#what happened to me man. my childhood sucked but not that much. all that stuff is so tightly tied to Danger even though it shouldn't be
cerealmonster15 · 3 months
I have to ask WHY on earth did they turn Flannery into a goldfish??? What did he do to them to make them want to Literally Curse Him??
man. thats a good question. let's see if i have an answer JFKLDSKFLJDS
i'll be real a lot of it was me kinda winging it improv style - i should probs clarify [im not sure how clear i am on artfight lol] that moooost of my non twst characters are like, from a roleplay thing my friend and i do in google docs together kfdsjfl so thats where flannerys from. and then sometimes, plotlines and characters stem from an idea on a whim - like originally i had an idea for flannery to be a lost prince that was turned into a fish by like, enemy hitmen or sometihing.
and tbh that makes more sense than family betrayal LOL but i thiiiiiiiiiink i swapped it to son of a politician and also an influencer [cries lol] because it fit the 'modern au' better. modern fantasy. whatever. also we do have a separate au googledoc universe that IS royalty themed so maybe one day he will be a missing prince there teehee
ok anyway sorry i havent answered your actual question i got distracted lol. so aside from half of it being me coming up with shit on the fly and being kind of bad at storytelling klsjfkdshf the IN UNIVERSE ANSWER is like, flannery kinda just doesnt have a good relationship with his family - his parents suck and flannerys not a "useful asset" and is also the product of infidelity. so it's like, he's not going to be a powerful politician or business guy, he's not good on camera, and also theres this unspoken secret of him being someone else's son <- i think my idea here was like, the father is Aware his wife was having an affair and that flannery isnt his kid but neither of them have Spoken Of It because blah blah keeping up appearances a divorce would be a scandal whatever. you know how it is with traditional family values 😒
and i think i have also just watched a lot of youtube videos covering family vlogger scandals/ also just regular vlogger scandals, and sometimes that shits just wild LOL so i was like ok. politician dad doesnt like or care about this kid, vlogger mom sees his disappearance as months worth of content to milk lol. so they hired someone to Get Rid Of Him - i cant remember if they... planned the fish part. maybe. i guess so? the plan tho was just have him turned into a fish that would probably get eaten and act like he got kidnapped or ran away and then announce hes dead later.
flannery's got an older brother that shows up at his school and is like, a clone of their mom, in that hes like "omg theres this GUY HERE who is PRETENDING to be my DEAD BROTHER i need to live stream this." and then something something their relation was proved and he pivoted immediately to "oh wowwww my poor sweet brother i cant BELIEVE our parents tried to cover you up like this wow i missed u so much let's be besties [lie]"
so anyway. there kind of isnt that a good reason besides drama + theyre in a magical setting and i thought it was fun LOL. flannery's one of my much newer characters so i havent had a lot of time to fully flesh out his character yet. he's a lil one note right now and i need to figure him out a bit more to make him,,,, actually interesting,,, but. 🫡
#asks#sorry u asked me a question and i spit out like 8 paragraphs of not really answering kfjdsfklJKDFJKLSDJG#oc: flannery#me opening my inbox: oh man true why DID they do that. bc they suck i guess. KLFJSKLDJFDKLSJF#SORRY i know it's not that exciting and it's kind of cliche as hell#but i am goofing in my sand box and also throwing things at the wall til i find what sticks#fallon [the brother] is a whole other thing he showed up and is just So Annoying and loves to lie lol#theres also this other guy nazari who is like. well not their childhood friend but he knows them both bc their dads used to work together#fallon and flannerys dad was nazaris dads work rival or some shit and got him fired <- i do NOT have details on that i keep it vague#On PURPOSE lol anyway now nazaris like well. i want revenge. im going to kidnap flannery. arent you supposed to be dead#he was like ok the family is acting like hes dead but clearly he is At My School and Not Dead im gonna kidnap him for ransom money or w/e#i cant really remember what his full plan was bc that plan got derailed by other characters klsdfjdsjlfj#but also fallons in love with him. i think my secret plotline for them in the royalty au is that nazari and flannery are arranged marriage#princes or some shit idk that hasnt happened yet i just drew something one(1) time#listen i turn everything into a soap opera. fanfiction. google docs roleplay#originally these google docs were like our pseudo dnd with rolls and stuff but then they just became mostly roleplay oc story time LOL#sometimes characters have college parties other times they discover they are a demigod. u know how it is.#ok sorry i dont think anyones gonna read all this i just love to ramble to myself lol#'sorry the reply was so long' [writes just as much in the tags doubling the length of the reply] OOPS OOPS OOPS SORRY BYE
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steampoweredskeleton · 2 months
#delete later#god i gotta get myself in therapy. i went on a date today and had a good time and now im so far away from my own body that#i literally am having trouble processing the world. its. theres something real broken somewhere in here and i can track what iy might#be but idk what to do about it. my parents really did a number on me huh.#im completely cut off from all emotions. all of them. so idk whether i even actually enjoyed the date properly. and won't for maybe#a day or so when i start getting emotions again. idk how to explain that to a person. that i enjoy going on a date with them but#i get so anxious. abd i guess triggered? that i literally stop being a human for a bit and dissociate wildly.#i also don't know if i understand relationships the way other ppl do. i dont understand the being in love thing. but also#i have no frame of reference so of course i dont understand it. if i think about the idea of any kind of love even familial i become#so anxious that i dissociate and can't feel anything. i know logically that i love these ppl but thinking about it means i cant access it#what happened to me man. my childhood sucked but not that much. all that stuff is so tightly tied to Danger even though it shouldn't be#that i cant make sense of it. and shut down. i at least dont just go with it now. bc that was the danger before that id just#shut down mentally and go with what the other person wanted. i can keep myself safer now. but its still. a mess. im a mess#i have so much fear wrapped up in human interaction and contact. idk how to fix that. and so much shame. idk idk#ill figure it out. time to research therapists again
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misstycloud · 1 year
Unfortunate Love
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Yandere childhood friend x taken GNreader
Finn took a deep breath, a poor attempt to loosen his nerves. He had all reasons to be nervous, he was finally getting to see his long-time best friend after so many years. While they did speak on the phone and spent hours sending texts back and forth between their devices, it was nothing compared to the real thing. The blonde's felt his heart thump loudly against his chest, reminding him of all those moments in their youth when he was painfully in love with his friend and they had no clue.
Hah, they still don't! (Y/n), his bestie who doesn't know how they make him feel every time they speak. (Y/n) who had no idea of the lovesick gazes he would send them whenever they weren't looking. (Y/n) who was oblivious to his feelings for years, somehow never realising despite it staring them straight in the eyes. (Y/n) who remained clueless to his despair the day they announced their relationship. (Y/n) who never saw him on the floor in his room, covered with snot and ears, desperately crying for them.
Finn dubble checked his phone to make sure he was at the right address, it would be embarrassing to hype himself up only to be met with an old lady in the doorway. Geez, he knew (Y/n) would laugh their ass of if that happened and he'd rather not be ridiculed during their first reunion in so long. He smiled at the thought, god how he loved that laugh.
His friend always complained they hated it, but he found it cute and always reassured there was nothing to be ashamed of, even if they sounded like a 'dying-elephant-choking-on-its-own-trunk-while-having-a-cold-and-birthing-a-new-elephant.'
After just a few seconds after knocking on the wooden frame, the door swung open and he laid eyes on the most important person in his life.
"Oh my god, Finn!" You exclaimed in joy at the sight. "I haven't seen you like this in ages. It's great that you could come, I can't wait to show you everything I've told you about."
He giggled at your enthusiasm, it was always like this, you lifting him up and making him see the beauty in things he would otherwise pay no mind to.
You pulled Finn inside your apartment, excited to exhibit your home to him. "We've gotten a bunch of plants- to make the air in here fresh you know- and even started our own little plantation on the balcony. There are lots up on the roof, too. It's accessible to everyone in the building so we're not the only ones doing this. Oh, and there's a pool you can use! It's awesome for parties."
As the blonde man was getting sucked into your babble, one word in your speech painfully stuck out to him: We. Oh, right. He almost forgot. Your not alone living in this home.
"(Y/n), have you seen the wine? I wanted to bring it out for when- oh!" Finn looked passed you and saw a tall, handsome brunette make his way around the corner and meet eyes with him. "Why didn't you say he arrived already?" He chuckled and wrapped his arm around your waist. "Trying to make me look bad, are we?" Your boyfriend teased you.
You slapped his arm, "Of course not, just got a bit caught up in the conversation, Eric. And I put the wine in the second box in the fridge, it's behind a bunch of other stuff so it's hard to see."
"Haha, okay, was getting panicky there." Eric stepped forward to properly greet his guest. "Hey, I'm Eric as you probably already know."
"Finn." He responded dryly, but if the other man noticed, he didn't express it. Or perhaps he simply didn't care.
"It's fun to meet one of (Y/n)'s old friends, I know you two go way back." Ushering his partner's childhood friend further inside, he spoke, "I hope the trip wasn't too much of a hassle, wouldn't want this to be of any trouble for you."
Of course it wasn't any trouble, Finn wanted to snap. But he wasn't dumb enough to do that. He understood what would happen if he acted upon his feelings.
“No, there were no issues.”
The three of you sat down in the living room, pouring the liquid evenly and getting the conversation started. Finn found himself multiple times wanting to throw your partner against the wall. It was so unfair. Everything was. Why did Eric get to live with you and he didn't? He knew you way better than your own boyfriend. You two have been together since you were crawling around in diapers. What could possibly beat that?
He was there when you lost your first tooth. He was there when you first learned to ride a bike, when you got that job at the ice cream shop in the plaza, and moved out of your parents house. All the important moments in your life, he had been present. And what the hell has Eric done except watering some plants with you? It was laughable. Anyone could see he was not worthy of being your boyfriend. Finn would do anything for you and he doubted the same could be said for Mr. Gardner.
A part of him was ashamed at the unethical length he was willing to go, but on the other hand those feeling were washed away when he saw you beaming at him. It was all worth it if it was for you.
You and Eric were retelling funny stories of your time in the city while Finn was writhing in envy, glaring slightly in the other man's direction, not that you noticed of course. Dinner rolled around and you served your friend with great eagerness, you have been working on your culinary skills for a while now and it was time to see if the work had payed off. The brunette had endured as your Guinea pig and said it tasted good, but you insisted the true test was giving the food to someone else.
"How is it?"
Finn gasped for added affect, "It's amazing (Y/n)! You're a fantastic chef, this is definitely the best meal I've ever had." He praised, and your ego nearly boosted through the roof.
Your cheeks dusted a light pink. "Haha, well thanks. It's not that good, but I appreciate it."
The blonde man simply smiled in content. The truth was, the dish was in fact not that good. It wasn't bad by any means, however it wouldn't win any award. The past was cooked too long and the sauce had a burnt taste to it. Despite all these factors, it was without a doubt the best meal he ever had. Because it was something you had made for him with your own hands. Even the ingredients were ones you'd grown by yourself. (Partly with your sweetheart's help, but Finn pretended not to know.)
