#what do you mean it's back on? everything's fixed isn't it? mike should be happy
brionysea · 4 months
if mike was straight, stranger things would've ended after season 2
#straight mike isn't real he can't hurt you vs stranger things fatigue#anyway i can elaborate on this#season 2 is a false ending#someone died but it was just bob and they used that to make sure no one ELSE died#mike might have gotten caught in the tunnels but he was rescued! it's fine! everything's fine! he's at the snow ball with el it's FINE!!!!!#and then season 3 picks up and everyone#they expected it to be over#i know that's a thing EVERY sequel season but in 3 they're all WEIRDED OUT by it#it takes them SO LONG to accept that the ball's rolling again#because they bought the false ending! the straight mike ending!#what do you mean it's back on? everything's fixed isn't it? mike should be happy#happy heart happy life#but no he's being unnaturally annoying and pissing everyone off and saying that plot activities are STRANGE#when he's the ONE person who's historically been like wdym? this makes perfect sense#when it's actually the weirdest thing in the world#but now Unsanctioned things are happening. hopper's fucking off with joyce to another state and mike did not Approve of it#it's Weird he says#This can't be a coincidence He says#as if he didn't make that call#which goes against his dungeonmaster role#as does his inability to track down dustin when he VERY MUCH WANTS to find dustin#and the plot usually rearranged itself to grant mike whatever he wants#not this time! you want hopper and dustin? sorry. they've been taken off the board. your move#there's a paradigm shift is what i'm saying#within mike both on a character level and on a plot level#what's the plot again? people being flayed aka possessed aka taken over by an external force and made to act unlike themselves?#fascinating#surely not relevant to the main character who's suddenly acting unlike himself though#certainly not#st posting
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justzoni · 1 year
Life Updates
With the U-KISS Comeback, I've had a few PMs here and on Facebook asking if I, too, will be making a comeback.
The short answer is no, I have no plans to resume writing fan fiction. That's not to say I never will, but it's not in the books right now.
For a longer answer, I'll go ahead and give you guys a life update. Under a cut, of course, to save everyone's sanity.
Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I am an incredibly laid back, happy person. I go with the flow, don't get irritated or upset, and have an easy time handling problems when they arise.
That being said, there is one thing that pisses me off like nothing else: people who try to tell me what I am or am not capable of doing. And yes, when people do that, I can also hold a grudge.
Five years ago, my ex walked out on me twelve days after I had major abdominal surgery, when I couldn't even lift a gallon of milk or take care of myself properly. Before she did, she made a few statements that really got to me. She said that autistics can only have jobs, not careers. I was told that I should be grateful that I could find retail work that paid $15 an hour, because that was all I was worth since I didn't have a college degree. And I was also told that I should count my self very lucky that I had someone to "help out" financially.
To add to this, my doctors had told me that I would never run a mile, couldn't lift weights, and would never be able to leave the house without having an inhaler in my purse or pocket because to do so would be risking death.
When I say that I hold a grudge, I think what I really mean is that when people tell me shit like that, I tend to do everything I can to prove them dead wrong.
So, over the last five years, I have built a strong and successful career. I have become a recognized expert in my field, with a great reputation. I went from making $15 an hour to making well into the six figures. I traded in my tiny rented room in New York for a big, beautiful house in an upscale neighborhood in Nashville. The junker I was driving that would occasionally die at the worst times was sold off and replaced with a new SUV with all the bells and whistles.
And to top it all off, I got myself to a point where I was running five miles every morning and didn't have a second thought about my asthma.
I fixed everything but my severe trust issues.
Two years ago, I met a guy named Mike. We had a lot in common: he works in tech, loves dogs, loves movies, and is a craft beer enthusiast. Great. But I wasn't sure I wanted a relationship at all, as I had been determinedly single and had worked hard to keep myself from getting too close to anyone.
Four months after I met Mike, I got some bad news. My doctor informed me that I needed knee surgery. The surgery was explained to me as a very simple procedure that would take an hour. I'd be able to use crutches for the first three or four days, then I'd be back to full function within two weeks. No big deal.
When I went in for the surgery, I expected Mike to help me back home and help me out the next day, as he had offered. But nothing beyond that.
And then the surgery went very wrong. The procedure that was supposed to take an hour wound up taking half a day. Instead of the minor repair I was told about, the surgeon wound up basically having to rebuild my knee. He described it as the worst damage he had ever seen that wasn't from a single, traumatic incident like machinery accidents.
The recovery I was looking at was this: fourteen weeks before I could put any weight on my left leg whatsoever, six more weeks with severe restrictions and crutches, and very extensive recovery time. My knee still isn't back to full function.
