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LDA Online Registration – City Civil Court Kolkata Recruitment 2025
The City Civil Court at Calcutta, Kolkata (West Bengal) has announced the LDA Online Registration for various posts (28 vacancies) in 2025 under Advt No. 01-2025 and 02-2025. This recruitment drive offers permanent government job opportunities in different categories, including Lower Division Assistant (LDA), Data Entry Operator (DEO), English Stenographer, Summon Bailiff, and Group D posts.
Overview of LDA Online Registration 2025
FeatureDetailsForm ModeOnline FormJob LocationKolkata, West BengalMonthly PayPost WiseJob BasisPermanent
Important Dates
EventDateNotification Released28/01/2025Starting Date to Apply28/01/2025Last Date to Apply16/02/2025 (11:59 PM)
Application Fees
For Stenographer
CategoryFeesGeneral / SC₹700/-
For LDA / DEO / Summon Bailiff
CategoryFeesGeneral / OBC₹600/-SC / ST / PH₹600/-EWS₹450/-
For Group D Posts
CategoryFeesGeneral / SC / ST₹500/-EWS₹450/-
Payment Mode: Online Payment
Age Limit Details
PostAge LimitStenographer18-32 YearsAll Other Posts18-40 Years
Age as on: 01/01/2025
Age Relaxation: Extra as per government rules
Selection Process
The recruitment process for various posts involves multiple selection stages.
Written Examination – Objective-type test based on post-specific syllabus.
Skill / Typing Test – For stenographer and DEO posts.
Interview (If Applicable) – For some posts, an interview may be conducted.
Document Verification (DV) – Checking of original documents.
Medical Examination – Final fitness check before appointment.
more details--click here
#online jobs#career#government jobs#sarkari jobs#jobseekers#jobsearch#near jobs#job interview#artists on tumblr#bill cipher
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WBCS Prep Strategy for Prelims and Mains 2024: A Comprehensive Approach
The West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) conducts the West Bengal Civil Service exam annually for recruiting eligible candidates under numerous Executive Group A, B, C and D posts. WBCS (Exe.) etc. (Pre.) Examination, 2024 will be held on 7th September 2025.
Visit here:- https://aptiplus.in/blogs/wbcs-prep-strategy-for-prelims-and-mains-2024/
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BSc Nursing, ANM & GNM, Jenpas, WBJEEB MCQ Question & Answer Part – 6
Prepare for your BSc Nursing, ANM & GNM, Jenpas, and WBJEEB exams in West Bengal with our comprehensive collection of MCQ questions and answers. জেনপাস (Jenpas, WBJEEB) নার্সিং পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি নিন: পশ্চিমবঙ্গের BSc Nursing, GNM, এবং ANM Nursing শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য MCQ প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর সম্বলিত একটি অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সংকলন। জেনপাস (Jenpas, WBJEEB) নার্সিং পরীক্ষায় সফলতা অর্জনের স্বপ্ন দেখছেন? আমাদের ব্লগ আপনাকে সাহায্য করতে প্রস্তুত। এখানে আমরা পশ্চিমবঙ্গের BSc Nursing, General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM), এবং Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery (ANM) শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য বিশেষভাবে তৈরি করা অসংখ্য Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) এর একটি বিশাল সংগ্রহ নিয়ে এসেছি। পরীক্ষার আগে আপনার প্রস্তুতিকে আরও মজবুত করতে এবং সফলতার পথে এগিয়ে যেতে, এই প্রশ্নগুলি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয়গুলো কভার করে আপনার জ্ঞানের পরিধিকে আরও বিস্তৃত করবে। আপনি যদি মূল ধারণাগুলি পুনরায় মনে করতে চান ব�� আপনার শেখার গভীরতা পরীক্ষা করতে চান, তবে এই প্রশ্নগুলি আপনার প্রস্তুতিকে আরও কার্যকরী করে তুলবে এবং আত্মবিশ্বাস বাড়াবে। প্রতিটি প্রশ্নই আপনার জ্ঞানকে মজবুত করতে এবং শক্তির জায়গাগুলো চিহ্নিত করতে সাহায্য করবে, সেইসাথে সেই বিষয়গুলোও চিহ্নিত করতে যেগুলোতে আরও মনোযোগ প্রয়োজন হতে পারে। এই MCQ প্রশ্নগুলি চর্চা করে, আপনি জেনপাস (Jenpas, WBJEEB) পরীক্ষায় আসতে পারে এমন বিভিন্ন প্রশ্নের মুখোমুখি হতে আরও প্রস্তুত থাকবেন, যা আপনার সফলতা নিশ্চিত করবে। এই সংকলনটি পশ্চিমবঙ্গের শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য বিশেষভাবে উপযোগী, কারণ এটি জেনপাস (Jenpas, WBJEEB) পরীক্ষার নির্দিষ্ট প্রয়োজনীয়তা এবং মানদণ্ডের সাথে সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ। এটি আপনার পড়াশোনার জন্য একটি অমূল্য সরঞ্জাম। আমাদের সংগ্রহটি অনুশীলন করুন, আপনার জ্ঞানকে আরও সমৃদ্ধ করুন এবং একটি সফল নার্সিং ক্যারিয়ারের দিকে আত্মবিশ্বাসের সঙ্গে এগিয়ে যান। প্রশ্নঃ 'নিখিল ভারত হোমরুল লীগ'- এর প্রতিষ্ঠাতা ছিলেন- - অ্যানি বেসান্ত - মতিলাল নেহেরু বি.