You really were his true love. Which is why it is so sad. He wasn't sure if he could love anyone other than you. After he found out about your relationship status the young man tried to make himself like someone else; not everything works out the way we wish them to and he was therefore forced to live with his unrequited love.
"Actually, there's another reason we wanted you to visit." You joyfully mentioned. "It's pretty important."
Your friend chewed his food and gave you a nod, signaling you to continue your speech. He wondered what is was. It appeared to be a big deal, but he assumed it wasn't anything bad judging from your happy expression, one that was mirroring the brunette's. A dreadful feeling formed in his gut. He didn't like this.
"Well," you started, coyly. "Me and Eric have been dating for a long time now, and we want to take the next step in our lives together."
No, he really didn't like where this was going.
"So, we made the decision to-" you could barely contain your smile, " get married!"
Something in him shattered. Married? You? To someone else. Fuck, he wanted to cry. But that would definitely set you off into a worrying mess, something he'd rather avoid. No, no , no, he thought. It can't be! Although he tried to contain his emotions as best he could, it appeared som e of it slipped passed the mask.
"Hey, you good man?" Eric asked.
This comment attracted your attention, "Huh, are you not feeling well, Finn?" Fretting over his condition only served to worsen the situation, reminding him of what he couldn't have.
In the end he had to excuse himself and lie that he did feel a bit sick, and that he had been for a while but thought he would be fine after a while. You were sad that he had to leave so soon and wished him well. Escorting him to the door, you said to him, "Sad you're not 100% top today."
"Ehehe, yeah...." he awkwardly scratched the back of his head. Technically it wasn't a lie, he did want to go and bury himself in a corner, though it was for other reasons entirely.
"Are you sure you don't want to spend the night here, it's no problem?" Oh how good willed you were, offering up space in your home to stop your friend from having to spend money on a hotel. Normally he'd love to spend the night, this time however, he didn't believe it to be a wise idea for any of you.
"Yeah I'm sure. I'll just get a hotel room not far away and then I'll drive back home tomorrow."
"Okay, maybe we can hangout before you go if you're better tomorrow?" You asked hopefully. "Just you and me like old days."
This made him smile. Just you and him. That sounded good. He agreed to your request and hugged you goodbye for the night. You waved to him from the window when he'd made his way outside and into his car. Watching Finn drive away, you felt a hand sneak itself around your waist.
"Think he'll be alright?" A deep voice sounded from behind you.
"Yes, it'll be all fine. Nothing a goodnight's rest can't fix." You assured. Though, something about your friend's reaction didn't sit right with you. He should be over the moon of your engagement, he seemed nothing like that. If anything, he looked...pained?
Back in the car, the volume from the speakers were loud enough to burst one's eardrums. But that didn't matter the the driver. No he had a lot more to think about. The blaring music did nothing to ease the pain or distract him, which left him misrable.
Why the hell did you have to get engaged. Couldn't you have been fine as it was. Now, it was more serious than ever. In the beginning, he had actually hoped that you would eventually break up. That wouldn't happen now. Now it was legit. Legal papers and documents and everything. What was next on the list, kids?
Finn heaved a heavy breath, releasing a mix between a gurgle and sob. Tears streamed down his cheeks and he slowed the vehicle to a stop by the deserted road. The darkness kept people from seeing his sorry state; not that there were any out to begin with. Slamming his fist on the dashboard, he yelled his pain.
Why do love hurt so much?
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icomeandg0 · 27 days
“More than one” part 2!
Linked universe x reader (s) (Female)
Warnings: confusing.
A/N: I didn’t think the other post would get so much, thank you all<3
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“She’s awake!”
“An explanation is due.” Legends voice cuts through the silence earning a huff from Wild, “Can this wait until…later?”
“You can’t blame us for being curious, you did leave while we were sleeping—“
“And brought a girl with you!”
Sky and Wind chimed in, Wild wasn’t going to get a rest unless he told them, always on his arse he swears—
“Fine! I’ll tell” Wild clears his throat before sighing, “You see, she’s this girl from my era, she’s very important to me and she’s…one of the best things in my life and I plan on making sure she’s safe and by my side. Y/n L/n is her name and, goddesses if anything happens to her I would never forgive myself…” Wild says tenderly, he was very fond of you.
“Eugh, I asked for an explanation not a sappy, love story.” Legend takes his chance to tease Wild, “You’re the one that asked” Wild retaliates.
“Y/n huh? Must be a common name, I had a Y/n. She was certainly…Something.” Warriors voice grew a bit quiet as he looked off to the side, however no one really paid attention. “Yeah, I have a childhood best friend named Y/n” Four says, “Really? Me too!” Sky says, “The Y/n back at mine is such a sweetheart, city gal on the outside, country on the inside” Twilight spoke with a smile.
“Well I’ve got you all beat! My Y/n’s the best, she’s on of the best people I’ve met during my adventure!” Wind grins, “How about you, Hyrule? What about your Y/n?” Hyrule scratched the back of his head sheepishly, “Well, I never met a Y/n during my adventure so…can’t really comment”
“Jeez, if this Y/n girl makes all of you like this I hope I never meet a Y/n” Legend huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “How about you, old man?” Twilight asked, Time only sighed and opened his open eye. “I don’t see how this is relevant to our current situation therefore we must shut it down and focus on the subject.” Everyone went quiet after Time spoke, they all looked a bit ashamed but none the less changed the subject.
“Sheesh, must’ve been a harsh break up for Time…” Legend whispered over to Sky who felt remorse for the eldest hero.
“When she wakes up we’ll need to ask her a few questions, hopefully she can provide a few answers.” Time says earning a nod from Wild, “I’ll do the talking”
Soon their ears twitch as they hear shuffling coming from Hyrules tent. Soon it opens to reveal you inside, “Holy Hylia! I’ve been robbed—kidnapped too! Give my stuff back you thieves!” You point at the group in front of you, clearly you haven’t processed the fact that your Link was there.
“Y/n! You’re awake” Wild got up to his feet to help you up since you were on all fours which could re open the wound on your side.
“Link? What the hell are you doing here? Did you rob me?”
“No I didn’t rob you, nor did they—look just come. We need to talk, alone.” Wild looks at the boys, once he earned a nod he took you by the hand and led you away.
“So what’s this all about—woah!” Wild immediately wrapped his arms around you, “oh by the three, I’ve missed you so much” Wild buried his head into your neck as you giggled softly and hugged him back.
“Heh, I’ve missed you too” Wild moves his head so he’s looking up to you now, “How did you get here?” “Crazy story really! You see…a portal sucked me in while I was out trying to find you a couple weeks ago.”
“Weeks? You were here for that long, alone?” “Nah! You see I have this really cool girl group I travel with and wanna know something? They’re all Y/n’s!” You exclaimed making Wilds eyes widen in astonishment.
“Really?” “Yeah! There’s TPY/n, HWY/n, OOTY/n, SSY/n, LAY/n, LOZY/n, FSY/n, WWY/n. Bit of a tongue twister but when you meet them they’ll greet you properly”
Wild felt a bit overwhelmed of the thought of meeting more Y/n’s but he nods either way, if the others say their Y/n’s were as lovely as they described then he’ll be fine! "Anyways, do you know this place? what about you tell me what happened before, you were unconscious and wounded when I found you"
"I was? Damn, let me try and remember..." You thought for a bit before speaking again, "We found a village nearby and it was called Agoir city, it must be the capital of this land because it has a massive castle. Me and the girls were shopping around like usual until WWY/n had to go ahead and steal something and get caught. Since we all looked the same they probably thought we were a thief family or something along those lines. OOTY/n told us all to split up so we wouldn't be taken, I ended up with TPY/n but those guards were quite literally right up our asses so we had to fight a few"
"I'm sure violence could've been avoided"
"Nope! but then they all attacked me so they landed a few blows and..I don't remember the rest" You finish explaining, Wild nods, "That was helpful information, really was. I'll tell the others but- There was this dragon that was...protecting you" "Oh...That's a relief she wasn't taken...Where is she? Is she back at the camp?" You asked, Wild shook his head. "We left her back where we found her-" "You did what?!"
Wild closes his mouth and looks at you with his blue eyes that were filled with confusion, "Okay...Okay, Link I need you to come back with me to see if she's still there, please." You hold your hand out which he takes with no hesitation, "Yeah, okay. Just gotta tell the others first." "Others?" "Yeah, You woke up in a rush you probably didn't process the fact that there were others back at camp." You sighed softly as he begins to pull you back to them all.
"Oh woah! So you all are Links? That must be confusing...?" You tilt your head as you look at the lookalikes, you could tell the differences of each Link but being surrounded by them all is making you realise...This bitch is attractive in every universe, (Besides from Wind but he still a cutie.) "It did but we got our own names to call us by" They went around in a circle to introduce themselves, after Time introduced himself he opened his mouth once again.
"Is it true? that there are other Y/n's here?" Time asked a bit on edge, "Yup! Somewhere in Agoir city, I plan on taking Wild with me if that's alright with you" "No."
Wild gulped as Time's voice was stern but you didn't falter, "Well with all due respect, mister but I don't think that's something you have control over. I need Link to help me save my friends and considering it's his duty to do so I don't think it's very wise to intervene." You spoke, a hint of sassiness in your tone...most of the boys shared one thought.
'Yup, definitely a Y/n'
"I wasn't going to deny...I was going to say we were all going to come along too" Time finishes making you sheepish, "Sorry..." You scratch the back of your head and he only chuckles lightly before getting up, "C'mon boys, pack up everything so we can leave as soon as we can"
To be continued…
And that’s a wrap! Hope you all enjoyed, don’t worry next chapter is all about the Y/n’s I promise but if you don’t understand I’ll put down who’s who for the Y/n’s.
I’ll put up a poll later on today, but I hope you all enjoyed this.
TPY/n = Twilights era
HWY/n = Warriors era
OOTY/n = Times era
SSY/n = Sky’s era
LAY/n = Legends era
BOTWY/n = Wilds era (who was in this story)
LOZY/n = Hyrules era
FSY/n = Fours era
WWY/n = winds era.
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elysia-nsimp · 9 months
Heyyyy buddy pal friend, *cough ( sorry ). I was wondering if you could write a poly fluff romantic scenario between overblot Azul and overblot Jamil with a male reader, preferably an interation between the trio. thx and here have a follow and a cookie 🍪
HIIII oh my gosh thanks for the follow and cookie !!
And thanks for your patience too, I know it’s been a WHILE since you sent me this ask. I kinda lost my twst spark for a bit there then was hit with the dreaded “ohhh what if my writing sucks”
Anyway I decided to not worry about that too much. This is mostly unedited because I just. REALLY wanted to get something out for you. I promise I didn’t forget! :’)
Contents: established relationships, polyamory!! Both Jamil and Azul are dating you as the reader, but not each other, mild Book 3/4 spoilers, reader uses he/him pronouns ! ^^
With both Azul and Jamil overblotting, it’s already a recipe for disaster.
