#what michael and sam have in common is lucifer and neither of them are normal about it
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fandom-space-princess · 2 years ago
I have never been interested in michaelsam as a ship exactly, but apparently there is one hyperspecific flavor of it that is extremely compelling to me. That being "both of these guys are insane about a third guy for similar reasons and that guy is *also* insane about both of them, so they might as well kiss about it," and so unfortunately that's the fic I'm writing because otherwise the idea will give me no peace
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sergeant-angels-trashcan · 4 years ago
okay here me out but high school!spn would be hilarious because, y'know, there's the 3 winchester (yes adam is there) and horrible dad john winchester. obivously, mary is dead which is why john in horrible.
BUT, other than the winchesters, there's also the angels, which everyone is also deadass confused about because they're's like 30 of them?? and apparently they're all related, all adopted by birth except the 4 eldest. and the very oldest, michael, raises them, which nobody knows if it's legal or not, but everybody's too afraid to say something.
And, of course, they're's the demons, who are like a bunch of kids who live at an orphanage and hate the angels.
okay that was long and really just me rambling
what i heard was “the angels are like the cullens” and michael is like. very fuck you to any high schooler who brings it up.
also, Michael either looks JUST like that Adam kid OR he looks like apocalypse!michael because that guy was cute and i liked him
Mary is NOT dead, but she and John are divorced because John had an affair with Kate Milligan (Adam’s mom) and neither woman knew about the other until Adam’s like. Five or something?
At first Mary and Kate HATE each other, look at that Scheming Conniving Whore who is the Reason I Can’t Have My Man, but then they realize it’s JOHN’S FAULT, and they should unite against the Common Enemy. John has no idea. So the divorce goes through and he’s like, hey Kate can I come stay with you and Adam :) and Kate’s all, actually, you can get fucked, I’m taking my friend out for a celebratory drink, her divorce got finalized.
They’re each a margarita into the night when Mary goes “this is like a date! hah ha just kidding! unless...?”
Kate’s a nurse, so she can pretty much support the family because Mary wants to go back to school! And get advanced degrees in like. Mythology or folklore. Idk if Mary went to college in canon? Anyway she’s a farm girl, (for some reason in my head “a family of monster hunters” translates to normal universe as “family farm” idk idk) so maybe she gets some fancy agriculture degrees or becomes a conservationist (Sam being a National Parks nerd??? yes please. he’d sit and help Mary study and he’s been known to hijack tours from Park Rangers but he’s so earnest it’s hard to be mad at him)
they have a crazy amazing garden (adhd!dean helping his mom in the garden??? yes). Mary teaching self-defense classes! Kate teaching the boys advanced first aid! And regretting it! No, Dean, just because you CAN sew up your brother’s wound doesn’t mean you should! 
Dean trying to teach Adam and Sam to shave because “i’m the man of the family” and Kate saying “oh sweetie, I’m the man of the family. you get to be a kid of the family, ok?” because let Dean be a child, please, and also, now none of these children understand gender and it’s WONDERFUL. (Adam is the only full time he/him in the house and as much as Dean protects his little brothers, Adam has been known to punch a transphobe or two.
Adam: it’s called DIRECT ACTION, Principal Amara!)
I want to say there’s still a house fire when Sammy’s a baby, but obvs Mary doesn’t die, she just has severe burns? (makes John cheating even MORE of a douche thing but idk) anyway this plus Kate being a nurse, I could see Adam being into physical therapy or counseling or something when he gets older?
also random thought but Mary and Kate host the BEST halloween parties. they go all out. Their best costume so far is Harley/Ivy.
This means Mary’s the one who knows Bobby (and his husband Rufus) via hunting and Gay Advocacy and their extensive collection of rare texts that are tangentially related to Mary’s work somehow
Mary and Kate become big advocates for legalization of sex work.
the Angel Kids family are from a SUPER religious upbringing. obviously. probably. more like a cult honestly. Cas and Anna straight-up ran away when they were 13 ish. They MIGHT have convinced their dad to sign some papers when he was drunk which is how they were able to get emancipated. Sort of?
They track down their older brother Gabe, who left the family as soon as he was old enough to strike out on his own, but once Anna and Cas leave, all their other siblings sort of come trailing after them (Balthazar first) to find them and take care of them, so Gabe all of the sudden goes from livin the single life to co-parenting twenty siblings with his OTHER siblings, who he can’t STAND and he somehow became the Rules Parent because Luci isn’t going to enforce shit! That asshole! When Uriel finally gets out Gabe is like thank fuck I’m leaving now. When Michael finally gets to them, Gabe is in Shock. “Holy fuck, what did dad DO that was bad enough to make YOU leave?? dude???”
(I want Gabe and the Archangel Brigade to be in their late 20s/early 30s when Cas and Co. are in high school because Gabe absolutely works in porn. Michael gets all self-righteous with him and Gabe glares. “First of all. This is my house, so, you know, fuck off. Second of all, are you going to support this family? No? Yes? With what? the last job you had was CO-LEADING A CULT.” Uriel is working as an electrician while taking meteorology courses.)
who is in charge of the Demon Kids? Rowena or Lilith, maybe? or CAIN. CAIN!!!
