#what is a humble architect to a reknowned trailblazer (he does not see his own growing fame)
minban · 3 months
❝ You were my new dream. ❞ [ eden to hsr!kaveh ! ]
@lunaetis / the yearning, the devotion.
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words said with such genuinity brings shock to his face, eyes widening a fraction more, pausing in his actions as if he were struck still by static. kaveh would not believe that he is worthy of such a confession, utterance that can be taken as praise for the person that he is, or may have been seen as. who is he to become someone's dream when he is simply a mere architect drifting through the limitless expanse of space, wandering wherever the pull of gravity takes him. the label of genius has long been gone as he has left his homeworld, stepping away from the title as if he were freeing himself of shackles that once bounded him. maybe the title had really been a weight that held him down, a station he found that he had to live up to unless he were to be seen as a disappointment.
in space, he had started anew, not a credit to his name as he had first started this journey in search of himself, launching straight into the vast unknown, the thrill of being left in the dark all so new to him, invigorating in it's own right. the astral express had been one stop of many, one that he had found to be so welcoming and homely that he did not want to leave. and upon meeting eden, he could not help but to think how brightly she shined. where eden stepped, she brought a special kind of light with her, enveloping the room around her in warmth and laughter, the merry sound chiming softly with her every move. kaveh saw eden as a brightly lit star, a guiding light to follow and yet still so unreachable. they had become fast friends, a feat that kaveh knows is so easy for eden for she makes friends whenever she goes, leaving her name to be whispered among the stars, and he has enjoyed her company in anyway that she bestows upon him. he seeks her out sometimes, when his mind is straying and all he needs is a simple distraction to bring a smile to his face.
so it is in kaveh's own belief that he has the right to be taken off guard when she offers words that he could easily throw right back at her, taking her bat and swinging the meaning in a perfect turnaround. he doesn't of course, not in the literal sense at least. "i don't quite know what to say," honesty bleeds in his voice, the lingering effects of his shock still remaining. "not when you are the person most akin to a dream, a person anyone would feel honored to fight alongside. you are the perfect representation of the trailblaze, forging your own path and compelling both friends and strangers to follow behind you as if it were not a question but a tempting offer meant to entice a new journey."
kaveh breathes slowly, adverting his gaze in an attempt to gather the many emotions he wishes to convey to eden. she is so bright, so warm, surely she must know that? she is like the sun, and he, a simple sunflower, turning when she turns, following the rays of light in the path she leaves behind. he turns to her then, searching for any indication that she may want to take back what she has said, perhaps learning of his many faults in the small time between. kaveh finds that eden looks at him with warmth, and of course she does, she spreads and shares her kindness in every corner of the stars she reaches, and kaveh finds that he cannot refute her. "my apologies, i do not mean to brush aside your statement. i find it rather heartwarming that you see me in that way," kaveh is a little bashful as he continues, "it means a lot when coming from someone who i look up to. i... hope you know that i see you in the same light."
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