আর.আম্বেদকর - জওহরলাল নেহেরু উত্তরঃ অ্যানি বেসান্ত প্রশ্নঃ শের-ই পাঞ্জাব কাকে বলা হয়? - রণজিৎ সিং - ভগৎ সিং - লালা লাজপত রায় - অমর সিং উত্তরঃ লালা লাজপত রায় প্রশ্নঃ Jacobson's organ কোন প্রাণীতে দেখা যায়? - ব্যাঙ - কুকুর - বিড়াল - সাপ উত্তরঃ সাপ প্রশ্নঃ মস্তিষ্কের অবরণীর নাম কি? - ভারমিস - মেনিনজেস - পিটুইটারি গ্ল্যান্ড - কোনোটিই নয় উত্তরঃ মেনিনজেস প্রশ্নঃ Bombay blood group এ কি প্রকারের অ্যান্টিজেন পাওয়া গিয়েছে? - A - B - H - HH উত্তরঃ H প্রশ্নঃ ইনসুলিন একটি- - কার্বোহাইড্রেট - প্রোটিন - ফ্যাট - কোনোটিই নয় উত্তরঃ প্রোটিন প্রশ্নঃ 'Royal himofilia' কোন ফ্যাক্টর এর অভাবে হয়? - VIII - IX - VII - XI উত্তরঃ VIII প্রশ্নঃ ক্রিসমাস হিমোফিলিয়া X ক্রোমোজোম এ কোন ফ্যাক্টরের অনুপস্থিতির জন্য হয়? - VIII - IX - VII - XI উত্তরঃ IX প্রশ্নঃ রক্ততঞ্চনের সময় ফাইব্রিনোজেন কিসের উপস্থিতিতে ফাইব্রিনে পরিণত হয়? - থ্রোম্বিন - প্রোথ্রোম্বিন - Ca++ - হেপারিন উত্তরঃ থ্রোম্বিন প্রশ্নঃ মানবদেহের সবচেয়ে বড় অন্তক্ষরা গ্রন্থির নাম - থাইরয়েড গ্রন্থি - পিনিয়াল গ্রন্থি - পিটুইটারি গ্রন্থি - অ্যাড্রিনাল গ্রন্থি উত্তরঃ থাইরয়েড গ্রন্থি প্রশ্নঃ কোন হরমোন রক্তের অতিরিক্ত ক্যালসিয়াম ও ফসফরাসকে হাড়ে জমা করে? - থাইরক্সিন হরমোন - প্যারাথ হরমোন - ক্যালসিটনিন - ইনসুলিন উত্তরঃ ক্যালসিটনিন প্রশ্নঃ কোন ভিটামিন রক্ত তঞ্চনে সাহায্য করে? - ভিটামিন D - ভিটামিন E - ভিটামিন K - ভিটামিন C উত্তরঃ ভিটামিন K আরও দেখুন -> https://www.iqversity.com/bsc-nursing/bsc-nursing-anm-gnm-jenpas-wbjeeb-mcq-question-answer-part-6/ Prepare for JENPAS (WBJEEB) Nursing Exams with Our Extensive Collection of MCQs: A Must-Have Resource for BSc Nursing, GNM, and ANM Students in West Bengal Aspiring to ace the JENPAS (WBJEEB) nursing exams? Our blog is here to support you with an extensive selection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) tailored specifically for BSc Nursing, General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM), and Auxiliary Nursing and Midwifery (ANM) students in West Bengal. This carefully curated collection of practice questions is designed to cover all essential topics, providing you with the comprehensive review you need to excel in your upcoming exams. Whether you're revisiting key concepts or testing your understanding of the material, these questions are crafted to enhance your preparation and boost your confidence. Each question is aimed at reinforcing your knowledge, helping you identify areas of strength and those that may require additional focus. By practicing with these MCQs, you'll be better equipped to tackle the variety of questions that can appear on your JENPAS (WBJEEB) exams, ensuring that you're well-prepared to achieve success. This resource is particularly beneficial for students in West Bengal, as it aligns with the specific requirements and standards of the JENPAS (WBJEEB) exam, making it an invaluable tool in your study arsenal. Dive into our collection, strengthen your understanding, and take a confident step towards a successful nursing career. Read the full article
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West Bengal Civil Service (WBCS) Examination: A Comprehensive Guide
The West Bengal Civil Service (WBCS) examination is a gateway to a prestigious career in public administration and governance within the state of West Bengal. Conducted by the West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC), the WBCS exam is a highly competitive and sought-after examination that attracts thousands of aspirants each year.
