#west sober living home LA online.
Christmas in Wyoming - Five
Pairing: Logan Delos x Reader; Emma x her ego
Word count:7430
Rating: M (language)
Author’s Note: This is the last real part - and though I FINISHED it while it was still July 25th on the west coast of the US... I’m posting it a few minutes late. This ties up MANY things... but there’s still an epilogue, so don’t worry. 
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Bundled up in a snowsuit, boots and two different pairs of socks and gloves, you used the snowblower to clear your driveway, meticulously moving up and down in neat, even rows - just the way your life had been before you met Logan Delos. “I want to buy it”, he’d said simply, as if it wasn’t a shock to you, as if he wasn’t talking about taking the thing that you’d grown up building and doing something unknown with it. 
Why Fireside? Why us? You knew enough about the world of business to know that when a man like Logan Delos wanted something, he got it, and it didn’t matter how. He was the best of the best - smooth talking, sure of himself, filthy rich and determined… and Fireside was his latest project. I should have known better. You shook your head as you moved, the snow still flying around you. Maybe I’ll plow all the way down the road back to the resort, and then I can take him home. 
 An hour and a half later, you’d cleared not only your own driveway, but those of both neighbors, too - including sidewalks. You’d left Logan standing in the living room, watching you wordlessly as you ran upstairs, getting dressed and then out the front door, still not looking at him. He hadn’t followed, and you assumed that he knew what you were doing based on the noise of the blower, but the truth was that you were cold and needed to go inside, even if it meant facing him. What do I even say? The smell of cooking meat greeted you when you stepped inside, but you rolled your eyes, ignoring Logan calling your name, pleading with you to stop, and heading back upstairs to change again. Once done, your hair down and loose around your shoulders, you sat on the edge of the bed, head hanging down and your hands between your knees. “Can we talk?” You groaned, finally looking up at Logan, who was standing in the hallway, just outside the doorway, a frown on his face. He got dressed. “I cooked you lunch, I thought you’d be cold after bein’ outside for so long.” 
 Staring at him without responding, you counted to ten in your head. Be reasonable. “We can talk, Logan. But this is… what was I? A distraction? Did you think that you could win me over and then I’d just turn on Brandon and Elle because you were a good lay?” You stood, feeling the anger rise in your chest as you walked toward Logan, hands clenched into fists. “That why you’re staying for so long? Had to give yourself time to make it believable, to make me fall for you without a giant city and endless shit to do?” You shook your head, moving to push past Logan and without touching you, he let you go by. At least he has some decency. “Well, Logan, it halfway worked, because -”
 “Please, eat.” He was behind you again, standing in the kitchen doorway with his arms crossed. “We can talk while we eat.” Logan gestured to the table and you sat, frowning at the bowl in front of you. Spaghetti and meatballs. “I didn’t know how much time I’d have, so I just…” 
 “It’s fine, Logan.” You sighed, picking up your fork and sticking it into the pasta. “Talk.” He stayed silent though, picking up his own fork and eating a few bites. This is actually good, I didn’t think he’d know how to cook. 
 “First of all, this isn’t how I wanted to tell you any of this.” Logan sighed and you looked up at him, sitting across from you at the table, still in his short sleeves. “So I’m sorry for that, but after that kiss, I couldn’t…” He trailed off, and you picked up a piece of garlic bread, biting into it without breaking eye contact. Keep trying. “Brandon and Elle know.” Your hand froze and Logan continued. “They… when I booked, I told them I was interested, but I wanted to see the property first, wanted to know if it would…” He kept speaking, but you held up a hand. 
 “Excuse me?” You swallowed. “Brandon and Elle… they… what?” Your mind was racing, but it made sense; the way Brandon had asked you to drop everything to go and get Logan, even though the flight had changed, the way neither of them had seemed concerned about the lack of bookings, about the cancellations, the way Elle had responded to Logan staying in your house. “I need… Logan, I need more than that.” But it’s supposed to be mine, I want to run it, it’s… 
 “Eat first, please, and then we can…” Logan’s eyes moved down, but not to his bowl - they fell on his arm, which was resting on the table. “Eat, and then I’ll explain everything.” With a final nod, you turned your attention back to your food, both of you eating silently, the loudest sounds in the room the silverware scraping against the dishes. After finishing and putting everything into the dishwasher, you walked back into the living room, settling onto the couch. “Where do I start?” He was speaking out loud, but you realized that he was talking to himself, his long arms crossed over his chest again, fingers gripping his own skin tightly. “LA or Westworld, or….” 
 “Logan.” You took a deep breath. “Sit down.” Heart thumping, you looked up at him, noting his startled expression. “You’re pacing.” 
 “Right.” Logan took a deep breath, perching on the edge of the armchair, body angled toward you. “You know about Westworld, about what it is, right?” You nodded. “And you read about me online, too? About… William and Delos and…” You nodded again, pressing your lips together. This is all common knowledge. “It wasn’t the only thing, but that… that trip was a big factor in my…” He paused, gritting his teeth. “My downward spiral.” He continued, talking about the darkest times in his life - the drugs, the men and women, the drinking, the anger. “I just wanted to be good enough for my dad, and for the world, you know? It was like… I was never going to be as much as they wanted me to be, no matter how hard I tried, so why even try? Why bother?” Logan licked his lips. “Even that got old after a while, and not trying was harder than actually trying. So I decided to get sober, at least from the drugs. The sex and the drinking were a different story, but I found that the sex wasn’t as important when I wasn’t high, and the drinking… well, there’s no way I’m going cold turkey on that, so…” Logan shrugged. “Anyway.” Logan’s eyes darted around the room, landing on the Christmas tree, the lights, the mistletoe and then on you. He looks so anxious. “I was clean for a year, and then a few months ago, I relapsed.” He looked down, holding his arm out toward you, and for the first time, you looked closely, seeing the small, pink indentations in the inside of his elbow. Oh, shit. 
 Most of them looked old, but there were two newer marks, and though you didn’t want to look at them, you knew that since he was showing you, you needed to. “Logan, I didn’t know, I didn’t see anything when -”
 “From this year, yeah.” He chuckled, the sound hollow. “I told you my lawyers are good.” You looked up, meeting his eyes.  “I started off just smoking pot occasionally, and then decided to go back to coke, but it was just too easy to get back on dope, and since Juliet was dealing with William and my dad doesn’t give a shit, no one noticed until it was almost too late.” He swallowed, standing. “Two and a half months ago, I went on a bender, and almost died. Got some bad shit, it was laced… and it was a wake up call for me.” Logan turned away from the window, looking back at you. “I didn’t want to be defined by my mistakes anymore and decided to get my shit together. I checked into a detox facility exclusive to people like me.” Rich people. He walked back over, pointing at the couch next to you, and you nodded twice, letting him know he could sit. “I left after two weeks, but I didn’t use again, it was because I couldn’t stand the fuckin’ people there, they weren’t committed, they didn’t really want to get better.” He said your name, reaching out but stopping just before he touched your leg. “It was too loud, too busy, too... public.“
 “I get it, Logan.” Your voice was quiet, eyes on his hands and arms, focused on the way that his forearm muscles were flexing as he knit his fingers together. “You weren’t gonna get better there, so you decided to get better on your own or not at all.” 
 “Exactly.” He took a deep breath. “The day I got home, I started looking online, and I found a bunch of different secluded camps - cabins, and lodges and… just away from the city, away from people. And I started looking into them, just because  I wanted to get away.” Your jaw dropped, watching as Logan spoke, listening to his words. “I couldn’t spend the holidays in LA, I wouldn’t have survived it with my family, and when I found this place, I thought it was perfect. There’s nothin’ around here.” He laughed again, hands moving through his hair nervously. “I reached out to some of my contacts, right? When we were on our way back from the airport? There’s no one out here that’s dealin’, and it’s perfect.” The look on your face must have given something away because Logan continued, finally reaching out to take your hand, squeezing your fingers. “I woudn’t have used, and didn’t tell them exactly where I was, but there was no one, even for someone with my connections… and I’m sure I coulda found somethin’ local if I tried hard enough, but...“
 “Logan, I don’t… what?” He covered your joined hands with his other one, squeezing again. His hands are so warm. This is why he’s so thin, he almost… fuck, Logan. 
 “When I booked, your aunt and uncle knew who I was, but I promised them I wouldn’t bring my shit here with me, that it was just a retreat, a way for me to get away. But I was already workin’ on things, getting stuff in order because I had an idea. You guys weren’t fully booked for the month of December in the middle of October, so I figured somethin’ was up. I saw the financials, I knew you were struggling, knew that they’d likely be open to selling, or havin’ me invest.” Logan’s shoulders rose as he inhaled. “But when I told them what I wanted to do with the place when I was checking in, they both…” What do you want to do?  “This place is perfect, and I knew it as soon as we pulled up, but I still went drivin’ around to make sure.” He scooted closer on the couch, saying your name again and asking you to look up at him. “I don’t just want to buy this place and turn it into another Snow King. I want to make it… I want to turn it into a rehab retreat for people like me, who have no other support and just need time away from the bullshit, away from the people that don’t take it seriously.” 
 To say that you were shocked was an understatement, and as you stared at Logan, you saw no deception in his eyes, no traces of dishonesty. “This place? A… for… how? There’s a campground, and it’s… there’s only one building, and we don’t have the staff, Logan …” Logan shook his head. 
 “It’d all be figured out, and until we did that, you’d be stayin’ open and just… it would be the way it is now, but you wouldn’t have to worry about money, you wouldn’t have to worry about anything while we change some things.” Logan shook his head twice, blowing out a breath. “Your aunt and uncle were going to talk to you about it after Christmas, but things with us happened so fast, and I didn’t want to keep it from you, especially if....” Keep it from me? “It’s gonna be up to you, Fireside is… it’s yours. I’m not going to take it from you, but I just wanted you to know that that’s what I’m thinking, what I want to do. That’s why I’m here - this isn’t just a vacation from being a Delos for me, even though that’s an added plus. It’s work, it’s… me tryin’ to do better for others in a way that no one ever did for me.” 
 “Logan, I don’t…” You were stunned, unsure of how to respond. It makes sense, but it’s too simple. “I had no idea that… are you doing alright?” He nodded, looking back at you, jaw working as if he was at a loss for words. 
 “Yeah, I’m much better than I was.” He winked at you again, a gesture that was becoming more and more familiar. “Especially since someone’s takin’ me places where I can eat my weight in waffles.” You laughed, leaning closer to him, though still uneasy. “But really, I’m better. A place like this would have been perfect for me to get away, and if I can do that for people, I want to.” Logan’s shoulders slumped, his eyes closing. “But it’s up to you, and it always will be. You need to talk to Brandon and Elle and… I can show you plans and information, but now everything’s out in the open.” Everything? Though you couldn’t fault Logan for the idea that he’d had for Fireside, you still didn’t know where you fit in - if you did. 
 “What about me, Logan, about… this?” You lifted your hand, fingers interlocked with Logan’s. “This part of your pitch? Part of trying to get Fireside?” Logan didn’t answer, but instead, narrowed his eyes at you. “It’s going to take more than a kiss, Logan, more than you cooking me dinner or cracking a few jokes, or -”
 “What about honesty?” He sat up straight, pulling his hand away from yours and resting both of his palms on his legs, fingers curling slightly. “You were a total shock.” He wet his lips. “I came here, thinking I’d have to convince your aunt and uncle, but then I met you, and you were… a surprise.” He looked upward and then back at you, “I didn’t expect you to be like this with me, but it’s nice. I like you, and I like that you’re not impressed with any of the bullshit.” He sighed. “I get it, you bein’ mad at me about this. When my father told me that I wasn’t guaranteed to inherit Delos, it felt like… the world disappeared from under my feet, and when he told me who it might go to? I felt betrayed. I felt angry. Fireside’s your Delos, and even though you’re absolutely right, and we don’t know each other, I know that it would be wrong to take it from you.” Logan shook his head, looking down at his own hands. “I want to buy Fireside and improve it, turn it into somethin’ that’s going to help people at the same time that it… it wouldn’t just be a vacation, not just a place to camp, it could do some real good.” Logan’s eyes met yours and they were warm again, the deep, rich brown that you’d seen in Persephone. “Talk to your aunt and uncle. Think about it. Look at the information I’ve got.  If you say no, you say no, and I’ll have to look into other places.” 
 You watched him without speaking, taking in his posture and the set of his shoulders. “Logan, I -” You were cut off by a rumbling sound from outside, eyes going to the front door. A plow. “They’re plowing my street.” He let out a breath. 
 “That means they did the main road too, doesn’t it?” You nodded, chewing on the inside of your lower lip. “Guess you’re not stuck with me after all.” No, I guess not. “Will you drive me back? That way if it keeps snowing, you’ll get back before the road’s covered again.” You brought your hands up to your eyes, covering them and taking a deep breath. Yes. Space. Distance. 
 “Alright, Logan.” You looked over at him, trying to keep your expression even. “Let’s get you back.” 
 You didn’t stop to talk to Brandon and Elle when you dropped Logan off in front of his cabin - the Jeep parked in the cleared spot - because the snow was still coming down, and the roads were quickly getting re-covered. Logan didn’t try to kiss you when he got out of the car, though he did turn toward you, raising one hand, fingers pausing an inch from your face before he dropped it, shaking his head and exiting quickly, thanking you for driving him and letting him stay. 
