#what is open innovation lotus foundation
openinnovationoilf · 1 year
What is about Open Innovation Lotus Foundation OILF by Yashraj Bharwaj Yuvraj Bharwaj
In Alliance With Berkeley Haas Welcome to the blog of the Open Innovation Lotus Foundation In Alliance With Berkeley Haas! We are an organization that strives to bring together the best minds from both the academic and business worlds to collaborate and create innovative solutions to global challenges. Our mission is to foster a spirit of innovation, collaboration, and creativity to make the world a better place.
We are proud to partner with the prestigious Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.
Together, we are working towards making meaningful progress in the areas of health, education, and economic development. We believe that innovation is essential to the world’s progress and that collaboration between the best minds in the world is essential to reach our goals. Our blog is dedicated to showcasing the innovative projects and ideas our team is working on, discussing current topics in the areas of health, education, and economic development, and offering insights into the world of open innovation
We look forward to sharing our stories and insights with you and hope you will join us in the important mission of creating a better future for everyone. Thank you for helping us to make the world a better place! Visit http://www.oilf.in/ to know more about Open Innovation Lotus Foundation.
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avaliveradio · 1 year
EB's 'SLIPPING feat. bandanabloom, Kevin Forest & Swxrd blends hip hop with Bossa Nova
EB - SLIPPING (REMAKE) feat. bandanabloom, Kevin Forest & Swxrd
Hip Hop is now exploring new genres and fusion of cultures. There is a new wave of artists that are experimenting with culture to incorporate jazz, bossa nova, afrobeat and other genres into their music. This allows the genre to continue building on its foundation while continuing to evolve.
One artist that I recently listened to who is looking to break barriers by pushing his boundaries is EB with his new single 'SLIPPING (REMAKE) [feat. bandanabloom, Kevin Forest & Swxrd]'
This single is catchy and melodic, with smooth vocal harmonies that are uplifting. The vocalist demonstrates a wide vocal range filled with expression. But the most powerful shift happens towards the end of the song where this amazing Bossa nova rhythm comes into play. The artists blend traditional Brazilian rhythms with more harmonically complex jazz harmony making a song that is innovative and inspiring. 
The Bossa Nova is a genre of Brazilian music that combines elements of jazz, pop and samba. This song takes those elements and adds a unique twist to them making this song feel fresh and inspiring.
This breaks the mold and creates something special that I really crave to hear more of. This group of artists have opened a door for me and invited me to take a look behind the curtain to see what other surprises they have in store for inquisitive fans.
Music Review by Jacqueline Jax 
Featured on The Groundbreaking Hip Hop Playlist
Music Genre: Alternative Hip-Hop/Bossa Nova Vibe: Energetic, Chill, Experimental Located in: Norfolk, Virginia Sounds like: Tyler, the Creator, Childish Gambino, Flying Lotus, João Gilberto, Evinha, Bad Bunny Link to streaming page on Spotify
The artist Emmanuel ‘EB’
Hi, my name is Emmanuel, but my artist name is EB. I've been doing music ever since I was 13 (I'm 19 now), and I was never really all that satisfied with my craft until pretty recently.
Being around the 757, you would think that there would be a lot of musical opportunities with people doing the same types of alternative non-conformist music I would often do (especially with frontiers of sound like Pharrell, Timbaland, Pusha T, Bink, and many others), but I stuck out, and as a result, I kept to myself on most occasions. I did, however, have the internet.
I have gone through a bunch of music groups which were all created from the comforts of the online realities we are all connected to, and, to no avail, there was no real success. Things usually faded away or simmered down to a depressing whisper, and most of the time, I was left with myself to figure out where to go from there.
I've met a lot of great people I'm still in contact with to this day from a lot of these groups, but a lot of things really went nowhere. My latest endeavor with "Manipulated Records", a collective with a bunch of kids just like me, rather than a label, was something so close to what I wanted, with a huge trip that happened last year summer to Dallas (there's going to be a documentary and a possible music drop with all of that), but the group went in a state of inactivity after Dallas, and had a massive blow after one of the members, Salem McLaren, passed away in an accident in October.
I left the group, and worked on a project with a bunch of people from my past groups, titled "Sorta Flying...REMADE~!!!", which was released on February 23rd, describing my experiments and experiences for myself these last couple of years. It is a remake of one of my older works titled "Sorta Flying", with four extra songs and new arrangements.
One of the songs I am presenting to you in this submission is the first song, "SLIPPING (REMAKE)", which was released as a single on February 16th. It is an experimental synthy jazz hip-hop song, which transitions to a bossa nova song in Spanish.
What is Bossa nova?
Bossa nova is a Brazilian genre of music that literally means 'new flair' or 'new trend' in Portuguese. It emerged in the 1950s and '60s fusing elements of samba—a popular music genre within Brazil—with American jazz traditions. The sound uses traditional Brazilian rhythms but with more harmonically complex jazz harmony and more melodic dissonance. This is characterized by a "different beat" that altered the harmonies with the introduction of unconventional chords and an innovative syncopation of traditional samba from a single rhythmic division. The "bossa nova beat" is characteristic of a samba style and not of an autonomous genre.
This song was made in collaboration with bandanabloom, Kevin Forest and Swxrd, and I mixed, mastered, and structured the whole song. It explores one of the main themes that is present throughout the project: a loss of childhood innocence and trying to regain it in the present, rather than getting lost in the nostalgia of a falsely led past. Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMo1gvUjPkI Social Links & Website: https://linktr.ee/im_ebokay
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
for the prompts: NMJ/JC - Everyone with a functioning brain cell can see that JC just needs someone to tell him he’s doing a good job. And if WWX isn’t stepping up? Well, NMJ definitely will. (Preferably smut and/or fluff) Thank you! ❤️
Compliments - ao3
It started in anger, out of spite.
Traditionally, the world took this to be a bad thing, but in all honesty the vast majority of projects in the Nie sect were started that way – they inherited fiery tempers and spiteful personalities from their ancestors along with their saber cultivation traditions – and it didn’t always turn out badly. There were any number of buildings, techniques, or technological innovations in the Unclean Realm that had started life as a furious fuck you to someone and only turned into something worthwhile about halfway through, once the person involved had calmed down enough to think about what they were doing, realize they were already committed, and then shrug and carry on forward because there was no point in stopping a charge midway.
