#werewolf lu twilight
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linktwilibeast · 2 years ago
Fighting Against Yourself (LU Fanfic) Capítulo 2
Lamento mucho el retraso, pero aquí está el segundo capítulo de este fanfic Linked Universe. Este es mi primer fanfic Lu, espero que les guste.
Comenten, quisiera conocer sus opiniones :3
Si no has leído el capitulo 1 aquí esta el link.
Capitulo 1
Nota: Los nombres de los personajes y lugares se mantienen en inglés.
Twilight-centric Twilight-Angst
Fighting Against Yourself Capítulo 2
Los héroes del coraje se encontraban todavía en labor de calmar a su hermano Twilight, escucharlo tan triste, tan desesperado, tan herido y posiblemente quebrado, les había provocado una enorme preocupación y consternación, no sabían realmente que hacer o que decir para calmar ese dolor emocional que le atormentaba.
“No quiero lastimar a nadie, no soy un monstruo, no quiero volver a escuchar esas voces… esas palabras… No… quiero escucharlo” susurró Twilight suavemente, su voz se quebraba en cada palabra y su cuerpo temblaba de miedo.
“Twilight, trata de calmarte, respira conmigo” se acercó Wild tratando de ayudar a su hermano.
El ordoniano trató de tranquilizarse, pero lo único que quería era irse al lugar más recóndito de su propio Hyrule y no ver a nadie. Él tenía miedo. Las palabras que Dark Link le dijo la noche anterior lo preocuparon mucho, y para empeorar su situación emocional, la pesadilla trastornó todas sus emociones y reabrió heridas que él pensaba que había curado y superado.
Además, Twilight no era ningún egoísta y preocupar a sus hermanos era lo último que quisiera hacer. Él sabía perfectamente que los links se caracterizaban por ser muy obstinados y lo seguirían hasta el fin del mundo si pudieran.
Tampoco quería decirles la verdad de lo que sentía o de lo que había pasado con su encuentro con Dark Link, él personalmente sentía que su encuentro con ese ser oscuro le había traído consecuencias… esas palabras.
“Muy pronto serás la causa de las lágrimas de tus hermanos, no lucharán contra mí, sino contra su hermano mayor. Que alegría será ver tu rostro desfigurado por el horror y la culpa”
Tenía miedo de sí mismo, quería alejarse de ellos, pero también quería mantenerlo como un secreto guardado dentro de un cofre en el fondo más oscuro del océano. No quería que supieran que él era un peligro para ellos, no quería alejarlos más de él. Le dolería como lanza atravesando su lastimado corazón, ver a sus hermanos tener temor de él.
“Cachorro… no escuches cualquier cosa que te haya dicho Dark Link, por favor” Dijo Time comenzándose a sentar a su lado y abrazarlo, a pesar de los débiles esfuerzos de Twilight para alejarlo de su lado, y a todos los presentes a su alrededor.
Sky se acercó un poco donde Twilight se encontraba, sentía tristeza en su corazón y en cierta parte culpa por permitir que Demise maldijera su espíritu. Esta era la primera vez que veía a su hermano de esta forma, le dolía ver que alguien que se caracterizaba por ser fuerte, ahora se veía tan vulnerable. ¿Qué tanto le dijo o le hizo Dark Link para que estuviera de esta forma?
Time les hizo una señal a Wild y Sky que se alejaran de él, al ver que Twilight aún seguía con secuelas de lo que había soñado, no quería tanta presión de parte de los demás. Lo único que esto podría provocarle a su protegido, es un ataque de pánico.
“Debemos dejarlo recuperarse, Wild quédate con él un momento, cuento contigo” dijo Time suavemente, mientras hacia un gesto con sus manos a los demás que se alejaran a sus lugares.
Cuando Wild vio que los demás volvieron a sus puestos anteriores para terminar su desayuno, él pudo escuchar susurros muy suaves de parte de Twilight. Así también, su rostro se escondía detrás de su flequillo castaño oscuro, pero no paso por alto que sus labios temblaban. Lastimosamente para Wild, no pudo deducir que decían los labios de su mentor, pero sabía muy bien que no era nada bueno.
 Realmente, el campeón no sabía qué hacer, ya que su hermano nunca mencionó mucho de su pasado, sólo ha contado una historia generalizada sobre Midna, sobre el crepúsculo que inundó las tierras de Hyrule y de cómo venció a Zant y Ganondorf. Incluso, Twilight jamás le dijo a nadie de su forma lupina. Los que sabían de su secreto, como Time, Four y él mismo tuvieron que descubrirlo por sí mismos, obligándose a guardarle el secreto. Por su parte, Wild nunca entendió el secretismo de Twilight sobre su otra forma ¿acaso pasó algo malo con él estando en esa forma?
Pasó una hora aproximadamente, Los demás por su lado comenzaron a hacer sus quehaceres personales, como pulir las espadas, revisar si sus ítems estaban en su lugar etc. Twilight comenzó a calmarse poco a poco, Wild por su parte había estado intentando distraerle cocinándole omelettes de huevo, carne al vapor y pescado frito.
Wild se sintió orgulloso al ver que su plan culinario había funcionado, su mentor por fin había dado una pequeña sonrisa desde que se había despertado de esa maldita pesadilla.
 “Emm... Twi… Four dijo que ayer mencionaste que tu pueblo natal Ordon está a una hora de este bosque, creo que te hará bien que estés rodeado de tus amigos, familia y tus cabras ¿no crees?” mencionó Wild para intentar mejorar el humor de Twilight.
Wild volteó a ver a su mentor y vio una reacción inesperada de tristeza en su rostro. Para empeorarlo un poco más, pudo ver de reojo que algunos comenzaban a acercarse a ellos gradualmente con cierta precaución, pero con preocupación genuina en cada uno de sus rostros.
“Si, Wild tiene razón, además acabamos de venir del Hyrule del niño bonito, enfrentar a esas hordas de esos blins infectados nos dejaron molidos y necesitamos descansar un poco en un pueblo” opinó Legend de forma sorprendentemente suave, acercándose poco a poco.
Warriors le lanzo una mirada irritada, pero no dijo nada, no culpaba a Legend, porque se sentía cansado como los demás se sentían.
