#werewolf meztli
aesopsbaby · 1 year
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(s): Vampire!Lo , Werewolf!Meztli (Monster AU)
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: After a hunt, Meztli wants nothing more than to be pampered by his Vampire. However, that quickly changes when he meets eye to eye with a replica of his beloved.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: EYYY!! I'm back! Sort of,,, I'm trying to get the prizes all out and I'm terribly sorry for going on a hiatus all of a sudden </33 I swear I'm working on alot of projects right now,, but no worries as I promise the winners will all receive their prizes soon! (Hopefully-) anyways~~ I hope you'll enjoy this!!
Ah,,,I really should get a beta reader because this has not been proof read so expect some grammar mistakes!!
1/5 Prize winner: @feelin-lo !
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The night was peaceful. With the wind blowing softly, trees in the darkness rustling gently and the soft footfalls of animals scattering away whenever he steps on a branch.
Looking up at the moon, shining ever so brightly, he feels the corner of his lips lifted into a grin. Bringing his hand up, he wipes off the deep red staining his lips and face, however, still leaving a considerable amount behind. Not that he cares, he never did. But he did want to make himself look at least presentable before returning, to the embrace of warmth and comfort. To his home. His Lo.
Meztli reaches the front of the mansion, the tension long gone from his body after his hunt. Placing his hand on the shiny gold knob, he halts in his movements, eyes narrowing in a pensive way at the knob as the moonlight reflection bounced off of it. Meztli feels a growl bubbling up in his throat instinctively, his tips of his ears twitching slightly.
The tension came crawling back into his system, along with a sense of dread that ate him up slowly from within.
It felt as if this wasn't the same house he knew- No. No, it definitely is still the same house..- But, why was it that he could feel an impending and intense energy coming off the now foreign object in his trembling hold?
Voices. Meztli picked up on a distinctive muffled noise.
On..multiple voices? Meztli furrowed his eyebrows with confusion before his pupils contracted into tiny slits at the thought of a potential threat in there with Lo.
His eyes flickered with anger suddenly and all fear dissipated from him, now with a new found confidence, his grip loosen from the doorknob. Taking a couple of steps and backing away from the door, Meztli raised his leg, now opting to crash down the door. He feels a smirk tugging on his lips, bearing his white canines that are slightly stained red.
"Oh? Why don't we ask him right now then?"
At that moment, the door flung open with so much force that the hinges creaked violently. It wouldn't be a surprise if the door is now broken. The force on the action sent a gust of wind in Meztli's direction, causing him to plant his feet down instantly while raising both his arms to shield his face.
Meztli's ears were ringing, he muttered a string of curses under his breath at the sudden outburst, finally looking up after he came down from the adrenaline.
Meztli's smirk from before fell from his face, his jaw went slack as his eyes laid upon two figures.
Lo and...Lo..?
No that's not right..
He was taken aback by an unexpected sight. Standing before him was his beloved, but something was amiss. Meztli's eyes widened in disbelief as he realized that standing beside Lo was an exact replica with a sinister aura.
Confusion and tension filled the air as both males turned to look at Meztli. Meztli felt his breath hitched when he locked eyes with the shorter haired twin.
The atmosphere grew tense, almost suffocating.
"Leave him out of this. This is between us." Lo spat, glaring at the other, although having a slight tremble in his voice.
A guttural and loud laugh came from the "twin". He wipes away at fake tears in an attempt an a comedic gesture to taunt Lo. "Oh? And why should I?" He steps towards Lo, a smirk painted on his lips and his half-lided eyes soaked in his terrified expression that he kept well hidden.
"What?" He snickered. "Afraid that our darling will choose me--"
Lo scoffed, cutting him off,
"He's not "our's".. He's not "yours"! And hell, Meztli will never be yours, Master."
Master stared at him, anger swirled in his eyes at being cut off. "You have alot of nerve for someone so..weak." He smirked at him with a curt laugh, causing Lo to ball up his fists.
Their voices clashed with each other, causing Meztli to take a stumbling step back with a clenched jaw, still unable to comprehend the sight displayed infront of him.
As they continued to argue, their voices echoing through the room. Meztli found himself caught in the middle of this unexpected rivalry, torn between the two versions of his beloved.
As the argument escalated, Meztli's emotions swirled within him. He yearned for the love and companionship he once shared with Lo, but now it seemed clouded by this unsettling presence.
Would it be considered bad if he hated the other version of Lo? He despised Master, how he's currently bringing Lo down with his words and how he acted completely different from his love.
Meztli swallowed the lump in his throat, his ears went down, letting the voices drown out as he stared at Master.
..no that wasn't mainly the reason why he hated him so much. Meztli realized with a sour taste on his tongue that the main reason he had this hatred for Master was because he reminded him of himself.
Deep down, he knew that only one of them could truly be his soulmate, and that was Lo.
In the midst of the chaos, Meztli's love for Lo remained unwavering. After all, he was saved by the vampire. He still recalls how foreign it was to have his gentle touch as he took him in. How Lo treated him so delicately and how he looked at him with so much adoration in his eyes.
Master dashed towards Lo at lighting speed, getting ready to attack him.
Before he could even react, Meztli found himself sprinting towards the two, feeling a desperate pull to save and protect Lo from danger.
Meztli held out his hands, widening his stance so that he was shielding Lo behind him fully while he glared at Master. His pupils shrinking into thin slits as he bared his canines at the other Vampire.
