#what a better way to celebrate this most glorious day of independence
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traipseartist · 7 months ago
May 13th - YESconsin
We reluctantly bade Henrietta and Lucas's farewell after luxuriating in a bed that wasn't an egg crate or owned by a multi-million dollar corporation. We stuffed our things back into Stacey's innards, propped Zolpa back up on the bike rack, and decided to head towards Wisconsin for the day.
When I was in high school, I had a photography teacher bravely ship his 101 class in a mini-bus from Culver, Indiana to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to culture us. He brought us to the Art Museum there, and though I was fifteen and didn't know that Milwaukee was not a glorious land full of sharp edges and thoughtful photography exhibits, I'd been fantasizing about a return ever since. So when Lewis's friend Ellery in Chicago unfortunately caught COVID a few days before our planned arrival, I quietly rejoiced in the possible pivot (Sorry Ellery, feel better!).
...howwwever upon crossing state lines my Googling revealed that the museum in question was closed Mondays and Tuesdays to visitors and we were smack dab in those dreaded early work-week hours. Exasperated I called upon my resources, and Henrietta eagerly pointed us to Frank Lloyd Wright's estate, Taliesin, off in the Wisconsin nowheres. Elaina chipped in with some very solid directives for Madison, which was only 60 miles on, and we cobbled together this Wisconsin plane as we were flying it.
The wildfire smoke trickling in from Canada cloaked much of the landscape as we wiggled out of Minnesota and into, what I was informed by Sue, (the kind lass in the Frank Lloyd Wright Trail Gift Shop) the edge of America's great inland sea. You see, the reason why Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and the like are so flat is because once upon a time when dinosaurs bonked their heads on chandeliers and door frames everywhere (nay, nay, even earlier!) North America had a huge inner ocean and as this water found its way into the sky, the ground, and local rivers, it left behind a flat, silty landscape rich with minerals and good for farming now known as America's heartland, the Midwest. However, Wisconsin was not invited to the big-inland-sea party and maintained it's beautiful, sloping, Appalachian-like curves as sweet revenge.
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Despite the heavy smoke cloak, I felt most at home in Wisconsin's rippling green blanket of hills and moody cows. Lakes and swamps and rivers threaded the landscape and just as we began to seek out ice cream we found ourselves wading into Westby, Wisconsin. After we realized literally every sign and lamp post was adorned in Norwegian, we found ourselves unable to resist the allure of the local cheese shop, manned by a kind Richard who had left Madison to study the quiet and odd Norwegian lineage of Westby. This only took Richard a few years though, and now he's moved on to life's next greatest endeavor--selling ice cream and Amish goods and ungodly amounts of cottage cheese to passing-through tourists such as ourselves.
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Lewis and I dawdled a bit around tired old Westby, amused at the Norwegian themed everything and dismayed we were to miss out on Syttende Mai, or Norway's independence day festival, celebrated, as it is says on the tin, on the 17th of May. Distracted only for a moment, I slurped my cookies n' cream, took up leading Stacey ever onward, and we slithered through ancient hills towards Frank Lloyd Wright's childhood farmland and early home.
The name "Wisconsin" is actually the French's fault. The Miami--an American Indian tribe found all throughout the midwest--named the land known for angry Green Bay Packers fans and rivers of beer "Meskonsang." When transcribed by French Lewis & Clark: Marquette & Joliet, they apparently got a little too relaxed with the cursive and their successor Rene Robert Cavalier read that big loopy "M-e" as "O-u-i" and thus Ouisconsin (and its current pronunciation) was born. Oui! Yesconsin had much to offer--but I did not know one of the most prolific American architects of all time cut his teeth on this pillowish, farmy landscape. Lewis and I sheared the timing too close pointing at Norwegian antiques in a dusty shop window, so we missed the last tour of the Frank Lloyd Wright estate, but those hanging around the ticket office waiting for closing directed us to a small family chapel on the edge of the property that the tour itself doesn't normally visit--a chapel that "the young architect" designed the inside of at the wee age of 15.
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Lewis and I shuffled through the wooded edge of the premises (never had I heard anyone rejoice upon seeing mosquitoes again, but Idaho has really done a number on our boy, Lewis) out towards the freestanding chapel and discussed the concept of idolization. Thematically, the thought of glorifying perfectly complex human beings had been on our minds since the beginning on the trip--our voyage dotted with homages and altars to long dead, famous men with matching Wikipedia articles of similar exultation. Why do we press to promote people beyond their own humanity?
I chewed on the thought, slapped angry blood suckers of every variety from my inviting skin, and we crawled out of the over-grown miniature trail to be dumped on the side of the road across from a small outbuilding with a cemetery already threatening to outdo the building's square footage.
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The chapel was also closed for renovations, but a barefoot Randy--a contractor who'd been working on the estate long enough to be blasĂš about tearing up the blueprint work of our generation's architectural genius--let us gawk at the very simple but signature design of the small, two-room church house. I asked of Randy's joys and pains handling the first fabergĂš egg of many he worked on around here and he gave us a sweet, watery-eyed ode to peeling up the foundation of this building only to find wood so far gone he had nicknamed the action of clearing it out to replace with new joists "scooping up floor-pudding."
Lewis and I paced the little graveyard looking at the shapes and edges of the Lloyd Wrights, including Frank himself. Here he was, buried next to his very first, as was only (W)right.
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We jogged back along the path that cut away from the road, back between two deciduous trees, and into the parking lot to dust off clinging ticks and make our way towards a place with food, beer, and a few less dead people in Madison, WI.
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I had been to Madison when Elaina was living here, working and saving money for grad school, and the weather could not have been more pamphlet-perfect to welcome me back. We parked right in front of "The Old Fashioned" and had the Midwest dinner of our lives. Cheese Curds and beer, at least one namesaked Brandy Old-Fashioned, and a LAZY SUSAN of central Europe's greatest hits, America edition.
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Lewis and I argued about debated the meaning of certain clues in our latest Cryptic lineup until the sun dipped and we realized we'd need to scramble to the campsite to see our hand a foot in front of our face before long, let alone unwieldy tent poles. We thanked Brooke the bartender who advised on sauces for cheese curds and pushed Stacey up to Pike Lake to set up camp and plead with the fireflies to reconsider their strike in the late Wisconsin Spring darkness.
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holdonendure · 2 years ago
Brothers and Sisters
It is important to recognize the harvest of self-glory in you and in your ministry. May YAHUAH use this list to give you diagnostic wisdom. May he use it to expose your heart and to redirect your ministry.
Self-glory will cause you to:
1. Parade in public what should be kept in private.
The Pharisees live for us as a primary example. Because they saw their lives as glorious, they were quick to parade that glory before watching eyes. The more you think you’ve arrived and the less you see yourself as daily needing rescuing grace, the more you will tend to be self-referencing and self-congratulating. Because you are attentive to self-glory, you will work to get greater glory even when you aren’t aware that you’re doing it. You will tend to tell personal stories that make you the hero. You will find ways, in public settings, of talking about private acts of faith. Because you think you’re worthy of acclaim, you will seek the acclaim of others by finding ways to present yourself as “godly.”
I know most pastors reading this will think they would never do this. But I am convinced there is a whole lot more “righteousness parading” in pastoral ministry than we would tend to think. It is one of the reasons I find pastors’ conferences, presbytery meetings, general assemblies, ministeriums, and church planting gatherings uncomfortable at times. Around the table after a session, these gatherings can degenerate into a pastoral ministry “spitting contest” where we are tempted to be less than honest about what’s really going on in our hearts and ministries. After celebrating the glory of the grace of the gospel there is way too much self-congratulatory glory taken by people who seem to need more acclaim than they deserve.
2. Be way too self-referencing.
We all know it, we’ve all seen it, we’ve all been uncomfortable with it, and we’ve all done it. Proud people tend to talk about themselves a lot. Proud people tend to like their opinions more than the opinions of others. Proud people think their stories are more interesting and engaging than others. Proud people think they know and understand more than others. Proud people think they’ve earned the right to be heard. Proud people, because they are basically proud of what they know and what they’ve done, talk a lot about both. Proud people don’t reference weakness. Proud people don’t talk about failure. Proud people don’t confess sin. So proud people are better at putting the spotlight on themselves than they are at shining the light of their stories and opinions on YAHUAH’s glorious and utterly undeserved grace.
3. Talk when you should be quiet.
When you think you’ve arrived, you are quite proud of and confident in your opinions. You trust your opinions, so you are not as interested in the opinions of others as you should be. You will tend to want your thoughts, perspectives, and viewpoints to win the day in any given meeting or conversation. This means you will be way more comfortable than you should be with dominating a gathering with your talk. You will fail to see that in a multitude of counsel there is wisdom. You will fail to see the essential ministry of the body of MASHIACH in your life. You will fail to recognize your bias and spiritual blindness. So you won’t come to meetings formal or informal with a personal sense of need for what others have to offer, and you will control the talk more than you should.
4. Be quiet when you should speak.
Self-glory can go the other way as well. Leaders who are too self-confident, who unwittingly attribute to themselves what could only have been accomplished by grace, often see meetings as a waste of time. Because they are proud, they are too independent, so meetings tend to be viewed as an irritating and unhelpful interruption of an already overburdened ministry schedule. Because of this they will either blow meetings off or tolerate the gathering, attempting to bring it to a close as quickly as possible. So they don’t throw their ideas out for consideration and evaluation because, frankly, they don’t think they need it. And when their ideas are on the table and being debated, they don’t jump into the fray, because they think that what they have opined or proposed simply doesn’t need to be defended. Self-glory will cause you to speak too much when you should listen and to feel no need to speak when you surely should.
5. Care too much about what people think about you.
When you have fallen into thinking that you’re something, you want people to recognize the something. Again, you see this in the Pharisees: personal assessments of self-glory always lead to glory-seeking behavior. People who think they have arrived can become all too aware of how others respond to them. Because you’re hyper-vigilant, watching the way the people in your ministry respond, you probably don’t even realize how you do things for self-acclaim.
Sadly, we often minister the gospel of YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH for the sake of our own glory, not for the glory of MASHIACH or the redemption of the people under our care.
In 1 Corinthians 13, the famous Bible chapter on love, the apostle Paul details YAHUAH’s greatest gift. Part of the description of love is a list of negatives—what love is not. One of these negatives, found in verse 4, is love “does not boast.”
The Greek word translated here as “boast” means “to brag or point to oneself.” In contrast to the kindness and patience mentioned in the beginning of the verse, boasting is not a mark of love. Paul’s mention of boasting is significant, given his teaching against arrogance elsewhere in the epistle.
Earlier portions of this letter reveal that the Corinthian Believers were boasting about many things. They touted their allegiance to different apostles, creating division within the church (chapters 1–3). They were critical of Paul (chapter 4). They boasted of their tolerance for immorality within the church (chapter 5). They sued each other in court (chapter 6). These and other arrogant actions are ultimately countered in chapter 13, with love as the proper corrective. According to verse 4, real love does not boast. There’s no arrogance in love.
The actions of the Corinthians are sometimes evident among today’s believers. Rather than live with kindness and patience (verse 4), many promote division within the called out assembly, criticize called out assembly leaders, brag of their enlightened attitude toward sin, and bring lawsuits against fellow Believers. The remedy for these flaws is found in 1 Corinthians 13. A Follower of the Way who exhibits godly love will not boast.
The reason that love does not boast is simple: love is focused on the loved one, not on oneself. A braggart is full of himself, magnifying his own accomplishments and too occupied with self-aggrandizement to notice others. Love turns the perspective outward. A person with YAHUAH’s type of love will magnify others, focus on their needs, and offer help with no thought of repayment or recognition. When someone says, “Look at how great I am!” it’s braggadocio talking, not love.
Paul had chances to boast, but he chose not to. He had served the Corinthians without a salary, completely gratis, but he did not boast of his sacrifice. Instead, he wrote, “If I preach the gospel, that gives me no ground for boasting” (1 Corinthians 9:16). Elsewhere, Paul wrote that no Believer has a right to boast about salvation: we are saved by grace through faith, “so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:9; see also Romans 3:27-28).
Boasting is unloving and sinful. Those called to reflect MASHIACH should strive for the same attitude as that of MASHIACH YAHUSHA (Philippians 2:5), showing a love that draws people to ADONAI and gives glory to the heavenly Father (Matthew 5:16).
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imaginariumgeographica · 5 years ago
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Happy Republic of Two Systems Independence Day, Citizens!
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bananaofswifts · 4 years ago
Taylor Swift Carefully Reimagines Her Past on ‘Fearless: Taylor’s Version’
This re-recording of her breakthrough 2008 album is at points even more moving than the original
“I lived, and I learned,” Taylor Swift sings 85 minutes into the expanded, re-recorded version of her breakthrough 2008 album Fearless. Less than two years ago, Swift announced she’d be redoing her back catalog to reclaim ownership of her early material after the master recordings of her Big Machine discography were acquired by industry mogul Scooter Braun. The goal of this ambitious undertaking is plain enough. To borrow a phrase from “Tim McGraw”: When you think Fearless, Swift hopes you think Taylor’s Version.
Musicians re-recording their back catalog following behind-the-scenes label disputes is an age-old music industry story. But there is little precedent for an artist undertaking the endeavor in as high-profile a manner as Swift, who has leapt into this project with the big-budget ambition and creative fervor usually reserved for a blockbuster album. In doing so, she’s positioned unromantic industry pragmatism as a retrospective celebration of her creative life: part diehard fan treat, part legacy artist archival reissue (think: The Bootleg Series (Taylor’s Version), and part told-you-so pet-project.
Swift begins her massive undertaking with Fearless, the album that established her as a crossover star. “I don’t know how it gets better than this,’ she sings in the opening title track, now a provocation. But unlike most re-recordings, this time the new versions somehow sound less slick than the original. Her voice feels lower in the mix this time around, but for the most part she’s gone to extreme lengths to mimic the polished Nashville textures and soundscapes of the first Fearless; she brought back several of the album’s session musicians and even recruited Colbie Caillat (a primary influence on the 2008 version of Fearless) to redo her backing vocals on “Breathe.”
Swift has clearly studied her vocal intonations on Fearless, down to the awkwardly recreated laughs and hiccups sprinkled throughout “Hey Stephen.” But her thirty-something voice is richer, deeper and more sure of itself. She embodies her earlier country affectations, but only to a point: no longer does she try to make “back” rhyme with “laugh” on the deep-cut “Come in With the Rain.”
She has noble reasons to be re-recording her back catalog, but no amount of freedom gets her clean: As is inherently the case when an artist is carbon-copying their original recordings, no matter how artfully, it’s impossible not to miss the emotional heft and adolescent idiosyncrasies of the original, in all its tinny, mixed-for-country-radio glory: The way, in 2008, Swift’s voice broke into its strange Regina Spektor-meets-Shania Twain twang when she sang “Hey, isn’t this eas-aye” in “You Belong With Me;” or the way a teenage Swift delivers the high melodrama of “Fifteen” as only a prematurely nostalgic 18 year-old for whom three years is a lifetime can.
After making our way through the re-recorded Fearless: Platinum Edition bonus track portion of the record, the final half-dozen originals, all previously unreleased, are revelatory glimpses into Swift’s working process. There’s Swift’s vocal phrasing on “We Were Happy,” which hints at her Red-era deep-cut “The Moment I Knew,” or the way her famous “casually cruel” phrase from 2012’s “All Too Well” first finds its way into 2009’s “Mr. Perfectly Fine.” Other songs, like “You All Over Me” or “That’s When,” collapse the Swift time-space continuum, deploying moody modern-day collaborators like Jack Antonoff and Aaron Dessner to tackle her buttoned up mid-aughts Nashville country-pop. This isn’t the first time Swift and Keith Urban have collaborated (remember “Highway Don’t Care”?) but it’s surely the first time Dessner has added his pulsing synth drum loops to a song (“You All Over Me”) co-written by a guy (Scooter Carusoe) who writes hits for Brett Eldredge.
Finally, there are the songs that feel more moving now than they did 13 years ago. Take “Change,” a song Swift delivers with a knowing bite. She initially wrote it about being on her upstart independent Nashville label Big Machine, and was moved to finish the tune after seeing label boss Scott Borchetta in tears when she won her first CMA award. Here the song’s meaning is darkly flipped, reflecting Big Machine’s journey from scrappy upstart to part of the fraught system a much younger Swift thought she and Borchetta might conquer. “The battle was long
We’ll stand up champions tonight,” she sings with a wink. What could Swift possibly do with such glorious irony? She’ll sing hallelujah.
