#westie's westie shirt :')
holdoncallfailed · 7 months
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pavement photographed by michael lavine for a matador records publicity session, january 1994.
I've noticed the same sort of self-deprecating incredulity in most of the indie musicians I've met since "alternative" became a buzzword. Once, as I watched Michael Lavine photograph Pavement, some corny classic rock song came on the studio stereo, and the photo shoot became a scene of almost unbearable sarcasm. While Lavine balanced precariously on a stepladder, trying to get anyone in the band to hold still for a picture, Pavement just danced around the backdrop, furiously playing air guitar and mugging like drunken cartoons of the Rolling Stones. It was like watching the band try to laugh away the notion that they were becoming the rock stars of a new era. Pavement had been described as the ultimate slacker band, but singer Stephen Malkmus told me, "The 'slacker' tag is like, well, I don't know. I don't feel very slack." Malkmus had put duct tape over the stars on his Converse sneakers. What's that all about, I asked him. "I'm boycotting corporate sponsorship," he said. A year later, Pavement had no need for a Miller Light sponsorship, because they had landed a spot on the fifth annual Lollapalooza tour. And in the indie rock dives of Manhattan, the word spread that for their Lollapalooza appearances alone, Pavement were to be paid a cool $1.4 million. —Pat Blashill, Noise from the Underground: A Secret History of Alternative Rock
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wollfling · 2 years
Pink house new is outrageously expensive and then you find pieces secondhand from 1995 that look practically new despite obviously being worn for like $20
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mj0702 · 2 months
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I hope you like it 😅😅
“Bebita… hem de parlar” Ona said one afternoon you being hunched over the kitchen island lose papers scattered around you
“no puc de moment… cal acabar-ho” you mumbled trying to find a way through the Swedish back line
“Take a walk with me” the spaniard said and you heard it wasn’t a question – it was a fact
“Ona leave her… you can take Narla” Lucy said laying spread our on the couch the small dog at her feet
“We can take Narla with us, sí… But I think Bebita would benefit from a break… she’s working on that sheet for hours now” Ona said strictly and even your sister didn’t dare to talk back
“She can hear you…” you mumbled “Stupid Eriksson and stupid Björn making me headache”
“Bebita… up… walkies” Ona said overly sweet and Narla lifted her head before jumping off the couch coming running over happily “Sí Narla… you too”
“But I have to…” you started as you felt Ona pull you off the high bar chair
“…. We go walkies now… go get your shoes… and sunscreen” the spaniard basically sneered and you realized you better get going
So you scattered over the floor to your room to get a different shirt and your flip flops – the good one Mapí gifted you
“BEBITA!” you heard Ona yell and you physically flinched never been on the receiving end of Onas yelling so you quickly made your way down the hallway where the spaniard already waited for you
“You put sunscreen on?” the blonde asked lifting an eyebrow
“Don’t need…” you started and before you know it Ona already was covering your face and neck in cream like you were three years old
“Onaaaaa…” you whined trying to get away from her hands
“Atura-ho” the spaniard mumbled as she once again smearing more sunscreen on your face “I won’t let you get sunburned”
“I’m not three” you continue to whine
“Could’ve fooled me” Ona mumbled “Arm”
“come oooon” you stomped your foot a little which made Narla bark happily thinking you’re going to kick her favorite toy for her
“Narla” the spaniard hushed the westie gently and the high pitched barking stopped immediately “You sure behave like a three year old”
20 minutes later you got out of the car after Ona drove through the Barcelona traffic up to the Olympic Stadium from Barcelona. You loved it up here since Lucy took you to the place first time you visited. It was quite simply build but you felt the majestic Olympic spirit once you entered the building. It was as if the whole air change by the importance of the place running through your body as you walked through the little corridor that connected the outside world with the inside.
You were already a few steps away from the car when you heard Ona whistle
“This way Bebita” the spaniard said pointing the other way towards the Jardí Botànic de Barcelona – the botanical garden.
“Ugh… green stuff” you rolled your eyes but trotted after the blonde
“Go on Narls” Ona smiled as she clipped the leash off the collar and let the westie run lose
“How are you Bebita?” the spaniard looked at you while you kept your eyes trained forward
“Muy Bien… por qué?” you said a little confused
“You know there’s a thing that just doesn’t leave me alone…” Ona started and it was right this second you knew this wasn’t going to be a nice chat
“I like you… please don’t ruin it by talking about your sex life with me sister” you whined hoping you could distract her from whatever topic she was about to disclose
“Nice try… no…” the spaniard chuckled but got serious immediately again “… you remember the afternoon we talked about my tattoo? How it was spelled wrong?”
