’t allow that to happen. Spy promises to stay and raise your kid right. He refuses to make the same mistake again.
You think he’ll allow you and your child to live on the base? Ha, don’t make him laugh! Being the extra bitch he is, he is going to buy you a whole ass house and it’s all yours. Fully decorated and everything of course. Being the shitty good expecting father like he is, he’ll spend a lot of his time there with you. It starts to feel like home after a while.
When you’re sleeping, he’ll just hold you and stroke your belly. He’s scared. He knows almost nothing about being a real father. It would be so easy to run away. But...he can’t. He loves you far too much to abandon you both now. Most nights are spent like this during the pregnancy.
Miss Pauling-
Aw crap, how is she gonna work and be pregnant at the same time? She’s always wanted kids but why did she have to get pregnant when she’s working a job that only allows her 1 day off a year. She’ll try to hide her pregnancy and keep working. But the Administrator knows everything and just tells her to go home for as long she needs. In return, she just asks that you take over for Pauling. Pauling will still insist on helping you with your new job.
Pauling is going to be feeling a little down now that she’s basically jobless and forced to try to relax for months. Just read gun catalogs to her and give her hot chocolate and she’ll feel a little better. Though being with you does improve her spirits greatly.
Is gonna wanna spruce up her apartment and bit and make some more room for the baby. So that means buying new furniture and painting the walls purple. With all the purple, you have a feeling your kid is gonna be conditioned to like the color. Just don’t mention this to Pauling cause she will chase you down and insist on painting you purple too. 
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whirlybirbs · 5 years
oh my GOD if you’re back on your Bucky bullshit I’ll die of happiness 😭😭😭😭 can they dance please?? or just keep flirting??? I’ll take anything at this point
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          ——- here’s a shameless band of brothers gif to get you in the mood for some more of the #DUCKANDCOVER lovestory. england brings peace of mind, r+r, and a new-found tension. buck insists it’s nothing. everyone else knows better than that.pairing: medic!reader x wwii!buckyrating: e for everyone bc we all need buck a/n: hi i love these two so much wtf.
                                                       read the series on AO3!
The country seemed worlds away but you’re here, boots landing on Ally soil and you could kiss the dirt. 
You’re the first to peel away the curtain on the back of that U.S. Army transport, the first to breathe in the welcoming smell of civilian life. Outside the truck, over the throaty croak of the diesel engine, you can hear the goings-on’s of life. War hasn’t stopped life here. Even as you rumble by the debris of a bombing, there’s life. Kids play in the street. A dog barks. Girls coo at the passing Jeeps of men in their dress uniforms. 
Birmingham breathes.
Spring is here. The streets are damp with the melting snow of winter and you take it to heart – in your mind, the rattle of Bastogne sticks to your bones like a shiver. The name of that godforsaken place brings a bitter taste to your mouth. You try to let it melt, to disappear with the changing seasons. 
Things haven’t been the same since The Battle of the Bulge.
You’ve been distant, locked in your head and wrangling with the ever-pressing guilt of death. Bucky knows the feeling all too well. Between the both of you, an unspoken bond has quickly cemented itself – it’s wordless and tentative and strung together on a bullet and prayer. 
(He says nothing of your breakdown post-shelling. He carries on, and so do you. He leads by example. Stomach it, deal with it, keep moving. Bucky is always moving – always.)
You have his back and he has yours. 
The truck stops, jolting half the occupants awake. Against your knee, Bucky jumps – his eyes pull open fast and his hands fly to the bolt-action rifle in his lap in a natural reflex. Blue eyes go a bit wild, sleep pulling a deep inhale as he stretches and realizes… oh. 
You’re smiling down at him, face frozen in a moment of sheer happiness as from a window up above the makeshift HQ Phillips has been billeted in, you hear the even-keeled crooning of big band swing. 
“Hear that?”
“I’ve never been happier to hear Glenn Miller in my damn life,” says Dum Dum as Bucky swallows down his dreamy look. 
He moves, always moving, fast.
You laugh – for the first time in weeks – and follow Buck out the back of the transport. He offers a hand. You snag it, leap and land. His hold lingers – and as the rest of the Howling Commandos pour from the truck, you quirk a brow.
“Tryna dance, soldier?”
“Keep smilin’ like that an’ I might have’ta.”
There’s a solemnity that sticks to his words; you can hear it. It’s as if he’s glad to see you back in the sunlight again. 
You shrug. “Maybe I’m just lookin’ forward to a hot bath.”