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Mysterious Night Blooming Roses pt 3
Hey look, more of that vampire bodice ripper. 
Things are really heating up at Castle Pankratz!
tw: blood drinking, horny
“Many of your predecessors found my feeding to be...pleasurable,” the Viscount shrugged. “So don’t be embarrassed should any such feelings or physical reactions arise during our time together.”
The blush that bloomed across Geralt’s pale cheeks was enchanting and the vampire felt himself falling a little more in love with his most recent pseudo-employee. 
“Wh-What happened to my, uhm, predecessors?” Geralt asked, biting at his bottom lip. 
“The one before you, Moira, she’s off to start a wool trading business in Temeria. She wanted to learn a skill and find a job; you know, become a woman of independent means.”
“And before her there was Thoren, and he’s probably teaching his children to fish by now. I suspect he has his own fleet of ships with the price cod has been selling for in Redania.”
“They’re still alive?”
“Of course! And they left Castle Pankratz with a hefty payment in thanks for their service. Enough to buy a whole herd of sheep, if you’re Moira. Or a nice cottage and a fishing boat, if you’re Thoren. I don’t know what you’ll choose to do with your money when your ten years is up. How old will you be, then?”
“You’re the perfect age! I became a creature of the night some time during my twenty-seventh year of life and that’s how I appear now; or so I have been told. I’ve actually been living here for nearly two thousand years.”
The peasant’s went wide and he swallowed thickly. “Hmm.”
“May I have your consent to drink from you, Geralt? I know it’s an odd way to meet and a rushed explanation of things, but it’s been rather a long week and I’m
 I’m hungry, Geralt. Would you mind?”
“I suppose not, Your Grace,” the peasant murmured, and tilted his head to the side.
Their first time together had been rushed and uncomfortable and awkward. Fumbling. Like two teenagers attempting their first romantic embrace in a barn, avoiding their chores and praying that their parents or siblings didn’t accidentally peek inside and catch them. 
Things had gotten better since then. The village’s Samhain celebration was drawing ever closer and the darkness of night came earlier every day. There was more time for Geralt and Jaskier to spend together, talking and laughing in the library or sitting room. Jaskier wrote music, and often played his compositions for Geralt on the harp, lute, or piano. Geralt would read out loud some nights, his fingers playing idly with the laces of Jaskier’s shirt or the fringe of his hair as he did so. 
Then, early one autumn evening, Jaskier summoned Geralt to his private chambers.
“Your Grace?” the peasant asked, peeking his head and shoulders into his Master’s enormous bedroom.
“Come in, Geralt. Please come in and close the door behind you.”
Geralt stepped inside and closed the door. His eyes remained downcast as he turned towards bed where Jaskier lay, reclining comfortably like some kind of presiding deity. “You summoned me, Your Grace?”
“Come here, pet, and have a seat. I’d like to talk to you about something rather important.”
Geralt crossed the windowless chamber and took a nervous seat at the very edge of Jaskier’s mattress. He’d never been in this part of the castle before; usually the vampire took him to the sitting room or his own bedroom to feed because it was easier to tuck him in for a nap afterward. It was, as the vampire liked to joke, a rather draining experience for the young man. 
“Are you displeased, Your Grace? Have I done something wrong?”
“Oh no! Of course not, dear heart! You could not possibly be any more pleasing, in all honesty. I just wanted to know how you were getting along. How do you spend your days in my castle when I am asleep in here?”
“I read, mostly. You have some of my favorites in your library.”
“Such as?”
“I’ve read The Three Musketeers twice. I’ve read Treasure Island, Faustus, and a few collections of poetry as well.”
“Studious,” the vampire smiled, tugging Geralt closer. The mortal man allowed himself to be moved up the bed and into Jaskier’s cold yet inviting embrace. “I like that in a man.”
 in a man?”
“Have I misunderstood something, my dear? I thought I saw you peeking at me while I changed for supper yesterday,” Jaskier explained, relaxing his arms enough so that Geralt could easily leave if he wanted to. The vampire was right, however. Geralt had been peeking and he had liked what he’d seen. “I thought that you had perhaps begun to feel the same things for me that I have begun to feel for you.”
“What are you feeling exactly, Your Grace?” Geralt’s voice was low and sweet and dripped like honey. The warm human wrapped in Jaskier’s arms smelled fantastic, like lust and mint; the wine from dinner still sang in his blood. The vampire shivered and narrowed his eyes. The irises flashed from blue to red and then back to blue again, revealing to his guest the intense emotions he usually held in check. 
“In regards to you, my dear Geralt? I’m afraid that I feel significant attachment. I have not tasted blood so sweet and floral in over a hundred years, nor have I had conversations so scintillating. I suspect it has been many more years since I’ve had that, if I cared to actually count, but that would be a waste of time in your presence. You are clever, curious, loyal, and your chivalry seems to know no bounds, dear heart. How could I not feel something romantic in nature towards you when you, yourself, are so naturally easy to romance?”
The peasant’s face flushed prettily and his heartbeat sped up to a pleasant, ringing tempo. Jaskier could smell the mixture of love and arousal wafting off his darling Geralt and it nearly intoxicated him. He felt his fangs go sharp and steely in his mouth and he bit back a predatory hiss. “Fuck!”
“Your Grace? Are you alright?”
“Perhaps you should go after all, my pet. I’m afraid I-”
“No!” Geralt stiffened and pulled out of the Viscount’s arms. He shrank back against the covers and looked up at his Master with wide, worried eyes.  “I’m sorry, Your Grace, but I’m so confused. I can’t leave again until I know what your intentions are. It’s only been a few weeks since my arrival and yet I still I -” the young man grappled with his language, pleading for something that would get his feelings across to the ancient, all-knowing vampire before him. “- I can’t stop dreaming about you, Jaskier! I can’t get you out of my head! The more I try not to think about you the more I fantasize about sneaking in here and laying at your side as you sleep. I ache to feel your skin against my own. I long for your hands, colder than death as they are, to caress me and hold me.”
The vampire let his lips part, his fangs gleaming in the low light of a few candles. Geralt’s words caught in his throat and his heart-rate rose again. It was nearly frantic. Jaskier would have been worried, but that particular rhythm combined with the way Geralt had started to smell was really getting to his head. 
He allowed himself to give a single, territorial little growl before he rose onto his knees. The vampire placed one hand on either side of Geralt’s head and leaned down, brushing the tips of their noses together as he trapped his human quarry against a goosefeather pillow. “I dream of you as well, my pet. I dream of running my fingers through your soft white hair and listening as you read to me in that deep, rumbling voice.”
“Your Grace?”
“I dream,” Jaskier sighed, tracing his nose along Geralt’s jaw, “Of how delectable you smell when you’re happy. Of how caring you are when you’re worried. Of how you might react to sweet, glorious compliments being whispered in your ear as I hold you close and take you apart. I’ve had centuries of practice, dear heart, and I really am quite good.”
“Your Grace.” 
“I dream of touching you, Geralt. May I please touch you?” 
“Yes, Your Grace.”
“Gods, Geralt. When you call me that, it -” the vampire’s fangs lengthened again, pushing and straining towards his sweet human sacrifice, “- It really awakens the nature of a beast in me.”
“My apologies, Master.”
Jaskier groaned and leaned away, his hands covering his face to keep his fangs from finding Geralt’s neck on instinct. “That’s certainly not any better.” 
“Do you wish to drink from me, Jaskier?” Geralt asked. His voice was meek. Nervous. The vampire’s long-dead heart nearly cracked in spite of itself. 
The peasant had never referred to it as drinking before. Always feeding or supping. Geralt understood that he was a food source and kept his distance from the whole process by using such specific terminology for their activities. Yes, the human clearly enjoyed the endorphins Jaskier’s feeding process released throughout his body, and the inhibition-lowering side-effects of Jaskier’s vampiric presence had let a few specific terms of endearment slip through the human’s lips but

This was different. This was Geralt offering himself up rather than accepting his status as an offering from the village. He was an equal participant, now. 
“Would you like it if I drank from you, my dear?”
“Yes,” Geralt admitted. His face was aflame with either shame or lust; Jaskier suspected that it was a strong combination of both. He pulled himself against the vampire and tossed his hair to the side, baring the pale column of his throat. His voice was breathy and a little higher than normal when he locked his gaze with Jaskier’s and whispered, “I’m all yours, Your Grace.”
The backs of the Viscount’s knuckles swept across the smooth expanse of skin and both men shuddered with anticipation. Jaskier curled around Geralt possessively and ran his icy lips down the side of the human’s neck to his pulse-point. The vampire nibbled teasingly for a moment, letting his teeth and tongue worry the skin to a warm, vibrant pink before placing the tips of his fangs down. As he pressed in, breaking through and tasting the first few delectable ruby droplets, Geralt moaned openly. 
His hand clenched in the material of Jaskier’s night-shirt and his eyes rolled back into his head. It was rapturous. It was ecstasy. And now he didn’t have to keep himself silent and resigned; he could react the way he’d wanted to for weeks as his Master drank deeply from the fount of his heart.
“Jaskier!” The hand that wasn’t the vampire’s silk night-shirt was grasping at the skin of his hip, digging his fingers into the cold, firm crease where Jaskier’s long torso met his legs. He needed to hold on to something. He needed an anchor to this mortal realm or he’d go floating away forever, lost to the pleasures of his soon-to-be lover. 
Jaskier removed his fangs from the human’s neck after another moment or two and slowly licked the wound to clean it. Geralt frowned and glanced up, his eyes bright and his face flushed.
“Done already, Your Grace?”
“Oh, Geralt,” the vampire purred, clambering to straddle the taller man’s hips. “I’m just getting started.”
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newmusickarl · 4 years ago
Album & EP Recommendations
My word, the music world has well and truly spoiled us this week!
The past seven days has seen a colossal avalanche of new releases, so much so I’ve barely had chance to keep up with it all. Although this is not the full list of everything from the past seven days, here are the 16 (yes, 16!) new releases I’ve enjoyed the most this week.
As there is so much to get through the rundowns are (mostly) a bit shorter than normal and there is no single Album of the Week, instead I simply recommend checking out whichever album or track sounds most appealing depending on your preferred taste.
So without further ado then, here’s what’s good:
Californian Soil by London Grammar
It’s been four years since the release of London Grammar’s last record Truth Is A Beautiful Thing - an album that I enjoyed, but I’ll admit also left me feeling somewhat underwhelmed coming off the back of their incredible breakout debut, If You Wait. As it turns out, the band themselves were also having a tough time around that period, with front woman Hannah Reid in particular battling relentless industry sexism, as well as the persistent physical pain caused by her fibromyalgia condition. With this being the case, it is amazing that the young indie-pop trio have made it to their third album at all, let alone delivering what is their best work to date.
Opening on a grand, string-drenched Intro, the record soon morphs into the sun-soaked guitars and soaring orchestration of the album’s glorious title track. It marks an early highlight as Reid catches the audience up with the tribulations of the last few years – “I left my soul on Californian soil.” From there the album doesn’t really let up as the band move through a series of career-defining tracks – the gorgeous contemporary groove of Missing, the dance-influenced How Does It Feel, the chilled-out ambience of the dreamy Baby, It’s You and the sublime, stripped-back closer America.
However, the album’s strongest moment comes when Reid confronts music industry sexism head on with defiant anthem Lord It’s A Feeling. Beginning with some twinkly xylophone, before evolving into an atmospheric synth-laced backdrop where Reid pulls no punches:
“I saw the way you made her feel, like she should be somebody else,
I know you think the stars align for you and not for her as well,
I undĐ”rstand, I can admit that I have felt those things mysĐ”lf”
The cutting lyrics against some blinding quiet rave instrumentation leaves quite the impression, as does this sterling record in general. After a slight misstep, London Grammar have well and truly rediscovered themselves and they have honestly never sounded better – a truly incredible album.
If You Could Have It All Again by Low Island
Oxford electo-pop outfit Low Island are another band that have defied expectations to get to this point. This, their debut album, was not recorded in a professional music studio – in fact, the vocals were recorded in a bedroom cupboard of all places. The band themselves don’t even have a manager or a record label. In every sense of the word, they are a truly independent band. For a self-financed, self-produced effort, If You Could Have It All Again is a quite remarkable first outing.
From melodic, uplifting opener Hey Man, the record quickly jumps into spoken word electro punk banger What Do You Stand For, featuring acid-drenched synths and a dancefloor-ready groove. Fans of FIFA 21 will recall Don’t Let the Light In, with the glitchy pulse of recent single Who’s Having the Greatest Time also standing out. That said, it’s the smooth, infectious sway of I Do It For You that still pulls me in the most.
Having followed the band since their early EPs, I’ve been rooting for Low Island for a while now and this is one debut album I was highly anticipating this year. Safe to say, my expectations have been met – this is a fantastic, accomplished record, which leaves me eager to see where they go next.
The Greatest Mistake Of My Life by Holding Absence
There was a time when the difficult second album used to be a thing, but listening to the sophomore effort from Welsh rock band Holding Absence this week, I’m really not sure that exists anymore. After a dramatic and impressive self-titled debut two years ago, the band have wasted little time taking things up a notch, with this new album cinematic and masterfully produced from beginning to end.
From standout singalong anthems like Afterlife and In Circles, to the album’s epic seven-minute penultimate track Mourning Song, The Greatest Mistake of My Life shows a band pushing themselves and driving forward with ambition at every opportunity. In a year packed with outstanding rock and metal albums already, this is most definitely another one you can add onto that list. Soaring, impressive and demanding of repeat listens.
We Forgot We Were Dreaming by Saint Raymond
It’s been six long years since Nottingham-born singer-songwriter Callum Burrows, AKA Saint Raymond, released his debut album. However it seems the time away has been well spent as this long-awaited follow-up finds Burrows in fine form, with this album packed to the brim with catchy, glossily produced indie-pop anthems.
From the brilliant title track that opens the record, to the bouncy riffs of Right Way Round, Talk and Solid Gold, to more subdued and heartfelt moments like Only You, this album will have you smiling, singing your heart out and dancing your troubles away.
Flu Game by AJ Tracey
AJ Tracey may have only been three years old when Michael Jordan was winning NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls, but that hasn’t stopped him making a record influenced by the legendary icon and his famous 1997 Flu Game. Like many others including myself, grime superstar AJ Tracey spent lockdown watching the brilliant The Last Dance documentary, and this record weirdly works as a fantastic unofficial companion, but also just a great summer rap record.
McCartney III Imagined by Paul McCartney
Even if like me you completely missed Sir Paul McCartney’s 2020 album McCartney III, it’s well worth checking out this reimagining, where he has called on the help of some of his famous musician pals. This is a real who’s who line up of guest features including Beck, Khurangbin, St. Vincent, Blood Orange, Phoebe Bridgers, Damon Albarn, Josh Homme, Anderson .Paak and more, making for quite a fascinating mix of sounds and styles.
Moratorium (Broadcasts from The Interruption) by Enter Shikari
And finally on the albums front this week, genre-benders Enter Shikari have released a brilliant compilation of all their lockdown live performances, headlined by an incredible string-tinged acoustic version of The Dreamer’s Hotel and a beautifully stripped-back “At Home” rendition of Live Outside.
Tracks of the Week
Introvert by Little Simz
Wow, wow and wow again. Still fairly fresh off the back of her masterful, Mercury Prize nominated third album Grey Area, this week British rapper Little Simz released the first taste of her next record in the form of this epic and triumphant opening track. At six minutes in length, this majestic and operatic political anthem aims to grab the listener by the collar and shake them awake. Without a doubt, one of the best songs of the year so far, the powerful video for which you can view above.
Smile by Wolf Alice
The second taste of their forthcoming album Blue Weekend, Smile continues Wolf Alice’s pattern for alternating Loud/Soft releases, with this one featuring buzzy guitars, punky vocals and a hypnotic chorus melody.
Beautiful Beaches by James
Although written off the back of the California wildfires that impacted front man Tim Booth’s local community, the lyrics on the band’s latest anthem purposefully offer a dual meaning, giving hope to those dreaming of a post-lockdown getaway and fresh start.
He Said She Said by CHVRCHES
The Scottish trio made their much-anticipated return this week, with Lauren Mayberry also sharing her experiences of sexism on this arena-ready synth-pop banger.
