#what are jinns scared of
padawansuggest · 10 months
Mace: *dragging Kenobi and Vos out of the slam poetry night by their tunic collars and stops Tholme and Jinn from leaving them behind* No, you heard our rules after last week’s incident, they’ve been banned!
Qui-Gon: *ready to argue* What in the galaxy could my sweet baby padawan have done to get kicked out?
Tholme: I must admit, despite Jinn’s willful ignorance, I understand that mine could get banned, but he never mentioned it so I would like to know what he did.
Mace: Obi-Wan wrote a poem about a galaxy wide war that gave seventeen people True Visions and I had a shatterpoint migraine till last night. So for him it’s either me or him in that room and I’m the host so it’s me.
Qui-Gon: *taking a sheepish Obi-Wan into his arms for a pity cuddle cause that poem had led to like four straight days of council sessions and an enslaved Dathomiri child being found in a senator’s house on Naboo* To be fair. Obi-Wan had some good points.
Tholme: I’m scared to ask. What did mine do?
Mace: He didn’t write a poem so he went up to the mic and started licking it. It was the most disgusting noise I ever heard. If he gets near a mic I might have to drop kick him. Safer for him out here.
Tholme: *deep sigh of sadness* Yeah that sounds like something he’d do.
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agent-darkfest · 2 months
Sooooo…. Here’s some more sketches from the Arabian Knights AU!
The piece here would happen closer to when the Professor finally gets Sun and Moon to stop trying to fight each other. They begin asking them questions at first to learn more about their culture, however, the more questions they ask, the more they realize that they want to know what exactly happen to the Jinn and why they were all captured and trapped inside magical objects.
In the scene below, the Professor asks Sun why wishes tend drain the Jinn so much especially since everything they have read and translated so far indicates that the Jinn are able to grant wishes to the humans, no matter the complexity. Sun corrects them and clarifies that they are translating the term in their research incorrectly. Rather it is not "wishes" Jinn grant, but "favors". This moment takes place after a particular situation where Y/n had to make a "heavy-duty" wish that caused Sun to disappear back into his bottle for a couple of days. The Professor became very scared and worried for Sun’s well-being.
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In the scene below, Y/n is trying to speak with Moon, hoping that he opens up to them and lets them show him that they mean no harm. However, sadly, the conversation is turning out to be very one sided… All Moon can think about is breaking free, however his bindings (like Sun’s) will not allow him to raise his powers against the owner of his ring.
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Bonus: (????)
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bestworstcase · 2 months
in re: oz understanding what salem meant i do not have the brainpower to go through the whole thing rn but it sort of comes down to,
#1, an “all just a big misunderstanding!” resolution feels pretty cheap and to my mind makes ozma seem just completely pathetic; earlier in the same episode we see him ask salem flat out “what are you saying?” when he doesn’t follow and salem clarifies without the slightest hesitation. the notion that after a decade or more married to this woman, ozma heard her say something this out of pocket, out of fucking nowhere, and didn’t AT LEAST go “…what are you saying?” to confirm that no yeah she really did just abruptly go mask-off on wanting to do genocide, is… pathetic. world’s most pathetic man. i do not believe that ozma has at any point in his lives been the kind of person who wouldn’t blink hard and go “excuse me??” in this scenario.
#2, the only person present during the lost fable who knows the full context of that conversation, aside from jinn, is oz. the only character on team good who has the requisite information to know what she meant. if there’s going to be any proactive motion on the heroes side toward correcting their own misperceptions of salem, ozma is going to have to be the one to provide more information. regardless of what salem herself does to surprise them, i don’t think these kids will be able to get to “let’s try talking to her?” until they have a reason to believe that she doesn’t like. want to massacre humankind.
#3, it makes a ton of sense for there to be a miscommunication on this specific point between ozma and the kids, because a) after the shock of the lost fable nobody was asking follow-up questions aside from “how could you hide all that?” and “what the fuck is your plan to beat her?” and then oz got punched in the face and screamed at and locked himself away for months to reflect on all this. meanwhile the kids focused on the immediate problem of how to beat salem secure in the assumption that they now have all the facts. the question of salem’s motivation never comes up at all until ozpin brings it up with hazel, explicitly in a bid to scare hazel into turning against her, and he misrepresents the nature of salem’s curse in order to make his case. which is to say, ozpin is lying about one thing when he claims salem wants to end the world – it isn’t unlikely that he’s lying about the rest too.
and that’s a recipe for misunderstanding, if ozma knows what salem meant but no one on his side is asking questions about or discussing her intentions – how is he to know they misunderstood something she said until they voice their misconception?
#4, it’s a lot more compelling for the conflict between salem and ozma to be genuinely about what it seems—she believes the gods are fallible tyrants who can be defeated and should be rejected and replaced, he believes that they are absolute cosmic authorities who can only be obeyed and that her defiance is tantamount to a death-wish. they are on the same page about this and before ozpin’s lifetime, both resolutely believed that the other was a) wrong and b) beyond reason, and thus the immovable detente. then ozma experienced the first shattering crisis of faith during the great war (salem was right about what it takes to unite the world) and ozpin spends his whole lifetime reeling while he treads water; and meanwhile salem acts on the presumption that he has not changed, seeming to confirm ozpin’s worst fears (that she despises him, that she will never forgive him, that she’ll burn the world down with her for the sake of defying the gods one last time, and so he is still fated to be her eternal enemy). and there’s the storm.
layered over top of that is all the fairytale propaganda ozma has spent lifetimes meticulously weaving to obscure the true conflict (because he fears she’ll rally people against the gods again if he doesn’t poison the well) – so long that he half-believes it himself, until jinn causes him to relive all of that; the story salem told him that he desperately didn’t want to believe, his lies, her trust, his choice to plug his ears and blame her for the cruelty of his god. not for nothing does he crawl out of this hole with the wistful yearning for reconciliation song playing underneath in the very moment salem arrives in atlas! shattering though it was – it also reminds him of what’s really true, what’s important to him. what he wants.