The WBCS examination is divided into three stages: the Preliminary Examination, the Main Examination, and the Personality Test (Interview).
1. Preliminary Examination:
The Preliminary Examination serves as a screening test and comprises one paper on General Studies. The objective-type paper includes questions on:
English Composition
General Science
Current Events of National and International Importance
History of India
Geography of India (with special reference to West Bengal)
Indian Polity and Economy
Indian National Movement
General Mental Ability
2. Main Examination:
Candidates who qualify the Preliminary Examination proceed to the Main Examination, which consists of six compulsory papers and one optional subject. The compulsory papers include:
General Studies I (Indian History and Geography)
General Studies II (Science and Technology, Environment, and General Knowledge)
The Constitution of India and Indian Economy (including the role and functions of the Reserve Bank of India)
Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning
3. Personality Test (Interview):
The final stage of the WBCS examination is the Personality Test, where candidates are evaluated on their personality, communication skills, and overall suitability for a career in civil services.
Career Prospects and Opportunities
A successful candidate in the WBCS examination can look forward to a rewarding career in various administrative positions within the West Bengal government.
The WBCS exam is categorized into four groups: A, B, C, and D, each offering different roles and responsibilities.
Group A Services:
West Bengal Civil Service (Executive)
West Bengal Commercial Tax Service
West Bengal Agricultural Income Tax Service
West Bengal Excise Service
West Bengal Co-operative Service
Group B Services:
West Bengal Police Service
Group C Services:
West Bengal Junior Social Welfare Service
West Bengal Subordinate Land Revenue Service
West Bengal Employment Service
Group D Services:
Inspector of Co-operative Societies
Panchayat Development Officer under the Panchayat and Rural Development Department
Rehabilitation Officer under the Refugee Relief and Rehabilitation Department
Tips for WBCS Aspirants
Understand the Syllabus and Exam Pattern: Thoroughly go through the syllabus and exam pattern to create a strategic study plan.
Regular Study Routine: Maintain a consistent study schedule, focusing on each subject systematically.
Current Affairs: Stay updated with current events and read newspapers daily to enhance your general knowledge.
Practice Previous Papers: Solve previous years’ question papers to understand the exam pattern and improve time management.
Mock Tests: Regularly take mock tests to assess your preparation and identify areas for improvement.
Personality Development: Work on your communication and interpersonal skills for the Personality Test stage.
The WBCS examination is not just a test of knowledge but also a testament to an aspirant's dedication and determination. With the right preparation strategy and a focused approach, candidates can secure a prestigious position in the West Bengal Civil Services and contribute significantly to the governance and development of the state.
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On the whole, MISSION RANIGANJ makes an impact due to the subject
Mission Raniganj Review {3.5/5} & Review Rating
MISSION RANIGANJ is the story of a man trying to rescue miners against all odds. The year is 1989. Jaswant Singh Gill (Akshay Kumar) is a rescue officer and is based in Raniganj, West Bengal. On November 11, hundreds of miners descend into the mine of Mahabir Coillery at night. An underground blast goes wrong and water starts gushing with powerful force. The miners attempt to escape. Several of them safely make it to the ground. But a group of 65 miners get stuck. The next morning, Jaswant volunteers to rescue the miners. D Sen (Dibyendu Bhattacharya), who is a local contact, however, attempts to take over the rescue operation. He comes up with a plan and tries to save the miners. However, his plan fails. On the other hand, Jaswant finds out the highest point in the underground mine. He then drills a hole at that very place and attempts to establish contact. The miners, too, realize that they need to be at the highest point for better chances of rescue. With great difficulty, they try to reach there but get stuck due to a stoppage wall between them and the highest point. Meanwhile, time is running fast and Jaswant needs to rescue them before they drown or die by inhaling a poisonous gas present in the mine. What happens next forms the rest of the film.
