#what if Crowley takes the job of Duke of Hell out of SPITE
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avelera · 2 years ago
Oh man, what if there IS a time skip for Good Omens S3 and we DO flash forward to Supreme Archangel Aziraphale and Duke of Hell (There Was A Vacancy) Crowley as bitter exes, WHAT IF??
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ladyoutlier · 6 years ago
Here Today Gone Tomorrow
In which Crowley and Aziraphale inherit the Earth.
[Read on AO3] | [Chapter 2]
Chapter 3: The Moon and I Love You’s
Aziraphale and Crowley’s after-lunch relaxation on the outdoor patio was interrupted before it even began by a sapling which had sprouted right outside the front door. The tree didn’t fit at all in with the surrounding ones. Instead it looked rather demented, taking on a more black tinge than green. Crowley snapped his fingers, and the plant was sucked down into the earth.
“What was that?” Aziraphale asked, following Crowley outside.
“An apple tree sapling.”
“Yeah, he’s getting less and less subtle with each try. It’s actually really funny to watch him struggle.”
“I almost feel bad for him. If, of course, it wasn’t such a despicable thing he’s trying to do.”
“Exactly. If you want to be despicable, you better at least be good at it. It’s just sad otherwise.”
They took a seat at the nice metal table in their front garden. Really it was all one big garden and the need to specify whether it was the front one or the back one was unneeded, but for simplicity’s sake, the table was located in front of the cottage.
“So what’s Plan B on this human making scheme?” Crowley asked, stretching out in the sun.
“Actually, I’m not sure that making a human is what God intended for us.” Aziraphale fiddled with his hands.
“What do you mean by that?”
“It’s just that it is impossible for us to create a living being. Our experiment at the riverbank proved that much.”
“Yeah, but we already knew that before we tried. You still wanted to give it a go anyway. Why the change of heart?”
“I might of had a small conversation with the Almighty when you left.”
“Rather one sided I’d imagine.”
“Less so than usual actually.”
“Oh?” Crowley raised an eyebrow.
“There was some specific signs in the surroundings that suggested that I, uh, was being heard.”
“Uh, huh.”
“I’m serious.”
“Then, what’s God say? What are we supposed to do?”
“She, well, showed a bit of interest when I discussed our, um, desire to return to our lives.” Aziraphale looked to Crowley to read his reaction, but the demon’s face was stoic. “She lightened up when I expressed interest in spending it with you.”
“So what? God’s playing matchmaker?” Crowley’s face flicked through a series of emotions from embarrassment to spite.
“I, um, don’t know if it’s that far. Rather, I think She just wants us to enjoy each other’s company while here.”
“So just bloody well do what we have been doing?”
“That’s our purpose anyway. Everyone else I’m sure has their own.”
God bit Her lip and looked away. Yeah, everyone else had a purpose too… This wasn’t at all just a drunken impulse that was going rather well considering.
“Well, fine. If we’re just supposed to have a good time, let’s do that. Treat it like an extended holiday.” Crowley stood up. “Let’s go anywhere. World’s our oyster. See the sights. Where you want to go?”
“That’s a very open ended question. We’re already at the nicest place on Earth.”
“This might be a bit sooner than I expected, but I’d like to follow up that to the moon and back comment you made last night.”
Crowley smiled. “Coming right out with the big guns, eh? To the moon then.”
While the empty expanses of space would most definitely bring a swift end to any unfortunate humans that found themselves within it, the same can not be said about ethereal and occult beings. As such, Aziraphale and Crowley could find themselves stargazing within the craters of the moon with absolutely no repercussions. It was only mid-evening, but in the universe beyond the planet, it looked as late as midnight.
“In all my time on Earth,” Aziraphale began, staring at the grand blue orb in front of them. “I never took the time to see what the planet looked like from a larger perspective. There is, of course, the miniature in Heaven, but it hardly looks as fantastical as this.”
Of course, to mere mortals, there is no sound in space. If one was able to attempt a conversation on the moon, the other participating party would not be able to hear any of it. However, the rules of reality bend around the will of immortals.
“Haven’t seen it in a while myself.” Crowley stretched an arm out to the stars. “Spent enough time out there in the pre-Earth days.”
“Pre-Earth days?”
“What? Never told you, did I? Helped make some of those. Was a long time ago though.”
Aziraphale took his eyes off the constellations to look at Crowley. “Back when—”
“Yeah, back then. Like I said, long time ago.”
The angel looked back out to the stars. They shone with a bit more of a mischievous glow now that he knew Crowley had played a part in their creation. He had always appreciated the celestial bodies of the universe just as he appreciated every plant, animal, and human on Earth, but now, with this added information, the stars suddenly gained quite a bit of value.
“They’re stunning, dear,” Aziraphale said. “There is a reason after all why humanity has spent the ages staring at them. Do you remember which ones you did?”
“Eh, so so. That blob of ‘em over there. Those speckled ones up there. Just the sporadic oddballs.”
Aziraphale suspected that the demon most definitely knew which ones he had made as well as every name humans had given them. If he didn’t want to go into the specifics, that was fine. Perhaps, it was just that company is what he valued more than conversation right at this moment. Just the two of them off in the stars. Exactly as he had wanted to do during Armageddon. 
