twistiraki · 1 year
Moonlit cuddles
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‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗ TᗯIᔕTEᗪ ᗯOᑎᗪEᖇᒪᗩᑎᗪ Pairing Wolf!Jack x F!Reader Warnings None ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗
Jack dreaded the full moon, for it was the night he lost control and transformed into a fierce wolf. It happened every month, and he hated it. He would run wild in the forests of Twisted Wonderland, hunting for prey and howling at the moon. But this time, things were different.
As he roamed the woods, Jack caught the scent of something sweet and alluring. He followed it to a dormitory where he saw Y/N, a student at Night Raven College. She was kind and gentle, and Jack couldn't help but be drawn to her.
He watched from afar as she opened her window and beckoned him in. Without thinking, Jack leaped into her room and was surprised when Y/N welcomed him with open arms. She petted his fur, thinking he was just a normal wolf. Jack was embarrassed, but he couldn't resist Y/N's soothing touch.
For hours, they cuddled on Y/N's bed, with Jack nuzzling into her warm embrace. He was surprised at how comfortable he felt around her, even as a wolf. But as the moon waned, Jack began to feel strange. His body was shifting, and he couldn't control it.
Before he knew it, Jack was back in his human form, towering over Y/N with his muscular build. He blushed, feeling shy and vulnerable around her. But Y/N only smiled and hugged him tighter, telling him it was okay.
Jack couldn't believe how lucky he was to have met someone as kind and caring as Y/N. He wagged his tail in excitement and snuggled even closer to her, feeling grateful for the moonlit cuddles they shared.
In that moment, Jack knew he had found someone who accepted him for who he was, wolf and all. And as they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, Jack couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him.
Moonlit cuddles, he thought to himself. That's what he wanted more than anything in the world. And with Y/N by his side, he knew he would always have them.
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it-happened-one-fic · 2 months
Hours in the Moonlight: Persevering Afterlight - 4. Working Together
Summary: There was something distinctly daunting about evaluating a vampire clan. Especially when you weren’t entirely sure as to how to go about doing such a thing. But at least you weren’t going to be entirely on your own.
Series Type: Gender-neutral reader/ Vampire AU/ romantic/ angst/ angst with comfort/ fluff/ sfw/ platonic interactions too!
Trigger Warning: Vampire
Word Count: 1574
Hours in the Moonlight Master-List
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I held my ground as I looked at Leona, not wanting to back down but also feeling like I would be doing exactly what he wanted if I sniped back again. It was like I was sitting in the palm of his hand, not able to entirely win in this situation.
And, if anything, he seemed almost more amused, or perhaps pleased, by my stubborn silence. After a brief moment though, he stepped around me and began walking towards the door with purpose. 
The door opened with a soft click, and I found myself following him, not sure what he was going to do until he yelled out into the corridor, “JACK!”
It was like a ripple went through the hallway with the name being repeated as a murmur, presumably until the message reached the ‘Jack’ in question.
I frowned in confusion before looking towards the man who still stood blocking the doorway and finding myself voicing my question before I put any real thought into it, “What are you doing?”
Leona looked back over his shoulder at me, his eyebrows lifting slightly before he spoke, “You said you were going to evaluate the clan, I’m calling someone to stick with you.”
I blinked at him in silent surprise as he turned to his attention back to the hallway. leaning against the doorframe in a relaxed manner that also managed to completely block off the opening and hold me inside.
So he was going to have me watched while I was in his clan…. I suppose it made sense in many ways. I was someone who’d already killed a vampire, he might not want me running loose in his clan. But in the same sentence, I wasn’t overly fond of someone following me around as his eyes.
But I supposed it was only fair. In many ways, I was serving as Crowley’s eyes, even if I didn’t like it.
“Ruggie,” At his quieter, far more relaxed call, the shorter man appeared once more, tilting his head with a half-impatient but questioning gaze.
“You keep an eye on the herbivore as well,” Leona jerked his head back towards me, his ears twitching slightly atop his head as the shorter man nodded before they both turned to look towards a man shouldering his way through the crowd. 
I followed their gaze and almost immediately made eye contact with a set of gold eyes as I blinked at the tall, muscular young man. He had a serious expression as he approached, his large wolf ears perked atop his head.
“Jack, you’re gonna be keeping an eye on the herbivore while they go around and ‘evaluate’ the clan.” Leona started speaking as soon as the young man came to a stop, gesturing back towards me with a thumb.
Jack’s gaze flickered my way, his eyes widening slightly as he inhaled sharply before he dragged his attention back to Leona, “Why are they evaluating the clan?”
I stepped forward before Leona could speak, wanting to clear up any misunderstandings before they got started, “I was asked to by the head-vampire of this district.”
I could feel both Leona and Ruggie looking towards me, but I ignored them in favor of gauging Jack’s reaction. As he frowned at my words, I felt the urge to continue, but found myself hesitating to mention my status as the Hunter, with Leona’s description of the job still bouncing around in my head.