Deepak Kingrani's story (story idea by Poonam Gill), inspired by a true incident, is intriguing. Vipul K Rawal's screenplay is engaging. The writer has peppered the narrative with dramatic and tense moments. Deepak Kingrani's dialogues are okay. A film like this should have had more powerful dialogues.Tinu Suresh Desai's direction is superb. At 138 minutes, he has kept the duration in check. He has packed in a lot and also kept things simple for most parts. The obstacles that Jaswant encounters from locating the miners to establishing contact to manoeuvring politics make for a great watch. Some scenes that stand out are Jaswant offering water to a lady in distress, Jaswant convincing the railway officer to slow down the speed of the trains, the intermission, Jaswant establishing contact with the miners, Jaswant promising O P Dayal (Shishir Sharma) that he’ll have tea with him next day etc. The finale is nail-biting.On the flipside, the first half is a bit weak and doesn’t create the desired impact. The VFX is poor. Lastly, there are cinematic liberties in the finale which take away the realism.Speaking of performances, Akshay Kumar’s beard looks a bit unreal. But his performance packs a punch as expected. One can’t help but root for him in this mission. Parineeti Chopra (Nirdosh) puts up a nice act but her role seems forced. Kumud Mishra (R K Ujjwal) is fine but showing him smoking in all scenes gets too much after a point. Dibyendu Bhattacharya is dependable. The same goes for Pavan Malhotra (Bindal) and Virendra Saxena (Tapan Ghosh). Rajesh Sharma (Govardhan Roy) is over the top. From the miners, Ravi Kishan (Bhola) and Jameel Khan (Pasu) leave a mark followed by Sudhir Pandey (Behra), Varun Badola (Shaligram), Mukesh Bhatt (Murli), Bachan Pachehra (Noor; dog-lover) and Omkar Das Manikpuri (Bishu). Shishir Sharma (O P Dayal) is fair. Rajit Kapur and Ananth Narayan Mahadevan are hardly there.Mission Raniganj: The Great Bharat Rescue | Official Trailer | Akshay KumarThe songs are disappointing. 'Jalsa 2.0' is well-shot while 'Jeetenge' and 'Keemti' fail to register. Sandeep Shirodkar's background score has a commercial vibe.Aseem Mishra's cinematography is appropriate. Sheetal Iqbal Sharma's costumes are realistic. Amrish Patange and Dayanidhi Patturajan's production design is detailed and well-researched. VFX is very bad. Parvez Shaikh's action is fair. Aarif Sheikh's editing is just right.On the whole, MISSION RANIGANJ makes an impact due to the subject, clap worthy moments in the second half, nail-biting moments and Akshay Kumar’s performance. At the box office, the negligible buzz can affect its prospects and it will need a strong word of mouth to make the desired impact. #MISSION #RANIGANJ #impact #due #subject Read the full article
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1). a .Bengali, English, Hindi.
b. No.
c. English-England But I am not sure
Hindi- Northern and western India
Bengali- West Bengal ( India)
d. Bengali
e. No
2. a. Dialect . A language spoken by a minority or a group of people which is different from the true/ original form of the language but is a part of that particular original language family.
b. Language . Words or combinations of words understood by the people of a community as a way of communication.
c. accent . Distinctive manner of speaking/ pronouncing words( of a Language) associated with a particular region or group of people .
d. Mother tongue. Language learned from parents.
Hey, fandom buddies!
This is me e-begging today! Please help me pass my exams and maybe graduate in this lifetime 😭😭
I need to survey as many people as possible for my Sociolinguistics class. Please answer the following questions for me (if you are uncomfortable answering publicly, send me an ask or a PM, all is good)!
Please answer the following:
a) Which language(s) do you speak?
b) Do you speak a dialect of the above-mentioned languages?
c) Where is the "best" (i.e. the most correct) of the above-mentioned languages spoken (in your opinion)?
d) What is your native language (or mother tongue)?
e) Do you speak your mother tongue with an accent? If so, what accent?
2. Please also write down YOUR definition of
a) dialect:
b) language:
c) accent:
d) mother tongue:
Again, I am begging! Please help a buddy out!! 😭😭 And if you can, please reblog to get other people to fill this out for me too! I need at least ten victims respondents, but the more the merrier!! I would be so grateful! 🙏🙏
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The Fundamental Differences between UPSC and WBCS Exams
WBCS stands for West Bengal Civil Service, and UPSC stands for Union Public Service Commission. There are some key differences between the UPSC and WBCS Exams both for the state of West Bengal and UPSC is at the country level respectively. It is the premier examination of the state, and a perfect strategy is required to crack it. However, there are many students who do not know how to prepare for the examination, so they are advised to join the best WBCS coaching centre in Kolkata to clear. About UPSC Civil Service Examination Civil Service Examination, i.e., CSE, is one of the most popular and most challenging examinations conducted by UPSC and is to recruit candidates to about 24 top government services comprising IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS, etc. the exam has three stages: Preliminary Exam- objective-based Mains exam- a written exam Interview - personality test About (West Bengal Civil Service) WBCS Exams West Bengal Public Service Commission, i.e., WBPSC, sets the WBCS examination pattern and syllabus. Candidates who wish to go for WBCS exams can visit the site to check the syllabus before they start preparing for it. The WBCS examination is conducted to recruit vacancies in many posts in Bengal state service of Group A, B, C, and D like WB services, Labor Service, Food and Supply Service, West Bengal Police Service, etc. The WBCS exams are conducted in three stages as UPSC exams: Preliminary Mains Interview Students must join the best WBCS coaching centre in Kolkata to prepare, as the preparation strategy includes a thorough understanding of the exam pattern and syllabus. Students must apply for admission in RICE SMART to understand the exam pattern types of questions. The institute provides previous years' papers, question papers, PDFs, booklists, mock tests, and much more. Students should keep a check on eligibility criteria.
