#what i would give to have a cool night with mj and ned
bradtomlovesya · 2 years
Choices. 2
Two: Tick Tock
Peter Parker x reader series
Summary: Everybody forgot who Peter Parker was. All his world tunerd grey until he met you and you started dating. It could have been perfect if it wasn't for the fact that MJ comes back and, surprise! She remembers EVERYTHING.
Warnings: Pure Angst!, Peter being kinda an idiot, mentions of cheating, swearing.
w/c: 2.3k +
a/n: I changed the name of the chapters and now I am happier with them. Hope you like them and enjoy this chapter! As always, coments, reblogs and likes are completely appreaciated. Thank you so much for all the love and suppor this series is having. I will be forever grateful! ❤️. Gif not mine.
Series Masterlist
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Peter left your apartment that night and his last words were:
"I'm going to fix it, I promise."
He never answered yes or no. He never gave you a concrete answer as to who he wanted to be with, her or you.
The truth is, even Peter didn't know. It was true that he loved you. But it was also true that seeing MJ remember him made his heart beat a mile a minute.
Peter Parker was many things, but it was always clear to him that he had to do the right thing. He always (or at least almost always) knew it was the right thing to do. And, if he didn't, his Aunt May was there to advise him and tell him what to do.
But now May wasn't there. Maybe that's why it was so hard for him to give up on MJ. They were both the only women he had loved in a long time and he lost them on the same day. Having Michelle's memory back made him feel like he had at least gotten one of them back.
However, Parker didn't know if he needed MJ in his life. After all, he already had a life with you. HAD in the past tense. Because obviously you broke up with him after you saw him kissing his ex-girlfriend at the carnival.
Ned, on the other hand, still didn't remember him. And he probably never would again. MJ was a mere pure stroke of luck and the brown-haired boy didn't know if it was a blessing from the universe or if he just wanted to taunt him by putting him in a situation no one wants to be in.
Although he still wasn't sure if he would be able to forgive him for what he did. The brown-eyed man had to make a decision. Go back to MJ and bring his past with him into his present or try with you and continue with his present into the future.
Peter thought it best to go out on patrol and clear his head in the cool night air. That's when he decided he should give you the time you asked for and go out with MJ. Not as a couple, at least for now or maybe never, but as friends who haven't seen each other in a long time and need to unwind from everything that has happened in their lives.
You managed to catch a glimpse of them on one of their outings. They were walking around campus while eating a slice of pizza and laughing about God knows what.
Your heart sank even deeper into your chest. You were already a mess trying to live without him. Now you had to watch him be happy with her too?
Right there you felt selfish. You didn't want Peter to laugh with her. You wanted him to laugh with you.
The aforementioned wiped the corner of MJ's mouth with a napkin and a tear slid down your cheek as you thought of the many times he did the same for you.
'She's not me' you repeated to yourself. But even then you couldn't stop the hole growing in your chest at catastrophic speeds.
They were there, laughing and eating while you were miserable, and yet you couldn't hate Peter for loving her.  In spite of everything, you loved him.
Love is a double-edged sword.
Two days later you were watching Netflix in your bedroom when your phone vibrated on the coffee table. The screen was lit up with the word 'Peter♡' and your breath caught in your lungs. Should you answer it? your heart asked. Should you ignore it? your brain asked.
The heart won the battle this time. You answered the call.
"H-" you cleared your throat. You wanted to sound as neutral as possible. "Hello?"
"Y/n..." his voice was barely a whisper. "I didn't know if you were going to answer" his voice was so low that you had to turn up the volume as high as it would go and give him your full attention.
"What's wrong?" you asked.
"Nee-" he coughed. "I need your help...please" a faint whimper was heard from his side of the line and that was enough to worry you. Something wasn't right.
"Peter? Is everything all right? What's wrong?" your voice was now one of concern. You've never turned your back on those you love and care about, you weren't about to start now.
"I... I'm kind of hurt" he breathed again and your breath hitched. "It's not serious but-" he paused. "I can't get up." He confessed.
"Where are you?" you got up from the small couch to look for your shoes. "Peter?" You worried about his breathing on the other end of the line.
"In my apartment" he grunted in pain. "Shit."
"I'm on my way" you hung up the call and grabbed your keys. You still kept your copy of the ones to his apartment so getting inside it wasn't a problem.
You leave your keys on the plate on the counter and remove your shoes as quickly as you can before running to her room.
"Peter?" you ask when you don't see him and pause to scan his room.
"Here!" he groans. He made too much force when he spoke so you could hear him from the bathroom.
You walk in and see him lying in the unfilled bathtub. He was dressed in nothing but his boxers but it didn't bother you. It's not like you haven't seen him like this before.
"I tried to take a shower but I slipped and I don't have the strength or energy to get up" he smiles apologetically in your direction.
"I see..." you walk over and see his suit on the floor. "Why a shower?" you ask.
"The guy I stopped was doing weird experiments and threw some weird substance at me. I preferred not to take any chances and showered as soon as I got home" he clarified.
"Let me help you" you hold his arms and help him stand up.
Peter felt more than embarrassed at that moment. Because of what he had told you and because you were too good to say no to him when he needed help.
"Thank you" he sits on his bed and takes the towel you offer him so he can dry off.
"Is the medicine cabinet in the same place?" you ask. It's been a little over two weeks since you've been in his apartment.
Having him so close and yet so far away hurts like a million needles pricking your heart. But none of this was your fault, it was his and he's the one who should fix it. Even though you saw him so happy with MJ, you still had hope that he was going to choose you and come back to you.
It's okay to dream, isn't it?
You bandage his wounds after cleaning them and turn around so he can put on some boxers and gym shorts with a little privacy. You didn't leave the room because you were afraid he would fall while doing it so turning around was enough.
"Thank you for coming. I know I don't deserve it" he mumbles with his eyes on you as you turn to look at him.
"It's true... Maybe you don't deserve it coming from me" you shrug. "But I can't help but help the people I love.
'People I love' Peter's eyes sparkled at that phrase. You still loved him, that was more than enough.
"I really appreciate it" He smiles and watches you sit next to him on the bed.
"Why didn't you call MJ?" you ask abruptly. It was a question you asked yourself since he called you for help.
"She's busy, she couldn't come." He said without thinking.
And then reality hits you in the face and chills you like a bucket of cold water.
"So I was your second choice just because she couldn't" Your voice is serious. You just remembered how everything went down the drain in one night.
"What? No?" he frowns. "That's not what I wanted-"
"Save your excuses. I don't want to hear them," you stand up and look at him seriously. "You're already bandaged and in your bed. Next time, don't call me."
"Y/n. Please" he tries to get up but his side hurts "That's not what I meant I promise."
"Your promises don't mean anything to me anymore" you feel a lump in your throat. You are on the verge of tears. "You know one of the things that hurts me the most, Peter?"
"I-" he sighs and shakes his head. He wants to let you finish your point.
"You were indeed my first love, my first time, my first everything" the tears build up in your eyes but you're determined not to let them out. "And you didn't think about that before you stuck your tongue in her mouth. I bet your heart never beat for me like it does for her."
The brown-eyed man was about to say something until you both hear the sound of someone knocking at the door you watch Peter get up and walk to open it.
You walk behind him only because you know it's time to go. You shouldn't have come in the first place.
When Peter opens the door, the person behind it is MJ.
"You should give me a copy of the key" she laughs lightly.
"Keep mine" you put on your shoes and grab your purse. You walk over to the plate where you left them before and put them in her hand. "I won't be needing them anymore" you walk out of the apartment and she is both surprised and confused.
Another two weeks passed. Peter felt empty again. Just like he felt when he lost MJ and Ned in the first place but worse because not only had he lost you. He had let you down completely.
Spiderman became clumsy on his nightly patrols, he didn't pay attention and classes and even less when MJ talked to him. Even though he knew she was just trying to make him feel better.
"Peter?" she asks. "Peter!" She snaps her fingers in front of his face and sighs heavily.
"Yes?" He looks at you but his gaze is still lost.
"You're thinking about her, aren't you?" she asks.
"How could I not when she's right here" he shows you his pencil.
"What do you mean right here?" MJ asks with a frown.
"Yes, it's right here. She's the one who gave me this pencil" he sighs. "And she's over there too" he points to the girl sitting a couple of tables away from where they were sitting. "That girl has her same color hair" he looks at his fingers "but not just over there" he points to a boy with a can in his hand. "That boy is drinking his favorite drink." He snorts. "Everything in this damn library reminds me of her."
"Why haven't you tried talking to her then?" he shrugs.
"Because I'm lousy with words, MJ. Whenever I try to tell her something, she ends up misunderstanding it because it was me in the first place who didn't know how to use the right words" he runs his hands over his face.
"Then don't talk to her" she shrugs.
The brown-haired boy looks at her with a frown. "That's supposed to solve my problems? Thanks MJ." She rolls her eyes.
"Stop your sarcasm," the chestnut-haired girl points
Her finger at him. "I mean maybe I should be the one to talk to her." He sighs. "I shouldn't have kissed you, Peter. I didn't know you had a girlfriend."
"MJ..." Peter sighs and takes her hand. "I was the one who shouldn't have kissed you having a girlfriend. It wasn't your fault, it was mine." He assures her. "I'm the one who should fix this."
Michelle nods and looks to her left. There you were. Watching as Peter held her hand just as he held yours. You shouldn't care, it's been a month since you and Parker broke up but it still hurts like hell.
MJ saw you pull back quickly before she could separate her hands from Peter's. "At least she knows you and I aren't dating?" she asks and Peter denies.
"No, I've tried to tell her but me and my big mouth always say something else and I hurt her more than I manage to fix it." He sighs heavily.
"What? She still thinks that you and I...?" MJ pauses.
"Yup." Peter nods and fixes his gaze on the floor.
"Peter... that's not fair" he sighs and shakes his head.
Parker knows. He knows it's not fair but he already said it, he's not good with words.
"Everything I say ends up being misinterpreted and it's my fault!" He covers his face with his hands. "Help, MJ. Please."
"And if instead of using words you take action?" proposes the brunette.
"What do you mean by that?" The boy raises an eyebrow. "You'll have to be more specific."
"God... you're so smart but so dumb at the same time, how is that possible?" She rolls her eyes. "You have to do something for her, something she can't refuse or misunderstand, and then explain everything to her, Peter. Be honest."
"You're right," he nods and sighs. "No more secrets."
Peter was already planning something in his mind. Something that would make you either forgive him or wish you never saw him again. That was up to you.
However, He had to move and plan a little faster. Your heart still loved him, true, but it wasn't closed to moving on and rejecting Parker altogether.
Austin, a classmate who asked you out before you and Peter dated, found out about your breakup with him and was determined not to pass up the opportunity that was once taken away from him.
Tick tock, Peter. Your time is running out.
Peter Parker Tags:
@raajali3 @fangirling-galore @powerpuffluuvv @itszulli @hallecarey1 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @kaitieskidmore1 @lnmp89 @pure-a-tea @vixparker @army24--7 @spiderydreams00 @my-name-duh @nani-2305
Choices' Tags
@parkerpeterparker2004 @afro-hispwriter @sakaki-chaaaaannn @insertsupercoolusernamehere @local-mr-frog @diasnohibng @stilesismyhusbandforever-blog @tombolland1996 @ellesalazar @cursedandromedablack @ifilwtmfc @newtmaskilledme @sweetenertea @wonieeee @jackiehollanderr @parkthothwa8 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @itsmadamehydra @luvherfairy @reneinii @pauuuus @rootbeerfaygo @janoskiansecondsofdirection @bubble-blu
If your username is lined, tumblr didn't let me tag you :(.
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bitchyycapricorn · 1 year
Almost There
Peter Parker x Ghost!Reader
Chapter One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
Series Masterlist
Wordcount: 1.6K
Synopsis: Peter enters his apartment that night expecting to find an empty bed. But instead, he comes face to face with your transparent glowing figure.
Warnings: ANGST!, Mentions of children dying, jealousy, Ned and Reader lowkey being besties
AN: I swear I actually like MJ’s character in MCU but it’s for the fic. Not edited.
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You hadn’t bothered to go back to Peter’s apartment that day. Instead you found yourself in search of Ned, the person who was soon to be your new roommate. Hopefully. He was your only other friend besides Peter. Since you and Peter were no longer on speaking terms as of last night, you desperately need him to agree to let you bunk with him for the time being. And so, you found yourself poking your head into every room to the left of Peter’s apartment in hopes of finding Ned’s, since the only real information you had to go off of was that it was on the same floor and well, to the left.
You had managed to make it to the very last door with no sign of Ned. Sucking in a breath, you poked your head through the wooden door and took a look around. Thankfully, Ned stood in his kitchen warming up a cup of Mac and cheese. You let out a sigh and made your way through the door and over to where he was standing. “Hey Ned,” you say casually, turning solid so he could see you.
Ned let out a shriek, his hand flying to his heart as he backs into the counter behind him. His eyes lock with yours looking absolutely terrified as he attempts to get his breathing back under control. “That was so very uncalled for.” He heaves, looking up at the now beeping microwave.
Offering him an embarrassed smile, you open the microwave and quickly retrieve his food in an attempt to make up for scarring the living daylights out of him. “Sorry Ned, I didn’t mean to frighten you. I uh, me and Peter aren’t exactly good anymore and I really need somewhere to chill. I know you mentioned living alone and I just, it would be so cool if-“ a frustrated sigh escapes your lips as your mind wanders back to yesterday. It seems so ridiculous that you’re the one who has to leave because Peter happened to get some living girlfriend.
“Hey, you’re good. Peter mentioned that you two got in a fight. I just don’t think he expected you to actually leave.” He replied as he took a bite of his food. Oh how you missed real food.
Another sigh left your lips as you shifted slightly on your feet, “So am I good to stay?” You tried again, cutting straight to the point this time.
“Yeah of course, having a ghost roommate is going to be sick dude.” He laughs, this time offering you a smile.
“Oh good, I was honestly worried I was going to have to stay here behind your back.”
Wait what?”
You brush off his confusion and turn on your heels instead, making your way over to his gaming console. “Peter and I normally play and let me tell you, I kick ass at Mario Cart if you dare to play me.” You tease offering the other controller to Ned. “You down?”
Ned’s smile widens as he takes the controller from you. “Oh it’s on.”
The sun had already began to set by the time you and Ned had decided to make the responsible decision to put the game down. You had in fact kicked his ass at every single round of Mario Cart, but of course he had you beat at Super Smash Bros. “I don’t even think Peter is that fun,” Ned laughs as he puts away your guy’s controllers and turns off the game.
“That’s because I’m just so much cooler than Parker.” You giggle, getting up to stretch.
Ned turns to face you once again, giving you a kind smile. “Also, it’s totally freaky when you like disappear and only your hands are like there.”
You pause a moment, remembering Ned isn’t able to see you when you’re a ghost. “Oh shit, I totally forgot only Peter can see me because of his spider thingy.”
“So like, can you make any of your body visible while the rest is invisible? Or just your hands?” He asks, suddenly intrigued by this new information.
You give a small shrug before turning everything but your feet invisible, then your left leg, and then only your right eyebrow. Turning back fully visible you give Ned a smile, “I can do the Cheshire Cat thing,”
His eyes go wide as your body slowly fades and all that’s left is your smile. “That is the coolest thing I think I’ve ever seen. And I’m Spider-Man’s guy in the chair.”
“Guy in the chair? So like Peter’s sidekick?” You hum, turning fully visible again. Ned nods, eyes shifting over to the time.
“Yeah but guy in the chair sounds way better, also it’s getting really late.” He says, nodding at the clock on the oven. You look over your shoulder and realize he’s right, it was late.
“You’re right, we should probably get to bed.” You yawn, feeling yourself begin to shut down as if the sight of the time was an automatic trigger.
“I can take the couch if you want my bed?” Ned offers causing you to frown.
“Can’t we just share the bed?” You ask confused.
A blush spreads across Neds face as he looks to the side feeling suddenly awkward. “Share…A bed?”
“Me and Peter shared a bed.” You say as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Ned hesitates again, “Yeah but like, isn’t it a bit weird for us to share a bed?”
Your frown deepens as your teeth tug on your bottom lip. “We can sleep separately if you’d like, I just…I don’t like being alone. I was alone for so long. And I like the body heat. It was so cold, so damp, so dark, and I was so alone.”
Ned’s here shatters at your words, realizing you were talking about your death. “Y/N, I’m so so sorry, of course you can slee- wait damp?” He blurts out, completely thrown off.
Your eyes meet his and your pause as well. Your mind is suddenly shifting through your blurry memories. “Yes, it was damp. Like the air was damp, the walls had water on them…” you suddenly felt less confident in what you were saying. “And I was alone after the others stopped,” you pause again, realizing that you had blocked out most of these memories.
“Others?” Ned asked, just as confused as you were.
“Yes…the others, the other children were crying. And then it stopped. I could not see them, it was dark and my eyes were..I don’t know. I want to go to bed now, I don’t- I don’t like this.” Your voice cracked as tears began flowing down your puffy cheeks. Suddenly the thought of Peter’s warm embrace ran through your mind, making you wish you had never fought.
Ned nodded, grabbing your hand softly and leading you into his room. “Let’s get some rest okay?” He whispered as you both snuggled into bed. “You won’t be alone, I’ll stay right here.” He promised, letting you slip into a deep slumber.
Ned rushed into the dinning hall to find Peter sitting with MJ. “We need to talk,” Ned wheezes, “it’s about Y/N/N,” he finishes once he catches his breath. Your name catches Peter’s attention quite quickly, the thought of you had been on his mind all last night. His bed had never felt so empty without you.
“Is she okay?” Peter asks quickly, feeling suddenly protective and a bit possessive over you.
“Debatable honestly, but none of that matters until we can talk alone,” Ned’s gaze shifts over to MJ, who looks a bit irritated that another girl was being talked about. “It’s uh, private.” He nods, signaling for Peter to follow him.
Peter hesitates, looking over to MJ, “I promise this will be quick, I uh- I just have to hear this.”
“Mhm, so who’s ‘Y/N/N?” MJ cuts in, still looking annoyed.
“Our neighbor,” Ned says quickly, “we all became friends when me and Peter moved in.”
“Uh huh, and why is it the first time I’m hearing about this girl?” She asks, still skeptical.
“Because Ned really likes her and we didn’t want to invite her into the friend group unless she said yes.” Peter replies quickly, sending Ned a pleading look.
Ned nods, “Mhm, huuugggeeee crush. Now let’s go this is life or death important.”
Peter sends one last apologetic smile MJ’s way before following Ned out to the courtyard.
“This better be good dude, my girlfriend can already tell something is up and the guilt of me kissing Y/N is eating me up.” Peter grumbles.
“Can elevators be damp?” Ned asks, turning to face Peter.
Peter pauses, his face falling. “What?”
Ned groans, “Dude I’m serious. Can an elevator be damp?”
“I mean, that seems a bit odd for an elevator to be damp.” Peter says slowly, “why?”
Ned nods, looking around to make sure no one was near them. “That’s what I thought too. But yesterday, Y/N mentioned that when she died it was damp. That wasn’t even the weirdest part though. She mentioned there being others.”
“Yeah, others. Which would have made sense except for the fact she also mentioned that she felt alone once the crying stopped. Peter, if the crying stopped that means the others died before her.” Ned said slowly.
Peter’s eyebrows furrowed, “That can’t be possible, she would’ve had to have died from the impact, she fell from too high up…”
“Exactly. Meaning she didn’t die from an elevator malfunction.”
“But the elevator story is true, it really did crash eight years ago, it’s still out of order because of how bad it was. That’s why they had to build the new one on the opposite end of the building, near your room. “ Peter explains.
“So then how did an elevator get completely obliterated to the point it can’t be fixed, not kill everyone on impact?”
Peter presses his lips together, “Then what the hell actually happened to Y/N?”
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Family of Heroes 🪪 | Everett Ross Heacanon
Link to my Marvel masterlist
Requested 📨 yes/no (rules for requests)
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Having a family with Everett Ross would look like:
So if you’re an avenger/shield agent and fall in love with the silver fox that is Agent Everett Ross then there is no hiding the world of heroes from your children. After getting married/being partners for a long time you both eventually have/adopt a couple of kids and raise them in the New York/Quantico area.
Considering they grew up with parents who were federal agents, they were likely drawn to the field of criminology, intelligence, security, etc. Or possibly were talented when it came to mechanics, math, physics. Either which way you’re kids were top of their classes and managed to attend some of the most prestigious schools in the county. MIT, NYU, Cornell would be knocking on y’all’s door with scholarships and grants just to have your kids attend.
If you’re living in New York then they’d attend Midtown with Peter, MJ, and Ned. Of course with Peter being Spider-Man and knowing you, there’s a chance your kids knew his secret before the others. Hell, wouldn’t be surprised if Peter may have fanboyed when he learned that you were the parent of his friends. “That’s so cool your parents are agents—and one is an avenger!” “Only thing that sucks about it is I can never hide anything. Bad grades, relationships, sneaking out at night. They’ll always know.”
I can see you having a daughter who was like Everett with passions for intelligence. She’d come to his office just to watch him work and get a feel of what it was like to be an agent. When it came to intuition she was a natural at catching when something was suspicious. She was also great at analyzing—whether it be data, a crime scene, or body language.
Your son would have interests similar to you—wanting to be in the field or creating inventions that gave him abilities. He was very hands on, loved working on cars or building things from scratch. Don’t be surprised if he noted Bruce Banner or Tony Stark as his idols.
If your kids were into sports you’d go to every game. If they loved the arts you went to every performance, gallery, recital. Sometimes you’d be running late because of work, but you always made it up to them by taking them out to dinner or ice cream to get that quality time in. It was hard being a superhero and raising children, but with Ev by your side you both were able to put a healthy balance on things.
Early on your children were taught self-defense. Boxing, marital arts, how to disarm someone, and everything in between that would help them kick someone’s ass if they were attacked. Being that you and Everett’s jobs come with enemies there is always that risk they would target your kids. “You must be quick and sharp—anything less will give them the advantage.” “You know,” *catches breath* “This is really some parent-child bonding you got going on.” “Quality time, training, and life lessons all wrapped into one. Ain’t that something.”
When the topic of your kids joining the Young Avengers arose, you both were very hesitant. They were in college or about to graduate and your daughter had even applied for the CIA with your son building a prototype suit. It got the attention of a lot of people and you were already dealing with the stress of the Thunderbolts forming. “They are kids, Everett! They cannot handle the things we see—at least not yet!” “Believe me, honey, I agree with you. But they are technically adults and it’s not like they’ll be alone. They want us, Sam, Strange, Carol and Okoye to supervise them.” It did little to ease your worry, but at least you’d have some say in the matters.
No longer were you and Ev just their parents, but also their bosses. You both had control along with the other Avengers over whether or not the Young Avengers would get involved in conflicts. First thing that took place of course was months of training and teaching the kids (even if they were adults you still looked at them as kids) what and what not to do in a situation. Last thing y’all wanted was another Accords scenario.
“C’mon send us out! We can help you guys!” “You know the deal—once you pass your field exams then you can do missions. Until then you’re grounded here.”
“If Hydra’s been behind it the whole time then does that mean you guys didn’t check to see that you got them all in 2015?” “Honey, please, do not remind me because I’ll only get angry—not at you but at the situation. I need to have a word with Fury on what the hell went wrong.”
While you may be strict with the Young Avengers, best believe if someone insulted, attacked, or patronizing toward them you’d go ape shit. Oh and if Secretary Ross were to try something….Let’s just say Everett once had to pull you back from doing something that would’ve had you arrested. “He doesn’t have the right to get involved in what they do—or threaten them with prison after they saved the world!” “And don’t give him the satisfaction of locking you up, Y/n. You know he’s waiting for us to step out of line.”
If there is one thing the government realized quick when you and Everett decided to expand the Ross’ legacy, is to never underestimate a family full of heroes.
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themculibrary · 2 years
Peter & Ned Friendship Masterlist
5 Times Ned Gave Peter His Sweatshirt (ao3) - red_to_black ned/peter T, 6k
Summary: Five times Ned Leeds gave Peter his sweatshirt, and one time Peter returned the favour.
(AKA Ned is a dork in love and Peter’s a mess but someone has to take care of him. That someone is Ned.)
5 Times Spider-Man Needed Help (ao3) - CivilBores, starsinyourveins T, 23k
Summary: …and the one time Peter Parker did.
A Better Friend (ao3) - friendofspiderman G, 591
Summary: Fictober Prompt #28 - "do I have to do everything here?"
When your best friend is Spider-Man, you get used to picking up the slack.
A Friend in N(e)ed (ao3) - bluhawk G, 471
Summary: My best friend asked me to write "some wholesome friendship between Spidey and Ned". How could I say no to that?
Ned comforts Peter after the post-credit scene of Far From Home.
A So-So Popsicle (ao3) - friendofspiderman G, 393
Summary: Fictober Day #21 - "this, this makes it all worth it"
Ned tries to cheer up an injured Peter with Spider-Man popsicles.
I'll be there for you ('cause you're there for me too) (ao3) - Want_to_read234 G, 1k
Summary: Peter Parker and Ned Leeds would probably describe their friendship as friendship at first sight.
It may sound cheesy but it is what it is.
It’s not SELF pity (ao3) - ChocolateAndRedbull G, 1k
Summary: When Peter and Ned come down with the stomach flu, it’s up to MJ to look after her boys
It's The Great Big Christmas Tree, Mr. Stark! (ao3) - ciaconnaa T, 2k
Summary: Peter and Ned cut down a Christmas tree that's way too big. And they need Iron Man to take it.
Ned Leed’s field trip to Stark Industries (ao3) - Drake_DiAngelo G, 15k
Summary: Your generic Field Trip trope, but slightly different because it’s Ned centric and hopefully everyone stays in character.
Also, Peter is absolutely everywhere they go but they never quite manage to actually see him. (Or realize its him) They did see Spiderman though, so that’s nice.
Ned the Dumbwaiter (ao3) - whumphoarder G, 3k
Summary: Peter gets horribly sick on Halloween night and his very overwhelmed Guy In The Chair attempts to take care of him. But when both boys find themselves in over their heads, Tony takes over.
Not All Heroes Wear Masks (ao3) - MondayVibes G, 4k
Summary: Peter’s ears were still ringing and his limbs were still cramping uncontrollably when he finally—finally—spotted the poorly fitting catsuit and garish wig that he’d seen way too many times in the weeks leading up to HeroCon. Clumsily, he dropped from the façade of a half-ruined building and all but collapsed on the sidewalk next to Ned.
“Dude,” he gasped out, as Ned jumped, wide-eyed and wild-haired, at his sudden appearance. “I need your coat. That cheap Thor knock-off fried my webshooters I can’t get out of here before the cops show up.”
Across the street, a Tony Stark with a penciled-on goatee and a Goddess of Thunder were comforting a crying Iron Man. A Captain America was cautiously brushing off his ruined shield. In the distance, sirens were wailing.
And maybe Sparky’d fried Peter’s brain along with his suit, but the whole if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em was starting to sound like a really good idea right now.
Nothing Like the Movies (ao3) - friendofspiderman T, 1k
Summary: Fictober Prompt #2 - "you have no proof"
Ned gets kidnapped and does not play it cool.
Poison Apple (ao3) - whumphoarder G, 5k
Summary: “I-I think something’s wrong with me.”
Ned gives a short laugh. “Pretty sure we established that when you puked in a corn maze. You’ve got like, food poisoning or something.”
Peter shakes his head. “No, not that.” He takes a few short breaths. “Chest feels weird. Kinda hard to breathe.”
the earth turns from sanity (ao3) - teafrqmes G, 846
Summary: Peter forgets that Ned is supposed to come over, which puts Ned in a position for some surprising realizations.
The Guy in the Chair (ao3) - whumphoarder T, 7k
Summary: Between having a reckless superhero for a best friend and dealing with his own family’s vast array of issues, Ned gets used to being everyone’s support system.
The Spider a Web (ao3) - friendlyneighborhoodsecretary G, 3k
Summary: Surprise identity reveals aren't easy for anyone. Not even for your friendly neighborhood Guy in the Chair. A perspective on the events following the FFH credit scene from Ned Leeds.