With that kind of a medical situation, I expected Mike to take me home, help me get set up, then maybe call one of my friends to come help me out. After all, he'd only been dating me for about four months, and that was not at all what he had signed up for.
When they released me from the hospital, Mike drove me home and got me settled. He then left... and drove to his house, packed up a large suitcase, grabbed his dog, and moved into my house for the duration of my recovery.
If you'd like to know how to earn someone's trust, that'll do it.
In a little over three weeks, Mike and I are flying to Charleston, where we will be exchanging vows in a public park while surrounded by family. We have a very good life, and right now it is very full with work, wedding stuff, trying to get back into running, and talk of starting a family soon.
I do still occasionally write, but it's almost entirely original fiction. When I do get hit with a wave of nostalgia, I go through and poke at old fan fiction to make some edits and wonder why I stopped writing. But I no longer feel the pleasure and enjoyment that I used to while writing.
I'll leave this for now. Maybe someday I'll be back. Maybe I won't.
In the meantime, if anyone needs to get a hold of me, just shoot me a note. Cheers.
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Alright since I'm fucking heartbroken and exhausted about what they did to Byler and to us, my hurt brain came up with a few ideas you all are free to turn to fics and fix everything.
Five Hargreeves meeting Will Byers. Both of them being sassy little shits. Five taking an immediate liking to Will and has big 'I've had Will Byers for one day but if anything happens to him, I will kill everyone in this room and then myself' energy. Both of them becoming good friends who go on road trips singing out loudly visiting all the roadside attractions and visit art galleries with big smiles and loud laughs. They get kicked out of some places for being too chaotic and Five being lippy but they are having the time of their lives.
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Will making senior citizen jokes about Five. Five rolling his eyes affectionately every time Will mentions he's got a serious coffee addiction and Will having to listen to Five talk about why coffee is the best. So many inside jokes and teasing each other. Five being a maniac and Will being sweet and everyone wonders how they are friends.
Five and Will bonding over their trauma which brings them closer together. Five and Will understanding each other on a deeper level because they know how it feels to be different, grief and loneliness.
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Five and Will comforting each other when they have nightmares.
Five appreciating Will every single day. Will letting Five know that he's not alone and that he's not insignificant. Will coming out to Five who is truly happy for him. Though he is cool with it, it really means a lot to him that Will decided to trust him. Five doesn't want to make a big deal out of it but it's Will who has spent his whole life feeling like a second choice, a mistake, worthless so Five plans something to celebrate to show Will that he is loved.
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Will and Five drunk dancing together. Five being proud of Will whenever he does anything from finishing a painting to standing up for himself.
Five getting mad at vending machines and Will laughs in amusement at first but then goes to help him out as they both have their snacks together.
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Five being protective of Will especially when Mike comes around because if this gibber idiot can't see how special Will is, then he doesn't deserve him. Five ready to throw hands when Mike says something stupid to Will, fuming and mad because no one gets away with treating Will like he's worthless and Will has to physically stop Five from fighting Mike with an axe.
"Will, I'm about to beat this bitch up for treating you like garbage." "FIVE PUT THE AXE DOWN!" "Why does your crazy friend have an axe?" "OH YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, MIKE WHEELER! MY FRIEND IS FUCKING CRAZY AND HE WILL KILL YOU!" "Thanks Will. Make your peace with God Mike -" "Not today, Five. Maybe later." "Fine. But if you're am asshole to Will one more time and I don't care what Will says, I will kill you myself. Do not test me."
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Will standing up for Five telling the Hargreeves that they should appreciate Five more because he literally saved them all. Five enjoys this but is surprised and moved. Basically now all the Hargreeves siblings have adopted Will and Five has to fight to get to spend time with his friend.
Five and Will getting into all these adventures. Will possessing Joyce's crazy fierce spirit and Five's absolute badassery make them a dynamic duo to be reckoned with. At the end of the day, they look out for each other and when they get wounded, they take care of each other.
Will and Five bickering like an old married couple. Will is stubborn and so is Five. Both of them have arguments which don't last for long because dammit Will, Five doesn't want to see him sad and Will might be right and dammit Five, you might be right too. Both of them are back together in a matter of minutes and find a way together.
Five isn't really into physical affection but Will is into physical affection. They hold hands, hug each other, ruffle each others hair, hold each other when they are crying or had a nightmare and even random cheek or forehead kisses.
Five: Will, you're a genius! I've got to go! Will: Aren't you forgetting something? Five:.... Um (Kisses Will on the forehead) Will: NO! Pay the bill! Damn, who raised you?
