yamsgarden · 10 months ago
yams please please tell us where'd you read the short story the meloghia nation is starving
aaa sorry for slow respond, i just woke up
but a kind soul share their screenshots here (click)
You'll have to translate them by yourself in either google translate or deepL
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dreamerwriternstargazer · 4 months ago
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Last Party of Eid 2024
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inkspiredwriting · 3 months ago
A/N: four stages of breakup, I'm currently in stage two: Anger xD. A sweet story with a sweet five who loves y/n more than anything? At the moment I just don't see it. That's why I don't post any of my stories, but rather write new stories where Five is an asshole. That doesn't mean that I'll never post sweet five x Y/N stories again, it just means that I'm still angry at the moment, and in order to be able to write again, it helps me to let my anger out
Warnings: spoilers for season 4 episode 5-6, angst
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The world had barely spun for a few hours since Five and Lila had vanished, but when Five and Lila finally returned, Y/N knew something was wrong. she stood in the doorway, watching Five and Lila enter the living room, their faces marked with weariness, their eyes carrying the weight of experiences that no one else could understand. The moment Five met her gaze, Y/N felt her heart clench. Something was wrong. There was a distance in his eyes, a hesitation in his movements that hadn't been there before. This was not the same man she had fallen in love with, the man who had fought tooth and nail to survive countless apocalypses, who had faced the end of the world and returned to her every single time. This man was different—distant, almost as if a part of him had never truly come back.
Lila stood beside him, her presence like a shadow that Y/N couldn’t shake. she had always known Lila was fierce, cunning, and strong, but now she could see something more—a bond between Lila and Five that hadn't been there before. It was in the way they stood, too close, the way they glanced at each other as if sharing secrets. It made Y/N’s stomach churn with a sickening sense of betrayal.
She knew something had changed, something that would shatter her world.
It wasn’t long before she couldn’t stand it any longer. “Five…” Y/N’s voice wavered as she stepped forward, searching his face for any sign of the man she loved. But he looked away, his jaw tightening as if he couldn’t bear to meet her eyes.
the tension in the air was palpable. Diego stood beside Lila, their three children clinging to their mother, oblivious to the storm brewing beneath the surface.
Y/N felt the tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, but she held them back. She couldn’t fall apart. Not yet.
“What happened?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Five’s silence was deafening, and when he finally spoke, his words cut through her like a knife. “We were gone for seven years, Y/N. Seven years in a timeline we couldn’t escape.”
Y/N’s heart pounded in her chest, the blood rushing in her ears. “I know it was hard, but you made it back. You’re here now. We can fix this, Five. We can go back to how it was.”
Five shook his head, the pain in his eyes unbearable to witness. “It’s not that simple. Things changed… I changed. I didn’t want this to happen, but…I fell in love with Lila.”
Time seemed to stop. The world around Y/N blurred, and all she could hear was the sound of her own heart shattering into a million pieces. She stared at Five, her mind refusing to comprehend the words that had just come out of his mouth. Lila? Lila, who was married to Diego, who had three children with him?
Y/N felt the blood drain from her face, her vision narrowing as the weight of his confession settled on her shoulders. She wanted to scream, to hit him, to do anything to make the pain go away, but all she could do was stand there, trembling with fury and betrayal.
"You bastard," she whispered, her voice low and deadly. "You absolute bastard."
Five recoiled as if she had slapped him, but she didn’t care. The anger was boiling over now, a volcano ready to erupt. The room was deadly silent, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Everyone was staring at them now, the shock evident on their faces. Diego’s expression was unreadable, his eyes fixed on Lila, who looked like she wanted to disappear into the floor.
"You want to know what kind of man you are, Five?" Y/N spat, her voice shaking with fury as she faced him and the others. "You’re an asshole. An ungrateful, selfish asshole who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants long enough to remember the woman he was supposed to love!"
The room fell into stunned silence, everyone staring at Y/N with wide eyes. Five opened his mouth to speak, but Y/N cut him off.
“How could you? After everything we’ve been through, after everything we’ve fought for, you go and…fall in love with someone else? And not just anyone, but Lila? Diego’s wife? The mother of his children? I would rather sleep with a mannequin than ever fall in love with someone else, but I guess that’s the difference between us, isn’t it?"
Five flinched, but he didn’t back down. “I never meant for this to happen, Y/N. We were stuck there for seven years. We didn’t think we’d ever make it back.”
“So you gave up?” Y/N’s voice was rising now, the anger bubbling over. “You just gave up on us, on me? You preferred to think about having sex with Lila instead of finding a way back to me? The old Five never gave up. He never would’ve stopped fighting to get back to the people he loved. But you…you’re not him anymore, are you?”
Tears welled up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She turned her gaze to Lila, her voice dripping with venom. “And you…you disgust me. How could you do this to Diego? To your children? You betrayed them. You betrayed all of us.”