What Nie Mingjue meant was: there was precedent.
He liked to think it started with Jiang Fengmian, but if Nie Mingjue was being honest with himself, it started back in the Unclean Realm when Nie Huaisang had told him, quite casually over dinner, that he thought that the female cultivator in his class was very pretty and that he’d be happy to marry her.
“Uh,” Nie Mingjue had said, very intelligently. “Huaisang, you’re seven.”
Nie Huaisang had not seen the problem. Instead, he explained very forthrightly that it was only right that he start thinking early on about his marriage, as getting married and having children would be his great contribution to the sect on account of being useless good-for-nothing unfit for anything else –
“Wait,” Nie Mingjue said. “Who told you that?!”
Nie Huaisang claimed he had deduced it.
Nie Mingjue claimed that Nie Huaisang was full of bullshit, and also that he wasn’t good-for-nothing even if he wasn’t good at saber, and anyway even if he was a total good-for-nothing he was still Nie Mingjue’s good-for-nothing and no one had better say a single damn word against him or Nie Mingjue would bite them.
“I meant stab them!” he explained, far too late; Nie Huaisang was already rolling around laughing to the point of tears. “I have a saber. I can stab people! I’m actually very scary, you know!”
Nie Huaisang hadn’t believed him one bit and had carried on, seemingly at peace and forgetting everything, but Nie Mingjue had gone seeking advice from all of his elders and counselors and the more dependable senior disciples of his sect, abruptly terrified that he was permanently damaging Nie Huaisang by raising him the wrong way or something. Didn’t children need encouragement at that age? Weren’t they all young and tender peaches liable to be bruised at the slightest glance or young sprouts that needed to be sheltered from the harsh wind lest they grow up crooked?
Everyone assured him that children were hardier than they appeared, flexible and capable of bouncing back from just about anything. He'd pressed, though, pointing out that even the most flexible wood would eventually form a crack in the face of a vicious hurricane, and in the end they'd admitted that it was better to avoid applying too much pressure at too young an age, that a child squeezed too hard or not hard enough might develop neuroses that would hinder them in the future.
They mostly tried not to look at him when they said that, presumably thinking to themselves that Nie Mingjue was little more than a child himself and had already been subject to the worst pressures possible, which would undoubtedly result in who knows what future issues, but he hadn’t paid that part any mind. As far as he was concerned, his life was already a loss – he had sworn to take revenge for his father, to make that ancient monster Wen Ruohan pay with his life for what he had done and furthermore he'd sworn to pay back the blood debt in full before any of that burden passed to Nie Huaisang.
Letting Nie Huaisang grow up happy – that was what mattered.
Letting him be insulted when Nie Mingjue wasn’t looking played no part in that plan. If Nie Huaisang were going to be insulted, let it be by outsiders who he wouldn’t need to care about! Within their Nie sect, at minimum, he should be doted upon and honored, or else those responsible would have to explain themselves to Nie Mingjue.
Those dark thoughts still lingering in his mind, he had gone to the Lotus Pier for a discussion conference, and that, perhaps, was where it really started.
Rumor had already made the entire cultivation world aware that Jiang Fengmian had found the orphaned son of Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze, and that he had taken him into his home as his ward, allowing him to become a Jiang sect disciple – treating him almost as one of the family, even. That much was known, so it didn’t come as much of a surprise when Jiang Fengmian proudly introduced him or even more proudly showed him off, praising him to the high heavens.
What did come as a surprise was how little he praised his own son standing beside him, despite them being only a few days apart in age. It was as if Jiang Fengmian had simply forgotten that such a creature existed, much less that he had himself contributed to its spawning, and the constant looks of hope – invariably crushed – the child sent him made it clear that the present situation had been going on for some time.
Fuck you, Nie Mingjue thought, seeing red, seeing instead Nie Huaisang in his failed saber classes, struggling so desperately to keep up with the rest even though his body wouldn’t allow for it, being told he was useless and a good-for-nothing and fit for nothing but marriage. Fuck you, Jiang Fengmian.
He couldn’t say that, of course.
So instead he said, “Excellent stance,” to the child, who'd received the courtesy name Wanyin but seemed to be universally called Jiang Cheng. “Do you know the others in the set?”
Jiang Cheng, staring at him, very slowly nodded, and demonstrated them.
“Absolutely perfect,” Nie Mingjue said loudly, drawing attention to himself with his over-loud voice that everyone would automatically forgive on account on him being both a Nie and a young man. “You can see how hard you’ve worked at it, and it has paid off handsomely. You are very lucky in your son, Sect Leader Jiang.”
“…thank you,” Jiang Fengmian said, a little bemused at being interrupted. He’d been talking yet again about Wei Wuxian’s brilliance at picking up the sword again after years of living on the streets without practice, even though at the moment the smiling boy's admittedly impressive skills were still largely wild and undisciplined.
Nie Mingjue nodded, and said: “When exactly did you say the opening festivities would be starting?”
Jiang Fengmian had clearly forgotten about that in his enthusiasm, so he quickly hurried back to the actual subject at hand and the discussion conference was started in earnest.
It was almost enough to allow Nie Mingjue to forget the matter and put it behind him.
Or, it would have been, if only Jiang Fengmian hadn’t continued to insert praise for Wei Wuxian at every possible instance – it was as if he were the man’s first-born son, rather than another person’s child.
Irritated beyond belief, Nie Mingjue started complimenting Jiang Cheng every time Jiang Fengmian said something nice about Wei Wuxian, and he made sure to keep his compliments accurate: he was a hard worker, dedicated and sincere, thoughtful, clever, not overly arrogant…
“Wei Wuxian came up with his own ideas for a sword style already,” Jiang Fengmian claimed at one point. “You can see him on the training ground now, practicing it – take a look!”
Nie Mingjue picked up a stone and flicked it over with his fingers, making Wei Wuxian jump half a chi into the air and nearly fall on his ass.