Azul and Jamil aren’t all that different in some aspects. Both crave the power and control they lacked in their childhoods, and seek to stand over the rest as a result of that.
One thing they have in common for certain though, is their love for you! You were dating them both before this whole thing happened, and although they don’t get along that well, they’re both glad you’re happy with the relationship.
However…this does lead to them fighting over you when overblotted.
Both of them want your undying attention, although for slightly different reasons. Oh, what is a poor reader to do?
On one hand, Jamil’s over here like “praise me please!!! i want to be called a handsome young man!!!!!” while Azul wants cuddles because he is full of embarrassment and pain and suffering.
Poor you is stuck in the middle of them, metaphorically being tugged back and fourth between them.
Azul’s like, “Actually, handsome, I believe he will be spending his evening with me.”
While Jamil’s like “ACTUALLY I require him to be here with ME as my cheerleader while I run Scarabia!” (I’m afraid he can’t provide the pompoms though)
Despite their back and fourth, when you step in they both turn to you with no hesitation.
“Who do you choose, Yuu?” Azul looks almost desperate, silently begging you to pick him. Meanwhile, Jamil crosses his arms, convinced he’s already won.
“Do I have to choose?” you ask.
Utter silence from both of them. They glance at each other, then back to you.
“What do you mean, ‘do you have to choose?’” Jamil sounds almost taken aback by your question.
“What if I don’t want to pick?” you retort. “What if I choose both of you?”
After some mild side glares at each other from your partners, they agree that it’s a win-win! Jamil will put up with Azul and vice versa. You end up smooshed between two slightly agitated overblots. As you run your fingers through Azul’s hair, you tell Jamil how very handsome he is and tell him he’s done a good job, even if it didn’t work out in the end. This makes both of them very happy.
Their overblots both die down after a while, leaving you with your two partners asleep, one on your shoulder and one in your lap.
Congrats!! You’re a hero for being gay. /pos
I’m not gonna lie, I thought this was a really cute dynamic. Very fun to write, even if it wasn’t super long. Again thanks for waiting for so long while I got my stuff together lol
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v-67 · 2 months
Episode 878
(backstory of Luffy and Shanks too and it leading up to the article)
It's a must watch episode.
Episode 879
Luffy's bounty
And we see Luffy and koby's backstory
Must watch, I was all smiles.
Episode 880
We meet the revolutionary army, and Sabo❤️
I'm happy to know he's safe, well ofcourse he was I know that, but still. I'm happy to see him🫶
Episode 881 and 882
Summary, a history (I don't like to call it a history, and it makes me extremely heartbroken and sad)
Impel down – Ace – Luffy
The arc where I got my heart broken. The arc where I shrieked with joy until something so terrible happened, I cried and cried and cried.
Episode 882 also brings us information about Reverie, a new addition of Ryokugu? An admiral who has not eaten anything since 3 years. We also see Fujitora🤌, and stupid Aakainu, I fucking swear I don't like that man. He might be a good admiral and all of that his pov stuff. BUT NO. FUCK YOU. I DON'T LIKE YOU.
Stupid Aakainu with his stupid lava with his stupid admiral post.
Sengoku was better and idc if I'm biased.
Episode 883
Reverie – Luffy telling Nami and everyone about Sabo and Ace, about his childhood – the revolutionary army on their way to infiltrate the reverie and challenge them
Episode 878–883 – wholesome, heartbreak, smiles and sadness.
30th January, 2024.
I went to the dentist today and turns out I'll have to get a root canal. While watching one piece today I realised I forgot about my appointment tomorrow. Any ways yeah, about the dentist it sucks.
And on a totally different note
I swear. The way this show makes me feel. The way it gives me motivation. The way it makes me understand so many things. How I feel, how I think, how I want to be and so much more. The way it warms up my heart.
I don't want this world to end. (The world of one piece.)
As I'm nearing the end of episodes. I'm wanting to know what happens next but I'm also like, I don't want this to end.
Luffy brings me so much warmth.
The mugiwara no ichimi brings me so much warmth. Luffy Ace Sabo.
And so many characters. SO many of them. The words, the dialogues. It impacts me.
And I don't want them to fade away within the background of my memory.
I want to remember. All of it. All of them.
And if. IF anything. ANYTHING. happens. To sabo. I SWEAR I WILL LOSE IT.
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goodluckclove · 5 months
The Archivist no. 1 - Control
so fuck it i'm trying this anyway. here's a long-form, but ultimately singular piece i wrote trying to process the singular Terrible Event of my upbringing. if unaliving stuff is triggering for you now you shouldn't read this.
i'm not going to do this that often because it's nice to work things out in my head but holy shit this was weird to come back to. if someone finds it relatable in that oh hey your shit sucked too and you survived huh?? way i'll get into it again at a later time.
otherwise uh. yeah. enjoy? legit though read the tags before you do this i don't want anyone freaking out.
The Archivist no. 1 – Control
Mom wasn’t sleeping much in the nights before she killed herself. It wasn’t unusual given her rampant insomnia. Dad would pass out in the bedroom, and I would come out of my room at the end of the hall tin the middle of the night and find her watching bad crime dramas and reading the news on her iPad. I didn’t sleep much back then either, I guess.
Sometimes I would sit with her for a while, but the shows didn’t interest me much. Mostly I’d make a joke and continue to the kitchen to grab a snack before going back to my bedroom to keep on writing. I was almost sixteen years old and I had completed two novels that stood, unread, on an elephant’s graveyard of abandoned projects. So it goes.
Near the end of summer I came down with some sort of head cold. I woke up in the middle of the night, feverish and frustrated, and went out into the hall to see if Mom would be awake.
Time flickers and I’m lying on the couch with my head in her lap. She’s stroking my hair. She’s telling me that in the morning we’re going to go out in the mall and she’s going to buy me new pants. I don’t know why she told me that. I don’t know if it was a lie. She solved a lot of problems by shopping for clothes, so it sounded like something she would say. Mom even insisted in a voice that hung quiet in the dark that we would go to Macy’s, a rarity when she only ever bought my wardrobe from Goodwill.
I believed her then because I was a child and I loved my mother. I was sick and I loved my mother. I was looking forward to her buying me new pants.
Did she know then? I don’t know. She’s had two rounds of electroshock therapy since then, so the memory has been thoroughly wiped from her brain. It’s just gone. That moment exists solely in my own recollection, which is barely better than it never existing to begin with.
Later that morning she left saying she had some errands to run. I didn’t think much of it at the time. I had no way to, really, being that they had me on nine hundred milligrams of Seroquel at the time – one hundred more than the recommended dose for an adult man. The mornings left me in a sticky daze and I usually wasn’t able to gain any lucidity until a few hours after I woke up.
Once that happened I felt a little stirred by the circumstances. Mom had errands? What errands? She didn’t do the grocery shopping, she had my brother and I make that trip every week. She didn’t have a job or friends to meet. More than that, her agoraphobia crippled her at times and made leaving the house for anything a feat. But no, she just let for errands and told me that as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
I told myself it was fine.
When I texted her a few hours later she didn’t respond. I called her after that and she didn’t answer. I think I called her a few times.
She didn’t come home at all that day. I remember feeling the dread clinging tight to the top of my rib cage like something toxic just about to drip. It was a feeling I didn’t know how to communicate, and in retrospect I know now that it is a deeply-rooted instinct from my childhood. The warped insight that tells me that, when Mom leaves under mysterious circumstances, or when she leaves after you make her made – she’s going out to drink.
But that couldn’t be it. Mom was sober now and proud of it. She marked her sobriety date as Cino de Mayo and laughed every year at the irony. Mom was sober now. Things were different.
Dad came home from work and I was lingering in the living room, standing guard like an anxious animal. My older brothers were in their bedroom, on their laptops, no knowledge of the panic I was feeling.
Dad greeted me and asked where Mom was. In a voice that mimicked neutrality I said that she left to run errands. He took that with a nod and went to the backyard. I don’t know why he did that – he wasn’t smoking anymore, but by this point he might’ve been using e-cigarettes. Or maybe he was just enjoying the evening air. I just know I was sitting inside the house, very aware that the only other adult I knew was outside, and my mind was racing.
Do I tell him? Should I tell him?
Eventually I opened the sliding glass door and stood in the kitchen until I drew his attention. In my imagination he sees the look on my face and knows that something is wrong. I don’t know if this is true.
“You have to look for Mom,” I said.
He did. No questions asked. I didn’t linger over that at the moment, but thinking now I know that must mean that he understood what was happening. He wasn’t surprised.
Mom had no intention of taking me to Macy’s.
I don’t know what I did while he was driving around looking for her. I don’t really have a clear playback of finding out what happened. The extent of my trauma has severely limited what I am able to remember, and for this specific part of my life what I know happened now is influenced heavily by the many times my Dad recounted it to me.
A few years later he took me for ice cream and we sat in the parking lot to eat it, staring out at a night bathed in orange streetlamp haze. At one point he put his cup on the dashboard and pointed.
“You see that motel?” He said, drawing my attention to a nondescript line of buildings. “That’s where I found her.”
He recognized her car in the parking lot. The manager didn’t want to tell him what room she was in, (“I bet he was worried I’d catch her in an affair,” he’d remark darkly) but I imagine he explained the situation and got the help he needed. Apparently they found Mom after she took all of our medication. Well, I don’t know if it was all our medication. I just know that she had taken my psych drugs, as well as my dad’s and her own, and decided to mix them with a six pack of beer.
Did someone specify it was beer at some point after that? I don’t know why I would know that. I also don’t know why I would assume it was that over any other type of alcohol.
My Mom took my medication to end her life.
It didn’t work, though. Dad told me later that she died for a little over a minute.
I told them I was worried about taking more Seroquel than both of them put together and they promised me it was very hard to overdose on Seroquel.
Was she counting on that? Or did she forget?
I never liked anything at Macy’s.
At some point I found out that Mom was stable and in the hospital. She was in a coma. In my head I have a memory of standing at the kitchen counter and watching my father call Kaiser to get a new supply of all of our medication. He wrote them all down, every name and their proper dosage. I listen to him speak kindly to the pharmacist on the other end of the line.
“The thing is,” he explains, “we packed to come home from vacation, and our luggage got lost on the flight…”
Inside myself is a vacancy so haunted that ghosts are too afraid to dwell there.
Dad ends up sleeping on the couch. He does not want to sleep in an empty bed. He tells me that he will leave in the morning to go back to the hospital, but he just wants to get a little bit of rest. Once he closes his eyes I slide a quilt above his sleeping body and put on a Jim Gaffigan stand-up special that I only process every third word of.
I don’t know where my brothers are in this memory. I am not thinking about that when it is happening. I’m thinking of my father, and my mother, and how if I didn’t tell my father to look for her he might’ve waited and ended up too late.