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tinyyoungblood · 4 years
a night in | peter parker
summary: queens’ coolest friends group of smarty pants is back with fun sing-alongs, some life advice and a few hilarious childhood stories while peter can’t keep his hands off you
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pairing: peter parker x reader
warnings: swearing and quick mentions of violence and vandalism
word count: 2.2k
song: Boys Ain’t Shit (feat. Tate McRae & Audrey Mika) by SAYGRACE
a/n: this is for everyone out there who would like some company on a boring friday night. just hang out with peter and the gang:)
↳ masterlist
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“These boys ain’t shit, I’m not here for it,” you sang on top of your lungs while holding the white blanket around the nape of your neck, hips moving to the beat.
“If you want me, act like it. Act like it!” MJ sang the next line and twirled around the kitchen counter while carelessly throwing her hands up in the air. You met halfway and locked eyes with each other, a sparkling gleam dancing in them.
“These boys get pissed. ‘Cause I won’t stand for it.” MJ threw her hair over her shoulder and you cheered her on, “If you want the sweet life then act like it!” The LED lights dunked your skin in vibrating pink.
You were just two careless girls, dancing and singing their hearts out on a Friday night while the music was blasting through the speakers. “Run it backwards, don’t be such an asshole, run it backwards, run it, run it back— “
Suddenly the joyful moment ended when the music was abruptly turned off. Your heads snapped to the door, ready to cuss out the person who cruelly paused your music.
When the harsh lights were switched on, you could see them standing in the doorway: Your very confused boyfriend and his amused best friend, each of them holding bags of food.
“So this is what you do when we’re gone for ten minutes?” Ned asked with a grin on his face while setting his stuff on the kitchen counter. MJ rolled her eyes at him and fished out a can of soda, replying, “Always. Next thing on the list would be a pillow fight and a makeover.”
You walked to the living room to put away your fluffy blanket and called out, “Don’t forget sneaking out to meet up with leather jacket-wearing biker gangs.” As you turned back around, two strong arms slung around your waist and the familiar curls were nestled into the side of your face as Peter placed soft kisses on your neck.
Melting into his embrace right away, you smiled at his affectionate greeting. “Missed me?”
“You tell me,” he mumbled into your neck and you giggled slightly at the vibration, “I’m gone for two seconds and my girlfriend sings about boys not being shit.”
You gently removed him from your neck before he could reach your sweet spot and rested your hands at the back of his neck to face him. A sweet pout was resting on his puckered lips and you couldn’t help but peck them, immediately conjuring a smile.
“I was just jamming out to a song with MJ.” He cocked his head to the side to mutely question the song choice, but you just shrugged. “Besides,” you said with a smirk while playing with his hair, “you know, you ain’t shit, Parker.”
He gasped at you and placed his hand over his chest, making you laugh at his dramatic gesture. “But I love you anyway.” You leaned forward and captured his cold lips with yours.
The familiar warmth promptly welcomed you and rose from your stomach to your chest and the distinct chatter of your friends quickly vanished into the background. Peter melted into the kiss and you smiled at the impact you had on him.
When you pulled back, he instantly pressed your waist closer, prolonging the soft-lipped kiss. Not wanting to let go either, you moved your lips with his whilst soft curls slipped through your fingertips.
When his tongue glided over your bottom lip to ask for permission to enter, you had to fight everything in you to not let him take control and instead, reluctantly pulled away, leaving your lips disappointedly cold again.
“We wanted to spend the evening with MJ and Ned, remember?”
“They have food in there, they’ll be fine,” he waved you off and went in for another kiss, but you turned your head to the side, making him peck your cheek instead.
“Come on Pete, we promised them.” Groaning slightly, he pouted again and you wanted nothing more than to just plant thousands of kisses on his soft lips. Instead, you dragged him back into the kitchen.
And that’s how the four of you ended up on the living room floor, eating takeout pizza and exchanging embarrassing childhood stories.
You were cuddled in between your boyfriend’s legs and listening to Ned’s funny memory as Peter mindlessly drew circles on your waist with his fingers.
“And because nobody was paying attention to him, I had no other choice but to scream out his name while preparing myself for the impact!”
“You had to prepare yourself for the impact?” you laughed and MJ shook her head with a look of disapproval on her face, though she couldn’t help but grin herself, “You yeeted the poor blind kid across the playground!” You burst out laughing.
“Dude, pushing over a blind guy is not cool,” Peter chocked out between his laughter, your back feeling his chest vibrate.
“I was on a swing!” Ned defended, still aware that it was all kinds of messed up, “What kindergarten teacher lets a blind kid walk up to the swings?! That’s child neglectment!”
Everyone burst out laughing again, tears were almost streaming down your face. Eyeing your half-eaten pizza, you turned your head and handed it to Peter who wordlessly grabbed it and took a bite off it.
You smiled up at him and loved how he had a great time. He deserved every second of joy and happiness. Noticing you stare at him, he curiously looked down at you and you just silently exchanged warm smiles. A sparkling gleam was dancing in your eyes and Peter felt his heart flutter again.
Sometimes he couldn’t get over the fact that you were his. The funniest, smartest and kindest girl out there was sitting in between his legs, sharing her pizza with him. God, he was lucky.
He bent down and pecked your lips. Your nose scrunched at the heavy taste of onions, but Peter just gave you a lopsided grin.
“So what happened next?” MJ asked and picked up a bag of skittles off the floor, ripping it open to hand it to Ned.
It was an unspoken rule in your group that he always gets the bag first since he only eats the red skittles.
“Our parents were called in and I was expelled for the rest of the day,” Ned explained sheepishly and picked out his skittles.
“Getting expelled in kindergarten,” you chuckled, “Ned Leeds, you are a wild one.” He shrugged with a huge grin on his face, returning the bag of sweets to MJ.
“Well, if you want to talk about being a wild one, how about you share a story now, babe?” Peter nudged your side and you grimaced, nibbling on your bottom lip.
MJ nodded while leaning back on her arms, “It’s your turn.”
“Yeah,” Ned agreed, “I know like nothing about your childhood.”
You snatched the skittles bag from MJ and acted like you were deeply invested in picking out a specific colored skittle. “Because there’s nothing to tell,” you mumbled, clearly embarrassed of your younger self, but as always, Peter caught it with his enhanced hearing.
“Your mom told me what you were like as a child. There’s plenty to tell!” he urged and you elbowed him, but he just snickered, finding it adorable that you believed you could hurt him in any way.
“You seriously need to stop having dinner with my mom.” You deadpanned but you just felt him shrug.
“She makes the best lasagna.”
The others agreed, “She really does.”
“Bless that woman’s lasagna.”
You groaned and threw the bag in the middle of the floor for the others to grab. “Since when is everybody having dinner with my mom?”
“You wouldn’t know, you’re never home.” MJ shrugged, causing a pang of guilt in your chest.
“I get it, I’m too busy,” you mumbled while playing with the sweets in your hands.
“Well,” Ned eyed you and glanced at Peter who was absentmindedly playing with your hair, “you do have a lot on your plate with all the extracurriculars. You can always drop some, you know.”
Sensing the growing discomfort, Peter let go of your hair and hugged you from behind, pressing you against his chest. You naturally melted into his embrace and his heartbeat calmed you down.
“I guess I could drop one or two,” you mumbled and the others gazed at you knowingly.
“You know,” MJ spoke up in her monotonous voice that indicated that she tried to be gentle, “there’s nothing wrong with giving up on something if you don’t enjoy it anymore. No shame in that.”
“She’s right,” Peter encouraged, “babe, you don’t have to keep going just because you don’t want to let other people down. Whether it is the marching band or the speech and debate team, they’ll be fine without you. Do what makes you happy.”
The others agreed and the corners of your mouth turned up. You were grateful for moments like these with your friends.
They were right, you haven’t had dinner at home with your mom for a while now and you couldn’t even remember the last time you properly talked to her or even to your friends. You were always out, always doing something and always trying to please somebody.
“Thanks guys, I really needed this.”
MJ gave you a two-finger way and Ned beamed at you. You felt Peter place a gentle kiss on the top of your head and you honestly never wanted this evening to end.
“Anyway,” Ned announced loudly, “before we got all emotional, it was Y/n’s turn to share an embarrassing childhood story.”
The others nodded and you plastered a smile on your face, deciding on telling them a rather harmless story of your childhood. They would get to hear the cooler ones eventually.
“So,” you clapped your hands together and set the scene, “when I was 6 years old, I had to pop into the store around the corner to get some eggs for my mom since she was sick and on bed rest. But on my way home, I ran into this boy who I had a crush on and I was super embarrassed because I was wearing these pink barbie pajamas that I really did not want him to see me in.” You rolled your eyes at your younger self.
“But there was no way to hide from him since he was coming my way and I had to go down the street from the direction that he came from.”
“Very thrilling,” Ned commented while popping mini pretzels into his mouth. MJ swatted him with her hand to shut him up. You smiled at that motion and continued,
“But to my luck, a police car just pulled up and what my 6-year-old super brain immediately came up with was that instead of letting him think that I was a girly wimp, I could be a super cool badass right in front of him.”
“Of course what every 6-year-old aspires to be,” Peter snorted and Ned added, “Understandably.”
You jokingly rolled your eyes at them. “So I pulled out the eggs and threw them on the windshield of that police car while also making sure that the boy witnessed it all.”
Ned slapped his hand on his forehead, staring at you bewildered, whereas MJ just proudly grinned at you.
“Obviously, the cops jumped out of the car and chased me down. Clearly haven’t thought it through, I ran as fast as I could to escape them but when I passed the boy, he tripped me!”
A collective gasp left their mouths as they gaped at you with wide eyes.
“Turns out, he was the cop’s son,” you paused for dramatic effect, “and he was disgustingly proud of having stopped me.” Peter let out an irritated huff and you mindlessly rubbed circles into his arm.
“When the cops asked me why I did what I did, I obviously told them the truth because you know I suck at lying. The boy, of course, had to hear all of it and was just as awkward about it as me.” A small laugh escaped your lips as you remembered the memory clearly. “To my luck, they found it adorable, so they just drove me home with a simple warning,” you ended your story and popped another skittle into your mouth.
Ned shook his head at you comically, “Nope Y/n, I take everything back. You are the wild one. Shoving a blind kid doesn’t sound that bad anymore compared to your story.”
“It’s still just as bad, Ned,” MJ interjected and gave him a pointed look.
Peter leaned forward to catch your gaze. “I can’t believe you did that.” He smiled at you amused but you just shrugged it off and grinned at him.
“It’s nice to be wanted, you know?”
He stared at you horrified as everybody laughed. “Not by the law!” 
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quarantine sucks, i miss my friends:( anyway, this was a lot of fun to write so feel free to leave some feedback, send in requests or talk to me!
check out more of my stuff on my masterlist and if you don’t, that’s fine too. buh-bye! 
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ynparker · 2 years
Waiting for Spiderman - (Part 3) Peter Parker x (Y/N)
Peter Parker x fem!stark!avenger!reader
Summary: Peter Parker is new to the Avengers, but that doesn't stop him from falling for Tony Stark's daughter.
Warnings: Flash being an absolute jerk
A/N: Hey guys! This fanfic is inspired by the song 'Waiting for Superman' by Daughtry (I changed it to Spiderman for obvious reasons). Also, Pietro never died. Let me know if you want to be tagged. Enjoy ;)
(Y/N)'s eyes shot past Peter, surprised as she heard his name being called. A boy ans girl their age were hurrying towards him. Peter was smiling and waving at them.
"Hey," the boy said as he caught up with them. "You forgot to text me last night, I thought we were going to build my new Lego death star?"
(Y/N) raised her eyebrows and a smile crossed her face. The girl laughed and patted Peter on the shoulder. "You're busted, Parker," she said. "Looks like she just found out how much of a nerd you are."
Before Peter could stammer out an answer, the girl spoke again. "I'm MJ by the way," she introduced herself. "And that's Ned. For the record, I'm not even sure why I'm friends with these dorks.
Peter looked scandalized, but (Y/N) was grinning. She was beginning to like his friends more and more. "Nice to meet you guys," she smiled at them. "I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) Stark."
Ned's eyes widened slowly. "Whoah," he gasped. "You're actually Tony Stark's daughter?"
"That's me," she said, giving a confident shrug. She always played it cool when people mentioned her dad. Provided they didn't overdo it, of course.
"And you're hanging out with us?" Ned asked. The other three laughed at this. "Well, Peter's Spiderman and he hangs out with you," she countered reasonably. In a trice, Peter had his hand over her mouth. "Ssh!!" he hissed, looking around. "Someone might hear you! We're only like a block away from Midtown!"
"Wow," MJ remarked in an unimpressed voice. "You are really into her." Immediately, Peter pulled away and (Y/N) felt her face growing bright red.
Thankfully, Ned changed the subject. "So, (Y/N), did you transfer to Midtown or do you go to another school?"
"No, my dad transferred me two weeks ago," she replied. Ned frowned. "Weird, I'm surprised Flash hasn't asked you out by now," he said. "I try to keep a low profile," the girl replied. "And who is Flash?"
"The scum of Midtown, the ant in our sock, the mosquito bite under our toe, you get the idea," MJ explained. "He's really rich, but he's also a total bully," Ned informed her. "Yeah, he's been bullying especially me for years," Peter said. "There's a lot of kids that hang out with him, though," he added, worry creeping into his voice as if being scared (Y/N) would hang out with him too.
(Y/N) put a comforting arm around him. "For what it's worth, he sounds like an idiotic jerk," she told him. Peter smiled. "Thanks, (Y/N)," he said, and then looked ahead. They had reached Midtown High, the large building towering over the swarm of students entering the school or hanging out and talking.
The four walked up to the steps of the school. Right as they were about to enter, something wet hit the small of (Y/N)'s back.
"What the-" she turned around in outrage, just in time to see a smug smile on the face of a boy who had just ridden a car into a huge puddle right behind her.
"Good morning, Pen!s Parker!" the boy called out gleefully. "Hope you don't mind, you looked a little tired so I decided to wake you up."
"That is Flash," MJ muttered under her breath to you. "Pen!s Parker?" (Y/N) muttered back. "It is taking everything in me not to blast him into a wall right now."
"Come on, Peter, he's not worth it," Ned said, pulling Peter into the building. Peter looked positively mortified at (Y/N) having to see him get bullied by Flash like that, but when he looked at her, she was busy peeling off her wet coat.
"I'm sorry about that," he told her, eyeing it. "Oh, it's all good" she smiled, waving it aside. "Watch this." She stepped into an empty doorway and held out her coat. The others watched her curiously. (Y/N) waved her hand over the coat, smiling as she saw the wet spot grow smaller and smaller until the fabric was dry.
"I could do it with my hands glowing but that could be a little conspicuous in a crowded corridor," the girl said nonchalantly as the three others looked at her, transfixed.
Peter's eyes were wide as he hurriedly looked around to see if anyone else had witnessed that. "How did you do that? That was so cool!" he exclaimed, the excitement in his face making (Y/N) laugh. "I'm serious!" the boy insisted. "You have the coolest power out of like all of the Avengers!"
"Better not let my dad hear you say that," (Y/N) laughed and turned him around so he was standing with his back to her.
He became suddenly aware of the fact that Flash's little stunt had made the back of his jacket wet as well, and smiled as he felt it dry slowly. He looked at (Y/N) with admiration as she dried off MJ and Ned as well.
"Miss Stark?"
A voice behind them made all four whip around as they realized the new guidance counselor, Mrs. Dankworth, standing behind them. (Y/N) immediately brushed the hair out of her face and gave a winning smile. It reminded Peter very much of Mr. Stark's expression when he was winning someone over.
"Mrs. Dankworth, good morning!" (Y/N) smiled. "Is everything ok?" The lady smoothed her cardigan and eyed the girl over her horn-rimmed glasses. "Well, I just wanted to let you know you've been transferred to second period P.E. on Wednesdays and Fridays, there's been a slight mix-up in the schedules so we've been changing them for some of the students."
Peter and Ned exchanged excited glances. This would mean (Y/N) would be taking P.E. with them, meaning they would have one class with her.
"That's fine," (Y/N) was saying. "Thank you so much for letting me know, Mrs. Dankworth." The woman gave a small smile. When (Y/N) turned, MJ was looking at her with an impressed look in her eye.
"Oh, you're good," she said. (Y/N) laughed. "I get the flattery from my father."
"Yeah, Mr. Stark does know how to please a crowd," Peter agreed. "Are you calling me a crowd pleaser, Parker?" (Y/N) asked, quirking her brow at him. Peter immediately went red. "N-no, no, what I meant was..."
"Relax, I was just messing with you," (Y/N) said, holding her hand up. "I have to go or I'll be late for first period science."
"I have first period science too," MJ said. "I'll walk with you." (Y/N) smiled and nodded, waving goodbye to the other two.
"Dude," Ned said when the girls were well out of earshot. "You like her." Peter looked at his best friend, hoping he looked convincing. "What? No, no, she's just a friend."
"Are you listening to yourself? You're literally living with (Y/N) Stark, who is cute, hot and totally into you, and you're telling me she's just a friend?"
Peter rolled his eyes. "I like her as a friend," he insisted. Ned scoffed. "And Flash is my new best friend."
"Shut up."
(Y/N) made her way to the gym with mixed feelings. She and MJ had spent the whole lesson either pretending to pay attention or being resigned to pay attention when they were caught talking. Somehow, MJ seemed convinced that (Y/N) was crazy about Peter, despite the fact that the two had only met yesterday.
She pushed the door to the girl's changing rooms open, flinching when she heard a high-pitched laugh echo in her ears. "I cannot believe you would pass out on an opportunity to marry Thor!"
(Y/N)'s eyes widened as she realized they were talking about her uncle. "Nah," another girl's voice replied. 'I'd prefer a one night stand with him. I mean, have you seen the muscles on that guy?" (Y/N) clapped a hand over her mouth as she tried to stifle her laughter, making a mental note to ask Thor what he thought of girls wanting to hook up with him.
"Ok, and what about... Iron Man?"
Oh, this should be good.
"Iron Man? I'd probably want to marry him."
"Yeah, same. I feel like he's the kind of guy who would protect you no matter what."
Well, they got that right.
"And he's hot enough, isn't he?"
The giggle was out of (Y/N)'s mouth before she could stop it. She could practically hear the girls look up. "Hello?" one of them called. "Is anyone there?"
(Y/N) squeezed her eyes shut and stepped out from behind the lockers. A blonde and a brunette were sitting together on the benches and were looking at her with identical puzzled looks.
"Were you listening to us?" the blonde asked. "Not intentionally," (Y/N) replied, hoping she didn't sound too awkward. "So what do you think?" the brunette. "Kiss marry kill - Thor, Iron Man, and Spiderman."
(Y/N) gave a small smile. "I don't think I'd do any of those things with Iron Man. But... I might kiss Spiderman if circumstances allowed." The blonde shook her head. "Fine, but I stand by my choice. Thor is the hottest Avenger. I'm Betty, by the way," she added. "This is my friend Liz."
"Hi," (Y/N) said with a classic Stark smile. "Ok, I'm going to change."
"Meet us out front, ok?" Liz smiled. With that, the two left, leaving (Y/N) to finally let go of her suppressed laughter.
When the girl finally exited the changing rooms, she was pleased to see both Peter and Ned sitting on the bleachers. She hurried to meet them, an inviting smile gracing her face.
"Oh-h, boy," Peter whispered as he saw her arrive. "This is your chance!" Ned hissed. "Tell her you have a crush on her!"
"I'm not going to tell her I have a crush on her-"
"So it's true?" Ned gasped, his eyes widening. "You do have a crush on her!"
"Ned, seriously, shut u- hey, (Y/N)!" he broke off suddenly as he saw the girl approaching them. "Hey, guys. So, I just met these girls who were playing kiss marry kill with Thor, my dad, of all people, and you, Peter. Well, Spiderman, really, but you know."
Ned smirked. "Oh, really? That's - that's an interesting question, (Y/N). So, who would you kiss? Spiderman or Thor?" (Y/N) went red, but before she had a chance to answer, someone behind her wolf-whistled.
She turned, her eyes narrowed, not surprised at all by who she saw. Flash Thompson with the stupidest smirk on his smug face. "So, you're the new girl?"
"If you can call someone who's been here for two weeks new," (Y/N) replied, a calculating look on her face as she stood to face the boy. She caught the slight confused frown on Flash's face. She smirked. He wasn't used to girls saying things like that to him. He was making himself way too obvious.
"What's your name, beautiful?" Flash asked, the smug look returning to his face. Okay. "Number one, do not call me beautiful, even though I'd like to think I am, thank you very much. Number two, you'll know my name soon enough. And number three, I would like you to apologize to me and my friends for that stunt you pulled this morning."
Nobody had been expecting that. Those nearby who had heard what the girl had said were listening, open-mouthed. Flash's jaw had dropped.
"Um..." he said, seemingly unable to form a single thought. Not that he seemed capable of doing so on a regular basis.
At that point, there came a shout. "Stark! You got the schedule change?" She looked past Flash's paling face to Coach Wilson, who was just entering the gym. "Yes, thank you, Coach Wilson!" she called, making sure everyone could hear her. She looked at Flash again and said, "Yeah, I'm (Y/N) Stark. Tony Stark's daughter and heir of Stark Industries. Glad to make your acquaintance."
She was about to turn away, when Flash grabbed her arm. "So what happened to your mom, (Y/N) Stark?" he asked.
The girl felt her face pale.
(Ahh Part 4 is finally out now!
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broifoundher · 2 years
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Watching a Memory
Another chaotic Drabble that ended up nothing like I imagined it when I started writing it.
Enjoy (or not)
Oh yeah, contains a bit of swearing.
Yelena stood up and walked towards the window. Only stopping in her tracks once she reached the edge of it.
The night sky was indeed beautiful, yet she looked back inside, at what she was about to leave behind.
And as her eyes fell upon your sleeping body, she couldn’t help the slight pain burning inside her chest.
God she’s gonna miss you.
Miss everything that is you.
The way she loved you.
All of you.
Her thoughts were cut short as you turned in your sleep, ending up facing her.
Great, now she had a full view of your face. And oh, how much time she could spend simply staring at you without even realizing it.
The way your eyelashes fluttered when you dreamed. The way your mouth would sometimes hang open, in the slightest.
And the way she would stare at those lips without you even knowing it, making it seem just the more precious.
She didn’t want to go, but she had to. To protect you.
And she worried slightly when she saw a frown forming between your brows.
She was so fond of you and it ripped her apart to let you go. No, she was actually the one leaving you.
Without you even knowing.
And for a moment, she wished you would wake up.
Realize she wasn’t in bed with you.
Look up to her and pad the mattress beside you.
So that she’d cave into her desire to stay, cave in the way your eyes would look up at her in a pleading way that would make her heart break. Because if that indeed happened, she was pretty certain she’d be unable to leave you anymore.
Come on, just stay with her, man!
She was about to leave you behind.
I swear, this is overly dramatic…
She’s gonna miss your touch—
¡Oh! ¡Chica! ¡Quédate con la mujer!
… your smell.
Guys, I really think we should go…
The feeling of waking up next to you.
Wait! We’re getting to the good part.
“Screw it. I’m gonna stay here.” Muttered Yelena as she closed the window and walked back towards the bed. “And if they send people after Y/n, then I’m gonna just have to get rid of them all… What the hell… How could I even think of giving you up? Even for a second.” She was now going back into sleeping wear. “And who do they think they are to threaten me? I fucking survived the Red Room for godsake!”
She laid down under the covers next to you and immediately melted as you instinctively wrapped your arms around her.
Aw! Look at her! I’ve never seen Yelena look that soft like ever!
*cellphone rings*
Y/n : *steps off the circle and answered the phone* “Yes, hello?”
Yelena, through the phone. “Where the fuck did you guys go? I was gone for literally five minutes to go to the bathroom and you all just disappeared!”
Y/n : “Ah, baby. Sorry, we just went to an—“
America shaking her head profusely.
Y/n : “Uh, eat. We went out to eat…“ *looks at the twins who are currently snacking* “pizza balls.”
Yelena, through the phone. “Pizza-what?”
Y/n : “balls.”
Peter, Kate, Ned and America : *facepalming*
Mj : *covers the twins’ ears.*
Yelena : *sighs* “Listen, Nat just called me and the witch is picking up her kids early so…”
America : *gets the cue and opens a portal for the group to jump in and out back into the compound.*
Y/n : *hangs up as she gets out of the portal*
Y/n to Yelena : “You mean Wanda?”
*America closing the portal and high-fiving the twins.*
“That was so cool!” (The twins.)
“I’ll teach you Spanish next time.” (America)
Wanda : “Boys, mama is here.”
The twins, running to Wanda and crashing into her sides : “Hey mom!”
Wanda, hugging them : “Hi, how was your day? Did the older kids take good care of you?”
The older kids : *innocently smiling while hiding their sweaty palms behind their backs* (because she can read minds)
Wanda : *chooses to ignore the obvious and makes a mental note to never let her kids without an actual adult.* “Oh! And what is that?”
The twins, proudly : “Pizza balls!”
Wanda & the older kids : *smiles wavering*
Wanda to her boys : “Is that right?”
The twins : “Yup, and it’s from another universe too. Did you know we could cross the street when it’s red and…”
Peter silently nudging MJ and Ned to move along and leave with him.
While America creates her own portal to escape the fiasco that was about to unleash on them.
Leaving you, Yelena and Kate the only ones remaining.
Wanda : “Alright, you’ll tell me all about it once we’re home. Papa is waiting, he’s already done diner.”
Wanda + twins disappear behind the doors.
Kate : “Well that wasn’t as bad as I thought it was gonna end. Uh—Guys? Hello?”
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Sometimes Life Gets in the Way (Peter Parker x Reader)
Warnings: ANGST. LIKE HOLY CRAP THERE WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS MUCH ANGST. IT WAS JUST SUPPOSED TO BE SMUT, BUT I’M SITTING HERE CRYING. THERE IS ALSO SMUT; minors do not read. Probably swearing, this is a female reader. I know I said that most of these would be a gender neutral reader, but from now on, I’ll just specify both of them. 
There will probably be more female reader ones posted since those are easier for me to write and I relate with them more. I don’t specify anything about apperance in any of my fics, so hair colour, skin colour, and size don’t matter. The only thing is, I write a shorter reader since I would personally have to tilt my head back to make eye contact with any of the heroes. I’m not as short as some people, but I’m definitely not the tallest in my friend group. And if I make a character that much taller than you, just picture the actors bigger, or put that lovely imagination of yours to good use. Instead of 4 inch heels, maybe you just make up for that in legs, loves. I hope you enjoy this!
Word Count: 9594 (Officially the longest thing I’ve written!)
You had been dating Peter Parker for the last 3 years, and you had been best friends for the last 13. You were there when he got bit by the spider that gave him his powers, and although you didn’t get any, you were a superhero in your own right. You weren’t the daughter of one of the Avengers, nor were you related to any of them. You did see Clint as a father figure, but as you had known him since birth, it made sense. Your parents were SHIELD agents, and they died about 3 years ago, just a few weeks after you started dating Peter. Since you had no family, and were old enough to throw a punch, (you live in New York, let’s be real here,) SHIELD allowed you to work with the Avengers, since your parents were high-level agents and you grew up running around Stark Tower. You and Peter often teamed up, Spiderman and Shadow, and while neither of you told Ned or MJ, you didn’t feel like you needed to blurt out the secret since there was one other person your age that knew.
Throughout the last few years, Tony had allowed you and Peter to move into the Avengers Compound, you had both graduated highschool last week, so now you were moving in full time.
“We did it, princess.” Peter said, flopping down on his new bed. While moving into the Compound, the both of you had only stayed there for weekend visits and breaks because of school, so nothing was ever set up the way you wanted it, nor was it the way you left it.
“Damn right we did, sweetie.” You replied, laying down next to him.
“Cuddles and movies until we fall asleep?” He asked, giving you his puppy dog eyes and shifting closer.
“Pete, gross. We’re both all sweaty from lifting boxes, hanging posters and clothes, and just generally organizing shit. And it’s July in New York. It’s fucking hot. If anything, I want to lay under a fan and know that you’re still here with me.”
