#what if they reunited again right when Megatron was dying???
kusakichan15 · 1 year
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MegOp Week 2023 Day 6 Prompts: “Atonement & Blood” 😔💔
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melishade · 6 months
Attack on Prime: Beloved Timeline Pilot
Hello everyone! We are back on the pilot, and as promised based on this poll, the Beloved Timeline won out: which is basically what if Elita-1 survived this one-shot, that I wrote way back in 2013-14. The only reason this scenario even exists is because I was curious about it myself and I wrote a female character dying for a male's development and that's something I shouldn't have done in hindsight. So this is like a fix-it! The Beloved Timeline is also on the masterlist on my account. It's pinned right up at the top. Also I wasn't expecting this one to win the poll, I was expecting the Dark Timeline to win. Anyway! This does take place during the Next to Me OVA in the AOP story. So if you want context, read that, or read my fanfic Attack on Prime. Either works!
Summary: She was supposed to be dead. That was supposed the end of her story. She was killed in the line of duty protecting her home from Megatron and the Decepticons. She had died in her leader and her lover's arms. But fate appeared to have other plans for her, as she is guided to a world full of man-eating monsters and reunited with Optimus Prime someone that she had lost hope in ever seeing again.
Elita felt searing, white, pain coming from her backside. It was strange. She was expecting it to come from her front. She was expecting it to come from Megatron, the one who had her in a chokehold and was taunting Optimus about it. But it came from the back. Who...who would stab her from behind?
Elita felt Megatron's servo let her go and she fell to the ground. She tried to stand upright. She could see the blade sticking out of her stomach, and tried to reach for it, but she fell backwards, right into Optimus' arms. He pulled the blade out of her, but she was certain that only made her situation worse. She was losing consciousness, her systems were screaming at her and warning her of her system failure. But...she needed to tell him. If this was her last moments, then she needed to tell him. She remembered reaching out to him, kissing him, telling him she loved him,
And then everything went dark.
Elita gasped as she woke up, immediately shooting up from the berth and pulling out her blaster. The other Cybertronians in the room quickly backed away in shock, raising their servos in surrender.
"Where am I?! Who are you?!" Elita demanded.
"Whoa!" the male Cybertronian screamed.
"Oh for Primus sake, don't kill us!" the other begged as they covered their helm with their arms.
Elita saw the door open and quickly fired at who entered the room, but the female Cybertronian quickly ducked with ease, unbothered by her attack. Another male quickly rushed to the female's side, but she reassured him that she was fine.
"I told you we shouldn't have helped her!" the male declared.
"Commander Elita is just in shock, that is all," she reassured as she reached behind her back. Elita was stunned when she pulled out her sword, and it looked so brand new. She handled it with care before walking up to her.
"I am glad to see that you are alive and well," she declared, "I wasn't sure if you would have made it."
"Who are you?" Elita demanded.
"My designation is Nightslinger," she introduced herself, "These are my allies: Halfglitch, Flux, and Wrangle. Comet and Thunderpoint are flying the ship."
"Ship?" Elita questioned, "Where are we going?! We're supposed to be on Cybetron!"
Elita didn't like the way that all their expressions had turned sullen.
"Elita, much has happened since you've been in stasis," Nightslinger began.
Elita didn't like the sound of that as Nightslinger pulled up a chair and sat down at the end of the berth. She took a deep breath and explained all that they knew. The longer the explanation went on, the more Elita's faceplates morphed into horror. Cybertron was dead. Their planet was dead, and everyone had to flee in order to survive. Megatron used something to poison the planet. New life couldn't be created. They were going to go extinct with time. What happened to the Autobots? What happened to Optimus? She was there with him before everything went dark? Was he even still alive?
"We know that this is a lot to take in," Nightslinger continued, "But for now, you need to rest and completely recover-!"
"Where are the other Autobots?" Elita demanded, "Where did they go?"
"We don't know," she answered, "The exodus left everyone in disarray."
"Well, that's unfortunate to know," Elita sighed as she moved her legs to the side of the berth, "Just direct me to the nearest escape pod or drop me off at the nearest Autobot signal and I'll be on my way."
"Is she insane?!" Flux demanded.
"What part of exodus don't you understand?!" Wrangle demanded, "The war is over! Our planet is dead!"
Halfglitch walked past Nightslinger and grabbed Elita by her shoulders before forcing her back against the berth.
"What are you doing?!" Elita demanded, "Let me go!"
"Elita, you have been in stasis for kilocycles," Nightslinger retorted, "We have been traveling for so long and keeping radio silent so we can survive. Additionally, you are still recovering from your wound."
As if on cue, Elita winced in pain before looking down to see her wounded side still healing.
"You need to stay, you need to rest, you need to heal," Nightslinger declared, "Once you do that, then we will discuss."
Elita didn't want to. She really didn't want to stay and be here on this ship. She needed to get back to the war, but if she got back to the war like this she wouldn't survive. "Fine. I'll stay for now."
"Thank you." Nightslinger placed Elita's sword at the edge of her berth, "We will get you some energon and continue to monitor your recovery."
Elita couldn't help but grumble in response before she willingly lied back down on the berth. She needed to get out of here and get back to her comrades. She needed to get back to Optimus.
She was forced to stay on that ship for who knows how long. Decacycles? Metacycles? Kilocycles? It frustrated her. The others were kind to her, and she was able to meet the pilots. They told her how they were able to find her in the first place, alive. A massive explosion happened on the battlefield that forced everyone to flee. The team was scavenging the area for parts, and they were going to take some of her parts, thinking that she was dead. But when her body kicked in on reflex to attack, they realized that she was alive but in stasis lock. Nightslinger was the one who decided to save her. And now she was here.
But no matter how long it took for her to recover. No matter how long it took for her to actually trust them, they still wouldn't help her locate the Autobots. They didn't want to get involved in the war. Not anymore. But...they wouldn't even help her. Or even let her leave for that matter! She needed to get back to the Autobots! They couldn't keep her prisoner! She had tried getting up from her berth and sneaking out in the past, but she was quickly stopped and told that she needed to rest and recover. It infuriated her! She was a commanding officer! Not a sparkling!
Elita had forced herself to stand up once more, her wound now completely healed. She was able to walk upright and do simple stretches to maintain her mobility. But she still wanted out. She walked over to the door to her room and opened it but was met with the sight of Nightslinger holding an energon cube.
"This is the third time this cycle," Nightslinger remarked. Elita grimaced in response.
"I need to leave Nightslinger. I am healed. You cannot keep me here forever," Elita declared.
"I can't give you an escape pod, and my crew want to remain out of this war," Nightslinger declared, "A few of us, including myself, are former Decepticons. If we drop you off with the Autobots, who knows what they will do to us if we are recognized. We are most likely blacklisted by Megatron and marked for death. Our best option is to run and not look back. Stay as far away from this war as long as possible and survive."
"That sounds like the cowards way out," Elita stated before pushing past the Cybertronian.
"Elita, the war is over! No one won! Everyone lost!" Nightslinger yelled at her.
"Do you really think that's what Megatron is going to believe?!" Elita demanded, "He has devolved into madness! He doesn't care about freeing Cybertron anymore! He only cares about power, and he'll destroy the universe to get it!"