The Harvelles absolutely make an appearance. I’m tempted to say that Mary and Kate look at Ellen and go “her. we want her” and it’s a band of badass women and their badass children.
it’s VERY important to me that Dean is a theatre nerd. VERY IMPORTANT. He and Sam might play basketball just because of their height, but I don’t know that they enjoy it that much. Sam’s more of a lacrosse or soccer guy. Adam’s into hockey (little rage monsters that they are) 
idk it depends on ships that you want? Because high school age Crowley being Dean’s Bad Boy Boyfriend is pretty primo comedy, imo, and you would work in the Leviathans as a rival high school or even as new kids? And of course Michael/Adam Sam/Lucifer don’t work in a hs au with the archangels aged up the way I have? You could have the Older Sibling Angels Be Gabe, Balthazar, and Naomi, with Naomi being the one leaves last, who was helping Chuck with his cult (which leaves more room for Michael to be a himbo)
for the record I’m not OPPOSED to a John is a Good Dad AU. I just like AUs where I can Unfridge All the Women
WOW i had a lot of feelings about this. oops. 
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saltandburnsis · 6 years ago
Long Lost Sister
Characters: Reader, Dean, Sam (mentioned,) Lisa & Ben (mentioned)
Age: 26
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,264
Summary: Feeling like it was the best step for yourself, you left your brothers behind after your father’s death. But, five years after the fact, you find yourself having to face up to what you did and who you left behind.
Square filled: Long Lost Sister
A/N: Written for @waywardrose13 2K Follower Challenge. This takes place between season 5 and 6, while Dean is living with Lisa and Ben.
Everything had changed when your father died. Your brothers became different people, shells of who they used to be. Sam became hyper-focused on the job, and you had to walk on eggshells around Dean to avoid setting him off. Between ensuring you were careful enough around them to keep the awkward peace, dealing with their anger when either one set the other off, and working as hard as ever on each new hunt, you never really had time to properly grieve the loss of your father. After weeks and weeks of burying your feelings to spare your brothers, you’d finally had enough. You couldn’t live like this anymore.
And so, half a year after the death of your father, you told your brothers you’d found an easy case you could take care of on your own, packed up all your stuff, and drove away from everything you’d known in one of the few functioning cars in Bobby’s junkyard. You were careful not to do anything that would allow the hunting world to seep into your new, normal life. You cut all ties with any contacts you had, ditched every electronic device that could be used to trace you, and created an entirely new identity for yourself, one that your brothers would never be able to guess. You got a decent job, found an apartment for yourself, enrolled in some classes at the local community college, and even started therapy to work through everything—making heavy edits to your life’s story to avoid a stay in the psych ward, of course. It was a complete 180 from your hunting life, but you were fine with that, because you were finally starting to feel happy again.
5 years later
Cicero, Indiana wasn’t exactly a small town, and Dean only frequented to a handful of locations. So, when he continued to see a face in his peripheral that looked just like you, only to lose you when he turned to look, his hunting instincts kicked in. He always only caught a glimpse, though, and by the time he reached where he’d noticed your presence, you were gone--vanished into the air. In the five years since you’d left, he’d never had this happen. Sam had always believed you’d died on that solo hunt, but Dean never thought that to be the truth. You were smart, and you knew how to hide better than anyone. He never sided with Sam until now, anyway. There had to be a reason he couldn’t escape you, and with him always losing you in the blink of an eye, he was starting to believe Sam might have been right. You never mentioned where that case you’d found was--or even what you were hunting. Maybe you had underestimated what you were up against, and it had gotten the better of you. Did that mean your ghost was stuck between two worlds, haunting the town until you became the hunted? His heart hurt at the thought. He’d been so angry when you left. He felt as though you’d just up and abandoned the family just after the three of you had lost your father, and so he refused to go looking for you. Had his own bruised ego kept you from having a proper hunter’s funeral, and allowed you to become a lost spector?
After Sam’s death during the showdown between Michael and Lucifer, Dean had left the hunting world in his rearview mirror. He was happy in his new life with Lisa and Ben, living the life he never had. But still, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he didn’t do something for you. And so, he started to do his research. He scoured through the newspapers from five years ago to find any relevant articles with viable information. He traded in his beers with Sid for long nights at the library after work. Still, after a few weeks, he’d made it through the archive and had nothing. No leads, no new information, absolutely nothing. He put his head in his hands for a moment, defeated, before rubbing his eyes and looking out the window.
You walked out of the store with a few friends, laughing at Allie’s comments about the cashier and how much she wanted to go home with him. A chill went down your spine as you felt eyes on you--a now common occurrence over these last few months. You looked around, unable to find the perp as per usual until you looked into the window of the library across the street and found a familiar pair of green eyes staring back at you.
��I’ll catch up with you guys later. I have to...take care of something.” Your eyes were still locked with Dean’s, neither of you moving.
“Do you know him?” Jane asked, eyeing Dean suspiciously.
“You’d better introduce me if you do. Look at him,” Allie commented with Lizzy adding a “damn,” and a wink after. You shook your head, your eyes still on Dean.
“It’s, uh...that’s my brother,” you admitted.
“You’ve never mentioned a brother,” Jane replied, her suspicion still clear.
“Never thought it’d come up. I’ll call you guys tonight.” With that and a deep breath, you crossed the street and entered the library. Dean was standing at his table, watching you with his arms taut across his chest. You reluctantly made your way over, stopping a few feet from your brother. “Hey, Dean.”
He was silent for a moment. Your braced yourself for five years of anger, but instead, he wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug. It took you a moment, but you soon returned the hug, closing your eyes as every bottled-up emotion from the past five years came back. All too soon, he pulled away to look at you. You cleared your throat and spoke before he could.
“Where, uh, where’s Sam?” Dean looked to the ground.
“Let’s find somewhere else we can talk.” He quickly packed his belongings away.
“There’s a 24-hour diner a few minutes from here,” the two of you spoke simultaneously. You looked at him with a furrowed brow but followed him out of the library and over to his truck.