 “Yo sé, queremos descansar y queremos abastecernos, pero el problema aquí es la herida de Twilight, sabemos que la poción hizo un gran trabajo, pero, según Hyrule la herida aún no se ha cerrado por completo y  es lo suficientemente grande para una sola poción, esa mordida abarcó casi todo su muslo y existe una enorme probabilidad de que la herida pueda sangrar de nuevo, algo que no conviene para nada” opinó preocupado Warriors mirando al Ranchero.
“Podemos descansar aquí también, Twilight no está apto para caminar grandes distancias en este momento” opinó Hyrule mirando al Ranchero.
Twilight por su parte comenzó a sentirse ansioso, odiaba este tipo de atención centrada a él mismo. Además, sus ganas de visitar el pueblo de Ordon disminuyeron con esa pesadilla, tenía miedo como un cachorro callejero maltratado por la vida que le fue dada. El Hecho de ver la cara de sus amigos y familia atacándolo con odio le dolió mucho su corazón. Nunca dijo una sola palabra a Ruls y Uli al respecto, no quería que se dieran cuenta que su hijo, el Héroe del crepúsculo era un monstruo.
Ahora Twilight se sentía entre la espada y la pared. No tiene ganas de ir, pero, sus hermanos necesitaban descansar inmediatamente. El bosque de Faron, en este momento no era un lugar seguro para nadie. Desde el momento que se despertó, gradualmente comenzaba a percibir la presencia de Dark Link, sin necesidad de tomar prestados sus sentidos lupinos. Twilight juraba con todo su ser, que podía sentir una mirada que monitoreaba cada uno de sus movimientos, pudo sentirlo en su nuca. Su ansiedad solo aumentaba al experimentar esa horrible sensación.
“Twi… ¿Estas bien?” susurró Wild mirándolo de forma preocupada al verlo tan ido y pensativo
“E-este bosque… N-no es seguro, debemos irnos A-ahora” dijo Twilight tropezando con sus palabras. Su instinto de protección hacia el grupo estaba aumentando gradualmente y trataba de detener la avalancha de emociones que sentía en ese momento, quería mantenerse cuerdo para salvaguardar la integridad física de sus hermanos.
“Cachorro… ¿te sientes bien físicamente para poder caminar al pueblo de Ordon?” preguntó  suavemente Time mientras se agachaba cerca de su protegido.
“Llamaré a mi yegua, estoy seguro que cuidara mucho de mí, pero debemos irnos de aquí” dijo apenas Twilight mirando a Time de reojo.
“Está bien, está decidido, iremos al pueblo de Ordon, partiremos en 20 minutos” ordenó con gran autoridad el héroe del tiempo.
Toda la cadena asintió inmediatamente y comenzaron a esparcirse en todos los alrededores del claro donde se encontraba el campamento, empezando a guardar sus pertenencias y sus bolsas de dormir. Wild por su parte comenzó a ordenar los utensilios de cocina utilizados en el desayuno de esa mañana.
Twilight mantenía su cabeza agachada tratando de calmar las palpitaciones que sentía en su cabeza. Inhalaba y exhalaba pesadamente, él sólo quería olvidar ese maldito sueño y esas malditas palabras, no quería arruinar nada para nadie, ni para él mismo, el día era muy hermoso para arruinarlo con malos recuerdos.
 En ese instante, él levantó su rostro y podía ver que sus hermanos guardaban sus pertenencias, pero pudo notar que ellos le miraban de reojo de forma poco disimulada. Una mano áspera y llena de cicatrices tocó su hombro que sobresaltó a Twilight, sacándolo de sus pensamientos. Él pudo ver que Wild estaba ahí con su alforja junto a algunas bolsas de tela, sus vestimentas, su espada y escudo Ordoniano.
“Twilight… aquí están tus pertenencias, además debes cambiarte el pantalón” Dijo Wild acercando la pieza de ropa a su mentor.
“Cub, no tenías que molestarte en guardar mis cosas, te agradezco mucho por esto” dijo Twilight dejando ver una pequeña sonrisa, mientras agarraba la vestimenta.
“Twi… no estás solo, tu nos tienes a nosotros. Siempre has estado a nuestro lado cuando más te necesitamos, cuando los malos recuerdos del infierno que hemos pasado vuelven a nuestras memorias, tú me dijiste una noche…
“Cub, jamás pienses que tienes que hacer esta lucha solo, jamás pienses que vales menos o pienses que nos has fallado, porque no es así. Los héroes también necesitamos ser salvados, ahora puedes contar con héroes que te ayuden, somos tus hermanos y tu nueva familia”
“Ahora es tu turno para escuchar tu propio consejo, déjanos ayudarte, ya es tu turno para que podamos hacer lo mismo por t…” Wild fue interrumpido por Twilight porque le había abrazado de manera súbita.
“¿Twi?...” preguntó wild bastante sorprendido.
“Gracias cub… te agradezco por tus palabras” susurró Twilight.
“Sabes que cuentas con mi ayuda y apoyo siempre” susurró el campeón sintiendo las lágrimas silenciosas de su mentor en su hombro.
Pasaron los minutos y la cadena se encontraba preparada para salir de los bosques de Faron. Todos se veían emocionados por conocer el lugar donde el Ranchero vivía, así también conocer a todos sus habitantes. Twilight por su parte, terminaba de vestirse, ya que a causa de la mordida que le propinó Dark Link, su pantalón fue rasgado y manchado de su propia sangre, dejándolo totalmente inservible. Por suerte el ranchero tenía más ropa en su alforja.
“¿Estás preparado cachorro?” dijo Time acercándose a él.
El Ordoniano asintió con una pequeña sonrisa melancólica, para luego proceder a meter su mano dentro de su túnica, y sacó un bello silbato en forma de herradura de color blanco hueso, tenía algunos agujeros en los lados, con el propósito de crear bellas notas. Levantó el silbato y lo puso en su boca para comenzar a soplar.
Una hermosa canción salió del silbato, tal melodía que hacia recordar a los bellos pastos, los ganados y la vida en la granja. Time y Warriors miraron a Twilight bastante sorprendidos, esa canción la conocían perfectamente, se dieron cuenta en ese instante que la canción de ese ser equino había transcendido por el tiempo y el espacio.
En ese  momento, un relincho alegre de un caballo se escuchó a lo lejos, junto a un sonido de cascos que venían rápidamente. Toda la cadena pudo ver un borrón de color café llegando Velozmente desde el sur, en el camino donde se encontraba el pueblo de Ordon. Epona relinchó feliz al acercarse a su amo Twilight, además sintió una alegría al ver a los demás héroes que la miraban con una sonrisa.