"Why do you think I deserted in the first place?!" Nightslinger shot back, "The dream is dead! If this was the end result of our species, then maybe we deserved to be wiped out!"
"No! No, I refuse to believe that this is the end!" Elita declared, "And I know for a fact that Megatron won't stop until he gets all the power he wants and anyone who opposes him is dead!"
"We're not going to oppose him!" Nightslinger yelled, "I can't put my crew at risk to try and oppose him! None of us care about this war anymore! We just want to survive!"
"Well, I don't want to just survive! I want to live!" Elita declared, "And I won't let you stop me from doing that! Give me supplies! Give me an escape pod! Drop me off somewhere! I don't care! I will not leave my comrades behind! Not while I know they continue to fight and stop Megatron!"
Elita stepped forward. "You have your people. I need to go back to mine. No matter what."
Both Cybertronians seemed steadfast in their resolve, neither one backing down in what they believed, but...Nightslinger couldn't help but relent and sigh.
"I knew in the back of my processors that saving you was more trouble than it's worth," Nightslinger proclaimed, "You're still not fully recovered. Get some rest. We'll give you the minimum of supplies and send you off to the closest Autobot signal we can detect. Then we go our separate ways."
Elita couldn't help but feel both hope and relief. She had a chance to find the Autobots again. She had the chance to see Optimus again. She wasn't going to leave them behind. "Thank you."
She thought it was fine. She thought everything was going according to plan. She thought she would see the Autobots and Optimus again. The crew was nice to her. They were kind to her. How did it go so wrong?
As they came across a blue and green planet, the ship was attacked by a cloaked Decepticon warship. Elita used her skills to hold them off as they invaded the ship. She had managed to kill two of them with ease. But then...
Flux tackled Wrangle out of the way as blaster fire was shot near their helms. Elita peered out from the corner and fired more shots as the two scrambled to safety.
"Flux, Wrangle, run!" Nightslinger ordered them as she and Halfglitch were firing at the enemy.
"Comet is still piloting the ship!" Wrangle retorted, "We have to go back for him! We already lost Thunderpoint!"
"Nightslinger!" Elita pleaded.
"Halfglitch, get Flux and Wrangle to safety now!" Nightslinger begged them.
"I'll go get Comet!" Elita jumped out from her hiding place and charged at the two Decepticons firing at her. She pulled out her sword and threw it at one of the Decepticons, stabbing them directly in the chassis. Elita then shot the other Decepticon that was distracted in the helm. Elita then grabbed her sword and dashed down the hall towards the main deck of the ship. She heard footsteps behind her and glanced back to see Nightslinger right behind her. They both made it to the door and Nightslinger punched the keypad to open it. They both gasped, seeing Comet on his last breath, trying to pilot the ship away from the Decepticons. They saw two dead bodies on the floor. One of them was Thunderpoint, and the other was a Decepticon.
"Comet, you need medical attention!" Nightslinger ran to Comet's side and programmed the ship to be on autopilot.
"Slinger, the 'Cons," Comet slurred.
"We need to go to the pods! Now!" Nightslinger ordered Elita as she carried Comet in her arms.
"The Decepticons will still be after us!" We need to kill them here and now!" Elita retorted.
"We need to run-!" Nightslinger and Elita jolted when the ship shook at the sound of an explosion. Elita quickly pulled up the screens on the ship and saw that the engine was damaged. They were spinning out and heading towards the planet below. Nightslinger heard screams of fear followed by screams of anguish, followed...by the sounds of...drilling.
"Flux?!" Nightslinger called out, "Wrangle?!"
Elita examined the monitors further and gasped in horror when she saw the insides of the hallway being swarmed with scraplets. "We need to get out of the ships! Scraplet infestation!"
"My comrades!" Nightslinger cried out.
"Nightslinger! We have to go!" Elita yelled at her as the outside of the ship caught on fire from the pull of the planet's gravity. All three yelled when the wall of the ship suddenly ripped open, exposing them to the blue sky of this world. Nightslinger quickly grabbed onto the chair of the ship, but Elita found herself struggling to latch onto something. She managed to grab an exposed cable and held onto it as tight as she could. Debris flew out of the ship, nearly hitting her face and knocking her out of the sky. Elita turned her attention to the door and gasped when the scraplets chewed through it before going after Nightslinger. Elita fired at as many as she could, but they already started to devour Nightslinger who tried desperately to shield Comet with her body.
"No!" Elita screamed. A few of the scraplets flew towards her and she tried to defend, but one of them chewed the cable that attached her to the ship. Elita could barely register what was happening as she started spinning out into the air as the ship fell below without her. Elita kept on falling down trying to figure out how she was going to survive. She saw the blue water below and curled herself into a ball before hitting the water hard and sinking below, the impact knocking her unconscious.
Elita bolted through the battlefield, decapitating Decepticons that were in her way. Her team was in danger. Chromia was in danger. She knows that she wasn't supposed to rush into enemy territory. She was defying Optimus' direct orders. But her team was in danger and they needed her. She couldn't leave them behind.
"Chromia!" Elita cried out. She had spotted her trying to protect another comrade, but said comrade was shot by a sniper. Chromia was devastated at the sight, but her optics were full of hope when she spotted Elita. She tried to run towards her, but she ignored her surroundings. Elita watched in horror as someone had slashed Chromia in the back. Her body fell to the ground in a heap, and Elita's expression turned from horror to rage. She screamed in fury as she fully went on the offensive, killing anyone that got in her way. She was only stopped when Megatron made an appearance, and she was exhausted from fighting.
Elita's optics snapped open when she felt the crushing weight of a liquid atop of her. She scrambled to her pedes and her optics darted around the bottom of some ravine. She could see these strange creatures swimming past her before turning her attention up to see the sun obscured by the liquid. She remembered what had happened and ran as fast as she could to the surface. She clawed her way through the vegetation and dirt until she broke free of the liquid she was in and crawled onto land. Her optics darted around the area, scanning for any signs of a wreckage. She spotted smoke clouds not too far from her and transformed into a hover car before speeding towards it. When she arrived and transformed back into her bipedal mode, she was mortified to see the ship destroyed and in flames.
"Nightslinger!" Elita bolted towards the wall of the ship. There had to be a way inside. She had to save them! She couldn't let anymore people die on her watch! She was ready to start pulling on the walls to get inside...but that's when she heard the screaming. She heard the screams of pain and agony followed by the familiar sounds of scraplets chewing through metal. Chewing through the flesh of those who saved her. Elita found her body trembling as she took a step back. And another. Elita snapped her head to her left when she heard the sounds of scraplets getting closer to her. They were getting closer. She didn't know what she could do. She was going to die. She...she didn't want to die.
In a moment of cowardice, in a moment of weakness, she did only one thing she could think of to save herself. She turned and ran in the opposite direction, away from the ship, and away from the ones who saved her.
She didn't know how long she was running. She didn't even know why she was running. She could've transformed and drove off. But she didn't. She ran like a sniveling coward! Elita yelped when she tripped over something and fell to the ground. Why in the Allspark wasn't she paying attention?! What in the Allspark was did she hit?! She had sat up to look behind her but froze in fear when she saw this massive organic body lying down on the ground. It had digits and pedes like her, but what was that pink, fleshy, armor?! It reminded her too much of a Voin! Elita pulled out her blaster when this beast slowly sat up. Elita saw how it's face was morphed into that of anguish. She waited for this thing to attack her, but...it just lumbered away, leaving her confused.
