#whale tailing was necessary here i fear
tarpiteyes · 28 days
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My FAVVV ⭐️⭐️🫶
I’m gonna draw all the Jojos as I continue to binge the show (i’m on pt 5 rn 😼)
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marinerainbow · 1 year
Mermaids- and sea creatures in general- are some of my favorite creatures ever. So here are my thoughts/headcanons; what I imagine they'd be like in real life if they existed. I took inspiration from many sea animal facts, and I am in no way a professional biologist so these may not be the most accurate.
Biologically accurate Mermaids (probably)
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There are many subspecies of mermaids, though the two main types are deep sea and surface types. We'll be looking at both of these types today, along with the general facts about all species.
Surface Mermaids:
The surface Mermaids are kind of like humans in length, interchanging between 5-7 feet (1.5-2.1 meters) in size, similar to sharks. They also range in bright colors to blend into coral reefs.
They travel in packs, referred to as pods. Pods usually contain 10-20 members, though there may be some groups that travel in smaller or larger groups. Some groups have designated leaders, while others don't.
As natural carnivores, they eat other sea life. From crustaceans to fish, big and small. There is very little that mermaids wouldn't hunt.
Since they live closer to the surface, these are the merfolk people would most often see. Surface-level merpeople don't feel fear for humans, and are actually curious about them. The way they see it, these odd, tailess creatures seem to resemble them the most. At least their upper halves do. So they want to know more about us.
Which can lead to a big problem with poachers; although some deep-sea mermaids have been caught, it's usually a surface level that a hunter would find.
Deep-Sea Mermaids
Deep sea mermaids are more drastic in size difference. They can range up to 10-15 feet (3.048-4.572 meters), though there could easily be bigger species we haven't found yet. They also have deeper, darker colors. Not muddy, just darker. And they also have bioluminesence.
Although these merfolk can travel in packs too, it's more common to see them on their own. Or in smaller packs. Why this is the case is unclear.
Deep sea mermaids that travel in packs will take whatever precaution necessary to ensure they don't lose each other in the darkness, without attracting predators in the process. They can be seen holding onto each other's hands and tail fins or moving as little as possible when they find a place to rest. Though if they need to, they'll call out to each other despite the risk.
Like their surface level cousins, the deeper level merfolk are also carnivores. But they are scavengers, too. You can easily find these guys around carcasses that fall to the ocean floor, either tearing apart the dead creature or hunting the other sea life that came for the free meal.
In General
The reason why groups are so diverse is that, like dolphins, mermaids are scarily intelligent. They are most likely on the human level of intelligence, and as such have the brain capacity to experience and understand complex emotions and thoughts. Resulting in each mermaid and pod having their own morals and ways.
Like whales and dolphins, merfolk communicate with clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls, along with using physical cues and body language to communicate.
Like humans, mermaids have complicated mating traditions, though for the most part, they mate for life. Some groups are more polygamous however.
During mating season, the females will all choose a cave or crevice to lay their eggs and, like octopuses, will stay beside their clutches to protect them. Since all the females tend to stick together, with some exceptions, they often take turns watching over each others eggs while one or two of them leave the cave to go find food. Also, while the females take care of the eggs, the males will stay and protect their mates and the nursery during this time, and at least one will follow the females when they go hunting to make sure no predator harms them.
Mermaids will often lay two to three eggs. Once the babies hatch, the whole pod works to protect all the children, at least until they are old enough to swim on their own. Some groups may choose to stay in the nursery spot for longer just to make sure the babies won't get lost or snatched up by predators.
Although they can be born male or female, if there are a shortage of females, some of the mermen will transition into female. Kind of like clownfish.
I hope you guys enjoyed these! Happy MerMay! ^^
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calliecat93 · 4 years
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It’s been a long year everyone, but at last we have arrived. RWBY Volume Eight. This is the fourth volume I’ll be doing text reviews of, which feels crazy. I’ve been watching this show more or less form the start, and I can safely say that this is the most scared I’ve ever been. Not because of the quality, I have high hopes for that. But we know how the last volume ended. We knew that it was going to carry over into this one. And it was even MORE tense than we expected. It’s gonna be one heck of a Chapter 1 review, I can say that.
Before that, we have a new opening! Sadly, to my knowledge, the song title hasn’t been announced yet. But other than that... oh man. There is a LOT to unpack here. SO much to analyze. So much to speculate. Once more Jeff and Casey gave us a banger, and Casey was NOT kidding when she said it was dark. But before we proceed any further, let’s get the disclaimer out of the way
(Warning: This post WILL contain spoilers for RWBY V8 Chapter 1. If you have yet to see the episode and do NOT wish to be spoiled, PLEASE scroll past this post. You have been warned.)
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We begin seeing Mantle int he state we’re used to, but it glitches. The blues and whites shift into reds, fires and chaos are widespread, and the Grimm are wreaking havoc. This is going to be what Mantle looks like the moment that Salem strikes the city. The one watching this all unfold? Ruby. She failed to stop Ironwood and the division between our heroes, Atlas, and Mantle is greater than before. The poor girl can only watch in horror as Mantle burns, Atlas continuing to hover above... for now at least.
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The theme oft the volume, contrast to last volume’s themes of trust and fear, is mistrust and division. The first chapter demonstrated this, but I’ll save that for then. But here? We have the logo causing a divide between Ruby herself, and all of her allies. I could be reading into this too much, but I do have to wonder... si something going to happen that causes Ruby to strike out on her own? Do things go badly and she’s the only one who doesn’t quit? Does the pressure get to her and she does something that causes everyone, ever her own teammates and sister, to turn their backs on her? It’s hard to say, but I don’t think that Ruby is coming out of this 100% the same.
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Ah, isn’t this nostalgic? Our girls really have come far. Ruby went from a naive, innocent girl with an overly idealistic dream to a true Huntress who wants to make lives better after witnessing how bad it can really be. Weiss when from a spoiled rich girl suffering form neglect and a controlling father, to a defiant young woman determined to reclaim her family name her way. Blake has gone from a frightened girl to a woman broke free of her abuser’s control and is fighting for both equality and for her loved ones. Yang was a confident, yet reckless girl with abandonment issues and while she went through great loss, she came back even stronger and shining even brighter.
The girls have changed. They have grown. They’ve lost their innocence along the way, but they survived and kept moving forward. But while they could, another failed to do the same...
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The general has completed his descent into villainy. He is now a cold, heartless tin soldier who is willing to take any step he deems necessary to protect Atlas. Even if it means cold-blooded murder. Even here, there is nothing but coldness in his eyes and as the shadows engulf him, we see the image of Atlas fall into ruin. We also see Clover’s badge, and the images of his remaining teammates and Qrow. Marrow in particular just looks uncertain about everything, a major contrast to how upbeat he was last volume. Harriet... just looks like she has been consumed by hate and rage. And if I had to guess, it’s going to be aimed at Qrow. She may claim to not be friends with her teammates, but losing Clover is going to have some very, VERY bad affects on her and the others. Especially under Ironwood’s influence.
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We see Qrow downcast before Robyn offers him a hand in support. Yeah, think it’s safe to say that these two are gonna launch some kind of prison break. Looking forward to it~! Then we cut to Oscar, clutching his head and looking like he is in pain. He’s surrounded by Grimm and it looks like he’s int he Grimm Whale. We know that Salem is after him, so... yeah, my concern is VERY high. Also we see Salem in a new form and... umm... the apparition of her in V5 has now been topped in... help us world.
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Returning to the theme of division, that seems to be central especially for Ren and Nora. Last volume, they were in conflict with Nora unable to get Ren to open up, even after they finally kissed. Here? It seems the drift is only going to grow. Ren glances at Nora, before facing away. Nora had been facing away, but then she glances back at Ren before turning around. She just looks so upset and pained as she stares at the man she loves. Along with Nora willingly splitting from Ren in Chapter 1... it’s gonna be a ROUGH volume for Renora shippers everywhere.
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We come to the Schnee Family. Weiss and Winter walk past each other. At first, Winter looks like her usual, composed self. But as she passes her sister, her attire changes to have her new cybernetic features. her composed expression shifts into one of sadness and maybe even guilt. Weiss seems to notice, looking up with wide eyes before the scene shifts. We know that the two will be in conflict now due to their opposing sides, even though neither clearly wants to be. Chances are they’ll meet face-to-face again, and it is NOT going to go well as they must decide whether or nit to fight each other on their respective sides.
Then we see Whitley and Willow. No Jaques, though we know he will be appearing. Willow continues to look tired and depressed, and I can only hope that somehow SOMETHING goes better for her here. But then we have Whitley. Despite his role being minor, Whitley got hit a heavy blow with Jaques arrest curtesy of Weiss. But here he looks like he’s trying to look calculative... but his fear is shining through. The kid is in a bad place and I doubt that he’s broken form his father’s control. Will Weiss help him out of it? or is it too late?
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Then we shift to a chess board. We have Salem, her pawns all ready and charging ahead with their attack. Now I knwo nothing about Chess, but clearly the Queen is winning. Ironwood is on the opposite side, all of his chess pieces fading into dust as the board breaks away. He stands alone, completely open to checkmate. The King is about to be overthrown. Ironwood has driven off hsi allies, and the remaining are likely either going to soon follow or fall to Salem’s forces. For all his efforts to save Atlas, all that he is done is secure it’s downfall, as well as his own. Yeah, even if by some miracle he realizes his mistakes, I don’t think that James is coming out of this alive, and it will all be by his own doing.
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We see Watts being Watts, typing away. I have to wonder... does he somehow escape form custody? Or does ironwood willingly let him free for his side? The guy is desperate, he’ll do anything to win, even strike up a bargain. Which Watts would absolutely take and use the access for his own means. Maybe even some hacking...
Then we have Pietro, himself hard at work. Behind him is a mirror, and his reflection turns to look at Penny. Compared to the bright smile she had int he last opening, Penny looks scared and dishearted. She is looking at her hands, closing her eyes as though in resignation. We see her reflection glance at her. To just increase my fears of a potential ‘Watts hacking Penny’ theory, here are some images from later in the opening.
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The first has Penny up above the heroes. At first I thought it was just her flying up to get into a battle stance. I didn’t realize how she was facing the gang face first. Right in front of Amity, and in between Atlas and Salem. Then from the tail-end, we have this 2D effect showing her eye. It goes from the usual green color, to a bright red, which soon engulfs the rest of the lines. Yeah... I know I panicked about Penny getting hacked last volume... but I am even moreso now! 
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A snowflake falls into Ren’s palm before promptly meting. Due to the color fo his glove, it looks like a flower petal. He looks down at it forlorn. Jaune puts a hand on his shoulder and he, Yang, and Oscar are there. Btu the support doesn’t do anything to change Ren’s expression. We then see a flower petal fly by Nora, who tries to catch it. She fails, but Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Penny appear at her side. This perks her up as she gets into a battle stance. Once more, emphasizing the divide between Renora and showing us our current team dynamics. They have separate goals, but they aren’t divided... at least, not right now.
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Then we have this shot of Ruby and Yang. I’ve bene predicting for a while that there was going to be a conflict between this two. They have VERY different ways of handling things, and last volume made it clear that while she stood by her, Yang was having doubts about Ruby’s decisions. I’ll go more into that when I review Chapter 1, but I am hoping that this shot shows that no matter what issues they have between them and even if they end up arguing, they WILL work past it. They’re still sisters. They still love each other. They still ultimately have the same goal. No matter what happens, they will be there for each other.
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After a really cool battle sequence (I’d post the pics but this si already a MASSIVE post), it freezes. When it does, we see Cinder walk past it. At first, she is displaying the demeanor that we expect from her. Confident, egotistical,a nd wearing that sick smirk on her face. You know the one. She also walks past neo and Emerald. Neo looks exactly what we expect, annoyed. Emerald looks more optimistic though, also expected. I think it’s safe to say that Neo’s gonna turn on Cinder fairly soon, especially after Chapter 1. But will Emerald? We’’ve been hoping, but will this be the moment she finally realizes that Cinder doesn’t care about her and get out? Only time will tell.
But Cinder’s usual smugness stops when she grabs her arm in pain and screams. Her Grimm Arm. As many have noted, the arm has slowly been consuming her body. It went form just up to her elbow, to now engulfing up to her shoulder. Not to mention Winter managed to slice it off, and it grew back in a pretty violent manner. Given what we saw in the start of the episode, it looks like we may FINALLY be getting the Cinder backstory and truly understanding her motives. I think that Cinder will reach a breaking point in this volume. One that is NOT gonna be pretty or do our heroes any good.
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We get the usual villain lineup which ends at Salem, We get a close-up of her eyes, and in them are the Relics. No shock that those are what she’s aiming for. Then we see both the Lamp and the Staff, and they both glow and let loose the blue smoke. It brings up a question... we all know that the Gods will be summoned if all four are brought together. But what would happen if two are brought together? If the two are used together, what will it cause? Either way, both of them are gonna be vital in whatever happens.
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The image glitches again, going form the  Grimm devastation to Ruby looking out at Atlas. She is with the others, her scythe being use to cause a division line between the two current groups (as seen in the top image). Then, the ice cracks beneath her feet. She and the rest of Team RWBY fall into the depths below. Remember that scene in the V6 opening when Qrow got dragged down by Grimm arms? And how that symbolized his conflict int he season as he endured a downward spiral? Well... it might be Team RWBY’s turn.
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The girls fall into the water, sinking into the abyss. But there are light particles surrounding them, and Ruby opens her eyes to see the light above. The source? The Staf fof Creation? She reaches up for it, only for a group to Grimm arms to grab her and keeping her from going upward. The lyric accompanying this is “Sometimes it’s worth it all to risk the fall and fight for every life.” Could this hint to Ruby deciding to use the Staff to stop Salem? If she does, then this will guarantee Atlas’ Fall f she makes even a minor mistake. Is that a risk that she is willing to take? What will happen if she does so? How will her team react? Will this cause a greater divide? Like I said, Ruby ain’t gonna have a good time in this volume...
Then we have the following words appear.
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Happy Ever After. The same words we see at the end of every fairy tale. But life isn’t a fairy tale now, is it? The words get crossed out and twisted. Until at the end, we are left with...
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Yeah... if you needed more proof that this volume was going to be dark... here you go.
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We end with the girls weapons landing at the bottom of the abyss. The last to do so is Crescent Rose, and we cut to it emended in the ice with the moon behind it. It’s a shot that reminds me GREATLY of Ruby’s first ever appearance in the Red Trailer all those years ago. And aas the petals scatter, we have the credit to Monty Oum. Your show has come so far Monty, hope you’re proud right now.
This opening was fantastic! The song sounds like a VERY twisted version of Lets Just Live, being about the heroes realizing the true horrors of their world but there’s no real motivation to keep living this time. Now it’s all about how bad things have gotten, and ends with wondering if sometimes, it’s best to take a risk to save everyone. As far as where I rank this, song-wise it hasn’t topped Let’s Just Live, Rising, and Trust Love, but I think it’s beaten the other four. That can always change though. Animation wise... I’m still trying to decide if it’s topped Opening 7 or not. But it is very, VERY good. The fact that they managed to make it look this good despite the work-at-home environment is commendable.
And... that’s it! I hope you all enjoyed this! The review for Chapter One will be coming soon. But for now, thank you all for reading, and let’s get ready for one Hell of a volume~
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ask-sincerely-sea · 4 years
A rundown of the Mermaid AU
Here’s a bullet list of my Mermaid AU and most of the content I have imagined for it! These are taken from three different posts on my main blog, but for simplicity, I compiled them all here! It is long, but feel free to read and get a feel for this universe!
All the Murphys are sharks, but they’re all different types of sharks.
Science doesn’t exist in my world so don’t expect genetics and aquatic ancestry to be something that is strict. Most families tend to stay within the same family and/or genus.
Connor is a Shortfin Mako Shark.