Master raised one eyebrow, amused at the display infront of him. The shine of Meztli's sharp claws tainted slightly with blood caught, combined with his flared nose and razor sharp canines that can tear apart flesh, made Meztli look like a violent animal.
A violent and unstable animal that could grow soft at just the mere thought and touch of a vampire.
Master pursed his lips together into a thin line.
"How foolish." Master crossed his arms with a sigh at the scene. He took a step back. Narrowing his eyes at Lo and then at Meztli.
"Do not be too relieved. I'll be back for you, little wolf." With that, Master disappeared just as a thunder struck loudly, into the night sky.
Lo breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank god he's finally gone.." He looked up, realising Meztli is still in a tense action, his soft growling was still audible along with his troubled expression evident on his face. "Mez..it's alright." Lo placed his hand on his shoulder, giving a reassuring squeeze.
This broke Meztli out of his trance, whipping his entire body back to look over Lo. "It's okay, my love. We're okay." Lo whispered, making Meztli look up at him.
Lo smiled and it was as if the angels were blessed when time seemed to slow and the moonlight hit his face at the perfect angle.
Meztli felt his throat burned as if a thousand needles has been plunged into it. His vision blurred and the muddled figure of Lo made the tears well up even more. He threw himself forwards into Lo's arms, knowing, without a doubt, that Lo had already opened his arms out to embrace him.
Meztli refrained from crying out loud, only letting soft sobs escape past his lips despite trying so hard to keep them in.
"It's alright, my love..I'm here."
Then, he knew he was safe with Lo, that it was okay to let all out when hes with him. Meztli closed his eyes, letting his ears rest against his ruffled up hair, his tail swaying lightly as he let himself indulge in the oddly warm and soft embrace of his everything.
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alcohol1maid · 1 year
OH ART REQUESTS? plz can I order one serving of Bloody Parchment Monster AU?
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Here's your request! I'm sorry for taking so long!! >_< and I'm sorry if it isn't you wanted, I'm kinda busy right now, but I hope you like it!! <33
Lo belongs to @feelin-lo !
Meztil belongs to @aesopsbaby !
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feelin-lo · 2 years
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Love bites.
More Bloody Partchment, but I'm making it cute.
Because I can.
Meztli belongs to @aesopsbaby
A pleasant evening, intertwined with a meal lovingly prepared by candlelight.
The scent of meat was in the air, he liked it raw. Good to sink his teeth in. He was being watched by a red eye, a loving gaze, an eternity in a single glance.
The meat was tender, juicy, succulent. His teeth could easily glide through it, ripping it to shreds with his cutlery, not breaking the ocular contact he had with his lover. His and only his.
He wriggled in his seat, his body happy and warm, they were nothing alike, one was prim and proper. Able to tame a beast with a flash of fangs, while the other was scruffy and violent. Sarcastic and critical.
"How is it?" His eternity asked, his voice a velvety chocolate that Meztli could taste on his tongue mixed with bloody meat, it wasn't easy to feel it's effects. "Perfect" he blushed, tail wagging happily as he swallowed more. So much love, so much to take in. So little time. And with every nibble, he wasn't satisfied, he wanted something more tough. Something supernatural. Ethereal.
The vampire stalked closer, the sound of his heeled boots tapping on the ash black tiles with every step, inching closer, he shivered with each step too, in anticipation, maybe. Or perhaps something more? And before Meztli realised, Lo was beside him.
"then I hope you won't mind..." he said softly, his hand tracing up Meztli's body, guiding the line of his jaw and using his thumb, cleaning off some of the animal blood that dripped from the corner of the werewolf's mouth. "If I were to... have a bite?" He whispered into the fuzzy ears of the seated. Meztli's breath hitched, cold hands against his face was completely unexpected, yet not unpleasant. "Anytime" Mez smirked, smug that he was actually asking this time.
The werewolf took his plate to the kitchen and cleaned it up, then he turned and followed Lo to his room. Despite being a Vampire, Lo doesn't sleep in a coffin, he sleeps in a bed. And Meztli was pushed down onto that bed, where he was met with a soft and tender kiss. "Easy my little ankle biter" Meztli giggled as Lo hurried to Get him shirtless as to not get blood on anything. "That's a new one" Lo cooed, sliding back and lifting Meztli's leg, then using his free hand to pull the fabric or his trousers up, where Lo grazed his fangs against Meztli's ankle.
"G-get it over with" Meztli winced, almost unable to watch. Lo let go and trailed back up to his lovers face "I don't think so, I like it riiiight where I am" he whispered, his voice like velvet and syrup, sticky and horrible to get rid of. He began licking a stripe up Meztli's neck. "You're so careful with me" Meztli said, placing a hand to Lo's nape "I have to be, I wouldn't want to bend you in half"
"sounds like fun" Meztli teased, he knew the thought would send Lo to that same deep crimson colour Meztli so adores and was pleased to be gifted the crimson cheek of his vampire. Just as carefully as he had been previously, Lo wrapped a hand around Meztli's waist and delicately pressed his fangs in, breaking the skin and causing the werewolf to bleed. Meztli winced, he had done this 100 times, yet he was never ready for that first bite, it was almost thrilling.
