#werk fag
pinketine · 6 months
Thinking about Playboi Carti photoshoots where he serves bizarre amounts of cunt
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Like what's up with that?
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yonpote · 1 month
the gag faggette?????? like im gagged? gaga? faguette like french???? i am trying to decipher your runes anon.
i deserve the gagged fag? okay! werk i guess!!!
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fagmegumi · 1 year
u not a lesbian tho ur bisexual
Okay so let me clear this up not even for the benefit of anon but for my mutuals who don’t know me irl and may get the wrong impression from it.
what i meant to say in those tags is that the reason i still feel comfortable going to women’s places in my current state of existence is that 1) lesbianism AND womanhood both come in many diverse flavors of gender experiences so to speak 2) ERGO even lesbians who are straight up cis women can and will be attracted to people with various kinds of gender experiences, both “internally” so to speak (‘identity’) and “externally” (various configurations of genitals, breasts or lack thereof, body hair, presentation, etcetc.) this isn’t the case for ALL obviously but its certainly the case for some. Like I personally know lesbians who know about my gender situation and would still fuck me lol im not even being prescriptive rn as you point out i am NOT a lesbian and its not up to me to say what they should or shouldnt do. Im literally describing reality. 3) as i exist right now, i am a person with breasts, a pussy, and a relatively feminine face (though invisalign is doing wonders on my jawline, werk!). To say that no lesbian who sees me in a bar dancing could possibly be attracted to the person they see is genuinely so far out of the bounds of reality it boggles the mind. Also this is neither here nor there but i don’t exactly consider myself a “man”, like I would never want to fill the social role of ‘man’ the way a cis man does. That’s why i call myself transmasc but not a trans man. If id been born with a penis and assigned male at birth and raised a boy etcetc, i would STILL want to socially and/or medically transition bc I simply dont see myself as a genuine 100% man the way i dont see myself as a woman.
If i ever do manage to get hrt and I acquire more masculine characteristics etc the situation will be different, like I wouldnt feel as comfortable going to spaces for women. Also I should specify that the bar i went to today does not call itself a “lesbian bar”, it is a bar for queer women of any sexuality (and their friends and allies of other genders). Not every single person in there was a woman, and not every single woman was a lesbian. Statistically in fact many of them were probably bisexual, and honestly assuming otherwise is lowkey pretty biphobic lol
lastly, i also want to specify that, even if im pre-transition and i look for all intents and purposes like a cis woman (something that makes my life hell in many generic lgbt places, where the general misogynistic and boys-club vibe makes it so gay dudes will tolerate me at best and assume im a ‘fag hag’) i still would never have sex with a lesbian without clarifying my gender situation to them first. I simply would not feel comfortable with that in fact the thought makes me pretty nauseous. But at the same time 1) i know (again, for a fact) there are plenty of people who use the label of lesbian who WOULD fuck me even after knowing and 2) i dont think grinding a little on a stranger in a bar you saw from a cross the room and found really hot, or even having a short dancefloor makeout with them, is anywhere on the same level.
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moku-moku-no-santoryu · 3 months
love that its been 80s/90s for over two werks but on the day of the pride parade it dropped to 66 this is just proof that god clearly loves fags
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tache-noire · 4 months
Happy pride day to paul heyman werk fag
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dehalogenase · 5 months
i went pee-pee in the mother toilet and didnt flush.
i am the mothercunter fucker.
cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
slay slay slay slay slay slay slay slay slay
faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot
werk. werk. MAMA. werk. werk. MAMA.
i love being a hag and i. love. my. fags!
i think its so cool how they do all that anal stuff. i let my husband control my finances bc im a new type of feminist.
why did you choose to be a tranny? it seems…difficult and you aren’t even very good at it.
we should do brunch sometime! i just love how much you still look like a man!
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keynewssuriname · 5 months
Schietterrein Defensie naar NAVO-standaard dankzij defensie samenwerking met Frankrijk
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De OP Savannah, het schietterrein van het Nationaal Leger (NL) in Para, is met medewerking van Franse militairen opgeschoond, gemoderniseerd en geüpgraded naar de standaarden van het Noord-Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie (NAVO). Het 9e Regiment Infanterie der Marine (9e Régiment d'Infanterie de Marine, RIMa) was van 8 tot en 19 april 2024 met 19 legervoertuigen en een detachement van meer dan 70 personeelsleden in Suriname. Er is tijdens de missie ook een beschietingscampagne gehouden. De Franse ambassade voor Suriname en Guyana maakt in een bulletin op haar website bekent dat de upgrade van de schietbaan het hoogtepunt was van meer dan twee jaar werk door de Franse militairen om het schietterrein op te schonen en aan te passen aan de moderne normen. Uit andere bronnen wordt vernomen dat het schietterrein van de OP Savannah door al die schietacties door de jaren heen verontreinigd was met allerlei soorten munitie. Een ingenieursbureau van FAG en experts in het neutraliseren van explosieven uit Martinique hebben een mijn opruiming en sanering van de locatie uitgevoerd. Het gerenoveerd schietcomplex is in aanwezigheid van de Franse ambassadeur Nicolas de Lacosteen en de Franse defensieattaché, luitenant-kolonel Jean-Marc Moulin tijdens een korte plechtigheid opnieuw in gebruik genomen door minister Krishna Mathoera van Defensie en legerbevelhebber kolonel Werner Kioe A Sen. De modernisering van de oefenlocatie in de OP Savannah duurde twee jaar en is het resultaat van een gezamenlijke operatie van het 9e RIMa en het Nationaal Leger, onder supervisie van deskundigen ter zake. Deze upgrading van de standaarden maakt het mogelijk dat Suriname kandidaat kan worden voor het organiseren op eigen grondgebied van internationale operaties en trainingen zoals TRADEWINDS, waarbij Caribische landen elke twee jaar samenkomen voor gezamenlijke oefeningen. De minister heeft de bijdrage van Frankrijk aan de vooruitgang van het Surinaamse leger verwelkomd en het belang onderstreept van een goede samenwerking tussen de twee landen die een gemeenschappelijke grens delen, waarop voortdurend inspanningen op het gebied van veiligheid moeten worden geleverd. Ze herinnerde zich haar officieel bezoek aan Frankrijk (Frans-Guyana, 1 juli 2022), waar ze haar Franse collega Sébastien Lecornu ontmoette. Deze acties maken deel uit van een duurzame samenwerking, die vruchten afwerpt,’ aldus een passage in het dagblad France-Guyane van woensdag 24 april. Mathoera heeft haar dankbaarheid uitgesproken aan drie Franse legerofficieren die in de afgelopen twee jaar leiding hebben gegeven aan het project OP Savannah. Tijdens de missie hebben de Franse troepen uitrusting overhandigd aan het Surinaams leger. Het bezoek van het 9e RIMa detachement was tevens een gelegenheid om verschillende individuele wapens samen met Surinaamse collega’s uit te proberen en om de jonge Franse officieren instructies te geven in tactiek, wapenonderhoud, sport, eerste hulp bij gevechten. De OP Savannah is een uitstekend als oefenterrein voor Franse troepen die in Frans-Guyana zijn gestationeerd, trainingen die de strijdkrachten niet in het buurland kunnen doen.   Read the full article
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undergrounddrag · 2 years
RPFR Season 1, Premiere 2 in Review
Bitches, butches, bears and baddies!