Will and Five calling each other nicknames but also just little things like 'darling' or 'sweetheart' just slips out. They'd be speaking with each other and just call each other those nicknames so naturally and normally that they don't see others smirking or raising eyebrows. (Especially Mike who is confused and jealous of this awesome dynamic)
Five and Will getting drunk together. Five's 'fuck it' attitude has rubbed on Will who doesn't care. When both of them get drunk, chaos ensued and they have a wonderful time together.
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Five and Will wanting each other to be happy because they have been hurt and miserable for too long and they both deserve happiness and relaxation and friendship. This means Five and Will trick and treating together. Five dressing up as himself out of retirement to annoy Will who put thought into his costume. But Five has a backup costume which he actually put thought to and they have a good time.
Basically Will and Five being platonic chaotic besties that they both deserve and maybe even more as time goes on. This is how I see them
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freerebelmentality · 6 years
No more room service
Ok this is my very first hockey fic of Mike Condon. Be nice. After reading an article on the NHL website and reading the quotes he gave is when it just tugged my heart. Well whatever I have left of it anyway. Plus MIKE CONDON DESERVES ALL THE LOVE!!! He’s a precious cinnamon roll.
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Word Count: 1,947
"I lived in three different hotels [in 2014-15]," Condon said. "I lived in the hotel when I was up and down between Wheeling and Hamilton. I'm just used to hotel life."
The Penguins claimed Condon from the Canadiens to be Marc-Andre Fleury's backup while Matt Murray is recovering from a broken hand. After falling to No.
3 on the Canadiens depth chart, Condon welcomed the opportunity.
He isn't married and doesn't have children, so moving a family wasn't a concern.
"I'm single as can be," Condon said. "I've been moving in and out of hotels for the past five years. No one's been able to stick with me. No one wants to stick around for the ride. I don't blame them either. It's a tough ride. It takes a toll."
Last season was an anomaly for Condon because he spent all of it with the Canadiens, who gave him the green light to get an apartment on Nov. 1.
"It was weird for me to have my own place, not sharing with roommates or anything like that," Condon said. "I'm not going to get too far ahead of myself, but one day, hopefully, I can get another one. A guy can dream, right?"
You remember the quote to all those years ago and finally looking to today on how everything came to be for Mike.
It was a year ago when you first moved to Ottawa and he recently got picked up by the Senators hockey team. You two met at a charity event the Sens team always had for whatever fundraiser.
You’re a freelance photographer and your friend who worked for the organization that the Sens are fundraising for. She has hired you to take photos throughout the event for the website.
You couldn’t refuse the job because it’s a paying job, free drinks throughout the night and most of all there were going to be hockey players.
Throughout the night you have been taking pictures. Asking the players and their significant others for pictures as well and they happily accepted with wide smiles. Some you noticed were beginning to get quite tipsy, which was completely hilarious and happy you agreed to take the job.
With one quick swing around to walk back to the office your friend has placed you in. You wanted to switch cameras along with getting a new SD card, the one in you camera is getting quite full and fast.
You bumped into someone who was tall, you felt toned muscles as your face met his chest and you fell backwards as your bottom hit the floor. Your camera took a bad fall as well, the lens cracked as you took a better look at it.
Everyone stops what they were doing, gaps throughout the building while the person you bumped into kneels beside you and your friend rushes to your side.
“Y/n are you ok? What happened? Oh no your camera” she says while helping you to your feet
Others ask if you were alright, you nodded as you smiled and looked to your friend.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you. Are you alright?” The man asks looking to you all worried he hurt you.
“I’m fine really. Thank you for asking. Only bad fall was my camera lens” you wave him off and look to your camera.
“I can replace that for you” your friend says while looking between you and the man
“No, please don’t bother. It’s a quick fix and I have extras. Don’t go through the trouble and spending a lot of money on a lens when I have a few at home” you tell her while walking slowly back to the office.
Your friend and the man who wasn’t bad looking. A ginger with adorable blue eyes. Such beautiful blue eyes that you can swim in them forever.
If he looked any deeper into your eyes, you’d allow him to look through your soul and let him have it.
“I’m Mike by the way. I feel bad for your fall and your lens breaking. Let me do something for you” he is basically pleading now.
He looked like a hurt puppy who played too rough and hurt the person he loved so much and trying to make things better by doing anything.
You knew who he was, you followed his playing career since he got signed by the Montreal Canadiens. The Habs are your most favourite team, second is the Sens. You are a third generation Habs fan and knew the rich history behind the team.
“Y/n. Since I’m not going to get rid of you that easily. You can take the rest of the pictures” you tell him as you wave him to follow you.