(#5, it really doesn’t make sense to me for that ^ to happen if ozma is under the impression that salem just wants to kill everybody and/or do grotesque magical eugenics – “the enemy was right” is an odd thought to insinuate that he’s having if he isn’t clear on what salem was right about.)
and #6, i think it makes the reconciliation easier for the conflict to not be predicated on a misunderstanding. consider how salem might feel in the event she asked why ozma did all of this and his answer boiled down to “i assumed you wanted to commit genocide and use our daughters to breed a new race of magically empowered humans and it didn’t occur to me to question that assumption EVEN A LITTLE BIT at any point in our history. forgive me?” like – jesus christ. whereas “i remembered what you told me the gods had done to you and to the world the last time you rebelled against them and i got scared” is so much less awful, and so much more natural to forgive. she’s scared of the gods too. and if there’s any inkling in there of ozma having been scared for her, scared of what the gods might do to her if she failed, all the more so. it just… fits together better with the set up so clearly leading toward a romantic reconciliation.
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unamazing-sheep21 · 8 months
I like a good ship and all but... Sometimes you must admit the sheer amazingness of potential in m/f friendships Lumine Traveler has. Do you know what I mean. Like we're best buddies with Neuvillete; literally we're also close in age with him too. The awkward moments he has with us are so hilarious. The way we get along mostly because they both enjoy helping people even though they don't have to. And Alhaitham has literally taken on the role of big brother willingly. Sending us books for Paimon every year.
Albedo is a fellow strange blonde that's overall well liked but somehow still makes people uncomfortable sometimes. Like Traveler literally does the exact same thing ( both Venti and Furina mention in word how we make them uncomfortable and Kaeya always seems so disturbed when we ask him questions in his voicelines, Traveler is not a safe space for traumatized blue haired performers we make them cringe that's so funny). I headcannon Alhaitham tells us stories bluntly about Jinn and Paimon gets scared while Lumine is just thinking about ways to kill them to get mora. I also HC Alhaitham SMILES WIDE when Paimin is able to explain correctly what a book is about.
Cyno outright says we're friends now and he visibly gets happier and more comfortable the more time we spend with him. Sickening.
Like do you see the vision. everyone appreciate m/f Lumine friendships for a second. They're so good and precious.
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fangirlingatstuff · 1 year
Hey! Saw you posted a while ago that you were in the mood for some Epic headcanons! The ones you did for Mandrake were really cool! Love your writing! Would you do something similar for Ronin? No pressure :-P
Absolutely! Sorry this took a bit! College is a pain lol
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If it’s not obvious, Ronin’s a bit of a perfectionist.
The man’s adaptive, don’t get me wrong, but if nothing is going wrong, he wants everything to be EXACTLY as he has planned.
Patrols, training, ambushes, diplomatic missions, scouting groups, meetings with the queen, recruiting, literally every little thing that he could have control over, he does.
Which may be why he actually had fun mentoring Nod.
Nod was chaotic and didn’t like to listen. And while it annoyed Ronin, it kept him on his toes and it made every day…interesting…to say the least.
Ronin just instinctually takes on a mentor-figure persona when he’s around kids or young teens. Since he’s not an insanely uptight or scary general like we’d think of as humans, a lot of the Jinn see Ronin as this cool and badass soldier and kids are obsessed with that.
Before Tara died, he was a lot more uptight about his appearance. When he was on business, he was strictly business. It didn’t matter who he was around or what he was doing, he was acting as professional as possible because he was THE general, and he had an image to maintain.
After Tara died, however, he loosened up. He took her words to heart and tried to stop acting so serious all the time. The new queen, Marigold, being a child helped a lot with that.
When he has down time, he likes to take his bird up to the canopy of the forest and watch the sky. Whether it be the sunrise, sunset, the stars, or just watching the clouds roll by, he always found some sort of comfort in just sitting and letting the world move on around him.
Give Ronin some space if you want to have a good relationship with him. He may start out aloof and apprehensive but thats because he’s scared. Scared of losing you and scared of hurting you, to be more specific.
He knows he’s stubborn and uptight, and he knows that he’s not completely over the loss of Tara, but you help him move on and realize that he can love again.
That being said, he can playful when he wants to be. And that is usually when you are absolutely not expecting it.
He thinks you make the cutest faces when you’re annoyed or aggravated.
Nod really wasn’t a good influence on him in that regard. Ronin will find all the ways to bug you and you can’t stop that.
Expect a lot of rides on his hummingbird, naps after his shifts, watching him train, and having to drag him to bed almost every night because he insists on overworking himself.
He is a lot more emotionally guarded than others but give him time and he softens up to you.
His favorite thing is to sit in your shared home and hold you while you are working or reading something.
And even though he gets annoyed by it, he secretly loves it if you mother him. It makes him feel wanted when you try to take care of him or nag him for not taking care of himself.
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𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 ; Anakin skywalker
The feeling of loving someone who doesn't feel the same.
Jedi partners, Y/n Jinn and Anakin skywalker, have always been inseparable , one could easily think that they were in love, but how wrong they would be , seeing as though anakin skywalker has always been in love with Padme and Y/n.. well y/n is another story.
Warnings : angst!!! Violence, sadness , tears , fluff , y/n is qui-gons Adoptive daughter. The other woman vibes.
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——𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 , and then years did. Y/n Jinn was only a four year old girl when qui gon found her and took her in with a lot of convincing in the council. He was allowed two padawans thanks to Windu and Yoda.
Y/n was a quiet, observant, and brave jedi, listening to what was said and seeing things others were too busy to notice. Y/n rarely trusted anyone. She was even skeptical of Obi-wan at times, but somehow, in a strange way, a young, talented boy by the name anakin skywalker managed to step in and earn her trust in only a matter of seconds.