Lila’s face paled, her mouth opening and closing as if she wanted to say something, but the words wouldn’t come. Diego stood beside her, his expression still unreadable, but Y/N could see the hurt in his eyes, the pain he was trying so hard to hide.
Y/N couldn’t take it anymore. She turned on her heel and stormed out of the house, the door slamming shut behind her. The moment she was outside, the tears she had been holding back finally broke free, streaming down her face as she collapsed onto the cold ground.
She wrapped her arms around herself, sobbing uncontrollably, the pain too much to bear. She had lost him. The man she had loved more than anything, the man she had waited for, had hoped for, had fought for…he was gone. And in his place was someone she didn’t recognize, someone who had betrayed her in the worst possible way.
Y/N had no idea how long she sat there, crying until there were no tears left to cry.. She felt completely and utterly alone, as if the world had turned its back on her.
But then she heard footsteps approaching, and she looked up to see Diego standing beside her. His face was filled with sorrow, his eyes red and puffy, but there was a softness in his expression that offered a small comfort.
“Y/N…” Diego’s voice was gentle as he sat down beside her. He didn’t say anything for a while, just sat there in silence, letting her cry. When she finally managed to calm down enough to speak, her voice was hoarse, broken.
“I don’t understand, Diego. I don’t understand how this happened. How could he fall in love with her? After everything we’ve been through, how could he just…forget about me?”
Diego sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “I don’t know, Y/N. I really don’t. Lila and I…we had our problems. I wasn’t always the best husband, and I know why things went wrong between us. But you and Five…you two were perfect together. You were the strongest team I’ve ever seen. I don’t understand how he could do this.”
Y/N let out a shaky breath, the pain still raw and aching in her chest. “I thought we had something special. I thought he loved me more than anything.”
“He did, Y/N. I know he did,” Diego said softly. “I think…I think being stuck there for so long messed with his head. It changed him in ways we can’t understand. But that doesn’t make it right. It doesn’t make it hurt any less.”
Y/N sniffled, wiping at her eyes. “I don’t know how to move on from this, Diego. I don’t know how to live in a world where Five isn’t…mine.”
Diego put an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. Y/N leaned into him, grateful for the comfort even as the pain tore at her heart. She felt Diego’s chest heave as he spoke, his voice thick with emotion.
“You’re strong, Y/N. Stronger than anyone I know. You’ll get through this, I promise. And I’ll be here for you, whatever you need.”
Y/N nodded, though the pain still felt unbearable. She clung to Diego, letting the tears flow freely again, her heart breaking with every sob. She had lost the man she loved, the man she thought would be by her side forever. And now, she had to find a way to pick up the pieces and move on, even if it felt impossible.
As the day wore on, the two of them sat together, their grief shared and understood. And while Y/N knew the road ahead would be difficult, she also knew she wasn’t alone. She had her family, her strength, and the hope that someday, the pain would lessen, and she would find a way to heal.
But for now, all she could do was cry and try to make sense of the shattered pieces of her heart.
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ivyyisbored22 · 3 months ago
𝐑𝐢𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐧—𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘹 (𝘧𝘦𝘮) 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
A Stray Kids one shot
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Synopsis: Chan came back to Australia for his vacation and he's spending all his time with you. After a cute date he planned at the lake, the two of you went to his place.
Warning: Smut🔞 Explicit content. Oral (both f & m receiving), doggy, fingering [Chan makes the reader touch herself],unprotected sex, pussy slapping, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, size kink(?), name calling (slut) and pet names (baby, sweetheart). Minors do not interact!!!
Note: This my second Chan smut draft I wrote and published on Wattpad 2 months ago. (It didn't do well xD), so I rewrote it and added a few more things.
(I require a tank of holy water after this LMFAO)
If this isn't your thing, you're more than welcome to skip it. Reblogs, likes, comments and feedbacks are always appreciated.
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Word count: 4.7k
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Chan was back home to Australia for his vacation and ever since he returned, he has been spending a lot of time with you, his long distant girlfriend.
The two of you always caught up over Facetimes and calls, but having him back home feels so good for both you and him. Chan missed you so much that he wanted to make up for all the lost time.
From early morning walks along the beach to late-night drives under the starry sky, every moment felt like a dream come true. You both explored your favourite spots, revisiting old memories and creating new ones. There was something magical about being physically together, holding hands, and sharing laughter without a screen in between.
After the best date ever, watching the sunset while he played the guitar for you alongside the lake, the spot where the two of you had your first date, Chan took you back to his place to spend the night with him.
Which of course you agreed.
The two of you binged horror K-Dramas the whole time but mostly just Chan stealing moments when a zombie was chasing a group of students or when it jumped on the screen. You missed half of the best parts because Chan wouldn't stop kissing you or putting his hand up your T-shirt, cupping your boobs.