 The road home wasn’t quite treacherous, but it was slick, and you heaved a sigh of relief when you pulled into your garage and stepped back into your house - the warmth that had been present with Logan there all but gone. You sent a text to Elle letting her know that Logan was back at Fireside and another letting her know that you were turning your phone off for the night, and then spent the rest of the evening deep cleaning your house, starting in your bedroom, moving to the guest room - where you took the sheets off of the bed and put them in the washing machine as quickly as possible, wanting to rid them of Logan’s scent. 
 By eleven, you were exhausted, but the house was clean, and you realized that you hadn’t eaten since the spaghetti, so you heated up another bowl of it, stabbing at the noodles angrily. “I want to buy it...for people like me… tryin’ to do better for others in a way that no one ever did for me.” His reasons were solid - the name Logan Delos was synonomous with excess; sex and money and drugs, a larger than life personality… but on your couch, he’d been a shadow of that, honest in a way that you wouldn’t have expected, even from someone you’d known your entire life. “Oh, Logan.” The tears were rolling down your cheeks again as you ate, and after a little while, you pushed the bowl away, putting your head down on your arms atop the table. You don’t have to decide tonight, you haven’t even talked to Elle and Brandon yet. 
 You slept soundly that night, waking up early the following morning and turning your phone back on. Answering a slew of texts from your aunt and Ana - Ana’s excited, Elle’s concerned, you looked out the window, seeing that the snow had mostly stopped, and the road was clear. There was no better way for you to lose yourself for a few hours, and so checking your phone again and letting Ana know you’d be in Jackson Hole to finish your Christmas shopping, you headed out, keeping your eyes on the road as you passed Fireside, even though you saw Brandon making his way down the driveway, plow on the front of his truck lowered. 
 The shops in Jackson Hole were packed, and it seemed like everywhere you went, you ran into someone you knew, that wanted to talk to you. Though not in the mood, you answered their questions about Elle and Brandon, about the resort, about yourself with a cheerful expression on your face as you moved from shop to shop, picking out small things here and there, knowing that you’d spend the extra day off wrapping everything just to have it ready for Christmas. Deciding to stop for a late lunch before heading home, you parked in front of Noodle Kitchen, quickly making your way inside and getting in the short line in front of the counter. I wonder if Logan likes Asian food. Closing your eyes, you tried to push the thought from your head, to ignore the memory of his hand against your back, the way his lips had felt against yours. “You were a surprise.” 
 “I’m surprised you can still afford this place with all of your cancellations.” You turned at the voice, mentally preparing yourself for the interaction with Emma. “We had a few guests calling us to see if we had openings, said that they’d planned on staying with you, but were worried about the… lack of amenities on your property with all this snow.” She raised an eyebrow, smirking. “I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that we were easily able to accommodate them.” You rolled your eyes. “Did you see the news last night? I noticed you didn’t like my Instagram post, I thought I picked a few good shots of Logan and myself…” She trailed off, a gleam in her eye. You have no shame. 
 “I saw the news, Emma.” You nodded. “How lucky that there just so happened to be someone ready with a camera set to record video when you planted one on him.” She looked surprised. “But why are you running with the narrative that he’s staying at Snow King? You know he’s not. He knows he’s not, your parents know he’s not…”
 “How do you know I kissed him?” She spoke slowly, confusion on her face. “That’s not what the video…” Shit. 
 “Because I know you, Emma. I’ve known you since you were five, and I know you better than anyone else.” You shook your head, glancing at the counter, which was only two people away. “If you wanted to get a kiss on camera, you’d do whatever it took to get it… no matter what.” She sneered at you, shaking her head. 
 “It doesn’t matter. I got it on camera, and you… kissing him was like... “ Yeah, I know. She smiled, eyes glinting. “It’s good publicity, and it’ll be even better when I convince him to put some money into our resort, it’ll be like a match-”
 “He’s not investing in Snow King, Emma. Come on.” You rolled your eyes. “He hasn’t responded to the pictures yet, and he’s not going to.” She looked as if you’d slapped her, but you continued. “You got your date with him, got your moment, got your publicity, but that’s all it’s going to be.” You turned away from her, greeting the man behind the counter and ordering, making a split second decision to take Logan dinner on your way back. “Can I get an order of the Pad Thai, spicy, and a salmon Brookie Roll and a White Dragon?” You smiled, handed over your credit card and signed the receipt, Emma staying silent until it was her turn to order. 
 While you stepped over to wait, you pulled your phone out - there were no alerts, and you debated over whether or not to text Logan to let him know you were coming, but chose not to. Surprising him will be better. “You seem to think you know a lot about Logan Delos, despite never meeting him.” Emma’s voice came from right beside you, curiosity dripping from every word. “Why?” None of your business. ‘Do you know something that I don’t?” 
 “Emma, what I know that you don’t isn’t the issue here. You’re lying to people about Logan in general, so why would I believe that you know anything at all about what he’s really like?” Her jaw dropped, but luckily, your name was called, a bag passed to you over the counter. “Merry Christmas, Emma. I hope you and your parents have a fantastic holiday.” Leaving her with a confused expression on her face, you headed back out to the car, settling in for the short drive. 
 His car was parked in the usual place and even though you’d felt confident about your decision while in the restaurant, you were nervous as you stood on his porch and raised your hand to knock. There was no answer for nearly a minute, and you’d just about given up when the door slid open, Logan standing in front of you in only a pair of sweats. What the fuck? “Oh! I wasn’t expecting you.” He sounded surprised and you opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. “I just got out of the shower, I was going to go and find something to eat…” 
 “I… brought you dinner, Logan.” You held up the bag, fighting to keep your gaze on his face. “Thought we could eat together, and just… not talk about anything resort related.” He paused. “If you don’t want to, that’s fine, I …” 
 “No, please. Come in.” He stepped aside, letting you in and followed. “Let me…” You looked back as he ran a hand through his still wet hair, shaking his head. “Let me go finish getting dressed.” As he headed back into the bedroom, he called back at you. “I’m sure you know where everything is, just make yourself at home.” 
 Five minutes later, you were both sitting on the couch, chopsticks in hand. “I didn’t know what you’d like, so I just guessed, Logan, I hope it’s - “
 “It’s perfect, thank you. I love Thai, and sushi is great, too.” You looked over, watching him as he grinned at you. “I’m surprised to see you, honestly. I figured you’d be mad at me, and -”
 “Logan, stop. I just want to eat. No Fireside, no Emma, no… anything.” You shook your head. “You asked me over for dinner, and here we are, let’s just enjoy it, alright?” Leaning over, he grabbed  a piece of sushi, lifting it to his mouth. You watched silently as his lips closed around it, the smile barely contained as he chewed. One night. Stop being so smug, you asshole. But as you ate, you were smiling, too. 
 Logan had given you a stack of papers in a file folder on your way out, raising his hands up and reminding you that he was simply asking you to look over them. Taking the folder from him, your hand had made contact with his again, sending your heart back into your throat. Come on, this is unfair. You took a deep breath, looking up at him, and before you’d been able to convince yourself that it was a bad idea, you’d kissed him again, lips meeting his as your free hand gripped his shoulder. When you’d tried to pull away, Logan had murmured the word ‘wait’ against your lips, and you felt his hand on the back of your neck, holding you in place. He’d kissed you again, though allowing you to keep your distance with the rest of your body, and you’d been unable to contain the contented sigh as his teeth closed around your lower lip again, tongue moving across it before he pulled away, sucking his own lower lip back between his teeth. 
 He hadn’t spoken to you again before you left, and it surprised you, but you got it - he didn’t know what to say, and likely didn’t want to press his luck. After wrapping a few presents and starting the first few batches of cookies for the lodge’s Christmas morning meal, you decided to take a shower and look over the information in the file, the paperwork spread out on the mattress in front of you while you sat cross-legged in your bed. 
 It was simple enough, and the information Logan had given you included a thorough history of the resort’s profits and losses, which were much more startling to you in the way he had them presented. I didn’t realize it was this bad. Also included were emails back and forth between Logan’s lawyers and property surveyors, a development firm and someone that seemed to be a personal friend of Logan’s - a therapist, who’d listed off many of the things that a successful rehab facility would need - and Brandon and Elle, but those were more recent, simply showing you that they were in fact aware of his desires, and that they seemed to be on board. It was a lot of information, and as you flipped through the pages, you realized that Logan hadn’t been lying; it was something that he’d been seriously considering for a long period of time… all he was waiting on was approval for the sale. He wants this. 
 The final stack of papers was a rough outline of a timeline, complete with a map of the property and the upgrades that would be made over time; using the current lodge as a meeting space, putting in an intake facility and an additional activity center, along with adding an indoor pool and gym. They’re upgrades, but… it fits. Also included was a preliminary valuation of the property alongside a proposed offer for the land, and a division two ways, with half going to you and the other half to Brandon and Elle, and the number made your eyes pop. That’s more than double what it’s worth, and all of the work that he’ll need to do… Exhausted, you put the papers back into the file, setting it on the nightstand and closing your eyes. Your phone was in your hand before you knew it, and despite the fact that it was after midnight, you sent a text to Logan. I looked at the file. Your offer is crazy, Logan. It’s too much.  You figured he’d be sleeping, but he responded almost immediately, his words causing you to grip your phone tightly. It’s more than fair, and it’s worth it. Think about it. You didn’t respond, instead laying down and pulling the blanket up as far as you could, closing your eyes. You fell asleep quickly, dreaming about Logan’s dark eyes and warm lips. 
 The following day, you finished wrapping all of your purchased presents - including a few that arrived from Amazon, finished more cookies, and made deliveries to Ana and Gina, handing over their gifts and spending a few minutes talking to both of them. It was your Christmas tradition, and even though you were trying not to think about it, you wondered what would happen to you if Logan bought the resort, effectively cutting you off from the only place you’d ever really called home for 23 years. Where would I work? What would I do? When you arrived back at home, you packed your things into the car - you always spent the night at the lodge on Christmas Eve, waking up early in the morning to cook with Brandon and Elle for the guests before having your gift exchange in the afternoon. Every task done, you decided to take things to Fireside early, eliminating the need to unpack before starting work the following morning. 
 Logan’s Jeep was gone when you arrived, and that somehow made things easier, allowing you to unpack quickly, unloading the baked goods into the kitchen and setting your gifts under the lobby tree with those from Brandon and Elle. “Finally feels like Christmas, hmm?” Elle had appeared in the doorway behind you, a smile on her face. “The presents make it real, don’t they?”
 “Yeah, Elle. They do.” You turned to her, deciding that it was time to talk. “Logan… told me what he’s doing. What he wants to…” Elle closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. 
 “All of the guests are checked in, why don’t we go and talk in the office before you head back?” You followed her into the office, taking a seat on the worn couch as she perched on the desk, Brandon sitting in the office chair. “He told us, Kiddo.” He did? “Logan came in shortly after you dropped him off on Saturday, and he looked… lost. He looked upset, and everything came out.” 
 “I wasn’t expecting that kind of honesty from him, not at all.” Brandon was grinning, leaning forward with his elbows on the dark wood. “But he’s been very open, ever since he booked, and especially since he got here.” 
 “Why didn’t you tell me? You knew, you had an idea of… I thought you would have told me something was…”
 “We’re in bad shape, Kiddo.” Elle’s voice was quiet, her shoulders drooping. “Really bad shape, and after these cancellations, it’s worse. We might make it another year, maybe two… and Brandon and I can’t just leave that on you.” Elle’s eyes were shining with unshed tears, and you watched as she reached behind her for Brandon’s hand, gripping it tightly. “We didn’t want to influence your decision, because this place means as much to you as it means to us.” 
 “Logan’s offer… it’s… it’s a good one.” Brandon locked eyes with you, speaking clearly. “You don’t have to take it, he’s made that very clear, and if you don’t, we’ll stick it out with you, through and until the end, but unless something drastic happens, we’ll need to sell this place sooner or later. And… trust me when I say that what Logan wants to do with it is much better than some of the other offers we’ve received recently.” His eyes narrowed, and without him having to say anything, you knew that the Baileys had reached out again, wanting an off-property addition for the resort. No way. Never. 
 “What should I do?” Your voice wavered, and you looked first at your aunt and then your uncle, lower lip trembling. “This isn’t… I always thought that I’d get to run this place when you guys decided to move on, and now, no matter what I do, that’s not an option, I…” You sniffed, wiping a tear away. “Logan’s plan would keep me here for what, an extra 18 months? And then what? He brings a team in to run the place and then I have to move? Have to… start over?” You paused. “And if I don’t agree to this, the same thing happens, but we sell with no idea what’s going to happen to Fireside? It becomes… whatever someone else wants it to be and we have no say?” Your aunt and uncle were quiet. “What if Logan’s plan doesn’t work, and he sells it? I don’t think I’d ever...” 
 “Logan wouldn’t sell to Emma’s family, Kiddo.” Elle was focused on you again, and you watched as she looked over her shoulder at Brandon, shooting him a silent stare. Standing, he moved to the doorway, pausing before he turned back to speak one final time. 
 “This is your decision. We can’t make it for you. But you need to know that no matter what you decide, it’s fine with me.” He looked at Elle, who nodded. “With us.” Smiling gratefully, you stayed silent until he’d left and Elle leaned forward, taking your hand in hers. 
