#what if he picks him up and then gd flies over
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niofo · 6 months ago
a tiny assassin fueled by coffee and murder picking up his way taller gentleman necromancer bf and carrying him to the bed. anyway. what was i talking again?
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reneesbooks · 2 years ago
find the vibe (x3)
so by the funniest aligning of the stars, i got three different tags for a find the vibe that managed to ALL fit ONE scene. @serpentarii tagged me to find "a crack in your reflection", @serenanymph tagged me to find "thank gd that's over", and @oh-no-another-idea tagged me to find "i thought you cared" and oh boy oh boy do i have the scene for you. this is the final scene of chapter 4 (The Witch Trials) (under the cut bc she is a bit long)
additionally tagging @macabremoons @writinglyra and @writingmargo to find the vibe of "what a strange coincidence"
Keelan knocks on Maura's door. “Princess Maura? You summoned me?”
The door flies open and she is standing there, her nightgown half-hanging off one shoulder and dark circles under her eyes. “Keys. Good.”
She yanks him into the room and shuts the door tight. Silver moonlight spills through the windows, the curtains thrown wide open. There are strange chalk markings on the floor and spellbooks scattered across nearly every surface. Maura's bed is still neatly made despite the late hour. Keelan rubs his eyes. “Maura, how long have you been awake?”
She glances at the bed. “I didn't go to bed, if that's what you're wondering. I stayed up to prepare the spell.”
“Yes.” She picks her way around the books and papers on the floor, until she reaches the chalk circle. “I've been searching for a spell to find Birdie.”
Keelan rubs his eyes again, a headache pulsing to life behind them. “Maura—”
“I know—” Her voice breaks and he lowers his hand from his eyes to see her staring at the floor, her lip between her teeth. “I know you're mad at me right now. Just hear me out.”
He softens, because he hasn't been mad at her in days, not since the last of his burns faded to the physician's shock and he realized that she'd been using healing magic to speed up the process and ease the pain. It's only been a month since magic was outlawed, but the trials have progressed quickly. Keelan's lost track of how many have come before them. Maura's judgment is swift and harsh—he's gotten better at removing tongues and once, an eye. The man had stared too long at Maura's chest and Keelan had enjoyed carrying out the punishment. He doesn't think about it much, filing it away with the sick satisfaction of the raid captain's head in his hands.
“I don't think that Levi killed her,” Maura says, gathering bits of parchment off the floor and pulling Keelan back into the present moment. “I think he wanted us to think that he'd killed her, but I don't think he really did.”
“Why would he—”
“So that we wouldn't look for her.” He can see the desperate hope in her eyes and something in his chest cracks. She's been hiding this, even from him, because she's terrified of what she might find. What she might not find. He resolves not to argue any further, and is immediately challenged when she says, “I just need you to be here in case I drain myself by accident.”
“No,” he says, stepping forward over one of the spellbooks. “You're not taking any risks on this.”
“I thought you would want to help me.”
His hands clench into fists. “I won't stand here while you kill yourself.”
“That won't happen. It's not likely, but if I have to push—”
“Stop.” He reaches the chalk circle and hesitates there, not wanting to ruin the markings. He meets her eyes steadily. Her lip trembles. “You won't overexert yourself. Promise me.”
“I promise,” she says. “Come stand by me.”
He does as she asks, brushing his hand against hers. She grabs it, squeezing his fingers so tightly they feel like they might pop off. He squeezes back, offering comfort if she'll take it. He feels her relax next to him.
She speaks a few words in the magical language he's heard before and the chalk markings glow with golden light. She lets go of Keelan's hand and her nose scrunches up as she continues to speak. Crystals rise up from points in the circle and dissolve into golden threads of magic that weave together into a mirror, hanging in the air in front of Maura. She stops chanting and the mirror hangs there silently, its surface showing the two of them, pale and nervous.
“You have to speak the name of the person you're searching for,” Maura says quietly. She clears her throat. “Princess Brigit of Raedora.”
The mirror swirls with mist, the image of the two of them dissolving. The mist clears and the image that appears is one that's haunted Keelan for months. The pool of blood on the floor of Birdie's bedroom, the silver hair slowly turning red.
“No,” Maura says, her eyes brimming with tears. She curls her hand into a fist. “No, that can't be it.” She thinks for a moment. “Birdie. Show me Birdie.”