This was a strange realization for Aziraphale to come to in this happy moment. It disrupted the mood greatly, but he had thought it and now he couldn’t forget it. When Crowley had wanted him to run away to Alpha Centauri together, he had invited Aziraphale to the one thing he still had left from his angel days. All that he had left in regards to faith. Well, it hadn’t worked out then, but now, here they were.
“I’m really glad you took me here, Crowley.”
“Yeah, well the fly up here is Hell in itself, but other than that, it’s no big deal.”
A shooting star darted across the sky and off to somewhere behind the Earth. Instead of a wish, Aziraphale decided on an action. He slid closer to Crowley, and laid his head down on the demon’s shoulder.
“Maybe not to you, but it’s a big deal to me.”
Crowley stiffened as he looked back to Aziraphale. As far as skin on skin was concerned, the angel’s hands were the only thing he was familiar with in the slightest. Their body swap of a couple days ago hardly counted. When they traded bodies, their physical forms merely resembled the other but without the familiar characteristics. That was completely controlled by their ability to act as one another.
Aziraphale putting his head on his shoulder was completely different entirely. With the context and the words he was saying and— It left Crowley more than a bit flustered. He tried to relax. Let his muscles loosen. Allow a smile to fall on his face. He carefully draped his arm around the angel.
“You’re right. I guess it is kind of a big deal.”
Outer space is a frozen wasteland. Without an atmosphere, the sun doesn’t heat anything up. If one was to find themselves cast out of the airlock of a rocket and somehow had the ability to no longer require oxygen, one would quickly freeze to death. However, in this one particular spot on the moon’s surface, the temperature matched that of a glorious summer day. By all known laws of physics, this didn’t make any sense, but God was fine with making an exception just this once.
Elsewhere, an agreement between two parties that very much didn’t agree on anything had been reached. 3,444,684 angels would be returned to Heaven upon the release of 3,713,598 demons back to Hell. It was a messy deal that had caused quite a bit of strain to both sides, and more than a handful of fist fights had spawned from it, but it had been completed and both Above and Below were back on track for normalcy. Although, there was a lot of paperwork that still needed to be done to account for everyone’s new jobs. 
It used to be rather simple. Those that worked for Heaven stayed in Heaven and those for Hell in Hell. Now, an angel couldn’t know whether their cubicle neighbor was on the same side as them or not. Still, as strange as times were, loyalties were hard to kill. A demon working for Heaven still had Hell’s goals at heart. It was very hard for everyone to understand, but that was the thing with God. She was rather impossible to understand. Ineffable even.
Not that any of this currently affected the angel and demon stargazing on the moon. No, as far as they were concerned, everything was going perfectly fine.
When Aziraphale and Crowley returned to their cottage in Eden, the sun was just beginning to rise although it still couldn’t be seen above the Wall. They had been out all night, and although they were thousands of years old, they rather felt like giddy teenagers returning home. To tie this whole comparison together, when they opened their front door, Hastur was sat in their living room much like a strict parent would when their child missed curfew. The Duke of Hell rolled an apple about in his hands.
“This is the last time I’m going to tell you to eat this,” he said, standing.
“C’mon Hastur! This is really pathetic. Giving up this easily,” Crowley replied, striding in.
“Hardly giving up. This is just the last chance I’ll have before I’m given my old job back.”
“What do you mean by that?” Aziraphale asked, joining them inside.
“Deal went through. Heaven and Hell is all sorted, and everyone’s taking their old jobs back. I will be too. Everyone has stopped caring what God intended with these reassignments. Everyone in Hell anyway.”
“Wait. So who’s taking up my job then?” Crowley asked.
“No one. Without humans here, Earth has been designated as a waste of time. I wouldn’t expect to see much of Upstairs down here either.”
“So Above and Below are just leaving us here?”
“Consider it your exile. Have fun, Crowley.” With that, Hastur tossed Crowley the apple and proceeded to sink into the ground back to Hell.
Silence filled the cottage as Hastur’s black smoke dissipated. The sounds of Eden leaked through the walls. The wind hadn’t died down from yesterday, and the rustling flora could easily be heard inside. Crowley threw the apple into the kitchen’s trash bin. He missed, and seeing the demon had no plans to go pick it up, Aziraphale went to properly dispose of the fruit.
“I guess we really got the whole world to ourselves then, angel,” Crowley said as Aziraphale returned.
“You would think they would see more value for the Earth than just the potential to persuade humans to either side.”
“No, I wouldn’t think that at all. It’s all a competition. Remember both Heaven and Hell were dead set on destroying this place for their war.”
“Fair point. It really is a shame. Earth has many grand marvels besides humans.”
“Well, we’ve got all the time in the world to see them.”
The day went on, and many conversations filled the hours. Talks about the past, reminiscing on memories. The first World’s Fair in 1851. Oh, that was a magical day. The many evenings of setting up camp on the Silk Road. It was a tiresome trip even for celestial beings like themselves. The fall of the Roman Empire. A rather sad day for the both of them. Just story upon story upon story. 