And were you ever. 
The home Phillips was billeted in was huge – some old money mansion donated to the war effort by a RAF pilot’s family. You try not to gawk as Peggy meets you at the door and leads the unit through the HQ. 
In close quarters, you’re struck with the sudden realization that the men by your side of heroes. Eyes follow as Dum Dum, Steve and Buck lead the unit through the winding halls. Conversation is forgone for staring on your part – this place is the sort of thing you’d read about in Pride and Prejudice. 
Silently, you wonder what the bathroom situation was like. Soaps! Toilet paper! Running fucking water.
You snap to attention like the rest of the men.
Phillips is a sight for sore eyes. His debrief is short and you’d be lying if you said you were listening. Instead, you were trained on the well-put-together girl by the Colonel’s side. Her stockings don’t even have a run in them. 
On the other hand, you haven’t showered in weeks. Under your white head-scarf, your hair is wound into manageable braids in an attempt to hide the grease. 
You are anything but pretty, anything but pink rouge and red lips and tightly wound curls. 
From the corner of your eye, you catch Buck eyeing the assistant with his usual amount of distrust and disdain and that does a little to quell your jealousy – but when Peggy catches you post-debrief with an armful of white cotton, you remember how much you’d never really liked your nursing uniform anyways.
“The boys are billeted across the way,” she says, “But, I’ve arranged for you to stay in my room for a night…”
You blink. Peggy’s lips quirk. 
“There’s a master bath.”
Bucky notes the extra pep in your step. He lights a Lucky Strike and pulls a long drag on the steps of the Birmingham home. 
“Don’t drown,” he calls at you as you cross the street, headed to drag your medical bag from the transport.
“It’d be a good death,” you laugh, shouldering him on your way in, “A great death.”
You miss dinner that night. 
Bucky bites back worry and shovels the cold pasta back with a dry roll – Pinky notes the anxiety in the sniper’s shoulders. Waving his dinner roll, the Englishman chirps:
“Don’t worry, Buck, she’s probably soaking it up –”
Beside him, Happy faux-reclines and drops two beer caps onto his eyes. He hums a tune, bringing a raucous wave of laughter across the back of their faithful truck. Buck fights a grin, forking his ration-born dinner from its tin. Next to him, Steve offers a smile. 
“She’s earned it.”
“Yea, yea,” Bucky waves a hand, dropping his fork into his mouth and handing off the rest of his dinner Steve’s way. Old habit, “I’m gunna go make sure she ain’t dead yet.”
A series of wolf-whistles follow him.
Buck shoots them all a look. “Cut the shit.”
“Hey! Take the wine –”
How in the ever-loving fuck Jim managed to snag a whole bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon  escapes Bucky; he lingers, bent over as he steps over Falsworth who’s whole chest is shaking with laughter from his spot on the floor. The sniper pulls a look, deciding he’s not going to fucking ask.
He takes the bottle and the group jeers.
“Don’t get any funny ideas,” Bucky says sternly to the Commandos as he opens the flab of the Jeep and hops out, “Alright?”
“S’not romantic at all, Sarge.”
“Not at all.”
“A candlelit bath and wine…”
Steve shrugs when Bucky spares him a pleading look. “I’m not gettin’ into it, okay?”
“– Stevie, c’mon –”
“Go check on your girl,” the blonde chirps, “She needs a lifeguard.”
Whistles and laughter follow Buck as he rolls his eyes and shuts the flap of the transport. The wine bottle in his hands feels heavy as he makes his way through the HQ quickly. Downstairs is a hub of Officers and Buck keeps his head down, cigarette balanced in the corner of his mouth. 
Before he can knock on the door Peggy had mentioned was yours – he pauses. The slow drone of a crooner’s lullaby is playing from inside. He laughs, then, ducking his head and tugging his unlit cigarette to tuck it behind his ear. 
Knuckles rap quick on the mahogany.
When the door opens, the girl on the other-side of the door takes his breath away.
Your hair is swept into a tight knot, adorned with a soft cotton towel. The robe around your shoulders is plush. Delicate fingers push at your cheeks – you’re glowing from the steam of the bath, smelling like roses and lavender. You look like something out of a magazine… or a dream. 
Buck tries to find words, but suddenly he’s swallowed a bundle of love-sick cotton.
Your smile breaks his stupor.
He raises the wine bottle in a harsh grip. “Courtesy of Jim Morita.”