“He just wants to check in on each of the clans and asked me to do it for him,” I finished carefully, not sure of how else to explain it. I didn’t want to lie, but I also had newfound hesitation about just throwing around the fact that I was the Hunter now.
I could tell that he still had questions, but he seemed to hold himself back as he glanced around the hallway before nodding, “Alright. I’ll just be showing you around, and that’s all?”
Leona snorted but at last shifted so that I could leave the room freely, the grin on his face filled with a frustrating degree of smugness as I slipped past him, “Oh no. They said that they would be keeping tabs on us for as long as it takes to finish their evaluation. You’ll be keeping an eye on them to make sure they don’t stick their nose where it doesn’t belong.”
His eyes glimmered, and I found myself frowning, relieved that he was staying silent about the real reason I was here but unsure of how I felt about the fact that he was once again keeping a secret for me. 
He’d done so with Sam, and now he was doing so with one of his own clan members, and it made no sense. I’d gotten the impression from the interaction we’d just had that he was going to be staunchly against me, but here he was assisting me once more.
Which made me wonder if the reason he was having two of his clan members keep an eye on me was just strictly for keeping tabs on what I was doing. After all, it was beyond risky to be a lone mortal, known to attract vampires, surrounded by vampires who were apparently known to be at risk for losing themselves to the insanity that could be brought on by vampirism.
I glanced back at him, confused even as he turned and sauntered back into his room. Evidently done with all of us.
“You got this handled, Jack? I’ve gotta go….” Ruggie trailed off, already looking like he wanted to bolt. 
But if Jack noticed Ruggie’s obvious desperation to flee the scene, he didn’t react. Instead he nodded firmly, looking like he’d just been given an incredibly important job, “Yeah, I’ve got this handled. You go on.”
We both watched as the shorter man trotted off without even glancing back. Obviously glad to be slipping out of this particular job as he went off to do whatever it was he was going to do.
I glanced over at the pale haired man next to me at the exact same moment he looked at me. And the awkwardness set in fast as I felt myself shifting around before smiling awkwardly, “I’m Y/n.”
Jack nodded, slowly twisting to start leading me around the clan’s building, his voice low and slightly gruff as he responded with just his name, “Jack.”
I trailed after him, feeling soberly like this was going to be far more difficult than I’d initially expected.
We walked in silence for a lengthy stretch of time with me pondering how to even really get started with my newfound duty.
If I was going to find out anything about why the Savanaclaw clan had more vampires losing themselves to the insanity of the disease, I would have to talk to people here and learn more about vampirism as a whole.
I slowly became so ensnared in my own swirling thoughts that I completely ignored Jack’s motions until he came to a stop in front of me, causing me to slowly stop behind him in confusion, wondering if I'd missed something.
“Why did he send a mortal to evaluate the clan?” I felt myself go still at his simplistic question, faltering slightly as I realized that this was something that I should’ve expected. 
In no way did it make sense for the head-vampire of this district to send a mortal to check up on the clans. It would be like sending a sheep into a horde of wolves when said sheep was never supposed to know that the wolves existed outside of stories in the first place.
“I…” I hesitated before sighing slightly, because it was a simple fact. I was going to have to face the full weight of the Hunter and whatever it might entail. I could only hope my job wouldn’t get in the way of what I was here to do.
“I’m the new Hunter for the clans. The head vampire hired me to work under him so that he could find out why so many vampires have been succumbing to the insanity of the vampirism disease.” 
Jack was silent, turning to look back at me as he crossed his arms before speaking, “So you’re going to be doing preventative work?”
I nodded slowly at his almost stern-sounding words, surprised that was all he had to say as he nodded. “I’d wondered why Leona was so willing to let you just walk around.”
Jack sighed, rubbing at the back of his neck as he paused with a less-than-pleased expression appearing on his face that didn’t quite match his words, “I’ll help you then.”
I felt my eyes widen at his words, surprised that he was so willing to offer to help me when Rook had implied that most vampires preferred to avoid the Hunter.
 Perhaps the vampires, as a whole, recognized the seriousness of the situation and also wanted all of this to be resolved. If that were the case, it certainly would make my life easier.
I found myself smiling at the young man, relieved to not be wholly on my own in this unfamiliar clan. I would still be cautious, but it was nice to have someone offering to assist me, “Then I guess we’ll be working together then.”
He watched me silently for a moment before nodding and straightening, a slight smile flickering across his face, “I guess so.”
If you would like read more:
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themedievaldead · 7 months
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I love you valentimes day i love you the colors pink and red i love you LOVE heart heart heart smile emoji hug emoji
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backyardboytoy · 6 months
Imagining that you walk into the woods in your local town, gently taking a stroll until when you take a small break you realise you weren’t leaning against a tree…it was a 10ft tall werewolf, and seemingly it was in heat as you could tell just by looking down.
It needs a womb to release in and it seems it’s chosen you…
Contents: Cumflation, Lactation, impregnation
"Oh boy, howdy -" is the stupid thing that ends up tumbling from my mouth. Because damn that's a big boy with a ridged rod between his legs. His heavy, audibly sloshing balls complement his whole horny monster look, fantastically.