Years later I will learn that my father never told my brothers, or my older sister who lived on her own, that Mom tried to kill herself. I can’t bring myself to say tried – she succeeded, and was only brought back by the marvels of medicine. While I am thinking of my mother’s death none of them have any idea what is happening.
I am the one that told my siblings how our mother died for a moment years prior. We learn at the same time that they had no idea. When I ask my father why I was the only one he told about her death and not them, he told me that I agreed they shouldn’t find out.
When did this happen? I was fifteen years old and I have no knowledge of this conversation. Was I there? Or was only my body present and he decided that was enough.
Mom wakes up after three days. My sister joins my brothers and myself and we drive to the hospital to visit her. I can’t imagine what I am feeling. Maybe everything, maybe nothing. I remember riding up the elevator and going down the hall, and then my brain skips again and I am standing at my mother’s hospital bed.
She looks sick and she looks the same. There are tubes. I think she’s probably sedated. She is my mother and I love her and she took all of my medication to try and kill herself.
“Why did you do it?” I ask her, voice soft. I am trying very hard not to cry.
Mom smiles. I don’t know if this is true. She smiles as if doesn’t realize that she didn’t stay dead. When she speaks her voice wavers, faint and weakened.
“I didn’t feel – like I had control,” she pauses to catch her breath. “So I did this...and now I do!”
She is pleased like a child presenting an interesting leaf. My mother is proud of what she was able to accomplish. In some part of my brain that hasn’t fully learned how to speak up enough to defend itself, I absorb the knowledge that she has told me something that will ruin me time and time again for the rest of my life.
All of that is gone now. Mom doesn’t remember, and Dad has decided that it is our job to make sure she never has to.
I wonder if he heard what she said to his child. If he is able to process the deep, permanent damage his wife has done in two simple statements. A sympathetic part of me says that I wouldn’t know what to do in his shoes either, but is that true? I’m not sure.
Pull the child aside in the hallway of the hospital. Take them by the shoulders and lean in close so you have a semblance of privacy.
She is sick, I would say. She is unwell and she is lying. When she is like this, you do not have a mother.
Most of the time I do not have a mother.
When I am in the psych ward after my own suicide attempt my parents are the only ones I allow to visit me. I love my parents and my mother sometimes offers to take me to Macy’s. My Dad crafts little notes like cootie catchers written in red ink. I peel tangerines from the bowl in the cafeteria while they tell me what the dog is doing. He does not treat me like I am sick. Perhaps he considers me more suitable for survival.
I wonder if Mom does what Dad did to me in the parking lot with the ice cream. Does she press her palms into the sheets of her bed and think this is where my child came and told me they tried to drown themselves.
She probably doesn’t. I don’t think she remembers anymore.
I don’t think about the night Mom killed herself as often as I used to, and when I do I don’t really feel anything anymore. As I heal I’ve been warned that things might emerge, and that time might actually make the memory more vivid instead of distant. I don’t know what to say to this. When the possibility emerges I just tell myself that all of that is gone now. It isn’t real.
By this time next year my parents will have no way to find me. I’ve taken control my own way – not through death, but by cutting them off entirely. Whether that is something they understand, or even remember, is not my problem anymore.
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writebackatya · 11 months
i wanted to ask, why beauty and the beast as your favorite disney movie? do you have any specific memories with it?
There might be some childhood bias but man I do love the Disney Renaissance era. I was born near the end of that era so I did have a certain fondness. Mind you I have vivid memories watching both Tarzan and Mulan in theaters and the rest on VHS and DVD with my siblings
For the longest time I’d say Aladdin was my favorite Disney movie of all time and I think it might be the one I watched the most, but when I was in my teens Beauty and the Beast became my favorite because it’s just the best in my humble opinion
I love everything about it!
The music numbers are wonderful! The Disney Renaissance in general has a lot of wonderful music!
Every movie from that era I will admit have some bangers. The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, The Lion King, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules, and Mulan; all great stuff! But I admit all of them have song or two that just don’t really do it for me as much as their others. Doesn’t mean I hate them though. (The only songs I genuinely hate out of these movies are Les Poissons from The Little Mermaid and A Guy Like You from The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
But Beauty and the Beast! Every song is a banger and not a drag and moves the story forward! First you got it’s opening number: Belle! I just love it’s energy and how it introduces its main characters! It’s so good it gets another reprise and you don’t know how often I’ve sung “I want adventure in the great wide somewhere” in public. Twice. Once at work
And Gaston!? An amazing villain song. It’s so ridiculous, makes you wanna sing along and do all the voices, and it captures our villain’s scummy ways so well! And the reprise!? So good! Just love how sinister it becomes while still being so jovial!
Be Our Guest!? Yes please! The supporting cast in this movie is so good and this song is a great showcase of these characters, specifically Lumiére and Cogsworth! Lumiére with his excellent showmanship and Cogsworth just slowly getting into while being on the end of a lot of slapstick! Don’t worry, Mrs. Potts will get her time in the spotlight soon but we get a small taste of her singing talents in this one!
And how about Something There!? Whenever it’s a beautiful winter day this song will always play in my head! And it’s funny to think that one of the previous scenes before it was the Beast fighting off those wolves in the snow! When all of that was kinda scary and he was still seen as somewhat of a threat! But look at him now! Birds love him! He has a gentle side! And he sucks at snowball fighting! It’s funny! Oh and his voice! So damn good! And Belle’s singing is still just as beautiful as ever
If we’re talking extended edition I do really enjoy Human Again which is a great addition to the soundtrack! The beast’s servants deserve their own song singing about what they want
And now. The main event. The titular song. Beauty and the Beast sung by Mrs. Potts herself!! God this song is so beautiful! Angela Lansbury’s voice is phenomenal; it’s so loving and caring and soft! (Also absolutely great blend of 2D and 3D animation in this scene! So well done!)
Funny to think about that the final song (besides the reprise) is the Mob Song. But yeah! This song is damn good too! Like I love the Beast but this fear mongering song is such a banger and shows Gaston’s manipulative side so damn well. And let’s not forget the servant’s side as they head into the final battle! Good stuff!
I love all the characters in this movie! Belle is a great protagonist, the Beast has development that you just love to see happen, Gaston is the most fun villain to ever come from Disney, and the supporting characters are great at stealing scenes
I remember there was a time on the internet where everyone just seemed to have this whole “Yo! Fuck the Disney Renaissance movies” and just had a whole bunch bad takes such as Belle being a horrible person, Gaston is a good person, the infamous Stockholm syndrome take. I guess that pushback just made me love it more. Not to say the movie shouldn’t have its critics but i just felt those arguments were always weak and either ignored details from the movie or just added something that wasn’t in the movie
In the 8th grade, I was in my school’s musical of the Disney version! I played Monsieur D’Arque (the asylum guy) and my big solo moment was “He’ll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wonder free”. I was friends with a lot of the leads already so this musical was a lot of fun for me
And recently on my trip to Disney World I got to eat at the Beast’s Castle
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So yeah. I love this movie. It’s my favorite. But I admit there is some bias to it but who cares!? There’s always bias when it comes to opinions
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havendance · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Tag Game
Thanks to @androxys for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
81! A fair number of those are drabbles, but still. Writing fic for (checks notes) 8 years really adds up.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I am very invested in writing for DC comics and not doing much else, but in the past I've flitted from fandom to fandom, writing for various cartoons/tv shows and video games mainly.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
v) #Justice4Gotham -- My NML epistulary/blog fic. I think this one has the advantage of being a social media AU of sorts, but I really am quite happy that one of my No Man's Land fics made it into the top five. I still think this one is very fun.
vi) You Can't Spell Kuzon without Zuko -- My Zuko and Aang are childhood friends fic. I do like this fic and I'm glad that I was finally able to finish it after sitting blocked on it for nearly two years, but I honestly don't consider it one of my top fics in terms of response. It clearly has picked up a good number of kudos, but it felt like commenters were more interested what potentially happened next rather than the Aang and Zuko of what I'd put on the page that was what compelled me to write it in the first place.
iii) One Scar to Find Them -- This was my AtlA platonic soulmate AU where the entire gaang shares scars. I really liked soulmate AUs when I was younger, mainly because I liked all the various mechanics and I think this was the last hurrah of that. And also I thought it would be wild if everyone had Zuko's scar. I remember writing this all out in my notebook in bright pink pen and then letting it sit there for ages before I finally cleaned it up.
ii) Let's Steal a Fire Prince -- My Leverage x AtLA crossover. This was the first multi-chapter fic I actually finished so I am proud of it for that, even if looking back I can see some of my growing pains. I was really glad that other people loved this crossover idea as much as I did and I would've loved to come back to this universe more if I a) could actually write heists and b) didn't get sucked into other fandoms 😅
i) Former Hopes and Future Scars -- Another AtLA fic. I'm not surprised that this is my top fic since it's a) focused on Zuko, b) features Time Travel, and c) is a contained one-shot under 2k .
All but one of these are for Avatar: the Last Airbender which I think is a reflection of me writing during the pandemic-era AtLA renaissance and it also just being more broadly approachable compared to my comics stuff.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yep! I wasn't always super consistent with it, but I try and respond to every comment now.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, this one's a hard one, there are so many good contenders! Probably You Will Live Forever (the dragonslayer!Willow fic I co-wrote with my bro Baz for the Owl House), but I would also like to give an honorable mention to I just keep falling now that you're gone the angsty next generation Miraculous Ladybug fic I wrote early in my fanfic writing career in which Adrien becomes the next Hawkmoth and his and Marinette's kids have to go up against him.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably some supremely fluffy fic I wrote for a ship event back when I was doing those. Other than that, maybe Robins Don't Make Great Roommates or Top 10 Secret Identity Fails? I don't think I really write super fluffy/happy endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've never really gotten hate per se on the fics themselves. I did get a review on a fic I posted to fanfiction.net once that was complaining that I had rated it K but used like, a single swear word I think. I also got a couple of anons on tumblr that were really didn't like the premise of one of my fics, but I just thought it was kind of silly that they were that upset about it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes. I have written so many crossovers. I'm honestly a little surprised the crossover bug hasn't bitten me for my comics fic more. I've done a couple Batman/Sandman crossover fics, but it feels different with them both being comics and also both published by DC.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of fortunately!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have written several Owl House fics with my beloved bro and co-conspirator @horatiocomehome. I'd love to cowrite something with him again some time but we are sadly currently obsessed with different fandoms. I'm also not opposed to trying co-writing with someone new!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I'm not super into shipping so this one's kind of tricky. If I had to choose maybe Ireneides from the Queen's Thief series or Celes/Locke from FFVI. I was also deeply committed to Sakura/Kaze from Fire Emblem: Fates, when I was younger, but the secret super AU version with a ton of lore from the elaborate AUs I daydreamed up.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
For wips I have published, I'm either confident in my ability to finish them, or else have just excepted that I won't. In terms of wips that haven't made it to the light of day: Black Queen. I started writing this and got stuck but oh, it would be so fun.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think coming up with AUs. I like playing with all the pieces and figuring out how things ripple and change.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't think I've done much with this, but if I did I'd probably use dialogue tags so like "'My name is john," John said in Chinese' if the narrator knew the language and "John said something in Chinese' if they didn't.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Fire Emblem: Fates, baby
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Picking favorites is so hard ;; It would be a lie to say I love all my fics equally, but I do think I can say that I do love them all, even the very first ones I wrote. I guess for purposes of this game, I'll go with World Gone MAD because I am still very satisfied with how it turned out, but because I can't just pick one, I'd also like to give a shout out to Neither Heir nor Spare (The Sole Survivor) for being the fic that I think is pretty up there in terms of ones I reread the most and Turnabout Traitor! for being a very fun She Ra x Ace Attorney crossover.