Matty Healy by Georgia Twinn
Georgia Twinn delivers an infectiously catchy break-up anthem, inspired by an ex-boyfriend, who’s most interesting feature was supposedly looking like the 1975 frontman.
Kill It by Vukovi
Underground Scottish rock outfit Vukovi’s new single is so good, they even managed to get KILL IT trending over the weekend of its release. Masterfully produced with big bold riffs and trancey synths, this one just sounds huge.
Can’t Carry On by Gruff Rhys
The latest solo single from the former Super Furry Animals frontman is a stunning, super-melodic tune with an instant chorus you’ll be singing before the track has even finished its first play.
Ceremony by Deftones
One of the highlights off their last album Ohms, the nu-metal rockers have now delivered a cinematic new video directed by horror legend Leigh Whannell. Check it out!
Chasing Birds by Foo Fighters
And finally this week, Dave Grohl and company released a trippy new animated video for this Medicine At Midnight cut to help celebrate 420 in their own unique way. Again, well worth a watch!
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warsmith-38 · 4 years ago
How I would do RWBY pt. 1
Revised Timeline of story events (This is not a script, but a semi-loose outline of the story)
Red, White, Blake, and Yellow trailers can stay. They’re perfectly fine as is, barring some early series production foibles (and the voice acting).
Series would be split into three arcs with three seasons each. 1. The School Arc 2. The World Travel Arc 3. The War Arc. (4. The epilogue season of mini episodes just to cap a few things off)
School Arc.
Season One.
Ruby is shopping.
Roman tries robbing the place.
Ruby gets involved because ‘fight good yes’.
Fights Roman and goons.
Beats goons but starts losing against Roman.
Glynda intervenes.
Roman am-scrays and Ruby is detained by Glynda.
This is not the first time Ruby has been called in like this.
She’s been doing free-lance vigilante stuff for a while now.
Tai comes in, worried to hell and back
It’s almost routine by now, but he has a heart attack each time.
Ozpin gets wind of it this time.
Is impressed by her and offers her position at school.
Ruby says yes.
Tai says Ruby is too young to be-
Ruby says yes.
Tai keeps trying to argue-
Ruby. Says. YES!
She wants to be a huntress like her mother was more than anything else in the world.
Next few days is various entities trying to get Tai to greenlight the idea.
Ruby constantly begs, Yang says it’s a good idea, Ozpin is quite forward as to the benefits, et cetera.
Tai relents when Qrow calls him and argues that Ruby is never going to stop her vigilante thing and should at least be doing it legally and with training.
Tai tells Yang to watch over Ruby.
Yang only promises to try.
Ruby instantly loses her after they arrive at Beacon.
Yang tried, just not very hard. Wants Ruby to be independent, both from her and Tai.
Ruby meets Weiss.
Carefree and rebellious Ruby immediately clashes with stuck-up and bad-tempered Weiss.
Blake intervenes, slags off the SDC, everyone walks away annoyed.
Ruby meets Jaune.
Jaune is less bumbling.
More of an Octavian figure. Meek of body, but quite strong of tactical and strategic mind.
Jaune meets Pyrrha.
Has no idea who she is. Not all that into celebrity gossip, especially whole kingdoms away.
Comes off as polite and charming, if a bit oblivious.
Ruby encounters Blake on her own.
Says thanks for helping ward off angry Weiss.
Blake seems a little standoffish but Ruby’s infectious friendliness makes her give her a chance.
Have actual conversation about books.
Have minor debate over the exact meaning behind the symbolism of a character in a story.
Y’know, nerd shit.
Ruby and Weiss talk again.
Goes roughly as canon. IE: poorly.
Ren and Nora introduced, again, roughly as canon.
Ren talks a bit more, less of Nora motor-mouth with him just being there.
Have brief conversations with Jaune and/or Pyrrha.
Relic hunt starts.
Ruby and Weiss meet each other faster than usual.
Grimm show up and they kill them together.
Weiss calls her an idiot but agrees that she’s at least competent in a fight.
Blake and Yang meet each other.
Have actual conversation.
Blake tries to be standoffish and curt but Yang’s winning smile and corny sense of humor makes it hard.
Jaune and Pyrrha meet again.
Jaune has actual plan to get relic.
Have conversation about aura and semblances in a way that doesn’t make Jaune seem like he was dropped multiple times on his head as a child.
Says that he hasn’t unlocked his semblance yet, but he says that he scored high enough on his aptitude tests to make up for it.
Ren and Nora meet up because
 well, duh.
Meet Jaune and Pyrrha and decide to team up to speed the overall process up.
Bumble into pissing off giant grimm.
Ruby and Weiss start arguing, come to brief blows even.
Teenagers, am I right?
Big grimm shows up.
They bond a little by fighting it off together.
Main characters start to coalesce at the relic site.
Future JNPR is there too.
Everyone has brief hello with each other.
The two large grimm from earlier show up.
Each would-be team gets one.
Happy teamwork scene.
Kill the grimm, get the relics, same old shit.
Teams RWBY and JNPR are made official.
Team CFVY are present as the designated senpai group.
Cue bonding scenes.
Ruby and Blake create book club with Ren, Jaune, and Yatsuhashi.
Yang, Fox, and Ren have Kung-Fu training scenes.
Velvet passes around the collection plate for Wild Call, a large and helpful faunus rights group.
Blake and Velvet are kind of tense with each other. No one knows why.
Then again, Blake is pretty tense with everyone, but especially Velvet and Weiss.
(Velvet knows that Blake is a faunus and dislikes that she hides it. Blake dislikes Weiss because Schnee.)
Ruby is happy to talk to Coco-senpai and her crazy purse mini-gun.
Nora, Yang, and Pyrrha have push up contest. Ruby wins.
Weiss helps Ruby study with things like flash cards, note taking strategies, and other things she ignores.
Weiss has tense moment or two with Ruby but Yang delivers some context as to why Ruby is so unruly.
Mom died, dad got WAY overprotective of Ruby and more than a little distant with Yang.
Ruby always wanted to be like her badass of a mother and saw their father as being in the way of that.
Weiss empathizes to a degree.
Weiss and Yang team up to be the semi-responsible ones for Ruby.
CRDL are cunts.
Act racist to Velvet.
Push Jaune and Ruby around a little.
Say ungentlemanly things to Yang and Pyrrha. (They do it to all of the girls, but to them the most)
Cunt stuff.
CVFY can’t do much because A. They can’t be brawling with underclassmen and B. They wouldn’t be able to not kill the little pricks and that’d be a bad look for them.
JNPR is just trying to ignore them.
This leads to a confrontation between CRDL and RWBY.
They make a bet over a set of sparring matches.
If CRDL wins then RWBY has to operate as their maids or something creepy like that for the school year.
If RWBY wins then CRDL has to fuck off for the school year.
Best of four matches with a team battle if a tiebreaker is needed.
Ruby actually loses to Cardin due to his tankiness, him being the most (IE: only) competent part of his team, and secret cheating.
Weiss beats Russel rather handily.
Blake loses to Dove due to him cheating and everyone still not noticing yet.
Yang traumatizes Lark as a warning.
Team battle!
CRDL takes an early advantage due to RWBY having some coordination issues.
RWBY figures out that CRDL is cheating via wire tapping into their team communications.
Ruby takes the reigns.
Coordinates with her team via code with an old inside joke to Yang, a literary reference to Blake, and one of those studying tricks to Weiss.
They act in ways that CRDL aren’t expecting and can’t cheat around.
RWBY wins.
Yang and Blake take CRDL aside and threaten them that if they renege at all they will make what Yang did to Lark look like a massage, not to mention telling the staff about the cheating.
They are scared into avoiding RWBY and co. where convenient.
CRDL slink off to be cunts elsewhere.
Pyrrha, because fuck ‘will they won’t they’, asks Jaune out on a date.
Jaune, breaking dense anime boy tradition, says yes.
They’re cute together and N+R support them.
Beginnings of Vital Festival starts.
Team RWBY sees Sun causing chaos.
He briefly introduces himself to them and then runs off to cause more monkey mischief.
SSN are right behind him and are rude bastards who don’t introduce themselves while fleeing the cops.
Penny meets team in glorious awkwardness.
Ciel, whom Weiss recognizes from Atlas (they went to the same starter school together), is constantly chasing after her and her antics.
Her other two teammates are just combat bots with special retrofits. (They’re prototypes for Penny)
Gives context of tournament and her place in it like an awkward robot would.
Weiss says something pretty damn racist directed towards Sun.
RBY call out Weiss on racism.
Blake gets angry with her.
The topic of the White Fang comes up.
R + Y both agree with Weiss that the White Fang are assholes, despite also condemning Weiss’ racism.
Weiss has horror stories about what they’ve done, including kidnapping her at young age.
Points to her scar for emphasis.
Blake can’t argue against what they’re talking about but counters with the horrible stuff the SDC has done across planet.
General scumbag corporate crap as well as paramilitary actions that break most international laws.
R + Y also agree with Blake that SDC sucks too.
Weiss is a little taken aback.
She genuinely had no clue that things like that were happening.
Blake lets slip that she was White Fang.
Runs off before people can react.
Team gives chase.
Blake thinks they’re going to turn her in and/or lynch her.
They only want to talk to her and get the full story.
Weiss is conflicted about things.
Sun finds Blake, says that he remembers her from a White Fang attack in Vacuo, despite the masks they wear, and wants some answers.
Sun says that general opinion among faunus (at least in Vacuo and Mistral) is that the White Fang are asshole supremacists that cause more problems than they ever solve or even try to solve.
Blake gets reality check about White Fang.
Confesses that she was involved with some acts of violence but thought it was for the greater good.
She makes a point of saying that she, herself, did not kill anyone. If anyone was killed it was not by her.
If someone died, then it was either an ‘accident’ someone else did or Adam swung the sword.
Also thought that the genuinely horrible stuff she heard was propaganda or just Adam being a dick.
It was said dickishness of Adam’s cell that was tolerated by larger organization that made her leave and try to repent.
She had no idea that Adam was only marginally more of a lunatic than other cell leaders.
Blake happens to see telltale signs of White Fang attack. Uses them as an excuse to change subject.
Sun gives her benefit of the doubt on her attempt at personal redemption and assists her in trying to stop terrorist plot.
Penny has nothing better to do so she gives Ciel the slip and starts helping Ruby look for Blake.
Have conversation about friendship, freedom, and weapons.
Weiss airs concerns to Yang about future of team.
She seems scared at the idea of losing a friend like Blake.
White Fang are taking orders from Torchwick and his goons.
Blake tries to appeal to their good side.
They call her and Sun race traitors and try to kill them.
Blake and Sun vs Torchwick.
Neo (Roman’s adopted daughter) shows up to help Torchwick.
White Fang go all out.
This is a problem.
RWY and Penny arrive to brawl.
Penny solves problems.
Sun and Penny take on the White Fang
Roman + Neo are final boss of season for RWBY.
Hard fought fight, but it is clear that RWBY is going to win.
White Fang have contingency explosive.
No one important dies, but Penny is grabbed by her superiors in the confusion.
Weiss and Blake confrontation.
Both apologize for the mistakes in their earlier arguments and for flying off the handle.
Both still have rose-tinted glasses about their respective sides but the tint is wearing off.
Blake stops hiding being a faunus because the rest of the world isn’t as horrible and racist as the supremacist terrorists told her it was.
Agrees to be more transparent to her team.
Weiss agrees that #notallfaunus and that the SDC has done some dirt.
Torchwick meets with mysterious benefactor about problems with latest job.
Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, and Adam tell him not to worry and that Evil Plan is still a go.
Season one done.
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michaelbogild · 3 years ago
Quotes by Mehmet Murat ildan
A beautiful mind is like a beautiful path! The more you travel with it, the more you find peace and happiness!
A beautiful smile without any reason is the smile of the existence!
A bird without wings and a man without art are both condemned to wander in low places; they can never soar up to those unrivalled heights.
A cat’s New Year dream is mostly a bird! Don’t be like a cat; in New Year, dream something that you have never dreamed! Target for new things!
A good book is a lighthouse; a wise man is a lighthouse; conscience is a lighthouse; compassion is a lighthouse; science is a lighthouse! They all show us the true path! Keep them in your life to remain safe in the rocky and dark waters of life!
A little happy house is the strongest castle in this whole universe!
A long walk in a long beach shortens every kind of sorrow!
A romantic person will know from the bottom of his heart that no source of light can ever replace the mysterious beauty of a candle!
A street full of shadows will teach you what life is much better than the street full of lights!
A waterfall cannot be silent, just as the wisdom! When they speak, the voice of power speaks!
An uneducated society will eventually turn into something lower than a herd of animals!
Are you a stupid sheep in the flock or a free eagle in the sky? Look at the mirror, what are you? Are you some dullish cattle in the herd or a wise owl in the forest? Look at the mirror, what are you?
Autumn is the greatest reminder: It reminds us how dreamlike beauties our earth has and it reminds us how all these beautiful dreams can easily vanish!
Carry your bag by yourself; carry your umbrella by yourself; open your door by yourself; light your own candle! Do your job by yourself! Don’t use others! Don’t behave like a king, don’t behave like a queen! Be humble!
Clouds in the sky very much resembles the thoughts in our minds! Both changes perpetually from one second to another!
Cowards cannot pass beyond the walls or beyond the wire fences! For them, frontiers are always the end of the road!
Disappointment means that things haven’t worked out the way you wanted! And now what to do? Very simple: Stand up and walk! Cut the tragedy because our limited time must always be used for the forward movements!
Don’t follow any leader; don’t obey to anyone; crowds are slaves; take an independent stance; take orders only from your own mind!
Don’t say deep things to shallow people and don’t talk about shallow things with the deep people!
Elephants don’t know anything about the world of ants; the peaks of mountains are oblivious of what is happening on the plains!
Enlarge your windows till you get a window where you can see the whole universe with one look!
Every long separation is a test: A test to see how powerful or how weak the will of reuniting is!
Every morning is a revolution against the darkness!
Every New Year must be celebrated at the heart of nature - in the middle of a forest or by the side of a lake under billions of stars - because it is nature who has made our existence possible!
Every season has its own art and the art of autumn is to bewitch the people!
Every time it rains, the soil counts every drop to know exactly how many times to thank to God!
Farewell is a beautiful and a soft word and yet it is a horrible and a heavy thing too!
Flowers are the Romeos and the Juliets of the nature!
Flowers have the greatest talent in converting an ordinary place into a magical palace!
For a dark street, sunshine is most welcome; for a wounded soul, love is most welcome!
For a new year to bring you something new, make a move, like a butterfly tearing its cocoon! Make a move!
For the cowards, all doors are locked; for the daring, all doors are open!
For the land, the sea is beautiful; for the sea, the land is beautiful!
Forest is a dream where you may find yourself and dream is a forest where you may lose yourself!
Full moon is a good fisherman; every eyes are easily caught in his net!
Genius tries to conquer the world with art, with songs, with words; stupid tries to conquer it with sword, with guns, with arrows!
Give freedom to colours and then you shall meet the rainbow everywhere!
Great artists come and go; they are born and they die; but there is one exception who has been living for thousands of years and still continues creating new works, new beauties every year: The Autumn!
Happiness has only one colour: The Bright! The bright of red, the bright of green, the bright of any colour! Happiness is bright! It shines, it sparkles, it glints!
He who does not walk against the arrows cannot talk about the strength of his shield!
If the storm underestimates your power, nothing happens to him; but if you underestimate the power of the storm, you sink!
If we had known everything in this universe, we would have had to find another universe to feed our curiosity, because what keeps alive man is the curiosity!
If you are good at building bridges, you will never fall into the abyss!
If you are sure of tomorrow, there is no fool greater than you!
If you close your eyes, no lighthouse can help you!
If you do not have the concept of distance, you may reach an unreachable place!
If you feel you have to open a particular door, open it, otherwise all your life that door will haunt your mind!
If you have carefully examined hundred people you met in your life journey, it means that you have read hundred different books! Every person you know is a book; world is full of walking books; some are boring, some are marvellous, some are weak, some are powerful, but they are all useful because they all carry different experiences of different paths!
If you have ever walked in Paris, you will see that Paris will ever walk in your memoires!
If you love yourself first, you will find your Valentine much quicker!