You laugh. “How in the hell –”
“No idea,” Buck says, offering it, “But, it’s all yours.”
You take the bottle. You eye it, and then him. “… Why don’t you stay and help?”
In that moment, Buck doesn’t know how to say no.
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twilightofthe · 5 years
Chapter Four liveblog of The Mandalorian!  Let’s go!!!
This title is just “Sanctuary”, it bothers me that this one doesn’t start with “The ___” like the other ones do ;p
Fish shrimp things!!!
Aww village!!!!
Oh no this is too peaceful when are they gonna get attacked
Aaaand there go the birds 
What’s coming?
Surprise surprise bad guys
Pirate raiders of some sorts
Clever mom, tho I’m guessing she’s gonna die
Oh they look like Tolkien orcs
Oh boy Mando Man’s gonna come save them!
Man-dad-lorian: “stop touching things”
L I T T L E  W O M P  R A T
I wanna marry him, I just adore how he talks to the baby, this is killing me
Jeez look how much I’ve typed and we’re only 5 minutes in
Ok ok ok I’m done
Mmm that kebab looks pretty good
Hey shiny butt you stick out like a sore thumb
Oh hey it’s pretty girl!!  His girlfriend!!!!
Or she’s gonna be his girlfriend anyway.
She’s so pretty!!!
Awww boi’s asking about the pretty girl xD
Wait so this dude doesn’t eat in public when does he eat
Ok Mando Man absolutely has to have some Force Sensitivity, I’ll bet money on it, the way he just senses stuff about her.
Awww love at first kick
Yo she’s beating up on Beskar pretty well noice
So she’s a mercenary
“Another round” ohohohoho ;) ;) ;)
Awww poor dudes do want him to help!
Space krill?  Huh
Oh yea guilt him over it he’s a real softie xD
Theeeere we go
Ohhh she’s ex-shock trooper
I get you Baby Yoda, I third wheel a lot too
Oh yeah us too kiddos we all love the Babu
Awww he’s so polite <3
...uuuuuntil he scares a ten year old nice going xD
Oh!  She’s feeding them/him?  I’m mellllllting!!!
Oh so he does actually wash his hair thank goodness Pedro is too pretty for greasy helmet head
Oh nvm he must be so pale under his helmet xD
Oh wow so he wasn’t an official Mando until he was taken in there goes my theory
Wait which ones are the AT-ST’s again?  Are they big big ones?
C’mon lady a bunch of Ewoks beat a walker before, give ‘em a chance!
“Unless we show them how” ah so this is another Seven Samurai-inspired ep like that one TCW one, RIP Kurosawa
Yay Home Alone booby traps!
See Anakin, it is actually possible to teach a bunch of villagers stick fighting without twirling it around like a showoffy dumbass xD
omg I’m so freakin’ proud of these people already
Wait oh nooo I kinda ship Mando Man with village lady too hlep
Aight ppl let’s get em
Ooo what’s cookin’?
So these bombs make music huh?
Yussss kick ass babes
Baby Yoda Will Protect The Children
Ugh The Cinnamontography
It’s actually like an old monster movie I adore this
And of course it’ll miss the trap
Yep there it is
Wait is that thing fucking sentient
Shit it is
Hmm a Jedi would be useful for dealing with the walker rn
Take out the legs
Oh I think brave village lady is gonna help get it
“Choke on this you ugly-”
Got em!
Gah I loved everything about this episode
Look out froggie Baby’s gonna eat ya
No!  Don’t bully Baby out of his food!!!
She’s so considerate of his culture I love this
Hmmm someone’s a little interested in Mando Man’s love life... >:3
Can’t believe I’m saying this, I feel atrocious, but as long as there’s bounty hunters after Baby, Mando Man has to keep him!!!
Awww honey no they can’t be together but now I’m sad this lady deserves all the happiness ;_;
Oooooof ouch secondhand embarrassment rejection oof oof ouchhhhh
Ok phew phew he’s fine
Guess Baby just has to stay with Mando Man for a bit! :D
Isn’t her name Cara or something?  I like her ^.^
Awww kiddo, I’d miss Baby Yoda too :(
Oh honey I’m sorry your mans is leaving, I’ll marry you instead!!!!
Awww wave bye bye!
