#werewolf EXO
an-annyeoing-writer · 11 months
wolf bbh and g (obsessed with the title for this letter being "good boy" lol just imagine calling wolf bbh that 🤣), t, and b? ily queen
Ahahaha I feel like he would be absolutely CUTEST PUPPY GOODEST BOY EVER
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G - Good boy - What soothes them when they start to lose control?
When his wolf nature starts to take over, Baekhyun will start losing any humane bits even in his human form. So a good way to ground him back to reality is to treat him and comfort him like a human. If you display any fear of him, it will freak him out. But if you show affection and try to be close to him, he'll become vulnerable and putty in your hands. I believe the best way is to take control over the situation and guide him into his safe zone. Because the truth is, he's lost and doesn't know how to handle the situation - he will let you do anything if you show him that you know what to do.
T - Territory - Are they territorial? Be it in regard to the place they live in, or the people they associate with (friends, lover).
Baekhyun has a lot of wolfish instincts written into his personality. In general, a lot of his decisions will be strictly dictated by his pack. If he feels like protecting the territory is his obligation at the moment, he will do it. But if the pack decides to give something up, he will simply follow.
However, things differ when it comes to his lover, as he becomes much more independent and mature when he has someone that, pretty much, can't defend themselves. It becomes his personal priority and responsibility to take care of you, and he can get quite jealous and territorial.
B - Bitemark - Are they in any way animalistic towards their lover?
He would love to, but it just wouldn't end well, and it's biting (KEKW) at him.
As mentioned before, Baekhyun acts on instinct, so things like chomping for fun or jumping on top of you are something he will do without thinking. But he needs to learn that some of those may actually hurt you.
Unfortunately, as much as he understands the difference between human and non-human behaviors, he cannot really tell how much of the non-human ones he can let himself do. So once he comes to the realization that he can't behave this way with you, he will need to suppress all of these. But he's in absolute awe at how weak and fragile human body can be.
Pssst... I did it SFW but if you'd like it NSFW, hmu because I wouldn't mind writing down some scenario now that Wolf Baek is around
Werewolf!AU Alphabet
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kpopandmusicpassion · 2 years
{Reminders: Lila and Chanyeol are old friends. Chanyeol had went to visit his ailing grandmother a few towns over and his parents came back without him saying he went for a walk one night and he just vanished. A few months later a few guards of the wolf kingdom arrived at her little village. They were asking for Lila.}
"We are looking for a Lila Parker?" One of them was telling Lila's neighbor just as she walked outside.
"I'm Lila." She said approaching the guards with confusion and worry.
"The king's right hand man Lord Byun Baekhyun has made it clear we are to bring you to the palace where you will be living from now on." A guard who introduced himself as Vernon explained.
"In the wolf kingdom? How does he even know me? I've never been there. In fact you two are the first wolves I've met." Lila was slightly scared and very confused.
"Don't fret. You have nothing to worry about. He also said since all the ladies are just as busy as they are it would be nice to have someone trustworthy to look after the rowdy pups."Johnny, the other guard, said.
"If you get ready now we can be back to the Castle before dark." Vernon said.
She nodded going back to her house. She packed a few clothes, stuffed animals from when her and Chanyeol won each other stuffed animals, jewelry from her grandma/mother/father/Chanyeol, picture albums, and a few books. They left as soon as she came back out.
*30 minutes later*
She was nervously fiddling with the unikitty friendship necklace her grandma got her for her birthday when she was 12.
They took her belongings to her quarters and had led her to the Tea Room where Lord Baekhyun was waiting for her. Take a deep breath she opened the door only to stop when she saw him.
"CHANYEOL!" Not even thinking she tackled him.
"LILA!" He got up swinging her around.
"What are you doing here?"
"Lord Baekhyun sent for me."
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eruden-writes · 7 months
Room & Board - Part 20 (Vampire x Reader x Werewolf)
paranormal fantasy vampire x human eventual triad (x werewolf)
Anonymous asked:
For the prompt submissions a vampire that feels guilty after feeding/attacking someone so they leave obscenely valuable ancient artifacts as payment/an apology?
Links under cut!
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In the end, Jemma’s location spell does the trick. Well, kind of. The enchantment leads you through paranormal markets under the city, finding the right people to interrogate. It turns out vampires have few friends in your city. People who seek out vampires are either signing their own death warrant or ready to stake a few of the arrogant bloodsuckers.
Either way, it wasn’t anyone else’s business. One lead turns into a dead end. Another has no substantial foundation. Yet another tries to extort money and goods out of you, which led to Jemma actually turning that informant into a toad. With each new bit of information, you’re all led further and further out of the city.
Eventually, weeks after Tabaeus left, a tip finally strikes solid and true.
Two states away from home, you sit in a rental car with Jemma, Ewan, Liuva and Bjarka at a late-night diner. Despite the time of night and the fact the building is shuttered up, the mall across the way from the diner is seemingly popular.
Even when you ask the waitress - Tess, she/her - if there’s an event going on over at the mall, she shoots you a puzzled look. When her eyes flick up to the window, you spot a glaze tinting her gaze as she informs you, “Nothing’s supposed to be happening over there. The old mall is about as dead as it ever is.”
Even as the waitress stares, you watch one group head into the allegedly abandoned building as others leave. Some are elegant, others are crude and punkish. Yet it seems Tess does not see or notice them.
As the waitress falls into her rehearsed spiel, you share a look with Ewan and Jemma. Tess doesn’t seem to acknowledge the dense air settling around your group as you all realize she - and likely the rest of the diner’s staff - is under some vampiric sway. You push the discomfort away before ordering.
Something burns in your chest. Tabaeus has to be nearby. This feels like the right place, but you have no reason beyond the smoldering in your chest. You never felt like this with any other lead before. Or maybe you’re just tired of searching, sick of getting your hopes up.
After you’ve finished your meal - saying nothing further of the mall to the staff - the three of you trudge to the parking lot.
“What’s the plan?” Ewan takes out his phone, swiping through random apps. It’s only when he points vaguely toward the highway that you realize he’s putting on a front for anyone potentially spying on you. His green eyes tilt toward you, uncharacteristic seriousness making his words sobering, “Are we heading in now or biding time?”
“We should bust in, magic blazing.” From the backseat, Jemma leans forward, her own phone in hand. She, too, has taken up Ewan’s ruse.
Unlike the other two, you don’t bother with a phone. Shaking your head, you fight the urge to flick your gaze back toward the mall. “I think we should be subtle.”
Silence settles over the car as Jemma and Ewan continue to look at their phones, their hands, you. Anywhere but directly at the mall. If anyone watched your little crew, they’d believe it wasn’t even on your radar, you think.
Finally, something glints in Jemma’s eyes as she meets your gaze, raising her eyebrows. “Don’t malls usually have skylights or vents on the roof?”
“They’ll hear us coming.” Another shake of your head. Besides, how would the three of you get up there without causing a commotion?
Ewan nods to the back where the imps-turned-sugar gliders sit with ethereal intelligence gleaming in their eyes. The two have been silent as potential plans have bounced around the car. Upon them being noticed, Bjarka and Liuvia exchange a look. Wordless communication flies between them until Bjarka nods and says, “We will do it for a pie.”
You frown at their little demand. “I thought you wanted Tabaeus back.”
“We do,” Liuvia says, but they smile in a way that reminds you they are supernatural, “But we also want pie. A strawberry rhubarb one.”
With a heavy sigh, you glance from the imps to Jemma and Ewan. They both return your look with mild amusement and shrug.
“Ugh fine,” you sigh as you open your door. “You could’ve said something when we were still inside.”
“You didn’t ask,” chirrups one of the imps, though you’re not sure which as the door closes. You trek back to the diner, still fighting the urge to look toward the mall. Despite your efforts to remain realistic, you can’t help but feel a little lighter. As if you were one step closer to a conclusion.
It’s early morning, just as the sun half climbs above the horizon line, when you decide to put your plan into action. Through a scrying mirror conjured up by Jemma, you watch as Bjarka and Liuvia embark toward the mall from the nearby woods you deposited them in the night previous. The two dart along the dwindling shadows as dawn rises. As squirrels, they easily scale the building and prance along the roof with light steps. They duck and bounce around, taking stock of their options as far as vents, grates, and skylights go.
As the imps decide their next course of action, the rest of you wait. Liuvia and Bjarka eventually pry a grate off a vent and clatter into the metal tunnel. The image on the mirror follows as they scurry through the twisty ventilation. The motion and lighting makes your stomach cramp, so you turn away.
You sit in the backseat with Jemma, who continues to watch the mirror, eyebrows furrowed. In the front, Ewan drives. Last night, after leaving the imps behind, the rest of you drove off and found a clearing to hunker down in for the night. Sleep hadn’t been easy and, now, exhaustion battles in your veins with mounting adrenaline as you near the mall again.
Your plan banks on the fact Lachlan and Tabaeus are different - older, stronger, more powerful - than the average vampire. That should make walking into the mall-turned-vampire-nest easier. Well, as long as Bjarka and Liuvia managed to unlock a door for you.
As Ewan pulls the car into the mall’s parking lot and settles the car in a spot close to the door, he turns to Jemma. “How’re the smallfries doing?”
“They can see us and they’re unlocking the door now,” Jemma answers and, with a wave of her hand, the scrying mirror fizzles off. She’s already climbing out of the car, stowing the mirror in her bag. Despite long conversations last night, Ewan and yourself weren’t able to dissuade the witch from coming along.
“Ready?” Ewan pops his door open, though he’s still turned toward you. Concern etches into his features, as if he’s on the brink of saying you didn’t have to come along. He could handle this, he could save Tabaeus in your place.
But he can’t. Something in you knows this. With a swallow, you nod and open your own door.
The trek into the mall is short and blessedly uneventful. There don’t appear to be any vampiric thralls or familiars standing guard. Perhaps it is hubris on Lachlan’s part, but you don’t dismiss the possibilities of guards or problems deeper inside the building.
Liuvia and Bjarka hitch a ride in Jemma’s bag as Ewan leads your group, with you smack in the middle. He tilts his face up, nose twitching. The barest of a transformation touches Ewan’s features. Some thicker hair, a slew of stubble, the vaguest shift of a nose becoming a snout. He’s delaying the transformation to keep the vampires from sensing him, but you’re sure he’s nervous.
Hell, you’re nervous. You strain to hear the smallest sound, nearly holding your breath the farther you wander into the mall. For the most part, it’s silent. You don’t see or sense anyone else around, other than your group. Though that’s not saying much, considering you’re just a human. With a glance to Jemma, then to Ewan, you confirm nothing seems immediately suspicious.
Though their features are pinched as they focus, neither says or indicates a danger is nearby.
Faintly, you wonder how long he can hold a semi-shift as your eyes take in the corridor. Illumination surprisingly spills in from the sunlights. The stores appear chained and locked, the windows blacked out. Squinting at the locks and darkness, you wonder if there’s more beyond. Is each store a vampire’s personal territory? Is it like a hotel here? Or are they all lower in the building?
All five of you remain as silent as possible as you journey deeper and deeper. Past stores, through the food court, to a stairwell. Jemma conjures up a ball of light without further instruction, lighting the stairs. The aesthetic of the mall holds firm with tiled walls as you descend to the underground section of the mall. A vague chill creeps along your limbs, realizing you’re now underground.
Apparently, the basement is still a commercial area, you realized as the stairs open up to another floor of storefronts. Here, however, the stores are larger and, if you squint, you realize there’s faded signs like ‘bowling alley’ and ‘community development’ hanging over the entryways. No light manages to filter this far down, though. You try not to think about that as you follow Ewan, who keeps close to the walls.
Along with the faint chill, the silence of the area weighs heavily in your ears. It’s too quiet, even as your group scuttles over the expanse of tiled floor.
Quickly enough, you’re led down a slightly obscured hall, before Ewan finds another door. Pushing it open reveals a second set of stairs. This time, the stairwell feels industrial. There’s no happy white-and-blue tiled designs. Just stark metal and industrial grey that devolves into shadows as you peer down into the stairwell.
There’s a brief moment when you look at Ewan and Jemma. Their gaze seeks yours as well, checking to see if you’re still determined to continue. As one, the three of you nod. Jemma hoists the light a fraction higher and it glows a little more intently as you all descend.
The atmosphere grows colder, now raking across any bare skin. Dankness tinges the air as you notice thick gatherings of cobwebs and dead rats on the stairs. Eventually, you come to a landing that leads to a heavy door. The air is locked in your lungs as Ewan slowly shoulders the door open, obscuring your view as he peers around the other side.
After a beat, he opens the door further and the scent of damp and mildew overpowers the air around you. You choke down a cough as Ewan motions for you to follow him into a darkened hall.