“Weak foundation, and he over-commits,” he analyzed dryly, because it was true, and because no one else was saying it. He didn't make it any harsher than it had to be: he had nothing against the boy himself, of course; it was only that he knew from experience that it was much easier to be the one being complimented than the one not. “He’s got his head so high in the clouds that his feet are barely touching the ground – the weakest fierce corpse would knock him flat as a pancake with a childish style like that. He’d be better off sticking with orthodox or he’ll end up in real trouble one day.”
“Sect Leader Nie, really,” Jiang Fengmian said disapprovingly. “He’s only nine.”
“Old enough to pick up bad habits,” Nie Mingjue retorted. “Your son’s the same age and he’s as steady as a rock. If Jiang Cheng keeps going as he is, he’ll have a strong enough base to outlast the fiercest storm.”
“A rock has no imagination,” Jiang Fengmian said, and was he actually arguing that his son was inferior? Out loud, in front of outsiders? Did the man have no shame? “Mingjue, you’re young, but you must know that my Jiang sect prizes freedom and creativity as the highest virtue –”
“Would you rather build a house using a firework or a foundation stone?” Nie Mingjue asked, doing his best not to outwardly bristle at the condescendingly intimate use of his name by someone who might be technically his elder but legally his equal. “Tell me, Fengmian, does your Jiang sect’s acclaimed ‘freedom’ only allow for people to be as fluid as the river and not as steady as the earth?”
Jiang Fengmian faltered, clearly not knowing how to answer that.
Nie Mingjue raised his hands in a sarcastic salute: “As the leader of a sect whose style is based on a grounded foundation, I would be very happy if you would educate me in your wisdom. No doubt my peers would benefit as well.”
Perhaps it was at that point that Jiang Fengmian realized that his words could be misinterpreted as an insult to all the sects whose styles were less free-flowing than the Jiang – just about all of them except for maybe the Lan and their subsidiary sects, given their preference for techniques modeled on the wind over the water – and moreover that this was a discussion conference, where every word was political, and that a great deal of people were glaring balefully at him. He hastily moved the conversation onwards, and left the subject of his sons for another day.
Later that evening, Madame Yu came over to where Nie Mingjue was nursing a bowl of very fine wine that he didn’t especially feel like consuming. Before he could start worrying about the Purple Spider’s intentions, she said, voice stiff, “Your words regarding my son are too kind. His skills are still inferior; he has a great deal of progress yet to be made.”
“He’s only nine,” Nie Mingjue said, feeling mortified that she’d noticed his little temper tantrum, which he had belatedly realized was probably extremely obvious. “Anyway, I wasn't lying. He has a good foundation; he’ll be a fearsome cultivator one day, there’s no doubt. I only said what I saw.”
“You didn’t comment about Wei Wuxian,” she said. “You must have noticed his genius.”
“Geniuses don’t need to be praised overmuch,” Nie Mingjue said. He himself had been termed a genius by his teachers, and he’d hated every single moment of it – couldn’t he just be good at things without having people fall all over themselves to compliment him? He’d enjoyed it at the start, but after a while it had started to wear on him; he was expected to be a genius in all things, and being simply ordinary was suddenly seen as failing. “It’s the ones that have to work hard that do, or else they’ll be discouraged…comparing someone to another person’s child works as a spur to a certain extent, but after a while it loses its potency as a tool.”
Your husband is a fucking idiot, he didn’t say. It’s his own son! How could he speak like that about him? Shouldn’t he be holding him in his palms like a gentle flame, protecting him from the wind and rain? How can he bear to scold his son when he hasn't shown that the scolding is meant for his benefit?
“Perhaps,” Madame Yu said, but it was clear on her face that she wasn’t about to start taking parenting advice from a half-grown sprout like Nie Mingjue. “Nevertheless, your words were kind.”
She swept away after that, much to his relief. He shook his head and daydreamed about a magic tool that would make this whole nightmarish experience go by that much quicker.
In the end, it went by at the same speed it always did. It could have ended there, but Nie Mingjue kept up the habit of blatantly complimenting Jiang Cheng in future sect conferences as well, if only because it clearly irritated Jiang Fengmian – less because Nie Mingjue was praising his son and more because it was so obviously meant as an indirect critique of Jiang Fengmian’s skills as a parent or sect leader, and moreover it reminded all the other sects of that unfortunate interchange and made them less inclined to listen to him – and of course, because, well, once you’ve started a charge, you had to finish it even if you came to your senses about halfway through.
He made sure to keep it proportionate, of course, since there was nothing worse than false praise. He didn’t really mean anything by it, other than the half-formed thought that someone ought to be doing it – that the boy should know that someone looked at him and Wei Wuxian and remembered to praise him first. Nie Mingjue praised Wei Wuxian too, of course, since the boy often deserved it; it was only that he made a particular point not to forget about Jiang Cheng, either.
(He also made sure the other sect leaders saw how well the technique could be used to fluster Jiang Fengmian, an intrusion into his personal life that could be masked in perfect politeness, and several of them picked up the same tact, though less consistently than Nie Mingjue – Sect Leaders Jin and Wen, naturally, always looking for a weakness, but interestingly enough also Lan Qiren, who was normally above such petty maneuvers. Possibly he was actually just complimenting Jiang Cheng because he sincerely approved of him.)
He didn’t think much of it.
Nie Mingjue didn’t think much of it during the other discussion conferences, or when he came to the Cloud Recesses to pick up Nie Huaisang, who had – amazingly – actually managed to pass this time, although the expression on Lan Qiren’s face suggested the pass might have more to do with the other sect leader’s desire to never see Nie Huaisang haunt his classroom ever again.
“You know what, don’t tell me. Tell me….hm…how did Jiang Wanyin do?” Nie Mingjue asked, hand over his eyes as if it could forestall the headache. “He’s a bright boy, and knows how to put his mind to something when he wants. Tell me about him instead, it’ll be less depressing.”
“He’s very bright,” Lan Qiren agreed. “Very thoughtful, and very thorough. He sometimes errs towards conservatism out of fear of giving the wrong answer, but that’s just a matter of confidence; his thinking is very good. He’s very clear-sighted as long as the matter is logical, rather than emotional.”
“No surprise,” Nie Mingjue grunted. “He’ll be a sect leader worthy of respect, in his time.”