“¿Cómo está mi chica? Me alegra verte también, chicos ella es mi yegua Epona” dijo el ranchero acercándose un poco lento a ella, el punzante dolor en su muslo no le permitía una libre movilidad.
Epona acerco su hocico a la mano de su amo para saludarlo. Ella lo había extrañado mucho y se preocupaba mucho por su bienestar, sus ojos se dirigieron a su pierna mala.
“Es igual a mi yegua Epona, ¿acaso ella también reencarna junto a nuestro espíritu?” preguntó Time mientras se acercaba a ella con respeto.
“También tengo una Epona” dijo felizmente Wild mientras se acercaba a acariciarle su hocico con confianza y darle una manzana.
“Pues yo también, ella me ayudó mucho en la guerra y actualmente ella se encuentra en el castillo de mi Hyrule, esto es extraño” sonrió Warriors mirando a la criatura con cierta ternura.
“Emm… Y-Yo no tengo una Epona, tengo a mi Loftwing llamado Crimson, pero tengo una teoría. Los Loftwings son enormes aves que nos dejó Hylia para podernos desplazar en el cielo, pero también son la mitad de nuestra alma, es posible que Epona sea la mitad del espíritu del héroe en el futuro aquí en la superficie” Mencionó Sky mirando a la yegua con curiosidad.
“Tiene mucho sentido, ella ha estado reencarnando con la mayoría de nosotros y ha estado siempre a nuestro lado” Sonrió un poco más animado Twilight mientras se subía con sumo cuidado a la silla de montar con la ayuda de Wild y Time.
“Yo no conozco tales criaturas, como ya saben, mi Hyrule está inundado y utilizamos barcos enormes para recorrer las indomables olas del gran mar” sonrió Wind con mucho orgullo cuando hablaba de su propio Hyrule.
“yo no tuve la oportunidad de tener una compañera como ella, pero no entiendo por qué siento que su espíritu me llamara a estar con ella” dijo Hyrule acercándose con precaución.
“heh… con esto nos damos cuenta que tenemos mucho que aprender sobre los diferentes puntos de la historia de nuestro hogar y de nosotros mismos” Comentó Four.
Todos asintieron dándole la razón a Four, para luego Time tomar la iniciativa en señalarles a todos que debían comenzar a caminar hacia el hogar del Ranchero. Epona se dejó dirigir por su amo comenzando a dar pasos suaves, igualando el ritmo de los demás.
Pasó un aproximado de 45 minutos. El camino había sido totalmente tranquilo, sin ningún contratiempo o algún problema con los monstruos de sangre negra. El bosque de Faron estaba muy tranquilo y se podían escuchar melodías naturales como agua correr, aves cantando y ciervos pastando. Hyrule se acercó al lado del Ranchero y miró su pierna afectada.
“¿Cómo te sientes con eso? Además, dime la verdad, ¿qué sentiste cuando caíste inconsciente?, porque no tienes síntomas de envenenamiento para que una mordida te haya provocado la inconciencia” dijo Hyrule seriamente.
“También me he estado preguntando lo mismo” dijo Legend metiéndose en la conversación.
“Hum… yo s-solo pude sentir que mi cuerpo dejo de funcionar y caí en la oscuridad” dijo Twilight mirando al frente evitando sus miradas.
“Eso es extraño, quizá fue un método de defensa para que no lo siguieras, al menos te encuentras bien y eso es lo que nos importa ahora” dijo Legend con su mano en la barbilla.
“Pero… ¿estás seguro que estas bien? Sólo con ver esa mordida, veo que no es de la forma Lizalfos que tiene Dark link, parece mordida de perro o lobo, personalmente pensé que ese tipo solo tenía dos formas, nuestros rostros y Lizalfos” comentó Hyrule bastante preocupado.
“Dark Link puede adaptar las formas y tamaños que él quiera, es un ser de lo más engañoso, además de copiar apariencias, puede obtener casi todas las habilidades del mismo, así que debemos tener mucho cuidado” Comentó Time mirando al frente sin detener su ritmo.
“Hablando de lo sucedido con Dark Link, Ahora en Adelante tendremos reglas que-“dijo Warriors pero fue interrumpido por un grito.
“EPONA, ¿DÓNDE ESTAS?” se escuchó la voz de un niño que Twilight reconoció al instante.
“Esperen, ¿ese es Talo?  Al parecer estamos cerca de la salida del bosque de Faron, vamos" dijo Twilight sonriendo con cierta melancolía.
Capitulo anterior ///// Capitulo siguiente (muy pronto)
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starwolfie · 28 days ago
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It’s full moon tonight, keep your Twilights inside! 😉
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taddy-cat · 10 months ago
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Werewolf Twilight! Wild made chocolate cake, but because no one knows how chocolate affects transformed werewolves. As such he's not allowed to have any. Just in case. He's definitely begging
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elgatt0 · 6 months ago
@dragkbluire OMG how I love this art, it inspired me to write this lil horror fic :3
I hope you enjoy ^^
Warning for horror
Legend pov
“A little louder, please. I don’t think the guests below have woken up yet.”
Breathing stops with his agitated footsteps. Cold sweat runs down his spine, and the bastard has the audacity to look at me surprised that I woke up. I could not even sleep to begin with-- a horse with iron hooves is quieter.
“I thought you were sleeping…” I feel my neck crack as I turn my head to face him. My eyes bore into his with all the anger and disbelief that exhaustion allows me. No words need to be said: the “really?!” is so obvious in my eyes that I can almost feel the pride emanating from the old man, even though he is rooms away.
“I’m sorry…” he whispers, looking away embarrassed, and returns to sit on the bed on the opposite side of the room. I turn my eyes to the ceiling, silently asking the gods what I did to deserve this. I hear him breathing slowly in a futile attempt to calm down, but I know this moment of peace won’t last. After all, it’s the fifth time he’s done this, and the night has barely begun.
Why so much fuss? Was he worried about others? It would make sense for the damn mother cucco that he is, but I feel like that’s not it. Since we got here, he has not really seemed interested in anyone… not even himself. It was like the smith said-- he seemed a bit off, so much so that he did not even take off his layers to rest. The battle is over…
Or maybe not.
Now it is my turn to breathe to calm down. If I opened my mouth at this moment, nothing good would come out. I close my eyes. The idea of trying to sleep and ignoring everything is tempting, but worry screams in my head and hammers at my heart. I feel like something very bad is going to happen, and the guilt would never let me rest.
