#what about Story Tellers Anonymous?
thatsladyfaggottoyou · 7 months
It's the Dream/Lucienne/Calliope fic I promised! This is definitely a one-shot for now, but these three are still very snuggled together in my head. There may be more little glimpses here and there!
Also Matthew mention yay! I think he'd make a very good page if Lucienne trained him properly. Calliope, unfortunately, would not; she loves reading too much. Lucienne would give her a stack of things to shelf and find her twelve hours later half-way through her second book and shelving as she finished them.
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
Graffiti: David Hale x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989
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The first time David Hale meets you, he arrests you for spray painting a dick on your ex’s house. You’ve just finished off the balls when he slaps the cuffs on your wrists and escorts you to the police car with a smile because truthfully he takes pleasure in seeing Jax Teller so pissed off.
“You have impressive attention to detail.” He tells you with an amused expression as he starts the engine. “You could probably make it as an artist if you applied yourself.”
You laugh because that’s exactly what you do when you’re not drawing dicks or writing expletives on someone’s front door.
“Did you love him?” He asks, glancing in the mirror as he takes the scenic view to the station. You’re a refreshing change from the crowd he’s usually arresting on a Friday night. You’re entirely sober to start with and a complete spitfire.
“No.” You say as you look out of the window and stare out at the passing trees. “I just don’t appreciate him telling the rest of the group how I like to get fucked and inviting them to take a ride.”
He feels his jaw clench just a little when he hears that. It isn’t a secret that the club shares their women, that they’re nothing more than a commodity. You don’t seem like a croweater, they wouldn’t risk their status by doing something like graffitiing a dick on the house of the Vice President. He thinks you just got caught up in the allure of Jax Teller, the same way so many other young women have.
It’s about a mile away from the station that he decides to let you go. He doesn’t think you’ll be returning to the club anytime soon, you’ve made your point by tagging Teller’s house, he doesn’t think he’ll see any more trouble from you. He lets the car idle for a second under a streetlight before he steps outside and opens your door for you.
“Stay away from Teller.” He warns you as he undoes the cuffs on your wrists. “I’m not going to jam you up tonight but if I catch you at it again, it’ll be a different story.”
The next time you see each other is at a bar out of town, he goes there sometimes when he wants to be anonymous. Charming is a small town, everyone knows his face. He can barely go two steps down Main Street without someone complaining about their neighbour feeding the squirrels. Being away from that, it gives him mental space, allows him to breathe.
You look different when you slip into the stool alongside of him, your hair’s a little shorter, your makeup a little lighter. He likes the look, it suits you.
��Hey, it’s the graffiti artist,” He greets you as he takes a sip from his beer. “Drawn anything obscene recently?”
“No.” You smile back as you order an Old Fashioned. “But I’ve been life modelling for a couple of art students recently so I’m probably the subject of some.”
He almost spits out his beer, because you…
Truly, you are something else entirely.
You spend the night together at that bar, shooting pool, sharing a few beers. It’s been a while since he’s felt so relaxed, that he’d been just David instead of Sheriff Hale. You make him laugh until his ribs hurt, until he’s drunk off more than just the booze at the bar.
When he walks you home that night, he doesn’t expect you to kiss him, or undress him, or ride him like the beautiful, wild thing that you are.  
When he wakes up the next morning he’s alone amongst your sheets, the scent of your perfume clinging to his skin. He raises his head to see you sitting in a chair across from the bed wearing his t-shirt from the night before with a sketchbook resting on your knees.
“I need this back.” He smiles, tugging at the hem when you raise to your feet and approach the bed.
“Take it off me.” You dare him, so he does and it starts all over again.
It isn’t until he’s tugging on his jeans an hour later that realises what you were drawing. It’s a picture of him, sleeping. He looks so peaceful in that moment, like he doesn’t carry the burdens of the world upon his shoulders.
“Is this how you see me?” He asks you, his throat tight with emotion.
You frown as if you don’t understand the question.
“That’s how you are.” You tell him as you tear the page out from your sketchbook and hand it to him. “Something to remember me by.”
“I don’t think I could ever forget you.” He tells you as he tucks it into his wallet.
It’s that night at the station when he’s sitting in his office that he takes it out again. His fingers trace over the pencil work and he can’t help but think that maybe this would be the man he could be if he was happier, if he didn’t hold onto everything so damn tightly. It isn’t until he folds it back up that he realises you’ve left your phone number on the back.
Call me the next time you want some fun, you’ve scrawled above it.
He pulls out his cell phone and dials.
Love David? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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hi mara-
ive been bedridden with a severe chronic illness for a little while now, i have very little to look forward to but your art and writing and the orsday programming has been a huge comfort for me during this time, i want to thank you
i also dont know anyone who has read as much stephen king as me except for you- have you read many of his short stories? i really liked the Different Seasons compilation
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hi anonymous, drew this for you;
thank yourself! you:re the miraculous little machine that keeps going and finding new things to burn as fuel day-after-day -- for me, too: for some reason for me all my reason-to-be is trying out "new yogurt concoctions" i make for myself the night-prior to be had in the morning (tomorrows is trying to make it taste like strawberry funnelcake using minced pieces of pastry i don:t want to eat + strawberry yogurt i had on bogo and need to use);
or reading new books (i finished The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison last night (i really liked it; made me think of the big brained scientist yakub making a race of demonic imps, 'cause of how the encroaching whiteness is like this creeping little force with shining blue eyes that casts forth this RAY that eats up the land and the people with this dull rapture-spell that erases what-was and replaces it with demonic grounds and hypnotized demonic thoughts; like carpenter ants in the wood roof transforming it slowly on the inside, i thought "wow, i:m a demonic carpenter ant" but also "i:m really in love with the word-choice toni morrison uses to describe certain things and it makes me think about all the linguistic quirks stephen king uses (ex: his love of the description "full dark") that likely comes from the personality and the upbringing -- toni writes about watermelon heart meat and boiling blackberries and i think "that comes from life and you can:t replicate those little quirks and thoughts", but also i thought "wow toni morrison is like if joyce carol oates was a good author");
or getting sandwich on sunday;
all simple and dumb things that keep me living for dumb and simple reasons; i mean all of that to say: i think you are more amazing than me in this situation, much in the same way that i:d hope i:d be more amazing to myself than that sandwich i get on sunday--sunday sandwich can be replaced with something new, but me (and YOU) can:t.