The mist swirls across the mirror's surface again before it only shows the two of them again. Keelan watches Maura's reflection as anger, despair, and then anger again flash across her face. She lets out a scream and thrusts her hand out, shattering the mirror with a bolt of golden magic. Keelan flinches as the pieces hit the ground and dissolve into golden mist. The hum of magic in the air fades.
“I spent months researching that spell,” Maura says, staring at the chalk circle. “I found it in Levi's research and I thought...” Her expression hardens. “If I found it in Levi's research, then he knows how to defend against it. I'll just have to find one he doesn't know already.”
“Maura,” Keelan tries to say, but she doesn't seem to notice, reaching for one of the books on the floor. She tips, her eyelids fluttering, and he catches her before she hits the ground. He swings her up into his arms and carries her to the bed, maneuvering carefully around the spellbooks and scrolls littering the floor. Maura's head lolls against his shoulder and he lays her down gently, arranging the blankets over her.
“You broke your promise,” he says softly, leaning forward to kiss her forehead. “You overexerted yourself.”
“I'm fine,” she says, but the circles under her eyes are darker than ever and he can tell she's trying very hard not to pass out. “I'm fine.”
“It's over. It's okay.” He sets his hand on her face and smiles softly at her. “I forgive you.”
She turns her face into his hand, tears caught in her eyelashes. He stays with her until she is peacefully asleep.
lacuna taglist (ask to be added <3): @serenanymph @lyssa-ink @oh-no-another-idea @lena-rambles @ashen-crest @tragicbackstoryenjoyer @serpentarii @allianaavelinjackson @laurenisnot
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secondratefiction · 6 years ago
grade school cruses with the bat boys, how did they handle them? Did they tell them or not? if so how?
- Dick: With the exception of a few months immediately following his parents death where he became quiet and withdrawn, Dick has always had a personality that was bright, outgoing, and almost larger than life. A natural born showman.
So, naturally, when it came to him first starting to develop feelings and crushes, the charisma split over into that as well. While he might not have come out directly and said "hey, I like you", he would start paying extra attention to the object of his affection, and typically became a bit of a show off...
Bruce would regularly get calls that Dick had been doing backflips and aerials on the monkey bars during recess and/or gym. [He was fine of course, the other kids that tried to copy him however...]
- Jason: Jason's main reaction to any type of feeling is to hide it, bury it, and/or act out in the complete opposite way so no one will ever suspect you have emotions.
Unfortunately when he was younger this translated into that whole 'pick on the person b/c you secretly like them and don't know how to deal with it in a healthy way' mentality. He grew out of it. Eventually. [Thankfully.]
He actually did turn into a pretty smooth talker once he realised the whole 'more flied with honey' thing; even if he was still a little arrogant and big headed (b/c outside school he's a gd superhero). It fit his image.
He probably would have been in line to dethrone Dick as the family flirt if... certain things, hadn't happened...
- Tim: Tim's first ever crush was Robin [Jason more so than Dick]. This is a fact he's buried very deeply and absolutely will not discuss with anyone. Ever.
But, that's also what laid the groundwork for how Tim approach developing feelings for people: mostly he stands back and observes, picks up on all the details he can about the person and commits them to memory. Luckily the whole following them and taking pictures was limited to that bats, and didn't spill over into other people.
As far as confronted with said object of his affection face to face... Tim used to freeze and panic in the absolute worse ways possible. He's gotten much better (for the most part) though on occasion you'll still get the error report: tim_drake.exe has stopped responding.
- Damian: Damian and any type of feelings or interpersonal relationships is... complicated. Especially in the beginning.
Honestly, where as most of his brothers first crushes started around 6 to 10-ish, Damian didn't really start to notice people 'like that's until he was 12, almost 13. So, while most people have at least some handle of how to squash down that 'they're so pretty I want to vomit' feeling, Dami was getting hit with all these emotions for the first time. He handles them about as well as you expect him to...
[Deb and I have come to the firm conclusion that Damian's first valentine's day w/ feelings was a utter disaster: He legitimately pegged poor Colin in the face with a box of conversation hearts.*]
- Duke: For the most part Duke was shy around people he had a crush on, but could still hold a conversation without embarrassing himself when need be. Well, without embarrassing himself anymore than your typical preteen cringe - it wasn't that bad in the moment anyway.