A strange silence reigned in the room. Perhaps it had only been a few seconds, but the stagnation of sound distorted time, giving the sensation that hours had passed. I sit up slowly: the creaking of the bed makes time and sound flow again. I don’t look at him, not yet, but I feel like my action has made him uneasy again. But why?
"Common man…"
"It is none of your business…"
“Then I will make it be”
A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I close my eyes once again. My bones ache, my wounds burn, bruises marking both body and soul are my souvenirs from today’s battle. Every movement is slow, every word heavy on my tongue, and the desperation to rest grows stronger, but I can not give up, not yet.
Guided by courage, I slowly turn in bed, placing my feet on the floor, facing him once again. But apparently, he finds the floor more fascinating at the moment.
“Please… no… not now,” my mood sours as usual. I think about responding, but I realize that these words were not directed at me. It is as if he is talking to himself, begging… for something… or someone. Once again, I am not here, not for him.
A wave of worry extinguishes the flames of exhaustion. He is not well, and I do not know how to help. I am not good at comforting people… My words are deaf to him... it is agonizing. I feel useless, and my heroic nature hates that. I want to comfort him with my touch, but a primitive instinct warns me: stay away. The only thing I can do now is wait, an uncertain and painful wait, as I watch my companion, my brother, succumb to the darkness in his mind.
I should get off my ass and go warn the others...it is the right thing to do, yes. The champion knows him better than I do, they have a story… or will have one? Time travel be damned.
Creaks, whispers, and growls put me in a stupor, freezing my eyes on the rancher in front of me… or what should be him:
Embracing himself, nails cruelly dug into his arms, the crack of breaking bones harmonized in horror with the grinding of teeth that no longer seemed Hylian.
Black pulses emanated, taking with them the blood and soul, turning the skin pale, stealing the light that once had lived there.
The bones ripped through the skin, becoming more prominent, demonic, the thin line between man and beast slowly disappeared before me.
His empty eyes stared into mine, full of despair.
He finally gets up, his steps silent and calculated, in contrast to the heavy and noisy ones from before.
Slowly he advances, his eyes never leaving me, the melodic and morbid whispers getting louder the closer he gets. The temperature drops, my breathing becomes heavy, and the whispers are now deafening. I can not move…
Is cold…
I can't move...
I can't move
I can't move I can't move
I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move moveI can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't move I can't MovEIcAn'tmOveIcAn'tMoveLcaN'tmOveIcan'TmoVeIcAn'tMovEIcan'TmOveIcan'tMoveIcAn'tMoVeLcaN'tmoVeIcan'tMoVeIcAn'tmoveICan'tMovEIcan'tmOveIcAn'tMovEIcaN'tmovE MovEIcAn'tmOveIcAn'tMoveLcaN'tmOveIcan'TmoVeIcAn'tMovEIcan'TmOveIcan'tMoveIcAn'tMoVeLcaN'tmoVeIcan'tMoVeIcAn'tmoveICan'tMovEIcan'tmOveIcAn'tMovEIcaN'tmovE MovEIcAn'tmOveIcAn'tMoveLcaN'tmOveIcan'TmoVeIcAn'tMovEIcan'TmOveIcan'tMoveIcAn'tMoVeLcaN'tmoVeIcan'tMoVeIcAn'tmoveICan'tMovEIcan'tmOveIcAn'tMovEIcaN'tmovEIcant
The mention of a smile is the last thing registered in my mind before I fall into darkness.
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fruity-galaxy · 1 year ago
Part 4, Twilight
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Basic werewolf shenanigans with an additional Wolf form
I just think it'd be funny if Twi gained the were-form after Wolfie & ended up as Wolfie²
start | prev | next
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the-alliance-maker · 1 year ago
I was having a conversation with my siblings, my brother and me doing most of the chatting while my younger sister used us as podcast of sorts while she she doodled away on her tablet, when she suddenly says-
"I hate this! I hate drawing necks- Why must you have a neck-"
Sensing a rant about my sister's crusade on anatomy coming on, my brother was quick to joke-
"Then don't draw it, just put a vampire biting it or something."
Queue gleeful scribbling before I'm suddenly handed this-
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We'd been debating which of the Links from Linked Universe would be what monster for days now and apparently that's what had been on the agenda for her low effort doodles.
So, have Vampire Wild biting Werewolf Twilight, lol.
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My sister doesn't have a tumblr, she's too shy about her art for that, but this made me laugh hard enough that I was allowed to share it on my account.
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penpenpencil · 2 years ago
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“Tell me… Do you ever feel a strange sadness as dusk falls? They say it’s the only time when our world intersects with theirs…”
Wanted to finalise Twilight’s design for me. Ended up with this :)
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aikoiya · 6 months ago
LoZ - Lupán Cultural Tidbits
Búralupáns (Lupáns for short) live in large families altogether. Typically multigenerationally.
There really isn’t much use in keeping relationships secret among the Lupáns due to their senses of smell (& their ears don't really help either).
Though they practice marriage, they also practice mating rituals. And even if they didn't, the act of intercourse tends to leave quite the smelly mark.
So, yeah. If you get freaky with someone, a Lupán will likely know & if they've met the other person, they'll probably know who with, too.
However, their sense of smell also tends to help with identifying family & friends.
Due to not technically being a race, any human with a bit of Sheikah & Búralo-mná in them can become a Lupán if bitten.
Lupáns love strongly & deeply. They are also faithful & loyal to a fault. However, this results in them being innately possessive & protective.
They are also very territorial.
They also mate for life & have no concept of divorce, nor cheating. Well, they know about it, but it just doesn't happen in their culture.
Lupáns tend to grow to be taller, more hirsute, & with greater ability to gain muscle than the typical Hylians & Sheikah of eastern Hyrule.
And even though they tend to be taller, only those with Hebran ancestry can really hope to match the average Gerudo. Which tends to get a lot of attention from Vaien (women, plural).
Lupáns also naturally have tapetum lucidum, more pronounced canines, & slightly longer, more pointed nails. However, unlike those of cats, a Lupán's nails are blunt & cannot retract. As such, the real danger from them depends on how much force is put behind them when swung.
At the same time, they are also thicker than those of other humans, are very durable, & don't typically break easily. As such, Lupáns tend to need special files to keep them maintained so they don't cause issues.
Not to mention, greater senses of smell & hearing. Though, these tend to get better in wolf & lupos form.