When he’s rid of that father of his dragging him down, he thought ungraciously, and he saw Lan Qiren bob his head in a sharp nod of unspoken agreement.
“All right,” he said. “I’m adequately fortified now. Tell me about Huaisang.”
Lan Qiren gave him a look of profound sympathy.
It wasn’t until much later, during the Sunshot Campaign, that it was first called to his attention – by Jiang Cheng himself, oddly enough.
“Why do you keep doing that?” he hissed, having stayed behind after one of their meetings.
Nie Mingjue blinked at him. “Doing – what?”
“You – you said – about me…!”
Nie Mingjue tried to recall what he’d said during the meeting just now. “That you – were doing an excellent job while facing much higher level of obstacles than everyone else?” he hazarded, because he had said something like that. “Or was it the bit about how if any of them had needed to rebuild their sect and fight at the same time, we’d all be doomed because they couldn’t multitask for shit?”
Yeah, it was probably that one.
“I didn’t mean any offense by referencing what happened to your sect,” he said, hoping to explain. “It was only –”
“I didn’t take offense,” Jiang Cheng mumbled. “It’s fine. I mean, it’s not fine, but – it happened, everyone knows that it happened, not talking about it isn’t going to make it not have happened. That’s not what I meant…why do you keep saying such nice things about me?”
Nie Mingjue blinked at him. “Because they’re true?”
Jiang Cheng’s cheeks flushed red. “You’ve always said nice things about me. Ever since I was a little kid – every time you saw me, at the discussion conferences, or the Cloud Recesses, or even in your letters to my father…”
He had in fact done that.
“I just want to know why. Is it – my father’s not around, you can’t be doing it just to piss him off, even though I know that was part of it. Why me?”
Nie Mingjue coughed a little, having not realized that Jiang Cheng had noticed. Or possibly even overheard, in regards to the Cloud Recesses. “I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept of the other person’s child,” he said, and Jiang Cheng nodded his head sharply, clearly thinking of Wei Wuxian. “You’re Huaisang’s.”
“Me?” Jiang Cheng seemed unduly vulnerable when he asked. “You compare him – to me?”
“It’s amazing he tolerated you at the Cloud Recesses,” Nie Mingjue said with a sigh. In fact, his brother had all but declared war on Jiang Cheng in absentia on account of all Nie Mingjue’s comments, only for his first letter home from the Cloud Recesses that year to be I see why you like him! He’s cute! A perfect match for you! because he’d apparently decided that Nie Mingjue had a crush on the boy.
Which he certainly hadn’t – at least not when he’d been that age, anyway. Jiang Cheng had grown up to embody every single one of the compliments Nie Mingjue had paid him when he’d been younger, especially with the maturity and natural aura of command that came to him after his personal tragedy.
“But why…you knew Wei Wuxian about as well as you knew me.”
Nie Mingjue snorted. “And that would have helped Huaisang how, exactly? If I wanted to compare him with someone who picked things up the first time they saw it, I wouldn’t need to go outside the Nie sect for that – I was also considered a genius when I was young. It’s no failing to be born without a vast and unending natural talent; Huaisang’s issue has always been his unwillingness to put in the effort.”
Jiang Cheng stared at him.
“Anyway, your father was so blinded by his adoration for Wei Wuxian that he overlooked your merits, which are different but no less impressive,” Nie Mingjue added. “As someone who was trying to figure out how to raise a child, it irritated me; I thought someone ought to make it clear to you that you were seen.”
“Yes,” Jiang Cheng said, his voice strangely hoarse. “Yes, you – you succeeded.”
He paused for a moment, meeting Nie Mingjue’s eyes intently, and then abruptly said, “I’ll be leaving,” and dashed out.
Nie Mingjue wasn’t entirely sure if that meant he should stop or not. Jiang Cheng had said he wasn’t offended…anyway, it was a fixed habit by now. He’d been doing it for over half his life! He couldn’t stop that easily! It would be like trying to stop his temper, or a charge – there was nothing for it.
Jiang Cheng would just have to live with a few compliments.
“Wow, you’re an idiot,” Nie Huaisang said when he told him about the incident, months later while he was lying in bed, recovering from the disaster that had been the end of the war. “I’ll fix this.”
“Fix what?”
“I’m going to tell him you’re dying,” Nie Huaisang decided.
“You’re going to do what?!”
“Stay in bed, da-ge! Doctor’s orders!”
The Nie sect chief doctor was an extremely terrifying person. Nie Mingjue stayed in bed.
Some time later, Jiang Cheng stormed in, face pale.
“Huaisang’s a rotten liar and I’m going to be fine,” Nie Mingjue said at once.
Jiang Cheng stopped mid-storm, and abruptly deflated. “Really?”
“Really. I would’ve stopped him, but I’m stuck in bed for the moment.”
Jiang Cheng took a seat next to him. “That sounds serious. You shouldn’t underestimate war wounds, especially given your sect’s tendency towards qi deviations...”
“Compassionate as well,” Nie Mingjue teased. “I’ll have to add that to the rotation of compliments.”
Jiang Cheng flushed red. “You’re…planning on continuing?”
“For the rest of my life, however short it might be,” Nie Mingjue said, because he was an honest person, even when it was inconvenient. He was going to explain about the habit, and the concept of stopping mid-charge, but he didn’t manage to start before Jiang Cheng grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up into a kiss.
After that, he figured that maybe explaining that part of it wasn’t necessary. He might be slow on the uptake, but he wasn’t actually stupid.
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meditativeyoga · 6 years
10 Influential Teachers Who Have Shaped Yoga in America
Our partner site Sonima.com assembled this list of 10 influential educators, who have committed their lives to spreading out the practices of yoga and also have influenced numerous brand-new yogis around the globe.
True teachers advise us of exactly what's most crucial. They advise us how you can practice when we lose our means. They brighten our paths, they challenge us to expand, they delight in our advancement. A teacher-student relationship is just one of one of the most sacred connections we have. In his influential book, Light on Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar indicates that this link, in between educator as well as student, is one of the most central in our lives.
