#what kind of devil convinced me to watch this musical at Wednesday?
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lil-melody-moon · 1 year ago
I want to be tied up and fucked by Uncle Ernie until I pass out
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vegetasleftsock · 4 years ago
A Devil’s Smile (Vegeta x OC)
Chapter 1
Here’s my first shot at a DBZ fanfic- obviously not canon. I haven’t written literally anything for fun since I was in early high school, so I’m sure I’m a little rusty. However, I hope some of those on Tumblr like it! I’m planning to make it a multi-chapter fic, but we’ll see!
Summary: Vegeta goes out with friends to a bar and finds interest (to his denial) in a girl that is performing that night. Milla, the girl performing, has a fearless, outspoken personality and a good sense of humor. Despite finding her attractive, Vegeta takes insult to her frankness and labels her as unpleasant. Regardless, he can’t fight his strange interest in her.
This first chapter is very sfw, but it won’t stay that way (;
Here’s the link to the song I reference in the chapter! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNJ26HxShvk
“Fuck, keep it going!” Milla exclaimed with one hand on her drink, the other on her microphone stand. “Y’all are one hell of a crowd.”
The sound of people whooping and hollering after the end of the song echoed through the small, dimly lit bar. Milla grinned and crinkled her nose with excitement. She was truly in her element.
She set her drink on the floor beside her and swiped her thick, dark brown hair behind her ear. It shone with highlights of red under the bright stage lights.
“This next one is a long time favorite,” Milla said. She leaned against a tall, wooden barstool with one tall Doc Marten on the stage and the other on the foot rest. “Go ahead, Joey.” She nodded towards her drum player and he kicked off the first few beats to ‘The Seed’ by The Roots. Milla closed her eyes with her head back and swayed to the music, tapping her heavy boot to the rhythm of the drums. Meanwhile, Goku, Vegeta and Bulma filed into the small crowded bar. Bulma headed straight to the bar to grab drinks for everyone while the two guys took a moment to get adjusted to how cramped the space was.
“I fail to understand why puny humans have no concept of personal space,” spat Vegeta. He hated when people touched him and it was almost impossible to file through the crowd without bumping shoulders with every other person.
“Come on, Vegeta! We came here to have a good time and enjoy the music. I thought you would like this kind of stuff,” Goku said, shrugging.
“Foolish Kakarot, what makes you think I would enjoy anything about this wretched-”
“Hey, guys! Over here! I found us a place to sit!” Bulma yelled over the music, hopping and waving her hand at an attempt to be seen. They took a seat closer to the stage than any of them expected to be and Bulma distributed drinks. They clinked their glasses together and did small cheers before taking heavy sips.
“Hey, Bulma- how’d you manage to get us a table all the way up here?” Goku grinned, happy to be close to the action.
“You should know by now that I have my ways, Goku,” Bulma beamed. She was obviously proud of her tactics. With just a few flirtatious looks and some compelling words Bulma was able to convince a group of college boys to basically offer her the table, no questions asked. Vegeta kept a heavy scowl on his face as he looked around at the environment. His eyes finally found his way to the stage to watch the performance. He convinced himself that if maybe he focused on the music, it would keep him from snapping the neck of the next person who barged into him.
“Whatcha lookin’ at?” Goku said from behind Vegeta. He had scooted closer to Vegeta to see if he could match his eyeline and catch what he was staring at.
“What the hell?” Vegeta recoiled away from Goku both out of surprise and anger.
“You just seem to be staring in one direction and I can’t tell what you're looking at,” Goku said, confused and determined. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think he was staring at the singer,” Bulma laughed.
Vegeta froze. How dare she claim that he was participating in silly games? He realized once she said it, his eyes were, infact, on the singer. He questioned himself on why he was even looking at her, especially for as long as he had been. He gritted his teeth.
“Silence, woman. I will not have you insinuate such things.”
“Whatever,” shrugged Bulma. “You’re still looking at her.”
Milla was walking across the stage towards the group’s table, starting her part after the first chorus.
“I don’t beg- for no rich man. And I don’t scream and kick, when his shit don’t fall in my hands man. And I know how to still.”
For a split second she looked up and caught Vegeta’s gaze. He was still scowling, but the look in his eyes led onto more. Milla caught onto this and gave him a mischievous, sideways grin while she sang. She winked at him before turning around and Vegeta ripped his eyes to the ground.
Goku laughed and grinned his typical goofy smile. “It looks like she likes you! She’s kinda scary for a lady- but in a cool way, I guess.”
Blood rushed to Vegeta’s face and he shot Goku a death glare. “Kakarot-”
Vegeta then realized that Goku and Bulma were both looking past him with big grins plastered to their faces.
“What are you fools smiling about?” Vegeta scowled and snapped his head around to see behind him. His eyes widened as he realized Milla was sitting at the edge of the stage, less than a few feet away, body facing towards him but her eyes temporarily focused on her band mate.
She posed herself at the edge of the stage, legs crossed. One hand held her red gem bedazzled microphone as she sang and the other curled the cord around her well-manicured finger.
Milla was short, but her body structure and thin, toned legs made her seem tall. She wore an oversized Dead Milkmen t-shirt as a dress that draped over fishnet leggings. Tattoos scattered her pale, olive-toned skin up and down her arms.
Vegeta, stuck in his tracks for a moment, looked right at her face as she continued to sing. She was actually attractive for a human, he thought. He looked at her deep brown, almond shaped eyes. They were almost cat-like- and her red lips that surrounded a glaringly white smile was definitely alluring.
No matter. This was starting to become an unpleasant situation for Vegeta. He realized that she was teasing him and almost mocking him in a way that was completely unacceptable. He was the Prince, ruler of all Saiyans, and one of the most powerful fighters in the universe! Just as Vegeta was getting ready to leave, Milla caught his angry gaze and smiled. She cocked her head and continued to sing, leaning forward towards him.
“Oooh-ooh-ooh, no dear, you’ll be keeping my legend alive.”
Goku and Bulma’s eyes widened out of both fear and shock as Milla tickled her finger under Vegeta’s chin. Before any of them could even react, she turned around and hopped back onto the stage to finish her performance.
“Enough,” Vegeta growled. He stood up, teeth gritted and palms clenched. He took his fist and knocked his chair over before storming out.
Goku and Bulma looked at each other, exchanged a small laugh and shrugged.
“Well, he didn’t stay long- but at least it was entertaining,” Bulma said.
**About an hour later** “Thank you guys for coming out tonight and for being such an awesome crowd. It really is such an honor to perform for you guys and be here every week. I hope everyone who comes out knows how much their support means to me,” Mila said. She held up her glass to cheers her audience, and the crowd lifted their drinks in return. People clapped and whooped as Milla walked backstage and the lights dimmed. Other bandmates started to pack away their instruments and tear down the set-up.
The bulk of the crowd filed out of the building, including Bulma and Goku. Others stayed and sat at the bar.
“Should we look around and wait for Vegeta?” Goku asked.
“Ha! Do I look like I have all night to hunt that jerk down? He’s perfectly capable of finding his own ride home, if he hasn’t already.” Bulma said. “I guess, if you say so,” Goku said, scratching the back of his neck, clearly feeling guilty. “You’re too nice,” Bulma said, dragging Goku out.
Backstage, Milla brushed her short hair into a ponytail and grabbed a makeup wipe from her duffle bag.
“Hey, Milla. That guy you were messing with earlier seemed pretty riled up,” Joey said.
Mila laughed as she swiped at her eyelids with the makeup wipe. “Oh, did he?” she replied.
“Yea, he even knocked over his chair before running out. Guess it was just too much for him.” Joey chuckled.
Milla tossed her makeup wipe in the bin by the door and slung her duffle bag over her shoulder.
“Alright boys, I’m heading out for the night. We kicked ass today. See you on Wednesday night for practice,” Milla said, heading out the back door of the building.
The guys waved their goodbyes and she exited. Outside it was cold, but the air felt nice after a long night of running around on stage. She walked to her car, which was parked the street over from the bar. Milla hated crowded parking lots and she wasn’t the best at parking. As she got to her car, she fumbled for her keys in the pocket of her cardigan.
“Who the hell do you think you are?” a voice said.
“Huh?” Milla whipped around to see the guy that her and her bandmates had been talking about. The one she caught staring at her while she sang. She laughed at the sight of him- brows furrowed and his mouth in a deep frown. His arms were crossed tightly against his chest as he leaned against her car.
“What is so funny?” Vegeta growled.  “You would not be laughing if you knew who you were dealing with.”
“Oh,” Milla said, raising her eyebrows, feigning confusion. “Let me offer my deepest apologies.” She bowed sarcastically and then rolled her eyes, dropping her smile.
Vegeta scoffed and started to walk away. “Foul woman.”
“Excuse me, who the hell do you THINK that you are?” Milla asked, walking towards Vegeta. He stopped walking and turned to face her. “You think you can just come and harass me after the show because of what? Because I flirted with you? Grow the fuck up, I saw the way you looked at me.” Milla continued.
Vegeta stared at her, silently. Still scowling. They were less than a foot away from each other at this point, just battling through glares. Milla rolled her eyes again and her long lashes fluttered.
Vegeta noticed her face looked slightly different. He realized her red lips were now a warm shade of pink and her eyes seemed brighter. He thought maybe that she had taken her makeup off, but he still thought her face was nice.
“Pathetic.” Milla said at Vegeta, squinting her eyes. She got into her car and started the engine.
“What a fucking weirdo,” Milla said to herself. She thought he was cute when she had flirted with him, but now she couldn’t tell if he was just strange or a serial killer.
She pulled out onto the road and he was still standing where he was before, glaring. Vegeta stood where she had left him, steaming mad, but also wanting her to come back.
“Get the fuck out of here, dude. Go home.” Milla said before driving away.
“Some people,” Milla laughed, shaking her head. “Too bad shit’s not entertaining like this all of the time.”
After seeing her drive off, Vegeta headed back over to the bar. He bought himself a drink and made plans with himself to return the following Friday.
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skvaderarts · 4 years ago
Hiraeth Chapter 20: Arrears
Masterlist can be found Here!
Chapter Twenty: Arrears 
Note: And just like that, we’re on chapter twenty for the third time. That’s totally surreal, isn’t it? Sorry that my replies were a day or two late this week and that this chapter is a few hours late. I fell asleep. I was out of town Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday with a friend, so my uploads and response times were not quite as quick as I would have liked. But it’s okay because I’m back! Now let’s get on with this fic.