“Alright, Y/N. What if we both take cool showers and sit in the main room where the ventilation is better? We can grab some snacks and call it date night?”
You rolled your eyes and smiled, “How is it you never fail to make me agree?”
“Because you love me.” He replied cheekily.
“I do love you.” You kissed his cheek and stood up, leaving his room and heading to yours to shower. “Meet in 30?” You asked, calling behind you.
“Sounds good! I’ll pop the popcorn!”
“I’ll bring the candy and drinks!”
45 minutes later, you and Peter were both wearing a t-shirt and shorts, had turned the big fan on in the main room, and were cuddled up watching Empire Strikes Back, since you had rolled your eyes and let Peter pick again. You were, admittedly, a nerd, but you never understood his fascination with Star Wars. You had both fought aliens and had both been to space, you didn’t exactly get how some guy with daddy issues was gonna save the whole universe, but you never mentioned it to Peter. Mostly because he was gonna try to explain it, and no matter how many times he did, you just gave him that look that said “I love you, and I love that you care about this, but don’t drag me into it.” And without fail, he stopped.
“Are you sure you’re okay with watching it?” Peter asked. “I know you don’t really like Star Wars.”
You threw your feet over his lap and snuggled further into his side, Peter wrapped one arm behind your back and the other across your feet, effectively protecting the popcorn bowl from falling. “Since I’ll be asleep once I finish my popcorn, yeah, this is fine, babe.
Tony picked this moment to walk in. “Ooh, are you watching Star Wars?” He then saw the two of you snuggled up together. “Really? You two are gonna sit that close?”
“We’ve been dating for 3 years, and you’re interrupting date night, Mr. Stark.” Peter explained as you yawned and shifted to sit even closer to Peter, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Y/N, how are you sleeping through this?” Tony asked, sitting on the couch with the both of you.
“We watch this movie somewhere between one and ten times a month, and have for at least a year and a half.” You told him. 
“Plus, she’s not a huge Star Wars fan.”
“How dare you?”
“I like Harry Potter, shut up.” You nuzzled into Peter and kissed his shoulder softly. “Good night, I love you.” You mumbled, falling asleep already.
“Damn, she usually makes it a little further than that.” Peter chuckled softly. “Good night, princess, I love you too.”
The next morning, you woke up in Peter’s room, in his bed, without Peter. “Uh, JARVIS, where’s Peter?” You asked softly.
“Mr. Parker is making breakfast in the main kitchen, Miss L/N.” The AI responded at the same level, Tony’s coding to the rescue again, although it was probably to deal with his hangovers, it was helpful for the rest of you nonetheless. Putting on one of Peter’s your shirts and a different pair of shorts, with pockets for your phone, you walked softly into the kitchen to find Peter making pancakes with all your favourite toppings. You looked at him lovingly for a minute before walking up behind him and wrapping him in a hug.
“Oh, baby girl. It’s just you.”
“Missed you, honey,” you told him, planting kisses across his bare back, since Peter always slept without a shirt. “Woke up alone and the bed was cold.”
He turned around in your arms and kissed your forehead. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed after our long day yesterday.”
“Thank you.” You said softly, sitting down at the island so he could keep cooking. “You’re the best.”
“Only for you, princess.”
Sam walked in at that moment, presumably coming back from his run with Steve. “Holy shit, the kid is built!” Peter went to say something in response, but just kind of zoned out in Sam’s direction.
“Peter,” you snapped him out of his daze, “sweetheart, the pancakes.”
“Right, thank you, Y/N.” He said, turning back to the stove and flipping the pancakes.
“Leave him alone, Sammy, we had a long day yesterday.” You told him, getting back up to start the coffee machine.
“Oh, what, moving?”
“We woke up at 4AM, packed everything the two of us had in May’s apartment into boxes and garbage bags, carried them all onto the subway because Happy was too busy sleeping to pick us up and Mr. Stark was out at a gala of sorts or whatever. We somehow missed our stop because we both fell asleep, had to wait at the station until a different train showed up to take us back, caught a bus that brought us to the main road, 20 minutes from the front gates, and we had to lug all of our stuff with us the whole time. And we still had to set everything up, and it was noon by the time we actually got here. In the rain the whole time, nonetheless.” You explained, nicking a berry out of Peter’s bowl of fruit.
“Oh, kiddos. Why didn’t you call one of us? We would’ve picked you up so you didn’t have to do that.” Steve said, grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge.
“We called all of you, Captain.” Peter said, loading up a plate with pancakes for you and putting new ones in the pan. “You, Mr. White Wolf, and Mr. Wilson were all sparring in the gym because it was raining and you didn’t want to run outside. Ms. Romanoff was visiting Mr. Barton on the farm, so neither of them could come get us; Dr. Banner was sleeping since he Hulked out on the last mission, Mr. Thor and Mr. Loki are off-world, and we’re, frankly, both terrified of calling Dr. Strange or Mr. Wong when it’s not an emergency, so we didn’t bother. The Guardians aren’t here, neither is Captain Marvel, and Mr. Lang is in San Francisco with Hope, Hank, and Cassie.”
“Plus, neither Maximoff twin can drive.” You added, pouring coffee into your favourite mug.
Steve sighed, “Kiddos, we would’ve stopped training if you had told us what you needed. If you had called back and said that no one else could help you, we would’ve gotten one of the cars and grabbed all your stuff for you.” He took the coffee pot once you were done with it, and poured coffee into his favourite mug.
“Well, Captain, you could’ve just helped us the first time when we mentioned moving, rain, and the lack of Mr. Stark.” You said softly, cutting into your pancakes. You shoved your fork into your mouth and closed your eyes in bliss, moaning softly. “Peter, holy fuck,” you swallowed, “these are the best pancakes ever.” When you opened your eyes, Peter was flushed and staring at you with his jaw dropped slightly, Sam was smirking and glancing between the two of you, and Steve was also flushed while sipping at his coffee.
“Oh, shit, where are my manners? Captain Rogers, Mr. Wilson, do you wanna have breakfast with us?” Peter asked, plating up more pancakes. Steve took the plate out of his hands gratefully, and slid the syrup away from you.
“Thanks, kid.” He said, sitting next to you, before taking a bite. “Oh my God, Y/N’s right, these are the best pancakes ever.”
“Okay, well, now I have to try them, Spidey. If you two don’t mind us interrupting your breakfast date and fuck.” Sam said, sitting next to Steve.
“Date and what?” You said, sputtering into your coffee.
“Oh, I know you know what the word means, you use it all the time. Plus did you not see the way he just looked at you? You guys just need to fuck and he’ll be fine.” Sam explained.
“I- uh- we-” You started, eloquently as ever.
“We haven’t- both still-” Peter continued, stammering as he dealt with the pancakes.
“Not that far- virgins- just- haven’t done it.” You finished the sentence together, both blushing messes as you turned back to your heavenly pancakes and Peter slid a plate towards Sam, who took the syrup from Steve.
“Oh, well, kids, you just needed to do it. It’s nothing to be worried about.” Sam said.
Steve shook his head, “Sam, you know it’s not always that easy. Plus they’re still kids. They’re not even both 18 yet, you know that.”
You glanced between the two, not knowing what to say, and having finished your pancakes already, you stood, putting your plate in the sink and kissing Peter’s cheek. “Thank you for breakfast, baby.” You headed downstairs to Tony’s lab to help him with anything he needed today. You did see him as a bit of an uncle figure, not that you’d ever tell him that.
“Good morning, kiddo.” He said, acknowledging you after you handed him a coffee mug.
“Were you down here all night?” You said, sitting in the back seat of one of his old cars.
“No, just for a couple hours. Did I hear Sam and Steve come into the kitchen while you and Peter were having a breakfast date?”
“Yeah, Sam told us we just need to fuck.”
Tony sputtered on his drink in a similar fashion to what you had done not even 20 minutes ago. “What? But you guys haven’t made it that far yet!” You didn’t even say anything, you just gave him the ‘no shit, really?’ look. “I know. I know you know that. But can I ask how far you have gone?”
“Please.” He said, clinking his mug with yours.
“Well..” you started, trying to buy yourself time, “I mean we cuddle all the time, and we’ve kissed.” You shrugged a little. “Any time it’s gone to go further than that, either we’ve had a mission, or someone else has walked in, or May came home and neither of us felt right doing anything more than kissing with her home.” You said, looking anywhere but Tony.
“That’s okay, kiddo. Have you made out or just kissing?” He asked softly.
“What’s the difference?”
You snorted softly in derision, “Just kissing then.” You paused, trying to get your thoughts straight. “I dunno, Mr. Stark. It’s not that I don’t wanna do it with Peter, I do! I just really don’t know anything. Like I mean, I know stuff in theory and I know how things work, but execution and actually doing things is very different than just knowing about it.”
“Don’t worry about it, kiddo. You’ll both know what to do when the time is right.” Tony said, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
You rested your head on his shoulder. “I dunno, Mr. Stark. I’m just really nervous about it.” You put your mug down on one of the tables DUM-E had moved closer to you and Tony, and Tony put his mug down on the other side of the car.
“Hey,” he tilted your head up towards him, “you and I both know that Peter will take care of you. If you ask him to go slow, he will; no matter what you ask him to do, he will, okay?” He pulled you into a hug, and you closed your eyes as you rested your forehead in the crook of his neck. “I promise you, there’s no need to be nervous, okay?”
“I know, I’m just overthinking it. I always overthink everything. It’s stupid, I’m sorry, you probably don’t even care.”
“Of course I care. My father was terrible, and he was so pissed when he found out that I had lost my virginity before marriage. I don’t care if you and Peter want to do it and then you end up breaking up, that happens. I just want you two to be safe, and there’s no need to be nervous since everybody can see how much you love each other. You are both virgins, right?”
“Yeah, I mean, we’ve been together for 3 years, Tony. And like 3 weeks after we got together was when my parents were killed. And while it was hard to grieve my mom, since she was always crazy busy, and just crazy in general.. I miss my dad. He wasn’t always the best dad, and yeah, he missed some concerts and school trips, but they were both SHIELD agents, so I understood as I got older. But he was always there when I needed him, and he let me do things that my mom wouldn’t, like watch movies, play video games my mom would never have allowed me to even own, and he let me run around with Peter, Ned, MJ.” A few tears slipped down your face and you nuzzled further into Tony’s shoulder. “God, Tony, I miss him. Why did he have to go?”
“I know,” he rubbed your back, “I know, sweetie.” You let out a soft sob and curled your fingers into Tony’s shirt. He kept whispering words of reassurance to you and after a few minutes, he saw Peter coming into the lab, with damp hair and one of your favourite shirts of his, evidently having showered after breakfast.
You felt yourself being lifted into someone’s arms, and you opened your eyes a little and saw a very watery Peter. “Hey, hey, baby girl, you’re okay. I’m right here.” He carried you back upstairs to his bedroom, and went next door to your room to grab your favourite stuffed animal. It was a white rabbit with a pink lace scarf that you had named Ruby after your dad had won it for you at Coney Island when you were a kid. Peter came back, handed you Ruby, and wrapped his arms around you as you cried.
Much like Tony had just a few minutes ago, Peter whispered words of reassurance to you until the crying had stopped and you were left dehydrated and sniffling. “Can I go grab you some Gatorade or water?” You shook your head, attempting to burrow further into his chest while squeezing Ruby to yours. “Okay, okay. That’s alright. JARVIS, would you get someone to grab some Gatorade or water for Y/N?” Peter asked softly.
“Of course, Mr. Parker.” The AI responded at the same level, and a moment later there was a knock on the door.
“Kiddos?” Clint said softly. “Are you okay in there? Can I come in?”
“You can come in, Mr. Barton. I’m okay, but Y/N’s been crying pretty hard.”
Clint opened the door and poked his head in to find you curled into Peter, much like you were after you were told about your parents dying. He passed Peter two bottles of Gatorade and two reusable water bottles, one for each of you, although, from the looks of it, you needed it more. “Hey sweetie.” Clint said softly. You waved your hand a little in response. “Can I ask why we’re crying today?”
“Dad.” You signed, remembering a little of what Clint had taught you.
“We’re missing Dad?” You nodded. “That’s okay. Remember that philosophy I taught you? There’s a box, and that box has a button and a ball in it. Every time that ball hits the button, you get sad, and the ball is your grief. At first, the ball is always touching the button, but after a while, as the ball gets smaller, it hits the button less and less often. Your ball bounced right into the button today, and that’s okay. You wanna tell us what happened, maybe something caused this?”
“JARVIS.” Still not trusting your voice, since you were prone to start crying again, you fingerspelled the word.
“JARVIS? Oh, he’ll explain it to us?” Clint asked, wrapping an arm around you. You nodded again as JARVIS began to explain everything to your boyfriend and your father figure. “Oh, sweetie. I’m sorry. I can’t even imagine how hard this must be for you.”
“I’m so sorry, Y/N/N, I didn’t even think about how hard graduation was for you. Now, you want the red gatorade or the blue gatorade?”
“Red please.” You whispered. Peter handed you the bottle and put a straw in it so that you didn’t have to tilt your head back or sit up. You sipped at it slowly before nuzzling back into Peter. “I want my Daddy back,” you sniffled, nosing at the collar of his shirt.
“I know, I know you do, princess. I wish he could be here for you too.” He allowed a couple of tears to slip down his face as Clint got up to give the two of you some privacy.
Clint let his head rest against the door for a moment after shutting it behind him, muttering, “These kids will be the death of us,” before going off to find Nat and some of the others to give an update on your both.
You felt something wet against your cheek, and it wasn’t one of your tears, so you pulled your head out of the crook of Peter’s neck. “Baby, please don’t cry.” You said, sniffling.
“But Y/N/N, I wanna help you, but I can’t. I can’t bring your dad back, I can’t make you less upset about it, and I don’t know how to help you grieve.” Peter told you, sniffling and wiping at his eyes.
You pressed your forehead to his, “I don’t need you to do any of that for me, love.” You sniffled again, wishing not for the first time that crying didn’t come with a runny nose. “Besides, one of us needs to be mentally stable, and it’s definitely not me.”
Peter sniffled again after chuckling, “It’s not me either, princess.”
“Mentally unstable orphans for the win?” You asked, chuckling.
“That checks out, baby girl. But I’m not sure we’re winning, to be fair.” He responded, placing a small kiss on your lips. “But how can I help you feel better now? What do you want?”
“You.” You replied softly, looking away from his questioning gaze and taking another sip of your Gatorade.
“Me? What do you mean by that, sweetheart?” You pressed your lips to his firmly, and cautiously licked his bottom lip. “You uh, you want me like that?”
“Of course I do, Peter. I know you’d never hurt me, I’m always safe with you and I trust you. I want you to be my first.”
He exhaled deeply, “Oh thank fuck. I want you to be my first too, Y/N. But you want it now?”
“We don’t have to if you aren’t ready.” You said, linking your hands behind his neck.
“I mean, I’m ready, princess, I’m just kinda worried that you might not be.”
You kissed him softly and cupped his face in your hands. “Okay. In a couple days?”
“Sure, baby girl.”
That was three full days ago, and you were dying. You had been horny as shit for the past week, but with graduation and moving you were too tired to do anything about it. Plus then, Peter wasn’t sure you were in the right mental state to do anything with you and it all just culminated into you wanting to jump his bones.
You groaned while writing out some reaction formulas for chemistry, it wasn’t homework, it was for Bruce, since he had hired you as his lab assistant. Peter worked under Tony, as he preferred to be more hands on in his work; and you worked under Bruce since you preferred to be a little more theoretical. While experiments were always fun, you loved predicting what would happen before the two of you did the actual experiment. But you had been sitting in the lab all day trying to figure out all of this shit.
“Sweetheart?” Peter asked. “Are you alright?”
You shifted in your seat again, “I just can’t get comfortable, honey. I’m alright. It’s been a long day.”
Peter kissed your head softly, “Are you sure that’s all, princess?” He whispered, pressing his chest to your back. “I can smell you.” He muttered into your ear.
“I’m good,” you whimpered softly.
“Are you sure about that, baby girl?” Peter lifted you over his shoulder and carried you upstairs.
“Uh, kiddo? Where are you going?” Tony asked when Peter got to the top of the stairs.
“Just gotta take care of something, Mr. Stark. We’ll see you in the morning.” He replied, walking away.
“Peter! What are you doing?!” You exclaimed as Peter chuckled and walked into the kitchen.
“That’s a good question, kiddo. What are you doing?” Bucky asked, eyeing the two of you suspiciously.
Peter chuckled again, “I just gotta take care of my girl, Mr. White Wolf, sir.”
“T-take care of your girl?” You asked from your place on his shoulder.
“That is what you wanted, isn’t it, princess?” He asked, worried.
“I-oh wait, you mean like that?!”
“Oh,” you paused, “then mush, baby. Go.” You smacked his ass.
Bucky laughed, “I’d say ‘let us know how it goes’, but between the two of you, you’ll turn into a shade of tomato and we won’t know anything.” You blushed and swatted at Peter’s ass lightly.
“I’m going, baby girl. I’m going.” Peter chuckled, blushing as he walked away. “Your room or mine?” He asked softly.
“I don’t care. You pick.”
Peter walked into his room, as it was closer, and threw you softly onto the bed. You sat up, grabbed his face, and pulled it to yours. The kiss was messy, messier than either of you had ever had. “You’re really excited, aren’t you, sweetheart?”
“I want you, Peter.”
“We gotta take it slow, baby. I don’t wanna hurt you.” Plus, I don’t know what I’m doing, he added in his head.
“Okay, I know you won’t, but okay.” You breathed out.
“We need a safe word, just in case of anything.” He said softly.
“Pineapple.” You told him, it being the first thing that came to mind.
He chuckled softly, “Pineapple?”
“Yeah,” you replied, “pineapple.”
“Works for me,” he told you, kissing your lips again, before kissing both your cheeks, and working to under your ear with his lips.
“Peter,” you whined, “touch me.”
“I am touching you, princess. You’ll have to use your words.” He replied.
“Oh, please don’t tease me. I want your hands on my tits, Pete.”
He continued kissing down your neck until he got to the collar of your shirt. “Can I take this off?” He asked. You nodded. “Words, baby.”
“Yes, you can take it off.” Peter pulled your shirt over your head and threw it on the floor. You pulled him down with you and you laid back down and kissed him again. “Fuck, Peter, I never wanna stop kissing you.” You tugged at his collar, “Off, please.”
Pulling his shirt off, Peter planted himself on his elbows, hovering over you. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, please keep going.” You were taking deep breaths, trying to keep your heart rate at a normal level.
“Are you sure?”
“Please, Peter. Please don’t stop. Please touch me.” You begged.
Peter kissed you softly, “Like that, baby?” You moved his hands to cup your tits through your bra, and kissed him again. “Can I take it off?” He asked, pulling back.
“Yes, please.” You told him, arching your back so he could reach the clip. Peter undid your bra, and threw it on the ground with both your shirts.
“You’re so fucking hot, baby.” He said, planting his face in your tits. Peter kissed, licked, sucked, and lightly bit at them while sliding one of his hands down your stomach.
“Oh, fuck, Peter. It feels so good, please don’t stop.” You praised him and he stiffened. “Are you alright, honey?” You asked softly. 
“I liked that,” he mumbled into your tits, “the praise. I like it.”
“Yeah? You want me to tell you you’re doing a good job?” You asked, sitting up on your elbows.
He whimpered, kissing down the rest of your torso. “Please.” When Peter got to the waistband of your shorts, he slid off the bed and kissed up each of your legs until he got to the hem of each leg. “Can I take these off?” He asked.
“Yes, you can take them off, sweet boy. You’re making me feel so good, Peter.”
Peter visibly shuddered at your praise before pulling your shorts down your thighs. “Oh my God, baby girl, you’re so wet. I can see it through your panties.” He snapped the waistband of them against your hip, “And these?” He asked softly.
“Yeah, Yes, please.” He had barely even touched you and you were so warm and honestly ready to just fuck yourself soon if he didn’t. Peter slid your panties down and off your feet throwing them with all of your other clothes.
He slipped one of his fingers between your thighs, and pulled them open a little further with his other hand. “Is this alright?”
“If you stop, I’ll kill you.” You told him, leaning back onto the bed instead of continuing to rest on your elbows.
Peter sucked small hickies across your inner thighs and slid one finger through your wetness before pushing just the top of it into you. You gasped. “Are you okay?
“Yeah,” you said breathlessly, “I’m okay, it just feels weird.”
“Good weird?” He asked.
“Good weird.” You replied. “Just give me a minute.”
After a few moments, you tangled your fingers into Peter’s curls and squeezed lightly. “Are you good, baby girl?”
“Yeah, you can go.” You said softly, amazed at how gentle Peter was being. Not that you didn’t think Peter would be gentle with you, but you had heard horror stories of the first times of some of the girls in your graduating class. The guys didn’t care enough to prep them, none of them came, and so much other shit. Since a lot of your time of self-discovery was spent being a superhero and grieving the loss of your parents, you had never really even masturbated, you didn’t know a lot that you should.
“Am I hurting you?”
“No, no, baby. You’re good. Feels good.”
“You’ve been quiet.”
“Sorry, honey. I was thinking about what I heard some of the other girls saying after their first time. You’re being so gentle.” You smiled at him, sitting up on the elbow that didn’t have a hand in Peter’s hair.
He smiled back up at you, pressing his one finger in a little further. “Of course I am, princess. I love you, I wanna take care of you.”
You gripped his hair a little tighter as he did, before releasing it and letting your fingers just play with the curls. “Thank you. Will you let me take care of you too?”
“Of course I will.” He told you, kissing your hip bone as he did.
“KIDS!” There was pounding on Peter’s door.
“Don’t come in here!” You both exclaimed.
Steve, Sam, and Clint all burst through the door at once, and Peter threw himself on top of you so they wouldn’t see anything. “Woah, what the fuck!”
“We said ‘don’t come in here’!” You yelled at them while Peter busied himself with sucking a hickey on your neck.
“Are you even wearing-” Sam started.
“Get out! Whatever it is, you can wait 2 minutes for us to get dressed.” The three nodded, backed out of the room, and shut the door. You pushed Peter off you lightly, “Another time, love. It’s okay.”
Peter stood up and passed you your clothes. “I know. We’ll figure it out.” He threw his shirt back on and turned around for you to get dressed.
You chuckled at his chivalry, “Peter, you’ve seen me naked.” You started putting your clothes back on as you watched his blush spread to his arms.
“KIDS!” Steve called again.
“We’re coming, Captain!” Peter responded. You clipped your bra behind your back and threw your shirt on over your head. 
You grabbed Peter’s hand and squeezed it lightly as you both walked out of his room. “We got this. It just wasn’t the right time.” 
He wrapped his arm around you, “Yeah, we got this, baby girl.” Peter told you, kissing your forehead. “You did good.”
“Please say that again.” 
“What?” He asked, pausing for a moment before it dawned on him. “Oh, you wanna be my good girl?” Peter whispered in your ear.
“Please.” You whimpered softly. 
“Please what, kiddo?” Sam asked as you both walked into the meeting room where everyone else was.
“Please get me out of this boring meeting before it’s even started.” You fired back.
“Normally we wouldn’t have interrupted you, kiddos.” Tony started.
“Especially knowing what the two of you were doing.” Bucky interjected.
“But we have some news.” Tony finished.
“Y/N, we’ve found the people who killed your parents.” Steve said. 
Your face dropped and quickly contorted into anger from the sarcastic smirk it had been in moments earlier. “What?”
“Yeah, we’re heading out in the morning to take care of them.” You stormed out of the room and went to god-knows-where, to work out your anger. 
Peter went to follow you, but stopped in the doorway before leaving, “Captain, do you have any idea what we were doing before you walked in?” He asked.
“Yeah, kid, I do.” Steve replied softly.
“Do you now have any idea what Y/N/N is gonna associate that with?” He continued.
“Is that really all you’re worried about, Peter? Sex?” Clint asked.
“Of course not!” He shouted. “I’m worried about Y/N! I’m always worried about Y/N! She was already not in a great headspace, happy that I was actually gonna take care of her instead of what most guys do at our age! She heard from other girls that the guy essentially just uses them as a tool to get off instead of caring about them and giving them pleasure! And now she’s gonna be slipping into the headspace she’s in now every time we go to do anything because she’s gonna go from flirty to angry because she’s gonna associate flirting to immediately followed by bad news! And who’s gonna have to pick up the pieces? Me! Because none of you give enough shits to take care of her!” Peter stormed out, following you and asking JARVIS to find you.
The next morning, JARVIS woke you and Peter up early so you could get ready for the mission. You spent the half an hour before breakfast grumbling about needing a mission today, being interrupted last night, somebody just had to surface last fucking night from killing your parents three fucking years ago, and many more things Peter couldn’t make out. You were not having a good morning.
“Hey kiddo.” Steve said softly, sitting next to you on the jet. “I’m sorry about last night. We should’ve waited until after or this morning.”
“It’s alright, Captain. I understand it needed to be said.” You replied, trying to not spend the entire plane ride crying.
Peter pulled you into a hug. “I’m sorry as well, Captain. I shouldn’t have blown up at any of you last night. So, I’m sorry too.” He paused to sniffle. “The death of Y/N’s parents hit us both hard, and hearing that their killers resurfaced in a moment where we were already emotional didn’t make things better.”
Clint knelt at your feet and grabbed both your hands. “We shouldn’t have sprung anything on you last night. We’re all sorry. Next time you two are getting to it, JARVIS won’t let any of us interrupt you.”
“It’s being called the “BOOOOONE?!” protocol.” JARVIS said, playing the clip of Captain Holt from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. This caused you both to start chuckling, you into watery laughs and Peter giggling in a much higher register than normal.
When the jet landed, you were the last one out, right behind Peter. The plan was- actually, there wasn’t a plan, you were just gonna storm the place and kick ass. Most importantly, you were going to kick ass. Somebody was gonna pay.
“Y/N L/N,” someone said from behind you as you all entered the building. “Daughter of Agent Y/D/N L/N and Agent Y/M/N L/N.” You and Peter turned around. “Girlfriend of Spiderman, official Avenger, and top of her graduating class at Midtown High.” The shadowy person continued. [Your Dad’s Name and Your Mom’s Name]
“Wait, I thought I was top of the class.” Peter said.
You sighed softly, “Nope, I was.”
“We’ve been watching you, Y/N. Or do you prefer Shadow now?” You felt Tony’s metal hand at your back and you knew all the Avengers were behind you as you faced this mysterious figure.
“Who are you?” You asked, taking a step back. The person took a step into the light, they were wearing a hood so you couldn’t see their face, but you recognized their build from somewhere. This was someone you knew at some point.
“I’m your worst nightmare, kiddo.” They said, walking to a computer you hadn’t noticed and pulling up security footage. “Did anyone ever tell you how your parents died?”
“On a mission, they were infiltrating a HYDRA base.” You said softly.
While clicking on the computer mouse, his hood fell off. It was your dad’s best friend from when you were little, but why couldn’t you remember his name? He pushed you and Peter on the swings, babysat when your parents were on date night, it was- “Uncle Brock?”
“Rumlow?” Steve asked gruffly at the same time you did.
“Surprise, kiddo. I told you, worst nightmare stuff here.” He continued clicking, and eventually a video popped up on the wall next to him.
“Daddy?” You said softly as his face popped up on the screen.
“Sweetheart, if you’re seeing this, then I am so sorry. I lied to you, this mission was always risky, and your mom and I aren’t gonna make it back. I know I gave you false hope, but I couldn’t leave without making you smile one last time. I hope you and Peter are happy, he’s always been able to make you smile. If I don’t make it back, sweetheart, I’m so sorry. Uncle Brock, he’s been a double agent this whole time, he works for HYDRA, and has been taking everything from SHIELD and using it to take us down.” It was at this point that Bucky pulled a gun on him, remembering him from his HYDRA days. “And your mom, sweetie. I’m so sorry, I made a bad choice. Your mom works for HYDRA too, sweetheart. I tried as hard as I could to protect you, but this mission is gonna go south since my entire circle of trust has lied to me this whole time. I’m going in blind on this one, and I’m not gonna make it back, for your birthday or anything else. I love you, sweetheart. Take care of yourself, and take care of Peter too. I know she doesn’t always show it, but your mom loves you too. I love you, sweetheart.” Your dad kissed his fingers and then held them to the camera, which he always did when you video called him on long missions. The camera shut off, and some footage from a different camera popped up after.