Their best & most important senses being smell, sound, & sight with their senses of smell being their greatest & sound their second best.
Their sense of smell as humans tend to be naturally 10 times greater than other human races, which jumps up to 20 times greater in lupos form (basically werewolf), then jumping up again to a full 40 times in wolf form. Add to that, their olfactory compartmentalization abilities being more similar to that of a canines, which allows Lupáns to separate out the many components of a singular scent. This makes them absolutely excellent trackers & hunters by nature. However, a dog bred specifically for those tasks will likely still beat them if just by a great deal. Though, training in those specific areas will allow Lupáns to bridge that gap, though, they’d still not quite reach a Bloodhound's capabilities without also utilizing their human intellect.
Problem is, without focus & scent-block training, then entering an area with too many different strong scents can result in arominundation. Which means that they'll experience olfactory overload & might become overwhelmed. As such, most Lupáns tend to gravitate more towards rural communities.
At the same time, due to the human element, they combine a wolf's natural night vision & lowlight motion detection with a human’s foveal pit & trichromatic sight, Lupáns have even better vision than actual wolves. (As in, they aren't near-sighted & are able to see more colors.) Luckily, vision is one of the things that don't change with their forms, which makes them very reliable night guards & watchmen.
Interesting to note, because taste is directly related to smell, Lupáns have an innate talent for cooking. Though, certain ingredients can be a tad overwhelming for beginners, it isn't anything that some acclimation can't help with.
However, this also means that not many tend to become alchemists or chemists in general due to the use of stronger & sometimes inorganic scents in the craft. That doesn't mean that they can't, but those rare few who do tend to either have a faulty sense of smell, a greater olfactory compartmentalization skills as well as ability to focus & block things out, or a special breathing mask.
As such, if a Lupán takes to potioneering, they're more likely to take more to the hedge magery or herbalist route. In this way, they have a greater capacity for becoming holistic doctors as their senses of smell can also allow them to quickly identify diseases very early.
Lupáns are a bit of an odd mix between omnivores & facultative carnivores. You see, they thrive best on a mix of meat & plant diet, though they can also do a very good job surviving on nothing but meat. However, if one were to try to stick to a vegetarian or vegan diet, they slowly waste away & die.
They need to eat a certain amount of red meat each day. It doesn't need to be raw (they're still humans, after all), but it needs to be red. Vegetarian & vegan are just not things that one with Lupán ancestry can ever be regardless of whether their Lupán gene is active or not.
If they don't consume at least a pound of red meat per day, they can get very sick.
Luckily, they can eat chocolate in human & lupos form, but not in wolf form unless its white chocolate (& even then, only a little bit). Though, even in lupos form, it's best if they only get maybe a singular brownie at most. Chocolate chip cookies are fine, though so long as they're spaced out.
Now, Lupáns do, in fact, tend to live in packs, called Pacaí (pok-ee). Which is the plural of Paca (pok-a).
But unlike actual wolves they have a sort of pack-based meritocratic social hierarchy.
In ascending order, it goes family pack, neighborhood pack, community pack, region pack, & kingdom pack.
Neighborhood packs are thought of as a collection of family packs grouped together in one area & are often seen as extended family packs. Community packs are a sort of overarching pack consisting of the residents of a settlement, which makes the alfa of which something like the mayor. Then a region pack consists of, as you likely guessed, the residents of a region. Finally, region & kingdom packs are less actual packs & more just how Lupáns look at how they work.
There’s also a work or military pack.
The alfas are similarly arranged in such a way. Alfas being the leaders.
While elders are revered, in the end, the role of alfa is almost always selected through meritocratic democracy. Meaning that the most suited for the role will be given that role by the members of the community themselves.
However, bark means little compared to bite. In this way, Lupáns as a community tend to care more for actions than words.
Packs tend to have 2 alfas, male & female. However, typically the main alfa is selected & the other is their spouse/mate. Who is then trained in the role.
Lupáns are singers by nature. Not the classic sort like Rito or Zora, but more so in a natural way than anything else.
Something about Lupán singing is just… different. For one, their voices tend to be more raw & their songs have a lot of heart & soul to them. That isn't to say that the same can't be said of those in other races, it's just that it seems to be more innate & common for Lupáns.
In this way, much like Rito & Zora, they are also very naturally in-tune with acoustomagical energies.
They also tend to have lower voices. Most females being mezzo-soprano & contralto, while most males tend to be baritone & bass.
Very rarely will you find a Lupán who's a natural soprano or tenor unless they're cubs.
Despite this, they also tend to have more range than other humans.
They are also very good at projecting their voices & tend to harmonize with other voices almost instinctively.
Not to mention having the ability to hold notes longer than any other race.
As a result, settlements & stables tend to have at least 1 Lupán among their guard, as Lupán guards are all trained in proculoquy (the art of voice projection) & the best have learned a basic amount of acoustomagy. Just the skill of proculoquy would allow them to quadruple the distance that their voices can travel when howling (naturally around 10 miles, meaning proculoquy would allow them to project up to 40 miles). But one supplementing that with acoustomagy can increase that distance even further to around 80 miles.
Now, Hyrule is around 278 miles in length (north to south) by 202 miles in width (east to west). And the distance between Fort Hateno & Kakariko is around 38 miles & from Fort Hateno to Hateno Village is 40. So, all it'd take to get a message between Kakariko & Hateno Village would be 2-3 Lupán guards, one stationed in Kakariko, one at Fort Hateno, & one in Hateno Village proper. Or when in a pinch, just one in Kakariko & one in Hateno.
That's a huge distance & it'd take 18-20 minutes, tops. Starting with 6 seconds between Kakariko & Fort Hateno with the howl of a singular Lupán lasting from 3-7 seconds each.
And Chorus Howls (which typically lasts for 30-120 seconds) can double that reach with every Lupán that joins at once provided that all know proculoquy & at least one can use acoustomagy to boost the effects. So, it'd take a Chorus of 4 Lupáns together to send a message to Hateno from Castle Town. All together, or one stationed at Castle Town, Wetland Stable, Kakariko, & Hateno individually. When performed altogether in one spot, it would be referred to as a Clarion Chorus, which most Lupáns know of, but haven't performed in their lives as the last recorded implementation of one had been during the Calamity of 10,000 years ago. The reason being that such a Chorus Howl would literally reach all 4 corners of Hyrule within a span of 80 minutes.
Clarion Choruses are used exclusively as an emergency warning of an attack.