If possible, it’s even harder to discern your surroundings now as you follow the werewolf. The shadows seem deeper, darker, more dangerous. The chill in the air bites at your throat. From the light of Jemma’s magic orb, your gaze follows various pipes and catches on rusted, industrial machinery. You have no clue what this all is. Elevator and escalator mechanisms? Gas piping for the food court? Long-abandoned generators?
Whatever is down here, you feel the vague sensation of continuing to go downward, on a gentle slope.
A startle rocks through you as you freeze, hearing something skitter on the concrete floor and echo in the distance. The other two pause. In the span of a breath, fur sprouts from Ewan and his face elongates further, his limbs and muscles growing. A crackle of energy hisses behind you, but you can’t bring yourself to turn and see what Jemma has conjured.
A low rumble of a growl catches in Ewan’s throat as you all wait.
Nothing and no one makes itself known. Slowly, you all carry on in the darkness.
You’re not sure how far you walk when Ewan stops and turns suddenly. You follow as he stalks down an adjacent hall - one you barely even saw - and stops at a wrought-iron door. This time, he doesn’t look at you and Jemma.
Ewan reaches for the large handle, yanking it open so fast your heart trips.
Soft, warm light spills over you from the room on the other side of the door. Rapidly, you blink to dispel the blots of blurry color. The room slowly takes shape in front of your eyes.
Lanterns hang around a large circular room, glowing low and vague. The room is as industrial as the rest of the underground hell, with large pipes and metal and machines. At odds with the metal, however, are mountains of cushions and fabrics draped haphazardly around the room. The pillows and fabrics - of all colors and styles and sheerness levels - bring some color to the deary grey, but somehow that makes the room worse. It sends agitation scraping down your spine.
Then your gaze lights on Tabaeus.
They are chained to a hulking system of pipes, lounging on a smaller hill of pillows. They’re naked, covered only in bruises and fresh bite marks. Their head lolls back, their hair a tangled waterfall. Your heart cracks at the sight, the rest of the world melting away as you step closer to them.
“You’re free to try and take Tabaeus, but… Well, they likely won’t go. This is what they know, this is home.” Lachlan’s voice shocks you from your thoughts. Your attention jerks to Ewan and Jemma, both looking as startled as you feel. Their attention doesn’t snap to the door you just entered from - nor any other dark crevice on your level.
No, you realize their attention is tilted upward. You follow the angle of their gazes and dread curdles in your guts. Lachlan is positioned overhead, on some sort of walkway that snakes through the pipes. He sits on a railing, draped in a way that screams egotistical ease and surety. Others linger behind him, ranging in muted hues and wearing clothing from an array of eras. More pallid vampires start to poke their attention out from the dark shadows of the room, all watching you with red eyes.
Mounting dismay fills your chest before you see Lachlan’s smile twists into something smug. In an instant, rage flares in your chest. Your hands fist at your sides, your shoulders straightening as you glare up at Lachlan. Somehow, through the sick sensations in your stomach, you manage to bite out, “Let Tabaeus be the judge of that.”
Lachlan’s answering chuckle makes your blood boil as he languidly motions toward Tabaeus. “Be my guest.”
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Just a animal | Baekhyun
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Baekhyun x Reader, werewolf au! Word count: 2025 Genre: smut Author: maari  Warnings: Brief mention of fresh meat because yeah it's a werewolf au, sex without protection (don't do this at home), mentions of masturbation, Baekhyun is big, oral (f receiving), fingering, rough sex like pretty filthy + 18 MINORS DNI Note: i guess i need to let you know that this is my first time writing about werewolves so please take it easy on me lol based on the song animal by the cab 🙈 Mom if you ever read that I'M SO SORRY! Request: I want to read werewolf Baekhyun and reader's mating. Maybe babies too.🤭
⫷ Exo Masterlist
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Y/N felt something different since waking up.
Her body felt strange, it wasn't like when she had been bitten by a werewolf and turned into this species, it was very different.
She was hot, like she was feverish and strangely horny.
She had woken up rubbing herself against the duvet she was using, she found it strange because she didn't remember having any erotic dreams and she even ignored that fact, but when she got up to take a shower it was as if her whole body was on fire, her stiff nipples ached, her belly had a nuisance and her panties were extremely wet.
Well, without thinking too much and just wanting to get rid of that feeling, she touched herself during the shower and thought it would help, as well as the hot water that ran through her body, but nothing changed. She needed more than her fingers and as she tried to reach the climax, the only image that came to her mind was the leader of the pack.
She got out of the shower completely embarrassed in her own mind, the scenes that had been playing out in her head were… wild and made her even more horny than she already was.
Feeling as if the sun was burning every part of her body, she decided to go without clothes, only her panties because well, she would probably have to touch herself again and the friction with the fabric of her panties was torture but too good.
Y/N lay down on the bed, taking a deep breath and tried in every way to get the impure thoughts out of her head, tried to think of anything else - even her fangs or the taste of fresh meat in her mouth - but nothing seemed to be more important than the pictures in her head.
The way he was holding her waist possessively, his hot lips on her skin, their legs intertwined as he drove deep into her was driving her crazy and Y/N couldn't control the moan that sounded more like a desperate cry from someone who was rubbing against nothing.
She needed to do something but she knew her fingers weren't going to ease the tightness in her belly, she needed something firmer, harder and thicker. She bit her lip and closed her eyes as she imagined how he could look completely without clothes, imagined him big and sculpted as if he had been drawn by the gods themselves, Adonis might be jealous of him.
Her thoughts were interrupted by her bedroom door and Y/N opened her eyes at the same moment, feeling a shiver all over her body when she saw that the figure from her wildest dreams was standing there in front of her looking at her so intensely that felt vulnerable.
Baekhyun stared at her like she was his prey and his eyes devoured Y/N.
It was a privileged view he was having, after all she was covering her own intimacy to try to undo the knot in her womb, rubbing her palm there while her breasts were exposed.
Y/N took a deep breath when she noticed that he had a bulge in his black leather pants, it wasn't just because the pants were extremely tight but seeing how big he really was trapped by the fabric, made her mouth water and a sob escaped. 
Baekhyun closed the door behind him and smirked.
“Your thoughts are pretty loud for this time of day.” he spoke softly and Y/N had to control the urge to moan just hearing it.
She was acting pathetic but it was just her instinct. She didn't know why or how she was acting that way but everything about Baekhyun was too attractive.
“I don't know what's happening to me.” she whispered, without strength and saw Baekhyun suck in a large amount of air, closing his eyes at the scent of the room.
“I could smell you from across the woods.” he took slow steps towards her and watched Y/N's hand that covered her intimacy, only with that she rubbed the intimacy against her own palm, the friction wasn’t so good anymore, it was painful. “I thought I was delirious but I felt your body calling out to me.”
She swallowed and was suddenly shy. Did it have to do with the fact that he'd turned her? They had an unearthly bond but did he sense when she was horny too?
“Baekhyun…” she begged, not knowing why.
He crouched beside her, bringing his fingers to her lips and down to her chin and neck, making her close her eyes.
"You don't know what time it is, do you?" he asked, amused to see her so at the mercy of his most mundane touch.
Then he took the opportunity to bring his mouth to her ear, biting and licking the skin in a way that made Y/’N gasp at the feel of his teeth there.
“It is the mating season.” he whispered and she felt her entire body shiver with excitement.
Fuck, him talking like that was so sensual and could make her come at any moment. And he wasn't even inside her.
"Please." she asked as she felt him slide his fingers down to her sensitive breasts.
“I will make it pass.” he placed a kiss below her ear and breathed in Y/N's perfume, who just turned her head to the other side giving him complete access to do what he wanted with her neck. "But first, we're going to have some fun."
Baekhyun attacked Y/N's skin, with wet kisses, bites that would leave marks and strong hickeys that made her take the hand that touched her intimacy to his shoulders, squeezing and scratching.
He continued torturing her deliciously until Y/N started rubbing her legs together, seeking some kind of relief, but Baekhyun held her legs tightly forcing her to stop.
She complained but he laughed against her skin and kissed down to Y/N's breasts, it was impossible to control the moan when she felt his tongue all over her hot skin, she felt her panties getting even wetter with each lick and she took all her frustration out on his back, scratching hard.
When he bit down on the area, Y/N rolled her eyes and closed them so tightly as she felt the air go out of her lungs.
“I need more, please.” she pleaded quietly, hearing his chuckle.
Baekhyun pulled away and she opened her eyes instantly.
"What do you need?" he asked, feigning innocence and his fingers trailed over Y/N's breasts, her waist and stopped at her hip bone, not holding back she swayed her hips as if she would somehow gain what she needed.
“If you don't tell me, I can't guess.” Y/N bit her lip and stared at him steadily, or at least she tried to because his eyes were so dark and intense that she lost all composure.
“Your tongue.” she replied and saw him raise his eyebrow as if to say that wasn't enough. “Inside me, please.”
She didn't care if she looked desperate when begging, she just wanted him to do something, undo the knot in her belly that ached with so much lust.
“It was you who asked.” he warned before getting ready in bed and kissed every inch of Y/N's belly.
She sucked in a huge amount of air at the feel of him so close, her legs were weak and she moaned when she felt his teeth in the hem of her panties, feeling her body practically combust she looked at him and had the most pleasurable sight she could, he took off her wet panties with his teeth, in a calm that didn't match the atmosphere or Y/N's desperation.
When the piece was no longer in the way, she felt her intimacy clench at the way he was looking at her. Like the animal he was.
And then he brought his mouth to where she needed it most and literally devoured her. His tongue moved masterfully, with just the right speed and pressure that had Y/N moaning and moaning, louder and louder, more and more desperate.
When he added his fingers, without removing his tongue from Y/N's throbbing point, she cried, feeling closer and closer to her climax, took her hands to his light hair and pulled the strands desperately, the inner muscles of the thigh trembled as her intimacy contracted with each movement he made, in and out.
Seeing how close she was to reaching her first orgasm of the day, he started talking dirty to her as his fingers entered and exited quickly and precisely and it was enough for Y/N to feel her body heat up even more and the wave of pleasure hit her full on as she released everything and a scream ripped from her throat.
Spasm after spasm had her gripping Baekhyun's hair tightly as he cleaned her with his tongue, making her cry for being so sensitive but she didn't care at all.
He lifted the torso and she pulled him into an intense and messy kiss, she was bewildered and her tongue seemed thirsty to find Baekhyun's, and faster than they imagined every piece of clothing that prevented Y/N from feeling him completely naked already had been thrown around the corners of the room.
Y/N broke the kiss to face him in his natural form, she bit her lip as she noticed that he was even bigger than she had imagined and was all she needed at that moment.
He positioned himself between her legs, making her wrap her legs around his waist and looked into her eyes intently before invading her roughly, without giving her time to even blink.
Y/N groaned as she felt him hard inside her, her insides contracted and all she wanted was for him to move soon but unlike what she imagined, Baekhyun went slowly, smiling evilly as she complained and suffered.
He was enjoying torturing her and she knew he was just waiting for her to ask.
"Please." he tilted his head to the side, almost stopping thrusting inside her. “Fuck me, please.” she begged, already impatient and he blinked before gripping her waist possessively, just like the images she'd had in her head before.
And then, he started to thrust hard and fast, the sound of skins slapping invaded the room and moans and grunts soon mixed. He thrust in and out of her in an animalistic way, it was rough, hard but it was making Y/N twitch all her toes and every hair on her body stand on end.
He then took one of her legs up to his shoulder and he went back to thrusting even harder Y/N screamed, closing her eyes and digging her nail into his skin not caring if it hurt.
He began to speak obscenities to her, close to Y/N's ear, who felt her breath run out more and more and every muscle contract. How good she was to him, how tight she was.
She called his name over and over, begging him to make her come and when she heard him moan in her ear, it was enough for the second orgasm to hit her harder.
However, that didn't stop him, in fact it served to keep him thrusting inside her at an even more brutal pace, making her cry with pleasure. She was hypersensitive but she wanted more, even more.
Y/N bit Baekhyun's shoulder feeling their bodies sweat, the sound of their skins slapping against each other was pornographic.
And he tightened his grip on her waist even more, something that would leave marks, and he swore as his peak hit him.
She took a deep breath and turned to face him, feeling a shiver run through her body when she noticed that he didn't seem to be the least bit tired or satisfied.
On that day, at that time, they weren't making love. They were acting like the two animals they were.
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mymoodwriting · 1 year
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Request for Anon (Werewolf Baekhyun) 3.3k, A/B/O, fighting, verbal abuse, drinking, intoxication, tipsy behavior, kidnapping, drugs, restraints, pheromones, smut, non-con, dub-con, biting, blood, marking, intimidation, implied pregnancy, yandere (@starillusion13)
“You’re an omega, and you’re mine.”