but i:ll do my best to keep writing :-))! (lately though i:m unsure what could be too uplifting considering i:ve just been writing about thought control from a dream; and the thought control in my dreams -- it comes coded with patterned contices; ex: think and the world 'shifts' and responds in a real, physical way: thoughts are being scanned lately, in a way that makes me think is unreal, but has to be obeyed; ex: i pray uncertain to do vows on the sabbath because i worry the environment has been contaminated with an etiquette breach and i:ll start to further foul the labyrinth i:ve built inside myself, then: a door opens and all the dogs run out; and i think: "here is god speaking" and i think further "my thoughts are inflamed and not mine, these thoughts are not mine, i have never been thinking and this voice is not me it is an alien and i can:t stop listening to it but i have to know it is not me" and then "i have to let the carcass do the vows and ignore thinking, and live on automatic discipline and etiquette and clean without thinking except chanting in my head repeated '1, 2, 3, 4 .. 1, 2 .. 3, 4 .. 5, 6.. 7, 8.. 1, 2, 3, 4..');
re: stephen king -- i love him; i started reading him last (?) year around october, with Salems Lot and 1) loved how much his writing reminded me of visual novels; they:re very character-driven and fun and King is an amazing "scene setter" and "story teller," in a way i can:t right well describe except that "it feels exactly like i am reading a novel adaptation of a visual novel." but i dropped Salems Lot because, though i was really enjoying it, i wanted to read other stuff and the book length were wearing me down;
then: i rediscovered a love for King via audiobooks and needing something to listen to while i was swearing off music and spending my entire days doing nothing but cleaning, cooking, exercising, and working; i:ve listened to:
Tommyknockers, Nos4a2 (Joe Hill but it counts; it:s like if King wrote Jojos Bizarre Adventure), It, Carrie, The Dead Zone, Cujo, Needful Things, Dolores Claiborne, Four Past Midnight, Desperation, The Regulators, Bag of Bones, From a Buick 8, Lisey's Story, Duma Key, Joyland, Mr. Mercedes, Revival, and Hearts in Atlantis; i:m listening to The Stand at the moment and nearly done with it -- really enjoying it.
He:s really become one of my favorite authors. King doesn:t have the best prose but i super adore his imagination and just how well he tells situations--this is dumb but lately when i play visual novels i just think "this is nearly in every-way worse than a stephen king book." he:s just fun and he translates so perfectly into audiobook format; only book of his i:ve read so far that i:ve disliked is It.
Regarding your question about his short stories: only Four Past and Hearts in Atlantis -- but i think these barely count as short story collections since they:re really just both four novellas collected; Hearts in Atlantis is amazing for "Low Men in Yellow Coats" which might be near the top of his stories for me; Four Past was really good, too, with Library Policeman being my favorite from it. I:ve been slowly listening to Night Shift whenever I finish an audiobook at work and still have some hours left in my shift, but I really dislike this because it takes me ~thirty-sixty minutes to 'anchor' myself in a story to figure out names for characters and locations, and typically the stories in Night Shift end before i really can follow the story at all--example: the story about the rats? i finished that without zero idea what happened, completely washed over me. i:ll likely skip the short stories if i never find physical copies of them.
i love king though! i:d like to read all of his works; i:m going through him chronologically atm.
anyways, take care king-reading anonymous
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Imagine accidentally blurting out to Dwayne Johnson that you’re attracted to his black wrestling gear look.
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The small party wasn’t acting like a small party - the main cast, including you, of the film that you had just shot, had gotten together inside of this little dive bar, bringing life into the place. There was music, there was some people dancing, there were conversations, drinks to be had, some mediocre food like nachos and fries but after a few beers, everything was tasting good.
What you were doing during the festivities was sitting at a table with your co-workers Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson and Aldis Hodge, discussing the former’s career as a wrestler before he turned into an actor. “It was real fun,” Dwayne said with a laugh. “I liked seeing the different cities. The actual traveling though, that was a downside.”
You were enthralled by every story that he told about being on the road, being in the ring. Dwayne was an amazing story teller - and the way that his muscles flexed when he’d act something out. You couldn’t look away for a second.
“I always liked watching the dramatics,” You said, picking at one of Aldis’s fries. He tried to swat you away but you were too quick, celebrating your win by eating it down. “The entrances. The outfits.” You giggled, the words coming out of your mouth.Blame the shots. “I was always attracted to the little black shorts and the boots look.”
Aldis barked in laughter beside you while Dwayne pulled out his infamous eyebrow raise. The same one that made shivers go up your spine while at the same time feeling warm and fuzzy inside. You weren’t acknowledging what you said just yet. You hadn’t realized you said it. Not until he questioned it. “You always were, huh?”
That warmth turned to an uncomfortable heat real fast.
“I mean it’s uhh - it’s iconic. It’s great, right Aldis?”
“I’m not Hawkman right now, I’m not swooping in to save you.”
You were forced to face Dwayne all on your own, but that eyebrow went down and he couldn’t hold in the laugh. “I appreciate that, thanks y/n. You should come try on the boots sometime, I still have them.”
“Wait really? I can do that?”
“Yeah, anything for someone who has ... always been attracted to them.”
Requested by: Anonymous
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tadpolesonalgae · 4 months
CBMTHY gang, unite.
In all honesty, regarding your question about reader and mor forgiving each other i think it'd be complicated.
Reader is passive enough to let mor walk over her (for now), as seen by her just walking away rather than defend herself. Mor however? I think for her to completely forgive reader, part of her would also have to acknowledge that Eris isn't the monster that she believes he is.
For example, when i imagine Mor TRULY regretting what shes said to reader it couldn't be an argument or a disagreement of any kind. Mor is too stubborn for that imo, i think she would personally have to see how eris and reader speak with one another. And i have a feeling even then, with how shes been spoken about in acowar (amren mentioning theres truths even THE truth teller is avoiding as well as eris implying theres more to the story several times to several different characters) i don't know if she would be able to *ACCEPT* that about him. (the IC's blind rage when something bad happens to one of their own is sweet from their POVs? but theyre DEFINITELY biased so i cant trust any of their takes atp 😭)
Part of me admittedly wants to see eris get defensive over reader in an older sibling way against specifically mor. i think that would be a real stone to the head for ALL of them. To know that she found family in someone that they found so horrible, and to know in the back of their heads that eris was better to her than she was? and for that to torment them all for a long while.
Now, I've had a theory for a while that eris KNEW that if he laid a hand on mor at the border that she would be chained to him permanently and that not helping her 💫directly💫 wouldve been best. Think about beron, if eris had taken mor home and HE found out what mor did? i think beron would've killed them both for the disgrace. We already know eris isnt what he seems, so this seems plausible to me 👀Especially because eris said "how do you think lucien got to the border" to feyre when she implies in acowar that he helped kill jesminda. I think he may have done something similar here and sent an anonymous tip of sorts to the night court, that fuckery was happening on autumn's borders... where mor happened to have been left by her family.