“What happened to Baby?” you questioned, stopping short of the vehicle while Dean piled his things inside.
“Not using it,” he answered simply before motioning for you to get in the passenger side. You obliged, feeling right back in the same place you were five years ago. Fifteen minutes later, you were sat across from Dean in the corner booth, two weathered menus on the table before you.
* * * * *
“He’s gone?” You repeated in disbelief after Dean finished recapping his past five years. Your heart was in your stomach. The thought of your brother dead, let alone in hell with Lucifer himself, felt more than you could handle. Was this what you’d put the two of them through after your sudden disappearance? You felt the guilt you’d pushed down from the moment you drove away that night begin to surface.
“Yeah. Going on 7 months now.” Dean looked down at his mug of coffee and fell silent. It took you a moment to find your voice.
“So, what brought you here? I haven’t heard of any mysterious deaths or strange happenings in the area,” you asked.
“I’m not here for a case. Not exactly hunting anymore. I’ve got a job in town—”
“Living that apple pie life now, huh?” you interrupted jokingly. He scoffed but nodded.
“Oh, yeah. A nine to five, backdoor barbecues, a lawn to mow, helping with homework. The whole nine yards.”
“Yeah. My, uh, my girlfriend has a kid. I’m living out here with them.” He took a sip of his coffee. “What about you? What are you doing here?”
“I stopped here for awhile while I was trying to figure out where to go, and I never left. I got a job, found an apartment and started taking some night classes. It’s been nice, you know? Having roots, a place to call home at night that’s all your own, not having to look over your shoulder every five minutes.” Dean hummed in agreement and the two of you fell into a comfortable silence. The sounds of clinking silverware and hushed conversations filled the air. Dean shifted in his seat, trying to find the best way to approach the next topic.
“Y/N. Why’d you leave?” The inevitable question you’d been dreading. You took a deep breath and a long sip of your coffee before answering.
“It felt like the only thing I could do to keep my sanity intact. I was as hurt as you and Sam were about Dad, but I didn’t feel like I could grieve properly trying to juggle keeping the peace between you two and make sure I wasn’t doing anything to set either of you off. I thought disappearing was the only way to maintain my sanity.”
“Dean, you can’t tell me we were in a good way, or that I could have come to you or Sam. You shut everyone out and freaked whenever anyone mentioned Dad when you weren’t going to others to fill the hole, and Sam turned into Super Hunter. No one was about to start talking about their feelings.”
“Are you kidding? That’s all Sam wanted to do.”
“Yeah, with you. He never once asked me how I was doing like he did you. He was way more concerned with making sure you were alright. And, I mean, I get it, you know? I at least showed that I was hurting, you were like a robot, just working away on the car. Everyone was rightfully more concerned about you.” Dean fell silent again, his head turned to look out the window. You cleared your throat and began playing with a loose thread on your sleeve as you spoke again, this time in almost a whisper.
“I really missed you, Dean. You and Sam. I felt terrible for leaving, and part of me always wanted to go back but…” You sighed. “How do you just show up out of the blue after leaving like that? The way I did what I did was shitty, and I’m sorry for that. I—”
“I drove after you, you know,” Dean interrupted. his gaze still focused on something outside. “That night. I don’t know...you going off on a hunt on your own just brought me back to when Dad left, before we went and got Sam. So, I went after you, just to be sure. But as soon as you stopped for gas and dumped your phone, I turned and went back. I figured what you were doing, and I was pissed. I wasn’t about to go beg you to come back or anything. Never told Sammy, though. I don’t know if it was me not wanting him to go after you, or if I thought it best for him to believe the lie you’d crafted—or maybe a mix of both. I never told him. Hell, I started believing the lie myself when I started seeing you around town but couldn’t ever catch you. Started to think that maybe you dumped your phone ‘cause you needed a new one, and I’d just jumped to conclusions.
“Is that what you were doing in the library?” you asked softly. “Trying to see if there was a record of my death on the archives?”
“That, some article that’d give me a clue as to what you were here hunting. Anything, really. I—” He was cut off by his phone ringing in his pocket. He quickly retrieved it, cursed, and answered. “Hey. No, no. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how late it got. No, I’m...I’ll be home soon. Yeah. Alright. Love you. Bye.” In less than a minute, his phone was back in his pocket, and he had his wallet out, counting his money.
“That was your girlfriend?” Dean nodded, continuing to count out enough for the bill and tip. You made a move to grab your wallet, but Dean held his hand out to stop you, setting the money on top of the bill placed on at the end of your table half an hour ago. You say back, Dean’s sudden change in mood prompting you to assume the worst—you’d damaged your relationship irreparably and would soon be met with a “See you around” and your brother’s retreating figure exiting the establishment. But, instead, he turned to look at you expectantly after he stood.
“Coming?” He asked. You couldn’t stand and follow him out to his truck fast enough.
“So, do you need to be somewhere, or do you want to come back to my place? Ben should be in bed, but you could meet Lisa.”
“N-no, no. I don’t have anywhere to be. I’d love to meet her,” you smiled, clipping your seatbelt in as Dean pulled out of the parking lot.
Given the late hour, your stay at Dean and Lisa’s was short, but certainly not the last. Making up for lost time, you and your brother spent most nights together, reminiscing (though ensuring you doctored the stories enough to keep Ben in the dark) and reveling in having each other back in your lives. Anytime Dean called you over to help him out with something, or Ben called you “Aunt Y/N,” you couldn’t keep from beaming. You felt more whole than you had in years, but something was still missing. Something in the shadows that was soon to shatter both your and Dean’s newfound lives and happiness.