In this way, Castle Town always has 4-5 Lupáns trained in acousto-poculoquy on guard at all times.
They are considered very important in times of emergency because of this.
It was due to this protocol that several Mabens, Gopongans, & Deyans were able to survive the Day of Calamity. Their villages still fell, but enough people survived that they were able to maintain some semblance of their cultures, though somewhat diluted.
Many of those living in the farther villages, like Oldcastle & Goponga, were able to be evacuated to safer regions. Oldcastelians raced across the Hylia Bridge to take refuge with the Lupán capitol of Ordon Town, Gopongans went for Zora's Domain.
Deya, however, was caged in from north, south, & west, leaving only the east road to Hateno. Due to the fact that they’d need to travel uphill, then through the Dueling Peaks Pass, across the Blatchery Plains, through Fort Hateno, then the Cliffs of Quince & across Olvi Plains, just to get to Hateno, very few Deyans survived.
Because Guardians cannot be outrun without a decently fast horse with good stamina.
And most of the soldiers stationed at the Southern Bulwark (Gatepost, Outpost, & Eastpost, also includes the Kolomo Garrison) were killed protecting the Oldcastlians as they fled.
However, any Mabens that didn't have access to quick enough horses & weren't able to at least get passed the Hyrule Garrison were almost completely wiped out. And every last soldier at the Hyrule Garrison was slain in an attempt to at least act as distractions. A handful at the Windvane Exchange were able to survive though.
Luckily, Lon Lon's owners had a couple of fast horses & a covered wagon manned by the ranch owner's young son & daughter (one driving, the other providing cover fire), which were used to get as many women & children away as quickly as possible. However, to survive, they had to ignore the pleas of everyone they passed.
Everyone in that wagon lived to reach Ordon. But only about 2 or 3 other Mabens did, too.
If not for the Lupáns who sang their Chorus at Castle Town before being shot down, far fewer would've lived to see another day.
Moving on from that depressing information.
Despite the stereotype, Lupáns, much like regular wolves, are very social as a people & are actually extremely good at teamwork & cooperation.
As a result, they prefer to live in multigenerational homes & tight-knit communities. And most of their sports revolve around teamwork & comradery.
Though, Lupáns, males especially, tend to roughhouse with members of their community & especially their Paca. However, they can also be quite silly & affectionate.
When it comes to raising cubs, they have a somewhat “it takes a village” type of mentality.
Now, the immediate family are still the ones who mainly raise cubs, but everyone is expected to lend a hand when necessary.
Lupáns tend to have 2 separate languages. Hyrulean & Howlean (because pun).
Howlean is a combination of body language, chuffing, whines, growls, ruffs, rumbles, barks, &, of course, howls (for long-distance communication). It can even involve hair. Because much like Nausicaä, a Lupáns’ hair can lift a bit when aggressive as an intimidation self-defense mechanism regardless of the form they take.
See, even in human form, Lupáns can still make all the same sounds as when they are more fuzzy. As such, it's become a natural part of communication for them.
As for body language, facial expression, posture, tail (when not human) position, & ear position, all contribute. Lupán ears typically have almost full range of motion compared to those of Hylians, Sheikah, & Gerudo. As such, they are also used to communicate.
It's because of this that a lot of Lupáns tend to be more perceptive of others’ emotional states. As such, I can almost guarantee that a Sheilupán (a Sheikah with an active Lupán gene) who was trained thus would be exceptional at interrogation.
While in lupos form, they can still speak Hyrulean, it just tends to put more strain on their vocal chords is all & their voices tend to be lower & rougher.
Lupáns tend to write the word grandpa as "grandpaw." Pronounced essentially the same way, but I find it adorable! (Thank you, @sunset-peril!) XD
Lupán children (cubs or caní; cano/cana depending on the sex) tend to have the most unfair puppydog eyes. Though, to be fair, most Lupàn parents are adapted to it through exposure, which gives them a greater resistance to the emotional manipulation tactic.
However, this also means that parents who hadn't grown up around Lupáns, & especially Lupán caní, tend to have a harder time resisting. As such, smart caní will go to their non-Lupán parent for something they want.
Lupáns have a tendency to domesticate corvids. Especially ravens & crows. This is, in part, due to the relationship that they have with wolves IRL.
In Buralupán societies, they were originally trained for hunting & even today, that is what they are most commonly trained to do.
However, these birds are extremely intelligent & can even learn to speak similarly to parrots. As such, they have massive potential for reconnaissance.
They also hold a grudge & never forget a face. Not to mention, they'll tell their corvid buddies!
Likewise, for a good turn.
This, plus their general hatred of & ability to sense black magic, actually makes them fantastic for witch hunting. In spite of the incorrect stereotype that suggests that they tend to be the familiars of dark witches.
This is mostly a result of their association with death. And, in reality, most animals refuse to associate with users of black magic due to its corruptive nature. In fact, Corvids tend to despise those who use black magic & will attack viciously & in groups.
While, yes, the little fuckers will steal your rupees, but Crows typically only attack the Heroes for their Rupees due to how shiny they are.
Ravens are actually much more chill than Crows & not as likely to attack people for their shinies. If one were to compare Crows with muggers, then Ravens are more akin to pickpockets. Ravens generally don't physically attack people unless they've done something to specifically & legitimately piss them off, such as using black magic. Oddly slow to true anger & will mostly instead choose to play petty pranks on people who've angered them. Ravens typically actually have very little issue with the Heroes unless they do something to stir their ire. They'll still steal from the Heroes, but they won't attack them.
However, that's when they are ordinary ravens & crows. It's still possible for them to become corrupted, at which point, they turn into Takkuri.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist 1
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ixtaek · 7 months ago
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I spent too much time on this.
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whenstarslie · 2 years ago
Chapters: 8/9 Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms, Linked Universe - Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Four & Hyrule & Legend & Sky & Time & Twilight & Warriors & Wild & Wind (Linked Universe) Characters: Sky (Linked Universe), Four (Linked Universe), Time (Linked Universe), Twilight (Linked Universe), Wind (Linked Universe), Wild (Linked Universe), Warriors (Linked Universe), Hyrule (Linked Universe), Legend (Linked Universe) Additional Tags: Linked Universe (Legend of Zelda), Fluff and Angst, Humor, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild to strong language, Gambling, Blood Drinking, Discussions about extinction, discussions about death, Harpy Sky, Brownie Smith, Werewolf Time, Werewolf Twilight, Merman Legend, Pixie Hyrule, Selkie Wind, Vampire Warriors, Dragon Wild, This is basically an introduction, Plus some AU lore, mythological creatures AU, Mythical Beings & Creatures Series: Part 1 of Not-So-Ordinary Heroes AU Summary:
The Heroes of Courage are as diverse and extraordinary as the lands and people they protect.