     You wanted to slap Baekhyun, you tried, but he grabbed your hand. When you tried to pull away he held on tighter, and you threw a sharp glare his way. You two had been friends for as long as you could remember, basically growing up together, but as of late he had changed. He always seemed to have an attitude around you, especially when others were around. You chalked it up to the fact he finally presented, and turned out to be an alpha. You were happy for him, but you also understood that came with its own burden. So you let some things slide, but this was where you drew the line. You were out with friends, and as the night dragged on he started getting handsy with you. Throughout all those years you had never seen him as anything more than a friend, so you stopped him, which only pissed him off.
“What is wrong with you!”
“I am telling you the truth!”
“My birthday is still months away, and I haven’t presented yet! I’m not an omega, let alone yours.”
“You are! I can tell.”
“No, you can’t.”
“Yes, I can. I don’t know how to explain it, but I know. You’re an omega.”
“I am not! My family mostly consists of alphas and betas. There hasn’t been an omega in generations and it’s not gonna be me!”
“Shut up!” You pulled your arm free. “I have had enough of your attitude, and this stupid idea in your head finally puts it into perspective. I’m not some lowly omega that needs protection from an alpha! And I don’t belong to you either!”
“Listen to me, I-”
“No! I’m not tolerating your bullshit anymore.” You took a breath. “I’m sure being an alpha has its own things to figure out, so you do that, and let me know when you stop being a dick.”
     You walked off without a word, swearing you’d hit him if he tried anything, but he knew better this time. You never thought you’d fight with him, he was always a good friend to you, but this was something else. You wanted to be understanding, but you needed to do what was best for you as well. You didn’t hear from him for weeks, which really worried you, but you weren’t going to reach out to check on him. This was something he needed to figure out on his own. You weren’t sure when you’d hear from him, but a week leading up to your birthday you got a call from him. You were nervous to answer, but you owed him that much.
“Hey… how’ve you been?”
“Fine for the most part, and you?”
“Me too. I’ve had a lot of time to think, and I owe you an apology.”
“Yeah, and?”
“I should do it in person. Are you free anytime soon?”
“I have some time tomorrow.”
“After your classes?”
“I’ll see you then.”
     All this time you felt like you had been holding your breath, that after all these years you had lost a close friend. Hearing his voice again was a relief, especially since it seemed he had gotten his senses back. Still, you’d have to wait and see if anything had really become of him. So the next day you kinda dreaded your last class, dreaded seeing him for fear things couldn’t go back to the way they were. You had to see him eventually though, so it was better to do it now and rip off the band aid. After class you found Baekhyun waiting for you. He offered you a quick smile but saw your expressionless face and dropped it. He followed you as you went off somewhere so you two could talk in private.
“Did your classes go well today?”
“Same old, same old. How have you been?”
“Good. I’ve done a lot of thinking lately… I can’t excuse my actions, only apologize for them.”
“I was a dick, I don’t even know what was going on in my own head. A lot changed for me, and I couldn’t keep myself in check. I’m really sorry you had to witness such a part of me, and I’ll do better to make sure you never do.”
“Is that it?”
“I mean, no amount of words can change what I did, but I’m hoping we can get over this hurdle together, or at least start over.”
“You were such an asshole.”
“I know…”
“And you’re done with that shit?”
“Yes. I never should have treated you that way. I don’t know what was going on with me.”
“Neither do I. Now if you ever pull that shit again, I will not forgive you.”
“I understand.”
“Good.” You took a breath. “Have you seriously been okay?”
“I’ve been doing my best, but there’s a lot going on with me.”
“How’s the family then? You being an alpha and all that. I mean, that’s most of your family anyway.”
“I’ve talked with them a lot. They’re happy I’m an alpha, but there are definitely things I need to be aware of.”
“No shit. Maybe if I’m an alpha too you can let me know.”
     Things couldn’t go back to how they used to be, but he was still your friend. Sometimes you could see him slipping back into that possessive behavior, but he composed himself well enough. He was doing better, which was the important thing. So when your birthday party rolled around you trust him to behave himself. Besides, it was your day of celebration, and you were going to enjoy yourself. So a night out at the club, endless drinks and a VIP room full of dancers, best birthday for sure.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough.”
     You were dancing around, clearly already gone for the night. Some of your friends had already gone home, so only a few were left hanging on. Although at this point it was safe to say someone had to end things before you all passed out. That someone was Baekhyun, having remained mostly sober to keep an eye on himself and everyone else. Now he was getting people in cars and sending them on their way. In the end it was just the two of you out on the streets.
“Taxi!” You danced off the curb. “Taxi!”
“No, no, come here.” Baekhyun grabbed you and pulled you back onto the sidewalk. “I’m taking you home, okay?”
“Nuh-uh, you can’t drive.”
“Yes, I can. I didn’t really drink.”
“Prove it.”
“I don’t think I can with you in this state. Come on now.”
     Baekhyun carefully led you over to his car, getting you into the passenger seat and getting your seat belt on. You leaned your head against the glass, Baekhyun getting into the car and driving off.
“Did you have fun?”
“The best…” You giggled. “And you?”
“It was a good night. Get some rest, I’ll wake you when we arrive, and please don’t throw up in my car.”
“No promises…”
     You shut your eyes and let the soft rumble of the car lull you to sleep. You figured you’d be out for a little bit and get some help going inside the house, but when you woke up you felt way more hungover than you thought. You got up, needing a second to realize you were in bed, and needing another to realize this wasn’t your room. The panic sobered you up real quick, but then you recognized the room as Baekhyun’s and calmed down. Although now that made you question why you were at his place. The hangover was starting to hit again, but you managed to get on your feet and go looking for Baekhyun.
“Ya! Baekhyun.” You mumbled. “Baekhyun… why am I here…”
     You managed to find the boy in the kitchen, sat down at the counter eating breakfast. Once he saw you stumbling around he got up and helped you take a seat.
“How’d you manage to get up?”
“Panic… why am I at your place? You said you were going to take me home.”
“I did take you home, to mine that is.”
“I was tired and my place was closer anyway. I’ll take you home now, after you have breakfast and recover from the hangover.”
“You better.”
     Baekhyun made you a quick breakfast. He was a pretty decent cook, and it was nice to try his food. It had been a while since you last spent time together like that.
“Here. A hangover cure.” Baekhyun handed you a glass. “You’ll feel better.”
“Already do, so thanks.”
     You chugged down the contents of the drink, knowing it was better to get it over with quickly. It didn’t taste bad thankfully, but still made you shiver.
“I’ll get my things and we can go.”
     You got up, stretching for a moment and then heading back over to the bedroom to grab your belongings. When you returned Baekhyun was exactly where you had left him.
“Alright, we can-”
    You suddenly felt dizzy, grabbing your head and stumbling back a few steps. Baekhyun watched you for a moment and then got up, taking you into his arms so you wouldn’t fall.
“Baekhyun… what’s going on…”
“Just a little something to help.”
    He led you back down the hall towards the bedroom, although when your legs have out he had no problem picking you up and carrying. Your vision kept fading in and out, and you were feeling hot all over. Words were becoming difficult as well, but you still tried. Baekhyun just found you cute, laying you down on the bed. Then you realized he was tying your arms down.
“… what… what are you…”
“I know you still don’t believe me, and that’s fine, but I’m still worried about you. Since you’ve come of age you can present any day now, and I didn’t like the idea of me not being there for it. So I thought I should speed up the process, and this way I’ll be here to look after you.”
“It should only take a couple hours, so don’t worry.”
“Let… me… go…”
“Definitely can’t do that now. Someone else might want to claim you if they find you in such a state.”
“Why… why…”
“I told you. You’re mine, and I’m not letting anyone else have you. Just try to relax.���
    You tugged on the ropes, but you barely had any strength left. Your head was spinning and you could barely make out Baekhyun sitting at the edge of the bed, watching you. It hurt, not just your body, but your heart. You had been worried about Baekhyun, and you desperately wanted things to go back to normal that you let him back into your life without being cautious, without letting others know what he had been saying lately. It was getting harder and harder to think, and you could feel your body shutting down to deal with the changes being forced on you. If you could fight it you would, but you didn't even know what was happening. So in the end the darkness swallowed you, and your feelings of fear with it.
     When you opened your eyes you felt so out of it, barely managing to stay conscious. Your body was shaking, and you felt very hot. You soon found out you were still tied up, and once again tried to free yourself, but it was useless.
     You didn’t feel so good, you felt sick, and in the moment you didn’t want to be alone. It wasn’t long before you made out Baekhyun in your field of vision. He was sitting by the edge of the bed, his palm against your head.
“You have a fever.” You whined which made him chuckle. “It’s normal to be sick when you present.”
“I told you that you’re an omega, and it’s all the more obvious now.”
“No… no what… what did you… do…”
“Just helped you awaken your true nature.”
“I’m not… an omega…”
“You can’t deny that now.”
“… home… I wanna…”
“I can’t take you home like this, besides what would your family think? There hasn’t been an omega in generations.” You whimpered. “It’s okay, I’m going to take care of you. I’m sure they’ll be relieved to know that.”
“No… no… I’m not…”
“The fever will pass on its own, but I’m not sure about the other things. They say omegas are pretty delicate, which is why it’s so important to claim one.”
“… go… away…”
“But you called for your alpha earlier.”
“… you’re not…”
“I am. I’ll go get you something for the fever.”
      Once he was gone you began tossing about, wanting to get free. You focused your energy on the rope, trying to untie it, but Baekhyun soon came back and stopped you.
“Is it bothering you?”
“I suppose you don’t need that right now.”
     Baekhyun untied you and helped you sit up, trying to give you some medicine. You refused though, not wanting to take anything from him anymore. He pet your head softly, finding your rebellious acts cute.
“This will make the fever go down and help things settle.”
“I’m not… an omega…”
“You know that’s not true. You can feel it, can’t you?”
“No… you did something…”
“You know there’s no way to change what you are. You can hide it or suppress it, but you can’t change it.”
     You knew all that was true, but you didn’t want to believe him. It wasn’t just about his betrayal, or what he had done, but what this all meant for you. Baekhyun seemed to know what you were thinking, pulling you into his arms despite your protests. He held the back of your head, rocking you softly to the sides, trying to sooth you.
“Sh, sh, it’s okay. I’m here, I’m not gonna look at you differently or anything like that. You’re still y/n to me.”
“It’s not… I can’t…”
“We don’t choose these things.”
    You didn’t know how you were gonna face your family. You weren’t sure you wanted to. This all felt more like a nightmare and you desperately wanted to wake up. If that was the case you felt you would have already woken up, but all this felt way too real. You don’t know when you started crying, but the tears weren’t going to stop easily. So you sobbed into Baekhyun’s chest, letting all your thoughts overwhelm you. That is until something else caught your attention. As you were coming down from the tears you began to notice something. 
    Baekhyun smelled very different. You carefully moved your head up into the crook of his neck, taking in a breath. You never really paid attention to the scents of your friends. You could tell them apart but you never really took them in to know them better. Although you could tell that Baekhyun’s had changed, again. When he had become an alpha you noticed the change, but this was something else entirely. He smelled sweeter, and you couldn’t help yourself, wanting to take in more. Of course Baekhyun noticed, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.
“What is it?”
“You… you smell…”
“They say the scent of an alpha is sweeter to an omega, and vice versa. I certainly know that’s the case.”
“… why…”
“Cause alphas and omegas get along better. We’ve always gotten along so well, even before all this. I guess we were meant to be.”
“That’s not fair…”
“I’d call it destiny.” Baekhyun took a moment. “You’re still burning up.”
“I’m fine.”
“You should still take something to make it easier… or I could help.”
“I told you it’s important for an omega to get claimed. I have no problem doing that now.”
     Baekhyun pulled you back a bit, pressing a kiss to your cheek. From there his lips trailed down your neck. Despite the heat and uncomfortableness, his mouth was a sweet relief against your skin. You didn’t want him to stop, and he had no intention of doing so. He knew you were already so high off his scent alone, and in this state you were all the more sensitive. Of course you weren’t the only one being affected. Baekhyun had been holding himself together, but now that he had you so close he couldn’t help himself either. Without asking permission he began to tear up your clothes.
     At that point it was hard to keep anything straight in your head. One minute Baekhyun was kissing down your chest, the next thing you knew you were lying beneath him with less clothing. Your vision was a bit hazy but you could see Baekhyun clearly. He had always been a friend in your mind, but now you thought of something else, of something more. Everything about him was different in your eyes. Your mind taking in the little things and feeling your heart flutter. The feeling only grew more and more as your body was accepting all his attention. 