If you move faster than the music, it will look strange; if you move slower than the music, it will look strange! Be like autumn leaves which follow exactly the rhythm of the wind!
If you open your eyes very wide and look around you carefully, you will always see a lighthouse which will lead you to the right path! Just watch around you carefully!
If you see a castle under fog, you must walk there to meet the extraordinary dreams!
In a society where everyman is fox-minded, you need to be foxier than the fox!
In autumn, don’t go to jewelers to see gold; go to the parks!
In deep waters, you encounter only the wise and the brave; in shallow waters, the ignorant and the coward!
In defeat, look at the stars; in victory, look at the ground! From the stars, you get hope; from the ground, you get caution.
In the middle of nowhere, an old wooden bridge is a golden bridge!
Instead of politicians, let the monkeys govern the countries; at least they will steal only the bananas!
Leave city, leave reality; enter forest, enter fantasy!
Let me tell you something big: Give importance to little things!
Let the people discover you! You might have the key of the locked doors in their lives! Open yourself to the world; you might be the magic the world needs!
Let yourself disappear in the darkness; if you are loved, people will come and find you with torches in their hands! Love is a great searcher; it always searches the loved one! To see who really love you, just disappear!
Lighten your life with a simple life!
Magic of the nights is always much impressive than the magic of the days!
Man must be able to think freely and he must be able to express his thoughts freely! He who is against this is not only fascist and primitive but at the same time is a very great coward also! Only the brave and the honourable men are never afraid of freedom of thought and freedom of expression of ideas! Just like the cockroaches do not like the light, evil minds also do not like the freedom of thoughts!
Man must behave like a lighthouse; he must shine day and night for the goodness of everyman.
Max Lucado says that ‘A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.’ That is true and a man who wants to find out the truth must also do the same thing!
New Year’s most glorious light is sweet hope!
No flower is happy in a vase, because vase is nothing but an ornate coffin for the flower.
No king has a throne more beautiful than a bench covered with the autumn leaves!
No matter how right or how beautiful your path is, never try to impose your path on others! Remember that flowers by no means pull bees by force to their world! Your path is your poem; if people like your poem, they will fondly join you in your path!
No season appeals to the eyes as much as autumn; no season touches the souls as powerfully as autumn and no season invites us to the world of mournful thoughts as intensely as autumn!
Not every lake dreams to be an ocean. Blessed are the ones who are happy with whom they are.
Nothing is more mysterious than watching a lonely man who is taking for a night walk in a foggy street!
Photography is an art of teleporting the past into the future.
Pigs are dirty, but I will tell you something dirtier: Liars! Untruth always smells like rotten garbage!
Rain is nature’s art; umbrella is man’s art.
Real love and Sun have something in common; they are so bright that they don't have shadows, they are free of darkness!
Rumi says love turns thorns into flowers. This means that hate turns flowers into thorns!
Searching for the real faces of every face we met! This is what our life is!
Silent streets have many things to say.
Similar souls wander in the similar places! They may not know each other, but often they touch the same winds, they step on the same leaves, their looks are lost in the same horizons!
Simple life and peaceful mind are very close friends!
Smile is a good reply to the dark world.
Some looks are heavier than the thickest books because they carry the saddest stories of life!
Something reduces the speed of the world and that something is stupidity! Stupidity is a boring friction!
Sometimes you must do crazy things to discover the life beyond your life, to enter the unknown zone beyond your known zone!
Strong winds create giant waves; strong wills create giant men!
Sun gives light; torch gives light, candle gives light; smiling gives light.
Sunset is so marvellous that even the sun itself watches it every day in the reflections of the infinite oceans!
Sunset is the opening music of the night.
The best thing you can give to a child is to create an environment where the child can develop an independent mind so that he will be the man of no one and the instrument of no system!
The fate of the bridges is to be lonely; because bridges are to cross not to stay!
The first step to be a good man is this: You must deeply feel the burden of the stones someone else carrying.
The greatest storms on our Earth break not in nature but in our minds!
The Moon always finds an opportunity to turn our attention from the ground beneath our feet to the sky above our head!
The most beautiful springs are those that come after the most horrible winters!
The most beautiful sunset is the one which suddenly appears in front of you while you are walking pensively!
The most precious light is the one that visits you in your darkest hour!
The scent of the morning is prepared by the night; the scent of the night is prepared by the day; everything helps everything!
The trains always arrive at your station. The question is which one to take?
The wisdom of bridges comes from the fact that they know the both sides, they know the both shores!
There is a hidden message in every waterfall. It says, if you are flexible, falling will not hurt you!
There is no real silence for the sensitive ears and there is no real tranquility for the sensitive hearts!
There is nothing more beautiful than living a simple life in this complex universe!
There is so much beauty in autumn and so much wisdom; so much separation and so much sorrow!
There is so much hope in a little flower and so many flowers in a little hope!
Those who mastered in the art of falling have no fear of rising!
To get inspiration, go to the nature; for silence, go to the nature; to question the meaning of life, go to the nature; to feel the existence, go to the nature; to protect your mind, to reach the truth, to think about the universe go to the nature!
To speak with the shadow, you must know the language of the darkness!
To think is sacred; let every person think freely! To express what you think is sacred; let every person express his thought freely! If you do this, you prove that you are a conscientious and a moral human being! If you don’t do this, you just declare yourself being fascist!
Tradition kills originality; you keep repeating the same things in tradition! Behave like the sky; always create new and different things; be original!
Umbrella is comfort, rain is life! You must often leave comfort to touch the life!
Watching the infinite horizons gives you infinite dreams, infinite ideas, infinite paths! Choose a great target and then you will see that great instruments will appear for you to reach that target!
Water is the most perfect traveller because when it travels it becomes the path itself!
We are all on the stairs, my friend; some of us are going down, some us are going up!
We see what we are only through reflection and thus the more our reflections occur, the less our mistakes will be!
What do you need in the New Year? You need a dream; your dream needs an action; and your action needs right thinking! Without right thinking, you can have only unrealised dreams!
What is the name of your dream? A lovely wooden cottage in the middle of a forest? Or walking in an endless autumn path? What is the name of your dream? Don’t give a name, always give a list! Fill yourself with dreams because dream is the path to reality!
What you do when nobody is there is your true you!
When everything looks like a magical oil painting, you know you are in Autumn!
When the moonlight and the waterfall come together, all other things fade from the scene!
When the spirit of nature touches us, our hearts turn into a butterfly!
When the sun is setting, leave whatever you are doing and watch it.
When you are happy, you feel the sunshine even inside the fog; when you are unhappy, you feel the fog even in the sunshine.
When you are on the bright side of life, do not forget the people who are on the dark side and remember that man can easily slip from one side to the other!
When you increase the number of gardens, you increase the number of heavens too!
When you lose your path, you get an opportunity to discover a world you have never known! And better worlds are often found this way! Darkness and uncertainty hide presents in itself!
When you read a book, book also reads you! The book will know who you are from the sentences you underline!
Winter invites white; white invites silence; silence invites peace. You see, there is so much peace in walking on the snow!
Winter is dead; spring is crazy; summer is cheerful and autumn is wise!
Wise man is the rooster of the universe: He awakens the unawake!
Without the stairs of the past, you cannot arrive at the future!
You can never leave a place unless you leave that place in your mind!
You can walk in a dream while you are awake: Just walk in the misty morning of a forest!
You either keep your childhood innocence or you rot!
You need a temple to feel good spiritually? Go to a beautiful garden!
You need new roads to discover new places!
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rockislandadultreads · 4 years ago
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Some Titles to Celebrate the Last Day of Women’s History Month
Visionary Women: How Rachel Carson, Jane Jacobs, Jane Goodall, and Alice Waters Changed Our World by Andrea Barnet
This is the story of four visionaries who profoundly shaped the world we live in today. Together, these women—linked not by friendship or field, but by their choice to break with convention—showed what one person speaking truth to power can do. Jane Jacobs fought for livable cities and strong communities; Rachel Carson warned us about poisoning the environment; Jane Goodall demonstrated the indelible kinship between humans and animals; and Alice Waters urged us to reconsider what and how we eat. With a keen eye for historical detail, Andrea Barnet traces the arc of each woman’s career and explores how their work collectively changed the course of history. While they hailed from different generations, Carson, Jacobs, Goodall, and Waters found their voices in the early sixties. At a time of enormous upheaval, all four stood as bulwarks against 1950s corporate culture and its war on nature. Consummate outsiders, each prevailed against powerful and mostly male adversaries while also anticipating the disaffections of the emerging counterculture. All told, their efforts ignited a transformative progressive movement while offering people a new way to think about the world and a more positive way of living in it.
In Praise of Difficult Women: Life Lessons From 29 Heroines Who Dared to Break the Rules by Karen Karbo
Smart, sassy, and unapologetically feminine, this elegantly illustrated book is an ode to the bold and charismatic women of modern history. Best-selling author Karen Karbo (The Gospel According to Coco Chanel) spotlights the spirited rule breakers who charted their way with little regard for expectations: Amelia Earhart, Helen Gurley Brown, Edie Sedgwick, Hillary Clinton, Amy Poehler, and Shonda Rhimes, among others. Their lives--imperfect, elegant, messy, glorious--provide inspiration and instruction for the new age of feminism we have entered. Karbo distills these lessons with wit and humor, examining the universal themes that connect us to each of these mesmerizing personalities today: success and style, love and authenticity, daring and courage. Being "difficult," Karbo reveals, might not make life easier. But it can make it more fulfilling--whatever that means for you.
Women Heroes of World War II: 26 Stories of Espionage, Sabotage, Resistance, and Rescue by Kathryn J. Atwood
Noor Inayat Khan was the first female radio operator sent into occupied France and transferred crucial messages. Johtje Vos, a Dutch housewife, hid Jews in her home and repeatedly outsmarted the Gestapo. Law student Hannie Schaft became involved in the most dangerous resistance work--sabotage, weapons transference, and assassinations. In these pages, young readers will meet these and many other similarly courageous women and girls who risked their lives to help defeat the Nazis.            Twenty-six engaging and suspense-filled stories unfold from across Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Denmark, Great Britain, and the United States, providing an inspiring reminder of women and girls’ refusal to sit on the sidelines around the world and throughout history. An overview of World War II and summaries of each country’s entrance and involvement in the war provide a framework for better understanding each woman’s unique circumstances, and resources for further learning follow each profile. Women Heroes of World War II is an invaluable addition to any student’s or history buff’s bookshelf.
Glory, Passion, and Principle: The Story of Eight Remarkable Women at the Core of the American Revolution by Melissa Lukeman Bohrer
The heroism of the females of the American Revolution has gone from memory with the generation that witnessed it, and nothing, absolutely nothing, remains upon the ear of the young of the present day. -- Charles Francis Adams
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin -- these are the names we typically associate with the American Revolution. But was American History solely written by men? Were there no influential women? No women who had an impact on the founding of America in its crucial, formative years, in its fight for independence? Indeed, there were -- although their contributions have been overlooked or ignored for over two hundred years. Until now. Glory, Passion, and Principle is an extraordinary journey through revolutionary America as seen from a woman's perspective. Here are the lesser-known stories of eight influential females who fought for freedom -- for their country and themselves -- at all costs. Whether advising prominent male leaders in political theory (Abigail Adams), using their pens as swords (Phillis Wheatley, Mercy Otis Warren), acting as military spies (Sybil Ludington, Lydia Darragh), or going to battle (Molly Pitcher, Deborah Sampson, Nancy Ward), these women broke free of the limitations imposed upon them, much as our forefathers did by resisting British rule upon American soil...and laying the groundwork for the United States as we know it today.
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fortunatelylori · 4 years ago
Hi, loved what you wrote about 365 days! What do you say about people who claim it promotes rape culture? I personally loved the movie for what it was but I think it’s interesting to discuss possible ramifications of it... Should we be worried about what men take away from it?
Hey, nonnie!
Thank you! I’m glad people are enjoying the meta. I fully expected to have about 2 notes on it when I posted it so the response has been a very nice surprise.
Having thoughtful debates about anything is always interesting so I’m certainly not opposed to it. Also simply because you enjoy something, that doesn’t mean you can’t and shouldn’t be aware of its flaws or negative implications.
Being a heavy metal fan, I’ve had conversations about the possible negative effects art may have on society more times than I care to count and it is ultimately very much a “the chicken or the egg” type of debate. At the end of the day, it’s really up to our own individual perception of how art and life co-exist.
Personally I believe art is a reflection of life, a cumulative, stylized expression of our experiences, our interests, passions, obsessions, desires and needs. Meaning that it is not art that influences our behavior but rather it is our behavior that shapes our art.
There is only one notable exception to this: propaganda art
This is a particularly insidious form of manipulation because it generally uses long standing conflicts that exist within a society and validate and justify them. Obviously images of the 3rd Rich and communism will come to mind here.
There is also a sort of hybrid form of art that is both made for artistic purposes but also co-opted politically, either from the beginning or as it evolves. The classic example of this is Rambo which started as an anti-war movie and developed into a pro-US empire franchise over time. (by the way Stallone brought back the franchise to its roots with the last film so very proud of him for that)
Another example of a hybrid movie is Ghostbusters 2016 which started out as a continuation of a legacy franchise and devolved into a woke piece of marketing meant to further antagonize large masses of people during a historical election.
I’d argue something like Ghostbusters 2016 is far more dangerous than 365 dni, simply because it tries to spoon-feed you an agenda you neither signed up for or would necessarily look for in a movie that’s supposedly about how to kill evil Chris Hemsworths. And it goes even further than that by attempting to draw your support for it by labeling you problematic if you refuse to take part in the manipulation.
As I’ve said in my original meta, 365 dni doesn’t have any agenda aside from getting you off. And that’s the really important aspect here: 365 dni exists to get women hot and bothered. So why are we even asking what men will get out of this film? It wasn’t made for them. It was made for our enjoyment so wouldn’t we be better served to ask what we’re getting out of it?
But let’s for the sake of argument ponder what theoretical men might get out of this movie. Does anyone truly believe that men don’t already know that kidnapping women is wrong? Will 365 dni change their minds?
Also, incidentally, are there only bad things men can get out of watching this movie? Can they perhaps not find anything positive in it? Like let’s say a deeper understanding of foreplay or why giving their partners oral sex is good? Or that it really does pay off to learn how to dance?
Honestly, I’m pretty sure most men will avoid this movie on principal and also because most of them were dragged by their girlfriends to the cinema when 50 shades came out and you know what they say: you burn me once 
 But if they do manage to stumble upon it, I tend to see it as a positive thing, not a negative one.
 to the direct accusation that this movie glorifies rape. It doesn’t. It’s explicitly anti-rape by both having Massimo state that he will wait for Laura to initiate sexual intercourse as well physically mutilate a man that tries to rape her.
In fact, if you go through this movie beat by beat, from the moment they have dinner, it’s always Laura that initiates sexual play, not Massimo. It’s Laura who takes her clothes off the next morning, it’s Laura who goes to his hotel room, it’s Laura who teases him at the club and it’s ultimately Laura that decides the time has come for them to have sex. Massimo responds and plays into the game but he isn’t actually the instigator.
The whole film is, in fact, built around Laura’s need for sexual fulfillment. It starts with her in a state of sexual and emotional frustration. Massimo appears in her life as the antidote to that. If this movie does anything is validating a woman’s desire for sex and her expectation that her needs are met by her partner.
That being said, is the kidnapping of Laura an uncomfortable aspect of this film? I’d personally say yes. I would have preferred they went about it in a different way: perhaps have Laura indebted to Massimo in some way that would force her to accept his offer to spend 365 days with him. It would have certainly spared us that back alley drugging scene.
That’s how I would have written it if I could have. But here’s the thing, independent of my tastes and preferences or anyone else’s:
Kink exists outside of PC culture and is non-negotiable
Like it or not, people, and that includes women, have all sorts of sexual fantasies. There are women who have kidnapping fantasies or rape fantasies. There are women who have masochistic or domination fantasies. And on and on.
Fantasy is powerful because it allows us to experience things in a safe and healthy environment. It should be celebrated and nurtured, not censored.
Simply because you don’t like something doesn’t give you the right to will it out of existence. Regulate your own viewing experience and let others do the same.
Which brings me to my last salient point:
Women can vicariously enjoy things
Women tend to be very good at pointing out the multitude of ways in which we are better than men. And, don’t get me wrong, we are. We are clearly very much the superior sex. Lol
However, one thing I believe men are far better at than women is enjoying things without worrying if their enjoyment is correct or beneficial to society at large.