Zoe is a Blue Shark (Fun fact: Blue Sharks are a species of Requiem Sharks).
Cynthia is a Whale Shark.
Larry is an Oceanic Whitetip Shark.
Evan and Heidi are both octopus.
Evan is a Coconut Octopus.
Heidi is a Mimic Octopus.
Alana is a Pacific White Sided Dolphin.
Jared is a White Spotted Pufferfish.
Although intelligent like humans, mermaids will exhibit behaviors akin to their aquatic ancestry.
Evan being a Coconut Octopus will hide within ocean debris as a form of camouflage. This is often triggered by spikes in anxiety, but he also uses it to avoid interaction.
Jared absolutely puffs up. It’s usually caused by elevated emotion. Sometimes he’ll puff up because he’s upset, other times he’ll accidentally cause himself to puff up just from laughing too hard.
The Murphy family is a family a predators. They all have an acute and accurate sense of smell. Larry, Connor, and Zoe are active hunters, and when they are in hunting mode it’s hard to break them out of it until they are satiated.
Merpeople do form societies and interact with each other. They don’t hunt each other and unlike their aquatic ancestors, they don’t all follow migration paths. Some merfamilies will migrate.
Now I’ll give you all the cute and fun and interesting stuff…
Connor loves to explore any wreckage he can find. He’s super fascinated by human life and loves finding shipwrecks, plane wrecks, and even leftover skeletons.
He frequents the wrecks of military vessels most often and collects dog tags from fallen soldiers. He refurbishes them as much as he can because he likes to see the names of the men and women lost.
He often spies on humans who are boating as well. Be it a wedding boat, fishermen, or just vacationers, he just loves watching them from afar. However, the moment they spot him (usually only his dorsal fin on his tail), he dives away
.Hes accidentally becomes and ocean cryptid when a group of divers got a photo of him, albeit it fuzzy/blurry.
He’s obviously not aware of human cryptid culture.
Redditors think his viral photo is photoshopped.
Zoe isn’t as curious about humans. She is curious of the sky above and loves to watch birds as they fly around and feed on fish.
She goes stargazing a lot against her parents wishes. It’s dangerous at night and her parents (and most merpeople) fear poachers.
Zoe collects starfish on her tailfins. Since they are living creatures, she always communicates with them and makes sure they are okay with it.
Connor will leave jewelry and funky human artifacts he finds in Zoe’s room. She doesn’t know Connor is the one that leaves her random items and just assumes it’s Cynthia.
Cynthia is fascinated with human artifacts and frequents a lot of merpeople who are traders for human trinkets.
However, she is terrified of humans and doesn’t dare go near them. When she was younger, she got tangled up I’m a fishing net that belonged to poachers.
Larry is also fascinated with human trinkets, but not as much as Cynthia. Being an Oceanic Whitetip, he loves the tale of the USS Indianapolis.
He and Connor used to search shipwrecks together, but they’ve since grown apart and haven’t hunted or scavenged together in a long time.
I already said a bit of this in my last post, but being a Coconut Octopus, Evan uses physical objects to hide in and behind as a form of camouflage.
Though camouflage isn’t really necessary for merpeople being that they are able to fend for themselves and create/use tools, weapons, utensils, etcetera.
Evan’s camo is more of a reflex with his anxiety. If he’s nervous, anxious, or embarrassed, he’ll find the nearest Evan-sized object and fold himself up to fit. His tentacles can fold together tightly, he just has to account for his upper body not being as flexible.
Heidi is a Mimic Octopus as uses her camo as more of a fun party tricks. Mimic Octopus are able to disguise with many backgrounds, but are also able to contort and arrange their tentacles to resemble other species.
When Evan was little, they would travel to shallow banks along islands where the sun shone through the water really brightly. She’d contort her tentacles and do little shadow puppets of other species for him on the sand.
So, Jared is a pufferfish and not a porcupine fish. He has spines, but they’re very small and thin. They usually only show up when he’s inflated.
He HATES being inflated but it’s happens a lot.
Basically any elevated emotion inflates him. He’s angry? Puff! He’s playful? Puff! He’s excited? Puff! He’s sad? Puff! He’s [redacted]? PUFF!
He doesn’t care too much about human culture, but he is aware of this cursed video. He was hanging around a boat with a bunch of spring breakers and slipped a phone for a few minutes, stumbling across Youtube. Connor thinks it’s the funniest thing ever.
Oh, yeah, so merpeople don’t have any sort of electronic technology, but some of the most curious ones will snatch devices from boats. They are aware they don’t work underwater, so it’s usually like a dramatic spy scene of mermaids hanging out by boats with phones and tablets and messing around as much as they can for five to ten minutes.
Alana is super social and during vacations from school she’ll travel with merpeople and regular aquatic life and migrate around the world.
She’s traveled literally everywhere and has been doing it since she was a child. Her whole family used to go, but now it’s just her. Her parents trust her to be alone.
Alana has come across Sea World and other marine parks with Orcas and it makes her incredibly angry. There have been a few instances where animals in captivity have… Mysteriously escaped back into the wild…
She does have a super playful side and is very curious of humans despite often having a negative judgement/attitude towards them. When she just wants to have fun or relax, she goes bow riding along the wake of boats. She’s clever enough to not be seen.
Yes, there is merpeople high school because why not.
Again, science doesn’t exist and this au honestly doesn’t have rules.So just go ham and make mermaids, y'all!
I’m still deciding on how I want to portray Miguel, but right now I’m thinking Red Lionfish or Pacific Seahorse.That boy is something very colorful and proud!
So previously I mentioned there being an education system for merpeople as they do form societies.
So all the teens (minus Miguel) go to school together.
Their school, as well as most of the buildings in their particular society, is made up of scrapped parts from shipwrecks and other human debris. There are also some buildings and landmarks carved out of the landscape, but they gotta keep it fresh, keep it interesting. They’re still discovering and learning technology, but in their own unique ways.
(Okay, you probably didn’t even care about that fact but as an enthusiast for a “rebuild from the remains” aesthetic, I have to sprinkle in my little funky twists.)
The particular “town” of merpeople they live in isn’t very large and is constantly changing size and population due to some mers moving in and out.
Evan broke his arm over summer break in a coastal accident.
Seeing that merpeople don’t fully abide by the living standards of their aquatic ancestors, they tend to mix, mingle, and migrate without too much structure. Obviously certain families with stay together and there are some pockets of merpeople who live by more strict cultural rules. But for the sake of au, Evan and the gang live in a more relaxed mer civilization.
So, over the summer Evan was working with a group of mers that focus on coastal wildlife. Evan in particular focused on coral health and how it was being affected by human activity.
But our boy is depressed and lonely, so one day he strays from his usual group of coworkers and ventured toward a cluster of fishing boats. The general rule is don’t go near humans, especially when on the job.
He noticed that some of the boats were anchored, so he grabbed one of them from the seabed, hoisted it up the surface, and launched it above water for his to come crashing down with force behind it.
His arm got pinned under the anchor, thus breaking it.
Now, the rest of the AU at the moment is more freeform and doesn’t follow the plot of the musical, but I did want to included how Evan broke his arm.
Connor is not dead in this particular version of the AU, but feel free to craft multiple storylines and arcs with different outcomes!
Connor does paint his nails!
As previously mentioned, he is very fascinated by human society and like to get a little too close.
So, one day he came across some spring breakers and watched as they went about their activities sunbathing and painting their nails. As soon as they looked away, he stole several bottles.
It’s rare for him to find nail polish, especially since he ruined his first bottle by opening it up under water and losing the contents. But whenever a party boat or a boat of spring breakers rolls by, especially with a bunch of girls, he always has to check.
He quickly learned that whenever he wants to do his nails he has to make a whole thing about hauling himself up to surface and propping on a rock or a beach for some time.
He’s collected his signature black as well as a metallic purple, glittery pink, and bright turquoise. He wears the black and purple the most. He loves the other two colors, but poor baby is insecure and wearing nail polish as a mer is already enough to cause stares.
Jared also thinks that human legs are hot.
When Jared is puffed up, other mers will bop him around like a volleyball. It’s an unfortunate thing for any and all puffers.
Evan’s dad is a Barracuda mer, which for a Barracuda and an Octopus to mate is incredibly rare. It’s a wonder that Evan didn’t come out a totally wack and new sea monster.
But like I said, science doesn’t really exist here! Anything goes! Be whatever mer you wanna be! Love whatever mer you wanna love!
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kathyprior4200 · 5 years
Old Mermista quotes
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Old Mermista has light blue hair, dark blue eyes, white skin, and wears a circular necklace. Dark green sea shells make up her bra and she wears a light blue outfit.
 “Flowers for Hordak”
 Mermista splashes Bow and giggles.
Mermista: “As you can see, Bow, the water’s fine. (splashes her tail) Come on in, I’ll race you.”
Bow (chuckles): “No thanks, Mermista. I know better than to swim against someone who has fins.”
Adora: “It’s been a long time since I was here, Mermista, but Crystal Falls seems more beautiful than ever.”
Mermista: “That’s because, Perfuma’s visiting me. She’s been decorating. You know how she is.”
Adora: “Perfuma’s here?”
Mermista: (points) “Over there, decorating as usual.”
Perfuma makes colorful flowers appear on a pink bare tree.
Bow: “Now that’s what I call a way with plants.”
Adora: “Perfuma, over here!”
Perfuma waves and summons lily pads to walk across the water.
Perfuma: “Adora and Bow! How good to see you both again. Mermista has been kind enough to let me add a few flowers to the Crystal Falls.”
Mermista: “As if anyone could stop you.”
 She-Ra throws robots into the lake. Mermista looks with disgust.
Mermista: “Oh, what are these dirty tin cans doing in my nice clean pool?”
Mermista summons a wave and washes them out to land.
 “Wild Child”
Adora and Bow stand on a dock by the Crystal Falls. Adora walks over to a wind chime of five white shells.
Adora: “This is the signal for Mermista.” She moves her hand against the shells.
Mermista emerges from the water.
Mermista: “Adora, it has been a long time, hasn’t it?”
Adora: “Too long, but I’m afraid this is no casual visit. We need help.”
Mermista: “What can I do?”
 Adora tells her story as Mermista sits on a rock and listens.
 Adora: “And that’s all I can tell you. We though you might know something about Princess Allegra's sailboat, since it was lost in an ocean storm.”
Mermista puts her hand to her head. “I remember…a terrible  monsoon several years ago. Let me consult the memories of my sea creatures.”
Bow: “Sea creatures?”
Mermista nods and pulls out what looks like a white octopus with wires on the top, where the brain would be. There are wires, metal and cameras connecting the device together.
Mermista: “Creatures of the sea, hear Mermista’s plea. Search the shallows, probe the deep, find the answer that I seek.”
A ship sailing across rough waters is shown, a yellow sea shell painted on the white sail. Lightning flashes across the sky and a big wave causes the ship to crash.
Mermista: “Here is what the sea creatures remember.”
A girl with red hair lies unconscious on a beach. A white wolf pulls her to safety.
Bow: “It’s princess Allegra. It must be her.”
Adora: “White Fangs.”
Adora: “So that’s what happened. Princess Allegra was rescued.”
Bow: “Or maybe she was kidnapped.”
Adora: “But the White Fangs. The pack I ran into yesterday didn’t want to fight. They just wanted to keep me away from her. Princess Allegra is the white ghost.”
Allegra: “Not exactly. I am no ghost. As you can see, I’m no ghost at all.”
Mermista watches the conversation.
 “The Pearl”
Mermista stands with her arms spread out, eyes closed, summoning the fish for the fishermen.
One man: “Over there, look! Here they come!”
Man: “Get your nets ready! Throw!”
Adora: “The fishermen at Bright Moon will have a good catch today. Thanks to you, Mermista.”
Mermista: “Long ago, my people made a pact with the fishermen of Etheria. So long as they did nothing to harm the sea or its people, we will help them catch all the fish they need.”
Adora: “How about the fishermen who work for the Horde?”
Mermista: “We do not interfere with them. My father, King Mercia, does not want to start trouble.”
Adora: “I understand. But it’s too bad. Your people would be very valuable additions to the Rebellion.”
Mermista: “You know that I support the Rebellion, Adora. But my father worries for the safety of his people. So long as the Horde do not bother him, he will not bother the Horde.”
Adora: “Well, I hope they never bother him but…”
A beeping noise is heard.
Adora: “Mermista, what’s wrong?”
Mermista: “It stopped. Just like that. (snaps her fingers.) Something happened to the whale.”
Adora: “Could it have been stung?”
Mermista: “Stung…or worse. I have to find out. Excuse me.”
Mermista turns into a mermaid and dives into the water.
Adora: “Sounds like there could be trouble. For the honor of Grayskull!”
She-Ra: “Time for a swim. Sword to helmet.”
She-Ra dives in.
She-Ra: “Good. This diving helmet works perfectly. Now to catch up with Mermista.”
 Hordak: “As usual, we caught no fish. But we did manage to catch this baby horned whale. That stun beam will keep it asleep for hours. We were lucky to find a baby. An older one would’ve been too big to handle.”
Robot: “What are you going to do with it, mighty Hordak?”
Hordak: “I’m going to give it to Horde prime as a present. He collects strange animals.”
Robot: “But, will Horde Prime have a cage big enough to keep it in? Especially when it grows up.”
Hordak: “Who cares? That’s not my problem.”  
Mermista: “Oh yes it is, Hordak.”
Mermista arrives at the scene.
Hordak: “Says who, fish tail?”
Mermista: “Says me!”
She raises her hands and sends a wave at Hordak.
Hordak: “Blast!”
Mermista comforts the whale.
Mermista: “You poor little thing. I have to get you out of here.”
Hordak: “She’s trying to free the horned whale! Start the engines!”
Robot gives a salute and runs off.
Mermista pulls on the black bonds on the whale.
Mermista: “If I can just get you loose. What? She-Ra!”
She-Ra arrives and breaks a bond.
She-Ra: “I thought you could use a hand.”
Mermista: “Oh no. Hordak is starting the engines. He’ll get away before we can free the horned whale.”
She-Ra: “I’ll stop him.”
She-Ra dives under and breaks the propeller off. She snaps apart the rest of the bonds.
Hordak: “We’ve stopped. Drat it all! It’s She-Ra! She’s broken the propeller! And now she’s freeing the horned whale from underwater!”
Robot: “Should we blast her, sir?”
Hordak: “Fool! Our blast beams don’t work underwater.”
Robot: “Hordak, She-Ra and Mermista have freed the whale.”
She-Ra and Mermista push the whale away from the ship.
She-Ra: “The whale’s still stunned. We have to get her away from the ship.”
Mermista: “Then let’s take it to my father’s kingdom. We can care for it there.”
Robot: “Should we use the missiles?”
Hordak: “No. I have a better idea. We’ll let the whale be a spy for us.”
Hordak fires a tracking device onto the whale.
Robot: “A perfect shot, master. What was that device?”
Hordak: “A limpid spy trooper. Now let’s see if it’s working.”
Hordak goes up to a screen and presses a button.
 Mermista: “Oh thank you for helping save the whale, She-Ra.”
She-Ra: “No thanks necessary, Mermista. Let’s just get this poor baby to your father’s kingdom right away.”
Hordak: “Ha ha, the spy device is working perfectly. This could prove to be interesting. Very interesting indeed.”
 She-Ra: “Just where is your father’s kingdom anyway, Mermista?”
Mermista: “Oh there!”
She-Ra: “Oh, Mermista…it’s beautiful.”
A kingdom is revealed with pillars of rocks shaped like a castle under a large dome. A pearl holds the device together on the top of the dome.
Mermista: “The entrance is over there. I can’t wait for you to meet my father.”
Mercia appears as a king with a white beard, flanked by two guards. He wears a green shell and a light blue outfit similar to Mermista.
Mermista sits beside the whale as it wakes up.