    Even if you went out clubbing with friends you had never gone home with someone, or showed interest in hookups, so this would be your first. Baekhyun would be the one to take it all, and you knew at that moment you would never give it to anyone else. Your mind was so lost in his everything you didn’t realize the fangs, not until you felt a sharp pain in the crook of your neck. Your eyes went wide and you screamed, the smell of blood hitting your nose soon after. When Baekhyun pulled away you could see his bloody mouth.
“Couldn’t help myself…”
“No one else can have you.”
     There was a sharpness to his tone, almost like a warning. His one and only time saying this to you, and if you ever forgot it, there would be consequences. You couldn’t comprehend on the surface, but deep down you got the message. He wasn’t done here though, far from it. Baekhyun took off his own shirt, getting rid of the rest of your clothing and his in the process. You made a move to cover yourself, feeling exposed, but he stopped you, holding your hands above your head.
“Don’t hide from me. You’re perfect just like this, and I’ll make you even better.”
     If anyone asked you to recount that night, your first, the day you were mated, you probably couldn’t tell them anything about it. There was just a mix of heat and blood and pleasure. Your body would never forget, and neither would your soul, even if your mind was completely blank. Baekhyun wouldn’t say anything either, loving to have this secret to himself and to a degree you. All you did know was waking up in his arms, feeling safe, feeling loved. Your future was still uncertain, but you were alright there and then.
“How are you feeling?”
“Well the fever’s down, so I think the worst of it is over.”
“I guess…”
“Sh, take it easy.”
“I feel tingly…”
“That might be the bite.”
“Bite… yeah… you bit me…”
“You still need to bite me back.”
“Better now before you find out you’re pregnant.”
“What? You don’t remember how much we did it? If I didn’t put a baby in you we’re gonna have to try again.”
“Baekhyun, I can’t-”
     You jumped up and away from Baekhyun, but he grabbed your arm and pulled you back down. He pet your head softly, immediately soothing your worries.
“It’s much easier for an omega to get pregnant, especially when they just presented. It’s only natural for you, for us.”
“Us… you really planned this all out, didn’t you?”
“Can you blame me? I’ve always looked after you, I wasn’t gonna let anyone else do that.”
“There were better ways…”
“You wouldn’t listen.”
“You were a prick.”
“No you were.”
“Sh, sh, you should go back to sleep. We can talk more later, and finish things up properly too.”
“Don’t worry. I got you, and I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
“Thanks… I suppose…”
“It’s always been you and me. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
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5eraphim · 1 year
Your monster mash au is so cool!! i love when writers go up and beyond n arent afraid to get creative with the canon. Do you have any hcs for how they met their S/O?
i currently have a 3 characters per request limit goin on rn, and i used RNG to pick the characters for this request which wound up being Werewolf Scout (BLU), Satyr Demo (RED) and Bogeyman Spy (BLU) hope thats ok with you! (but i have requests open currently, so if u were hoping to see someone else, here's a link to the monster mash AU. these were pretty fun to write and i'd love to do more!) thank you so much for the request, I hope you enjoy!
Characters: Scout 🐇, Demo 🐏 and Spy 🐍 (Team Fortress 2)
Content Warnings: Yandere, toxic relationship dynamics, possessive behavior, implied sexual relations, somnophilia, reader is gender neutral
Word Count: 2.3k
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Werewolf Scout (BLU)
Wild, savage, fearsome, and brutal, Scout is the living embodiment of what a proper wolf ought to be. Once the runt of the litter transformed through sheer determination and force of will, Scout would do anything to maintain his position as the leader of the pack.
All his life, Scout's possessed the primal need to be accepted as well as applauded by others by other wolves as well as by other mortals and monsters desperate to convince himself it will somehow be enough to purchase the childhood trauma of being known to all as the weakest of the family.
Consider Scout falling for a friend from childhood who hasn't seen him since his days as a weakling, only to move away and disappear for years and years and return to see a radically different Scout, practically the opposite of what he once was.
Scout always had a soft spot for you but never had the nerve to confess his feelings to you before on account of his certainty you would reject him, as well as generally being much less assured of himself when he was a child. But to meet up with you again now that he's stronger and more dominant than before, it's like getting a second chance too good to be true. If he were to let you go again, he knows he'd never forgive himself.
Initially, Scout's ready to start making moves on you without hesitation. There's no way you'd forget about him or all the time spent together, and he believes with all his heart that just seeing the man he's become would be enough to convince you to start an entirely new life together. And when you inevitably refuse such an outlandish proposition, Scout's left heartbroken, confused, and unable to control his jealousy and wrath.
But he knows if he really wants to impress you to prove he's worthy of becoming your mate, Scout knows who needs to do something drastic to get your attention. Nothing less than taking the life of another in a bloody brawl, where only one will live to see the end of the fight. But not just anyone. It must be someone close to you, so when you see as a protector. Surely, if he were to kill someone close to you, you'd have no choice but to accept him as your lover, your guardian, you're everything.
Scout's never been one for subtlety; he doesn't care if taking you as his lover by force leaves you terrified and resentful. As a leader of the pack, it's his responsibility to handle tough choices like this and watch out for the well-being of the rest. Whether or not you wanted to join in the first place hardly matters to Scout. He did what he had to, and you're his living reward
Satyr Demo (Red)
Like almost all the monsters in the monster mash AU, satyr Demo never really imagined himself with the idea of a single "true love" kind of partner, though not for the same reason as the others. While many of the other monsters view themselves at odds with humanity and, by extension, incompatible with the notion of human monogamous romances. Demo, on the other hand, is more hung up on the monogamous part of these relationships rather than the human part.
Satyr Demo is seldom alone, spending his days leisurely indulging his desires for sex, wines, feasting, partying, and whatever other whims cross his mind. In a realm populated by other satyrs, nymphs, centers, naiads, primordial gods, titans, and other similar creatures in a utopia beyond human perception.
Despite his physically off-putting appearance, drawing in mortals has never been an issue for creatures like Demo. Humans are such easy prey, with fragile minds so easily swayed by temptation and eyes so easy to deceive. All it takes for Demo to get in bed with another mortal is to share a bit of wine of the gods and to only appear late at night, using the cover of darkness to his advantage to hide his inhuman appearance. And the look on the mortal's face after realizing they've given into the ethereal temptation or hypnosis and made love to a half-goat creature is priceless to Demo.
In Demo's leisurely existence, life is nothing but an endless buffet of lovers; to limit himself to one monogamous relationship forever would be self-cruelty. The idea of a mortal retaliating against him for his treatment of them never even crossed his mind, but the day that happens if his entire world shifts.
Consider yourself a mortal living in the world near Demo's realm, where mortals are endlessly tormented and played with by gods and supernatural creatures like pawns. While you can do nothing but keep your head down and try not to invoke their ethereal wrath.
Imagine yourself in a situation where a close family member of yours has just been lured by Demo. Her chastity broken, and left in a compromising position in the woods. What little garments she has left desecrated with his seed, the goat hair left around the scene of the crime, making it obvious to all around town who was the culprit. With her reputation ruined and her family disgraced, she goes catatonic. Unable to leave her own bed, practically dead to the world, unable to cope with the suffering and shame of living as one of Demo's conquests.
Her despondence fuels within you an anger you kept bottled up all your life. You could no longer live in a world where mortals were used and discarded at the discretion of the supernatural creatures. You were willing to do whatever it took to fight back, to get even a fraction of justice for all the harm they'd caused.
Against the wishes of your loved ones, you sought the help of an ostracized spinster at the edge of the town, said to know the ways of witchcraft, and willing to make bargains with mortals for supernatural favors so long as they were willing to pay the price for it.
You came to her asking if there was some way to bind the sexual appetite of the monster who hurt your loved one beyond repair, offering her the still-desecrated clothing of your loved one, knowing some trace of the beast was likely necessary to enact the hex. You wanted to end his predation of the mortals of your town no matter the cost, even if that meant invoking dark magic to do so. Offering as payment everything of value owned put the clothes on your back. While you didn't have much, the old witch smiled, assuring you this was all payment enough and that the prospect of attempting such a powerful curse was enough of an incentive, though she accepted your belongings all the same, asking again if you were really willing to do anything to put an end to Demo's reign of terror. And without a second thought, you replied yes.
The witch held up her end of the bargain, binding Demo's lust and desire, but what she didn't tell you was the actual cost of finding one's heart to perform her ritual, specifically requiring a willing volunteer to bind Demo's lust to. She needed a token of a physical object of significance from the bound one and from another, which you offered as unknowingly as payment to bind in the victim's desires to.
The night you meddled in the affairs of the supernatural, you unknowingly offered up your own soul to the witch, which she bonded with Demo's successfully. And from that night on, cursing you to bear the burden of all Demo's desire.
Demo awoke the following day with a hole in his heart and a mind-numbing need to find another lover in the mortal realm, but not in a way he'd ever felt before. Demo felt like someone was waiting for him, someone he needed to find desperately but had no idea who it could be. In a town as small as yours, it was only a matter of time until you were discovered. And the moment he set his eyes on you, he knew it had to be you.
In the following days, you had to come to your own realization of what it meant to bind someone's heart. To understand it wasn't a hex to do no harm but to force one person alone to endure the entire weight of his desire.
Living as Demo's' sole lover was a paradise, but not from your perspective. Bestowed with eternal youth, food of the gods, orgiastic dances with supernatural creatures, the suffering of humanity far away, and the undying devotion of a god. You had no choice but to comply.
You were given all you could ask for so long as you never long to stray from Demo's side, or god forbid, ever asked to go home.
Bogeyman Spy (BLU)
No one knows the meaning of need like Spy. He's watched the rise and fall of empires, the brutality of war, and the skirmishes between mortal and the supernatural. The only thing he's never found was another creature like himself.
As long as Spy's walked the Earth, and for as long as he's interacted with humans, he's known nothing but hunger for human fear and pain, seeing them as merely a food source.
This life of isolation and callousness is all he's ever known. Perhaps existence is a lonely one, but Spy fails to see the value in a human emotional connection. He never had a heart to hold.
But just because he doesn't believe he has a heart doesn't mean one never existed at all. Despite his years upon years of emotional repression, he too yearns to be understood and cared for like the mortals he claims such dominion over. Still, he refuses to admit it to himself.
He may be immortal, but despite what he would like to believe, Spy is no god. And he was just as susceptible to the strings of fate as any other, and it was only a matter of time before the gods fated his heartstrings to be pulled by another ordinary mortal, the last kind of person Spy would've ever expected to foster sympathy for.
He couldn't even comprehend what was happening the night that finally happened.
It was just another night like any other Spy approaching you while you slept soundly, the optimal time to put you into a deep nightmare. But something about the sight of you, a vision of tranquility made beautiful by the moonlight and mysterious by dark shadows, he couldn't help but hesitate to disturb you.
Nevertheless, Spy was prepared to do what he must to get his nightly fix, but before he could enter your dreams, Spy realized your psyche was already charged with sexual energy, the sign of a dream already in progress. Nothing he hadn't seen before, but in the moment, he was paralyzed and entirely captivated.
More cautiously than ever before, he dared take a taste of the energy flowing through you, and after just one sampling, he was hooked.
Hours stretch on, but Spy can't bring himself to leave your bedside, watching your energy waxing and waning as you fall in and out of a state of deep slumber. Before he realizes it, daylight comes, forcing him to concede he's out of time.
Deep within, Spy feels a different kind of hunger awakening, but something more complex, more akin to a yearning. A hunger that cannot be satisfied with a full stomach.
For the following few days, he couldn't bring himself to feed as he normally would. His hunger was there, as it always was, and he could feel the pain of an empty stomach but couldn't work up an appetite for anything but you.
By day three, he could stay away from you no longer and caved to the desire to feed, finding himself back at your bedside, his hunger for you as strong as ever. 
He will try to convince himself he's better off without you, lying to himself that it's only a matter of time before his obsession fades and what he feels now won't last. After all, you were only a mortal, though it's impossible to ignore the instant panic he feels thinking of you passing away. Not only because this would mean the end of you as a food source but as that pesky yearning perks up, and he can't help but fear you dying before he could properly commune with you.
Being an immortal shapeshifter with immense psychic power meant Spy had more than a few friends in high places, powerful and indebted friends.
It isn't long until he strikes a bargain with a powerful witch, granting you immortality as well as keeping you in a perpetual deep slumber, forcing you to become Spy's own personal little sleeping beauty. Eternally preserved just for him, keeping you alive by nourishing your spirit with safety and fear.
While in this state, it isn't long until the confusion sets in. You feel alone, have no idea where you are, and can't shake the feeling of being watched. You feel like you're trapped in a cage, a comfortable one, but a cage you can't escape from. Stuck in a dream you can awaken from.
Spy knows he could awaken you at any moment and might even understand some level he will have to eventually, but he still intends to keep it like this as long as he can. He's too addicted to the high of his hunger, finally satiated, and too sullen to bring himself to truly meet you in the real world. For the time being, he's content flirting with you in the dream world, stalking from shadows, always watching it, keeping just a step out of reach.