Steps To prepare for Both UPSC and WBCS Exams
Students should be well-versed in the exam pattern and syllabus to help them make a proper study schedule. Join RICE SMART as they will guide you to follow a proper schedule. To crack the UPSC examination in one go candidate needs proper training and practice that increases the chance of success. Follow the below-listed steps to prepare for the UPSC and WBCS examinations. Join RICE SMART, the best coaching in Kolkata that guides you to clear the exam on the first attempt. Candidates must prepare notes. Self-study and online coaching are key to success; candidates must visit the site of RICE SMART to join. Take RICESMART prelims online mock exams to know your strength and weaknesses. Take mains mock exams
Difference between UPSC and WBCS examinations
Eligibility criteria for UPSC and WBCS remain the same as the candidate must pass a bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized university. For UPSC candidates, the age limit is less in comparison to WBCS. USE has an extensive syllabus, and state-level civil services like WBCS share many things that are common with UPSC. In WBCS, candidates don’t have to study in a detailed manner as they have to UPDATE. If you are preparing for the UPSC examination, you have to cover many topics; however, there can be a few differences. Suppose you are preparing for the UPSC exam. In that case, you are automatically covering 90 percent syllabus of WBCS, and reaming 10 percent is the part of the syllabus related to Bengal, where the candidate belongs. To crack both examinations, you should keep covering current affairs and events associated with West Bengal. Both UPSC and WBCS exams need dedication and hard work, and candidates must follow proper study patterns to crack them in the first attempt. It is advised that candidates apply for admission to the best WBCS coaching institute to study well. RICE Education is among the top WBCS coaching centre in Kolkata, providing WBCS and UPSC exams combined with online coaching to students so that they can get well prepared for exams. Interested students can visit the website to know more and to join. Read the full article
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Top Allopathic PCD Pharma Franchise in West Bengal- Dalcon Drugs
Leading Top Allopathic PCD Pharma Franchise in West Bengal with ISO/GMP Certification is Dalcon Drugs. It is a reputable pharmaceutical manufacturer. Our product line includes protein powder, ayurvedic medicines, ointments, sachets, pharmaceutical capsules, pharmaceutical syrups, antihistamine tablets, antibiotic tablets, soft gelatin capsules, and injections for neurology. Consequently, we lead the pharmaceutical sector for the following reasons:
We are a company with ISO 9001: 2015 accreditation that focuses on providing top-notch healthcare to people across the nation.
We’ve improved our products as a result and made sure they’re of the finest calibre.
We only employ professionals. We must collaborate with a highly skilled group of scientists and R&D personnel. To meet a person’s unique needs, they design medicine.
Benefits of business opportunities with Top Allopathic PCD Pharma Franchise in West Bengal
Here is the list of benefits working with Top Allopathic PCD Pharma Franchise in West Bengal:
Monopoly business rights: Dalcon Drugs offering monopoly rights for Top Allopathic PCD Pharma Franchise in West Bengal, where candidates can start their Pharma business without facing any kind of competition in the Pharma market. Other rivals have rights to start their business in another location, i.e. outside the boundary of one candidate only.
Free of cost promotional Gifts: Our company Dalcon drugs offers handsome incentives along with free of cost promotional gifts to the associates. Free of cost gifts to associates include: Pens, calendars, notepads, M R bags, visual aids, catch covers, samples, LBL, vouchers, hampers, & many other gift options.
Team of experts: Dalcon drugs consist of various teams of professionals working in our company. All the operations are handled by professional experts having good years of expertise in the field. They work hard to introduce new innovative pharma products for our company.
Best Quality Pharma products: Dalcon drugs only deal in high Quality Pharma products approved by ISO, WHO- GMP & DCGI. All the stock is made available at our large & well maintained warehouses.