Lo was seated on Meztli's lap, gentle caressing his werewolf's hair as he drank, he was careful. As careful as he could be, his body shivered, the more he drank, the more he quivered.
"why all the shaking my sweet little vampy?" Mez teased, the vampire finally letting go "You're perfect you know. Everything about you. Inside and out. The texture of your being, the delicate mix of flavours.. and well, your layers. It's enticing Mez, you don't even realize" Lo said, his face a deep pink.
"ngh-" Mez choked, he wasn't used to all this praise from someone he cared so dearly about, but he couldn't find any words to return with, his ears perked up and his tail wagging "You're a good boy" Lo said, testing the waters.
testing was the perfect word in response to what was going on now.
Meztli was faster than he had expected, swiftly swapping their positions but before he could get a word in, Lo seemed to be in complete bliss, his hair was a mess and his body was warm to the touch for once. "I think it's time for bed Lo, you're all red, you're burning up" Mez smirked, leaning down to Kiss Lo again, softly, so so softly. He was just as careful with Lo as Lo was with him. They're both strong, and despite all Mez's joking, he didn't want to fold Lo in half.
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gay-hoodie-boy · 1 month
not to do the same thing twice but if necalli's halloween costume is a werewolf i think it would only be fitting if meztli's was a siren
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boiling-potato · 2 years
Vampire Lo X Werewolf Meztli x Monster hunter Trickster!
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I actually imagine that she became a hunter not because of good intentions. The people in the village praise and respects the skilled hunter but really, she couldn't care less if those humans were being eaten by monsters, she hunts and kills monsters by the thrill of it and loves testing her limits not to mention she loves studying the supernatural and how they work.
(⚠️TW!!⚠️: blood below!!)
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She actually collects her preys heads as her trophy..
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She met the two (Meztli and Lo) by tracking them down with rumors going all around the village. She actually met Meztli first in the village before she found them two in their castle. They actually have multiple encounters with each other but manages to avoid the other trying to kill the other to the point that it's becoming playful but not for trickster, she became more and more annoyed and desperate to kill the werewolf in each of their encounters.
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She haven't seen this before.. a vampire and a werewolf in love with each other?? Like how? Aren't they supposed to despise one another? She became really baffled and intrigue by Meztli and Lo's relationship that she actually wants to understand and observe it.... So she decided to stay and let them live..... For a few weeks at least... Or is it really just for few weeks..?
Lo hesitant to let the hunter go because he's afraid that she'll tell the other humans the location of their home actually agreed on letting her stay.
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Lo and this AU belongs to @feelin-lo !
Meztli belongs to @aesopsbaby !!
And Trickster belongs to me!! ^^
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startheimpactfangirl · 2 months
Will u ever create lore for Star to be in the Monster!AU? The one with Werewolf!Meztli,Vampire!Lo and monster hunter!Trickster?
maybe. So far their a monster tamer. Maybe they'll use glitter to make them happy (like little misfortune)
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seekerpolh · 2 years
To the moon secrets
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As the bodies continue to pile up, the sweet man who has caught Damien’s eye is at the center of the storm. But when none of the evidence adds up for what should be a routine death investigation, he’s floundering. However, Alec can’t help but worry about what will happen when that man uncovers the truth about Alec’s preternatural world.Ī homicide detective who is out of his depth.ĭetective Damien O’Connor joined the Columbus Police Department to bring closure to victims and their families-closure that he never got for himself. As his past closes in, his only hope lies in one man-an unaware human whose vanilla and spice scent and easygoing attitude draw Alec in. An increase in werewolf attacks only adds to Alec’s problems. Little is known about the Pyramid of the Moon as well as the nearby Pyramid of the Sun, as few excavations have taken place at the sites, Ortega explained.Alec Channing has lived a long life, and he’s just going through the motions, lost in his troubled past, until fellow werewolves and shifters start dying around him. Towering at 140 feet (43 meters) high with a base measuring 426 by 511 feet (130 by 156 meters), the Pyramid of the Moon faces the northern end of Teotihuacan's Calzada de los Muertos, or Avenue of the Dead. The passage and chamber could offer insight into the influence and importance of the ancient metropolis in relation to other parts of Mesoamerica. The researchers did not set out to find a burial chamber, said Ortega, but to investigate the space that worshippers probably believed was linked to the "underworld" and which was thought to give the city sacred properties.Ī team of experts from National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH)and the Institute of Geophysics Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico made the findings after carrying out tests on the monument in June 2017. Verónica Ortega, director of the Integral Conservation Project of the Plaza de la Luna, said in a statement that the room in the structure known as Meztli Itzácual by the ancient city's inhabitants could have been used for rituals by the Toltec peoples. In 1987, the UN named Teotihuacán a UNESCO World Heritage site.ĭr. It is also the location of the Pyramid of the Sun, the biggest pyramid in Mexico and the largest of such monuments in the Western Hemisphere. Up to 200,000 people were believed to live in Teotihuacán at its height making it one of world's most populous cities at the time. Read more: Larsen C: NASA has found another weird rectangle iceberg "So it is not difficult to think that something similar could be found in the subsoil," Ortega said.Ī religious and economic hub at around 500 CE, the city of Teotihuacán, or City of the Gods in Nahuatl (a language spoken by the Aztecs), sits around 30 miles northeast of Mexico City. In the 1980s archeologists Rubén Cabrera and Saburo Sugiyama found skeletons of individuals with cranial deformations as well objects made of green stone, necklaces, and anthropomorphic figurines in tunnels excavated under the pyramid. Researchers have been investigating the site of the Pyramid of the Moon since the 17th century. The chamber measuring 15-meters in diameter, as well as a tunnel running to the south of the Plaza de la Luna in the city of Teotihuacan, was discovered 8 meters beneath Mexico's second largest pyramid, according to a statement by the National Institute of Anthropology and History.Įxperts who carried out the work believe objects such as skulls and jewelery could also be awaiting discovery, as well as an entrance to the tunnel on the east side of the pyramid. Archeologists have found a tunnel and a chamber beneath the Pyramid of the Moon in Mexico, which is thought to have been used in rituals related to what ancient people thought was the underworld.