“Must have slipped me mind” you mumbled and Ona knew you knew exactly what she was talking about
“Yeah well… you asked me if I tried to commit too… at first I didn’t realize what you were asking… I didn’t understood it properly so I ask a friend what it means to “commit”… I had a suspicion that night when I laid in bed but I didn’t knew if I was right” Ona said seriously “… so I asked a friend and she confirmed my suspicion”
“Hm… no idea what you’re talking about” you hummed stopping at a big red blossom
“Then let me help you out with your own language… “to commit” can stand for “committing suicide”… as well as other things but since we were talking about that topic that afternoon I think I was right about that suspicion” the spaniard said seriously trying to read you
“Hmm…” you hummed again looking at the blossom intensely
“Talk to me Bebita” the spaniard said softly keeping a small distance between the two of you
“I rather not…” you mumbled enchanted by the flower
“Bebita…” Ona sighed sadly “… don’t you trust me? I swear I won’t tell a soul”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you… you are family at this point” you said as you decided to walk on
“Then talk to me” the spaniard begged
“It would bring you into a situation that would be unfair to you…” you stated seriously “… it would mean you knew something about me me sister has no idea of… and if it EVER comes out she would be so SO hurt… so.. I don’t have a clue what you are talking about”
“You did try and kill yourself didn’t you?” Ona asked walking a step behind you
“I’m still here… so no” you chuckled humorless
“Bebita… please” the spaniard grabbed your wrist stopping you successfully
“I can’t talk about it with you Ona…” you said quietly
“But you CAN…. I won’t tell Lucy” Ona said – no begging you
“I CAN’T… if Lucy ever finds out she’ll freak… if she THEN finds out you KNEW about it… it would destroy her Ona…” you felt the tears in your eyes “… IF she ever finds out she’ll need you… you need to catch her from falling”
“Mi pequeña Bebita” the spaniard whispered pulling you against her and the second your bodies connect you cling to her like she was the life jacket keeping you from drowning sobbing into her shirt “it’s going to be okay… I promise”
Ona held you until your tears substituted and your breathing became slower again
“I won’t push you…” the blonde whispered against your hair “… but are you save now or do I need to keep an extra eye on you?”
“No I’m good now… I wasn’t for a long time… but being here helped… a lot” you said and Ona saw it was genuine
“Good…” the spaniard pressed a soft kiss to your temple “… because I won’t hesitate to throw a knife at you”
“You don’t even hit a yard door from five meters away with a bowling ball…” you chuckled through your tears “… but I’d love to see you try”
“Disculpe??” Ona faked being outraged
“I saw you on the state fair… you had five balls and didn’t hit one tin Ona… FIVE balls!!” you rolled your eyes relieved that the spaniard didn’t squeeze an answer out of you
“This game was… regged” the spaniard grumbled
“Rigged…” you corrected “… and it wasn’t… you took out the guy who worked there… it looked painful when that ball hit his nose”
“It wasn’t my fault he had no reflexes” the spaniard defended herself
“He was leaning to the OUTSIDE of the booth… you basically threw backwards” you laughed and to Ona that sound was made by heaven
“He still could’ve paid attention and blocked it” Ona huffed before whistling again “Come on Narla… I think someone would like cuttlefish for dinner”
“Don’t you dare poison the dog… she did nothing to you” you exclaimed
“I wasn’t talking about her…” Ona laughed when she turned around letting you rooted to the ground letting you process the information
“No Ona please….” You sprinted after her
“You said you love me” you whined as you jumped on her back making the spaniard burst out laughing as she carried you while Narla jumped up and around you two barking happily
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
Hey! Loved your fics. Am already halfway through your Maxenna ones already 💕 Would love your HC using prompts from 35 OTP questions: 10. What’s each member flirting style? 13. What was the most surprising thing they learned about one another once they started dating?21. What articles of clothing do they "borrow" from one another? 29. How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind? 33. What is their sex life like? 35. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship :D
Hi Nonny! I'm so glad you're enjoying my fics, especially Maxenna. I'm so sorry for taking so long to reply. It's been a busy few months, and I've been in a bit of a brain fog. Here goes.
From this OTP Ask list.
10. What’s each member's flirting style?
Ethan: Unintentional flirt but I suppose Subtle Flirting is the closest. He has a dry wit, which can be appealing to some (aka Cassie). When he puts his mind to it, he is very successful, but he also doesn't have the patience for it.
Sienna: She's a mix of Sincere and Polite flirting. She pays attention, active listening, eye contact and compliments. She's all about building deeper connection, but Max brings out her playful side.
Cassie and Max: The twins are very flirty and always have been. It just comes naturally to them (and often gets them into trouble). Their styles are a mix of playful, physical and witty.
13. What was the most surprising thing they learned about one another once they started dating?
Ethan was surprised by how much Cassie treasured her alone time and quiet time. He always assumed she was an extrovert who needed people around her. But she likes the balance and is happy to stay home and read or watch TV. Cassie was surprised that Ethan enjoys cuddling on the couch (or in bed) and feeling connected physically. Physical touch is one of his love languages.
Max and Sienna knew each other extraordinarily well before they started dating because they had been friends for so many years. As such, there weren't any major surprises. Still, Sienna was surprised by how serious he could be, and seeing him in his world was eye-opening. Max was equally surprised by her stubbornness.