It’s my turn at the reins for this week’s fag race, where we meet the second half of our mega cast. Are we sitting comfortably? Good, then I’ll begin.
First through the doors was high fem queen Amber Sweet, rocking what we in the business call “not a lot” – Leather mummy via Halloween pop-up store. She’s blonde, she’s skinny, she’s rich, and she’s a little bit of a bitch. Before we could get a good look at her pleather and pearls slut dropping serve, she’s interrupted by our next contestant, Ronnie Radke – who tends to go by RR. R-R you sure this is the show for you, is all I have to say. He pushes through, announcing himself as a rock god,  and there’s almost instant bickering as he goes for what looks like a slap on Amber’s ass. Before the Pit Crew can intervene, RR finds himself full bodily bowled over by contestant number 3, and brother to Amber Sweet, Luigi Largo. Something tells me he’ll be the rabid dog of the season, as he has to get dragged away by 2 members of the pit crew to stop him pummelling RR into the ground, yelling about holding up the line to get in.  Instead of strapping an electric collar on that beast which, dear reader, I would like to see, the Pit Crew opts for a cigar sized blunt popped into his mouth and deftly lit. Where DO they get these guys from, and where can we hire them? Breaking the thick awkward silence as each of the contestants glares at the others for ruining their entrance, we have a surprise two-fer contestant, Jedward. John ‘Jedward’ Grimes and Edward ‘Jedward’ Grimes are Irish identical twins, and claim to be inseparable. Since they appear to only have one persons worth of brains between them at a push, I think it’s fair enough to let them compete together, though I’m sure some of our other dense queens could have done with the brain power boost too. Hard luck hennys! Jedward, dressed in matching Camp Rock style tween bad boy looks, have an infectious energy that is in equal part charming and annoying. They are either deft social salves or blindingly ignorant to the sour vibes in the Werk Room, and start trying to make friends with everyone, and tried to encourage a rousing chorus of We’re All In This Together, which though unsuccessful did get some laughs – mostly out of the usually stoic Pit Crew.  Though they don’t seem super polished, their high energy could be great fun. Next up, dubiously claiming to “put the ‘sue’ in suited and booted” is Saul Goodman. He had the good grace to cringe as he said he’s entry piece, flagging him as more self aware than anyone else in the workroom so far. He’s in athleisure wear that looks like the 70s-music-loving DILF from your kids football club would put on after his early morning family church service, but before his pre-lunch wank. The only skin he’s showing is where his hairline isn’t, but he’s oozing charisma – and that ooze is ever so slightly slimy. Next through the door we have Cheryl Blossom and Archie Andrews. Both gingers from the small town of Riverdale, these two have been friends for years before the show, though Cheryl leaves us under no illusion she is willing to take the crown over Archie’s dead body. Cheryl is the season’s answer to Buffy Summers, in equal parts classic gothic heroine and head cheerleader. She strikes me as one to watch in what seems so far to be an uninspiring group. Archie for his part seems so earnest that it’s easy to forget his entrance was uninspiring. I hope we don’t see a good kid get chewed up and spat out. Next in is Laurence Gordon – or Lozza G. Dressed in doctors’ whites and wielding a cane, he loudly announced “did someone call a dr?!” which I suspect sounded cooler in his head. In any case, the usual screaming of delight at a new arrival ensued. If he doesn’t reveal something slutty under that coat, I’m complaining to OFCOM. Or I would, if this wasn’t entirely illegal already. Our penultimate queen through the door is The Pavi – Pavi Largo, joining Amber and Luigi as the third and final Largo sibling. Pavi has a fascinating energy, somewhere between camp and glam, horror and horniness. I can’t wait to see whether he uses the changeable faces he has to their full potential, and how he takes on challenges. Despite the slightly unnerving creepy magician type energy he arrived with, he seems to be quite effortlessly charming the room so far, with the exception of his siblings and RR, who is sat in the corner with Lozza G examining the revelry of faggotry before him with a dirty look. Genuinely wondering whether he knows what show he’s on, or if this is some kind of new criminal punishment for him. Last in is Beef – who has a fairly small but fervent following as a live performer, and probably shows the most upfront raw potential of this group thus far. He is glittery and mesmerising, his painted on beauty spot and careful coif contrasting perfectly with the machismo of his hip-forward-drool-making strut. Luigi clocks him at once as someone working in his wheelhouse, and Pavi wants him in plenty more than just that, if the gasp and giggle is anything to go by. Pavi darling, I’m with you, twirling my hair and batting my eyelashes. Unlike Pavi, I can’t get my hands all over that chest – but fair play to him. Beef seems to be enjoying it, and Archie seems a little relieved that Pavi has a new pull on his focus. Soon enough, it’s time for the group to perform Ru’s new original song: Monster Mash. It was a great number to kick off the group with, though I do wish we’d been able to see how some of the other half of the cast would do – I think Fred would have been incredible. Alas, we are slaves to the format. Archie thoroughly impressed tonight, and though his tailoring was fairly uninspired, he was in full black and white, down to his beat. He really sold the judges on the performance. Jedward also pulled out a high energy performance, each dressed as a zombie, and pulling half the moves directly from Thriller but with such high energy, twists and tricks, that it was impossible to look away. The judges seemed to agree – the Boulet’s reminded Archie that they would want to see him break this clean cut look in future – a little pre-emptive, perhaps, but time will tell. Cheryl was highly praised too by most of the panel for her choreography. No real stand outs from the rest of the group, and no huge failures either.