Actually, in retrospect, Duke was probably too calm and casual about it all; as most of the time he was trying so hard not to be obvious that he was a besotted, puppy-lovestruck idiot, that it often read that he was just friends and not into anyone that way.
He's still working on this, trying to strike a balance.
* according to our "big gay batfam" verse, but the character development still stands
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wbbing · 6 years ago
task 002
IT WAS A CHOICE.    Presented over the groaning from heat applied to the cables of the GW Bridge. He can hear her above the chaos down below, but only barely. The well-placed traps exploding beneath like rigged pieces on a board. 
The Goblin speaks of totalities as if they were fated to find themselves here. Peter has never put too much weight into what destiny has in store for him. After all, divine destiny rarely falls in the space left between a lycra suit and green gleaming body armor. 
But he’s still the one doing the talking.
(    What kind of man tells such lies?, the Goblin had asked. What kind of man are you? Ask him, Gwen. Ask him. Better yet, show us. Show us what you choose, Peter. Her or them. Pick. Her or them. Choose.    )
                                                                 He chose both.
Sirens wail below and a scream is stifled as Gwen is dropped down to the suspension tower, not five feet below. It is this assurance that costs him the first blade to wedge itself between his ribs, it breaks off there somewhere between a punch, somewhere in the midst of attempts to override the glider. 
It works, ultimately, only after he is able to guide them toward the cables, where he can feel the head of Gwen’s attacker crack against the steel wiring. Spider-man is quick to move, then. Spring air rapidly cooling as he propels himself toward the ground below, exerting all he can to free those pinned in their cars. 
He hears her, again, above the chaos. A different voice than that saved of nights spent studying in the library, something scared and confused and alone. Alone until she isn’t. Until a laugh cuts through the sky, taking collateral in an escape. 
He heads up as a streak flies by him down. 
                                                                                    He chose wrong.
The angle is off, the physics of her fall. Peter knows better than this, but euphoria at the snag of his web to her ankle offers something intoxicating. 
The death rattle of youth follows in something lighthearted sounding,    “    Now that is why they pay me the big bucks, kid! What a catch, did you see that catch? ‘Course you did!    
                                   ——-    Hey. Gwen, I saved you. Sweets, I saved you.    ”    
And he knows. He knows she’s gone before she’s pulled from her suspension. The awkward way in which her limbs drape towards the water he had believed would have been her grave, what he had been foolish enough to believe he could save her from. 
                                         ——-    She gone. He knows she gone.
And yet, he acts as if her destiny is still hanging by a thread; as if Gd Himself has not yet made up His mind about her. Her spirit by the hand, ready to be pulled away but willing to be swayed otherwise. As if she still has a chance. As if she has a choice.
As if only he can convince the universe Gwen needs to remain here.
As a result, he babbles his pleas. Appealing to a reality he can not face, touching up negatives to a photo already processed. It falls away with the sounds of screams below.
Please don’t be, I don’t want you to be dead. I saved you. I saved you. Come back. I love you, I love you, please come back. 
Tumblr media
They grow louder below. Megaphones now seeking answers, demands placed for answers to the arm cradled in his arms. He wants them away from her. He wants all of them gone. Leave her, you won’t touch her, you won’t hurt her. But the ferocity dissolves as he presses fingers to her cheek, as he seeks a warmth that he had enjoyed too long while leaving her cold, and in the dark.
Given a choice, he’d do the right thing and trade places with her.    (    But he’s finding, he’s learning, fate never bargains.    )
He lands with her, to place her on the solid ground she had spent her last breath screaming for. They ask if she’s alright. If she needs assistance. They ask what happened. Stunned gazes fixed on a suit he had chosen for moments such a symbol could be utilized. 
“    She’s gone. She’s dead.    ——-    I killed her.    ”    
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goldenalec · 7 years ago
A Malec Proposal
a fluffy piece of crap bc it’s been four weeks into this hiatus and i needed some gd fluff 
or, the one where someone tries to propose and it doesn’t *quite* go as planned
If there was one thing Magnus Bane never expected to happen, it was Alec Lightwood going head to head with him on who deserved Rachel Lindsay’s final rose on The Bachelorette.
Magnus can hear his boyfriend clearing up at the dining table, plates clinking as he listens to Magnus rattling off his well thought-out, well-developed reasons why Peter should win. Alec had stopped arguing a few minutes ago, choosing instead to listen to Magnus simultaneously sip wine from the glass in his hand, wipe down the kitchen counters and apparently write a dissertation on why Bryan deserved to get his ass booted from the show right this second.