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sanchomps · 2 years
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sketch busts for @keltoi-1, lonlulus(twitter), @webc0r3z and Grid_Xenomorph(twitter)!  
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wolveswithblackpearls · 6 months
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Werewolf AU!Suho
A howl ripped through the air. The hair on the back of your neck stood up and your first instinct was to run. But that was a wolf’s howl, calling out to the moon. So, instead, you walked slowly towards the direction it came from, like an idiot. And you couldn’t even say that you lived a full life.  
Once again, a moodboard for the lovely @marshmallow-phd ! This time for part 5 of her “The Untamed”-series: “Charming Instruction”.
~Admin C
Original date of publishing: Feb 7th, 2019
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jongupscrookedteeth · 3 months
EXO, Kai -
werewolf super power
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Please note that I created the collage but the photos are not mine credit to original owners.
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Limitations 🌟
Request found Here
Word Count: 825
Note: Soojung is an OC [Original Character]
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Pain, that was all I felt at this moment.  The most immense pain, worse than when I first transformed in my wolf form. I clasped my teeth together to fight off the next wave of contractions, the bed post I had gripped began to cave at my touch. The wave subsided allowing me to breathe again, while I began to walk around a little with my hand on my lower back.  A breeze came through with the swing of the front door of the cabin, for a second I panicked, looking to see if it was whom I didn’t want to see at that moment.  Sighing at relief at the sight of Soojung.  
“What are you doing here?”  I asked, shaking my head.  
“If you think I’m letting you do this alone, you’re sadly mistaken ______.”  Reaching my side, she motioned me over to the bed, forcing me to sit up against the backboard.  
“I can do this myself.”  I defend.  Another wave of contractions swept through me, my grip tightening on hers, while she squeezed back.  I felt her brush the hair out of my face.  
“Yeah, you’re doing a bang up job already.  I see you broke several items.”  She replied sarcastically.  
“I’m in labor, what do you want from me!?”  I yelled back at her.  
“I want you to lean back, while I boil some hot water, from the looks of how close your contractions are, it won’t be long now.”  Soojung, tied up her hair, went over to my stove.  “You should be up at the compound instead of here in this dump.”  
“After this baby is born, we won’t be here anymore.”  I shake my head, trying to keep from crying.
“I doubt Baekhyun would like to let you get to the main road.” Soojung shook her head.  
“You didn’t tell him?”
“He’s the one who told us.  You might be in a fight and not talking but he knows when you're in pain ____.  Neither of you ever formally got rid of the mate bond.”  I closed my eyes, trying to focus on the moment and not on why I’m here instead of the main compound.  
Baekhyun had thrown a snowglobe at the wall, it shattered beside me, while I stared at the happy couple sitting on the bench, now broken in half.  The one he had gotten me for our first anniversary.  
“Get rid of it.”  He whispered, shaking his head.  I turned to look at him shocked, my hand going to the small bump.  
“Get rid of it?”  I seethed back at him.  
“Nothing good will come of it.  Nothing good will come of it.  Might as well just end its misery before it makes us miserable.”  
“How about I just remove us from the equation all together.”  I walked out of the room, leaving Baekhyun alone.   
I felt another wave come over me, while I gripped the sheets.  The pain felt different this time, even more intense than the last waves.  Soojung ran over, pulling up my skirt to see blood starting to come out.  
“Shit- Stop pushing.”  She commanded, while I tried to keep it in.  
“Please, she needs to come out!”  I yell, taking in deep breaths.  “Something’s wrong!”  
“Okay, Okay, just deep breaths _____, deep breaths.”  Soojung positions my leg into an up right position.  Tears blurring my vision, while I felt another wave come over me.  
“When I say, Push.”  I nodded as best as I could.  I didn’t see them come in, but before I knew what was happening, I felt someone crawl behind me, the comfort at his touch, or while he intertwined our hands together.  
“I got you.”  He whispered, “I got you ____.”  For a moment I forgot why I was mad at him, why I ran away and haven’t talked to him in months.  
“What took you so long?”  I cried.  
“I'm sorry baby.”  
“Push.”  Soojung clearly spoke, while I sat forward.  A few more moments, some agonizing pain later, and a baby’s cry echoed through the cabin.  I fell back on his chest, while he kissed my cheek, holding me tightly.  
“I’m sorry.  I was just scared.”  Baekhyun whispered into my neck.  
“I was scared too, you know.”  I groggily looked around for her.  Soojung had her, cleaning her up with the help of Junmyeon.   “And it didn’t make me want to throw her away.”  
“Her?”  Baekhyun looked at the bundle that Soojung placed in my arms.  
“Well you were right, _____.  It is a girl.”  I smiled, looking at the newborn. 
“I will forgive you at this moment, but afterwards, we need to work on things.”  You spoke softly so as to not startle her.  
“As much as you want.  I’ll spend the rest of life making it up to you.  To both of you.”  He kissed your forehead, pulling you tighter.  Both of you looking down at the newborn in your arms.  
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Scenario Masterlist
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sio-writes · 1 year
Into the Woods - Chapter 3
Another request to continue a previous piece, requested by an anon, so I hope they see it!
Summary: After saving a wolf in the woods from a bear trap, our reader finds an injured boy in the woods and brings him to their cabin to heal his wounds. Little do they know, they're bringing in much more than they could imagine.
<< Chapter 2
After dinner, Cole slinks into the spare room the first chance he can. It's understandable, given all he's been through, so neither you nor your uncle mention it, only exchanging mirrored expressions of concern as the door shuts quietly in its frame.
You set to loading the dishwasher as your uncle gathers the last of the silverware and plates. The silence between you is heavy, setting you on edge. You have so many questions, so many thoughts. You're part of a pack now, both of you, whatever that means. Can a hunter of werewolves even become a part of a pack? Your uncle has a whole new shroud of mystery hanging off his shoulders, and you can't help but feel a little betrayed by it. Sure, he kept quiet about the scar on his leg, but that's a whole other deal compared to the mystery that today has brought.
"I can see smoke comin' from your ears, kid," he calls from the living room. "When you're done over there, come watch a movie with me."
When he asks for a movie, it usually means he wants to talk, and for the first time, the thought doesn't fill you with anxiety. You slide the dish rack into the dishwasher and click it to the quietest setting possible, hoping Cole doesn't hear it-- do werewolves have good hearing, or does it change when he's human? So many questions.
Your uncle sighs heavily as he falls backwards into the couch. His bushy red eyebrows are drawn in, so low they nearly cover his eyes entirely. "I'm sorry for lyin'," he says. "But I didn't think your folks would let you back if they thought I was crazy, or if you thought I was."
"You're definitely not crazy," you offer with a half-hearted laugh as you rest on the couch, trying to lighten the mood.
He holds up a hand. "No, I am. Now you just know why."
Arguments bubble up in your throat, but your uncle looks like he's not done talking.
"These woods are old," he says, fiddling with his hands. A movement you've never seen him do. "And some of the things living here are even older. You learned about manifest destiny, Oregon Trail, all that nonsense?" 
You nod, recalling the lessons from high school, and he continues, "The wolf clans have been here for ages, they came over with the first white settlers and set up shop in places no one else would go. They found oil and got rich real quick, and then they found copper a few decades back and got richer. Things were in balance, more or less, until Cole's bastard father took over. William Ackerman."
The name sounds familiar, and you realize it's the brand of your father's car. "Ackerman Auto?"
He nods. "That's the one."
Woah. Ackerman isn't an old brand, but it's everywhere. They sell a lot of cars, appliances, even electronics. Your dad's sedan, the fridge in your house, you think even the sink has the Ackerman logo on it.
Your uncle continues, "The wolves had a treaty with the loggers and woodsmen that lived in the area: everyone keeps to themselves, and no one gets hurt. But then William took over, and he started strip-mining, pushing into places he wasn't supposed to." He pauses, looking down the hallway towards Cole's room. "And I guess they started leavin'."
You follow your uncle's gaze down the hall and to the closed door, thinking about the injuries Cole had sustained, the scars on his face, what may be unseen beneath his clothing. Cole looked absolutely miserable when you found each other in the woods, and granted he'd been bleeding and starving to death, but there was a distinct resignation to his eyes that spoke of years of being pushed down.
This all feels too heavy for a summer in the woods, and part of you wishes everything could go back to before you released Cole from that trap. But Cole doesn't deserve to be left there to die, or worse. 
You chew on your lip. "So what about you?"
"William took over in the early 80's. When the clan decided they didn't wanna play by the rules, I got hired to handle the problem."
You blanch. "You killed people."
Your uncle's brow furrows. "Don't be fooled by the pup in the guest room. They're predators, kid. Whadda ya think they eat once the construction pushes all the wildlife out?"
You look back down the hallway again, heart stuttering. Cole wouldn’t…would he? You did just meet him a few hours ago, and he was grumpy the whole time, and even said that you smell. But he held still while your uncle sewed him shut, and hasn't complained about anything with the cabin or the food.
Maybe he just needs some time to adjust to living here, that's all. 
Tiredness hits you like a wall, and you stretch your arms, yawning. Your uncle nods sympathetically.
"I think it's time for bed."
Sleeping on the cabin's feather mattress is like sleeping on a cloud. You have to work up the energy to roll out of bed, and when you're standing you already miss the plush embrace. But your brain screams for coffee, so you slink into the kitchen and go through the motions of making it.
You're the first one up-- the living room is empty and you can hear your uncle snoring down the hall, but you're okay with flying solo for a bit. The energy of yesterday has worn off, but instead of being exhausted like last night, you're fizzling with unshed potential. You had thought of even more questions for Cole-- How does he change? Did he have to learn it? What's it like being a dog? And you had a few tests taking shape in the back of your mind, to see his abilities and compare them to an actual dog's.
And the thought of him hanging out for a while made you happy too. Cole seems like a cool guy-- if a little grumpy, but he's had a good night's rest, so maybe he'll be nicer this time around.
Cole emerges from the hallway room, hair partially pulled out of the elastic and sticking up in several spots. He looks a little more…alive compared to last night. Still limping, but he’s not as pale, and he’s lost those shifty eyes that darted towards loud noises.
You offer him a smile over the kitchen peninsula. “Sleep okay?”
The one thing he wears like a winter coat is that suspicious glare, like he’s assessing the easiest way to take you out, and when he’s all well-slept and fed, the glare has become even more intimidating. So much for that grumpy demeanor being slept off. He takes a seat at one of the barstools, and then he shrugs. “S’fine.’
He doesn’t offer anything else, and the two of you sit there for a painfully long time until the coffee machine beeps and pulls you away.
“Cream? Sugar?” You offer, and Cole nods for both.
“Huh,” you remark. “I figured you to be a black coffee kind of guy.”
“I’m not an animal,” he says over the rim of his cup. “Well, I am, but I’m not a caveman.”
The sarcasm in his voice makes you chuckle, and when Cole is finished mixing his coffee, you help yourself to a huge spoonful of sugar and a cup of mostly cream. It's the perfect combination to combat your uncle's bitter coffee, and with that first test sip, it's perfect.
Mornings have always been quiet at the cabin. It's so far removed from any major city, even the main road is a good three miles away, and the trees act as a natural barrier so all you hear in the morning is the wildlife. The crunch of branches underfoot as deer make their way through the backyard, the coo of Morning Doves, the rattle of a woodpecker, it's like the ambient sound app you listen to when you're trying to sleep. You drink it in along with your coffee, ignoring the pull to fill the silence with more talking.
Just as the quiet moment is stretching to a point where you're uncomfortable, your uncle opens the front door, ax in hand. He chopped plenty of firewood yesterday, so he shouldn't already need more. He does sometimes go outside to burn energy, maybe he needed the stress relief.
"Mornin' kids!" he says with a smile.
"Morning!" you reply, and out of the corner of your eye, you see Cole offer a short wave. Your uncle steps past you and into the kitchen to pour his own coffee before he steps back out and makes his way to the deck on the other side of the living room. He doesn't say anything as he does this, only hums to himself, and the kitchen is small enough that any conversation would be like nails on a chalkboard. It leaves you with the equally-horrible situation of staring directly at Cole with nothing between the two of you, like a conversation, to take up space. 
But eventually, your uncle steps outside, closing the sliding glass door behind him, and you and Cole are drenched in silence once more. It doesn't seem to bother Cole, though, as he just sip his coffee and looks around the kitchen. But you're anxious. Your fingers drum on the countertop, your eyes can't land on anything for longer than a second, and your leg bounces of its own accord.
And after another agonizing minute of this, you finally burst. “So is it one form over the other?”
Cole looks at you, surprised at the outburst, and confused at the question. “What?”
