#what do you MEAN you didnt notice til watch number 2 that the movie wasnt about enjoying the apocalypse with your buddies????????
raytoroapologist · 6 months
nothing either restores or kills your faith in strangers like looking at letterboxd reviews of your favorite movies
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ghostydoof-blog · 7 years
OOCly viewed chatlog you know the drill.
-- technicalGyrations [TG] began pestering eggBoy [EB] at 08:16 --
[08:16] TG: egg BOY
[08:17] EB: egg boy.
[08:18] TG: egg boi
[08:18] EB: that's me.
[08:18] TG: like soulja boy
[08:18] EB: one hundred percent farmland fresh egg boy.
[08:18] TG: but with eggs
[08:19] EB: hot off the truck and into market, soon to be on your breakfast plate at denny's when it's 2am and you're feeling down.
[08:20] EB: we should go to denny's sometime at 2am when we're feeling down.
[08:20] TG: we could go to dennys right now if youre feeling down
[08:21] EB: it's not 2am yet and i've been up since six making myself homemade mac and cheese.
[08:22] TG: okay instead of dennys come to my work and eat mac n cheesy with me and tell me whats going on
[08:24] EB: i can't, legs are broken.
[08:25] EB: my face hurts.
[08:25] TG: JOHN
[08:25] TG: JOHN!!!
[08:25] EB: suddenly my fingers are broken too, my skin is paper and my bones glass.
[08:26] EB: it happens.
[08:26] EB: you are way too excitable for this time of morning, dave.
[08:27] TG: i have to be im at work and i gotta be excitable so i dont fall asleep
[08:27] TG: so i got music playin and im knitting and drinking some tea
[08:27] EB: i'll accept that.
[08:27] TG: you could be energized too if yall came here
[08:27] EB: i've got a pot of coffee on the table next to my bed and i have been playing threshers 2 all morning.
[08:28] EB: i need to get human games so i can stop playing this.
[08:28] EB: i.
[08:28] EB: ugh.
[08:28] TG: are you havin fun with it at least
[08:29] TG: whats wrong dude
[08:29] EB: i do.
[08:29] EB: i guess?
[08:29] EB: it just upsets me.
[08:29] TG: why?
[08:29] EB: actually a lot of things upset me lately apparently.
[08:29] EB: i'm worried about sollux.
[08:30] EB: apparently i had a family that i don't remember.
[08:30] EB: oh and we're from the same earth i accept that ok?
[08:30] EB: apparently your shades are from me.
[08:30] EB: somehow we forgot these things.
[08:30] TG: i need a second to process this
[08:30] TG: okay im starting the process
[08:30] EB: so i mean i haven't been able to talk about any of it and i'm losing my mind over it!
[08:30] TG: who told you this?
[08:31] EB: rose.
[08:31] TG: how do they know??
[08:31] EB: she's the only one that i've met that will just TELL me about myself.
[08:32] EB: she knew a john that she played that god awful game with.
[08:32] EB: her john knew a dave.
[08:32] TG: and her john gave her dave the same pair of shades i have
[08:32] TG: ?
[08:32] EB: they all played that game together.
[08:32] EB: yeah.
[08:33] TG: i have a feeling that we played that game together too
[08:33] EB: how?
[08:34] EB: everyone that has KNOWS they have.
[08:34] EB: how do you forget DYING?
[08:34] EB: or being a god or something?
[08:34] TG: when i talked to sky about some of this he basically said that what my dream was lines up with some stuff that happens in it and if youre from the same place as ME then we would have HAVE to played it together or someting like that
[08:34] TG: i think were remembering it though
[08:34] TG: since meeting each other
[08:35] EB: :/
[08:35] EB: i can barely sleep anymore, my dreams are so weird they wake me up now. i can't remember them but ugh.
[08:35] EB: they leave me in a cold sweat.
[08:36] TG: ive just been having a lot of migraines lately about all of this stuff
[08:36] EB: ugh.
[08:36] EB: yeah.
[08:36] TG: no dreams i can remember besides the one of someone giving me my shades
[08:36] TG: which is now you
[08:37] EB: when rose was telling me about the shades it hurt, and when she was trying to tell me about my family i?
[08:37] EB: i had a family, dave.
[08:37] EB: a dad.
[08:37] EB: you saw me give you your shades?
[08:37] TG: in a dream, yea, but it wasnt you in my dream just some shadowy ass lookin figure
[08:37] TG: a dad
[08:38] TG: is there any way you could find him?
[08:38] EB: he doesn't exist. the actual address on my id also does not exist.
[08:38] EB: the street does, but there isn't that number house on it.
[08:39] EB: i guess he did something shitty with baked goods and that's why i still don't like them though.
[08:39] EB: so maybe it's not that much of a loss.
[08:40] TG: i had the same thing happen to me address wise like they looked it up and theyre like shit my dude you dont exist
[08:40] TG: and that makes sense i guess
[08:40] TG: some shit like that probably stayed latent in your brain and surfaces without your control
[08:40] EB: yeah.
[08:40] EB: it still sucks!