Once they were gone, the doors to the front office swung shut with a resounding bang, sending an echoing boom through the entirety of the front room. In what had to be a rare moment of silence for the normally noisy space, there was no music playing and no ceiling fans spinning due to the lack of electricity present within the building. It was welcome, but also strange as he had finally begun to grow used to the sound of Dante’s particular brand of loud metal and rock. And although he couldn’t say that he enjoyed the exact music that Dante did, he found that he didn’t mind it as much as he used to when he’d first heard it. Maybe he could even convince him to play something else… 
The Darkslayer took a moment to lock the door behind himself before proceeding, not so much because he was worried that they would be attacked or that someone would attempt to actually break in and rob them. No, that would be an absolute dream as far as the eldest Son of Sparda was concerned. Having the opportunity to teach a wayward criminal a much-needed lesson without the moral implications that came with cold-blooded murder or fratricide was a welcome change of pace for him. No, they needed to be alone for this, and he didn’t need any of his younger brother’s associates interrupting them with any trivial or annoying requests, especially given their current circumstances.
As the devil hunter in the blue coat approached his brother’s desk, Dante shook his head, reclining in the chair at his desk as he awaited his older sibling’s response. He was somewhat sure that he already knew what he was going to say. After all, Vergil had been looming over him like a literal physical manifestation of the shadow of his immense debt ever since they had returned and realized that the power was once again turned off. That had surely given them both enough time to contemplate what they both expected the other to say and, in turn, what they would add to the conversation themselves. That was, if there was a conversation at all. While they had made remarkable progress in the short time that they had been gone from the office, he didn’t put it past his older sibling to still want to settle this the old-fashioned way like they always had. And at this point, there was a part of him that expected nothing less than that, regardless of the progress that they made. The real question was how they would go about this process, and what the fight would be about this time, not so much if there would be one in the first place.
“I know, I know. This is the part where you barely hide how mad you are at me, and they you give me a piece of your mind before you stab me again, right Vergil.” Dante laughed grimly as he spoke those words, watching his twin slowly approach the desk. That was what was to be expected under these circumstances. And he’d dealt with Vergil enough times to know that-
“Why are the utilities always off, Dante? Am I to presume that you are in some form of arrears to the utility company, then?” Vergil said calmly as he reached the halfway point of the room. He stopped a few feet from the desk, looking around the room for a moment before continuing. “It came to my attention just after we had first returned from the underworld that you might be hiding something. It clearly wasn’t the first time that you had gone without electricity since you didn’t appear to be surprised by its absence, but considering our initial fight with Nero on the front steps upon arriving, my general mood at the time, and the lingering unrest in the atmosphere around the office as to my presence, I was unwilling to bring it up at the time. But now I require answers.”
His calm demeanor took Dante somewhat by surprise as while he was indeed expecting his brother to ask him why the power was off again, he wasn’t expecting him to do so with such a genuine level of curiosity. There didn’t seem to be any real anger in his voice as he asked that question, which admittedly turned things on their head a little. Dante was expecting to be lambasted for several minutes before things either turned violent or Vergil gave up and went to bed. This was… well, this was entirely too diplomatic to be an actual response from his older twin brother. What the hell was going on here?
“You caught onto what was going on that quick, hu? Well damn. I thought I was doing a better job of hiding it.” Dante said, dragging out a long, tired sigh. It was out in the open now, and that brought with it a sort of strange euphoric sense of release that he hadn’t expected, given the circumstances. “So… what happens now? Are we gonna skip the part where you stab me, or go straight to it? I’d just like to know what I’m getting myself into this time, ya know?”
Vergil stepped out of the shadows and approached the desk, unfolding his arms and using them to prop himself up against the desk. He seemed calm in a manner unlike what Dante was used to when it came to his older sibling. From what he could tell, the devil slayer in blue almost seemed to be considering something or even patently awaiting his response. But whatever he was doing, Dante wasn’t sure how he felt about it. As unpleasant as most of his older sibling’s reactions were to basically everything that he did and didn’t do, they were at least almost entirely predictable. This was the farthest thing from that that Dante could imagine, and it made him somewhat apprehensive as to what to do now. He was in uncharted territory, adrift at sea with no wind in his sails and now oars to row with.
“I am… attempting a new approach. My old methods have hit a dead end. And predictably so, at that.” Vergil let loose a barely audible sigh, looking down at the floor as he considered his next words carefully. He wasn’t entirely sure how to put into words what he was thinking, but he did, in fact, know what he actually wanted to do. Talking to his younger twin had never been something that he was particularly adept at, but that didn’t stop him from trying. After all, when had Vergil been the kind of man to do things by half? “As you know, I do not enjoy predictability. So in light of recent revelations, I am now attempting to actually communicate with you instead of simply folding to my baser instincts and using less civil means with which to get my point across.”
Dante sat up and leaned in towards him, looking at him as though he were speaking a foreign language. No, he couldn’t possibly be hearing that right. Had his older twin truly just insinuated that he might be tired of… that couldn’t be possible, could it? Well, it could. That was entirely possible. But he just never thought that he would live long enough to see the day that Vergil would succeed defeat and decide that maybe stabbing his younger sibling to death constantly was perhaps not the best method to achieving his goals. The thought had crossed Dante’s mind on several occasions, but he had just never been able to actually find a way with which to make those ideas into reality. But now…
“So if I’m hearing you right, you’re saying that you actually plan to not stab me right now, and instead you want to talk to me?” Dante wasn’t sure that his humorous tone of voice and sarcastic mannerisms alluded to the deep-seated elation that he felt at that prospect, but that didn’t make it any less true. He had waited a lifetime for the day that his brother might come to the conclusion that it might be a good idea to simply speak to him. And while he hadn’t helped to make that outcome anymore likely, and had often worked directly against it in ways large and small over the years, that didn’t make the possibility of that outcome becoming a reality any less joyous to him. “Am I getting that right, or has someone left and opened a valve that lets out toxic gases in here and we’re both just secretly dying right now or something?”
“Your half right, Dante. That is, in fact, what I am trying to say. But on the last account, you are incorrect. We are not secretly dying.” The Darkslayer paused for a moment, lingering on thoughts that he would have preferred to have kept buried deep below the surface to hide his apparent suffering. He had been through much, and a large percentage of his suffering in life had been through the lens of death. Talking about it wasn’t something that he cherished the opportunity to do. It was unpleasant but necessary. And yet, here he was, willingly doing so. Vergil had pivoted from defiance to indifference in some respects, and then he had made a sharp left into uneasy acceptance. For now, that was all he could do, and he had decided that focusing on what he was capable of instead of beating himself down with the combined weight of everything that he couldn’t might just be the best thing that he could do for himself in moments like these. “Every living thing is at all times marching towards their death. There is no secret in that. It is the inevitability of mortality. Some of us simply make it there quicker or under less desirable circumstances than others. But in the end, we all share the same fate.”
Giving his brother a much more serious look now than he had been a moment ago, Dante leaned back slightly in order to physically give himself space to take in what Vergil had just said. He had the distinct feeling that he now knew what this was about, and that was both a good and a bad thing. While it was far past time that they tackled this topic, he just hadn’t expected things to come to a head like this when they had. It would have been wonderful to have had forewarning so that he could have prepared and… no. No, had had time to prepare himself for this. From the moment that he had stepped foot in the Qliphoth and found himself standing face to face with the doors to Urizen’s throne room, coming to grips with the fact that the monster on the other side of those doors was indeed his twin brother, he had been preparing himself for the worst. When Vergil had reluctantly agreed to return to the human world with hum under the resigned fatalistic view that it couldn’t get much worse, he had known that they would have to have this conversation one day. And now that Vergil was here, it was time to have it. They had needed to get this off of their chest for quite a while now.
“Say what it is that you really want to say, Vergil. I’m not stupid enough to not be able to tell that there is more to this than what you’re saying. You know that, right?” Dante straightened his back out slightly as he reclined in his desk chair, peering out at Vergil from the bangs that hand now found their way in front of his eyes again. He needed to put some space between himself and his brother, if only to keep himself from developing claustrophobia. As much as Vergil utterly despised unwanted or involuntary physical contact, it was one of his best methods for making someone that he wanted to put on edge uncomfortable. Being at the mercy of both his impressive height in respect to most people, and his cold, unflinching stare was normally enough to make the average mortal flinch and back down, and in that respect, even Dante folded, even if only just a little bit. Being stared at the way that Vergil stared at people when he was trying to make a point was enough to make literally anyone want to back away from him. The Demon hunter wondered for a moment if his older brother even noticed that this was something that he did, or if it was something that he did involuntarily out of reflex.
A look somewhere between surprise and acceptance crossed Vergil's face as he nodded in agreement, standing up straighter as he shifted his weight to one hand and then quite literally looked down on his younger twin. There it was again. That noticeable change in him that had not been present when they were younger. Vergil understood it now more than he had when he had first noticed that something was drastically different about his twin now. It was his maturity level. Dante had indeed learned from his past, and seemed to be haunted by the mistakes and regrets that he harbored, much like he himself still did. He recognized it as his own, the poignant grief that he now realized deep within himself that they both shared. It was… well, he couldn’t say that it was something that he’d ever wished for Dante. There were plenty of unfortunate occurrences that Vergil would have brushed or even wished on his brother during his youth. Not so long ago, he would have been ready to exact those very injustices upon him with his own hands. But in that same light, he now understood something that he hadn’t then: the fact that Dante himself felt the same way. He just buried it under a thick layer of humor and sarcasm
He saw it in the moments that they were alone. Dante didn’t possess the same energy that he’d once had, the same spark that he had carried in his youth. And that wasn’t something he could blame completely on his age. Some things were lost along with the youth of the person who possessed them, and hope was one of those things. But hardship, regret, and suffering were great at enhancing those characteristics in a way that few other emotions could match, at least in regards to negative connotations. He would have never pegged Dante as the sort to think that deeply about his actions and their consequences when they were younger, much as he was willing to believe that his younger twin probably didn’t think he himself did back then. And they might have both been right under certain circumstances. But now they were older and they had lived through the folly of their youth. And they were ready to move on from it.
“You’re terrible at keeping things from me, Dante. You always have been. I had the feeling that something was amiss financially in regards to your personal life, and I see that I was not incorrect. But that does not concern me.” Vergil tilted his head slightly to the left, attempting to make brief eye contact with his younger twin as the slightly younger man attempted to not think too hard about the situation that he now found himself in. Things had taken quite the turn since Lucia had left the office with V and the others. He couldn’t say that he knew for sure whether or not his brother had specifically waited for them to leave before having this conversation with him, but he was willing to believe that that was more than likely the case. And that in of itself was admittedly fascinating to him. Vergil had never really cared about shaming him out in the open. Had he actually done so in order to not embarrass him any further than he was embarrassing himself due to the fact that they had company over who were not blood members of their family? Because if so, that had been uncharacteristically compassionate of his older twin. “If I had come here with the expectation that you had everything in your life under control, then I would not be able to claim to know you at all. Your financial troubles are something that can be fixed, unlike some of our other troubles.”