“How could you?” Your dad asked Uncle Brock, who had him chained to a wall. “How could you do this to Y/N? You know it’s her birthday this week, and I promised I’d make it back.”
“Don’t tell me you’re actually still a true SHIELD agent?”
“Of course I am! SHIELD and the Avengers are doing what’s right! Playing both sides of the field is cheating, and I know that’s not the only cheating you’ve been doing. Either of you! You should both be ashamed of yourselves.” He shouted as your mom walked into view.
“How did you find out?” She said.
Your dad chuckled, “Even Stark’s noticed the longing looks you send towards each other, and he’s the least observant person I’ve ever met. You could let me just take Y/N and leave, and then you two can be happy. It’s not like you ever actually showed any affection towards her. You at least pretended, Brock. But you, Y/M/N? I didn’t know a mother could be so cold to her own flesh and blood.” 
Any conversation from there was muted, or there wasn’t any. You couldn’t tell, as you watched your mother shoot your father in the leg. After that, you watched as Brock Rumlow shot your mother in the heart and then head, followed by your father. He then shot himself in the leg, presumably as an alibi to feed to Fury when he was the only one left standing.
“You killed my dad.” You said, dropping to your knees in tears. “But you pushed me and Peter on the swings, you babysat us when May and Ben were working and Daddy was taking Mom out for date night. Daddy trusted you! You were his best friend and you killed him! He- we- we were gonna build a giant blanket fort and watch movies and play video games. Mom couldn’t get the day off, so Daddy was gonna take me to Coney Island, and we were gonna play all the games. We were gonna do everything like my birthdays when I was little.” You sniffled. “But it wasn’t that Mom couldn’t get the day off, was it? She didn’t want the day off. Because she didn’t want me. Because she wanted to spend time with you!” You yelled.
Peter knelt next to you, wrapping his arms around you. “It’s okay, princess. Let it out.”
“Daddy promised to be home for my birthday, yet I spent my birthday planning his fucking funeral! Do you know how many 15 year olds have to plan their parents' funerals on their birthday, with only help from my best friend- my boyfriend, and Daddy’s co-workers? Nobody! Because nobody is cruel enough to kill both parents of a 14 year old girl, while sleeping with her mother for who knows how many goddamn years, days before her birthday while knowing that they made a promise to come back! 
“Daddy promised that he was coming back, that it would be a short mission. In and out, get the information and leave. And now I know how long those missions take! I’ve done those missions by myself! He should’ve been home hours, days before you got off that plane with your fake-ass sad face and your self-inflicted bullet wound! You pretended to have to be the bearer of bad news, but you are the reason he’s dead! You are the reason Daddy didn’t see me graduate! You are the reason Daddy doesn’t know that I got into NYU! You are the reason that I wake up in cold sweats at night, having dreamt about Daddy getting off that plane with you, not in the urn. YOU KILLED MY DAD!” You screamed, sobbing into Peter’s suit. 
You pulled your gun out of its holster and shot until you ran out of bullets. One hit the computer monitor ‘Uncle Brock’ had been working with, one embedded itself in the wall the screen was located on, and four landed across Brock’s torso, bringing him to his knees.
“Get her out of here, Queens.” Bucky said, placing a hand on Peter’s back. “We’ll take it from here.”
Peter quickly swung you back to the jet, and pulled the mask off you use to hide your face from cameras and enemies. “Princess?” He asked softly, pulling his own mask off. “Can I get you anything?” You shook your head, he webbed you some Gatorade out of the mini-fridge Tony kept, just in case of emergency. “Drink, you’re probably really dehydrated.” You took the Gatorade from him and sipped at it slowly, silently thanking Peter.
It was a week later when you finally got out of bed yourself for something other than to use the bathroom or shower. You were still carrying around Ruby, as the last thing your dad had gotten you that was sentimental. And you were cuddled up in one of Peter’s hoodies, but you were wearing your dad’s old socks, rotating through a few pairs he always wore in the winter when the house got cold. You wandered into the main room of the Compound, knowing that that’s where everyone would be. You had sent Peter away a few hours earlier, knowing that he was hungry, and was probably tired of sitting in dark silence other than your sobs for about a week.
“Hey, kiddo.” Clint said softly. “What are you doing here? Did you need something? Did you want Peter back?” He asked. 
You shook your head and wrapped him in a hug. “I’m so sorry.” Those three words came out of your mouth, but they were barely audible.
“Kiddo, you don’t need to apologize for anything.” He said, picking you up. “You’re going through the entire grief process again, knowing what really happened has reopened up all the old wounds. You’re grieving, kiddo, and it’s okay.”
“You never should’ve been on that mission with us. We never should’ve said anything about it.” Tony said softly, having paused their TV show when they noticed you walk in. “Not that you can’t handle it, kiddo, but everyone knows how I reacted when I found out Barnes killed my parents. And he was brainwashed.”
You nodded. “I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that Mom never loved me. It was obvious in hindsight with how cold she always was, diminishing my achievements, and taking extra shifts whenever she could. But to shoot Daddy, to work for both HYDRA and SHIELD, to cheat on Daddy with Uncle Brock for years.. how could she do that to him?”
It wasn’t until three days later that you finally went outside again, but you got Tony to drive you to where you sprinkled your dad’s ashes. You hadn’t been in years, and you hated going anywhere with dead bodies, ironic that you’re an Avenger. Tony had had a bench made for your dad specifically, since you just put your mom’s body in the ground. You sat on the bench and talked to your dad for a while, knowing that he wouldn’t couldn’t respond. 
It was another 2 weeks when Peter realized he’d never seen you deal with a period. Ever. You grew up together, ran around the neighbourhood for years, slept over at each other’s places. Yet he had never heard you mention anything to MJ or Aunt May about period stuff. So he asked you.
“Princess?” He asked softly one day while you were watching some dumb Netflix comedy together. 
“Yeah, love?” You said, pausing the TV.
“Why haven’t you ever said anything about having a period?”
“Oh, well, I’ve never had one.” You said, “I suppose I can’t complain too much, I hear they’re killer.”
“You’ve never had one? And you never thought to get anything checked out?”
“It never occurred to me. But you’re right, that probably means there’s something wrong.”
So off the two of you went to go find Doctor Cho, who stopped in every now and again as the official doctor of the Avengers. “You’ve never had a period?” She asked, incredulously. 
“Uh, no?” You responded, watching as she pulled up your medical files.
“It looks like your mother authorized a very invasive surgery when you were a small child to almost completely remove or destroy your reproductive organs. Y/N, I’m sorry to tell you this, but you can’t ever have kids.”
“Huh, so Mom really didn’t want the bloodline continued. I mean, that’s fine, I don’t really want kids anyways, but making the option myself might have been nice. I wonder if Daddy knew about it.”
Three weeks after you found out you could never have kids, was when you told the rest of the team. Maybe during family dinner wasn’t the best idea.
“You’ve been oddly quiet, Y/N.” Steve said. “Do you wanna say something?”
“I can’t have kids.” You blurted out.
Everyone broke out yelling. “What do you mean, doll?” Bucky said, always the voice of reason.
“Peter pointed out that I’ve never talked about a period or anything, so I told him I’d never had one. He found it weird, and that was when I realized that something was up. So we went to talk to Doctor Cho, and apparently Mom almost completely removed or destroyed all my reproductive organs, without Daddy’s consent, as Pete and I discovered after looking into it. So, I essentially cannot have biological kids. Mom hated me so much at like 4 that she never wanted me to have the option to continue the bloodline.” You said, using humour as your coping mechanism at this point.
“Oh, kiddo.” Nat said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “If you need to talk to anyone about it, you can come to me. I know what it’s like to discover you don’t have bodily autonomy anymore.”
It wasn’t until a month later, after plenty of conversations between you and Nat about your lack of reproductive organs, that you felt you were finally in a good place mentally (after Doctor Cho got you on some anxiety meds.) After the summer you had, you had started at NYU with Peter, and you were both praised in all your classes for already having jobs with two of the most prestigious scientists in the world, plus all your work was excellent. Tony and Bruce had allowed you both to work less, since you had both made it on full-ride scholarships, so you only had a few hours each through the week, and then Avenging if something came up. For the most part, you had your weekends off. It did come as a surprise to Peter one Friday date night though, when you came down in the prettiest dress he had ever seen you wear.
“How about we skip the moonlit picnic and go straight to dessert?” You had offered softly.
“How about that?” He tugged at his collar lightly. “Yeah, let’s do that, princess.”
The two of you stumbled back up to his room, where you had essentially moved yourself into over the past couple of months since you had moved into the Compound. “Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, Peter.” You told him, seriously, pulling him in for a searing kiss and falling back onto the bed. “JARVIS, initiate ‘BONE’ protocol.”
“‘BOOOOONE’ protocol initiated, Miss L/N, you and Mr. Parker will not be bothered.” JARVIS responded as usual, playing the Captain Holt clip again. You and Peter chuckled softly before essentially ripping each others’ clothes off, Peter sucked some marks down your torso and slipped a hand between your thighs.
“Is it okay if I touch you?” He asked.
“Yes, please, love.” You said, spreading your legs a little further. 
Peter slipped the tip of his middle finger into you, and you placed a hand on his chest to slow him down. “Are you alright?”
“Just give it a minute, you know it feels kinda weird still.” You told him softly, pulling him in for another kiss. After Peter broke the kiss, he looked at you, and you nodded. He slid his finger a little further in, and you gasped slightly in pleasure. “Oh, fuck, Peter.”
“No, more, please. I’m alright. It feels so good.” Peter carefully added his ring finger in addition to his middle finger and you closed your eyes and threw your head back.
“Good girl.” He muttered appreciatively, and you whimpered in pleasure. “We both have praise kinks?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you breathed out, “we do.” Peter pulled his fingers out a little and slid them back in slowly. “Again, please.” You said, Peter did it again. “You’re so good, Peter.”
Peter shivered in pleasure, “Am I?” He asked softly.
You reached down and stroked his dick softly in response, “Yeah, love, you are.” He groaned, you slid one finger along the bottom of his dick before reaching up to kiss him. “Is this gonna fit?”
“Yeah, baby girl. We’re gonna find a way to make it fit. I’ll go slow.” Peter told you, slowly sliding his pointer finger alongside the other two. He started pumping them in and out of you, like you had requested before.
“Oh, God.”
Peter chuckled. “Nope, just me, love.” He kept pumping his fingers a little faster.
“Oh, fuck. Peter, I-”
“Yeah, princess? You gonna cum?” Peter asked.
You moaned, “Yeah, yeah. Pete, I’m gonna- fuckin’ love you. Best fucking boyfriend in the world. Fuckin’ close, please.” You continued to babble as Peter softly fucked you with his fingers.
“You don’t need my permission, baby girl. If you’re gonna cum, go ahead.” With his words, you tumbled over the edge, clenching your muscles, arching your back, bucking your hips into Peter’s hand, and throwing your head backwards.
“Fuckkkkk.” You moaned.
“So beautiful, so good, cumming for me, love.” Peter continued to praise you as you were coming down from your high, stopping the movement of his fingers. When you opened your eyes again, you looked up to see Peter above you. “Hi.” He said.
“Hey.” You replied softly. 
“Are you good?” He asked.
You chuckled. “I’ve never been better, love.” You told him, reaching out to stroke his dick, just to find it rock hard. “Oh, honey. You happy to see me or something?”
“You should’ve seen your face, princess.” He bucked his hips into your hand softly, pulling his fingers out of you. You whimpered and squeezed him a little tighter by accident. “Baby girl,” he groaned, “Please, fuck, can I be inside you?”
“Yes.” You said, guiding him between your legs. 
“You’re clean, right? Because I am.” Peter said.
“Of course I am, you’re the only one I’ve ever been with.” Peter took over from there, slowly sliding the first bit into you. “Oh my God.”
“Can I keep going?” He asked. “Fuck, please let me keep going, baby girl.”
“Don’t stop, Pete. Please don’t stop.”
Peter slowly entered the rest of his dick into you and rested his forehead on your collarbone. “Fuck.” He said, sucking a mark there.
“Feel so fucking full.” You said, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to keep him where he was. “Could stay like this forever, Pete.”
“KIDS!!!” You both heard someone shout.
You also heard JARVIS’ reply. “I’m sorry, Sergeant Barnes. ‘BOOOOONE’ protocol has been initiated. Mr. Parker and Ms. L/N are not to be bothered.”
Bucky started laughing his head off, “Alright JARVIS, tell them to have fun.”
“We heard him, J, thanks.” You said, wrapping your legs around Peter’s waist. “Please. Move, love.”
Peter pulled out a little before pushing back in. “I love you so much.” He whispered, brushing his nose against yours.
“I love you too. Keep going.” Peter slipped one of his hands between the two of you, and slid it lower and lower until you gasped in pleasure.
“There it is..” Peter mumbled, kissing you again.
You started babbling again, “Peter, I- fuck, gonna- I’m gonna- please.”
“Yeah, I know, princess. I’m gonna too.” He told you, his soft thrusts getting sloppier. “C’mon, baby girl. You don’t need permission.”
You arched your back into Peter’s chest and threw your head back again. “Peter, I- gonna-”
“Go ahead, love. I’m right here.” You tumbled over the edge again, gasping Peter’s name as you went. “Oh, baby girl.” He groaned. “Can- can I cum inside you?”
Coming back down from your high, you were able to respond to him. “Yeah, yeah, go ahead, Pete. Please.”
Peter only had to thrust a couple more times before he was cumming, he stilled his hips and placed his elbows on either side of your head, resting his weight on top of them. “How was that?” He asked you, breathless.
“Amazing. You did so good, love.” You kissed him gently, pushing at his chest a little. “You gotta get up though.”
“Why? Am I hurting you?” He asked, panicky. “But you did good too, princess. So good for me, like always.”
“You’re not hurting me, Pete. You’re supposed to pee after sex so you don’t get a UTI. And we should get cleaned up.” You yawned. “And maybe take a nap before we go deal with Buck.”
The next morning, after you were both showered and well-rested, you went to find Bucky, since neither of you had the energy to look for him last night.
“Sergeant Barnes?” You asked, coming into the kitchen for your coffee. “Did you need us?”
Bucky only smirked at you, “No, I heard someone say that they never saw the two of you leave for date night, so I came looking. I guess that protocol came in handy after all, didn’t it?” He asked.
“Well.. yeah.” You said.
“Protocol? Which protocol? We have a million of them that affect Peter and Y/N.” Tony asked, coming up from the lab for more coffee.
“You only have one that’s a ‘do not disturb’ protocol.” Sam said, smirking alongside Bucky.
“Kiddo, the two of you?” Tony asked again. You blushed, looked down at the floor and nodded. 
Peter came up next to you and kissed the side of your head. “Good morning, baby girl.”
“Mornin’ baby.” You said, still blushing.
“What’s up with you?”
“They uh- they know we had a protocol initiated last night.” You told him, not nearly awake enough to be dealing with this without coffee. 
As you were fixing it up for you and Peter, you felt his arms encircle your waist. “What’s so wrong with them knowing? It means we aren’t interrupted.”
Sam choked on his coffee, “Are those scratch marks?” He asked.
“Uh, no?” You asked in response, trying to remember where your arms had been last night. “My arms were around Peter’s shoulders and my hands primarily sat at the back of his head.” You were thinking aloud, but it gave the 3 men standing there all the information they needed.
“Did you top?!” Tony exclaimed.
“Nope.” Peter stated, turning you around, boxing you against the counter lightly by putting his hands on either side of you, and kissing you. 
You wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, “You know, baby, I don’t think they need a visual.” The collar of Peter’s shirt that you were wearing dipped, and everyone in the room was able to see the amount of marks Peter had left across your shoulder blades and collarbones.
“Doesn’t that hurt?” Bucky asked. 
You glanced down and shook your head, dragging Peter back down the hall with you. “JARVIS?” They heard you say.
“Yes, Ms. L/N?”
“Initiate ‘BONE’ protocol.” The three of them started laughing, until they could hear you swearing from there.
“Hey, J?” Tony asked.
“Yes, Mr. Stark?”
“Remind me to add soundproofing Peter’s room to the ‘BONE’ protocol.”
..UHHHHHHHHH, so this was much longer than originally anticipated. It was supposed to be a short Peter Parker x Reader smut, and there is so much fucking plot in this. I’m so sorry. I’m also sorry if I made you cry in the middle somewhere, but I made myself cry writing this, so I don’t even know how sorry to be. While I did have Tom Holland’s Peter Parker in mind while writing this, you could use any of the three since it’s not specified, except Peter is a freshly graduated high school student, so do with that what you will.
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ptergwen · 4 years
only you and me
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warnings: angst, mentions of weed, and some swearing
summary: whenever peter tries to tell you how he feels, harry gets in the way
a/n: ahhhh hi my loves! my mini writing break is over :,) life has been just a mess for me and i’ve been way more critical than usual about my work but i’m doing a little better and ready to get back into everything! this helped me a lot so i’m excited to share it with y’all <3 it’s also my first time writing harry osborn so lmk how i did lmaooofwfjj but yeah pls enjoy
“dude, she’s right there! just tell her!” ned whisper yells to peter, elbowing him for emphasis. they’re hidden behind a wall to watch you at your locker. you’re grabbing books while betty rants to you and mj rolls her eyes. “not now. she looks... busy,” peter gulps, gaze trailing down your body. he always finds excuses to put off telling you how he feels.
or rather, excuses find him. something comes up every time he gets the courage to do it. he has no idea why he’s so scared because he’s pretty sure you like him back. pretty sure. there are a few reasons why you might not. also, plenty why you might. you stay up late texting most nights, and you’ve even flirted a couple of times. it never fails to make peter blush. he trips over his words whenever he tries to flirt back.
he’s had feelings for you since the first time you two hung out alone. none of your other friends could make it, but you happily took him up on his offer to come over. you grinned through his whole apartment tour, asked about may and what she does. when peter showed you his room, you even complimented his movie posters, much to his surprise.
“really? you don’t think they’re, like, dorky?”
“no, peter. your interests aren’t dorky. everyone likes what they like.”
and, he liked you. he knew it from that point on. you’d know it too if the universe wouldn’t keep stopping him from saying that.
“she’s so...” peter pauses for a second. him and ned watch you pull betty in by her shoulders as if you’re going to kiss her. she dodges you, mj pushing her back, all three of you giggling about it before you grab betty’s hands and give her words of encouragement. “cool,” peter finishes, turning back to ned. “i mean, how she puts herself out there like that.”
“what’s stopping you from doing the same thing?” ned points out with a knowing smile that peter returns. you make it look so easy. whenever you’re comfortable around people, you can let go of any doubts you have. you stop worrying about what they might think and instead do what you want. it’s inspiring to peter, and heart warming getting to be one of the people you’re fully you with.
he wishes he could apply your wisdom himself.
peter shakes his head, staring down at the floor. “oh, you know. anxiety, fear of rejection. that fun stuff.” “so, yourself,” ned concludes, clapping peter’s backpack so hard it makes him stumble forward. betty and mj wave goodbye to you before heading to their first class. you’re still getting your things together at your locker. this is peter’s moment.
“come on, dude! y/n’s not busy anymore. you got this.” ned keeps his hand on peter’s back, adding on, “it’s been a year already.” “half a year,” peter corrects him in a mumble. he’s liked you for a really long time. “ok, i’m going. wish me luck.” he takes a deep breath and focuses in on you. “aw, dude. you don’t need it.” ned gives him one last pat on the back. “good luck, though.” “thanks, man. see you in trig.”
right as peter starts heading over, harry comes up behind you and covers your eyes. you squeal, jumping up and turning to him, laughing as you playfully hit at his chest. he brings you into a hug where your face is buried in his sweater and probably inhaling his super strong, super expensive cologne.
that’s what’s stopping peter, harry freaking osborn. his own friend.
peter quickly loses the tiny bit of confidence ned gave him. he figures it might be better to hold off on his confession and get an early start to class. unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen. harry has already spotted him and calls him over.
“hey, pete! come give us some love, eh?” harry beams, an arm slung around your shoulders and you smiling up at him. you direct your smile to peter when he slumps his way to your locker. his lips pull into a barely noticeable frown. you notice. “there’s my guy. why so down, sunshine?” harry offers his fist for a fist bump. peter gives it to him, eyes staying on you.
harry osborn. where to begin with such a specimen? he’s the perfect combination of everything you’d want in a guy. he gets good grades, he’s a star player on on the basketball team, nice to everyone and makes you laugh, popular yet fits right into your small group.
he was friends with you before the popular thing. what kicked it off was him making varsity basketball while only being a sophomore. yep, he’s unreal. since then, he’s been balancing his cool life and also hanging with “the nerds,” as he likes to call you. he got his own feelings for you along the way. peter can tell.
he’ll give you rides home, compliment how you look, basically act like your boyfriend without really being it. it absolutely infuriates peter because he doesn’t compare to harry in the slightest. if he were you and had the choice between himself or harry, he would pick harry.
it’s been a factor in why he hasn’t come clean about how he feels yet. he’s not trying to create a love triangle that he doesn’t stand a chance surviving in.
“for real, peter. you good?” you ask him, eyebrows knitted together in concern. “fine,” peter lies and musters up a smile. “i’m just tired. didn’t sleep too good last night.” you’re only more concerned now. this has been happening to him a lot lately. you search for his eyes. “again?”
“aw, man. you need something for it?” harry punches peter’s shoulder and lowers his voice. “i know this kid who-“ “harry, stop.” your words are serious, tone lighthearted. you throw your head back on his arm. “do you really know a kid?” “i’m not telling you,” he says in an overly happy voice, you humming the same way. peter feels like he’s third wheeling.
“i was telling pete.” harry looks at him expectantly, peter’s mouth dropping open while he thinks of what to say. harry likes to mess around. this is a different level, though. “no thanks. i- i shouldn’t. i’m-“ “relax, i don’t know a kid,” harry chuckles and points at peter. “your face right now.” it’s completely flushed. you knock into harry’s side.
“ok, well literally no one laughed. you’re scaring him,” you tell harry sternly. peter tugs tight on one of his backpack straps. he doesn’t feel like he’s third wheeling you two now. he feels like your kid. he’ll never let ned mettle in his love life ever again if this is where it gets him. “he knows i’m kidding, y/n/n. right?” harry checks with peter. you make a face at him that says you aren’t convinced.
he switches his arm from you to peter, drawing him into his side. “look, pete. i’m sorry. the only kid i know who’s selling is chocolates for his band trip.” you’re satisfied with that, grinning at both of them. peter forces a laugh and nods. “no worries, man. i gotta get to class.” “good boy,” harry lets him go. “bye, pete. we’ll see you at lunch,” you remind him. he gives you a tight lipped smile. “see you, y/n/n.”
you and harry continue practically spooning each other as soon as peter is out of sight.
what the hell is going on?
peter is back to being grumpy, plopping down in his seat next to ned. their teacher has the lesson plan pulled up on the smart board. ned looks from it to peter, almost jumping in his seat. “oh, you’re back already? how’d it go?” “it didn’t go,” peter huffs, copying down the aim. he’s only doing it so he doesn’t have to look ned in the eyes while telling him he bailed. again.
“you didn’t do it?” ned repeats, peter writing something about pi and a unit circle in his notebook. he bites the inside of his cheek. “you have to do it at some point,” ned sighs out and picks up his pencil. even he’s getting tired of this, and ned never gets tired of a good friends to lovers moment. “i think she likes harry,” peter says under his breath. “huh?” ned gasps.
peter doesn’t feel like explaining the extremely awkward moment he just finished living. although, it wouldn’t hurt to get a second opinion. “y/n. he came over, and they kept hugging and whatever.” “they always do that,” ned almost scoffs, their trigonometry teacher moving to stand in front of the class. “yeah, but he had his arm around her the whole time we-“
the bell rings and cuts their conversation short. peter struggles to label the unit circle they learn about when his mind is filled to its capacity with images of you and harry all over each other. it’s not daydreaming. this is a nightmare. maybe, he actually will be having sleep problems.
peter’s morning is relatively decent after that. he gets to do an experiment with mj in chemistry, and she lets him take the lead for once. spanish is easy, health is okay, then he has a free period, then it’s lunch. things can only go downhill from here.
he thinks about hiding in the library until it’s over, but it’s the thought of harry eating your face that gets him to drag himself to the cafeteria.
flash is at the head of your table talking to harry when peter gets there. great, now he can’t eat his soggy chicken fingers in peace. “sounds dope. let’s go on the-“ flash stops saying what he was saying and nods at peter. “penis parker, you’re late.” peter takes his seat on your left, harry on your right. you glance over at him to make sure he’s okay. he acts like he doesn’t care, peeling open his milk carton.
“just text me later, man. get outta here,” harry dismisses flash, the two of them doing a bro handshake before he leaves. he’s well aware of his and peter’s history. he keeps them separate for the obvious reasons. peter appreciates it because saying no to flash is nearly impossible. he shouldn’t be so mad at harry, should he? he’s a good friend.
harry’s arm snakes around your waist and brings you closer to him. never mind.
“who’s up for sushi later?” he asks the table, everyone agreeing and saying how awesome that sounds. everyone except peter. you tap his shoulder with a small smile. “what about you, peter? you coming?” he realizes you’re all waiting for him to respond and puts down his milk. “uh, i can’t. homework,” he lamely answers.
“dude, we have homework, too. just do it a little later,” ned suggests, betty laying her head on his shoulder. you share a look with her, your eyes wide and a grin on your lips. that must have been what you were talking about this morning. she asked for boy advice. ned advice. why can’t this crap work out for peter?
“i really can’t. sorry, guys,” peter half heartedly apologizes.
he misses the disappointment that crosses your features because he’s pouting at his lunch again.
“homework, huh?” mj tests him, squinting as she takes a sip of apple juice. harry nudges peter’s side with two fingers. “you still mad about the sleeping thing?” “sleeping thing? what sleeping thing?” betty wonders while ned rests his head against hers. a quiet laugh slips out of you as you lean in to tell her.
“peter said he couldn’t sleep last night, so harry offered him...” you mime rolling a joint. “i said no,” peter clarifies, rolling his eyes at the inevitable teasing he’s about to get. none of you have even smoked besides harry. you’re being annoying about it. “of course you did,” mj sighs and kicks her feet up on the table. “unrelated to what y/n just said... harry, i have insomnia.”
everyone bursts into laughter at that, betty shoving her side and you pulling harry by his torso as he pretends to go into his backpack. peter wants nothing to do with any of this. he usually enjoys joking around with the group, even if it’s at his expense because it’s from a place of love.
today feels like you’re straight up making fun of him. harry might as well invite flash to join in.
“alright, alright, alright. enough of the weed talk,” harry decides, you removing your arms from him and grabbing your coffee. “you’re such a bad influence.” your voice drips with sarcasm. you bend the straw and take a sip while scooting closer to peter. “you really can’t come later? i feel like i’ve barely seen you today.” that’s on harry. “i wish i could, y/n/n,” peter exhales. “i’ll text you later, okay?”
you don’t get to answer because mj tugs on your arm, distracting you from peter. she explains how she has to do an art project on what it means to be a woman and needs help brainstorming ideas. you’re full of them, offering up an interesting perspective for her to use. peter smiles to himself as he listens in. you find a new way to impress him every day.
he should tell you that.
“hey, y/n?” “listen to her! you’re seriously my idol,” betty gushes, so loudly you don’t hear peter. not a single thing has gone in his favor at this table. he gives up.
peter locks himself in his room when he gets home from his overall terrible day. he does homework like he said he would, only taking a break for dinner, giving one word replies to may’s questions about school. he’d much rather be having sushi with you. he would’ve gone if the others didn’t.
after dinner, it’s back to grumbling and scribbling down answers. there’s a knock at peter’s door around ten o’clock, which he assumes is may saying goodnight. “i’ll be done in a few minutes, may! love you.” “it’s y/n,” you reply, the smile clear in your voice. his eyes go comically wide. that’s the last thing he expected to hear. “oh. uh, come in.”
you’re holding a small takeout bag, shutting the door behind you and walking over to his desk. you meet his twinkling eyes in the dim light that hits off his walls. from his open window, you faintly hear cars as they rush by and honk their horns in the distance, accompanied by a fresh breeze. it’s cozy, safe. it’s peter.