Mermista: “Oh good. The stun beam must be wearing off. The horned whale is waking up.”
Mermista transforms her fin into legs. Her father is not pleased.
King Mercia: “I’ll have words with you daughter. You know it is forbidden to bring a drylander into the sunken city.”
Mermista: “But this is no ordinary drylander, father. This is She-Ra.”
Mercia: “She-Ra? So you are She-Ra. Forgive me, She-Ra, I’ve heard much of your goodness. You are welcome here.”
She-Ra: “But why are drylanders forbidden here?”
Mercia: “We fear their greed. The sunken city holds many great treasures. The greatest of which is the Power Pearl. Look.”
He mentions upward.
She-Ra: “Wow. I’ve never seen a pearl that size before.”  
Mercia: “The Power Pearl was created when the oceans were formed. It is the source of all the merfolks’ power.”
Mermista tenderly strokes the whale’s nose and the whale coos in delight.
Mermista: “He’s right, She-Ra. The Pearl is what gives us all our power over the oceans.”
Mercia: “We do not want the Horde to find out about it.”
The tracking device on the whale picks up the conversation.
She-Ra: “Well, never fear, King Mercia. You’re secret is safe with me.”
Hordak: “But not with me! Robots, prepare my submarine! I’m going to do a little pearl diving. Hahaha!”
 She-Ra: “We should really try to find the mother of this poor baby horned whale. I’m sure she’s very worried.”
Mermista: “We’ll find her, She-Ra. The Power Pearl will help us. I just want to make sure that baby here has completely recovered from Hordak’s stun ray.”
Baby whale coos and makes happy whale sounds, and splashes in the water.
She-Ra: “Looks like baby is just fine.”
She-Ra laughs as the whale splashes Mermista.
Mermista dives under then leaps out of the water, turning human.
Mermista: “Yes, She-Ra. I think she’s all better.”
Mermista gasps. “Oh wait…”
Mermista walks over and notices the spy device and picks it up.
Mermista: “What’s this?”
She-Ra: “It’s a Horde spy device.”
She crushes it in her hands.
She-Ra: “There. That takes care of it. Horde won’t be able to spy on us anymore.”
Mermista: “Oh yes, but what about before? She-Ra, do you think Hordak knows about the Power Pearl?”
She-Ra: “Uh oh. Unfortunately Mermista…”
The Horde ship arrives, with a device over the Pearl.
She-Ra: “I think the answer is yes.”
The small device steals the Pearl, causing cracks to appear in the dome and water to rush in. The alarm sounds and the merpeople look up in shock.
Mermista: “Hordak’s stealing the Power Pearl!”
Se-Ra: “And he’s cracked the dome. The whole city will be flooded.”
 She-Ra: “When Hordak stole the Power Pearl, he cracked the dome.”
Mercia: “Mermista, this is a terrible disaster. I knew a drylander would bring us trouble.”
Mermista: “Father, this is the work of the evil Horde. She-Ra had nothing to do with it.”
Mercia: “You are right, daughter. My apologies She-Ra, I’m just so worried.”
She-Ra: “I understand, King Mercia. But there is no time to waste. Can your people repair the dome?”
Mercia: “I fear not, She-Ra. Without the Pearl, our legs will not become fins. We are as helpless as drylanders. Fortunately, we can still breathe underwater. We will not drown. But the city has many treasures that will be destroyed by the sea.”
She-Ra: “Then I must stop the water.”
Mercia: “But how? I know you have great strength, She-Ra, but to work underwater requires a tail.”
She-Ra: “Well, since I don’t have a tail, I’ll have to borrow one.”
 She-Ra climbs onto the baby whale.
She-Ra: “And this one should do nicely. How about it, baby, will you give me a ride?”
The whale coos in affirmation.
Mermista: “Hold on, I’ll go with you.” Mermista climbs up behind She-Ra.
She-Ra: “Sword to helmet.”
She puts on the diving helmet.
She-Ra: “Ready, Mermista?”
Mermista: “Ready, She-Ra!”
She-Ra: “Then let’s go, baby!”
The whale dives under the water.
Blonde guard: “Do you think they will be successful, sire?”
Mercia: “They must be, or Salineas is doomed.”
 They arrive to the top of the dome.
She-Ra: “That’s a big crack. We have to plug it with something. But what?”
Mermista points into the distance to a clam on a rock ledge.
Mermista: “Look! A giant sucker clam. It sucks up food and sticks to anything. But they’re impossible to pry loose from a rock.”
She-Ra: “Perhaps we don’t have to. Let’s go, baby.”
She-Ra dives down to the clam and uses her telepathic powers.
“Clam, please listen. I am She-Ra. I will not hurt you, but it is very important that I move you to a new place. Will you release your grip?”
The clam comes loose.
Mermista: “It worked!”
“Thank you, my ocean friend.
She-Ra: “Take it, baby.”
Baby takes the clam in its mouth.
She-Ra: “Back to the dome, baby!”
She-Ra: “A little farther. Right, there, baby. Now let it go.”
The whale drops the clam onto the dome.
The clam stops the leak.
Brown haired guard: “They did it, Your Majesty. They stopped the water.”
Mercia: “That they did. Now we must pray that they can recover the Power Pearl.”
 Hordak stands and looks at the Pearl on his ship.
Hordak: “Ha ha! The power Pearl! The source of all the merfolks’ power! Now it is mine. Mine!”
Robot: “Do you know how to use it?”
Hordak: “Of course not you iron fool. But I know someone who does. Shadow Weaver, get here now.”
Shadow Weaver: “I am here, Hordak.”
Hordak: “What took you so long? Never mind, just take a look at this.”
Shadow Weaver: “Ah, the Power Pearl. Long have I wished to see this. With it, one can command all the creatures of the sea.”
Hordak: “I already know all that. What I want to know is can you control it?”
Shadow Weaver: “I don’t know, mighty Hordak. It is a very old magic and unfamiliar to me.”
Hordak: “You don’t know how?!”
Shadow Weaver: “I am sure I will have no problems.”
Hordak: “You’d better not. Get to work. I want to see a demonstration of the Pearl’s powers within an hour.”
Shadow Weaver: “Oh, at once, mighty Hordak.”
 She-Ra: “Hordak must have taken the Pearl back to his ship. And since I broke the ship’s propeller off, it’s probably still right where we left it.”
Mermista: “She-Ra, look. There it is. Hordak’s ship.”
Hordak stares at the screen.
Hordak: “Here they come, She-Ra and the fish lady. Well, they’re in for a surprise. Shadow Weaver, have you got that Pearl working yet?”
Shadow Weaver: “I…I think so, mighty Hordak.”
Hordak: “Then use it! Now!”
Shadow Weaver: “Oh yes, Hordak.” She uses dark magic.
She-Ra: “Now, here’s my plan.”
Mermista: “Oh no, She-Ra, look! A crabulus!”
A crab octopus monster emerges from a cave, ready to attack with green tentacles.
She-Ra: “They’re ugly, but usually peaceful. Hordak must be controlling this one with the Power Pearl. I’ll handle this. You and baby get to safety.”
The tentacles wrap around She-Ra.
She-Ra: “Goodness, that’s quite a hug. But I’m afraid I’m…pressed for time!”
She-Ra breaks free and swims away.
Hordak: “What is this? She’s getting away! Stop her!”
Shadow Weaver: “I’m trying, Hordak!”
She-Ra: “I can’t reach the crabulas’s mind. The Pearl’s power is too strong. I’ll have to try something else.”
She-Ra takes the tentacles and ties the monster to two pillars of rock.
Hordak: “Why that blasted female! She’s tied up the crabulus!”
Shadow Weaver: (sweats with exhaustion) “I will summon another monster, Hordak. But it will take time.”
Hordak: “We have no time. I will handle this my way. Launch torpedo!”
She-Ra: “A freeze torpedo! And it’s heading this way! I have to free the crabulus.”
She frees the creature from the rock.
She-Ra: “After all, it didn’t mean to attack me. Hordak made it. There. Ah!”
She-Ra gets frozen by the torpedo and she emerges to the surface.”
Hordak: “Ah, I got her! She-Ra is mine! Mine!”
She-Ra: “You have to keep cool, Crack ice…
She-Ra breaks the ice and frees herself.
Hordak: “Drat, she’s too strong. She broke free. My weapons didn’t work. Summon another monster, Shadow Weaver. A big one this time.”
Mermista arrives with the whale.
Mermista: “She-Ra can’t fight every monster. Bring the ocean, baby, we have to get that Pearl. And I think I know how to get it. Are you ready baby? Then go!”
The whale and Mermista dive underwater.
Hordak: “Did you hear me, Weaver? Get me a big monster! I want She-Ra stopped.”
Hordak: “And I want her stopped, now!”
Mermista: “Go, baby, go!”
Hordak: “As long as I have the Pearl…”
The whale leaps into the air and grabs the Pearl in its mouth and goes back under.
Hordak: “Get them! Launch the stun charges! Get them!”
She-Ra: “Stun chargers.”
The chargers explode underwater, pushing She-Ra away. She is knocked into the whale.
She-Ra: “Whoa, what a blast! Baby!”
Mermista touches the Pearl and regains her fins.
She-Ra: “Mermista, you have a tail again.”
Mermista: “Shh. I’m calling for help.”
She-Ra: “Who?”
Mermista: “Here she comes.”
She-Ra: “Who is it?”
Mermista: “Well, She-Ra, baby’s mother!”
A larger dark gray horned whale arrives.
Hordak: “You sure called a big one, all right, Weaver.”
Shadow Weaver: “That’s not the one I was calling.”
Hordak: “You mean…”
Both yell. Shadow Weaver vanishes and Hordak turns into a rocket before the angry mother whale eats the ship.
She-Ra: “Well that takes care of Hordak’s ship all right.”
Mermista: “And baby has his mother back again.”
King Mefcia awards the group by giving them trident shaped medals of honor.
Mercia: “And for your help in recovering the Power Pearl She-Ra, we the people of Salineas give you this medal as a toke of our gratitude.”
She-Ra: “I was glad to help, King Mercia, but I think baby deserves a medal too.”
Mercia: “So do I, She-Ra. Look.”
Mercia points to a blue trident medal around the horn of the whale, which coos in happiness.
She-Ra: “That’s wonderful, King Mercia. If only baby’s mother were here to see.”
Mercia: “Oh don’t worry about that, She-Ra. She wouldn’t have missed it for anything.”
Baby’s mother watches outside the dome, smiling proudly. Everyone laughs with joy.
 “Sweet Bee’s Home”
Mermista talks with She-Ra and He Man.
Mermista: “The Polar Sea? That is a long way, She-Ra. I’d better go with you.”
Mermista dives under the water, then springs up. Her fin turns into human legs and she lands on the ground.
She-Ra: “I was hoping you’d say that, Mermista. Your water powers will be useful in that icy ocean.”
Frosta: “Did you say icy?”
Frosta slides toward the group on a conjured ice slide.
Frosta: “Sounds like my kind of place.”
She-Ra: “Frosta. I didn’t know you’d be here. But I’m glad you are, we surely could use your help.”
Frosta: “Oh, I was just visiting Mermista, but the Crystal Falls is too warm for my taste. I’ll take the Polar Sea any day.” Frosta giggles and looks at He Man. Frosta: “Especially with such handsome company.”
He Man (blushes and stares nervously) “Uh, we’d better get going. The Horde is probably way ahead of us already.”
Mermista: “Not to worry. We’ll ride Enchanta. She’ll get us there in no time.”
They hop onto a pink and white swan and head out.
 She-Ra: “The Polar Sea is just ahead.”
He Man: “And there’s the Horde.”
She-Ra: “That must be where the spaceship went down. I hope whoever was in it is alright.”
Mermista: “If the Horde gets them, they won’t be.”
 Hordak shoots down the swan and they land in the water.
Mermista: “Enchanta, no stop! We’re going down!”
She pulls the reins and they land.
She-Ra: “Poor Enchanta. She’ll be out for hours. Now what?”
Frosta: “Looks like a job for me, She-Ra.”
She conjures ice underneath the bird, making a small ice block.
Frosta: “There. It’s cold but at least it’s not wet.”
He-Man: “Here come some Horde troopers.”
She-Ra: “You and Frosta better take them, my brother. Mermista and I will go after the spaceship.”
Frosta: “Oh, that sounds like a wonderful plan.”
He-Man: “Uh, She-Ra…”
She-Ra: “No time. Sword to helmet.”
She puts on an underwater scuba helmet.
She-Ra: “Come on, Mermista.”
They both dive under the water, Mermista turning into a mermaid in midair.
 She-Ra: “There’s the spaceship.”
Mermista: “And that’s not all, She-Ra! They also have a Horde welcoming committee.”
She-Ra: “I’ll handle that robot pod and you go after that pilot.”
Mermista struggles with opening the purple hatch. The ship is carried up by the Horde’s ship.
Mermista: “The Horde is raising the ship! I must get this open!”
Memrista opens it.
Mermista: “Got it!”
Mermista: “Good then. The pilot’s still alive! Got to get her out of here!”
Mermista pulls Sweet Bee out of the ship and recues her.
She-Ra and Mermista hold up Sweet Bee.
 She-Ra: “Good. Enchanta’s recovered from the stun beam. Is our new friend ready to travel?”
He Man: “Just let me get this helmet off.” He Man removes Sweet Bee’s helmet.
Sweet Bee: “Thank you…”
Sweet Bee collapses.
He Man: “Easy now, just relax. You’re among friends. Good friends.”
Frosta looks jealous and stares in anger.
She-Ra: “Oh boy.”
 She-Ra: “Are you feeling any better?”
Sweet Bee: “I think so. What happened?”
She-Ra: “Your spaceship was shot down by the evil Horde. Fortunately, we managed to get to you before they did. We’re rebels. I’m She-Ra. And this is Mermista, Frosta, and…”
He Man: “And my name is He Man. What’s yours?”
Sweet Bee: “Oh, my name is Sweet Bee.”
He Man: “Sweet Bee. Well that’s a sweet name.”
Mermista: “But why did you come here? Didn’t you know that this planet was ruled by the evil Horde?”
Sweet Bee: “No I didn’t. I was just looking for a new planet to settle. You see, I’m a scout for the Hive, a giant colony ship filled with my people. We built it to escape destruction. Our sun exploded into a supernova. I was sent to find a planet, one where my people could live. When I saw this planet, I thought I’d succeeded. I guess I was wrong.”
He Man: “Don’t say that, Sweet Bee. Your people can settle here, right She-Ra?”
She-Ra: “Wrong, He Man. This is not a journey of my brother. This is Etheria, ruled by the evil Horde. If Sweet Bee’s people come here, Hordak will surely enslave them.”
Sweet Bee: “Then I must warn my people away from here. Where is my spaceship?”
Mermista: “I’m afraid, it was captured by the Horde.”
Sweet Bee: “Oh no! And my people, the whole Hive, are already headed this way.”
Mermista joins the rest to retrieve the ship. Sweet Bee conjures a honeycomb ladder for the others to climb in.
She-Ra and He Man break open the wall.
Shadow Weaver: “She-Ra and He Man!”
Frosta: “What? Don’t we deserve an announcement?”
Mermista: “Let’s show them!”
Mermista and Frosta fire water and ice streams at Hordak, who fires a fiery blast that makes a steamy impact.
He Man rolls a frozen Shadow Weaver into more robots.
Mermista: “Nice showing those robots, He Man!”
Frosta glares at her.
 Mermista laughs at He Man when She Ra calls him “chicken.”
    “She-Ra: A Christmas Special”
  She-Ra: “And if we don’t find one, there is no way to get Orko back.”
Mermista: “A water crystal, yes. I know where one is, She-Ra. But it will not be easy to get. It lies in a deep pool near the old ruins and is guarded by the Beast Monster.”