What...what just happened? What...what did she just do? She abandoned comrades! She left them to die! She should have died with them! Elita transformed her blaster back into her servo. She could see the way that they were shaking over her actions. She...
Elita couldn't help it but scream out into the sunset sky with grief.
Elita noticed how tired Optimus was when he was speaking to his followers. The way they looked up to him for guidance. For all the answers. But Optimus didn't have all the answers. Half of the time, he just looked so stressed. Other times, he could fake keeping it together. She wanted to comfort him right then and there, but they had a rule: when it came to the public. To the Autobots and Decepticons. To the war, they had to keep their relationship a secret from everyone else. Elita wasn't sure if it mattered. Megatron already knew, but they had come to an agreement that it was for safety.
But it didn't feel like it matter. War is war. And every day, she kept losing her comrades. No matter how hard she tried. Optimus lost people too, no matter how hard he tried to lead. And it was so difficult for them both.
"Optimus Prime," She had addressed him when the two of them were finally alone.
"Yes, Commander Elita," Optimus addressed her in a professional manner. Part of her hated it, but they had to keep up appearances.
"I wanted to ask about the Battle at the Sea of Rust," Elita began, "And the causalities we sustained."
Optimus' faceplates turned grim. "Reports are still coming in."
"....Optimus, it was not your fault," Elita insisted.
"Elita, I was in charge of the battle," Optimus reminded, "Those soldiers were my responsibility, and they are now gone because of me."
"Megatron dragged out this war for too long," Elita reminded, "It's no longer about equality with him. It is about power."
"Regardless of Megatron's motivation, those soldiers were under my command," Optimus reminded her, "...And I failed them."
The mood was somber. There was nothing else that could really be said. Elita couldn't even provide comfort for Optimus. She had lost people too based on her own decisions. Elita merely bowed quietly and left Optimus' office.
These creatures unnerved her. They lumbered around this green plain. They didn't speak to her. She tried communicating with them, but they ignored her and walked away. Why wouldn't they talk to her? She needed help! There had to be someone who could help her!
No one was going to help you. Not after what you did-! Elita quickly shut down the thought as she continued to investigate the area. That's when she came across it. A wall. A massive wall that extended across the green plains. She had noticed a few of the lumbering creatures trying to claw their way to the top of the wall. They wanted to get to something on the other side. But what was on the other side?
Elita walked along the side of the wall, ignoring the desperation that these creatures were displaying when trying to reach the top. It unnerved her. Elita then spotted a figure up at the top, causing her to stop in her step. She was too far away to see its faceplates. She wanted to speak to it, but it quickly disappeared from her sights.
Elita sighed in defeat. It probably would have been pointless anyway. Maybe she should investigate the rest of this place.
She drove around this place for a few days, investigating every nook and cranny of the land mass. When she reached the edge, she found herself surrounded by nothing but the blue liquid mass that she had crashed into. She couldn't travel very far. The farther she walked, the darker it got, and the more likely she was going to get lost in the darkness of this abyss. She tried to go farther and farther down for a week, but it began to hurt. She couldn't do it. And she couldn't risk going any further. Not without proper equipment, and not without the ability to acquire energon down there, and not without anyone to repair her.
If only she had saved the crew-! Shut up. She just wanted her thoughts to remain quiet. She stormed off in a huff, shaking the liquid off of her. But she could feel this stupid liquid in her joints. She did find a wall along the shoreline. It looked like a dock for ships, but no one was there. No one had come to the place and there was no one waiting there. She had no idea if it had been abandoned.
She found energon pockets, but she had no choice but to chew them. She couldn't have it refined and had to ingest it raw. It hurt her insides, but she had fuel in order to survive.
She had tried to go back and access the ship, but every time she stepped closer to it, she could hear the chomping and drilling of the scraplets and couldn't do it. She couldn't risk damaging her frame without anyone to repair her.
Nightslinger risked her life for-! Shut up! Elita stormed off away from the ship. She stopped in her tracks; however, when she felt something falling from the sky. She extended her servo to see droplet hit her servo. Then another. She looked up at the sky and gasped in fear when she realized it was raining! Acid rain! She needed to find shelter and fast! She transformed into her alt mode and drove as fast as she could across this last mass. Shelter! She needed shelter!
Elita managed to find a cave and jumped into it before transforming back into her bipedal mode. Elita tried her best to scrub the rain off of her arms, but stopped when she realized that it wasn't burning her armor away. It just felt cold. Elita watched the rain continue to hit the ground. The ground had turned wet and muddy, but nothing was burning away. She...she was safe. For now.
Elita sat down in the cave before curling her knees to her chassis. She decided that this would be her new place of shelter for now. The trees in front of the cave would provide her cover, and the cave would provide her shade.
She needed to find a way off this place. She needed to find a way back to the war. She needed to make amends for her failures.
"Megatron has become aware of your identity," Optimus declared.
Elita raised her helm at that in confusion. "I changed my name and got an upgrade. How in the Allspark..." Elita sighed in contempt, "Soundwave. Megatron will no doubt tell his followers."
"I do not believe Megatron would do so," Optimus proclaimed, "He is aware of your reputation. He would not make a blunder like that so easily."
"He could put a bounty over my helm," Elita reminded, "If that bounty holds, someone more dangerous can come after me...Does that mean we cannot be sparkbonded?"
"It is too much of a risk," Optimus explained, "I do not know how long this war will last, but if one of us-!"
"Don't say that," Elita ordered, "Don't speak that into existence."
"Elita, this is bigger than both of us. If one of us perishes, then...who knows what will happen to the other," Optimus sighed.
"I am afraid," Optimus confessed, "I do not....I cannot..."
Elita felt sorrow before she walked over and hugged Optimus tightly. The Prime responded in kind, placing a servo on the small of her back.
"...I am too," Elita confessed, "I do not know what to do."
"...I will do everything in my power to stay by your side," Optimus swore, "And we will make it out of this war alive."
"We will make it out of this war alive," Elita repeated like a mantra, "And we will be able to live freely."
She had tried returning to the wall one more time. Part of her wanted to go out and seek help. One more time. She had tried calling for them once, but no one answered. So she had left. She had tried again, but no one replied once more. She came back one more time, but this time, she was met with enemies. They had cannons on the ground, and the moment they spotted her, they fired at her. Elita was going to fight, but she ended up getting hit with one of them, right in the side where she was stabbed. It caused some unexpected pain, and she realized the problem. How much damage could she sustain before she received medical attention? How much longer would she be able to survive before death claimed her life? She had no choice. The wall was a threat to her life. She had to run.
The humans cheered as they saw the titan fleeing for its life. However, that cheer quickly turned to dread. Shouldn't the public be aware of this titan? They needed to tell the rest of the military.
"The titan won't return now," Rod spoke as he walked up to the concerned soldiers. "And there is no need to tell the public. Keep quiet about this, and I will grant each and every one of you access to the inner walls as MPs."