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‘You’re All Tomorrow’s Leaders & Tomorrow’s India’- Rector at St Aloysius ITI Auto Tech Fest
St Aloysius Industrial Training Institute, Mangaluru in collaboration with TATA motors and SKIP had organised the 5th National level Auto Tech Fest (Automobile Contest) AUTOSPARK 2023. The inauguration of AUTOSPARK 2023 was held in St Aloysius ITI campus on 9 February 2023. Student participants apart from Dakshina Kannada, and Mangaluru had also come from Gujarat, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Goa, and other parts of the Country. The valedictory function was graced by Fr Melwin Pinto SJ, the Rector of St Aloysius Institutions, Mangaluru who presided over the function. At the same time, D Rajendra Kumar- Managing Director, Automatrixs Group of Companies, Mangaluru was the chief guest. Other dignitaries who joined on the dais were Vinod Kulkarni – Head CSR Tata Motors Ltd; Dr F Joseph Stanley, General Secretary, SKIP Bangalore; Br. C A Thomas – Chairman SKIP; Fr. John D’Souza S J – Director of St Aloysius ITI; Sunil Kunder- President, St Aloysius College Alumni Association (SACCA); Roshan Dsouza – Principal, St Aloysius ITI; Alwyn Menezes – Vice Principal; and Robin Vas, Convener of the programme. Officials from SKIP, Instructors and students from different states and Student Council members were present.
The valedictory programme commenced with a prayer song which was sung by SAITI students, followed by a dance by Fashion Designing and Sewing students of St Aloysius ITI. Robin Vas, Convener of the programme escorted the dignitaries to the dais. Alwyn Menezes, the Vice Principal of St Aloysius ITI welcomed the gathering. The trainers and trainees from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, Gujarat Maharashtra, and Goa were present for the event. Altogether there were 19 trainers and 76 trainees for the event. Cross pit stop, Tech quiz, Auto Shooter, Brain Freezer, Tech Innovation, Fastener Maze, and Skills on wheels were competitions held for the trainees and Compe Trainer was the competition held for the trainers.
Prizes were distributed to the Winners in various contests by the dignitaries on the dais. The names of the winners were read by Umesh J A, JTO of Electronics Mechanic Trade; Ashwin D’Souza JTO of Front Office Management; Mrs Padmavathi, JTO of Electronics Mechanic Trade; John D’Souza, JTO of AC Technician; Ms . Vanditha Rego, JTO; Wilson, JTO of RAC, among others. The BEST INNOVATIVE PROJECT AWARD was bagged by ‘Little Flower Engineering Institute, Kochi for their Model of Series Hybrid Vehicle; and the OVERALL CHAMPIONSHIP was bagged by Don Bosco Technical Institute, Park Circus, Kolkata. Read More On..
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Bengal SSC scam: High court hears challenge petition, but fate of 803 teachers undecided
Division Bench reserves order; last week, judge asked that steps be taken to cancel appointments of 1,911 Group D school staff.
The West Bengal School Service Commission finds no reason to re-examine the Optical Marks Recognition (OMR) sheets -- whose digital records were seized from Ghaziabad by the CBI and sent to the Commission to ascertain recruitment fraud -- or question their authenticity since they were “identical replicas” of the original answer scripts which are now destroyed.
The submission was made by the Commission before the Division Bench of Justices Subrata Talukdar and Supratim Bhattacharya of the Calcutta High Court which kept its order in reserve after concluding the hearing of challenge petitions moved before the court by the aggrieved secondary school teachers whose appointments are all set to be revoked on the basis of an SSC affidavit submitted in court.
Last week, following the Commission’s admission of its “fault”, Justice Abhijit Ganguly set a one-week deadline and directed the SSC to initiate the termination process of 803 currently-employed teachers of classes IX and X whose appointments were given back in 2017 by means of answer script result manipulation. The plea of these teachers to be added as a party to the case and be allowed to defend themselves in court was rejected by Justice Biswajit Basu. Challenging both orders, the litigants moved the Division Bench and argued their case before the judges on Monday.
Based on the same SSC affidavit, Justice Ganguly has already passed an order on Friday to take appropriate steps to cancel appointments of 1911 Group D staff in schools whose OMR sheet results were found tampered with. Both SSC and the state secondary education board have subsequently notified the termination. The appeal petition against that order could not be heard by the Division Bench on Monday since the Single Bench order was yet to be uploaded on the court’s Website.
In September last year the CBI, which is probing the SCC recruitment scam on the Calcutta High Court’s orders, had seized hard disks containing digital records of the 2017 TET exam from the Ghaziabad office of NYSA Communications Pvt Ltd, which was among the companies responsible for OMR sheet evaluation. Although the Commission has, by its own protocol, already destroyed the original OMR sheets of the candidates in question a year of the exams were conducted, the CBI argued in court that the OMR records seized from Ghaziabad vastly differed from the digital records recovered from the Commission’s office in Salt Lake, Kolkata and that a large number of candidates had their marks enhanced in the latter. The commission accepted its “mistake” under an oath before the court, identified 952 such candidates out of which 803 are employed for over five years now, and recommended that the appointments under question be cancelled.