Alec’s light laughter warms up the kitchen as he enters, and Magnus hears the clink of the plates on the counter behind him as he places them there. Magnus can picture him leaning against the counter, arms crossed over his chest.
“Peter’s so sweet, and so sincere and finally, Bryan can’t kiss for shit, babe, you have to agree with me on that one.” Magnus finishes with a dramatic flourish of his free hand as he drops the cloth on the counter in front of him.
“Magnus.” Alec’s voice is strange, soft, “Turn around for me, will you?”
Magnus turns around, and this must be what it feels like to have your heart leap out of your chest because Alec is there, and he’s not leaning against the kitchen counter. No, he’s there, looking up at Magnus with eyes that shine like stars, a small, beautiful smile on his face, on one knee, holding a blue, velvet box that seems to pull Magnus’ gaze like a magnet.
The wine glass in his hand shatters against the ground, and before Magnus can even react, he feels the broken glass press into the skin of his foot. He swears loudly, dropping to the ground, wrenching his foot away from the glass, watching as blood begins seeping steadily from the wounds. Alec just watches, dumbstruck, for a few seconds before he reacts, lurching forward, the jewellery box long forgotten on the floor.
“Shit, are you okay?” Alec asks, voice frantic, fingers reaching out to Magnus’ injured foot.
Magnus waves his hands in front of his face. His heart is thrumming violently against his ribs. He will not let this moment be interrupted, not now, not when everything he’s ever wanted in his life is happening, not when all the pieces are finally falling into place. “I’m fine!” he exclaims, not even caring that his voice has gone at least one octave higher. He levels Alec with a fierce stare, stopping his movements immediately, “Finish what you were about to say. What were you about to ask me?” He can’t breathe. His voice is constricted.
Alec opens his mouth and closes it again, shock written all over his beautiful face and fuck Magnus just wants to leap into his arms, broken glass and blood be damned.
“Magnus you’re bleeding-”
“Alexander! Just shut up and ask me what you were about to ask me.” Magnus is begging him, begging him to go on, because he’s losing his mind with every passing second. He needs to hear the words, he needs to have some proof, he needs to watch Alec’s lips form the words that will mean the whole damn world to him. His eyes prickle, but he forces the tears down, trying to calm the raging chaos brewing in every cell of his body.
Alec shuts his mouth, before shaking his head slightly, a shaky laugh falling from his mouth. He drops his gaze to where his hands are resting on Magnus’ knees. Magnus raises shaking hands to place them on either side of the other man’s face, and makes him look him in the eyes.
“Ask me.” He whispers, and if Alec can hear the desperation behind the words, he doesn’t let on.
The small smile that spreads across Alec’s face is somehow just as beautiful as his full one, warming every inch of Magnus’ body, brighter than the damn sun, his eyes shining with all the promises of tomorrow.
“This is why.” He says softly, reaching behind him to pick up the velvet box. Magnus’ breath hitches. Alec laughs lightly. “I had a whole damn speech prepared, but you wouldn’t be the love of my life if you didn’t make every moment of my life ten times more eventful than it needs to be. This is why I fell in love with you.”
Magnus’ hands drop to Alec’s shoulders. He can’t move. It’s like everything else in his vision blurs, blackening until the only thing he can see with full clarity is him, Alec, the man who holds every particle of him.
“I-I never thought I’d have this. All of this, everything you and I have made for ourselves. I never thought someone would look at me the way you do, never thought someone could take my breath away the way you do. And now that I have this, everything I’ve ever wanted, I don’t ever want to let it go. I want this now, and tomorrow, and for forever after that. I want you. I choose you, every day, every moment. I will always choose you.”
He opens the box to reveal a shining silver band, so simple yet so beautiful, engraved with tiny intricate lines, glinting up at Magnus under the soft light of their kitchen. When Magnus looks up, Alec is looking at him like he’s all that matters, like he can’t believe that this is his reality.
“Will you-”
“Abso-fucking-lutely!” The word flies out of Magnus’ mouth before he realises it. It’s like there’s a direct connection between his heart and his mouth. He clamps a hand over it. Alec’s brows furrow together adorably, before a fond laugh escapes his lips. “Shit, sorry.”
“Will you ever let me finish what I’m going to say?”
“Sorry. Sorry! Okay go on.” Magnus takes a deep breath, trying to ignore the way his heart is stuttering away in his chest.  