21. What articles of clothing do they "borrow" from one another?
Cassie often borrows Ethan's old tee shirts and refuses to give them back. He thinks she looks better in them anyway. Sienna tends to sleep in Max's shirts when he's traveling. She also borrows his old college hoodies when she's chilling at home.
29. How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind?
Cassie wasn't allowed to have pets for the longest time because they would run away. But one day, in the distant future, she'll have Watson (who technically belongs to her children). You can read about that here.
Max gets Sienna a Westie for her birthday, which she named Bailey. I did a text fics/edit about that here. Bailey is the sweetest dog. I haven't decided if they will have more pets. They have four kids and busy careers/lives. But I hc that Amelia (the third child) likes animals and will convince her parents to get her a cat.
33. What is their sex life like?
I've answered a few asks about this, so I'm linking the main post here about both pairing's sex life.
35. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
It's so hard to pick one song! My mind is blanking now, so here's a post about their songs.
These are the songs I listen to the most to put me in the mood for their relationship when I'm writing their fics:
Ethan & Cassie:
Labyrinth - Taylor Swift
Sanctuary - Serena Ryder
The Only One - James Blunt
Me and You - Jake Bugg
Eyes on You - Chase Rice
Unforgettable - Thomas Rhett
Thanks for the ask!
Character Asks: @bluebelle08 @cariantha @crazy-loca-blog @coffeeheartaddict2 @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
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kellyscowboy · 1 year
Is there any Kid Blink in the wild westies au? 👉👈
okay SO. as of right now, not yet
i've been going back & forth bc it definitely looks like a livesies vers. fic because it has albert in it. but at the same time, the cowboy thing is definitely more a '92sies thing. also spot & race are definitely based on livesies spot and race but jack and david are more based on '92sies jack and dave.
ALL THIS TO SAY, i struggle to decide which characters to add. because i love both versions but i know a lot of people don't & i don't know how people will receive the fic if it kinda intermingles
i'm sure kid blink will make his way into, though.
but i'll tell u some ideas i have for kid blink in wild westies au
i think he would def be a gun slinger. i don't think he's technically considered an 'outlaw' because he has never started any fights (at least, that's his version of the story & the people he was up against aren't really able to share their side of the story).
kinda the wild westies robin hood. he'd just randomly show up at katherine's store & drop way too much money off to her along with a barely ripped shirt. she doesn't ask where it came from because she knows that she probably doesnt want to know
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nagirambles · 2 years
Hi you can take your time on this one . I’ve been wondering if you could redesign the star dress how would you redesign them ? (Me for an example I would given Lucy cat ears since loke has cat ears. Virgo star dress chains , Taurus more of gladiator look to be honest . Sagittarius dress not my fave outfit but I do adore her/his magic for that one . That’s all I can think of for now lol )
Whew! Thanks so much for this ask. I think I've mentioned them all over the place before, but I've never actually listed them one by one. I shall now be rambling like hell, be prepared. Before I ramble on mine though-- omg. those ideas are good. Loke's dress should definitely add cat ears that would be the cutest thing. Virgo's needs chains! Taurus' for a gladiator look, oh that would be cool.
Disclaimer: I think all the designs are decent enough and I do not actually want to change all of them. But since I've been asked if I could redesign them, I'll be listing ideas for all of them regardless if I like the originals or not. Also note that I’m not really addressing the fact that this is anime and of course some designs aren’t as detailed as they could be to be easier to draw, I’m just rambling, yeah? I’m also not thinking too much about powersets yet. 
Also note that the pictures I add are just visualized ideas because I’m not very good at explaining, not actual references, alright? 
Yeah this is going to be long lmao. Read more! -> 
Alright, going in Zodiac order! 
Aries. Definitely lots of wool. Either a soft sweater with puffed sleeves, or a cute short flowy winter cape. I'd like her dress to feel a bit defensive, so a puffy cape. I'd like to think of fluffy gloves and boots. Aries is a fairly modest character (she was uncomfortable with being asked to service men) so she'd be dressed comfortably, not showing any cleavage. I think a short dress would be cute, but for a battle dress for someone that fights like Lucy, I think Aries would go for comfy shorts like her own jumper-type clothes-- or maybe a skirt that fluffs at the end to complete the winter look? 
Taurus. It's good as it is, perfect for Taurus. But she could also have a leather jacket, or alternatively, a checkered shirt tied like a crop top to complete the cowgirl look. I kind of like the asymmetrical pants, wish the shorter side was a bit longer. But short shorts or full-length ripped jeans would be good too. I love this dress as it is, so not much changes honestly. If I wanted to add anything it’d be more accessories and badges to make it look wild westy. 
Gemini. I like the court jester/magician look a lot! Super unique. I do wish it were cuter as an outfit, though. They emphasise right now on being different colours, rather than asymmetrical. If I could choose, I'd make them clown or carnival-themed, sort of the cute little roadside magician or maybe even court jesters? Makeup, puffy frill sleeves, suspenders, mismatched high-knee patterned socks, toys and rainbows. They'd appear different each time--- sometimes she'll have a cape to hide a Doraemon-variety of things you just need, other times she'd maybe even wear a mascot head! This is the fun and jokester dress, and Lucy would have a hard time chewing them out for messing with her dress design, because 'awww, it'd have been funny!' 'NOT WHEN I'M FIGHTING IT'S NOT!'