She-Ra: “The Beast Monster is real? I thought it was just a legend.”
Mermista: “The Beast Monster is no legend, She-Ra. It exists and is very dangerous.”
She-Ra: “What if we work together?”
Mermista: “Good idea. Meet me at the ruins. If you can keep the creature out of the pool for long enough, I will find the water crystal for you.”
She-Ra: “Thanks, Mermista. Fly, Swiftwind!”
She-Ra arrives in the Fright Zone.
She-Ra: “So this is the pool of the Beast Monster. Doesn’t look like anyone’s home.”
She-Ra: “Uh oh. Someone’s home.”
A serpent teal green Loch Ness monster appears.
She-Ra: “The Beast Monster.”
Mermista: “Keep him busy for as long as you can, She-Ra.”
She-Ra: “I’ll do my best.”
Mermista holds up the crystal.
Mermista: “I found it.” She hands it to She-Ra.
She-Ra: “Thanks, Mermista.”
Mermista: “I’m always happy to help. Good luck. I hope this brings Orko back.”
Mermista dives back down.
Mermista is later seen enjoying the party, lounging on a pink cushion.
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tabula-rara · 5 years
A thing I wrote a while ago, for a maybe book, called The Rigg:
*Chapter One*
Not all memories are sepia-toned like in films when they transport you to The Childhood through lenses of browns and yellows. But the landscape of Riggside, the small bungalow where we’d spend our summers as children, and the slate hues of the house and its surrounding dry-stone walls, make my recollection of the place a mood board of cream Formica and russet melamine; wind-burnt lichen, slippery in the drizzle; and small hands rifling through jigsaw puzzle pieces, framed by a window distorted by rain. Stretching out to the Rigg and up to Crossfell.
Whenever we arrived from Rhododendron Surrey, antsy from the journey, we exercised early courage as our parents unlocked the house and turned the heating on. Shivering, we’d tell ourselves that maybe, if we held out long enough, this cold outpost could become a home-from-home. Now we were here there would be warmth.
We’d unpack the shopping – never usually would we buy Wagon Wheels or, when we were older, Caramel bars. Was this our changing tastes or why the one and then the other? Did Caramel bars compete on price? Did it come down to the deals on at Safeway? And why are these eras of foil-wrapped treats so central to my memories (over, say, learning about my parents’ divorce)? With chocolate on my face, palms and leggings, I was forging my own Proustian pathways.
Once we’d done enough to help (which was generally, when especially young, just standing out of the way to provide audience), there’d be a moment of bewildered ‘and what now?’ Why had we been brought here and what were we to do with ourselves?
And the answer was always that we could go on a walk, go into the village, go on a bike ride, see our friends, read a book. Following the journey, our willingness to do anything but cover our knees with our t-shirts, shivering with inactivity, and complain was epidemic, frustrating our parents into sighs and shortened tempers.
Our best weapon against the cold and torpor, with an overnight to restore our good moods, was to get out and about, beyond the gate, chasing each other over the clods of earth and through the peat and the reeds. We’d often see hares dashing through the gorse and would stop to whisper their evidence to each other. And stop to hope ourselves friends enough with nature that they’d creep out of their fear and hiding to come and be stroked. Not so, and with the breeze’s deathly chill, our patience would be cut short and we’d once again run off into the landscape.
I’ve often wondered whether this is a shared need people have, to be validated by animals. Some people, I think, plainly like animals and enjoy, therefore, their proximity. But do they let their own value hang on the tameness and curiosity of something so small, so expendable, so wild and edible?
When I was very young, I remember a visit to a pet shop with Mum, enquiring about hamster husbandry – costs, upkeep, burden, and so on – and myself waddling over to explore the animals on display. They were all hiding and asleep, or behind glass, save for a chinchilla so big for its cage it couldn’t hide from the young and the curious.
However young I was, I was old enough (advanced enough!) to know the sign on the cage said “do not feed, do not put fingers into cage.” And not because I was rebellious, but because I was rapt student of Hollywood tales, I ignored the warning, certain that I’d found my seal, monkey, whale companion equivalent. Would we solve mysteries together? How would we!
I was young enough that up until that point, I’d communicated all my thoughts and emotions with the pride of someone who’s only recently communicated hunger, thirst and a wet nappy through tears.
So, the bite (clear through my fingerprint, to my bewilderment), and the blood, created a doubly seminal moment for my developing brain. I understood I’d wilfully ignored instruction, and that, for all of my pain and shock, I couldn’t tell mum what had happened, so intent was she on discussing the rota of sawdust replacement necessary for the routine defecation habits of Russian hamsters (the cutest looking! Also the cruellest), with the shop manager. I couldn’t admit what I’d done, and instead enjoyed my first repression. My first absorption of an impact.
The second lesson during this wildly formative moment, and one which continues to dog – or is that chinchilla? – me to this day, is that we’re not the impeccably cast protagonists in the films of our lives. Our narrative arcs are seldom those of the films. We don’t catch villains with simian best friends. Our lives are made up of disparate actions which we’re always trying to mould into meaningful narratives. We grew apart, a common one. Mooning about youth, another. “That was a summer of goodbyes. We were all going our separate ways, to our distant university towns, where we’d learn about sex and comedowns. Research we might never share with each other, though it felt, now, like it would be headlines.” I tap my pipe, and as I do so, my characterfully aged eyes shine.
The alternative arc – more recognisable as real life – reminds us of our powerlessness and mortality. It reminds us that no matter our bill payments being up to date, no matter the creams we apply to our faces, the pursuing a learned lifestyle, we might be winded by adultery, cancer, seemingly inexplicable and paralysing misery. We might choke one day on a kipper bone. Or be walking ambivalently enough before then being choked on a sense of our ephemerality. Mazel tov!
When we’d finished scampering about on The Rigg, spotting only the zoetrope-flicker of tails as they disappeared into the gorse, we’d return to hot baths and hot ‘suppers’ – you could take the family out of Surrey… – of mashed potato, peas and stews. Jigsaws, then bickering, then bed.
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Part of Your World
Chapter 10: the storm above us
Rating: T
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Word count: 4356
Chapter: 10/11 (All chapters)
Summary: Everything has gone to to hell. Can Simon and Baz save each other and everyone else?
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AN: This is it! The grand finale! Hope you enjoy it :) (Also because @alive-alive-alive was dying over the last cliffhanger I’m tagging you. Thought you’d want the resolution as soon as possible!)
Baz couldn’t move. His brain was still trying to catch up to what in the Lord’s name just happened. Simon could talk, and he was a merman, and his crazy merman father had pulled him underwater.
Simon was gone. Literally ripped away from him moments before they finally kissed. And Baz was just fucking standing there because he was in too much shock to bloody move.
“Mother of god,” Agatha said, leaning over the railing next to him. “Was that Simon?
“Yes,” Baz replied from between angrily gritted teeth. “And I’m going to get him.”
He started shedding his white jacket, ripping the buttons out with all the rage and desperation he felt.
“Basilton, what on earth are you doing?” Malcolm clapped a firm hand on his shoulder. Baz threw him off, whipping around so he could properly sneer at his father.
“I lost him once! I’m not losing him again!”
Malcolm took a step back. Baz quickly realised his father didn’t look disgusted or angry. Rather, he looked afraid. Baz’s heart sank. He felt ashamed for being so selfish. For forgetting that, despite his annoying demands and expectations, Malcolm was still his father, who still loved him. And who had lost someone he loved before.
Baz softened. He took his father’s hand loosely in his, matching his gaze unwaveringly. “Father, please understand, I have to at least try to save him. If you’d had the chance to save her, wouldn’t have you have tried?”
Malcolm inhaled sharply. Baz feared he was about to be berated for using his mother’s memory for his own advantage. But to his surprise, Malcolm merely squeezed his hand and nodded slowly.
“Just be careful,” he said quietly. “I don’t want to lose you too.”
Baz squeezed back. “You won’t. Now, get the ship as far away as you can. Whatever this crazy...merman is doing, you should all be far from it. Okay?”
Malcolm nodded. Fiona, who stood beside her brother-in-law, nodded too with tightly pressed lips. Baz could see she was barely holding it together as well. She reached into her black boot and pulled out a leather handled knife.
“Here,” she said, pressing it into his hand. “Not sure how effective this will be against a goddamn magical creature, but it’s good too have a weapon.”
“Thank you, Fiona.”
Baz threw off his jacket and slipped the knife into his belt. He stood looking over the edge, balancing precariously on the brass railing. Part of him couldn’t believe he was doing this. But a louder part of him said it was the only real option. He wasn’t going to lose Simon. Baz refused to let him go ever again.
“Don’t die, you wonderful prick,” he whispered, then dived headfirst into the water.
Simon struggled against his father with all his strength, but David’s grip was iron. He dragged them deeper and deeper.
“Let go of me, you arsehole!” Simon roared.
“By Neptune’s beard, I will not,” David yelled in reply. “Look what happened when I left you once. You run away to sleep with the enemy!”
“They’re not the bloody enemy!”
David stop and whipped around to face him. His eyes were filled with crazed rage. “Yes they are! They lord above us on that land, keeping us in hiding, killing us when we dare show our faces. No more! Soon, we will have their precious land. The time of man will be done.”
Simon’s gaze widened with equal wonder and fear. “What in Poseidon’s name are you even talking about?!”
The older merman let out a strange laugh. It was breathy and high pitched. That of a person who’d truly lost their mind. “This is the ultimate goal, Simon. I’ve been scouting the land for years, looking for it’s weak points, then gathering the necessary materials. Today, we’ll finally destroy the human scum. We’ll sink the land beneath the waves. With our combined power and my skill, it’s possible! Then I can rule it like they once ruled over us!”
Simon just stared at his father with an open mouth. He couldn’t believe it. “No,” he whispered. “No, this is crazy! You’re crazy!”
“I’m a visionary, Simon! Why can’t you see that?! We can create a new world together!”
“I don’t want a new world! I just want to be happy!”
David snarled, his grip somehow tightening even more. “Happy? Who needs ‘happy’ when you’re a king?”
Simon pushed his face forward, sneering him like Baz did when he was being harsh. “Not everyone is as heartless as you, Father.”
The man scoffed, shaking his head. “Ambition doesn’t make one heartless, son. It makes one powerful.”
He started pulling Simon further down into the water again. But suddenly, a loud splashing sound caught their attention. A man was swimming down towards, determined fire in his grey eyes.
“Baz,” Simon said under his breath.
“Filthy human,” David grumbled.
His trident glowed as he pointed it at Baz. Tendrils of seaweed whipped up from the ocean floor below and grabbed onto the human’s limbs.
“No! Don’t hurt him!” Simon shouted, pulling even harder against his father’s hand.
“Maybe when this ‘Baz’ is gone, you’ll finally understand my vision, Simon.”
Baz did not give in so easily. He struggled with all his might and attempted to reach for the knife in his belt. But that just made the plants pull him harder. Simon could see him running out of breath.
Simon looked at David with wide, pleading eyes.“Father, stop, please! I’ll go with you if you just let him live!”
“Absolutely not,” David bit out. “He’s only holding you back. He has to die.”
Simon felt his rage flare, and his magic along with it. The water rippled and heated up. With nothing but uncontrolled anger, he screamed one word.
The ocean exploded around him in a thoughtless, powerful boom. There was no sense to it, only pure emotion made manifest. David was knocked far away, hurtling down into the dark waters below. Simon let out a long breath. His mind and body were a bit shaky after using that much uncontrolled magic. But the muffled screams behind him brought him back.
Simon swam up Baz at pilot whale speed. He cut all the seaweed with one tail slash, then snatched the human in his arms and rocketed them towards the surface. Baz gasped much needed of air. Simon held him by his biceps, and Baz held him tightly return. Both boys breathed heavily and stared at each other. The silence between felt charged in a different way than it had ever been before.
“You’re a merman,” Baz finally said, voice bewildered and amazed.
Simon nodded slowly. “Yeah.”
“Which is how you saved me from the shipwreck, on my birthday.”
“Yeah. I was...nearby when the storm hit.”
“How did you have legs before?”
“Sacrificed my voice to be human. Y’know, magic and stuff.”
“But, why?”
Simon didn’t respond with words, same as he had for days. Instead, he reached out a hand towards Baz. When the prince didn't flinch away, Simon cupped his face, thumb tracing over his sharp cheekbone. Baz’s breath hitched at the reverent expression on Simon’s face. He felt the blush spread across on every place where Simon touched. He could barely believe it. That this impossible creature would give up his voice, his magic, and his entire world for a simple human. For Baz. “Oh...
“Yeah,” Simon chuckled, almost sardonically. “Impulsive, I know. I was supposed to kiss you in five days to make the change permanent. But we were running out of time, and my father decided to get in the way.”
“He did seem cross.”
“You have no idea. So we have to get you out of here, before he comes back.”
Baz gripped him even tighter. “No, I won’t leave you!”
Simon’s face fell. His heart twisted at Baz’s broken, desperate face. “Baz, it’s too late for me. I can’t escape to land now, and I have to stop my father before he pulls off his insane plan. Please, let’s just get you back to shore-”
“You can run all you want, human, but you’ll still die. Either here, or with your kin.”
Both men looked in horror as David rose from the waves on a tower of water. His trident’s glow was even more menacing than usual. Simon put his arms out in front of Baz, making himself a shield between the human and his father.
“Don’t touch him,” he growled.
David scoffed with a smug smirk. “Or what, you’ll stop me?”
Simon let his magic flare out. The water and air heated up, becoming agitated with his explosive energy. Baz felt the urge to slink away, but instead stayed close. He had a feeling that staying near Simon was his best chance at survival.
David shook his head, chuckling smugly. His water pedestal lifted him higher as a practical tidal wave swelled behind. The air thundered again even louder, the incoming tsunami casting an intimidating shadow over the pair.
“Wrong answer, son.”
The massive wave rushed towards them. Simon scrambled to grab Baz’s hand. He turned his head, frantic blue meeting terrified grey.
“Baz, I’m so sorry. I lo-”
The water crashed violently into them, throwing the lovers apart. Both watched the other fly away into the depths of the ocean. They reached out, trying to grab onto each other. Trying to save each other.
Simon stopped so suddenly his breath was completely knocked out. He felt Davy’s thick hand grand the back of his neck. His nails dug into Simon’s skin, making the boy’s heart rate increase exponentially.
“You should’ve joined me willingly, Simon,” he growled into his ear. “I hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but now I will have to take what I need.”
David’s other hand rummaged in the pouch on his belt, then thrust forward in front of SImon. In his palm was a smooth jet black gem attached to a thin rope. Simon could feel the magic radiating off the object, but it felt...wrong. It was like a dry sucking sensation, pulling Simon’s own power towards that.
“What,” Simon choked out, “in Neptune’s name is that?”
“An ancient relic I thought lost. Legend says it can take away a merfolk’s magic. Some called it the ‘insidious humdrum’, because it makes a merfolk powerless, almost human. But I have improved it. Now, I can use it to take magic and add it to my own. So since you won’t join me, I can take your’s.”
Simon’s blood went cold. He struggled against his father even harder. “No! Let go of me!” He tried to blast David away again, but his magic sputtered uselessly inside him. He was so scared, for the humans and for Baz and himself, that his power couldn’t find any grounding. Not even anger could make it past his sheer terror.
David chuckled, equal parts smug and derogatory. “Your power is wasted on a useless bleeding heart coward like you. You can never stop me.”
“But I can.”
Both of their heads snapped up. Penelope glared daggers at David, arms crossed over her chest.
“Hello again,” she said with fake sweetness. “Y’know, getting smashed against a boat really fucking hurt, Davy. Let me return the favour.”
She threw her hand. A concentrated jet of water shot out to hit the merman right in the chest. He flew away from Simon, freeing him to swim up to Penny. He hugged her fiercely.
“Thank Neptune you’re okay,” he whispered. “I thought he’d killed you.”