You were more than thankful that his parents were out of town for 2 days. If they catch the two of you in their living room, seeing their son putting his hand up his girlfriend's shirt without a worry in the world, you'd bury yourself alive 6 feet below the ground.
And it's not like you haven't met Chan's parents before. Back when you started first dating and Chan introduced you to his mom and dad, they were thrilled. They loved you so much and treated you like their own daughter. Daughter in law soon according to Chan's dad. He never fails to keep saying that, it makes your cheeks flush everytime.
The two of you were in Chan's living room, the latest horror K-Drama playing on the TV. Your eyes were fully paying attention on the screen, but Chan wasn't interested at all. What was going on in his head was to kiss and make out with you. If possible to just fuck you right here on the couch while the K-Drama played.
But that will be a bad idea since his sister or brother could walk through the front door at any moment.
"Why do you like to horror stuff if the tiniest thing scares the hell out of you?" Chan asked with his brows furrowed as you flinched hard when monster came out of no where.
"It's not for the enjoyment, it's for the adrenaline rush" You cupped his cheeks with both your hands making him pout causing a burst of laughter to escape from your lips.
You should do that more often.
"I don't get what goes in your mind love. But as long as you are happy" He scooped his hand around your waist, his hand inside your shirt, pulling you closer, burying his face in your neck and shoulder.
You have to admit, you loved the way he's clingy with you more than the K-Drama playing on the TV or any damn thing in the world.
I mean how could you not?
"Baby..." Chan hummed in your neck that caused you giggle, it was one of your tickles spots. "What do you want Channie?" You cooed. Of course you know what he wants but seeing him beg for your attention made you feel so satisfied.
Chan kissed and sucked on your neck in response, it caused you to inhale a long breath. Your fingers ran through his hair as he continued kissing your neck, his grip slowly tightening on your waist, stroking his thumb on your skin.
You finally gave in for what he's been trying since the time I came to his place, switching off the TV and turning your head towards him. Chan grinned mischievously, planting his lips on yours with a soft, sweet kiss, tilting your head demanding more access, swiping his tongue over the seam of your lips.
You slowly got up and sat on his lap as you kissed, straddling him, you could feel a buldge beneath you.
"You naughty boy," You said pulling away, Chan was hard already and it send rush of pride through you seeing how much he desires you. "FYI, you're straddling me. Of course I'm hard" Chan taunted, but his voice remained soft. You chuckled as you palmed his cock through his shorts. He hummed in approval.
You continued palming him and softly pressing, going closer to his face and planting a series of pecks on his lips.
"Can we go to your bedroom pretty please?" You asked cutely and Chan couldn't help but grin mischievously.
He wrapped your legs around his waist and rose from the couch, carrying you upstairs to his bedroom. His mouth was on yours as he climbed up the stairs, not breaking it till he reached the door to his room. He put you down, the two of you walked inside and he flicked on the light switch.
Just like how it always looked, a full sized bed stood in the middle of the room, with its grey sheets neatly tucked in. A lone nightstand with clean lines sat beside it, holding only a minimalist lamp. His sliding door wardrobe stood at the corner of the room, with another closed door leading to an attached bathroom, the desk occupied nothing but his familiar grey laptop and a pair of high quality headphones.
Chan dimmed the lights of his room with a remote controller, the already dark room thanks to his grey bed and furniture became more darker, as shadows danced across the walls like silent phantoms. With the heavily dim lights and the moonlight shining through his windows, the ambience felt more even more intimate.
Fluffy moments with Chan like little dates and sharing selfies through texting were polar opposite compared to when Chan was in the bedroom. To his friends and his parents you're his loving girlfriend but when you were alone, you were his fuck doll. Not that you didn't like it when he fills you up.
Locking the door, he stepped towards you slowly and gracefully like a majestic wolf, pulling his black T-shirt over his head with one hand and throwing it at his chair, revealing his defined body.
Broad shoulders, muscled chest, powerful biceps and chiseled abs any man could envy. The faint sheen of sweat glistened, accentuating the contours.
You stood where you were without making a move, moisture flooding between your legs, staining you underwear as he got closer. How could his bare chest make you so wet already?
Chan was standing just an inch or two in front of you, your chest rose and fell, when you looked at him, his eyes were already on you, a lethal smirk played across his face with his head tilting to the side. Without a warning he traced his hand over you breasts, goosebumps spread across your body in a frantic rush as you shivered against his touch.
You were crazily turned on now.
He closed his hand over your neck, not tight enough to choke but enough to turn you on even more. His eyes were burning, a wild beast was lying within them, he did the triangle look before crushing his mouth onto yours. Your teeth crashed with your tongues devouring, desiring each other.
He squeezed your ass making a moan escaped from your mouth to his, you held onto his biceps pulling him closer, needing him. Wanting him.