Elita stopped running as she slumped against a tree for support. She just wanted help, but they attacked her. Why did they attack her? She spotted one of those skinless creatures walking past her and realized why. They thought she was one of these creatures. They thought she was going to hurt them. No...no! She would never do that! Why would she do that?! She...she was good. Wasn't she?
You would have left them.
Elita wanted to show compassion. She really did. The Decepticons wanted to fight for a better society. They wanted to fight against their conditions and be treated with respect. But now they were...ruthless. Unforgiving. Were they always like this? They couldn't have been. Right?
She had tried to help a Decepticon trapped in the rubble. She had encountered him a few times before the war. He was polite. He was kind to her. She didn't want to see him die. She pulled onto the metal bars with her servos to free him. He had managed to crawl out of the rubble. Just as she was about to set it down, Elita screamed in pain when she was shot in the back, forcing her to let go of the rubble and writhe in pain. Elita looked back to see the Decepticon staring at her with such ruthlessness as he aimed his blaster at her. He was going to kill her. He was actually going to kill her!
Elita panicked and scrambled for the sword on the ground. She just saw it among the clutter and the rubble and took it. She threw it hard at his leg. He cried out in pain as he fell to the ground in agony. Elita yanked the sword out of the leg and stood over him. She was angry! She just tried to save him and he decided....he decided to! Elita raised the sword and managed to catch a brief glimpse of panic before she decapitated him. Elita could see the energon on her sword and gasped in horror at what she had done. By the Allspark what had she done?! She killed one of her own people!
"Elita!" Elita snapped her helm to Ori-Optimus running up to her. He looked just as frazzled as she was, and she could see his armor stained with energon. Optimus froze when Elita began to shed lubricant. The Prime looked down at the body and immediately understood.
"Elita, we must go," Optimus told her as he grabbed her servo.
"Optimus, I tried to help," Elita whimpered, "I did, I swear-!"
"I know." Elita gasped when she saw lubricant falling down Optimus' faceplates as he dragged her to safety. Once they were safe at the Autobot base, both had wept in each other's arms at what they had done.
She had remained in the northern section of the land mass. She knew that she needed to gain access to the ship. Over time, the weather had gotten colder. Something white had fallen from the sky and covered the land mass in a blanket of white. But when that happened, the scraplets on the ship had gotten quieter. She saw that as an opportunity. She climbed atop of the wreckage and shoved the cold white power away from the panels. She yanked them off and grabbed as many parts as she could. She tried to determine which one was valuable, and which one was not, but she feared the scraplets. As she tore items out, she ended up breaking a few bits of the ship. However, she froze when she heard the familiar pattern of the scraplets. She stumbled off the ship and hit the ground hard before grabbing what she could and running.
When she returned to the cave, she scrambled through what she managed to acquire and swore in fury. The metals and circuits of the panels were fried to a crisp because of the stupid crash and scraplets! She could see the slagging bite marks. Elita threw the metals in anger. What was she supposed to do with this worthless junk?! She needed to find a way off this rock but there was nothing! Nothing she could do! All she wanted was to get back to the war! Get back to Optimus! Make up for her error by killing Megatron herself!
Right...right! This was because of Megatron! This was all because of him! He had started this war, manipulated the populous, killed so many! Got her stranded here in the first place! Slag him! The selfish, arrogant, fragger! He killed Cybertron! He made their lives horrible! Slag it all!
Elita punched the wall of the cave with her servo, but it didn't help her anger. It just made her feel worse. Her own choices got her stranded here. She trusted him. She believed in Megatron. And now...
Not all of his choices led to this moment.
Ariel waited patiently with Alpha Trion and Ratchet. The librarian was kind enough to notify her that Orion and Megatronus were going to meet with the council to address the situation before them. She hoped. She prayed to Primus that it would lead to positive change. She didn't want a repeat of the Quintessions. That was too much of a strain on her psyche.
The three heard the doors opens, and Ratchet and Ariel were stunned to see everyone in a panic. The council room looked like it was in shambles. Windows were broken. Jazz was comforting a distraught Orion.
"What happened?!" Ratchet demanded.
"Well Megatron went completely ballistic after the council made Orion a Prime!" Jazz exclaimed in anger, before pointing upward. All three got a closer look, and Ratchet and Ariel were mortified to see the corpse of Halogen teetering over the edge of his seat, a hole was blown clean into his chest.
"Two other members of the council left with Megatron," Jazz continued, "It's war. Megatron has declared war."
"I knew that gladiator was corrupt from the start!" Ratchet hissed in anger.
"Ratchet, you weren't in the council room!" Jazz retorted.
"Well Megatron didn't denounce the terrorist attacks under his name!" Ratchet reminded.
Ariel kneeled down in front of Orion as the two continued arguing with one another. She placed a servo on his knee, causing him to look her in the optic.
"What happened?" Orion raised his helm to Ariel's voice, and Ariel hated how devastated he looked.
"I...I didn't mean to," Orion whimpered, "They gave me the title. I didn't deny it. I thought it would help. I never meant to hurt Megatron. Ariel...I made a horrible mistake."
"Ratchet, check Optimus' vitals for me," Alpha Trion requested the medic. Ratchet didn't need to be told twice as he helped Optimus to his pedes and guided him out of the council room. Ariel was prepared to follow, but Alpha Trion placed a servo on his shoulder.
"A word, Ariel," Alpha Trion said.
"I need to check if Orion is alright," Ariel insisted.
"Ariel, your situation is of importance as well," Alpha Trion insisted, "Optimus is now a Prime and will no doubt be appointed leader of the Autobots. Your identity is known to Megatron, and he may use it to attack Optimus. You must change your name and your frame in order for both you and Optimus to survive."
"Alpha Trion, that is such a drastic suggestion!" Ariel exclaimed.
"I have been around for a long time, and people like Megatron will do anything in their power to survive," Alpha Trion explained, "I do not want you to perish, and I do not want Optimus to lose you. Please do what I ask."
Ariel hesitated at what was practically a plea and sighed. "I will wait and see."
The first battle was one of heavy loss, Elita was only able to defend, but she lost friends. She complied with Alpha Trion's request and changed her identity.
The seasons changed. The white ice melted away and the vegetation bloomed. Then it got hot, exceedingly hot for her circuits. Then the vegetation turned brown, and parts of it fell to the ground, before the ice returned and covered the land. The cycle repeated itself, over and over, again. The animals lived, hid, and died through these cycles. Some by the weather, some by predators. But the creatures that lumbered around...did not eat, did not sleep, did not age, did not die like the others.
The cold made her circuits freeze. The earth made the paint of her armor erode. Her vibrant pink faded to an almost dull shade of gray. Her servos were filled with scuff marks and scratches. Her joints ached. She was tired. She had to ration energon. She had plenty, but...she wanted to make sure that she had enough for rescue. She tried to use the ship, but she couldn't with all the scraplets being active. If someone were to find her...it would be due to chance.
But she still persisted, even as the seasons changed and the years passed. She tried. She wanted to live, not just survive. She needed to get back to the War, the Autobots, Optimus. Even if their planet was gone, members of their species survived. They would come and find her. They had to. Optimus had to have known she was alive. One of the Autobots had to have known. She survived. She wanted to live again.
"Come, Ariel! Come on!" Orion opened the hatch to the roof of Iacon's Hall of Records and beckoned her to follow him outside.