“hey. what’re you doing here?” peter questions, leaving his pencil in his binder and shutting it. you shake around the plastic bag. “i saved you a roll.” he bites back a smile, getting up from his chair. “may let me in. she was really chill about it,” you continue and hold out the sushi for him. “it’s a california roll. i wasn’t sure what you wanted, and everyone likes those.”
peter lets his smile spread out and takes the bag from you. “thanks, y/n/n. i was honestly hoping one of you would have leftovers.” you laugh softly, peter setting the bag down on his desk. he scratches the back of his neck. “did you guys have fun?” “yeah. i missed you, though.” you clasp your hands behind your back. “everyone did.”
“i feel bad i didn’t go. just... things felt off today,” peter admits the real reason he stayed home, you letting out a breath. “it was harry, wasn’t it? god, he was being so weird.” your arms drop back to your sides. “there’s a difference between playing around and actually upsetting people.” by people, you mean peter. no one else seemed too bothered by him. “i’m sorry, peter. i tried to make him stop.”
“no, you don’t have to apologize,” peter assures you sweetly, grabbing one of your hands. “it’s not your fault, okay? he probably didn’t realize what he was doing. the jokes landed.” he’s referring to ned, mj, and betty finding harry’s comments hilarious. you lace your fingers with peter’s and frown. “this isn’t like him. maybe he’s stressed about a game.” your gaze drifts off to the side, what you see getting you to perk up.
“is that new?” you ask peter, leading him by his hand over to a poster he put up recently. it’s for 13 going on 30. you showed it to him a couple of weeks ago, and he clearly liked it a lot. any movie that makes it to peter’s wall is a special one. “mhm. i got it literally right after you went home the night we watched,” he chuckles and looks over at you while you study the poster.
you turn to face peter again, keeping your hand tight in his. “were you gonna tell me something earlier? at lunch?” he’s confused for a second, then he remembers your ideas for mj’s art project. the fact that you cared enough to bring it up after all these hours makes his stomach do summersaults in the best way. he shrugs and gives you a smile.
“the stuff you were saying about femininity and how there are so many ways to define it,” peter starts, you grinning back at him, at how he took an interest in what you were saying. “you’re so smart, y/n. you make me wanna be better.” a light pink dusts his cheeks. “peter, you’re a feminist?” you coo, joking but genuinely wondering at the same time. he squeezes your hand. “duh.”
“i thought so,” you nod, taking in the rest of what he said. “you think i’m smart? i trust you because you’re way smarter.” peter pffts in response. “i’m only good at, like, physics. you’re good at things that really matter. smart in that way.” you’re feeling your own face get hot. you swing yours and peter’s hands back and forth. “why are you the nicest person ever?”
the answer to that, may, peeks her head into the room. “hey, kids. it’s getting late.” she notices your intertwined hands and shoots peter a smirk. “i thought you were a cool aunt,” he teases, you sadly letting go of him. “she is. thanks for having me over so late,” you tell may on your way to the door. “oh, stop it. you can come over any time.” she puts a hand on your arm. “thank you so much,” you murmur back.
you walk backwards to the doorway, may leaving you two to say your goodbyes. “wanna hang out only you and me? on friday maybe?” that should make up for everything earlier. “yeah, of course. friday is perfect,” peter agrees and bounces on his feet as excitement takes over him. “thanks again for the sushi.”
“no problem. goodnight.” it’s taking every last bit of power in you to not freak out. “night. text me when you get home.” he presses his tongue into his cheek. you slowly pull the door shut. “ok, i will. bye!” it closes, leaving peter skipping across his room to his bed on one side and you doing a little happy dance on the other.
the next day at school, everything is back to normal. honestly, better than normal. your hangout with peter is tomorrow, and he’s planning on telling he likes you then. he already talked it over with ned. he’s relieved it’s finally happening, especially since him and betty have their own thing. she’ll be taking up most of his free time from here.
your group is spending lunch outside today, lounging across a picnic table, surrounded by trees and the shining sun in a bright blue sky. mj sits on the table and has her feet on the bench, which would usually bug peter to no end. he doesn’t mind this time because it takes up enough room that harry has to sit with ned and betty instead of you. you lean into peter’s side and stab a piece of lettuce from your salad.
“it’s so nice out,” betty sighs, ripping off half her cookie and giving it to ned. “we should ditch.” “oh my god, you sound like harry,” you groan between bites of salad. peter lets out a breathy laugh, you looping your arm through his. he grins down at where you’re linked. harry crosses his own arms over his chest. “she wishes.” betty only nods because her mouth is full of m&m’s.
“nah, seriously. i’d take us out somewhere, but i have practice after school.” he speaks quieter than he normally does, less confident. your theory about him having basketball drama was right. “what did we tell you? talk about the sports shit with your sports friends,” mj complains, sitting back on her hands. she glances at harry over her shoulder and catches ned mouthing you can’t say that.
sitting criss cross, she spins around to face harry, unenthusiastically saying, “what i meant was, you sound upset. what’s wrong?” harry gets into it right away, like he’s been waiting for someone to ask. “coach says there might be a scout at the next game. it’s a really good opportunity even though i don’t have to worry about... college yet.” the word makes him cringe.
“oh, damn. that’s a big deal. scary,” mj snorts, turning back to you and peter. her behavior makes ned internally face palm. “that’s awesome, dude. you’re gonna play amazing like always.” he gives harry a high five, who smiles nervously in response. he’s never nervous. “thanks, bro. you guys wanna come and watch?” he’s never invited you to one of his games before either.
this isn’t a group of friends that likes to spend their weekends in bleachers while angry teens shout around them.
“definitely. we’ll be there to support you, harry,” betty answers for everyone, ned pecking her cheek in satisfaction. mj cusses to herself before replying. “if i absolutely must, sure.” only you and peter haven’t said anything yet. he’s been chewing his lower lip, and you your salad. harry looks between you two hopefully. it’s more so at you, which peter doesn’t like.
“y/n? pete? it would help a lot, i’m serious.” he taps his fingers on the table until one of you speaks up. you’re the one who does. “i’ll go. this is pretty huge, right? congrats.” you reach across the table and squeeze his shoulder while simultaneously tightening your arm around peter’s. he takes that as a cue. “i’ll go, too. happy for you, man.”
though peter isn’t currently in the best place with harry, he should show his support by showing up. it can’t be too bad since the rest of you will be there.
a loud, long chuckle leaves harry as he hops up from his bench and comes to yours and peter’s. he bends over and wraps both of you in a hug from behind at the same time. his arms are around each of your shoulders, holding you so close his cheeks are squished against either of your heads. you giggle at that, peter finding himself laughing along and reaching back to ruffle harry’s hair.
staying mad at him is one of the world’s greatest challenges.
“you’re saints, both of you. my angels.” he kisses the back of your head, then lays one right on peter’s cheek, leaving him blushing red and grinning. “what about the rest of us? i never go to shit like this,” mj huffs and seems genuinely offended. harry wiggles his eyebrows. “you want a kiss?” his offer gets her flustered, which she can’t manage to hide. that’s a first.
“shut up. i’m just saying... never mind.” mj glares at you and peter, ned and betty making kissing noises behind her. “someone change the subject.” peter steps in. “when’s the game, harry?” he asks, harry snapping and waving his finger. “tomorrow! cancel your plans, kiddos.” “like we had any,” betty retorts.
some of you did. that was going to be peter’s hangout with you.
ned smiles sympathetically at peter before betty is getting his attention. you‘re unfazed and rambling to harry how proud you are of him.
did last night mean nothing? was it an empty gesture? were you only doing it out of guilt? peter must have read your visit wrong. he’s been wrong the whole time he’s liked you. you don’t like him back, you pity him. harry is who you’re really interested in.
may always says he should trust his instincts.
peter pulls his arm from yours suddenly, swinging his backpack onto his shoulders. you’re taken back because it’s so out of no where. you stop talking to harry so you can figure out his deal. “where are you going?” “bell’s gonna ring,” peter mumbles and picks up his lunch tray. he heads to the garbage can without another word or goodbye to anyone.
“i’m gonna go check on him,” you tell harry, already getting up from the bench. “you do that,” he acknowledges and calls mj’s name again.
peter tosses his mostly untouched food in the trash, seeing you make your way over from the corner of his eye. he tries to speed walk inside so he doesn’t have to talk to you. you’re too quick, cornering him between the door and brick wall.
“we still have ten minutes,” you state, worry flashing across your face. he’s avoiding you. well, attempting to. “what’s wrong?” peter gulps before saying anything. “my next class is on the other side of the-“ “no,” you cut him off. “what’s really wrong?”
he doesn’t feel like having this discussion. it’s bad enough he came to the realization his feelings are one sided. must he break that down for you so soon?
you toy with your sleeve while you speak because peter doesn’t. “i thought you and harry were fine again. i mean, he kissed you.” peter clenches his jaw so hard he can imagine the sound of it cracking. “it’s not about harry.” “what, then? what the fuck happened?” your sleeves are now balled in your fists. you hate it when peter does this angsty routine.
he keeps his voice low and calm so he doesn’t come off as jealous or hurt. he’s both of those things. “the game is tomorrow. friday. when we were supposed to hang out.” you meet peter’s eyes with nothing but remorse in yours. “i... i forgot,” is all you have to say.
you feel awful. he’s had a tough couple of days, and you fell through on your promise to cheer him up.
“clearly,” peter remarks, voice sharp. the way you’re looking at him makes him think he won’t like what’s coming. “peter, we have to go,” you almost whine. “i’m really sorry, i am, but this is a big night for harry. he needs us there.” peter stays silent. you’re twisting the knife deeper into him with every word. “i wouldn’t be cancelling if this wasn’t important.”
now you’re cancelling?
you reach for peter’s hand, but he shoves it into his pocket. that stings for you and him. “please, peter. we’ll hang out at the game, i swear.” this is the last chance you’ve got, so you pile it on. “harry won’t even be there, technically. he’ll... he’ll be on the court.” peter hadn’t thought about that. he lets himself unclench, starting to see the appeal. you add one more thing to lighten the mood and persuade him.
“i’ll buy you popcorn, all you can eat.” it’s that easy. cracking a smile, peter accepts. he’ll deal with his unresolved, unreciprocated feelings after he stuffs his face, courtesy of you. “you better. i’m gonna need it for this long ass game.” your face lights up, grabbing his wrist in both hands.
“so, you’ll come?” “i’ll be there,” he confirms. you throw your arms around his neck. he laughs into the hug and holds you by your middle. “i promise this’ll be the first and last game we ever go to,” you say and mean it. harry is lucky you’re even suffering through this a first time. “thank god,” peter exhales, resting his chin on your head.
that interaction leaves peter confused as hell. you’re crushing his mind and soul one minute, then hugging him the next. you were making him feel so special lasts night, and treating harry the same way today. it’s so jumbled that he isn’t sure if he’s in the friend zone or something more zone.
there are a ton of mixed signals coming his way, and he sucks at reading people as is.
he can’t take another second of this. he’d rather you come out and say you like harry already because it’s torture. knowing you don’t want him in that way would at least eliminate the possibility of anything happening between you two, and allow him to stop driving himself insane.
he’d be able to stop taking it out on harry, too.
the hold you have on peter, that you’re oblivious to, rules his every thought and decision. he’s constantly analyzing what you say to him, debating whether or not your affection is simply platonic. it’s been half a year of this madness, the night of harry’s game blurring every line so much more.
your group arrives a bit early to find seats and hype harry up before he plays. peter gets there after all of you because he’s not exactly in a rush to watch sweaty guys be aggressive. there’s only one upside, which is spending the night with you... and everyone else.
he steps into the gym that’s filling up fast with family members, friends, and the college scout harry was talking about. midtown has a different feeling to it at night. the smell of pencils is oddly stronger, and it’s a lot less intimidating.
cheerleaders are huddled in a circle while the team supervisor has them run their chants. the “leading official,” who peter thought was called a referee, takes his place off to the side. coaches give their players last minute instructions, players fool around with each other, a lot is going on.
peter scans the room for you, and grins a toothy grin when you catch his eyes. you’re sitting by yourself in one of the middle bleachers, only a bag of skinny pop in your lap. you return the smile once you spot him and wave him over.
“i don’t know why, but i thought they’d have an actual concession stand,” you explain the lack of fresh, buttery popcorn as peter takes a seat next to you. he catches the prepackaged bag you toss him. “it’s just a snack table.” “works either way,” peter hums and pokes the bag. “i’m not sure skinny pop is all i can eat, though.” “it’s good!” you defend the snack you chose for him.
“i’m kidding! you’re right, it’s kind of addicting.” he puts it by his feet for now and gives you a half smile. “you’re welcome,” you deadpan in a playful tone. “thanks.” he narrows his eyes. “where’s everyone else?” “right,” you twist around and gesture to the bleacher above you. mj is gloomily seated near the back. ned and betty are a few behind you.
“i told them to find their own seats so we can sit together, alone.” you look over at peter and move ever so slightly closer. “welcome to our friday hangout. just the two of us.” “aw, you didn’t have to do that,” peter laughs out, his knee bumping yours. “but, i’m happy you did.” he goes to put an arm around you, then harry comes racing up the stairs.
just the two of you didn’t last so long.
“y/n, i’m freaking out,” harry announces, zooming through your row to get over to you. he stops once he’s standing in front of peter and shakes him by his shoulder. “hey, pete. you made it.” “yup,” peter replies, pressing his lips together. you wince at his reaction, then quirk an eyebrow at harry. “you’re freaking out? why?”
harry sits down between you and peter, blissfully unaware of the moment he interrupted.
“i found the scout. he’s fucking terrifying as fuck. this super ripped guy, looks like he’d rather be anywhere else,” he talks quietly, like the man will hear him. “he’s not the only one,” peter says to himself, kicking around his bag of popcorn to pass time. you ignore him and grimace.
“shit. wait, how do you know it’s him? did they tell you?” you’re not sure how these things go. harry casually shrugs a shoulder. “dude has a clipboard. seems legit to me.” he gives you a cocky smile. “he’s also in the row before mj. that’s how i noticed. um...” his back now facing peter, he whispers something in your ear that makes you giggle.
peter’s face scrunches up as the spark of anger the past few days have lit reignites itself.
when harry pulls away, you motion for him to come closer with your index finger, cupping your hand around his ear and speaking into it.
nope, no more. peter is entirely about to explode. you cancelled your plans so you can force him to watch basketball, you sweet talk him so he’ll let it go, and you’re running right back to harry after all of that? what the hell does that mean?
peter stands up from his seat. “y/n, we need to talk,” he demands, you moving away from harry to respond. “ok, gimme a minute. we’re-“ “no, we need to talk now.” you don’t have time to refute because he’s taking your arm and dragging you away. harry squints at you in utter confusion.
“um, have a good game! we’ll talk later,” you call back to him, walking with peter even though you have no idea what his issue is and aren’t a fan of how he’s acting.
he releases you once you’re in the hallway. you make a point of harshly yanking your arm back, a scowl painting your lips. “jesus, peter. i was having a conversation.” “do you like harry?” peter blurts out. you’re so shocked at his abruptness that you don’t give him much to work with, only, “what?” “do you like harry?” he asks you again, this time less accusing and more curious.
“do i like...” you’re too aware of the seemingly hundreds of people surrounding you to answer comfortably. “can we talk about this somewhere else?” “sure,” peter nods, letting you lead the way since he did to get out here. you two go down the hall and choose the first room you see, which happens to be the custodian’s closet. it’s thankfully unlocked.
things were tense between you and peter on the way over, and it’s physically mirrored when you step into the room, air thick and smelling of lemon cleaning supplies. you tug on the string hanging down to turn on the light. it casts a faded glow, leaving you in mostly darkness. you sort of like it. this feels more intimate, which is fitting for what you’re both about to say.
neither one of you knows where to begin. peter’s question is ringing in the back of your mind, and you could touch on that, but there’s more to it than a simple yes or no. you don’t have to worry about it because peter gets his words out first.
“i think harry likes you, and i think you like him back,” peter restarts, already sounding deflated by what he came up with. “he doesn’t, and i don’t.” you take a step towards him. “he likes mj.” it’s peter’s turn to be shocked. the hint of a smile sets on your lips. “that’s what we were talking about. harry asked if he should take her to dinner after the game, and i said yes.”
this is going better than he expected.
“mj is the one who likes him, not me,” you reiterate and watch some life enter peter again, a tiny bit. he’s coming around, and he wants to believe you. his trust issues don’t. “but, you’re so... touchy with each other. the hugging the other day?” he mentions. you tilt your head to the side in amusement. “friends can’t hug?”
to be fair, you hugged peter yesterday. that’s a point rightfully shut down.
“he calls you pretty,” peter tries, raising both eyebrows. you have to laugh at this one. “you call may pretty.”
obviously, peter’s analysis skills could use some serious improvements. it sounds like he had the right idea, wrong person. your relationship with harry is platonic. hell, he’s crushing on a whole different person. this actually opens up the possibility of you liking peter in the romantic way, of him being in the something more zone. he had it backwards.
in case peter isn’t convinced yet, and because you really want to, you use one more trick to prove to him you don’t like harry.
“do me and harry do this?” your lips speak for you, colliding with peter’s unexpectedly yet easily. he feels like he’s floating, like he’s in some sort of magical wonderland until it hits him that this is real, and he should probably kiss you back. he does so softly and tangles his fingers in your locks. his hand supports the back of your head as the kiss goes on.
you push forward so your bodies are almost fused together, the closest you can be while you hold his jaw. peter breaks the kiss for a short breather, going back in without more than a moment passing. this one is feverish, his free arm looping around your lower back, hand resting on the small of it. you let out a giggle against his swollen lips and stroke your thumb over his jawline.
he’s been waiting to do this for the longest time, but he doesn’t have to tell you that. it shows in how eager he was to reciprocate, his shyness blossoming into passion. you feel yourself melting under his touch, the kiss eventually becoming a series of short pecks. peter gives you the final one. his pink lips form a grin when you pull apart. your hands stay on each other, not in a rush to go anywhere.
“woah, i like you so much,” peter laughs out. the words roll off his tongue naturally. “you know i like you,” you drawl, smiling at him, a full body smile while you caress his skin. he winds both arms around you and dips his head down to steal another kiss. you’re loving what’s happening. however, you don’t feel like making out while dirty brooms stare at you. you should take this back home.
“wanna get out of here? i do,” you suggest, voice muffled from his lips. they detach from yours and brush your cheek gently. peter makes a funny face. “hm, i thought we had to come. harry needs us,” he says what you did yesterday, earning a groan back. “you’re joking.” “i’m not. what kind of friends would we be, ditching him like that?”
he’s going to end you one day.
“yeah, no. i have no idea how basketball works, and i’d like to keep it that way,” peter drops the act, pressing his fingers into your sides. “i’ve been so mean to harry. i was...” “a dick?” you finish for him. it’s more of a statement than a question. to soften the blow, you rub his cheek with the tips of your fingers. “yup. he’s gonna think i hate him or something if we don’t stay.” his formerly smiley face is frowning.
“harry of all people will understand after we tell him our reasons,” you reassure him, nudging under his chin with your nose. “besides, he has other things to worry about. mj, the scout. it’s fine.” peter considers it, ultimately giving in to you like he always does, resting his forehead on yours. “i guess so. less distractions for him, yeah.” “exactly. that’s what i wanna hear.”
having his approval, you unwind yourself from him and head to the door. his fingers wrap around your wrist gently. “what about my popcorn?” a giggle escapes your lips. “you’re still on that?” “you said all i can eat!” his voice comes out high pitched, adorably high pitched.
“fine. i might have those bags you put in the microwave.” you smile when his fingers lock with yours, peter kissing the side of your head.
“even better. let’s go home.”
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thomotomo · 3 years
Part 2 of that short WinterSpider fic I wrote at like 10 pm - there will be a 3rd part ofc
Peter had the jitters all day, he itched to call the man or at least send him a message but he tried to not lose himself in his reveries to make the most of his time with his friends enjoyable.
That night, when Peter was in his bed, unable to sleep as usually at this time he was making his patrol around the Queens. Peter took out the paper he had put on his nightstand and decided it would be a good time to send a message to James.
"It's Peter :) "
"The guy who knocked into you at the market today."
"I mean- I'm the guy who knocked into you today. Peter's just my name!"
In his panic or excitement, Peter had sent 4 messages and as he read them again, felt ashamed. He wanted to sent another message telling the man to ignore all of his previous messages and Peter was turning into am anxious mess until
"Aah the pretty boy ;)"
"I was wondering when you'd send me a message~"
Upon reading this Peter could feel his face burning and he was quite sure he had turned a bright shade of red. Peter quickly wrote back, not wanting to pass on the occasion.
"Sorry i was occupied visiting the town with my friends."
"How do you like it so far?"
"I really like it, it's different from New York and the old buildings are really cool to watch! Though i have yet to visit some museums."
"Glad you like it. If you want I can show you some places I really like. What do you say?"
That made Peter's brain stutter. Was he proposing him to go on a kind of date? He read the text again and again, not knowing whether or not it was an actual date or if he'd just received some addresses to visit. He hesitated for a few seconds more before shooting back a text that clearly wasn't one he'd usually sent to someone he's interested in.
"Is that a date? ;) "
"I have to admit you surprised me there. Didn't thought you'd have it in you to be daring haha."
Peter grinned, and he could feel his cheek hurts from how wide the smile etched on his face and he quickly texted back.
"I have my moments haha :3 When would you like to meet up?"
"Idk do you have a time limit you have to be back with you pals?"
"Erm... I'd say 6pm."
"Well that leaves us quite the time. What do you say about meeting up at 2pm at the market entrance? I think 4 hours is plenty to visit some places.", Peter beamed as he read the text. He was going to spend some time with the man. He could almost felt himself shake due to the excitement it was generating in him.
"That works for me. I'm excited to see you tomorrow :)"
"Same doll."
Peter found himself at a loss of words. Should he send him a good night message? He suddenly felt quite tired so maybe he should before he falks asleep on the spot.
"I'm tired. Have a good night! I'll se you tomorrow then! ^^"
"Thanks pretty! Sweet dreams :)"
Peter was close from squealing. James was quite the charmer it seemed and it was nearly a given he'd dream about this tall, dark and handsome man tonight. As he fell asleep he thought he'd had to tell MJ and Ned about his plans for the afternoon to avoid giving them a heart attack.
Peter couldn't help it and his last conscious thought was about James and the hand that was on his lower back going further down south.
Next part will be quite sinful hehe~
I hope you're all having good holidays and if not you can vent to me whenever you see it fit <3 Take care y'all!
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sunflowergirl522 · 3 years
Tinder Match 8
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You look at the older people on Tinder joking about finding a sugar daddy. That’s when you stumble upon a man claiming to be 106. Intrigued you swipe right and match with him.
Warnings: Language tfatws spoilers
Word count: 1281
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“Can we get out of here please?” Bucky says to Sharon before turning to Sam and sending him a nod.
“Hey, Buck?” 
“You said you wanted me to meet someone? Who is it?” Bucky can’t help the smile that stretches across his face.
“Let me get Sharon somewhere to heal up and you deal with whatever he wants.” He motions with his head to the man waiting to speak to Sam beside the ambulance. “I’ll send you the address to meet at.” Sam gives him a nod before they both part ways.
Meanwhile you’re getting ready to pop open some champagne to celebrate the new Captain America while your friends are trying to convince you to just put the bottle away.
“Y/n I’m not taking care of drunk you again that was too much to handle. Just give me the bottle and you can open it up when James gets back.” Peter says as he tries to reason with you to put the bottle in his outstretched hand.
“But I want to celebrate now. What if he doesn’t come back?”
“I’m sure he will, he said he’d be here after he took care of his thing.” Peter wasn’t going to bring up how he was very clearly on the news but you didn’t notice it because you were too excited about Sam being Captain America.
“Okay fine.” You hand it to him and get off of your coffee table that you were standing on ready to spray champagne everywhere. But when there’s a knock at your door that you immediately recognize as James you jump up from the seat you had just taken and grab the bottle back from Peter. “That’s him time to fucking celebrate!”
“Bucky, what are we doing above a bakery?” 
“Shut up Sam.” You don’t pay any attention to the muted voices from behind the door, not like you could hear them anyways over your excited yelling.
“James,” you start as you fling open the door, “have you seen the news? Sam Wilson is Captain America!” You still haven’t looked up from the bottle you’re shaking slightly in your hand. You open it with a pop and it sprays everywhere for a second and you hear your friends gasp. The proud smile on your face puts one on Bucky’s and Sam looks between the two of you for a second before it clicks.
“You're the girl he’s been talking to!” The stranger's voice brings your attention to the men in your door and you gasp as you realize immediately who’s standing in front of you. You’re thankful that Peter takes the bottle from your hand before you can drop it.
“Oh my god. Peter pinch me I’m dreaming. You’re Captain America. Like you’re the Sam Wilson oh my God!” You grab onto his arm and pull him into your home. “Come on in make yourself at home. Oh my God Falcon is in my house. Do you want anything to eat or drink? I just popped open the champagne to celebrate you omg. James and I made cookies earlier do you want some of those? They’re good, not the best though he doesn’t seem to have much practice with baking. I could run downstairs real quick and grab you some of my finest baked goods.” As you ramble on Sam just sits there shocked to see this reaction from someone because of him. He’s seen plenty of people act this way for Steve but this is the first time it’s ever really happened for him. You’re about to walk to the door to go to the bakery when Bucky stops you.
“Doll, hey calm down. Sam doesn’t need any of that stuff I’m sure he’s fine aren’t you Sam?”
“I don’t know Buck. I kinda wanna try those cookies you made.”
“I’ll go get you some.” You’re about to walk away but Bucky without thinking grabs your wrist to stop you with his metal arm. You immediately freeze at the feeling of the cool metal and turn to look at him with confusion written on your face. You grab his hand as he’s about to take it back ready for a negative reaction. “What’s this?” You turn it over in front of you to study it and follow the metal up to his shoulder. “Is this why you wear the gloves all the time?” He just nods at you. “Why would you do that this is fucking cool! I mean I’m sure how you got it wasn’t but now that it’s here might as well embrace it y'know?”
“Babes here I think you could use this.” MJ hands you a glass of orange juice that you can already tell has the champagne is it and turn back around to face the Captain on your couch.
“So James are you going to explain to me how you know Sam fucking Wilson?”
“Well you know my coworker Sam?”
“Yeah.” Something in your brain clicks as you realize it. 
“So you’re telling me that your work Sam is Sam Wilson? Then that must mean that you’re like a superhero or something too right?”
“So are you gonna introduce me to your girl or what Buck?”
“Sam, this is Y/n. Doll, I’d introduce you to him but you already know who he is.”
“Hi Y/n Y/l/n it’s an honor to meet you Captain America.” You hold your hand out and he takes it to shake.
“Please you just have to call me Sam.” You let out a little giddy squeal at that and look at your friends. 
“Sam, this is MJ, Peter, and Ned. They've had to deal with me the whole time that asshole John Walker was Captain America and not you.” You down the drink in your cup before placing it on the table.
“This is some girl you’ve got Bucky. I think I like her already.” 
“Why does he keep calling you Bucky?” You ask as you sit on his lap in the armchair you have next to the couch.
“It’s his nickname, Steve gave it to him.” Sam answers before he has the chance to.
“Oh, can I call you Bucky? Wait. Steve? Like Steve Rogers?”
“Yeah.” Bucky answers slowly, not sure how you’ll take the next set of information. “He was kinda my best friend.”
“That’s cool.”
“Hey Y/n, you remember when we learned about Steve Rogers in history class. You know we learned all about him and his best friend Buc-”
“Bucky Barnes.” You finish for Ned before whipping your head around to look at Bucky. “You’re telling me that you really weren’t lying on your Tinder profile, you’re actually 106?”