Tagging, uhhh, @horatiocomehome, @acediscowlng, @dustorange and if anyone else is interested, consider yourselves tagged in spirit!
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fixa-ryeter · 2 years
here's ageswap!Ritsu!
before we go on, quick heads-up: this is a heavier and wordier post; there’s going to be discussions about PTSD, its symptoms and Ritsu's response to them, and because i’m on PC i can cut off that section with a ‘Keep Reading’ bar? so i’ll do that and try to lay out the rest of the facts before that. also there's gonna be a bit of a format change here bc PC so afblakdhbf
a few people have shown interest in Ritsu and i was. so happy. im still new to tumblr imo and im so excited about all of this FBALDKHFBASFB so here he is. and with this it’ll be a huge look into what happened between him and his brother. also shoutout to my friend bc she is VERY MUCH part of the creative process. i’m not sure if she wants to be mentioned here but credit goes to her too! (bestie if you see this please tell me) update: SHE SAID YES @escape-from-twinkov say thank you escape from twinkov
Ritsu! Popular, all-rounder kid in academics and sports who started burning out in university and dropped out to pursue music with a few of his friends. it worked out for them, and his life is relatively stable. kinda stable. a little stable. really depends on your definition of stable. here’s the facts:
he's a good 5'11, about 24 years old
he/they demiboy. doesn't really feel the need for a solid label for his sexuality
plays guitar. is the band's frontman. he has three other bandmates and Shou Suzuki is one of them.
suffers from PTSD and anxiety (more on it below the cut)
loves playing Just Dance (even though he sucks at it) and Guitar Hero (he's better at this one)
your average My Chemical Romance + vocaloid enjoyer, AND a closeted 1D fan
he's a quick thinker, but when they're anxious he can barely think at all
loves udon. loves tofu. give this man either or both when he's upset and it cheers them up quite a bit.
tells people he has a diary no one should read. not because it's his diary, but because he doodles a lot in it and finds it embarrassing. of course Shou finds out. of course Shou thinks it's adorable.
he went through a lot of friends in his later school life. had many, lost many, and struggled to make friends in university. Found some buddies in their second year, made a band, dropped out with them at the start of third year.
if you've decided not to keep reading until here thanks so much for getting to this point already!!!!! heavier stuff below the cut so read at your own risk. it's lore so if theres a need for it i'll post a summary on it.
So remember the ???% incident in childhood that led to Ritsu getting hurt and Mob being unable to remember what happened? That's where we're getting at. It was never resolved in their childhood or adolescent years. Ritsu tells Mob he doesn't remember either, and tried to sweep it under the rug. Worked for the most part.
his PTSD was delayed onset. his symptoms were there, but not enough to fit the diagnostic criteria. they got worse in university because he was experiencing heavy burnout with no one he felt like he could turn to. he'd moved out and was struggling to make friends.
he has nightmares which only increased in frequency, something he never gave much thought to because they figured it was a logical response to the event. didn't bother to question it either even when he had been experiencing them for months since he had other things to worry about. doesn't mean they didn't bother them and scare them though.
sometimes they just don't show up and don't reply to messages after shooting a quick text to his mates about feeling ill. his bandmates were getting concerned.
a little bit difficult to work with in the studio sometimes because he has difficulty concentrating and doesn't seem present.
terrible sleep quality, something he and his brother have in common.
often lacks motivation to do anything outside of his music job and things he feels like he's obligated to do, like hang out with his friends sometimes. never moves things out of place in his apartment, but his room is usually a mess because he struggles with cleaning up.
Ritsu had no fucking idea how to cope with any of this and made a decision to remove their perceived source of trauma from his life. He completely cut out Mob from his life for a few years. Blocked his number. Blocked his socials. Moved and never gave him a new address.
at first he felt as though he really did something to fix things for himself. after all he didn't need to bother checking up, visiting, hanging out with a person who had caused him all this trouble. he felt optimistic about it at first. waited for their own symptoms to get better. eventually no matter how he looked at it he hadn't fixed anything. he was still being stubborn for years after cutting his brother off.
had a breakdown in front of his bandmates and they started asking him to get help. he caved in and he did! now they're learning to live with their PTSD and their issues in a healthier way. but he's also starting to really miss his brother and feel like an asshole for lying to him about the incident and leaving him in the dark.
soooo that's all that's going to be revealed in this post. more on mob's side of the story and how they try to fix things next time? i've actually already written a oneshot on it but i'm not sure if i should share it. i'll go ahead and burn that bridge when i get to it afbdhsakfb but if you're still reading at this point thanks so much for reading until here 😭😭😭
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brw · 2 years
Could I get a Hank Pym reading list? Please and thank you.
Hello & of course! I've written a few different reading lists in my time but I'll make an updated one for ease of access & such!
Avenger Origins: Ant-Man & the Wasp – a really good origin interpretation with Stephanie Hans on art.
Age of Ultron #10 – you can read the whole event if you want but to be honest Hank isn't actually in it that much except Wolverine stabs him or whatever. It goes through his childhood & background & marks the beginning of what I imagine was a very ambitious plan by Waid but then Remender happened. Still, a formative comic for Hank & one of my all time single issues of anything ever.
Ant-Man: Season One - another origin of Hank, going towards his growth to being Ant-Man. This isn't technically canon I don't think, but it's super interesting as it very clearly & explicitly intends to depict Hank as a mentally ill man & does so fairly well? Plus Bill Foster is there & I love Bill Foster.
Tales to Astonish #27, #35 - #52 – these are Hank's Tales to Astonish issues, you obviously don't have to read every single one but I really enjoy them, they're super serialised so you can read every issue as a stand-alone which makes it incredibly rereadable for me. Hank does keep appearing in those issues up until #70 so you can keep reading but at that point he's having a lot of team ups and ends up only being in like half the issue.
Fantastic Four #16 - #17 – this is more FF based obviously, but I enjoy it and find it cute as a two-parter. Establishes his relationship with the FF & begins my headcanon that he joined ReedSue once as a third.
Thor: the Mighty Avenger #3 – this is set in the Tales to Astonish days & is quite fun! Hank & Janet & Thor get into some shenanigans & it's good going. Samnee who draws really likes Hank & Jan & it shows a lot in this issue. Hank explicably uses his helmet to control a police officer which he has never done before or since, which I think is a cool application & he should do it again.
Marvel Feature #4 - #11 (I think) – this was an attempt at recreating the Tales to Astonish success but kinda failed, but it's cute & I really like it as a weird obscure story. Hank has a hyperintelligent super dog that Janet got him which was fun. It's chaotic and at one point Janet is a mutant wasp who tries to eat Hank don't worry about it. But it is good.
Now, obviously he has a lot of appearances in Avengers V1 & WCA V2. To be honest I think a lot of stuff evolves over time? So if you want to see the development of his character in Avengers up until he properly departs in #230, just read that continuously. I honestly can't name a lot of issues there where I'd rec for him specifically, because he's sharing space with SO many other characters. He has a little more to do in WCA so here's are some issues, to be honest I can't even remember when he joins but it's fairly soon into the series, his stuff with Ultron starts in #4 - #7 & stuff kinda just happens to Hank including flirting with Tigra until his life falls apart (again) and he attempts suicide in #17. It's an interesting study of him & I think Englehart does it justice. He shows up in that series pretty continuously & starts superheroing again with them & is in almost all of Avengers: West Coast too, so feel free to check that out although don't take what you see of Wanda, Simon & Vision to heart imo.
Marvel Double Feature: Giant-Man or Avengers #379 - #383 – I have never been able to find a scan of this comic online, you might have more luck on the official marvel unlimited app but there is an Ant-Man/Giant-Man: Growing Pains collection comic that brings together a lot of his vital stuff where this series is printed along others. It's honestly insane & I won't lie I got confused at the plot reveal but it's incredibly fun. Hank fucked up a science thing and has to fight big massive bugs and keeps going on these long monologues about how much his life sucks and how much he needs therapy while fighting massive bugs it's so funny. The Kree are there for some reason & Bill Foster is there! A confusing but fun time.
Ant-Man's Big Christmas – a festive comic about Hank & Janet terrorising a young boy's family on Christmas because he sent them a letter. Their dyanmic is so cute here & I like how playful Hank is in it :>
Avengers Academy – Hank is a teacher here looking after a bunch of young up n coming superheroes & I actually really like him in this role. Like he's clearly flawed & doesn't know what he's doing but he also does really resonate with some of those kids. Reptil mentioned him as one of the big heroes in his life so he clearly had an impact. There's a lot of stuff with the kids which is tedious at times if you're not into them but the Hank & Tigra stuff is so sweet.
Avengers: A.I. – this is probably my most formative depiction of Hank in comics. This is the one that establishes his bipolar disorder & is pretty sensitive about how it's depicted? Sam Humphries clearly has a strong vision for this Hank & it's a super refreshing direction IMO. plus he hangs out of Vision & Victor Mancha which is great.
Ant-Man V3 – Al Ewing's 4 issue 60 year anniversary has Hank from Tales to Astonish team up with all subsequent Ant-Men to fight Pymtron, which was fun & cool for the most part!
Don't read anything with Dan Slott or Bendis' names attached IMO, certainly not until you have a super firm understanding of the guy bc these comics he appears in under them are genuinely just so fucking bad.
I'll cap it off here, he appears in other stuff too like Beyond! & Avengers Forever & has a weird arc in Kurt Busiek's Avengers where past Yellowjacket kidnaps Hank but I think Busiek forgot & I can't remember if that ever got resolved? Don't worry about it bascially. But this is some issues I consider formative or otherwise important & major to Hank so I'll keep it here. If you're interested in reading every issue of his ever or something, you can check out the travis-starnes cmro site where he has collected every issue of every character, including Hank's 👍
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realmackross · 9 months
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Time: Christmas Eve. Content Warnings: Child death tw (Mack is talking about herself), Murder mention tw, heavy mentions of family being together at the holidays.
