#what is ecstasy
forensicfield · 2 years
Ecstasy/MDMA-A Synthetic Drug
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deep-space-lines · 2 months
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in case anyone was wondering where I disappeared to for the past few days, i've been going insane again. fun fact staring at stained glass windows for hours on end will not turn you catholic (source: i stared at so many stained glass windows to make this bc i really wanted to go for a realistic church window sort of vibe)
tumblr is a coward and won't let me upload the full size images so you can look at them and zoom in to your heart's content (please look at them. please) [1] [2]
Prints of this are available on my Society6 (both versions cuz I'm indecisive) (it may take a little while for them to actually appear on the site)
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Timelapse under the cut!
my favorite part of this is when I'm trying to get the pose down and I keep flipping the canvas and it looks like they're doing a silly little dance :)
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wormbussy · 1 year
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chronicowboy · 8 months
i am a dark red liver stretched out on the rocks, all the poison, i convert it and i turn it to love, here comes the feminine urge, i know it so well, to nurture the wounds my mother held
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mirrorhouse · 2 months
what are we gonna do when one of the episode titles in a future season is a line from the devil's minion chapter. what then
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cancerravenclaw · 7 months
“Do you trust me?” Sirius asked, batting his lashes.
Remus didn’t miss a beat. “Yes.”
Sirius untangled himself from Remus—a travesty—and fished for something in his pocket. Freeing a silver container with a clasp closure, he gave Remus a deviant smile.
The container popped open with a flick of that chipped nail. Inside were two little heart-shaped pills stamped with smiley-faces. They stared up at Remus with an Alice in Wonderland ambiguity and seemed to whisper eat me and follow me down the rabbit hole.
“Maybe you shouldn’t,” Sirius said casually, pinching one between his fingers. “What if I’m trying to drug you with a love potion?”
Remus laughed at the ridiculous thought that he’d need tricks to win him over. Hell, he was a lost cause the moment he had caught wind of Sirius in the room.
“I’d say that’s already been done.”
“Last chance to back out,” Sirius said with a challenging arch of his brow.
It was the picture Eve offering the bitten apple to Adam in fragmented images of flashing lights. Right there, in the electric dance floor of Eden, was all the goodness of sin between Sirius’ fingers—a pill that offered only the most righteous of risks.
In every universe Remus made this choice, and in every one, it was the same.
All in. Nothing but everything would ever be enough.
And even then.
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henchthem · 7 months
VERY interesting to me that like. v1 is blue/yellow much like gabriels wings in 6-2 phase 2 fight. what does it mean.
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jakesguitarsolo · 7 months
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so many impure thoughts
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wawamouse · 1 month
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how...how do you get...an entire mp3 player...stuck up...your own ass...
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jadewritesficshere · 20 days
Dream A Little Dream of Me
Steddie. Contains: wet dreams, arguments, makeouts. 18+only
Eddie groaned, hands running down someone's spine before grabbing their hips.
"You're so fucking perfect," He gasped out. The lewd sound of skin slapping skin filled the air intermingled with moans. "Harder," the person gasps, reaching a hand back. Eddie moves his hand to hold the hand of the person. He glances up to the face peering back at him, into Steve-
Eddie jolts awake with a gasp. His heart beats fast as he tries to catch his breath. His skin is soaked in sweat and realizes that his boxers are soaked with his own release. Which, what's more embarrassing, waking up after coming or having a wet dream about your best friend?
Eddie shakes his head to try and get rid of his thoughts. He runs a hand over his head pushing his hair back as he exhales. "Damn," Eddie mumbles," Just a dream." He slowly gets up to handle the situation in his boxers, unsure if he's disappointed that it wasn't real.
Eddie isn't a stranger to sexy dreams. He's, to put it plainly, horny. It isn't like he's had much experience, just the guy or girl who has sucked him off in the bathroom at the bar.
So- horny. Eddie knows that can fuel dreams. He once dreamt he was making out with the news anchor on the local news. He dreamt he fucked a fruit once, which almost tempted him to try it.