Dante couldn’t help but laugh at that statement. “Oh, brother! See, that’s where you're dead wrong. There is no fixing the amount of debt that I’m in. It’s a whole lot worse than just a few power and water bills.” Shaking his head, Dante leaned back and attempted to open the drawer to his desk, cursing himself internally when he had to pull on it much harder than he normally would. He’d shoved something in there before he’d left, and the sliding mechanism had been jammed, but it opened nonetheless. He then produced a worn brown ledger, tossing it onto the desk with a responding thud. Completely unwilling to even look in the general direction of the book, he slid the door shut and glanced over at Vergil, shrugging slightly. “You want a better answer as to what kind of mess I’m in? It’s in there. But you’re not going to like what’s in it.”
Leaning over to pick up the ledger, Vergil gave it a once over for a moment before opening the cover and flipping to the middle of it. Dante had to admire his twin’s insanity for a moment, likening the action of jumping to the middle of someone’s financial history with diving headfirst into ice water without knowing how to swim. Oh, wait… V had literally done just that. Perhaps reckless insanity for the sake of self-preservation ran in the family? Regardless, the frankly calm and placid look on Vergil’s face turned rapidly to confusion and perplexed frustration as he looked over the numbers. He then immediately turned back a few pages, only to realize that his answers were elsewhere. A moment later, he turned back to the very front of the book before furrowing his brow and jumping immediately to the end of the ledger to try and assess the damages in full. There was no point in trying to make sense of something like this. It was simply the kind of situation where you looked at how deep you’d fallen into the hole, and then tried to figure out what you could stack up to try and climb towards the surface again just to have a chance at jumping towards the general direction of the surface that you could probably barely see due to how far down you were. And you could only hope that you were able to grab onto something when you made that just, because if you didn’t? Well, you would just be back at the bottom where you had started in the first place all over again, and at that point, what had you accomplished?
Upon realizing the depth of the issue at face value, Vergil closed the book along with his eyes before letting out a long, exhausted sigh. He then tossed the book back onto the desk as though simply touching it was enough to make him contract some sort of lethal virus. He slumped over the desk for a moment before glancing back towards the back office door and making a b line for it. Dante watched him go, trying his best not to laugh. Yes, now that was a feeling that he could relate to.
“Where ya headed Vergil,” Dante asked, barely hiding his amusement. It was time to see if his twin brother’s new anti-stabbing ethos was something that he was willing to stand by, even in the face of such a frustrating realization. He imagined that Vergil was more than ready to stab him right now.
He stopped, his back to his twin brother. After pausing for a moment, he peered over his shoulder, a slightly disbelieving, shocked, and overall surprised look on his face. “I need a nap, Dante. I think that jetlag has just set in.” He said simply before turning back in the direction of the door.
“You’re telling me, Vergil. Why do you think I sleep so much?” Dante said with s slight laugh, shaking his head as he faced forward into nothingness again. It was incredible how dark it got in there at night without lights to combat the inky blackness.
“Depression? A desire to avoid your problems for a bit longer? Other ill-defined reasons that I care little to discuss at this point in time?” Vergil shrugged nebulously, seemingly resigned to the reality of his fate. How in the world had those numbers gotten like that? It defied logic. It defied reason. Hell, it defied science and math, too! “Those are just the reasons I can think of off of the top of my head. I am not your phycologist.”
At that point, Dante actually did laugh. It seemed that his financial state had managed to strip what little will to live and energy that Vergil still possessed in his body. That many zeros tended to do that to you. “I mean yea, that’s fair, but you don’t have to say it. I have feelings, you know?”
“Do not awaken me until either the utilities are restored or the office burns down Dante. This will take a substantial amount of work, and I am not at all well-rested enough as it currently stands.”
With that, Vergil closed the door to his bedroom, and a moment later, Dante could hear what was definitely his older twin hitting the bed with enough force to go through it. That right there was a mood, and he was positive that he had never once related so much to his brother’s questionable coping mechanisms. Maybe a good night’s rest was in store for them both. It was dark already anyway. What could it hurt? He was sure that no one would mind, least of all Vergil. Considering the way that he slept on the rare occasion that he actually did, he wouldn’t mind literally anything for a very long time. That could only be a good thing at this point.
I couldn’t tell you why, but Google Docs has decided it hates my guts lately. It decided to crash no less than 7 times while I was writing this, taking whole paragraphs with it. It was a nightmare to write. In fact, it crashed once while I was writing this footnote, so this is my second time writing it. Joy! Anyway, happy 2nd DMC5 anniversary everyone! I hope you all had a good time reading this one! Can’t wait to read your comments. Now time to go cry in the corner over my lost paragraphs! Duh du du du du!
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noonachronicles · 5 years ago
You, Me, and Satan Himself
Lee Jooheon X Reader
Word count: 6.5k
Warnings: mild language. there are a couple of mentions of suicide/attempted suicide, not member or reader related. also mentions of child death, also not member or reader related. ummm I think that’s it. 
Genre: bffs to lovers. idiots to lovers. alludes fwb but not LJH/Reader. It’s got some spooky themes, but ultimately it’s fluff.
A/N: It’s a Halloweeeeeen story! Ghosts and ghouls, firemen and pirates and of course Satan himself. ;D Happy Birthday @nemesyis! This one is for you. It’s not really an attack story, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! 
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Wind was howling through the naked branches of the trees that lined the path you were on. The brisk chill of the fall air made you shiver. Much to your chagrin the dress and tights combo of your costume was doing almost nothing to keep the cold from consuming you. Clicking of your black lolita heels against the pavement beneath you echoed down the avenue you were walking down. Luckily it was a full moon, which meant that the path was fully visible despite the lack of lights. It might have been romantic if you weren’t mentally preparing yourself to be spooked. Focusing in on the sound of every branch that cracked, every hoot of an owl, every flicker of movement in your peripherals was being noted and you were thrilled by the way it all made the blood tingle in your veins. The only thing putting you off was the chattering of your teeth. It was hard to focus on getting in the mood when you couldn’t stop thinking about how cold you were.
“I told you to bring a jacket.” Jooheon muttered beside you.
“A jacket doesn’t go with this costume.” you advised him for the hundredth time that night. “And the dress has sleeves...I thought it would be warmer.”
“Yeah well my costume doesn’t require a jacket either, so thanks for that.” he complained.
Stopping, you looked over at your very grumpy best friend. It was cute, his outfit. Plaid button down shirt tucked into brown cargo shorts. Round glasses sat on his nose. Pocket protector, complete with pens, sat against his chest. Tube socks pulled all the way up his calves and dirty sneakers on his feet. Every little detail made you smile, you’d done wonderfully putting it together for him, you knew there was even an inhaler in his pocket. He was the perfect Joel Glicker to your Wednesday Addams.
“Honey…” you said lifting your hand to his cheek as he pouted at you, “you look so cute. Thank you for being the best best friend a girl could ask for. I promise that next year I will have a boyfriend of my own and I’ll make him do couples costumes with me, and then you’ll never have to deal with it again.”
He sighed deeply and then gave a tight smile, you still caught a glimpse of his dimple, “It’s fine.”
Once the two of you got moving again you fell back into a comfortable silence, like the pair of you usually did. Instead of going back to your mood setting thoughts you considered Jooheon. He really was the greatest guy you knew. Growing up neighbors left him destined to be either your best friend or worst enemy and at different points in your life he’d been both.
From toddler to teen you were inseparable. Then at some point you couldn’t remember hormones tore you apart. That was when he met the boys. You could still remember how jealous you’d been that first summer watching them hanging out all the time, wishing it was still you he wanted to spend his time with. You’d tried making new friends but mostly became a recluse, playing video games all the time and reading libraries worth of books. In high school you got your first boyfriend, an athlete in the year ahead of you, and you dated for three years. On the first day of summer before your senior year he ditched you because he wanted to be single for university.
You never knew how he’d heard about the break up, you never asked, but the very next day when you had convinced yourself you were never leaving your blanket burrito ever again Jooheon showed up. The moment he walked into your room, after your mom had let him in the house, it was like there had never even been a second that you were apart. He spent every single day with you that summer. Even if he’d had plans with the boys, he always dragged you along. You barely spent a second alone and by the time senior year started you had practically forgotten you’d ever had a boyfriend in the first place. From then on you were back to inseparable even now as adults.
“I hate this.” he grumbled beside you.
The shrubbery along the path was thickening and it was getting darker the further you moved along. You reached over and grabbed his hand, squeezing your fingers around his.
“Don’t worry so much. I’ll protect you, I swear.” you smiled over at him. “We’re almost there.”
There was the sound of another snapping branch from the trees and you could feel his body vibrate in fear, “We’re going to die, I hope you know. This is the worst night of my whole life because I’m going to die...dressed like a nerd.”
“Thank you.” you said again.
“For what? Dying with you on this cold, dark, abandoned path to some haunted house in the middle of nowhere?”
“Kind of,” you laughed quietly, “Thank you for coming with me tonight. I know you would have much preferred to stay at the party picking up chicks. Instead you came with me and that means a lot.”
“Oh,” he seemed to ease at your words and even puffed out his chest slightly, “It’s cool. Honestly, no big deal at all. I didn’t want to be at that party if you weren’t going to be there anyway. And yes, this may be a weird, creepy idea that I hate more than anything, but you know I’d do anything for you.”
You squeezed his hand again and smiled, “I love you, Honey.”
He rolled his eyes but smiled all the same, “I love you too.”
“We’re so close, the house is right up here, just around that curve.” you couldn’t help your excitement and you moved faster down the path.
As you had nearly reached the end of the path, the abandoned house in your sight, you could see a large dark mass speeding towards you, but you didn’t process it fast enough. Not until the cloaked figure was already rawring loudly into your face. Jumping back you clutched your chest, heart racing. Seconds passed and you finally registered Changkyun’s laughter, and your eyes adjusted enough to see his devilish face clearly. Jooheon was long gone, having sprinted back down the path quite a ways, he was still shrieking.
“That’s so fucked, Kyun.” you let out a large breath.
Devil horns atop his head, he held up his finger, an evil grin on his lips, “Just wait, it gets better.”
By then Jooheon’s screams had petered down. When you looked down the path to the silhouette of his figure you could see he was making his way, slowly, back to you. He was still several yards away when you saw the two new dark figures creeping out of the brush behind him. It was very clear he hadn’t noticed their presence yet.
