#wh40k summer fest exchange
wh40ksummerfest · 4 months
WH40K Summer Fest Exchange 2024
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Summer Fest is back for 2024!
This summer exchange is a Warhammer 40,000/Horus Heresy-focused gift exchange for fanart and fanfiction, hosted on AO3.
Sign up to write a fanfic or create a piece of fanart, and receive a story or artwork in return!
June 2 - June 9: Nominate your favourite characters and pairings June 9 - June 16: Sign up for the exchange June 16: Matching and assignments go out July 27: Early default deadline August 11: Assignments due August 18: Works go live August 25: Creators are revealed
👉 You must be 18+ and have an AO3 account to participate.
For information on how to sign up and participate, see the AO3 exchange profile.
Please follow this blog for updates.
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magistralucis · 19 days
From Darkness Unto Thy Light [Obyron/Zahndrekh Fanfiction]
He is the very model of a modern Sautekh nemesor: Botanically inclined and philosophical in spite of war, In grace and fair appearances you'll see no better epicure, He'd love a recitation by his vargard about paramours. In crises he's undaunted by traditional sagacity, His speech is most compassionate in infinite capacity, Of Setekh diabolical he's teeming with a lot o' news: (It's thanks to him the bastard won't receive his undeserved dues.) He merits the inheritance the world of Gidrim occupies, His regal might and army shall command that noble enterprise, He honours his Obyron true, they'll be together evermore: He is the very model of a modern Sautekh nemesor.
Written for Sehn during the Summer Fest Gift Exchange 2024! 💖✨ A retelling of Obyron and Zahndrekh's beginnings at Yama, up to Zahndrekh's rule of Gidrim. Heavy spoilers for Severed ahead.
Minor content warnings for violence, PTSD, and Setekh. Obyron POV. Multichapter, pre-biotransference. SFW.
(EDIT: Now accompanied by this amazing art by the wonderful @eleooooooo!)
[Originally published 10/08/2024 - AO3 link here.]
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metashard · 19 days
Oh, creators have been revealed!
Behold, Mentep/Khertykh/Dagon polycule of no return! This was written for OriCat in the 40k Summer Exchange with a very detailed request, the core of which was "Give me all the gaslightling and blackmail and pressure and whatever else they can throw at each other - the most unethical polyamory." Thus this.
We got psychological abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, financial abuse, torture, descriptions of surgery, grad students getting drunk, cheating, gaslighting, gatekeeping, and so much they/them girlbossing you could melt a planet with it. Whump was asked of me and so I made whump.
If anyone has the time, I would appreciate constructive criticism on this. It... kind of languished unread for most of the anon period of the exchange, and I'd like to know what I could do to avoid that again. Probably just because the tags were negative and the characters were obscure, but if I'm missing some ingredient that would have fixed it, please let me know.
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aedensolus · 19 days
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Memory is a fickle thing, Cawl knew. It was whispered among others of the priesthood that he had forgotten more than any other could ever hope to learn, especially in the realms of cloning and genetics. Some memories were removed by choice and necessity, some by force, and some simply slipped through his fingers.
But some memories were too important to risk, to trust to the delicate action of neurons, or even the sanctity of circuits. Some memories must be writ in flesh and bone, metal and wire. Matter and memory, made whole and kept safe, never to be lost.
At last, my piece for the @wh40ksummerfest exchange! Belisarius Cawl and the friend he can't let go of.
I haven't been this plain happy with a drawing in a long-ass time
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nevesmose · 19 days
And huge thanks to @sharenadraculea and @chemos-factories for their lovely gifts which I very much recommend!
