#what is jamesxgrace called
thestarkster1465 · 3 years
Okay, but seriously, why does no one talk about how much potential dark!James has?
I’d forgotten to read The Bane Chronicles, but The Midnight Heir shows so much potential for dark!James.
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Think of how much more he could have been than just a boring good-looking man. Think of what he would be like if he was more like Edmund than like Will, more like Belial than like Tessa. Think of James if he’d been more like a Prince of Hell.
Maybe it doesn’t show at first. Maybe it comes on slowly, as he grows older and learns what the world is like. Maybe Tessa and Will didn’t know, but slowly, they started to have a sinking realization of what was happening, and they both denied it at first, but they knew they would have to confront this one day. Maybe James and Grace as she is in The Midnight Heir team together running through the world, wild and laughing, lights blurring past them as nothing exists for them but each other and the sound of their own laughter.
Maybe, instead of being snippets from a Batman comic from Commissioner Gordon’s perspective, these are Tessa Gray’s thoughts:
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