The runway this week had the theme of Purple. Jedward surprised the judges and viewers with a Violet Beauregarde inspired runway – they came out dressed in purple, blowing purple gum, and then at the top of the runway inflated something in their costumes to give the blueberry effect. It wasn’t seamless to look at, but the effort and fun was highly applauded. Cheryl also absolutely served in a simple but effective look, reminiscient of Daphne – for those familiar with Fred’s work outside this show- or perhaps Totally Spies. Go-go boots for the GAWDS. Pavi also opted for a pop culture reference, though more a self reference than one on theme. He walked the runway in a gorgeous purple cloak and suit, a phantom of the opera in plum, put the rose from his lapel between his teeth and lent in to the judges panel flirtatiously before strutting back down the runway. Jasper, Ezra and the Boulet enjoyed this immensely, and he was highly praised.
Alas, he was pit to the post of top two by Jedward and Cheryl, who dutifully lipsync for the crown, to Burning Down the House. I have little so say about Jedward’s performance except ENERGY . They were bouncing around all over the place to the funky beats, urging the judges and us at home to get off our feet and dance along. Cheryl on the other hand went full melodrama. Her set was, we’re told, designed to look like her own mansion back in Riverdale. She herself was delivering pure pop queen with just the faintest hint of insanity, which she contrasted perfectly against the backdrop, which she set aflame and had slowly collapsing around her. Though Ru seemed a little unsure of why you’d put the two together, she was quickly talked around by the other judges who were all in Cheryl’s pocket after her gagging performance. A thoroughly deserved and pretty uncontested win for Cheryl sees her crowned for the week, going into next week with the lead alongside Chop Top. How’s THAT for Beauty and the Beast?? At this stage in the contest, it’s hard to know who’s capable of what, and who will start to shine as the queens jostle to find their place. Let us know who you think are the ones to watch, and who are the ones who should be put to sleep: [email protected]
Talk soon, my pretties.  Gene NB: Prompted by a letter from an anonymous Riverdale resident,  we did some digging and found that not only did Cheryl definitely base her set design on her own mansion, Thornhill, but that there was a fire there, with some claiming it was Cheryl who razed it, to bring hell down on her mother. Juicy!
Xoxo Gene
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lipsyncforyourlife · 3 years
Jasmine Kennedie Reflects On A Life-Changing Untucked + "60s Girl Group" Recaps (Issue #8)
The RuPaul's Drag Race Official Newsletter
In this week’s newsletter, we sing the the praises of “60s Girl Groups,” count down the funniest reads from the Mini Challenge, and share an exclusive interview with Jasmine Kennedie. Don’t forget to subscribe so you can stay tuned for all of the latest Drag Race updates!
We’re eight weeks in and the competition is heating up! Sure, that could be said about every week, but as Willow Pill noted—cheesy as it may sound—this is the point in a Drag Race season when queens stop being polite and start getting real (obligatory hat tip to The Real World). At the official halfway mark of season 14, “60s Girl Groups” is a rollercoaster of an episode, packing in a signature Mini Challenge, an all-singing-all-dancing Maxi, and one heartbreaking elimination. It do take nerve, and these girls are realizing just how hard they have to fight for that crown. Hey mama, welcome to the 60’s—now let’s break it all down, note by note…
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The Mini
The cast was riding high after a strong ensemble performance in “The Daytona Wind” and some sisterly bonding in Untucked, but the library opened just in time to remind them: What’s drag without a little shade? That’s right, our first real Mini in quite a few weeks is the highly anticipated “Reading Is Fundamental” challenge. In the grand tradition of Paris Is Burning, the queens were tasked with reading their sisters for filth, and, as always, it was a total gag. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the challenge’s best barbs.
The Top 5 Funniest Reads:
Kerri Colby to Jasmine Kennedie: “Miss Jasmine Mouth-Almighty: You know I am so glad that on this whole journey you have found… your silence.”
Lady Camden to Willow Pill: “I’m a lady, but you, you are a dame. A little dame. A little… hunchback of Notre Dame. Quasimodo she better do!”
Jorgeous to Jasmine Kennedie: “Why do you look so old, but you are so young! You are the definition of ‘White do crack.’”
Willow Pill to Jorgeous: “Serena ChaCha: Jorgeous, we know you’re skinny and need to eat, but unfortunately Orion’s ass is not on the food pyramid.”
Bosco to Lady Camden: “I’ve learned so much from Lady Camden. Did you know: In British, ‘fag’ means ‘cigarette’? It’s crazy! So, could somebody send this cigarette home?”
Damn, these girls were good—talk about reading comprehension! It was stiff competition, but ultimately Bosco snagged a deserving win, thanks in large part to her read of the entire cast at once, taking out eight birds with one shady stone: “I was walking around backstage and I actually found RuPaul’s will—you have some very weird criteria there. She wanted to be buried on the catwalk, and she wanted all of you to be her pallbearers… that way you could let her down on the runway one last time.” An immaculate joke.