But point is, Eddie's had dreams like this before. He's been able to brush them off.
But this dream about Steve...
All Eddie can see now is Steve beneath him. Mouth around him. Eddie in him. Every position is running rampant in Eddie's brain.
He feels like everything Steve does now is obscene. The way Steve's muscles flex in his bicep as he puts movies away. The way he moves his hips as he shimmies dancing with Robin. The curl of his lip as he snarls and bitches about customers, just begging to have Eddie's own lips pressed against them. The curls of chest hair peeking out over his shirt, taunting Eddie to run a hand through it. The moles and freckles dancing across his skin, begging Eddie to trace them with his tongue.
Eddie thinks he's losing his mind. He also thinks Steve has to know, and is doing things on purpose just to drive him insane. What ever happened to squatting down to pick up something off the ground? Now Steve is just bending at the waist, ass pressed all up against those jeans, taunting him.
Eddie's emotions are everywhere. One minute he wants to confess his love like for Steve. The next he wants to throttle Steve for making him feel this way. One minute he's jerking off, gasping and moaning as euphoria hits. The next he feels insanely guilty for thinking about his best friend that way.
It gets worse when Steve notices.
Well, Eddie thinks he notices. Steve's eyes seem to stay on him a bit too long. Steve's hands grip his shoulder and squeeze too much. Eddie can't survive this torture. Those beautiful eyes peering into his own, Eddie knows one glimpse and Steve could see his entire being.
Eddie just has to ignore it. If he can ignore it, things can go back to normal. He can deal with it dwelling in the back of his mind. He has for years, ever since seeing Steve on the swimming team- which, great now he's remembering those short trunks on his muscular thighs and-
Eddie screams into a pillow, cursing a few times for added emphasis. Why does Steve have to be so hot? So good? So Steve. Eddie bites the pillow, glaring at the wall over the top of it. Just ignore it, push it back down. But as his cock hardens, he can't help his hand reaching down and thinking, just one more time.
"Okay, enough!" Steve glares, hands on his hips. Eddie has to try to restrain himself from looking at Steve's hips, his crotch. "What?" Eddie bites back, arms crossing.
Steve huffs and shakes his head," What is with this attitude? If you didn't want to hang out you didn't have to come over!"
Eddie's eyes narrow at the tone. Steve's voice has the same angry bitchy tone he uses when talking about the Worst Customers. Steve is using that voice talking about him.
"I don't have a fucking attitude princess! Maybe watch your damn tone." Eddie throws his hands up and leans back into the couch further. "My tone!? My tone!?" Steve barks out a laugh," What about yours?"
"I don't have a fucking tone!" Eddie glares. Okay, maybe he does. But how's a man supposed to act when their crush answered the door shirtless? Letting his eyes wander down his chest to his happy trail to-
"You've been a sarcastic little bitch all evening!" Steve steps forward, finger pointing against Eddie's chest," You're glaring, you're pouting, rolling your eyes. You're in a fucking mood, don't take it out on me! I didn't do anything!" With each word, Steve jabs his finger against Eddie's chest.
Eddie snatches Steve's wrist, emotions bubbling over as he yells," Yes, you did!"
Steve's eyes widen and his jaw drops slightly. The fire in his eyes dies out. "Oh," Steve pauses," I didn't..." Steve tries to remove his hand from Eddie's grasp, causing him to panic and tighten his hold.
"I'm sor-" "Fuck, Steve. I didn't mean it like that." Eddie sighs," You're just...you." "If this is the whole "it's not you it's me" speech I don't want to-" "You're beautiful."
Steve freezes at Eddie's words. Eddie can't help but continue," You're fucking gorgeous man. Your arms, your legs, you know your ass looks good. (Steve hums in agreement) A person who looks that good should have a terrible personality. But you don't! You're kind, protective, selfless. I could go on, I just, damn man. You're the total package and I can't stop thinking about you.