Penny scoffed, hugging him back. “It’d take more than fucking Davy to kill me, Si.”
He pulled back, gripping her shoulders. “We have to stop him, Pen. He wants to steal my power and sink all land!”
“Shit,” she hissed. “Crazy bastard. C’mon, let’s-”
Penelope’s words were cut off by the sudden boom. A whirlpool opened up beneath them. It was terrifying sensation, falling down in the open air as the water disappeared and created a funnel around them. The young merfolk hit the now dry ocean ground with horrible crack. Thunder and lightning exploded in the menacingly dark sky. All the old shipwrecks Simon loved so dearly floated to the surface, circling the vortex. They were like an army of decayed guards around them, with David at their head.
“Both of you.” he boomed, “such terrible nuisances. I can take your magic from both of your corpses.”
He pointed his trident towards the sky, then swung it back down. Lightning streaked down towards them. Penelope and Simon barely dived out of the way before being fried, leaving a black mark on the ground that was almost them. David did it again and again, each time only just missing the younger merfolk. Penelope threw her own smaller bolts of electricity at David but he dodged each one. Simon threw up makeshift shields, bouncing the lightning off, though each one got weaker each time.
“Fuck,” Penelope growled in frustration. “If only we could throw him off.”
And her prayers were answered, in the form of one of the smaller old ships breaking rank. It lurched in the water, then rammed straight into David. He howled probably in pain and shock, knocked off his pillar then forced underwater beneath it. Simon and Penny looked up. And Simon grinned.
“Baz,” he sighed.
Baz grinned back, saluting from the head of the ship. Simon’s heart soared.
But the celebration was premature. A geyser erupted through the middle of Baz’s ship, splitting it in half, with the insane merman at it’s head. He grabbed the prince by his throat, holding him up high.
“You insolent little land walker.” David squeezed harder, making Baz wheeze. “I should have just killed you. I-”
Suddenly, David yowled as streak of Penelope’s lightning cut across his shoulder. His grip on Baz loosened slightly, just enough for Baz to regain most of his reasoning. His eyes flicked over to whirlpool. He focused Simon, who was yelling something that he obviously couldn’t hear over the roaring water. But he’d been reading Simon’s lips for five days.
“The necklace! Get me the necklace!”
Baz looked at the black stone hanging around David’s thick neck. He ripped Fiona’s knife from his belt and sliced the thin rope in one easy slash.
“No!” David shouted. Baz hurled the stone down into the whirlpool. He threw Baz into the ocean, who hit the water with a thwack.
Simon gasped in horror. He could only watch helplessly as the man he loved was tossed away like trash. But he couldn’t think about that right now, as much as he desperately wanted to. Not when David was flying towards them, following the humdrum as it fell towards.
“Oh no you don’t!” Penelope yelled. She said a spell and threw all her magic into it, creating a powerful wind to hold David back. He stopped in midair while the necklace kept falling, scrabbling and scratching at Penny’s spell like a mad dog. Simon caught the stone in a firm grip. He felt it’s nefarious magic reach out towards his own. He knew it was too powerful for David to have.
It was too powerful for anyone to have.
Simon picked up the nearest stone and held it over his head. It became stronger in his hand. Like all his magic, there was no technique, only pure thought. He forced all his wants into the rock. His desire to stop his father, to protect Baz and all other humans, to destroy this tool of evil. David saw what his son was doing. He struggled harder, managing to push forward so he was only a few feet away.
“Simon, no!” David roared.
And Simon brought down the rock on the humdrum, smashing it to dust in one blow.
The kickback was monstrous. Destroying such a powerful artifact had powerful consequences. Simon and Penelope shielded their eyes from the bright flash and massive shockwave. The whirlpool imploded around them from the force. With a great sound like thunder, it became a massive geyser that shot forty feet into the air. Simon and Penelope flew in one direction, while David flew in another.
The young merfolk hit the water with a painful splash. Simon swam back to the surface just as storm clouds dissipated and the shipwrecks were sunk back into the waves. Only one thing remained floating. Or rather, one person
He rushed towards Baz at breakneck speed. Penelope followed behind. The human was floating on his back thankfully with his face towards the air, though not awake. Simon pressed an ear to his chest.
“Is he...” Penelope’s worried voice trailed off.
Simon let out a choked, relieved laugh. “He’s alive,” he sobbed. “Banged up and unconscious, but alive.”
Penelope sighed heavily, all the anxiety leaving her in that one breath. Simon took Baz in his arms, holding his body close. “We have to get him back to shore, Si, before-”
“Insolent brats!”
They both turned around. David lurched towards them. He didn’t look so intimidating now. His hair was disheveled, his eyes were tired, and the arm holding his trident was shaking with effort. Simon growled and held Baz closer to him.
“It’s over, Father,” he said firmly. “The humdrum is gone. You’re finished, and so am I.”
“It’s not over!” David tried to sound intimidating, but his voice was so pathetic that Simon almost pitied him. He pushed towards Simon, holding out his weapon. “I will end the humans, I will have my king-”
“Oh, I don’t think so.” Penelope flipped a single finger up. David froze, all his muscles suddenly clenched up. He was so focused on Simon that he hadn’t noticed Penelope muttering a paralysis spell under her breath. “You’re never going to hurt Simon, Baz, me, or anyone else ever again.”
“And...you’re going to...stop me?” He choked out.
Penelope clenched her fist. David gasped, suddenly struggling to breathe. “Yes.” She flicked her eyes over to Simon, softening when she looked at him. “Get Baz to shore, Simon. I’ll deal with Davy.”
A few days ago, Simon might’ve asked her to just let his father go. But David wasn’t just overly demanding, he was destructive, almost evil. Simon was pretty sure Penny wouldn’t kill him. But she would damn well make him suffer. That was good enough for him.
Simon nodded. “Okay.”
David tried to shout after him, but Simon was already swimming away, and didn’t plan on turning back. He held Baz close to his chest. His magic seeped out unconsciously, healing Baz’s bruises and wounds again. The human murmured incoherently in his sleep.
“It’s okay, Baz,” Simon whispered. “Everything’s alright, love. It’s done now. You’re okay. We both are.”
Baz hummed happily, instinctively curling into Simon. Simon’s heart both soared and broke.
The sun was rising in the east, bathing Watford’s shore in dark orange light. On the pale white sand lay the kingdom’s prince, who still slept in his torn wedding clothes. No one had seen him yet. Except the person who’d saved him. Again.
Simon sat on the rock, tail curled under him, still wearing the soaked navy nightshirt. He watched Baz on the shore from afar, as he had before and now probably would for the rest of his life. He’d lost his chance. The spell was done. Maybe Penny could cast it again. Simon doubted she would be willing to though. They’d just been through hell, and the pain was almost too much for him to bear last time. Could he really suffer even more? All for the human world? All for Baz?
Yes, he could.
Simon didn’t need to turn to know who it was.
“Hey Pen,” he replied quietly. “Father’s gone away?”
“Yeah. Scared him out of his scales. He won’t bother you or anyone else ever again. How’re you doing?”
Simon shrugged, like he always did, but the pain in his eyes spoke volumes.
Penny sighed. She was so sad for her friend. He’d been so close to escaping David and finally being happy. It felt wrong that he didn’t get the life he so desperately wanted, as well as the person he so desperately wanted to be with.
“You really do love him, don’t you?” she said softly
Simon’s lip pressed together, eyes brimming with tears. And slowly, he nodded.
“Well,” Penny sighed, “I could cast that silly spell and take your voice all over again. Or... I could do something better with this.” She slowly raised the trident out of the water. Simon turned and his jaw hit the seafloor.
He slipped into the water next to her, hands hovering cautiously over the instrument. “How’d you get it?!”
“Your father dropped it after I made him swim off like a coward. Thought I could put it to better use than him.”
“C-Could you really do it with that?”
“Yeah, it’s definitely powerful enough. It may not be able to sink all of land on it’s own, but it can certainly make you a filthy human forever.”
They giggled, but the air quickly became heavy. This was it. No changing his mind later. Penny cupped her friend's cheek, swiping her thumb across it to wipe away his tears. Her mouth pressed together and quivered, her own tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
“You’re sure this is what you want, right?” she asked with a shaky voice.
Simon turned his head back to the beach. Back to where Baz lay flat on the ground. Brave, strong, wonderful Baz, an incredible part of the world Simon now wanted to live in forever. “Yeah, definitely.”
Penny quickly wrapped her arms around Simon in a crushing hug. And he hugged her right back, burying his face her soft hair.
“I’m going to miss you, Simon,” she whispered.
Simon let out a choked sob. “Me too, Penny. I love you, so much.”
She sniffled, trying to keep back more tears. “I love you too.”
And she really did, which was why she had to do this.
Baz didn’t know how he kept ending up like this, waking up on a beach,  body aching all over. It would take awhile to recover from that fight with Simon’s insane merman father. (Christ, his life had suddenly gotten so weird lately.) He slowly opened his eyes. A blurry mix of familiar colours hovered above him. Again.
Am I dreaming of when he saved me, or when I found him? Baz thought. But when his vision came into full focus, there was Simon’s very real face only a foot away from him, with his enchanting blue eyes and gorgeous mess of bronze hair. He certainly looked real enough, but Baz still wasn’t fully convinced. His mind had to be playing tricks on him. But the other boy wasn’t naked this time (thank god), now dressed in that soaked blue night shirt he was in before. His sea scented breath was hitting right against Baz’s nose, and he was grinning with all his teeth.
“Good morning, darling,” Simon said.
“You’re here,” Baz replied, still in too much shock to move.
“You can talk.”
Baz’s eyes flicked downward. “You have legs.”
“Uh-huh. For good now. No time limit or required kiss.”
Baz rubbed his forehead. “This is still so insane.”
Simon sat back in a kneel, left corner of his lip quirked up. “Are you just going to lay there and keep stating the obvious? Maybe you’re not as smart as I thought you were.”
Baz sat up, legs spread, knees bent, and arms propped behind him, glaring menacingly. “I think I might’ve preferred you with no voice.”
Simon rolled his eyes. “Oh well in that case, I’ll just go.”
He began to stand, but a sharp tug on his wrist sent him tumbling down. He was pulled between Baz’s long legs, chest nearly colliding with his. The prince held Simon’s face firmly in his rough hands. Simon’s heart stopped at the intense look in Baz’s swirling grey eyes. He saw a determined, fierce kind of affection in them. He hoped to see that look for the rest of his life.
“No,” Baz said flatly. “I’m never letting you go ever again.”
“You’re adorable," Simon giggled, reaching to grip the front of Baz’s tattered shirt.
A blush spread across his dark complexion. “Shut up.”
He tapped his forehead against his prince’s, gazing into his eyes with equal parts of caring and mischief. “Make me.”
Baz surged forward and did just that.
Simon had never even thought of his first kiss before Baz. And even after meeting Baz, he'd imagined a short, chaste peck. Just enough to seal the spell. But this kiss was so much more. It was Baz’s soft lips slowly but perfectly moulding to Simon’s, long fingers clutching his curls tightly, their bodies perfectly lined so they could feel every part of each other. Simon kissed back with equal vigour, twisting Baz’s shirt up to dig his nails into Baz’s smooth, cool skin. Both of them felt like their very bones were lit up with utter joy. Because they finally had what they’d almost lost.
Too tired from the fight and too happy from this incredible first kiss, the men collapsed together. Baz fell backward and Simon followed. He held himself on all fours above Baz, and made him reach for his mouth. And Baz pulled him back down, again and again.
“I’m never letting you go either,” Simon whispered with ragged breath.
Baz giggled happily, and Simon did the same in return. The two descended in joyful sounds, rolling onto their sides with their foreheads together. They equally laughed and cried with joy. So much so they couldn’t even find a moment kiss again. After everything, they finally had each other. And for this moment at least, the rest of the world simply melted around them.
Far off in that forgotten world, a young mermaid spied them from behind a rock. She smiled to herself as she looked away, giving them their deserved privacy.
“Idiots in love,” she sighed. “Good choice, Si. Bloody good choice.”
AN: Yes, I've given this a happy ending. It's what Simon and Baz deserve :) (Also I'm a softie and can't handle sad endings.) I really hope everyone liked it. It's technically not over yet though. This is the last real chapter. Next Monday I'll post the epilogue. Hint: it's tooth rotting fluffy :D See you all soon!
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The Unexpected Perks of Being a Nanny~ Chapter Thirty-Two
Pairing: Jared x Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Pregnancy, Surgery, Swearing.
Beta: @invisibledevour @mack-winchester
After paying the ridiculous $200 fee for the tire change, you headed home and spent the rest of the day lounging around the house. You took Arlo on his walk, of course, but after that, your Braxton Hicks contractions became worse. You got in contact with Jared, who was worried to death.
“I’m honestly fine, Jared. It was only a flat tire! Not like I’m lying in a hospital bed after a bad accident.”
On the other end of the phone, you could hear a knocking sound. You knew Jared was a superstitious person.
“Knock on wood, Y/N!” Jared exclaimed. “You don’t joke about that.”
“I’m not joking, Jared. I’m serious. It was only a flat tire. But, that $200 fine I had to pay didn’t impress me.” You grumbled.
“I make enough money to cover that, Y/N. $200 is not something you should be worrying about.” Jared reasoned.
“Yeah, but you don’t understand, Jared. I went from being broke, to being a nanny for an actor, to becoming his girlfriend, the mother of his baby and not have to worry about money. I’m still easing into it, okay?” You half chuckled.
“I understand, Y/N.”
After your phone call with Jared, you called Gen and told her what happened, then proceeded to talk to the kids. Fast forward to now, you were thirty-seven weeks pregnant and trying to plan a birthday surprise for Jared. You weren’t so sneaky now that you’re literally the size of a whale and uncomfortable as hell! It was the morning of July eighteenth and you decided to head out to the stores. You Tom with you, because if, heaven forbid, something happened to you, Tom knew how to unlock your phone and call for help.
“Now, what should we get daddy for his birthday, Thomas?” You asked, brushing his dark brown hair back out of his face.
“We should get… a toilet seat!” Tom burst out laughing.
“A toilet seat?!?!” You laughed. “I think we should get him something that he’ll love, huh? Not that daddy won’t like a toilet seat from his oldest baby boy.”
“Yeah, not a toilet seat… what about a lolly pop?” Tom suggested.
“Mmmm… I think we should get him something bigger than a lolly pop!”
“A play kitchen.” Tom gasped in excitement.
“A play kitchen? But daddy already has a real kitchen to use.” You reasoned. “We should get him a birthday cake, a card and new watch, what do you think?”
“No. No new watch. Daddy already has a lot of watches!”
“You’re right… he does, doesn’t he?” You scratched your forehead.
“Yeah.” Tom agreed.
“I’ve got the perfect idea.” You smiled.
You grabbed a hold of Tom’s hand and pulled him further into the mall. You entered a petstore.
“Let’s get daddy a new dog!” Tom squealed.
“No, no. I’m thinking something smaller than that.” You grinned.
“A cat?”
“Nope. Even smaller than that.”
“A shrew.” Tom exclaimed.
“No. Wait- how do you even know what shrews are?” You questioned.
“Kindergarten taught me.” He answered simply.
“Okay then… well, it’s even smaller than a shrew.”
“I am out of ideas, Y/N. Just tell me?”
“Let’s get daddy a fishy!” You smiled, showing Tom the section with all the fish.
There were all different colored fish! Black ones, orange ones, white ones.
“Now, Tom. Let’s, me and you, pick out two fish to get daddy for his birthday.” You over exaggerated the word two as you also held up two fingers.
You and Tom decided on an all black fish and an all orange fish, that had a fancy tail. Tom was in awe over the fish, which made you giggle. You bought the necessary things for the fish, like food and a tank. Then you and Thomas stopped into the card store and picked a ‘funny’ dad card out, plus a ‘sincere’ boyfriend card out.
