#what in the wprld
silly-rosemary · 2 years
As you can see, I am not dead, but i reached my post limit a few hours ago
Bob, it's 11 in the morning (cst), Tommyinnit made a tumblr, and now you've reached your post limit, what kind of weird ass fever dream am I in
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readingslime · 1 year
I hope alecto the ninth is written from the perspective of pyrrha dve
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butchviking · 1 year
how are there even still people out there who dont believe in mcr5. or who are even torn or conflicted at all about if its going to happen or not. i know its scary to believe sometimes and i truly mean this in the kindest gentlest possible way anyone could ever say these words but are you stupid. im sorry i really am but are you stupid?
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emarezi-backup · 2 years
im so fucking ghdhdgsgsg i forgot to bring adocumwnt to the post office now i have to come back here next week becaus ethey have the worst opening times im going to fucking eat someone
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niceinchnails · 4 months
Was scrolling through futurama tag and came across this stupid fuck ad that made me cough up obscene amounts of phlegm like in what wprld would anyone want to buy this
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spongebob nike coffee toy story jake the dog bender futurama beer drinks pikachu socks animals lgbt food mug iphone iphonecase caseforsale phone phonecase totebag vegan yoga veganisme music louisvouitton zara supreme obey h&m
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brrbrina · 1 year
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pairing: joe burrow x oc
warnings: angst!
a/n : sorry it took me so long to write this one, i had the worst writers block, we only have one chapter left, feedback and support is always well received 😊
"All i´m asking you is to be honest for one time in forever, is it really that hard to do?" Aria said with a knot in her throat, she wasn´t completly sure how she ended up in Joe´s place, the same place she once called her home, but there is always something inside her that drags her anywhere near him.
She was looking for a bank receipt of the payment she made when she finally paid off her college debt, she was sure she packed it when she moved to her own apartment, but she couldn´t find it and she thought that it could be at her ex boyfriends house, so she drove all the way there feeling numb.
Parking in the driveway she saw Joe´s car and took a deep breath, still not sure of how he would look at her after the nigth they broke things off. After knocking on the door, a tall blue eyed blonde perked while he opned it.
"Aria... what are you doing here, is everything ok?" He said scratching his head and looking at her not sure on how to approach her.
"Yes, everything is fine, I don´t know where my college payment recepit is and i´ve looked everywhere at home and i couldn´t find it, i thought maybe it was still here in one of your folders" she said looking at him as he looked surprise.
"Yeah sure, um, you can check in the closet maybe it's up there on a blue box, go ahead" He said leading her upstairs to the bedroom they once shared, to Aria´s surprise he still had a lot of things she helped him bought when they moved in together.
Making her way to the closet she realized it was a huge closet, they never really payed attention to that since it was always full, grabing a little stair she always kept there so she could reach above the shelfs, she put the box on the floor and start looking, there were a lot of things there and she didn´t knew where to begin.
Clearing his throat Joe spoke "So...how's your mom and dad,?" Aria turned her head looking at him confused, "Uhm, they´re okay, thanks for asking" she said as she looked back not finding the stupid paper.
"So...""You really don´t have to do small talk, it´s okay it´s not akward" Aria said closing the box after not finding it, resining herself to just go to the bank and pray they could give them a copy.
"It´s okay you can leave it on the floor i´ll put it back up later I was about to..." his phone rang, not allowing him to finish his sentence. "Hi babe, no i´m not busy, what´s up?" He said walking out of the room and Aria was feeling the same way the night they broke up again, and then it hit her, Joe wasn´t in love with her anymore, there was someone else in his life, sleeping on the same bed she used to lay her head and dancing in the kitchen at night, someone wearing his jearsey to his games and kissing him goodnight.
The hard thing about love, in any form it may present to you, if someones falls out of if or they stop loving you, there´s nothing you can do, there´s is nothing in the wprld that could make them want you again, love fades, it just doesn´t disappear overnight, and the heartbroken part of it, is that no matter how much love you have for the other person, the best thing you can do is accept things and move one, no matter how lonesome it migth feel, and how long you would take to put the pieces they broke together again.
Making her way downstairs Joe stopped her “Aria, I know i was an ass by the way I ended things with you, I know no amount of apologies will fix it but I really hope we can stay friends or at least in touch, I owe you al lot and you help me achieve my dreams” Joe stated and Aria had watery eyes looking at him, and that was the first time he felt a little piece of him break inside.
“When did you start seeing her, was it when we were still together, sleeping in the same bed?” Aria said
“What? Aria what are you talking about” Joe said trying to look confused
“All i´m asking you is to be honest for one time in forever, is it really that hard to do?" Aria said with a knot in her throat, “Were you thinking of her when you had your hands around my waist?”