Forever Taglist: @eternal-elir @choosemyname @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @not-astounding @sassy-specter
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xwing-baby · 8 years ago
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Characters: Sam, Dean, Lucifer, Michael, OMC Alex Moffatt, OMC Benjamin Moffatt, Nephillum!Reader.
Warnings: Angst, none other than that really.
Word Count: 3254
A/N: It’s official, I am the worst at deadlines. THANKS BT! My internet decided it wanted to mess around last night so I couldn’t post this. But anyway, better late than never, right?
This is written for @hiswickedkitty ‘s 21st Birthday Challenge. My drink of choice was Black Russian: “I don’t do karaoke”
Also for @gone-to-fight-the-fairies ‘Supernatural Summer of Superheroes’. My quote was from Gomora: “Touch me and the only thing you’re gunna feel is a broken jaw”
It was unusual for Sam and Dean to get invited to a party. In fact, apart from a few college ones the brothers had never really invited to a party after all hunters aren’t the most social types. However, now they were in a huge 19th-century mansion on the outskirts of Chicago surrounding by at least forty other hunters of all ages, there were even some little kids as young as three running around with their parents. It was surreal, to say the least.
The house itself was entirely too extravagant for any hunter. Fourteen bedrooms, four reception rooms, a mock-up of a western saloon in the back over looking large gardens, and a garage full of fancy cars and trucks of every make and model. The house was owned by Rachel Barrett, an ex-hunter turn inventor/philanthropist extraordinaire. She was one of the main people who made sure the government never found out about the hunters and invented hundreds of new weapons to help hunters stay under the radar. She was also a close friend of Bobby Singers, though she’d never met the Winchester’s, she invited them in his place.
Neither brother was entirely sure who they knew here, but having been here for half an hour, they definitely knew that everyone here knew them. It was like they were celebrities. One guy even asked for a picture with Sam! 
After a while, people got over the fact the famous Winchesters were there and left them to it. The brothers were now in the bar in a booth with two younger hunters, Alex and Benjamin Moffatt, having their ears talked off about anything and everything. The Winchester’s didn’t really mind, it was nice to talk to people about something fairly normal for a change.
“Who’s she?” Dean asked, noticing a pretty looking girl sat alone at the bar.
“That’s Y/n, gorgeous ain’t she?” Alex looked over and smiled.
“You know, I heard she’s the illegitimate child of Michael, you know the archangel?” Benjamin added, lowering his voice as he spoke.
“Fuck off man, no she ain’t!” Alex scolded his friend slapping his arm, “She’s way too goody goody for that! Look at her!”
“Yeah? She may not look it but she ain’t some angel, man! I’ve seen her, she’s as dark as some black eyed bitch,”
“So she’s a hunter?” Sam asked, now the four of them were staring at the girl.
“Yeah, and an amazing one at that!”
“I heard she killed a nest of vampires alone with just a piece of barbed wire,”
“Will you shut up?” Alex exclaimed, trying to hide his embarrassment at his brother’s behaviour.
“It’s true! Ricky told me,”
“And Ricky is such a reliable source? Such an idiot I swear,”
“I’m going to go talk to her,” Dean decided.
“Do you want to get your head snapped off? She’s a feisty one that’s for sure. Benjy tried to talk to her last year? Didn’t last a minute,”
“Hey! It was longer than that!” Benjamin tried to defend himself but he eventually joined in with the rest of the table’s laughter.
“I bet I can get her to talk to me! Ladies love me,” Dean smirked cockily.
“Yeah?” Sam countered, “Ten bucks says you don’t last five minutes,”
“Oh, it’s on Sam,” Dean laughed as he stood up from the booth. The brothers shook hands and the three men watched Dean as he walked over to the bar. He sat down on the bar stool and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off almost instantly.
“I don’t do karaoke,” Y/n said sharply, not looking up from her glass of whiskey.
“Never asked sweetheart,” Dean laughed. Y/n looked up at this time, saw Dean, and looked him up and down them smiled approvingly.
“You’re a Winchester aren’t you,” She said with a smug smile, “Sam or Dean?”
“Hm shame, prefer you’re not so little brother more really,” Dean scoffed, not sure what to say. “Chill Dean I’m joking!” Y/n laughed. Dean sighed in relief, getting out of the awkward situation. “What’s your poison choice, Winchester?”
“Beer’d be good,”
“Sure thing,” With that Y/n stood up, jumped and vaulted over the bar. Dean watched in awe as she in the bar flipped them rather flamboyantly then cracked the caps open on the corner of the bar top.
The pair got talking and found they had a lot in common. They both had shitty childhoods, both enjoyed a good burger and although they had very different tastes in music they could both agree that nothing beats ‘Eye of the Tiger’. Sam came over to join them as the party died and eventually Y/n decided she’d had enough too. Dean walked her back to her hotel across the street, leaving Sam to collect the car on his own.
“You don’t have to walk me back, you know I am a big girl now,”
“I’m sure you are Y/n, but I can’t just let a pretty woman like yourself walk about in the dark, can I?”
“I’m pretty sure I can handle myself, Dean,” Y/n teased, turning to unlock the door to her room. It opened with a click but Y/n didn’t go inside. Instead, she turned back to Dean, hand on the door handle still, and smiled. The flirty tension they’d created all evening had been building and building until this moment. They stepped closer to one another. Dean leant in to kiss her. The moment was perfect, until…
“Dean Winchester smells!”