“Your dog form!”
His brows pull in, and he purses his lips. “It’s a wolf.”
You wave him off. “Same thing. Is it all wolf or nothing? Or can you make yourself have, say, ears and a tail?"
“...You’re making fun of me.”
“Am not! I’m just curious.”
He shifts on his seat. “It’s all wolf or nothing.”
“That's awesome!"
Cole sighs, running his thumbs along the edge of his coffee mug. “Dad said the wolf never really goes away. Stays dormant, waiting for its next meal.” Cole rolls his eyes, and he seems annoyed. 
Oh, you've upset him. You have to fix this, you have to make it better, but your curiosity gets the better of you. “Can you do it at will?”
He slams his cup down. “It’s not a party trick! It’s a curse from my father, I can't control it, and it fucking hurts! Imagine what it feels like to have your skin peeled off, your bones rearranged, and your face stretched out! And then--and then you barely have a chance to limp away from the pain when suddenly, you’re being hunted for fucking sport! Does it sound like something I’d want to do just anytime?”
Cole stands, and in three steps he’s in the hallway, and the door to the guest room slams shut.
Your uncle walks in. “What was that?”
“I think I ticked him off,” you mumble, trying to pull your shoulders up to your ears.
Your uncle rests a hand across your shoulder. “Don’t take it too personally, kid. He’s been through a lot.”
Guilt overcomes the other emotions in your body, heavy like a rock sinking low into your gut. Of course Cole wouldn’t want to joke about it, and he was right to get angry. "They hunted him for sport? His own son?"
Your uncle sighs. "I don't doubt it. William's always been…" He shudders, and doesn't finish the sentence. "I've only spoken with him once when he started strip mining, and it was like talking to the devil himself."
“Oh,” is all you can say.
“I can’t imagine livin’ with the bastard.”
It’s not meant to be a jab at you, but you feel it all the same, and you rub your arm self-consciously. "I should go apologize."
"I reckon he'd appreciate that. I'll give you some space." Your uncle unwinds his arm from around you, and you watch as he opens the sliding glass door, steps onto the deck, and leaves an inch of space in the door before plopping into a chair by the grill.
As you step out of the kitchen and towards the hall, you run through several sentences in your head, tasting possible sentences on your tongue searching for one that you like. You toss them aside one by one until you’re left with two options, the first being you kick in the door and force him to accept your apology, and the second, likely much better option.
You gently knock on the door. "Cole?"
No answer. You try again. "Cole, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. I just--" you turn so your back is against the door, your scripted practice statement dissolving in the waters of your mind. "I don't get out much, and it's hard for me to…" You make a vague hand gesture, realize he can't see it, and blow a raspberry and hope your frustration comes across. You walk your feet out, sliding down the door until you’re sitting on the floor. "It’s hard to connect to people. I can't read a room to save my life."
You pause, giving him space to respond, but you're met with silence. You walk through the chess game that is your problem-solving method, once again running through several scenarios and tossing them out, until a message from your teacher pops in your mind, about empathy and compassion. "You know, I can burp on cue. But it makes me throw up if I do it too much. My friends dared me to do it during class once, but I mismeasured the, uh, force of it? Yakked all over third period."
You laugh to yourself at the memory. At the time it was embarrassing as hell, but now that you're older, you can look back on it with the perspective of kids having a bit of fun. You did get out of third and fourth period for the day.
The doorknob clicks as Cole turns it, and you sit upright, twisting your head to see him in the cracked door. He’s standing, looking down at you, and from the sliver of his face you see his brow pulled down, mouth pursed. “You can burp on cue?” You nod, and he snorts. "I don't believe you."
Your face burns. You know what he's asking, and you haven't tried it in at least a year. Still, this may be your only chance to get him back on your side.
You sit up straight, focusing on a point by Cole's knee because looking at him directly would be too much, and suck in the air, closing it in your throat and expelling it again. You took in more than you're used to, and the belch you release is loud and unwieldy.
The silence that follows make your eyes flick up to Cole's face, and you take in his widened eyes and slightly ajar mouth, and the heat in your face intensifies. Then, Cole bursts into laughter. He's in fits, crouched on the floor so he's at your level, tears collecting in the corners of his eyes.
"It wasn't that funny," you mumble, mostly to yourself because Cole doesn't seem to be listening to you. A part of you can understand his frustration from earlier, now. Asking him to do something he doesn't enjoy is a bit rude after all, and maybe that's what he wanted you to know. 
You offer him a hand to shake. "Truce?"
He smiles, wider than that first, and takes your hand. His palm is warm and there's strength behind his grip. "Truce."
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an-annyeoing-writer · 11 months
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Vampire Alphabet (Masterlist)
Bite & First Bite
Intimacy, Vampire & Dangerous
Hate, Odd & Key
First Bite, Intimacy & Yandere
Bite, First Bite & Yandere
Vampire!AU Alphabet
Werewolf Alphabet (Masterlist)
Claws, Enemy & Moonlight
Dog, Yearning & Fear
Good boy, Territory & Bitemark
Sanity, Joy & Insomnia
Dog, Good boy & Territory
Werewolf!AU Alphabet
My Fanfiction Masterlist
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skeletalobscurity · 2 years
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Nikolai and Ichabod having a cute little moonlight dance,, Niko is very shy about it of course
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eruden-writes · 8 months
Room & Board - Part 19
paranormal fantasy vampire x human eventual triad (x werewolf)
Anonymous asked:
For the prompt submissions a vampire that feels guilty after feeding/attacking someone so they leave obscenely valuable ancient artifacts as payment/an apology?
Links under cut!
x x x x x
Part 1 | Previous | Masterlist | Next
x x x x x
In your quickly fading consciousness, you realize Tabaeus has let go of your hands. Their own grip at your shoulders, long spindly fingers trembling. Turning your face toward the hand on your right, away from Tabaeus’s feasting mouth, you find your sight blurring. 
Before unconsciousness claims you, you press a gentle kiss to the back of their palm. Driven to somehow comfort the vampire, even at such a discordant juncture. Their fingers flex, claws digging into your skin as something akin to another sob bubbles up from their mouth.
That’s the last thing you hear as darkness pulls you under. 
The next morning, Tabaeus is gone. 
They must have called to Lachlan in the middle of the night, swept off into the darkness. Faintly, you remember a touch on your cheek, whispered words, but it is all so muddled in your groggy head. 
You sit in the kitchen, hunched over the table, head in your hands. The bowl of cereal you had blearily made for yourself sits uneaten, growing soggier by the second. Heat burns in your eyes, but the tears don’t fall. Just hover at the edge of your lids and burn at your nose.
“They thralled us while we slept. Probably to keep us dead asleep while they left.” Across from you, Ewan sits sprawled in his chair. His head leans back, his hand pressing to his own forehead. “Feels like a godsdamn hangover.”
“That fucking asshole,” you sigh, shoving your cereal further away. You cross your arms and lay your head down on them, trying to ignore the anger and sadness churning inside your chest. To know Tabaeus would still thrall you, even after you bent to their request, makes bile crawl up your throat.
You don’t even look up as Ewan asks, “What’s our plan now?”
“What do you mean, what now? Tabaeus is gone,” you mumble, words muffled by your arms. Depressed resignation weighs heavily in your chest and in your words.
You catch movement as Ewan shifts. Something in the air shifts and you think he’s looking at you now. “You don’t want to go find them?” 
“Can we even find them?” Hopeless, you cross your arms atop the table and flump your head down into your arms. Lachlan was obviously powerful and Tabaeus was no schmuck when it came to his powers either. If neither wanted to be found, could you and Ewan have any hope to track them down?
Ewan’s silence answers your question. If Tabaeus didn’t want to be found, if he was so intent on just disappearing from your lives - both of your lives, really - could either of you find him? You don’t even know what kind of underground society vampires operated in. How hard would it be to dig them out? How many had centuries of experience, of power, to wield?
Silence descended on the two of you, as you both stew in woe. It was only when a small, unfamiliar voice interrupted the pity party that you looked up, “You can find him.”
On the table, the rodents Tabaeus had brought home stare at you. Confused, you push yourself up in a proper sitting position and glance around, ignoring the fact the sugar gliders somehow got out of their cage. The only other person present, however, is Ewan. And he’s staring wide-eyed at the sugar gliders. Without realizing it, you have braced for his question before he mutters, “Why are the sugar gliders talking?” 
“We’re imps, thank you very much,” Liuva, the lighter of the two gliders, titters as their nose twitches. At the disbelieving look that you and Ewan shoot, they comically heave a sigh that makes the sugar glider equivalent of shoulders rise and fall. Before your very eyes, the sugar gliders shift, the fur falling away and becoming a cape, leaving two very small, human-ish figures standing atop the table. 
Both spindly figures had dark black eyes and markings on their grey-toned skin, long pointed ears peeking out from their hair. The only distinct difference between the two was the color of their hair - wild tufts that looked as soft as dandelion fluff - which happened to be the same shade as their respective capes. Your eyes flicker up to Ewan, but he appears as shock as you are. Perhaps the two imps had perfected sugar glider stink to the point even a werewolf couldn’t tell the difference.
“When were you going to tell me this,” you hiss, returning your attention to the two imps. Another question rammed into your head as you leaned forward, eyes narrowed. “When was Tabaeus going to tell me!?” 
Carelessly, Bjarka and Liuva shrug in response. Neither seem particularly wary as you loom over them.
Taking advantage of your outraged quiet, Ewan steps in, “What's your story, you two?” 
The two imps half-turn toward Ewan, before exchanging glances with one another. A silent conversation seems to transmit between the two, before both give a relenting shrug. Liuva speaks first, their eyes flicking from you to Ewan as they speak, “We just wanted to be pampered.” 
“We saw how humans cared for pets and took the form of something cute and fluffy.” When Bjarka speaks, you realize they were the one who spoke first. Their tone is deeper than Liuva’s own. Bjarka sighs dreamily, hands clasped together and pressed to the side of their face like some sort of 1950s schoolgirl lost in a pleasant daydream.
“Tabaeus knew what we were right away,” Liuva takes up the line, admiration coloring their voice and pitching higher. “But they were kind.” 
“They didn’t treat us like problems,” Bjarka adds, their nose wrinkling as their tone sours.
That bitter tone is mirrored in Liuva’s voice as she adds, “Like annoyances.” 
Turning to you, Bjarka’s expression turns dire and genuine. “But Tabaeus did want us to behave.”
“So we did.” Liuva solemnly nods, though you could swear you see their hand move behind their back. It’s a movement that reminds you of a child crossing their fingers behind their back.
The story seems rather scant, you think. Why would they choose to willingly be people’s pets? What about the man who ‘sold’ them to Tabaeus? You bite your tongue on the very questions. Those curiosities could wait. There is one question gnawing at your head, wanting answers more. “Why didn’t they tell me about you two?” 
Once again, Bjarka and Liuva exchange looks. Concern crimps both their faces, but it is Bjarka who turns to you. “They were looking for the right time, but it never came around.”
“They were worried about freaking you out,” Liuva mumbles, giving you yet another shrug. 
Swallowing heavily, you ask, "Did you see them leave?”
"Yes, they were with another vampire. Slimy and sleazy.” Raising their little hands, Liuva wiggles their tiny fingers and makes a face.
Ewan and you nearly speak as one as you both knowingly say, "Lachlan.”
Both imps shrug and make a sound as if to say ‘if you say so.’ Both sets of dark little eyes flicker between you and Ewan, quiet now that they had brought you up to speed of their own circumstances.
Your brain is still trying to process yet another turn when Ewan gets the conversation back on track, “Alright, so how do we find Tabaeus?” 
Bjarka, the imp with the darker furred cape, turns those ink-deep eyes on Ewan. Something in their expression glimmers with vague amusement and practicality. “You already know a witch.” 
“Jemma?” Ewan perks up and you can almost see a pair of canine-like ears standing tall.
Your head snaps to the werewolf, your eyebrows raised. “Jemma’s a witch-witch?” 
Awkwardness causes Ewan’s shoulders to pinch, a wince of a smile tugging across his lips as he nods an affirmative to your question. 
You knew your co-worker was into the esoteric stuff and some spirituality. Tarot and gems, woo-woo paranormal stuff, and the like. But those were just trends flooding the mainstream now. It didn’t seem like that much of a stretch to just believe she was simply a human dreaming of something more to life. 
Then again, you were currently in your kitchen, discussing how to find a vampire with not just a werewolf, but two imps. Could you really be surprised?
“When did my life become a paranormal drama?” You groan and press your face to the table, arms outstretched around the two imps. If it bothers them, they don’t seem to notice. One of them - Bjarka you guess, judging by the position - pats your forearm consolingly.