We at Sonima.com lately put together a listing of 100 significant instructors who have actually committed their lives to spreading out the methods of yoga, and in so doing, have impacted millions of brand-new yogis around the globe. We gauged impact based on a range of elements, such as deepness of study, area impact, social media sites complying with, and payments to yoga exercise's many aspects, from ideology to physiology, practice to advancement. These teachers each play a profound function in the dissemination of dharma from its ancient origins, as well as the perpetuation of modern parampara, the acceleration of lineage and also teachings gave from teacher to pupil over time.
Below is a sampling of 10 influencers as well as innovators that have actually made unique contributions to the means Americans technique from shore to coast. Going to Sonima.com to see the complete checklist of teachers acknowledged for shaping the landscape of yoga as we understand it today.
The Yoga Pioneer
Tim Miller, Carlsbad, CA
Tim Miller was the initial westerner accredited to show Ashtanga yoga by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, as well as has been attributed as one of the very first people to bring yoga to America. Miller started practicing in Encinitas, California, at the Ashtanga Yoga exercise Nilayam in 1978, as well as 6 months after he started practicing, he fulfilled Pattabhi Jois, at which factor he mosted likely to India as well as started researching in Mysore. He went back to California, and in 1981 took over leadership of the Ashtanga Yoga exercise Nilayam, which has actually considering that moved places and also is called the Ashtanga Yoga exercise Facility of Carlsbad.
The Sage Innovator
Nevine Michaan, Katonah, NY
" We are not medical bodies, we are mystical bodies," states Michaan. Petite in type, yet large in visibility, and also with brilliant blue eyes of informing wisdom, Michaan has been practicing yoga exercise for 40 years and also mentor for over 30. Designer of the Katonah Yoga technique, which incorporates Daoism, math, and also a diverse combination of yoga exercise as well as spirituality, and also owner of 2 New york city studios by the very same name, Michaan attracts motivation from Taoist thought, geometry, and her own evolving practice. Michaan has actually come to be distinguished not just for her poetic allegories and understanding of yoga, yet also for her eager capability to "review" individuals's bodies practically instantly upon meeting them. When she's not teaching yoga exercise, she reads Goethe and also Spinoza, fine-tuning her very own methods for long life, and also sharing her transmittable feeling of joy with those around her.
The Prolific Guide
Rodney Yee, Sag Harbor, NY
In the very early '90s countless Americans began practicing yoga due to the fact that of Rodney Yee. His yoga exercise DVDs, generated by Gaiam, continuously be some of one of the most popular ever before made. Yee has been exercising yoga exercise for nearly 40 years and mentor for practically 30. A licensed Iyengar yoga exercise educator, Yee has created his very own style gradually that has likewise been influenced by his research of ballet. Yee circumnavigates the globe to teach both on his very own as well as with his partner, Colleen Saidman, with whom he co-directs the Yoga exercise Shanti institutions in New york city. Yee likewise offers as yoga director with Saidman for the Urban Zen Foundation, a charitable company founded by Donna Karan that seeks to bring corresponding methods, including yoga as well as reflection, right into the mainstream healthcare system.
The Therapeutics Master
Gabriel Halpern, Chicago, IL
Halpern is often described as "The Godfather" in the Chicago yoga globe where he's been instructing for the past 30 years, and also where he's affected almost each major teacher at Chicago's yogic strongholds, Moksha Yoga as well as Yogaview, where Halpern on a regular basis leads workshops. Halpern holds degrees in philosophy and health and wellness psychology as well as was educated under the Iyengar yoga exercise technique in both San Francisco, as well as Pune, India. He established his River North studio, Yoga exercise Circle, in 1985, as well as he instructs there as well as around the globe, concentrating on yoga therapies. His methodology for therapeutic courses are modeled on Iyengar's techniques, in which he starts with first providing relief to obtain an individual out of discomfort and after that remedying their anatomy, which occasionally takes years.
The Scientific Scholar
Bo Forbes, Cambridge, MA
A normal speaker and contributor for Yoga Journal, and a major force behind several of one of the most ingenious job occurring at the Mind and Life Institute, the charitable company committed to exploring the junction of science and also Buddhism, Bo Forbes is a truly special educator in today's world. A medical psycho therapist, mindfulness instructor, and scholar, Forbes is focused on incorporating neuroscience and also connective tissue research with psychology and yoga exercise. Forbes composes regularly for a few of the world's leading magazines, and is the writer of Yoga for Emotional Equilibrium: Easy Practices to Help Alleviate Anxiety and also Depression. Forbes is likewise the owner of Personified Understanding, an online education and learning company geared in the direction of symbolized education. Forbes leads workshops, intensives, and also trainings in yoga exercise rehabs in Boston and around the world.
The Experimental Devotee
Dana Trixie Flynn, New York, NY
With yoga exercise trousers as vivid and vibrant as her tattoos and also her ever-changing, eclectic hairstyle, and also yoga exercise workshops based on "relocating like you"-- Dana Trixie Flynn is just one of one of the most intense, strong, and also playful educators around. She opened up the Chuckling Lotus Yoga in New york city City with her companion Jasmine Tarkeshi in 1997, as well as has led the premier studio since, most lately broadening Lotus to open up a 2nd place in Brooklyn. Flynn circumnavigates the world teaching yoga exercise and also leading teacher trainings with a method that blends ecstatic movement exercise with her love of poetry, dancing, music, as well as ideology. Flynn, in addition to Tarkeshi, created the Lotus Flow sequencing which was an offshoot of her very own study with Jivamukti owner Sharon Gannon, incorporated with devices gleaned from her own method and also various other motion methodologies.
Ashtanga's Shining Star
Kino MacGregor, Miami, FL
With a highly innovative physical practice and also a strong connection to Mysore and the Ashtanga yoga family tree, Kino MacGregor is one of one of the most preferred and also well-respected Ashtanga yoga instructors in the globe. At 19, MacGregor started exercising Ashtanga yoga, as well as started making yearly trips to research with her expert, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore. At 29, she got certification to show. MacGregor continuouslies take yearly trips to Mysore to research with her instructor Sharath Jois. With her roots in Miami, MacGregor co-owns the Miami Life Center with her other half Tim Feldmann, while likewise taking a trip and also instructing around the globe. MacGregor is the writer of 3 books and also 6 yoga DVDs in addition to the owner of a YouTube channel showcasing yoga classes as well as tutorials with a customer base of 320,000. MacGregor has additionally created among the biggest social media sites followings of any kind of yoga teacher, supplying recommendations and also trainings on positions as well as frequent Instagram challenges for her virtually 1 million followers.