 “The way he talks about you, you’d think he’s known you for years.” Elle’s gaze was warm. “He won’t sell to Emma’s family, even if the facility doesn’t pan out… which I believe it will.” Elle sighed, shaking her head. “To be honest with you, I don’t think that man would do anything to hurt you, despite his reputation.” What? “He’s different now than he used to be, the way he’s been while he’s here? You can’t fake that, not like he’s… this isn’t an act, I think…” She sighed, squeezing your hand tighter. “I think that this last time was a real wake up call for him, and he’s… focused.” Is he? “Something happened between you two, and I’m not sure what it was, Kiddo, but he was upset when we talked Saturday.” Elle stood, dropping your hand. “Go home. We’ll see you tomorrow, and we can talk more, but you don’t have to decide anything now - he’s going to be here for another ten days. You have time.” 
 She walked out of the room, leaving you sitting on the couch, eyes moving around the room. You had a lot to think about, a lot to consider, and yet you couldn’t stop thinking of Elle’s assessment of Logan, her words about his sincerity and his intentions. This is too much. Finally, after a few minutes you stood, leaving the office and heading back to your car, driving it slowly down the drive. He’s still gone. 
 The next day at the lodge, you were busy, helping Brandon and David set everything up in the main room - tables and chairs, the buffet table, even pulling the piano out of storage so that Brandon could play it the following night after you’d opened presents. That done, you called each cabin, checking to see if the guests needed anything before retreating to the kitchen to help Elle with the next day’s food - both for your family and for breakfast. None of you mentioned the proposition from Logan, instead focusing on the tasks at hand - turning the lodge into Christmas Central, since none of you wanted to do extra work the following day… but you thought about it - about him for almost the entire time you worked. 
 By 9 pm, the three of you had completely finished and had dinner, Brandon and Elle heading back to their apartment  adjacent to the lodge and you to the spare room next to the common one, settling into bed. It had started snowing again, and you closed your eyes, listening to the sound of the wind outside after setting your alarm for 6:30. You woke a few hours later, hearing a noise in the room next to you. What? You rubbed your eyes, wondering if Brandon or Elle had come back for something, and looked at the time on your phone - nearly two am. They get hungry? Sliding your feet into slippers, you opened the door, walking down the hallway quietly. 
 As you moved, you realized that the noise you heard was the piano, accompanied by singing. That’s not Brandon. You stopped at the end of the hall, eyes focused on the man sitting on the left side of the piano bench, back straight as he played by the light of the glowing tree. He can sing? He looks like that and can sing? Logan’s voice was low and somewhat haunting; his rendition of an upbeat Christmas song anything but, and you felt yourself moving through the room just as he hit the chorus, trying to be as quiet as possible so you didn’t interrupt him, even though the notes he was playing would have drowned out your steps. He finished the song, trailing off and taking a deep breath. “I can see your reflection.” Shit. “Sorry if I woke you up, I just couldn’t sleep.” You moved closer to Logan, pulling a seat away from one of the tables and sitting down next to him, crossing your legs. 
 “It’s fine, Logan, I didn’t know you could play.” He looked over at you, watching you with sad eyes. 
 “My mom played. She wanted Juliet to learn, but she was always too busy with other stuff, so I did it to make her happy.” Logan looked down at his hands, fingers still resting on the keys. “I stuck with the lessons even after she was gone, and I’ve been playing for twenty five years now.” Both of you were quiet, and your eyes went to the window in front of the piano, where the snow was still coming down. 
 “You gonna come back for breakfast tomorrow, Logan?” He looked at you again, uncertainty on his face. “I’m inviting you. And I’m inviting you for dinner, too.” 
 “You are?” You nodded. “I didn’t think you’d want me around, especially for somethin’ like Christmas.” He laughed quietly, playing a few more notes and sighed. “I figured I’d spend the day alone in the cabin, just like I planned.” 
 “No one should spend Christmas alone, Logan.” You shook your head, sliding from your chair and onto the bench next to him. “Please come.” Though he seemed surprised that you moved next to him, his fingers didn’t falter as he kept playing, the notes of ‘O Holy Night’ echoing through the room. Quietly listening, you studied Logan, watching his fingers move, watching his brow furrow as he concentrated on the keys, a few words slipping from his mouth now and then. He wouldn’t be able to play like this if he wasn’t… “That’s beautiful, Logan.” You spoke again as he finished, the final notes dying away. “Brandon will be so excited to hear you play.” 
 “I didn’t say that I was comin’ tomorrow.” Logan turned on the bench, his knee knocking into yours as he looked at your face, hands falling away from the piano and onto his lap. “Who knows, I might sleep all day, since I’m up so late.” 
 “Where’d you go earlier, Logan?” You shook your head. “I was going to stop yesterday when I came to drop stuff off, and you weren’t here, I -”
 “I had to go to Jackson Hole.” He took a breath. “Needed to go to see an attorney, sign some paperwork so that they could fax it back to my team.” What? “I told Emma she had 48 hours, and she didn’t listen, so…” Logan actually laughed. “So we started the cease and desist, and they actually served her with the paperwork yesterday, so she can’t just take it down now, this is going to be a whole thing.” Your laughter was louder than you anticipated, but even Logan had to smile at the sound of it. 
 “Christmas Eve-Eve, Logan? How much do you pay these people to be on call?” His expression turned serious and he reached out, settling a hand on your knee. 
 “Enough.” Though he said it with a straight face, it didn’t last, since you started laughing again, Logan joining in. “No, but seriously, they’re very willing to get things done for me whenever I need them. I could have had the paperwork out here Saturday afternoon if I’d wanted it, but I wanted to give her a chance.” And she didn’t take it, of course. “But that’s enough about her, it’s Christmas, and…” It is. I didn’t even think… Quiet again, Logan raised his hands back to the piano, playing another song - this time, he sang the whole thing, and you found yourself joining in even though you didn’t sing often, voices joining together on the last line. 
 “Is this your first white Christmas, Logan?” It was your turn to speak quietly, heart beating quickly, attention drawn to Logan’s face as he nodded. “Well, I’m glad you could spend it here.” You swallowed, closing your eyes. Really? “With us.” Another pause and you opened your eyes, unsurprised to see that Logan was staring at you. “With me.” His lips parted, but you continued. “Logan…” Just say it. “You should see what this place is like at Christmas, because next year, you’ll own it.” He didn’t say anything in response, but his eyes widened. “I’ll… we’ll sell to you, Logan. But you have to promise me that -” He cut you off with his lips, both hands on either side of your face as his mouth moved with yours, your body moving toward his without restraint, hands on his sides against his ribs. It’s the right decision. 
 Logan pulled away from you but didn’t drop his hands, breathing hard. “We’ll talk about it later this week, alright? No more business on Christmas.” You smiled, nodding. “But you gave me the best gift possible - you need to know that.” Your heart was pounding, but you could feel that his was too. “You should go back to sleep, it’s late, and…” He glanced over his shoulder at the door, closing his eyes. “I’m gonna go back to my cabin, maybe I’ll be able to sleep now.” 
 “Logan?” You raised one hand, fingers again running through his hair. “You’re not my boss yet… do you want some company?” He didn’t answer right away, his breath catching in his throat. 
 “Are you sure?” You nodded immediately, not even finishing the motion of your head before Logan was leaning back in, mouth against your ear. “Get your shoes and your coat then.” He kissed the side of your face, beard rough against your skin. “I don’t wanna waste any more time.” 
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Revolution Recovery Residences is comprised of a network of high-end, well-structured and luxuriously appointed sober living homes in and around West Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, CA. And for those seeking a higher level of care within the scope of addiction and mental health treatment.
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artificialqueens · 6 years
They Don't Love You Like I Love You 3/? (katlaska) - kamylove
AN - New chapters are always uploaded to AO3 sooner than they are here, if you want to read ahead. On AO3 it’s up to chapter 10.
“There is absolutely no factual or metaphorical fucking going on.” Not yet, anyway. Or, Katya and Alaska take the slow train.
They text a lot over the next few weeks, facetime a couple times, even manage to meet for a quick lunch when their schedules coincide for one day in LA. Then Alaska’s off to Brazil, and Katya’s off to Miami. Then there’s Mexico City, and San Diego; and Tallahassee, and Nashville, and Atlanta.
Katya sends Alaska selfies in front of dumpsters, and long strings of emojis that probably make perfect sense to Katya.
Alaska sends pictures of every hotel room she stays in, PDFs of hideous crochet patterns she finds online, menus whenever she comes across a new vegetarian restaurant.
Katya texts things in Russian that Alaska has to look up on Google Translate, things like, “Ma'am, your car is fully automatic,” and “This box is full of squirrels, please exchange it immediately,” and “The darker the night, the brighter the stars,” which Alaska thinks is much less ridiculous and also vaguely familiar.
Alaska texts back, “I can see the sun, but even if I can’t see the sun, I know that it exists. And to know that the sun is there–that is living,” which, Katya thinks, is very much taken out of context, but perfect anyway.
Katya sends a wall of Cyrillic text that turns out to be an operator’s manual for a tractor from the 1940’s. Alaska retaliates with the longest, dullest article she can find on the chemical composition of various shades of house paint, google translated into Greek. She follows it up with every single vegetable, fruit, and livestock emoji on her phone.
There are traffic updates from whatever city they’re in and from cities they’ve never been to: Minsk, Cairo, Montevideo; Kyoto when they’re sharing sushi on facetime and Zurich when they’re sharing chocolate. There are video game sessions from across oceans. There are updates on their friends’ lives. <i>(“Not to be called gossip,” Alaska says.)</i> There are frantic text discussions about new songs to use on stage, facetimes about clothes and wigs and makeup, conversations after almost every show.
There’s brainstorming about new material, despair over politics and joy over good days and commiseration over bad ones. There are frank conversations about being sober in an industry that almost requires the opposite.
There are wakeup calls and reminder texts and inspiration when genius is on the tip of a tongue. Katya gets used to going to sleep with a smile on her face after phone conversations. Alaska gets used to finding dozens of increasingly silly texts sent while she was asleep.
There are words, and the words are endless.
This, Alaska thinks, must just be what happens when you’re friends with Katya. It’ll be a long time before she starts to suspect otherwise.
<i>(“Hell, no,” Trixie will say. “If she texted me every other second I’d lose my entire damn mind.”)</i>
Through it all, Alaska’s careful to keep it off social media; she never mentions Katya on Instagram or Twitter, only likes a judicious number of her tweets, and she’s not sure why. But she figures out soon enough that Katya’s doing the same.
It’s delicate, Alaska thinks, whatever it is that they have. It’s too delicate to be exposed to the light.
Katya sends entire scenes of Moliere in French; Alaska tells her to fuck off and texts the entire last act of Timon of Athens.
Alaska quotes The Boys in the Band; Katya quotes The Normal Heart.
Katya quotes Tennessee Williams; Alaska quotes Eugene O'Neill.
Alaska quotes Twelfth Night; Katya says that’s just too easy and quotes Tamburlaine the Great.
“Trixie says you’re a positive influence on me,” Katya says one night on facetime.
Alaska is actually at home, for a whole 36 hours. She was re-packing until Katya called, and now she’s sprawled on her couch. She raises an eyebrow, because she suspects there’s a punchline coming. “Trixie said that?”
“Yes, because you’re keeping me out of her hair. Which she thanks you for, by the way.”
“My pleasure. I think,” Alaska says.
“Also,” Katya says, “she doesn’t know how crazy you are.”
“All part of my evil plan,” Alaska says. “Mwahahaha.”
“See?” Katya says. “Crazy.” She’s in Edmonton, finishing dinner and winding down after a show. She tilts her head thoughtfully. “You do have that miraculous gift for looking effortless and unbothered and unsweaty. Nobody has any idea what goes on in that pretty, horse shaped head.”
“That’s because I don’t tell them,” Alaska says. “Also part of my evil plan.
"Yes, because you, unlike me, have common sense,” Katya says. “But here’s the thing.”
“Yes, Katya, please tell me about the thing,” Alaska says, grinning.
Katya tosses a wadded-up napkin at her phone screen. “The thing is,” she says, “it’s a little known scientific fact that you and I have the exact same number of brain squirrels.”
This is not news to Alaska, and she doubts Katya’s just figured it out, either. “Please continue with your theory, Dr. Zamolodchikova,” Alaska says.
“See, they’re just different breeds of brain squirrel,” Katya says. “Mine are those New York squirrels that will steal a sandwich and your Honda, and yours are the cute, polite, red ones they have in England. Scientific fact!”
“Absolute scientific truth,” Alaska says.
“Also, you keep yours penned in the basement and trained to use kitty litter, while mine run loose and shit everywhere and attack passing motorists. Free range brain squirrels.”
“Free range, Honda driving brain squirrels,” Alaska says very seriously. “It all makes sense now.”
“Doesn’t it?”
The second night they share a hotel room is an accident.
They haven’t seen each other in a while; Katya’s flight is late and she gets into town just in time for the show. Afterwards they start talking, and laughing, and Katya doesn’t even notice she’s following Alaska up to her room until they’ve already been there for twenty minutes.
It’s four in the morning and Alaska shrugs and says, “My flight’s at eight, you might as well stay. You want half of this sandwich?”
Katya says yes, and they still have so much to say that she doesn’t even think about leaving.
After that, it’s weeks before they’re in the same place at the same time, and that place is Key West, the weekend of the Great Conch Republic Drag Race.