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alcohol1maid · 2 years
Kema Umi: I like my coffee like I like my men.
Lo: but you don't like coffee??
Kema Umi staring straight at Trickster: Exactly.
Monster AU made by @feelin-lo for this quote below:
Red Riding!Kema Umi: I'm sure I saw the big bad wolf walk here!
Hunter!Trickster: ...uh..huh.. but uh..little one, a vampire owns this mansion..I doubt a werewolf would trespass here--
Vampire!Lo,opening the door and dragging Werewolf!Meztli by the collar out: Meztli my dear,Give the sweet girl back her belongings.
Werewolf!Meztli,letting go of the basket handle from his mouth: Tsk. Fine.
Red Riding!Kema Umi and Hunter!Trickster: ....
I LOVE THIS XDDD ❤️💕💕✨️💕❤️❤️
Also may I add something to last part?
Red riding!kema: well that was something...
Hunter!trickster: y-yeah...it sure was
Red riding! Kema: ...
Hunter!trickster: .....wanna make out?
Red riding!kema: ...sure
kema umi is so in character!! I fucking love this, specially the whole werewolf Meztil and vampire lo part, kinda fruity ngl-
And trickster and kemas part, I fucking love how kema umi just basically said "I'm gay for trickster, lo"
I love this so much XD
Trickster belongs to @boiling-potato !
Lo belongs to @feelin-lo !
Meztil belongs to @aesopsbaby !
I still have many unanswered asks, I'll try to answer the quickest I can!
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(I need more of these-)
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feelin-lo · 2 years
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His Loving gaze
A Werewolf Mez x Human Lo.
Meztli belongs to @aesopsbaby
If there was one thing he loved, it was his Human's shape.
His broad shoulders, soft chest, plump thighs and his face, beautiful face. Only ruined by that scar. If he knew who did that... well. That's another story.
He loved his human, he way he spoke, the way he acted, all the skills he had. He cooked, he cleaned, he wrote his own tales. He loved his human.
"Mez! I'm home!" His human called, dressed in his usual red attire. He loved him in that colour. He was holding a bag, full of meat and vegetables, was his human going to cook?
"Mez, you here?" He called.
Meztli heard his human. He loved his human.
Meztli ran over to Lo the millisecond that Lo wasn't holding anything, pressing his body onto the plush sofa, his head hurried to his Human's chest. "Miss me huh?" Lo chuckled, caressing the soft hairs on Meztli's head. "You were gone a while. I thought you'd forgotten me" Meztli said dramatically, sitting up on Lo's lap and then falling back onto the arm of the chair, playing dead. "Don't be like that, how could I ever forget you?" The human sighed, sitting himself up and leaning into Meztli.
"I'm cooking tonight. I know that there's a full moon tomorrow and I don't care what you're about to say to me, I am sitting with you." Meztli growled at that, though he knew how stubborn his human was, and he loved it.
Lo got up and went to the kitchen, slipping off his blazer and hanging it up on the way, behind him, Meztli stalked closer and while Lo was cutting onions, he slithered up Lo's frame, taking his hands up the thin turtleneck that his human wore, cold hands against hot skin was a shock and caused the human to jump a little, causing his hand to miss the onion and hit his hand. Lo sighed, looking back to see Meztli's head on his shoulder.
"What have I said about you putting cold hands on me when I'm cooking?" He asked as blood dripped down his hand then forearm.
"don't tell me what to do" Meztli giggled, pulling his human to the floor. Meztli looked down, pulling his tail from his trousers and letting it wag in the air, his floppy ears coming out from his hair. Meztli was a werewolf, and a playful one at that.
Lo looked up, his hand was taken by the werewolf and lo watched with a blush as his werewolf licked a stripe up his arm, catching the blood and swallowing it. "I sometimes see where vampires are coming from" Meztli sighed, letting the flavour roll on his taste buds, the sweet, the savoury and the salty. He lived for it, it was refreshing. He ducked his head forward and caught Lo's lips in a tender thing.
"M-mez, I'm cooking!" Lo said between kisses" "don't care. You've been gone. I've been waiting for you" he objected, hands up the turtleneck once again.
Lo was finally able to get Mez off of him and get back to cooking, a red blush embedded into his pale cheeks. Meztli watched attentively, Lo bandaged himself and got back to cooking, the smell was amazing, a troupe of flavours dancing like ballerinas in the air.
Each of them finding Meztli. And each of them making Mez more and more hungry.
Lo placed food Infront of Meztli and went to get dressed.
He loved his human, he lived for his cooking. And he loved his Human's shape.