Chan pulled apart, his hand letting go of your neck and taking one step back,
"Off," He comanded gesturing at your shirt and pants. Without protesting, you removed your clothes.
You wearing nothing but your lace bra and panties, Chan was in his black shorts, you glanced at his cock huge and hard underneath the fabric, your face flushed in heat.
Chan was a huggable teddy bear when he wore his usual black hoodie and shorts, but underneath those said hoodie and shorts was a buff, muscular body, sculpted by the Gods themselves. You could taste the heat of his skin radiating off his bare torso as he stood towering you.
Chan pinched your nipple through your lace bra, with his other hand he unclasped it, revealing your chest to his lustful eyes. He cupped a breast, rolling the hardening nipple between his thumb and forefinger, your head fell back, teeth digging your lower lip and your whimpers already started filling the air.
You hated yet loved it when he teased before you both started.
Twisting the lace band of the panties with one finger and sliding it down, Chan circled his thumb over your clit and thrusted his middle finger through your drenched folds, you jerked and hissed as your core clenched.
"You are so wet for me sweetheart"
"Please" You begged shamelessly.
This wasn't enough. You wanted more.
"You are so needy my love" Chan chuckled as he inserted another finger inside you.
"Chan, I swear" Your nails scarred his biceps.
"Don't worry baby, I'll make you feel really good. But since you kept rejecting me back in the living room, you'll get my cock later"
Was the last thing he said before he yanked out his fingers and licked away your juices moaning at the pleasure of tasting it.
"On your knees." He commanded and you sank on the floor before you could respond.
"Touch yourself" Chan ordered. Your eyes widened at him almost popping out of your sockets, but he knows what he said.
"What?" You whispered, your voice was barely audible. All the nights when you fingered yourself and used toys thinking of Chan while you stayed in Australia and he was in South Korea crashed in your head.
"You heard me. Touch yourself. I want to see what you've been doing when I was away" Chan's voice was coated with dominance, thick and rough as a cocky smirk spread across his face.
A deep blush bloomed on your cheeks, but you knew better than to decline him. You were too turned on and needed his cock so badly, if this is what's going to make you get it, then you'd oblige him. Without another word coming out of you, you caressed your breasts, pinching and squeezing your nipples before one hand went down you stomach and slid between your legs.
Soon, you were whimpering with pleasure, circling your clit and fingered yourself as Chan watched you with his tongue poking against the inside of his cheek.
He was controlling himself, as much as he wanted to rub his rock hard cock at the sight in front of him. It was one second away from making a hole and breaking free from his shorts.
Chan got reminded on how he stoked and rubbed himself when he missed you, he couldn't wait to feel your needy pussy and mouth around his cock.
"This is what you've been doing hmm?" He asked silkily. "You dirty slut. Thinking of me while you finger fucked yourself?"
You whimpered as your fingers worked faster at his filthy words, kneeling on the floor and your thighs trembled. "Y-yes" You said. Your mouth hung open and breaths turning slow.
Chan stepped towards you kneeling at him, grasping your chin and making you meet his gaze. You looked up at him who was looking at you as if he wanted to eat and fuck the braincells out of you.
"My girl has missed me so much hasn't she?" Your chin was still under his grip, Chan pulled his shorts and boxers down, freeing himself from the walls of the fabric, his huge, long hard cock sprung out, hitting your cheek.
You moaned, needing him. He was right here, there was no need for you to use your fingers, but Chan was too much of a tease, he will drag this night out as long as wants.
He grazed the tip on your lips, you looked up at him with a wide smirk playing across you face as you immediately stacked your other hand on his impressive shaft and swirled your tongue around the pre cum leaking head. You lapped them away as you began stoking his cock slowly at the same time pumping in and out of your cunt.
It felt like a literal scene out of a porn video.
Now Chan was the one who groaned, his head fell back biting the bottom lip when you hadn't even taken him in yet and you liked it when you took control at least for a few seconds.
One more languid swirl around the tip, a few strokes on his shaft and your thumb on the tip, you took him in slowly. You started bobbing your head up and down, licking and sucking, pressing your tongue on the underside of his cock and adjusting to his length.
Chan's hand fisted your hair as his cock went much deeper down hitting the back of your throat causing you to choke. Your eyes watered as your gags kicked in, drool leaking from the corners of your mouth but you didn't stop. Your core was aching, taking Chan down your throat while you whimpered and worked on yourself.
"Fuck yes baby. Keep sucking my cock like a good girl" He growled, his voice was thick and heavy like the rumble of distant thunder.
Chan's hand fisted around your hair, guiding you up and down, flesh against flesh, he thrusted his veiny cock in and you sucked him out more in a sensual rhythm, the wet sloppy sounds of your blowjob filling the air of his room.
It was almost like Chan could sense you were about to come, but tonight he wanted all your orgasms to belong to him. He yanked his cock out of your mouth causing you to fall back on your butt, your hand still remained in your dripping cunt.