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Cancer. Love the Chinese vibes as they are, so if I redesign it, it'll be closer to Cancer's personality and image. Honestly, despite (or maybe because of) the first Celestial World Dress we see, I think when things came down to it for battle, Cancer would choose something that’s practical over something flowing and pretty. Nothing casual though, he’ll choose something that looks smart casual at least, something like a work uniform. I like to imagine a waist apron or belt to put small scissors in. In this outfit variety, I’d love for the main weapon to be huge scissors that Lucy has to make swing her body weight around. 
Leo. Hear me out. If Loke could, he would go immediately for a wedding dress. But that aside, Leo’s dress is gorgeous enough as it is-- if I redesign it, I guess it’ll be for practicality? But anyways. Rather than just an evening gown-- I kind of want fur. Not soft, woolen ones like Aries, but fuzzy ones, you know, like the one he wore as Loke. I’d go for a more ‘punk’ image than a royal one to match his Loke phase. I’m thinking high collars lined with fur, long flowy vest but free arms and legs, because Leo is the leader and he’s extra like that. I’d like to think there are lion connotations everywhere, from gold accents to fur-lined skirt ends, cheetah prints, cat ears and a lion’s tail belt. Definitely stilettos, excess rings and accessories to maximise damage-making capability.
Virgo. Virgo doesn’t mind if she does panty flashes, so the maid uniform can stay. Though, definitely add chains, maybe wound around her arm. Since Virgo’s thing is that she’s a blatant cesspool of sexual kinks... well, first, I think I want to mention that Virgo doesn’t care about herself, but she cares about Lucy’s modesty to some degree (she covers Lucy’s skirt in the hgih winds of Eisenwald arc, leaving herself vulnerable). If she decides that Lucy should go more battle-based, first, I want Lucy to have a slightly longer maid dress, maybe slit in the side or have a design to tuck it up for battle so she can look unsuspecting and harmless when not fighting (something Virgo also does is look the part of being ‘undercover’). Lucy should have a variety of things hidden around her garter, from knives, to guns, to her keys. I love the idea of a combat maid, 
Scorpio? I love the practicality of her current one, but Scorpio could also put her In rockstar clothing. Colourful neon cropped jackets, fishnets, plenty of loose accessories, bright-rimmed sand boots. High ponytail, definitely. Does this make sense for sand? No, so if we went on that route-- definitely armoured boots and arm guards, but go for a more flowy look, loose clothing for sand travel. Not too much though, maybe just baggy pants and a sash to keep it together, and a head scarf. 
Sagittarius. The leprechaun/elf thing is super cute, wish it were a bit more unique than just whole thing green though. I’d give her a hooded cape, probably brown, and instead of just sleeves, a full archer’s brace on both arms.  Of course, the open crotch is stupid on the original dress, give Lucy a short skirt that doesn’t show her underwear to the world. At least one more flap that goes over the front, I’m fine with the slits so they can look like tinkerbell. Though, to be unique, I’d like if her hair was down in a low and/or loose ponytail instead, to be under a hood. 
Capricorn. I’d love if he went the businesswoman route, to look like a librarian or secretary. Glasses, horns, braids, all those can stay. Honestly I’m thinking something like a mysterious bookkeeper in a mystical library. I’d think he’d give her a longer dress, and Lucy would look really studious and modest. It’d really make her writer side shine, and that side of her never gets enough shine. I know Capricorn is a combat-type spirit, but Capricorn’s dress should have been more of an intellectual skill dress than a combat one-- maybe in this dress, she can think faster, decipher faster, and wield magic to almost the same level as maybe Jellal or Mystogan who can write high-level magic from scratch. 
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Aquarius. I need y’all to know that aquatic swimsuit designs have so much potential to look extravagant and gorgeous. I can’t believe Mashima would keep giving us disservices with swimsuits when there’s so much potential here. Like, why stop at just the swimsuit-- give us ocean-themed accesories like pearls, mermaid-themed styling choices. I’d love a long, billowing shawl around her, not just around the waist but around her as well. Mashima puts Lucy in a lot of twintails for these dresses and they’re cute, but I think a long mermaid-tail braid, or even a waterfall braid would be gorgeous. 
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Bonus: Libra. Definitely Arabian dancer clothes. This is one of the few that kind of go without saying. While Scorpio kind of has sand-weather middle-east clothing as well, I think it should primarily be Libra’s thing. Going full out in this aesthetic--- maybe to be modest, head scarves, layered sashes and skirts, and of course, a ton and a ton of shiny, jingling accessories on every limb. 