He followed while your friend remained where she was and continued doing her rounds.
Since then the both of you kept hanging out when he could. When the summer came is when the both of you got more acquainted and had fun.
While it lasted and it was the new hockey season all over again. You were worried he was going to get placed on waivers again and having another team pick him up.
That didn’t happen, the Sens offered Mike an extension on his contract and told him to find an apartment. Which he did and asked you to move in with him right away.
You didn’t want to be apart from him anymore and you graciously accepted. The both of you couldn’t be more happier.
“Hey what are you so deep into thought for?” Mike asks as he enters the office the both of you share
You exit out of the article quickly and making it look like you were working on editing pictures. You pulled up the software you always worked on and luckily a picture is still on there.
A picture you completely forgot to finish but got sidetracked by something else.
“I’m just debating if I should get a Leica Camera or not. Why I’m so deep into thought” you tell him while he sits in the chair that’s in front of the desk and where you are sitting.
“Wow, why don’t you just get it? Plus I think it’s time for you to upgrade anyway. You take amazing pictures and you deserve the very best to work with” Mike says while leaning in closer and in hopes he’s changed your mind and purchase the damn camera.
“You are so sweet you know. Too sweet for me. It makes me puke” you say while you look to him and back to the computer screen
“And you are disgustingly charming” he retorts as he gets up from the chair and walks out of the office
“Wait, I was looking at an old article you were in a few years ago” you finally tell him before he is an ear shot away.
He stops at the doorway and turns around slowly. He leans against the doorframe as he crosses his arms across his chest.
“Which article?” He asks keeping his gaze on you
“The one about constantly living in hotels and how you mentioned no one has ever stuck around because it takes a toll and you as single as can be” you recite the quotes he said a few years ago.
By reciting the very quote causes you such grief because the thought of him being lonely like that is hurtful.
After getting to know Mike, you didn’t like the idea of him being lonely or didn’t like the thought of anything so enduring such as loneliness. You loved Mike way too much for him to go through that. Loved him way too much.
“Ooh that interview. Why would you be deep into that thought?” He asks as he enters back into the office and this time he gets the chair and places it right in front of you.
“Because the very thought of you being incredibly lonely, in between towns/cities, in and out of hotels. It hurts me to even think of the things that you were going through. I mean your mental well being and so forth” you exhale while placing your hands over his and look to him
As you tell him that is when he forms a smile on his face.
“I appreciate you for that. I really do” he replies as he kisses the top of your hand
“It was lonely, especially at night and no one to ask how my day was in general and just talking about it. But I knew what I got myself into and I knew I needed to focus on going into pro hockey. I thought of it more as no distractions to keep me from getting the one thing I really wanted and that got me more motivated to get to where i am” he continues while talking about his journey into the NHL.
You loved how he talked about the hard work he has put into getting that contract. Loved how he talked about the trial and tribulations he endured just to get to where he is at today. Oh you loved this man right in front of you, you loved how he is so devoted to his career, devoted to his family and how much he has devoted himself to you.
“I love how you talk about your trials into getting a pro NHL contract and love how you stuck on being focused on that” you tell him as you get up from your chair and sit in his lap.
You wrap your arms around his neck and begin to kiss him. The way your lips molded together couldn’t be anymore fitting and perfect. It was as if you two are meant for each other. Like what the stories were told in books, how they were brought together by scent or how they imprinted and so forth. It’s how you like to think about it.
“Mmm, what else do you love?” Mike asks as he pulls away from the kiss and looks deep into your eyes
There he goes soul searching once more with his beautiful big blue eyes. You definitely can swim and get lost in them forever.
“You. I love you” you reply while look deep into his eyes as well.
“I love you too. You know, after that interview and just a short couple years. I have found the most incredible, understanding, accepting, loving, beautiful, caring person. Who is willing to join me on whatever path this crazy career of mine will take me” he says with an adoring smile as he closes the gap between the both of you.
“Really? Who is that? I’d like to meet this person” you jokingly reply while he looks to you all surprised and begins to tickle you.
You laugh while trying to move away from his sudden movements as he reaches the ticklish spots you have.
In all seriousness Mike is happy he has found someone like you and at times he felt he didn’t deserve you because of how long he’s gone all the time.
He was happy enough to find you still at the apartment the both of you shared. He thought at times that you have left him because you couldn’t handle things anymore. But no.
You were always right there, patiently waiting for him to come home. You were waiting right there at the airport when he called for pick up. He loved how your face lit up every time he came home. He loved everything about you and didn’t want to lose you over anything. He loved you too much to endure loneliness again. Never again.
No more room service for him.
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