As for CC and TOG 👀 cc starts really 💫dense💫 a lot of information all at once and it made it very difficult to begin, (similar to priory of the orange tree imo). But its easily SJMs best written series that is currently published, acotar and tog both were started very early in her career and it shows. While not perfect, CC shows that that sadistic woman has improved 😭 (she pulled off the ending to CC2, which at the time of reading i can say i debated whether buying CC3 would even be worth it)
and id LOVE to chat about TOG however, last time i did i accidentally info dumped to my ex for six hours (he was a great sport 😭) so uhhh brace urself 😂
Warnings: big spoilers for the Crescent City series, some pretty heavy CC slander on my part so please look away if you don’t want to read!!!, also spoilers for the Throne of Glass series 🧡💛
Small note: I feel I should also mention that I haven’t finished CC3—I got about halfway through and had to put the book down so if some massive stuff happens at the end, I have no idea about it 🫣🫢
I think I agree with you about Mor being kind of stubborn in her forgiveness but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad trait of hers? I think for the most part Mor’s able to stand her ground perfectly fine and reader did kind of mess up to be fair? So yeah, if reader were to just amble up to Mor, even if it was done in private, entirely sincerely and reader explained her side of things with perfect clarity (explained her side as in, reader saying she didn’t do it to hurt or betray Mor, but reader would leave out all the personal/emotional stuff because it’s reader 🤨) Mor just wouldn’t be able to do it? I think it would have to be a candid/genuine moment? Especially if because of Mor’s past she feels reader is being kind of manipulative (even if she might not mean to be) it would take Mor witnessing reader either interacting with Eris on her own or seeing reader do something genuine that isn’t just apologising and trying to sweep it under the rug for her to understand fully/see reader’s side?
‘(amren mentioning theres truths even THE truth teller is avoiding as well as eris implying theres more to the story several times to several different characters)’
While I’m kind of interested to see what Miss Maas will do with this plot line, I’m 100% not even going to attempt to touch on it in cbmthy because I think my head would explode trying weave that into the stuff I’m already trying to remember to do 😭
‘Part of me admittedly wants to see eris get defensive over reader in an older sibling way against specifically mor.’
I would so love to write a scene like this too, and I’ve thought about putting it in, but I feel it would ultimately undermine reader further and make her more doubtful? And also just wrongly portraying the IC? To make them only forgive/understand reader when Eris/a male character steps in? That’s one of the reasons I want reader to handle it herself because while it would be super satisfying in theory to get a scene of Eris ripping into them, it would be too unrealistic for me :/
‘But its easily SJMs best written series that is currently published, acotar and tog both were started very early in her career and it shows.’
Okay this is absolutely WILD to me since Crescent City is easily the series of hers that I despise most? In fairness I do struggle a lot when fantasy is set in a modern word because in my opinion it defeats the point of fantasy—I read it to escape from the real world so making it contemporary immediately puts me off.
When you say ‘it shows’ I’d genuinely love to hear what parts in particular you mean since for me there’s no competition between ToG and acotar, and CC? Particularly the slightly eldritch-y feeling we get in Throne of Glass when Aelin’s first discovering the Wyrd marks, the portals, the strange creature hunting in the dark, gothic halls of the palace? I love that stuff so much, having the sense of something so vastly larger than yourself?
‘While not perfect, CC shows that that sadistic woman has improved 😭 (she pulled off the ending to CC2, which at the time of reading i can say i debated whether buying CC3 would even be worth it)’
The ending for CC2 I agree was mind blowing (for me at least) and I spent ages in a absolute awe over the connections, however it wasn’t enough to compensate for the intense boredom and disinterest I experienced through the rest of the first two books? I feel I should also mention that I genuinely can’t stand Bryce, and struggle a lot with Hunt, so I’m sure not clicking with the two main characters impacts my perception of the story a lot.
For me, while I can see how making Danika such a mystery could be really cool for the plot, it got way too repetitive? Everything being related back to Danika after Bryce was so insistent they shared everything with one another got old so quickly? I can see how miss Maas might have been trying to make it sad, with Bryce caring so much for Danika then finding out how little she really knew about her would eat at Bryce, but it did not work for me and felt cheap and repetitive.
(Also Bryce having the fourth item of the dread trove? Nesta said it looked like a skull, I think in the vision she got from Lanthys, so turning it into a trumpet felt like Miss Maas hadn’t planned it properly? A trumpet and a skull look nothing alike?)
What I most dislike about Bryce is how inelegant and uncompromising she is, which might very well be the reason other people like her (I suppose it could be interpreted as strong-willed or being brave/courageous? Having a strong fighting spirit?)
She comes off as narcissistic and narrow minded to me, particularly when being put in the acotar world how she immediately assumed the worst of the fae and her prejudices come out? I can understand with how humans are treated in the CC world why she would have those views, but they were hardly mentioned in the CC books? If we’d had a section dedicated to actually showing the imbalance between vanir and non-vanir, the violence that’s probably inflicted and maybe Bryce personally experiencing that inequality it would feel so much more justified, but none of that was shown so to me it just came off as hateful and baseless? That and also since I easily adore acotar and intensely dislike CC it was difficult to see Bryce treat the acotar characters as such untrustworthy people? I understand that from Bryce’s pov she doesn’t know the IC, but I kind of feel like Miss Maas should have taken that into account?
Then also I kind of have a problem with how Bryce is described physically? It feels like she was made plus-size to try and be more inclusive but she feels so over-sexualised, both through how much sex Bryce and Hunt have (that’s a whole other point though) and how the words ‘luscious curves’ were used for a couple of female characters? I felt Miss Maas included plus-size characters but then made them all fit into conventionally attractive shapes that would appeal to a male-gaze? Feyre and Aelin are both described as beautiful in my memory, as well as being given traits of strong-will and having overcome numerous difficulties, whereas for Bryce so many of her character’s descriptions are about how sexy she is or how good her body looks? It feels disingenuous and like she isn’t a real character and it’s such a missed opportunity (in my opinion)? I would have loved a Bryce who was a little more human (ironically) and experienced the thoughts and doubts that I think are pretty common in women regardless of their size or shape, so to dismiss that side of things entirely, particularly in a book series that’s set in a modern world? It frustrates me a lot :/
(That and also the moment in CC3 where Hunt is in the Asteri’s dungeons, being tortured, not knowing where his mate is or what state she’s in and all he wants is to have sex with her? I think the line is something like ‘and all he wanted was to slide into her sweet heat’ like are you kidding Hunt? Your mate could be in awful danger and that’s what you’re thinking about? You’re in awful danger and that’s what you’re thinking about? It felt so shallow and lust-fuelled?)