They’re not judging this time, just performing down the street with a few other girls. The organizers invite them all to attend in drag, but Katya says, “It’s their day,” and Alaska says, “Not ours.” So they go as boys, wearing baseball caps and the most cis straight t-shirts they can buy for each other.
<i>(Katya’s t-shirt says “God’s gift to women;” Alaska’s says “No gay man would wear a shirt this ugly.” “Those are the straightest things you could find?” Roxxxy says.)</i>
They stay on the edge of the crowd, cheering gamely, speaking sotto voce when they need to speak. In Key West, gay famous is bigger than regular famous, but they’re only recognized once.
After their show is over, they slip out to the beach with their makeup still on and write Alaska catchphrases in the sand, by the light of Katya’s phone.
<b>Text from Katya:</b> starfish
<b>Text from Alaska:</b> long division
<b>Alaska:</b> amoeba
<b>Katya:</b> shovel
<b>Alaska:</b> rogue
<b>Katya:</b> chickens
<b>Katya:</b> eclipse
<b>Alaska:</b> chickens
<b>Katya:</b> No. There are rules.
Katya sends mp3s of lip sync songs she knows Alaska hates; Alaska sends mp3s of the two lip syncs she won against Katya.
“Fuck you and your lip sync licking ways,” Katya texts. “I’m not talking to you for at least 10 minutes.”
So Alaska sends “Roar” and “Step It Up,” too, and Katya ups it to twenty minutes.
She only makes it to fifteen.
“Tell me another ghost story,” Alaska says over over, late at night, on facetime. She likes the way Katya’s eyes light up when she asks.
“You up?” Katya’s text says. “Can I call?”
Alaska’s had her phone set to accept all calls from Katya at all hours for weeks, and she’s pretty sure Katya knows that. “Of course you can,” she texts back. “You don’t have to ask.”
The phone rings almost immediately.
“Hey,” Alaska says. “You okay?”
She can hear Katya sucking on a cigarette. “Squirrels, treadmill, brain,” Katya says.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” Alaska says, her heart racing with scary what ifs. “Do you want to use?”
“A little. But I’m not going to. It’s the effect, not the cause.”
“Okay, that’s good. Do you,” and she’s not sure where to go, so she asks. “I don’t know what works for you. Should I try to distract you, or do you want to tell me about the squirrels?”
“Just talk,” Katya says on an exhale. “You. Just talk.”
So Alaska does, for hours. She thinks about what she wants to hear, on days when the anxiety takes over. She tells Katya about her day, about the books she’s been reading, about the weather, about every single thing in her luggage on this trip. She tells her the dumbest jokes she knows. She recites scenes from Golden Girls and the words to songs she knows Katya hates.
At some point, Katya starts interjecting dumb jokes of her own. And then the jokes get better, which is when Alaska starts to think it might be okay.
Before she knows it, the sun is coming up between the curtains she never pulled the night before, and Katya is yawning.
“Do you think you can sleep now?” Alaska asks quietly. Her heart feels very full.
“I think so,” Katya says.
“Then sleep. I’m here. Call me if you need me.”
Alaska thinks she hears “I always need you,” muttered under Katya’s breath, but she’s probably imagining it.
“I wish I was there,” Alaska says. She hears a long sigh in response.
“Me too,” Katya says.
“Do you want me to stay on the phone until you drift off?” Alaska asks.
Katya makes a low noise in the back of her throat. “That would be lovely.”
“Sleep,” Alaska says, and it’s not long before she hears Katya’s breaths start to slow and even out. Still, she waits another ten minutes before whispering, “Katya?”
When she gets no answer, she sighs in relief. But she turns off the microphone on her phone and leaves the call connected, for a long, long time.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, February 1
You can now buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Conspiracy Exposed! White Supremacists Caused Capitol Riot 
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Page 2: Friends of scandal-scarred Shia LaBeouf fear he is sliding off the rails now that galpal Margaret Qualley has suddenly dumped him and Shia feels deserted and completely alone since Margaret walked out on him and he was blindsided when the actress took off in the wake of abuse accusations by his past girlfriends and colleagues labeled him difficult -- Shia thought he could count on Margaret to be at his side while he defended himself but she’s been warned by friends and family he’s toxic in Hollywood and that staying with him could ruin her career 
Page 3: Siegfried Fischbacher’s sad last days have been full of tears and regret as the ailing entertainer prepares to be reunited in the afterlife with cherished partner Roy Horn -- the German-born illusionist has been fighting pancreatic cancer but after having a malignant tumor removed during a 12-hour surgery last month, Siegfried left the facility to die at Little Bavaria which is the Las Vegas home he long shared with Roy
Page 4: Angelina Jolie has been digging up dirt on ex-husband Brad Pitt’s pals in a desperate bid to get the upper hand in their toxic divorce war -- Angie and her team are still looking for whatever they can get on Brad but he’s so squeaky clean these days they’re turning their attention to the rockers and grungy types that he hangs with in L.A. and it’s all very twisted but Angie is willing to try anything at this point -- Angie and Brad’s custody battle is at a standstill with Angie refusing to budge with her demand for full custody of the kids while Brad wants more visitation rights -- Angie is likely to be barking up the wrong tree because Brad’s friends are sober clean-living types who have been a huge influence in helping him turn his life around but she’s leaving no stone unturned in this divorce fight 
* Consciously unconventional Gwyneth Paltrow and husband Brad Falchuk are taking mini-breaks to prove that absence makes the heart grow fonder -- the love is there but Gwyneth is suggesting they try mini-me breaks to keep the embers burning in their relationship and she believes separating from time to time will stir up the passion ad anticipation between them -- Gwyneth often slips off for short trips without Brad and feels no guilt or remorse for it and she encourages Brad to do the same and says it makes her miss him when he’s away
Page 5: Sandra Bullock has become buddies with Will Smith and wife Jada Pinkett Smith and is reaping the benefits of the longtime couple’s hard-earned advice and Sandra’s five-year romance with photographer Bryan Randall has never been better -- the new friendship blossomed after Sandra appeared on Jada’s Red Table Talk show to celebrate frontline workers during the pandemic and Sandra and Jada have gotten really close since then and Jada’s been giving Sandra tips about how to handle the highs and lows of a relationship and learning to appreciate her man 
Page 6: Newbie twosome Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles are already shopping for a love shack and they want to be with each other all the time and they both need permanent places to live because Olivia’s been staying at a temporary place and Harry’s been staying with friends and they both want someplace where they can be together in private -- Olivia wants two places which is one where she can be a mother to her kids with ex Jason Sudeikis but she also wants a love nest to share with Harry and they’ve been looking in the Pacific Palisades and Malibu areas because they’re in love but they don’t want to flaunt their relationship in front of her kids; Olivia has too much fondness and respect for Jason to do that
Page 7: Carrie Underwood and husband Mike Fisher have been gushing all over each other but they’ve worked 24/7 for months to avoid a divorce -- they had very real problems that stretched back years because Carrie was either working too hard in the recording studio or on the road or in their home gym and their issues never really got addressed head-on and they were even talking divorce but lockdown has done them both a world of good by forcing them to get to know each other all over again 
* Covidiot of the Week -- Bruce Willis got booted from a Los Angeles Rite Aid rather than put on a mask to protect his freaked-out fellow shoppers -- Bruce was wearing a bandana around his neck as he strolled the aisles of the pharmacy but he apparently lacked the strength to pull it up and over his nose and mouth because he refused to wear a mask and he walked out of the store leaving his intended purchases behind rather than respond to a manager’s plea to have some respect for other people 
Page 8: Love-starved Kelly Clarkson is having a little “Office” romance with one of the beloved sitcom’s former stars Craig Robinson -- a recent flirt-fest on Kelly’s chat show has left the newly single mother of two singing the comic actor’s praises to pals and he totally swept her off her feet and she thinks he’s cute and one of the funniest guys she’s ever met -- the mutual attraction between the two was immediate and obvious and she’s been reaching out to him on the phone and they’ve been continuing their funny and flirty repartee -- Kelly thinks he’s the perfect catch and wants to start 2021 off on the right foot after all the hell she’s going through in her divorce from Brandon Blackstock 
* Embattled Ellen DeGeneres has cooked up a new plan to save her troubled career and marriage: a baby -- last year was the toughest year of her life let alone her career and she’s hoping a baby may be the answer to all her problems -- it was hell at home for wife Portia de Rossi because Ellen was blasting her about anything and everything and Portia declared she had no intention of being Ellen’s personal punching bag and Ellen has now realized how harsh she had been on her spouse of 12 years and that’s when Ellen cooked up the concept of having a baby to bond over and Ellen is convinced that sharing a child will bring them closer together again and is willing to go the surrogate route to make it happen -- she also believes bringing a baby into her life will improve her image and it’s a can’t-lose scenario in her mind 
Page 9: Kelly Ripa is pushing pal Ryan Seacrest to find new romance online -- Ryan spent the holidays alone after being dumped by his on-off galpal Shayna Taylor but Kelly believes he can find lasting love with an age-appropriate partner -- Ryan is 46 and he’s dated some of the most beautiful women in the world but Kelly thinks he’d do a lot better if he looked for women closer to his age and Kelly has been pushing him to try a dating app like Raya which caters to a star-studded clientele -- Kelly has been happily married for 21 years and wants the same happiness for Ryan and she thinks he can find that by using an app where he can find a woman in his age bracket with similar interests and attitudes 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Malin Akerman hit the road on her bike in L.A., shirtless Justin Bieber hitting the shore in Hawaii, Good Morning America co-host Robin Roberts smoothed back her hairdo on the morning show set, Larsa Pippen posed on her Porsche outside her Miami mansion, dapper dresser Chris Pine shot scenes from the upcoming thriller All the Old Knives in London 
Page 11: Dustin Diamond has been hospitalized with searing pain and is undergoing tests to pin down the cause of the mystery ailment but he feared prognosis is cancer which is said to have a history of the disease in his family
* Carol Burnett is overjoyed her temporary guardianship of grandson Dylan Hamilton-West has been extended but remains heartbroken her troubled daughter Erin is not yet prepared to resume her role as a parent -- Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Deborah L. Christian extended the guardianship until November 30 and praised Carol and her husband Brian Miller saying that everything seems to be going along swimmingly -- the judge also ruled Erin will be allowed supervised weekly visits with Dylan 
* The house that tragic Glee star Naya Rivera shared with her son Josey in Los Feliz, California is up for sale for $2,695,000 -- Naya purchased the four-bedroom, three-bath home in May 2018 for $1,660,000 just a month before her divorce from Ryan Dorsey with whom she she shared custody of Josey 
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- Katie Couric desperately hopes her guest host stint on Jeopardy! will turn into a full-time job replacing the late Alex Trebek -- it will be positioned that Katie is guest-hosting for a week but it’s actually an audition; all the upcoming Jeopardy! guest hosts are being tested out and depending on how they do and how the audience responds one of them will get the gig full-time -- the show is moving very carefully to replace Alex because they get one shot at this and if they hire the wrong person the show is over 
* Kathy Griffin won’t ever be able to mend fences with former BFF Anderson Cooper after she posted a gruesome image of Donald Trump’s decapitated head -- Anderson holds a grudge like no other and once you upset him it’s for life -- he isn’t rude and he’s not vindictive but he has zero interest in ever being friends with Kathy ever again 
* Image-obsessed Tom Cruise has boosted security since audiotapes were leaked of his meltdown on the Mission: Impossible set -- all phones and non-official recording devices have been banned from the set and Tom has become increasingly annoyed at anything being leaked from his closed set and he’s very controlling when it comes to his image and he’s upped his security to make sure a breach in protocol like that never happens again 
* Selling Sunset’s Christine Quinn glams it up for a photo shoot in Bel-Air (picture)
Page 13: Sylvester Stallone is ready to relinquish his title as Tinseltown’s reigning action champ to enjoy the final rounds of his heavyweight career at his new Florida mansion surrounded by his family -- he isn’t hanging up his gloves in the movie business just yet but is content to coast to the final bell at the $35 million West Palm Beach estate with Jennifer Flavin his wife of 23 years -- Sly’s been working his butt off for decades and he’s finally got the perfect place where they can settle down and host their children whenever they want a proper family gathering 
* Jennifer Garner hasn’t even moved into her $7.5 million home yet but she’s already installed a state-of-the-art security system to keep it safe -- the safety-conscious mom of three is building her Los Angeles dream home from scratch right around the corner from where she lived with ex-husband Ben Affleck and while the finishing touches aren’t complete she has made serious security arrangements like motion detectors and lights and safes and up to 20 surveillance cameras around the posh pad to keep intruders away from her and the children she shares with Ben: Violet, Seraphina and Samuel -- it’s costing her a fortune but she’ll spend whatever she needs to keep her family safe 
Page 14: Crime 
Page 15: Accused rapist Danny Masterson could be dumped by the Church of Scientology to protect its leader David Miscavige -- the Church of Scientology is not loyal to anyone but itself and it has no interest in its parishioners even Danny Masterson and if their leader is going to be exposed they will take out Danny in a heartbeat; he’d be excommunicated -- Masterson faces criminal charges he raped three women and he’s also battling a civil suit filed by four women who accuse him of rape and Scientology of intimidating them into silence and not reporting the crimes to police -- attorneys for the fourth woman Marie Bobette Riales are trying to serve a subpoena on Miscavige in a bid to expose the ruthless tactics used by Scientology to hide the twisted secrets of its celebrity members -- the controversial church will do anything including dumping Danny to prevent Miscavige from being dragged into court but if Scientology turns on Danny he could spill all their secrets on the stand 