“No, my poor Honey.” you mumbled, “Minhyuk?”
“And Hyungwon.” Changkyun snickered beside you.
After just a moment more of silence you could hear their collective “Boo!” as they lunged towards Jooheon. The sound of his screaming and cursing echoed through the night as he sprinted full speed back to you.
“Assholes!” he shouted, “All my friends are assholes!”
He clung to you as he panted, catching his breath and you gently patted his back, “You’re not wrong about that.”  
“I knew it was going to be good,” Minhyuk said still laughing as he and Hyungwon made it to the group, “but that was so much better than I ever expected.”
After finishing rolling your eyes you saw a flicker of light bouncing its way out of the front of the building.
“Shownu!” you called out cheerfully as you recognized the man behind the flashlight in his fireman costume. He gave a small wave as he made his way over. “Where’s everyone else?”
“Kihyun and Hoseok met some people at the party.” He shrugged as he moved out of the hug he’d given you. “Hoseok said to say sorry. Kihyun said to tell you he was not sorry and that if you couldn’t understand you weren’t really friends.”
You laughed, knowing that it was likely that’s exactly what he said. “Wait so you just went in all by yourself?”
“Yeah, no one was here when I got here so I went in and took a look around. Not very exciting as far as haunted houses go. I didn’t find any workers. There’s no smoke machines or creepy music.” he said sounding very unimpressed.
“Nunu…” you shook your head, “Oh sweet man, it’s not a haunted house, it’s just creepy and abandoned.”
“Ohh.” he nodded in understanding, “That makes more sense.”
Jooheon quickly went from clinging to you to clinging to the pillar of muscle and fearlessness that was Shownu. “Full offense to everyone else here, who sucks, but dibs on Nu as my partner.”
“Dibs on y/n.” Minhyuk said throwing his arm over your shoulder, “Unintentionally wearing couples costumes and everything.”
You looked him up and down in confusion, “Min, you’re a pirate. How are we at all a couples costume?”
“You see, after tonight, when you’re wowed by my courage, strength, and overall ability to protect you, you won’t be able to resist me.” you did your best to hold back a snort, “After that, we will be a couple and then no matter what our outfits are they will always be couples outfits. ...because, you know, we’ll be a couple.”
“I think I got it.” you laughed.
As he’d been talking everyone, with the exception of Minhyuk himself, watched as Hyungwon slipped silently behind the brazen pirate. In a swift motion he reached out, grabbing his hips, with a quick boo! Minhyuk jumped about a foot in the air, his pirate hat was thrown off his head and his shrill shriek pierced the cold air.
“Yeah...good luck in there, y/n.” Hyungwon said shooting you a wink.
“She’s a goner for sure.” Changkyun smirked.
“Alright, alright.” you said anxiously, “Let’s do this. I don’t want to be standing out here until the sun comes up.”
Pushing through the group you made your way to the dark house. The pirate and the devil followed closely behind, the others with slightly less enthusiasm. Once you hit the porch steps of the old colonial house you pulled your flashlight from the pocket of your dress. One of the double doors had been broken or removed and was leaning against the door frame. It wasn’t really breaking and entering, you thought to yourself, just entering really.
You ducked through the open door to avoid the giant cobweb in the corner. Inside the house was covered in a thick layer of dirt and dust. Dead leaves scattered across the floor as far as your eyes could see and you wondered just how long the front door had been down. Rebellious teenagers had left graffiti a top the peeling wallpaper. There were giant holes all along the walls and you were sure there wasn’t a foot of copper wiring left in the old bones of the home.
The foyer was huge and as the beam of your flashlight moved over it you could just imagine how beautiful it had been in its youth. There was a staircase to the second floor to the left of the room. Beyond it were two hallways leading off in opposite directions. You looked over at the giant landing at the base of the staircase and nodded to yourself.
“Changkyun,” you said and flashed your light over at the area, “how about here?”
He nodded in agreement, “Perfect.”
He handed you candle after candle from a brown satchel at his side to light and place around the area. When the fireman, Glicker, and Hyungwon as the ghoul all made it inside the whole group of you got comfortable, or as comfortable as you could, on the landing of the staircase. The devil stayed standing, his red cloak swooped around his legs and the light from the candles lit up his face dramatically as he prepared to tell the group about the history of the home. The shadow of his horns illuminated against the wall behind him.
“The year,” Changkyun began, “was eighteen oh six. Doctor Leonardo Fitz had just wed the love of his life, Maria Vanderson. As a grand gesture of his love for her he had this house built just for her and what was meant to be their large, happy family. However, after many years had passed the halls of the home remained without the laughter of children. It seemed that the couple was not fated for the family they had dreamed of. Maria was devastated and heartbroken, believing herself to be at fault for their misfortune. Unable to take the guilt of it all she attempted to drown herself in the couple's claw footed bathtub, that remains upstairs to this very day.”
Jooheon let out a hiss of a breath and burrowed closer to you.
“Maria Vanderson was unsuccessful at her death, found too quickly by the house maid and dragged from the water. Though when she woke her husband feared the damage had already been done. His wife had become delusional. Nightmares haunted her sleep and visions attacked her in the light of day. To anyone who would give her a minute of their time she babbled on about what had happened in her time in the great beyond. She spoke of a man that had come to her just before the light took her for good.
The man with eyes as black as the darkest night sky pressed the palm of his clawed hand against her flat stomach. Locking his dark stare with her fearful one he whispered, ‘my son’. A little over a month after the incident occurred they found out that Maria was pregnant. The doctor, desperate for an excuse for his wives apparent insanity, blamed her delusions on the pregnancy hormones. Nine months to the very day of her attempted suicide, Maria gave birth.”
“Nooooo.” Minhyuk gasped. You bit your lip to keep from laughing at the look of absolute horrified realization on his face.
“What?” Jooheon asked with morbid curiosity, even as he wrapped himself even tighter around you.
Minhyuk looked over at him with raised eyebrows and mouthed, “It’s the devils baby!”
Changkyun sighed in annoyance. “Well if Minhyuk is just going to spoil everything what’s the point of even going on with the story.”
“Oh, Kyunnie, please!” You pouted cutely, “It’s so good and you worked so hard on all that research.”
“I did.” He nodded smugly, “I researched the entire history of this home…  So I will continue, but everyone better keep their theories to themselves.”
“Sorry,” Minhyuk said as he coward at the pointed look from his junior.
“What had been more shocking than the timing of Maria’s labor,” he started once more, “was that she gave birth to twin boys. One with flaxen hair like his father, the others black as a raven’s feather.”
Minhyuk let out another dramatic gasp but quickly slammed his hand over his mouth.
Changkyun continued, “Both boys grew up portraits of health and seemingly as normal as any other child might. The only difference between them besides the color of their hair was that Damian, the raven haired child, had been fussier than his brother Gabriel. He required much more attention but only that from his mother was able to comfort him. As they aged the changes and differences between them became more and more clear. Gabriel was a playful, independant boy that enjoyed spending his time outside in the sun. He liked to run around the giant yard, swinging on the swing set, and climbing trees. He liked to be dirty and to laugh.
Damien did not enjoy those things. He was quiet, an observer of the things around him. Even though he was just a boy he still knew things about the people in the home, their secrets.  He preferred to do whatever his mother was doing, always at her side. She called him her little shadow and adored him with every ounce of her being. The doctor did not feel the same way about the boy. He felt he could see a darkness in the child and was watching it grow every day. It terrified the doctor to see how he manipulated Maria and the others in the house into loving him.
One afternoon Maria had been getting ready for a gala she was to attend with the doctor. She’d been in front of her vanity doing her makeup. The boys had been running up and down the hallway and in the playroom quite loudly. After some time had passed she realized the house had grown silent.”
“I don’t like it,” Jooheon whispered just to you, and pressed his face into your shoulder. You squeezed his hand comfortingly and listened to Changkyun go on.
“When she stepped from the bedroom into the hallway the only thing she could see was Damien at the top of the stairs holding a wooden toy airplane at his side. As she moved closer to her son she could see the mortifying view at the bottom of the stairs. Her fair haired boy laid mangled across the bottom step, blood oozing around him. She wrapped Damien in her arms, pressing his face to her chest to protect him from the sight. The help claimed they could her screams for hours after, just echoing up and down the halls. Maybe we’ll even hear them tonight.”
“Wait...these stairs?!” Hyungwon asked in a panic, shooting up from the bottom step he’d been sitting on. He cleared his throat and said a little more casually, “I mean ...these stairs?”
“One and the same.” Changkyun confirmed.
“What...that’s it?” Shownu asked high key unimpressed. You watched as Hyungwon slowly made his way from the staircase to the opposite side of the circle, otherwise unnoticed.
“Worry not, the story doesn’t end there.”
“Oh god damn it.” Jooheon groaned beside you.
“Alright, everyone, settle down and focus.” Changkyun waited for everyone’s attention before going on with the story. “Doctor Leo knew right away what had happened to his son and was furious. He wanted to get rid of the evil boy. However, Maria loved her son and she refused to believe the ravings of a madman. One day while she’d been out the doctor had even brought a priest into the home to try and exorcise the boy. Maria was enraged when she arrived home. Unable to handle the pained cries of the only child she had left, she tore the restraints from his body and banned the clergy from her home.
A decade had passed and the doctor’s fear and anger had torn him and Maria apart. They stayed on opposite sides of the home. She refused to speak to him because every time she did he would just say some hurtful things to her about Damien. The doctor began to drink heavily, he was falling apart having lost his son and then his wife.
On his fifteenth birthday, what would have been Gabriels as well, Maria took her son into the city for lunch and then to the zoo. When they arrived back home they found the doctor had ended his own life. Unable to handle the evil consuming the home any longer. His limp, lifeless body was found hanging from the railing, just there,” Changkyun pointed up to the railing of the second floor that was broken, leaving dangerous open gaps, “He’d made a noose out of bed sheets.”
“Two down, one to go.” Hyungwon joked, though he eyed the railing warily
“He won’t kill the mom.” Shownu argued. Both Minhyuk and Jooheon shuddered at the thought.
You sighed, “Come on, guys. He’s almost to the best part.”
“Which is?” Shownu asked.
“The end.” Jooheon grumbled.
“The best part is when he finally gets to the reason we’re really here.” you corrected.
“Just get it over with then.” Minhyuk whined, pulling his knees to his chest.
“For three years following the death of the doctor, mother and son lived here quite harmoniously. The only complaints to be had were from the help. Maids and gardeners often complaining about the property being overrun by creatures that always ended up dead. In the home and around it they found rats, cats, birds, foxes, rabbits, and snakes. As if they’d come to the house for the sole purpose of dying.