'Are you a Goddess?' He had asked her. Staring at her down, he was a boy , none other than maybe three years younger than her. Dirty blond hair and bright ocean eyes , his face was musty and dusty, but to her, he was a little adorable boy, who was probably a slave. And when she had asked him, he got offended and corrected her. That was the day she decided that she could trust him.
There was something about him, and she couldn't quite figure it out, which was rare since she was always able to know everything and anything in just the look of their eyes.
Obi-wan had used it against her at times, claiming that she'd rather trust a boy she'd only met instead of the man who's always been like a brother to her. In which, he had a point. But y/n always dissed him and rolled her eyes.
Only days later , the worst had happened, and y/n was left devastated. She had been so angry and heartbroken, she'd wouldn't leave her bed for days. Only left it when windu came to her, giving her the news that she'd be assigned to a different jedi master. Which was himself, while Obi-wan officially became one himself and was to train anakin. Y/n felt it was unfair but she did not argue.
Four years had passed, and both Ani and y/n were assigned to a mission. It had been four years since they saw each other , but now Anakin was older and much taller. Not older than her, but unfortunately, taller. Y/n and Anakin had become best friends by the end of the mission, and to that day, they were still bestfriends. But unfortunately, as his best friend, y/n had to listen to him yap all about his crush onPadme Amidala.
Which never bothered her, no , of course it didn't. Why would it? He was her best friend and that was it. But soon, that changed. Y/n began to feel things she knew she shouldn't feel, and when they both returned to coruscant for a mission to protect padme, her feelings only grew.
Seeing anakin and padme together had destroyed her insides. When she saw padme comforting anakin after his mother's death, when she saw them playing in the field in naboo , saw them kiss under the deck by the lake. All those moments had hurt her, especially when he had confessed his undying love to padme.
Y/n didn't know what to do. Anakin noticed the change in y/n. Seeing how quiet she was, she barely spoke to him and looked at him in the eye , she barely even got close to him. He didn't know why, which was rare. Because he always knew why.
It was odd. The only time she spoke to him during the entire mission was when he lost his arm, she had fought count dooku with the help of obi-wan, she had fought so hard, Anakin didn't even know if it was her fighting. It was the last thing before he shut his eyes.
The last time was when he was scared to show her the new replacement for his hand.
"This doesn't change anything, ani." Her voice was soft, gentle. Anakin was so ashamed, he couldn't even look at her. "I wasn't too quick, y/n. If I was quick enough I would still have my hand."
Y/n shakes her hand and gently grabs his metal hand, closing it with hers, her gentle eyes meet his. "There wasn't anything you could've done. Count dooku was too strong, but that doesn't mean you were weak or slow." She takes a deep breath, contemplating things.
Anakin worries for a moment, seeing her distracted face. "What's wrong?" He questions. He's searching for her eyes. She shakes her head and lets go of his hand.
"Talk to me. I feel like you haven't talked to me through this entire mission." He pleads, the sun was setting, it was warm and they were still in naboo and standing exactly where he and padme kissed.
Y/n avoids his stare and sighs. She walks toward the rails and lays her arms on it while staring at the clear blue lake. "I'm leaving." She let's out, finally. Anakin is confused.
"Leaving back to coruscant? I understand master windu wants you back but surely you c—"
"No, ani." Y/n turns herself, her eyes burned from the tears that were already swimming up. Tears shimmered in her eyes, and she takes a moment, "I'm going back to my planet. Y/p/n."
Anakin is quiet, silent. " For how long?" He asks.
"I don't know." Is all she can say. She's shrugging, sniffling. "I just need a break, I've already ta—"
"What about me?"
She's staring at him now. He's sad, confused, hurt. He doesn't want her to go. "What about me?" He repeats . He steps closer, and she takes a step back. He pauses. Raising a brow, he senses there's more to it.
"Y/n what aren't you telling me?"
Y/n looks away, "Look at me." He tells her she does. Her eyes are glossy she can barely see him clearly. "What aren't you telling me?" He says. Softly, gently. But he's eager to know.
"Nothing. There's nothing more to say." She's quick and blunt with her response, but he's not having it. He shakes his head, not believing it. He walks closer to her, almost to intimidatingly. "Tell me."
Y/n shakes her head, "I can't." She breaks down, tears falling down uncontrollably. Anakin rushes to her, grabbing her and pushing her into his arms. He doesn't know why she's hurting so much, but he wants to know. He's eager to know what's hurting her so much.
She's sobbing, clutching onto his robes. She inhales his strong scent like it's the last thing ever. After minutes of silence , she speaks, "I can't love you anymore." She whispers. She instantly feels anakin freeze underneath her. Her cheek is still pressed against his chest. He's stiff.
"I can't do it." She says again and done again. There's only silence. Anakin didn't know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't that. He'd always loved y/n, but it was never like that. "I've loved you while you've loved her.." her voice breaks, Her arms tighten around anakin.
Anakin blinks.
"Talk to me." She says, but she doesn't pull away. "You haven't talked to me." She whispers, quieter. Anakin is shocked, to say the least—speechless.
"Y/n—" he's shaking his head now, a sad expression painted all over his face. His metal hand is cold on her skin, yet she can feel every inch of his rejection from just it. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you."
Y/n feels it. Feels her heart bleed from all the cracks. She nods. "It's padme, isn't it?"
"It's not just padme." Anakin is quick to say. He shakes his head, thinking hard. "I've just never seen you in that way. You've always been my best friend.."
Y/n pulls away in silence. "Y/n." His tone is soft. Y/n ignores him. She understands. She nods and smiles softly. She tries to smile genuinely. Anakin stands in front of her. He's just as hurt now. "I hope you get everything you want, Ani. Everything and more." Her tone is genuine. It's shaky and woggly.