How many men have you met that are worried about the negative effects the violence in John Wick might have on the youth of America? (this is not a dig at John Wick by the way. I love him and 100% support his desire to murder anyone who messes with his glorious dogs)
The truth is that one of the side effects of the patriarchy is that women are always second guessing the things they like and worrying constantly about what the potential negative impact their enjoyment might have on others.
I don’t know if anyone out there needs to hear this from me but you are allowed to like things just because you like them. You are allowed to notice problematic aspects in a story and still love it because after all nothing in life has any business being perfect. Some things, though, do come close:
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crackcrocs · 4 years ago
This is to narcissistic mothers/ parents & anyone who is willing to understand.
(Written by me-for and through the lens of my dear friend, i wish you nothing but freedom from her chains. i wish you TLC)
Their ability to make everyone think they’re loving parents.
Their ability to make their kids believe that abuse is normal.
Their ability to make you believe you owe them everything.
Their ability to make themselves believe that they are right.
Their ability to turn the tables and make you believe that it was your fault.
All of this rings so true.
They do make you feel crazy; they suck the energy and ability to reason logically right out of you- and, by very nature of their narcissism, it never occurs to them that *they* might be the problem.
You can’t expect a relationship to happen with someone highly dysfunctional. how do you stoop down to the level of someone who aside from work & put all energy into keeping up an appearance can only abuse substance, speak to empty friends & post garbage.
In truth, I think the alcoholism is a symptom of her larger mental illness or narcissistic personality disorder- but it’s no excuse. Her parenting is unreliable, inconsistent, and unpredictable. There never is a sense of safety and consistency, allowing me to thrive.
I’m told to forgive & keep peace & ignore all your craziness. All the advice I've been getting on dealing with a narcissistic mother has been saying to avoid her as much as possible, or to try communicate & ‘keep peace’ as if I haven’t tried to communicate, as if I’m purposely singling her out from our already empty relationship. Well now I'm stuck at home all day, or every household or friend I bring over, she decides to involve. So much for distancing myself.  The worst part is she isn't even doing it herself, she just sits around watching tv, having friends over & phoning everyone while Im expected to clean up after her and "contribute" to the family/ financially support my self for college.
- Yes, absolutely, I am the crazy one. You know what, I’m not even going to deny it, I probably have a ton of issues, most of them mental. But guess where they came from? Guess who made those problems worse and maybe even helped create them? No mom, you’re not to blame for everything or the “war in Iraq” as you so eloquently put it. But you are to blame for some it, at the very least. it’s time to take account & I will no longer be made to feel like the obligated for for an entitled narc.
I feel your claws sinking in less and less.  You no longer have me in chains, I will break free from your emotional bondage even if it takes me seeming boring & silencing myself around you to not endure & tolerate your nonsense. Your words no longer fill me with despair like they once did.
This year long cold shoulder would have once filled me with anxiety but now all I feel is bliss. I no longer feel jealous when others talk about their seemingly perfect parents because I may not have that luxury but what I do have is a chance to be a "perfect parent" myself potentially one day. To be everything you couldn't and wouldn't somewhere far away and isolated from your poison.
I wonder how you feel...  but I simply can’t understand or pretend to care anymore. I’m tired of putting energy into a source that doesn’t put out. When children don't talk to you unless prompted- it’s because there is nothing to be said after the plenty opportunities given to converse truly & openly.
No I don’t want to speak to your 9th friend on the phone today again about surface level things just to please you. No I don’t want to come socialise with your drunk friends & be spoken to like a child
When you have to tell yet another lie to yet another friend to mask the evidence of a broken home When you look in the mirror and only see insecurities When you realise there's no one around you and can't figure out why When you tear down someone close yet again, to feel good about yourself  I wonder how you feel, I wonder if you feel, I wonder if you can...
my mom pushes me away but doesnt wanna let me leave. she doesn’t want to take into account that she pushed me to this extent. part of growth is being able to communicate your emotions properly. how can a whole 43 year old be unable to do so? I Vocalize when I’m not okay with something. Communication helps people avoid being uncomfortable, easily triggered, hostile, or passive aggressive with people. her communication is one sided and I’m the only one who gets to listen while she’s the only one who gets to talk, otherwise I’m ‘answering back’ or ‘telling a woman what to do’ even though I talk sense and out of respect in my responses or when I do try speak.
Worse yet I have to go BACK to the emotionally abusive situation that I basically fled.
What really bugs me is when you’ve given someone so many chances to do better and change. But then once you get tired of their antics, you try to move on and they continually try to reel you back in. Not even trying to change, but instead *trying* to reel you back in for their benefit. It’s unhealthy and traumatizing to say the least.
I guess i should be glad your swinging moods and emotions taught me to manage mine from young. I should be glad that I had to teach myself not to care about what you said to me and what you thought about me. I should be overjoyed that the side effect was me not caring about what anyone said or thought and basically becoming an inert emotionless void. I should be thankful that I always look fine even when I’m in pain and feeling like death and I’m capable of putting up with things that would send any sane person off the edge.
relationships are so much healthier when the goal is to experience life together and not to try to make the person into who you want them to be or to make them do what you want them to do. In my case my mother has de masculated me over the years making me soft and obedient, for her own selfish gain of having a man worship her. she decided since she doesn’t have a man, or never managed to find someone stay at home that’s he truly connected to, she’s decided the man that’s going to worship her will be me- her son. Since I resemble my father who she was in love with, she will always talk bad on me as she resents my father for not wanting her.
through gaslighting me over the years, it’s become harder to speak up, I even feel embarrassed to tell my dad even though that’s probably the only thing that will make her open her eyes and get clean. my pot is boiling though. Independence is obviously healthy but when it gets to the point where i find it challenging to actually be able to even admit that i might need assistance in this situation,  problems arise. And for what? Why I’m I protecting her image? I’ve been taught to & I’m a respectable young man who won’t take joy from her exposure, but I don’t take joy from preserving information & keeping it all inside to deal with myself. I’ve become so hard on myself and still pushing through-it’s not easy, people still expect me to be a super heroe all the time. I have a hard time opening up, allowing people to help me in whatever I’m doing. I hate even admitting I need help most times. I wish I’d been taught early what my mother learned late, thankfully I was observant, self taught & still willing to learn- thankfully I’m not a follower & I know right from wrong.
The worst part about looking at the future and trying to imagine it full of hope, light and emotional health is knowing that you'll always have the scars. Emotional abusers aren't supposed to leave scars but mine managed to. And in my mother's usual style it can even be passed off as unintentional. In my case it was actually supposed to a kind act which ended badly in the way that only events in my life can seem to end.
All the phone calls to your friends, you continuously fake talk about me on a nonexistent relationship. it’s sad how you need to phone 100 people in a day and can only hold the same surface level chats. I wonder if you can grip the fact that nobody ever wants to help you with anything. you’re lucky they even listen and you’re lucky they only know your side of the story every time. you’re a great potter & can mould situations.
It’s sad that if you sense the slightest hint that people do not approve of your estrangement and they are not going to be there for your nonsense, you stir the pot and involve and buss peoples names, further spinning your web of lies.
All the pity you came to relish over the years as single mother warrior extraordinaire would simply dry up. Any attempts to paint me, your only child in a negative light would seem simply monstrous if I exposed you, but I maintain respect, bite my tongue & hold my head up because my real mother figure taught me that.
But really you have to keep up the pretense to your friends, that I was an insubordinate, ungrateful bitch of a problem child and you were a glorious brave single mother at her wits end just trying to make things work. even with the mural I painted, you forced me to mention the single mother narrative; as if that had anything to do with my art piece. I mean how selfish can you be? the art peace was to represent Sheku Bayou & the BLM movement, I didn’t even want to put my real name- I wanted to put my instagram page associated with my art because business is business and personal is personal. but to toot your horn, I added a whole separate paragraph because you wanted your name to be connected to my art piece as though I’m some sort of celebrity and it was my claim to fame. the single mother narrative is bullshit, I know tonnes of single african parents that know how to step up when it’s time to be a mother, but that’s something you’ve never known how to do. I remember you drunk the day I came here and I will never forget the words ‘I will drink myself to death if I want to’ I don’t have sympathy anymore and I’m not a saviour, I have tried and tried through hiding alcohol, attempting to converse & get her to cut down; but you can only bring a horse to the water not to drink it. how is a teenager meant to know how to stop an alcoholic junkie? I’m her son you say? If she truly cared and wanted to fix up, I would be one thing to stop her I thought.
my mother is an alcoholic. an addict. she refuses to wear those labels, but this has far exceeded the occasional ‘binge’ ‘sesh’ or ‘Prosecco party’ .Throughout middle school and high school, I would guess that half or so of the days out of the year she spent in a wine haze. Even my constant begging her to stop drinking did not stop it. Pouring her wine down the drain or hiding it made her angry and transitioned to mental and phsyical abuse. She became increasingly angry and I aged and entered high school but she was always this way since I came really. It was during this time that I would lock the doors to my room and try to hide from her in there. I still barricade my room door to this day just for my own peace. Despite all the horrendous things she did, every once in a while she did give me money, and this gets dangled over my head RELENTLESSLY... as if money buys love.
I needed to get some outside reassurance that I'm sane. Thankfully now I know and all I can do is try stay in my lane, can’t argue with a supposed adult with a brain that resembles a wall or a child.
People who were emotionally abused have spent far too long defending themselves. Justifying their own feelings. Trying to make others see and understand what they went through is a task. Abusive parents are very good at manipulating. that’s why I have ceased contact with this toxic person, i do not owe anyone an explanation.Doesn’t matter if they are a family member or close family friend. Doesn’t matter if they are a friend or acquaintance of yours. I’ve learned just to be boring , save everything interesting and beautiful about myself for those who deserve it.
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thepatriotplace-blog · 4 years ago
The Patriot Warrior Class
Its been awhile since I’ve posted on Tumblr. In fact I actually kind of forgot I had the account. I created this account a few years ago and I named it “the patriot place”. Pretty self explanatory.
Let me tell you about me. I am first and foremost a patriotic American. I have always called myself a patriot. I’ve been a libertarian party member for many years. I’ve voted in many POTUS general elections for the libertarian candidate (with the exception of 2x). I’ve always had a deep love for the US constitution have spoken out about the blatant corruption of the constitution that has been going on in America my whole life.
I also consider myself a warrior. Although I have never served in the military I was a police officer for 25 years and have since retired. My duties as a police officer included SWAT and emergency tactical medicine. I have been trained by the best warriors America has to offer.
Since the election of Donald Trump (who I didn’t vote for) I have seen the rapid decay of the Libertarian Party. It has become polluted with progressives, pedophiles and people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. My interactions with the neo-libertarians has been sad. Justin Amash has completely flipped in my view and I align more with Rand Paul than I do with Ron Paul. Jo Jorgesen who is the Libertarian’s Party POTUS candidate is and her public support of a Marxist organization was the last straw for me. I am no longer a member of the libertarian party.
I now consider myself a member of the patriot warrior class. I am prepared to fight and die for the Republic and its constitution. I took an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States and that doesn’t end when there is  (Ret.) at the end of my name. There are many like me. Men and women who served and are currently serving to protect our Republic who believe in what I believe in are what will save this country from the Marxist insurrection, which is back politically by the Democrat Party and financed by the CCP and George Soros that is taking place within the US’s borders.
The neo-libertarians wont fight for the Republic. They are feckless and nothing more than internet bottle throwers and trolls. Their mentality is the same as the progressives, ‘Burn it down at all costs to get Trump out.”
The single most important event that turned the page in this chapter in my life had to be Trump’s speech at the National Archives Museum on Constitution Day. I have never heard a politician since Reagan deliver a speech more patriotic than this speech. I’ve included the transcript of that speech. So I will end this post with this.... In 2020 I will vote Vote Trump.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you, Mike. A great Vice President. I am truly honored to be here at the very first White House Conference on American History. So important.
Our mission is to defend the legacy of America’s founding, the virtue of America’s heroes, and the nobility of the American character. We must clear away the twisted web of lies in our schools and classrooms, and teach our children the magnificent truth about our country. We want our sons and daughters to know that they are the citizens of the most exceptional nation in the history of the world. (Applause.)
To grow up in America is to live in a land where anything is possible, where anyone can rise, and where any dream can come true — all because of the immortal principles our nation’s founders inscribed nearly two and a half centuries ago.
That’s why we have come to the National Archives, the sacred home of our national memory. In this great chamber, we preserve our glorious inheritance: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.
On this very day in 1787, our Founding Fathers signed the Constitution at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. It was the fulfillment of a thousand years of Western civilization. Our Constitution was the product of centuries of tradition, wisdom, and experience. No political document has done more to advance the human condition or propel the engine of progress.
Yet, as we gather this afternoon, a radical movement is attempting to demolish this treasured and precious inheritance. We can’t let that happen. (Applause.) Left-wing mobs have torn down statues of our founders, desecrated our memorials, and carried out a campaign of violence and anarchy. Far-left demonstrators have chanted the words “America was never great.” The left has launched a vicious and violent assault on law enforcement — the universal symbol of the rule of law in America. These radicals have been aided and abetted by liberal politicians, establishment media, and even large corporations.
Whether it is the mob on the street, or the cancel culture in the boardroom, the goal is the same: to silence dissent, to scare you out of speaking the truth, and to bully Americans into abandoning their values, their heritage, and their very way of life.
We are here today to declare that we will never submit to tyranny. We will reclaim our history and our country for citizens of every race, color, religion, and creed.
The radicals burning American flags want to burn down the principles enshrined in our founding documents, including the bedrock principle of equal justice under law. In order to radically transform America, they must first cause Americans to lose confidence in who we are, where we came from, and what we believe. As I said at Mount Rushmore — which they would love to rip down and it rip it down fast, and that’s never going to happen — two months ago, the left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution.
As many of you testified today, the left-wing rioting and mayhem are the direct result of decades of left-wing indoctrination in our schools. It’s gone on far too long. Our children are instructed from propaganda tracts, like those of Howard Zinn, that try to make students ashamed of their own history.
The left has warped, distorted, and defiled the American story with deceptions, falsehoods, and lies. There is no better example than the New York Times’ totally discredited 1619 Project. This project rewrites American history to teach our children that we were founded on the principle of oppression, not freedom.
Nothing could be further from the truth. America’s founding set in motion the unstoppable chain of events that abolished slavery, secured civil rights, defeated communism and fascism, and built the most fair, equal, and prosperous nation in human history. (Applause.)
The narratives about America being pushed by the far-left and being chanted in the streets bear a striking resemblance to the anti-American propaganda of our adversaries — because both groups want to see America weakened, derided, and totally diminished.
Students in our universities are inundated with critical race theory. This is a Marxist doctrine holding that America is a wicked and racist nation, that even young children are complicit in oppression, and that our entire society must be radically transformed. Critical race theory is being forced into our children’s schools, it’s being imposed into workplace trainings, and it’s being deployed to rip apart friends, neighbors, and families.
A perfect example of critical race theory was recently published by the Smithsonian Institution. This document alleged that concepts such as hard work, rational thinking, the nuclear family, and belief in God were not values that unite all Americans, but were instead aspects of “whiteness.” This is offensive and outrageous to Americans of every ethnicity, and it is especially harmful to children of minority backgrounds who should be uplifted, not disparaged.
Teaching this horrible doctrine to our children is a form of child abuse in the truest sense of those words. For many years now, the radicals have mistaken Americans’ silence for weakness. But they’re wrong.
There is no more powerful force than a parent’s love for their children. And patriotic moms and dads are going to demand that their children are no longer fed hateful lies about this country. American parents are not going to accept indoctrination in our schools, cancel culture at our work, or the repression of traditional faith, culture, and values in the public square. Not anymore. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.
We embrace the vision of Martin Luther King, where children are not judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
The left is attempting to destroy that beautiful vision and divide Americans by race in the service of political power. By viewing every issue through the lens of race, they want to impose a new segregation, and we must not allow that to happen.
Critical race theory, the 1619 Project, and the crusade against American history is toxic propaganda, ideological poison that, if not removed, will dissolve the civic bonds that tie us together. It will destroy our country.
That is why I recently banned trainings in this prejudiced ideology from the federal government and banned it in the strongest manner possible. (Applause.)