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Warhammer 40000: Summer Fest gift exchange
Posted by: wh40ksummerexchange WH40K Summer Fest is a Warhammer 40,000/Horus Heresy-focused exchange for fanart and fanfiction. All character(s) from Warhammer 40,000 and the Horus Heresy series, including the tabletop codices and rpg rulebooks, Black Library novels, short stories and anthologies, computer games, Warhammer TV animated films, etc., are welcome. Participants sign up to write a complete story of at least 500 words or create a finished piece of fan art that is at minimum clean, finished line art on unlined paper and can stand as a completed work. Matching will be done on character/relationship. Links: tumblr profile | AO3 Collection | Tag Set 2024 Schedule: June 2 - June 9: Nominations June 9 - June 16: Sign-up June 16: Matching and assignments go out July 27: Early default deadline August 11: Assignments due August 18: Works go live August 25: Creators are revealed (but you can still post late treats) 👉 All dates and times are noon CET/6am EDT. The WH40K Summer Fest is currently open for nominations. Join us for fun and games in the grimdark future! comments via The Fandom Calendar https://ift.tt/g2Df05l
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wh40ksummerfest · 3 months
Sign-up is open!
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Sign-up for the WH40K Summer Fest 2024 is open now!
You need to request and offer at least 3 characters/relationships to sign up; you are welcome to request/offer more. You can choose to create and receive either fanfiction, fanart, or both.
Helpful links:
Collection profile with full rules/info.
Request Summary shows other participants' requests.
The sign-up deadline is Sunday, June 16, 11:59am CET/5:59am EDT (countdown).
Signing up: Important info and step-by-step guide 👇
You must be 18+ and have an AO3 account to participate in the exchange. If you do not have an account, you can request an invitation to join the Archive here.
Note: In case the mod team needs to reach out to you, AO3 shows us the e-mail address you use to log in. If you end up unmatchable or if your creator sends us a question to forward to you, we will use this e-mail address. Be sure to be able to access it, check it regularly while the exchange is running—and, if your legal name is in it, to change it if you don’t want the mod team to see it! All e-mails from the mod team will be sent from [email protected] using the name Roboute Guilliman (he handles our paperwork) or through AO3.
How to sign up
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Click on 'Sign Up'/'Sign-up Form' on the exchange's profile page (or click here) to fill out your requests and offers.
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You must submit at least 3 requests (at least one per box) for characters and/or relationships that you would like to receive fanfiction and/or fanart about. You can add additional request boxes, up to 10.
For each request box, choose 'Warhammer 40.000' as the fandom.
Add 1-20 characters or relationships from the exchange tag set. You can search for nominated characters/relationships using the drop-down menu. We allow up to 20 character/relationship tags per request, but please be mindful of the person receiving your request and try not to go overboard. You have to fill out Request 1, 2 and 3 with at least one character/relationship in each; if possible, group together tags that share the same character(s) or canon source, DNWs, or other characteristics into a single request.
Choose whether you'd like to receive only fanfiction, only fanart, or both. You can choose different media(s) for each request.
Linking to a 'dear creator' letter on an external website, i.e., a tumblr blog post, Google Doc, Dreamwidth page, etc. going into further details about your preferences, is optional. The person assigned to you is not obligated to read it, but may find it helpful for inspiration. Please make sure your page is publicly available; some tumblr links can only be accessed by tumblr users.
Use the text box for suggestions, optional prompts and preferences. Keep in mind that we have all sorts of participants, so be as broad as possible to inspire others without restricting their creativity — optional details are optional and your creator is not required to stick to your suggestions, but having a general idea of whether you like fluff/action/comedy/smut, the Great Crusade/Horus Heresy/M40/M42-era, your favourite tropes, art styles, etc. is very helpful. You MUST list anything you Do Not Want (DNW) to see in a gift, such as squicks and triggers. The mods will check your gift to make sure it doesn't contain any of your DNWs, but we only check for the specific ones listed in this text box. Your listed DNWs should, as a minimum, state whether you wish to avoid any of the four specific AO3 Archive Warnings: 1) Graphic depictions of violence, 2) Major Character Death, 3) Rape/Non-con, 4) Underage. If you would be uncomfortable receiving Mature or Explicit gifts, please also mention this in your DNWs. You can have different DNWs for different requests.