Sam shouted up at them from the carpark and honked Baby's horn loudly. Y/n moved away, burst out laughing and waved down to Sam who was grinning like a Cheshire cat. Dean pouted but ended up laughing too.
“I guess you’d better get going then Winchester, see you next time,” Y/n smiled then pressed up to her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. Dean smiled and nodded.
“Next time,” He said.
Dean watched Y/n go into her room then walked down the steps and over to Sam, slapping him on the arm before snatching the keys to the Impala and sliding into the car.
“You’re such a jerk,”
Months passed and the Winchesters never saw Y/n again. It wasn’t rare that a girl stayed in their minds this long but something about her just stuck with them both.
They were on a demon hunt in Connecticut. It was a fairly routine hunt. Dead people, Demon omens, track, capture, and kill. They were at the tracking stage and had finally found their guy. Or girl in this case.
They’d got her into an alley behind a bar. There had already been two casualties already tonight, both the Winchesters and the demon were starting to get tired.
“Sleazy, slimy, good for nothing, hunters,” The demon growled. “Think you’re doing good all the time, I can’t wait until you finally all crash and burn,”
“Just shut up and die already!” Dean complained, launching himself at the demon again. Sam tried to exorcise it but this demon was strong and managed to throw them both across the alley, knocking their weapons in the opposite directions. The boys were both out cold
“Hey!” A woman shouted from the top of the alley.
“Hey, pret-.” The demon stopped and started to choke on air. The demon screamed in panic as they had no idea what was happening. A bright blue/white light flooded the alley in seconds. Sam and Dean quickly covered their eyes as the light pulsed, getting even brighter. Then, as quickly the light appeared it disappeared.
Sam was the first to look up and was amazed to see Y/n stood there. She looked over at them for a moment, eyes glowing white, then disappeared back into the shadows. Sam scrambled and ran after the girl, Dean three feet behind.
“Up there,” Sam whispered pointing to the light that just turned on in the window above them. Dean nodded and ran to the other set of stairs. Pulling their guns from the belts they crept up the metal staircase. They got to the door and tapped on it.
“Y/n, open up,” Dean spoke first. No reply. “Y/n open the door. For god’s sake, we just want to talk,” Nothing. “Please?”
There was still no reply. The brothers looked at each other for a second, silently agreeing on their next move. Sam picked the lock and opened the door. Y/n stood on the other side, gun raised and loaded, pointing at the door.
“What the hell do you want?” Y/n snapped, not wavering from her position.  
“It’s nice to see you too, Y/n!” Dean said sarcastically. “Put the gun down we’re not going to hurt you,”
“What do you want,” Y/n asked again, still not moving.
“Answers would be good! What the hell was that?”
“It’s true, isn’t it?” Sam said, “You’re a Nephilim?”
“Yes,” Y/n glared at the brothers, finally putting the gun down, however, still keeping a strong grip on it in her halter.
“Why didn’t you say? Someone with your power could be really helpful right now and-“
“Just because I’m Michael’s daughter doesn’t mean I want to help! My dad’s a deadbeat- left my Mom for dead when she was eight months pregnant. For all, I care Lucifer can fuck the world and everyone in it,”
“Seriously? You can’t really think like that! Lucifer will destroy the world!”
“Yes, I know what an apocalypse is, Dean!”
“But you are a freakin’ archangel Nephilim! Who knows what you can do! You could be the end of all this,”
“No, just no. I’m a normal, bog standard, run of the mill, hunter, I will never help you because I have nothing to give to your death wish mission,”
“You killed that demon with a look,”
“So?” Y/n exclaimed. Dean opened his mouth to speak but Y/n quickly started to speak again cutting him off, “This is why I don’t come to these stupid ‘holiday retreats’ of Ricky’s! I don’t want any more suicidal fucktards like you two running in trying to recruit me like I’m one of the angels! From what I’ve heard Dean Winchester, you’re more than friendly with one so why don’t you pull him out of your bed and fucking use him! I’m not a weapon. I’m not special. I’m certainly never going to help kill Lucifer!”
“Y/n I’m sorry-“
“No, you’re not! Now get out before I kill you- permanently,”
“Get out!” Y/n screamed. A light bulb smashed in the corner startling, Sam and Dean quickly got the picture and left.
With a heavy sigh, Y/n sat down on the couch. Head in her hands, she took deep breaths to calm herself down. She knew what she was, of course, she did, but whether she chose to accept that was completely different.
 “Lucifer,” Y/n snarled as the grace inside her tingled at the familiar feeling of being around an archangel.  Lucifer appeared, perched on the arm of her couch with an evil grin on his face.
“Hello, Doll. Long-time no see! How’s your Mom?”
“Dead, you asshole,”
“No need to be bitchy about it, missy. Uncle Luci is only here to help,”
“Touch me and the only thing you’ll feel is a broken jaw,” Y/n growled stepping backwards, away from Lucifer. He rolled his eyes and gave a dramatic sigh.
“See this,” He motioned between them both, “Is why we don’t hang out more. You’re all bite and no banter, aren’t you?”
“No, actually it’s just you’re the devil and I don’t tolerate assholes,”
“Such horrible names! And to think we’re family, too,” Lucifer said ran his fingers through Y/n hair. She flinched and stepped backwards, unfortunately cornering herself between Lucifer and the wall.
“We’re not family,” She spat, putting her hands out in front of her trying to keep him off.
“Such a naughty girl! What would your daddy think?”
“Get off me!”
“Oh shut up,”
“Let my daughter go, Lucifer,”
“Michael!” Lucifer exclaimed, “So happy you could make it!”