One afternoon, not long after Damien’s eighteenth birthday, Maria was just coming home from a short trip to the city. Out on the lawn, she found the old gardener facedown on the ground, dead.  When she ran inside the maid and the cook where both here in the foyer. Deep gashes like those from the claws of an animal covered their bodies. Blood was seeping from their wounds. She could see, dug into the wood flooring, were marks left by the cooks nails as she’d been dragged down the hall. Terrified for her son’s life, Maria searched the whole house for Damien. She found the door of the study, the last place she’d checked, slightly ajar. She peered inside and what she saw made her sick with fear.
Her son was standing in the center of the room with his eyes closed and naked as the day he was born. Behind him the fireplace was burning and she watched with wide eyes as a horned beast stepped out from the flames half man, half animal. Ten feet tall it had hoven feet and eyes as black as the darkest night. In his clawed hands he held a gold chalice. He spoke in a language she could not understand and from the chalice poured what seemed like an endless stream of dark red blood on top of her son’s head.
In a voice she’d heard before the beast whispered, my son.
Damien’s eyes opened under the shower of blood, and she gasped when she saw they were as black as his fathers. The door swung open, exposing her. The last thing she saw was the sick twisted smile of her demon son as his father came for her.  
Some people say you can hear the sound of hoven feet against the hardwood floor, the pained screams of Maria, the giggles of young Gabriel, and warnings from the doctor himself, whispered against your ear, begging you to leave this damned home.”
“I’ve seen the fireplace in the study. It’s huge. The devil coming out of it,” Shownu shrugged, “that’s actually pretty believable.”
“The devil!” Jooheon whined, “That’s so much worse than just a regular ghost story! I hate this, I’m gonna be sick.”
“Who is going to explain why we’re here?” Shownu asked, “I thought that would be made clear.”
“We’re here to find the chalice.” Changkyun answered. “Somewhere in this haunted old house is the devil's cup. We will go in our pairs and search until it’s found or the sun has risen.”
“What do we get if we find it?” Hyungwon asked intrigued.
“Pride, honor, a golden chalice to drink all of your future drinks out of.” you said as if the answer were obvious. “Also, the winning team gets breakfast paid for by the losers.”  
“Yeah, we’re winning. Let’s go.” With that Shownu grabbed Jooheon by the wrist and dragged him down the hall to the left.
“Game on.” Changkyun said with a wicked laugh before running upstairs with Hyungwon hot on his devils tail.
The house was much scarier than you expected it to be. It might not have been that bad if it weren’t for the fact that Minhyuk was trembling with fear everywhere the two of you went. You’d searched the kitchen and the dining room together. The pair of you clung desperately to each other with every step you took down in the basement. You were sure if the chalice had been down there you’d missed it. The only thing you were focused on while you were down there was getting back upstairs and Minhyuk had been much worse off than you. He made you search the study by yourself while he stood by the door holding a shaking flashlight in your general direction. The pair of you passed by Shownu and Jooheon on the way to the sitting room and the sun room on the opposite side of the house.
Once you were sure you’d been to every room downstairs you went upstairs. In the children’s room, instead of the chalice you found a dust covered, wooden toy airplane. When you showed it to Minhyuk he screamed and for several minutes you were certain he was going to cry. Then, walking across the hall from one bedroom to another, a toy ball rolled passed your feet and Minhyuk swore he heard a child’s laughter. Though the whole situation made your chest tight with fright, part of you was also sure that Changkyun had something to do with it. Especially since you hadn’t seen him or Hyungwon the entire time you’d been upstairs.  
The two of you were headed to the master bedroom next. Minhyuk was a few feet in front of you. He passed by an open bedroom door without a second thought but a quiet whistling from the room caught your attention. You’d looked everywhere in the small room, and were standing nervously in front of the closet when Minhyuk called your name from down the hall. You turned to call back to him but when you opened your mouth a hand slammed down against your lips. Screaming into the hand, you were dragged backwards into the closet and the door closed in front of you.
“God, Y/n, stop screaming.” Changkyun whispered against your ear and spun you around.
“What the hell, you scared the fuck out of me.” you hissed as your eyes started to adjust to the darkness.
“All of the fuck?” he grinned, “Not even a little fuck left for me?”
“Apologize,” you whispered, sliding your hand from his chest to his hip, “maybe then I can find a fuck for you.”
He leaned in and dragged the tip of his nose from your throat to the base of your ear and whispered back, “I’m sorry I scared you.”
You hummed in pleasure, “Oh, look, I think I found one.”
“Mm, that’s good.” he said before leaving kisses along your neck, pulling the soft skin between his teeth until you were groaning. You squirmed beneath his hands as they pinned your hips against the wall.
“Kiss me for real.” you whined. He lifted his face to yours and let you pull his lips between yours. You kissed him for a full minute before you realized he wasn’t kissing back. “What? What’s wrong? Why aren’t you kissing me?”
He cupped your face in his hands with a smile, “Nothing’s wrong.”
“Okay, then kiss me.”
He leaned in again, this time pressing his lips against yours in a true kiss. His tongue slipped between your teeth and you pulled his hips closer, practically slamming them into yours. He kept you pressed against the old, dirty wall of the bedroom closet until your lips were sore and swollen and you weren’t sure which tongue was his and which was yours. When he finally pulled away, he kept his eyes on you for a moment as you caught your breath.  
Then he pressed a sweet kiss against your forehead and smiled, “We had fun right?”
“What? Why did you say it like that? Had?” you asked confused.
“That was our last kiss, kiddo.” he said as if it was just any ordinary conversation.
“Jooheon is going to ask you out later.”
He chuckled, “You should say yes. He likes you, is in love with you, likes you.”
He grabbed your face in his palms, “Please stop saying what.”
“Um,” you looked at him trying to process but not being able to, “What?”
“Jooheon, you remember him?” he asked. You nodded, “He’s in love with you. He’s going to ask you out on a date. A real date, not just you two being besties like you’ve always been. I really think you need to say yes. I think you want to say yes. He really wants to be with you and you deserve that.”
“So...what does that mean, you don’t” you asked feeling a little hurt.
“Oh baby girl, I don’t want to be with anyone. I’m just having fun and we did that, right? You had fun?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
He frowned seeing how upset you were, “You want more than secret rendezvous every once in awhile. I’m not totally clueless. I know you’ve been wanting more from me for awhile now.”
“I guess I was the clueless one.” you sighed.
“No” he said, “what I do just isn’t for everyone. You deserve more. You deserve real dates where you go out to dinner and then get ice cream after. You deserve sleepovers that end in you falling asleep together on the couch while the movie is still running. You deserve someone that’s going to drag you around everywhere and tell anyone who’ll listen that you’re his girl, because nothing makes him more proud than being with you.”
A small smile found its way to your lips, “Honey.”
“Exactly.” Changkyun smiled.
“You really think he loves me? I mean, I know he loves me like a best friend but…”
“He would not be trembling his way through this dark abandoned home on Halloween night, if it wasn’t for you. He would do anything for you and he’d do it because he loves you. Loves you loves you.” He shook his head as if amused, “You love him back, you know. There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for that delicate little man.”
“What if it’s not supposed to be like that. What if it ruins our friendship?” you bit your lip.
“You would never let that happen, either of you.” Changkyun said with certainty, “You’ll never let him out of your life, and he’ll never let you out of his. Even if things go horribly wrong, which I guarantee they won't, you two are going to have each other forever.”
It wasn’t totally clear how long you’d been in that closet with Changkyun but you knew it had probably been too long. Minhyuk was nowhere to be found upstairs and you immediately felt horrible having left him alone for so long. You had run into Hyungwon who asked if you’d seen Changkyun and you gave a vague response about him maybe being in the master bedroom before heading downstairs again.
Your flashlight had gone dead just before you’d run into Hyungwon, so you were pretty desperate to find your partner. The way down the stairs was slow going as you cautiously felt for each step before moving forward. Midway down the light from a flashlight hit you in the face. You squinted, unable to see who was coming up the stairs.
“Hey!” Jooheon grabbed your arms looking panicked, “Where were you?”
“I was just searching upstairs. What’s wrong? Are you okay?” You asked concerned.
He dropped his hands to his sides with relief, “We ran into Minhyuk, he said he lost you. I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I was so worried. Where’s your flashlight?”
“Oh...it died. You were worried about me? You searched a dark abandoned house for me all by yourself?” You grinned.
“Well...yeah. I just, I didn’t want you to be alone or get hurt or something.”
I wasn’t,” you paused, he didn’t need to know you weren’t exactly alone, “I was okay. Thank you for coming to find me though.”
You looked over your shoulder at the sound of footsteps on the stairs and nodded at Changkyun as he passed the two of you, Hyungwon following close behind. You watched him all the way down the stairs and into the dinning room before looking back at Jooheon. He looked from you to where Changkyun has disappeared and then back again.
“You were alone, right?” He asked quietly.
He bit his lip nervously as he looked up at you, “Do you want to be with him?”
“Be with who?” You gulped.
“Kyun. Are you into him?”
A small smile spread across your lips, “No, actually I think I might be into someone else.”
“Oh.” His shoulder fell with disappointment. “You never told me about anyone new. Usually you tell me that kind of stuff.”
“He’s not really new. I’ve known him for awhile.”
Jooheon’s face creased in confusion, “Who do you know that I don’t know?”
“I never said you didn’t.” You laughed.
“Someone we both know and it’s not Changkyun?” He asked. You could see the gears turning in his mind. “Oh god. Please tell me it’s not Minhyuk.”
“I found it!” Hyungwon screamed, running into the foyer holding the golden chalice high above his head. “We win!”
“Noooooo!” You could hear Minhyuk whining before you saw him tear into the foyer from the opposite hall. “Where?!”
“Kitchen.” Changkyun was leaning against a post, you hadn’t even seen him stroll in after Hyungwon.
“We looked there!” Minhyuk spun around the room with his flashlight until he spotted you under the beam of light, “Didn’t we look there, y/n?”
You blocked the light from your eyes with your hand, “Yes, Min.”
“Well not good enough. Haaaaah!” Hyungwon laughed as Minhyuk chased after him through the foyer, grabbing for the chalice.
“Hey!” Shownu shouted from the balcony, the light from his phone illuminating his face, “Kihyun and Hoseok are already at the diner for breakfast. They want us to meet them there.”
Finally gathered together once more the whole group took off together, back down the avenue of trees. Dawn was coming and what once was pitch black was now a muted gray. Everything looked a little different in the soft light. You turned around and looked back at the old house, it didn’t look very threatening at all.