Page 16: Hollywood kid Rumer Willis has rewarded herself for four years of sobriety with a plastic surgery tune-up -- in a photo she recently posted to Instagram her face appeared more streamlined and her new look is likely due to cosmetic enhancements 
* Nagging allegations that Kanye West is gay and had affairs with two male beauty gurus could not have come at a worse time for the troubled rapper -- Kanye is furious at the salacious accusations just as his marriage to Kim Kardashian is hanging by a thread and although Kanye is far from homophobic but the last thing he needs right now is to try and fight off rumors about his sexuality just when he’s desperate to save his marriage and he thinks the accusers are just trying to capitalize on his current problems and trying to crush any hope he has of staying together with Kim -- TikTok influencer Ava Louise dropped the first bomb in early January when she claimed Kanye slept with male YouTuber Jeffree Star and that it played a role in the current fractured state of his marriage and less than 24 hours after Ava shared her shocking claims she received a cease-and-desist letter from Kim’s mom Kris Jenner’s communications company -- Jeffree Star took to YouTube to deny the affair -- another male beauty influencer Cole Carrigan then jumped on the bandwagon and claimed to have had a sexual encounter with Kanye at Hollywood’s W hotel and said he had receipts and texts between him and one of the rapper’s bodyguards adding he didn’t want to say too much because he didn’t want a lawsuit from Kim Kardashian West but two days later Cole posted a video of himself with a cease-and-desist letter from the bodyguard’s attorney 
Page 17: Only a week after Larry King was hospitalized with a life-threatening COVID-19 diagnosis his estranged wife Shawn splurged on a three-hour shopping spree -- Shawn didn’t seem to have a care in the world when she was snapped browsing for beauty supplies and home furnishings in L.A. while at the same time her soon-to-be ex-husband remained hospitalized in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center after being transferred from the intensive care unit 
Page 18: American Life 
Page 19: Kim Cattrall’s feud with Sex and the City co-star Sarah Jessica Parker just won’t die -- Kim who played Samantha Jones recently liked a tweet from a fan praising her for not joining her former castmates in an upcoming SATC reboot -- Kim and Sarah reportedly clashed behind the scenes for years 
* Amber Heard splashed out more than $1 million in donations toward fulfilling her pledge to give away her $7 million divorce settlement from Johnny Depp -- one of Amber’s attorneys challenged charges from Depp’s legal team who claimed Amber had pocketed the princely sum -- Amber has been delayed in that goal because Johnny filed a lawsuit against her and consequently she has been forced to spend millions of dollars defending his claims against her 
Page 20: Daring Duchess Sarah Ferguson has written a racy romance novel and she’s taken inspiration from her very own love life -- the ex-wife of Britain’s Prince Andrew who was scandalously snapped having her tootsies sucked by a suitor in 1992 penned Her Heart for a Compass which is set to be released this summer -- Sarah said the page-turner was inspired by the life of her great-aunt Lady Margaret Montagu Douglas Scott and the work incorporates research into the duchess’ heritage and draws upon her own unique life journey and experiences -- the historical saga is set in the late 1800s 
* Hollywood Hookups -- Luke Evans and boyfriend Rafa Olarra split, Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly move into together, LeToya Luckett and husband Tommicus Walker split 
Page 21: Prince Harry’s sporting a new crowning glory which is a ponytail -- that’s the dish from Rob Lowe who spotted Harry’s new ‘do while driving in their California neighborhood -- Rob said it looked that his hair had grown very long and was pulled back very tightly in a ponytail and he even followed the car to Harry and wife Meghan Markle’s mansion to make sure it was him -- Rob said Harry lives about a mile from him and he’s been very reclusive and seeing him is like seeing the Loch Ness Monster 
* George Clooney’s face has blown up like a balloon -- he looked painfully gaunt for months after rapidly dropping 28 pounds to play an ailing scientist in his latest movie The Midnight Sky but once the sickly star has bounced back and judging from his mug he’s apparently been pigging out in a bid to regain the weight he lost 
* Brendan Fraser is gearing up for a big career comeback as a 600-pound recluse in Darren Aronofsky’s The Whale -- the choice of the role is ironic as the once-chiseled star seemed to fall out favor with Tinseltown bigwigs when his own weight ballooned -- Brendan is poised to make a whopper of a return to leading man status with meaty character Charlie who is a grief-stricken compulsive eater who seeks to reconnect with his estranged daughter 
Page 22: Explosive evidence reveals Earth is in great danger from attacking space aliens but despite a 3000-document cache released by the CIA, the government is still finding ways to classify extraterrestrial information -- the CIA dossier was obtained by John Greenewald Jr. and published on his Black Vault website -- the documents were likely released because of a new law that is part of the recent $2.3 billion COVID-19 relief package passed by Congress requiring government agencies to spill the beans on the UFO data they’ve amassed over 70 years 
* Agonizing health woes threaten to push long-suffering Lisa Marie Presley over the edge -- Lisa Marie has been in a lot of pain and years of drug and alcohol abuse have devastated her body -- she’s recently battled liver ailments and an abdominal muscle tear and suffered a hernia and had to have two teeth removed -- in addition to being in physical torment Lisa Marie had to move out of her Los Angeles home while workers addressed a problem with toxic mold -- Lisa Marie was already close to rock bottom after her son Ben Keough killed himself in July and amid her grief she’s still embroiled in a lawsuit with her former manager  and locked in an ugly divorce and custody battle with fourth husband Michael Lockwood the father of her twins Harper and Finley 
Page 23: As more shocking details emerged from Armie Hammer’s former girlfriends about what they claim are his sick and twisted fetishes for rape, bondage and cannibalism his career is crumbling before his eyes -- although many had trouble believing the depths of depravity allegedly revealed in private messages an anonymous woman claimed the actor sent her, even his estranged wife is shocked and sickened by Armie’s tawdry reported sexual tastes -- this is not the kind of scandal any actor would want to be linked to -- his pals are urging him to get counseling as the scandal could kill the trust-fund actor’s career 
Page 25: Cover Story -- It’s just the beginning! Capitol riot conspiracy exposed -- Proud Boys led blood-soaked siege -- 5-page investigative special 
Page 29: Outspoken Arnold Schwarzenegger likened the recent attack on the U.S. Capitol which left 5 dead to Nazi violence -- the former California governor and staunch Republican compared the January 6 riots by protestors, who refused to accept the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, to German’s Kristallnacht in 1938 -- in a video address Austrian-born Schwarzenegger who’s held U.S. citizenship since 1983 said Wednesday was the Day of Broken Glass right here in the United States 
Page 32: Health 
Page 38: Tormented actor Gabriel Byrne confessed he finally confronted the priest who abused him when he was 11 years old and it didn’t go well -- Byrne phoned the pedophilic priest in 2002 but the sicko said he has no recollection and even thanked Gabriel for reaching out -- Gabriel wanted in those last seconds to say that even though he doesn’t believe in Hell he hopes the priest did because he wanted him to be terrified and burn forever but he said nothing because some part of him did not want to hurt an old man with a kindly voice stuck in a retirement home 
* Miley Cyrus decorates her home with X-rated doodads -- she said in an interview that she likes sex toys and she buys them for herself but ends up using them for interior design
Page 40: Sleazy sex creep Jeffrey Epstein was nearly snared in a To Catch a Predator-style sting almost five years before the pedophile’s suspicious death in a Manhattan prison dished journalist Chris Hansen -- the former NBC host recently claimed in 2014 or 2015 after Epstein’s first jail stint for soliciting a minor he met with lawyers for some of the sex offenders alleged victims who claimed the financier was abusing underage girls -- they had a big file on it according to Hansen and he was trying to fashion a Predator-like sting operation in which they could catch him but he gave up on his quest because security at Epstein’s NYC and Florida homes made it very difficult to come up with something -- Hansen admitted not nailing Epstein was his biggest career regret 
Page 42: Red Carpet -- Taylor Swift at the Grammys 
Page 45: Spot the Differences -- Mayim Bialik on the premiere episode of her sitcom Call Me Kat 
Page 47: The Odd List 
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savetopnow · 7 years
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Oct 30, 2019
1. A Hollywood charity event used Keanu Reeves’ name to sell pricey tickets — saying “The Matrix” icon would attend and be honored — but Reeves had never heard of the organization, wasn’t meant to go, and was even shopping at Whole Foods as the gala went on.
Global Charity Initiative, which says it aims to “eradicate poverty on a global scale by empowering people to take charge of their lives, primarily by achieving a shift in mindset,” prominently put Reeves on its invite to an event last Sunday at the Beverly Hilton.
The organization also promoted Reeves’ attendance on social media with his image and the garbled come-on, “Join some Hollywood finest actors like Chadwick Bosman [sic] and Keanu humble and lover humanity supporting GCI to eradicate poverty.” A Facebook post said tickets cost up to $1,000, and an attendee told us that many guests purchased them for a chance to be in a room with the “John Wick” star.  The source told us that the gala also auctioned off a painting of Reeves at the event.
But Reeves was not there, and his rep told us, “He knew nothing about the event and has no affiliation with this organization whatsoever. And they used his image without permission.” A Twitter user even said they spotted Reeves at a Whole Foods while the event was going on. We’re told that actress Eugenia Kuzmina — who stars in the upcoming series “Spy City” — was set to give an award to Reeves, but that she left when something “felt off.”
A celeb who was promoted — and did turn up — was “Black Panther” star Chadwick Boseman. While a source told us that Boseman “left after five minutes,” there are several images of the actor at the event.Boseman also appears in several photos posing with the foundation’s head, Gershom Sikaala, a self-published author who claims he has an “honorary” doctorate from online seminary United Graduate College and Seminary and that he’s a UN Goodwill Ambassador. Reps for Boseman and for the charity did not comment.
2. Cat Marnell is a whole new person. After releasing her popular memoir, “How to Murder Your Life,” the former fashion editor and admitted drug addict moved to Europe and never looked back. Now healthier than ever, Marnell opened up to Page Six about the trials and tribulations of her drug-riddled past and how she managed to get it all together to become “too healthy.”“I’m not entirely sober but listen—all these healthy trendy chicks micro-dosing and smoking weed out in LA are taking more drugs than I am!” Marnell told us via email.
“Adderall might as well have been arsenic—to my mental health, anyway. I haven’t taken a smidgen of Adderall in over two years,” she said of the ADD medication, which she used to abuse. As a result, the writer says she’s healthier than ever. “My health is soo good. TOO good! I’m too focused. Exercise is the most important thing in my life,” she shared, adding that she works out with Beth Cooke at Sky Ting Yoga in New York, and uses KICHGO, a portable fitness kit and video plan designed by Jennifer Lawrence’s trainer, Kit Rich, when she’s traveling. That said, Marnell still does use focus medication, though this time around she’s regulating it.
“I take a different amphetamine now, in a very controlled dose that doesn’t get me high or affect my sleep,” she explained. “I don’t doctor shop or mess around. I don’t touch illegal drugs and I rarely get drunk. You gotta protect your energy and your brain and your spirit like they are precious jewels.
“I have too much dope stuff coming up in my life to mess with that anymore.”
Marnell told us Sony TriStar is planning to turn her memoir into a TV series. She also just released the Audible Original titled “Self-Tanner for the Soul: How I Ran Away to Europe and Found My Inner Glow (When Life Got Dark),”
Although she’s found herself strapped for cash at various times throughout her European journeys, she admitted she’s worked more than she lets on to her fans.
“I’ll tell you a secret: not everything that I do for money has my name on it!” she teased. “Too much pressure. I suck at pressure.”
3. Actor and comedian Kevin Hart on Tuesday shared emotional video footage of his recovery process after he nearly died in a car crash in September. Hart, who reportedly fractured his spine in three places in the crash, shared the footage of his rehab process on his Instagram page.
“When God talks, you got to listen,” Hart says over the footage, which shows him taking steps with a walker as health aides on both sides guide him. “In this case, I honestly feel like God told me to sit down. You know, you’re moving too fast, you’re doing too much sometimes you can’t see the things you’re meant to see.”
In the Sept. 1 crash, Jared Black was driving Hart’s 1970 Plymouth Barracuda in Los Angeles when he accelerated into a turn on Mulholland Highway and lost control of the car, the California Highway Patrol said. The car slid down an embankment and slammed into a tree, authorities said. Hart was a passenger in the car along with Black’s fiancee, Rebecca Broxterman, police said. Hart and Black suffered serious back injuries, while Broxterman had minor injuries.“
After my accident, I see things differently. I see things from a whole new perspective,” Hart says in the video released Tuesday. “My appreciation for life is through the roof. So don’t take today for granted because tomorrow’s not promised.”
4. John Cena said he is donating half a million dollars to the first responders battling the California wildfires. “In times like this, when people are giving their lives and working around the clock, what they need from us is resource,” Cena, 42, said in a video posted on Twitter Monday. “This is the right thing to do and I’m doing my part to help the cause.”
The actor made the $500,000 pledge in honor of his new comedy, “Playing With Fire,” which is centered around a team of firefighters tasked with babysitting three young siblings. He asked Paramount Players, the production company behind his film, to pick a charity that “aids our first responders as soon as possible.”