[08:40] EB: i want him back, dave.
[08:41] EB: i'm grown now but i didn't want to be stuck in foster care for two years! i hated it.
[08:41] TG: i want you to find him so he can explain where the hell hes been all these years
[08:42] EB: he's dead.
[08:42] EB: if i remember correctly, it's been mentioned that he died.
[08:42] TG: WHAT
[08:42] TG: what the fuck
[08:42] EB: or disappeared into the game, if we really did play it.
[08:42] TG: thats even worse
[08:42] TG: but if he disappeared into the game like us wouldnt he be back if were back? this is so fucked up dude
[08:43] TG: do you think if you have a dad
[08:43] TG: that i have a dad
[08:43] TG: ?
[08:44] EB: probably! rose mentioned having a mom too i think.
[08:44] EB: or someone else had a mom. or something?
[08:44] EB: i can't tell if i know this stuff or if someone told me anymore.
[08:45] TG: i mean i guess the only thing we can do is ask rose more
[08:45] TG: if she doesnt mind?
[08:45] EB: she says she doesn't but i wouldn't want to push it.
[08:45] EB: she has a key to my apartment so if you want to meet her you could use my place.
[08:45] TG: we could talk to her together
[08:45] TG: just a meeting betwen all yall
[08:46] EB: i don't know dave she's really nervous about people still.
[08:46] EB: sort of a one on one kind of girl.
[08:46] TG: i could sit in the bathroom while we talk so she doesnt have to see me
[08:47] EB: oh my god dave no.
[08:47] EB: then we'd have to be in my bedroom!
[08:47] EB: what am i going to do, text her up and be like hey rose want to hang out in my BED?
[08:47] TG: dude weve hung out in your BED before
[08:48] EB: yeah but we're also more accustomed to that sort of thing.
[08:48] EB: she's been really alone for a long time, i don't think she's quite ready for THAT.
[08:48] TG: you have seen my shirtless bod before so were past that level of friendship
[08:49] TG: okay new plan: i can hide behind the couch while all yall are on the couch and i can talk from there
[08:50] EB: she might kill you if you do that.
[08:50] EB: but it's your ass not mine.
[08:50] EB: also your body is fine dave.
[08:50] TG: okay new plan: you can facetime me and we can talk from there
[08:50] TG: my body is,
[08:52] EB: how about this?
[08:52] EB: i talk to rose and ask if she'll meet you.
[08:52] TG: that also works
[08:53] EB: no deception and you guys can still use my place.
[08:53] EB: and dave.
[08:53] EB: your body is fine.
[08:53] TG: IT IS,
[08:53] EB: it IS, yes.
[08:53] TG: im yellin
[08:53] TG: youre too nice to me
[08:53] EB: i'm telling the fucking truth you goon.
[08:54] TG: youre STILL too nice to me you goon
[08:54] EB: if i wasn't armpit deep in my clinically diagnosed depression i would come kick your ass.
[08:56] TG: i mean i want to come over to kick your ass out of your armpit deep clinical depression but im at work and also armpit deep in my clinical depression
[08:56] EB: well look at us both stuck in this quicksand of sadness.
[09:03] TG: well pull each other out eventually
[09:03] TG: just gotta wallow for a bit til we feel better
[09:03] EB: i was doing ok until the shit hit the fan.
[09:03] EB: is it bad that it bothered me less when i didn't have friends?
[09:04] TG: i mean same but thats cause you have your own ways to deal with things and when friends get involved you feel like you gotta blab to them about everything and it messes up the coping
[09:04] TG: at least thats my theory
[09:05] EB: no.
[09:05] TG: ?
[09:06] EB: it's because i had nothing to worry about. i worked, a came home to my apartment. i ate and slept and watched movies and had nothing to think about but the next day.
[09:06] EB: now?
[09:06] EB: now i'm worried about my troll friends because they might just die for no reason.
[09:07] TG: and thats making you feel worse combined with your own stuff you got on your mind
[09:07] TG: i gotcha
[09:07] EB: i worry about my human friends because some of them are so sad that i just want to hug them and tell them it will be ok.
[09:07] EB: and yet no one wants me to care.
[09:07] EB: so i'm trying to not care.
[09:07] EB: it's hard.
[09:08] TG: hey if it means anything i want you to care about me
[09:08] TG: and i bet all your friends appreciate you caring even if it seems like they dont
[09:08] EB: congrats you're the only one that does!
[09:09] EB: between troll dave shitting on me for being empathetic and me royally fucking it with sollux i'm ?
[09:09] EB: trolls?
[09:09] EB: what are they?
[09:09] EB: why are they?
[09:09] TG: trolls are strange as hell and they have different views on emotions than humans do
[09:09] TG: makes em a bit complicated
[09:10] EB: i noticed.
[09:10] EB: apparently i messed up and started doing some weird quadrant stuff at sollux.
[09:10] EB: but it doesn't matter, he says it doesn't bother him.
[09:10] EB: (spoiler alert: it does.)
[09:10] EB: and i know it does.