There's many things she wants to say to him, but she'll just keep quiet. It's better that way, she's said enough. 'I love you, ani.' Is what she wants to say, 'choose me.' Is what she wants to say. But instead, she says the only thing she can.
"I love you more than a friend. I know I shouldn't, and I know it's wrong. But it's true." She says, sighing. "I can't be 'just friends' with you. I can't be just your friend, not when I'm thinking like this and it's not fair to you... these feelings.. this infatuation. But I can't do it anymore—I can't keep pretending to not love you anymore. Because even when I try not to... I end up loving you more. More than a friend should. I still want you more... more than you ever would me.." y/n doesn't look at him as she finishes. She avoids staring at him.
Y/n looks up to see him staring at her, but still, he doesn't say anything. "I love you, anakin. And it's because I love you, that i can't be near you anymore. "
She leaves him once again. He's standing straight. Staring into the lake, staring at the spot where y/n stood, confessing her love for him. All he did was stand pathetically. He doesn't chase after her, he doesn't scream for her. Because why would he?
He didn't feel anything for y/n, he loved padme. Padme was always his first choice, y/n was just his best friend . That's all she was, and all she'd ever be.
She was just 'the friend.'
In other words, she was the other woman. The woman he'd never choose, the one he'd never love.
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My big takeaway from the Dooku half of Tales of the Jedi is that one of the major differences between him and Qui-Gon is that Qui-Gon has found his niche in the Jedi Order and is completely okay with that. He’s clearly well-respected and well-regarded, he’s got a Master’s rank and an apprentice. Obi-Wan clearly thinks that if followed the Code more strongly he’d be on the Council, but Qui-Gon doesn’t want to be on the Council. He wants to be able to do what he needs to without considering the political angle.
A Jedi Councilmember is under constant scrutiny by the Senate and the Republic, if they mess up it reflects on the Order as a whole. It’s why Mace gets promoted over Dooku, because he can be trusted to stay inside the lines even when he hates it. But if a Jedi Master acts out, the Council can censure them and let that be the end of it. Qui-Gon gets a reputation as a maverick, but the Jedi don’t. If he scares someone powerful, there’s no movement in the Senate to limit the Jedi’s power, just gossip about how Master Jinn is in the Archives again, ugh, you’d think he’d learn. It’s the perfect balance of power and agency he needs to be effective, and if he sometimes has to keep his head down, it just gives him some time to look into the esoteric Jedi lore he likes.
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asma-al-husna · 15 days
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Allah calls Himself Al-Mujeeb, the one who responds, the answerer of prayers, on one occasion in the Quran. He is the One who responds to needs, answers prayers and He is the One who penetrates each obstacle in order to respond!
Mujeeb comes from the root jeem-waw-baa, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is to answer, reply, respond, and accept. The second main meaning is to cut, pierce, or penetrate and the third is to have a dialogue or conference.
This root appears 43 times in the Quran in five derived forms. Examples of these forms are ujeebu (“I respond”), jaboo (“carved out”), istajaaboo (“respond”) and jawaabaa (“(the) answer”).
Al-Mujeeb Himself says: … Indeed, my Lord is near and responsive [Quran, 11:61] and … [We are] the best of responders.[Quran, 37:75]
Responding to Each Request with Ease
The name Al-Mujeeb is related in meaning to Al-Hakeem (The All-Wise), Al-‘Aleem (The All-Knowing), As-Samee’ (The All-Hearing), Al-Baseer (The All-Seeing), Al-Wahhaab (The Giver of Gifts) and Al-Kareem. He responds to our requests in a way that displays His ultimate wisdom and knowledge. While we call out to Him He is All-Hearing and All-Seeing and He often gives us more than we deserve or even ask. He is the Most Generous.
His amazing power and wisdom in responding to our requests is demonstrated in this part of a beautiful hadith qudsi:
. . . O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to rise up in one place and make a request of Me, and were I to give everyone what he requested, that would not decrease what I have, any more that a needle decreases the sea if put into it.. [Muslim, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah]
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Respond to the call of Al-Mujeeb.
Al-Mujeeb says: When my servants ask thee concerning Me I am indeed close (to them); I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on Me; let them also with a will listen to My call and believe in Me; that they may walk in the right way. (Quran 2:186) Your share in this Name is that you are responsive to the commandments of Al-Mujeeb!
2. Know the art of asking.
Ask for His forgiveness before you ask for anything, as was the formula of the Prophet Yunus ‘alayhi sallam when he desperately needed his supplication to be answered to be saved from the belly of the whale. Ask Al-Mujeeb for everything (halal) you wish in the Hereafter but also in this world. He loves it that you ask Him for everything you need in your deen and dunya (worldy matters). Ask him for clothing, a house to live in, food, drink, guidance, success etc.
3. Think good of Al-Mujeeb.
Al-Mujeeb does not disappoint a believer who calls upon Him, however don’t be hasty as His delay is not His denial. The answer to your dua’ might come in a different form or time you wanted or expected. Made under the right circumstances – such as not earning haram income when asking Him or asking Him for something haram, like cutting of family ties – Al-Mujeeb responds to your dua, postpones it or prevents something bad from happening.
4. Practise four powerful Quranic supplications for four powerful responses.
Al-Mujeeb relates to you the responses He gave after being supplicated to in different types of hardship. So whenever you are in a similar situation, apply the same dua’ and have faith in the response of Al-Mujeeb!