“Did you even gave a fuck about our relationship?” She said looking at him almost crying.
“Of course I did, I told you that multiple times, I didn’t even… I couldn’t” Joe couldn’t find the words to tell her the truth, he wasn’t seeing Ellie when she was still with Aria, and after the breakup he didn’t want to meet anyone but he did, and he feel in love again.
She looked at him as he was struggling to talk, but she couldn’t stand there and watch him try to come up with something, it was too painful and she didn’t want to be there anymore.
Making her way to the door Joe grabbed her arm and hugged her, she didn’t moved, there wasn’t a single thought running across her mind. “I’m really sorry things didn’t work out with us” Joe said mumbling to her hair.
He let her go, and she made her way to the car, she drove home and hope she wouldn’t feel this way forever.
It was around 11:00 pm when she started crying, but it wasn’t a cry because he missed him, it was a crying because he broke her heart worse than anybody had ever done, everyone left, if she fell in love with all her problems will they leave her too?
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your-queer-dad · 4 months
My dad may take me to pride this sunday, and I'm very nervous about it. Idrk what happens but I'm confident, but still very anxious. This would be thw queerest thing I did to the outside irl wprld in my life. I'm a bit scared but also excited. :D
Hey kiddo!! Congrats, I hope everything goes okay!!!! Pride is awesome but I get that it can be a little daunting the first time. I'm so proud of you for going even though it's daunting and I hope you have fun!!!!
- dad x
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anarchotolkienist · 5 months
What would be your ideal Tolkien-inspired game?
Since I assume we're talking about video games here (and not One Ring 2nd e, which I honestly think is pretty close to the platonic ideal of a Lord of the Rings TTRPG, or war of the ring, a really really good boardgame), what will mostly be needed is an understanding of the themes of the books and of Arda for any game that engages with the wprld in a fairly direct, non-abstracted way (think something like the old War in the North action-RPG, to pick an example that was Alright if you can stand action-RPGs, or to pick the sort of platonic ideal for the worst thing to do with Arda, those fucking mind control ghost ranger in Nûrnen games whatever they're called), which I honestly don't really trust games as a medium, as immature as the artform still is, to be able to handle. But I'd like to see more artful interpretations of little-known parts, and I think that some sort of minimalistic thing that doesn't care too much about being all actiony and game-y, that doesn't have a large budget and so doesn't need to appeal much to the film crowd and that focuses on existing in world and experiencing some part of it - something a bit like Year's Walk maybe, but set in Beleriand before the fall, or in the North of the Third Age, or before the Fall of Arnor (maybe during the reign of Arvedui) - somewhere we haven't really seen in other media but we still have enough information about to be able to recognise and to see the richness of, and that takes like five hours to complete.
The main thing I don't want is what has been happening, which is triple-A action games set in Middle Earth, they have been universally awful.
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nikiyumyum · 1 year
i hate being an only child nobody will ever get me or even want to try to get me and it SUCKS !!
I HATE sharing my stuff w other people i hate it why can't it just be mine mine mine fuckkkk it's mine my stuff is mine. i don't need your stuff so domt touch my stuff why is it so hard for people to understand
i hate bringing it up tho bcs ofc they'll be like oh yuore a only chind yr a spoilt brat you never share you're entitled you're the main character in your wprld SO WHAT ! I DONT CARE
i wish everyone would jus keep their shit together and not expect me to be a fucking sharer all the fucking time bcs NO I CANT DO IT I CANT I WAMT TO BUT I CANT I TRIED MY BEST I SYILL CANT
I was raised to keep my things for myself it's not fucking easy i had nobody to share my things with or nobody to share my thoughts and emotions with I CANT JUST TALK ABT THIS SHIT TO SOMEONE WHEN I HAV AN ISSUE W THEM I FUCKING CANT STFU "just tell them" NO I CANT
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lodish · 5 months
WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPY BIRTHDAY NINISANTOL 💥💥💥💥🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 ihope your day was filled with endless delights & that more are sure to come your way. sending yoh all the love in the wprld and more. 🌱💙🍀🌊🥬🍃🌎 <- lodish emojis
THANK U ATE NIKA 😭😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 my day WAS wonderful i had so much fun and of course there is always something much beauty in this world…. thank you for lodish emojis. they are the harmony of the natural world, the sky and the grass…
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wellnesscard · 1 year
bro....... just blew my nose and my snot is bright green what kinda fuckin cartoon wprld........