"Do you tend to bring all of your courtships up here?" Ariel teased.
Orion was flustered at that. "Ariel-!"
"I tease." Ariel climbed through the hatch to get to the roof. Ariel gasped at the sight of the glowing city below her. She was certain she was seeing cities on the other side of the planet.
"It's beautiful," Ariel marveled at the sight.
"That is not what I wanted to show you." Orion placed a servo under her chin and guided her helm upward. She gasped at the sight of the starry, night sky above. The sight of the three moons were in full view and she could have sworn she saw a comet flying across the sky.
"I brought Megatronus up here once," Orion explained as he sat down on the roof, "I thought he deserved to see a sight like this. And I thought that you should see a sight like this for yourself."
"I'm flattered." Ariel sat down next to Orion, "Do you come up here often?"
"Very much so," Orion answered, "I don't have the same luxuries as you do because of your status, so I tend to find other methods of enjoyment. Stargazing is one of them."
"Well, the revolution that you've gotten yourself involved with seems to be making headway," Ariel spoke, "Megatronus is really making headway."
"He is, and so is his movement," Orion agreed, "I want a world were Cybertronians can coexist in peace."
"Peace is something that might not be easily obtained," Ariel reasoned, "I do hope you know what you are doing."
"I do," Orion reassured, "But let's not discuss politics right now. I've done quite a bit of that earlier today."
"I'm sorry," Ariel apologized, "I just want you safe."
"I know." Orion scooted closer to her before wrapping his arms around her, "Thank you for your concern."
Ariel couldn't help but sink into his embrace before kissing his servo. "Of course, beloved."
"Beloved? That's a new one," Orion teased.
Ariel giggled. "Well what can I say: you are my beloved."
Elita gasped awake when she felt a familiar, warm sensation on her servo. Her vision cleared, and she realized that she was on the ground, on her side, in the cave, stranded on this landmass on this unfamiliar world. Her servos curled into fists as her faceplates contorted into one of remorse.
This was a punishment, wasn't it? This was a punishment for being selfish, wasn't it? She wanted to return to the war, but...she wanted to return to Optimus. Was it selfish to want that? There were other Autobots with wants and desires and they were dead. Nightslinger's team was innocent, trying to survive, but they got dragged into her mess. Because she was being selfish. She thought of herself and not others in a war, and now...this was punishment.
She wanted to live. She wanted to return to the life that she had lost. But now, the only thing that she could do was survive. She had to survive...until...until...when? It didn't seem like she wouldn't be rescued.
She was going to die here. When? She wasn't sure, but...this seemed like a fitting fate for someone like her.
Time continued to pass. Years had passed. At least twenty years had passed. She could've sworn she heard thunder even though the sky was clear as day. More time passed, she heard the thunder again in a clear sky, and she felt the ground shake. She wasn't sure what was going on, but the sound came from the wall, and the wall saw her as an enemy.
One night. One lonely night. She was alerted to the sound of lightning near her cave. Someone was here.
Eren looked at the Prime dead in the eyes before he thought of something important. "I know that this might be a long shot, but… promise me this. You can show me the wonders of this world, but if there is any way for you to return home, take it. Whether I am dead or alive by the end of this conflict, once it is over, and you have the opportunity to go home, go home."
Optimus was stunned at Eren's request. "Eren-"
"I mean it!" Eren exclaimed as he stood on the Prime's shoulder, "You've fought long enough! You've suffered long enough! You deserve to live a life of contentment and peace. I'll be fine; my fate is already sealed. You deserve to be happy."
Optimus looked down at the titan shifter, hesitating at the idea. Could he really do that? Could he really commit a selfish act? And even if he did, there were so many in his life that were gone. There were so many he missed.
"No more wars. No more fighting," Eren proclaimed, "Promise me, please."
Optimus' mouth was pressed into a thin line and he closed his optics. "Alright, I promise you, that if I am given the opportunity to return home, I will do it."
Eren gave the Prime a relieved smile. "Thank you."
Optimus' gaze turned to the ground, and he noticed some tracks going into a foliage of trees. "Eren, there may be titans here. Can you transform?"
"Yes," Eren answered as Optimus offered his servo to him. Eren jumped into the servo and Optimus lowered him to the ground. Eren bit his hand and transformed into his titan form before Optimus handed him Megatron's shield.
"If you encounter something dangerous, call for me," Optimus ordered as Eren's adjusted the shield on his arm. Eren nodded in response as Optimus pulled out his blasters and the two split up. Eren went to the right while Optimus walked to the left. Eren stepped deeper and deeper into the trees when he noticed something in the distance. He slowly stepped closer to it and saw that he was in front of a cave. Eren noticed metal lingering outside of the cave and kneeled down to examine it. It looked like metal. Cybertronian metal. But it looked broken. Damage. Eren picked up one of them and noticed how it looked like strings. It was so odd. Why was this here? Wasn't this supposed to be on the ship Megatron found?
Wait...if this was supposed to be on the ship, then who brought it out here? The ship was miles away! How-!
Eren yelped as someone jumped onto his back and pulled on his hair hard. He could feel it beginning to rip off the scalp. Eren scrambled and grabbed whoever was on top of him before throwing them off of him. Eren saw the titan flip before skidding back to a stop to face him. Eren was stunned. Was this another Female Titan?! Wait...it was metal? That was metal! It was a metal titan! It was Cybertronian! It was a female Cybertronian!
"Shit!" Eren swore as she charged him. Eren held up Megatron's shield as she attacked relentlessly. Every slash connected with the shield as he tried his best to even counteract. Eren yelled in fear as she pulled out a blaster and fired. He quickly ducked his head but ended up falling on his back. Eren looked behind him to see the trunk of the tree having been destroyed and the tree falling over.
"FUCK!" Eren screamed as he saw the Cybertronian jump into the air, sword raised and ready to stab him in the chest. Eren rolled out of the way just in time as the sword rammed into the ground. Eren kicked her away from him, forcing her to let go of her sword and causing her to roll across the ground. Eren crawled backwards in fear as the Cybertronian crouched on all fours before sprinting towards him. Damn it! He's never really faced a Cybertronian before! Optimus always held back during training! And he never really fought Megatron! The bastard only threatened him! Now there was a war hardened titan trying to kill him!
She snatched her sword from the ground and jumped into the air. Eren tried to defend himself, but it was too late. The Cybertronian sliced off the hand that wasn't holding Megatron's shield.
"Oh...shit," Eren swore. He yelped when the Cybertronian grabbed the shield and jumped into the air, using the weight of her smaller body to hoist him into the air.
"Wait, Wait! WAIT!" Eren screamed.
"Optimus, I've taken care of the last of the titans," Megatron informed him through the comm. link, "I'm certain we've eliminated the titans on the island."
"Eren and I have discovered tracks in a location we missed," Optimus explained as he kneeled down to examine the tracks.
"Prime, I'm certain that the titan has already been eliminated," Megatron sighed in annoyance, "Let's just tell the mad scientist and get on with it."
Optimus ignored him as he placed his servo on the tracks. Optimus examined it closely and was stunned. These tracks were different. They...
"Megatron, these tracks do not have toes," Optimus informed him.
"What are you talking about? What in the Pits are toes?" Megatron demanded in frustration.