Counsels for aggrieved teachers argued that the Commission based its conclusion on “secondary evidence” since the original documents have been destroyed which should bring the basis of comparison of the records under judicial scrutiny. The principles of natural justice and civil consequences of the job-losers must be kept in mind and the Commission should be directed not to proceed any further on its termination process under Rule 17 of the Commission’s Act till all stakeholders are heard by the court.
“Destruction of the original documents doesn’t make the evidence weak since they were mirror images of the original ones with no scope of human intervention. We have sufficient grounds to believe that mistakes were made,” Dr Sutanu Patra, appearing for the Commission submitted and added there was no scope of hearing the eliminated candidates as per SSC rules. Read More On..
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India's Best Upstream & Downstream Oil Companies
The oil and gas sector is one of India's eight key industries. It significantly affects all crucial areas of our economy. Depending on how they operate and where they sit in the supply chain for crude oil and its byproducts, oil businesses may be generally divided into two groups: upstream and downstream. Since they manage everything from oil exploration and production to distribution, these companies are crucial to the growth of India's economy.
In this page, you can read about the important upstream and downstream oil firms in India.
India's Best Upstream & Downstream Oil Companies
Upstream oil companies
The upstream sector is responsible for finding and producing crude oil and natural gas. Finding potential oil fields and drilling test wells to see if they have the capacity to produce a sizable amount of oil are necessary steps in this process. Businesses in this industry also supply crude oil and natural gas that have been surface-recovered. These organizations are often known as exploration and production (E&P) corporations. They place a high value on research and development (R&D) activities. Employees of E&P companies include geologists, scientists, engineers, and seismic experts.
Modern oil prospecting requires geological surveys that make use of technological technology and artificial intelligence (AI). Mechanical drilling and fracking technology have advanced and improved over the last few years.
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
Natural Gas & Oil Corporation (ONGC) Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) Ltd. is India's top crude oil and natural gas producer. Its operations are mostly focused on oil extraction. This firm is responsible for over 71% of India's entire crude oil output.
ONGC runs 74 workover (portable) rigs and about 105 oil drilling rigs. It controls oil pipelines spanning more than 11,000 kilometres across India. Indian Oil Corp. (IOCL), BPCL, and HPCL are downstream oil companies that utilise the petroleum that ONGC extracts as a raw material.
The Government of India (GoI) holds a 60.4% controlling stake in the company. Administrative control for ONGC is exercised by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. More information regarding the source of energy is available here.
Oil India Limited (OIL)
State-owned Oil India Limited (OIL) finds, develops, and produces crude oil and natural gas both locally and overseas. The company operates 1,157 kilometres of cross-country crude oil pipelines. It also owns 10 crude oil pumping stations, 13 drilling rigs, 14 work-over rigs, and 14 work-over rigs in Assam, West Bengal, and Bihar.
OIL has participation interests in the Mahanadi Offshore, Mumbai Deepwater, and Krishna Godavari Deepwater New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) areas. Additionally, it takes engaged in several offshore projects in Libya, Sudan, Nigeria, and the United States.
Reliance Industries Ltd
Reliance Petroleum, a unit of RIL, is one of the major private players in India's upstream oil industry. It runs two well-known oil rigs in the Bay of Bengal called Dhirubhai Deepwater (DD) KG-1 and DD KG-2. The largest refinery in the world is the Reliance Industries-owned Jamnagar oil refinery. There is the potential for daily crude oil production of 1.97 lakh cubic metres!
Larsen & Toubro Ltd
The leading engineering and construction company is now working on many projects involving oil extraction and processing. L&T also offers crucial equipment and systems for oil and gas projects. Every stage of the hydrocarbon value chain, including the processing of oil and gas, petroleum refining, chemicals, and petrochemicals, is served by the company's hydrocarbon business.
BP Plc
The global British oil and gas company BP Plc is based in London. In 2020, the company formed a joint venture (JV) with Reliance Industries Ltd. in India. The JV, which runs under the "Jio-bp" name, aims to control India's transportation and petroleum sectors.
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Daily Current affairs of 6th Feb 2023
Practice daily Current affairs and give quiz for assess your knowledge. Today you can study current affairs of 6th Feb 2023 and this is suitable for almost all type of government competitive exams.