Changkyun had thrown his arm over your shoulder, in what you knew was now simply the action of a good friend. Though Jooheon didn’t and he pouted as he walked with Shownu behind the two of you. With a yawn you wondered how Minhyuk had the energy to chase Hyungwon down the sidewalk, still desperate for the golden chalice.
Hoseok and Kihyun met the group outside of the twenty-four hour diner looking a little worse for the wear. Hoseok was half asleep and stumbling drunk as you made your way inside. The group packed into two red vinyl booths.
Jooheon looked up from his plastic covered menu at you in surprise as you slipped into the booth next to him. “Wouldn’t you rather sit with your boyfriend?”
“Who? Changkyun?” You asked, pulling the menu between the two of you so you could read it too. “I thought we cleared that up. I like someone else.”
“Yeah but you never said who. Are you going to tell me?”
You opened your mouth to say something and he watched you wide eyed with anticipation. However the waitress had arrived for drink orders, giving you a second chance to avoid the question. It wasn’t that you weren’t going to tell him, just that you enjoyed the frustrated look on his face, it was too cute to resist.
When the waitress left to get the drinks, instead of telling him what he wanted to know, you engaged with Kihyun who was sitting across from you in a very serious discussion about what to order. You couldn’t decide between dinner and breakfast. In the end you did what you always did. Jooheon would get breakfast and you would get dinner and then you’d split your meals.
“Did you have fun at least?” You asked Jooheon as the waitress came around with your food. “It wasn’t that bad was it?”
“No, not as bad as I expected.” He sighed as he separated his meal into two. “It was fun. I scared Hyungwon once, did I tell you?”
“No! You didn’t!” Laughing at the thought, you put half of your cheeseburger on his plate. “I’m so happy you had fun, Honey.”
“I’m sorry you didn’t win.” He said quietly
You grinned, “Oh it’s okay. Maybe next year.”
“Next year?!” He asked in an instant panic.
“Yeah. It’ll be better. We’ll just make sure we get to be partners next time.”
“You’d want to be partners with me?” He asked genuinely surprised, “I thought you were going to have a boyfriend by next year. Whoever this secret guy is that you like probably likes you back. If you’re dating then he’ll want to be your partner and I’ll get stuck with someone else.”
“Well, do you?” You asked grabbing a piece of bacon from his plate.
“Do I what?”
You looked across the table where Hoseok and Kihyun had passed out on one another, their food left almost completely untouched except for a french fry hanging from Kyihuns mouth.
“Do you like me back?” You asked.
“Yeah of course I like you back I-“ his eyes went wide when he realized that you meant. “Me? I’m the guy you’re into?”
“The one and only.” You were sure you’d never seen his dimple get so deep he was smiling so big.
“I want to kiss you.” He said, eyes sparkling.
“Wait, there’s something I want to tell you first.” You felt nervous, but telling him about Changkyun seemed like the right thing to do. If you were really starting this you wanted to start it the right way. “Kyun and I were…”
“I know.” His smile dropped slightly but he shrugged, “I’ve known for awhile, you guys were pretty obvious.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked grabbing his hand beneath the table subconsciously.
“I wanted you to want to tell me. I wanted you to be happy. It was hard being around you two, poorly hiding flirtatious looks.”
“I’m so dumb. I’m so sorry.” You whispered as you thought back at the last few months realizing Jooheon had almost never spent time with you and Changkyun together.
“Kyun figured it out. He asked me the other night and I told him the truth. That I’m in love with you.”
Your eyebrows shot up but you weren’t sure you were entirely surprised. “Honey…”
“Kyun told me to ask you out, he said you were… that you might… maybe...possibly.”
“I’m in love with you too.” You laughed, ending his small suffering of trying to avoid asking you if you loved him back. “I think I was in some denial but Kyun showed me the light.”
“He did?” Jooheon seemed genuinely shocked when you nodded, “well what do you know, Satan himself thinks we should be together.”
“Who are we to deny him?” With a small smile you leaned over and pressed a kiss against his dimpled cheek.
He covered his face with his hand shyly. “Aish, not in front of everyone!”
You laughed at the cute way he blushed, “You’re the one who wanted to kiss me!”
“Still do...” he grinned and lifted his hand to the back of your neck pulling you in for a sweet first kiss.
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abittoosweetie · 8 years ago
Slam Dunk Chapter 2
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I’m back! I had the worst case of writer’s block (always happens for some reason) and a super busy past two weeks, along with a birthday!
I deeply apologize for keeping you guys waiting on this chapter (well two chapters because I said I would have chapter 3 up, but that has yet to be written) but here it is! 
If you haven’t read chapter 1 yet, here is the link.
Thank you all for being so patient with me, and for leaving reviews, reblogs, and likes!
Let’s get on with chapter 2 now!
It had been two weeks since the incident at the Roman mansion and Ahsha Hayes had been a roller coaster of emotions. The routine of smiling throughout the day and being up all night became her new norm.
As her best friends, Jelena and Kyle made it an effort to spend as much time as they could with Ahsha, making sure that she was not spinning out on her heartbroken emotions.
On Friday nights while the kids spent time with Derek for the weekend the three young mothers would get together and have wine and pizza night. Last weekend, wine and pizza night turned out to be an utter fail when Ahsha sobbed uncontrollably, giving Jelena and Kyle a sense of lost hope.
"We need a plan." Jelena says as she takes a sip of her Starbucks cold brew.
"What? Torture her into talking about the divorce?" Kyle jokingly assumes. Jelena frowns at her best friend who stuffs a piece of pound cake in her mouth.
"I say we stage an intervention with the both of them." Kyle says, making Jelena almost choke on her coffee.
"Are you crazy? She'd never do that."
"That's the point, J, she won't. Look we know how stubborn Ahsha is, and we know how stubborn Derek is as well. Making them talk it out would work."
"But how are we going to get them together?" Jelena inquires, cooking up a plan in her devious little head of her’s.
"Maybe the guys can help us." Kyle suggests. Little does Mrs. Hart-Wall know, the guys would become great help.
Another successful weekend set the tone for a successfully great week at work for Ahsha. Pizza and wine night gave the young mother something to look forward to and seemed to make the work week go by quickly for Ahsha.
The thing that she enjoyed most about her job is that she could dance and unwind, and do what she loves to do best, help people develop a love for dance.
Little does she know, this Friday night holds different plans.
"Are you guys excited for pointe tonight?" She asks her class of ten advanced pointe dancers who put their pointe shoes on after an hour of stretching. The last twenty minutes of her dance class are usually spent going over choreography.
The girls sigh and nod their heads, making Ahsha giggle. No one said pointe was easy, putting your feet into a small boxed shoe and standing on your toes hurt.
You're also expected to dance perfect as well. Does pointe still sound fun? To Ahsha, it was a dream come true when she first took pointe.
Ahsha's feet are sore, having just got out of teaching her five PM beginner's pointe class. Among the students in the beginner's pointe class is Mackenzie who adores standing on her toes.
Derek opposed the idea of seeing his little girl on her toes at ten and a half years old, but with reassurance and convincing thanks to Katharine and Kyle, his mind was at ease. Ahsha is his daughter's mother and that made him trust that his baby girl was in great hands.
The young mother laces her shoes and tucks the laces underneath each other. Taking a sigh she stands en pointe, doing frappe's and battements while waiting for her students to finish lacing their shoes.
"Okay let's start." Ahsha tells her class once her last student finishes tying her shoes.
"We’re going to practice going up in relevé and holding it while trying to move our hips." She tells them and demonstrates. The whole class joins in.
"Perfect. Next we're going to work on simple chaîné turns across the floor. Together, for the few of you afraid of going across individually." She says and looks at her students who put their heads down.
"Hey. I've been there. Even when I was a Devil Girl." She implies, cheering up her students who love to hear about her Devil Girl stories.
The dancers go across the floor in their chaîné turns and then work on their pirouettes.
"Okay, now the recital piece." Ahsha excitedly chimes.
The girls move across the floor in sync, making their dance teacher proud.
Ahsha notices some of her dancers looking sore and exhausted, she looks at the clock and notices that class is over for the day. "That's enough pointe work for today. Remember ladies, Wednesday is the last pointe class before recital week so it's very important that you're here."
The girls, including Ahsha eagerly take off their pointe shoes. Ahsha takes off her gel pads and put them back into her shoes. "I need to try lambs wool." She tells herself.
"I'll see you guys next week." She says as each one of her students waves goodbye to her and leaves for the week.
"See you next week Ms. Ahsha!"
"See you later, Ashley!" Ahsha calls out, taking a sigh of relief that she is done for the night.
It is now seven o'clock and Ahsha decides that she does not want to leave the dance studio yet. Pizza and wine can wait another hour or so.
Putting on her shoes, she grabs her belongings and places them by the door. "Thank God I grabbed everything before leaving my office." She says to herself.
A particular person stands outside of the window watching their ex wife's hips sway to the music and dance fluidly as if she was on air. Ahsha does a dip to the floor and continues dancing her heart out without knowledge of the business man's presence.
Derek stands and watches as Ahsha continues to move across the floor, turning him on with every move she makes.
He walks into the room as the song changes to the sexy tango playlist on her phone. Ahsha goes into ballet, still keeping up the sexy choreography. She spins and grabs her leg, holding it over her head. Letting go of her leg, she leaps into a firebird.
"Oh my God!" She screams and turns off the music, clutching her chest, now aware of the presence of her former lover.
Derek can't help but laugh at his ex wife's scared reaction and closes the door behind him.
"I came to pay for the girls' dance classes and heard the music playing. I wanted to see if you were up here." He replies nervously, biting his lip.
Ahsha breathes out and nods her head. "Okay. Thank you for letting me know." She says, adding a light chuckle.
"Listen, about what happened two weeks ago..." Ahsha starts to cut him off, still feeling a little bothered about what happened between them.
"It was out of line, I know. It will never happen again."
Derek's face falls and he feels his stomach hit his feet. "I wasn't going to say..." Cutting him off again, Ahsha starts to speak what comes to her mind.
"Then what were you going to say, Derek? He speaks! After a year the man finally has words coming out of his mouth! Wow."
He shakes his head and starts again. "If you would let me finish, we can get somewhere."
Ahsha pushes past Derek and grabs her things walks out the door, leaving him behind her. Not a care in the world crossed Ahsha's mind when it came to Derek's thoughts.
"You know, I find it hilarious how you have so much to say now, but you spent two years barely saying a word to me. The only time we ever had some form of communication was when it came to our kids!" She shouts at him, taking him aback by her actions.