"You won't come until I say so," He said roughly and made you yank your hand out of you.
You groaned at the ruined orgasm but no matter how much your hands and toys have tried, they could never make you come the way Chan does.
You stood up on your knees again and took his cock back in, before he could respond, Chan's his head fell back, fingers snaking your hair. You stroked the skin above his dick, feeling the regrowing hair and sucked him out till you couldn't breath or see as tears gushed up your eyes.
Your hot mouth was wrapped around his velvet length, your jaw began aching but you were determined to feel every last inch of him.
"Oh yeah...Oh yeah baby"
With Chan's harsh breaths and your gurgles, Chan shooted his load down your throat, coming down in a loud groan, you swallowed every drop, your mouth was still wrapped around his cock.
Slick ropes of his cum painted your face down your chin and a few strings of saliva attaching from your lip on the tip as he pulled out, it was a mess. Oxygen frantically rushed into your lungs.
You wiped your chin and placed a sweet kiss on his mushroom tip. Chan looked down at you, his eyes hardening and smirking biting his bottom lip, GOD his dimple made your heart race and core ache insanely.
"You take in my cock so gorgeously my love. Now be a good little slut and get on the bed. Let me see how wet your little pussy is"
Every ounce of sanity and self respect leaves your body when he commands and orders your around in the bedroom, when he takes full control over your mind, body and soul.
You got on the bed like he said, in a position where you were bare to him, the mattress sank as he got on, holding you between his knees and pinning your wrists above your head.
He bit your bottom lip in a hard kiss and smirking against it, Chan pulled out a silk pink ribbon from God knows where and tied your wrists together in a very tight knot, making it impossible for you to move.
"Chan," You whimpered. You didn't care where the hell he got that ribbon from.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm going to take my sweetest time with you baby"
The sound of his husky voice sent waves of arousal rush through your body as he lifted your leg, starting his way kissing from your thigh till he reached your hot dripping core. The gorgeously wet sight infront of him made Chan feel like he took a shot of heroin.
He layed a kitten kiss on your swollen nub as the scent of your arousal washed over him, Chan slowly flattened his tongue against your clit, drawing it in and sucked like a possessed man.
You frantically writhed and bucked your hips with your wrists tied above your head but Chan held you with his fingers pressed on your thighs. Your moans and whimpers were uncontrollable as he ate you out, making the phrase 'eating me alive' come to life.
"Fuck baby. You taste so good. I missed it tons"
"Cha- Chan-" You were panting out of breath. He removed his tongue from your heat after minutes of sucking, feasting and lapping away your juices. He slid his tongue again against your slit and pushed two fingers, knuckles deep in, stretching you out.
You moaned so loudly, desperately arching your back as the cold metal of his silver bracelet on his wrist touched your bare skin sending electric shivers and blood rush like a tsunami through your body.
Chan pumped his fingers in and out, sucking on your clit again and then made his way up your stomach trailing kisses and more upwards towards your breasts.
He clenched an erected tip—that were hard enough to slice crystals—between his teeth and sucked on your nipples, one after another, releasing it with an audible pop and coolly blew on the nub glistening in his saliva.
Chan met your eyes before crushing his mouth on yours hungrily with his stiff arm next to your head holding him up while the other one's fingers were diving inside you. Veins mapped his arm like lightning bolts frozen in mid-strike.
"Do you like this baby hmm? Do you feel good?" Your lungs couldn't get enough air for you to respond other than a noisy moan of his name.
"That's right. Keep moaning my name sweetheart. It's my favourite sound"
"Fuck—Chan wait, Chan—" He slid his fingers from your wet folds and before you knew, the building orgasm gushed out as you came all over his fingers with your back arching.
You squealed and moaned heavily as Chan hissed since you came before he said you could, his hand roughly smacked against your splurting cunt.
Pain was mixed with pleasure at the impact of Chan's hand on your swollen pussy, it was impossible to register on what comes first.
"I should punish you for that now shouldn't I?" He cooed but his voice was thick like gravel, another smack on your cunt.
"No please I— I'm sorry" You whimpered, tears leaking from the corners of your eyes as you tried to untangle your wrists but the knot didn't budge.
A third smack and your eyes flew open as Chan laughed sadistically at your whimpers. He chuckled and then reached to his night stand, opening his drawer and grabbing a box of condoms that were waiting for him.
He held the golden foil between his teeth before you shook your head and pulled the condom out of his teeth with your mouth since your hands were still tied above you.
"No," You said breathlessly moaning. "You can go raw,"
You wanted to feel his veiny thick cock twich and thrust inside you without feeling some rubber barrier block it.
"Are you sure you want that baby?" Chan asked arching an eyebrow, letting out a deep chuckle and brushing away the hair that was stuck onto you sweat slicked forehead. You nodded without a second thought.