When you feel sad, say: There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers. [Quran, 21:87] The response: So We responded to him and saved him from the distress. And thus do We save the believers. [Quran, 21:88]
When you feel scared say: Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs. [Quran, 3:173] The response: So they returned with favor from Allah and bounty, no harm having touched them. [Quran, 3:174]
When you are ill say: Indeed, adversity has touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful [Quran, 21:83] The response: So We responded to him and removed what afflicted him of adversity. And We gave him [back] his family and the like thereof with them as mercy from Us and a reminder for the worshippers [of Allah]. [Quran, 21:84]
When you feel hurt by other people say: I entrust my affair to Allah. Indeed, Allah is Seeing of [His] servants (Quran 40:44) The response: So Allah protected him from the evils they plotted, and the people of Pharaoh were enveloped by the worst of punishment. [Quran, 40:45]
5. Do good to strive for your prayers being answered.
Do as many good deeds as you can, check yourself in having a balance of hope as well as fear and be humble and not arrogant in your relationship with Allah and in your dealings with others. Al-Mujeeb says about responding to the request of Zakariyyah: Indeed, they used to hasten to good deeds and supplicate Us in hope and fear, and they were to Us humbly submissive. (Quran 21:89-90)
6. Respond to the servants of Al-Mujeeb.
Be of those who don’t just respond to the plight of those in need but of those who also actively look themselves for those who are in need of support. Have an active attitude in relation to the requests of the environment you live in and of the Ummah as a whole!
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Al-Mujeeb, we know that You are the answerer and fulfiller of prayers. Guide us to respond to Your call and be responsive to those in need and make us call upon and supplicate to you in the best manner. Don’t let our prayers be unanswered and adorn us with certainty in Your response, ameen!
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squishyteri · 8 months
DFF theory time!
So, I've been thinking a little bit and I want to dump my thoughts about DFF so far (after ep 6).
Generally, I think that Tee and Top definitely did something. Those two were acting the most suspicious when it comes to the whole thing about Non. They were also the most frightened. And they were the ones bullying Non the most (along with Por).
We didn't see much about Por, but I think he was involved too (from what he was trying to say before dying). But it's hard to tell, because we didn't really see his reaction to any events (expect him getting frightened of the masked man so much he ran into a branch ... I'm sorry, I still think it's funny that he basically ended himself, like even the killer must have been like "wow, he made it wayyy to easy for me wtf") but he was very scared about watching the tape, so I assume he did something directly, just as Tee and Top.
Fluke was involved, but not directly. Fluke seems way calmer than Tee and Top. The reason why he's acting like he is, is because he is worried about his future as a doctor. I'm pretty sure he knows exactly what had happened, but kept his mouth shut to keep himself out of the trouble.
Plus from the flashback eps so far, Fluke wasn't directly bullying Non, he wasn't stopping the others and was definitely on their side, but he himself didn't really do anything to Non. That makes me think, he just cares about himself at the end of the day and as long as he is not affected, he doesn't care.
Jin is big question mark right now. It's clear he liked Non and never did anything bad to him. I believe he knows what others did, maybe wasn't directly involved, but knows something.
Either that, or I was thinking he perhaps doesn't know that much. He was acting calmly most of the time, wasn't scared that much.
So I'm thinking:
A) he's directly involved in the killing
B) he's not involved but knows he's safe for some reason
C) he doesn't really know what exactly happened to Non and has no reason to be scared
I really wonder. And I really wonder what his connection to Phee really is.
That gets me to Phee himself. He was Non's lover. So he has a huge motive to get his revenge. But again big question mark.
I also think it's possible that Phee is not involved, but only joined the group to find out what happened to Non. That's why he was asking a lot of questions and wanted to see the tape/video.
It's also possible that Phee is involved somehow.
We probably learn this in the next ep, but I wonder if Jin and Phee knew each other before the Non disappearence. There are some hints that either one or the other is involved, but not both (they were alone for quite some time, never talked about anything sus, which they probably would since it would be ideal time to plan something more).
I think they might have met before Non disappeared, found comfort in each other, most likely really fell for each other (Jin was the one who wanted to get their thing further, Phee said no originally, but during the coffin scene, the way he was looking at Jin, I think there are some feelings, plus the way he told Jinn "I will protect you" like don't tell me he doesn't like him at leat a little bit) and Jin might have helped Phee get into the group. Here it would made sense that Jin wouldn't know what exactly happened and he would get Phee in to help him find out the truth.
And if one is involved with the killing, the other just doesn't know.
They both could be calm just for the reason they know they didn't do anything to Non.
For remaining two characters, White and Tan.
White doesn't seem sus from what we seen, however in one of the trailers, he was wearing the same uniform as Phee in the flashback, so probably him and Phee knew each other prior to joining the friend group? But so far White wasn't really doing anything sus, so it's really a wild guess right now. I just want to see how had he ended up with Tee, if it wasn't his secret plan, because how would such a sweet guy fell for arsehole like Tee?
Only thing that's kind of big question mark is the fact that White was affected by the ghost thing too. Like really strongly. So one wonders what his involvement really is. (Tan and Phee weren't affected, which makes sense as they are not involved at all and did not harm Non).
Tan is a mystery. We haven't learned much about him yet. I wonder if there will be some great reveal about him. He's the most likely candidate to actually be New, Non's brother, but honestly, he didn't do anything sus to make me believe he's involved. Except a little itch during Top's disapperance but I'll talk about that a little later.
Now I want to talk about something I probably haven't seen anyone talk about.
The posibility that none of the boys is involved directly. I'm not saying they couldn't know what's going on, but none of them being the killer.
How I got to it? Simply, that one of them is behind it was my first thought when Por got hurt and someone had to be there when he got injured (we got confirmed that someone cut his arms and then brought the knife inside, plus he clearly saw the masked man). First thing, that can tell who could have done it, is who is missing an alibi. So where was everyone when Por got hurt?
Tee and White were together doing couple stuff.
Phee and Jin were together doing fwb stuff.
Top, Fluke and Tan were together in the living room waiting for Por to get others (they said they sent him to bring other boys to the living room).
See? All of them have alibi for that time. And if one of them was alone, they would clearly questioned it. (since they were looking for Por and wondered if anyone saw him).