“Now get a cake?” Tom cheered.
“Yeah, let’s go get a cake.” You replied.
After getting all the stuff you needed for Jared’s birthday tomorrow, you headed home. You and Tom decided to keep what you got Jared for his birthday, a secret. Tom planned on being the distraction while you headed upstairs and prepared the tank for the fishes, in a guest bathroom. It was mid afternoon. While Odette took her nap, you, Jared, Tom and Shep curled up on the couch to watch a movie.
“Ah.” You winced.
“You okay?” Jared whispered, pressing a kiss against the top of your head.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” You shot him a smile.
Twenty minutes later:
“Ah. Jesus.” You groaned.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, Jared- I’m fine.” You replied.
Ten minutes later:
“Y/N!” Shep exclaimed.
“What buddy?”
“Put my hand in something wet.” He grumbled in disgust, showing you his wet hand.
“Whe-ere did that come from, bu-buddy?” You placed a hand on your belly.
“Right here!” Shep exclaimed.
You lifted the blanket up to see what could’ve caused the wetness. You couldn’t believe your eyes when you seen a puddle of a sticky, slimy and watery substance, pooling around your crotch and slowly starting to seep through the couch.
“Oh- Oh god!” You cried out.
Another contraction came on as you threw the blanket off yourself and swung your legs over the side of the couch. Jared looked at the pool, wide-eyed, realizing it wasn’t just a spilled juice like he thought it was. You stood up, partially hunched over, your hands rushing to in between your legs.
“It’s still coming out!” You sobbed, looking at your hands which were covered in a slimy, bloody substance.
“That’s your water breaking, honey.” Jared said calmly in an effort to calm you down.
He hopped up out of his seat, providing you a with a place to sit down. He helped you lower yourself down onto the couch.
“I’ll go upstairs and get Odette, okay? I’ll call Lacee while I’m up there and see if she can watch the kids.”
“But Lacee’s supposed to be in the room with me! So is Gen and Danneel and your mom and your sister.” You whined. “This isn’t supposed to be happening!”
“I know, baby, I know.” Jared bent down in front of you and pressed a kiss against your hand. “But this baby is coming now and we don’t have anyone to watch the kids. I know for a fact Lana is working and that our next door neighbor is in Disneyland. All I want you to do right now, is breathe and not push. Can you do that for me, baby girl?”
You took a deep breath and nodded yes. Jared rushed upstairs, pulling out his phone. Lacee answered on the second ring.
“Jared, hey!” She exclaimed quietly.
“I need you to watch the kids. I-I don’t really have time to explain-” He cut himself off when Odette started to fuss. “Shhh, shhh. It’s okay baby girl! Daddy’s sorry. Lacee, Y/N’s in labor. You’ve got to take the kids.”
“Okay, Jared! Calm down. I can watch the kids for you.”
With that, Jared rushed downstairs, carrying Odette in his arms. In the family room, you gripped onto the couch and squeezed your eyes shut as another contraction came on.
“Y/N? Okay?” Both Padalecki boys asked.
After you didn’t answer, they asked again.
“No!” You suddenly exploded.
You’ve never gotten mad with Jared’s kids. You immediately realized that you yelled at the boys and looked over to them. Tears welled up in Tom and Shep’s eyes.
“O-oh, boys… I-I’m sorry.” You tried to apologize.
As soon as Jared entered the room, Shep let out a wail.
“Hey, hey, hey. What’s going on in here?” Jared questioned.
“Y/N yelled.” Tom’s bottom lip quivered.
“Oh, buddy, Y/N didn’t mean to yell. You gotta know that she’s in a lot of pain right now. Do you remember when mommy had Odette? She cried a lot and she got irritated easily? Well Y/N is having the baby and she’s just like mommy was then. Y/N’s not mad at you.” Jared promised.
After calming the boys down, he ushered everybody out to the truck. You stood up next to it, swaying back and forth to try and ease the pain while Jared strapped the Kids in the car. He made his way over to where you were and helped you up into the truck. It felt like forever before you arrived at Lacee’s! Labor was painful! Your entire back was in pain, you were crampy, fluid was still leaking out of you and you wanted to scream every time a contraction came on. After dropping the kids off at your friend’s house, Jared started driving you to the hospital.
“I-I can feel something.” You sobbed as you slipped your hands down into your underwear. “Jared, the baby’s right there. I-I gotta push!”
“No, sweetheart. Just hang in there. We’re almost at the hospital.”
“I’m sorry, do you have a baby coming out of your vagina? Oh, that’s right, you’re not the one that’s pregnant here!” You cried out and proceeded to use Rachel Green’s famous phrase, “no uterus, no opinion.”
“You’re right, but Y/N, If you start pushing, I’m going to have to pull over on the side of the highway and help you deliver the baby. I don’t know about you… but I’d much rather have a person who went through ten years of medical school deliver our baby, than me.” Jared’s voice was shaky with fear.
“Okay.” You said quietly, trying your best not to push.
You remained in the same position for the remainder of the drive. Jared pulled up close to the Emergency Room entrance.
“Stay here. I’m going to go get a doctor.”
“No, Jared don’t leave me.” You sobbed. “I’m scared!”
“Sweetheart, I’ll be back in two minutes tops, I promise.” He rushed, getting out of the car.
He rushed into Emerge and cried out, “help! My girlfriend’s in my truck, just outside. She’s in labor and she says she needs to push.”
Within a minute, a doctor and a few nurses rushed out to help you onto a stretcher.
“Jared?” You cried. “Where are you going?”
“I gotta move the truck, Y/N. Don’t worry, you’re in good hands and I won’t be long.” He promised.
Another contraction came on as you headed into the hospital. You gripped onto the railing. Within a minute, you were offloaded onto a bed in an emergency room. A nurse helped you peel the clothes off your sweat soaked body, then helped you into a hospital gown.
“Okay, Y/N? I’m Dr. Churchill, I’m an emergency physician here. I’m going to get you to spread your legs so I can check and see how dilated you are.”
You did as Dr. Churchill said and propped your legs up.
“I really need to push.” You sobbed.
You were squeezing the rail on your bed so hard that your knuckles were white.
“Hold up. You can’t push.” Dr. Churchill warned.
Jared rushed into the room and raced to your side. He brushed your sweaty hair back off your forehead.
“What’s wrong?” Jared looked up towards Dr. Churchill then back down to you.
Beads of sweat started to form on your forehead, yet again.
“The baby’s in the birth canal but all I’m seeing is the it’s bum.”
“Our baby is breech?” You gritted your teeth. “But at my last scan the baby was facing the right way!”
“The baby can move into multiple positions within a week or so. Now here are your options, you can push, but you risk your child having problems like becoming deaf, even fetal death or we can rush you in for an emergency c-section. It’s not ideal but that is the safest route for you and your baby. I need your decision now.”
You took a deep breath and looked up at Jared, “it’s not worth losing our baby. I want to do the c-section.”
“I want you to do the c-section too.” He agreed.
After your consent, Dr. Churchill rushed you off to the OR and handed Jared a pair of scrubs to change into. After a few minutes, Jared entered the OR and took a seat next to you. He gave you a small smile and squeezed your hand.
“I’m nervous.” You squeaked.
“You’re going to be just fine.” Jared soothed.
“I-I’m not ready to be a mom. I’m scared, Jared. I’m scared.” Your bottom lip quivered.
When you gave birth, you imagined Jared, Gen, Danneel, Sharon, Megan and Lacee, all supporting you, like physically there with you. You imagined them cheering you on, the women understanding the pain of labor. Gen had three natural births and Danneel had two c-sections, either way the two would’ve been able to steer you in the right direction. But they weren’t here. Nobody had time to inform them. They were in another country, for god sakes!
“Sweetheart, you would’ve only had two more weeks of being pregnant. When you think about it, in the long run… it won’t matter. Like I’ve been saying since we found out you were pregnant, you were meant to be a mom. You know how to take care of kids, how to love them, how to discipline them. You’re strong- one of the strongest women I know! I love you so much, Y/N. So, so much. After Gen, I-I never thought I’d be able to love anybody again like I loved her. You proved me wrong. You showed me what it’s like to love another woman. And I thank you for that.” He rambled on. “You don’t have to be nervous and you don’t have to be scared- you’re already one of the best damn moms in the world.”
You smiled a little bit.
“It’s weird.” You groaned. “You can feel the tugging and stuff. It’s not like it’s painful, just uncomfortable.”
“Yeah, you’ll probably be uncomfortable for a while after this is over.” Jared whispered, pressing a kiss against your head.
It was starting to get late. You were beginning to get tired, so was Jared. You must’ve been in labor since this morning- with didn’t compare to the fifty hours that Gen was in labor with for Tom, but it was a pretty long time. At just twenty-three-years-old, this was all really scary and moving way to fast for you. But you knew, once you seen the baby that you had grown inside you for the last nine months, you would fall completely in love with him or her.
To keep your mind off the doctors who were cutting you up, you locked eyes with Jared and began to speak.
“Still think it’s going to be a girl?”
“Yeah.” He replied. “I really hope it’s a girl. Not knowing what the baby was for all of this pregnancy literally stressed me out.”
“I know, I hated not knowing t-too. But he or she will be here re-really soon. We’ll know real soon.” You whispered.
“Yes, we will.” Jared gave you a smile. “I can’t wait to look into their little eyes. I hope the baby looks like you.”
“He or she wouldn’t be too bad if they turned after you, either.” You giggled.
Jared was about to speak but he cut himself off. 8:58 in the night, July, 18th, 2018, your baby cried for the first time. You and Jared exchanged glances as you both let out a cry of happiness to accompany Baby Padalecki number four’s cries. Dr. Churchill held your tiny, wrinkly, slimy, red baby up over the curtain, which rested just under your breasts and spanned longer than width of the bed.
“Congratulations, Mom and Dad! It’s a little girl!”  
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@nanie5 @invisiblethink1 @reachforthestarsgirl @beckawinchester @steverogerswhore @invisibledevour @internationalmusicteacher @xthelittlethings @casiskween
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Andrew Bogut, Beautiful, and Cats: SNOW ID #45392 Stunningly 9S3 Beautiful Lost the only home she has ever Kknown Sad, confused & Out of time! Manhattan Animal Care Center TO BE KILLED 10/27/18 ABANDONED AND AFRAID - SNOW JUST WANTS HER FAMILY BACK! MY own owner had to pick me up and put me the kennel at the shelter because I didn't want them to leave me here. I was afraid of all those strange people & this place is so scary. I played so gentle with the 2 year old baby I lived with oh why did they leave me here? I don't understand :( Please help me out of here. Please share Snow her life depends on us! Hello, my name is Snow. My animal id is #45392. I am a female tan dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old. I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 24-Oct-2018, with the surrender reason stated as person circumstance- landlord won't allow. Behavior History: Upon intake, Snow was very excitable and playful with her owner but when I approached, she tucked her tail and avoided eye contact. Snow became whale eyed and tense when I approached to collar her but allowed her owner to collar her. Snow walked well on the leash with her owner but became tense and froze when brought in front of her kennel. Snow allowed her owner to pick her up and place her inside. Date of Intake: 10/24/2018 Basic Information:: Snow is approximately a 4 year old female tan and white large mixed breed dog. Snow lived with previous owner for 2 months. Snow was surrendered because the landlord did not allow pets. Previously lived with:: three adults and one child How is this dog around strangers?: Snow is shy around strangers. Snow will approach and allow strangers to pet her. How is this dog around children?: Snow previously lived with a 2 year old child. Snow is described as being friendly, affectionate and playful. Snow is gentle with the baby. How is this dog around other dogs?: Snow previously lived with a 10 year old female, spayed small mixed breed. Snow will run away when the small dog barks but would still come back and try to play. How is this dog around cats?: Snow has never interacted with cats. Resource guarding:: Snow is not bothered when her food or bowl is touched while she is eating. Snow is also not bothered when a treat, toy or object is taken away Bite history:: Snow has never bitten another animal or human. Housetrained:: Partially Energy level/descriptors:: Snow has a high energy level Other Notes:: Snow is not bothered when being bathed or having her nails trimmed. Snow will avoid strangers who approach her owner and will look away when pet. Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No Medical Notes: Snow has no known medical issues. Snow has not been taken to the vet. For a New Family to Know: Snow is a friendly, affectionate, playful and shy dog. Snow enjoys cuddling on the couch with the 2 year old and likes watch tv with her. When at home, Snow will follow you around and likes to be in the same room as you. Snow was fed dry food twice a day and given boiled chicken as a treat. Snow enjoyed playing with rubber tires and nylabone toys but would destroy them quickly. Snow is partially house trained and has had accidents in the home a few times a week. Snow is taken out for walks twice a day and pulls lightly on the leash. Snow has not been walked off the leash. Behavior Assessment Date of intake:: 10/24/2018 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender (In home for 2 months) Previously lived with:: Adults, a dog, and a child (age 2) Behavior toward strangers:: Shy, allows them to pet her Behavior toward children:: Friendly, affectionate, and playful Behavior toward dogs:: Playful Resource guarding:: None reported Bite history:: None reported Housetrained:: Partially Energy level/descriptors:: Snow is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, and shy with a high level of activity. Date of assessment:: 10/25/2018 Look:: 1. Dog's eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. Allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity:: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag:: 5. Dog growls, snaps, or tries to bite. Toy:: 1. Minimal interest in toy, dog may smell or lick, then turns away. Summary:: Snow approached the assessor with a soft body and displayed social behavior. During tag, she first appeared playful, and then she lunged toward the assessor, hard barked, and growled, so the rest of the handling portion was not conducted. Summary (1):: 10/25: When introduced off leash to the male greeter dog, Snow is fearful and tenses upon approach. Summary (2):: 10/26: Snow mostly avoids approach. Date of intake:: 10/24/2018 Summary:: Tucked tail, tense ENERGY LEVEL:: Snow is described as having a high level of activity. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: NEW HOPE ONLY Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children: Due to the low threshold for arousal Snow displayed at the care center, we recommend an adult only home. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to the low threshold for arousal Snow displayed at the care center and the possibility for this arousal to tip into aggression, we recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Potential challenges: : House soiling,Fearful,Low threshold for arousal Potential challenges comments:: House soiling: Snow is noted to have accidents in the house, and will likely need guidance with house training. We recommend positive reinforcement, reward-based training only. Fearful: Snow is described as shy with new people. It is important to always go slow and give Snow the option to walk away from any social interaction. Snow should never be forced to approach anything that she is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be Snow’s choice to approach a new person or thing. Snow would do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to her new surroundings. Low threshold for arousal: Snow has displayed low threshold for arousal, rapidly escalating and quickly tipping over to aggression (lunging and growling during the tag portion of the assessment.) Consultation with a qualified positive reinforcement, force-free behaviorist/professional trainer is strongly recommended to aid in addressing this issue to prevent further behavioral concerns that may appear in the future if not treated right away. We recommend only force-free, reward based training when introducing or exposing Snow to new and unfamiliar situations. My medical notes are... Weight: 60 lbs Vet Notes 26/10/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: ~4yrs based on PE Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative. Placed during DVM intake exam History : Surrendered by o due to housing issues Subjective / Observed Behavior - Snarling, growling and attempting to get away by flipping, rolling. Snapping when skin is touched Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective BCS 7/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: did not evaluate due to behavior PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: No murmur ausculted; CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic -- difficult to auscult due to panting ABD: Non painful, tense. resists palpation / body touches U/G: intact female. no scar or tattoo seen. mammary glands are normal. no masses palpated MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. 2 focal epidermal collarettes along the ventrum. one at the level of the umbilicus, approximately 3cm wide; the other at the level of the right caudal mammary chain, approximately 1.5 cm wide. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: did not evaluate due to behavior Assessment overweight epidermal collarettes r/o contact dermatitis, skin allergies, other Prognosis: excellent Plan: weight management behavior training and socialization once placed SURGERY: Okay for surgery *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications. Shelter contact information Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309
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nofomoartworld · 8 years
Hyperallergic: An Artist Teaches Us How to Breathe Under Duress
Shaun Leonardo leading “I Can’t Breathe” (2017), part of the Laundromat Project’s Kelly Street Collaborative program, Perennial Love: Black Lives Matter an ongoing series of events regarding the ongoing crisis of racial violence in their communities, and moving towards creating spaces of healing, creativity and reflection. (all images courtesy The Laundromat Project)
I grab Shaun Leonardo’s wrists and hold on tight, as instructed. He moves his hands quickly, rotating his palms up and out in a motion that describes a whale’s tail. He breaks my grasp like this again and again, until he is sure that everyone in the room has a sense of how to do this themselves. This is the first lesson.