Bahaha here I was comparing this to Jurassic Park and freaking Bryce Dallas Howard directed this ep, omg I love her
This ep was amazing yus
So I loved everything about this episode because I am ridiculously easy to please and I love the old samurai flicks and I love monster movies and the Clone Wars ep (why the flying fuck can’t I remember the name it was the one with Obi + Ani + Ahsoka on Felucia with the farmers and then Hondo fuck what was it called) that went kinda like this is one of my favorites and gah merc lady! (Cara?  Her name is definitely Cara, right?)  Omg I know we haven’t gotten any info on Cara yet, but I love that she’s got some softness too, that she doesn’t fall into the new “Strong Woman(TM)” trope where a woman can have no heart and must just beat up and shoot stuff and look hot while doing it.  I’m super excited to see more of her!!!
Just overall, great ep, loved it, can’t wait for more <3
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chojin-cu-chulain · 5 years
Captain Starmaster 3010
**Content warning, and Trigger warning for suicide: Even though it is depicted as a fictional event even within the confines of the story, a character commits suicide. This isn’t to glorify it, but to show an in universe shocking twist in the fictional game, and because the character was experiencing an existential crisis. I apologize to any survivors, or loved ones of people who have committed suicide who might get offended**
The following is taken from a now deleted blog called “Games Addiction” run by a user calling themselves “OldHerbz” or Herbz for short that mostly specialized in the review of obscure video games from the 8 bit, and 16 bit eras occasionally going to into other types of games.
March 15, 2015: Yo Yo everybody it’s your boy Herbz here, and welcome to another installment of Games Addiction were I find old games no one’s heard about, and see if they’re Class 5 classics for Class 1 crud.
So today I was at the local flea market like always scoping out for new games when I saw a counter run by some old guy I had never seen before.
The counter had a bunch of games I had seen before like sports games, shooters, Zelda 2, etc but there was this one Sega Genesis cartridge that caught my eye.
It didn’t have a sticker on it just a piece of white tape with the words “Starmaster” written on it.
I thought it sound like a spaceship shooter like Raiden or R Type, so I asked the man running the counter, and he said it was $5 so I poneyed up the cash and bought it.
So, let’s see how this game plays shall we?
So, we got the usual stuff like “Licensed by Sega of America”, and some logos from a company called Cytek or something that I never heard of before, but the copyright stuff says 1990.
Now there’s a shot of the Earth in outer space, and some white text crawling up.
The text says “Earth: the year 2010. War, and pollution have taken their toll on the Earth, and it cannot continue to support human life.”
We see what looks like a futuristic city with some flashing explosions, Then the screen goes white, and when it clears the city is in ruins
There’s a clip of some scientists working in a lab which pans to show this giant spaceship that looks like some giant tower poking out of a flying saucer
“The surviving governments of the world have decided to put aside their differences just once to come together to combine their collective intellect to create a space colony called the Eden”
there are some guards in futuristic military clothes leading a crowd of faceless people into ramp that leads into the ship.
“The Eden will take a small 10, 000,000-person population into space in the hopes that someday when the effects of man’s ravaging of the planet undo themselves man can return to his home.”
It goes back to Earth in space only now it looks all weird, and alien, and post-apocalyptic, and all that stuff
“The year is now 3010, Scientists on the Eden have determined that the Earth is once again fit for human inhabitation but there is one problem:
In the intervening millennium Earth has been overrun with dangerous, and carnivorous life forms.”
We see a bunch of weird looking monsters the most normal looking ones I can think of look like some humanoid mammal monsters with claws, and slanted eyes but even then they have horns coming out of their elbows, their arms are held out like a mantis’s, and their walking like their sitting down.
The weirder ones look like flying blobs or lizards with what look like moaning human faces, or they look like something out of an old episode of Star Trek.
Then one of these monsters looks directly at the player, and slashes at the screen leaving these white claw marks
“The only hope for humanity is to send down the Eden’s greatest, and bravest soldier Captain Starmaster down to Earth to eliminate the predatory mutants so mankind can reclaim the Earth.”
We see some guy step out of the darkness, and he looks like something out of VR Troopers or Ropcop with this white or silver armor, a black visor, and all sorts of glowing lights on him.
All the while there’s this bad ass sounding super heroic music playing.
“Captain Starmaster is equipped with the most powerful, and deadly weapons in human history as well as various tools which can help him explore any terrain no matter how treacherous”
Now there’s a POW show that looks life your typical red screen with techno crap all over including a target.
Next, we see Captain Starmaster firing some futuristic machine gun that shoots lasers.
We then see the various monsters from earlier being hit and blown up by the lasers in the most PG rated way humanly possible.