Mez was quick to finish, making sure everything was tidy and turned off. And was just as quick to find Lo already in bed, writing more for his books, scenarios and characters alike. Meztli crawled up the bed, his tail wagging happily, coming to Lo's lap once again. "M'tired" Meztli said, placing his hands on the headboard and leaning forward.
"there's space for you" Lo said with a shaky whisper.
"there's always space for you"
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feelin-lo · 2 years
Vampire Lo X Werewolf Meztli x Monster hunter Trickster!
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I had a hard time with the expression ✊😞
Below the cut is how I think this could play out, @aesopsbaby @boiling-potato , feel free to change it!
Lo owns a manor in the forest and lives there with his boyfriend Meztli. Meztli is a werewolf and Lo is a vampire. Though neither have ever hurt anyone on purpose.
One day a monster hunter arrives at the door, knocking on the dark oak entrance and was frozen when the vampire answered the door "what can I do for you m'dear?" He asked, not opening the door all the way. "I've been receiving info that a werewolf and vampire live here? T-the Supernatural being extermination service (SBES) wants them d-dead." The monster hunter would explain.
Lo would drag the girl into the house and whistle, his boyfriend walked in and saw the hunter "my my, so soon?" He asked mockingly towards the girl. It seemed like they knew eachother.
"hello girly" Meztli greeted and met a murderous look in return. Clearly an explanation was in order...
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aesopsbaby · 2 years
*holds them in the palms* I love them so much <,3
I struggled,,,alot with the colour pallete (I suck at it--) but hopefully this turned out well :,)
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Some small headcanons(?) that I have that leads me to my chosen colours :D:
Meztli: The Werewolf
Yellow Pupils - Glows in the dark! First few times, Lo gets shocked awake in the middle of the night because Meztli is just staring at him. Lo gets used to it pretty quickly though. "Mez..dear..What are you even doing?"
Can't hunt as easily if he makes any sounds when trying to catch his prey since they'll be able to see him pretty easily with how his eyes are glowing </3 So Meztli learns to adapt and now he's extremely quiet when sneaking around.
Bandages - Gets injured quite alot as he's running through the woods, Lo usually helps to patch him up even though Meztli refuses to be helped.
"I don't like how it feels.." "And I don't like seeing you walking around and dripping blood sweetheart."
His skin is slightly darker/tanner than his usual skintone - Side effects(?) Of being a werewolf (Man I don't really know, I just felt like it fits-)
The one bandage on his neck is actually from him scratching himself too harshly- He never covers up any of Lo's bite marks
"It's like showing others that I belong to you, its sweet!"
"And kinda hot-"
"aannnddd you ruined the cute moment."
Lo Quill: The Vampire
Slightly pale due to being a vampire!
Hair tie - purple - resembles Meztli. Lo wears it sometimes ^^
Plus,,Meztli was also probably the one that gave Lo the hair tie.
Red eye glows(? Somewhat) when hes in a more violent/predatory period. Works effectively to show dominance towards his preys.
I feel like he'd have small and light bite marks scattered on his arms/legs due to Meztli chewing on him. (Either playfully or subconsciously when Meztli is sleeping/tired) kinda like a dog or something.
"Maybe I could give you a bite too! To "mark" you, y'know?"
"Love, if you do that, you'd probably kill me -even if I can't die- with how huge your bite is."
"No- Stop giving me those puppy eyes-!"
That's all I got and,,,uh- Hope you enjoy :D
Monster AU! And Lo Quill Belongs to @feelin-lo !
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feelin-lo · 2 years
Got bored have this little treat:
"An unlikely couple", A Human Meztli x Vampire Lo fic. I thought it'd be cute and I might have to write one the other way around but Human Lo x Werewolf Mez, just because. Anywho, enjoy this little crumb
Meztli belongs to @aesopsbaby
(also features a little bit of trickster, she belongs to @boiling-potato )
"This is a shitty idea M. I thought you were smarter than this!" The shorter yelled, punching the taller. They knew eachother as roommates, nothing more, Trickster (as she referred to herself) was short and green haired but don't let the height fool you, she's as deadly as poison and as mysterious as the very night itself.
The taller, Meztli. Idiotic yet psycopathic and no one knew how those two parts of his personality mixed. Why were they arguing? Perhaps because Trickster had found out why Meztli had been sneaking out night after night.
"He could fucking kill you numbnuts!" She yelled again, a left hook meeting Mez's kidney "I don't care! I do what I want! Maybe I want him to kill me!" "You'd like that wouldn't you!". They wouldn't shut up. Meaningless arguing.
The argument was stopped by a knock at the door. "I'll get it" The taller sighed, turning with his heel and sauntering to the door, meeting a stranger. The stranger was in extravagant clothing, a red longcoat, a thin black turtleneck that didn't leave much to the imagination, his jacket and trousers both lines with silver and gold details of roses. He held an umbrella over his head and sunglasses over his eyes, long brown hair, tied back lazily so it hung forward slightly. "Lo?" Mez asked, a slight panic in his tone.
The being nodded a bit, holding the the doorframe to hold himself up. "Y-you didn't arrive... I was worried so I tried to figure out where you lived... the lady downstairs told me you were here" He spoke, his voice soft and careful.