If you are unsure about what to include in your DNWs or optional details, check out other people's requests for ideas.
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You must submit at least 3 offers (at least one per box) for characters and/or relationships that you would like to create fanfiction and/or fanart about. Your offered characters/relationships do not have to be identical to your requests.
For each offer, choose 'Warhammer 40.000' as the fandom.
Add 1-20 characters or relationships from the exchange tag set. You can search for nominated characters/relationships using the drop-down menu. You have to fill out Offer 1, 2 and 3 with at least one character/relationship in each, but it doesn't matter how you group your offers otherwise. No one will see your offers except you and the mods. You can make a total of 10 offers with up to 20 tags each = 200 characters/relationships. You are very welcome to do so, but make sure you are able and willing to create a gift if you match on any one of them! You will only be matched with one other participant and required to create a single gift regardless of how many offers you submit.
Choose whether you'd like to create only fanfiction, only fanart, or both. You'll only be required to make one gift for your assignment even if you offer both.
Please return to check before the sign-up deadline (June 16, 11:59am CET/5:59am EDT) that your offers match at least one request by another participant in the exchange.
If your offers don't match anyone else's requests by the time of the deadline, the mods will e-mail you to ask if you would like to add additional offers. If you do not respond to this e-mail within 12 hours or decline to add additional offers, your sign-up will be deleted.
Once you have filled out at least 3 requests and offers, hit 'Submit' at the bottom of the page. You have now signed up to participate in the exchange and your requests will be visible to other participants in the Request Summary.
You can edit/add to your requests and offers by clicking 'My Sign-up' on the exchange profile page. Note: After the sign-up deadline, only the mods will be able to edit your sign-up details.
"What if there is someone I don't want to be matched with?"
The best way to ensure a fun and enjoyable exchange experience is to keep an eye on the Request Summary and adjust your offers based on other participants' requests. Maybe you'll see something that inspires you to offer characters or relationships you didn't consider before — or maybe someone requests something for one of your offers that you would rather not create, in which case it's perfectly fine to edit your offers so you won't risk matching on that particular character/relationship.
If, however, there is another participant that you do not want to be matched with, please e-mail us at [email protected] before the sign-up deadline and let us know:
Your AO3 username;
the AO3 username of the participant you do not want to be matched with;
whether your Do Not Match request is for creating, receiving, or both;
what you would like us to do if that participant offers to pick up your pinch hit;
what you would like us to do if that participant creates a treat for you.
Thank you — see you in the sign-ups!
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wh40ksummerfest · 4 months
How to: AO3 gift exchange nominations
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If you are new to gift exchanges on AO3, here is a guide on how to submit character/relationship nominations to the WH40K Summer Fest exchange tag set. 👇
Like most exchanges on AO3, the WH40K Summer Fest begins with a two-step setup period:
During the nomination period (June 2-9), anyone can submit characters and relationships to the tag set created for the exchange.
During the sign-up period (June 9-16), participants submit requests and offers for characters/relationships from the tag set they would like to receive or create fanfic/fanart for. At the end of the sign-up period, the exchange mods will match participants based on their requests and offers.
You can only sign up to request or offer the characters and relationships contained in the tag set, so make sure to submit your nominations before Sunday, June 9, 11:59am CET/5:59am EDT. After this time, the tag set will close and additional nominations can't be added.
How to nominate
You need an AO3 account to participate in the exchange. If you do not have an account, you can request an invitation to join the Archive here.
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Find the link to the tag set in the info box at the top of the exchange's profile page (or click here).
On the tag set page, click 'nominate' in the top right corner.
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Choose 'Warhammer 40.000' for the fandom.
All nominations go in the 'Warhammer 40,000' fandom category, even if they belong to other media, e.g., the Horus Heresy series, the Rogue Trader computer game, etc. Nominations are only used for matching participants; when you upload your gift to AO3, you can use the fandom tag(s) of your choice.
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Both characters and relationships go in the 'relationship' box for matching purposes.