I am participating in Leonardo’s “I Can’t Breathe,” a public, participatory workshop and performance that takes the form of a self-defense class. Leonardo and I know each other only a bit, having recently attended two dinners to which we were invited. On the second meeting we took the time to talk with each other and I found out that he had done this work on the heels of Eric Garner being strangled to death by New York City police — an event that still makes me cycle between despair and fury. The first time Leonardo staged this performance was at Smack Mellon Gallery in February of 2015, almost two months after the death of Garner. Leonardo estimates that by the end of May, he will have staged it a dozen times since then, at art galleries, an art fair, high schools, community centers, and universities. When I heard that he would reprise this work at the Laundromat Project, I made a point of attending.
The participants learning how to make space to breathe when placed in a choke hold.
On the evening of the workshop/performance, when I and the rest of the audience members and staff of the Laundromat Project mill around, waiting for the event to begin, Shaun approaches me and asks me whether I’m willing to be the model who works with him to demonstrate the defense tactics. I don’t think about it long. I agree. I think I do because Shaun Leonardo has a very forthright manner. I get the sense he’s not hiding because he faces me when we talk and the look on his face tends to move between contemplative and friendly. His openness becomes more apparent the second time we meet when he hugs me unselfconsciously, without that typical fear of physical intimacy I encounter with most men.
The author demonstrating the choke hold on Leonardo
Over the course of the next hour or so, we the participants learn to break specific physical restraints: someone holds our wrists with their hands, or grabs and holds our shirt from the front. We learn to block an overhand right cross, which is the kind of punch most typically thrown, while pivoting out of the way to make an avenue for escape. Leonardo says that over and over: We are just making enough space and time to run.
We are of all different shapes and sizes, from large to thin and petite. And we are of many backgrounds, with black, Latino, Middle Eastern, and Puerto Rican participants. The partner I am paired with is Oscar Diaz, who is only slightly shorter than me, but much younger and somewhat thinner. I am now thinking about bodies because they are present here in a way that they are not normally in an art performance. It’s crucial that I understand Diaz’s abilities so that I don’t go too soft or not hard enough. We are here to learn, after all. This awareness carries over to Leonardo’s body when he asks me to place him in a choke hold. He seems solidly built, but there is, until he decides to move, a certain softness to Leonardo, which has the effect of making me want to be very careful as I wrap my left arm around his neck, pull tight, use the fingers of that left hand to grab my right bicep, and then lock my right hand on top of his head. I know this is how people have died and for a moment I realize that Leonardo is in more ways than one my brother, the brother that I never had, and I close my eyes.
Leonardo directing the participants to get out of a chokehold once brought to the ground
At the beginning of the performance Leonardo says that he asks only one thing of the participants: “that they take this seriously.” I can understand this being necessary, as people could easily freak out and laugh or make a game of this to dissolve their nervousness and fear. Leonardo says he requests two things of the ones who are watching: that they take this seriously and remain present. I take these injunctions to heart. I am present, with my hand clasping Leonardo’s neck until he taps my arm to indicate I need to let go.
Leonardo ends the performance by reading a script that contains key words that act as prompts for the participant who is designated as the aggressor. I remember “everybody, people, freedom, feeling, fear.” As I try to grab Diaz in one of the various holds, I realize he has forgotten some of what we had practiced. Perhaps it’s nervousness, but I also understand that it will likely take more practice for any of us to retain these movements that are meant to keep us alive.
The post-performance panel, from left to right, Shaun Leonardo, Shannon Jones, Shellyne Rodriguez, and Omar Arponare
After the performance there was a conversation held at Leonardo’s behest with Shannon Jones from Why Accountability, Shellyne Rodriguez from Take Back the Bronx, and Omar Arponare from People Power Movement. That conversation was almost the opposite of what I had just experienced, which was emotional and intimate and made me appreciate brotherhood in a way I have not before, which was to recognize that my brothers care for my survival. In it Leonardo tried to suss out what strategies Jones, Rodriguez, and Arponare use to organize their members and communities. The panelists spent a lot of time talking about their issues with the police, landlords, and their personal struggles, but were mostly unable to focus on strategies. More, when Leonardo posed a question soliciting suggestions on what might reconfigure or restore trust between police and the communities represented by the panel, Jones loudly denounced the question as invalid. Here her speech ironically reminded me of the kinds of polemics spouted at rallies by supporters of the current President: a shallow grasp of US history, insistence on conformity to a certain linguistic orthodoxy, the rejection of any information that is not relayed through personally known sources, a suspicion of institutions (like the press) and all knowledge they circulate, a valorizing of overblown rhetoric, and contempt for views that don’t comport with their own. The panelists seemed ill equipped to reach others beyond the circles in which they already were active, and so imagined survival as rooted in shutting everyone else out.
This seems important, because part of Leonardo’s aim seemed to be to engage people in a way that gave them ideological defense tools as well as physical ones. At the end, I realized indeed how much these tools are needed by we people of color whose bodies are at risk. It’s not only that we can become angry and defensive when we are made more intimately aware of our vulnerability, but also that in these moments we often lack the tools to move through and past our anger to clarity — tools such as negotiation and long-term strategizing for achievable targets.
Still, what stayed with me is the caring of a man who acted like a brother to me, showing me how to pull down an aggressor’s arm to make space to breathe, knowing that I would be taken to the ground, and possibly hurt, but down there in the muck and the mire, still alive.
Shaun Leonardo’s “I Can’t Breathe” took place at the Laundromat Project (920 Kelly Street, Foxhurst, the Bronx) on Saturday, February 25 as part of Laundromat’s Kelly Street Collaborative program, Perennial Love: Black Lives Matter.
The post An Artist Teaches Us How to Breathe Under Duress appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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emthinks · 8 years
Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas
Note: Okay, so I just realized like a good solid month and more later that I never posted my review for this book. Or maybe I did and I never tagged it. Or maybe I did tag it but it got lost in the endless sea that is the Internet (and also Tumblr). I don’t know. The point is that it’s not in my records and I need it to exist here because I love Sarah and I love this series and I’ve written reviews for all the other books so this can’t not exist. So. Here it is. The following is what I wrote after while marathoning ToG, so this is before I touched QoS and EoS. I have not edited anything: this is literally a copy & paste from my word doc. Enjoy.
If you could hear me right now. God. I sound like a dying whale. A dying, beached whale that has no hope but is still screaming for one. I wish I have a punching bag in my room. Would get a lot of use out of it right about now. I think I just kicked nearly everything off my bed. This book is ridiculous. I was not prepared.
This is not YA. YA is…nicer. Gentler. This is. I mean, Throne of Glass was bad. Crown of Midnight was…equally as bad. Heir of Fire? Heir of Fire didn’t hold anything back. Heir of Fire was hell. It was heart wrenching, heart pounding, heart aching hell.
Rating: 9.6/10
An Overview:
Unfortunately, I didn’t take notes on everything, which sucks, but hey. What can you do. I did not some more essential bits though.
Dorian and Chaol. Dorian and Chaol are a fucking mess. Dorian and Chaol. I don’t know what’s going to happen to Dorian and Chaol.
Moving on. Celaena ends up tagging along with Rowan to meet Maeve, who decrees Rowan is train her to shift and wield magic before she can enter Doranelle. Celaena becomes a kitchen maid. Hey, at least there’s food.
Meanwhile, Dorian is…hitting on a healer? I’m not sure what Dorian is doing. We don’t get much from Dorian.
Monan, on the other hand, we get a lot of time with. And it’s a bit of a slog, perhaps. But then she gets Abraxos. And she goes to fight the fucking giant arachnids for their silk and steals it (which I really wonder if that’s gonna bite her in the ass later on). And Abraxos. If she’s on Abraxos, things got a lot better. Especially that bit at the end, with the War Games and how she saves the Blueblood heir? Yeah. That was good. That was nice. Hey, our little heartless witch grew a heart!
And then there’s Chaol. And then there’s Chaol. Chaol, for some reason (I forget) decides that he needs to get information out of Aedion (to even the ground? I think Aedion knows something about Chaol? I don’t remember the specifics). Of course, Chaol’s a fucking idiot and disregards the fact that he’s tailing the Wolf of the North (or whatever fancy title they gave Aedion) and that, maybe, Aedion would notice he’s tailing him. Thankfully, all’s well that ends well, because Chaol manages to become allies with Aedion. Aelin is alive. One can only hope it remains that way.
When Celaena walked into Rowan’s room while he was tattooing Gavriel (albeit uninvited), and Rowan said all those things to her, I knew what was coming. That next morning, when Celaena saw the blade Emrys got from Mikalai, the Eyllwe blade, and she snapped, my heart broke. I could feel all her pain. It was horrible. And for Emrys to lecture Rowan, when he finally (finally) came to fetch her, God I wished he’d torn him apart.
Well, at least they’re bonding now. Right? Nope. Rowan fucking throws poor, innocent Luca (with the promise of food, of all things!) into the middle of the ice and demands she rescue him. She does (of course she does) but then there’s that creepy ass one-eyed fish monster. Of fucking course the lake wasn’t empty, I thought. When would the lake ever be empty? They’re not that lucky.  
Eventually, on one of those journeys to see the killed demi-Fae, we run across a problem. A major problem. Well, a problem and an answer, I guess, if you want to be particular about it. An answer to who (or what, I suppose) is sucking the life out of all those demi-Fae. And the problem? Well. The problem is those hundreds of soldiers and not-human dark things used to attack demi-Fae and use them as hosts. Of course. Fucking hell. But what could our heroes do but hurry back to prepare the fortress? And it was absolutely beautiful how everyone had just banded together, not argument, no fear. And I had thought Wendlyn was an ass for not sending reinforcements. Nope. They were just being attacked, too. They would’ve helped, had they had the ability to. But they just had to prioritize. It sucked, but at least they had a valid excuse.
And then the Valg came. And Celaena, brave, brave, wonderful warrior Celaena steps out and says she will protect them. And her fire burns and burns and burns. For so long, she burns. But not long enough. Because then they envelop her. They don’t consume her, she’s too great of a vessel, but they take sips. Sips of her deepest, darkest memories. All her secrets spilled out, and she doesn’t do anything – nothing. God, it was one of the most horrifying things to read, to imagine, to feel. I could see everything as if it was happening right in front of me, to me. The darkness, the sheer terror, the complete loss, the hopelessness. Everything. We saw what truly happened that night, where she crawled into her parents’ bed and they were already dead and Lady Marion sacrifices herself and that just makes what Nehemia did that much worse and I just. I couldn’t. I’m not a huge fan of horror, of scary shit, and I definitely don’t seek them out in books, so that was some of the darkest pages I’ve read. Ever. It was horrifying. And I plowed through them like a woman on a mission not because I enjoyed them (I really, really didn’t) but because I needed to see the end to this misery. And, thankfully, there was an end. Our heroine emerges from the ashes, wielding fire the likes we’ve never seen before and embracing her titles. She does not hide under the shadow of Celaena Sardothien anymore. She is, finally, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, Queen of Terrasen, and ready to take back her throne, her people, her land.
In the meantime, across the sea, we have Chaol and Dorian and Aedion who figured out how the fuck the king cancelled out all magic. The pillars. The triangle. Now, if we could only just knock out the clock tower, that would be great. And I think we really need to get on that. Maybe Dorian could just, I don’t know, accidentally throw some of his ice magic at it. Just a little bit. And then poke it so it would shatter in a million pieces? Ooh! Maybe Celaena can burn it. Or not. It’s obsidian. One giant pillar of obsidian. Sigh.
Also, I find it absolutely ridiculous that we spend all this time – all this fucking time trying to get into Doranelle, to talk to Maeve and find out what she knows, and then we’re in there for one chapter. Of the whole entire fucking book. And it is a large ass book. And it was one hell of a chapter. Maeve is an absolute bitch. We knew she was shit from the get-go – we knew Celaena’s mom (Evalin?) had run across the sea and hid her for a reason. But still. Celaena asks her questions. And Maeve knows nothing. Yes, we learn some things about the Vlag (blergh) and how the king, with three Wyrdkeys, could summon an endless army (jfc we need to fix that soon) but we don’t learn anything of use about they keys or the gates. Instead, we learn – or rather, Celaena reveals she learned that Maeve was the one who wanted to use the keys, and that’s why Brannon took them across the sea. To see Rowan obeying and his so-called “friends” just not even trying to resist…that was painful. Thank God Celaena has mastered her power enough to fucking set the whole palace on fire. That was beautiful. And she bargains – beautifully – with Maeve. The ring, for Rowan. A severed bloodoath, only to forge a new one immediately afterwards. Well, at least Celaena has somebody to watch her back, right?
Nope. Fucking idiot. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that Celaena left Rowan behind. Yes, he might not be as powerful thanks to the “all magic has been destroyed” thing in Adarlan, but he isn’t useless. She better go find him soon. He better come back in Queen of Shadows. That’s all I’m saying.
And oh no, that’s not all that happened. That’s only on one continent. On the continent with even more problems, we have the (slight) issue of the king kind of kidnapping Chaol. And Aedion. And Dorian and Sorscha. So Sorscha was Ren’s informant, huh? At least he’s not as much of a wimp as I thought. Still, God that was horrible to read. First, Aedion reveals himself. Which. Fine. It sucks, but it’s necessary. He’s taken away. Then. Then. Sorscha. God, Dorian was a disaster. But still salvageable. But Chaol – fucking, idiotic Chaol. Stupid, stupid, stupid. So stupid. Why was he so stupid? Stupid Chaol decides that “oh, now is the time for me to reveal that I’m traitorous to the crown”. Like, now is so not the time, Chaol. Aedion has already sacrificed himself, knowing that you would be more important to Aelin than he is, in the long run, and Sorscha is already fucking dead and now is really not the time. You realize he could you?! You’re not his son. You’re not the crown prince. So one thing leads to another, and Dorian reveals his magic. Great timing, Chaol. You just made everything a hundred times worse. You get to escape, which, hurrah, don’t have to go to Anielle. Your friend, on the other hand. Well. Poor Dorian is fucking screwed. He’s got a Wyrd collar on his neck now, and gods know what that will do to him. How it will warp him. I can only hope that Celaena can come back and somehow manage to remove that fucking collar.
Oh, I can’t wait to tear that guy into tiny little pieces. No mercy, man. No mercy. Not for the kind of shit he’s done.
And it’s only a matter of time, because Aelin, across the sea, on a different fucking continent, has made her stand. It was her declaration, in front of the Valg. That battle was where she announces to the whole fucking world that she’s back, and she’s better than ever. Aedion knows, finally, that his cousin is alive for real. Chaol knows he didn’t just send her off to death. Dorian knows. The king knows. Everyone knows. And I can only hope that the people of Terrasen are ready. And the people of Adarlan, because when she comes, she comes for blood, she comes for revenge, she comes for the king’s head mounted on a pike and no one can stop her.
“You didn’t need a weapon at all when you were born one.”