Bonus: Pisces. Pisces would go with something skintight, maybe competitive swimwear or diving wetsuits. Definitely let’s not have the stupid open chest thing Mom Pisces has, but it’d be cool to see minimal armour pieces implemented into that kind of design, maybe the suit is made with material that feels like scales? I like to imagine this dress has two forms to be unique, since it’s the paired fish.  One for offensive focus, one for defensive focus. Mom would have a long gorgeous dress that looks like water with plenty of layers, mother of the sea and all. Son would have the wetsuit armour. Of course, they’ll wield a trident. To set them apart from Aquarius, they would have fish-themed accessories specifically. 
Bonus: Leo x Virgo. 
I’ll think of these two ways, if Leo is taking the forefront of the concept, or if Virgo is. If Leo is, I think this can go full royal. Go from a maid outfit into practical royal-esque clothing, shorts and cravat, adorned with as many accessories and badges as possible because both Leo and Virgo are into that. To add in Leo’s animal connotations, a huge, royal cape with fur lining the ends, emblazoned with their logos on the back. Style her hair wild and powerful. 
If Virgo’s taking charge, a cat-eared maid, complete with new animal prints, cuter apron, and shorter skirt for close-combat practicality. 
Bonus: Aquarius x Scorpio. 
Alright, here we go. They clash strangely because one of them wears water clothing and the other sand clothing. I’ll be thinking of Scorpio as the ‘sporty variety’, by the way. 
If Aquarius is taking charge, a long shawl-type swimwear would work, with a high slit. I want to give her a long scorpion tail, but of course, a thin one that can look elegant, not the clunky armour in canon. I’d love if this gave her a bit of devilish connotations, and Aquarius would go on to look a little evil with dark, evil antagonist sort of vibe. I’m thinking of a ‘little devil’ vibe because Scorpio’s got the ‘punk rock’ thing going on, so if she doesn’t let out her infamous violent streak here, when? 
And yes, all swimsuit material. Because swimsuits are versatile. 
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I think Scorpio would look for a bit more practicality, so competitive swimwear to emphasize the thighs. Since he wants to emphasize armour so much, let’s see how that can work. As seen here, Azur Lane knows the balance between clunky metal and minimal fabric. So the main problem of the canon AxS dress is the metal parts are way too big and impractical. Give Lucy a smaller tail. Ditch the gauntlets and boots, or at make them much less clunky, leading in to high stockings and sleeve gloves. Honestly, we don’t need the tail for her-- make it a whip sword. Give Lucy a huge clunky sword that can extend like Renji Abarai’s sword, shaped like Scorpio’s tail. 
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Bonus: Aquarius x Gemini. 
If Aquarius’s taking charge, it’ll be a mermaid tail dress, alternatively layered with blue and white. Definitely needs a train, frilled like waves behind her. I’m thinking a kind of cartoon queen dress, the kind with really high collars that frame around the head? I think snow white had a bit of it? The original gemini dress has it too. That, plus something like the headdress part too, all patterned and adorned to give the Gemini court jester look. 
If Gemini’s taking charge, then I’m thinking a cuter direction-- a balloon skirt, the type that are round and puffy like a tutu or something with frills around the edges? Not sure if you understand what I mean, but balloon shorts is fine, point is, with string adornments it could look like a jellyfish. There are swimsuits in this sort of design, too, so it also fits with Aquarius! Maybe if we wanna go for sexy, complete this design with a tube top + a bit of a frill choker in Gemini colours.
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Bonus: Etc ideas. These are a bit messy.
Gemini with anyone else-- starting with Cancer, they’ll go on the magic Kaito route with the stage magician look, suit and tailcoat, top hat, etc. Of course keep the split-colour theming. For Aries, definitely put her right into a mascot costume. I would think mixing with Virgo would give us a strange butler-maid mix, maybe even literally split down the middle. For Sagittarius, go full on with the leprechaun theme, shorts and suits and hat and toe boots and all. 
For Capricorn, Lucy should transition from modest librarian to sexy librarian. Yes, I just said that. Gemini would piss Capricorn off and that’s the point, I want to see it. It would be the funniest damn thing because Lucy would love it while Capricorn loses his mind about immodesty. I like to imagine it happening and Capricorn just freezing in the middle of battle to go “GEMINI, WHAT DID I SAY.” Jokes aside, a warlock coat or something in a dracula direction would be incredibly cool as well.  
Also, Gemini and Pisces would be interesting. I’m thinking a stuntman-type concept, but that’s about it for what I can think of now. 
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I think Scorpio on a delinquent route would mesh amazingly with Aries-- a fun, comfortable casual fit, with woolen hoodies, sweater sleeves, fun, pastel frills, loose socks and sneakers, something right out of instagram outfit aesthetics. Leo would add animal designs on it. Taurus would have so much fun with this clothing theme, especially if we ignore practicality. Cancer and Scorpio can go in a marching band direction. 
Scorpio would probably fit amazingly with Libra, because they’re both middle-eastern inspirations, design-wise. I’m thinking a ‘wandering Egyptian bard’ sort of look, traveller’s cloaks, sashes. But I think I’ll use the ‘rockstar’ theme for the others because it’ll clash too much with Libra. 