[09:11] TG: i mean id be surprised if it DIDNT bother him
[09:11] EB: but if i don't say anything about it and act normal maybe it will be ok.
[09:11] TG: hes probably just making it seem like it doesnt bother him both for you and for himself
[09:11] EB: but i can't bring myself to talk to him because i don't want him to stop being my friend.
[09:12] TG: you should still at least talk to him if hes your friend dude
[09:12] TG: but i also think you should talk about the pale stuff too
[09:13] EB: i tried to.
[09:14] EB: but everyone else seems to want to get their nose so deep into my business there's no room left for me. i appreciate spanky but uh...he's way too nosy for someone i don't know.
[09:15] EB: i also don't get the subtle difference in what changes being his best friend to being his pale...whatever it's called.
[09:16] TG: theres only one way to find out and thats asking him about it
[09:16] TG: but id think it over before you do
[09:16] TG: i dont completely understand troll stuff either even though i live with two of them
[09:16] TG: and dude if you need me to back off just let me know ok
[09:17] EB: well, karkat told me he doesn't want any quadrants right now so i mean i don't want to poke that hornet's nest and bite the dust on it yet.
[09:17] EB: there's also the uh.
[09:17] EB: looming possibility that he's going to die.
[09:18] EB: so that's a thing i'm supposed to probably pretend that it doesn't bother me.
[09:18] TG: um what
[09:18] EB: he's messing with that game, dave!
[09:18] EB: and something is wrong with it! like really wrong!
[09:18] TG: nothing good ever comes from that goddamn hell game
[09:18] EB: it's not like i pour over every single post of his but i see enough to know that something bad is going to happen.
[09:19] TG: you definitely pour over all his posts
[09:19] TG: callout
[09:19] TG: and yea
[09:19] EB: i do not!
[09:19] TG: i have a bad feeling about this
[09:19] EB: he's not even denying it anymore, dave.
[09:21] TG: i think cause he realizes shit is going to hit the goddamn fan
[09:22] EB: i know.
[09:22] EB: i should just let other people do things for him.
[09:23] TG: john
[09:23] TG: why
[09:23] TG: ?
[09:24] EB: because.
[09:25] EB: i don't know anything useful to him. i don't know about the game.
[09:25] EB: i don't know anything about trolls.
[09:25] EB: or their romance.
[09:25] EB: or their society.
[09:25] EB: the more i learn the more worried i get.
[09:25] EB: the more i wish i could just pull him here.
[09:25] EB: give him a hug, tell him it's ok!
[09:25] TG: once he gets into the game he might be able to get here though
[09:26] TG: transportalizers are normally a game thing i think from what ive seen
[09:26] EB: i don't want him to ever go into that goddamn game dave!
[09:26] TG: rossea didnt play and she had to build her own
[09:26] EB: i want him to stop messing with it before it's too late.
[09:26] EB: he's going to die.
[09:26] EB: and i'm going to lose my best friend.
[09:26] EB: i'm...
[09:27] TG: john
[09:27] EB: i'm sorry.
[09:27] TG: i dont think hes going to stop messing with it
[09:27] EB: i know.
[09:27] EB: i know he's not.
[09:27] TG: so you can at least hope that he finds a transportalizer and get the hell out of there
[09:27] EB: i do hope.
[09:28] EB: but we didn't.
[09:28] EB: did we?
[09:28] EB: you died.
[09:28] TG: i
[09:28] EB: and so did our friends.
[09:28] TG: i dont know
[09:29] EB: we didn't survive that game.
[09:29] EB: not the same way other people have.
[09:29] EB: did we?
[09:29] TG: i dont think so
[09:29] TG: ?
[09:30] TG: but i dont know what happened at all
[09:30] EB: well my dream says everyone died.
-- eggBoy [EB] is now an idle chum! --
[09:42] TG: my dream says at least me died so i believe your dream
-- eggBoy [EB] is now an idle chum! --
[09:44] EB: it doesn't make it any better.
[09:45] EB: i have a lot of worries ok?
[09:45] EB: i'm sorry for suddenly dumping them on you but they just keep coming.
[09:47] TG: dude john
[09:47] TG: dont be sorry at all
[09:47] TG: were friends right?
[09:47] TG: thats what friends are for
[09:47] EB: yeah!
[09:47] EB: still.
[09:48] EB: i kind of exploded there.
[09:48] EB: hey dave.
[09:48] TG: what
[09:48] TG: ?
[09:48] EB: denny's date tonight?
[09:48] TG: of course : *
[09:49] EB: good.
[09:49] EB: because i feel like sobbing into a grand slamwich.
[10:09] TG: you can sob into as many grand slamwiches as you want bud
[10:09] EB: i can only maybe handle one.
[10:10] EB: they're kind of gross.
[10:10] TG: perfect to cry into then
[10:10] EB: exactly.
[10:10] EB: you've witnessed me crying, i'm gross.
[10:11] TG: DUDE youve witnessed ME crying
[10:12] EB: then we're even.
[10:30] TG: : *
[10:30] EB: right back at you buddy.
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