Then it shows Captain Starmaster, and the title screen shows up in these futuristic silver letters that say “Captain Starmaster 3010”
There’s a thing that says, “Start Game”, and another that says “Menu”
I go down to “Menu” first, and hit start, and it shows the usual stuff like Passwords, Dificulty, Music all that Jazz.
Anyway, on to the actual game itself I go up, and hit start game
The first level seems to rocky mountain level.
A green text box with a red orb of light next to it shows up.
The text box reads “Captain Starmaster this is Eden do you read us?’
Then the red orb is replaced with a picture of Captain Starmaster’s face.
He says “I read you. My goodness it’s worse than we thought”.
The Red orb replies “Starmaster we need you to clear out all the mutants in this area. We are sending you a Sonic Wave Gun, and some Climbing Claws to help you with your mission.”
Starmaster than says “Understood Eden commencing mission”
The red orb replies with “Good Luck Captain you are only hope”
The game itself seems to be some Metroid knock off.
I don’t think Sega had too many of those except for Slime World but they did have a lot of Mario, and Zelda clones.
The controls are pretty simple you use the D Pad to move around, A jumps, B fires your weapon which is the laser machine gun from the cutscene Start pauses, and C brings up a menu where you equip weapons, and gear which is blank for now.
I move around the level there’s all sorts of weird flying turtle monsters with Xenomorph looking teeth, and rocks that look like they’re part of the background but then when you get too close, they turn out to be some centipede looking creatures.
Eventually I get to some futuristic white pods I can go into.
When I do Starmaster glows green, and a text box says, “You now have Climbing Claws”, and “You now have Sonic Wave Gun”.
When I go to the cliffs, I can now climb up them, and when I switch to the Sonic Wave gun Starmaster’s gun now shoots this yellow wave at enemies that can shatter certain rocks so I can move forward.
After what seems like forever I finally get to the boss.
It looks like some weird mix of a gorilla, and a mole on top but the bottom looks like an earth worm or a snake.
It attacks by shooting its own wave attack, and then launching a couple of rocks that attack the player in some circular motion.
It takes me forever but eventually I find out you supposed to hit the monster’s eyes until some green jewel like orb shows up on its stomach, and fire at it.
Eventually I win, and the monster explodes in typical 16-bit fire effects.
That’s all for now but tommorow I’ll get to the other levels.
I’ll try to be as brief as I can with the next few levels.
So now we have a forest level.
The trees are a mix of the kind you’d see in a forest in California, the kind you’d find in the jungle.
Some of them have seeds that look like angry faces with sharp teeth, and move around with spider leg like roots, and attack by waving their branches around like whips.
Some of the monsters look like a cross between a wild cat, and some bug like a termite or a wasp.
I’m supposed to get a weapon called “Homing Sniper”, and an item called “Wood Saw”
The homing Sniper ends up being some blue laser that locks on to enemies in an L shape, and the wood saw clears trees you can’t get past.
The boss is weird I don’t know if it’s one creature or two.
The top part looks like some yellow, and black insect with dragon fly like wings, spider eyes, and a grasshopper like body while the bottom looks like some tumble weed with a billion purple eyes, and these giant white, and red flowers that shoot lasers.
I find out the weak spot is the wings, and the tumble weed part, and move on.
Next is an ice level with these creatures that look giant balls of fur with teeth and tentacles, and giant sea urchins that look like they’re made of ice.
I get these boots that let you walk on ice without slipping, and a flame thrower for melting blocks.
The boss is some weird lizard creature that looks like a brontosaurus with a turtle shell, and a t rex head that breaths freezing mist, and shoots lasers out it’s eyes that I have to shoot the neck of when it’s not attacking.
Next is volcano level where I get a heat shield, and an ice beam.
Some of the monsters here are weird looking like these green blobs that turn into humanoid shapes, and some hoping stick insects that fire spread shots.
The boss reminds me of Gudis from Ultraman towards the future only skinnier, and purple.
It attacks with these blue energy rings, and this green gas.
I’m supposed to use the freeze ray to freeze the gas into a platform that I can use to climb and use my other weapons to attack the exposed brain which is the weak spot.
Now it’s a water level there’s all these weird monsters that look like a cross between a crab or a lobster, and some coral.
Another looks like some squid or octopus, but its tentacles are electric eels
I’m supposed to get an item that allows Starmaster to move through the water without sinking, and an “Electro Gun” that fires electricity in a weird trident formation.