“Brother, let her go. She has nothing to do with this,”
“Nothing to do with it! Oh, Michael, she has everything to do with this! A little archangel Nephilim like her would be very helpful for you wouldn’t it? Thought I might just bring her down here, show her how much fun she could have with her Uncle- after all we’ve got a lot of catching up to do,”
“Get off me, you creep,” Y/n shrugged Lucifer’s hand off her shoulder.
“Oh sweetie, that’s not very nice is it?” Lucifer grabbed Y/n by the hair, yanking it tight so her head snapped back up to face him- facing the ceiling. Y/n yelped and struggled a little, but it only made the pain worse.
“Let her go Lucifer!”
“What’s the matter baby bro? Scared I’ll hurt her?”
“No, you wouldn’t do that,” Michael said, sounding rather confident however as soon as he finished the sentence Y/n screamed as thousands of harsh electric shocks coursed through her body. Lucifer laughed down at her. “Lucifer! Stop!” Michael barked.
The pain immediately stopped but Y/n was left sobbing with pain in the chair, her ponytail still wrapped tightly in Lucifer’s hand, her head still being pulled backwards. It was becoming harder to breathe and very uncomfortable.
“Lucifer, let her go,” Michael said angrily, his eyes flashed blue and thunder cracked through the room. Lucifer laughed loudly.
“Try all you want baby bro but the girl is mine. Finder’s keepers,”
“Don’t be so childish Lucifer,”
“Does Dad know about your little love child?” Lucifer asked, Michael stayed silent, “Of course he doesn’t. Or she’d be dead a long time ago wouldn’t she?”
“She’s under my protection Lucifer,”
“You bastard,” Y/n spoke up, “You never protected me! My mother died and you did nothing. I tried to have a normal life, I had a family and a fiancé but they all were murdered by demons! I became a hunter and you did nothing!” Y/n was shouting now, tears streamed down her face as all the pain of her life came flooding out, “You did nothing! I thought I was some kind of freak because of my powers. I killed people, innocent people, because of it. You never did anything to help me! But I suppose now I can control it, now I can be your perfect weapon, I’m useful,”
“You were with the Winchesters, they’re a great threat to you,”
“Don’t pretend you care,” Y/n spat.
“That’s right Y/n, he doesn’t care,” Lucifer coaxed her on.
That was the final straw. Y/n had had enough. She took a deep breath to prepare herself.
Just like with the demons before, Y/n shut her eyes and let the barrier between her soul and archangel grace break down. The power of the mixture flowed quickly through her and she felt light. A large orb of power gathered in her hand glowing white and blue. Both Lucifer and Michael laughed, knowing what she was trying to do, but neither was prepared for the power she could amass. The anger, the hurt, the despair and the pain that had been collecting inside her erupted in an enormous fashion.
White light filled the room and the angels were banished. Even though they’d gone Y/n didn’t stop. The walls around her began to crumble and fall, the ceiling collapsed and the power in Y/n’s hand shot up into the night’s sky. A loud explosion like sound echoed through sky and light flashed, lighting the entire country up for a few seconds.
Y/n should have been worried, but she had one thing on her mind. Dean.
Sam and Dean arrived back at the bunker just as the storm erupted. Thunder and lightning shattered the peace and rain hammered down hard and fast. The rain was relentless. The previously dry ground was starting flood with the volume of water that was being chucked onto it from above. The bunker was starting to leak in places. Buckets and pans were scattered around catching drips coming through.
It wasn’t uncommon for large storms to come and go across the south but this time it was different. It seemed as if the storm was focused on the bunker. Lightning struck the trees of the forest surrounding it and thunder cracked over the top without ever moving away. It had been like this for hours.
Dean had his whiskey and a classic car magazine. Sam had a coffee and his laptop. All was well, and nearly even peaceful if it wasn’t for the lashings of rain and huge eruptions of thunder shaking the bunker. Suddenly, the power went out.
The brothers immediately stopped what they were doing. Sure, if this was a normal building they wouldn’t mind but the power system for the bunker was guarded with heavy and very powerful magic. It couldn’t be affected by bad weather or a broken line.
A large, loud crack of lightning light up the bunker and a black figure appeared in the centre of the room. The figure faded in and out of focus for a minute. Almost instantly, the boys had their guns ready and loaded. The figure finally managed to manifest itself properly. It was Y/n. She immediately collapsed to the floor, shaking and barely breathing. The power came back on as her body hit the ground. Sam and Dean put down their guns and ran over to her.
“Y/n?” Her face was barely recognisable. Her skin was as white as paper and blue lines covered the majority of her neck and jaw. Her eyes were open but glazed over- constantly switching between the white glow that they saw and their usual colour. Occasionally her once strong body would twitch and jerk, making Sam and Dean jump a little. They had no idea what was wrong with her, they’d never seen anything like this before. Her mouth was moving and very quiet noises escaped every so often.
Sam and Dean helped her sit up, thinking that might help a little. Her skin was boiling to the touch, almost so it was unbearable for either of the brothers to touch it for more than a minute. Her head lolled forward and her eyes closed, the brothers feared the worst for a minute but suddenly her head snapped up. Her breathing becoming harder like she was scared or running from something. She looked at Dean and smiled, everything going calm.
“Hey-, “ She started to speak. Her voice was hoarse and broken. But she was cut off as large lightening like lines erupted from her. Sam and Dean quickly jumped out the way, now more concerned than ever. White bolts of light licked the walls and floors, making all the light bulbs explode and books fly off the walls and burn as they fell.
Everything was dark. The storm outside had stopped. Lights from the corridor and the entrance cast large shadows over the walls in the library. Everything was still.