‘and id LOVE to chat about TOG however, last time i did i accidentally info dumped to my ex for six hours (he was a great sport 😭) so uhhh brace urself 😂’
Genuinely if you’re up for it I would love to hear your reply because I haven’t come across someone who’s been so enthusiastic about Crescent City and I would genuinely adore the chance to hear why you love it so much? We read the same books so I’d love to find out why we had such different reactions to it? And with Throne of Glass too, give me all of your thoughts!! Please!! I love getting to have discussions like this (as long as you don’t mind me possibly arguing against you with CC things? I don’t know if I was too harsh or unfair in my expression of what I think about CC/Bryce but I am sorry if it sounded mean) 🧡💛
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
Anonymous asked: Hi! I would like to request a headcannon about how would the akyr kids and the parents would react to hokusai having a very gentle and shy s/o who is inside a bit devil hehe ~ thank you so much!
Writer's corner: Hi, dear! So sorry I didn't understand what you meant by "akyr kids and the parents" immediately! Thank you again for clarifying and I really hope you'll enjoy what I've written! If not, please feel free to tell me and to ask for something else so I can write another one for you! Also I'll make it gn!, hope it's fine! (if not, please tell me so I can change it for you~) Enjoy~
Warnings: none except for some bad words... thank Satsuki for speaking roughly XD
⋆𝐻𝑜𝓀𝓊𝓈𝒶𝒾⋆ 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒶 𝓈𝒽𝓎 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓋𝒾𝓁 𝑔𝓃!𝓈/𝑜 (𝒽𝑜𝓌 𝒶𝓀𝓎𝓇 𝓀𝒾𝒹𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓈 𝓌𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒸𝓉)
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⋆Well.. Iori is such a father to the other members.
⋆He's the one who lead Akan Yatsura and the one who decided to house the other AKYR's members.
⋆Iori always shows himself as a cheerful and happy man but he actually hides his own true feelings and emotions behind that smile of his.
⋆Actually he worries a lot about his family- which consists of the other AKYR- and cares about their happiness and lives.
⋆That's why I totally see him being so happy of knowing that Hokusai has finally found the love of his life!
⋆Or.. At least at first.
⋆Yes, because I think he'd soon turn to be quite worried about Hokusai.
⋆That person is so... uhm... strange.
⋆I feel like Hokusai would finally bring his s/o home only to introduce them to the others.
⋆They would be welcomed by Iori who'd be quite happy to finally meet Hokusai's s/o at first.
⋆Iori would totally invite Hokusai's s/o to join them at Club CANDY too, in my opinion.
⋆"I'd have wanted to welcome you both at Club CANDY but today it's closed.. Well.. Feel free to reach us there, though!"
⋆At first Iori would surely be the best at making s/o laugh, telling jokes and trying to keep everyone happy.
⋆In short he'd be completely hospitable.
⋆After some time he'd realize that there's something wrong with s/o..
⋆They.. well.. they don't seem as nice as they looked before.
⋆I also feel like he'd try to talk to Hokusai about it.
⋆I mean.. Iori cares about his family so.. he'd totally be worried a lot and try to talk about it with Hokusai, maybe even telling him that he doesn't like them.
⋆"Hokusai.. What do you like of s/o..? Their kindness?!- Are you sure they're as kind as you think?!"
⋆Of course Hokusai would answer that maybe it's only Iori's presentiment and say that s/o is shy and gentle actually.
⋆I know for sure that everyone in AKYR would realize s/o's true nature, except for Hokusai.
⋆Also, I don't know why, but I headcanon that s/o would do some bad stuff on purpose but pretending to do it by mistake.
⋆That's how Iori would realize their actual nature.
⋆"I'm sooo sorry..! I didn't want to pour all that soup onto your yukata, Suiseki-san~!"
⋆"Don't worry about it, s/o..."
⋆That's when Iori would start to be afraid of losing Hokusai..
⋆If Hokusai doesn't discover their double face, then he'd be fooled and even decide to go with them!
⋆But I think that s/o would stop being so devil with AKYR and even become a new member!
⋆AKYR would become unstoppable if they had a member like s/o!!
⋆So let's just say that as long as s/o's devil side does not intervene against Hokusai himself, then Iori would be happy.
⋆I feel like Iori would totally talk to s/o when they get alone for some minutes in a room before reaching the others and tell them:
⋆"I don't care if you play pranks to me.. But don't you dare to treat Hokusai bad.. Or 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓁𝓁 𝓇𝑒𝑔𝓇𝑒𝓉 𝒾𝓉!..."
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⋆Zen seems such a mum to me..
⋆Like, really.. his quote is "I will guide you to the right direction"!
⋆Also it's said that he's the one who keeps AKYR in order, so.. yeah. He's a mum. You can't change my mind.
⋆Also he's from a Rakugo family (a story-teller family), soo...
⋆I think he'd be the one to tell stories during his first meeting with Hokusai's s/o.
⋆Zen would surely be the happiest man after knowing that Hokusai got in a relationship and is happy with someone.
⋆He'd so excited to finally meet them in person!
⋆"Oohh! They are going to have lunch with us today?! I can't wait to meet them!!"
⋆Also I think he'd welcome Hokusai and his s/o kindly, since he's such the good giant of AKYR.
⋆"Hii!! Welcome!! You must be s/o! I couldn't wait to meet you!"
⋆Zen would be nice and kind with s/o, asking them to talk to him about themselves, because he'd like to know more.
⋆But on the other hand I think he wouldn't realize immediately that s/o is a little bit devil.
⋆That's because it's said that he can't really read the atmosphere around very well.
⋆So he'd need more time to finally realize that Hokusai is in a relationship with such a double-faced person.
⋆In my opinion he'd try then to understand if they have the intention to hurt them all or not.
⋆He'd keep behaving kindly to s/o and secretly trying to get as many informations as he can about them.
⋆After all... he's an ex-police officer!
⋆I think he'd start focusing more on s/o after talking with Iori.
⋆"Do you really think they are that mean?... uhm... Alright.. I'll do what I can about it."
⋆Besides I feel like Zen would try to talk to Hokusai too.
⋆He'd care about that cats-lover and try hard to explain, softly because Zen is adorable and I don't think he'd like to hurt Hokusai's feelings, that s/o is actually such a devil person, who loves to hurt others.
⋆Of course Zen would be the one to be fooled by s/o's shy expression on the first day they met!
⋆They would show up so shy and gentle that Zen would have never thought even only a bad thing about them!
⋆I totally think Zen would be the only one to say compliments about them after they leave.
⋆"They are such a great person!!"
⋆Maybe while Reo, Satsuki and Iori are exchanging some afraid and concerned looks among themselves.
⋆Also I think Zen would be totally fine with them dating Hokusai as long as the cats-lover is happy.
⋆As I said for Iori, then, I feel like he'd beat s/o only if they hurt Hokusai.
⋆He can do judo, so... be careful~
⋆"If Hokusai is dating you, then it's because he has seen something in you.. 𝐻𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝒶𝓃𝒶𝑔𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓀𝑒𝑒𝓅 𝒽𝒾𝓂 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎, 𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝓌𝒾𝓈𝑒……"
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⋆You can't convince me otherwise!