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the-arcade-doctor · 1 year
For me you are very lovely and i care you, you signed an invicible contract that you are the cutest in the wprld when you said yes to that date
[ huh. wait, invisible contract? since when-? what’s the fine print? ]
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noro-noro-noro · 2 years
some dreams! 1. my sister takes too long to mess with her car so i went off to go die in the desert. 2. ship’s going down 2.5. escaped the sinking ship only to get stuck in the most gentrified city 3. i almost die in the desert again
1. something about my sister & i getting a new car. I was outside of my work even though the location was completely different & it was sunny with yellow bricks and magnolia trees casting a lot of shade & i didn't want to wait on my sister to wait on her two guys to finish ?? with the car, I wanted to walk downtown and get a tasty snack. I started walking. the downtown was gone, & it became sandy and hot and dry with barely any shade, but at least the sun was going down. I don't remember how long I walked for, probably the rest of the night at least. the sun was starting to come back up. there was a dune in front of me that was still shaded from the light and had some scrubby grass and trees. i was tired, and my feet were leaving blood in every footprint. so I lay down and died. and then I woke up.
2. i typed this one up after dream 2.5, but i remembered that time-wise this actually came before it.
 anyway we were searching for smth - sailing on a river through the desert. other people were also searching. my sister was there. we travelled in a huge ship & there were plot relevant things happening in the belly of it & I was there, but I don't remember those. then something went wrong & we had to evacuate into packed and crowded little rafts, some of which were sinking from overfull. there was this kid with black hair and big eyes that didn't speak well but he was like the key to this whole operation somehow? I could tell. but my sister and I jumped down but the guy evacuating stopped the kid from coming with me bc there was no more space on the raft, but the main boat looked awful. I didn't know if there Were any more rafts. so I beckoned to the kid and grabbed him when he landed in the water & held onto his hands no matter what.
we made it to this little cove area - some natural cave under a gentle and small waterfall, & the thing we were looking for had people there already, our enemies, with their trucks and helicopters and machines.
wait. I just remembered this came before the second dream, actually, because the neighborhood built on the rest of the cliff was that city. that's how we got there. we walked along to try and figure out how to get into the backyard against the trees and cliff where the thing we really needed was, but we'd gone too far away and ended up in the samey neighborhood. if I wasn't on mobile I'd format this better.
2.5 travelling with a group of people. done remember our destination or our goal but we went too far from the beach ended up in some kind of weird cyber brainwashed city. super gentrification mode. every house was the same. every family was the same. the house interiors were so small. I walked past this family that had a door open and their 2 year old was sternly being forced to help dry dishes and clothes standing on a conveyor belt that pulled the dishes around and around through a hot area but she was 2! she was knocking everything onto the ground and couldn't reach the hangers! and her dad was yelling at her. and what if she went through the machine on the conveyor??? she'd get really badly hurt if not die, so I walked into the house & told him & his wife off for being a huge bitch and the little kid saw me & started laughing cheerful, prob bc I wasn't wearing the same thing white clothes everyone else in the city was wearing. she followed me outside without me realizing, & we'd turned right across the street into some community center type area according to the map. it sucked. no better way to phrase it.
when we told the gray and pallid citizens about the things we remembered from our world, about things that were actually fun and detailed, the outside wprld would change a little - I think the city was constructed given the thoughts of its denizens so once they knew a liytle more, maybe they could have flowering bushes outside, or restaurants with real food, & etc etc. but we also found if we told them too much they'd put their hands on their heads scream in pain and lose all definition on their body until they were like paper cut silhouettes. and I was trying to go in moderation but my party members kept talking until several people were doing this, and the outside rippled and there were sirens & I was like ah shit. fuck. we need to go.
the lady appeared. she had blond hair that wenr to mid back and she was wearing like a navy blue zip up thing, like what do you call the shirt pants combos that mechanics wear & stuff? anyway it was that. and her eye color was like white, or super light gray with a blue ring around the iris. the me from the dream had blond hair exactly that length and blue eyes too. anyway she was talking to us all friendly, but she was so scary. I don't know if she was a creature of the city like a white blood cell or if she was a person with ulterior motives for keeping the citizens compliant and stupid which would then put the city under her control. I think the second option. anyway I don't remember what she did to everyone else, but they were gone. they ceased to exist entirely, or were splatterd to bits, or..?idk. their death existed, but I also felt that I could get them back somehow? I don't know. it was just me & this other guy left, and we were trying to run away and escape. the guy had some kind of useful movement skill but no matter where we went, the lady was there, or some army of robot police drones or something. eventually he grabbed me & blasted me THROUGH a building that was in the process of changing to smth else and he was captured/killed, but I came out the other side of the building coated in the cells that change you into something else, & looked completely different. I had short brown hair & brown eyes, & a completely different outfit. and I had forgotten everyone at least consciously.