The Teacher's Teacher
Maty Ezraty, Los Angeles, CA
Co-founder of YogaWorks with Chuck Miller and Alan Finger, as well as a worldwide renowned yoga exercise teacher, Maty Ezraty has actually been educating for even more compared to 30 years. A trainee of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Ezraty was one of the first women to practice 3rd and 4th collection of the Ashtanga method. After taking a trip to Mysore for lots of years to examine with Jois, Ezraty has much more lately become interested in the Iyengar yoga exercise technique, traveling to Pune, India, to examine with Geeta Iyengar, the eldest daughter of the lineage's namesake founder, B.K.S. Iyengar. Started in 1987 in Santa Monica, California, YogaWorks now has over 40 places and also was just one of the very first companies to use standardized instructor training incorporating many various styles of yoga. A lot of today's yoga celebs, such as Seane Corn, Shiva Rea, Pole Stryker, as well as Kathryn Budig, were all students of Ezraty's. In 2004, Ezraty marketed YogaWorks, however she continues to be just one of the most innovative and precious educators in the world.
The Kundalini Ambassador
Hari Kaur Khalsa, New York, NY
Hari Kaur Khalsa is a distinguished spiritual instructor as well as global Kundalini agent. For 10 years, Khalsa circumnavigated the globe with Yogi Bhajan, the master instructor that brought Kundalini yoga exercise to the West, as well as she routed his educator training programs. Khalsa still routes and shows Kundalini courses and also training worldwide. She is understood for her amazing work equipping women of any ages and also life stages, and has actually released 2 books on the topic, A Woman's Book of Reflection: Uncovering the Power of a Calm Mind, and A Woman's Publication of Yoga exercise: Accepting Our Natural Life Cycles. Khalsa has actually likewise done groundbreaking workshops with her musician other half, Dave Frank, in combining songs, reflection, Qi Gong, and also Kundalini yoga.
America's Iyengar Matriarch
Patricia Walden, Cambridge, MA
For 40 years, Patricia Walden has made yearly expeditions to Pune, India to research with her teacher, B.K.S Iyengar, and his little girl Geeta, after his death. Walden has been extremely influential in bringing Iyengar yoga to America, as well as has acted as a member of the nationwide qualification board (the B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga exercise National Organization of the United States, or IYNAUS), for almost 25 years. Walden has actually co-authored 3 books and also lots of DVDs, including "Yoga for Beginners," which was among the first and essential in mading popular yoga exercise in the west. She currently teaches at Down Under Yoga in Brookline, Massachusetts, and also leads yoga exercise workshops, resorts, and also trainings around the world.
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boylerpf2017-blog · 7 years
History of Art Deco jewellery: Buying Vintage Jewellery for sale
The period we now know as "Art Deco" got its moniker from the Exposition International des Arts Decorative at Industrials Moderns, held in Paris in 1925, which was generally committed to the jewellery arts. Accentuation was set on the relationship of art and current industry. The motivation for this style was as broad as African, South American, and Oriental Art and as fluctuated as Cubism and Fauvism, both prevalent developments at the time. The expression "Cubism" was frequently used to portray gems of this time in view of the points, geometric lines and metaphorical portrayals utilized as a part of its execution. A want to dispense with the streaming lines of Art Nouveau and distil plans to their simple geometric quintessence, in this manner disposing of apparently pointless decoration, brought about the cleaner and more unbending lines utilized in vintage Art Deco jewellery. A look forward at innovation and the machine age likewise included unmistakably at this crossroads in gems history. The First World War changed ladies' design like nothing in the former 100 years at any point had. Taking up hard physical work without men expected ladies to swear off their girdles, abbreviate their sleeves, trim their hair and raise their hemlines. At the point when the war finished ladies were hesitant to come back to their pre-war, constrictive articles of clothing, choosing to take after rather the new forms being displayed by Coco Chanel and Paul Poiret. Straightforward, rich apparel with straight lines and a more liberated outline required a reconsidering of jewellery styles too. This design flexibility enabled ladies to seek after donning and recreation exercises beforehand inaccessible to them. Appreciating mixed drinks and cigarettes, wearing make-up, playing golf and tennis, driving, yachting and moving till daybreak were each of the parts of the new lady.
Different impacts in the 1920's incorporated the celebratory extravagance exhibit all through Europe, particularly in France, following a long time of War. Already avoided thoughts, developments and innovations were all of a sudden invited in the soul of reconstructing and recharging. Cash streamed more uninhibitedly than it had amid and even preceding the war. The Franc was losing esteem rapidly and riches as jewellery appeared like a smart thought to the recently prosperous post-war subjects. Magazines were generally flowed exhibiting what a lady should wear, how a home ought to be outfitted and what to feel about almost everything.
The energizing new archaeological disclosures in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, fundamentally the tomb of Tutankhamen, affected outline themes amid this period. Metaphorical portrayals of lotus blooms, pyramids, the eye of Horus, scarabs, almost anything from the antiquated time of the Pharaohs, was reasonable amusement as a jewellery theme. Striking gem specialists working amid these period adjusted Egyptian impacts into their plans and promoted them around the globe. Whole scenes of old Egyptian life played out finished armlets, rendered in new shading blends made by consolidating lapis lazuli with gold and cornelian with turquoise.
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The Indian jewellery that turned out to be so prominent at the opening of the twentieth century was a motivation to the diamond setters of the 1920's both elaborately and chromatically. Cut gemstones, so prominent in Indian jewellery, were used as blossoms, leaves, foods grown from the ground beautiful accents. Plan themes were likewise drawn from Islamic art with its adapted structures and beautiful accents. Persian themes included blooms, plants, and arabesques rendered richly in emerald and sapphire or jade and lapis lazuli. Chinese mythical serpents and building themes alongside Oriental coral, jade and pearls turned up broadly in Art Deco plans. Pre Columbian outline themes from Central America and African tribal art, regularly communicated as veils and blackheads, all had some impact in this new tasteful.