⋆Since he acts tough and speaks even roughly, I think he'd be the first one not to get along with s/o.
⋆Hokusai's s/o would surely tell him bad stuff secretly or try to show the others that Satsuki is actually the one who's bothering them.
⋆"What?!?! I didn't do anything!!"
⋆S/o would end up being the victim and Satsuki the one who likes to bother them heavily.
⋆Who knows?
⋆Maybe s/o would even pretend to cry to make the situation realistic?
⋆Who knows how devil they could be?
⋆I feel like Satsuki would be the one made fun of by s/o, secretly.
⋆Like I'm actually imagining him lying on his bed, reading some of those magazines he usually reads, maybe also chilling..
⋆After that s/o would surely enter his room only to bother him a lot.
⋆"Damn, s/o!!! Get the fuck out!!!"
⋆I totally can see Satsuki talking to Reo about this.
⋆He'd be furious and stop his "lil brother" only to tell him about what had happened.
⋆Even if Reo and Satsuki are usually arguing, of course they love each other like if they were actual brothers.
⋆It's said that they even play video-games together, after all!
⋆So I think he'd be the one to notice immediately that there's something wrong with Hokusai's s/o.
⋆That's when he'd start investigating with Reo and Zen.
⋆I totally can imagine them behind a corner, spying s/o while they're just chilling with Hokusai and his cats.
⋆"Hmm... Let's keep an eye on them. I promise there's something wrong with them!"
⋆As well as the others Satsuki would care a lot about Hokusai and would be worried about him and the fact that his s/o is actually devil.
⋆But, on the other hand, I think he'd start to get along with them, especially if they demonstrate him to be even a great fighter.
⋆"Damn! You got guts!! You broke their ass!!"
⋆That's when he'd start to even admire Hokusai's s/o.
⋆He'd even start to think about them as a new member! Why not?
⋆As Iori, Satsuki would think that they would be such a good new member and start teasing them.
⋆"I'm not afraid of you, s/o. I'm not afraid of anyone! No matter who my opponent is.. 𝒾𝓉 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝒷𝑒 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊, but I'll knock them down!"
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⋆I don't think Reo would notice Hokusai's s/o other side immediately as Satsuki would.
⋆Generally Reo is friendly and nice, always trying to get others' attention and I personally think it wouldn't be difficult to become his friends.
⋆He likes playing games too, so he's such a free spirit in AKYR, the one who doesn't really hide his emotions.
⋆That's why I can't stop thinking that he'd try to make friend with Hokusai's s/o when he met them.
⋆"Hiiiii!!!!! How are youuu?? You like chocolate???!!! Me toooo!!! We have so many things in common!! We can be friendsss~!!"
⋆I totally see Reo being the happiest AKYR member when he knows that Hokusai is going to introduce his s/o to the family.
⋆He'd be sooo happy!!
⋆Reo would surely be the one to keep talking to s/o about video-games and other things.
⋆And, I don't know why, but I've just imagined Hokusai's s/o being also a little bit annoyed by Reo, who's constantly talking about stupid things.
⋆As I said before for the others I think Reo would start seriously to think about s/o's double face after talking with Satsuki.
⋆At first he wouldn't believe him, maybe he'd even make fun of him and annoy Satsuki, but after some time he'd get what that guy means.
⋆Maybe after hiding under Satsuki's bed and see with his own eyes that Hokusai's s/o is bothering him.
⋆That's when he'd get out of under that bed and tell Satsuki he believes him.
⋆"S/o-chan/kun are so meeeeeannn!!..."
⋆So, as i said before, I totally can see him with Zen and Satsuki behind a corner, spying s/o because they all want to see if they are mean to Hokusai too.
⋆If they are, well.. then they'll pay for it~
⋆If not, well.. then the important thing is that Hokusai is happy!
⋆And he really shows to be happy with them.. Aw.
⋆Also I feel like Reo would change his mind about s/o after seeing them chilling with Hokusai and his cats.
⋆Maybe Reo would see how gentle and kind s/o is with Hokusai, maybe they'd sit on his lap, caressing his hair while they both are surrounded by plenty of cats.
⋆It'd be a soft and cute view and Reo would just smile, along with Zen and Satsuki.
⋆After they all manage to get along, I think it wouldn't be that bad to see Hokusai's s/o frequently.
⋆I think Reo would enjoy also to bother them a lot~
⋆And also manage to push them onto work for him, since it's said that he's sleek at it!
⋆"Oii, s/o!! I've got a fever- 𝒞𝒶𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒹𝒾𝓈𝒽𝑒𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓂𝑒~?"
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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sam-glade · 1 year
I have an Ask for you!
What would your character be remembered for?
Hi Bug! That's a good question, thank you💜
If we're talking about what the random people they meet once and never again - the shopkeeper they chatted to longer than a usual customer, a patron at a pub they struck up a conversation with - then it's got to be: Ianim's crooked smile and the attitude that invites others to talk, Gullin's witty jokes, bordering on flirty, and Lissan's straightforwardness (or audacity, depending on who you ask). Erya's appearance, Anthea's almost unnatural composure and not displaying any emotions. Varré's... hopefully not much. They don't want to be remembered. Their vocation is to find orphans on the streets of the big cities, inspire them and give them a leg up, and take those who have Swords to the Academy. For that they need a bit of anonymity.
But when it's about achievements and reputation, all of them (except Varré) become figures from legends by the end of the Days of Dusk, and are talked about during The Truth Teller times, much like famous historical figures are in the real world. So here's what legends are told about them:
Lissan - the ending of Days of Dusk
Gullin - his story inspired the tale of the Black Rose and the White Stag
Ianim - Lord of the People's Hearts, the Kind Prince, generally a beloved figure, but not remembered for any deeds as such.
Erya - her story is conflated with the figure of the Shadow, the legendary merchant of whispers
Anthea becomes known as the Tyrant Prince
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smbilodeau · 1 year
The Tale Teller
Finished reading (aloud, to my spouse,) “The Tale Teller” by Anne Hillerman. Fifth in the Leaphorn, Chee, and Manuelito series.
A potentially priceless artifact, an anonymous donation to the Navajo Nation Museum has, possibly, gone missing. Joe Leaphorn, the former legendary Lieutenant, now working as a private investigator, has been asked to look into the problem. Was it donated? Has it gone missing?
Officer Bernie Manuelito really would like a day off, but when a dead body shows up in the middle of her running, it’s not going to be today. When she hears about someone selling stolen goods at a local flea market, it’s not going to be tomorrow, either.
Her husband, Sergeant Jim Chee, has been asked to help investigate a string of burglaries in Chinle, burglaries that seem almost supernaturally targeted.