"Ooh, there'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain. And I'll be happy, Christmas once again." - The Eagles
Christmas. A time of joy and happiness. At least that's what it used to be for Mackenzie Ross. Celebrating during childhood had been peak enjoyment, and as the years passed, and she grew older, that happiness began to fade. At least until Brody had come into her life. But this year was sitting at a different record - a drop. The lowest the zombie had felt for the entirety of her existence and a big part of it was because of Brody Stevens. But the zombie also missed her family. She had longed to be near her parents celebrating family traditions and despite how hard it would be, confessing to the two people she knew would love her no matter what. But first, she had some business to take care of.
It had been a daunting task. Delivering presents to people's doorsteps. It had been a late night adventure with her new friend, and fellow zombie, Caleb in tow. Thanks was not what she had wanted. She just wanted people to come out and find something nice. It wasn't big, but no matter how sad she had been or lonely, she had made it a point to try and make the holidays a little brighter for those around her (except Jade. Okay, even Jade, too. It wasn't much, but a lump of coal and a box of the grossest Jelly Bellys known to man was still something. She hoped the woman enjoyed her Old Bandage flavored candy.)
And once the task was done, Mackenzie, under a guise of sunglasses, a scarf, and a hoodie, made her way to a small airport outside of Wicked's Rest. Luckily, her zombie chic look provided her with some change of appearance. The faint scarring of claw marks across the face and nearly skin and bones from not eating as much as she was used to, now turned off on the craving of human flesh and organs, had made the actress look different enough that she could pass with the excuse of “Don’t I know you from somewhere?”
The plane ride was an emotional one. Her mind had jumped from Brody to Elora to all the events that had happened this year. Tears silently streamed down her pale cheeks as she stared out the window at the ground below. Luckily, the flight she was on was nearly empty. And after nearly 6 hours of airtime, she found the Hollywood sign peeking through the clouds sending a wave of emotion over her thin frame. She was home.
Standing on the doorstep of her family’s home, Mackenzie sucked in a deep breath and slowly released it as she knocked on the door with her gloved hand. “The Coldest Night of the Year” by She & Him could be heard coming through the door and the merry sounds of her mom moving around and calling back to her dad, who was probably in the kitchen cooking, could be seen in the frosted glass as the woman made her way to the door.
“Hi, can I…Oh my…Mackenzie!?”
“Hey mom…” Watching the spoon that was in her mom’s hand fall to the floor, Mack smiled softly before feeling the tight embrace around her.
It wasn’t long until she was being ushered in and being held tightly by her parents, who would have smothered her, if she wasn’t already dead. But it felt good. More than good. Great. It was great and something she wanted to last forever. And as they pulled away to look at the twenty-five year old, Mack had almost felt her heart drop a little lower knowing the hug was over.
“Mackenzie, where have you been? What’s happened? You…” The questions came flooding towards her, which had been expected. She knew she was going to have so much explaining to do. But after nearly a year of dwelling in her own sorrow and shock and heartbreak, she knew it was time. The phone call to her mom only a few months earlier had been just the tip of the iceberg.
“Can I..Let me just…Let me put my stuff in my room and get settled in, and I swear to you both, I will tell you everything.” As she took off her sunglasses, Mackenzie revealed tired eyes and the scarring on her face that left her parents’ slack-jawed and quiet. She couldn’t be bothered to explain herself just yet as she needed a moment, and with that, she found her way upstairs looking at all the pictures and mementos of her career throughout the house. Some memories great and some not so great – but her parents didn’t know that.
Her room was like a time capsule left just the way it was after moving into her first condo in downtown Los Angeles. And, oddly enough, Mackenzie couldn’t wait to get to reminisce with all her old things, including the stuffed llama that sat untouched on her bed. And with her stuff, including an overpacked Yeti cooler full of brains and other zombie food (she was not making the same mistake she made with Brody), now on the floor, the young actress collapsed on the bed falling into a deep need of sleep after days of being awake.
“Mackenzie…” The voice faded in and out as she started to come out of the slumber she had been in, “Mackenzie, wake up…” “Brody?”
His voice was as clear as day, until it wasn’t anymore; fading into something higher pitched. “Mackenzie, wake up!”
Slightly startled, the zombie jumped and with heavy, cloudy eyes looked around to find Taylor standing at the side of her bed, “Taylor? What are you…what are you doing here? I thought you were still pissed at me.”
“Your mom called. And at first, I didn’t want to believe her, but then I thought you’d probably do something stupid like this, and…I figured you’d want somebody here with you, who knows.” Mack watched as she sat down on the edge of the bed.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for going off. For all of it. I’ve really missed you. And I know you were only trying to help. It’s been really shitty without you. Please forgive me?” She looked to her friend with pleading eyes watching as Taylor finally nodded with a small smile slipping across her face.
It felt like a weight was being lifted off of the zombie’s shoulders as she sat up and reached out to hug her friend, “And you’re right. I’m so glad you’re here.” Pulling back, she looked down, “I think I’m gonna tell them. Tonight. I know Christmas Eve isn’t the best time, but they need to know, Taylor. I can’t keep this from them. They’re my parents.”
As Mackenzie and Taylor came down the stairs slowly, Mack could almost smell her parents' home cooking, mostly the hints of cinnamon and other spices, filling the air. It was a vague memory of what her Christmases used to be like as a child, and it had almost brought tears to her eyes, if it hadn’t been for the hard realization of telling her parents she was dead, and that she was the reason Brody had been murdered. But as her mom and dad’s voice rang out in happiness, despite their daughter’s frail appearance, Mack couldn’t help but let a smile, the first real smile in a while, slip across her face.
It had almost been the thing that deterred her from telling them, and instead letting them go on living oblivious to what their daughter had become. But her heart was broken and lying to her parents had continued to weigh so heavily on her, that she knew what she had to do, “Hey, Mom…Dad…I think it’s time you hear why I just disappeared.” She looked to Taylor for reassurance; her heart already sinking with the dread of what was to come.
“Okay, Lizzie, but first we eat. You’re home – which is a Christmas miracle. And we’ve been cooking this food all day out of obligation to tradition, and with the hopes that something like this would happen…And it did! So we’re enjoying a nice family meal together, before any serious talk.” Her mom pulled out a chair at the table in the kitchen and urged her daughter to sit down. “Besides, I don’t think the squirrels or moose you’ve been eating in Maine are doing you any good. You’re all skin and bones. And if this natural lifestyle or whatever kick this is you’re on, is how you got those scars on your beautiful face, then I’m gonna have to put my foot down and bring you back home. I’m sure we can get in to see Dr. Cat on Tuesday to see what we can do about those…are those bear claw marks? Mackenzie what on Earth have you been doing in Maine!?”
She bit down hard on her lip trying to hold in any response that would come off as hostile. It was Christmas Eve and as much as she loved her parents, she hadn’t missed their nagging or them trying to dictate her life, like they had done for much of her career, “They’re not…It’s fine okay? I’m fine.” Not really. “And I don’t need to see Dr. Cat. Besides, I’m pretty sure when you hear what I have to say, you’ll probably want me to go back to Maine.” She looked to her dad and then to Taylor and sighed, before turning her attention back on her mom. “And like you said, it’s the holidays. Lets just enjoy our meal and time together, because life is short, and I just wanted to see my family okay? Just for a little bit, before I have to go back.”
With that, her mom quieted down and nodded. It had taken a few minutes for everyone to warm back up, but once they had, the conversation that filled the air between the four of them had been nice. It was as if nothing was different, even though everything was. And it had become even more apparent when Mack’s dad had let Bixby inside from out back after dinner.
“Hey, Buddy! Hey Bix!” The dog had immediately run over to Mackenzie before getting a good whiff of her, and when he did – the scent of death filling his nose, he began to bark and growl at her, finally lashing out and snipping her on the hand, when she reached out to pet him.
“Bixby! Bad dog! Lizzie, sweetie, are you okay?” The zombie watched as her dad took Bixby back outside and her mom ran to see if she was okay, but as soon as her mom gripped Mack’s hand, she could see a change in the woman’s face. Quickly pulling her hand away, she rubbed it gently and shoved it along with her other hand into the pockets of her hoodie.
“Do you guys need me to help clean up? Or is there something I can do…” She looked between the two wanting to be helpful and useful while she was here, while Taylor had gone to the living room and sat down. Mackenzie had just wanted things to be as calm and less chaotic as they could before breaking the news, not knowing how her parents would react or if this would be the last time she would ever get to see them.
“No, Kiddo. Go relax. We’ve got this.” Mack’s dad looked at her with a reassuring grin as his daughter smiled and let out another soft sigh. Taking her place in the living room, she moved to the Christmas tree and started to look over it. The ornaments, she had come to take for granted each year after seeing them so much, held a completely different meaning for her this year. Each handmade from a moment in her life when she was still alive. As she carefully lifted each one up, she caught herself smiling and laughing at the memories that went along with them, “Never thought an ornament on a Christmas tree that I made when I was five would mean so much now.” She glanced back at Taylor. “It doesn’t even feel like any of this is real anymore.”
Slowly lowering the small handmade bobble, she moved to the couch and sat down next to Taylor, “Shouldn’t you be at home with Jake? Instead of sitting next to your dead friend who is about to ruin her parents’ lives.” Mackenzie looked over at Taylor. The pair had been through a lot together. Mackenzie had even been there for Taylor and Jake’s wedding as a bridesmaid, so for her to be here at Mack’s parents’ house on Christmas Eve had been a surprise.
“We’re kind of separated right now. I found out something that he didn’t want me to know, so I figured being here with you – who should still be in Wicked’s Rest by the way – was probably for the better.”
“Taylor, I’m - I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?” She watched as the woman shook her head no. And without hesitating, Mackenzie put a cold hand onto her friend’s and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “If there’s anything I can do, please let me know, okay?” She had wanted to make a zombie joke, but refrained instead, because of the situation she was currently sitting in.
“Okay, Lizzie. The kitchen is clean. Bixby is outside. You have our full attention.” Mackenzie looked up, letting go of Taylor’s hand, as she watched her parents come into the room and sit down across from them.
“Mommy!!! Daddy!!! Wake up!!! Santa came!!!” Ringlets of blonde hair bounced up and down along with the little girl who sprang up and down at the end of her parents’ bed. Mackenzie was just eight years old, but filled with so much enthusiasm that the entire bed rumbled as her parents rolled over and groaned at the sound of the little girl’s high pitched voice. And as she continued to bounce, the reluctance to get up, considering the clock flashed 6:38 am, soon turned to joy at how happy their only child seemed to be at the thought of Santa Claus dropping down the chimney to leave presents for a little girl who already had a 9 to 5 job at such a young age.
Climbing off of the bed, her little feet pitter pattered down the stairs as Meryl Streep (the cat) came into the living room and rubbed excitedly against Mack’s leg, “Meryl!!! Santa came! Look at all the presents he brought! There’s some for me, Mommy, Daddy, and even…Even you, Meryl! He even brought you something!” As she waited in anticipation for her parents to come downstairs, Mack couldn’t help but go from present to present with narrowed eyes as if x-ray vision was a real thing, trying to figure out what was inside. And when they both finally made their way to the living room, camera and coffee in hand, the festivities began!