The two noteworthy schools of gems configuration were apparent amid this period. Bijoutiers-artistes underscored outline over inherent esteem. To that end they were utilizing gemstones sculpturally, cutting them into different geometric artworks utilizing precious stones and other faceted pearls as accentuation as opposed to the fundamental core interest. These works were frequently made with the cooperation of artworks people who were not solely rehearsing the gems arts. Painters, stone workers, Modellers, a whole group of artists, shared outlines and thoughts, advancing each other's orders and giving motivation from a variety of new sources. The new courses in which lines were utilized, shading connected, alleviation utilized, alongside totally disconnected abilities, for example, gloss work left this new joint effort between artists.
Bijoutiers-joailliers, working in the outstanding Parisian gems foundations, were utilizing calibré-sliced valuable gemstones to highlight and improve their geometric manifestations sketching out outlines and flanking lines of jewels. As time passed by they included half-moon, trapeze, triangle and other unordinary precious stone slices to their collection. Their interest to the Far East came about not just in the utilization of marvellous cut diamonds from India, however in blending valuable stones with coral, shake precious stone quartz, lapis lazuli, agate, and turquoise.
Each of the bijoutiers-joailliers had a somewhat extraordinary perspective of the outline impacts of the circumstances. Cartier reinterpreted their wreath style in a more geometric shape including impacts from the Far East, India, and Persia. Cut dots from India and mother-of-pearl plaques from China alongside cut rubies, sapphires and emeralds discovered their way into their plans. The jewellery firm Mellerio slanted towards an Oriental impact in utilizing cut pearls in their manifestations. Mauboussin utilized lacquers and shaded pearls to give solid differentiation to tremendous fields of jewels and utilized a roundabout or oval nook for their outlines. Van Cleef and Arpels adopted a more Egyptian impacted strategy for their plans, utilizing pharaonic themes widely. All the French gem dealers were inundated in Art Deco plan, yet each translated and stressed distinctive outline subjects of the circumstances.
The share trading system crash of 1929 did not decrease the jewellery arts, in certainty, it appeared to cause an upset in both the size and extent of gems. The 1930's were portrayed by substantial clasps, voluminous ear cuts and wide arm ornaments sumptuously rendered just in precious stones. Monochromatic manifestations highlighting a wide assortment of jewel cuts were the standard however shading wasn't totally forgotten, recently consigned to the part of illustrating or giving a structure to the included precious stones. Convertible jewellery was a remarkable element of pieces from the Art Deco period. Twofold clasps that could be worn independently as dress clasps, or mutually as a bigger pin were average. Bandeaus separated into coordinating wristbands, pieces of jewellery and ornaments while hoops with separable components gave a day to night alternative.
Deco gems comprise of one of a kind and wonderful things which can add an unmistakable emphasize to any person's frill gathering. These antique pieces from the 1930s described by geometric shapes and differentiating hues, are still exceptionally well known in the realm of vintage gems. By familiarising themselves with diverse subtle elements on the outline of vintage Art Deco embellishments, even buyers who are new to this time can look for worthy pieces from the Art Deco school. An extraordinary retail choice for finding and buying vintage Art Deco jewlry for sale on online website, Boylerpf. As an aggregator of vintage merchants and individual vendors, it furnishes buyers with an expansive accumulation of pieces from which to make a choice. By running an inquiry, looking through postings, and assessing the vendors related with those postings, shoppers can use the site to locate exceptional vintage Art Deco jewlry for sale or bit of gems that can convey ageless excellence and incentive to people's lives.
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Apple and Android, the ease back pall bearers to RIM's inevitable destruction Edge lost a lot of its believability a week ago with a blackout enduring a few days.
After an overall blackout left many BlackBerry clients without email, IM, and Web perusing from Monday to Thursday a week ago, Research In Motion today revealed its tranquility offering to clients: $100 worth of free applications to endorsers and one month of free specialized support for big business clients. While the free programming and administrations are pleasant signals, the blackout, which RIM recognized was the most exceedingly terrible in its history, appears to be typical of the organization's moderate destruction. Edge's inconveniences are with the end goal that free duplicates of Bejeweled and The Sims 3 won't be sufficient to reestablish the organization to its previous magnificence, to state nothing of soothing feelings of trepidation that the organization could have more blackouts not far off. In the cost/advantage investigation of betting everything with RIM (and that is a piece of the issue, it's an in with no reservations recommendation), RIM has given IT shops a lot of motivation to second-and third-figure.
Edge's most concerning issue is it is in effect left in the tidy by the consumerization of IT. Business and customer innovation needs have uneasily coincided for a considerable length of time, yet consumerization is winning, and a week ago's BlackBerry blackout tips the scales significantly further. Edge has put in the previous couple of years being beat on the purchaser front, and buyer cell phone inclinations have brought a huge number of non-BlackBerry cell phones into the undertaking. Edge was a hit with substantial organizations as a result of its vigorous endeavor support, uptime and security, and administration apparatuses that give IT shops the control they need over cell phones. Furthermore, let us not overlook: in years past, RIM was the main amusement around the local area for quality versatile business cell phones. In the event that you needed a safe, versatile, adaptable undertaking email arrangement, odds are that RIM was being tapped to converse with your Exchange or Lotus Notes servers.
Circumstances are different drastically. Trade is administering business email rollouts in the venture, and ActiveSync has moved toward becoming for all intents and purposes a most widely used language of portable email. Edge is at no time in the future required similarly it once was. In the meantime, the iPhone, Android, and other portable stages are presently adequate for most business situations. At that point a week ago happened: RIM bungled, and mishandled seriously. The organization wasn't even ready to execute on its top incentivized offer.
What RIM clients could simply rely on, more than anything, was a stage that seemed well and good for business. While apologizing to clients a week ago, RIM CEO Mike Lazaridis said the organization had been working at 99.97 percent uptime over the past year and a half. That is a decent number, however RIM can't bear the cost of any noteworthy blackouts, period. For every one of the advantages RIM gives to IT, its framework is another purpose of disappointment that can keep a client from accepting email. A week ago, RIM said it endured a disappointment in the "double repetitive, high-limit center change intended to secure the foundation," and that it is as yet attempting to comprehend why the framework flopped in the way it did and what should be possible to keep another such issue.