The only path to national unity is through our shared identity as Americans. That is why it is so urgent that we finally restore patriotic education to our schools.
Under our leadership, the National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded a grant to support the development of a pro-American curriculum that celebrates the truth about our nation’s great history. (Applause.)
We are joined by some of the respected scholars involved in this project, including Professor Wilfred McClay. Wilfred, please. Thank you very much. Welcome. (Applause.) Thank you. Dr. Peter Wood of the National Association of Scholars. Dr. Peter. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. And Ted Rebarber. Thank you, Ted. (Applause.) Thank you very much, Ted.
Today, I am also pleased to announce that I will soon sign an Executive Order establishing a national commission to promote patriotic education. It will be called the “1776 Commission.” (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. It will encourage our educators to teach our children about the miracle of American history and make plans to honor the 250th anniversary of our founding. Think of that — 250 years.
Recently, I also signed an executive order to establish the National Garden of American Heroes, a vast outdoor park that will feature the statues of the greatest Americans who have ever lived.
Today, I am announcing a new name for inclusion. One of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence was a patriot from Delaware. In July of 1776, the Continental Congress was deadlocked during the debate over independence. The delegation from Delaware was divided. Caesar Rodney was called upon to break the tie.
Even though he was suffering from very advanced cancer — he was deathly ill — Rodney rode 80 miles through the night, through a severe thunderstorm, from Dover to Philadelphia to cast his vote for independence.
For nearly a century, a statue of one of Delaware’s most beloved citizens stood in Rodney Square, right in the heart of Wilmington.
But this past June, Caesar Rodney’s statue was ordered removed by the mayor and local politicians as part of a radical purge of America’s founding generation.
Today, because of an order I signed, if you demolish a statue without permission, you immediately get 10 years in prison. (Applause.) And there have been no statues demolished for the last four months, incredibly, since the time I signed that act.
Joe Biden said nothing as to his home state’s history and the fact that it was dismantled and dismembered. And a Founding Father’s statue was removed.
Today, America will give this Founding Father, this very brave man, who was so horribly treated, the place of honor he deserves. I am announcing that a statue of Caesar Rodney will be added to the National Garden of American Heroes. (Applause.)
From Washington to Lincoln, from Jefferson to King, America has been home to some of the most incredible people who have ever lived. With the help of everyone here today, the legacy of 1776 will never be erased. Our heroes will never be forgotten. Our youth will be taught to love America with all of their heart and all of their soul.
We will save this cherished inheritance for our children, for their children, and for every generation to come. This is a very important day.
Thank you all once again for being here. Now I will sign the Constitution Day Proclamation. God Bless You. And God Bless America. Thank you very much.
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inkstaineddove · 5 years ago
A Marriage Story
Ships: PruHun, AusHun
Characters: Prussia, Hungary, Austria, minor France
Summary: 1867: The formal marriage between Austria and Hungary, creating the Austro-Hungarian Empire and ammunition for Roderich to use in his personal war against Gilbert.
January 1867, Berlin.  
Gilbert had never been feeling better. With every passing day, Prussian hegemony over Germany grew stronger. He was becoming a nation feared and respected by all others, no longer possible to write off as a bit player in Europe. He found himself standing taller and walking with a spring in his step. It felt like the culmination of one long struggle that began in 1740, his quest to make a glorious kingdom out of a backwater electorate. He stood before the portrait of Frederick the Great in his office and grinned. "Old man, you'd be so proud of me. I took those damn Austrians out in a matter of weeks!" Gilbert grinned from ear-to-ear. "You should've seen the fear in their eyes, you would've loved being there."
A knock at the door. One of his maids entered and bowed her head. "Herr Edelstein is here."
"He is? Bet he wants to sign away more territory to Italy! Send him up." Once she was out, Prussia began scrambling around the study. He needed to look his most powerful, needed to show that prick who the seat of power was. He grabbed his old sword in the corner of the room and retook his spot before Frederick's portrait.
Austria entered and, seeing what the Prussian was going for, rolled his eyes. "You went too heavy on the symbolism."
"It's my first showing before the new sick man of Europe. You're all about appearances, shouldn't I try to impress?" He set his sword down on his desk, smirking at his reflection in the metal. "I don't think you're here for me to show off, though I wish you were. I make a good peacock. What's your purpose? I wouldn't think you had a lot of spare time, considering there's an army you need to replace."
Normally, this kind of taunting would grate on Austria's nerves. Today was a special occasion, he came bearing good news. Such good news that he actually managed a chuckle. "I let the generals do the repairs. In return, they let me don my uniform and rally the troops before battles. It's a better arrangement for us all." A smile spread across his face. "I'm here for an exciting reason. I'm getting married."
Gilbert's eyes widened. "Oh my god, that's fantastic! I've got just the thing!" He removed a bottle of champagne from one of the cabinets and poured them a glass. "I've still got a few of these in here from when we were celebrating the end of the war last year. This is amazing, Roderich. Remember? You were all nerves only a few months ago, thinking about what everything meant for you. Your bedroom diplomacy works again! It's like they always say: if you can't take it with a sword, take it with charm." They clinked glasses. "I presume that means she's in Budapest?"
Roderich sipped slyly from his glass. "I don't think I've ever heard that phrase, but maybe it's one of those new ancient Chinese proverbs." He smiled sincerely at his host. "She is, though she'll be back in Vienna very soon. Erzsébet's finalizing the details with her people. It all has to be very official. Though I don't quite understand why you're so excited for me. This comes at quite a cost for you."
"What, did you think that little skirmish meant the end for us? Please. If we were fine after the Seven Years' War, we're certainly fine after this one. All's fair in war, or however it goes. Which is why I'm excited for you! You can't have multiple spouses, we've evolved beyond that. Who's the lucky nation, who do I get to welcome into the family?"
"Oh no. Gilbert, I'm terribly sorry. You seem to be confused." Austria had an expression of mock pity. He put his hand to his chest. "We're not getting a divorce. It's a new phase of our relationship, a marriage of equals, or so I tell her. That actuality remains to be seen, but she gets her name tacked on and regains sovereignty. That was enough to avert a potential disaster."
Prussia's blood ran cold. He set his glass down, no longer wanting to touch the champagne. He felt a fool. "I'm glad you're finally giving her the respect everyone else knew she deserved. I'll make sure to get her a gift celebrating this." His eyes narrowed. "Was the ride from Vienna worth it? I'm glad you've gotten in your laugh for the day."
"You're going to kick me out already? I have an invitation for you. This time we're having a ceremony - my idea, I thought it would be fitting for propaganda purposes. It would be an honor to have you as my best man. There's no one else I'd rather have by my side on such an important day. Think of it, you'll be so close that it'll be easier to pretend she's reciting her vows to you instead."
Gilbert's fist twitched. He needed to break something, needed to explode. His heart had dropped to his feet and prevented him from moving. "Why would I do that, I don't believe in marriage." He swallowed down bile and looked outside the window. "I would never fantasize about that. What I care about is only the physical. Real men care nothing for romance." He felt Roderich's stare, knew how unconvincing he sounded, and wanted to puke.
"Are you sure? I've heard you make statements on the contrary when it came to her." Roderich shrugged nonchalantly. "But if that's the case then you won't mind giving her away to me either. Would you? There's no one else to ask, we don't exactly have fathers do we?" Their eyes met. Roderich's smile was cruel. "I was certain this would be another favor. You'd at least know what it was like to walk down the aisle with her, even if it was the wrong way."
Something inside of him broke. Gilbert leaned against his desk for support. "Marrying her once wasn't good enough for you? Why are you doing all this?" He bit the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from breaking down. He would not let Roderich catch him cry, he would not let anyone see him so weak. "If that's what you have to do to prevent her declaring independence, whatever. There's no need to waste the money on publicly humiliating me."
"There's no price tag on revenge." Austria sat an envelope on the desk. "There's all the details. I must be going, I don't want to return home too late." Heading to the door, he turned around. He handed Prussia a bottle of scotch. "I figured you'd need this. See, I'm nothing but caring." With that, the Austrian left as quickly as he came.
Gilbert drank thirstily from the bottle. He slumped down in front of his desk, his head in between his knees. All his earlier bravado had flown out the window. He bit down on his fist, repressing an anguished cry. For so long, he felt like he'd been in the command of his personal situation. Politics was rough, it was turbulent, and the winners of yesterday easily became the losers of tomorrow. He'd accepted that for centuries now. But his personal relations had felt so stable. Naturally, Roderich would get his hits in occasionally but it was never anything he couldn't handle. Nothing that could never be returned. This was cutting the marble, this was a laceration that would not heal.
Finally, the tears began to fall. This was truly personal.
March 1867, Vienna.  
Prussia's carriage pulled up to Austria's home and he hated himself. The past two months he'd debated over whether to actually show or not. Watching this whole affair, this sham wedding, would kill him. The thought of not being there for Erzsébet would kill him more, to let her down when she might actually want him around. He'd sucked up his pride and forced himself here. That didn't stop him from being embroiled in self-loathing.
Nor did it stop him from drinking the whole way there. Gilbert had always been a heavy drinker, but he'd begun leaning on the habit more as the wedding moved closer. He took a sip from his hip flask to calm his nerves before entering the home. Roderich was waiting for him in the parlor. "Gilbert! I'm thrilled you actually decided to make it. How's my favorite cousin?" He hugged the Prussian, who didn't return it.
"If I could kill you in your sleep and have you actually be dead, I wouldn't hesitate to do so." Another sip from his flask.
"You're such a tease. I'd lead you to your room, but you know where it is. Your usual place next to mine, I know how fond of it you are." Roderich patted him on the arm. "I'm sorry for being rude, but I have to run a few errands. Make yourself at home."
"I would appreciate if you fell off a cliff on the way there."
Roderich laughed, not paying him any mind, as he walked out the door. Gilbert glowered and slumped onto a sofa. He hated Roderich, hated his stupid castles and his extravagant home. There was no modesty to it. There was no subtlety to it. Looking around, he understood why Erzsébet would consider it a gilded cage. It certainly made you feel as if you were trapped in a sadist's world. And what a sadist he found himself cornered by. His mind drifted off, trying to come up with various plans for satisfactory revenge.
He didn't realize Erzsébet was there until she stood in front of him. "You actually came, I'm pleasantly surprised." She smiled gently and cuddled up besides him. "Selfishly, I hoped you would, though I would've understood if you stayed away. It's not my particular idea of a good time either."
Her presence perked Gilbert back up again. He kissed her cheek and let his head rest in the crook of her neck, smiling against it. "I didn't figure out what I was doing till last night. It felt wrong to not be here with you. And, if we're both being selfish, I want to see you in your dress." She brought his lips to hers. Apparently, he'd given the right answer.
They sat, nestled together in quiet contentment. Gilbert's nerves had calmed down simply by having her in his arms. It made what would be coming in two days seem much more bearable. "Has this made your situation better yet? If this is done and nothing gets changed, I'd be willing to declare war to help you." They both knew Bismarck wouldn't agree to it, but it was a nice sentiment.
"Too early to tell. He seems happier, but that's probably because I've quit threatening rebellion in the interim." She sounded bored. "Many of my people aren't thrilled about it, so I doubt it'll be an easy peace between us. I had to do what I could for them - my people, I mean. Life was becoming even more unbearable. Even if I find the solution personally distasteful, I'll go through with it if it means they won't be treated like criminals." She sighed. "It's a curse."
"Is this the only way he'd accept the deal?"
"If I pressed hard enough, I don't think it would've been. I'm so tired, Gilbert, it felt better to accept this nonsense than to fight over it. I'd rather suffer a personal indignity than drag out negotiations longer then they needed to be."
"I wish you would've! I wasn't asking to get involved in all this! It's not like he's humiliating one of us!" The Prussian huffed.
She shot him a look. "Are you really going to blame me for this?" She smiled, receiving his silence well. "This doesn't have to be so horrible. We can make the most of our time together." Erzsébet kissed him sweetly, trying to convince them both.
Gilbert smiled and slid her onto his lap, his arms wrapped securely around her hips. For now, his complaints settled back below the service. "That's a much better way of looking at things. Erzsi, it's your weekend. Anything my sweet love commands and it will be done."
She giggled against his chest. "I should probably help you practice your dancing. I'm sure some poor woman will want to dance with you before she realizes you have two left feet."
"Right, this is all about practice, absolutely nothing to do with you wanting to dance with me." The pair rose. Gilbert bowed slightly and extended his hand out to Erzsébet. His smile turned tender. "My lady, would you do me the honor?"
She took it, returning his smile. "Most certainly." They swayed together, Gilbert twirling her around and being hyper-aware of where her feet were and Erzsébet teasing him whenever he stepped on them. Eventually, Gilbert couldn't suppress his laughter. Curiosity shaped Erzsébet's face. "Everything alright?"
"There's no music. Can you imagine how silly we must look to anyone passing by?"
"What, you can't hear it?" He looked at her as if she were insane. It was her turn to laugh before humming. It was a mixture of various harmonies, those coming from her memory and those newly invented. "Hear it now?"
He rolled his eyes, but couldn't wipe a stupid smile off his face. "I do. I think it goes like this though." His turn to invent the music. An even stranger mix of the usual classical pieces and some military marches. Erzsébet joined in, turning their song into something new and chaotic all together. Both found themselves unable to stop or unable to quiet their laughter. It was ridiculous, but it was also magical.
Neither of them noticed Roderich in the other room. He'd stood there for a few minutes, observing. Gilbert had been right, it looked incredibly strange from a distance until he'd heard the hums. His fingers itched to sit at the piano and provide them something much more coherent to dance with. He forced the urge aside, reminding himself that he only felt that way because he was a showman and enjoyed his craft. He also ignored the small part of him that felt a pity for both of them, knowing what would be coming in a few days. It was the weak part of him, the part that sympathized too much with humanity's foolishly compassionate nature. He buried that small part of himself down. What good would it currently serve him?
Roderich entered and cleared his throat. He hated the slow way they parted and how Gilbert's hand still lingered on her hip. He hated the conspiratorial looks they shared between each other. "I hope my absence wasn't too deeply felt. I also hope it won't be too upsetting that I'll be out for a few hours tomorrow as well." The hate went deeper, for himself, for his humanity.
"Oh, did something all of a sudden come up?" Erzsébet cocked her head to the side in confusion. "If it's something that concerns both of us, I can come along."
Roderich shook his head. "That won't be necessary. I can take care of everything on my own. It's best if you stay here and attend to whatever matters need to be taken care of in the home." He glanced at Gilbert, who seemed relieved. If there was a heaven, Roderich considered, this moment better be what allows him to enter into it.
Gilbert laid besides Erzsébet in bed, her head on his chest and his fingers threading through her hair. He stared at the portrait of Roderich in the room. "He does realize how weird that is, right? To fall asleep over your own ever-watchful eye. It's unsettling."
"I've tried to get him to move it into any other room, but he likes it." She shrugged. "I don't think he really does, I think there's a safe or something behind it. That's my theory that I will do nothing to confirm or deny."
Gilbert's mind had already drifted back off. He couldn't stop considering the oncoming marriage. The whole thing was a farce, nothing more than a ploy to get into his head. He understood it as that, but he couldn't stop having it dominate his mind. He kissed the top of Erzsébet's head. "You don't have to go through with it tomorrow."
"Really? Then what would I do?" She peered up at him through her eyelashes, a bemused smile dancing across her lips.
"We could run away. Bring the dress with you, we can get married and I'll hold a coronation for you as my queen in Königsberg." He took her hand and kissed it. "I'll pull out all the stops for you."
She wrinkled her nose. "You're going to make me choose between Vienna or  Königsberg? Is that really a fair contest?"
"No, but then I'd take you to Versailles and you'd be crowned again there, a magnificent gesture befitting a magnificent woman. Then we can sail across the Channel for our honeymoon and see the cliffs of Dover. Or maybe we can tour Italy, running around through Rome and getting lost there. Or St. Petersburg, it's been so long since I've seen the Amber Room and I'd love for you to show it to you." Gilbert gently caressed her cheek.  
"If we're running away, shouldn't we get out of Europe? Everyone will be able to find us here." Erzsébet hesitated, not wanting to feed either of their fantasies, but finding the romanticism irresistible. "Brazil is supposed to be beautiful. I've never seen the Pacific Ocean before, we could flee to Canada or America."