Do these cases tie together? If so, how so?
This was an excellent read, for characterizations, for history, for the prose painting the beauty of the land in the desert Southwest. Also, to my own personal tastes, seeing the delights Bernie and Jim take in being happily married to each other.
I generally don’t recommend extensions to other writers’ series (the estate approved additions to the Nero Wolfe corpus, for instance, while okay mysteries were absolutely NOT Nero Wolfe stories,) but Ms. Hillerman’s continuation of her father’s work is just stellar. She’s made the series its own, while underscoring and highlighting what it was about her father’s writing that appealed to me.
Highly recommended.
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hella1975 · 2 years
Hellestie I've got a new one for the list.
I had to scroll for like an hour because I couldn't remember if I already mentioned this or not and I gave up so if I already added this to the 'my favorite things about being in your circle of existence' list, just ignore this.
It's the way you phrase things and use descriptive words. I can't put my finger on it, but it itches a very specific part of my brain.
This is one of the ones where I didn't know how to put it into words, but you posted something on your tbos account I think yesterday and I was reading through it and had one of those 'aha' moments.
But your so fluid in your writing and its the main reason I love stalking you and reading taob and your tbos stuff and reading all your tags. Because like you are such a good story teller. Your writing style is my favorite writing style and I really wish I knew how to copy it.
Its so smooth and chaotic at the same time and just very lovely.
Even with stuff thats not supposed to come off as 'lovely' it still comes off like it. Like everything you write and the way you phrase things is always so poetic and beautiful.
It's not always necessarily what the words are saying, but like how the words in themselves flow together.
I read something (I don't know if its true or not, I couldn't find the article again) but it pretty much stated that the alphabet is ordered the way it is because the way certain letters are phrased flow very nice with the way other letters sound and so those letters are placed by each other. Like putting B and Q together would seem rigid. But thats the best way I can describe exactly what Im trying to say. (I really hope you know what Im talking about because if not this is probably incomprehensible).
And like when your looking at a color wheel that doesnt have any hard barriers but the colors flow together, and like all of the colors have little remnants of the previous color in them. (like orange having aspects of red and yellow having aspects of orange and then green has aspects of yellow)
Its like you have some type of formula built into your head that lets you sort through every synonym of whatever word your using and you can choose whichever one is scientifically the best or something.
I don't know if this makes sense but yeah.
Also if you got a thing from me a while back that either doesnt make sense or if I forgot to turn on the anonymousness thing just ignore that, you never saw it. I vaquely remember sending you something about the list and then panicking that I sent it for some reason and I can't remember why. I have a tendency to drunk send asks to my mutuals, so if you saw that no you didnt.
list anon you cant keep getting away with this 'its like you have some type of formula built into your head that lets you sort through every synonym of whatever word your using and you can choose whichever one is scientifically the best or something' im fuckign.
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tragicclownwrites · 1 year
a tiny writing update
As I've mentioned in this post, I do have a new fic coming. Yay!! HOWEVER, there's been a slight shift in plans.
I know it's only been a week lol but a giant, soft plot bunny decided to make its home in my mind, and I just couldn't let them go. It was adorable, it made me laugh, and it has so much potential! I already have countless ideas that I've written down.
It came to me in the form of yet another fic idea that is still a multi-chapter but significantly shorter than the one in the linked post above (~6 chapters). Once I have more to share, you'll (hopefully) understand why I couldn't pass on writing this. 😊I just started working on it in earnest, but this quote should give you a subtle hint for what it's about:
“Some call it chaos; we call it family.” – Anonymous
Rest assured, the fortune teller fic is still very much happening, but due to its expected length, I'm going to put it in the backseat for now while I focus on this smaller project. I have great plans for this story, so it's still on!
The good news with that is that the shorter fic will likely be done sooner so I can start posting chapters while working on the other fic. If you like my work, it'll be a win-win!
I appreciate everyone who've read my fics and given them love - it really means a lot and gets me stoked to share more. 🥺
Thank you ~ 💖
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So, if you have any questions (regarding the story, the characters, theories etc. or to me (that aren't personal) you want to send to me anonymously, now would be the time.
I'm sorry that people keep overstepping your boundaries sweety, that sucks. ://
I am really curious about what inspired cheers to the elites and the characters. I think you're a a really talented story teller so I would love to have some insight into that talented brain of yours. (only if you feel comfortable sharing of course! If not feel free to ignore this ask). I hope you have a lovely day. :))
Anonymous gives too much power so I'm taking that away until ya'll can be good again.
Under the cut for inspo stuff!
I already had an idea for Cheers for a long while now, way before I got introduced to the IF scene.
This was originally going to be a novel with a very different premise and just circulates around the Student Council. Same themes, but more grounded in the slice of life genre, unlike the one we have today where there are mixes.
The inspo itself is more from just asking myself: "Hey, what if I show the shit version of life?", and I'm always a sucker for character studies, so there's that. Nothing grand, just a small idea that snowballed into something bigger.
I've mentioned this multiple times already, but my characters are based on some aspects of me, the people I know, and other media. I just twisted it a bit to make each of them unique and to break story tropes and gender roles.
Weylyn is a great example on being one of those. We don't often see such a mellow and soft guy in leading roles in media, often men having to be in strong roles with a serious or brooding attitude and never/very rarely the reverse.
Weylyn is raised to be kind and soft by his parents and he enjoys domestic things like cooking, and I want to show that even a mellow guy like Weylyn can be strong in different ways without needing to be all big, macho, or brooding and such.
You can find the inspo for the characters and voice claims in RO Appearances in the intro post. However, I'll soon be updating voice claims soon when I have the time.
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mejomonster · 7 months
I still havent beaten Lost Judgement but like. What a game. If you like the yakuza games? Great time. Still has the mix of serious high angst crime thriller plot with very silly ridiculous slice of life side stories that still can also manage to hit your heart. I'm still thinking about the Ace Attorney spoof side story about missing dessert, and the fotune teller, and the haunted apartment. And the main story where I had to get a nice dessert for the coworker to help us, and god just. All of the guy whos ir friend in the sexy silk shirt as Usual these kinds of games giving gratuitious eye candy so theres always that. The anonymous mask wearing punk kid (who i actually really like).
