#what about heartsong brothersong where can i get them??
lazyrezi · 9 months
I'm going to go insane, I'm rereading ravensong and then that's it for green creek until the rest of the series gets released in February. The books have already been published in like 2019 WHERE ARE THEY? It kills me that there is MORE and i can't read it and i am. Sad.
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glitterghost · 5 years
Sorry I need to vent about a certain wolf. Carter has always been my favorite, from book 1 but I just finished Heartsong and I have no words, no words !! Not to overreact but I would die for him,,, His relationship with Kelly makes me ache so much. I can’t wait to see what his book has in store for us. (Also I’m scared because I don’t trust TJ but eh)
Lovely lovely Anon who relates to my Carter shipping since book 1!❣
Heartsong was a beautiful book. But also as a Carter stan from day 1, I can't help but focus on all the Carter content from the book.
I agree that Kelly and Carter's relationship is so painfully good and it hurts when either of them are hurting but I also trust Carter. I trust him that he knows what he's doing and what he needs. Yes t h o s e scenes were particularly painful because you KNOW why but I also feel it's given Carter the push he needs to go after what he wants.
I have this bitter sweet feeling with it all. Like yes I'm scared for him for what's to come but he is strong and resilient and its taken so much courage for him to do what he did in the book (sorry trying to be vague as possible for ppl who haven't read it yet)
I trust TJ. I think he loves to see us in pain but I also think he only hurts us to a certain point. Where we can always come back from. He breaks our hearts but then makes us fall in love with everything he does to mend them back together too.
Please always feel free to vent. I love talking about it and I love when people feel like they can come to me and share all those feelings!! 💚
Feralsong will be here soon enough and it will be a nice little teaser while we wait for Brothersong. Our best boy finally gets his own book and I'm just beyond excited. 💜
( p.s. I too would die for him. As many times as he needs me to. )
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