“Wait I’m sorry Bucky was on Tinder?” Sam bursts out laughing at the thought of it.
The night rolls on with all of you having a good time and continuing game night eventually with Sam having a blast with you guys. He bids you goodbye while inviting you and Bucky down to Louisiana for a cookout that his sister is already planning to celebrate everything. You were quick to accept telling him you’ll bake a cake or something for it. And it shocked you a bit when he pulled you in for a hug but you were quick to return it. Peter and everyone left soon after him and when it was just you and Bucky you turned to him ready for some answers.
“Alright, I’m going to need you to explain everything to me.” You had yawned after saying it and Bucky smiled at you as you stretched in front of him.
“I’ll explain everything in the morning for now doll let’s get you to bed.”
Series Taglist: @kittengirl998​ @fxckyou4ever​ @safetypinxtales​ @starstruckgardenstudentzonk​​ @oofkatisanerd​​ @chiakitoga​​ @ihavemjolnirinmypantss​​ @accioholland​​ @nykie-1dluv​​ @pheonixisded​​ @paniniirae​​ @sillygamingartghost​​ 
Bucky Taglist: @puddinsqueen​​ @koressecretidentity​​ @stevieintheimpala​​ @unmagically​​ @panickingqueer​​ @thomasthetankson​​ @joeysbumpkinbatch @the-chocoholic-writer​​ @perksofbeingatrex​​ @99-cats​​ @rachmmb​​ @quokkatrash​​ @mylifeiscrazy0423​​ @vanillamaa​​ @strawb3rrydr3ss​​ @that-sarcastic-writer​​ @spp2011 @spideyycents​​ @mackycat11​​ @crystalsoul2​​ @rosiemotion​​ @dissectiontime​​ @franzthelentil @lmf​​ @jacelynenursalim​​ @aiyanalevina​​ @mooncaffeine​​ @fanofalltheficsx​​ @jewelsrocks99​​ @lharrietg​​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​​ @clubcesspool​​ @sailormajinmoon​​ @girl-obsessed-with-things​​ @corvusmorte @sophielovesbarnes​​ @enlyume​​ 
Marvel Taglist: @its-the-autism-innit-luv​​ @xxspqcebunsxx​​ @amourtentiaa​​ @obsessedwithbuckybarnes @thenormanreedus​​ @rorysreallyrandom @sxtansqueen​​ @fandomrejects @stephyra @myalupinblack​​ @mirakeul​​ @aya-fay​​ @just-a-musical-fan @lieswithoutfairytales​​ @cr4b-rav3 @kakakatey​​ @sugarbutterbailey​​ @1-800-ch3rry​​ 
Everything Taglist: @peterssweetpea​​ @ninuffi​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @kolakube9​​ @lexy9716​​ @hehehehannahthings​​ 
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter seven rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!Reader
Synopsis: you are Peters greatest love and Spider-Man’s greatest enemy
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Peter walked to campus that day with an extra bounce in his step. He couldn’t keep himself from leaping over the school gate, not caring who could’ve seen. He was in love. He walked past Flash with confidence, easily brushing off his backhanded comments. He walked up to Ned and felt oddly compelled to click his heels. Ned noticed the ecstatic expression on his best friends face and smirked.
“What’s got you so happy? Did a certain wall crawling superhero finally beat Venom in a fight?” He asked. Peter shook his head.
“Not yet. Something even better happened.” Peter said proudly.
“And what might that be?” Ned wondered. Peter could barely keep himself from screaming.
“Y/n kissed me.” He exclaimed. He got a few strange looks from passing students on their way to class, but Peter didn’t care. Nothing could ruin his mood.
“What? When? ” Ned gasped.
“This morning. She slept over last night after she had a nightmare. And guess what else?” Peter asked. Ned bounced up and down.
“What? Tell me!” Ned demanded. Peter looked around for who could be listening and smirked.
“She slept in my bed.” He smirked.
“Oh.” Ned said looked disappointed in the anticlimactic finish.
“With me in it.” Peter added and Ned looked amazed. His jaw hung open and he began to bounce up and down again.
“Dude that’s like the greatest thing ever.” Ned cheered. “She’s so hot! We have to tell everyone.”
“We’re not telling anyone just yet.” He shook his head. “She’s only been my girlfriend for a few hours. She’s really special to me, Ned. I don’t want to treat her like shes some prize I won by telling everyone. Girls are worth more than that.”
“Amen to that. What are you losers talking about anyway?” MJ said as she approached them. She was eating trail mix and looked extremely bored already.
“Peter has a girlfriend.” Ned blurted. Peter shot him an angry look while MJ looked impressed.
“Oh really? Who is she, your right hand?” MJ smirked. Ned looked confused while Peters face went red.
“It’s not my right hand. She lives in my building and she’s an angel. That’s all you need to know.” Peter grumbled, still annoyed that Ned spilled his secret. It wasn’t that he was ashamed of you, the exact opposite actually. He would shout it from the rooftops that you were together if he could. He just didn’t want everyone to know. You had only kissed that morning and Peter still wanted to keep the magical details to himself.
“Does this angel have a name?” MJ questioned, actually interested in something for once.
“No.” Peter said at the same time Ned said “Y/n L/n.”
“Y/n L/n from The L/n Report?” MJ was suddenly invested. It was the first time Peter or Ned heard emotion in her voice.
“You know her?” Peter asked.
“Duh.” MJ scoffed. “She’s the only investigative reporter I’ve seen who actually cares about the people she reports on. I read her articles all the time. We have a lot of the same opinions. I used to think she was the coolest girl ever.”
“Used to think?” Ned asked.
“Well clearly something’s wrong with her if she’s dating Peter.” MJ said flatly. Ned laughed and Peter looked at her angrily.
“There’s nothing wrong with her. She’s amazing.” Peter defended.
“I know she is.” MJ shrugged. “I’ve idealized that girl for year. Did you guy see what she did to Carlton Drake?” Peter nodded and smiled proudly at the thought of his girl kicking names and taking ass.
“She’s like my hero. She’s done so much for the homeless back in San Francisco. I was so excited when she said she was moving to New York to work for The Daily Bugle.” MJ gushed. Peter and Ned looked at each other, visibly confused.
“Have you always done that?” Ned asked her.
“Done what?” MJ asked.
“Felt things?” Ned said and MJ rolled her eyes.
“I feel very passionate about a lot of things. Those things just don’t happen to include you two or anyone else in this school. However, I am very passionate about your girlfriend.” MJ stated. She suddenly looked a little uncomfortable and unsure of herself, two things MJ never did. She awkwardly turned to Peter.
“Do you think I could meet her? I’d really love to talk to her about her article on fracking.” MJ asked slowly. She wasn’t used to asking people for things. Peters eyes softened at this new side of MJ.
“She’s picking me up after class today on her motorcycle. You can meet her then.” Peter offered. Then MJ did something very out of character.
She smiled.
“K thanks.” She blurted and then swiftly left. Ned and Peter laughed as she walked away.
“That was new.” Ned commented.
“Yes It was.” Peter agreed.
“She’s so odd.” Ned added.
“Yes, she is.”
“Did you do the hanky panky with Y/n?” Ned asked. Peter snapped his head towards Ned.
“What?” Peter flushed red. “No. And never say ‘hanky panky’ again.”
“It was worth asking. See you in orgo.” Ned said before walking towards his class. Peter shook his head in amusement before heading to his first class of the day.
At 3:30, you pulled up to Peters college on your motorcycle. You took off your helmet, shook your hair out, and scanned the crowd for Peter. You soon saw him, Ned following shortly behind him, and a girl you had never seen before. She wasn’t wearing makeup, which you gave her props for, and had her curly hair tied back in a pony tail. She was undeniably pretty and had a very cool vibe to her.
“Hi beautiful.” Peter said when he reached you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you tightly. “It’s torture not being with you all day.”
“I know. But the school year is almost over right? Then we can spend every second together.” You promised. Peter smiled happily. He leaned in slightly, as if asking for your permission, and you did the same. You pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He smiled into the kiss and held you closer. This time, there were no interruptions.
“Y/n, I’d like you to meet MJ. MJ, this is Y/n.” Peter said, gesturing to the girl. MJ smiled shyly at you and held out her hand.
“It’s really cool to meet you, Y/n. Your article on greenhouse gases is hanging on my wall. I’m uh, I’m a big fan.” She said timidly.
“You’re a fan? That’s amazing.” You smiled brightly at her. “I’ve never met a fan before. It’s really cool to meet you too, MJ. And if you’re interested in the environment, I have a bunch of scientists numbers I can give you. I had to interview a bunch back in San Francisco to write that article. They gave me some great tips on how to reduce my carbon footprint.” MJ’s eyes widened just a little. She looked baffled and gave you a thankful smile. You noticed one of her front teeth was slightly askew and decided you liked her already.
“Really? That’d be so cool. Thanks.” She said. You squeezed her arm and nodded.
“I think you and I are going to get along just fine. Can I get your number? I’d love to hear more about what you’re interested in.” You handed MJ your phone and she took it. She typed her number it and handed it back.
“This has been really amazing. Thanks for being so cool. I have to run though. I’m running a protest outside of Oscorp.” She explained. “One of their employees got seriously electrocuted and they’re to cover it up.”
“Really?” You gasped. “Is it okay if I tag along? I’m kinda busy with my Cletus Kasady story but I would love to cover your protest too.”
“You’d do that for me?” She asked as if she wasn’t used to people doing things for her.
“Gladly. Can I join? I can give you a ride there.” You offered. She smiled at you and toyed with the strings on her backpack.
“That’d be great. See you losers later.” MJ gave Peter and Ned a peace sign and climbed onto your bike. You gave Peter a quick peck on the lips and got on the bike as well. Peter watched as MJ wrapped her arms around your waist and smirked at him. You two sped off towards Oscorp, leaving Peter and Ned in your wake.
“Dude.” Ned laughed. “MJ just stole your girlfriend.”
“Shut up. No she didn’t.” Peter said. Did she though? You seemed to hit it off with her pretty quickly. Peter didn’t know MJ too well but he knew she was guarded and didn’t let people in easily. In fact, she didn’t let anyone in. And yet, you and her had become best friends in a matter of minutes.
Heading back from Oscorp a few hours later, you saw a familiar hat bobbing up and down in the street. You were about to call out Neds name when two guys came from around the corner. They looked mean and you could hear Ned’s heartbeat rising. You quickly ran over to him.
“Hey.” You panted. Ned looked relived to see you.
“Oh hey Y/n. How’d your date with MJ go?” He teased. You shoved him slightly.
“It wasn’t a date. She’s really cool though. I think we’re going to be good friends.” You said as you passed the two guys. You soon heard a whistle.
“Damn baby. Where you going with him? Don’t you wanna stay here and have some fun?” one of the guys called. You looked at Ned and picked up your pace.
“I know you heard me beautiful. Stop running before I give you a reason to run.” The man said again, louder this time.
“Keep walking.” You whispered to Ned.
“I said stop running.” The man shouted, this time, his threat was accompanied by the sound of a gun cocking. You and Ned froze in your steps. The two men slowly approached you, all while pointing the gun level with your head.
“That’s better.” One man said when he reached you. “Now, how about this. You come with me, or I shoot your friend. Does that sound fair?”
“I better call Peter. He’ll know what to do.” Ned panicked.
“No need.” You growled as your transformed into Venom. You marched up to the guy and grabbed him by the shoulders in a death grip. You spit at a nearby newspaper in the ground. The newspaper quickly disintegrated and left nothing but smoke behind. You smiled devilishly at the man, grateful for a chance to show off your acidic saliva.
“What was that?” The man cowered in your grasp. Meanwhile, his friend ran away terrified.
“Acid spit. Still want me to come with you?” Venom purred. The man whimpered and shook his head furiously.
“Didn’t think so. Now, if you don’t tell us the names of ten historical feminists who would be very disappointed in your sorry ass by the time I count to ten, we’re going to eat you. Does that sound fair?” Venom growled as the man shut his eyes in fear.
“One.” You began to count.
“Uh…” He whimpered.
“Um.” He raked his minuscule brain for answered but came up empty handed.
“Ten.” You said and bit his head off. You quickly ate the rest of his body before turning back into yourself. You wiped your hands and patted your stomach before turning around and making eye contact with Ned, completely forgetting he was there.”
“You’re Venom?!” He gasped as he pointed at you in horror. You ran up to him and covered his mouth.
“What? No.” You lied. “How do you know about Venom anyway?”
“It’s you. I can’t believe it’s you.” Ned exclaimed when you took your hand off his mouth. You were getting more and more confused.
“You’re Venom. You, Y/n, are Venom.” He repeated as if it all made sense now.
“Play dumb.” Venom whispered.
“What? I’m not Venom. What makes you say that?” You stammered.
“Not that dumb!” She yelled. Ned looked at you and laughed, still in shock.
“You and Peter are perfect for each other, you know that? You’re both dumb as shit.” He laughed. You had to laugh a little as well.
“You’re Venom and Peter is…do you know about Peter?” Ned suddenly asked.
“What about Peter?” You didn’t understand what he meant. Neds eyes went wide, and then filled with sadness.
“Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” He shook his head. “Are you gonna tell him about this? Because I’m going to be very honest with you, I’m terrible at keeping secrets. I don’t know if I can keep this from him.”
“I’m gonna tell him eventually. So please, don’t say anything.” You pleaded. “He has to hear it from me. I’m sorry that I’m making you lie to your best friend but this is a very unique situation.”
“It’s a lot more unique than you think.” He muttered. “I won’t tell him.”
“Thank you.” You hugged him tightly, thankful that he was safe and keeping your secret. You walked Ned home and began to make your way back to the apartment building. You wanted nothing more than to cuddle with Peter and forget the day. After all, you missed him all day at school. It was bearable when you guys were just friends, but now that he was your boyfriend you never wanted to be apart.
When you were just a few blocks from your apartment, you felt a strong arm wrap around your neck and hold you in place. Suddenly, there was a knife to your throat.
“I saw what you did to my buddy, you little freak. Now, how about you get down on those pretty little knees before I kill you?” The man threatened. You turned your neck as much as you could and recognized your attacker as the mans friend who ran away from earlier. You sighed deeply. You were full and trying to keep your body count to a minimum, but he was just asking for it. You shut your eyes and were about to turn into Venom when you heard a voice from behind you.
“Now that’s no way to treat a lady.” The voice rang. You recognized it as Peters voice. The guy was quickly pulled away from you as if by some kind of rope. You heard some sort of webbing going on behind you and small cries of struggling from the man.
“Are you alright Miss?” Peter asked.
“I’m fine, Peter.” You said, finally turning around. Instead of seeing your boyfriend, you saw the friendly neighborhood pain in the ass. He had webbed your attacker to the wall and was now looking right at you. You had seen him so many times before, and he’d seen you, but never like this. You felt almost naked, standing before Spider-Man as Y/n instead of Venom.
“Oh.” You said, startled. “I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else.”
“Yea. This is a pretty popular outfit.” Spider-Man joked, gesturing to his skin tight suit. You bit your tongue. He was funny, but you couldn’t let him know that. You were enemies after all. He just didn’t realize it was you.
“Thanks for saving me.” You blurted. “But I had the situation handled.”
“You’re right. You especially looked like you had it handled when he was about to stab and murder you.” Spider-Man said sarcastically. You found him oddly charming, despite your history.
“What are you gonna do with him?” You asked, pointing to the man webbed to the wall.
“I heard what he said to you. I’m going to register him as a sex offender and ruin his life. Unless, you had other plans. You know, since you had the situation handled.” Spiderman remarked. You playfully rolled your eyes. You did have other plans. Plans that involved eating him and digesting him while you cuddled with Peter. But Spider-Mans plan was okay too.
“Alright. I’ll see you around Spider-Man.” You said, giving the superhero one last look. There was something familiar about him. Spider-Man nodded.
“See you around. And please, be careful. Don’t walk alone. I don’t want to see you get hurt.” He said and turned back to the man.
You went home, showered, and got into some comfy clothes. You missed your boyfriend dearly and went to his apartment to see him.
After being let in by May, you went into Peters room and flopped on his bed. He was sat at his desk doing homework.
“Did you mean what you said about me sleeping over whenever I wanted?” You asked, voice muffled by his pillow.
“Of course I did.” He swiveled around to look at you and noticed your body language. “What’s wrong, love?”
“I’ve had a long day and I want to cuddle my boyfriend.” You pouted. Peter smiled at you calling him your boyfriend. He closed his textbook and climbed into bed with you. You rested your head on his chest, right over his heart. The sound of his heartbeat calmed you down and you felt sleepy.
“Did you make any progress on your story?” He asked. You shook your head as he began to run his fingers through your hair. You hummed in content and pressed a small kiss to his neck. He blushed at the affection and held you closer.
“No.” You groaned. “I’ve had the worst writers block all day. I was actually thinking of writing an article on Spider-Man until my writers block went away.”
After your encounter with the masked hero, you wanted to know more about him. You were originally against your boss’s idea to write about him, but now you liked it. Sure, there were plenty of articles on Spider-Man out there, but you knew him intimately.
“Spider-Man?” You felt Peters heart stop momentarily. “Why?”
“I think I have a pretty good shot at figuring out who he is.” You shrugged. “Like, think about it, he only operates from the hours of 4 to midnight ish right? Except, on weekends, when he’s seen all throughout the day. What’s he doing all day on weekdays? He can’t be at work because jobs don’t end that early. I think he’s in school. Either high school or college. Probably college though, right? I can’t imagine a high schooler doing what he does. Unless he’s been doing this since high school. That’s also possible.”
“Oh wow.” Peter said, dumbfounded. He was usually blown away by your intelligence, but now it was working against him. There were a million college students in New York, though. Surely you wouldn’t figure it out.
“And think about this, he’s only ever in New York, so he must live here right?” You continued. “But what about that one time he saved those kids in the Washington Monument? What was New York’s superhero doing in Washington? I looked into it and the kids he saved were on a field trip. What if Spider-Man was on the field trip too? If I look up all the schools that were there, I could create a list of suspects and go from there. Then, I could-“ you were cut off with a kiss.
“Let’s not talk about Spider-Man.” Peter said quickly, followed by a smile. “I want to hear about you day. How was Oscorp?”
“We had a really good time.” You smiled. “I interviewed her after I helped her with the protest and then we grabbed lunch. Oh, and I saw Ned on my way home.”
“You saw Ned?” Peter asked. Ned hadn’t mentioned seeing you.
“Yea.” You blew out a breath. “These two guys attacked us. One ran away and I took care of the other. But then the one that ran away came back and you’ll never guess who saved me.”
“Who?” Peter smiled. He knew who.
“Spider-Man. I don’t know. I was wrong about him. I used to think he was just some guy in spandex with a God complex but now I think he just genuinely wants to help people. And…” you trailed off.
“And?” Peter raised an eyebrow.
“He’s got a nice ass.” You admitted. Peter laughed loudly. You smiled into his chest. You loved that damn laugh.
“I’m serious.” You insisted. “I saw it as he walked away and it knocked me out. Spider-Man is dummy thick.”
“Please never say the words “Spider-Man is dummy thick” in my house again.” Peter pleaded. He secretly loved it though.
“I was actually thinking of making that the title of my article.” You joked. Peter laughed again. He chucked a pillow at you and you giggled.
“Let’s go to bed.” You yawned. “In a romantic, but still non sexual way this time.”
“Good night, my Nancy Drew.” Peter said with a kiss to your forehead.
“Goodnight, my whoever Nancy Drew was boning.” You yawed again.
“Ned Nickerson.” Peter laughed.
“Then goodnight Ned Nickelodeon.” You said, half asleep.
“Close enough.” Peter smiled.
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kerie-prince · 4 years
the intern
Peter Parker x Reader (college au)
requested: (anon) plz plz plz give me some college aged, super powerful ( think stark ceo powerful ) peter parker shit. idc what the rest of the story is about, i just need a brooding, smoldering, suit wearing, extremely expensive, college aged spiderman. plz and thank you!!!!
warnings: language
summary: When you start a new internship at Stark Industries, you're not only surprised to find Peter working as your boss, but that he's not the shy neighborhood boy you grew up with
a/n: this doesn't follow canon so for this imagine, hammer industries is just a rival company and the snap never happened lol also i don't know anything more than operating a phone so don't expect me to write sciencey, techy stuff lmao
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“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you were running across the road to jump into a cab that was available. Your phone hadn't been charging all night as you thought it had which caused you to wake up forty-five minutes before the start of the interview. You need this internship before you graduate from Empire State and get your degree in robotics.
On the way there, you nearly got car sick as the driver took sharp turns and nearly ran past intersections seconds before they became red. Once in front of Hammer Industries, your heels clicked loudly as you ran inside the tall building. You checked in with the front desk and took the elevator up to the 10th floor.
Just as you arrived, Justin Hammer was calling your name. “I'm right here!” you nearly tripped on your heels and your breaths were short.
“I've called your name three times, do you understand what that makes you look like, correct?” Justin stood unphased as you stood up straight and tried to steady your breath. “All these people are on time. Some of these folks have been here for hours, even.”
“Yes, sir. I’m so sorry–”
“Shame, I really liked your resume and your report on the expansion of nano-technology. Try again next year, maybe.” Justin started to call out the next participant and when she got up you stepped in front of her, “Please Mr. Hammer, I need this internship or I can't graduate.”
The people in the waiting room had their eyes on the two of you, tension so thick that it was almost hard to breathe. “Then maybe you should have come on time,” he pushed you aside to let the next person in to interview. You quickly ran back out and spoke to no one all the way home. Your eyes and cheeks were aching as you held in the tears during your Uber ride. The driver wanted to ask if you were okay, but if you were to break down in his car he’d probably be stuck having to listen to what happened and if he was honest with himself, he didn't actually care.
Once you got to your apartment, you made a straight line to the kitchen. “Hey, how’d the interview go?” MJ, your roommate, asked while still looking at her computer. You reached into the freezer for your emergency ice cream pint, snatched a spoon and walked into your room without saying anything. “That bad, I guess,” MJ said to herself.
You sat with MJ and Ned in the cafeteria, but had not touched any of the food on your plate. Your head was laid on the steel table and you just continuously groaned. “I’m a failure,” you whined.
“No, what you are is fucking dumb,” MJ commented as she ate.
“Thanks, Michelle, that makes me feel so much better,” you looked up to glare at her before laying her head back down. Ned felt bad that his friend was in despair, “How come you didn't ask Peter for help?”
“Huh?” you lifted your head back up some of your hair falling onto your face.
“Yeah, Peter already works at Stark Industries, why didn't you just ask him to get you in? You could even skip the internship altogether and be in full time,” Ned suggested. You gave it some thought, but something about it didn't sound right.
“No, I don't want to bother Peter. I don’t want him to think that I’m only calling him for a job,” you sighed. Ned texted Peter anyways. Unexpectedly, Peter texted him back immediately.
“He says it’s fine,” Ned showed you his phone to read the text. ‘Yeah man, tell her to come in tomorrow and Ms. Potts will interview her’
You let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding and pulled out your phone.
‘Thank you so much for helping me out’
‘No problem, anything for a friend’
The Stark Industries building was huge. It almost looked taller than the Empire State Building, and maybe it actually was. Your legs were shaking as you stared up at it. “Here goes nothing,” you assured yourself.
The lobby was bustling with people; workers walking around, a group of kids that seemed to be here on a field trip, and some teens taking pictures in front of one of Mr. Stark's Iron Man suits.
The trip up to the 17th floor was crowded with people as more and more entered in every passing floor. You had to squeeze yourself out and accidentally stepped on someone’s foot in the process.
Looking around, your jaw dropped. It was an open laboratory with groups of people putting together small robots, flying drones, and people laughing and talking. It was such a fun and cool looking environment, you wondered why you didn't just apply here in the first place.
Pepper Potts spotted you walking around and approached you with a tap on your shoulder. “Hi, I’m Pepper. You must be Y/N,” she reached her hand out to shake yours which you accepted. “Hi, nice to meet you.”
“Peter’s told me a lot about you. Come, follow me,” Pepper’s office had glass walls and a view of New York from behind her desk. You weren't particularly fond of heights, but even you would love to have an office view like that. Pepper gestured to the chair in front of her as she smoothed her dress to sit in hers. “So, I see here that you had an interview at Hammer’s. Can I ask why you chose them?” You didn't even know how they got that information. You hadn't seen or spoken to Peter in quite a while, so how Pepper knew that was beyond you. You sat there with your lips moving to say something but nothing was coming out.
Pepper seemed to have caught on what you were thinking and elaborated, “Before I do any interviewing, I do full background checks on everyone.” She had a gentle smile which made you feel better. You thought she would scold you or something considering the question did more than catch you off guard.
“My mother used to work there for a long time and I figured that I would follow,” you explained. Pepper nodded her head and wrote some notes down. She looked onto her computer and looked at everything there was about you. “Well, I see here that you have exceptional grades. 4.7 GPA since you started school and your paper on nano-technology has gotten much praise. I think even Tony read it.” No way. The Tony Stark read my paper? “So tell me, do you see yourself working here at Stark Industries?”
You looked outside and watched everyone in the open lab again. “Yes.”
“Then that’s all I need to hear. We’d love to have you here,” she reached over to shake your hand. You looked at her surprised and hesitantly shook hers. “Welcome to the team, Y/N.”
“Thank you so much!” You cupped her hand with both of yours and shook it a little too quickly, but she didn't seem to mind. You were ecstatic to start your path to your career, and at a dream place at that.
Your alarm rang at the time you set it to, but there was no need for it. You couldn't sleep all night. Today is your first day of your internship and you were feeling so many things at once. Excited, nervous, happy, scared…
You tried to restrain yourself to a light breakfast, but MJ’s pancakes were to die for that you ate two whole stacks. You looked through your closet just about fifteen times; you had already picked an outfit the following night with the help of MJ, but when you put it back on, you hated it. It sucked for your roommate seeing as she had to sit through you changing from eight other outfits.
You tried to picture the lab again to see how other people dressed for a better idea to base it on your outfit choice. From what you remember, it was pretty casual, so that’s what you stuck to.
You were given your pass the day you were hired, so you had no issue walking inside. The elevator was just as packed as it was last time, but you were more composed so there were no toes being stepped on this time. You weren't exactly sure as to where you had to go, so you looked around to see if there were other interns to ask where to start.
“Y/N!” Peter’s voice surprised you from behind. Your shoulders jumped a bit, but relaxed at the view of his face. His face… you actually hadn't seen him for quite a while. Months, maybe. His jawline was more defined, and his once floppy hair was styled neatly. You tried to not look him up and down, but the temptation was definitely there. And the other thing, his voice was deeper than you last remembered. Is this really Peter Parker? “Hey, Peter.”
He gave you a hug that nearly made you lose breath. He was stronger than you remembered. A memory flashed back to when you were in junior high; you, Ned and Peter were hanging around the local park and you beat Peter on rounds on the monkey bars. He gave up after a couple bars, but you went back and forth a couple times. ‘Show off.’ But now, he had muscles that the shirt he was wearing hugged his biceps.
The hug was quick, and you had to pretend that he didn't just squeeze some life out of you. “Do you work on this floor?”
“Yeah, you’re actually assigned to work with my team. Come, I’ll show you around.” He started walking and you noticed how his posture changed. Damn, I know it hasn't been this long since I've seen him. Why does he look so different? He was wearing trousers. Trousers? Peter hates trousers. But his ass is looking great–
“Hey guys, this is Y/N. She’s going to be working with us as an intern. And I'll say this beforehand, no she's not going to be taking coffee or lunch orders,” Peter introduced you. There were various aged people in this group. Some were your age, and one person looked to have been in his thirties. Peter is in charge of this group? They all said ‘hi’ to you and went around introducing themselves.
Once that was finished, Peter pulled a chair for you on the table. “You’ll take notes for me while I give this presentation,” he whispered to you before walking in front of the table and started writing on the clear glass board.
He was talking quickly and didn't stumble over his words like he used to. Everyone was listening to him attentively and you jotted notes down as quickly as you could. Every now and then, you would steal glimpses of him and feel a sort of… well you felt something. Amazement? Inspiration? Adoration?