"I didn't mean..."
"I don't want to hear that you didn't mean it! You hurt me Derek! You mean to tell me that you didn't mean to hurt me? What about the kids? You didn't mean to hurt them either?" Ahsha quizzes, tears threatening to fall down her face.
The two make it to the elevator and Derek presses the down button.
"I'm not getting on that elevator with you." She snaps, quickly wiping her tears away.
"The stairs are under maintenance, what are you going to do? Take the window?" Ahsha rolls her eyes at Derek's sarcastic comment and silently waits for the elevator.
“I’d gladly jump out the window to avoid seeing your face again, but we all can’t get what we want.” She bitterly retorts.
The elevator took a few seconds to come but to Ahsha it felt like eternity. The sooner she could be out of the presence of her ex husband, the better.
Derek lets Ahsha step on the elevator first and he steps on right after. Ahsha clicks the button for the first floor and crosses her arms.
The tension between the two is entirely too difficult to cut with a knife and being in this elevator does not help.
“Why are you so bitter?”
A cold chuckle leaves Ahsha’s plump lips. “Don’t ask me that.”
Ahsha sighs as the elevator starts to move, thinking about how she would be able to get away from Derek.
The lights in the elevator flicker, startling Ahsha. The elevator makes a loud screeching noise and comes to a complete halt at the second floor.
Throwing her head into her hands, Ahsha sighs and places her bags down. She lets out a groan and starts to hyperventilate, being stuck in tight enclosed spaces has always freaked her out.
"Where's your phone?" Ahsha asks. Derek touches his pockets and his eyes widen.
"I left it in my truck."
"Of course you did. You know, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be stuck in this predicament."
"No, no. I wouldn't be stuck in this predicament, but you would. Hey, I'm just here to keep you company." Derek continues, getting a kick out of catching Ahsha with her own words.
"Well thank you so much for being my knight in shining armor. You're ever so kind!" She sarcastically yells.
"What did I do to you? What's up with the attitude?"
Ahsha feels her blood fuming and she clenches her fists.
"What did you do? We had sex after two years! Two fucking years, Derek! We were married, things were going great between us, and you let whatever you had going on get in the middle of it. You lied to me, kept secrets, and shut me out. How do you come back and act like nothing ever happened?" Ahsha asks.
Derek instantly grabs Ahsha and presses a kiss to her lips in the dark elevator. He backs her up against the wall and moves his lips down her body.
"You really think that I'm about to have sex with you in this eleva..." Ahsha starts. She is cut off by Derek hitting her weak spot, making her squirm at his touch.
"Fuck." She says under her breath as Derek's fingers find the swollen gland in between her legs. He picks her legs up, removing her shoes.
Ahsha's nails dig into Derek's back as his hands do the work on her body.
"You're not supposed to be doing this." She scolds herself as Derek's kisses become firmer, making her cry out in pleasure.
The dancer becomes clay in Derek's hands as he slides his fingers into her parts.
The heated situation goes completely over Ahsha's head and before she knows it, she pulls down Derek's pants.
Her moans turn into loud screams as Derek's movements become faster. With one swift hand, he pulls Ahsha's underwear and leggings off.
Without thought, he slides his wet fingers out of his ex wife and licks the juices off his fingers as Ahsha tries to catch her breath.
"Jump." He says, his voice deep, laced with lust.
The dancer jumps and Derek catches her, sliding himself right into her wet, slick folds.
"And what was that you said about not having sex with me in here?" Derek whispers in his ex lover's ear, turning her on with his dark, sexy voice.
Losing her voice in the presence of her ex husband was unexpected, but the hold he has over her is inevitable.
"Fuck!" She screams in his ear once again as he pounds harder against her. Losing his balance, Derek slams Ahsha's back onto the wall causing her to gasp for air in the hot elevator.
Derek's hot, minty breath against her chest was enough to send the dancer into overdrive. She clings to her ex lover's neck as his sloppy kisses on her neck turn into possessive love bites.
"I'm close." She whispers in his ear as he pounds her harder.
"You can release when I tell you." He whispers back huskily, trailing his rough kisses down to her perky breasts.
Ahsha closes her eyes and succumbs to the sensation on her body.
Derek boldly nibbles lightly on Ahsha's hard areolas causing her to nearly fall down the wall.
"Shittttt!" She groans as he moves to the other breast, repeating his actions with more aggression.
"Please, Derek!"
The former baller’s warm liquids seep down Ahsha’s legs as he continues to thrust hard against her body, making her envious.
Knowing Ahsha would lose control, Derek's finger slowly traces Ahsha's throbbing vulva as his rough movements continue.
The dancer's red fingernails bore into the tall man's back as she bites his shoulder hard to avoid calling his name once more.
"What was that?" Derek teases as Ahsha squirms underneath him in pure ecstasy. She shakes her head as his fingers grown more firm against her body.
"Nothing." She whimpers and crashes her lips against his, causing Derek to chuckle.
Derek bites Ahsha's lip as he caresses her back, making her shiver. The dancer's hot minty breath hits Derek's face as his left hand squeezes Ahsha's bare ass.
"Go." He whispers. Ahsha nearly collapses as she climaxes, tightly holding on to Derek.
There is nothing Derek Roman loves more than watching Ahsha squirm underneath him.
He removes his hand from her center and slides out of her, capturing his lips with hers, letting her come down from her high.
"Ahsha, what the hell are you doing?"
"What do I mean what am I doing? I needed this. Right, but I'm also no longer married to him." Ahsha contemplates back and forth to herself.
Taking a deep breath along with gathering her thoughts, she pulls away from her ex husband's body, grabbing her maroon laced thong and leggings.
The two awkwardly change into their undergarments and athletic wear without mumbling a word to each other.
"Ahsha, I didn't mean for this to happen." Derek sighs.
"What? You doing me on the elevator? Or doing me in our old house? Not speaking to me about something other than the kids until now?" She scoffs.
"Yeah." He answers cockily, causing Ahsha to bore daggers into his face with her glare. If looks could kill, Derek Roman would be on his way to his deathbed.
"And why is that? I was fulfilling all your little pleasures, right? What? I should've blown you instead, right? That would’ve made you happier." She sarcastically remarks.
"No! No, no. Ahsha, calm down."
"Then what is it Derek? I deserve the truth after the way things ended with the divorce." She implies, making Derek shake.
"Look Ahsha, I'm in the process of getting to know someone right now and I really don't want what you and I are doing to ruin the chances of she and I starting a relationship."
Ahsha nods her head and purses her lips as Derek talks about the mystery lady. “I see.”
"Her name is Francesca and she..." Derek Roman is cut off with a smack to the face, his mouth hung open, while a rage filled Ahsha feels sick to her stomach.
Back at her apartment, a woman sits by her phone waiting for a certain businessman to call her phone.
"Have you heard from him yet?" Her best friend asks her as she takes a seat next to her while the soft sounds of Banks' Someone New plays on the record player.
"Nope. He must be busy with his kids."
The woman's best friend nods her head at the comment.
"How do you feel about them, better yet, his ex wife?"
The woman takes a deep breath and answers the hard, yet deep question that the other woman asked.
"They're adorable. I haven't met them yet, but they look so sweet. Their mother, Ahsha, and Derek were married for seventeen years. I haven't met her either but she seems so down to earth, I don't want to feel like I'd be taking her place, you know, Claire?"
Claire takes her blonde hair and places it into a high messy bun. "It's too late for that, Francesca, but look, Ahsha will be fine." The thought of tearing a family apart shakes Francesca to the core, for the sale of Claire she ignores her feelings.
Little does Claire know, Ahsha’s two best friends have just spoken those same four words.
"I'm sure she's at the dance studio." Jelena chimes into her phone as she eats a piece of her flaky croissant.
"She would've called by now."
"Kyle, Ahsha's fine, she's probably getting dicked down right now. She’s allowed to skip pizza night for D-Ro’s D." She teases, making her best friend laugh.
"Mommy, what's di-"
"Joshua Adam Hart! Go back to bed!" She shrieks, scaring the poor five year old.
"Babe, he was just curious." Zero teases, wrapping his arms around his wife's waist and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
"Yeah, don't yell at my nephew." Kyle pipes, making the couple laugh.
"You can have him. Come get your brother too." She teases, pressing a kiss to Zero's lips.
The two women sigh over the phone.
"The kids are over Sloane and Pete’s and tomorrow they’ll be at John and Eleanor’s then there’s cake and ice cream for Ken’s birthday We can postpone pizza night to tomorrow night and have it at your place. I just want Ahsha to be happy." Jelena responds, feeling her heart breaking.
"She deserves to be happy, J. Wait why is pizza night at my house tomorrow?"
“Because we all know how much T misses his bro and how much my little nieces and nephew miss their cousins.” She teases.
Kyle giggles and playfully rolls her eyes as Terrence climbs into bed with her and kisses her shoulder. “Fine, pizza night at my house it is.”
The thought of pizza night crosses Ahsha’s mind as her stomach growls, but food quickly becomes the last thing on her mind. The elevator grows hot and clammy as Ahsha's insides turn, making her feel faint and nauseous.
"So, tell me more about this Francesca."
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wonhos-monbaby · 6 years ago
K-drama watched list
Because I lost my note on my old phone so here's a list of all the Kdramas I've watched... I’ve added some comments and opinions on some of them
Boys over flower
This was the first drama recommended to me and the first one I ever watched. It’s a great introduction to K-dramas. Rich guy-Poor girl is a common trope and this one is really entertaining, great first drama to watch because you’re diving straight into it. 
Now let me tell you! Ji Changwook is RIGHT at the top of my favorite actors and this is the first drama I ever saw with him in a lead role. And let me tell you, after this, nothing will convince me faster than Ji Changwook as the lead in an action drama. Number one on my must watch recommendations. If you haven’t seen it yet, this should be next on your watch list!!!
Ooooh I watched this one for the lead and only the lead.... Kim Bum is adorable and though I don’t remember much of this one I enjoyed it. Here’s a fan made MV ‘cause I literally don’t remember anything except it’s about boxing? 
Personal taste
Lee Minho pretending to be gay so he can rent a room in a girl’s home... I’m letting you imagine everything that could go wrong... Fun and lighthearted it’s a fun drama.
You're beautiful
Playful kiss
Ooooh I have some issues with this one but it’s cute and fun and maybe I wanted to bitch slap both leads at some moments, and cringed at some moments (second hand embarrassment was present a few times there). Like I said though it’s cute and fun and gets your mind off of things. 