Likes: What I really liked in this book was that we got to see from different POVs. Well, maybe I should amend that: We got to see from multiple POVs, with buildup. Like, before, we only saw from like, say, Kaltain or the King’s POVs when the really needed to push along the plot. Or reveal something we, the reader, had already half-suspected. Like with the headaches or the Wyrdkeys. We didn’t use them until they were truly necessary. Like, every time we saw from Kaltain’s POV, she was whining about headaches (in ToG). In HoF, it’s different. We see from Celaena and Dorian and Chaol, ofc, but then there’s Monan and Sorscha and their stories take a while too unfold as well, to interweave themselves into the overarching plot. Sarah, imo, has really gotten better at weaving. And I really, really like this weaving.
Dislikes: While I said I like the multiple PoVs, there were times when they became a burden as well. Especially with the Monan ones. I just found them to be such a drag sometimes, particularly when there was something a lot more exciting going on with Celaena and Rowan or Dorian and Chaol.
“They had survived, when so many had not. And no one else could understand what it was like to bear it, unless they had lost as much.”
The Characters:
For me, in this book, I didn’t particularly like this Celaena. I mean, she was going through a lot, so I understand. But I just. It’s hard to watch someone you know, someone you love, go through all this hardship and break. It’s just really, really hard to see such a tough character crumble so easily like that, and we see that happen to her multiple times in this book. It’s a reality check, I guess. But still. Like, with the Valg princes, I just. I couldn’t. So while I love all of Celaena, the Celaena we see most in this book is a mess. She eventually comes back into herself, mastering her magic, training by herself at dawn and being a complete badass, but it takes a long, long while. Hopefully, we get to see her be more confident and sure as she takes on the mantle that is Aelin Ashryver Galathynius.
Okay, I’m going to be completely honest: I thought Aedion Ashryver was such a pompous asshole when I first met him. But even worse, because he has Ashryver blood. He’s cousins to Aelin. He’s...he’s supposed to be good. But then Chaol started tailing him, and we learn he’s been disappearing form his own parties. Ah. So he’s loyal after all. And as we read on, we learn he is very loyal. He would’ve become bound to Aelin by blood, bound to her like Rowan now is and stayed by her side for eternity. He would’ve done anything for her. And I think that really shows, especially at the end. He sacrifices himself, not for Chaol, but for the hope that is Aelin, knowing that Chaol will help Aelin, and perhaps be of more help than he is to her. He would’ve loved to see her one last time, but instead, he gives himself up. Damn, that Ashryver blood is nice.
Now. Let’s talk about Rowan Whitethorn. Random fact: I totally thought it was white-horn for the longest time. Oops. Anyways. Rowan. Fucking ass, I thought. Doesn’t talk to Celaena at all. Completely ruins her. Drags her down. Isn’t helpful at all. Any inkling of bonding moment they have, he breaks it off immediately afterwards. Thankfully though, Emrys (good ol’ Emrys) slaps some sense into him and he and Celaena aren’t on such a rocky edge anymore. Walking a tight rope instead of tight thread. They banter more, are more comfortable with each other. And then the soldiers of Adarlan come, Norrak and the Valg princes. And then things really shift. They are bound together for life, now. And Rowan, in Maeve’s palace, taking that whipping just. No. Celaena might not have wanted him to swear that bloodoath to her, but he needed to. An anchor, so to speak.
Now for another new character we meet: Sorscha. Now, I had no idea what to think of Sorscha. We learn of her infatuation with Dorian early on, and immediately I know it’s going to be acted upon because why else would we read from her PoV unless it’s truly important? But I’m glad Sorscha existed. Because Sorscha pulled Dorian out of whatever wallowing misery he was in and helped him hone his magic. Without Chaol, Sorscha was the only one he could kind of lean on. So to have that happen to her, at the end. We all were a mess, no doubt. Fucking distraught. Ruined. Hell.
And oh. Dorian. Poor, poor Dorian. Dorian for me really grows in this book. At first, I absolutely detested him. Like, I wanted to like him in the beginning, I really did. But then he found Aedion and Chaol talking and immediately thought of betrayal and consorting with the enemy. And he doesn’t even try to work with them. Doesn’t try to understand, to understand why Chaol kept the secrets. To think that, maybe, he could work with Celaena. Work with Aelin, to overthrow his father, so then they can all be better off. Nope. Doesn’t do that. Thankfully, he meets Sorscha. Sorscha is his one beacon of hope and light, especially after he kicks Chaol away to the curb. Sorscha helps him master his magic, and I think that’s really where Dorian’s turning point is. Dorian isn’t trying to suppress his powers anymore, but instead is learning how to control it, how to harness them. He is embracing who is, and I think that’s really important for him. Dorian, who has had basically no control over what he is and what he does for his entire life, finally has control over something. Very nice growth, Dorian. I’m proud. I can only hope that growth helps you survive whatever horrors your father will make you suffer through in QoS.
Now for Chaol. God, I didn’t think I liked Chaol. But Chaol is sacrificing so much. He sacrificed his dignity by going to his father for help. He sacrificed his friendship with Dorian to protect him. And he sacrificed his love for Celaena to protect her. Chaol is like the ultimate shadow-guard. Unfortunately, on the other hand, Chaol is also, like Dorian said, the only one who hasn’t let go yet. Celaena is breaking herself apart every single day in Wendlyn, training with Rowan, finally embracing her heritage. Dorian is...well. Dorian is stifling his magic, yes, but with good reason. Chaol, though, could do so much more, and he doesn’t. Yes, he works with Aedion and eventually comes up with something. But then that all goes to shits and pieces at the end. Everything they did, even that little bit he patched up with Dorian…all goes down the fucking drain with one summon from the king. Jfc, I could murder Chaol right now for his idiocy. Definitely not my favorite character in this book.
On the other hand, Emrys. Emrys I could totally get behind. Emrys is that really old uncle that no one knows how old he is and has all the cool stories and is just this useful presence. Doesn’t poke or prod, but is there when Celaena or Rowan needed a jab. Any of you watch Merlin? Because I don’t if it’s just the BBC show, if the real (real? was he real?) Merlin was actually called Emrys but I freaked when I read that name. Just a little. Internally.
Now, I mentioned above that the varying PoVs were a double-edged sword for me. Monan Blackbeak, we learn early on, is a witch. A deadly, cruel, fierce witch. And, at first, I just could not get through her chapters. But then we continued on. And we grew more attached to her. We learn she may not be as harsh as the rest of her compatriots, as cruel as the Yellowlegs heir. We actually sympathize with her, feel with her, even though she is being trained to ride her wyvern for the king. We actually (or, at least, I) begin to understand her, which is interesting. She chooses a bait beast for her wyvern. Abraxos. God, I love Abraxos. Abraxos sniffing those flowers when she tries to feed him a goat leg? That was hilarious. And I especially loved how HoF was basically watching Monan grow a heart. Like, she bonded with Abraxos and she saved Petrah and she hesitated with killing the Crochan witch. Still though, while I feel for her, she’s still Wing Leader, flying a squadron for the king and against our favorite characters. Can you imagine if she and Celaena came head-to-head? My hope is that Monan will one day see the light and meet up with our main gang and burn that glass palace to ruin.
“It would not take a monster to destroy a monster – but light, light to drive out darkness.”
My Questions
What does that Wyrd collar do?
We’ve seen the rings in action. We’ve seen them manipulate and hurt. But the collar. Does the collar mean that Dorian has no self-control whatsoever? He’s a puppet to his father? Or does it mean that it manipulates him into thinking he does have control, but in reality he doesn’t? How do we get it off? I want it off of Dorian! Now!
What the fuck is Celaena going to do about the fact that she hasn’t killed the royal family of Wendlyn? What the fuck is the king going to do to her?
Uh, I’m still holding out the hope that the Ashryvers will suddenly want to help their cousin.
What about the whole Dorian/Celaena/Chaol love triangle?
Um. Huh. Good question. I was nearly convinced it would be Chaol. But then. Well. Then there’s Rowan there. And Dorian has the same ice and wind power to extinguish Celaena’s fire like Rowan does, so that’s a nice match. And – the real deal breaker here, I think – was the part where Celaena questioned Rowan about mates and how she had attacked Chaol that one time and Rowan kind of avoided answering. That really made me question it. But still. There’s a major problem of the fact that they are heirs of two different kingdoms. What the fuck are they going to do about that? Can Celaena put Aedion on the throne? I suppose she could do that. Maybe she’ll do that. Celorian?
"She was the heir of ash and fire, and she would bow to no one.” 
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Being Alone, Bones, and Cats: 40476-9 years old, 57 bs Star uor Sweet, scared, gentle, kid& dog priendly, housetrained - Spayed &Ready 2 Go Home! At Brooklyn ACC hoping for Fresh New Beginnings! o: **** TO BE KILLED - 9/8/2018 **** We made a wish for our Star! We want her to finally know love and care in her life. This forlorn, 9 years young, deserving lady has served a home proudly, though the love was clearly not reciprocated. She is in need of tender care and a true friend. Naturally after living a less than kind life, to then be dropped off at a high kill shelter, she is tragically afraid of what the near future will bring, Knowing it simply cannot be a happy future, considering the environment and lonely kennel. Seeing her face, filled with hopelessness and defeat, one must wonder how she came to be named Star? A star is bright, hopeful and vibrant. These traits are also found deep in one's heart, and we know this lovely soul would bloom with the chance of a real life, shining brighter than any other when we look up to the sky. We also feel with a little TLC, she will make any family proud. The cards might be stacked tightly against her, especially being it is the weekend, and Brooklyn center housing her. But we will still make this wish, and hope with all our might that someone will save this lovely Star tonight! STAR@BROOKLYN ACC Hello, my name is Star My animal id is #40476 I am a desexed female tan dog at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 9 years old, 57 lbs Came into shelter as owner surrender Sept. 2, 2018 Reason Stated: NO TIME for animal BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: NEW HOPE ONLY No children (under 13) Star has not acclimated well to the kennel environment and has allowed only minimal handling since intake. She has been observed to growl and whale when being approached in the care center. Due to how uncomfortable Star is currently with touch and novel stimuli, we feel that an adult-only home would be most beneficial at this time. Star is suspected to have chronic skin issues that will need follow up care but no other medical concerns at this time. My medical notes are... Weight: 57.8 lbs Vet Notes 6/09/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 9 yr Microchip noted on Intake? none pet has Chameleon records indicating microchip was placed History :owner surrender Subjective:owner surrender Observed Behavior -fearful Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen -none Objective BARH mm pink P =WNL R =WNL BCS 4/9 EENT: Eyes mild nuclear opacity,periocular lichenified skin, ears crusted no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: clean adult teeth, some worn crowns PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: spay scar seen MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, heavy lichenification periocular regions, pinna, ventrum, overgrown nails CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal:not performed Assessment chronic skin infection, irritation signs of neglect Prognosis: fair, needs grooming pending underlying skin condition- atopy, allergy. Plan: skin scrape negative for mites nail clip ear cleaning eye flush start bathing otomax BID x 14 days, TAB HC BID x 14 days SURGERY: already spayed Details on my behavior are... Behavior History Behavior Assessment Star had a tense body. Star growled and whale eyed counselor when they approached Basic Information:: Star is an approximately 10 year old large breed female spayed dog that was brought in to QAC as an owner surrender stars previous owner is received star as a puppy from a neighbor previous owners surrender star due to have a no time for her star has no injuries or health problems that the previous owners were aware of and star last went to the vet 2 years ago Previously lived with:: Star previously lived with an adult female and 2 adult males How is this dog around strangers?: Around strangers star is said to be shy for a few minutes but will come up to them to sniff Star is said to play gently with adults that she knows How is this dog around children?: Star has previously spent time with children ages 10 and 6 and is said to be relax and playful with them with play being gentle How is this dog around other dogs?: Previous owner stated they would sometimes baby sit other dogs in their home of all sizes and breeds and star was relax and playful with all of them with play being gentle How is this dog around cats?: Star has not previously lived with are spent time with cats so behavior is unknown Resource guarding:: Star is said to be friendly when her food food bowl bones toys R trees are touched or taken away star is said to be friendly when she is pushed or pulled off a furniture or held or restrained star is said to be friendly when disturbed while sleeping or resting Bite history:: Star does not have a bite history Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Star is said to have a medium Energy level Other Notes:: Star is said to be afraid of Babs she is said to run away star enjoys being brushed and is friendly when her feet are touched star barks when unfamiliar people approached the house or family members Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No For a New Family to Know: Star is described as a friendly affection in it and confident dog with a medium activity level when at home with previous owners star was said to follow them from room to room star and joys playing fetch with balls star was indoors mostly what was let out into the yard and was said to be well behaved when left alone in the yard star slept in the bed with previous owners star enjoys beneficial drive food and was fed free fed beneful dry food Star is mostly house trained but does have accidents a few times a week if she is in walked normally when left alone in the house star is said to be well behaved star was never create trained star knows the commands sit and come for exercise star was let out in the backyard and taking for bricks walks on the leash star is said to only pull hard if she is excited and when off Lee star wander son book comes when called stars favorite activities are going for walks and previous owner stated their favorite thing about star was that she was always waiting for them when they came home from work Date of intake:: 9/2/2018 Spay/Neuter status:: Yes Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner surrender Previously lived with:: 3 adults, and has spent time around 2 children ages (6, and 10, years old.) Behavior toward strangers:: shy for a few minutes, but will come up to sniff Behavior toward children:: Relaxed and playful Behavior toward dogs:: Relaxed and playful Behavior toward cats:: Behavior unknown Resource guarding:: None reported Bite history:: None reported Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Star is described as a friendly affection, and confident with a medium activity level. Date of assessment:: 9/5/2018 Look:: 5. Dog freezes and/or growls or tries to bite. Toy:: 1. No interest. Summary:: As reported from her previous owner Star is shy for a few minutes with strangers but will come up to sniff. In the care center Star displays concerning behaviors (stiff body posture, whale eyes and growling) when being approached. Once she entered the assessment room she avoided the assessor and showed no interest, but when attempted to be approach and coaxed that’s when she began to growl with whale eyes. No more handling was conducted due to her behavior displayed in the assessment room. Summary (1):: According to Star's previous owner, they would sometimes babysit other dogs of various sizes and breeds and Star was relaxed and gently played with them. Here at the Care Centers, Star briefly interacts with the other dogs. She mostly explores the yard, occasionally checking in. The Behavior Department recommends that Sta be placed in a home with resident dogs that are respectful and matches her calm demeanor. All introductions should be done slowly and under supervision. 9/4: When off leash at the Care Center, Star is introduced to a novel male dog displaying nervous body language, low tail and ears back. She explores the pens, keeping to herself and briefly greets him at the end of the session. 9/6-7: Star briefly greets a female dogs then explores the yard. Date of intake:: 9/2/2018 Summary:: Star was tense and growling during intake Date of initial:: 9/6/2018 Summary:: Fearful ENERGY LEVEL:: Star displays a low activity level in the care center. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: NEW HOPE ONLY Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children: Due to how uncomfortable Star is currently with touch and novel stimuli, we feel that an adult-only home would be most beneficial at this time. New hope partner: Star has not acclimated well to the kennel environment and has allowed only minimal handling since intake. We recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Potential challenges: : House soiling,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression Potential challenges comments:: House soiling: Star is reported to have frequent accidents in the house, and appears not to have been housetrained in the past. She will need guidance and consistency to learn to eliminate outside. We recommend crate training (the crate must be made positive and never used as a punishment), frequent walks, rewards for eliminating outside (treats, toys, games), consistent feeding schedule, and careful monitoring when inside. Accidents should never be punished as it can damage the human-dog relationship and is likely to make the problem worse. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Star has displayed fearful behavior in shelter, she displays no social behavior towards handlers and attempts to increase distance and avoid contact. Because she is so uncomfortable, Benny does not tolerate any form of human-touch and has attempted to freeze and growl upon direct contact. STAR IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HER LIFE.
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