For Top's disappearance, all of them were in the house, only Tan was with Top. That obviously means that Tan could do something to Top. But they still definitely saw the masked man before Top crashed the bike. Yes, Tan could've moved Top, drug him (I prefer the explanation that he was drugged, rather than being possessed as some people are suggesting) and then pretend he disappeared when he was unconscious, but he couldn't have appeared as the masked man and definitely couldn't have ensured that Top will crash the bike at such a convenient spot, close to the shrine (or whatever that builidng is).
So that makes me think that the killer is some ninth person (which is literally the premise of the show) with possibilty of Jin or Phee knowing what's going on (especially since the killer had the opportunity to get them in the coffin, but just left them be). The ninth person could be New (Non's brother) or maybe Keng (the teacher, he's defo acting sus and I wouldn't be surprised if he was behind something sketchy as well) or even someone else they just asked for help (I wouldn't be surprised, they are not afraid of plottwists in this drama, hell I wouldn't be shocked if Non is actually alive and it would be him all the time).
What is clear is that it has to be someone familiar with the script Non wrote (masked man, similarity of attacks, connection to the cult) and someone who knows that Por, Top, Tee and Fluke did something to Non, while also knowing that Phee, Jin, Tan and White (possibly?) are not involved.
And by the way, them seeing the ghost and seemingly supernatural stuff could be just case of something called "mass hysteria". Basically group of people being scared/affected by something they all believe it's true to the point of having the same hallucinations/visions.
I'm sorry for making this long and blabbering this much. I don't even think anything of this might be true 😅
(I will probably update this after each episode from now on, because why not actually).
Thank you for reading this, if by any chance you got all the way here.
Have a lovely day!
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coralinnii · 2 years
Jamil Viper (Jinn!Jamil x civilian!reader)
genre: horror
note: Interpretations of jinn varies depending on experience and personal ideas of it so my experiences and opinions on jinn may differ from others, actions bear similarity to gaslighting tactics, twisted infatuation
summary: He can’t be here. How can something you can’t even see or prove be here. In your house, in your room, and trying to slither into your heart.
series index
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Things weren’t making sense anymore. You thought you were going crazy but your friends did their best to console your nerves.
They told you that you were overthinking but you swore that something was different in your house. Something that couldn’t be explained away by typical sense or reasonable explanations. You lived alone so you would know when something’s amiss in your home.
But at first, you checked it off as your mind being forgetful. You probably forgot that you already cleared the living room of trash.
Perhaps you forgot that you rearranged the ornaments and decorations in your room like you were meaning to.
Maybe you did leave your clothes out the night before which was why it was on your bed when you woke up. With money left in your pockets.
But was it really in your head when you felt warm arms encase you as you slept through the night, every night?
Either way, your friends commended you for getting more organized and put-together but the praise didn’t make you feel better, not when you feel your life being out of your control. While it was helpful, it was getting a little unsettling at times.
It finally reached its peak when your friend invited a classmate to your hangout night, Kalim.
Kalim was a pleasure to be around. He was sweet, optimistic, and always willing to lend a helping hand. It was alway a blast whenever he came over. He was happy to compliment you and your home, even when it started to get hotter as the day went on, even strangely into the night. He was like a breeze of joy that you were glad for considering the anxiety you held in the past weeks.
But that wave of ease left as soon as Kalim and your friends went home.
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you mad”
You cried as the atmosphere in your home turned heavy, as though the presence in your home refuses to let you ignore it like it allowed you to before. Portraits and decor were shaking to the point you were scared that it might fly towards you in anger.
What’s worse was his voice.
“He is not welcomed here”
“He cannot stay. This is not his home”
“This is my home”
A charming and mysterious voice of seems to that of a male penetrated your head, leaving you helpless to his words. It rings throughout and digs deep into your soul until it leaves a mark into your mind. Were it a different situation, you may have found yourself attracted to the melodious tone of such a voice. But now, it sends shivers down your back and you fear the creature’s retribution should you ignore his command.
You felt like an idiot for leaving this be. You came to enjoy the good fortune that you’ve been receiving from the entity. You felt lucky that things had been working in your favor that you didn’t think that there may have been ulterior motives to the strange being’s kindness.
You were a fool to think so.
Suddenly, a pair of lean arms slithered across your waist, reminding you of the movements of snakes. You didn’t look down in fear of what you would see but you recognized this sense of warmth emanating from what vaguely feels like someone’s limbs. You whimper as the same heat that warmed you in the night felt more like dangerous flames close to your body, tempted to burn with each touch.
The voice whispered once more, closer to your ears as though you could imagine the being’s lips dangerously by the shell of your ear.
“This is mine”
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neapocream · 9 months
Teacher!MC Part Christmas Special (Better late then never ig)
Mononobe: That was fun Christmas party just between of teachers
Jinn: It’s sure was.
Trition: By the way have anyone seen Mr./Ms. MC
Jinn: Pretty sure I saw him/her/them went something with Ded from the other school. Saying he need his/her/them help with something.
Mononobe: …Do you guys hear something?
Trition: Yeah I think it coming from…there?
MC: Why. Won’t. It. Go. In. Already. Damnit!
Ded: I’m trying it just too big to fit!
Mononobe: …
Trition: …
Jinn: …
MC: *sigh* Finally…
*MC walk out of the room*
MC: Oh, hey guys-
Jinn:/Trition: MC!!!
MC: Huh!?
Trition: MC, I know it the holidays and you been very stressed out with the students and everything but…you didn’t have to do it in a school building!
Jinn: In a classroom no less, I know you wanted to have some fun but there literally other options! I too scared to look inside…
MC: What are you guys talking about!?
Trition/Jinn: We talking about-
Ded: Thank again MC for the help. Trying to put this giant doll together was difficult. I could have use my bag but I wanted to try something different.
Mononobe: I see. You were helping Ded with a doll.
MC: Yeah, he asked for help because he was having difficulty with putting in a couple of parts. It took awhile but we was able to finish it.