Somewhere in the mix of things, Aziraphale and Crowley found themselves up on the Wall. The Eastern Gate was privy to the company of an angel and a demon yet again, and this time, it was the correct ones. The intimacy of the night before had not disappeared.
“I am going to miss having humans down here with us,” Aziraphale said, swinging his legs over the edge. “Most of our stories involve them in one way or another. The joy or the sadness at what they’ve done.”
“Yeah, hard to cause michieve when you’re the only one here with me. Can glue all the coins I want to the ground. You’ll hardly fall for it more than once.”
“Well, now that you’ve told me, I’m inclined to believe that I’ll never fall for it.”
“I have my ways,” the demon smirked.
The sun was setting behind them. They swapped sides of the gate to watch it. Eden below glowed under the warm orange light. Their cottage was little more than a speck in the sea of green. It was much more quiet up on the Wall than it had been in Eden. Peaceful in its own way.
“As lonely as the world may be with just the two of us in it,” Aziraphale began. “I’m rather glad you’re the one accompanying me here. As much as I love the Earth, I don’t think I would last long on my own. It would become a dreadfully miserable experience fast.”
“Have to agree with you on that one. Painfully boring. And you’re not bad company yourself.”
Aziraphale smiled and laid down. Crowley joined him. It was beginning to get dark and a few shimmering stars began to make their presence known. It wasn’t the same as seeing them from space, but it was still special in its own right. Aziraphale grabbed Crowley’s hand. The demon pretended not to notice.
“We’re kind of on our own now, aren’t we?”
“Figured it was that way for a while.” Crowley looked at the moon which was only a thin sliver. “But really became that way for good with the whole End of the World thing.”
“Yes, that’s true I suppose. However, now we’re alone alone. There’s not even mankind to ally ourselves with.”
“Guess so. Thing with humanity was more a figmental alliance anyway though.”
“It was still a comforting thought. That we were a more powerful number than two.”
“You wanted an army, angel?”
“No! Of course not. I—” Aziraphale caught Crowley’s eyes and instantly rolled his. “If you keep kidding me like this, I might stop loving you.”
God about spat out the water She had been drinking to fight Her hangover. Crowley had a very similar reaction, minus the drink.
“Sorry? Wha—what was that?”
“I love you.” Aziraphale smiled. He lifted up their joined hands. “What did you think this was about?”
“I dunno. I guess— I mean—just that, well, I thought—I dunno.” Crowley rather frantically ran his free hand through his hair.
“I’m taking the fact that you haven’t removed your hand from mine to mean that the feeling is reciprocated?”
“Yes! Lord—Hell—whatever, yes! Course I love you! Have been since we were here on the first go around.”
“Very glad to hear it.” Aziraphale moved in closer to Crowley, removing all empty space between them. “Would make it difficult to go on for 6000 years without knowing that.”
“Yeah, would be difficult, wouldn’t it? Couldn’t imagine that.”
“Sorry, dear. Hope I can make it up to you.”
“You already have, angel. You really already have.”
The angel and the demon began to feel drowsy although such a thing was not possible. God had gotten Her wish. There was no tap-dancing their way out of this one. Ineffable Husbands was most definitely canon. They had exchanged I-love-you’s. There was no undoing that. As big of a mess as this whole plan had been, somehow it had worked out. And of course it had, She was God after all. Even Her drunk decisions were the right ones. At least that’s how She justified it.
As Aziraphale and Crowley fell asleep in one another’s arms at the very spot the two of them had met, God decided that it was time to restore the world to the way it was. And with that, She flipped the world reset lever back up, and the morning two days after the Apocalypse finally came.
Humans returned to the planet along with the 6 millennia worth of history they had created. A certain Adam Young was fast asleep in bed with his canine friend at his side. A Madame Tracy and a Sergeant Shadwell slept, leaned against one another on a couch with the tele still playing in the background. An Anathema Device and a Newton Pulsifer clung to one another in the bed of a certain Jasmine Cottage. Heaven and Hell, having already sorted out their problems, didn’t notice the restoration of the world. Eventually they would, but for now, they had stacks of paperwork left to attend to.
And Aziraphale and Crowley, had they also not been asleep, would’ve found themselves in a certain Soho bookshop’s back room with a series of empty liquor bottles around them. 
When they would wake the next morning, the first thing Crowley would do, after celebrating the return of the world, was miracle a crisp, red apple and take a massive munch out of it, and Aziraphale would be quick to tell him off for letting all that juice run down his face onto his nice carpet. Of course, he wouldn’t actually be mad. In fact, quite the opposite, but they had a banter to keep up.
They would spend the rest of the day wandering. Re-experiencing everything they had grown to take for granted. And their journey would take them to a nice piece of property for sale in South Downs that looked quite similar to the place they had spent the past few days that no longer existed. Of course they would buy it, and it would only be after they did, that they noticed a rather familiar looking statue in the back garden. Now, however, its eyes would be open, and instead of them taking on the grey/brown color the rest of it had, they would be two different colors: one blue and one gold.
[Read My Other Fics]
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