I get to the boss, and it’s some cross between a shark, a whale, a manta ray, and a bunch of other sea animals.
The weirdest thing is that sometimes it points itself up, and the bottom which is now the front looks like some deformed mermaid or something.
I’m supposed to hit this angle like tail it has when it goes to the mermaid stage.
After that I get another cutscene where the red orb of light says “Captain Starmaster we believe we have found your last target enter the ruins, and eliminate the mutant menace once and for all”
Starmaster replies “Affirmative Eden I will not fail”.
The next level is a sewer level they bring back some of the monster from previous levels and include some of the monsters from the opening cutscene.
It also seems like a final exam level because I’m supposed to use all the weapons, and items I collected so far.
I also have to get one last time that lets Starmaster go through radiation clouds without getting hurt, and this thing called “The Super Laser” that’s this big laser that takes up a third of the screen.
Not only that but I have to fight the bosses again.
Then I get another section and it looks like the surface of the ruined city from the opening cut scene.
I fight all the various monsters until eventually I get to the final boss.
I’m trying to think of a good way to describe it other than it’s like a PG rated version of something you’d see in John Carpenter’s The Thing.
It’s got four legs, and four arms, it has insect wings, and bird wings.
The legs look like a mix of reptile, and mammal.
I think has fins, and gills, and it has some weird mollusk like head with a billion eyes, and some melting looking human face for a stomach.
It’s not surprisingly the hardest boss in the game since you have to use every weapon in the game to hurt it.
It swipes at you with its arms that your supposed to freeze into platforms to climb and shoot the head.
Then it fires lasers and breaths fire, and you’re supposed to use the electro gun, and homing sniper on the head.
Next it spits acid, and you’re supposed to use the Sonic Wave gun to disorient it while you use the flame thrower on its acid sacs.
Finally, it fires a wave attack from the melting face while you use the super laser to finish it off.
At last we get one final cutscene.
Captain Starmaster then walks through the ruins of the destroyed city and enters a building.
He walks up to a computer, and a spike comes out of his arm like in Robocop and he enters it into a port.
Some binary code flashes on the monitor, and then we see an image of a man in a recording.
Some text appears on the screen.
“They abandoned us. They thought no one else was left on this planet but we were”.
The man continues “Please if you can hear us there are still people trapped on Earth. Pleas rescue us”.
The recording continues “It’s no use we’re stuck here our best bet is to try to survive, and repair what’s left of the Earth”.
Then the recording shows the man only now his teeth looked like fangs, and his eyes were all yellow.
The man said “It’s too late. Our scienitsts say because of all the lingering chemicals, and radiation those of us left behind are starting to mutate.”
He adds “At first it will be physical but at some point, our minds will revert back to knowing only how to kill or be killed. Oh god why us.
Then finally it just shows one of the monsters from the game, and the text now says “Meat. I must have meat”. Then it shows him roaring, and it plays the sound file for the monsters roaring.
Starmaster then asks, “Did you see that Eden?”
Then the red orb of light appears and replies “unfortunately yes captain”.
Then it flashes back to the Eden leaving Earth.
Then it shows a still image of people on the Eden as the text says “At first when humanity left Earth in the Eden everything was peaceful, and everyone was happy”
Then it shows the people looking frightened.
The text says “But it didn’t last the survivors realized they weren’t enough resources to survive a permanent existence in Eden”
Then it shows Eden’s computers, and the inhabitants looking at the Eden’s robotic workers.
The text now says, “Faced with a difficult decision the survivors made the hardest choice they could make”.
It then shows the people in tubes next to computers with glowing lights, and then cut to the lights on the eyes of the Eden’s robots lighting up
The text continues “The inhabitants of Eden downloaded their brains into the ship’s computers, and then uploaded them into robotic bodies.”
It then cut back to Starmaster in the building saying “So that’s it. It was all for nothing”.
Then it shows Starmaster taking off his helmet to reveal a Terminator like robot skull.
Next Starmaster reaches into his own chest plate pulls out a device that looks like a cross between a mechanical heart, and a miniature nuclear reactor, and crushes.
Then his red eyes go dead.
Next, we see the Eden land, and its robotic inhabitants walk out.
We see the robots doing experiments on the mutants.
The text says “Unfortunately the inhabitants of Eden were unable to return the mutants to human form but they after continuous experimentations were able to restore the inhabitants’ sentience.
Then it shows the robots growing mutants in tube, and then showed them going back into the mind transference machines.
Then it shows the mutants in the tubes waking up, and it showed the robots, and mutants living in harmony.