Mononobe: That’s great.
MC: Wait, what were you guys talking about?
Trition/Jinn: Ummm…
Mononobe: Oh, these two thought you and Ded were having se-
Trition/Jinn: MR. MONONOBE!
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casp1an-sea · 5 months
(You can Literally tell me to answer all of them. I WILL)
1. Qui-Gon Jinn: love or hate? Discuss.
2. Pick a Padme outfit to be your signature look.
3. What are midichlorians? Wrong answers only please.
4. Do you prefer the prequel, original, or sequel trilogy, and why?
5. Say you’re in the business of collecting Jedi lightsabers as trophies. Whose would you need to complete your collection, and what would you do with it once complete?
6. What is your favorite Star Wars meme?
7. Dumbest Star Wars moment?
8. If you could ask George Lucas one question, what would it be?
9. Who shot first: Han or Greedo?
10. If you could pull a George Lucas and sneak into Disney plus and edit any Star Wars scene, what changes would you make?
11. Who would you want as your Jedi master? (Why)
12. What lightsaber form would you master?
13. What is your earliest Star Wars memory?
14. BESIDES THE ROTS NOVELIZATION What is your favorite Star Wars book?
15. Fuck marry kill: Ben Solo, Syril Karn, Moff Gideon
16. Fuck marry kill: Asaj Ventress, Dedra Meero, Elia Kane
17. Pick one Star Wars line to describe your life, what would it be?
18. What is your favorite piece of Star Wars merchandise that you own?
20. Please describe in as much detail as possible the signature scent of Ewan McGregor and/or Obi-Wan. (Are they different? Probably)
21. What’s an embarrassing Star Wars related fact about you?
22. Ask your own slightly unhinged Star Wars question here!!
@theosb0rnway @xentari94 @sunshinechildskywalker
@tomatette @dragonflies-draw-flame
@diabollicallyangelic @silly-little-goober-core
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kylehighelf · 2 months
My reasons to be an Atheist and Ex-Muslim
Disclaimer: these are my thoughts, and I don’t respect Islam itself, however I respect Muslims as people.
1- Islam ruined my country (Turkey)
Islam wiped out the original pre-Islamic Turkic culture and Turks had to adapt Islamic culture. Every suffering in my country (right now) is caused by Islam.
2- Hadiths are absolutely nonsense (that’s why people are denying them)
3- Religion built on fear
Allah loves to see you burn in hell for all eternity. Even though you are a good person working for good cause (I will be a doctor, I guess saving people’s lives are not enough for Allah)
Also I am still afraid of sleeping in the dark because I am scared of jinns attacking me. Not cool.
4- Islam copied Christianity and Judasim
Literally copied :/ do your own homework, boo
5- Sexism
Allah allows men to hit their wives “when its necessary”
Also even interior design of 🕌 is sexist. Men have more space to pray ?! Why ?!
6- No pre marriage intimacy is allowed (yes even kissing)
This one is just stupid like why Allah cares about love and sex between earthlings
7- The concept of hell
Why use fire when you can use electricity and more painful methods :/ get creative !
8- The concept of heaven
I am sorry but I just can’t get over the fact that you have to be a Muslim to be in heaven when there are billions of good people in the world and history
9- No art ..or statues …
Christianity has cool paintings about Jesus and other mythologys but hadiths forbid making art imitating real life like its so boring!!!!!!!!
10- overall I think there are better religions out there
I would be a witch or wiccan
Be respectful to me as a PERSON! These are how I interpret Islam. If that’s not what you think, that’s cool.
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bestworstcase · 5 months
This is hyper specific but I want to get your take on the infamous shot in the lost fable where the sclera of Salem’s eyes are White and NOT Black. Her eyes are back to “normal” in the next scene. I’ve gone back and forth on this from it being an animation error (plenty prevalent in this indie animated show) to being superduper significant. At this point I’m 50/50 on it, where do you land? We can also just have fun with it, sometimes mistakes from the creators lead interesting places when you’re playing in a sandbox
she looks so wrong 😭
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i also go back and forth because it’s weird and this is the only instance but on the other hand, this is a 3d model and color data is—afaik—stored on the faces and how likely is it, really, that a material failed to render in just this one scene ONLY for this specific set of polygons to make it look like her sclera were white instead of black. or else there’s something white clipping perfectly through her eyeballs for the whole shot. it just seems improbable? it’s not like every frame is colored manually. it’s also like that in the next shot too
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<- very zoomed in
and the other thing is, there’s weird color stuff going on with ozma’s first reincarnation’s eyes in the lost fable too; they’re brown but there’s this sort of misty-green film that appears in them once they’re ruling their kingdom.
and the white sclera make her eyes look human, right. in a world where bright red eyes are within the spectrum of regular human eye colors (raven, emerald). from… a symbolic perspective it’s interesting to give salem human eyes specifically and only when she says “you said we needed to bring humanity together; in order to do that, we have to spread our word, and crush those who would deny it.” like. if eyes are windows to the soul then what does it mean for salem’s eyes to be wrong—not her own, not grimm but human—in this moment when she says that?
if nothing else, it does fit with reading the line as salem making a rhetorical point (this is what’s necessary, and if the end doesn’t justify the means, you must reconsider your end) rather than stating what she herself truly wants or feels, because. wrong eyes.
in which case it probably isn’t meant to be a diegetic change. the lost fable’s flashbacks are constructed and there are other instances where jinn adjusts details to make a point (like the wash of red light when salem talks to ozma outside her cabin).
but in terms of. like. headcanon. i like the idea that salem used magic sometimes to alter her appearance in small ways, because people were less scared of her when she made herself look more human. and then the implications of her feeling the need to do that when it was just her and ozma.