the robot cop lady seemed to leave me alone when I was on the street, and I felt relief at that, and I also didn't know why. then there was some other girl approaching me who kind of looked like the Susan from monsters vs aliens but blond & was like hi citizen - sorry. it's my first day here & I can't find out where I'm supposed to go, can you help me? & my brain clicked and whirred or whatever & eventually came out with "it's my first day too, let's go together." except this girl was a robot designed to test me since the lady was suspicious of me. I was unaware of this. anyway after that we ended up getting a house with 2 other roommates, this older married couple. there was smth about the base color of your mind determining some kind of transformation - depending on what category you were if you were too agitated you'd...turn into some kind of spiked animal, or become green, or something. idk. the real me still existed in the dream realm & was eroding at the mental blocks in my brain that were thrown up for safety, but it was also working on the robot while she slept, so both of us were kind of on the same side? & also we would sleep talk and glow blue from inside. a soul from outside that remembered (???) would always erode the box it was in. <- this was spoken in voice over.
the perspective focused on the couple we lived with briefly - the husband used to be way more kind and loving, but the robocop lady got in his head or something & made him cold. his wife was fully devoted to him but she wasn't happy - she missed how things used to be, but loved him so much she'd never leave him. anyway from my blue glowing brain I went into his memory & it was the day of his mom's funeral but he was on a date with the girl of his dreams (his wife) & he was so so so happy and couldn't stop smiling despite the situation. i woke up at this point.
the actual real dream 3:
similar start to dream 2. in the desert along the river after nearly having drowned. it was almost over. I'd made it back but was considered a traitor? idk. nothing bad would happen, no puniseny except shame, and they wouldn't listen. I stole a small stealth plane and tried to leave, but as always with flying in dreams, it doesn't last long. there was someone else from the opposing side also trying to make an escape. the planes crashed eventually and while we escaped unharmed they did like. completely dissolve. and I was in the desert and he was in the desert and neither of us acknowledged the other and turned around and walked in opposite directions. anyway the desert sucked. it was hot and dry and the sand in the wind stung like nobody's business. it was sweaty. I was soaked through. i remembered dying in the desert before - just lie down. it’s as easy as falling asleep. & thought about doing it again as a hard reset. but somehow I'd gotten turned around bc there was that fucking guy again, walking doggedly up a dune that had some sparse vegetation on it. I was crouching in the meager shade of some one tree & made eye contact with him, & we both looked so pathetic that I just had to ask him if he had any water. which he did not.
at the top of the dune was an air conditioned picnic shelter. it has several pots of plants. there were 8 or 9 white people in there rthat all new each other. they were busy eating the grayest meal I'd ever seen in my life. even the water was gray. we stood under the shelter for a little while while they ignored us, until the other guy said "today's the 1204th day since my dad died. I'm heartbroken. would you be willing to share your meal for our sorrows" & they all started for a minute, but a guy scooted over to make space at the table for us. I drank some of the dark gray water while the other guy awkwardly made conversation about the plants, all of which were growing out f broken pots. the only girl at the table was concernedly offering a plant to him, & he did need a plant, but there were none he could transport on the plane, since he was headed back to NY in a few days. and that's all I woke up bc the CDC was calling me about some survey
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good morning
I never slept watch me trying to figure this character tf out+the few doodles I liked of this run at it
angry clown man I designed off a wig I butchered a long time ago+an old shirt my mother owned in the 80s->it's stretchy and scrunchy with a weird ass collar[the brand name shown in Pic 3 i made up btw]+my jeans and pentagram belt
->gave him platform combat boots for now but I think he had blue heeled boots b4 so I'll just say the combat boots are what he wears to work
noticing I've developed some facial blindness? I see him but he doesn't come out right...
tried using references for poses from stock images that didn't help
I'll just keep working at trying to see him clearer
and also together rather than as parts [one of these I tried assembling like a paper doll]
you'll notice references to bowie lyrics, it's cause I was listening to bowie and wrote down the ones that I was either listening to or that I thought were applicable to his character
once I figure him out I'll post him, and a few others to artfight later today->I keep forgetting stuff
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while he is still an issue, I did a lot of wprld building, maybe he gets a comic? I have another one in my back pocket but this is forefront rn, we'll see who wins Sprucely or This GuyTM
other part the makeup is a look I did and decided belongs to him->this is how most of my clown characters work and if I haven't I will from boredom
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cheezyfucc · 10 months
why the hell do i get a warning if i dont put tags in a post . what is this dystopian wprld. maybe i dont want more people to see my posts . did you ever think about tjat, tumblr dot com ? did you ever think about that ?????????????? what rhe hell why do my question marks liok like that
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oplopy1234 · 1 year
what if the wprld were a cigarette, . and the world: Were a Frenchman
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