Maybe more than most would expect.
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hibbeln · 4 months ago
Magical Creatures LU part 2
as it was decided, we have a Hyrule Faun! and thanks to your suggestions I made the other boys too!
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Here we have Blupee Wild, which is like a ghost capable of materializing and disappearing at will! Hyrule Faun, based on a deer, with his pan flute and ability with medicinal potions! And Twilight, a Satyr, half Goat, I didn't want to go on the more obvious werewolf side, but that would also be a good idea.
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Kitsune Time, being the oldest, as always, over 100 years old, and a mischievous spirit. Wars Centaur, it simply suits him, he also ended up being the tallest, I tried to make him look like a strong stallion :)
And that's it, their design is already defined, now I can start making some random drawings of them interacting, I think I accidentally ended up making an AU... cool
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kikker-oma · 9 months ago
Werewolf LU Twilight au
This is my werewolf twilight au. I love werewolves and i really wanted to do something different.
Twilight begins to feel the consequences of using the shadow crystal too much. the black magic of his shadow crystal is going deep into his body.
In TP The shadow cristal is made of Ganondorf's black magic, and the only thing he needs to unleash his lycanthropy is the escense of the blood moon to start becoming a werewolf on blood moon or full moon nights.
He cannot control himself and he is very bloodthirsty, he behaves like a wild beast and he can't recognize anyone in the chain.
Please Do Not Repost my art.
I drew these using the laptop's touchpad, i dont have tablet or something.
My first language is spanish, so if i have something wrong, please tell me.
I would really appreciate if you reblog and like this post :3
I hope you like my art :3
Linked universe belongs to jojo.
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candy8448 · 1 year ago
Random details i noticed while rereading random bits of LU:
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1. When going into a new world and asked if anyone recognises this place, Wild pulls out his slate (probably to check if his map is working) to see if they are in his hyrule. Ive seen this a lot in fics before but i never noticed that the idea may hhave come from the comic itself
2. When Wild feeds Epona, it has the same sparkle effect as in BotW!
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3. "Its a secret to everyone" hehe
Wild also said it in that one extra where they discuss who knows about Twilight's wolf form
Intresting how its been used both times to do with dark world forms
4. Twilight looks like a werewolf, almost definetly probably intentional
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5. When Legend reverts back to hylian form and is holding the master sword the tempered sword is also very obviously glowing, just thought it was intresting
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6. "Nice hair" XD
Quote from Skyward Sword, Link says it to Groose at the begining when Groose hides Link's loftwing as one of his dialogue options
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7. The first reactions we see to Wolfie being hit are the four people who know that Wolfie is Twilight
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8. At this point, Warriors knows about Wolfie being Twilight, and probably knows that Wild is very close to him, so he lets Wild run off ahead, understanding that he probably needs to make sure Twilight is okay as soon as possible
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9. "What a terrible fate" 0.0
10. This is probably going a little deep into analysis here, but when Wild starts talking here the pannel has him silhouetted against the background, as if he is laying his feelings plain and bare
11. We see the Link from 100 years ago here as a ghost with the champions, in his soldier armour, Wild probably sees him as a different person
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12. I may be missunderstanding something here, but does Time not know that twilight is his descendant? Because in the Malon comics he does know, but the extra comics always did feel really seperate from the rest of the main story
13. Also! Malink baby!!!!!!!!
14. Also (ran outta space for photos) Hyrule's healing powers look similar to Mipha's healing powers
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inumbrapugnabimus-maybe · 1 year ago
I would like to announce that @uncleskyrule and I have been working on a Lu modern au Halloween fic together!
And I have doodles!
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The beginnings of greatness! or:
@uncleskyrule and I are collaborating for day 31 of linktober: free for all! She has written a fic (which is amazing btw) and I have done some accompanying art (besides that which I have already posted)!
A few details about the doodles are under the cut!
the chain’s costumes, and some extra details not mentioned in the fic, are as follows:
Four: a shadow. (not THE Shadow lol) he went all in and regretted it.
Time: a Captain America T-shirt. he was gonna wear the bicycle one but Malon said no. (Perhaps she wanted it…)
Wind: Captain Jack Sparrow
Twilight: a very low effort werewolf costume (he was later coerced into wearing some claws as well)
Legend: Indiana Jones
Ravio: umm… himself, but in a purple cape and bunny ears.
Wild: Bigfoot (he forgot to tell anyone)
Hyrule: A hobbit
Sky: Prince Charming from Cinderella
Warriors: Anakin Skywalker
And I’m sorry, warriors fans… he’s the only one I didn’t feature in these doodles :(
oh. And if you ever saw the caramelized-onions joke I drew with Wild, Four and Legend, this fic is slightly centered around that…
just a little bit… :)
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zarvasace · 2 years ago
Hi I just reread your marvelous misadventures fic and I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely adore it!
Would you be able to toss some hc’s about the boys in the fic? 💜💜💜💜 (no pressure if you’re busy or have better things to do!) : )
Awww thank you so much!!! I'm so glad you like it!! 💜💜💜 (Here's the fic in question, it's a modern "everyone's a mythological creature" AU that's pure self-indulgence with a plot)
I'll be careful about spoilers but I can totally throw out some hcs!
Wind's a seer, and he'd be nosy even if he couldn't See things. He can't See emotions like some seers, but he can See other manifestations of emotions (see: Hyrule's wings, or Twilight's wolf), and he's gotten really used to using those cues to help him navigate social situations. If he couldn't use his talent for some reason, he'd get really awkward.
Downfall, the magically cut-off continent that Hyrule and Legend are from, has government, but it devolved a while ago into.... we'll call them bureaucratic warlordships. It'll take some effort to get that organized again. Anyway, those warlords don't give official recognition for being a Hero, not like the mainland does, but they used to. Legend knows the stories better, but Hyrule knows the more romanticized versions, and he used to dream of becoming a Hero. He still does. Legend sort of does, too, but he'd never admit it.