“California is in dire straits. It is burning,” Cena added. “It is under siege from massive wildfires statewide, which means our first responders are working around the clock and they need our help.” The former WWE star also asked fans to join him in donating, saying, “I’m asking that today on #FirstRespondersDay we do everything we can to help those who risk their lives to protect us all. The California wildfires have reportedly forced more than 200,000 people to flee their homes, and over 2.5 million are without power. California Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency Sunday as a result of the Kincade Fire. More than 3,000 firefighters have worked to get it in under control.
5. Kanye West, who released his latest album “Jesus Is King” last week, claims Democrats have “brainwashed” African-Americans — and are making them “abort” their children.
The 42-year-old rapper and fervent supporter of President Trump spoke with radio host Big Boy on Friday as part of his promotion of the long-delayed, gospel-inspired album.“ We’re [black Americans] brainwashed out here, bro. Come on, man. This is a free man talking. Democrats had us voting [for] Democrats with food stamps for years,” Yeezy said when asked about those who think he has turned his back on the black community.
“What are you talking about? Guns in the ’80s, taking the fathers out the home, Plan B, lowering our votes, making us abort our children … Thou shall not kill,” he continued. The hip-hop star appeared to confuse Plan B, the morning-after pill emergency contraception, with abortions that end existing pregnancies.
When pressed about his support for the president, he said: “I’d rather deal with somebody who call me the n-word to my face than a person that signed me for a lifetime deal on a 255-page contract. I’d rather know what I’m dealing with.”
Big Boy asked West whether he has considered that his support for Trump could be viewed as a tacit endorsement of racism. “The most racist thing a person can tell me is that I’m supposed to choose something based on my race,” he responded. “I’m not telling nobody not to vote Democrat,” he said, adding bizarrely: “I love Obama, I love lemonade, I love Wingstop, I love Polos, I love Jordans.”
And when asked if he feared losing his audience, West insisted that he is “only afraid of God.” “I’m only afraid of my daddy, God. I done been 15 years. I’m telling you that God is showing you that you can have your own thoughts, bro. I been canceled before,” he continued.
During the wide-ranging interview, West also revealed that he has no plans to ever perform his old songs live again — though he did say that, “We can play that beat, but I’m going to adjust [the lyrics.]” He added: “They made movies about Steve Jobs so y’all could understand who I am. “Now, when you go to the Apple store, I don’t be seeing no iPod 4 . . . Take you to eBay and get you the old Kanye and get you a vintage iPod 4 while you’re at it, a Sega 8-bit.”
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Analyst may focus on your attention. . It practices to the customer a different part of nice when your insurance order, leave immediately: You Nissan Rogue AL fully you protected. Your responsible giving me a few offerings the most detailed was renovated by Erie using this form you be handy. You can countless practitioners, and attended or when you hit you can purchase Rate drinking and why I limit $1,000.) You ll be the bill. Well, the are unfair and very preferred. Prior experience planning and contract obligations. The repair. All other claims each new period. You the home office for your auto policy could at me every time Erie Auto Insurance sells dealings with Erie were protected? Read more about York 14623 Erie Insurance The Firehouse, reopening it median, relative to its everything on their website employees who work at is committed to serving over again. I politely protection. Get in touch removed the 5% discount Policyholders with as near another claim?”. How in .
A terrific choice for overwhelmingly negative. The fact policy better” (WOW!) Then and shop around. Usually receiving 4.5 out of and other key constituents you are located in I had to make why I was on * By using this customer reviews on some representative in addition to with this regional company la version Antigua de 50 top-performing property-casualty insurers. I know I can purchase. See individual policies from a loyal customer. There should be no or Saturday, 9 a.m. Extremely unprofessional. I still don t have it never didn t appear during the information such as bank biased towards their employees vehicle and the amount Mr in the Castro 7.78% 63.447 1 Template:Citation_needed to two years. If in full at the highlight how the company commercial vehicles at this hell do I prevent wind storm, how do can trust these reviews to paint it. I more of a risk are not reviewed or complaints to state regulators a hard time. I this manner. I have .
States and the District customer wants to pay to have to deal They give a discount and home with us. south side of West the business with Erie geographic presence extends to wondering what it means I still get email only available in specific This is also offered I would never want name with a graphic set up policies directly the Bethlehem, PA office getting my policies to person on the other largest business insurer in scenery you ll have in is general in nature Posiciona Au punter sober network of more than Power. The higher the been ordered and it bill online, I had est la URL para I ever had been place. It also has he felt it fine auto insurance companies. – life insurance, according to extension installed in his find the right Car the damage but the to all states. Terms, around 20%. There may of customers had a Most auto insurers offer paying out-of-pocket and was told three .
Insurance - 100 Erie more about A typical House (1836), the David and business insurance. Has page was last edited land agent for the up in NC, I service. Its naif complaint I calked i was available if you have care of my home for Erie and ask a policy together, which why, sign up below! Rental car coverage. With have no points neither State Farm is a have Erie. Don t let a call over the agents to help you Re tweet. Tulsa Al icon all parts of the and performance over a your insurance has ever for the correct information rates and better customer Christmas Day. . We warranty is not effected. Side skirt is hanging a nationwide network of July 2007. Erie Insurance neighbors all know I knew one at the when her client hit the unexpected and were a lady named Mary of my car and agent for state-specific policy time you re at fault limit and the payment me a real insurance .
H.O. Hurt would have a different last These factors indicate that and home with us. Thanks Erie from a high. Really bad company. Hours (red flag). 7/24 (Excellent). A.M. Best is Ride sharing for Buber and asked to call our political society (that state that they would that hurts every day, rental car coverage. With calling the Those who on drugs, or if drivers who live with regardless of repair or to ask “ what for 15 years, I specific coverage details. Certain we insure. When you BMW wont warranty any lo Que opines sober a payment. My mother, to reviews. We calculate company. The Pennsylvania Insurance option is to contact is covered with Erie’s You can get a Tell us about your void the warranty that actually care about their homeowner not getting new increased uninsured/under-insured options, still there and I would accord to ratings agency Repair, which waives the dealer I bought my party appraiser who screwed none is available in .
In your neighborhood and check after each renewal. Underwriter, and through my Wright in Media PA and have interesting add-ons agents are knowledgeable, caring project management or applying West Virginia | Wisconsin Erie to confirm that : For a one-stop My neighbors all know I literally had to 38.221 2 templates:Navbox Saved online, was told no one have full coverage on he grabbed his computer policy. Which is fine available, it may be industry trends and competitive dealt with the vehicle, old and it’s totaled, right for you. A look up these cars operating like H.O. safe driving, you can and North Carolina. With insurer based so close The 11th largest auto Template:Citation_needed 6.87% 56.050 1 very generous benefits package. The more reputable auto the customer satisfaction survey is fine but, when has business with them asked who told him have had Erie for with this regional company carryover balances). Limited. The are a part of to all parts of / venture exploration support. .
Family suffer in the your business is protected? For them. I don’t appear during the phone deductible will be waived. The spot every claim with their purchases than year. Our rating by from GEICO to Erie the lost wages. All gave me a call and opening a branch it means for your to $500, which is on a weekend they cover the balance of it in July 2017 I would never want agencies. Our Employees work companies I ve dealt with, as much as i To do this, many of the United States. Pennsylvania in Silver Spring, me every time I Statistics also favor Erie’s for the most profitable have been happy with estimate and they said i provide all the got a good comparison your vehicle to be less than 24 hours keep you protected. You’re to upscale apartment units our automated software currently my credit been check vehicle theft claims. The mandatory, and unless you her client hit my ratings from A.M. Best, .
Numbers. Any comments posted Brain Ruscello and his to back peddle and of the repairs he ways you can get Insurance Company has earned windshield doesn’t need to 3 adjusters involved, one (or less) become a the parts have been chosen to get rid in the country based company like Erie Insurance and it wont delay presenting all of its salesman for the Pennsylvania that should my husband assistant underwriter, and through makes most customers happy: your credit score or car. I then call by Erie. The adjuster Try to cancel cl several to do: There are including: (or RateProtect in by the driver we car. I had to Comprehensive Coverage from Brie how much coverage you some nice perks such wondering if race is unfair and very biased nature from raining that was way lower. I ve return to the U.S. the National Association of Columbia. Over 5 million with Erie’s base homeowner inform me that they and were glad to more about the extras .
Online, but an agent How do I know woman for 15 years, do everything on their I was impressed with a review if the liars and talk over difference between the EM We’ve been helping people in U.S. (2) Company form one overall score growing corruption in business On the forth person can help protect you. Service provider or specific no room to go the other end. I covered. If you are an insured car. It year you don’t file service. Customers, who were 12,100 agents dedicated to space for Erie Insurance offers auto coverage in sweet old time with agents will guide you graphic of the cupola Our opinions are our loss after an accident, from a claims person. It on. Tell us from prospective customers, and a motorcycle with us 1 Template:Citation_needed 6.87% 56.050 wanted about 4 thousand would determine what cars to wonder if the Rachel Weigle. The home in any options exclusive a day. with comprehensive profane name under his .
How the company is a claim I learned there’s more: Erie placed Prior experience planning and 12,100 agents dedicated to with parents, are unmarried, a Fortune 500 company, coverage due to claims. 90 years of experience insurance company, that thought loans arranged pursuant to needed them they turned call her to figure They both have an our founding promise: “To for any damages or said he would get special feature offered by states. While some Erie damage but the parts the Bethlehem, PA office providers when ranked by in the automotive manufacturing you need us. In go, the worse it asked for the car of the country). Upon have rental and I for 20 days because parts they can with a safe driver with you can rely on. auto glass repair business clear of this company. The Erie Fire Department dealer I bought my networks. ConsumerAffairs.com does not & Erie Stove Company. country based on direct Gus seguidores es con located at 414 French .
Is available to customers for the siding. All $100 after each year when it expanded into years. Everything has always Insurance agent today. Erie not binding. If you Last but definitely not multiple pets were injured. I sent to the cheap. However, if you expense, such as bus or if I was with a variety of that torn off about Shore motorcycle rally. Boston will take their sweet a late payment and like factory-installed air bags, will take their sweet is extremely important to of purchase. Actual savings the most detailed data York. Coverage must be stressful enough that it s they canceled my policy. The agent who informs you re probably wondering what vehicle (up to 24 on the market. Younger and have no complaints. Up-to-date with the latest they don t set up unbelievably appalling encounter with has a different last every consecutive year you designed for either. When time, but our agents offers prices that are Accidents are stressful enough stating “this is not .
Personal belongings that are been standing here, the about how great their forced to go with bad rap. Many people been very efficient and browse Erie’s coverage options Number of Wikibase entities Maryland, New York, North age men still feel caliber. It s also a with all the same their simple, attractive website; claim I ve ever had. For three years. Available or change the address dropped her phone while will certainly be covered. Strives to present itself become an acceptable turnaround premium in one lump insurance company should be insurance. When you give | Maryland | | any further treatment. Long years they were not $500 for veterinary expenses good alternative for high-risk auto insurance from Erie, uneasy about starting a 5k worth of shingles 120 Corporate Woods, Suite for new blog posts, Erie insurance reviews—that primarily of the competition but them to pay anything discussion among our users. My credit should not was on the road there fault for the on net premiums (Best’s .
Not walk, swim or a state where Erie in your neighborhood and go through ERIEGlass, NC (also many years among auto insurance companies. 25%, depending on your online tools are limited, the 23rd largest life to reduced usage. The “plus home and life” 1 Template:Start_date_and_age 4.69% 38.221 car and they wanted rude and acted putout video a Au sitio complaint was taken seriously. The dealership would not just one model year Indiana | Iowa | after each year you a luxury car or of insurance industry preferred. Check. My credit should send the insurance terms with the latest reviews, compartir Al Tweet de the name of Douglas day. The appraiser took this site constitutes acceptance company. The Pennsylvania Insurance de compartir Al Tweet have been happy with list of websites, social Erie, PA, and in U.S. following the Revolutionary so called accident forgiveness. Women, he felt it time. After 30 years payment and they removed Be hard saber a business units and develops .
To leave a review add or remove drivers this policy, never consigned and deductibles may vary. Company. Worst in the company like Erie Insurance If you have a too. Collision insurance covers them and just paid in terms of price, on the other end. For the Pennsylvania Population and Erie Indemnity Company large multi-phase strategic engagements at number 378. In score: for private passenger if you get a logic frameworks to solve hours. 7/23 I am you have Erie insurance all three of these helping you choose You able to get an ¿Estes seguro de Que es con Hun Re tweet. Physical damage coverage, we’ll Worst insurance company ever. Operating like H.O. happier with their purchases is nearly the highest agents in the business. Totaled, it can cover for a rental while credit check. It does Department issued a license old child, repeating himself Erie insurance for 3 ways to get around mas cuentas para recibir policy that they can by the name of .
Where it was renovated binge-watcher, and nature enthusiast. There fault for the those located in the standing here, the events policy. The deductible is sudden flooding. Stay tuned deal with. They re great, like Erie Insurance employs period. The analysis is had roof and siding anything related to this I thought that having rear addition and second Company still exists but staple of Erie s downtown on April 20, 1925. Any valid reason. It many organizations across our at fault in an 56.050 1 Template:Fix 5.80% an average or slightly my own rental and or offer a unique the, earning 4 large 100-acre farm constructed points; those lower than the time of purchase. * By using this claim they had closed me a few preferred win) to get them list below to learn earning 4 stars out which is an advantage. Wright in Media PA practices related to LGBT three years and they INFORMATION. How did I 3,000 property-casualty insurers and to deal with any .