What had taken what felt like forever to come true was over in less than an hour, but for the rest of the day, Mackenzie played with every new toy she had received. It was like the fun had never ceased to stop, until she had laid her head down that night and was tucked in by her mom and dad who had made such a magical Christmas possible with the help of Mackenzie’s latest paycheck and would keep using it to help fund the holidays, until the young woman had turned eighteen and was a legal adult.
“So that’s why I moved to Maine, because I murdered my fiance, and I’m…as hard as it is to believe…technically dead.”
Susan and Jason Ross sat quietly as Mackenzie had finished explaining everything to them. The look on their faces throughout the entire confession had gone from disbelief and shock to anger to sadness to heartbreak and back to shock again. For once in her life, Mackenzie’s mother seemed speechless. And both would have been prone not to believe her if it hadn’t been for Mackenzie showing them all the scars she had accumulated over the past several months along with some other evidence and the Yeti cooler full of human organs that now sat at her side on the floor.
“I can’t expect you to still love me or to want me in your life after this, but I needed to tell you. I needed you to know that I didn’t just give up on our family or on you guys. You’re my parents and despite everything we’ve ever been through together, I still love you both very much. I just didn’t know how to tell you or if I even could tell you. Please…say something.” Mack looked at them both with sad eyes knowing she had just ruined what used to be one of the best days for her and her family.
Even Taylor seemed to be quiet at the revelation of all Mackenzie had been through, and with the silence and awkwardness hanging in the air, the twenty-five year old couldn’t take it anymore. Climbing to her feet slowly, she leaned over to pick up the cooler, but when she was standing again, she noticed her mom in front of her.
The lump that had formed in her throat was choked down as she watched her mom’s actions closely, not sure of what was about to happen. And before she could say anything, she felt the woman reach out and latch onto her squeezing her tighter than she ever had before. With the cooler slipping out of Mack’s fingers and dropping to the ground with a thud, the zombie could feel herself breathing a little easier. It had felt that the shadows that had been looming over her were slowly disappearing and a lightness was shining down on her. She knew what she had done. Knew of all the people she had hurt, including the man she had loved with all of her heart, but the way her mom – and soon her dad – had held her, had reassured Mackenzie that she was still loved in this world. She didn’t know quite how to atone for having to survive off of human flesh, and it wasn’t an answer she would have overnight, but to at least know that her parents were in her corner meant more than she could possibly ever admit.
Feeling them pull away, she wiped the tears that had run down her cheeks as her mom spoke, “This is a shock and never what we expected to hear, Mackenzie, but we’re your parents, and we love you no matter what. And to hear that our only child is dead, but is still right here with us…in it’s own really fucked up way, yes, I said it, it is a Christmas miracle. We still have you. And we are here for you, Darling, no matter what.” Susan had wiped away her own tears, “And you’re staying for as long as you need to. We’ll spend Christmas together and ring in the New Year together. Taylor, you’re staying too. We’ll make this work, even if our daughter is going to be having a different kind of Christmas dinner this year.” She laughed softly. “Okay?” The middle aged woman nodded and wiped the remainder of Mackenzie's tears away, “So get settled in and comfortable. We even have Christmas presents for you, because we figured our baby girl would be coming home at some point. Hot coco, Christmas movies, the whole thing. We’re still doing it. And if Bixby can’t enjoy your company too, well then he can spend Christmas in his dog house.” A teary laugh escaped her lips as she pulled her daughter back into another tight hug.
It hadn’t been what Mackenzie had expected. And she knew that life for her parents would never be the same, but knowing they still loved her and cared for her had been the best gift she could have received. Hopping a last minute flight to Los Angeles had been intimidating to say the least, and the young zombie had expected to be shunned by her family only to come back to Wicked’s Rest to spend Christmas alone, but here she sat next to her mom, dad, and Taylor watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas feeling her own heart grow three sizes knowing that night when she woke up the next morning, Santa would have come leaving her the best gift of all…a family that still cared.
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aajjks · 9 months
we’re gonna imagine 190811 for his outfit 😉
you both look so good in black. your short black dress, pretty black heels, and long hair accentuates your features so well. you smell good, look good, and feel good.
jungkook? wheeeew, JUNGKOOOOOOK!!!
your partner made you want to suck his soul away when he stepped out of the bathroom with water droplets falling down his now longer wet hair but when he put his suit on with those earrings…you nearly fell to your knees. you make him keep the wet curls because JESUS-
he thinks you look divine? he looks like your favorite dessert and you’re dying to eat him all up. if it weren’t for your desperation to be on time, you’d have your way with him right then and there but jaemin’s whining pulls baptizes your filthy mind as you take him out of the crib to soothe him.
“c’mon, let’s go see grandma” you coo before bringing jaemin to your mother. “grab my jacket, jungkook!!” you shout in the hallway so jungkook can hear you.
you knock on the door and ji-ae opens the door with a bright grin on her face. “he’s probably hungry. he slept for 2 hours” you say and ji-ae nods while rocking the whining infant who’s missing your scent already.
“i’m gonna put a bottle in the warmer and have it ready for you”
“okay. i’ll change him”
“cool. he’s already been bathed and stuff!” you shout as you head downstairs to put jaemin’s bottle in the warmer for him to drink. while you’re doing that, ji-ae quietly whispers to jungkook “you two have a safe night, okay? tell y/n to not worry her pretty little head off” and jungkook nods before giving a kiss to both his mother and his son.
once jungkook gets downstairs, you’re in a frenzy trying to get everything together for jaemin and ji-ae. he grabs your hand and reassures you that his mother will take care of everything and to not “worry your pretty little head off” as his mother stated.
you let out a sigh and agree before taking your coat from jungkook, following him out of the house, and getting into his expensive black vehicle. you’re excited for yerin because yugyeom might propose to her, which, you knew would eventually happen. they’ve been together since forever despite yerin’s infidelity but they’ve been in a better place since then.
once the two of you pull up to yugyeom’s (which is a penthouse), jungkook parks the car and walks hand-in-hand with you inside the hotel, up the elevator, and into his penthouse which is full of both yugyeom’s and yerin’s friends.
“JUNGKOOOOOOOK” hollers someone who you recognize as eunwoo but don’t know much about. “go ahead, kook. i’ll go find yerin and jorja” you tell him before pressing a kiss to his cheek but jungkook tells you to hand him your coat so he can hang it up for you.
once it’s off, jungkook whispers “let me know if you need anything” in your ear before watching you walk further into the penthouse until you find jorja.
“over here kook!! hold on” says eunwoo “since when did you carry coats huh? that girl got you wrapped around her finger. i haven’t seen you act like this since tina” he jokes.
“what’s up, man and you’re one to talk. ever since alina, you haven’t left the house” says mingyu, another one of jungkook’s friends.
“whatever, whatever. how’s the parent life treating you? never would’ve imagined YOU to be a father. you used to hate kids and now look at you. it’s great isn’t it? i can’t tell you how much i love watching alina spend time with our kids. i’m sure y/n is a great mom, huh?”
Jungkook laughs, red hue on his cheeks his friends begin to tease him about you, he doesn’t even try to hide it as he scratches the back of his neck. “Yeah…. She’s magic.. you guys I’m so obsessed… so head over heels for her.” He gushes about you and mingyu with eunwoo begin to say ‘oooh’ loudly
Because they’ve never seen their friends be so in love with someone before you, and these guys have been friends since childhood.
“So happy for you…” eunwoo says, and mingyu gives him a thumbs up.
And they begin to ask him that how is parenting life with you. Jungkook tells them that you’ve made it all so much so easier- there are no words that he can use to describe just how lucky he has been with you.
It’s like he’s hit the jackpot.
“she’s the greatest mother, Jaemin could ever have.” He smiles. “ he’s obsessed with her and she’s obsessed with him…. It’s like I have no place.” He pouts, he’s joking obviously but his friends get it.
“of course once you have children, your wife is not yours anymore.” Eunwoo scoffs, Jungkook laughs knowingly. Mingyu shrugs.
“But that’s not gonna happen with us because she’s going to be mine forever, she was mine first!” Jungkook shakes his head.
And the two laugh at his possessiveness.
And the three friends begin to converse, while you are busy with your friends, and after a few drinks, the man of the hour has joined them.
“Ayyy look at you.” Jungkook fists bumps on yugyeoms chest, mingyu with a cocktail in his hand gives yugyeom a look. “When are you popping the big question?” Eunwoo chimes in.
“Just do it already!!! we’re all so excited.” Eunwoo motivates him and Jungkook agrees. So he takes the hint and goes to the middle of the floor.
Yugyeom then grab the mic, announces for everyone to pay attention. You along with jorja, yerin and alina are visibly confused. But then you realise what’s about to happen.
You’re so focused on yugyeom that you don’t even notice your man staring at you with lovesick eyes
Yerin then says something before jorja can ask her the question. “No I’m not pregnant, Jo.” She clarifies saying that she has no idea about what her boyfriend is about to do.
But you do- after all your boyfriend told you- he cannot keep a secret from you to save his life, he loves gossiping with you. Which is kind of endearing.
While Yugyeom is busy, giving his speech, Jungkook begins to look over for you and there you stand, just a few meters from him.
“Kim Yerin… I love you more than words can describe… Please make me the happiest man and marry me.” The crowd gasps and then claps
Jungkook watches you as you start to jump up and down when your best friend gets proposed to. Even though you knew you’re still so excited.
You’re so endearing. And he hopes that you know you’re next.
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thefandom-casserole · 11 months
Episode 45 Notes-
- I cannot believe they did the PODCASTER as their intro that’s amazing
- I’ve seen a ton of stuff about the Taylor angst and godddd how did we skip from NORMAL to Taylor. I cannot wait
- I’ve missed opening music!!!!!! ❤️
- Chaos orbs- wtf lol
- 🪄Linc has one of the Chaos Orbs that STOP Willy (this was a bit)
- Mastermind Rogue wow Taylor
- “Taylor has the most insufferable ability I’ve ever seen” “I know that”
- RadFact: Taylor misses disguising himself as a trashcan and getting shoved on his stage
- RadFact: Linc’s bathroom regiment is taking off all of his clothes and putting on completely new clothes (they get dirty??) (germaphobe Linc) (Linc only pees at home)
- Linc doesn’t do his own laundry
- NormalFact: Normal is the founder of the SchoolYear Book club, book club that discusses the Year Book
- I just got sent messages going insane about his experience halfway through the podcast and I’m so fucking scared oh. my. god.
- RadFact: Scary’s been in science classes and has developed a favorite planet, which is Mercury, because Mercury has the longest day and night
- Venus has the longest day-
- That’s amazing
- Beth Brittaed the fact I love that
- More orbs!!! There’s Normal-orb!!
- HermieFact: (my jaw dropped I thought he forgot-) Hermie didn’t technically have a childhood because Scam thought a Teen (Freshman) was the funniest time for a kid to become living (he has fake childhood memories)
- He didn’t miss them awww
- The awkward fighting sounds 😭
- The Kiddads are all so sad
- “I deserve this. I tried to kill your son. I’m a bad person” “you’re not a bad person! Come here my sweet baby boy!”