Add characters to the tagset by writing: Character: [Name] and finishing with a comma.
Add pairings by writing Name/Name (for romantic or sexual pairings) or Name & Name (for platonic pairings/friendships/enemyships — any specific characters you want interacting in a non-romantic/non-sexual way). If the tag has been used on AO3 before, you can choose it from the dropdown menu, otherwise finish with a comma.
You can nominate Original Characters as characters or in relationships. HOWEVER, note that it will be the creator's choice which OC to use; e.g., if you request "Saint Celestine/Original Female Character," the creator can use an OC you suggest but can also use their own idea. You may nominate original characters that specify an OC's faction ("Original Ultramarine & Original Tau Fire Warrior") and/or gender ("Original Transfem Sister of Battle/Original Nonbinary Imperial Guard").
You can also nominate 'Any' characters, e.g., "Sanguinius & Any Blood Angel(s)", "Ciaphas Cain/Any Canon Female Character", to give the creator freedom to choose which character(s) to include.
You can nominate up to 20 characters or pairings.
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Once you are done, click 'submit' at the bottom of the page.
You can always add more characters and pairings, up to 20, by clicking 'My nominations' on the tag set page, but once your nominations have been approved by the mods they can't be deleted.
If you nominate something that has already been nominated by someone else, or if the mods change the wording/order of names to match archive conventions (e.g., "Ulfar of the Space Wolves" ➡ "Ulfar Redmane"), it may continue to appear on your 'My nominations' page as unapproved. Click 'Expand All' on the tag set page to see a full list of all nominated characters/relationships and check if your nominations are included, possibly under a slightly different name.
It may take up to 24+ hours for a nomination to be approved, so please don't delete your unapproved nominations.
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If you have any questions about your nominations, contact the mods at [email protected].
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wh40ksummerfest · 19 days
Creators revealed 🎉
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The WH40K Summer Fest exchange collection has been de-anoned!
You are now welcome to crosspost your work to tumblr, tw(x)itter, discord, and wherever else you like. If you tag your posts with #wh40k summer fest exchange, others can find and reblog them too. 😊
If you haven't had the opportunity yet, now is a great time to leave a comment on your gift. It means a lot to your creator!
The collection will remain open for late treats. Thank you all for signing up, making awesome gifts, and leaving comments! 🧡
See you again next year!
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magistralucis · 2 months
I hope people like my Summer Fest entry. It is a labour of great love and gentle summer feelings of the kind so often lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday
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wh40ksummerfest · 3 months
Psst! What are you hoping someone else will request?
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Doh! Due to a setup SNAFU, the sign-up summary for the Summer Fest exchange isn't showing the submitted requests and offers.
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Fortunately, everyone's requests can still be seen on the Requests Summary page.
But we all have those offers we're really hoping someone else will ask for so we'll have an opportunity to write/draw them!
This post is a free space to share the characters/relationships you wish to inspire others to request. What's in your sign-up offers? 👀
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nevesmose · 19 days
Fluffy, light-hearted Ferrus/Fulgrim Regency Romance AU featuring verbal sparring, initial dislike turning into affection, and as many genre tropes as possible all in a suitably ornate prose style.
And so I can now reveal my summer exchange fic! It turned out well I think.
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wh40ksummerfest · 3 months
Nominations clarification 3
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Holy Throne! We are currently at 337 nominations, with exactly 3 hours until nominations close. If you have any last-minute characters or relationships, now's the time to add them!
The mod team is streamlining the tag set for easier use, so please note:
Mortarion & Isha ➡ Isha & Mortarion, to comply with standard archive formatting.
Mortarion/Emperor of Mankind ➡ Emperor of Mankind/Mortarion, same.