"Yes, yes Chan" You said spreading you legs further, bucking your hip upwards as you began growing impatient. "I need you"
He chuckled again and didn't question your request, he'd love to fill his load in you, if possible to knock you up. But right now, he has enough kids.
Chan positioned himself between your legs and began teasing your entrance with his tip. He grazed it making you feel like he was going to enter but he didn't, your patience was getting lower and lower.
"Fuck me already Chan" You almost screamed, unable hold in your desire and needed to feel him fill you.
"So impatient. You want my cock to wreck this tight pussy that badly huh? Did you miss it that much baby?" "Yes Chan, I missed you. I missed you fucking me"
Your dirty words drove Chan out of his mind. He leaned above your head and untied the ribbon, stroking the faint red marks that appeared as the ribbon had dug into your skin.
Chan swiftly spun you around and his erection dug onto your lower back. He firmly held your hips and slowly, inch by inch he began filling you with his huge length, a long moan escaping your throat.
At his moment you realized how much you had missed him. You were so tight and clenched his cock, Chan never felt this happy to return home. He hadn't fucked you in a year and yet your pussy knew as if it had a brain of its own to whom it belonged.
To Chan.
You were so wet that he entered without much resistance, but your body had to regrow to getting used to his size, so Chan moved slow until the initial discomfort was replaced with intense pleasure.
Chan's hand palmed your breast, pinching and playing with your nipple as he began thrusting, slowly first, then faster and harder, the intensity of his pace made your knees buckle.
"Ah Chan, oh God" You eyes rolled to the back of your head, mind clouding with lust and pleasure, mouth falling half open, as he fucked you ruthlessly.
It was Intense. Mind-blowing. Obsessed.
"You like that? Do you like that baby? Hmm? Tell me"
"Yes— yes, ah" The slick sounds along with your moans and whimpers poured out like a erotic symphony, Chan felt like it was the best melody his ears ever heard.
He loved the sound of your moans more than the thousand comeback tracks he has prepared on his laptop. He could listen to you like this all day, every day.
Your mind was too fogged with an extreme intensity of lust and pleasure, all you wanted was for Chan to keep pushing further and harder, until you felt like you were crashing off a cliff.
Your walls throbbed as he continued, Chan growled fisting your hair. A tingling pressure began threatening to break free again and if you didn't let go, you felt like you'd explode.
"Chan I'm— I'm going to come"
"Not so fast baby girl" He squeezed your breast causing you to arch your back. Your hands fisted the sheets till your knuckles turned white and your inner walls pulsated at the rhythm of your heartbeat.
"Pleaseplease let me come, please" You cried and begged Chan, tears gushing out of your eyes, you were very close to breaking.
Chan loved ruining you, turning you into a pathetic moaning mess. You were the love of his life after all. But he loved it more when you reached your limit and begged him to have mercy on you.
After a few hard thrusts he hit your G-spot and before he or you could say a word, your orgasm ripped through you like category 5 hurricane followed by Chan who came right after you in a harsh groan and slowly pulled out.
A sharp cry escaped your throat as you plunged forward coming down shuddering, Chan witnessed a sticky mess of his cum seeping out of your fluttering hole mixing with your squirt, the sight sent him to the depths of insanity. Had Chan not held you, you would have collapsed on the floor.
It took you a full five minutes for your brain to process the aftermath of your comedown. You fell on the bed on your back, meeting Chan's eyes, who was watching you, holding an intensity that ignited a spark within you, radiating an intimacy that seemed to bridge the gap between your souls.
The two of you were in a complete mess. Sweat slicked and glistened on Chan's chiseled body, hair wet and tousled, catching for breaths while he looked at you with nothing but love filled in his eyes. The intoxicating scent of sweat and sex fogged the air.
Chan smiled at you, a smile that would make the brightest things in the world seem dull. Your eyes locked, leaving only the electric tension crackling between your intertwining fingers and the whispered promises hung in the air as he leaned down and took your lips in his.
Chan slowly fell next to you, his fingers rubbing your hair, the two of you settling into a comfortable silence. You pulled him closer and draping an arm and a leg over him, you'd just snuggle into his chest and listen to his heartbeat for the rest of your life if you could.
He pulled apart and brushed away a strand of hair behind your ear and placed a kiss on your forehead. No matter how much how much ecstatic sex you've had with Chan, you were a real sucker for his forehead kisses.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up sweetheart" He said as he scooped you off the bed and carried to the bathroom, where he again fingered you into another amazing orgasm and then finally ending the night.
After the shower, Chan quickly changed his sheets and gave you one of his oversized t-shirts and he changed into a comfortable pair of shorts.
His tee draped nicely over your body, it was slightly bigger than your usual baggy tees, falling up to your mid thigh. Chan's shirt felt so soft and warm, his strong cologne lingered from the fabric.