“Magnus Bane.” Alec says softly, and dignity be damned as more tears find their way down Magnus’ face, “Will you marry me?”
Magnus doesn’t know what happens first. He doesn’t know if he chokes out the word “yes” first, or if he lunges forward to kiss Alec first, but within seconds everything else disappears. It’s just this moment, Alec’s hands wrapped tightly around his waist, the taste of salt from both their tears, his trembling fingers that still as they intertwine themselves in Alec’s hair. He holds onto the man who stole his heart like he’s a lifeline, like he’s the only thing keeping him afloat. All the sounds of the world seem to dull, and soon, he’s the only real thing in the world, Alexander Lightwood, with his heart beating rapidly alongside Magnus’, the feeling of his smile against Magnus’ lips, the words of his promise still floating in the air around them.
They break apart, foreheads pressed together, breaths mingling. They let out giddy laughs, and Alec reaches for Magnus’ hand, and Magnus watches in breathless wonder as he slides the ring onto his finger. Magnus looks up at him, and his vision blurs with tears again, because he’s looking at his world. He’s looking at his future, at everything that matters to him, and Alec’s looking right back at him the same way, eyes wide, shining.
“I love you.” Magnus whispers, the words coming as easily as they always have.
Alec kisses the tip of his nose. “And I love you.”
The glass in Magnus’ foot chooses this moment to make itself known, jolting him sharply out of the haze of his dreams coming true, and Magnus winces, muttering out an “ow.” Alec rolls his eyes, but he pulls Magnus closer, careful to avoid his injured foot as their legs intertwine.
“Way to ruin the romance of it all, Bane.”
Magnus’ cheeks hurt from smiling, but he’ll gladly take it. He presses his lips to Alec’s, heart soaring as Alec sighs against his mouth. They stay there on the kitchen floor, wrapped up in each other, trading kisses and laughing, the metal of the ring electrifying both of them as it presses against their skin. Magnus pulls back, gazing into eyes that hold his tomorrow.
“Nothing, I repeat, nothing, can ruin the romance of this.”
And a few hours later, in the ER, when Alec introduces himself as his fiancé, Magnus finds it impossibly hard to wipe the goddamn smile off his face, as he’s sure he will for the rest of his life.
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snarknsass · 7 years ago
A - Z
Tagged by @maverlok. H'okay. So. Already gonna be breaking the whole 'tag 10 blogs below' but whatever. X.x
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A - Age: 2 years away from my original planned age to start a family which has been delayed because LIFE
B - Birthplace: The frozen north, eh?
C - Current time: Honestly? Hot cocoa and a bath time. I'm bloody cold.
D - Drink you last had: *sigh* water, like a good little girl
E - Easiest person to talk to:  The characters in my head. Okay, okay, I'll play nice. Erm...gimme a minute.
F - Favorite song: I...uh... I like a shit tonne of music. If I had to pick one and only one though...maybe "Breaking the Habit" by Linkin Park.
G - Grossest memory:  Coming across a half rotted carcass of a deer during a summer camp years back. The flies were Everywhere and- *heaves*
H - Horror yes or horror no: Get that shit away from me! I still have nightmares from movies I watched over a decade ago!
I - In love?: I mean I hope so. I am newly married to my S.O. That's the easiest person to talk to!
J - Jealous of people?: I’mma be a goody two shoes here and say no. Slightly envious of those who have more/are in better shape, but I'm willing to work for it to get it.
L - Love at first sight or should i walk by again?: That's actually kind of what happened with my S.O. so...no, really I mean it. Granted if you exclude the 4 times our lives crossed paths before that we never interacted...
M - Middle name: I actually have two, so I'm saying two: Insane Weirdo
N - Number of siblings: Only child. WOOT. Legit I desperately wanted an older brother growing up. Yes I said older.
O - One wish: For there to be magic. I am in need of a potion that lets me switch back and forth between long hair to my waist and spikeably short every month. Also portals. To other realms. Namely so I can try to kidnap my favourite deadly assassin and turn him legit pocket sized and then keep him as my personal cheerleader. And feed him skittles and starbursts when he's good and stick him with the dragon figurine when he's bad.
...or you know, eradication of all disease and illnesses.
P - Person you called last: Poppa. (Grandfather)
Q - Question you are always asked:  "So when's the baby?" Shit, I dunno! How about when we own our own place?!