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The Set-Up
Next, we hopped in a time machine to 1964 for a patented “RuPaul Herstory Lesson” on an era when girl groups like The Supremes, The Shangri-Las, and The Ronettes (RIP Ronnie Spector!) dominated the charts, breaking down barriers in culture. They served as the inspiration for this week’s Maxi Challenge, in which the queens were tasked with performing a brand-new retro hit, writing and singing their own verses and coming up with their own dance routines. Ru announced they’d get to pick their own groups, which became less about finding the right teammates and more about shouting out which song they wanted to perform, leaving the Werk Room in pure chaos as the girls duked it out for their track of choice.
When the dust settled, our three groups of three got to work, first recording verses with Michelle Visage and writer/producer David Benjamin Steinberg, and later pacing out their choreo. The Shang-Ru-Las brought together Bosco, Daya, and Willow (a reunion of The Daytona Wind’s House Of Michaels), and the trio quickly agreed on a cohesive direction for their song, pleasing Michelle with its absurd, dirty details. Willow also revealed herself to be a stealth dancer, finding the group’s rhythm with some fancy footwork. Though the Runettes—DeJa, Jasmine, and Jorgeous—were modest about their vocal abilities, DeJa surprised with a nice set of pipes, which boded well for the group. However, her experience as a cheer coach for kids didn’t seem to translate when it came time to instruct two drag queens in their early twenties who struggled to get in step. Lastly, The Rupremes had a not-so-secret weapon in the form of Angeria, who has a great voice and a long history of performing as Ru’s favorite, Diana Ross. Experienced dancer Lady Camden wisely went simple with her choreography, but it was lost on Kerri who also had trouble shaking her “church lady" ways in the recording booth. Would all three groups be able to get in tune in time for the big number?
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The Challenge
First up, The Shang-Ru-Las brought that boom-boomboom-clap to “Bad Boy Baby,” which was definitely the funniest of the pack, all three really nailing the moves and finding a way to bring some subtle character work to the performance. The song may have ended with the bad boy getting hit by a bus (“Like you dropped a hot bowl of spaghetti”), but this was far from a car crash. Then the Runettes gave us girl group realness with “He’s My Baby,” kicking things off on a high note with DeJa—a total Dreamgirl. Jorgeous might have had trouble in the recording booth, but ultimately made the smart decision to deliver her lyrics in a sultry, spoken-word tone, which was certainly era appropriate. Jasmine also pulled through with vocals, but found herself a little lost in the choreography. And for the final act, The Rupremes’ “My Baby Is Love,” Angeria got those shoulders swaying to capture the spirit of Diana, and, frankly, she sang like an angel (Angie, drop the album, girl!). Her teammates Kerri and Lady Camden both sounded great on their own, but had trouble keeping pace and finding their standout moments.
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The Looks
If those girl groups had you swooning, then this week’s runway felt pretty appropriate: “Heart On” is the kind of vague category that leaves a lot to interpretation and really lets the queens’ creativity shine. First to walk was Willow Pill, serving her signature blend of sexiness and silliness in panties from crotch to ankle, complete with the “Borat thong.” Breaking a bit from the Valentine’s Day color scheme, Daya stood out with her fun cyberpunk look, bringing to mind the NSYNC classic, “Digital Get Down.” DeJa also made an impression in a superhero anime piece that showed a different side of her than her previous runways. Jorgeous delivered a chic showgirl get-up complimented by a big ostrich-feather heart, and Jasmine was looking classically elegant in her mighty Aphrodite tribute to Hercules. Lady Camden also turned to the gods for inspiration, giving us a playful spin on Cupid, while the always stunning Kerri Colby put her whole body on display—even her veins! Angeria was momentarily unrecognizable in a funky mod fantasy look, and Bosco’s vampy dress put the “ass” in cardiovASScular (not going to apologize for that one).
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The Critiques
Alec Mapa brought his delightful self to the Judge’s Panel, as he, Carson, Michelle, and Ru determined which queens hit all the right notes in the challenge and runway. I thought Bosco had the right idea when she theorized they’d be judged in teams this week, but we were both wrong as she, Willow, and Jorgeous were deemed safe, leaving representatives from each girl group in the tops and bottoms. The judges hailed Daya as a real standout in her team, cementing her first win and continuing a notable upward trajectory in the competition. Also scoring high were DeJa and Angeria, who received similar praise for strong vocals and surprising, outside-of-the-box runways. Last week, Lady Camden set a high bar for herself, and her low placement here almost felt like a response to that—Michelle noting that she needs to not let her softness hold her back if she wants to continue to stand out. But we were ultimately left with Jasmine and Kerri in the bottom two, both aware they were a bit overwhelmed by the week’s challenge.
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Taking a cue from the heart-themed runway, their Lip Sync For Your Life was to a Hex Hector remix of Toni Braxton’s timeless power ballad, “Un-break My Heart.” Considering her last LSFYL was in Jennifer Lopez’s Versace dress, Kerri Colby showed that could really command a stage when she didn’t have an insurance policy to worry about. But, in true dancing queen fashion, it was hard to take your eyes off of Jasmine who kicked her way through a spirited performance—even after losing one of her heels. The reveal of another chocolate bar meant it was Kerri’s time to sashay away, and it’s clear that the girls were just as devastated as we were to see our favorite auntie go. Her impact on this season cannot be overstated, and I’m so glad Kerri Colby had the chance to show the world a new side of herself. As she walked off the main stage, she left us with a typically poised exit line: “Well, I’m Kerri Colby, and all I can say is: I’m so proud to be a part of RuPaul’s Drag Race.” 
Burning Questions
Points On The Board
Bosco is a total numbers queen and, as she reminded us in Untucked, Angeria’s track record thus far in the competition is unrivaled, both in terms of wins (she’s the only with two) and high placements (she’s received positive critiques every week but one). By episode’s end, every queen except for DeJa and Jasmine has won a challenge, so, from a statistical point of view, Angie’s our clear frontrunner, leaving most of the others in a dead heat behind her. In the coming weeks, will a new frontrunner emerge from the pack? Will DeJa or Jasmine finally nab their long-awaited win? Or will Angeria continue to reign supreme?