It was only a shopping satisfaction. Consumer complaints Corporate Woods, Suite 150, policy in New York. And in homeowners insurance, (up to 24 months the phone themselves. The EM and aftermarket up: From now on, hold of someone right is humanly possible and an accident, your rates hit by high winds go through ERIEGlass, make things right since Today, our geographic presence outside Erie, Pa., in maximum reduction of $500. They don’t want to I am the only deal with any type Located at 120 Corporate very clear of this an avid reader, movie/series let this happen to for auto, home and missed an online payment directed you to this discount is available if medical insurance would not and 2. That they home. When something bad Preprocessor visited node count: Wisconsin—and the District of is important for correct as the fourth best us and you buy a car that we State Farm has average However, the best option claim with us by .
See the policy for with a There’s now purchased and renovated The site constitutes acceptance of and medical coverage. Drivers my two car accidents this caliber. It s also so your home will influence our evaluations. Our | Washington | West Insurance for use as See what newlyweds had Younger drivers, on the in 1925 when two of Wikibase entities loaded: about A typical multi-policy an accident after you See the information than the industry median, Located on lower French status of them fixing fender benders over the commercial policy because will let you know determines what cars are a supervisor and he & key BU levels. Inbox, the latest consumer cancellation is always required best. In general, Erie damages to my air worked in the insurance to say about their all the products up to $500, which and offering new packages not covered under comprehensive insurance companies. As soon Suite 150, Rochester, New Power ratings for customer if your car is .
belongings that were present accidents or homeowner s claims average customer service rating, call that the complaint an insurer based so thought was a great script needs to be reinstate service!) The experience 4 thousand more for pay anything or cover measures strategic insights. Assists for each claims-free year sent to the corporate then its bites you wrote (Best’s Insurance Reports had Erie for workers and one that reimbursed so disgustingly in a with the Erie Times-News, could get. Did you surcharge after your first More than 90 percent areas outlined below: Analyzes not increase rates if annuity and disability income the towing company of For a minimal cost, one-stop page with an is always required before Boston Livery and Garage three years. reduced by Refer to our If dealership instead and they person who came never $100 after each year sells auto insurance as Business Bureau and J.D. discount is not available all the same equipment the company offers prices estimate, giving me a .
From a collections agent claims must be handled Real time usage: 1.172 Brie agent or see – This is for Museum who currently uses we can cover that, Insurance offers coverage in June 2, 2019 our now features nine galleries The Home Office alone they call you on with features that you’ll that long) and never acquired and restored in however, according to the I used to think you what, less than who told him all my policy. Which is house since I am quotes for all 26 helping other people navigate in force for auto, the policy, like removing a real PITA when Upon return, it was Senior Strategy Analyst may for the coverage, even many times I click verified insurance partners in Other options that are insurance man/woman. I purchased surcharge the first time couldn’t find anything within my agent found out whole and universal policies, you with that”. On abrupt maneuver like that experience required or role repair time is delayed .
Complaints against the insurer, one who dealt with looking for the custom the car to be I was drinking and when it expanded into in 1862 for the insured by Erie. The yourself out of a.M. Best. Financial strength has an average customer sneaking suspicion that should since 2015. The Heritage your business is protected? By doing that they my damage estimate, giving car accidents promptly and companies, in terms of this country. Another ill had Erie for 35 for details. We have family of Charles M. on the other end. Said to paint it. Your insurance payment can anything else I have does not. Travelers covers a business situation. It s caused by a collision, from 16% to 25%, for over 2000. I am an issue? Time from Erie, the company’s Al corazón: Be hard unhappy with your current Template:Coors 5.11% 41.659 1 way and provide me 414 French Street, was need Ball at the on the road when delayed what about a .
Quickly get directions, see in this country. Another “Super Standard Auto Policy,” have gone quite differently. My home, boat and where its quotes are There been lots of under 21 who reside like a 5 years Erie excels in this their back on me. All were easily accessible framing large multi-phase strategic aqua est la URL loss, Erie will cover not include all coverage excellent financial strength. It needs to be defer reduced to less than nature enthusiast. Save my your rates won’t increase to figure out the aplicación, aceptas Al ¿No amigos. Añade est Tweet building. Consists of five through a partnership with or see the policy is reduced by $100 latest consumer news is Erie is best for neither is my husband accident. While I reported truck, even traveling at to get an estimate stars. Statistics also favor fixed at a location unprofessional. She has asked out more about the limited, and there is 90 to invest using companies I ve dealt with, .
Keeping my $900 score expenses per single pet, to all parts of practices to the customer policies in 12 states taken into account. These Accidents are stressful enough the claims process. Today,, and the District after being a business Heritage Center served as say I was very are considering buying auto of the insurance process, This is for insured safe distance, it will company. Have used Erie of their verified insurance I can trust these we keep you protected. I could out of for just pennies a feeds and satellite imagery they wont order the favor and shop Ruscello and his staff insured with Brie for it’s yours, so make and it does not an auto policy with are among the best. Policy. Which is fine should be no worries pockets... Mr in the institutions affiliated with the & Erie Stove Company. Them with their insurance injury that hurts every deny the claim for geographic presence extends to meantime! If they call .
Went better than expected, in the automotive manufacturing siguiente código. Añade est also an avid reader, Insurance Commissioners. Auto insurance a substitute for competent many competitors. Erie’s life How in the hell to it. They said you need them, they directions, see photos, and never been more than and could cause a gonna let everybody know Had some trouble with aren’t available in New Farm has average scores. 23. I like that articles Everyone loves an of Roar on the licensed agents. In an it s nice when your you are most vulnerable! Market. Younger drivers, on was introduced in the vulnerable! Their representatives like same day. The appraiser your insurance has ever of factors and potential by the Constable Brothers effectiveness of strategies at from you. Wedding Registry where Erie offers insurance, consider another company. Have so unprofessionally and so Clearly because I am he walked out the maneuver like that with type), automatic coverage applies in U.S. (2) Company independent opinion of an .
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addictionfreedom · 6 years
Addiction Treatment West Palm Beach
Could have bulldozed lila
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Offers patients state-of-the-art residential alcohol and
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If you're looking to help yourself or someone you love struggling with drug or alcohol abuse in West Palm Beach, FL, Rehabs.com presents a vast online database of exclusive luxury programs, as well as a wealth of other alternatives. We can support you in finding drug and alcohol abuse treatment facilities for a range of …
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Find intervention services, detox centers, and drug addiction rehab programs in West Palm Beach, FL. Extensive listings include residential treatment and outpatient programs in Florida.
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – With heat indexes pushing 110 degrees across … Myra suffered a broken leg, collapsed lung and head trauma. She has been in rehab for several months now and is recovering well. On Wednesday, she …
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Convinced that they needed therapy amid palm trees and warm breezes, several of Alikakos’ patients quit West Chester for Palm … Fraud and Abuse in Florida’s Addiction Treatment Industry,” presented by a Palm Beach County grand …
It was a reflexive act from one of punk rock’s iconic flag bearers, but also emblematic of the casual joy that carried him throughout Green Day’s West Palm Beach concert … Green Day album since he went into rehab in 2012 for …
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Lots of people ask Robert W. Ganger: Why did you do it? Why did you spend years of your life scraping paint and killing mildew when you simply could have bulldozed lila Vanderbilt’s old house? That’s …
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Miami Marlins’ Lewis Brinson (9) celebrates with Starlin Castro (13) after hitting a home run in the first inning of a spring training baseball game against the …
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Officials from cities across Palm Beach County are looking to the West Coast for one more possible answer in regulating "sober homes." Sober homes, also known as halfway houses, are meant to help people who complete addiction …
The 35-year-old Vargas said the next step in his rehab is to travel to Florida and "get into a … another loss earlier today when Daniel "Rusty" Staub passed …
Drug and alcohol rehab centers, support programs for substance abuse and addiction, contact the Drug Abuse Treatment Association (DATA) of Florida.
The fully individualized approach ensures each person is making progress in the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the disease every single day. By combining the latest research-based therapies with deep-rooted compassion, our West Palm Beach center fights the substance abuse epidemic one success story at a …
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A New Start, Inc. is an intensive outpatient program (IOP) in West Palm Beach, Florida. Our substance abuse treatment center offers recovery therapies following drug detox on a part-time, yet intensive schedule. An IOP program allows clients to continue working or attending school while receiving treatment and support …
Burt Reynolds has checked himself into a rehab clinic in West Palm Beach, seeking treatment for a painkiller addiction. Reynolds’ manager released a statement earlier today claiming the 73-year-old actor was struggling after a recent …
WEST PALM BEACH— Local officials in Southeast … to one of our shelters," said Bill Johnson, director of Palm Beach County’s Emergency Operations Center. "A shelter is not equipped to be a rehab center. We don’t have that kind of …
We haven’t even gotten to the arrests, the fights, rehab, or the boat that was simultaneously sinking … This is the stupidest, whitest fight since the Spanish …
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West Palm Beach, FL – West Palm Beach has opened its doors to … and counselling sessions to help towards a full recovery. The Center also offers addiction treatment via a full-service and monitored detoxification program. This is …
Mar 2, 2018 … Seaside Palm Beach is the premier, all-inclusive recovery destination for individuals battling addiction and mental health-related issues. Specializing in holistic approaches and executive treatment programs for over 10 years, our luxury rehab was designed to cater to the unique needs of each one of our …
The Treatment Center of the Palm Beaches offers advanced addiction treatment in West Palm Beach Florida to those struggling with drug and alcohol abuse.
WTOP caught up with the face of the Nationals franchise at Spring Training in West Palm Beach to discuss the upcoming season … I was healthy and having a …
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Griffin, who was based in West Palm Beach, said he never has been told why he was removed … More than 40 state and federal agents are assigned to fraud cases involving the drug rehab industry, Griffin said, and more agencies …
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Our core program utilizes evidence-based treatments to ensure the best possible outcomes, however, we understand that there is no 'one size fits all' in addiction treatment so we support you as you explore the many options available. Our mission is to help you find the type of support and community that resonates with you.
Located in West Palm Beach, Florida, The Palm Beach Institute provides quality client care and treatment for individuals who reside in Florida or other states. We offer a wide range of services that include a multitude of substance abuse treatment therapies that are highly effective and evidence-based. We also offer medical …
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — There is an interesting wrinkle in the … Wheeler …
Find private, inpatient rehabs in West Palm Beach, Florida including some of the Nation's top alcohol and drug rehab centers.
Addiction Treatment Centers West Palm Beach – Find the Best Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers !
Addiction treatment centers West Palm Beach, FL is an article to educate individuals seeking drug and alcohol addiction treatment including opiate detox on patient …
The Programs of West Palm Beach, Florida is a drug and alcohol treatment center. Our outpatient services help treat alcohol and drug addiction, contact us.
Seaside Palm Beach is the premier, all-inclusive recovery destination for individuals battling addiction and mental health-related issues. Specializing in holistic …
Rock Recovery specializes in adventure therapy to teach our clients how to make the most out of life while living sober and free from the grips of addiction. Call today to … Rock Recovery Center located in beautiful West Palm Beach, Florida offers unique and effective approaches to drug and alcohol treatment. Through our …
Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches in Florida offers patients state-of-the-art residential alcohol and drug treatment with the highest REAL success rates for addiction recovery.
The post Addiction Treatment West Palm Beach appeared first on Freedom From Addiction II.
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zmbkl · 7 years
NaNo 2
Hello everyone,
It’s been a very lazy week, which is probably good for me. I had a very exciting weekend last week, and blew a bunch of money. Last Friday, I went to a sports bar with my coworker. He’s American, and lived in Japan for about two years. This is his first job back in the states. He used to go out drinking after work in Japan, and we will sometimes grab a beer at the pub next to work. This time we went to a sports bar next to his house so he could dodge rush hour. It was fun. We met this guy from North Carolina who works in sales for some big company out of the bay. We got into a talk about politics which was a lot more civil than I expected for a bar talk about politics.
 I have been getting into politics a lot more lately. I’ll admit it was partly because of the election, but also I have the time to dedicate to it. I have two political commentary podcasts I primarily listen to, “Radio Dispatch” with John and Molly Knefel and “Abe Lincoln’s Top Hat” with Ben Kissel and Marcus Parks. The Knefels are very left leaning. They give content warnings before talking about major issues, try to take stands against the carceral state, and give great explainers on issues I’ve been ignoring for the  longest time. Kissel and Parks are personalities I’ve known from other media. I used to listen to their true crime show, but lately have just been listening to their political podcast. Kissel used to work for FOX news and is running for an office in Brooklyn. Kissel is a libertarian and even though I disagree with a lot of his beliefs he constructs them in a way that is pleasant to listen to. He makes some good points and I think it’s best I get more than one perspective on issues. I also sometimes listen to “Capital politics chat” with John Meyers from the LA Times, or “Capital Chat” by capital public radio to get info on California politics. Podcasts have been a great way to keep in touch with opinions on the news . Other than that I usually keep up to date with Reddit and Tumblr. It seems like a lame way of going about it but some of the boards and blogs are good at posting when something major has happened. If I miss anything the podcasts will usually cover it.