The fact ur a detective but Not a yakuza this time i find fun, and NOT a cop so u can kind of live out the fun of playing out the equivalent of a crime drama u would watch without having ur lead be a cop. Instead hes a lawyer who won a defense case! But ex lawyer, cause his defendant killed again! But also it may have been a setup! Either way taku has lost his judgement (get it) over whats truly the truth or not! As is typical for rgg games Lost Judgements angst emotional heavy half of the plot IS fucking heavy! Which keeps my attention. While all the other stuff drags me off. I lose 20 hours being a small time case detective, i lose another 5 trying to do a romance side plot (and tbh i find these ones a mixed bag? The romances are good in that the girls have genuine character side stories i find fun and interesting and with meaning, much like the cabaret girl side stories in kiwami 2, but theyre awkward in that im making taku a cheater cause i dont wanna miss out on a story and ;-; im sorry taku im sorry girls! Whereas yakuza kiwami 2 kiryu was... very much just their friend... im mixing up yakuza games but theres one where u befriend tje cabaret girls and ones in a manga competition and thats the one). Like... i very much liked rgg7s friendship bonds, but hated the romances cause the romances felt like some kind of add on trophy thing where the party friendship bonds werw genuine side stories. And like why not make romance a good side story? Im only HERE doing a romance for rhe side story! ToT so like. Lost Judgements is a mixed bag. Better than rgg7s but i kinda prefer just friend bond side stories skip the dating altogether, tho i realize thats more kiryus style than other protagonists.
Possibly the most Intense element to me of Lost Judgement is. U sure do feel immersed. In being a confused fucking detective. I stopped playing the game for 6 months, came back to it right at the pharmaceutical company investigation. Fucking hell. I had to interrogate and answer like court related questions i didnt even remember the fucking case. I was afraid to game over. Or to dig taku in a very big hole of failure id be penalized trying to climb out of. I felt like OH NO i shluldve studied my case files for clues! In that terrible instant of remembering nothing i was whooshed back to memories of playing law and order on a windows 98 trying to solve the mysteries, and every mystery show i ever watched trying to pay attention to the clues, lamenting id forgotten and was about to ruin takus life. (For the record i guessed like a very amazingly lucky champ, and answered right enough to get thru it). But wow did i feel in the middle of a detective story.
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ruina6471 · 7 months
Tarot Card Story Time.
I am a part time Tarot fortune teller on Plurk's anonymous board. I've been doing it on Plurk for a long time, so I have memorable cases here and there. One day I have a client, let's call them Anon.
Anon- Hi, I am a newbie in this big company. The situation in my office is confusing me: almost all the colleagues of my department got transferred to other departments, I am wondering should I go, too?
Me- *pulled out a 9 of wands for client*
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Me- No, I think you should stick to where you are, and hope for the best. Your company seems to be in a dire strait, therefore the reason people get transferred is because the company has no money to continue, and your department is going down.
Anon- Oh my god, it is my suspicion, too! But why should I stick to this sinking ship?
Me- Because at least you'd have a wreckage to cling to, instead of being flung to the sharks in the sea.
Then Anon proceeded to beg me tell them exactly what to do in this situation.
Me- *pulled out Knight of Sword reversed, and Lover*
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Me- Whatever you want to do, DO NOT DO IT! STAY QUIET, STAY VERY QUIET! DON'T DO ANYTHING! I think you are going to be safe in the end, nothing bad will happen to you, provided you listen to my advice- because there will be a kind of savior figure coming to rescue you from this mess, but I don't think you can rescue yourself.
Anon- no, I can't just do nothing. I am going to talk to my manager, to figure out the truth.
Me- You sure?
Anon- Yeah.
Then 4 days passed, I did not hear any news from Anon. Then, the fifth day-
Anon- Ruina, it's me.
Me- Oh, hi, everything OK at your job? You talked to the manager?
Anon- My job is saved. I won't get fired.
Me- That is great! But what happened?
Anon- I got a severe stomach flu with high fever almost immediately after work that day. I was hospitalized and have been a total zombie for 3 days, then today I go back to work. Manager told me- "the boss was thinking about cutting down staff. Fortunately we have angel investors injecting money into our company, so the day is saved. If I saw you this Tuesday, I would have fired you on the spot; but since you were in hospital and out of reach, I let this issue drop. Now it looks like you get to keep your job.
Lesson of this case- HAIL STOMACH FLU!
This is a collaboration website of me and my friend Samara. We haven't set up a Paypal yet, but coming soon :D
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The Ghostwriter
Formless, genderless, and yet, a teller of stories. A narrator to the nation but anonymous. The Ghostwriter rides the apostrophes and semicolons like a grammarian hustler. Tipping her, or his hat, to the invisible mores of our cultural inclinations. A wordsmith without peer on the frontiers of our literary appreciation. Now you see him and now you don’t. Can you hear the inflection of the author? Do you perceive the true voice of your hero? Do you know the difference between an allusion and a lie? Wherefore art thou Romeo? Who is stirring your pot on the stove in this reading hour? Photo by Pedro Figueras on Pexels.com
Who Sees The Ghostwriter?
I knew a ghostwriter in a previous incarnation, He stood just out of view. Between the lines and somewhere below the surface, She made her invisible mark upon the pages. He, She, It - had much to say, On behalf of other people. The stylish prose was persuasive and to the point. The only ambiguity identity. Oh, Ghostwriter, sing me a song like the sirens. Tell me a tale like Homer. Do what you do from beneath the sheets. Make me keen with exclamation points. Then, it was over and the book was finished. All those words and sentences unjumbled on the page. All that hoped for meaning forgotten for an age. Ghostwriters and gigolos nobody ever marries. Do they leave a taste on the lips? A faint intangible imprint? I very much doubt it in this age of celebrity and false conviction. AI is coming for these literary geists! The deepfakes are on our doorstep. ChatGPT has swallowed terabytes of fiction and its counterpart. Consumed like cigarette smoke in newsrooms once was. Calls upon the union of Ghostwriters go unheeded. Lacking substantial form these shades and wights remain mere apparitions, Lacking Facebook pages and other notable means of reality to confirm their existence. I knew a Ghostwriter once….. Photo by OVAN on Pexels.com Did you hear the one about the whale? Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.  ©MidasWord Read the full article
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cinderspots · 3 years
I didn't want to do this.
I didn't wanna be the person, who dragged an individual relentlessly, but circumstances change. And sometimes people, don’t know when to stop.
I do not take this lightly, concerns have been raised, and i have never once ever done this before because i have never had a reason to do so.
Now I do.
Dear @doomslayer81
This is for you.
First! I am going to put a series of tags of people who are alright with their identity being shared. Some stories have anon tellers simply because they don’t want to deal with the backlash. That is completely up to them of course.
Most people wished to remain anonymous.
Now, this is a callout post. Doomslayer81 has a infamous past of harassment, inappropriate interruptions of a variety of posts, a few suggestive comments, and a pattern of begging for forgiveness and repeating their mistakes.
Anonymous Quote
"Man's delusional, literally delusional. You could tell him to leave you alone and he'd still come crashing. He has no sense of boundaries, he doesn't know when he needs to stop, and he refuses to listen to anyone.