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Mini Mind Games
The Mini Challenge spilled over into the rest of the episode when Daya decided to ask Jasmine about her “two-faced” read, which Jasmine said was a response to Daya secretly knocking her for relying on her physique in the design challenge. The two chopped it up in the Werk Room, but it was clear Jasmine expected an apology, while Daya still felt hurt by the read. The whole thing reminded me of the Class Superlatives Mini Challenge in All Stars 6, which noticeably threw Trinity K. Bonet off of her game for the rest of the episode. Both Daya and Jasmine bounced back from the spat just fine, but will the tension linger as the competition rolls on?
Next Week: You’ve Got Male
The teaser starts with the girls in hilariously busted quick drag as Ru introduces the next Maxi: The return of DragCon panels, this time focused on “menzeses.” Bosco and Willow are shown scoring some laughs, while Jorgeous trips over her words in a challenge that once again puts the queens’ comedy chops to the test. And who better to critique comedy than returning guest judge Nicole Byer? Plus: Remember that lingering tension between Daya and Jasmine I was just wondering about? Well, it looks like it could be bubbling up once again!
The Other Half Of The Story
You know the drill: If you’re not watching Untucked, well, you’re missing out, babe! Let’s shout out a few of the most notable moments form this week’s episode.
As the safe queens commiserated, we got to see a few more unaired reads from the Mini Challenge, many of which were focused on Bosco, who can take it just as well as she can give it. She owned up to being a greaseball, and also revealed herself to be a proud Horse Girl—she’s a loving stepmother to two beautiful horse-children named Ted and Fred. This makes sense with my fantasy.
Reflecting on last week’s emotional Untucked, Willow shared that she, too, as had a lot of questions about her gender, especially during the pandemic. With her illness, she’s felt distant from her own body, but notes that she’s been so thrilled with her time on Drag Race thus far because she’s been able to see herself the way she wants to on a daily basis.
Angeria sure says “bitch” a lot and, bitch, we love it, bitch!
Daya’s claws are out in the competition, which the safe queens commented on with a mixture of awe and fear. When she joined them in the Werk Room later, she owned up to being selfish in preparation for the challenge, knowing she needed to fight to stand out after weeks of “safe” and just missing out on the win for “The Daytona Wind.” As she bluntly (and correctly) states, “I’m not going to sit around and let our friendships get in the way of us trying to win this thing. If it does offend you that I’m doing what I need to do to place myself higher, then that just shows me that you don’t care about the competition.”
Before Untucked wrapped up, Kerri and Jasmine were certain they were the bottom two of the night. They’ve developed a pretty close mother-daughter bond of late, and it was beautiful to see them lift one another up ahead of their LSFYL. As Kerri remarked, she’s just living her “tran-tasy,” and it’s evident she’s inspired Jasmine to do the same.
The Serve-ey w/ Jasmine Kennedie
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Each week, we���ll get to learn more about one of the queens of season 14 when they take our brief questionnaire, a.k.a. The Serve-ey. They’ll all get the same six questions, and then we’ll throw in one final “wildcard” question just for fun. This week: It’s the gorgeous New York queen with the gift of gab, Jasmine Kennedie!
1. In keeping with the season promo’s board game theme: What was your favorite game growing up and why?
Okay, my favorite growing up was Mario Kart: Double Dash!! on the GameCube. My sister would play with me sometimes, but when my mom played with me, she would never let me win. She’d be like, “If you want to win, you have to be good!” So I always loved Double Dash!! And then I’m now an avid Breath Of The Wild [fan,] I’m also a Genshin Impact player, heavily. What else do we do? Animal Crossing, and, like, we’re very into the Nintendo animated and fighting, swordplay games—that’s very me and my boyfriend’s schpiel, that’s the vibe.
[We have] a Nintendo Switch, a PS4, all the old Xboxes—we have a whole shelf I could show you that’s literally just video games, and Pokémon cards, so we’re avid video gamers in this household.
And I have to ask this of anyone who mentions they play Mario Kart or Smash Bros., but: Who do you play as? Who are your go-to’s.
Oh, absolutely! For Smash Bros. I play as Donkey Kong, but the “silver daddy” version of him—no other color. [Laughs.] And for Mario Kart I am in between either Pink Gold Peach, like the chrome one, or I usually use Baby Rosalina.
2. How would you say the city you’re from helped define your drag?
I definitely think my drag is a melting pot of all the different places I lived, you know? In Binghamton, NY, I think it taught me a lot about my sisterhood and my friends because we all kind of—I was doing drag for, I think, three years before I moved to the city. This is when I was, like, 15 through 18, so three years. We all just got ready together; I mean, our first shows we were painting each other, and I really got a sense of my sisters and my hometown. And, you know, I was very young, so that’s when I kind of learned how to work the clubs and things like that. And then the city taught me a lot about my professionalism, and being on time, and my confidence on the mic. You know, I definitely think it helped my social skills, and how I want to be perceived, and how I want to conduct business. And then I think Jersey—when I performed a lot in Jersey—made up more of my drag elements, and “extra accoutrements,” and, like, the gaudiness of it all, my performance. So I definitely think my drag is a melting pot of all those, perfectly blended together. It’s weird how that happens.
3. With this season’s candy bar twist, I’m curious: If you were a piece of candy, what kind would you be?
Okay, so I’m gonna do a chocolate, and I’m gonna do sweets—I’m very on point with this. KitKats always—I’m a KitKat girl. And then sweets, I’m always going for the Nerds Bites, [Gummy Clusters,] the new ones that used to be the Nerds Ropes, but now they have them in bite-size form. So, purr, like those two after a quick “ganj?” Over. Period.
So KitKats are a definite standby—everyone likes them—but I don’t know too many people that would claim them as their favorite candy. Why KitKats?