You hear the apologetic smile that crosses Ewan’s lips as he teases, “I think that’s just what happens when you befriend a vampire.”
Soon enough, you find yourself at Jemma’s studio with your supernatural entourage. Jemma’s apartment is what you expected it to be, with all her witchy implementations in plain sight. Perhaps that was why the occult had gotten a boost in recent years. Magic users and the supernatural were tired of hiding.
Jemma’s home is cluttered, but comfortable. Being a one-room studio, there were no walls to delineate the kitchen from the living room, though Jemma had hung up curtains to separate her ‘bedroom’ from the rest of the space. Plants overran the kitchen, with leafy fronds hanging from the ceiling and pots clustered around the sink. A long table, covered in bottles and candles and even a small cauldron, separated the kitchen from the living room. Books and trinkets scattered about on any available surface. 
“I might be able to track them through scrying,” Jemma sighs once you have brought her up to speed. Her lips purse and her eyes narrow as she admits to her potential inability, “but if they’re part of an old coven, they may be protected.” 
By your side, on the frayed couch in Jemma’s living room, Ewan growls a quiet curse. You stare at the coffee table in front of you, eyebrows furrowed. A fabric drapes over the squat table and, upon the cloth, a candle and box of closed tarot cards sits. You still feel adrift, unable to think of anything effective in the situation. Perhaps it’s Tabaeus’s lingering thrall keeping you unfocused.
Against your chest, you feel Bjarka and Liuva shift in an inside pocket on your jacket. You’re not sure if it���s an imp thing, to sleep as often as they do, or simply a luxury of their life as pseudo pets. The thought invariably leads back to Tabaeus, how they had cared for the imps and how the imps had spoken so darkly of their usual treatment. 
Before you know it, you hunch over, your face falling into your hands. You dig the heels of your palms into your eyes, the pressure relieving the pulse of frustration in your thoughts. Ewan’s warm, heavy hand sympathetically presses to your shoulder a beat later. There’s a long moment of silence as you breathe, before you drop your hands and glance to the man beside you.
He offers you an encouraging, if weak, smile. You return a smile just as flimsy as his. It’s Jemma’s rough voice that breaks your gaze from Ewan’s eyes, “Did either of you let them feed from you?”
“Yeah,” you reply, trying to fight down the embarrassed flush as you meet Jemma’s critical gaze.
“I did too.” Ewan raises his free hand, flinching under the look you and Jemma shoot him. His expression takes on a bashful edge, his gaze bouncing between the two of you though not meeting either look head-on. “It happened in the van after you fell asleep and we were, uh, getting to know each other still. They needed a boost.”
Unable to help yourself, you snort in amusement. Especially as you catch the increasing blush beneath Ewan’s stubble.
“Well, I think that's your answer.” Jemma leans back in her wooden chair, arms crossing over her chet. “If vampires feeding on Tabaeus, or vice versa, could remain connected, then you should have a connection too.”
Your attention flicks back to your co-worker, a furrow pinching between your brows. “How do we tap into that?” 
“That is the million dollar question, isn’t it?” Jemma’s narrowed eyes rove over her work table as her fingers tap against her biceps. Just as you start to think this will need more research, Jemma stands and heads into the kitchen, riffling around in a drawer. She returns with a fresh pack of sewing needles and two little glass vials that remind you of bead containers from a craft store. 
Jemma shoves the vials and needles toward you. “Prick your fingers and give me a drop, both of you.”
You and Ewan comply, carefully drawing and collecting the blood. Once the vials are handed over to Jemma, she turns away. In the short amount of time, she has her little cauldron filled with purple liquid and bubbling over a hot plate. The room fills with an indescribable scent as liquid boils in the small bowl and the witch references a number of books. She hums to herself as she throws more bits into the occult stew, making the liquid glow a gentle blue.
As Jemma toils, insecure thoughts creep into your brain. Should you even be doing this? Tabaeus chose to leave and wanted you safe. Hell, he might even be the reason why your brain is so fuzzy every time you try to think about saving him. By going against his wishes, could you really bring him home? Or would he stay where he was out of a sense of duty? Dread swells up in your stomach, pinching at your expression.
You feel Ewan’s arm snake around your shoulders, tugging you into his side and startling you from your thoughts. “Don’t worry, we’ll find them.” 
“Maybe that’s what I’m worried about,” you admit, casting a glance up to Ewan’s face. Confusion paints his expression and so you go on,  “Lachlan seemed powerful and who knows how many vampires are under his leadership? Even Tabaeus felt powerless against Lachlan.” 
Ewan is silent for a long moment, his eyebrows dipped into a ‘v’. You don’t expect he’ll have anything further to say, but he surprises you by slowly feeling his words out, “I think that’s just what Lachlan wants Tabaeus to believe.” 
“What?” Straightening a little from your slump, you gaze intently up at Ewan, trying to determine if he’s just trying to make you feel better or if he’s being genuine.
“Lachlan smells like a power-hungry creep and what better way to maintain power than to keep a threat under control?” Ewan’s gaze is no longer on you. He’s staring off into some middle distance, his thoughts churning in directions you can’t possibly imagine. Briefly, you wonder if this had something to do with his old pack. “Tabaeus is old and, from what I know, the older a vampire is, the stronger they are.”
You press your lips together, acknowledging Ewan’s point, but still worried. “Even if they were created as a Memory Keeper?”
“That I don’t know, but no one else seems to know either.” Ewan shrugs, offering you another of his helpless but hopeful smiles. For the first time since Tabaeus left, the expression makes something stir in your chest. Maybe a little of that hope is rubbing off on you.
Settling back, you consider what Ewan has said. No one else seems to know a blasted thing, that is true. Maybe there is hope to find Tabaeus, to bring him home, to rid all of you of Lachlan. The problem simply is figuring out how.
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youras-wonderland · 2 years
Masterpiece | Byun Baekhyun
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• Baekhyun x Female Reader
• Romance/ Angst/ Fluff/ Werewolfau
• Author: youras-wonderland
A/N: Hello! This is the longest oneshot I've ever written. I hope you will like it! Please share your comments with me. 💕
At midnight, it's frighteningly dark. There is no sound except the sound of my footsteps. It's freezing cold and I'm trembling.
Both from the cold and from fear.
I shouldn't have let my friends fool me. What idiot goes for a walk in a dangerous place in the middle of the night for fun?
Yeah, those idiots are me and my friends.
I absolutely refused to come at first because a werewolf was the last thing I wanted to see. Unfortunately, these were the hours they were out.
That wasn't the only problem.
Losing my friends and my phone not turning on hasn't helped me at all.
I'm scared. I've lost my way and I don't know what to do.
I sat helplessly on the edge of a tree and began to cry. I try not to make a sound because I don't want anyone to hurt me.
My God...
Why am I so stupid?
I tried to open my phone, wanting to try my luck again. Unfortunately nothing happened.
I thought my heart was going to explode with fear when I heard footsteps slowly approaching me.
I got up and started walking quickly. When the footsteps did not stop, I realized that I was being followed. I would walk faster and change my path.
After a few minutes, I sighed with relief, thinking that I was no longer being followed. No one was there.
Maybe no one was following me from the start.
Am I crazy?
I'm sure I heard the sound...
I stopped walking with the man who suddenly appeared before me.
He was dressed in all black and his eyes were...
Although his eyes were cold, they shone most beautifully in the moonlight.
It's a werewolf.
When I realized what had happened, I started running. I didn't know where to go. I just ran and ran. The darkness was suffocating me, but I had no choice but to run. Of course I was too slow for a wolf.
He quickly caught up to me and grabbed my arm. 
I started screaming and crying in fear.
'Take your hands off me!'
I started hitting his chest. Of course, this did not affect him at all. He gripped my hands tightly and looked at me coldly.
'Calm down! I'm trying to help you.'
 I pushed him away trying to get out of his hand.'
'Let me go! Let me go!'
I started crying louder. I felt helpless and my whole body was shaking with fear.
I've heard the stories about wolves and I don't want my head cut off.
His eyes softened and he started talking to me again.
'What are you doing outside at this hour? Don't you know it's very dangerous for a human?'
I was surprised at how calm and comforting his voice was.
'I...I'm lost. I was looking for my friends, but I couldn't find them.' I said it almost in a whisper.
'You can be my guest tonight if you want. My house is near. It may be dangerous to return to your home right now.'
How much more awkward will I experience?
First I get lost, then a wolf finds me and tells me to come to his house.
I can never trust him.
'No! I...I'll try to get home.'
'Great, it looks like you want to be bait for a wolf.'
'Why should I trust you?'
'If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it already.'
He was right. If he was a bad person, he would have killed me already.
How right it is to trust a stranger?
Better than staying out in the middle of the night.
'Please, don't hurt me!'
He smiled slightly and nodded.
His house was really close, we arrived soon after.
I waited impatiently for him to open the door and enter. I'm freezing from the cold.
The warmth that hit my face when I walked in comforted me. The house was very warm and I needed it.
'You can sit down, I'll get you something hot.'
I nodded shyly and walked into the living room.
I was biting my nails from stress. Even though I trusted him, I was still afraid. After all, he is a wolf.
A few minutes later, I looked at the man who had come with a glass in his hand.
I could see his face more clearly now. 
He is really...
He is really attractive.
He handed me the glass and went into what I thought was the bedroom. He brought a pillow and a blanket.
'My sofa is very comfortable. You can sleep here. I'll take you home in the morning.'
I asked curiously.
'Why are you helping me?'
'I'm a good person.' He said with a smile.
I couldn't help but smile when I saw his smile.
'Don't hurt me, please!'
He let out a weary sigh.
'I'm not going to do anything.'
After a few minutes of silence, realizing that I was still scared, he started talking to me about random things.
We had a long chat that night.
He seemed like a funny and good person.
I fell asleep smiling.
This is how I met Byun Baekhyun, my best friend and love of my life.
I've known Baekhyun for about a year and a half. After that night, we became friends in a way I don't understand how. We talk on the phone all the time and sometimes we meet and do something.
I still can't believe I'm friends with a werewolf. At first I continued to be afraid of him but, over time I realized that he is actually a very sweet person.
He always took care of me and asked me if I was eating well. I'm not someone who has many friends and I'm very happy to be friends with him. He means so much to me. I really love him but unfortunately I have strange feelings for him. So... I see him as more than a friend. He's not just my best friend. I'm in love with him... I don't know how he made me fall in love with him. All I know is that I was enchanted the entire time I met him.
Unfortunately, I'm ashamed of myself. I'm someone he trusts and values. I'm his best friend.She shares her good and bad moments with me. Like a true friend.
What am I doing? Every time I look at him, I can't stop my heart beating. I always think of him. I want to kiss him every time he smiles. I'm falling more and more in love with him and I can't stop it.
How could I be stupid enough to fall in love with him?
Even though we are friends we are so different. I'm a human and he's a werewolf. One day he will mate with a wolf and I will lose him forever. We will never have a relationship like I thought.
I slowly wiped the tears that fell on my face. 
I really love him.It's the first time I feel something like this towards someone. He's so precious to me.
I want to tell him how much I love him but I'm scared. I'll never forgive myself if I lose him.
I miss him because I haven't seen him for one month. He's an alpha and very busy.
So without thinking, I changed my clothes and went outside.
You are going to see the man you love. Stop crying. Be happy.
I miss him so much. Not seeing him for even a day drives me crazy.
That's why I go to his other house in the forest some nights even though I know he's busy.
Just like I'm gonna do now.
Even though it's very dangerous to go there, I'm putting myself at risk. He doesn't know about it. If he finds out about this, he will be very angry with me. That's why I'm careful not to get caught as much as I can.
Walking on the roads I'm used to was scary but easy. I got there soon after.
He is there.
I always hid in my hiding place so that he wouldn't see me. His brown hair looks so soft. His pouting lips and graceful hands holding the glass... This man is a masterpiece.
The most beautiful thing is his flawless heart.
He's a really good alpha, although he can be scary at times.
My alpha.
Little wolves running with him in the garden of this tiny house... Our babies...
You live in a fantasy world. A wolf would never want you as his mate.
I tried to stop the bad thoughts that came to my mind. Now was not the time.
I continued to watch him until he entered the house.
My precious darling...
I'm right by your side
Like a thief in the night
I stand in front of a masterpiece.
This could be the worst day of my life. My tears were falling nonstop, knives were stabbing my heart.
This cannot be.
I can't believe he has a girlfriend.
I lost him.
Actually, I started my day well today because I woke up hearing his beautiful voice. Early in the morning, Baekhyun called me and said he had someone he wanted to introduce me to.
He invited me to our favorite bakery we always go to. I was excited. I was probably going to meet someone from his family, and this thought made me very happy.
I put on my best clothes and sprayed my favorite perfume.