If you see this, motherfucker, let me make this clear. We want nothing, absolutely nothing to do with you. Get it through your fucking head. I am sick of seeing you harass everyone, and there are plenty of others who share my sentiment. As you are now, you are a thorn on everyone's right asscheek, one that refuses to let go.
I say this as politely as possible, just stop. We will not forgive you or give you a second chance, this is our verdict, kindly fuck off."
This anon has beared witness to multiple harassment fiasco's with doomslayer81, and has multiple friends who've been "targeted" by the blog
"I hate what hes doing. I'm not sure if I can say I hate him, but I certainly hate what he's doing. He has manipulative tendencies and attention-seeking. He's harassed people for me before I blocked him and now he's harassing people that I blocked him. If he doesn't change, I'm not going to stick around and be a problem for other people- I will leave. I'm tired of his actions, and this is a side blog I made for fun- not a job. This is a choice, and I will choose to leave if he continues this bullshit."
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They've blocked him and in response to that hes reached out to multiple blogs, harassing them to talk to donnabenevientosimpingzone about their decision and has repeatedly shown they cannot respect boundaries. Now this conversation alone isn't exactly damning. Which is why this is next.
CinderSpots [Me]
"Oh, I dont know if they remember, but ive been down this road with them before. It wasn't pleasant being repeatedly spammed/harassed about an ask they sent me, but i managed to block them quickly. Fuck off honestly, you've done enough damage."
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Oh my god i cannot express to you.
I explained, others have explained, they beg for forgiveness, repeat the mistake, beg for forgiveness again. I dont know what else to say about this, at that point i had more information regarding them as a tumblr user and soon. So will you.
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This is the...5th person(?) they've contacted to attempt to reach donnabenevientosimpingzone.
After they've previously harassed them.
After they've been told to stop, and leave them be. You'll notice (once again) theres a pattern of repeating mistakes and then desperately begging for forgiveness. Now if you haven't been in an abusive relationship before (first off good job, you're doing so great for a tumblr user ngl) this is a sign of manipulation and attention seeking behavior, add this on top of the mistakes themselves and the way they seem to display it, this makes me question their age as well, but that is something I cannot prove or entirely back up, simply a gut feeling I have along with a few others.
The way they are behaving is manipulative and toxic, which is why this post began. They scream, red flag
“Yeah, I’d like him to know that he needs to read the room, to stop harassing people. If he doesn’t understand, but people seem angry, he needs to figure it out.”
They’re hardly the first person to tell me that. The thing is, he simply doesn’t figure things out, he doesn’t attempt to figure them out either. It’s a different story when only one or two people have a problem with someone, it’s a different story when the person who’s causing problems is genuinely confused, it’s a different story when someone truly means what they say when they apologize. 
They don’t mean it, because they consistently make the same mistakes over and over again. Would you forgive someone who apologized for the same things repeatedly and never changed? 
So many people got their inboxes spammed, their dms blown up, their discords pinged over and over again. There is a line. And they crossed it, big time. A lot of my mutuals and their mutuals and other people i hadn’t really heard of yet, have had a problem. Some didn’t want to give a quote, some wanted their privacy kept. The total tally I have as a final number of when I decided to put this post together is 22. People that I know of.
Anonymous Quote
“Here’s what I would say: Stop being an asshole and get a life.”
Anonymous Quote
“I just want to say he has repeatedly interacted after being told to stop.”
Anonymous Quote
“Honestly I just want him to go away, he just...won’t stop no matter what? It’s really uncomfortable.”
Anonymous Quote
“Just stop.”
Anonymous Quote
“Please read the room, stop, leave the fandom alone, and especially stop pushing your way into conversations. Stop.”
Anonymous Quote
“I see him everywhere, a lot, he’s kinda like an infection y’know? A lot of us tries to tell him to leave us alone the nice way, but he just..wouldn’t. I needed him to stop, so I blocked him. I’m lucky that way I guess, he didn’t try to get to me through other people..”
It doesn’t make me happy to do this, but if I can get this many people to tell me a similar story, doesn’t that say something?
I’m not saying, go to his blog and be a dick or something, I’m saying be aware of this person. Because a lot of people weren’t and got them nothing but trouble. He shows manipulative traits, and multiple people can back me up on the fact that he feels insincere and uncomfortable. As I was writing this, I realized he’d sent me two more messages that I’d failed to notice before, and somehow they were both incredibly willfully ignorant of everything I’d told him. 
Trust me, and if not me, trust the people who’ve spoken to me and allowed me to take their quotes to this post. Block him.
Block him.
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
South Asian Seer / Fortune teller
Anonymous asked:
I'm not sure if a dnd campaign qualifies as the type of writing you're interesting in helping with, but I feel I should disclose that that's what this is for. I'm wanting to include more diversity in my settings; would it be inappropriate to have a seer/fortune teller with a South Asian appearance? I'm not sure if this would end up being a "magical South Asian" stereotype as you've described before.
Hello! Speaking from the perspective of an Indian Hindu, here are my queries:
Does this campaign include other characters of colour, South Asians in particular? If yes, then that balances out the possibility of the Exotic Brown Woman trope.
Do the characters of other ethnicities also practise magic or exhibit fantastic/otherworldly abilities (I would assume so, seeing as it’s DnD)? Doesn’t necessarily have to be the gift of prophecy but if the story is peopled with magical creatures then the fortune teller wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb.
Is she sexualised or made into the “temptress” in comparison with other characters? Is she likened to an animal frequently to describe her attractiveness or described in dehumanising terms to denote sex appeal (snake and wildcat imagery come to mind for South Asians.) If not, then the dangers of playing into such a trope are immediately reduced because what makes it harmful in the first place is not magic but the objectification of brown women.
Fortune telling is not permitted in several religions, so make sure you do your research before designing the character. While Jyotishya or Vedic astrology features prominently in the lives of practising Hindus (it is actually considered an essential tenement to Hindu rituals), fortune telling/astrology is forbidden in Islam and other religions. Also remember, that as with most other other things, Vedic astrology is interwoven with ideas of caste and the caste system. Ask yourself if you feel comfortable to undertake in-depth research about these topics while you are designing the character.
Is her magic depicted as a sort of primitive backwardness contrasted against progressive characters? (once again, not likely, but still an essential check) Is she a Guru Pathik from ATLA-esque prototype: the eccentric seer providing comic relief? That is the only case where her using magic can pose a problem. Refer to Parvati excelling at Divination in Harry Potter, a subject dismissed by most of the main characters as frivolous. Be respectful when portraying an ethnicity and a belief system that’s not yours. 
Aside this, I don’t see an inherent problem with the usage of fortune telling by a South Asian; It’s a pretty booming business here in India, and my own feelings about it notwithstanding, divination and cosmology definitely forms a part of South Asian Hindu society.
-Mod Mimi
Ask published Oct 2021
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