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I’d like to think Aries is most concerned about looking comfortable over genuine practicality. Anything she gives would look like something people would actually wear on the daily, because Aries is modest and comfy and cute and she’s very concerned about that above all else. 
I’m thinking for an Aquarius mix, she would go for a one-piece dress type swimsuit, with frills instead of wool since that won’t mix well with water. There’s be plenty of sheep designs, though, layers of frills to look fluffy enough. For Capricorn, an old-fashioned peasant dress. I think it’d be cute if Cancer mixes and just straight up turns Lucy into an actual magical girl design. For Virgo who’s in charge of royal connotations today, I’m thinking a unicorn princess vibe. 
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Generally, I’d think putting Leo with anyone would give them animal features. Scorpio? Ah, add some cute cat ears on that hoodie, please. For Aries, I think ditch the royal connotations and go straight up animal costume. Fluffy woolen dresses, mittens, boots, cat ears, and of course, comfy shorts so Lucy can go full animal. Cancer or Taurus? Ah, get ready for one sexy cat...
Libra? Oh dear, this needs to be sexy, put some animal prints and fur on all of that, please. Definitely mix the ‘sexy’ aspect of Libra with the punk side of Leo-- that means animals stripes! Loke wears tiger stripes sometimes on his tie, so it’s fair. Cheetah prints, etc, those things would be cute. Definitely something easy to move in like dancer clothing, but more practical eg less sashes, more fur. But definitely tons of accessories for the same reason as the Leo clothes. 
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Aquarius with anyone shouldn’t immediately go to swimsuits, it should go to ‘sea connotations’ in general. Sea accessories and wave-like frills, swimsuit fabrics, bikini tops or swimsuits hidden underneath more practical clothing, etc. For a Cancer mix, marine navy uniforms. I think Leo would add a formal captain’s coat, but Virgo would go with a corset and petticoat. 
For those that remain swimsuits, they could add their own flair to it, Sagittarius could make it more fairy-like, water spirits or jellyfish-like (I’m making his thing the ‘fantasy archetypes’). I think Capricorn will give Lucy a long, formal mermaid hem dress, complete with a boa. 
But okay, I have one thing I’m very firm on: Aquarius and Taurus? It needs to be a pirate-themed swimsuit, complete with the hat. IT HAS TO BE, okay? It’s a perfect mix of concepts. Sea bandits, land pirates, cowboys, it just works. 
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I like to think Cancer turns everyone into a uniform of some sort. I just think it’d be a cute theme to have since he’s always in smart casual. For Virgo, I’d think he’d go the boyish route, with a sort of young prince’s formal clothing, coat and double-breasted and all. Capricorn, I think it would be interesting to go for a mage priest-type costume. For Taurus, definitely full on cheerleader. I definitely want to make a point that her hair needs to be absolutely gorgeous in all of these. 
For Sagittarius-Cancer specifically, hear me out... equestrian clothing. 
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I’d like to think Taurus adds a country vibe to most things. For things he can’t country like the royal suits or Scorpio’s modern fits, he’ll find a way to double up the sexy instead, like off-shouldering maid dresses for Virgo. He’d also make a sexy librarian dress for Capricorn to piss him off, though I think he won’t change it even if Capricorn complains, unlike Gemini. 
He’d clash strangely with Aries, but I think they’ll find a compromise on the little red riding hood route. 
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I want Virgo to hold most of the royal connotations, honestly, just to set her apart from the others that are also in formal-looking suits. A mix with Libra could make something like an Arabian queen. 
But specifically, I think Virgo and Capricorn will give Lucy a formal, noble lady’s dress. Something befitting of a fairy tale princess. 
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To set Sagittarius apart, I want him to have all kinds of fantasy elements in his dresses, not just elves. With Virgo, he’ll make a rogue hunter. With Leo, a cute werewolf (lion?).  Aries can have full control of this one, a simple black dress with plenty of wool at the ends and the collar, maybe even give Lucy actual horns and style her hair into curls. Of course, all of them will definitely have bows and arrows in some form or another, eg Taurus would be a wild west gunslinger with crossbows? Oh and, magical girl phase #2 with Sagittarius and Cancer, without wool though. 
And Gemini would be just a straight up flamboyant clown, high-collar cloak, two-toned masquerade mask, top hat. Speaking of masquerade, a Capricorn mix could be a full on masquerade theme, evening gown and all. 
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Alright, I’m exhausted, I had way too much fun with these.
If anyone read this far, thank you! 
To summarize.
Aries would turn everything wooly, pastel, fluffy, and comfortable. 
Taurus would dial up the sexy x2, or he would give things country, old fashioned- kinda vibes including cowboys, pirates, country girl/farmer/peasant, etc. 
Gemini would take everything in a magician or amusement park clown direction, including magical girls, court jesters, pierrots, masquerades. 
Cancer would turn everything into a uniform of some sort. (Work uniforms, not school uniforms). His theme would be looking professional. 
Leo turns everything in wild, delinquent, and animalistic theming, with a bit of an authoritative ‘leader of the bad boys’ vibe.