Sky is a dragon, as were many Skyloftians, but there aren't too many left. They're not immortal, just slow agers. The government's in on it, or at least a few high rankers are. Wind was right when he hypothesized that there's only ever been one Hero of the Sky, rather than a long line of them. Loftwings are endangered, since they live longest when bonded with one of the flightless dragons. Sky and his Zelda have been alive for at least two hundred years and still aren't married, incredibly.
Warriors is a half-demon who literally grew up in hell, and though his Zelda/Sheik and a few others have mostly pounded decency through his head, he still has a few messed-up assumptions about the world internalized. Due to his abnormal education, though, he's the only one who actually knows what Wild is (including Wild himself.)
Four's pretty sure he's just human. The colors in this story work more like LU canon than I usually write them, they're more just extensions of himself than fully realized individuals.
Twilight and Wild live on a patch of good land that one of Twilight's older relatives willed to him. They're currently living in an old cabin there, but someday Twilight wants to build two new cabins, and settle into one with a family of his own. His half-baked plans include setting Wild up with someone who won't mind how unafraid he is of death and giving them the second cabin. He's not sure how he'll do that, though, and he is increasingly unhappy with the fact that "werewolf" is both on his ID and his background check.
Wild's just half-aware of all of that, and is more focused at the moment on getting settled into the modern world—his land was cut off from the continent for that century he wasn't around, and both he and everyone else there are getting used to cars and fast food chains.
Due to some spoilers, Time isn't able to have biological children, and he and Malon are starting to look into fostering. Time's realizing that there are a lot of teens and tweens out there with magic who are a lot like Wars was (i.e. in need of realistic expectations of cause and effect), and he wants to help.
...okay that was a lot sorry I love them too!
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gust-jar-simulator · 1 year ago
Okay. So. It is time. I've had cookies and alcohol and therefore the real crack AU idea has been unlocked.
I've been obsessed with the idea of a Witchblade AU for LOZ, and particularly in the context of Linked Universe for maximum embarrassment for all involved parties. So! In order to get across the idea, I need to define what I mean by Witchblade for the audience.
The Witchblade is a sentient weapon in the eponymous comics that takes the term "bikini chainmail" to a ridiculous extreme. I don't care what the worldbuilding says, the Witchblade exists to rip its wielder's clothes off under the pretense of stabbing things. It takes the form of living armor that actually covers very little, though it can expand to cover more under extreme circumstances. It can also grow stabby bits like claws or even actual swords and spears. When it's not being used, it takes the form of a bracelet.
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So I present to you: What if the Master Sword functioned like the Witchblade?
In the context of the LU boys, we have:
Sky- Full Witchblade treatment. I'm sorry. It explains way too much about Ghirahim and absolutely nothing about Fi. His version comes with metal wings that function like shields until he figures out what fighting for his life actually entails. He also learns a bit of ballet dancing from asking the sword to puppet him a few times, which helps.
Four- Mercifully, he never dealt with her. He's got a perfectly good enchanted sword and he is both judging the Master Sword and intensely intrigued by the concept of living metal. Not enough to try picking her up though.
Time- The sword is rated at minimum T for Teen for good reason. She gives a respectful nod to his Kokiri origins by changing the avian elements of her previous armor design to curling vines and leaves. He's less embarrassed about this than he should be, but everyone around him is mortified enough to make up for it. The Kokiri might wear clothes but they don't exactly have the Hylian concept of nudity either. Once he properly grows up and is socialized Hylian he definitely thinks the Master Sword is fucked up though.
Legend- He's got so many fucking questions. Who thought this was a good idea, and fuck them actually. Thankfully, he also acquires magic armor that's good enough to not be instantly shredded by the Master Sword, so she just incorporates it instead with some elegant gold accents courtesy of Legend's own smithing. She grows on him, especially once he realizes how the Master Sword and enchanted gear can play together, but they have a rocky beginning. In his personal opinion his version of the Master Sword is the prettiest.
Hyrule- Never wielded the Master Sword and frankly is not sure he wants to. He's got a Shield spell to cover... everything she doesn't, true. But his world is kill or be killed, and he may not have a concept of shame, but he's very concerned about being stabbed and the Master Sword can generously be described as stabby lingerie. The others reassure him that she's very effective but really he's fine with his Magic Sword and leather.
Twilight- I'm very sorry but Midna definitely isn't. Twi might have the kind of werewolf powers where he can keep his clothes, but it's infinitely funnier to give him the double tap of werewolf powers AND a clothes destroying sword. She also generously accommodates his need to get used to wolf attacks by augmenting his body with claws and a bladed tail in human form every time he calls on her. Midna's thriving. Twilight is a little cold, actually, and wishes he could wear a towel or something. He'd rather perish than admit to being the Hero because the rumors got back home and his family is fully aware the Hero runs around with his buns out in combat. It's giving the kids bad ideas. He's suffering.
Wild- Literally living his best life. In Wild's opinion you need a decent amount of time naked in the woods to be healthy. He likes shiny, he likes aesthetic over practicality, and the Master Sword seems determined to accent his scars like a threat and a warning to whatever gave him those in the first place. She'll also give him cool exoskeleton stilt things for jumping up cliffs and trees, and claws for climbing. What's not to love? ...okay, the burning pain of drawing her and also the fact that she powers down and disintegrates off of him sometimes, but hey. It's not a wardrobe malfunction. It's a wardrobe opportunity.
Wind- He's the one who essentially held HER at gunpoint, not the other way around. Wind genuinely took the Master Sword by surprise and she didn't know how to handle him. Wind's not her master but he needs her and didn't take no for an answer, and she wasn't entirely sure how to handle the needs of a pirate anyway. The compromise: he got a gauntlet. A really cool stabby gauntlet. The only time she so much as ripped his shirt was during the fight with Ganondorf, where she gave him TWO gauntlets and some extra armor, plus foot claws for stability. He thought the legends of the Hero riding out to battle naked were thus extremely exaggerated.
Warriors- I am VERY sorry. Cia definitely isn't. However, the Master Sword responds to genuine emotional distress, and I think Cia's... everything constitutes enough of a threat that the Master Sword actually gave Warriors something approaching full plate. Weirdly organic and beautiful plate armor, but even so. By the end of the War of Ages he was very used to walking around in nothing but a layer of living steel. It was safer than anything else, anyway. If it helps, nobody remembers the early days when he and the Master Sword were figuring things out, since he wished it all away with the Triforce.
I hope you enjoy this look into what could be. Maybe I'll write something for this, I don't know. It's just been stuck in my head and I can't stop laughing.
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