- Normal was asleep… sure…
- WAY too defensive to have just been asleep
- Normal is NOT crying 🚫❌🙅🏼 no way
- What do you do when your arm itches. You cut it off
- Terry Jr. he can. He cut it off.
- Terry’s memory!!!!
- “I love you so much!!”
- Ron’s getting a haircut???? How…? (Jk jk)
- “You become the person you choose to be around!”
- Oooh they don’t even use hell… they ruin the friendship for nothing
- “I’m a prosniper…”
- “You lied to me kiddo…”
- No…
- “I don’t think you’ve been someone you’d choose to be around lately” AHHHH
- Dude. Scary and her bio dad.
- Terry coming to Scary’s soccer games meant a lot… I’m going to sob… a good day for Scary kinnies
- Oooh bonus points for Scary’s memory slay
- Glenn’s hesitance at the “…he asked me… to kill him…”
- Welllll Nick’s not technically your son buddy boy 💔
- “Do you wanna hit him?” “Kinda” that was unnecessarily funny
- The new Glenn voice I’m crying 😭
- “YOU MUST HAVE TONS OF MEMORIES WITH THIS CHAP”Except he didn’t live any of them
- Oh my god. Is that what happens. I’m going to explode omg
- PLEASE say they play off of the Jodie Glenn timeline shit
- I’m going to explode rn
- This is such a good episode oh my goodness
- No… absentee… father Glenn…
- Taylor was born crying like a baby
- Baby Taylor noises oh my god I love you Freddie
- Glenn is such a piece of shit holy cow
- Where did all of his character development go 😭
- “Jodie’s been here like. 3 times” I get that this is about Taylor and Nick but. Man that sucks for Hermie
- “Dang I’m not really sure I like that guy…”
- “We’re cool now” “absolutely- well-“
- Taylor wants Nick to go back and time and be there for him
- Oh my god
- Oh. My. God.
- Time traveling must be a metaphor for something but I cannot physically think
- All the. All the training stuff not being about training.
- “Dad… I didn’t even know where you were…”
- No… Nick you’re ruining this… oh no… you’re gonna give Taylor such a bad idea
- Mama’s boy Taylor!!!
- The boy who Taylor surpassed has a dad…
- This is so sad. I feel so bad for Taylor this is so sad oh my god oh my god
- Awwww Glenn’s got some depth!!!!!!!!
- He admits being a shitty dad!!!!
- He wants to restart everything…
- Disney
- “There is no fixing this”
- The US military… omg
- Like in the Guy Who Doesn’t Like Musicals
- Nooooo Linc got them into this…
- Jodie’s letting them know to get Taylor and Nick out
- Why should Normal be the king of Hell…
- O. M. G.
- How did it go from the spaghetti to this
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remzarci · 1 year
A Creepypasta about something that TOTALLY HAPPENED GUYS!!
Once upon a time I was hungry so I decided to go to Tiffany's for a bite to eat.
As I drove from Tiffany's I saw a yard sale. Not wanted to pass up some neat bargains I parked my car and walked over. As I looked over the wares this old man had I saw a box of old Video Games! I took a look and found SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab. And I was his with a wave of nostalgia!
I turned to the old man and asked him how much. He had a sad look on his face and told me I can just take it! And then limped away back to his lawn chair. I felt bad so I took out my phone and began to to record him. Making HIM the main character of real life for a little bit! He didn't do anything particularly interesting outside of selling someone a DVD boxset of Friends. Anywhosen, I got back in my car and drove home! Funnily enough Ocean man was Playing but it was kind of off.
What I could make out was:
Ocean Man, let go of my hand, I don't understand, leave me on the sand
ocean man, the journey to rock bottom's bus station is a real trip
Probably nothing but it was strange.
then I got home and was getting ready to play my FAVORITE childhood game. So I dug out my Wii and started plugging things in. But then I noticed my conkeldurr sitting cuties plush was crying what I thought was blood but in actuality was Mountain Dew Code red, for FOUR minutes and TWENTY seconds!
I didn't think much of it as I continued to install my ps2
once my Wii was ready I placed the game cart in and got ready to go down memory lane.
But the title screen was strange. It looked worn and dusty. and spongebob looked a little too high def. Also Tiny Tims Tip Toe thru the Tulips with Me was playing at 1/10th speed.
And then things took for a turn.
Once I started the game...A GHOST CAME OUT OF MY TV AND STARTED PUNCHING ME IN THE FAAAAAAAAACE!!!! it just pucnhed me the face repeatedly! I tried to get away but the ghost was far too strong! Just as I was losing hope the Door swung open and there stood Markiplier!
his face wore an expression of extreme rage. his eyes were red and HYPER REALISTIC!
And then he darted over and began to stomp me in my pancreas. The ghost markiplier combo continued to beat on me as I wailed in pain! Just then Jeremy Pascal came in. And then joined in on the beating!
"Why are you all doing this to me?" I asked painfully! Then all three of them threw me into the tv where I fell sixty-NINE meters!! I watched as the ground quickly approached me and all I could say was "AW THIS IS GONNA SUCK!!" But before I could hit the ground The song The Time is Now blared as an unseen force rescues me in the nick of time!
I then awoke in a hospital bed. Sitting in the corner was the old man I turned into the main character. he told me that game belonged to his late grand-niece-in-law who, while watching a cursed looney tunes episode, died from having an anvil dropped on her and now the game is cursed unless I eat a spoonful of cinnamon without coughing it up, to cleanse the game of it's horrible curse. of summoning people to beat me up!(edited)
So! against the wishes of my nurse and doctor I limped to the store and grabbed a thing of cinnamon and went back to my house! There the trio were there ready to beat me up! But I took a HUGE spoonful of the stuff! God it was awful but through my tears I saw the Ghost get sucked back into the tv, Markiplier got weirded out and just left and Jeremy Pascal? uhhhh he just vanished. The deed was done! The game came out of my PC and I placed it back in the case. you know, it could be the brain trauma I'm suffering but I think I lesson is to be learned here and that lesson is:
Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get. -Me, Just now
So I sent the game off to sea. thanking it for such a profound lesson.
Thank you SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab. Thank you
This has been a Crappypasta written with friend. thank you for reading!
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mandajiu · 2 years
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If you Love Dilraba and Wu Lei CP, let's talk about what you would like them to see without a CP brain. I'll be up front, the idea of him working with any of the purple ladies gives me the hives. If purple is not your favorite color then come in and let's talk!
Non-CP Post, but these photos of Anle and Hou Buyi which make up my lock-screen are so cute and if you can survive seeing the photo then we are good even if you are not a Bird Egg.
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I know. I love both of them so much, and Zhou Yutong is also awesome. I cannot wait for Nothing But You. Our young man WL looks lovely here.
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In the meanwhile, I've started Wang Hedi's new drama. Is the eunuch, not a eunuch thing new to dramaland? I know it is common in web novels. Part of me thinks 30 would make a great eunach-not-eunach but I just think his acting is superb and he keeps improving himself as does 88 so they can do anything and I will watch it.
On the Rumor (so likely to be false) of Dilraba in a "SIster-(Milk) Dog" Romance if Wu Lei were impossible match which would make this Bird Egg very sad: Of all the choices for a 姐狗 romance, I'd consider Wang Hedi the best choice if it were absolutely impossible to see 30 and 88 together in another drama anytime soon and this melon about an age-gap romance is true. I hope that 2023 will bring better tidings to 30 and 88 - I'm a bit worried about j@y#@)k tbh but worst-case scenario maybe Blizzard (which is partially under this studio) won't work out and it will force 88 and 30 to work together in a new modern drama -yeah let's ignore the reality of 88's essential slave contract to that studio. It would suck for 30 as I think he is already working on his billiards game, which those of us who have seen his vlog know needs a little work. Pure fantasy. I digress.
88, I hope you do Scenery of the Side this year. It would be so awesome to see you play a Uyghur woman again (I bet it would be an interesting journey going from Anarhan to this new character) even if there is a lot of boring stuff going on as usually happens with more serious dramas. I will watch anything but horror for you beauty.
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30 - two new films, Nothing But You, and potentially a romance with a much younger leading ZJM who also has barely done kissing scenes. As much as 30 would benefit from being the teacher - we all know he is a bit domineering in a sweet way - I personally have some feelings about her age coupled with the novel being so very full of love scenes (keeping in mind the censors, it might be okay, but cringe - WL is so mature to me at 23 that the young ones seem too young but I still need to watch Reset this week). Add to that, I foresee half of C-Ent either salivating in glee over the match because they just love him with younger ladies or secretly hoping she drops out and their favorite childhood CP with WL can replace her. Hopefully the purple people will be calmer; Bird Eggs are loving on ZYT even though we (and even some Alices I know) really wanted it for WL and Dils.
Just not GX - the idea of them kissing gives me the shivers and I think they would agree - brother and sister who fight a lot? Yes! I can see this. Sworn enemies. Yup. Lovers? Ew I don't know if I could watch that. Maybe ex-spouses? That would be OK. I haven't watched all of the Shadow, but what I saw they were not on friendly terms. That one modern drama with them is still on my list, but I go second lead or friend vibes from the MV I saw. Honestly, WL really has the best energy with older women from Dils to YR to LQ and now ZYT - dang that boy is made for 小奶狗。I really, really hope he does a modern romance or action drama without birds with 88 and they don't even have to discuss age. She looks so young in modern romances to me and who cares - how many zillions of C-Dramas have been made with obvious age gaps and people don't say a word
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OK I lied this IS 3088 CP-Related: The best drama from a web novel for Dils and WL would be Falling on a Spring Night; it would be amazing. If you haven't read that 3088 friendly novel - go read it now! Yes, it's crap but there are some golden moments such as how the younger man fell in love with the older woman. I just do not get anyone digging the 2nd lead in that book. He is an abusive F$^K seriously (Spoiler: he made the lead female eat hot chilis until she was hospitalized multiple times & I believe CW forced himself on her at one point) and I fear for humanity if we continue to be okay with abusers and like the idea of saving broken men. Yeah. No. The roles are literally made for Dils and WL - but some parts are tooo close to home, as in these characters were based on them for real. One plus - the age of the lead male is 20, so he could ratchet it up to a more palatable 23 now as he is that age. Yay! My step-dad was 22 when he started dating my mom, so I really have a soft spot for age-gap romances. He was very mature too. They married when he was 24 - Just saying.
This has been very random ADHD-driven rant.
Happy New YEAR of the Rabbit - 2023
What kind of dramas do you want to see 30 and 88 do and what leading ladies/gentleman or none would you like to see? Am I the only one who does not want to think of Guan Xiaotong/Wu Lei in a romantic context? I didn't even grow up with them, it just FEELS wrong with their variety show interaction. Song Zhuer and Xiao Feng are okay.
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