R - Reason to smile: Fantastic friends, roleplay shenanigans, fanworks of favourite characters, and my S.O. being a goofy sweetheart.
S - Song you sang last:  Uh. What was the name of that song on the radio? Oh Yeah! "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran
T - Time you woke up: 7:30am because I apparently forgot to shut off my gd alarm.
U - Underwear colour: ...it's Sunday. It's pajama day.
V - Vacation destination: Would love to go back to Hawaii again. Planning the honeymoon to be in Japan currently tho.
W - Worst habit: Procrastinating. It is the bane of my existence.
X - X-rays:  Last one done?? Uh. My shins. Suspected shin splints that hurt like a mofo and wouldn't go away so checked for a fracture. I mean that I kept running on them and delayed getting diagnosed until I literally couldn't walk probably didn't help..
Y - Your favorite food: Chicken fettuccine alfredo, but I am extremely picky about the taste and consistency of the sauce.
Z - Zodiac sign:  Taurus.
Tagging: @sno4wy, and @jarlaxlebaenre and @artemis-entreri I want to see Artemis and Jarlaxle answer...please??...uh. Yeah. Okay. *runs*
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sapphyrelily · 8 years ago
Seijoh 4 Week Day 1
Prompt:  stormy weather // long distance
Warnings: None
External link: AO3
Oikawa pushes the cart ahead of him, glancing out of the window. The sky is dark, clouds heavy with the promise of rain. He quickly pulls out his phone, about to type in a message to the group chat before he remembers.
Holding back a sigh, he pockets his phone, before turning to make a last stop at the frozen section.
Matsukawa hears the rain before he sees it, tiny pattering drops against the window. He flies into a panic, tossing his book aside and sprinting for the small backyard. He unlocks the screen door with a curse, running out to grab the small rack of clothes.
He hauls the laundry in, and hears the rain grow heavier behind him.
He wonders if it is raining where the others are.
Iwaizumi flicks through the gallery on his phone, pausing on a photo as a clap of thunder sounds outside. He knows Hanamaki doesn’t like thunderstorms, but it might not be raining in his area.
He selects the photo he stopped at, and sends it to the group chat anyway.
Hanamaki steps out of the shower, jumping when a flash of lightning cuts across his window. He presses the towel over his ears to wait out the inevitable boom of thunder, hurrying to turn on all the lights in his apartment when it passes.
He picks up his phone to blast some loud music, pausing when he sees new messages from the chat.
[Hajime]: {one image attached}
[Issei]: wht a gd photo
[Issei]: Feeling sentimental?
[Tooru]: I looked good in that one! \(•v•)/
[Tooru]: Tks hajime
[Hajime]: It’s raining here
[Hajime]: I miss you guys
[Issei]: coincidence. Its raining here too
[Tooru]: sam e, but im at the store =3=
[Hajime]: Get back safe
[Hajime]: I wonder if it’s raining where Hiro’s at
[Issei]: Hiro? Where r u
[Tooru]: shower?
[Issei]: mayb
Hanamaki smiles at the photo, quickly typing a response.
[Takahiro]: I LIIIVEEEE
[Takahiro]: Tho its storming, so I may not be for much longer
[Takahiro]: I culd be persuaxed with more photos
[Issei]: I gotxhu
A flood of photos makes his phone vibrate crazily, and Hanamaki laughs when he sees that Oikawa has beat Matsukawa to the photo spam.
[Hajime]: Stop
[Issei]: {one image attached}
[Tooru]: {one image attached}
Hanamaki sets his phone down with a smile, letting the sound of the vibrations soothe his nerves as he blow-dries his hair.
The buzzing has died down somewhat by the time he picks his phone back up, and he shoots them a message of reassurance before scrolling to the top and poring over each photo.
A weird selfie, taken when three of them are asleep, Iwaizumi’s tongue poking out as he tries to fit them all in the frame.
A shot from the back, of Oikawa and Hanamaki arguing over two types of cereal.
Matsukawa dabbing beside a laundromat.
Iwaizumi cradling a litter of kittens they found off the street.
Hanamaki reaching for the camera, his entire face slathered with cake batter.
Oikawa and Matsukawa falling asleep while watching television.
Oikawa’s blanket nest on one side of the bed, while the rest of them stare balefully into the camera.
Iwaizumi and Matsukawa watering their plants.
