#what else do i tag this assss
mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
giving camp camp characters favorite dog breeds
preston: english cocker spaniel. he'd flip his hair while holding his dog and shout "GOOD DAY." and then walk away
harrison: goldendoodles and black labs!!
nerris: bernese mountain dog!!!!!!!! "the perfect sidekick for any sorceress"
max: any, but i feel he'd like a golden retriever. soft, friendly, cuddly, what more could you want
nikki: wolf, but if she haaddddd to pick a dog breed itd be a shiba inu, if only because theyre the closest dog breed to wolves, or a chow chow because blue tongue, big, and fluffy
neil: poodle!! he admires their intellegence, also i feel theyd get along
space kid: pit bulls or yellow labs!!
dolph: german shepherd! and no this isnt a "haha german boy like german dog" joke, i love german sheperds myself and i feel their personalities would go well with him. plus i hc him to have a gsd, so
ered: husky!!!!!! shes also the type to get that pet friendly fur dye for her dogs and dye them bright colors
nurf: sadness or one of those unbearable dog squeaky things you see at the mall
david: border collie!! he gives the vibe of a border collie lover
gwen: charles cocker spaniel, aka missy's dog breed
cameron campbell: corgi. he would say "i am so manly i am the man-est of men" and then see a corgi and suddenly its his firstborn son and anyone who goes near it without permission will be killed on sight
daniel: pugs because he likes seeing things suffer /j or probably pomeranians
jasper: rotwilers. he seems like a rottie guy
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
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400legends · 3 years
Abroad Galactic Coalition Ship Laumei (Day 131)
As I watched Sara, the small Saguarine, walk away with Hin, the Ixian diplomat, I was struck by the lovely way that her colors complimented his red and white carapace. I imagined them dancing - it would be a swirl of color not unlike the Gendeli Cluster in Sector 2.
The Cosmic Peanut leaned toward me. "Takes all kinds, am I right?"
"Oh I don't-- Oh!" Her meaning sunk in. "I am certain that it does. Biology quite demands it." This line of thought made me feel strange, so I took comfort in the trite: "Nature, as they say, abhors a vacuum."
I stepped toward Splendor, eager to chat with her again. She had, while we were on the planet, approached me and, quite shocking really, she had addressed me as Trak. When I informed her of the error in her greeting, she was understandably confused.
It is nice to have someone else share the feeling.
Unfortunately Splendor told me that it had been several years since she and Trak had spoken. "Would you happen to know," I asked, "what happened to my calves?"
I have only ever seen the world from 4 feet high. but I can quite imagine what the addition of the rest of my legs might do to my perspective.
She smiled grimly and shook her head. "Afraid not."
Now, here on the GC ship Laumei I hoped to resume our acquaintance. I am certain that given time Splendor will remember useful information about my ancestor.
Before I reached the Hanadarian singer however, an Ixian officer bowed before her and said, "You mussst be wissshing to accessss a terminal." He bowed again. "The newsss issss sssstill, hmmmm, sssspotty, but ssssuch assss it issss, we will ssssshare."
He escorted her away. Phadrea, Splendor's human manager, followed a few paces behind.
That left me with the Cosmic Peanut and Iota, the wireborn waitress. I say waitress because that is how I first met her, and in fact, she still had her name tag affixed to her collar. "My name is" was etched into the plastic and the word "Iota" had been printed in black marker.
She is no more waitress than I am. I can see the magic flickering along her circuitry, and I do wonder what she was doing on Lush. Well I remember that the priest called her "Chosen One."
I had not seen a good opportunity to chat with her - until now, but again the damned Ixian officer intervened. He had returned to our little group, having left Splendor at a terminal.
Addressing the Cosmic Peanut he said, "We have disturbing reportssss that the Veerux have returned to the galactic core."
Our captain had been cleaning her claws with a small knife. At his words the knife clattered to the floor. "Wait what? What's happening with the Veerux?"
"We cannot ssssay much becaussse we believe that sssssome are working with the Veerux."
"Some what?"
The Ixian officer bowed, allowing four of his arms to sweep out to the side. "Who can sssay? Ssssomeone befuddled by Veeruxian propaganda, perhapsss? They do ssssay that there are cavessss, hidden placesss on countlesssss worldssss where unsssussspecting humanssss are sssnared by ancient machinesss, and turned, quite deftly, into Veerux."
With that he brought eight of his hands together.
After a beat of silence, Iota said, " Well there are clearly no humans here."
"Hey Buddy," the Cosmic Peanut took two steps away from Iota, gesturing that the Ix follow her. "My friend is a little, um stressed. She's stressed, right? So maybe let's not get--"
He interrupted her. "It isss evident that you are affiliated with the Wildssstarsss." One hand flicked toward CP's Wildstar neck tattoo. "They alssso ssssuffered at the handssss of the Veerux." He fell silent, as if studying her reaction.
"You got one leg in your pants, put 'em on, already!"
The Ixian officer frowned at the Cosmic Peanut's strange words.
"I mean, Broseph, what are you trying to say? Spit it out!"
"Their headquartersss and wormhole, gone" he said. "Outer ssssector 3 - all of it - virtually dessstroyed. That'ssss jussst part of it though. Ssseveral wormholessss acrossss ssseveral ssectors.... desstroyed. Utterly, completely sssundered." He turned to look out the window at the black void. "It will take lifetimesss to return to life asss we knew it yesssterday. Life. Timesss."
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