"Who is it Meztli?!" Trickster called "The guy you're so worried about!" Meztli called back angrily "a-am I disrupting? I-i can go home..." Lo tried to protest but Meztli pulled him in anyway, and before he could take a step in, Meztli quickly shut all the curtains and blinds so no natural light could peak through. Trickster saw the man in red and glared, eyes not leaving the taller. "Don't worry about her. She's-" "My family hunts your kind you know" she butted in, not taking a second to blink.
The stranger was quiet.
"Oi. Play nice girlie." Meztli snapped back, trickster sighed and went to her room, re-emerging in a dress "He'd better still be alive when I get back" she said, walking out of the door after grabbing her keys and purse.
Neither Lo nor Meztli knew who she was refering to, but they weren't killing tonight.
"Why did you come here Dear?" Meztli asked, taking the umbrella and hanging it up. "I-i ran out of supplies... a-and I can't get any until next week." He explained, taking off his glasses and placing them in his pocket. "That bad, huh? Well... I really need to get you a phone. Saves this situation" Meztli said quietly "Apologies Meztli.. I can still go home if you're busy or-!" Lo was swiftly silenced by soft lips on his own, hands, guiding him to Meztli's room. Once they seperated, Lo had to catch his breath, he really wasn't expecting that. "You can take off your coat and shoes, I'm not fussed" Mez smirked at the proper, who was just as, of not more red than his coat.
Lo gulped and slipped his coat off, placing it on a hook beside the door then bending down to un-lace his boots, slipping them off and slowly walking back to the Human.
Yes, Human.
Meztli slowly traced his hand up to the chin of the embarrassed, slipping his thumb under the warm flesh of his top lip, pulling it aside so the human could get a better look of the fangs the other bared. Lo closed his eyes and quivered, embarrassed as to how red he was and how Meztli was giggling. "This scared me the first time. Now? You're like a cat to be honest" he said, taking his hand away from Lo's mouth and taking his hands instead, leading the fanged man to his bed, pushing him down so he could sit on Lo's lap.
"How about this, I come visit you every day after work, I drop off some animal blood- hey, don't make that face! I'm a butcher, I can't get you human blood. You'll just have to manage until you get sent some proper food ok? And when I see you, I'll let you take a little from me for being such a good and patient boy, ok?" Meztli smiled, pulling Lo's hair from it's hair tie, watching with a smile as it fell, resting on his shoulders "so soft.." he whispered, pecking another soft kiss onto the Vampire's forehead.
Lo let out a shaky breath as he gently massaged Meztli's shoulder "I shouldn't keep you waiting, you were so desperate for a nibble you came to me yourself." The human grinned, unbuttoning the top two buttons on his shirt and pulling the collar down, so Lo had better access.
That morning, Trickster came home, she went directly to Meztli's room, slowly opening the door, completely expecting to see a corpse but instead saw folded clothes on Meztli's chair, messy clothes on the floor and two men in one bed, one covered in bites but both in clothes. Thank... well, whatever deity was there.
She sighed and closed the door, feeling charitable and letting the two sleep in.
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feelin-lo · 2 years
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Closed doors. First experiences.
A psychotic soliloquy little story because I have no soul and even less of an existence
Meztli belongs to @aesopsbaby
Trickster / coral belongs to @boiling-potato.
Monsters x Monster hunter au.
Story synopsis: to mark the start or end of a season, Vampires experience an extreme level of bloodlust. And with a Human living in the home of Lo, things have been getting a little more difficult to understand. Or rather... Control.
it has been a few months since Coral moved in with the peculiar couple, but things have been a little wierder than she had originally thought. She had originally thought that because Lo was a vampire, she would be bitten and drained within twenty seconds and since Meztli was a werewolf he would try to make her into a chew toy... But she had know Meztli for ages and they joke more than you think they would.
It was march 1st, and right after breakfast that morning, Lo retreated into his room and locked the door. He never locks the door so this confused the human a little.
an hour passed, then two then three. She was a little curious. "Hey dumbass!" She called, walking into Meztli's room. "Heya girlie, what can I do ya for?" He teased, getting up from his bed and grabbing a chair for the human. "What's Lo's issue? He never locks his door." Meztli took a deep breath and cracked his knuckles, this was gonna be a hard one.
"he's having a vampire period." He said bluntly "What the- Ew" coral replied "But not the kind you might think. He's not got blood coming out of him in a literal sense. They don't teach you this as they should but vampires have a period of time where they have heightened levels of bloodlust. Like I become a wolf at a full moon" He quickly explained as the girl was about to leave. Coral sat back down and listened attentively.
"go on."
"well... in this state, they have absolutely no morals or control. They only care about seeing that red essence. Lo has always been weary of biting you because he doesn't consume human often. Hence why he hasn't." The werewolf explained. "And so, every few hours I grab some blood from the fridge and slip it under his door. That prick is very picky but fair enough because I have animal preferences." He added with a shrug.
"why don't they tell us that? THAT SEEMS PRETTY GOD DAMN IMPORTANT MEZTLI." Coral said, raising her voice a little. "Shut up dude! He is literally next door." Meztli said, putting his hand on her mouth.
"they don't tell you so you don't disobey. Think about it, that's the time when they're more active and so your organisation won't cooperate because of a higher chance of death." And that made a lot of sense.
"I wanna go talk to him." Coral said. "Horrible idea. Did you not listen to me?!" Meztli panicked. Coral sighed "I did listen but I need to go see him. To tell him that it's ok-" "you're insane you know that? Whatever I'm joining you so if you do die I can say I told you so to your corpse." Meztli interrupted with a chuckle.