Hanamaki folding clothes while Iwaizumi irons.
Hanamaki with a foam beard and moustache.
The morning sunlight touching half-clad figures, red and purple on their skin–
Hanamaki starts and smashes his keyboard.
[Takahiro]: fhskdbaj
[Takahiro]: FESS UP
[Tooru]: oh, me
[Tooru]: what’s wronv with it
[Takahiro]: IM NAKED
[Hajime]: We’re all naked
[Issei]: but youre gorgeous
[Tooru]: but its a agood photo!
[Issei]: hiro pls
Hanamaki laughs, burrowing under his cushion fort. He’s not really mad, and his boyfriends know it.
Another boom makes him drop his phone, and it skitters under the coffee table, a little too out of reach.
He stares at it gloomily. He can feel the storm in his bones, every instinct screaming at him to stay still and wait it out. But…his phone.
The screen lights up with a new message, taunting him, and he groans sadly.
“Phone, grow legs and walk over here.”
The phone just lights up again, the notification light taunting.
Hanamaki bites his lip, peeking out from beneath the cushions. A quick glance to the windows shows that the rain has not let up, but there doesn’t seem to be any lightning.
He hugs a cushion tight to his chest as he slithers out from the pile, reaching under the table. He pats the ground frantically, but his fingers still can’t reach it. He has to go around the table, or get rid of his cushion shield.
A bright flash has him pressing against the floor, hugging the cushion like a lifeline. But there is no sound that follows, and he slowly peels his eyes open, checking his surroundings carefully before reaching for the phone again.
His fingers touch it, pushing it away, and he nearly cries with frustration. He tries again, fingertips hooking the edge, but not strong enough to pull it to him.
The phone lights up, buzzing, and he can see that it is a call. He reaches out with new urgency, one finger pressing on the screen.
It is finally enough, and he painstakingly drags it over, pressing the green button.
He clicks the loudspeaker on, climbing back onto the sofa. “Hello?”
“Hiro! Why didn’t you pick up immediately?”
“What? I was worried!”
He relaxes at the sound of their voices, balancing the phone on a pillow so he can dust the cushion off. “I dropped my phone. Sorry.”
“Is the phone okay?” Matsukawa asks, and he has to smother a laugh.
“No, I’m afraid not.” He tells him solemnly. “You’re speaking to me by some ghostly connection.”
A horrified gasp, followed closely by a long-suffering sigh.
Hanamaki laughs.
“So,” he settles back against the cushions, pressing his shield against his chest. “What are you guys up to?”
“I just got back from the store.”
“I’m taking a break from studying.”
“Ooh, Hajime's so hardworking.”
“Shut up, I’m trying to be prepared.”
“Children, children,” Matsukawa tuts. “None of you can beat me. I just rescued my clothes from the rain.”
Hanamaki gasps on cue. “Are they all safe?”
Matsukawa sighs. “No. Some of them… They got hit.”
Hanamaki bursts into sobs, and can hear Oikawa and Matsukawa wailing in unison on the line. Faintly, he thinks he makes out the sound of Iwaizumi shouting at them to shut up, but he’s having too much fun to stop.
When their wailing finally dissolves into giggles, Iwaizumi puts the phone back next to his ear. “Thank you for making me deaf.”
“Hajime! You’ve learnt sarcasm!”
There’s a sniff from one of them. “I feel so proud.”
“Same, same.”
Iwaizumi sighs, but he’s smiling.
They talk well into the evening, catching up, telling jokes, not stopping when the storm stops, not stopping even when each of them prepare and eat their dinners.
They only stop when Iwaizumi reminds them that they have early classes to attend, and that homework unfortunately, does not do itself.
“I don’t want to do my homework.” Oikawa whines.
“I know what you can do,” Matsukawa suggests slyly.
“Not ‘what’, who.” Hanamaki corrects, insinuation dripping from every word.
“All of you can do your homework, or nothing is happening the next time we have a Skype call.”
One beat, two beats of silence.
“My homework is calling me.”
“You stole my line.”
“Goodbye, goodbye, there’s a pile of papers waiting for me to touch them vigorously! With my pen,” Oikawa adds, and then everyone is echoing their goodbyes, and the call ends, one beep after another.
Iwaizumi chuckles and pulls his phone away from his ear, pressing the red button.
Call duration: 7:19:34
The thought of the phone bill somehow doesn’t faze him.
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