Dream high
Dreal high 2
Flowerboy ramyun shop
Flowerboy next door
Shut up flowerboy band
Okay so I got a little mad at the choices for the beginning in this one because holy shit the end of episode 2 ???? I was not okay with that ...  Still a fun drama, I remember enjoying it though it doesn’t stick with me much... I remember the music being pretty good too.... 
To the beautiful you
School 2013
School 2017
I may or may not have crushed hard on Lee Jongsuk and this drama convinced me to watch a lot of the drama he’s stared in. But this one was fun and like at the top of my recommendations... The chemistry between Lee Jongsuk and ParK Shinhye is a little meh but if you don’t pay too much attention to that the rest is worth it!!
I hear your voice
The good doctor
Doctor stranger
Lee Jongsuk is the son of a doctor who got sent to North Korea for a secret operation that stops him from going back to South Korea. His lead is a genius and becomes a surgeon like his father... He defects and manages to get back to South Korea... Man that one had me confused on whether or not I liked it but to say it’s not entertaining would be wrong... 
The heirs
Empress Ki
Ji Changwook as the lead for 51 episodes in a historical drama? I didn’t need more than that to convince me to watch this one.
My love from another star
Oooh this one is a popular one and for a good reason ! This love story is beautiful and the chemistry man the chemistry is amazing 100% recommend if you’re looking for something that makes you soft and warms you up inside.
Marriage not dating
The only thing I remember of this one is that it’s about vampires and a vampire doc....
Jekyll and Hyde
Kill me Heal me
Disclaimer on this on: depicts dissociative identity disorder or D.I.D, I can’t say if it was depicted correctly or not. But the lead male actor did an amazing job at making sure we differentiated the 7 alters of his character. I enjoyed this one a whole lot and the OST is pretty good. 
I remember you ( Hello Monster)
If you like thrillers this one is for you. Plays a little with your mind and tries to put you off the tracs ... 
Noble my love
Moorim school
Descendants of the sun
If you haven’t watched this one put it at the top of your list! Because this was THE drama of 2016! The story line, the plot, the acting, the OST everything was amazing in this one !! 
Comeback Mister
Moonlight drawn by clouds
Lucky romance
Uncontrollably fond
Doctors (Doctor crush)
Oooh I didn’t like this one much, I kind of had to force myself to watch it, more because I was bored and it was somewhat entertaining... but the Teacher-student type romance isn’t for me.... 
W: two worlds
Lets fight ghost
Beautiful Gong Shim
Scarlet Heart Ryeo
Boy Oh Boy. Where to begin with this one?  okay 
1. Put this right next to Healer on the must watch list if you haven’t yet!! It is beautiful
2. The Cast : IU, Lee Jonggi, Byun Baekhyun (EXO), Nam Joohyuk, Ji Soo, Kang Hana, Z.Hara, Kang Haneul, just to name a few
3. It’s a historical drama base in the Goryeo era 
4. Prepare the tissues because this will set you up for 20 episodes of laughter followed closely by heartbreak, picking the pieces up and trying to piece them together only for those pieces to be broken and stepped on and broken again... I’ve never cried so much 
5. Beautiful scenes, chemistry, scenery! 
Thumping Spike
Cheese in the trap
Jealousy incarnate
Bong Soon cyborg in love
Legend of the blue sea
Lee Minho and Jeon Jihyeon (My love from another star) take you on a journey of people finding each other over and over again and history repeating itself? Beatiful drama, amazing chemistry! On top of my recommendations as well
Cinderella and four knights
Ji Changwook as the lead in an action drama was all I needed to convince me to watch this one
Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo
If Descendants of the sun was the drama for 2016 this one follows closely, starting to air end of December 2016 and finished in January 2017 This is the drama for 2017. Again, from the OST to the story line to the little details everything about this one was perfect! Absolutely loved it
Solomon's Perjury
Oh ! This one is the one I recommend if you’re looking for something a little more serious. This one follows a student lead trial in high school after a student is found dead at the foot of one of the buildings. This one stuck with me! 
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
Chief Kim
Introverted boss
Queen of Ring
Radio romance
Suspicious partner
My secret romance
Oh so you know how we never get any action before the end of like episode 8 or something and it’s usually one of the hella awkward kisses. Hohoho this one focuses on a one night stand and boy of boy we get a full on make out session (in kdrama equivalent) in episode 1! 
Fun and cute rom com-ish this one is a really fun one!
The Last Empress
Ah this is more recent as well, it’s set in today’s time if South Korea were a Constitutional Monarchy. Follow it’s last Empress in a palace where manipulation and corruption reigns and secrets are deeply burried. 
Terrius behind me
Come and hug me
Remember those tissues you got for Scarlet Heart Ryeo? Yeah stock up this one’s going to make you weep from start to finish. The acting is beautiful and heart wrentching 
A modern twist on the story Les Liaison dangereuse ( Dangerous Liaisions) this one left me half satisfied half disapointed at the end... It wan’t what I was expecting and hoping for... But I wasn’t the mindset for this type of ending.
Hwayugi: A Korean Odessy
Longing heart
Cheer up
Orange Marmelade
My love Eun Dong
I'm not a robot
Page turner
High society
Emergency couple
Highschool love on
Fight for my way
Master's sun
Another miss Oh
Madame Antoine
Wednesday 3:30pm
The greatest marriage
Ma boy
Somehow 18
Save Me 
Oooh this one probably needs a trigger warning... It deals with cult-religions, manipulation and how hard it is to get out once you’re in and everyone around you is endoctrinated... serious, dark and mindblowing, this one might leave you a little uncomfortable at the end but if you’re up for it it’s really really really good.
Apparently there’s a second season? 
Hotel del Luna 
Break my heart some one IU will you? I am completely in love with the tone of nostalgia and melancholy there always seems to be in the dramas I’ve seen her in... It’s not ne of my favorite dramas but it is a rather enjoyable one
Moments of 18 
Lawless Lawyer
When the devil calls your name 
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shefanispeculator · 5 years ago
   Blake Shelton flew into Nashville Wednesday to celebrate his latest hit, "God's Country," with the songwriters who wrote it.    CAY 
Blake Shelton was barely in his seat at the 53rd CMA Awards in November when he turned around and (jokingly) warned Dan + Shay he would rough them up if their “Speechless” topped his “God’s Country” for Single of the Year. Then, he heard his name called from the stage.
“God’s Country,” a multi-week No. 1 hit, won “The Voice” coach his first trophy from the Country Music Association in five years. Shocked by the recognition, Shelton dedicated his win to famed producer Busbee and the singer’s country music hero Earl Thomas Conley — both of whom recently died.
Backstage, he said before he heard “God’s Country” in early 2019, he thought he had lost his momentum. He felt his country music career was slipping. 
“‘How am I going to feel when this goes away?’” he remembers asking himself. “I was kind of having that pity party.”
“God’s Country,” which is from Shelton’s Dec. 13 release “Fully Loaded: God’s Country,” became his 26th No. 1 hit and heightened his presence on country radio.
Blake Shelton performs at the 53rd Annual CMA Awards at Bridgestone Arena on Nov. 13 in Nashville. (Photo: Larry McCormack / Tennessean.com)
2019 became the year Shelton found God — in more ways than one. It's is also the year Shelton felt his faith soar. He sings about it in “Jesus Got a Tight Grip,” a song he co-wrote with Chase McGill, Jessi Alexander and Rhett Akins, also included on “Fully Loaded: God’s Country.”
Lyrics include: Jesus got a tight grip on my soul and he ain’t letting go, he ain’t letting go/ The devil reaches out but he can’t grab hold because Jesus got a tight grip on my soul/Might have a little rust on my halo/But when I’m gone I know where I’ll go.
The afternoon after the CMA Awards, Shelton lounged on a couch in a dressing room over the bar at his Ole Red entertainment complex on Nashville’s Lower Broadway. He shared the inspiration behind his new dedication to God and how his faith impacts other parts of his life. It sparked, he said, with the start of his unlikely relationship with girlfriend Gwen Stefani. The two connected on the set of NBC’s “The Voice” while they were both mired in messy divorces.
“I believe in God now more than I ever have in my life,” said Shelton, who also admitted he still drinks and cusses more than he should. “The biggest part of that is just how (Gwen) came into my life and now our relationship. It’s just too weird. If you take God out of it, it doesn’t make sense. If you put God into it, everything that’s happened with us makes sense.”
Shelton and Stefani have been a couple since fall 2015. She convinced him to attend church regularly for the first time in his life, and he said he realized it was time to “turn a page.”
Four years later, they split their time between homes in California and his farm in his native Oklahoma. Shelton was driving his skid-steer around his land to clear some brush early this year when his producer Scott Hendricks sent him five or six new songs. Shelton grabbed his headphones to listen, and “God’s Country” was the first song he played. He called it a “revelation.” 
Blake Shelton performs at the 2018 CMA Music Fest on June 8, 2018, at Nissan Stadium in Nashville. (Photo: Larry McCormack / tennessean.com)
“It was the most shocking moment I’ve had in my 20 years of doing this,” Shelton said. “I was in a place that I consider to be God’s country doing the thing that makes me feel the most connected to God, which is working on the land. I heard that song, and I had one of those moments that you hear people talk about … where they say they pulled over on the side of the highway and listened. I literally had that moment.”
Until then, Shelton was unsure of his next career move. “God’s Country” shined a spotlight on his path.
Twenty weeks after its April release, “God’s Country” was one the fastest songs to top the country radio airplay charts that Shelton ever recorded, and it is the highest streaming song of his career. It became the title track to his new album — which is a mix of new songs and recent hits. In November, “God’s Country” was nominated for a Grammy Award. 
BMI songwriter Devin Dawson, BMI songwriter Michael Hardy, Blake Shelton, ASCAP songwriter Jordan Schmidt (Photo: Jason Kempin / Getty for BMI)
“The guy was doing just fine, but a game-changing song is something everyone hopes to find,” said John Esposito, chairman and CEO of Warner Music Nashville. “They don’t grow on trees. The fact we got that song, Blake got so excited about it, and there’s a ton of statistics to show how important it was in his career. But what it does for an artist’s psyche is immeasurable.” 
Written by HARDY, Jordan Schmidt and Devin Dawson, “God’s Country” changed the way Shelton listened for potential radio singles. Leaning back in the corner of the overstuffed leather couch, the singer said watching fans embrace the Southern rock vibe in “God’s Country” made him realize there’s still an appetite for the sound. 
“There is still the old-school segment of country music fans out there that are starved for that,” he said. “But even more than that is this new young generation of country music fans … who know ‘Country Boy Can Survive,’ and they want their generation’s version of that song. That really excited me to know that that part of country music is alive and well out there, it just hasn’t been fed.”
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