No doubt was Peter one of the smartest people you've ever met and here he was leading his own team and making potential products for Stark Industries at such a young age. Seeing him at work was so… it was indescribable to you but all you could think of was how different he is now. In a good way, of course.
Peter Parker has been your friend for years and to see him change from a bumbling, shy, adorable nerd into a confident, intelligent working man attracted you.
When you got home, you thought a lot about your first day. Being an intern at Stark Industries was really fun, so far. You weren't expected to do silly things like get coffee or lunch for everyone or pick up someone’s dry cleaning. You actually learned something and even had your opinions heard on some of the things that Peter suggested for his team’s upcoming product presentation.
If this is what it's like to be an intern, you couldn't imagine what it would be like working full time.
“How'd it go?” MJ stuck her head in your room. “It was fun. I'm working with Peter,” you explained your day to her.
“Cool,” was the last thing she said before she went to her own room for the night.
In the past few months, your internship at Stark’s has been going swimmingly. Everyone's been so nice, and the work is so fascinating. You've gotten closer with Peter and along the way, he felt like he was more than a friend and boss to you.
Currently, everyone was getting ready for their final presentations for the upcoming annual Stark Industries Convention. It was going to be Peter’s first year presenting his own project with his team and you were so excited to be a part of it.
The time you’ve spent with Peter was really fun. He was a good mentor and a great friend. The only thing was that you couldn't help but look at him a little too long, and you’ve found yourself thinking about him during your classes or doing your homework. The shy boy from Midtown High was no more, replaced– no, grown into the Peter you know now. But you pushed all feelings aside to focus on your next thesis paper and mock-up of the handout brochures of Peter’s project.
Sometimes, you didn't even feel like an intern as Peter would ask for any ideas you had to make the project better and even let you help with assembly. He stayed true to his words and you’ve never once had to run for coffee or things like that. There’d be times when you would study some of the little parts under a magnifying glass and he’d come up slightly behind you and explain about some of the bits on the working table.
And every time he did that, your breath would be stuck in your throat and you’d have to remind yourself that this was just Peter helping you out and you’re just learning. But it was normal to want more every now and then… right?
The convention was just a few days away and you had trouble finding something to wear. These events were usually black tie events, but did that mean the presenting teams as well? Wouldn't that be uncomfortable?
One of the guys on your team, Richie, sat with you during lunch and talked about how he was probably going to wear the same suit as always. Not because he couldn't afford a new suit, but he was just a simple person and he only wears it once a year for the conventions and that’s all, so it’s still in mint condition.
The girls on your team and some from others were going dress shopping the day before and invited you to join. You were excited mainly because now you don't have to bother MJ for it.
Speaking of MJ, you were going to ask her to come with you. Pepper sent out the electronic invitations to everyone in the company and authorized plus ones to even interns. She’s never been to one – for reasons you were still confused about – but you wanted your best friend to be there for you. And if not MJ, then you bet Ned would still come with you. Wait, what if he’s going with Peter?
On cue, Peter had sat in the chair next to yours in the small break room, “Hey, Y/N.”
“Oh, hey Pete. You excited for Saturday?” Peter quietly stirred his coffee and gave you a small smile, “Uh, yeah. I’m nervous, but I’ve worked really hard on this. And everyone, too. Including you.”
You slightly blushed. I didn't do all that much you thought. You two just sat there taking small sips from the hot, bitter beverage.
“So… I wanted to ask you something,” Peter started.
“Mhm?” The coffee nearly slipped past your lips. You quickly grabbed a napkin to lightly dab some of it off of your lips.
“Well, as you know, we can bring anyone with us to the convention,” he trailed off.
“Yes?” Is he going to…
“And I wanted to know if you were bringing MJ with you.” Oh. You nodded your head and thought you hid your disappointment well but without knowing, Peter actually caught it for a split second. “Good. You can come with me,” he smiled and stood up.
You were in awe; without effort, Peter just asked you to be his date for Saturday.
“Dude, how are you not ready yet? He’s gonna be here any minute,” MJ sat at her computer per usual working. Your music was too loud for her taste playing from your shared bathroom. Peter said he would pick you up at 7, and it was currently 6:50.
You had put on and removed your make-up at least five times. Something was always wrong; one of the wings would either be thicker than the other, the blush would be the wrong shade, or the lipliner kept going out of place. But, alas, you finally nailed it.
Your hair was styled half up with elegant curls and braids. In between some braids were little bits of baby’s breath flowers. Most likely, you were going to have a hard time taking those out but they looked cute and it was too late to take them out.
Your dress was right above your knee and flowed comfortably so you wouldn't have a hard time walking. It was a neutral taupe color and had a V-line that ended just above cleavage and hugged the curve of your waist. You paired it with simple black heels and a small, white handbag.
“He’s here,” MJ informed you.
“Okay,” you took a deep breath, “what do you think?” You spun around and held your arms out. “You look really pretty. Now go get ‘em. I’ll watch it on the live stream.” She gave you a lazy thumbs up and resumed her work.
Outside was Peter in an all-black apparel. His dress shirt had only one button undone, and he had a loose blazer that accentuated the dip of his shoulders. He stood against the limo with his hands at his sides. God, he’s gonna be the death of me.
When he caught sight of you, he had a flirtatious smirk on his lips and held out for your hand. “Peter, where’d this limo come from?”
“Mr. Stark set it up for me,” he stated like it was no big deal. Must be nice being his favorite. He held the door for you to climb in and closed the door behind him. “We’re ready, Happy,” he told the driver. Happy rolled his eyes, closed the window and drove off.
The convention was off to a great start; Tony Stark came in with his suit as he always loved to do and started introductions before everyone else scattered around to look at the projects of the many departments in his company. Some groups of certain departments had large stages, some had small stands, like Peter’s.
There were still large crowds coming to see the smaller presentations, and everyone seemed to be fascinated with Peter's. You stood on the side as his team operated the machine and Peter spoke. He looked confident and it was mesmerizing to watch him.
After the night was over, all employee’s and some guests were brought back to headquarters for the after party. You walked around with Peter and had flutters in your heart every time he held the small of your back. The most exciting part of the night was meeting Tony Stark in person. He greeted Peter warmly, and then his eyes landed on you, “Peter, who’s this?”
“Oh, this is Y/N. She’s a friend of mine,” he gestured for you. You shook Tony’s hand and stood starstruck. “The one you don’t shut up about?” Pepper hit his shoulder and laughed nervously.
“Wait, I’ve heard about you. Buddy of mine works at Empire State and he showed me your paper, it was really good.” You were still shocked that he had even read it and here he was talking to you about it. You went back and forth talking about nano-technology.
On the way home, you and Peter talked and laughed about things you told him as you caught him up to what was happening on campus when he couldn't be there. It was a really fun night, and Peter was more noticeably relaxed now that the hard part was over. “Alright, home sweet home,” Happy announced through the window.
“Well, that’s me,” you smiled sadly, not wanting the night to end. You reached to open the door but Peter climbed out from his side. He walked around to open your door and just like he did earlier, held his hand out for you to grab and assist you out the limo. What was different this time was that he kept his hand in yours as he walked you to the door of the apartments. “I had a great time with you tonight,” Peter confessed.
“Me too,” your voice was soft and low for only him to hear. Peter’s eyes switched from looking into yours to your lips before he grabbed your face with both hands and kissed you. The kiss was needy, passionate, but had a certain gentleness to it. Once he felt you kiss him back with the same fervor, he deepened the kiss and brought one hand to pull your waist closer to him.
You pulled apart to regain your breath and looked to admire his swollen lips and he copied the same notion. He leaned in to give you a gentle kiss and pulled away, “Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Peter.” Your cheeks were flushed and your face was warm. You watched him as he left and ran inside. Upstairs in your apartment, you found MJ and Ned sitting on the couch with a bag of chips in each of their hands.
“Good night?” Ned asked. You just nodded and walked slowly to your room.
“We saw the whole thing, by the way,” MJ said nonchalantly. You looked back to glare at your best friends, Ned smiling innocently at you and MJ keeping her straight face.
You changed into your pajamas and laid on your bed on your back, looking up at the ceiling. You couldn't wait to go back to work on Monday.
requests open!
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fayemarvels · 3 years
Backseat rider
Peter Parker x fem!reader (She/her)
Inspo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU9lOKWFG54
I tried to write this in the second person so please tell me how you like it.
Summary: Inspired by the wonderful song Backseat Rider by Sara Kays, with my little twist on it, and with a happy ending.
You and Peter have been friends for a long time, and he promised you the first ride in his car. When you come back from your Europe trip, MJ is sitting in the passenger side. The fact that you are in love with him doesn't really help.
Or: Peter promised you a ride in his car and his stupid plan fails because he is jealous.
Warnings: angst, fluff, bad writing, grammatical mistakes,
Word count: 5.1k
English isn't my first language so please don't mind the grammar and sentence structure mistakes and stuff. If you have any suggestions on how to improve my writing, please let me know.
! Please don't repost my work anywhere without my permission. Thank you!
My masterlist *******
9. September 2013
It was the first day of school and you were standing at a bus stop just a few blocks from your new apartment. You and your parents just moved to queens and you were starting in a new school.
With your new schoolbag which you got for your 12th birthday just 3 days ago slung over your shoulders, you tapped your foot nervously against the concrete under your newly polished shoes.
You were so excited to start 6th grade in a new school, away from the people in your old one. You were always a shy kid and some of the kids from your previous school picked on you just because of that.
The school became hell and you started making excuses as to why not to go in. At first, your parents were annoyed thinking you were just lazy. But you later opened up about your struggles and they started to take action.
But before much happened, one of your parents got a job opportunity in Queens, New York, and without much thinking, took it. When you left the school, you felt like you could finally breathe. A huge boulder fell off your shoulders and you were so excited to find some new friends and meet new people. To get a new start.
Due to the traffic, the bus came with a 7 minutes delay. And as the bus rounded the corner to arrive at the bus stop, a frazzled-looking boy came crashing into you.
Before you could crash to the ground, he caught your hand and pulled you towards him in an effort to save you from crashing into the hard ground.
“I am so so sorry, I didn’t mean to I fell asleep and burned my toast and spilled toothpaste on my shirt, and ” he took a deep breath before he continued with his rambling.
“Oh god I am so sorry, I’m rambling” He scratched the back of his neck.
“It’s alright, truly. But I would really appreciate it if you let me go.” You said quietly and the boy’s eyes widened in horror.
“Sorry, sorry” he kept apologizing and mumbling underneath his breath.
“Please stop apologizing, nothing much happened,” You laughed lightly and he breathed out in relief.
“I’m Peter, by the way, Peter Parker,” he introduced himself more calmly. Now, that he wasn’t rambling and frantically running his hands through his hair, you could finally focus on his features. He was slightly shorter than you, with curly brown hair and chocolate brown eyes that were still tinted with sleep.
“Nice to meet you Peter my name is (Y/N) (L/N).” You introduced yourself and you stepped together into the bus. You looked around for two places to sit, preferably together.
“There,” Peter pointed to the back of the bus. You pushed through the crowd of people standing and made it to the seats. Peter let you sit beside the window and sat beside you.
“The public transport in new york is so horrible,” Peter whined and you raised your eyebrow.
“Is it? I just moved in like 2 weeks ago so I didn’t have much time to explore.”
“Oh, so this is your first day of a new school.” His eyes widened in realization and you nodded.
“What school are you going into?” He asked and you could see the excitement in his eyes.
“Palm tree elementary school.” You answered and Peter jumped in his seat.
“Oh my, me too, that’s so exciting, Ned will be so happy,” he squealed you smiled widely.
You talked the rest of the ride to your stop, and through the short walk to your school. This boy might just make this school much more exciting than you thought.
20. August 2019
“Okay, just wait for me outside of your apartment building I’ll come and pick you up,” Peter said into the phone and you hummed in acknowledgment.
“Okay Petey, I’ll be waiting, I missed you so much throughout the summer, I’m sorry I didn’t call” you apologized feeling guilty.
“It’s okay, I get it, I was the one to suggest it. Okay, I’m leaving, I’ll be at yours in about 10 minutes. ”
You and your family went to Europe for the majority of summer. You tried to keep in contact but of course, it was hard the time difference made it very difficult to find a time where you both can call and don’t lose sleep.
The first person to stop trying was Peter. On a rare call one night, he informed you that he didn’t want you to lose sleep just because you wanted to talk to him
“Don’t worry, you’ll tell me everything when you get back, just don’t forget to bring me souvenirs.” Peter teased and you laughed sadly. You missed him so much and the heavy feeling in your heart wouldn’t go away.
“Okay, just prepare yourself because I’ve gotten you a souvenir from every single location we went to.” You sniffled.
“Hey, don’t cry, everything will be alright nothing will change I promise.”
10 minutes later, Peter pulled up to your parking lot and your heart skipped a beat. Your smile widened and the butterflies in your stomach fluttered. This was the first time you saw Peter after a month and a half. You returned from Europe only 4 days ago so you used that time to get rid of the jet lag.
Your smile dropped when you saw a shadow sitting on the passenger side. You shook your head and moved closer to the car. Peter stepped out of the car and you flung your arms around him. He tensed for a bit before he wrapped you up in his arms and breathed in your scent.
“I missed you so much, you have no idea,” he mumbled into your neck and you pressed your lips into his hair.
“I missed you too, for the last two weeks, my parents were a pain in the ass,” you complained and Peter laughed. Then he got serious.
“Well, at least you have parents.”
“I’m just kidding, don’t worry bug,” he giggled and you hit his shoulder lightly.
“I hate these jokes,” you complained.
“I know, that’s why I make them.” He giggled and you rolled your eyes.
“Okay. C’mon, I have my classmate MJ here, I wanted to introduce you two he stepped away and you wrapped yourself around yourself.”
Peter opened the back door for you and you thanked him. When you got into the car he closed the door behind you and quickly got into the driver seat.
“So MJ, this is (Y/N). Bug, this is MJ.” He introduced you two and you waved awkwardly.
“Hi, I heard about you so much, is so nice to meet you.” MJ greeted and you smiled.
“I would like to say the same but Peter has never talked of you,” you scratched your neck shyly and MJ waved her hand.
“It’s fine, me and Peter only started hanging out about 3 weeks ago, but we’ve gotten a lot closer.” She explained and you nodded.
“So, Peter told me you are in an art school,” Mj started and you shuffled to the edge of your seat so you could hear better.
“Yeah, I do interior design, color pallets, and furniture designs.” You explained and MJ nodded her head.
“That sounds really cool, you’ll be the first I’ll contact when I’m furnishing my house” MJ laughed and you giggled.
“Yeah sure, just give me a call,”
But then, it got quiet. You just relaxed against the seat behind you and closed your eyes for a few moments.
“So, I saw the star wars movies the other day, it was so good,” MJ exclaimed and Peter laughed out loud.
“I tried to get this lady into it but she hated it. The same with star trek.” Peter said, pointing at you.
“Yeah, I hate it so much,” you chimed in but they didn’t respond. They just continued laughing and talking without you. You couldn’t help but think that they looked so much like the two of you looked when you talked about both of your favorite things.
MJ sat in the passenger seat for the next five weeks. When you traveled to school, from school, or even during the weekends.
She was there every single time Peter came to pick you up. And to be honest, it hurt just a bit more every single time you saw her sitting in the front seat of his car.
You and Peter were supposed to go to see the new astronomical exhibition today. You were getting ready in your room when your eyes drifted over a framed picture on your vanity table. It was taken last summer, before he got his car, before MJ. You had taken it with your Kodak disposable camera in a parking lot in front of your local Target. You remember it like it was yesterday.
21. July 2018
It was around 10 p.m. when you and Peter left the target with a plastic bag of candy and a brand new disposable camera that you found in the sale aisle. You tore the safety tape away from the box and pulled out the instruction manual.
“I’m so excited; I’ve never had any of these.” You exclaimed and Peter chuckled at your happy face, threw his arm around your shoulder, and pulled you in closer to him.
“You are going to love it, it’s so fun. Especially because you have no idea how the photos are gonna turn out.” He smiled and you nodded.
“I always watch the tiktoks of people’s reactions to the developed photos, and they always look so happy, I want to try it.” you declared and pulled the camera out of the box.
“First things first bug, just a quick info, you need a lot of lightning for the photos to turn out good,” Peter explained and you waved your hand mindlessly, messing around with your temporary camera.
You quickly pulled out your phone and turned on the flashlight. You put the phone on the ground in front of him and he looked at you puzzled.
“Will you do me a favor and be the first photo on this camera’s film?” You asked him and Peter nodded, acting very posh and snobby.
“It would be an honor, my lady,” he faked a bow and you burst out laughing.
“Okay smile for me,” you giggled and Peter smiled widely. He was so beautiful. Hair messy, and a hoodie a little too big on his body, with the long sleeves making cute sweater paws.
“Come onnn take the picture so we can eat the sweets,” Peter whined and you quickly snapped the picture of him. He bent down, took your phone from the ground, and turned off the flashlight.
“Come on I even got us and your fuzzy socks so your toes won’t get cold,” he said and you hugged him from behind.
“you are the best, you know that?” you mumbled and he shrugged.
“Might’ve mentioned it a few times before” You let him go and he pulled out the blanket from his backpack.
“Come on let’s sit here,” he pulled you towards the curb a few feet away from the spot you were standing at. He sat down, wrapped his arms around your legs, and rested his face on your stomach.
“Let’s sit here and eat all these delicious candies” he looked at you with wide eyes and you dragged your fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp.
“Okay Doll, let’s do this,” you teased and he blushed hard.
“Stoop you know I blush when you call me that,” he complained and you laughed softly. You gently unwrapped his arms from your legs and sat down next to him.
“So, let dig in,” you rubbed your palms together and he put the bag between you two.
“I want the Reese’s,��� you said and Peter handed them to you.
“Smiile,” you smushed your cheek against Peter’s and he smiled into the camera. The flash had gone off and you smiled to yourself.
“I bet this one’s gonna be so good.” He said and you nodded.
“So, as I was saying, May told me that she wants to buy me a car for my 18th birthday. I don’t know how she wants to do that but I’m not complaining.” Peter gushed and you wrapped your arms around his middle.
“I’m so happy for you, you deserve it.” You smiled and Peter continued.
“I want to take you on a road trip when we finish school. All around the US. From New York to L.A,” he looked at you hopefully and you smiled at him widely.
“That sounds so good, we can go to grand canyon and Zion and so much more, Oh my God, we will need so much more of these disposable cameras. Peter, we need so much food and tents and sleeping bags and maps.” You took a deep breath before you continued.
“We should make a checklist, we should start preparing, Peter why are we sitting here?” you asked and Peter gently shushed you by putting his pointer finger on your lips.
“We still have 2 years bug, no need to overthink it, everything is gonna be fine.” He assured you and you nodded.
“Come here,” he pulled you towards him and your head landed on his chest. You snuggled into his chest and breathed in his scent.
You were pulled back to reality when your phone rang. It was Peter.
“Hey (Y/N), we are nearly here, only about 4 minutes.” He informed and your breath got stuck in your throat. ‘WE’. MJ is coming with you. He didn’t ask, he didn’t inform you beforehand. He just invited her.
“Ummm Pete I’m suddenly not feeling very well, I think I should go and lay down, maybe you should go alone,” you mumbled and he hummed.
“Okay, get better alright? We can go somewhere tomorrow.” He suggested and you hummed in agreement, as you couldn’t do anything else without breaking down.
“Okay (Y/N) goodnight, get well soon. I’ll see you tomorrow” He didn’t wait for your response before he hung up.
You stared at the phone as the tears cascaded down your cheeks and you put no effort into stopping them. You slowly wiped off the makeup you put on just a few moments prior and threw out the cotton pad.
You stood up from your vanity and moved over to your bed. You couldn’t understand it. What have you done wrong? Just a few months prior, Peter would drop everything to be with you when you weren’t feeling that well. Now, he didn’t even ask what was wrong.
You cursed yourself as you tried to keep your sobs at bay. You lost him and it was all your fault. If you called more often or at least texted and kept in contact during the summer, everything would be fine. He wouldn’t be in his car with someone else but with you. But the more you thought about it the more your mind betrayed you,
‘Wait, he was the one to suggest that you two would stop the contact, did he get tired of you? Did he want to get rid of you? Is he sending signals by hanging out with MJ every single time they should be hanging out alone?’ the thoughts in your brain were running around before they suddenly stopped.
“He didn’t call me bug,” you realized. He always called you bug, never (Y/N). He only called you that when he was annoyed or angry with you. You started thinking back to every single hangout you had in the past 5 weeks to see if you could stumble upon a memory where you angered or annoyed him. Nothing.
Your shoulders sagged and you put your face in your hands.
“What should I do now,” you asked yourself as you tried to remain calm and not to let any more sobs out. As you looked around your room, slowly calming down, you saw a piece of Peter’s hoodie peeking out from your closet. In a rage of fury, sadness, and anger, you quickly gathered every single piece of clothing Peter ever gave you and put them in a cardboard box.
Taking out a piece of paper, you took your favorite pen and started writing a little note for your now ‘ex’ best friend.
Dear Peter, returning your clothes, maybe you can give them to MJ, now that she is your best friend and you don’t care about me. Could’ve at least told me you didn’t want me in your life anymore, instead of sending mixed signals and hurting me by that. Fuck you. – Love, (Y/N)
You signed it with fury coursing through your veins and closed the box with duct tape. You swiped the stray tears that fell down your cheeks and threw on a hoodie.
“Going out for a few minutes!” you shouted to your parents and closed the door, before hearing their response. After putting the hood up, you opened the window to the fire escape and you threw your legs over the window sill, taking the full cardboard box with you.
“Let’s do this,” you mumbled to yourself and dropped down to the ground.
The walk to Peter’s apartment didn’t take long, only about 10 minutes. But the walk felt so much longer this time, maybe because this would probably be the last time you would ever make it. You started tearing up just at that thought. You didn’t think this is how it would end. Six years of friendship ended just because you were too annoying. You shook your head and continued walking; you couldn’t afford to burst into tears in the middle of the road.
You stopped in front of Peter’s apartment and let out a shaky breath. This is it. You knew May would be at work, so you let yourself in with the key, underneath their doormat. You stepped into the apartment and closed the door behind you. You rushed into Peter’s room and threw the box on his bed. You didn’t want to linger around and experience the pain of remembering all of the memories you and Peter shared in this room.
You looked around one more time, and your eyes watered when you saw your favorite t-shirt thrown over his chair. You really wanted to take it but decided to against it. ‘He can do whatever he wants’ you thought and closed the door behind you.
The walk from his apartment wasn’t much better. But it was a bit shorter than the one before. You hadn’t had much time to think this time. You just came out of his building and in a few seconds, you were laying in your bed with tears streaming down your cheeks.
Now, that you calmed down a bit and your head cleared, you laid in your bed, looking at the ceiling, face blank of any emotion. You got pulled back into reality by your phone vibrating. You sat up and moved the phone closer to your face. It was Peter.
You had 6 missed calls and 26 unread messages from the curly-haired boy. But you decided to ignore them and turned on the airplane mode. You curled up into a ball and snuggled up into your fluffy blanket. It was going to get better, you will get better, the pain will subdue, the anger will not.
You were so damn angry at him. How could he do this to you, string you along when he doesn’t want you in his life anymore? Letting a few tears slip, you let your eyelids droop and let your mind wander into the darkness of sleep.
“I don’t understand, what does she mean by a new best friend? What does she mean by not want her in my life anymore?” Peter asked as he paced around his room, with your note crumpled up in his right hand.
“I think you did the opposite of what you wanted to do you know?” MJ interrupted him and he looked at her horrified.
“This is all my fault, I’m the reason she feels like this,” he mumbled and continued pacing in circles.
“Remind me why you wanted to do this again?” MJ scoffed and Peter stopped to think.
“To make her jealous,” he mumbled and MJ stood up and hit him across the forehead with a rolled-up engineering magazine she found randomly thrown under his pillow.
“You are so stupid, Peter. And I can’t believe I helped you. But at least I got the cute girl’s number,” she mumbled the last part and Peter ran his shaky fingers through his hair.
“I fucked up,” he announced and MJ glared at him.
“Yeah, no shit genius. Remind me how this started again. In detail and soak in just how stupid you are,” she growled out and he got lost in the painful memory.
It was around 3 weeks after his best friend left for Europe, he was mindlessly scrolling through Instagram when he saw a photo she posted just 4 hours ago. He went to like it but his thumb froze before he could double-tap. It was a photo of her smiling, looking as beautiful as ever, on a beach with a sunset behind her. But it wasn’t her that made him freeze, it was the boy that was standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist. She was grinning at him, her smile shining brighter than all of the stars in the night sky.
“Who the fuck are you?” Peter mumbled to himself as he looked over more of the photos in the post. As he scrolled, the pair of them only grew closer on the pictures. Them sharing a meal, them in the sea, them on a carnival with a huge green teddy bear in her arms. Just from the last picture, it was clear that the boy won the plushie in one of those shitty scam carnival games Peter couldn’t play even if he really wanted to.
But what really got him, was the post from her private Instagram, the boy from the previous photos was kissing her on the corner of her mouth. Tears gathered up in his eyes as he exited the app and ran his shaky fingers through his hair.
‘Could she have a boyfriend? But she didn’t tell me,’ his breathing got quicker and he had a sudden urge to puke. Before he could stop himself, he opened his contacts app and scrolled to find MJ’s phone number, she could help him.
“Hey, I know this is a lot to ask but I need you to help me make my best friend jealous.” Those words came from his mouth before he could even think about them.
“I told you before you started with this stupid plan of yours that it won’t work out,” MJ snapped him out of his mind. Peter stared into the distance before he snapped out of it.
“I need to go and see her, I need to explain,” Peter rushed out before MJ stopped him.
“You need to give her some time, she wouldn’t want to see you, and only get angry or even more upset.” She explained and Peter nodded in understatement.
“You are right, I will let her cool off for a week, and then talk to her,” Peter concluded. MJ blinked in surprise.
“Are you sure you want to give her a week? I was thinking more like 2 days, not 7,” MJ said cautiously and Peter huffed out angrily.
“God, why are you so cryptic, why can’t you just tell me and help,”
“Because this is your relationship, that is on line, not mine. And you want me to solve this for you,” MJ raised her voice and Peter rolled his eyes.
“God, this is useless” he mumbled and the girl in front of him scoffed.
“I can just leave if that’s what you want,” She stood up to leave but Peter grabbed her forearm gently.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. I’m just really anxious and I want to see her. But you are right, I shouldn’t leave her without explanation for such a long period of time,” Peter apologized and MJ nodded.
“I need to go, mum wants to watch this new movie she saw in Target, I’ll text you okay?”
“Okay bye, enjoy the movie,” Peter mumbled and MJ walked out of his room.
“Great Parker, just great,” he mumbled to himself as he watched her leave through his window.
2 days later
Peter was standing in front of your school, waiting for you to finish. The last two days have been torture for him and he couldn’t wait to talk to you. When he heard the bell ring on the inside of the building, he stood up from the bench he was sitting on and moved closer to the main entrance, just a precaution and so he wouldn’t miss you walking out.
He started to get worried when he didn’t see you walk out even after 15 minutes.
‘Maybe they had some science lab and are cleaning up or something he thought to himself to calm down a bit. Then, he saw one of your friends, Bee, walk out and he waved at them.
“Hey, she isn’t here today,” Bee said to Peter. He only frowned. That’s weird.
“Okay, thanks Bee, do you think she could be at home? Is she sick?” Peter asked and Bee frowned at him.
“I thought you were best friends, you don’t know where she is?” Bee asked him and Peter looked down looking very guilty.
“We had a fight,” he mumbled and Bee scoffed.
“Well, I guess you fucked up pretty bad because she never misses school.”
“I know, I fucked up and I hurt her, but I just want to make it better, I gave her time to cool off and now, I need to apologize,” Peter explained and Bee nodded their head.
“Okay Parker, last chance, if you hurt her to this extent ever again, I’ll kick you in the balls.” Bee threatened and Peter nodded.