I think it’s because, as a kid, I always liked them, and the initials are “KK,” like my initials, Kyle Koritkowski. But I don’t know why. I guess it’s the crunch, and there’s the sweetness, but also there’s a little bit of saltiness from the wafer. So that combo definitely helps, whereas some [candies] are just like a little bit too much caramel-y, or a little bit much chocolate-y. I just like that crunch. It’s classic, it’s consistent, they haven’t changed the formula over the years—I mean, yes, they have those like 15 different colors and flavors of them, but I can’t mess with it.
4. What can you tell us about your “confessional” interview look? How did you decide what to wear? What do you think it says about your style out of drag?
I’m literally wearing it right now, oh my god. [Laughs.] So, for my confessional look, I really wanted to be comfortable, because I’ve heard it’s a long [shoot,] and things like that—but I talk a lot, so it really didn’t feel that long. For me, I just treated it like coffee. [Laughs.] But I really wanted to be comfortable, and also, at the time, I was trying to hide the fact that I was transitioning. So, you can see throughout the show, throughout the whole thing, I’m just very covered with clothes. I didn’t want to necessarily show off my body, things like that. So it was definitely more of a way to mask things, but, at the same time, I wanted to be colorful enough and play with things that would go with my skin tone. I brought maybe a couple of colored shirts, and everything else was your plain basics, like blacks, whites, grays, tans. Because I didn’t to do that much, I wasn’t really into the fashion of me out of drag, as I am now, when I’m living in it more, and actually putting the time into my outfits.
So you’ve noticed your personal style evolving since filming?
Yeah, definitely. I mean, of course that’s financially, but it also comes with time, you know?Buying things here and there, slowly and surely. But I definitely have lived more in my feminine side, and realizing that I can be confident in wearing a two-piece, and things like that. I’m definitely still, like, comfy-casual because I always have loved that, but it’s about feeling a bit more confident now.
5. What’s a fun fact you can share about one of your season 14 sisters that might surprise the fans?
Okay, I gotta think about this one because there’s so many good facts, and I don’t want to get them mad because I have the gift of gab. [Laughs.] You know I always have something to say!
Oh, I will say this: Jorgeous worked extremely, extremely hard for that runway, that I don’t think people are realizing—the one that she won, the sewing challenge. Because girl spent so long, so long on these and tried everything she could. And I just want people to know that the effort was very much there. It might not be a lot—mine wasn’t a lot, you know? So it’s like we have to look at the work behind it, and not necessarily just the full, head-to-toe concept. And also, at the end of the day, we have to present something, and if we’re selling it, we’re selling it, you know what I mean? So I think that’s a fun fact about that [challenge.] Like, she really did try. It was an extreme amount of work.
And I imagine that’s true of every challenge, in a way. In terms of preparation, we, as the audience, only get to see a small window of the time it takes for everyone to get themselves ready.
Yes! And I will say this: I love Miss Daya, but the assignment was to construct a garment from scratch—everyone constructed a garment from scratch! So we were all going through it, you know? We all—I cried, and things happen. It just is what it is. [Laughs.]
6. Here’s a chance to shout out another drag performer, designer, hair & makeup artist, etc… who really helped inspire you or prepare you for your journey on Drag Race. We perhaps already touched on a few of them when we were talking about Seattle.
Okay, I’ll do a couple. First and foremost, let me thank my mom. If it wasn’t for my mom, Joy, I would have not been able to get to Drag Race with the package that I brought. She’s so supportive, so great, so helpful. And then, who else? I’ll do three people, because these people really got me there. My drag mother, Mancie Mandell, for basically managing me [while] getting everything together for my package. And then let’s shout out my boyfriend for emotionally, mentally, and physically getting me through the before and after of Drag Race. Definitely those three.
And what’s it been like watching this season unfold along with him?
He literally is so good with that. He’s like, “Don’t look at your phone, stop. You’re fine, you’re great.” You know, he’s very much so the person that, like, blocks me and shields me from dealing with all the crap, which is great. It’s very helpful. He won’t react to people, he won’t react to that. He’s like, “Okay, and? Where are they from?” He’s like, “Calm down. Look at all those other 1000s of amazing comments or DMS that you’re getting.” And it is very true, those [mean] ones will stick out, but I’ll read them to myself and then make fun of them after, you know? So it’s fun, but never respond—never deal with that bullshit. You just heart the nice ones. [Laughs.]
Has he been surprised by how you’ve done on the show?
I think the one thing he was shocked about was the moment in Untucked last week. Like, he knew I came out and things like that, but he didn’t know it got that deep, you know? And he was just like, “I’m very proud of you. I just didn’t know it was this big of a thing.” So that was probably the shock. Because he also knew I was not going to talk about it, even though I came out to him as non-binary before, he thought I was just going to keep this locked and sealed with me for a very long time. So I think that’s what he was genuinely shocked about, for sure.
I think it’s fair to say you shocked yourself, too. But I’ve got to commend you on your bravery in that moment, and I hope you’re feeling the love and support from the fans. We’re so proud of you.
Thank you. Honestly, the girls got me—it was just the right melting pot situation. Like, you know, the environment, the challenge, the girls, the place I was at in the competition, the discussions we were having, and how open everyone was. It was a very, like, “a-ha” moment. Like, I physically saw myself fighting it when I watched it back, I could see it in my neck. My neck was going crazy! Just tweaking out, oh my god. I got that from my mother—I love her but we have this nervous twitch, and I saw it! But, anyway, Kerri knew about it because we had a conversation off-camera. She knew it was coming, when I said it—the second she grabbed me it just came out of my body like word vomit. That gave me the power to actually say it because she knew, mentally, what was physically happening to me. So it was a very warm and endearing environment with the girls. They’re all great and supportive, and I love all of them.
Especially with everything going on now, like Texas and Greg Abbott, and the Florida “Don’t Say Gay” bill, there’s so many things right now that are so counterproductive for the LGBTQIA+ community that I hope—like, I’ve gotten a lot of messages from people saying, “With everything going on right now…” And it’s very touching to know that that has helped so many people, honestly. Words can’t describe.