Then the text says “And so the sad tale of Captain Starmaster came to a happy end. Humanity maybe extinct but life will find a way to continue who knows for sure if this is truly the fate that awaits us but if we continue on our current path it might”.
Then it shows the Earth in space again with the letters Game Over The End.
Well that’s Captain Starmaster.
The graphics are great for the time.
The gameplay is awesome.
I wonder why they never released it publicly other than obviously the big twist would have been seen as a bit too intense for young kids.
Not to mention I can’t help that a lot of players would have thought the twist would seem like a fuck you ism to them.
Still considering that environmentalism was a big deal back then, and this was just before the USSR ended, I can see why they felt the need to make a point on what the aftermath of war and pollution.
That is why I’m declaring Captain Starmaster a class 5 addicting game.
This is OldHerbz saying stay addicted.
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
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‘Titanfall 2’ to welcome free update
Though squeezed by means of two of the yr’s biggest movement games, 2016 launch Titanfall 2 keeps its marketing campaign of loose updates with a trailer for an April 25 growth that carries two greater maps, a new faction, and the return of a legacy game mode.
It launched to a swathe of appreciative reviews, constructed on one of the maximum-hyped games of 2014, and launched on PlayStation four, Xbox One and Windows PC in which the authentic Titanfall changed into tied to Xbox and PC simplest.
Still, Titanfall ” faced a pummelling at the palms of two well-hooked up juggernauts.
With an incredibly predicted go back to the World War I technology, Battlefield 1 debuted Oct 21, 2016.
Two weeks later, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare went the alternative way and leaned hard right into a sci-fi setting.
Stuck in the middle become Titanfall 2, a near-future shooter providing nimble guys and hulking, mechanized battle machines. Squeezed with the aid of the bigger video games, it stumbled to in shape the sales of its much less widely to be had predecessor.
But instead of being left for lifeless, Titanfall 2 has received ongoing help seeing that release.
New maps, modes, functions, and fixes have arrived regularly, at the same time as sales and weekends of expanded person development have also recommended uptake.
Its studio, Respawn Entertainment – based through the co-creators of the Call of Duty franchise – spelt out its upcoming plans remaining week, promising 4 new arenas, one unfastened and elective paid-for Titan machines, a new faction to combat for (or against,) and new moves along the constant trickle of cosmetic for-purchase objects.
Two of those 4 maps are actually set for an April 25 replace, which additionally welcomes the MRVN faction, plus ago back from the original Titanfall for recreation mode Marked for Death, and more than one other touch-ups – remodeled menu, stage cap growth for pilots, and so forth.
“We’ll allow you to parents speculate as to what else we can be running on,” Respawn had stated whilst detailing mid-12 months assist plans on April 13; similarly to future Titanfall prototypes, the studio is thought to be running on a Star Wars name in addition to Titanfall spin-offs for the South Korean market and for smartphones. — AFP Relaxnews
Titanfall Review
Microsoft must be feeling a touch bit fearful proper now. The Xbox One is, in reality, getting decimated by Sony’s PlayStation four. In order to stay inside the console race with the brand new generation, Microsoft wishes a killer app or some other Halo-like hit. It seems they’ve hit gold with Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall. After playing the retail version obsessively, I can confidently pronounce Titanfall as one in all my all-time favorite games.
The first component you need to recognize approximately Titanfall is that there isn’t always an offline single player campaign. This is a disgrace because a global this rich could truly benefit from a 6-10 hour immersive revel in. What you get with Titanfall is an internet most effective campaign. Basically, you manipulate either the revolt Militia or the Star Wars Empire-like IMC. There are quite a few missions to run, shoot and vault yourself through. Often there was a lot movement on screen that it was tough to listen to the plot-constructing dialogue.
Truthfully, I turned into having so much fun gambling the game as a multiplayer shooter that I rarely paid interest anyway.
That’s the aspect with Titanfall: it combines so many specific stories into one package. If I ought to evaluate it to other franchises, I would say it is a masterful mixture of Mechassault, Tribes, Halo, and of the route, Call of Duty. It’s a welcome exchange of pace to have a shooter that is not part of the over cliche army set. Everything simply feels right.
When you finally get your boots on the ground, you’ll find a battle-torn environment to vault through. That’s why this recreation strikes a chord in my memory so much of the conventional PC sport, Tribes. It’s all approximately movement at the battlefield. Your person is geared up with a soar p.C., making him/her a gleefully nimble destiny soldier. It’s momentum-paced and a talented participant ought to without difficulty traverse the map without letting their feet contact the floor. Titanfall’s squaddies are like Master Chief with a case of Red Bull injected into his blood flow.