“Don’t worry, this is the first and last time this has ever happened, won’t hurt her ever again, I promise,” Peter said and Bee could tell his words were genuine.
“Fine Parker go, and if she is not at school tomorrow, you are a dead man, I’m telling you that right now.”
“Don’t worry Bee, I’m going to make this right,” Peter promised as he walked away from your school.
“Honey, someone is here to see you,” Your mom called out and you looked from under your blanket. You couldn’t function correctly for the past few days, the loss of your best friend being too much to bear.
“Tell them to go away please,” you mumbled and she shook her head sadly. You stopped crying a while ago, no tears left in your body.
You heard a gentle knock on your door.
“Hey bug,” You whipped your head towards the voice, and the tears you thought ran out, welled up in your eyes. He was there, even after he exchanged you for someone else.
“Pete,” you whispered and he quickly walked towards you and sat on your bed. You threw yourself into his arms but then quickly pulled back and furrowed your eyebrows.
“What are you doing here?” you asked and Peter shook his head.
“I came to apologize, I hurt you by my actions and made you think something, that isn’t true at all,” he explained and you tilted your head, reminding Peter of a cute, confused puppy.
“I will just tell you the truth, and hope you will be able to forgive me.”
“I was jealous. It’s simple as that, and now that I’ve said it out loud, it sounds so stupid.” He took a deep breath and slowly tangled his fingers in yours.
“The truth is, I have feelings for you. You know what? Scratch that, I’m in love with you and have been for a long time. When I saw you with the guy in Europe, being all cute and sweet together, I just lost it.” He confessed and looked up to see your face. You had an unreadable expression on your face.
“Fuck, he even got you a huge teddy bear from the carnival scam games, I could never do that for you, and I know you love that corny stuff.” He said with a shaky voice and could feel the tears push into his eyes.
“I wanted to make you jealous, but I hurt you instead and that hurts me even more than seeing you with that boy.” He said and then kneeled on the floor beside your bed. He took your other hand into his and kissed your knuckles gently.
“I’m so sorry Bug, please forgive me,” he begged as he put his forehead against your hand. The tears that gathered in his eyes flowed freely down his perfect face and it hurt you to see him like this. You took your hand away from his and you could see the quick flash of pain on his face. You caught one tear with your finger and whispered.
“Please don’t cry, I’m going to cry too,” he quickly looked up and smiled sadly, when he saw your sunken and tired face.
“I forgive you, Peter.” You said with a crack in your voice.
“And you know, it actually worked out, I was so jealous when I saw you with her.” You confessed.
“I love you too Peter, I always have” you whispered and Peter’s face lit up with joy.
“You, do?” He asked and you nodded with a slight smile on your face.
“I do, so so much,” You caressed his cheek, shuffled closer to him, and kissed him on the forehead.
“Come here and lay with me,” you demanded and Peter chuckled.
“Well, what my lovebug wants, she gets.” Peter teased and you hid your face in the blanket.
“I kinda like it,” you whispered shyly and Peter laughed lightly.
“Scoot over love, let me lay with you.” You shuffled over and Peter slipped under your blanket. He laid down and slowly maneuvered your body, to lay comfortably on his chest.
“We’ll talk more tomorrow, we’ll work it out, I promise.” You mumbled and Peter nodded and kissed the top of your head.
“I love you, Peter”
“I love you my Bug,” It was quiet for a bit before Peter spoke once again.
“So, who was the boy in the photos?”
I'm sorry I kind of disappeared for two months, but I had an extreme case of writer's block, but I am back. But I still have no ideas so if you have any ideas, I would be forever thankful if you pitched them to me.
I would also like to thank you for 97 followers, it's unbelievable.
I would really appreciate it if you gave me some feedback and told me what I can change.
Thanks for reading
- Faye xxx
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A Stark Halloween Party // Tony Stark x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 1788 Warning: Light insecurity
There's this one girl. She wasn't a girl. She was a woman. She was bigger than other women. She was different. She loved herself. That's what drew big time tech billionare Tony Stark to her. He liked that she was confident. She was sometimes sarcastic under her breath when she thought no one could hear her. Tony realized that she was very similar to him. Tony didn't treat her like he treated Pepper. Pepper had actually decided to go to a law firm instead of working with Tony.
He knew y/n would be slower than Pepper in heels. He would only order her to stand beside him and write his work notes while he was in his lab. She would make him laugh. That wasn't easy for him since the New York incident. He loved to see her every day at 10am. Being confident was a great thing to be around Tony Stark.
Another thing about him, Tony always loved parties. No disaster would get him down when it came to a celebration or charity. Halloween was a big shen-dig for him. He was a man who liked costumes, too. He made everyone's costumes better yet he had someone else make the costumes; not that he didn't have an idea of the costumes but he couldn't sew. He decided after the computer generated the costumes to go and switch them up himself and give everyone Tony Stark appointed costumes.
He had called everyone in the compound to the main conference room. Everyone was surprised that Tony called everyone since there was nothing on the news or on the tv monitors hanging around the place, lately. He explained that he wanted to throw a Halloween bash. He started giving everyone their costumes and that their outfits will be sent to them when they get made. It was 2 weeks until Halloween. He could do it. He even thought about making them dress up as each other but after he chuckled about that he decided to go with traditional costumes.
Tony named off announcing the costumes explaining he used a generator so they won't guess he chose legitimately to give him and y/n similar matching costumes. or get annoyed if they didn't like the costumes he picked.
Steve. Sailor.
Natasha. Angel.
Y/n. Princess.
Clint. Ghost Face.
Thor. Pro Wrestler.
Peter Parker. Vampire.
Sam. Police Officer.
Scott. Devil.
Rhodey. Storm Trooper.
Wanda. Jessica Rabbit. (Mostly because of the hair)
Vision. Michael Myers.
Bucky. Werewolf.
Happy. Superman.
Loki. Plague Doctor.
and himself. Prince Charming.
It was a bit harder than he thought to give them all costumes. They all practically live in costumes. He chose the most ironic costumes he could. He however made sure he and y/N were matching. He wouldn't tell he didn't generate the costumes. Only FRIDAY knows.
Once everyone got their costumes, they're of course was arguements of why they got the costume they got. Tony rolled his eyes. "Deal with it." He smiled at y/N and went and left to go to his office. He ordered a famous designer to create the costumes except the princess one. He wanted to design that one himself.
"I can't believe I'm even coming to this party," Loki complained.
"Your face will be covered, Brother," Thor responded.
Loki groaned.
"I am stronger than any wrestler," Thor thinks. "I do not trust technology."
Steve looked at Natasha. "I considered joining the marines. I preferred to be an army soldier though."
Natasha was in shock and crossed her arms. "I am no angel. I would rather be a ninja."
Steve chuckles, "Tony's not going to change his mind."
Natasha rolled her eyes, "I blame the computer more than him."
Wanda looked to Steve and Natasha, "My costume is the most sexist outfit..."
Vision looks at her with a soft smile, "I would love to see you in that costume."
Wanda then forgets all her worries about being so sexy and caresses his cheek, "You ok with your costume babe?"
Vision nods, "I will wear whatever is given. I haven't ever celebrated Halloween before."
Wanda smiles, "Ok."
Vision tilts his head, "Who is Michael Myers?"
Wanda calmly describes the psycho to him.
Vision thinks, "I see..." He said that a lot.
Scott looks to Clint, "I'm just glad to be a part of this team."
Clint nodded, "I was going to take my kids trick-or-treating this year..."
Scott laughed, "Well maybe it won't be on actual Halloween."
Clint nodded, "Hope so." He wasn't too fond of his costume. The devil? Really? He disapproved.
Natasha looked at Clint, "Really? you think you got it bad? I've never worn a dress before. A white one at that."
"Computers aren't against you," Happy interrupted Nat and Clint.
Happy liked the idea of being Superman. Finally, he is a superhero like everyone else around him.
Happy looked at Peter who was over excited for being invited to his first Avenger/Tony/"Adult" party. "Are you alright kid?"
Peter nods and flops down on the couch. "Oh yeah. I am excited! I also love that Tony is making our costumes. He always makes me great costumes. You think I can invite MJ? and/or Ned? Do you think Mr. Stark would mind?"
Happy shrugged, "I don't think he would mind."
Bucky was quiet standing in a corner not caring either which way. but trying to think of what a werewolf costume would look like.
Rhodey thought a storm trooper would be cool. Star Wars is a classic afterall.
Sam was neutral about his outfit. He didn't care one way or another about being a police officer. He was trying to imagine himself in it. He could be a police officer. He loved helping people and saving the day. He felt like a police officer anyway. Just with the metal wings.
y/N was being quiet. She was worried now that her costume wouldn't fit once Tony gives it to her. Talk about embarassing. She hurriedly rushed up to her room to avoid anyone else. She wasn't an insecure person since middle school. She was surprised her confidence was currently faltering.
"Looks like the computer thinks you and I should match," She bumps into Tony.
"Tony... I didn't see you... sorry," y/n told him.
"Are you alright?" Tony arched his brow.
"I was wondering if... maybe I could pick my own costume. I mean I'll still be a princess... I just..."
"What are you afraid of... you don't want to match with me?"
"Tony... I'm not feeling well. I am going to my room," She left.
"Hmm... hey... y/N, wait!" Tony didn't understand why she wasn't happy or glad they matched.
She looked in the mirror and immediately went to bed after sighing loudly. She needed to get her mind off of the party. She wasn't even happy that she was even invited to one of the biggest shen-digs of the year.
She was very quiet during her work the following days. Tony was concerned. He had FRIDAY keep an eye on her for him. She was just anxious and didn't try to keep up with him anymore. She wasn't even wearing heels anymore.
The costumes came in from the designer. Tony already had everyone's measurements so he had sent them out. He didn't have y/n's so he tried scientifically to decide the size of her costume. She would never tell him or let him near her with a measuring tape. She would rather disappear than have ANY of the Avenger's Family know her size, especially Tony. She had a crush on her boss. Who wouldn't? He was Tony Freaking Stark. Tall, dark, handsome, rich, smart, and a superhero.
Everyone is glad how their costumes turned out. They fit just right and were amazing. Tony definitely appreciated the styles and the designs worth every penny. Everyone was happy with their costumes.
The night of the party y/n didn't come to the party hall. He went to her room and knocked on the door. She was crying on the edge of her bed with the dress in her lap, makeup running down her cheeks. "Why aren't you dressed?"
"I can't fit it."
"W... did you try it on?" She shrugs then sighs and shakes her head. "No..."
Tony just stared at her. "O....k. Come on I'll help you. If I have to wear poofy sleeves you have to wear the poofy dress."
She blushed nodding and stood up and he helped her dress into her costume, sucking in her stomach as much as she could so he doesn't see her 'girth'.
As a Prince and Princess, Tony and the reader smiling
"You look sexy in that costume," Tony smiled softly at her.
She blushed deep, "You're drunk and that's inappropriate Mr. Stark..."
"Call me Tony. Please... You've been here for 6 months... You're always with me. You know me better than anyone... You have pretty hair, y/n... and such soft, delicate figure... You are so beautiful. Now will you come downstairs and be with me at the party?"
She giggled, "We are at the party."
He smiled, "I made sure we matched."
He nodded, "I wanted to be with you. I chose all the costumes. The generator was just me. Don't tell." He laughed. "You are my date on purpose."
y/N's eyes widened, "You wanted me to look like a giant marshmallow?"
Tony looked offended, "I wanted you to be mine."
"Wait... like me... and you?"
"Me and you..."
"What why? I'm not as hot as the other women you..."
"NEVER say you are less than anyone else. Where's the y/N I am used to that doesn't care what others think about how she looks? and Especially bimbos from my past. They don't matter. It's the past. This is the future." He takes her hand and puts a palm against her palm and smiles down at her.
" You know... you are such a catch. I'm attracted to you and all your beauty and snark. Yeah, I notice you. You have an old timey type of beauty like a princess... and I am your Prince. Well, I would call myself a King. You do everything for me. You know me better than anyone has ever..."
"He is so egotistical," Bucky said.
Tony rolled his eyes. "She is a Queen. My queen; not a princess."
Steve smiled soft. "She is sweet as can be. Princess was a perfect outfit for her. She better watch out for him. He will corrupt her." He laughs.
y/n grinned wide at Tony insecurities all gone and leans up and kisses him. "My Tony?"
"My y/N..." Tony kisses back passionately.
Everyone claps.
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negasonicimagines · 3 years
Tell Me I'm Not Funny
Request: darkandmysteriousbutheartofgold!ellie and wholesomeanddoesn'tunderstandwhyelliedoesn'tlikeher!reader where they're both part of the friend group but ellie just thinks reader is straight and messing with her pls
Notes: I don’t usually write MCU!Peter, so if he comes up in any future fics (like as the reader’s stepdad 👀 I’ve loved spideypool longer than I’ve loved Negasonic) you can safely assume it’s Andrew Garfield. But, for this time, this is MCU!Peter. Everyone in the friend group is 18-20, just to be clear.
This really isn't my best work, but it's a fun little slice of life piece. A lot of my ideas are pretty cinematic, I can picture them in my head but sometimes those pictures don't really translate into words. I may revisit this one day.
Warnings: D-slur (reclaimed by Ellie in one line), allusions to prior assault (an unwanted kiss that could've been more had another character not stepped in), and that's about it. Oh, and a little swearing, but this is an imagine for a character from Deadpool. If you can't handle swearing, you're on the wrong blog.
Synopsis: You’re into Ellie, but she’s with your good friend Peter. She treats you like you don’t even exist, and in the few instances she does acknowledge you, it’s usually just to make some sarcastic remark. You’re head-over-heels, though, and decide to deal with your unrequited love by writing her a song she’ll never hear.
“Fuck, that movie was terrible,” Michelle groans. “I’m just glad it was a matinee show and we didn’t have to pay as much to see it.”
“The special effects were good, but can’t Disney just leave stuff alone?” Peter agrees.
“Next thing you know they’ll be making a live action Toy Story, as if the original wasn’t traumatizing enough. I don’t want to imagine Watermelon as a sentient being. She’s seen some shit,” you snicker.
“Who’s Watermelon?” Ellie asks with a dark chuckle, and you clam up. How had you forgotten she was here?
“Oh, uh, nobody.”
“Don’t tell me you still sleep with a stuffed animal,” she snarks. “You really do need to grow up.”
“Don’t be mean, Ellie,” Peter protests.
“Watermelon is cute, everybody likes cute things!” Yukio adds.
“I think a live-action Toy Story could be cool,” Ned says. “It’d look really good if they did stop-motion animation.”
“Oh, you’re right!” you chirp. “It’d be quite the undertaking, but it would look badass.”
“I think you’re using that term a little loosely,” Ellie grumbles, and you have to stop yourself from frowning, instead you laugh it off. Why does she always pick on you? Sure, she’s got a witty remark for everybody, but she’s way harder on you. It hurts, she really is so gorgeous and funny and mysterious and everything you want in a woman, but she acts like she can’t stand you.
Ellie and Peter head off together, Peter still hasn’t gotten around to getting his license and Ellie seems happy to give him a ride. You really don’t stand a chance.
You and the others pile up in MJ’s SUV for some late-night band practice.
“I don’t know if I can do it,” you admit to Yukio in the furthest row back.
“You can,” she insists. “You’re a way better singer than Lola, anyways.”
“I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to give her the wrong impression, I-”
“For the millionth time, Y/N, you didn’t. If she hadn’t left the band, we would’ve kicked her out. Not just for cheating on me, but for hurting you.”
“I guess,” you sigh. “Why can’t you sing instead?”
“Because I’m flat.”
“Yukio, breast size doesn’t have anything to do with singing ability, you’ve just gotta practice,” you joke.
“Shut up!” she giggles, punching you in the arm. “Plus, when you sing, the songs are being sung as they were written. We’re getting the real feelings.”
“Speaking of… I have something new I’m thinking about sharing tonight. Do you mind if I text you the demo?”
“Ooh, a first look! Hell yes!”
You text her the audio file and she puts in a wireless earbud, nodding along. Her smile gets wider and wider as she listens, and when she’s done, her assessment shocks you.
“Oh my gosh. You’re into Ellie.”
“What?!” you squeak. “No way!”
“You are! But, uh-”
“Don’t even say it. I know I don’t have a chance in hell. She only tolerates me for the sake of you and Peter.” Despite the gloominess of your tone, Yukio gets a mischievous glint in her eye, it confuses you. But, that’s just Yukio. Her thoughts are all over the place; she and Ellie balance each other out that way. They dated a couple of years ago, but it didn’t work out. They decided they were better off as friends.
“Screw that other song, we’re using this as the lead single. Everybody’s gonna love it, do you have the sheet music?”
“Yeah, uh, it’s in my bag.”
“Awesome.” Yukio’s grinning like she’s won something. Is the song that good? “We’ll have to practice this one a lot, we definitely need to have it ready by the concert this Friday.”
Right. Liz’s 19th birthday party. Apparently Peter had convinced her to let the band play, it’d be cheaper than hiring a more established artist.
“Our first paying gig? I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” you remind her. She scoffs and rolls her eyes.
“We’re mostly gonna be playing covers of Liz’s favorite songs, and she only has so many. We’ve gotta beef up the setlist with originals, and this is perfect! Has that pop-y fun vibe, it’ll fit right in.”
“Yeah, but if it’s that obvious how I feel about her after one listen-”
“Only because I already had a hunch after Daft Pretty Boys,” Yukio clarifies cheerily, and you sigh.
“Fair enough.”
The gang makes it to Michelle’s house, travelling down to the side door and going into the basement from there. MJ’s parents have encouraged her creativity from day one, and were ecstatic when the band was formed. You speculate that they’re mostly happy that she’s made friends. Writing and photography can be lonely hobbies.
“Y/N has something new for us!” Yukio chirps.
“That fast?” Ned’s surprised as you hand him the sheet music. He skims it. “Holy shit, this is a wicked solo! Thanks, Y/N!”
“Well, I’m hoping highlighting everybody else’s talent will disguise my lack thereof,” you chuckle.
“Don’t be stupid, we’ve all heard you sing backup,” MJ says. “You’re Ryan Ross, she’s Brendon Urie. I’m just glad we booted her out before she decided she was gonna be the only pangolin in The Pangolins.”
Everyone laughs at that.
“Let’s try it,” Michelle continues, and everybody agrees. After a sound check and a few runs of the song, it’s still clumsy, especially on your part. You’re not really used to playing and singing at the same time, outside of backup vocals, which require far less focus.
“I suck,” you mumble, but it happens to be into the microphone.
“You don’t!” Ned insists.
“With that attitude, we’re not going anywhere,” Yukio says. You hate it when she gets to the tough love stage of her support. You wish she’d stay in the shallow reassurances stage, it’s easier to brush off. “You wouldn’t be the lead singer if we all thought you sucked. We would’ve just put an ad in the paper. You’re awesome, get over it!”
You sigh.
“Fine. Thank you.”
“Say it,” she insists.
“I’m awesome,” you huff, it’s hard not to smile when Yukio tries to look serious.
“Damn straight,” Yukio says. “Or, I guess not, considering that was about Ellie.”
“Yukio!” you squeal.
“That’s about Ellie?!” Ned exclaims.
“Obviously,” MJ scoffs, fiddling with her tuners.
“Is it that obvious?!” You can’t help but feel embarrassed. Ellie probably knows exactly how you feel, maybe that’s why she dislikes you so much. Her boyfriend’s stupid friend has a crush.
“Wait, but at the beginning…” Ned trails off, before laughing. “Oh my gosh, I get it.”
“Get what? Oh… Y/N, have I ever told you how much I love you?” MJ asks.
“I- I love you, too?” You’re puzzled by their words, but you’ve got enough on your plate.
“Let’s go ahead and practice some of Liz’s favorites while we’re here,” Yukio suggests. “It’s a pretty big set list.”
You practice until dinner, getting a pizza and deciding to make a night of it since it was a little late for Michelle to be dropping you all off at your assorted residences.
You all sleep on a pallet in the basement, and despite your worries, you manage to get some rest.
Over the next few days, The Pangolins practice at every free moment, until it’s finally time for the party.
“So, just pictures of everything?” Oh, shit. She’s not supposed to be here. How are you supposed to sing that song with her here?
“Yeah! I know with how many people are coming, I’m probably not going to get as much time as I want with everyone, so pictures will be a good way to remember the night.”
“Why not just invite less people?” Ellie wonders.
“I want all my friends to be here,” Liz explains. “How’s the sound check going, Y/N?”
“It’s going great,” you say into the microphone, demonstrating the quality and volume with a smile. “Thanks for letting us play here tonight.”
“Well, Peter said you guys are great. Are you really gonna debut your best song so far tonight?”
“Oh, um,” you stutter, stepping away from the microphone. “Maybe not.”
“What? Oh, come on, please, it’ll make the night even more special! You’re playing covers of all my old favorites, sing me my new favorite!” Liz presses, but she’s not being demanding or bratty, she seems genuinely excited.
“If the birthday girl says so, who am I to say no?” you concede. Hopefully Ellie will be too distracted taking pictures. “You have way too much faith in me.”
“If you don’t quit with the self-deprecation, I’m gonna duct tape your mouth shut,” MJ interjects.
“But, Daddy, how will I say my safe word?” you tease, giggling at your own joke with the rest of the group. Yukio’s laugh seems the loudest. Ellie glares.
“We should practice a song!” Ned suggests.
“Ooh, a private show!” Liz seems excited.
“Any requests?” you ask her. Ellie’s resting scowl intensifies. If she’s more pissed off the more you open your mouth, you’re not sure how she’s gonna survive a night of you singing without going nuclear.
“Oh, oh, Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne, please?”
“You’ve got it,” you agree.
The song goes smoothly.
“What happened to the old singer?” Ellie asks, clearly unimpressed.
“You didn’t tell her?” you ask Yukio, grateful for the excuse to turn away from the sharp-tongued girl you adore.
“Didn’t want her to get the wrong impression,” Yukio explains. “She already makes enough rude comments towards you.” Yukio leans over her drum kit to give Ellie a pointed look.
“Oh, wait, shit, I didn’t mean it like that. You, uh, sound good, Y/N.”
You can’t help but whip your head back to look at her with a flabbergasted expression.
“What?! It’s true,” Ellie defends herself.
“Uh, yeah, but you just said something nice. About me. Liz, do you mind checking her for a fever?”
Liz obliges for the sake of going along with the joke before quickly withdrawing her hand.
“Jeez! I know you were kidding, but she’s burning up,” Liz declares.
“My internal temperature is higher due to my mutation,” Ellie quickly explains, looking a bit bashful. “Besides, I say nice shit about Y/N all the time.”
“No, you don’t,” the whole band says in unison, including you.
“Well, clearly I shouldn’t if everyone’s gonna make a big fucking deal about it,” she retorts, rolling her eyes. “I’m gonna go get some pictures of the decorations before there’s a bunch of fucking people here to block them.”
She stomps off in her heavy boots, and The Pangolins get back to work, putting on the final touches and making sure all the blocking looks right.
Soon enough, guests start flooding in, and Liz zips around to greet them, eventually meeting up with Peter and keeping him with her. He and Liz eventually pull Ellie away from her picture-taking, confident she’s done enough and needs to just relax and enjoy the party.
So much for distracting herself with work, she thinks.
They sit on the couch and eat, the dining room was monopolized by The Pangolins due to its elevation and space.
Ellie’s mesmerized by the way your fingers move until she hears Peter talking to Liz. They really are a cute couple.
“You really do need to hang out with us. Yukio told me Y/N thinks Ellie and I are a thing,” he says.
“Gross, you’re like my annoying little brother,” Ellie remarks.
“And you’re like my bitchy older sister,” Peter retorts with a shit-eating grin.
“Both of you, quiet! They’re about to play the new song. You’re in for a real treat, Ellie.”
“What does it have to do with me?”
Liz gives Peter a confused and slightly irritated look.
“I haven’t said anything to her, I didn’t know how,” Peter squeaks, blushing a little at the look in his girlfriend’s eyes.
“Explain, quickly,” Ellie demands.
But, then you start to sing again.
“Y/N-” Peter starts.
“Shut up.”
“But you asked-”
“I said, shut up,” Ellie insists.
“You know me as your boyfriend's goofy friend. I seem to have this effect on women, and your friends aren't as goofy as I am. I try my best to keep you entertained, always laughing at the jokes you are saying. I nod my head when you make a point, oh oh…
“Kiss me, kiss me with your eyes closed! Whisper that your heart shows all I want is you, yeah, you… Hold me, hold me I'm your bunny! Tell me I'm not funny, tell me I’m legit! ‘Cause I feel weak, in your hands and your feet… A precious end, I’ll never feel your touch…”
Ellie continues to listen to the song, all expression drained from her face. All the yearning in the words and your voice, all you want is…
Ellie looks at Peter, who’s looking at her with a triumphant smile.
“I told you.”
Ellie feels like she’s about to faint. She notices you’re talking to Liz— when did she leave? —your hand over your mic. Despite the knowledge that Liz is taken, Ellie gets jealous. You look so happy to be talking to Liz, to just about any girl you talk to.
She wishes you’d smile at her that way.
You nod at whatever Liz said, and the band starts packing away their instruments. Liz sets up her phone on some Bluetooth speakers, and songs that sounded so much better when you were singing them start to play.
No! Ellie internally protests. Sing for me again, please, sing that stupid song about how you think I don’t like you.
Yukio’s dragging you somewhere. Gosh, Ellie wishes it was her holding your hand.
Suddenly, though, you and Yukio are approaching her. She knows what she has to do.
“So, what’d you think of our- Eek! Finally!”
Ellie parts from the kiss to tell her to fuck off and not ruin the moment before kissing you again.
“Holy fucking shit,” you breathe. “Uh, I thought you were-“
“Dating Peter?! Seriously?! Do I need to write ‘dyke’ on my fucking forehead? I practically already have with the way I dress and act and-”
“I, uh, I try not to make assumptions,” you mumble, fingers touching your lips.
“I’m, uh, sorry for not asking.”
“No, it’s- It was good. I’ve wanted you to do that for a while. It’s just that that was the first time somebody’s kissed me, since, uh…” Your eyes dart to Yukio, who’s ruffling Ned’s hair and laughing.
“Yukio?!” Orange flickers in Ellie’s eyes for a moment, but she keeps it under control.
“No, no, of course not, uh… The old singer, Lola. She and Yukio were dating, but apparently I was the one she really had her sights on, and… She was entitled. Thought that because she wanted me, I must want her. That wasn’t really the case, I was already pining over you. Didn’t stop her from forcing a few kisses on me and trying to go further. If Yukio hadn't shown up early with cupcakes, I don’t know what would’ve happened.”
“I am such an asshole,” Ellie says softly. “Can I kiss you again? The right way.”
“I’d say what you did before was pretty right, but sure,” you consent.
Her kiss before had been rough, needy, and impatient. Just the way you like it. This, though, this is gentle, soft, and exploratory. You tangle your hands in her hair and kiss her harder. She moans into the kiss before pulling away, bewildered.
“That was…” Ellie trails off, trying to find a positive adjective that won’t sound to frilly or lovesick.
“A mistake, wasn’t it?”
“Oh, fuck, no. I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” she corrects you. “Just- Didn’t really know how. Even when you were kinda flirting with me at first, I just thought you were messing with me, so I- I am so stupid.”
“So am I,” you scoff. “I thought you were dating Peter.”
“I was spending a lot of time with him, but… I was just using him as an excuse to avoid you so I wouldn’t embarrass myself anymore. And I was asking him for advice. I figured if he could land somebody as far out of his league as Liz, maybe I stood the slightest bit of a chance with you. But I kept fucking it up. I’d just get so nervous, all of my compliments would turn into insults, all of my teasing turned into straight-up cruelty. I don’t know how you actually like me.”
“I’m a little bit of a masochist, I’ll admit,” you tell her. “I’m really glad you don’t hate me.”
“I’m really glad you don’t hate me,” Ellie replies, but she can’t help but think that what she‘s really saying is ‘I love you, too.’
She takes your hand, and you two rejoin your friends, swept up in a group hug. They wanted this to happen almost as much as you two did.
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