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tennessoui · 10 months
When playmaker!Ahsoka calls the cops on OWK after his lil murder, does she expect him to actually serve time in prison?
not at all I think that’s a miscalculation on ahsoka’s part! she wants him to feel scared and she wants to needle at him, so she places an anonymous tip, but she doesn’t think qui-gon would go through with a prison sentence because that’s his son…..but she just doesn’t know qui-gon jinn well enough it seems
….which all sort of backfires on her because she’s pretty worried that someone’s gonna trace the anonymous tip back to her and then who knows what anakin might do? nothing lenient or good that’s for sure
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aliceparrilla18 · 4 months
Home (is wherever I'm with you)
Prompt "15. If you don't know where to go, you can always come here" by @creativepromptsforwriting which you can find right here.
Posted also on ao3!
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Cody was on his way to his room after checking on the troopers when he saw Obi-Wan. The other man didn't notice him, too deep in his own thoughts, and, unaware of being watched, continued to slowly walk down the hall. It was already very late and he should have been sleeping instead of wandering aimlessly around the ship.
Cody sighed. He knew what day it was.
The anniversary of the death of Kenobi’s master.
He didn't get to meet Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan rarely mentioned him, but Cody knew that even though their relationship wasn't the easiest, his General was deeply affected by his master's death and never truly stopped blaming himself for it.
Cody knew his General well enough to be sure that whatever happened, he had done absolutely everything in his power to prevent it. There was no doubt in his mind about that.
Only it wasn't enough. Not today.
Cody slowly approached Obi-Wan, taking loud steps so as not to scare him by sneaking up. When he finally noticed him, Obi-Wan smiled softly at Cody. His back was slightly hunched and his shoulders were slumped as if the weight he was carrying on them was threatening to drag him down, and his eyes lacked their usual spark. He was clearly tired.
“Hello, Cody,” he said. “What are you doing here at this hour?”
“I could ask you the same question.” Cody smiled sympathetically as he watched Obi-Wan desperately try to hold back a yawn. “Why aren't you in your quarters? It's late. You should be resting.”
Obi-Wan looked down and started playing with the sleeve of his tunic, making himself look like a child.
“I can’t sleep”, he answered with what Cody knew was honesty. “My quarters are painfully too quiet today.”
Cody felt a pang of guilt in his chest. His duties had kept him busy throughout the day, so much so that he had no time for Obi-Wan. He knew it wasn't his fault - he was a commander, the General's second hand, and he had plenty of things to do.
This logic, however, could not drown out the thought that on a day like this Cody had left Obi-Wan completely alone with his pain and grief. On a day like this, Cody should have been by his side to share this grief and offer some much-needed comfort.
Cody grabbed Obi-Wan’s hand.
“Come with me,” he said. He didn’t say anything else, and Obi-Wan didn’t ask, he just let Cody lead him.
The Negotiator's corridors were almost empty, only a few troopers from the night watch passed them along the way. Cody held Obi-Wan's warm hand firmly in his. He really didn't care if anyone was watching them. He didn't want to pretend anything. He didn't want to hide. The war had proven to him too many times already that life was too short for such things.
When they got to his quarters, Cody opened the door and dragged Obi-Wan inside with him. He looked at the other man and squeezed his hand.
“How about you go to bed and I'll make you some tea?” He always kept a box of Kenobi's favorite tea in the cupboard just for occasions like this, although he wished they could drink it under other, better circumstances.
Obi-Wan gave him a tired smile and squeezed his hand back.
“Okay,” he nodded in agreement and walked away.
While waiting for the water to boil, Cody removed his armor and placed it neatly in its usual place. By the time he had changed into much more comfortable sleeping clothes, the tea was ready. He took the cup in both hands, careful not to burn himself, and went to his microscopic bedroom.
Obi-Wan was laying on the bed, wrapped in Cody's blanket up to the tip of his nose. He wasn't asleep yet. Cody sat down next to him on the bed and handed him a steaming mug.
“Here, have a drink.”
“Thank you, dear.”
After taking a few sips, Obi-Wan placed the cup on the nightstand and moved closer to Cody. Cody lay down on the bed, getting comfortable on the pillows, and allowed Obi-Wan to partially lie on top of him. Obi-Wan buried his face in the crook of his neck and placed a hand on his chest to feel the beating of his heart.
“I'm sorry I wasn't there for you today,” Cody said, wrapping his arms around Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan's hair tickled his chin as he shook his head.
“It’s not your fault, Cody.”
“Still. I know it's been hard for you today. I wanted to be there for you.”
“I know and I appreciate it. I'm glad to be here with you now.”
Cody looked around the room, where the only source of light was a lamp on a small desk in the corner. His quarters were small, but he was lucky to have them at all. If he weren't a commander, he would be sleeping in one room with his brothers. Not that he minded much. Obi-Wan's quarters were in a different part of the ship. They normally slept far apart.
In a perfect world, they could live together and wake up next to each other every morning.
But the world wasn't perfect, at least not yet, and until the war was over, what they had would have to be enough - stolen, little moments in Cody's too-small bedroom.
“You know,” Cody ran his fingers through Obi-Wan's soft hair. “When something happens, anything, when you ever need me and I'm not around... If you don't know where to go, you can always come here. For me, this place is the closest thing to "home" and I want it to be your safe place.” At least until we can build our own home together, went unsaid.
He felt Obi-Wan move and looked down to meet his gaze. His blue eyes were still filled with sadness, but in the dim light Cody could also see gratitude in them, and something much more precious, that not so long ago he would never even dare to dream could be his.
Obi-Wan leaned down and placed his warm, soft lips against Cody's in a most tender kiss. Cody closed his eyes, kissing back, and placed his hand on Obi-Wan’s cheek, gently stroking his skin with his thumb.
When they pulled apart, Obi-Wan snuggled back into Cody, and Cody rolled over so he could hold him even closer.
A comfortable silence fell between them. Cody knew that if Obi-Wan wanted to talk, he would. For now, they could lie in each other's embrace.
It was all they both needed.
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