7. Wildcard: Halfway through the season, we’ve already seen what a learning experience Drag Race has been for you. What would you say is the best thing you’ve done for yourself since wrapping production on the show?
Oh my god, there’s so many things. I mean, from starting HRT, to my career, to stepping my drag up, to my household—you know, I take a lot of pride my family and my house, and myself and what I’m doing. So I’m very happy to say that I kind of took back years of my life, and finally started doing things for myself and being myself. So it’s very nice to see the things that have happened over the year, compared to where I was at before that. I just feel like there’s a new light coming into my life that I didn’t necessarily see before. And it’s been great. 
I’m really over the moon, I’ve had a great experience. You know, I know I get a lot of flack for being talkative and annoying—but we’re drag queens! Everyone has opinions, everyone’s shady, we all know this. It’s season 14 now, and there’s so many other seasons. We all have to realize that, at the end of the day, this was months ago and the most high pressure situation of our entire lives. This is not how we are on a day-to-day basis. But, in the right position, if somebody’s trying me, will I be that way? Absolutely. [Laughs.] I will say this: I’m very New York about things. Very blunt, very honest. I don’t mean it with any crudeness, but it’s just that I feel like addressing things to the point, head on, is way better than it lurking around and coming back months later, you know? I think that’s the best solution for things.
The Looks You Didn't See
It’s practically tradition that eliminated queens will take to social media to show off the stunning looks they didn’t use on the runway. Every week, we’ll reserve this space to shout out our favorite “unseen looks.“
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June Jambalaya
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the hood always has my heart 💗 #junejambalaya #rupaulsdragrace #vh1 #worldofwonder https://t.co/4Hd9aIpW1g
3:59 AM - 26 Feb 2022
Miss June Jambalaya is looking damn fine in her Heart On couture, which certainly would’ve stood out on a runway of mostly reds, whites, and pinks. And, ooh, recognize that killer wig? Made by hair wizard Edward Smith, it’s the piece Kornbread asked June to leave behind for her after the queen’s elimination. Of course, Kornbread’s rolled ankle meant we didn’t get to see her rock it on the runway either, but nice to know the wig made it back to June! Also don’t miss: Alyssa Hunter is a corseted heartbreaker while Orion Story serves heart-headed glamour.
Gagatrondra! It's The Tweets Of The Week
We wrap up every newsletter with a rundown of some of our favorite reaction tweets of the week, so use #DragRace and you may find yourself here!
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⚡️ Seddera Side ⚡️
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does this mean no more Kerri confessional moments... #dragrace https://t.co/i3xjvx2GHq
7:48 AM - 26 Feb 2022
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Jorgeous potentially losing... Jorgeous potentially lip syncing #DragRace https://t.co/KjIo0uEZJu
8:30 PM - 25 Feb 2022
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Joey Nolfi
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Angeria Paris VanMicheals has violated the Kennedy Davenport Footwear Sanctity Agreement #DragRace https://t.co/uvGVqH1Ga7
8:37 PM - 25 Feb 2022
Want More?
This week’s The Pit Stop gets a heaping dose of UNHhhh with Katya joining host Monét X Change and a pile of SweeTarts to talk “60s Girl Groups.” Unsurprisingly, these two are a blast together, and they even manage to sneak in a reference to Nicole Kidman’s iconic AMC ad! Legends.
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The Pit Stop S14 E08 | Monét X Change & Katya Go Retro! | RuPaul’s Drag Race
And over on Whatcha Packin’, Michelle Visage sits down with America’s #1 auntie, Kerri Colby. The two talk about the Colby family lineage, gawk over some of her gorgeous unseen looks, and more.
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Whatcha Packin’ | S14 E08 | RuPaul’s Drag Race
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rudeteens · 2 years
Not to be entirely reductive but it sucks Ezra miller fell off because he seemed like he was gonna be cool for a while there and it was fun 2 b like werk fag! Who can I werk fag at now, Lindsey Graham?
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thotyssey · 6 years
On Point With: Theydy Bedbug
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This genre-blending and gender-bending performer has evolved (over a short period of time) through several incarnations in Brooklyn nightlife into what we have today--something that’s hard to define, but thrilling to behold. Before you tuck yourself in tonight, let Theydy Bedbug bite!
Thotyssey: Hey hey, Theydy! Happy Almost Halloween! Do you have your lewk prepared yet?
Theydy Bedbug: Why hello! Well... Dragoween is all month, right? So I have ideas for a couple lewks! But no, I am an impromptu bug.
So, you often find yourself putting makeup here or there and pulling random things out of your closet with no idea how it will all add up?
Oh, definitely. I am making it up as I go! Unless a certain number has a specific costume that relates to the storyline, I try to do new looks each time by pairing together new combinations, and normally don’t know what I’m wearing until hours before... oops!
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How would you describe, to the uninitiated, what kind of an artist you are? A burlesquer, a drag performer, a performance artist, all or some of the above?
All of the above! Draglesque clown, nonbinary bug, performance Fartist.
That is a business card I would definitely keep! Where are you from?
Well, I grew up in Indonesia and Singapore, but to two US citizens, so home is still a big ol’ question mark.
And how did all this fartistic clownery begin?
I’ve always been interested in the performing arts. My parents did community theater, so I was always around it and I was always make-believing scenarios. I think one way of dealing with being a baby closeted queer was making up fantasies and living in them.
My parents haven’t always understood my gender and sexuality, but they certainly unconsciously raised me to be a femme fag considering there were always costumes around my childhood. I feel really blessed to have had access to those tools to transform.
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When did you find yourself mixing it up with the Brooklyn nightlife scene?
Three years ago, I took a workshop with Crimson Kitty called “Ladyqueen University.” It helped get the ball rolling and got me experimenting with names, lip sync, and makeup. My gender and my drag name have changed since then, but I appreciate that initial platform. 
And then it was competing in the Mx Nobody pageant in 2016 that connected me to the Brooklyn scene and The Nobodies. After, those fools kept letting me roll through their shows and give messy numbers for tips.