This won't help RIM win any new clients and may make existing clients escape. Edge's center market is the venture, and keeping in mind that the free month of support is pleasant for spending plan cognizant partnerships, $100 worth of free applications is useless contrasted with a blackout that may have left everybody from business people to the CEO without versatile email. Edge isn't notwithstanding making the majority of its applications qualified for the free offer. Edge says the choice will develop, however starting at now it incorporates only 12 applications, including five diversions. While a few clients may hypothetically be influenced by $100 worth of free applications, the reasonable usage could leave others miserable.
Yes, BlackBerry Messenger is prevalent, and BlackBerrys have their fans among purchasers, especially the individuals who incline toward physical consoles over touchscreens. However key stumbles by RIM and the taking off prevalence of the iPhone and Android gadgets put the organization's future in peril even before a week ago's blackout. Edge has 70 million supporters, however BlackBerry represented only 11.7 percent of overall cell phone deals to end clients in Q2 2011, down from 18.7 percent the earlier year, as indicated by Gartner.
Despite the fact that RIM quarterly deals developed from 11.6 million to 12.7 million, the iPhone topped that by bouncing from 8.7 million to 19.6 million while Android developed from 10.7 million to 46.8 million. The numbers deteriorate for RIM when you contrast its stage with iOS in general, due to the accomplishment of Apple's iPad and business disappointment of RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook tablet. Edge has additionally been ease back to discharge telephones in view of QNX, the successor to BlackBerry OS, and when that happens, RIM's offer of the market is probably going to have disintegrated significantly further.
Losing the endeavor
Edge is losing the endeavor to Apple and Google despite the fact that Apple and Google haven't put much exertion into promoting their telephones as business devices. Customers are progressively well informed and comprehend what the gadgets in their grasp are prepared to do, and are demanding that IT shops give portable access to email in any event. While IT has verifiably been careful about customer gadgets, it's getting harder for IT shops to state no to the iPhone and Android on the grounds that both have helped bolster for Exchange ActiveSync, the accepted standard for conveying corporate email to non-BlackBerry telephones. BlackBerry offers more organization alternatives, yet most organizations might be happy with the center elements accessible from contenders, similar to encryption, secret word open, constrained PIN passage and remote wipes. The blend of shopper inclinations, iPhone and Android winding up noticeably adequate for most business situations, and a week ago's protracted BlackBerry blackout give organizations less motivations to stay with RIM.
IT shops may surely be stressed over security dangers from cell phones, beginning both from portable Web misuses and malevolent applications, especially given the way that Google has been compelled to expel malware-containing applications from the Android Market. Be that as it may, trusted undertaking names are working on it. VMware, for one, is setting up a virtualization stage for Android that will keep a client's workplace isolated in a safe air pocket that doesn't touch the client's buyer applications and information. New advancements are enabling endeavors to fabricate private application stores for iPhones and Android. And keeping in mind that Microsoft has neglected to increase any critical offer of the cell phone showcase, Windows Phone is enhancing and has security highlights like sandboxing to keep applications from ruining framework documents and applications. On the off chance that Microsoft ever picks up progress against the purchaser mammoths of iPhone and Android, Microsoft's venture experience could give another contrasting option to BlackBerry.
While RIM is probably not going to ever recover its previous position at or close to the highest point of the cell phone load, the faithfulness of its current client base and BlackBerry's interest to the most security-cognizant associations may give Lazaridis and group time to rescue the organization. To begin with, RIM must give a full clarification of a week ago's center switch disappointment. Lazaridis a week ago declined to state which merchants' equipment items were included, on the grounds that RIM hadn't completed an underlying driver examination. Discharging full subtle elements of that main driver investigation upon fulfillment, rather than only a maybe a couple sentence outline, will be enter in starting to recover clients' trust. Edge should likewise demonstrate to clients that its system won't endure any further calamities that take days to settle. In the event that RIM can't keep the system running, its endeavors to separate itself from iPhone and Android with better business elements will be worthless.
Past the undertaking, RIM will require an executioner purchaser telephone to recapture a portion of the piece of the overall industry lost to the iPhone and Android. Sadly for RIM, its inability to draw in purchasers with the PlayBook tablet and a week ago's blackout give us little trust in the organization's capacity to disarm shoppers, or even to stop its moderate plummet into big business insignificance.
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openinnovationoilf · 1 year
What is Open Innovation and Open Innovation Lotus Foundation by Yashraj & Yuvraj Bharwaj twins
Open Innovation is a concept that encourages organizations to use outside resources, such as customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders, to create innovative solutions and products. This concept allows companies to leverage external ideas and knowledge to enhance their internal innovation efforts. The concept of Open Innovation encourages companies to reach outside of their walls for ideas, rather than relying on internal resources alone. This approach can help companies access a wider array of expertise, resources, and solutions that may not have been available otherwise.
Open Innovation is not limited to product development and technology. It can also be applied to the business model and processes to find new ways of doing things. Companies can use the concept of Open Innovation to look for new ways of doing business and improving their operational efficiency. This is done by leveraging outside sources such as customers, partners, and suppliers to identify new opportunities and solutions.
Open Innovation is a great way for companies to tap into the collective wisdom of their stakeholders and use it to create innovative solutions and products. By embracing the concept of Open Innovation, companies can access a broader range of perspectives and ideas and use them to drive innovation. Visit http://www.oilf.in/ to know more about Open Innovation Lotus Foundation
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openinnovationoilf · 1 year
Open Innovation Lotus Foundation OILF by Yashraj Bharwaj Yuvraj Bharwaj
When it comes to open innovation businesses should focus on identifying the right partners, setting expectations with those partners, and creating a culture of collaboration. When identifying partners, businesses should look for those with complementary skills, capabilities, and resources that can help the business achieve its goals. Setting expectations with these partners is also important, as it helps to ensure that the partnership is a positive one and that both parties are getting what they need from the relationship. Finally, businesses should strive to create a culture of collaboration, where everyone is encouraged to offer their input and ideas, and to be open to feedback from other stakeholders. Visit http://www.oilf.in/ to know more about Open Innovation Lotus Foundation
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