“Y/n?” Sam asked peering around the chair he’d been pushed behind. 
“You okay?” Dean asked, moving towards the girl cautiously. Y/n was lay on the ground again. Blood pooled around her as burns and cuts began to appear on her body. “Y/n!”
More injuries appeared but after a few minutes, everything stopped. The brothers looked down at the girl. She wasn’t breathing. Dean hung his head sadly, sitting back away from her. The pair sat in the silence, neither daring to say a word and still trying to work out what happened. 
“Thought you said you didn’t like chick-flick moments?” Y/n whispered. Her eyes slowly opened and the brothers gave a sigh of relief. “Is your offer to help still open?”  
“We’d be honoured to have you on the team,”
tagged: @bethanystan @bcr36 @mybittersweetbullshituniverse @lindsaylove1226 @gone-to-fight-the-fairies @hiswickedkitty
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merrinpippy · 8 years ago
Tagged by the fantastic @hollyjinx!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (or however many you have altogether). See if there are any patterns. Then, tag your favorite authors.
Anyone I would have tagged has already been tagged (I’m pretty sure) so if you want to do this fine but otherwise I’m not tagging anyone. Except @royalvciens ily. 
1. The Search Party - Harry Potter; Harrymort
It was a black and misty Forbidden Forest that they entered in search for Harry.
Voldemort’s corporeal patronus- they hadn’t even believed he could cast one before now- had burst into the Great Hall only a short time ago, and they didn’t have to hear his message to understand that something was wrong, for the patronus itself… was a stag.
2. Untitled (WIP) - Harry Potter; Mortal Immortals
Tom and Sanguini were arguing again. And while this wasn’t new, it was extremely annoying.
More annoying than usual, actually. Harry frowned. He looked around at his surroundings- the library, currently, but he’d moved twice already to avoid his two lovers- and noticed that everything seemed… darker, faded. His depth perception was off, and it felt like it was raining in his head despite the weather outside being sunny.
3. Valour (WIP) - Harry Potter; Harrymort
The dream came every night, and it was always the same.
Lying in a coffin, expensive, fit for someone more deserving. Inside the coffin, blood. Filling. Overflowing. Hands clutching a lily. The lily floating to the top but the hands remaining still. Cold. Dead.
A name.
4. The Teaching Assistant (WIP) - Harry Potter; Tomarry
Third year had started off, well, pretty horrible to say the least. So far Harry had blown up his Aunt, ran away, found out that the notorious serial killer and former servant of Voldemort, Sirius Black, was after him, and he’d also managed to faint on the train after being drained of happiness by a dementor.
Not a good start by any means.
So it really shouldn’t have surprised Harry to find that, upon entering the Great Hall, things could get worse.
5. Kings of Flowers and Skulls - Harry Potter; Tomarry
The King of Flowers ruled in the Garden. His rule was peaceful, for his subjects were every variation of every plant in his vast, beautiful garden. Many paths wound their way through tree-lined arches and bridges of vines over the rivers where the water hyacinth grew, but the only path that lead to the King’s throne was the one lined with poppies.
His throne was elevated in an atrium of fountains and sunflowers, with lilies wrapping around his plinth and resting against his feet. Those who whispered about him and his garden, for he was known as a cautionary tale that only few believed, knew him as the King of Flowers. But his plants knew him as Harry Potter.
6. Did You Find Your Bitch in Me (WIP) - Harry Potter; Tomarry
One could argue that Alpha, Beta, and Omega status was somewhat important in the society Harry was used to- the so-called muggle society as he’d learned to call it. Naturally, it became just another thing the Dursleys could punish him for.
7. Untitled (WIP) - Harry Potter; Tomarry/Harrymort
Harry thought, from what the Dursleys said, that it would be dark and dingy. Dungeons, hanging chains, no respite from the cold and damp.
Well, so far he was partly right. As he stepped out of the car, he was drenched immediately in the cold evening air. Little Hangleton, and most importantly, Riddle Manor.
Little Hangleton had once been a quiet twin village to Great Hangleton, Harry knew, but since Voldemort had risen to power the two had merged into a large, bustling city that rivalled even London. As the day was darkening, the night lights were switching on to reveal glamorous skyscrapers some distance away from the manor that they were parked by. Harry could even make out the silhouettes of the three biggest pagodas in the city.
He shuddered.
8. Everything’s Fine in the Beast Division - Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts; Tomarry
It was raining outside when Harry took the lift up to Level 4 of the Ministry of Magic, except it wasn’t technically actually raining and ‘outside’ meant in the fake windows of each of the ministry’s department levels.
9. You Know Me - Harry Potter; Tomarry
“Not now, Harry, I’m-”
“Give it a minute-”
“Honestly Harry, stop hitting me-! Fine, what is it?”
10. To Be Set Free - Harry Potter; Tomarry
The day started, as days usually do, with breakfast. If Harry Potter’s parents hadn’t died in a carriage crash when he was a baby, he might have been eating said breakfast, but Lily and James Potter had died, and so Harry was making breakfast for the Dursleys instead. As he always did, he accidentally made a little bit too much so that he could eat the leftovers later, seeing as the Dursleys hadn’t let him eat with them since he was very young. The Dursleys knew about this, but didn’t stop him as long as he finished every other chore they gave him first.
11. I Could Have Been With Him Forever - Harry Potter; Tomarry/Harrymort
It was not drawn out, nor was it peaceful and accepting, but by this point Tom was used to Harry defying all of his expectations.