Turning off the lights, Chan and you settled in under the soft comforts, embracing each other in your arms, exhaustion and satisfaction lined on his face.
"Any plans for the coming weeks?" You asked while sliding your fingers through his hair.
"Felix will be joining us for dinner next week. My mom invited him" Chan replied smiling.
"That's nice, I hope you guys will have a good time" You smiled against the soft pillows and traced a finger across his jawline, leaning in and pressing your lips on his lips, melting into his taste.
Your chest was pressed against Chan's, the two of you cuddled and made out in silence for a while before a distant honk of a car cut it. You glanced at the window then back at him, his eyes were tired and sleepy, he was looking at you and blinking it away.
"Shh," You gently stroked your hand through his hair, slowly helping Chan drift into a good night's rest. His eyes shut as his breathing steadied and his muscles relaxed.
You smiled softly, knowing that tonight, at least, he would find some respite from his sleepless nights. You knew how Chan struggled to sleep and you would do anything to help him find the most needed rest he deserves.
Chan's arms were wrapped around your waist, as he fell into a sound sleep, you didn't move not wanting to wake him up.
Resting your head onto his chest with your arm over him, palm pressed on his back, you closed your eyes with the tranquil sound of the quiet wind outside providing a soothing lullaby.
Underneath the soft embrace of the covers, you and Chan drifted into a peaceful slumber, cocooned in the serenade of the night with the moonlight shining through the window.
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byunpum · 10 months ago
Mama's Boy | Part 6 (final)
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Pair: Jake x neytiri x human reader (trio couple) x sully children's
Warning: conflict, family problems, soft moments.
Note: You don't know how difficult it is to do something again that you already had done. I tried to make it like the previous one, but I think I'm missing some parts. Still, it's quite long. And I feel like it was lacking in the end… I wish it was the work I had already done, because that was great. Still, I hope you like this part a lot. Thank you very much for your support with this mini-series. There are many more coming!! btw I recently opened a KO-Fi…. if you want to leave any tips or support I would appreciate it (it would help me to buy real coffee xD).
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6(final)
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You had to live with the continuous rejection since you agreed to be a couple with jake and neytiri. That was something you knew was going to happen. But when it was just you, everything was cool, you never cared. You always ignored the bad comments and went on with your life as if nothing had happened. But as soon as you became lo'ak's mother, things changed. Now you were a mother, one who wanted to be accepted among the group of mothers in the clan. When it was only neytiri who had neteyam, you used to accompany her. And nobody said anything…but now it was difficult. They were always saying comments about you and lo'ak. How they didn't believe that you were his mother, or that you weren't good enough for him and your family. Somehow this started to get to you. Trying to protect lo'ak was always difficult for you, but you always managed to find a way. But now you felt you weren't…much less in your current state.
You hadn't seen your family for months, now you have the chance to be reunited with them. And it seems that since you arrived things have gone from bad to worse. Or so that woman says…ronal. You didn't want her words to affect you, but hell…they were. You felt bad for your family, for lo'ak and even for the child that was on the way. It would have been easier if you had never involved yourself with Jake, and that your children could have a normal family, that lo'ak could have a normal family. He would have been happier.
You had left Ronal's hut, you were walking slowly. You still didn't want to go home, you knew everyone already knew the news. And even you didn't know how to react. You just passed by the shore, and you noticed that in the distance you could see lo'ak. He was alone…you knew from his posture that he was sad. You carefully descend the woven paths, and jump down to the sand. To now close in on your child. -"Hey…" you speak, watching as the boy turns and smiles softly. "Hi..mom" lo'ak turns, to stretch out his hand. Helping you to sit next to him, you settle in. Pulling your knees to your chest, the night was cold for your liking. "Mom, are you feeling better? Neteyam said you are in serious condition" says lo'ak you could see the worried eyes. You stroke his arm a little, holding it now to make him come closer to you. "I'm fine…I'm just a little sick, that's all," you explain.
"mom said you were pregnant, is that true?" asks lo'ak, you look up to see him. You could notice how his little ears pinned back. - "I see the news is spreading fast around here….but yes." You touch your stomach, then look up at lo'ak. - "There's a baby here," you say, looking back out to sea. Lo'ak notices this reaction of yours, something was happening to you. You weren't his mother as usual…you looked sad.
"Aren't you happy?" asks Lo'ak. -And you? What do you think?" you ask him back. Lo'ak was silent for a moment, looking sideways. He thinks carefully about his answer. "Well… I feel jealous" says lo'ak pouting a little. This makes you chuckle a little, he looked so adorable. "Well… yes I'm happy, I just feel even bad and…nothing" you didn't want to worry lo'ak anymore. He was still so young, you didn't want him to carry your stupid traumas. He had been through so much at such a young age, and telling him your problems wouldn't help him much. -Mom… will you still love me?" lo'ak looks at you with wide eyes. - "My baby… the arrival of this baby won't change anything… sure, he'll get a little attention because he's the youngest. But you will always be my prince" you pull lo'ak to you, watching the boy. He settles down, to lay his head in your lap. Settling down in the sand. - "mama loves you so much…so so much" you speak, stroking lo'ak's hair. You look down, to see him. He was growing so fast, you still couldn't believe it.