When I go to bed I'm thinking of you, when I wake up I imagine waking up next to you. Hell, even my dreams are full of you! So, yes, I do have a mood Steve. Because I know you could never be with a guy like me."
"Says who?"
Eddie freezes. That's...no, he must be suffering from some form of hearing loss cause there's no way-
"Says who?" Steve implores, hand on Eddie's jaw, lifting his face so Eddie's staring into Steve's. "Uh..." Eddie blinks a few times. His tongue darts out to wet his lips and he watches as Steve's eyes trace the movement.
Steve's eyes who, a minute ago had lost all fire, was alight with flames again. Steve's thumb lightly traces Eddie's lower lip, causing a shiver to go down his spine.
Eddie parts his lips, letting Steve's thumb rest against them. He hesitantly licks the tip, giving him a chance to pull away. But Steve doesn't, no, he pushes his thumb harder against Eddie's mouth, causing Eddie to open further.
Eddie wraps his mouth around Steve's finger and sucks lightly. "Fuck," Steve steps closer," You should have said something sooner. You're on my mind too Eddie."
Eddie's eyes flutter closed as his tongue circles Steve's thumb. He can feel himself start to harden against his already tight jeans. Steve pulls his thumb out of Eddie's mouth with a pop. Eddie starts to let out a whine when Steve straddles his lap.
Which- Eddie thinks he's dead. Because Steve hasn't even done anything except sit in his lap and he thinks he's in Heaven. Eddie's hands automatically grasp Steve's hips.
Steve shifts forward slightly, both men holding back moans as their bulges grind against each other. Steve wraps his arms around Eddie's neck, leaning forward.
Their noses brush before their lips touch. Eddie can't help but sigh. Steve's lips are as soft as he thought they'd be. Eddie hopes it's good for Steve, cursing himself for not putting chapstick on recently. All sense of time is lost as their lips move in tandem. It could be five seconds or five minutes of them kissing, and Eddie never wants it to end.
They break apart, panting as Steve helps Eddie take his shirt off. As soon as his arms are free, Eddie grabs Steve's ass, a nice handful. He can't wait to worship it later. Steve sheds his own shirt, leaning back to kiss Eddie.
Steve's chest hair rubs against Eddie's sparse own. Steve rubs his hands up and down Eddie's front, pausing a moment to roll one of Eddie's nipples. Eddie whimpers as pleasure licks down his spine.
Steve rolls his hips into Eddie's, causing him to gasp. Steve deepens the kiss, licking into his mouth without hesitation. With each movement of Steve's hips, his clothed cock hits Eddie's just right. Eddie can't hold back the moan that escapes him.
Steve pulls back, a wicked grin on his face. Eddie knows he must look a sight. He can feel his face is flushed, lips slightly swollen from kissing. His cock feels harder then a diamond. A wet spot formed on the inside of his boxers where precum has leaked.
Eddie recalls his dream. How Steve was splayed out in front of him. But as Steve goes to unbutton Eddie's pants, Eddie can't help but imagine he may have gotten it wrong. Maybe Eddie is the one who's gonna be laid out in front of Steve.
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cannibalpool · 7 days
Charlie rubbing cocaine on a homeless ex-preist's gums
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chaos0pikachu · 9 months
I've seen Woo Do-hwan in 3 different shows - Bloodhounds, Eternal Monarch, and My Country: New Age - and the only singular common thread any of those shows and his chars have is he is THEE BABYGIRL and shoulda been pinned down and rawed by SOMEBODY
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emrynbird · 14 days
probably gonna hit 20k words this weekend with "angel" romance which has me realizing I should start calling this thing a novel....not a novella...because she will likely be closer to 45-50K instead of my estimate of ~35K
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itsscottiesstark · 1 year
Okay but if season 3 doesn't include Crowley drunk in love singing "I was born to love you" by Queen to Aziraphale WHAT EVEN IS THE POINT
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chronicowboy · 8 months
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