When I arrived at the bakery, I involuntarily frowned when I saw the woman sitting next to Baekhyun. She wasn't the one I expected. He hasn't a sister. Then...
My heart started beating with fear. What if she's his new girlfriend?
She could be his cousin. Calm down.
I smiled, trying not to show my feelings.
'Welcome!' My favorite sound to hear.
'Hello, Baekhyun.'
I turned towards her to greet the woman next to him.
'Hi, I'm Nara. Nice to meet you.'
Just as I was about to speak, Baekhyun started to speak.
'She is my girlfriend, Nara. She's the one I told you about recently.' He smiled.
The most beatiful way.
Hearing the things I was afraid to hear shattered me. My brain had stopped and I didn't know what to do.
My feet moved involuntarily. I quickly left the bakery and ran, not knowing where to go.
Leaving a confused Baekhyun behind me.
When I got home, I refused to check at all the calls and messages from Baekhyun.
Sorry, Baekhyun.
I can't tell you why
It hurts so much
To be in love with the masterpiece
After that night, Baekhyun never tried to contact me again. It's already been 2 weeks. 
My heart hurts.
I waited for him to come to my house and ask me a lot of questions but, that didn't happen.
Am I that worthless to him?
Is our relationship nothing?
Why isn't he contacting me?
I miss him so much.
I suddenly decided to pick up my phone and call him. What would I say to him?
I'm in love with you and it hurts to see you with someone else?
I hesitated when the doorbell rang as I thought about what to say to him.
Nobody but Baekhyun would come to my house at this hour.
I quickly got up and ran. Without hesitation, I opened the door.
As I thought.
The person I want to see for two weeks is standing in front of me.
The person I miss and love so much.
We looked at each other for a while without saying anything. He broke the silence.
'I... Can I come in?'
I stepped aside to let him in. He walked slowly towards the living room.
Again silence.
This time it was me who broke the silence.
'Why are you here Baekhyun? Remember you have a friend?'
I laughed nervously. Seeing him pissed me off as much as it made me happy.
'I needed time to think.'
I frowned.
'What are you talking about?'
'That's not true, you know that too.'
I immediately understood what he was talking about. I couldn't help but be angry.
'What is not true? Is it wrong to be in love with my best friend or to be the human in love with a wolf?'
He didn't seem to expect to hear that. I didn't expect to say it this way either, but the time has come. I can't hide anymore. I don't want to get hurt anymore.
He got up and came over to me and took my hand.
'You are my best friend. This... This is very strange.'
I pushed his hands away and started talking angrily.
'You're the weird one. You were too stupid to see that I was in love with you.'
My eyes started to fill with the tears, but I resisted not to cry.
'I've known this for a long time, I found myself a fake girlfriend to make you stop loving me. Meeting was just a game.'
My eyes sparkled with shock. So what? Isn't that woman his girlfriend? Did he just do this to get rid of me? Why?
'Don't you want me that much? Why is it wrong for me to love you?'
His eyes were sad. He seemed to want to say something to me, but he couldn't.
'Answer me, Baekhyun. Otherwise I won't stop myself.'
He looked at me blankly, not understanding.
You want this, Baekhyun.
I slowly grabbed his face and kissed his lips.
I was finally kissing the soft lips I was wondering about. I was kissing my best friend. I was kissing the first and only person who stole my heart.
He didn't push me.
He didn't kiss me.
I looked at him with teary eyes. 
'Can you say you don't have feelings for me? If so, I will disappear completely from your life.'
I looked at him expectantly. Maybe. Maybe I have a chance.
Maybe he loves me too.
Maybe he's in love with me too.
I've thought about this a lot before and it might be true.
Or I'm just dreaming.
As always.
One, two. Five more minutes passed and Baekhyun didn't answer.
My heart felt like it was going to explode. Does this mean? Does he have feelings for me too?
I can not believe this.
Why did not he answer? I don't know what I'm feeling and I'm so confused.
'Baekhyun...Answer me, please.'
He finally broke the silence.
'I... I have feelings for you too, but it's not t-'
Without hesitation, I grabbed his face and kissed him. I was not as soft as before. I kissed him the most hopeless way. He didn't kiss me and I kiss him more.
I slowly broke the kiss and rested my forehead on his.
'Please...Please kiss me.'
I looked into his eyes expectantly. Just as I was about to retreat, he grabbed me and pushed me against the wall. 
He kissed me as if he wanted to tear my lips apart. I was in shock. Baekhyun was kissing me.
I was losing control as the kiss flared up. I want him. Now.
I want to be in the arms of the man I love.
I broke the kiss and started unbuttoning his black shirt. He took my hands when he realized what I was doing, but I pushed his hand away and continued.
This time he didn't stop me.
Opened room door. Clothes on the ground. Our naked bodies...
That night we made love in the hardest and most passionate way.
That night Baekhyun marked me.
We belong to each other now.
I woke up with incredible pain. My whole body felt like it had been cut into pieces. I slowly pulled the cover over me. I'm cold.
I didn't want to go back to the side. I didn't want to see he wasn't there.
Unfourtanely, he is gone. He left me here alone.
I stood up ignoring my eyes filled with tears and my aching body. I put on my clothes and looked helplessly through the other rooms to find him.
He is gone.
Trying to stay calm, I picked up the phone and tried to call him.
No answer.
When I heard the incoming message tone, I immediately checked it.
This was not supposed to happen. This is not true. I need time, please.
I'm so stupid.
You knew he wouldn't accept you. How did you do this?
I fell to the ground and started crying. 
'I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid.'
A few minutes later, I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom with what I suddenly remembered.
I saw it when I looked in the mirror.
He marked me.
How did we do this?
That means we are now mates but, he is not here.
I slowly touched my hand over the scars on my neck. The scars he left on me last night...
I gently touched the marks on my neck. The marks he left on me last night...
I had to find him. So I went out to go to his usual place.
2 months. He was gone for 2 months. I couldn't believe he was so selfish. He left me all alone. How does a wolf leave his mate? If he doesn't love me why did he sleep with me? Why did he give me loving kisses? Why did he always say he loves me?
Why Baekhyun?
Am I that unimportant to you?
Why did you make me hurt so much?
With the third nausea today, I ran to the bathroom. I was nauseous and vomiting for days. At first I thought it was stress, but with what I've been thinking about for a while, I changed my mind.
I looked at the pregnancy test in the bathroom. Weakness, dizziness, nausea and the night we had with Baekhyun.
My chances of getting pregnant were very high. The thought of a small pea growing inside of me excited me, but also frightened me.
What if Baekhyun doesn't want the baby?
What if he leaves us forever?
I looked at my eyes, swollen from crying, in the mirror and slowly held my belly.
A baby.
Our baby.
I couldn't help smiling. I wiped my tears and approached the test with excitement.
A few minutes later, I was biting my nails from stress while waiting for the result. I didn't dare look.
'You can do it, you can.'
I opened my tightly closed eyes and looked at the result.
Two lines.
I'm pregnant with Byun Baekhyun's baby.
It's two o'clock at night and I still can't sleep. I've been in pain for a few days now and it's making me very tired.
I was scared when my first pain started, but when the doctor said it was normal, I sighed with relief.
My baby was everything to me and I was relieved to make sure the baby was healthy.
My little love.
Our baby.
I gently caressed my belly. I was looking forward to my baby growing up and feeling her first movements.
I'm sure it will be a girl. I'm never wrong in my feelings.
The only thing missing was Baekhyun.
I resisted not crying. I'm more emotional than before.
'It's not good for the baby. You shouldn't upset yourself. He will come to you soon.'
I slowly got up to drink a glass of water. Just as I was about to open the door, I stopped at the sound I heard. I took the vase next to me and left the room.
When I looked around worriedly, the person I saw was the person I had been waiting for for two months.
I slowly let go of the vase and stared blankly at him.
Finally, he came back.
I burst into tears.
I miss him so much. I miss him so much. My heart hurts. This is too much for me.
He quickly came to me and hugged me tightly. He caressed my hair and tried to comfort me.
'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.'
I tried to answer with my weak voice.
'Why... Why did you do that? Why did you leave me alone?'
'I will tell you everything. Calm down baby.'
He gently grabbed my arm and helped me sit on the sofa. After making sure that I was comfortable, he sat next to me and took my hand, but I quickly ran to the bathroom with the sudden nausea.
He rushed to my side, worried. He rubbed my back and tied my hair.
'Are you sick? What is happening? Should we go to the hospital?'
I didn't have the strength to answer him.
After a few minutes, I slowly got up from the ground. My throat was very sore and I had a bad taste in my mouth.
I rinsed my mouth and washed my pale face. Baekhyun looked quite worried.
'Are you okay? Let's go to the hospital. Please!'
I gave him an unexpected answer.
'You don't need to worry. These are normal things that happen during pregnancy.'
He was shocked at what he heard. His eyes were shining with surprise.
'You...What did you say?'
'I'm pregnant, Baekhyun. We're going to have a baby.'
He continued to stare at me for a while with disbelieving eyes.
'Is it real? Are you serious?'
I nodded.
He quickly came to me and hugged me tightly.
'Sorry. I'm so sorry baby. I hate myself for leaving you alone.'
'Let's go to the living room. My whole body is aching.'
He nodded and we went into the living room to talk. I was silent. I was waiting for him to speak.
'You were right. I'm in love with you. I love you so much. It was very difficult for me to spend 2 months without you.'
The sincerity in his eyes broke my heart.
'Then why did you leave? How does a wolf leave his mate?'
I didn't want to cry again.
'Yes, a wolf cannot live without a mate. I didn't know what to do. You were my best friend. I thought that wasn't true and found a fake girlfriend. I was wrong. You were exactly the right thing, but I was scared.'
I nodded, asking him to continue.
'It is normal for a wolf's mate to be human, but this is not very welcome. I was afraid they would upset you. I didn't want you to get hurt because of me. I failed to do so and marked you.'
Tears were flowing from his eyes and I could feel all his regret.
I gently placed a small kiss on his lips.
My heart was filled with love.
This man is my everything.
'Everything will be fine as long as we're together, Baekhyun.'
As long as we're together, everything will be fine.
I tried to turn restlessly in bed. It was almost time to give birth and it was very difficult for me to move.
Tonight the little wolf was determined not to put me to sleep. She was constantly moving, she didn't want me to sleep.
I caressed my belly with love.
'Mom is very tired. Will you let her sleep a little?'
I got my answer with a hard kick.
'Okay, I didn't say anything.' I smiled and continued caressing my belly.
When I felt another hand on my belly, I turned my head to the side and looked into sleepy eyes.
Why did you wake up? Are you in pain?'
I smiled and caressed his hair.
'No. Little bean is very active.'
He kissed my belly with a big smile and slowly put his head on my belly.
'Why don't you want your mother to sleep, my little wolf? You must let your mother rest.'
One more kick.
'She will be grumpy.'
'I think so too. Just like you.' I stuck out my tongue and smiled at him.
'I can't believe it, we're going to have a baby. She's our baby.'
'Is not it? I'm so happy Baekhyun. From now on, all I want is for her to be healthy and live a happy life with our little family.'
'I wish that too, darling. Me too.'
A baby scream that surrounds the hospital.
It's our baby's crying voice.
The nurse gently hands her into my arms.
We cry. Baekhyun kisses my forehead. Finally our little wolf is here.
'You did it, baby. Congratulations.'
We gently caress our baby's hair. I stare at the tiny wolf that has grown inside me for nine months. She is so beautiful.
'We did it, Baekhyun. We did it.'
I placed the bags in my hand on the table and followed the chuckles I heard.
Baekhyun was playing her favorite game as usual with our one year old daughter. He is a very good father as well as a good husband.
She is just like her father. She totally looks like him.
I slowly walked towards them, but these two still couldn't hear me. They were lost in their own world.
'Did you forget your mother? I came home but you didn't notice!' I said it with a fake sad face.
They both looked at me with a smile. Our little girl has recently started walking and is now walking towards me with tiny steps.
I took her in my arms and gave her lots of kisses.
'No kisses for me! I also want!'
Baekhyun pouted his lips.
'Of course! The best dad in the world deserves a kiss!'
He came to us and hugged us tightly. I gave him a little kiss.
'Just a little kiss?'
'I gently hit his arm and pushed him away.
'Shut up, Baekhyun.'
'Maybe it's time to have the second baby.' He grinned.
I rolled my eyes and sat our daughter down on the little playground.
Baekhyun immediately walked over to her and started making her laugh again.
I watched them with a smile.
I'm so happy.
The man I fell in love with and our baby are here.
Everything was fine as long as we were together.
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5eraphim · 9 months
Werewolf scout is the type of mfer to accidentally get his dick stuck in a gloryhole because of the knot
one shudders to imagine the magnitude of other such orifices that deranged little man has wedged himself within........
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