I remember seeing you at that first Mx Nobody at Eastlands; it was my first or second ever judging gig. I don't remember what your performing name was then, but I remember your act involved a tricycle and a poopy lollipop!
Wow, yes! That was Miss Cuntstrude. If Theydy is the intersection between a boy and a bug, MC was between an actual baby and a slut. She was helping me work through the infantilized sexuality of young girls, but also she was a HOT MESS.
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She was memorable! A lot was memorable that night... Elle McQueen and Kandy Muse wound up in the Top 2, and then Elle won the final lip sync battle and the crown. But there was a sense of shade from the Haus when that happened, at least from my perspective.
True. I think that was a time in the scene where AFAB drag performers were not welcome. Not to say we have it easy now, but when I first began, non-cis men in drag were really excluded... even in Brooklyn. Honestly, The Nobodies were some of the only folks who gave me the time of day.
Things have changed dramatically in Brooklyn in just a few years! Still not perfect as you said, but so much of what the scene IS now involves gender fluid identity.
Thank goddexx.
Congratulations on being the first person to appear twice in the Mx. Nobody finals! Do you think you might give it a go again next year?
I think my Mx Nobody competing days are over. It’s time to make space for other folks. That competition pushed me to make pieces I’m proud of, and introduced me to fab folks. It taught me to ask for support emotionally and artistically from my communities, which is actually quite hard for me. I can be stubborn about doing it all. And next year, I can’t wait to support!
Yes! So I get “Theydy,” which evolved from Lady and reflects a non-binary identity, but why “Bedbug?” No creature evokes more horror and disgust in this town.
Truly! A lot of my trans and my drag is about rejecting the position of pretty, weak, victim. I came to drag because I was tired of being cast in plays as the vapid ingenue, only valid in sexual relation to men. I wanted to access my rage, my ugly, my raw: the gross parts that compulsory femininity attempts to exterminate.
Bedbugs are resilient and relentless, not easily extinguished. Much of the poetry I perform is about turning sexual trauma I’ve experienced into strength by trans~forming myself into something that cis straight men are repulsed by. Plus, queering sexuality to me means flipping what we find sexy, and what we fear. Can you describe s recent number / performance you’ve done that best embodies this description? I just revamped my Mx. Nobody ‘18 finale number for a monthly show I help put on, Primal Scream. I begin this piece as a high femme fragile flower. After a tragic striptease, I pour “OFF” candles on my skin to ward off the bugs, and a spooky voiceover says: “think you can get rid of me that easy? Just because you’re itchy?” A poem ensues about how this flower is both flower and insect, and denying the bug, the gross, the ugly, the trans, will never make them less of a pest. This flower transforms into a full bug costume and a song about how “bed bugs bite, I hope they eat your heart” ensues.
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Tell us more about Primal Scream, monthly at Bizarre Bushwick. It’s a kinky cabaret that leads into a sensation play dungeon. I think the word dungeon intimidates people, but it’s really a basement with different stations for folks to safely explore different kinky sensations. It’s produced by Rara Darling and I perform and guide the hot wax station. We focus on teaching sexy ways of communicating consent boundaries within a pansexual queer space where all genders and body types feel welcome, we hope! Sacred and intentional kink through candles has been really healing for me, so I love guiding folks to connect with their breath and body and partner if it’s a couple session. It’s more spiritual than sexual for me. I think it has profound power for healing trauma and dysphoria stored in the body.
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We’ll also see you this Thursday night at Starr Barr.
Yes! Compost Bin with brASS Burlesque! A Radical Cabaret, to deal with the times!
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And THEN... there's an event coming up next weekend I'm super excited about: Thee Suburbia's Full Moons: Harvest Moon Halloween Showcase at Bizarre Bushwick on Sunday the 28th! I'm gonna be making my onstage hosting debut (gag), and the tremendous roster of Spoops includes Zalika Parsons, Chris of Hur, Martyr, Vylette Tendency, Pinwheel Pinwheel, Jayse Vegas ... and of course, THEYDY! And so many more, I’m gonna be so starstruck! Aaaaaaaaa! Can you even!?
Hah! It’s going to be a wild time. There’s a lot of performers on the roster who are old pals, and many I’ve never met before! I appreciate that Suburbia offers opportunities to new folks in the scene. I think it’s easy to be a gatekeeper and fear new artists coming for your gigs, but much more in the spirit of community and collectively breaking down binaries to be a gate-opener. So let’s spoop on!!!
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What else?
Well! I’m hosting Keepeasy Sundays, a live jazz band burlesque show on Sunday at The Keep....
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And I’m teaching a drag performance class to 8-11 year olds at BAX Brooklyn Arts Exchange this Fall. It’s been pretty heart-warming. Werk! Last question: Will you be voting in November?
Most certainly!
Thanks, Theydy!
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Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Theydy Bedbug’s upcoming gigs, and follow them on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
On Point Archives
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slutdge · 7 months
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im so normal about this old man wearing nail polish (lying)
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counttwinkula · 5 years
“passing around hateful rhetoric just to dunk on the person who said it isn’t always worth exposing others to the hateful rhetoric--but anyway here’s a guy voguing in front of god hates fags signs”
like, werk, but also i don’t wanna see those bigots, you know what i mean?
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Sad face because after 12 days off work on holiday I’m back on nights tonight. #work #werk #holidayover #sad #sadface #gay #gayuk #gayboyproblems #fag (at Derby) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpy50F3HfdG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=120d1saka30v0
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outoflimbo · 5 years
i am a tumblr user with a url like flowerexclusionist. i go to my GSA and see someone talk about broadway. i scream at them and go on my blog saying i want to kill all fags, but it’s like, ironic, so it’s acceptable. i then get into arguments with asexual teenagers and call a trans woman “cumbrain” for the fifth time this werk. my name is dirk
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slutdge · 9 months
man i love your eminem werk fag post so much i wanna print it out on a shirt n wear forever. literally always thinking about it
thank you 😭
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