Virgo holds all of the royal connotations, from maids to knights, to princesses. 
Scorpio takes a punk, rockstar direction. Musical vibes would be his thing, from fantasy bards to marching bands to opera singers. 
Sagittarius would have all of the fantasy connotations. Starting with elves and leprechauns, to RPG roles like hunter, werewolf, fairies. 
Capricorn would have modesty as his main focus, ‘pride of a noble’ and all. He would focus on making Lucy look fit for an audience with the king, responsible and well-kempt at all times. This is different from Cancer in that Lucy would be the served instead of the one serving, and differs from Virgo in that it doesn’t go as far as ‘royal’. Just noble, beautiful, and proud as a Heartfilia. He’s a bit old-fashioned, too. 
Aquarius would be the sea, of course. Swimsuits, and everything of a marine connotation including navy uniforms, pirates, and mermaid hem dresses. 
Libra would take everything in a middle-eastern inspiration, Arabian kinda. 
Pisces would be marine connotations as well, but they’ll take it in a specifically leotard-armour inspiration, kinda like most mecha anime girls.
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what’s your phone wallpaper: one of my fav jaws fan posters (this but purple)
last song you listened to: you should be dancing by the bee gees >:)
currently reading: last night in twisted river by john irving
last movie: titanic. i think tomorrow i'm gonna watch air!
last show: 30 rock
craving: the kind of pizza they eat in traditionally animated movies that released in the 90s
what are you wearing right now: a t-shirt i bought yesterday and black shorts with lil pink flowers on them
how tall are you?: 5'8"? 5'6"? somewhere in that vicinity
piercings / tattoos? : paw prints trailing down my left forearm toward my hand, the lion king musical logo on my upper left forearm, a massive jaws portrait on my left thigh, rafiki's drawing of simba on my right thigh and an audrey ii (in process) on my lower right leg. no piercings!
glasses? contacts?: glasses :} i loooove wearing glasses!!!
last thing you ate?: salted popcorn. which counts as dinner
favorite color(s): khaki green, mustard yellow, dark red, all blues, black, rose gold... anything in a pastel shade
current obsession: i can answer this in terms of things i collect i guess which is jaws and tlk... got mini collections for balto, conan, gremlins/gizmo, little shop/audrey ii..... and jellycat dragons!!
any pets: dsh tabby (sam), ragdoll (didi), golden retriever (scout), westie (gigha) and cocker spaniel (nell)
do you have a crush right now?: on all my friends! all the time!
favorite fictional character: mufasa 🦁
last place you traveled: i haven't been outside of scotland in over a year. last place i was at was london!
tagged by: stolen from @cxldblxxded!!
tagging: you!
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mdronebarger · 4 months
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howtoteen101 · 2 years
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Westie Christmas tree dog Sticker!
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vennwill · 2 years
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brn1029 · 2 years
On this one and only date, well,there is one every 365 days, I guess…but on this date in music history….
November 7th
2016 - Leonard Cohen
Canadian singer, songwriter and poet Leonard Cohen died at the age of 82 at his home in Los Angeles. Cohen pursued a career as a poet and novelist during the 1950s and early 1960s, and did not launch a music career until 1967, at the age of 33. His first album, Songs of Leonard Cohen (1967), was followed by three more albums of folk music: Songs from a Room (1969), Songs of Love and Hate (1971) and New Skin for the Old Ceremony (1974). "Hallelujah" is a song written by Canadian singer Leonard Cohen, originally released on his album Various Positions (1984). His song 'Hallelujah' found greater popular acclaim through a recording by John Cale, which inspired a recording by Jeff Buckley.
2014 - Bruce Springsteen
Two wealthy fans paid $300,000 to eat lasagne with Bruce Springsteen at his house. Springsteen started off the annual Stand Up For Heroes event by playing an acoustic set, then offering the instrument to the highest bidder. When bidding reached $60,000, he threw in a guitar lesson, which someone offered $250,000 for. At this point, he offered up a lasagne dinner at his house, a ride around the block in the sidecar of his motorbike and the shirt off of his back. All the money went to the Bob Woodruff Foundation, which helps injured servicemen and their families when they return home.
2014 - AC/DC
Australian drummer of AC/DC, Phil Rudd, had a charge of attempting to arrange a murder dropped in New Zealand, but he will still facing charges of drugs possession and making threats to kill. The U-turn by authorities, announced less than 24 hours after Mr Rudd appeared in court, was because of a lack of evidence, his lawyer said.
2002 - Guns N' Roses
12 Guns N' Roses fans were arrested during a riot after a gig in Vancouver was cancelled. Promoters pulled the gig after Axl Rose's flight from Los Angeles was delayed.
1987 - Tiffany
Tiffany became the youngest act to score a US No.1 since Michael Jackson ('Ben', in 1972) with 'I Think we're Alone Now'. The song written by Ritchie Cordell was initially a 1967 hit for Tommy James & the Shondells.
1981 - Hall and Oates
Hall and Oates started a two week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with 'Private Eyes', the duo's third US No.1, a No.32 hit in the UK.