Optimus was on high alert when he was suddenly alerted to the sounds of a panicked roar. That sounded like Eren. Was Eren in danger? Was he ambushed by an abnormal titan? Optimus ran towards the source of the noise and saw the trees were rustling. Optimus had to jump out of the way as Eren's titan body was thrown through the trees and nearly hit him. Eren's back slammed into the ground. Hard.
"Eren!" Optimus ran to the titan shifter's side to examine him. Optimus paused when he noticed that Eren's arm, the arm not holding Megatron's shield, had been cut off. His arm was cut off by a blade. And it was a clean strike. Titans don't have that kind of ability, unless there was an unknown titan shifter on the island. Who attacked him?!
"Stand up!" Optimus ordered as he pulled Eren to his feet with his servos. Optimus could feel the steam rising from Eren's injuries but ignored it. It wasn't anything lethal. It would regenerate.
"Who attacked you?" Optimus demanded.
Eren's gaze fell to something that was in front of him. Optimus followed it to see someone stepping out of the forest. Optimus was surprised to see that it was a Cybertronian. Another Cybertronian was on this world? And they were alive? Were they from the neutral ship and survived outside the walls? The armor was rusted and the color had faded, looking like a dull shade of pink. The Cybertronian wiped their lips with the back of their left servo, and Optimus could see the jagged, tired expression on their face, in their optics. Their stance was slouched and exhausted, and there was a sword in their right servo-wait!
Optimus' optics locked onto the sword in their servo. He...remembered that sword. That...that belonged to her. Optimus examined the Cybertronian once more, taking in every detail of her frame. The dull pink used to shine so bright, and her optics were once full of kindness, but now it reflected nothing but pain. Was it her? Was it actually her?
Eren quickly regained his composure, ignoring Optimus' distress. He got into a fighting stance, placing the shield in front of him, ready to go on the defensive, but his movements alerted the Cybertronian to him. She sprinted towards him and fast. Eren wasn't sure if he could actually take the full force of her hit. Despite how much smaller she was than him, she really packed a punch. However, Eren didn't get the chance to find out, because Optimus pushed him out of the way of the Cybertronian's attack. Eren gasped in the nape when the Cybertronian ended up punching him in the abdomen. Eren could see the pain in Optimus' optics from the force of the punch. The Cybertronian ended up tackling Optimus across the green grass before they ended up rolling down a hill together.
"Optimus!" Eren yelled in the nape as he bolted after them. Eren looked down the hill to see that they were still tumbling down. Eren immediately slid down after them as they continued their tussle. Eren was about to attack once he reached the bottom, but he couldn't. The Cybertronian was ruthless. She had managed to pin Optimus to the ground and was ready to ram her sword into his chest, but Optimus quickly pulled out his blade and blocked the attack. However, the Cybertronian punched him in the face a few times before Optimus managed to knock the sword out of her servo. Eren yelped as the sword almost stabbed him in the leg. The Cybetronian then pulled out her blaster and aimed it at Optimus' helm, but Optimus quickly smacked her arm out of the way as she fired a few shots right above his helm. The Cybertronian tried again, but Optimus grabbed her blaster to redirect it once more.
That's when Eren realized it...Optimus wasn't fighting back. Optimus wasn't fighting back against this person on purpose. Why? Why wasn't he fighting back?! She was trying to kill him. The Cybertronian used her free servo to grab at Optimus' neck, but Optimus quickly grabbed her other arm.
"Elita!" Optimus managed to redirect her arm as she fired another shot at his helm, "Elita, wait!"
Elita? Was that her name? Well, she was relentless. She seethed at Optimus with contempt. She was clearly his enemy! Stop her!
"Elita, it is me!" Optimus redirected her arm to the sky as she fired into the air. However, she bit down hard on the servo that redirected her blaster. Optimus had to pull his servo back, but this allowed the Cybertronian to transform her blaster back into a servo and punch him once more.
Optimus didn't want to hurt her. He didn't want to hurt Elita. And even if it wasn't Elita, he didn't want to hurt a potential ally that could help the humans in the walls. Why didn't she recognize him?! How long had she been here?! What could she do to convince her to stand down?!
The femme smiled as she held out her servo and shook it. "Ariel is my designation."
"Ariel," Orion said under his breath.
"Ariel," Optimus whispered. She had kept that name a secret during the war, but now...
Elita yelled in fury as she was ready to punch this titan in the face once more. She needed to attack. She needed to defend. She needed to survive! She launched her fist downward. SURVIVE!
"ARIEL, STOP!" Elita's fist stopped just centimeters away from Optimus' face. Eren could see the Cybertronian so...petrified at the sound of that name. It sounded like it was her name. But Optimus was calling her 'Elita' earlier. Maybe she changed it?
Elita was in shock. That...that wasn't possible. This Cybertronian knew her name. Her old name. How did he know her name?! She intentionally changed it when the war started! The only people who knew her actual name was...Elita examined the Cybertronian in detail. The bright, scarlet, red. The deep, cobalt, blue. That...familiar voice. That kind and gentle voice that just sounded so tired. That stern gaze that looked at her without fear, despite the fact that she had been relentless in her attacks. Her fist was mere centimeters from his faceplates, but he didn't even flinch. Elita's expression morphed into one of recognition. Was this...was this?
Optimus saw that Elita had stopped and was frozen in thought. The Prime transformed his blade back into a servo and reached out to touch her cheek. "Elita-!"
Elita felt the slightest touch against her cheek and quickly jumped back in response. She fell on her rear and crawled back, pulling out her blaster once more. She aimed it at Optimus as the titan sat up before adjusting his legs to sit on his knees. Eren noticed the way Elita eyed Optimus with suspicion and doubt, but he also noticed the way that Optimus looked so hopeful and emotional.
"Who are you?" Eren heard her speak, and her voice sounded so forceful yet...afraid.
"It is me," Optimus whispered to her, "My conjunx endura, it is me."
Elita shook her helm at that. No Optimus was gone. He was long gone. This was an imposter. Elita then noticed that his face was still covered. It was covered by his battle mask. Elita used her blaster to gesture to his mask. "The mask. Get rid of it."
Eren recognized that as an order. A command. But Optimus complied with such ease, and in a matter of seconds the mask was gone. Elita let out a quiet gasp that didn't go unnoticed by Eren. Eren then watched Elita crawl towards Optimus. Her blaster was still out, and it made Eren nervous. He wanted to jump in and stop this person from hurting Optimus, but...Optimus just looked so vulnerable. Like he wanted her to believe what he was saying to be true. He wanted her to understand that he was telling the truth.
Both titans' gaze fell to the blaster still out. Elita...took a risk and changed her blaster back into a servo. She slowly reached out and her digits grazed his faceplates. Her palm then rested on his cheek, and Optimus' battle-hardened mask completely fell. The Prime's optics fell shut. He leaned into her touch and even cradled her servo into his own. Elita realized just how warm that servo and faceplate felt. How real...how alive...Elita couldn't help but feel emotional when Optimus opened his optics and looked at her like she was his greatest treasure. He was so trusting of his life in her servos.
“…Orion…,” Elita whispered.
Optimus couldn’t help but smile a little. “Ariel.”