"Anywhere! Anywhere to be with you, I'd chase you around the whole world if I had to." She was right there, yet Gilbert's whole being was filled with deep yearning. He looked down at her, his eyes burning with intensity and desperation when they met hers. "Say the word. One word and we can be rid of all this." He barked a nervous laugh. "Shit, Erzsi, think about it. We might even be happy."
"Gilbert, seriously. You don't really mean any of this. If we became outlaws, who would you have to fight?"
She'd never seen him look so old, so tired, as in that instant. It seemed as if the weight of the world was upon him. "The fighting takes its toll. Erzsébet, I'm covered in blood. It would be nice to have a chance to wash myself clean of it, to start something pure." He looked at her and she hated the spark of hope in his eyes. Abhorred it because she recognized it within her too. "I need something to believe in and I quit God long ago. Why can't I believe in this?"
"Love, or whatever this is, can't save us. Nothing can save us." She feigned strength, but her voice was no more than a whisper. "We survive, Gil. In that process, maybe we scrape out a few moments of genuine happiness, but none of that is promised. It's not some piece of territory, you can't take it through force." Erzsébet sat up, hugging herself and looking down at the sheets.
"You really think that?"
"No, but I have to."
Silence hung thick between them like fog. He reached out for her. "Gilbert-"
The Prussian returned his hands to his lap. "Life is shitty, trust me, I understand. If you live only to survive, you won't know when you can stop and actually enjoy what's around you. If there can be no respite in the present, fine. That's fair." Seeing she was more relaxed, he took her hands and kissed them. "But please, Erzsi, allow yourself to imagine a future. One where there's no more worries, no more lordship and you have more than paper sovereignty."
The Hungarian smiled. She had always feared the present, feared the uncertainty and hardships it wrought. How there could be no stable ground to stand on and how, no matter the moment, she was still a bit-player in larger dramas. He was right, though. The future, with its unknown qualities, was hers and hers alone. She visualized herself, high atop it all and unable to be forced into situations that didn't suit her, situations that compromised her dignity for short-term relief. Finally, something she could believe in. Erzsébet kissed him, smirking against his lips. "You owe me a vacation. I'm warning you that I don't travel cheaply."
"On second thought, Roddy can keep you. Hey!" In retaliation, Erzsébet pushed Gilbert back down onto the sheets. Tomorrow would be a day for their worries to be fully felt. But for now, in lighter spirits, all she wanted to do was feel at ease.
Hungary stared at herself in the mirror. She couldn't hide the disgust in her eyes. She closed them, drawing her thoughts to Budapest and the demands of her own people. Since 1848 they'd wanted more. Equality, dignity, common respect. This renegotiation of terms would do little to quell those demands. Everyone had to know this was temporary, that this wouldn't (or, really, it couldn't) be her permanent fate. Erzsébet shuddered at the thought, her eyes open again and staring with a quiet determination.
She took a sip from the bottle of wine besides her. An empty one laid on the floor. Erzsébet had been drinking all day, trying to quiet the noise in her head. It hadn't been effective. Deep breath in, out. In, out. This was purely political, nothing personal. A rap at the door roused her from her thoughts.
Prussia sauntered into the bedroom. He stood before her and took both of her hands in his. "I do." At her incredulous look, he smiled. "What? I'm practicing for when it's my turn." He took a step back to admire her fully. "You look absolutely gorgeous. I'm jealous."
She kissed his cheek. It was her turn to check him out. "I'm impressed. You look so natural, no longer like a scared dog when you're dressed up." She laughed at his aggrieved expression. "I'm teasing, though it's true."
He rolled his eyes, not wanting to comment on that. Instead, he went to the window to see whether they were ready for them down in the garden. They had some time still. Gilbert sipped from his flask, though it did nothing to calm his upset. "Are you still sure we can't flee? I think we could get away with stealing a couple horses."
"We could, but I'd feel bad for the guests that had to travel." Her head appeared on his shoulder, arms enveloping his waist. "Let's get this over with. The sooner the inks dried, the sooner we can all forget about this."
They made their way down the stairs, hand-in-hand, providing quiet support for the other. Hungary stopped suddenly before they could enter into the garden. Prussia shot her a look. "What happened to 'getting this over with'? Some of them can see us, you can't get cold feet now."
Erzsébet pulled him down into a deep kiss, onlookers be damned. "I do." His eyes shot open, pleasantly startled and surprised. He began trying to speak, but she pressed her finger against his lips and winked. "Just practicing."
As they walked out, Prussia suddenly didn't care what was happening. He didn't care that he very noticeably had red lipstick on his face nor that the Austrian dignitaries looked about ready to send some strongly worded letters to Berlin about his impropriety. He did appreciate the knowing smile from France, who was shaking his head in amusement. For now, he was on top of the world and could imagine they were here for him. He even felt bold enough to give her a peck on the cheek before taking his place to stand besides a fuming Austria.
It quickly began to fade away as the minister spoke, reciting vows that he was not apart of. He knew his eyes were supposed to be on the priest, but he couldn't remove them from Erzsébet. Her beauty was overtaking. She was so close, what was stopping him from shoving Roderich to the side and taking his place besides her? This was symbolic anyways and, at the very least, it would make for a good show. He could easily overpower any of these people here - except, possibly, any other nation but why would they stop him? Only Austria cared - so it was purely a moral conundrum. Look! It was his chance! He had plenty of reasons why these two should not be wed, he could list them by heart right now.
"Actually-" the whole wedding party's eyes shifted to him. Austria looked ready to strike, silently urging him to go on so there could be a brawl. But it was Hungary Gilbert was really looking at. Hungary, his Erzsi, who shook her head just slightly. Prussia swallowed his bile and fixed his gaze on Roderich, turning his contempt at him. "I don't think he can handle her."
The crowd, pleased and taking it for familial ribbing, laughed. The trio at the altar shared an uneasy moment, Prussia and Austria begging each other to start something right there. Hungary was staring the minister down, forcing him to continue. The priest complied, clearing his throat and drawing back the two men's attention.
As the ceremony continued, Gilbert felt himself being sucked back in, able to willfully ignore Roderich from his vision and again only see Erzsébet. His breath caught in his throat. How beautiful she was, how absolutely stunning. The life he could imagine with her. Hell, the life he'd been imagining with her since they were two little rascals, terrorizing all of Europe in their zeal. She was his partner-in-crime, his soulmate, the only being alive who ever understood him so completely. He caught himself mouthing along to the vows, promising to cherish her for better or poorer, for sickness or in health. He caught her eyes. She blushed and Gilbert's heart swelled till it felt ready to burst. Roderich elbowed him in the ribs and his head was yanked from the clouds. How bitter reality tasted.
The crowd, especially the Austrian and Hungarian delegations, erupted into cheers. When they parted, Gilbert couldn't stop himself. "Have you guys ever slept together? That was such a sexless kiss, do you want me to take her on the honeymoon instead?"
Erzsébet tried to hide her laugh behind her free hand. Roderich forced a smile for the crowd and, through gritted teeth, hissed, "I would sooner wish you dead."
The reception began without affair. Prussia made himself comfortable by the bar, ordering back beer after beer without a care. Once he had a nice buzz, the day began to feel much more tolerable. Gilbert looked around at all the suits before him. Sure, the company was stuffy, but at least he could drink for free and would be left reasonably enough alone. The dream of isolation was crushed by a worried Roderich approaching. "We're in trouble."
Gilbert raised his hands up. "I've been here, I haven't broken anything! France probably did it, go start something with him!"
"Not that kind of trouble! Unfortunately, my people want this looking as real as possible so you have to give a speech. I don't know what they think our relationship is really like, but apparently they think you capable of not making us all look like imbeciles." Roderich crossed his arms over his chest, his left foot tapping in agitation. "Try not to let your quest for making me look stupid take everyone else down with you." He grabbed a glass of champagne and tried to hand it to Gilbert. "Take this instead, it makes you look more dignified."
"Roderich, we already look like morons, how much worse can I make it?" He sneered at the champagne. "To hell with sophistication, I'm drinking what I'm drinking. Piss off."
They stalked away to the center of the room. Once Austria was seated by Hungary, Prussia started banging a knife against his glass. Instead of a delicate tapping, it was a loud clanging that certainly got everyone's attention. Showtime. "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. None of us are here because we want to be, but because we have to be. Doubly so for the bride and the groom." Receiving a warm laugh, Gilbert felt emboldened. He turned to the couple and smiled. "I should talk mainly about them, I guess. This is, ostensibly, their night. What a beautiful bride, you don't deserve her, Roddy. Oh, Erzsi, you'll have to be on high alert. You don't know where some treacherous Prussian might try and take you." He shot a knowing look at his crowd before turning his attention back to her. "He might be sleeping next to your room, be careful." The crowd roared in approving laughter. She shot him a look and he kissed her hand. "Really, I mean it. You're the most amazing woman on the earth. If you ever need to get away from him, I know a hotel in Berlin that's always open."
The crowd was loving him. Roderich, on the other hand, was not. Gilbert turned his attention to him. "Aw, Little Master is getting jealous. Don't worry, I'm getting to you too." He opened his mouth to speak, a thousand taunts in his mind. "After you got married to Spain, I never would've expected to see you wind up with a woman. Though, if we go by medieval standards, can we be sure this really is a valid marriage?" Prussia held Austria's gaze, daggers passing between them. "Makes you wonder who's arranged so many political marriages: you or Queen Victoria." The audience was still receptive, still believing all parties were in on the joke. A thousand different taunts danced across Gilbert's tongue. It would be so easy to keep going. He shook his head and smiled, conjuring up something different. Prussia looked out at the guests. "Isn't he a bastard? I've had to deal with him for centuries. Centuries, always chasing at my coattails." Prussia shook his head, nostalgia getting to him for a second. "What a bastard. Now, I'm supposed to give him these warm regards and act like we're best of friends. He's the France to my Britain, the Athens to my Sparta, the thorn in my side."
Austria put a hand to his chest, genuinely touched. "Prussia, that's quite sweet actually. The Athens to your Sparta? You detest me that much?" The guests, finding their whole dynamic peculiar, returned to idle conversations and dancing among themselves. "And here I thought my loathing for you was too strong."
Prussia gave him a strange look. "How much have you had to drink?"
"Three glasses of wine in the morning and three of champagne after the ceremony. Can you tell?"
Gilbert nodded. "Horribly." An idea came to mind. "Hey, are you two going on a honeymoon afterwards? Not much of a real one, but to get these fools to buy into the whole charade?"
"We're going to Venice for a few days. Some beautiful hotel my emperor booked to make her people think everything is warm and loving on my end." Roderich dramatically rolled his eyes. "Like it would be. They think their lady is incapable of being so cruel and selfish."
Said lady patted him on the arm. "I can hear you." There was a lack of emotion behind her eyes. "I would consider your words with a bit more tact if I were you."
In his stupor, Austria disregarded her. "Oh, please. You've said worse about me to my face." He began considering where they were and who they were around. "On second thought, that's probably good advice."
Just then, France sauntered up to the three of them. He raised his glass of champagne, his eyes filled with mock joy. "My congratulations to the couple. What a beautiful union." He turned his attention to Prussia, who was growing more annoyed by his presence. "Any idea on when you'll officially join or will you be forced to continue in your supporting role?"
Prussia glowered, balling his hands into fists. What he would give to smack that stupid look off the Frenchman's face. Austria, in his stupor, mistook his derision for genuine kindness. "Thank you, Francis. It's a lovely thing, isn't it? How wonderful it all is." He drank down another glass of champagne and shook his head. "Ah, my head feels fuzzy."
Hungary handed him another glass. "Drink this and you'll feel better." At France's surprised look, she shrugged. "Isn't it better for us all if he's completely out of it?"
"It's probably...for the best if I...mingle with the other guests. See how. They're doing." Roderich muttered. He rose on shaky feet. "Yes, I should. Make the rounds." He smiled at the three nations in front of him before turning to walk back to the house.
"Roderich! The guests are the other way! Oh, never mind. It's better he goes and sleeps it off." Francis chuckled, sipping from his glass. He cast a conspiratorial look between Gilbert and Erzsébet. "What do you two have planned? I can't expect that you'll both take this lying down. I was hoping for a better show." Silence. He sighed. "I'm not asking for the intimate details on...whatever this mess you three are in. Simply enough, I don't care. But I came here expecting a bigger blowout and I'm desperate for it. It would be out of character for either of you to take such a provocation with no push back."
Gilbert rubbed the bridge of his nose. He did not want to be having this conversation with Francis of all people. They really had no choice though, especially with how he was staring at them. "I'm trying to figure out a way to get rid of Roderich so I can go on the honeymoon instead. Erzsi thinks it's an insane idea so she's not being very helpful."
"Because it's ludicrous! His people paid for the damn trip, Gil. They're going to ask him about it and he has to have some idea on what to lie about." She huffed, crossing her arms. "This isn't as easy as locking him out of his own bedroom."
Francis raised an eyebrow. Now that was a story he'd like to know more about. The best way to hear about that juicy bit of gossip would be to get in their good graces, provide them with some sort of indispensable service. He snapped his fingers. "He went back inside, he's probably passed out cold in bed. How soon do you think it'll be before he wakes up?"
"I don't know, not until mid-morning at the latest. Why does that matter?" Erzsébet sighed, sipping from her glass.
Gilbert understood. His eyes lit up and a grin cracked across his face. "My God, Francis you're a genius! If we sneak out tonight, we'll be in Venice in no time! Between the hangover and how much time it would take, Roderich won't be able to do anything to stop us!" He took Erzsébet's hands and kissed them. "We can stick it to that bastard! Come on, Erzsi, let's do it!"
What a tantalizing idea. She bit her lip. There would be hell to pay when they came home. Roderich would be in a rage. But, he wouldn't want to appear weak to his own government. He'd likely lie to them about what happened. There would be no reprisals against her people. She was a big girl, she could handle all the negative personal repercussions. Erzsébet smiled, laughing. "Why not? It'll be a much better time."
They got up, giggling to each other. Francis stopped them, a mischievous glint in his eyes.  "Before you two go, a favor. I think it's only fair that you provide me with some indispensable information in return for my assistance with your predicament. Please, tell me about that incident where you locked him out of his own room?"
Sunlight beamed down into the bedroom and into Roderich's eyes. He groaned. His head was throbbing violently. Remembering yesterday, he cursed himself for how much he drank in his victory. "Erzsébet, are you awake yet?" His voice was hoarse and his mouth felt like sandpaper. "We should leave soon."
No answer. He reached his arm across the bed, his hand grasping mattress instead. "Erzsébet?" Roderich sat up and looked around the room. There was no trace of her. Her packed bags were gone. He stumbled across the hall to Gilbert's room. "Gilbert, have you seen Erzsébet?" He knocked on the door and received silence.
"No." The room was empty of all of Gilbert's belongings. Panic settled into his stomach like a brick. They wouldn't. No, they absolutely wouldn't. It was too brazen, even for them. Roderich ran down the stairs and grabbed one of his servants. "Where the hell are they?"
"Frau HĂ©dervĂĄry and Herr Beilschmidt left around four hours ago, sir." The servant smiled, forgetting herself. "They looked quite happy. I had some cleaning to do and didn't wish to get in their way." With that, the maid went back on her merry way, not caring about the distraught look on her boss' face.
Roderich ran a hand through his hair. He couldn't stop himself from laughing. A thousand wicked plots rose into his mind. "I'm going to kill that bastard. They have to return to Vienna eventually." He had never been so sure of something in his life.
Gilbert looked out through the carriage window. He reflected on the previous day as he watched the Austrian landscape roll by. His heart still ached from what the confines of existence and the current political reality had forbid him from doing. But, in unspoken moments and through messages meant for an audience of two, he knew what really mattered. In all these years of sneaking around and growing feelings, he'd strangely never felt so secured in where he stood with Erzsébet.
"Gilbert? Are you paying any attention?" Erzsébet nudged him with her shoulder. She broke out into an easy laugh. "You're in a completely different world."
"That's not true. Even in my thoughts, I'm still with you." He leaned against her, breathing in the smell of her hair. If he closed his eyes, he could believe this is what tranquility would feel like. "When we get to Venice, what are we doing first?"
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silverlake-archive · 4 years ago
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Good day, residents of Silver Lake! In the July Newsletter below you will find outlined the events and happenings in our beautiful neighborhood this month.