After a quick trip downstairs to the fridge, the two came to an oak door with Lo's name on it. Meztli took out the key and unlocked the door slowly. The door creaked open and the two let themselves in and shut the door behind them.
Lo was on his bed in the far corner "g-get out... i-ill..." he said, a red glow from his eye as the other wasn't doing to well. "oh shut it and drink" Meztli said, handing the bag to him. Lo took it quickly and didn't even open it, he sank his fangs into it as it was the sensation of puncture that calmed him a little.
"Lo? I just wanted to see you... to tell you that it's ok. You're doing great and all" Coral said, sitting at the foot of the vampires bed. She had thought he slept in a coffin, but she also needed to stop with the stereotyping.
The vamp was quickly finished with the bag and he discarded it into the bin beside the bed, Meztli sat the other side of the taller and offered his wrist "I know you don't like it cold. Might as well." He grinned, his tail wagging happily. Lo swallowed and gently took the wrist, he was more in control than he was ten seconds ago and was more gentle.
Coral watched and swallowed the little worry she had and offered hers too "Just this once?" She asked with an equally large grin.
Lo sighed and bit Coral fist, he was exceedingly gentle with her, going slowly and not taking too much. He then went to Meztli and bit down a little harder on the werewolf as he was used to it. after a moment Lo pulled off and quickly held the two closely "t-thank you..." he said.
"anytime" Coral said, grabbing a handkerchief and wiping the little residue that was on Lo's lip.
The two left and bandaged their wrists "I told you we'd be fine!" Meztli said. And received a punch to the ribs for that.
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feelin-lo · 2 years
ayo vampire Lo x Human / Wolf Meztli because it's Halloween
I know the outfits are the most stereotypical ones but it's 1 am and I'm running on a packet of salted nuts and a slushie.
Also under the cut is a little fic. Because again, it's 1 am and I have no soul. And the fic has mentions of biting and blood because it's a vampire fix so TW
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Shattered resolve.
(Story synopsis; Lo doesn't like feeding from Meztli, not because of the taste or whatever, but because he doesn't like leaving marks on his boyfriend. And after a stern talk from Meztli, all of Lo's control dissapears)
Meztli belongs to @aesopsbaby.
Lo and Meztli, quite the bizarre couple. Sure, their friends are ghouls, demons, ghosts, zombies and more and each of them are in relations with eachother.
But the most unlikely was the Vampire and the Werewolf.
They almost never fought, they respected eachothers needs and urges and when it came to the subject of feeding... that's the only time they fought. Why? Because Meztli wants Lo to come hunting with him and Lo doesn't like feeding from Meztli. Now, a little information, Meztli tends to get a little out of hand on two occasions. One, when he is alone and second when it was a full moon.
Lo doesn't like the taste of animal blood. Since Meztli brings home rabbits or hares most hunts, Lo doesn't partake since he doesn't like rabbit blood. It has a funny taste. Lo could go lure a human to an alleyway and feed but he can't be bothered with all the hassle and some types of blood are too metallic to the tounge.
Meztli's blood is perfect though, it's not too salty, sweet, metallic or poisoned. It's perfect. But there's just one problem. For Lo to feed, he has to bite the flesh or blood must be drawn. He hates seeing Meztli hurt and so resists every urge in his body and refuses to feed from him until he becomes too desperate. And for those times, Lo gave Meztli a crucifix. He doesn't wear it often though.
This was a pleasant evening. Meztli had enough meat in the house so he didn't need to go out and it was nowhere near a full moon, they were both watching a movie, the cold and pale hands of the vampire were in the untameable hairs of his boyfriend's tail with his face on his head between his ears. He was content. Happy in his position.
Once the film had concluded, Meztli stood up and that caused the Vampire beneath him to whine at the loss of contact. "Hehe, don't you worry, I'll be back over there soon. just checking the day on the calendar" he said. "It's the 27th... wait." Lo said before stopping himself "Good boy! I don't even need to speak-" "no." Lo butted in. "Loooo" Meztli cooed, walking back over and setting himself on his vampire's lap "I can't.." Lo said, looking away from him "But Love... we agreed, every three weeks. Latest three and a half." Meztli said sternly.
Lo was very stubborn, but Meztli was more stubborn, the vampire pressed his hands to his mouth and shook his head "I'll just grab a human or something..." he said, it sounded painful to say "we both know you won't do that. It's been two months Lo, you can't avoid this forever." Meztli said. And he wasn't wrong. Lo would always make excuses, he hates seeing Meztli bleed. he hates it.
"I don't like seeing you bleed... I don't like hurting you..." Lo said, his soft blue eyes meeting the purple of his beloved. "And I don't like you coming near me every full moon yet you stick to me like a cub" Mez joked "I think your wolf form is cute..." Lo mumbled. "The point is Lo, you need to drink, so drink. I don't want you to lose it and do something you'll regret." Meztli said. He cared, Lo knew he cared. "I see you still need a little persuasion..." Meztli said, a devious smile on his face.
The werewolf slid off his jacket and tossed it to the floor, he took the crucifix and discarded it too. "S-stop-" Lo pleaded, trying his very best to move his eyes from Meztli's neck, it was testing him. Begging him to bite. His ability to restrain himself was being tested. "Still not enough?" He asked, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling it to the side so his vampire could get a better look of his neck. and that was it.