Eren was confused. He felt awkward. He had never seen Optimus this emotional before. And it was because of this Cybertronian. Who was she? What did Optimus mean by 'conjunx endura'? Before Eren knew it, both had embraced each other so tightly that it looked like they were never going to let go. They still looked like they were in disbelief. That this was all surreal and a figment of their imagination. They looked so...afraid that it was going to be a lie.
Optimus rested his servo on the small of Elita's back while Elita just clung to Optimus and buried her faceplate into his neck cables. Someone had found her. Optimus had found her. He was here! After all this time! She couldn't believe it! Meanwhile, Optimus felt his spark sing. He thought that she had perished in his arms, but here she was again. He could feel her warmth and the pulse of her spark. She was actually alive!
Eren's ears perked up when he heard the familiar sound of a jet engine in the sky. He careened his head to see Megatron arriving to their location and transforming into his bipedal mode before landing right next to Eren.
"What happened?" Megatron demanded. Eren didn't know how else to respond to that and merely pointed to the scene before him. Megatron followed Eren's direction and was perplexed at the sight of Optimus hugging another Cybertronian. However, it only took a few seconds for Megatron's expression to turn from suspicion to absolute dread. Eren couldn't help but notice the way that Megatron was staring at the other Cybertronian, almost as if he was seeing a ghost. Eren could have sworn he was seeing Megatron's servos trembling.
Elita slowly opened her optics from Optimus' shoulder, and she noticed something out of the corner of her optic. The massive lumbering creature she saw earlier was still present, holding that shield in its servos. But right behind him was...! Elita gasped in horror before ripping herself out of Optimus' grip and aiming her blaster at Megatron. Megatron froze up even further at the sight while Eren quickly got in front of Megatron, protecting him with his own shield. Optimus had completely forgotten about Eren's presence, and he had completely forgotten about Megatron and how Elita would feel. Optimus quickly grabbed her blaster and lowered it to the ground before using his other servo to guide her face to focus directly on him.
"Elita, please stand down," Optimus pleaded.
"The war is over," Optimus explained with urgency, "The Autobots won. Cybertron is restored. Please lower your weapon."
"I can't," Elita seethed in anger, "He's still-!"
"Please, I just found you again," Optimus begged her, and Eren can see the heart break and desperation on his face, "I refuse to lose you a second time. Lower your weapon, please. Let me take you some place safe. Trust me."
The air was still tense, and Eren could see Elita glaring at them both. But she kept on getting distracted by the sight of Optimus begging her with silent optics to trust him. Eren could see the way she was hesitating, glancing back and forth between them both, but...she put her trust in Optimus' decision and transformed her blaster back into her servo. Elita let out a long, shaky, vent, and her body slumped against Optimus. The Prime quickly caught her and helped her sit upright. Optimus then turned and offered his back to her, and Elita silently climbed onto his back. She wrapped her arms around Optimus' shoulders and Optimus supported the legs around his waist with his arms.
Optimus remembered Elita's sword and searched for it before noticing it right next to Eren. The titan shifter seemed to be at ease when he stood up and walked over to him. Eren grew tense when he saw Elita's optics burning into Eren...or rather Megatron. Eren didn't have time to question why as Optimus slowly kneeled down and picked up Elita's sword with his servo. He gave it to Elita, and the Cybertronian snatched it from his grip before positioning it in a way that it acted like a shield. Even in her exhausted state, she was trying to protect Optimus from Megatron.
"We walk to Wall Rose," Optimus told the both of them, "I will remain behind the both of you."
"With me," Megatron ordered Eren as he walked forward. Eren made the right call to not question it as he walked side-by-side with the former warlord. Eren couldn't help but feel so tense and so awkward. He couldn't help but glance over at Megatron, but the ex-con looked so fearful at what was going on. Eren wanted to ask, but he couldn't help but feel eyes burning in the back of his neck. Eren slowly careened his head to look behind to see Elita glaring at them both. Eren quickly snapped his head forward and elected to look ahead. Eren could hear Optimus whispering to her, but it felt like it was ignored. Eren hated the fact that this was clearly going to be a long walk.
Hanji and the Survey Corps waited expectantly at the gates of Wall Rose. Hanji in particular, couldn't contain their excitement. Optimus had told her that the titan's numbers could be reduced to nothing. The Walls would be free of the titans. Even though this wasn't exactly how they envisioned it, and there was still an enemy to deal with from beyond the sea. But even so, at least one dream of the Survey Corps was going to be achieved.
They watched with anticipation as the soldiers slowly opened the gates. The Survey Corps saw Eren step in the walls in his titan form, with Megatron following behind. Levi; however, noticed something was off. Eren just looked confused, glancing back behind him towards the gate. But Megatron....Megatron looked scared.
"Hanji," Levi began, but Hanji didn't listen to him as they walked up to Eren. Before they could ask what happened, Optimus stepped through the gate. Everyone's confusion turned to shock, as they saw Optimus carrying another Cybertronian on his back.
"What the hell?!" Jean yelled, and it only led to a bombardment of questions as they approached Optimus and the newcomer. Optimus tried his best to keep track of the questions, but Levi quickly noticed how the newcomer's grip on their sword tightened, and the arms around Optimus' neck grew closer. Not out of warning...but...out of protection. They eyed all the humans with caution, like they had never seen them before.
Elita's optics darted around Optimus to see these creatures. What were they? They looked like the creatures from outside the walls. Why were they asking so many questions? Stay away. Stay away from Optimus!
"Optimus, who is that?!" Hanji exclaimed.
"Commander, I will explain in due time, but for now, I need to take her to a place where she can rest. Can you help me with that?" Optimus requested.
"Her?!" Connie yelled.
"A female Cybertronian?" Armin questioned in confusion.
Hanji took notice of the weary and tired expression on the woman, and...they couldn't help but feel bad for her. "Sure. This way."
Hanji grabbed a horse and mounted it before guiding Optimus through the town. The rest of them couldn't help but notice how weirdly unresponsive Optimus was. Eren suddenly remembered the shield on his arm before removing it and handing it over to a rather fearful Megatron. Megatron finally noticed the shield in his vision before snatching it from Eren's grasp and flying off, stunning everyone.
"Where is he going?!" Jean demanded.
It felt like a dream. It felt like she was dreaming and everything was going so fast. She had tried to communicate with the titans for years, but none had said a word. Then the titan from earlier couldn't speak but showed signed of intelligence. Then she saw Optimus, and Megatron, then she was in the wall that saw her as an enemy. And now she was looking at these creatures that mirrored the ones outside the walls. There was so much happening. She was so tired. Was this real? Was it a break from the nightmare she's endured?
"I know that this isn't the best I could provide," Elita's gaze turned to Hanji as they gestured to the cave, "But it's the best that I could do."
"Thank you, Hanji," Optimus said, "Your help is greatly appreciated."
Hanji noticed the female Cybertronian still eyeing them with caution, but it also looked like she so desperately wanted to collapse. "Is there anything else? I'm sure the Survey Corps want to know what's going on."
"I am staying here," Optimus declared rather tightly, the strain and exhaustion clear in his own optics. Hanji realized that there was no room for debate and walked back to their horse. They looked back to see Optimus setting the female Cybertronian down ever so gently before riding back to their comrades.