Besides all of the leaping round, you of direction have the big mechs referred to as Titans. You earn these massive metal machines through both anticipating the timer to complete constructing them, or you can shave treasured seconds off of the time meter with the aid of gambling the targets or killing other soldiers. No, be counted how professional you’re, you’ll be able to name those mammoths down earlier than the give up of the fit. Near the quiet of the match, you may absolute confidence see several Titans struggling with it out within the field. To say it’s far thrilling would be underselling the factor.
There are 3 one of a kind Titans you may play around with in Titanfall.
You have rapid Strider, who’s all approximately guerrilla-like ambushes; the slower Ogre who has a massive pool of health; and Atlas, the best of each world. When you begin the sport for the primary time, you’ll handiest have access to customizing the Atlas however as you finish each side of the campaign you’ll be capable of unlocking the opposite. It’s a carrot on a stick however when the sport is this a laugh, who cares?
With all of the leaping and mech calling you is probably questioning about the actual middle gameplay: the capturing. Well, you could relaxation clean- Titanfall has a number of the most gratifying gun gameplay ever to be released on PC or on consoles. Whether it is the pleasant snap of the two sniper rifles you can unencumber or the shredding capabilities of the shotgun, you will experience right at domestic with those guns. All of the Pilots have to get right to entry to anti-Titan guns as nicely so that you by no means sense absolutely helpless when one of the lumbering iron giants reveals its way to you.
Inviting Songs That Begin With The Word Welcome
A colleague in my poetry magnificence some years ago claimed that a terrific music is sort of a pair of socks clean out of the dryer, warming your toes on the cold floor within the iciness. The simple labored for me, except that I stored considering how most of the socks I pull from my dryer pop out without a mate.
A higher contrast for an amazing music, I suppose, would be the house of a pal. The track eagerly invitations you in and, as soon as dinner, you feel effectively relaxed.
With that metaphor in thoughts, it is sudden how few songs start off with the word welcome. It could be a perfect greeting for the listener, who desires to revel in his go to.
Here are popular songs that clearly do start with the phrase “Welcome.”
Let Me Entertain You by using Queen
Freddie Mercury offers open arms to a lot of us who sold the Jazz album, certified platinum because of hits including “Fat Bottomed Girls” and “Bicycle Race.”
Karn Evil nine by way of Emerson, Lake, and Palmer
The title is a trade spelling of carnival, that is the object of Greg Lake’s greeting on this Brain Salad Surgery song’s first word.
Welcome To My Nightmare by way of Alice Cooper
This horrifying greeting is the identify track to the first album Cooper did after leaving his original band, who quickly launched a document underneath the name Billion Dollar Babies.
Welcome To The Jungle by using Guns N Roses
An anthem at a whole lot of carrying activities, this music has grown to be the rock band’s maximum identified track.
Welcome Back by using John Sebastian
Lovin’ Spoonful’s the front man scored his first solo hit with this topic track from the Welcome Back, Kotter TV display starring a young John Travolta.
Welcome Back Home by way of the Dramatics
This traditional is one of the maximum enduring hits from the R & B institution.
Welcome To My World by means of Jim Reeves
The use crooner is still remembered for his golden voice, proven on songs like this one and “He’ll Have To Go.”
Welcome All Again via Collective Soul
Opening the Rabbit album from a decade ago, this song serves as a warm greeting.
Psycho Circus by means of Kiss
This title tune opens the glam rockers’ eighteenth studio album, and the first in over 20 years featuring all 4 authentic contributors.
Some Useful Tips To Follow If You Need To Update Your Central Heating Boiler
The very first tip and most essential are to ensure that the person that may be updating your primary heating boiler is Gas Safe Registered. Anybody who works in gasoline must be registered via law.
Every Gas engineer carries a gasoline safe card with them, it’s a chunk like a using license, it’s going to have all the information of what the engineer can paintings on.
Each card will have a picture of the engineer, this is located pinnacle left on the front of the card. It may even have the engineer’s fuel safe registration and license number imprinted on the front.
Also at the front of the card could be the expiry date, usually this is the 31st March of each year, once in a while the date perhaps unique, this is normally while the installer has to re-take a seat their gas checks however it’ll alway be in the 12-month length.
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