What YOUR CHARACTER can do during these events:
You may include any of these happenings in your starters, incorporate them into your threads, text threads, social media posts, and so forth!
What’s ON.  Here are just a few things that will be happening around town this month:
All-Day BBQ @ Oasis Apartments
Never missing the chance to throw a solid community bash, Chuck DeLino is ready once more to fire up the grill outside Oasis. Hot dogs, burgers, sliders, and even veggie burgers for those who desire them, all for just $1!
Quiet Night In @ Five by Night
$5 Bloody Marys, $5 nachos, and a $10 special on fish tacos for those of you who’d rather sit out the big celebration. From 5pm until 11pm, Jaws will be shown in the movie room. If you stop by in a bathing suit, you’ll even get a free draft beer of choice.
Fireworks Show @ Silver Lake Meadows
Gather your friends around for the most spectacular fireworks display this side of Sunset Blvd! The festive red, whites, and blues will sparkle in the sky above the Silver Lake reservoir and bring the night of celebration to an end.
Sorry about the loud music! Emilia Sinagra-Adler is throwing herself a birthday party on the 4th, starting at 6 pm and ending when people set off to catch the fireworks show. There will be plenty of drinks and—according to the rumors—24 cakes. The neighbors are welcome to drop by and say their congratulations, whether or not they’d actually bother to wait for an invitation.
Canada Days @ The Golden Griddle — 1-3 July
In celebration of our upstairs neighbors, the good folks at the Griddle look to the north and serve up a special menu in honor of Canadian cuisine. Come by and grab a hot chicken sandwich, a lobster roll, or a hefty serving of poutine.
Video Games Day @ Ready Player One — 8 July
This one’s for you, gamers. If you fancy getting away from your console or computer at home, three separate tournaments are on in the arcade: Streetfighter II, Donkey Kong, and even Dance Dance Revolution. In addition, Ready Player One offer a bonus of 10% extra tokens when you stock up. Bargain!
National Nude Day @ Good Vibrations — 14 July
Your friendly neighborhood sex shop has more to offer than just vibrators and penis shaped lollipops! Built on the philosophy that a healthy sexuality is not just about the act itself, Good Vibrations are thrilled to present a guest speaker who will give a talk on body positivity and freeing the nipple. For anyone looking to improve their naked photo game, two local OnlyFans models will offer some notes on nude etiquette and their best posing tips.
National Daiquiri Days @ Carousel — 17-19 July
It might not be a federal holiday just yet, but the Carousel crew certainly treat it as one. For the whole weekend around this glorious day, the entire selection of daiquiris are 2 for 1! Go for the OG, the beloved strawberry version, or the always dignified peach and lime. Team up with a friend or grab two for yourself, either way it’s a damn good deal.
International Tiger Day @ Cinema Paradiso — 29 July
If you're getting enough of the summer heat, what could be better than binge-watching for a good cause? Cinema Paradiso will put on a marathon of the entirety of Tiger King! 100% of the ticket earnings will be donated to charity and earmarked for tiger conservation.
Friday 3 July: I Know What You Did Last Summer Saturday 4 July: National Treasure + Independence Day (double bill) Sunday 5 July: Top Gun
Friday 10 July: Stand By Me Saturday 11 July: Moonrise Kingdom Sunday 12 July: The Sandlot
Friday 17 July: Dirty Dancing Saturday 18 July: Do the Right Thing Sunday 19 July: American Graffiti
Friday 24 July: Point Break (1991) Saturday 25 July: The Princess Bride Sunday 26 July: Escape From Tomorrow
4 July: Tyler Golding (26)
6 July: Emilia Sinagra-Adler (24)
28 July: Billie Gillespie (29)
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thehikinghusky · 4 years ago
I haven’t been on here in a good long while. But I’m thankful I kept this blog in the early days. It makes today hurt a little less.
My last post was over three years ago. I wish I had kept up with this blog better because what is on here warms my heart. It’s fitting that my last post was regarding her sarcoma because that’s ultimately what took her away from me. 
This year has been so hard in so many ways on a lot of people. But my 2020 has overall been a year of good fortune and growth for me, up until now. This year has taken from me the most painful thing it could have taken. My sweet Kaya. 
Three years ago, we fought cancer. And for three glorious years, we got to forget about it. And this year, I noticed Kaya had started losing weight. It was gradual at first. About two months ago, I took her to the vet to confirm what I already knew. The cancer was back, and had engulfed the majority of her liver. 
Although she was a little thirstier and started having issues throwing up water when she drank too much, she was overall happy. The vet couldn’t tell me how much time I had left with her, but however much, it could never be enough. 
Over the past week, she made a steady and steep decline. The dog she was on Sunday was not the dog she was on Friday. She had stopped eating almost entirely, and she didn’t have the same vigor I so fondly remember. She could barely get up anymore. I could tell she was tired. Today I got to stay with her, pet her, and give her kisses as we said our final goodbyes. 
There’s no way to prepare yourself for how much something like this hurts. Six years was not enough. The whole fifteen of her life would not have been enough. I loved her so intensely from the day I brought her home. And I told her from day one, that she had to live to fifteen. There was no other option. Well, she heard me. Her fifteenth birthday was two weeks ago. I’m going to share a picture from that day, as she was still in good enough health to enjoy a leisurely walk to smell some interesting things and to wade in the river. 
I want to mourn her loss less and celebrate her life more. She was always so loud and opinionated. She was very independent. She loved food more than anything else on the planet, probably me included. And in this last week, she couldn’t even enjoy food. I told her today that she would be able to eat all the chicken nuggets she wanted now. I asked Nanook to help her cross over the Rainbow Bridge so she wouldn’t have to do it alone. 
I’m so immensely thankful for the time we had together. For the adventures we got to go on. For the love and the bond that we shared. I’m thankful for the circumstances we’ve achieved. Together. Kaya was the first dog I adopted on my own. We went from living in a single bedroom where I worked two jobs to a three bedroom house with a fenced in yard and a doggy door where I got to work from home. I’m thankful that I got to spend more time with her, especially as her health declined. I’m thankful we had as long as we did together. And I’m thankful I got to see her off to the other side, as much as it hurts. 
Kaya will always and forever be my sunshine, my heart dog. There aren’t enough words in the world to encapsulate the light that was her life. She was a fighter until the end. A stubborn Husky until her final day. 
There are so many things I want to say. So many memories I never want to fade. She will be in my heart, and tattooed on my hip, forever. I’ll miss the loud alarm barks, letting me know it was time to get up because SHE was up. I’ll miss how if I didn’t listen, she would just come sit on my head. I’ll miss the way she played. One of her favorite things to do was just dive face first into the bed and yell and roll around. She was never a fan of sleeping in the bed, but boy did she like to roll all over it. I’ll miss how she followed me absolutely everywhere. She was my bathroom buddy. I couldn’t pee alone, and I couldn’t shower without knowing she was right on the other side of the curtain, patiently waiting to be able to lick all the water off my legs. 
I remember the day I brought her home. The Humane Society offered a two week foster-to-adopt program. I met her, not quite sure what to make of her because she had been a loud grumble butt from day one, and I signed up to put a hold on her and come back the next day to pick her up, as that was when I was moving into my new house. I got so lucky in getting her. As I handed in my paperwork for her, another lady started filling out the hold form too. Somewhere, there was a miscommunication, because instead of starting the foster the next day, they had adopted her out to me. I drove away from the Humane Society and looked over at her in awe. I had a dog. She was my dog. And she wasted absolutely no time making herself at home. I hadn’t even kind of unpacked, and I had just put sheets on the bed. One of the first things she went to do was her signature bed roll. I still have a picture of her looking up at me, moving box right beside her. It was good they didn’t do the foster. There was never any going back, anyway. 
She was so smart. I’ll miss the training and the puzzle games with her. I’ll miss just talking to her. She understood more than most would believe, I think. And she loved like no other. If she came to you for pets, it’s because she wanted to, not because you asked. She loved to have her ears and her face scratched. And if you’d scratch the fronts of her back legs, she’d kick them straight out in a big stretch. 
She was the most gentle baby, but she was loud about it. I trusted her more than any other dog not to bite me, no mater the circumstances. But she would absolutely be vocal if you were doing something she didn’t like. Baths, for instance. For a dog that loved water as much as she did, she HATED bath time. I’d take her out to a lake or a river and before you knew it, she was chest deep, shoving her face directly into the water. But if I so much as touched the shower knob while she was in the tub? She was screaming bloody murder before the water even hit her. 
I think she knew she could tug at my heartstrings enough to get me to bend to her will on most things. I could never bear to hear her cry. For as loud as she was, and she was pretty much constantly loud, she had her own language. One I grew to understand. To most people I’ve known who’ve met her, she just constantly sounded angry. She communicated in a lot of barks, growls, and grumbles. We always joked that she was my grumpy old lady. More often than not, though, her angry sounds weren’t her being actually angry. It’s just how she talked. 
Although Huskies are notorious escape artists and like to bolt as soon as they get the chance, she was never like that. There are only two times she ever got away from me that I can recall. The first, she pushed her way out of a screen door that hadn’t been latched. All she did was walk out into the yard to take a poo, lol. She came right back at the shake of a treat bag. The other time, we were out hiking. Her leash had slipped out of my hand, and she took off running for the trees. I just knew I had lost her to the wilderness. As soon as she hit the tree line, though, she whipped right back around and came back to me. She just had to get out some zoomies really quick. 
She liked to play fetch, but mostly just the chase part. She was never interested in actually picking the ball or whatever we were playing with back up and bringing it back. But she did like toys. Her favorite was one we took to calling Hampton the Hedgehog. ...And then Hampton Jr. and eventually Hampton the third because she liked him a little too much, lol. 
Her favorite food was whatever was in my hand at the moment, lol. Nothing tasted as good as whatever I happened to have. After she was labeled a hospice dog a couple of months ago, I decided I was going to give her whatever she wanted to make sure she had the happiest time she could, so she was off dog food entirely and just ate some of whatever I was having. She loved chicken nuggets, roast beef, and ribs. I tried to make her some variety of cake every year for her birthday. Some years it was a meat stew pie, some years carrot cake, and one year it was a meatloaf iced in mashed potatoes. This year, I made her a carrot cake iced with whipped cream cheese. She wasn’t the biggest fan of the cream cheese, but she liked the cake bit. 
She was loyal and loving until the end, and I’m so glad she’s no longer suffering. If you have pets, do me a favor and hug them just a little bit tighter for me tonight. Give them an extra biscuit and tell them how good they are and how much you love them. For those of us who can’t anymore. Enjoy every second. Life is fleeting, and you never know when it will be gone. 
Rest in peace, my sweet Kaya. You will always be my sunshine. 
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davidshawnsown · 4 years ago
Ladies and gentlemen, to all the people of the United States of America and Canada, to all our remaining living veterans of the Second World War of 1939-1945 and of all conflicts past and present and their families, to our veterans, active servicemen and women, reservists and families of the entire United States Armed Forces, and to all the uniformed military and civil security services of the Allied combatants of this conflict, to all the immediate families, relatives, children and grandchildren of the deceased veterans, fallen service personnel and wounded personnel of our military services and civil uniformed security and civil defense services, to all our workers, farmers and intellectuals, to our youth and personnel serving in youth uniformed and cadet organizations and all our athletes, coaches, judges, sports trainers and sports officials, and to all our sports fans, to all our workers of culture, music, traditional arts and the theatrical arts, radio, television, digital media and social media, cinema, heavy and light industry, agriculture, business, tourism and the press, and to all our people of the free world:
For it was on this day in in 1937 the Nationalist Chinese Air Force came victorious in the first aerial battle of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War and of the 2nd World War as a whole after bringing down 6 Imperial Japanese Navy bombers.
It was on this day in in 1941 the Atlantic Charter aiming for preparing for the events after the Second World War, was signed, just paving to way for the later creation of NATO in 1949.
It was on this day in 1945 when the people of Vietnam, urged by the Viet Minh, began to plan for a series of general protest actions and the creation of a national government for the country by beginning to occupy public buildings under Japanese pressure, clearing the way for a national revolution of independence against both Japan and France that would begin in days’ time just as the war was about to close.
It was on this day in 1947 when the independence of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was declared and on this day in 1959 the National Football League was officially founded.
And today, in the midst of what has been the one of the greatest crises the world has faced in recent memory – the current COVID-19 pandemic that has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands and affected millions all over the world, and nearly cancelled all public events and sports activities, we, the millions of people all over the world, await from our homes and workplaces the dawn of the 15th of August, paying vigil not just to honor the millions who perished in this long war as well as to honor the heroes of today who are fighting for the healthy, safety and well-being of millions around the world but also to reflect on the historic statement of Emperor Hirohito of Japan 75 years ago declaring the acceptance of his country, government and people of the Allied wishes for the unconditional surrender of the armed forces of the Empire,  days after the twin American atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as the declaration of war against his country by the Soviet Union, signalling the end of all combat operations in the Pacific and China-Burma-India Theaters of Operations and the beginning of the final countdown towards the conclusion of a long and painful 6 years of international conflict that 8 decades ago began in the Asia-Pacific with the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese World and that soon burst into a global war, first in Europe 71 years ago and 69 years ago later in this part of the world with the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor, a long and bitter war that would cost the lives of millions all over the world, destroyed industries and cultural artifacts, and affected millions more, which would lead to the final victory over the Axis Powers, first in Europe and northern Africa, and later on, exactly 75 years ago, in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, bringing to a close this tragic but memorable period of human history.
It’s been 75 years since this historic declaration formally began the conclusion of years of a long conflict that will forever be in the history books, a bloody and dangerous war that was fought in almost every part of the world that involved millions of active servicemen and women of the armed forces of the Allies, a war that will forever glorify them as the greatest generation ever to live on this earth. In these 6 long years, the world was forever changed, and the sacrifices of millions finally put to an end the evil ploys of the Axis Powers to push thru their ideologies and programs for the domination of the human race. In a span of such long years millions became heroes for their service in both the battlefield and the home front, determined at the cost of their lives to defeat the enemies of freedom and independence and to defend the poor and weak of society. Their sacrifices in the victory we all anticipate with great joy will never be forgotten.
We cannot forget too the entertainers and athletes as well who offered their lives in service to the cause of the long struggle against the Axis Powers, and the young people who prayed for the safety of their parents as they worked to win this long war. And most of all, we recall the millions who perished in the battlefield and the concentration and labor camps in enemy territory,  military, paramilitary and civilian.
For today only a few remain living among the millions who served in the ranks of the victorious armed forces, paramilitary organizations, law enforcement and emergency services of the Allied Powers who served up till this very day of the victory won by their hands against the Axis aggressor, and risked their lives to accomplish this very goal all over the world. In anticipation of this historic anniversary we thank them once more for their services to the cause of freedom and independence against the menance of the Axis powers and brought fourth the end of an old era and the beginning of a new period in human history.
That day of the beginning of the conclusion of the war is about to rise, a memorable day that will forever remain etched in our memories, as a day of great joy and celebration marking the end of all combat operations in the Asia-Pacific and the day peace came into the world after six long years of war. In the spirit of the heroes and martyrs of both the past and the present, let us all, as one united people, live the legacy of the victors in our lives and forever carry on the memories of those who risked their lives for the freedom and indepdence of our world, onwards toward the goal of a better world for our generations to come.
As we await the dawning of the day of the 75th year anniversary of the termination of hostilities of the Second World War in the Asia-Pacifc, may the legacy left behind by the victorious men and women of the Allied forces be remembered all  the more today and for all generations to come!
And may I repeat the immortal words of the Polish National Anthem:
Poland has not yet perished, so long as we still live!
   1730h, August 14, 2020, the 244th year of the United States of America, the 245th year of the United States Army, Navy and Marine Corps, the 126th of the International Olympic Committee, the 124th of the Olympic Games, the 102nd since the conclusion of the First World War, the 81st of the beginning of the Second World War in Europe, the 79th since the beginning of the Second World War in the Eastern Front and in the Pacific Theater, the 75th since the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa and the victories in Europe and the Pacific, the 73rd of the United States Armed Forces and the 53rd of the modern Canadian Armed Forces.
  Semper Fortis
Makati City, PH
  (Requiem for a Soldier) (Honor by Hans Zimmer)
(Slavsya from Mikhail Glinka’s A Life for the Tsar)
(Victory Day by Lev Leshenko)
(Last Post) (Taps) (Rendering Honors)
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