The Wolfman huffs, the open air fogging from how hot his breath is. I couldn't really make out any pupils in the yellow of his eyes but his snout tilts down to where I am. A bit of drool is slinging down his jaws onto his own neck. He opens his mouth and i'm half expecting to be torn to shreads only for a deep guttural voice to ring out and say one thing.
"Huh?" Is the response I come up with because, hello??? My eyes jolt back down to the throbbing monster cock already so pent up its leaking pre in sticky globs onto the ground with every pulse. And it clicks what he seems to be at least trying to ask for. I tilt my head up at the Wolfman. "Uh, do you wanna fuck me?"
His ears perk up, and the drool starts reaching his chest. An impaitent panting noise fills the air.
Without a second thought, I grin. "Yeah, that's fine!" I hooked my hands under my pants and boxer briefs and pulled them down. "I've been horny all day. Fuck me good alright?" He all but lundged for me when I said  that. His clawed hands coming down and grabbed my sides. Hoisting me into the air dispite My yelp of surpise.
I feel the tip of his cock prod at my holes entrance. Looking down makes me swallow because his shaft is twice as large as a baseball bat. But I don't have any time to think further because he's already pushing it into me.
His cock manages to gape my hole open at a third of the way down his length on the first go. A grunt escaping me when I feel how much he's inside of me already.
A deep inhale from him is the only warning I get before an explosion of warmth fills me. "Fuck-" i grit my teeth when he immediately decided to cum on entry. It's a oozing sound when cum starts spilling out to paint the forest floor.
I pant and as soon as the sensation stops the hands on my sides pull me up and drop me back down on his monsterily thick cock. Turns out monster cum makes a great lubricant for getting a cock even deeper. A perverted squelch sound now pairs with each messy thrust.
I'm breathy, and look down to find out I'm almost halfway down his length when his cock tip nudges deep at my insides. Assuming he hit my cervix, made me huff. But surpisingly no pain had accompanied the prod just a nagging pleasure.
The Wolfman growled, his hands pulling me off his cock till only the tip was at my entrance again. All before slamming home into my hole. I yelled feeling the cock ram through my poor cervix and barrel into the wall of my womb. Why did that feel good? Holy shit? A churning sound hit my ears, and I looked down to see his heavy balls clentching.
Thick cum splattered into my waiting womb, with a purpose. Monster sperm violating and ready to impregnate any egg they could possibly hunt down. "Fuck fuck-" my stomach surged outwards this time. My cervix apparently not wanting to let the monsters cum let down. I looked four months pregnant with just cum.
With a huff, he fucked me back down his cock once more. Fuck, he was so big and there was so little room for my hole to accommodate, I could feel every pulsating vein decorating his shaft. He fucked me up and down, up and down. My belly sloshed every time me pulled me up and down.
I looked down once more to find I was nearly down to base but knew I wouldn't be taking his knot, unfortunately. His cock is so massive that even with his length fucking my cervix wide and his tip slamming into the wall of my womb his knot wasn't even reaching my ass.
He suddenly threw his head back and howled, cutting my thoughts short.
He stilted once more, his cock pressed against my womb. I felt his cock pulsating as each splash of cum shooting into my waiting womb. I groaned and watched my stomach grow further to accommodate my heavy womb. By the time he stopped coming I looked eight months pregnant.
My chest was wet, making my look down to see myself lactating through my shirt. I chuckled high off of monster cock and cum.
He got me pregnant. Fuck my body knew it was inevitable.
I could only groan when he fucked my down his length once more.
The joy of being a living condom for a monster in heat.
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peachy-doodle · 5 months
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Potentially too niche for instagram………. American Slaywolf in yasstown
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marella-moon · 11 months
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youre laughing...theres an american werewolf in london and youre laughing
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phuuca · 5 months
Ramshackle Pack Heights - 1/2
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Drawing this was an exercise in anatomy, but also so I can accurately describe the First Years in my AU and express some personal headcanons about the bois.
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2022 really do be the year of pretty Hispanic men in everything and I’m living for it
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werewolfaday · 9 months
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day 8! for Void :) (prompt under cut)
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(if you wanna request a werewolf for one of the days, you can tip me thru ko-fi!)
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fanofspooky · 1 year
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Behind the scenes of An American Werewolf In London (1/2)
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spicyboelives · 3 months
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When the world [Me] needed them most [I think they're hot] they vanished [Marvel please]
No but seriously their stories where so refreshing and their aesthetics killed,,, it may be too much to ask for a crossover but can I at least hope for a part 2/Season 2?
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comic-covers · 3 months
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lichilly · 18 days
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werewolf Joseph doodle from twt I forgot to post whoopsiesssss
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torossosebs · 2 years
this four are living in my head rent free
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forecast0ctopus · 11 months
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do u think they ever explored each others bodies
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nikossasaki · 2 years
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werewolf by night + tumblr text posts | jack russell edition
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