"You will be safe here," Optimus reassured as he sat down to face her, but Elita didn't respond to him. The Cybertronian was still trying to process everything. Her thoughts were running so fast, she couldn't ground herself.
"Forgive me, Elita," Optimus continued, "I know I have much to explain to you. I only ask that you give me some time."
Optimus saw Elita hang her helm while her arms trembled. He slowly reached out to her with his servos, trying not to scare her. "Is anything damaged? Do you need energon, Elita?"
Elita saw that servo come into view, and she felt a swell of desperation boil over and reacted. Optimus nearly gasped as Elita reached out and grabbed Optimus' face with her servos. She forced the Prime to look her dead in the optic with such a fierce gaze.
"Say it." Elita commanded, "Say it again."
"Elita?" Optimus could only question in confusion.
Elita tried to keep her composure, but how could she? She was finally safe, and Optimus was here. And alive. After so long, he was here. She could feel him and hold him. She could feel the scratches in his armor and see the exhaustion in his optics, but it was him. Optimus could see lubricant forming in her optics, but they did not fall.
"Say it again." Elita's lips trembled, "Please...say my name again. My conjunx endura."
Optimus' optics widened at that and his mouth slightly hung open. The adrenaline, the disbelief, the fact that his body was running on autopilot to get Elita to safety, it all vanished in that moment. He was finally able to process...that she was here. Elita was here on this world. She was living. He could feel the warmth of her touch. See the blue in her optics. By the Allspark, Elita is alive!
Lubricant began to fall from Optimus' optics, making contact with Elita's servos. That ultimately caused Elita's tears to finally fall down her own face. Optimus moved his servos to wipe her tears, but the act of him touching her face ever so carefully, caused her to cry more.
"Elita." Optimus felt his voice tremble, the joy and ache in his spark growing larger by the second, "My conjunx endura. My beloved."
"My beloved." Elita echoed back through her tears, "My conjunx endura. Mine. Optimus Prime."
Optimus broke at the sound of his name on her lips. He wrapped his arms around Elita and held her so tight. He trembled and sobbed in her shoulder, but Elita didn't care. She herself wrapped her arms around his neck and cried. They were tears of joy and tears of shame. There was so much that both had wanted to say to the other, but the reality of their situation needed to settle in. The two sparks, long separated by war and conflict, had finally reunited. And that was all that mattered in that moment.
"What the fuck do you mean you don't know who she is?!" Hanji demanded from Eren in the mess hall with the rest of the Survey Corps. The Survey Corps were eating breakfast together trying to get the report from Eren. Mikasa was drinking water while Levi was holding his teacup.
"I mean I don't know who she is!" Eren yelled, "Optimus didn't explain shit to me and he looked so happy to see her!"
"Is she an Autobot or Decepticon?" Armin asked.
"I'm guessing Autobot!" Eren shrugged in frustration, "Because Megatron looked terrified seeing her!"
“Really?” Mikasa asked in surprise while Levi raised an eyebrow with curiosity. Eren noticed Megatron's change in behavior too.
"Why didn't you ask who she was?!" Hanji demanded.
"I didn't have time when she tried to kill all three of us!" Eren yelled.
"Eren, just explain it from the beginning," Armin advised.
"And be clear!" Sasha yelled.
"I. don't. know." Eren enunciated, "I was searching for titans. She attacked me! Tried to kill me! Tried to kill Optimus! Then Optimus called her 'Elita', and then-!"
Mikasa's eyes snapped open as she spit the water that was in her mouth onto the ground. Mikasa started coughing from her seat before she collapsed on the ground. The Ackerman was on her knees, smacking her chest and trying to clear her airway. They all then heard something shatter and turned their attention to Levi. The Captain was in a stunned state and his teacup was on the ground, shattered into pieces.
"Uh..." Hanji trailed off as they approached Levi. They snapped their fingers in front of their friend, trying to get him back to reality. "Levi? Is there something you want to tell us?"
Levi merely mumbled to himself, ignoring the fingers in his face. Hanji was surprised at Levi's lack of a response before turning to Eren. "Eren, I think you broke him."
Hanji yelped as Levi grabbed their collar and forced Hanji to look them in the eye. "Hanji, that's his FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!"
The entire room paused at the sound of Levi's declaration. Silence rang throughout the room until the clatter of Sasha's fork hit the ground.
Ymir jolted awake when she heard the sounds of faint screaming outside of the room. Historia didn't seem to care about it, resting her head on Ymir's chest as they laid naked in bed.
"Did you hear that?" Ymir groggily replied.
"It can wait 'til morning," Historia slurred as she readjusted her head on her lover's chest.
(There were quite a few things I wanted to address with this Pilot, but I couldn't for obvious reasons, or maybe not in the way that I completely wanted, so I'm gonna talk about it here:
-I wanted to make the implication that Elita did believe in Megatron's cause, but over time, had grown to completely despise him for all of his actions. While Optimus wants to show him mercy, Elita just wants him dead. -I wish I had more time to show Elita and Optimus' relationship in detail. IDK if I hit all the points in what I had written so far. I don't think I'm good with writing a romance, but I'd like to know what you guys thought of it. -I wanted to write in a way that as time went on for Elita and things went from bad to worse, she reflected on moments in her past that ultimately affected her in someway or reflects her current situation. -Eren's a complete dumbass when it comes to picking up on relationship cues and reading the fucking room. Anyone else in Eren's shoes would have realized who Elita was. -Yes. Megatron is afraid of Elita because of reputation and his involvement with her near death experience. Yes, Elita does end up wrecking his shit as revenge.
…I think that's it. Anyway, Merry Christmas!)
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scalproie · 3 years
so... that quintesson arc am i right haha
imagine if we had more time. imagine if the story stayed relatively the same but with twice as much time to let things go on at a slower pace. Hot rod and clobber developping that friendship or even seeing flashbacks over how it happened, perceptor having more moments of bossing dead end around, and perceptor having an interaction with maccadam that would kinda imply or make sense of why percy took over the bar once mac was gone. Hell, maccadam having at least an interaction with all 6 characters of the first half of that arc that gives you a bit of an insight of who they are right now and what it'd mean for their future development. Stretching out the exploration of iaconus a little bit further to give you a taste of the massive size of him. Have some slow moments as well in some ways. When soundwave is freed, having more time between the prisoner and the scientist episodes to show a tiny bit more that the conflict between autobot and decepticon is meaningless when their planet is facing an alien invasion, and have soundwave realize that actually on screen. Also, have soundwave react a little bit more that he is at risk of dying with him glitching, show him more agitated or even scared is what im saying. More scenes with roddy as well. Again, some slow moments with this group, of just the cast bonding, hell here this could as well be the "maccadam has a talk with everyone" episode. After theyve freed everyone, have optimus and hot rod talk about the parade or the situation or have hot rod reunite with bumblebee. Have more time dedicated to bots and cons interacting and working together. Have more jokes with judge starscream cause that shit was hilarious. And finally, have more time on the ending of the arc thatd feel less megatron deus-ex-machina-y. I wouldve killed for a scene of SOME bots being upset of going back to the status quo and that wouldve made the reunion in the immobilizers more touching. Just one (1) scene of the relations theyve introduced given some closure for this arc, until at least the final episode.
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