As per our last post, the following Rogue Trader video game nominations have been disambiguated: Jae Heydari & Original Rogue Trader Character(s) ➡ Jae Heydari & Original Character(s), Jae Heydari & The Rogue Trader | Lord Captain (Rogue Trader Video Game) Pasqal Haneumann/Original Rogue Trader Character(s) ➡ Pasqal Haneumann/Original Character(s), Pasqal Haneumann/The Rogue Trader | Lord Captain (Rogue Trader Video Game) Sister Argenta/Original Rogue Trader Character(s) ➡ Sister Argenta/Original Character(s), Sister Argenta/The Rogue Trader | Lord Captain (Rogue Trader Video Game) Ulfar of the Space Wolves/Original Rogue Trader Character(s) ➡ Ulfar Redmane/Original Character(s), Ulfar Redmane/The Rogue Trader | Lord Captain (Rogue Trader Video Game)
Great job, everyone!
If you find the tag set overwhelming, here is a guide to creating an ordered list.
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wh40ksummerfest · 3 months
Nominations clarification 2
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🚨 Clarifications needed for the Rogue Trader video game! 🚨
Nominations for the Rogue Trader video game is causing some head-scratching among the mod team.
To prevent ambiguity, the player character is now nominated as:
"The Rogue Trader | Lord Captain (Rogue Trader Video Game)" for creator's choice of gender
"Male Rogue Trader | Lord Captain (Rogue Trader Video Game)" for a male player character
"Female Rogue Trader | Lord Captain (Rogue Trader Video Game)" for a female player character
However, we also have nominations for "Original Rogue Trader Character(s)" and we need clarification on whether this means original character(s) set within the Rogue Trader video game or refers to the player character.
If you have nominated relationships with "Original Rogue Trader Character(s)", please send us a message here on tumblr or at  [email protected] and let us know how to disambiguate your noms!
If you do not get in touch with us before Sunday, June 9, 11:59am CET/5:59am EDT, we will split your nominations into "Original Character" (creator's choice of gender) and "The Rogue Trader | Lord Captain (Rogue Trader Video Game)" (creator's choice of gender).
Hoping to hear from you!
Other minor changes
Thaszar/Anrakyr ➡ Anrakyr/Thaszar, to comply with standard archive formatting
For the following characters, an extra space was added after the colon to make them searchable by first name in the sign-up form: Character: Abelard Werserian, Character: Ciaphas Cain, Character: Master Helmsman Ravor, Character: Vox Master Vigdis.
All nominations go in the 'Warhammer 40,000' fandom category, even if they belong to other media (the Horus Heresy series, the Rogue Trader computer game, etc.) Nominations are only used for matching; when you upload your gift to AO3, you can use the fandom tag(s) of your choice. If you have nominated characters or pairings under a different fandom, they have been migrated to the Warhammer 40,000 category. They may show up on your 'My nominations' page as unapproved, but they are in the main tagset.
Thank you, and keep up the good work!
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wh40ksummerfest · 4 months
Nominations clarification 1
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Our hard-working tech-adepts would like to clarify the following:
All nominations go in the 'Warhammer 40,000' fandom category, even if they belong to other media (the Horus Heresy series, the Rogue Trader computer game, etc.) Nominations are only used for matching; when you upload your gift to AO3, you can use the fandom tag(s) of your choice. If you have nominated characters or pairings under a different fandom, they have been migrated to the Warhammer 40,000 category. They may show up on your 'My nominations' page as unapproved, but they are in the main tagset.
For disambiguation purposes, 'Character: Ollanius Persson (Perpetual)' refers to the character introduced in Dan Abnett's Know No Fear. 'Character: Ollanius Pius (mythical)' refers to the mythical figure from in-universe Ecclesiarchal scripture/real-world pre-Horus Heresy novel series lore. Please double-check that you tag the version you want when signing up later. :)
Thank you, and keep up the good work!
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metashard · 23 days
I know the 40k Summer Exchange is still on anon creators, but when it's revealed, would it be bad form to ask for critique? Couldn't exactly do it before posting, and I feel there's a lot I should learn from this before trying again. I just worry it may be less accepted to ask for help when the work's already been posted.
I don't want individuals to feel obligated to crit later by responding, so have an anonymous option:
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