Lo grabbed Meztli and pulled him down, his eyes glowing red with hunger "you don't know what you're doing!" Lo said, trying desperately not to bite Meztli. "I know what I'm doing. I'm feeding my lovely boyfriend" he grinned, tracing his thumb on Lo's bottom lip "s-stop i-i can't control myself... A-any more and I'll -" he wimpered, he really didn't want this but it was clear that Meztli's will wasn't going to be shaken.
Meztli placed his hand to the back of Lo's head and guided his hungry lover to what he needed "m-mez.." he sighed shakily, grabbing his wrists and flipping them over, Lo was sat with his back on the sofa, Meztli's wrists above his head with a clearly surprised werewolf in his lap. Lo placed his free hand on Meztli's chin, guiding his head so he had a decent area to sink his teeth into.
"I-im sorry" Lo said before sinking his fangs into the pale and succulent neck of his lover. Meztli yelped and shivered, normally Lo would go for the wrist or something but it was clear that he had tested the vampire too much. His heart pounded with the adrenaline, it did hurt at first but he was ok now, allowing his vampy to take what he needed.
Lo pulled off sooner than usual and turned Meztli around so he could look at him. His hair was a mess, his eyes were glowing red and a little hint of blood could be seen at the corner of his mouth. The werewolf smiled, happy that he got his way and went in for a kiss but he didn't receive one, he did however receive another bite, this time on his wrist, Lo kept eye contact the whole time.
A couple moments and bites pass and finally Meztli was granted what he wanted, a kiss from his vampire.
Lo tasted of blood, though he didn't mind, he was happy that Lo finally had something to drink after two months. Once they locked eyes again, all was normal. Lo had to quickly grab some band aids and new clothes for Meztli as he accidentally got some blood on his shirt. "I'm sorry Mez... I only meant to bite you once..." Lo continued to apologize "Lo it's fine, I was the one that teased and got you like that. And also it's been two months dry, you clearly needed it. And also also, you've been helping me control myself so it's only fair" the other smiled, cupping the cold yet pink cheeks of his vampire.
"I love you Meztli"
"I love you more Lo"
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feelin-lo · 2 years
Can I request for you to write something for Bloody Parchment? Eg.some headcannons for them? :33 Ty
He has a tendancy to overreact when it comes to Meztli, be it he was struck by a hunter (idv), bitten by another vampire (monster au) or anyone harasses him about his past.
He also gets very jealous when it comes to Meztli, he's very to himself about this jealousy though, he doesn't want to upset his beloved or anything.
Lo always cooks, be it for his roommates or for his werewolf and hunter. And what he cooks isn't half bad too!
Has to recharge and by that I mean he'll hug Meztli all the time after work or when Meztli gets back from hunting (monster)
Meztli 🩸:
Steals Lo's clothes. Be it jackets, shirts or.. underwear.. he does give it back... Eventually.
Sends love poems to Lo and always gets them back with red pen stating the errors in punctuation or spelling. Meztli finds it funny though. And always improves.
When Lo is out of the house for too long, Meztli sprays his clothes down with his cologne so when Lo gets back, Meztli is everywhere. Lo finds it cute and dorky
They rarely ever fight, only over stupid things like who gets into bed first, what Lo cooks for dinner and Lo's lack of blood sucking habit (Monster).
Sometimes when Lo is gone for too long (monster) Meztli will curl up in Lo's bed. Why? Because why not.
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feelin-lo · 2 years
How does Lo meet Trickster and Meztli?
Trickster suspected something was a little off when her darling brother tried to kill her when she was just six years old.
Nevertheless, she lived a relatively normal life among other humans. It wasn't until she bumped into the devilishly understanding vampire, Lo Quill, that her life finally began to make sense. However, Lo proved to be patient and seemed to have an unhealthy obsession with smiling.
Trickster soon learnt that Lo had taken an oath never to bite a human being. When Trickster's darling brother is injured in a boating accident, Trickster realises her own life is at risk. Despite Lo's pale skin and murderous tendencies, Trickster finds herself falling for the vampire. Only fate will decided whether he kills or protects her.
One night, a gargoyle appears before Trickster and warns her of a darkness within Lo. The gargoyle gives Trickster the tattered stake - a weapon that can defeat the understanding vampire. Will Trickster find it in herself to kill the only creature who has ever made her feel truly afraid?
Lost and afraid. Left weak after a full moon, Meztli stumbled through the woods untill he collapsed at the foot of great castle doors.
He awoke the next morning in a beautifully decorated room, though the only light was delicate candlelight. A tall, pale and quiet being sat reading at the foot of the bed. "You're awake I see." He said, his voice calm and delicate.
Meztli could barely move "I wouldn't. transformations take the world out of you, don't they?" He asked, looking to the werewolf.
The wolf was looked after by the being for weeks, and soon months. Meztli was free to leave as he pleased but always came back.
Something was wrong one day.
Meztli knew that Lo was a vampire that needed feeding but in these three months, he hadn't seen this being sink his fangs.
And so, he approached the vampire and was tackled to the ground.
A moment of pain then bliss, and all was done.
They spoke more after the first bite, grew closer on the second and were in a relationship at the third.
Trickster belongs to @boiling-potato
Meztli belongs to @aesopsbaby
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