Harry’s hands clutched futilely at the bunch of cloth over his wound, trying to keep the blood from pouring out to no avail. His eyes were wide and panicked, and this almost gave Tom hope, for Harry wanted to live and he was not one to lose battles like these so easily.
But Harry wasn’t quite fighting anymore.
12. Untitled (WIP) - Harry Potter; Tomarry
Harry noticed the mysterious, handsome man lurking around the village before it started. ‘It’ being the snakes, of course.
He had seen snatches of the man here and there, just enough to recognise him every time Harry caught a glimpse of him. It wasn’t often. Weeks went by without Harry seeing him, and then on a dewy morning on his way to the shops there would be a flicker in the shadows, and for a second Harry would gaze into those dark eyes before they disappeared again.
13. Thank You Shakespeare - Harry Potter; Tomarry
Harry looked up from his comfortable position in his armchair to find Tom staring at him once again, an indecipherable look on his face.
They spent a lot of their evenings in the Room of Requirement, as neither could enter the other’s common room. The Room itself had subsequently morphed itself into a cosy mixture of the two dorms. Harry felt mildly guilty for not spending quite as much time with Ron and Hermione, but he saw them every day and they insisted they understood, though neither were truly comfortable with Tom yet. Privately he thought they could use the time without him to finally come to terms with their less-than-platonic feelings for one another. When Harry mentioned this to Tom, Tom snorted and then tripped Hermione into Ron’s arms the first opportunity he got. It was endlessly amusing to Harry, but unfortunately (and not so surprisingly) the flushes on his friends’ faces weren’t enough to clue each other in, so they were still dancing around each other.
So yes. Evenings in the Room of Requirement. With Tom. Who Harry certainly wasn’t harbouring deeper feelings for.
14. All Because of an Orange Sky (WIP) - Harry Potter; Tomarry
It began mid-day, as far as anyone could tell. It started with the sky turning orange.
“An illusion,” some said. “It’ll be gone by tomorrow.”
It was not gone by tomorrow.
The three villages- that is to say Little Hangleton, Little Whinging, and Godric’s Hollow- did not panic yet. A small superstitious few lay flowers and other tributes at the shrine in the centre of the three villages, but most remained adamant that the bewitchment would pass. This time, the deadline was the end of the week.
At the end of the week, the sky remained orange.
15. Just a Normal Tuesday Night - Teen Wolf; Stallison
“What time is it?” Allison groans, stretching out and knocking into Stiles, who’d arranged himself into a sitting position next to her. Her neck aches a little but she’s still in the hazy bubble of sleep and doesn’t open her eyes, instead reaching out for Stiles’ hand.
Stiles turns his head, if the sound of his head moving against the stone wall tells her correctly, and Allison still doesn’t open her eyes. “It’s half past twelve. Probably a.m.”
It’s not Stiles’ words that break through to her, nor the oddness of his action, but rather the tired and slightly miserable way that he spoke, and only a few seconds after does it occur to Allison why. She opens her eyes and bolts straight up as her memories return to her.
16. Songs of the Day and Night - Professor Layton; Descolay
They’d been expecting the invasion from the neighbouring kingdom for a while now. King Descole’s army had started to overrun King Bronev’s after months of fighting and Hershel just wanted it to be over. Despite what the servants had to say about it, Leon made him stay in the palace. None dared argue with their cruel King, and he pointed out that since Hershel was his son, the prince, he had an obligation to stay.
And so the invasion grew closer. Leon became more frantic, often even absent, and Hershel became quieter in his presence. He often slipped away in the dead of night to visit the lower, poorer regions of his city while he still could. It was hard to imagine that this was better than most of the rest of the kingdom. He’d heard rumours that King Descole was ruthless and unmatched in battle, but from what Hershel had seen, Descole’s growing kingdom fared much better than his own.
17. The Only One - Supernatural; Samifer
Sam had a dilemma on his hands.
It had been a few months since Lucifer had broken out of the cage again, bringing Michael and Adam with him. It appeared that they had come to an understanding of sorts, as Michael just nodded to them both and Sam before fluttering off, presumably to heaven, leaving Adam staring wistfully at the empty space he’d left.
18. Untitled (WIP) - Merlin; Merthur
It’s been around two minutes since Merlin got on the bus. It’s also been, Merlin believes, around 1,000 years since Arthur died. He’s not quite sure at this point the exact amount of years- he stopped counting his age after he reached 300. No-one would believe him if he told them his real age now anyway. He’s also not sure of how long he’s been on the bus, as he’s broken his watch. He’s not very happy about it.
19. Give Me Back My Body - Captain America; Stucky
Bucky had broken a record by bringing Steve from the Potomac River.
It seemed he was gaining his ability to think again, and he’d gone to the Smithsonian to take back a sense of self. He stayed away for a few weeks, checking in on Steve in the hospital when he was still there (not going in, just in case). He tested himself, made sure that he was safe around civilians by going about a ‘normal’ life, observing them and exposing himself to as many possible triggers as he could.
Nothing triggered him at all, and he was physically doing fine.
20. Come Sweet Death - Captain America; Stucky
The first time Steve Rogers tries to commit suicide is in the winter of 1931, when he’s 13 years old. It’s when Bucky finally finds out about his partial deafness, and his…different version of colour blindness. It’s not much of a big deal to Bucky- he takes it surprisingly well, and is so supportive it makes Steve feel like crying.
Which he does. A lot.
It’s when he’s so sick, literally and figuratively, of his many afflictions, that he’s had enough.
Patterns I’ve found: I’m really melodramatic and I take a long time to get to the point, which is why a lot of these first lines seem like an imperfect cadence. Also I have a lot of unfinished documents. 
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