1975 - Steve Anderson
A new world record was set for continuous guitar string plucking by Steve Anderson who played for 114 hours 17 minutes.
1975 - Elton John
Elton John started a three week run at No.1 on the US album chart with 'Rock Of The Westies', the singers tenth studio album and seventh US No.1 contained the US No.1 and No.14 UK single, 'Island Girl', which was released prior to the album.
1974 - Ted Nugent
Ted Nugent won a National Squirrel-shooting contest after picking off a squirrel at 150 yards. The heavy metal guitarist also shot dead 27 other mammals during the three day event.
1969 - The Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones kicked off their 6th North American tour at Fort Collins state University, Colorado. Also on the bill was Ike and Tina Turner, Chuck Berry and B.B. King.
1967 - Elton John
Reg Dwight (Elton John) and his song writing partner Bernie Taupin signed to DJM publishing, their signatures had to be witnessed by their parents because they were both under 21 years of age. Taupin answered an advertisement for a lyric writer placed in the New Musical Express, the pair have since collaborated on over 30 albums.
1967 - The Beatles
The Beatles finished recording ‘Blue Jay Way’, ‘Flying’ and ‘Magical Mystery Tour.’ The Beatles have only six songs, not enough for an album so decided to issue a double-EP. Capitol Records didn’t think the double-EP format would be acceptable for the US market, so they decide to put out an album instead. The six "Magical Mystery Tour" songs with five of the six songs from The Beatles' 1967 singles went on side two.
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studiosem2thomas · 2 years
Persona Descriptions/ Blurbs
You can find this friendly Auckland sheep at either the skatepark, practicing his latest tricks, at the mall, keeping up with the latest microtrends, or at University, daydreaming about being at the skatepark or the mall. Whilst he struggles to pay his weekly rent that won't stop him from copping the latest drip. The Auckland sheep is active across all social platforms, so if he gives you a follow…you better follow him back!
If you’re looking for the Welly Sheep, you can find her at one of the 300+ cafes in Wellington, sipping on her daily flat white. Welly spends her days Op Shopping for clothes that definitely won’t protect her from Wellington’s harsh winds, listening to her favorite Indie music, or at the art gallery. Welly is passionate towards various activism topics and is very environmentally conscious…so you better bring your reusable cup along to the next coffee date!
The Mount
The day starts at 6:00am for The Mount Sheep! After fueling himself with a mince and cheese pie and a canned energy drink to wash it down, The Mount will start his morning by catching a few waves down at the local surf beach. If he isn’t catching waves himself, he’s on duty as a surf lifesaver making sure paddle boarders don’t swim too close to the rocks. The Mount is very laid back and enjoys the simple things in life…but that doesn’t mean he won’t put his party trunks on when the sand goes cold!
The Gizzy Sheep thrives in the summertime. He feels most at home in one of New Zealand's many summer festivals, camping in his $30 tent that has a 72 hour lifespan. This rowdy festival goer spends his days doing anything to revive himself from the epic hangover of last night's rave. Gizzy will use Hawaiian shirts and coloured visitors to shield himself from the hot sun beating down on the campers during the day, and will drink any assortment of RTD’s to keep himself hydrated. He won’t have to worry about applying sunscreen to his arms though…his ever growing festival wristband collection acts as a proficient SPF.
You can find the Dunners Sheep in his natural habitat…Dunedin's top notch, state of the art, student flatting! The only thing Dunners mixes better than his bourbon and cola, is the drum and bass tunes he spins up when he hits the decks on a Tuesday night. This breather absolutely inhales drum and bass like it’s oxygen. If you’re lucky Dunners will invite you to the next kick ons…dress code: flannels and jorts!
If you blink, you’ll miss her! The Queenstown Sheep never stays in one place for too long, as her action packed days, partaking in her favorite X sports keeps her moving. No matter what season it is, Queenstown will stick to her two C’s. In the summertime these two C’s stand for clip and climb, as she’ll scale one of the marvelous mountains Queenstown has to offer. This daredevil tends to thrive in winter, when these two C’s become Cardrona and Coronet [Peak]. You’ll catch her up the mountain shredding the fresh power on her snowboard. Although she loves the snowy terrain, she also enjoys the flat wooden terrain of the dance floor, as she dances the night away at her favorite nightclub.
The Westie
Where consumerism extends no further than an ugg boots, rugby league shorts combo, and a side of leather jacket, with extra must, lies the land of the bogan. AKA - the home of the Westie Sheep. Westie, decked head to toe in leather, considers Guns N’ Roses a personality trait. Westie's best friend’s name is Harley Davidson, his beloved motorbike, which he purchased for the sole purpose of attempting to beat his previous decibel PR at each red light stop. Although Westie likes to have fun, don’t let this undermine his work ethic, as he often works over time, working long hours at the local pokies. 
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westywallowing · 4 years
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✨undercut julie!✨
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lastcallatrockysbar · 5 years
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1x09 Home
For Liz @misswhizzy ❤️
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