Daily Current affairs for 6th Feb 2023
Q1. Which country did India start the "Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technologies" with? A. Australia B. France C. USA D. UK AnswerAnswer USA Q2. What is the sanctioned judicial strength of the Supreme Court of India? A. 25 B. 28 C. 30 D. 34 AnswerAnswer 34 Q3. As per the Economic Survey, what is the estimated economic growth rate in 2023-24? A. 5.5% B. 6.0% C. 6.5% D. 7.0% AnswerAnswer 6.5% Q4. Which state/UT launched a ‘Real-time source apportionment supersite’ to tackle pollution? A. New Delhi B. Maharashtra C. West Bengal D. Telangana AnswerAnswer New Delhi Q5. Who has assumed charge as the new Vice Chief of the Indian Air Force? A. Air Marshal AP Singh B. Air Marshal VR Chaudhari C. Air Marshal Sandeep Singh D. Air Marshal HS Arora AnswerAnswer Air Marshal AP Singh Q6.Which country has become the latest member of the International Solar Alliance? A. Congo B. Srilanka C. Comoros D. Ghana AnswerAnswer Congo Q7. Who has been appointed as the new country head for India by Morgan Stanley? A. Sanjay Shah B. Ridham Desai C. Arun Kohli D. Nirav Mehta AnswerAnswer Arun Kohli Q8. Recently, a noted personality, K.V. Tirumalesh, passed away. In what field was he involved? A. Classical dance B. Writing C. Sports D. Politics AnswerAnswer Writing Q9. The US has reopened embassy in which of the following countries after 30 years? A. Fiji B. Israel C. Vietnam D. Solomon island AnswerAnswer Solomon island Q10. Which fo the following institutes will receive a Rs 242 crore grant for lab-grown diamond research? A. IIT Delhi B. IIT Madras C. IIT Bombay D. IISc Bangalore AnswerAnswer IIT Madras Q11. Which company has been approved as first Indian company to supply critical rotating parts for nuclear turbines? A. Tata Iron and Steel Company B. Azad Engineering Private Limited C. Larsen and Toubro Limited D. India Engineering company AnswerAnswer Azad Engineering Private Limited Q12. Which of the following country recently announced removal of British monarchy from its banknotes? A. Egypt B. Fiji C. Kenya D. Australia AnswerAnswer Australia Q13. India Energy Week will be held in which city in India? A. Hyderabad B. Gurugram C. Bengaluru D. Noida AnswerAnswer Bengaluru Q14. World Cancer Day is marked on which day? A. 4 February B. 1 December C. 8 March D. 21 April AnswerAnswer 4 February Q15. Which country’s chief justice has been invited to address the 73rd anniversary of the SC? A. Myanmar B. Singapore C. Bangladesh D. Indonesia AnswerAnswer Singapore Q16. What is namw Whatsapp chatbot service launched by Delhi Commission for protection of Child Rights? A. Bal Sakha B. Bal Mitra C. Balram D. Balak Mitra AnswerAnswer Bal Mitra Q17. Yaya Tso has been declared as first biodiversity heritage site of a state. Which state is that? A. Arunachal Pradesh B. Mizoram C. Ladakh D. Tripura AnswerAnswer Ladakh Q18. Recently, which of the following has designated India as a Pioneer Investor? A. International Monetary Fund B. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea C. World Bank D. International Seabed Authority AnswerAnswer International Seabed Authority Q19. Which of the following organization has decided to remove Adani Enterprise from sustainability indices? A. NASDAQ B. S&P Global C. S&P Dow Jones D. CME Group AnswerAnswer S&P Dow Jones Q20. Which will be the first destination of Digital India Mobile Van launched by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology? A. Noida B. Lucknow C. Kanpur D. Chennai AnswerAnswer Lucknow Now Try Quiz of Feb Current Affairs 2023 Attention: You must prepare daily current affairs of Feb 2023 for Quiz, so you can rank better and motivate for your upcoming government exam competition.
Also practice other's day current affairs of Feb 2023
- Current affairs of 1st Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 2nd Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 3rd Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 4th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 5th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 6th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 7th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 8th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 9th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 10th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 11th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 12th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 13th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 14th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 15th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 16th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 17th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 18th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 19th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 20th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 21st Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 22nd Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 23rd Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 24th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 25th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 26th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 27th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 28th Feb 2023 Read the full article
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From prioritizing the study plan to preparing a list of topics, a lot goes into the preparation of the RRB Group D exam. For more information please read this article.
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WBSSC Group C & D Syllabus 2021 - West Bengal SSC Clerk Group-D Exam Pattern, Previous Papers
WBSSC Group C & D Syllabus 2021 - West Bengal SSC Clerk Group-D Exam Pattern, Previous Papers
WBSSC Group C & D Syllabus 2021, WBSSC Group D Exam Pattern, West Bengal School Clerk Exam Pattern, westbengalssc.com Group C and D Previous Papers, WBSSC Non Teaching Staff Syllabus PDF Available Here:
Hello, Aspirants!! WBSSC Syllabus for Group D, Clerk and Librarian Exam 2021 has released and available here on this blog. As we know, there are lakhs of job seekers searching for West Bengal School Non Teaching Staff Recruitment Exam Syllabus and Previous Papers to kick start the preparation. So we have explained WBSSC Non Teaching Staff Exam Pattern Post wise briefly under this article.
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