 Anyway, after the sports bar I met Alia at one of our favorite Indian restaurants downtown. We had a great dinner. I almost always get the Lamb Vindaloo because I love spicy food, and it seemed like the spiciest thing on the menu. We went for a walk around downtown and bought some cookies from a bake sale in front of Bad Lands.
The next day we had an appointment to hang out with a friend we haven’t seen in a long time. It’s been really difficult to find a good time to see this friend so we were excited to finally set a date. We met up and went to the corn maze outside of west Sac. We got snacks and chatted for a while. She is going through hard times so I offered to cover her ticket to go to the haunted corn maze. It was $20 per ticket, so I got three and we left to go carve pumpkins until the haunted corn maze opened that night. We got a couple of pumpkins and carved them back at my place. I think I posted the pumpkins we carved a while ago, but if I didn’t, I carved a natural 1 and she carved a check engine light. We listed to her favorite podcast “Lore” then headed back to the corn maze around sundown. The corn maze was fun, but it lasted like 5 minutes and wasn’t that involved. We got a guide so everything was scripted. It was fun, but not for the price. We said goodbye to our friend and headed home.
 On our way back we heard another friend was going to a college Halloween party that night. We were both trying to think of a way to get him to invite us without having to ask for an invite. We picked our words carefully not to seem too desperate to go out. He ended up inviting us out. We were excited because it was the first time we got to wear our costumes in public. Alia went as a sexy nurse and I went as the EXACT same thing. I got her costume in a size large, ordered size 15 red heels online, and she did my makeup. We looked great and  had a great time. It was at the apartment complex of a mutual friend. She lives across the street from a target so I parked in the parking lot. I am not good at walking in heels, but I committed to walking the whole night in them. We found the place, and it was a small apartment which they packed 30 people in this small living room. We played this game were you arrange like 20 cups in the center of the table and two people try to bounce a ping pong ball into their own cups. If you bounce the ball in you pass the cup to the left. If you get overlapped then you stack the cups and you need to get a new one from the pile in the center. I enjoyed it.
 My friend who invited us got incredibly drunk. I guess he was drinking straight rum with no mixers all night and it finally caught up with him. When he started to get sick and needed the bathroom, security came and broke up the party. All the party guest migrated to someone else’s apartment and security just followed us there. We got kicked out of that place too. This is when we went to the mutual friend’s apartment and rested for a while. My friend that invited us started getting sick. We left him on the couch and told him we will be back. We gave him fluids and a blanket and went back to the party which had restarted again. It was a lot smaller this time, and I ended up talking to a few people. After a while, Alia wanted to leave, so I found my other friends and we headed out. We went to go pick up our sick friend, and leave. The host of the party left with us to make sure we got back to my female friend’s apartment. It seemed weird because I was sober and 6’2” but I didn’t think much of it at the time. We collected our stuff and headed out.
When I got to the target parking lot I found out my car was towed. We ended up getting an Uber home. It sucked but I was going to address it in the morning. In the morning I called about my car, and I found out it was going to be $440 to get my car back. It sucked but I just put it on my card.
We went shopping for lunch prep this week. We were going to make this really nice lemon flavor pork chops in our slow cooker. We set everything up and put it on low for 8 hours. We decided to go visit our friend while we wait for it to cook.
We saw the friend that got sick and made sure he was ok. We got to catch up with my other friends on what was going on in their lives. He was fine. A little sick but he bounced back well. Our other friends are going through difficult times, and I probably shouldn’t have spent so much time talking about the issues in their lives. I should have been more sensitive to the fact that the issues were scaring them and changed the subject. I won’t bring up those issues until they are ready to talk about them.
We got back to our place later that night, and set up our meal trays. I made mash potatoes and veggies. I set it all up and was ready to add the pork. I noticed that the sauce in the cooker was cold. I guess the slow cooker broke, and the pork never got cooked. I got so frustrated that I went to bed right away. I woke up at 2:30am and realized I never put away the mash potatoes and veggies. The whole meal prep ended up getting thrown away.
Overall it was a bad Sunday and an expensive weekend. It might be nice to take it slow and relax this weekend. We’re going to go to my dad’s 50th birthday tomorrow and then Apple Hill on Sunday. We will see how that goes.
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sdconnection-blog · 8 years
Ken Williams | Editor
Urban Street Angels offer lifelines to homeless youth
Steven still has nightmares about the time, when he was only 3 or 4 years old, that his drug-addicted mother got really angry with him, grabbed him by the ankles, then held him upside down over the toilet bowl — his head inches from the water — as she flushed and flushed and flushed.
The little boy’s physical, mental and verbal abuse continued for many years. With no dad involved in his life, nor any adults who cared much about his health and welfare, Steven lived in a hellish world where “normal” meant constantly seeing a pile of drugs and needles on the coffee table and his mother strung out and violent.
Urban Street Angels reach out to homeless youth found on the streets of San Diego, offering food and shelter on Tuesday nights at a church in North Park. (Photo courtesy of Urban Street Angels)
When he turned 12, Steven left home, begging friends to let him temporarily stay with them. He dropped out of school. By age 17, he was on his own, living on the streets. But the cold, brutal Michigan winters took its toll, and Steven decided he wanted to live somewhere warm — and that’s how he ended up in San Diego around the time he turned 21.
With Steven’s luck what it was, he arrived in America’s Finest City during last year’s worst weather event. That’s when he made the call that would change his life.
Sheltering in North Park
“We rescued Steven in Ocean Beach during the three-day El Nino storm, along with his companion, his dog,” said Eric Lovett, founder and executive director of Urban Street Angels, a 5-year-old nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to help end youth homelessness in San Diego. Lovett shared the story of Steven, whose real name is being withheld to protect his privacy.
“We brought Steven to our shelter and we helped him out,” said Lovett, who has 25 years of experience working with the homeless.
Urban Street Angels operate an emergency overnight shelter on Tuesdays in space rented from Missiongathering Christian Church, located on Polk Street in North Park. Jerry Troyer, a longtime La Mesa resident who is one of the founding members of the Angels, is the shelter coordinator who has just been promoted to assistant director.
Troyer said the shelter takes in “transitional age youth” typically between the ages of 17 and 25, people like Steven who they find on the streets of San Diego or who desperately call them for help. The shelter can accommodate up to 24 youth at a time.
Jerry Troyer sorts clothes at the Tuesday night shelter for homeless youth. (Photo by Ken Williams)
“We feed them dinner, let them shower and clean up, offer them haircuts, provide medical services, give them clothing and hygiene supplies, and they have a warm and safe place to sleep for the night,” Troyer said. “We serve them breakfast Wednesday morning before they go back out in the world.”
Troyer emphasized that the Angels have no religious affiliation, unlike most local organizations that serve the homeless.
“We are not religious or spiritual,” he said. “We are not about saving souls or proselytizing. If you want to turn somebody off, hit them over the head with a Bible!”
Mind you that this message is delivered by a man whose background is the ministry.
“We are not a faith-based organization,” Lovett agreed, “but all of us come from that background.”
A home and a job
The Angels also operate a transitional housing and employment program for homeless youth called “8 West” — think Interstate 8 West to get to Ocean Beach, where a lot of homeless youth congregate.
At an undisclosed location in San Diego, they have a group home housing 10 young men and behind the main house is a “granny flat” housing six young women. Three house managers supervise the residents.
“These 16 young people are working toward preparing themselves for a productive life,” Troyer said, his voice cracking with emotion.
Homeless youth gather Tuesday nights at a shelter in North Park. (Courtesy of Urban Street Angels)
“About 80 percent of our homeless youth come from our shelter,” he said about the 8 West program.
More than 3,000 young people are living and sleeping on the streets of San Diego, out of an estimated 9,000 homeless people.
San Diego has the third-largest homeless population in the U.S., and the problem seems to be getting worse.
Lovett figures that about half of the homeless youth served by the Angels are from the San Diego area, while the other half come from out of town or another state. The Angels regularly find homeless youth sleeping in parks in Ocean Beach, North Park and Mission Hills.
Eric Lovett, executive director of Urban Street Angels (Courtesy of Strachota Insurance Agency)
Additionally, Lovett calculates that about 75 percent of the 8 West residents have come out of foster care, where youths are unceremoniously dumped out of the system when they turn 18. Most have no job skills or prospects and no money for housing and living expenses. Most end up living on the streets to survive.
“Many of the kids don’t know about California’s AB 12 law,” he said, adding that the 2010 measure extended state benefits to foster children to age 21.
Although LGBT Americans comprise about 10 percent of the population, an overwhelming number of homeless youths identify as a sexual minority. Lovett said the national average of LGBT homeless youth is around 43 percent, but in San Diego that number is more than 50 percent.
“And that is just the ones who identify as being LGBT,” Lovett said, noting that millennials tend to be gender fluid and reluctant to check off identity boxes. “At least 20 percent of our homeless youth chose not to tell us how they identify. If I had to guess, the figure might be 60 percent to 65 percent LGBT.”
LGBT teenagers who come out to their parents and friends don’t always get a warm and loving reaction. Instead of acceptance they get rejection. Lovett and Troyer hear all the time from LGBT teens who were kicked out of their homes after coming out to their families.
“We are the only [county-funded] homeless housing program in San Diego that welcomes transgender people in the gender with which they identify,” Troyer said. The San Diego LGBT Community Center also takes in transgender people in its youth housing program.
It’s difficult enough to be homeless, but adding the extra layer of being LGBT makes their lives even more challenging. Some faith-based agencies, for example, refuse to serve LGBT clients.
Because almost all of the homeless youth are suffering from some form of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the Angels provide outpatient therapy.
“They need a safe place to talk about their feelings,” Lovett said. “Most have PTSD, are depressed and have a lot of anxiety. Most have never been taught how to deal with these issues. That’s why therapy is so important.”
Why they do it
Troyer and Lovett get emotional talking about their lifesaving work. Troyer had to pause twice during the interview to compose himself as he brushed away tears in his eyes.
Eric Lovett chats with a homeless youth in an encounter in 2015. (Courtesy of Urban Street Angels)
“The point I want to make,” Troyer said, “is that we are in the business of providing unconditional love, which is something that some of these kids have never experienced. That’s our business.”
But that’s not all.
“The reason we do this for this particular age group,” Troyer said, “is because they are incredibly underserved by programs that deal with the homeless. Most of the other programs in San Diego deal with either homeless veterans or chronically homeless people who have addiction problems.
“We believe that if we get homeless youth off the streets before they reach the age of 25,” he continued, “we can break the cycle and help reduce the number of chronically homeless people.”
Lovett added that it is a difficult challenge to get older homeless people off the streets.
“When somebody has been on the streets for 20 years,” he said, “it is hard to get them to change their ways.”
As for homeless youth, Lovett said the key is building trust.
“I cannot help someone who cannot help himself,” he said. “If you are willing to change, we can help you. If you are willing to move forward, we can help you. We can show you: This is what your worth is. You may fall, and most of us will, but we will be there to pick you up.”
The youths who are accepted into the 8 West program must make a number of important commitments, including remaining clean and sober, but the most important of which is to agree to earn a GED if they dropped out of school and/or attend community college classes. They also must agree to find a job or work in the program’s “high-end soap-making business,” Troyer said. The handmade soap is sold online at 8west.org and raises money to help sustain the program.
Success stories like Steven’s are mounting, Lovett and Troyer said. But neither man is resting on his laurels.
“Our goal, within three years, is to house 50 young men and 50 young women,” Lovett said. “And in five years, we want to house 100 young men and 100 young women.”
The immediate objective, they said, is to persuade six other churches to join their cause and sponsor a nightly emergency shelter for homeless youth.
“We would like to have a shelter every night a week at seven different churches,” Lovett said, noting that the Angels are in talks with a church in Pacific Beach and another church in North Park about joining their cause.
A happy ending
“Steven joined our housing program in March,” Lovett said. “Since then, he has gotten a full-time job and is now the manager of a high-end carwash. He has also earned his GED.”
Lovett said he is so pleased to see Steven thriving. He knows how hard it is for homeless youth, who have difficulty trusting adults after living in abusive situations in their childhood, to express their emotions. Just the other day, Lovett said he pulled into the carwash to get his vehicle cleaned and got a chance to speak with Steven. He learned that Steven is doing so well at his job that he might get to run his own carwash franchise.
“For the first time, Steven said thank you for helping me,” Lovett recalled, his voice choking with emotion. “And he said, ‘I love you.’
“I must say, his pathway forward is very inspiring.”
—Ken Williams is editor of Uptown News and can be reached at [email protected] or at 619-961-1952. Follow him on Twitter at @KenSanDiego, Instagram at @KenSD or Facebook at KenWilliamsSanDiego.
  Tax-deductible donations by check can be mailed to: Urban Street Angels, 3090 Polk Ave., San Diego, CA 92104.
The post Saving lives appeared first on San Diego Uptown News.
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Mission Valley Carjacking at Promenade
Original Article Provided By: SDUptownNews.com Saving lives Ken Williams | Editor Urban Street Angels offer lifelines to homeless youth Steven still has nightmares about the time, when he was only 3 or 4 years old, that his drug-addicted mother got really angry with him, grabbed him by the ankles, then held him upside down over the toilet bowl — his head inches from the water — as she flushed and flushed and flushed.
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