After a while, you and Lo'ak decide to go back to the hut. When you enter you can see that everyone in the family was there, it seems that you were waiting for you. - "Hello" you greet, stepping carefully inside. While lo'ak was in the back making sure you were okay. You were still a little weak. Neytiri gets up from where she was, approaching you towards her. -"you're supposed to be with ronal" says neytiri, seeing you roll your eyes.
. -I'd rather die at home," you joke, but you see kiri and tuk's little face is one of worry. "are you going to die?!!!" tuk starts to whine. "No, no honey…it's a joke" you try to apologize to the little girl. -" No, she gave me this medicine and told me I could come back…I'm better" you speak, but you can see neytiri's and jake's face. It was one of happiness, they were waiting for you to say something about the creature that was on its way. -"Besides…I heard that you had already come with the news that I was pregnant" you cross your arms. Neytiri laughs nervously, "I'm sorry, I'm excited." You give Neytiri a smile.
You knew how exciting this news was for everyone. You had hoped to be pregnant for so many years, and it never happened. After lo'ak you wanted to have a baby two years later, but nothing. Neytiri was always there for you. As much as you, she also hoped that you would have a baby. But hopes were lost with time. Even when neytiri announced that she was expecting tuk, she felt bad for telling you the news, neytiri felt that she had betrayed you. You responded to her, telling her she was a fool, you were so happy for the arrival of little tuk. You were so happy about the arrival of the little tuk that you eventually forgot the idea of having another child. But here you are… you finally got what you were looking for. And you felt so guilty at the same time.
That night everyone had a quiet dinner, no one argued and everything was peaceful. Celebrating the news of a new member. Neteyam was teasing lo'ak, saying that he would no longer be your baby. While kiri was playing along. Meanwhile, tuk put his ear to your stomach, hoping to hear something -" I can just hear your guts mom" tuk pouts in annoyance, and you start laughing." Baby…it's still too small" jake says, he was next to you, he had you wrapped in his arms. "But I'm supposed to be able to hear him…he doesn't talk" tuk complains, she didn't know much about babies. "Don't worry…when he's born he's going to talk to you a lot" says neytiri, taking tuk on her lap. "I want it to be a girl…so she can be my best friend" tuk settles down on neytiri's chest, looking for the sleep. "Well…whatever it is, she/he is going to be your best friend, I promise" you watch as tuk smiles softly. And begins to drift off to sleep. Eventually all the children begin to go to their beds. Leaving only the adults awake.
Neytiri settled tuk in her hammock, and went over to where you and Jake were sitting. You were both outside the marui, talking. "Well…they're finally asleep," jokes Neytiri, sitting down next to Jake. "And wait till this little kid gets here…. the calm will go away" jake laughs a little, touching your stomach. But he can tell how serious you were. Jake looks at neytiri, to make sure she noticed your behavior too. You didn't used to be like that, you looked sad. Like something was wrong with you. Jake thinks you are still upset with him…but you had said that this discussion was going to end. -"Ma y/n…is something wrong?" asks Neytiri, getting up from Jake's side to sit on your right side. Bringing her whole body closer to your side. -" Yes…just, I feel a little sick" you speak. You don't want them to start asking questions.
"You're sure…because you looked fine a while ago" Jake knows something is wrong with you. You sigh loudly, taking a deep breath -" I think it would be best if I went back to camp" you begin to speak. -" Y/n…you can't go back to camp. They know who you are…they are looking for us and they can hurt you. No…you stay here with us" jake was getting a little agitated, it was too dangerous for you to go back. The situation with the RDA was quiet, but that didn't mean they wouldn't attack. Neytiri touches Jake's shoulder to calm him down. -"But why do you want to come back, don't you want to be with us?" asks Neytiri, she seemed to be calm. "Of course I want to be here…I love all this…but I feel that I am a problem for you. You guys were peaceful before I was here. Since I've been here it's been all arguments and problems. I want to go back and leave you alone" you had started to cry, you felt so silly. Here making a drama out of something so stupid.
"Why do you think that? Ma y/n you are not a problem for us, never say that" neytiri hugs you on her chest, giving you a kiss on the crown of your head. -Y/n look at me" jake takes your chin to look at him a little. " We have arguments like any other family, and that's normal. This whole situation of a new home…I know it must be hard for you. If it's hard for us, it must be twice as hard for you." Jake speaks. -" But you're not the cause of any of our problems…if we're talking about someone causing problems, it would be me. Because I bet if you two were alone, you'd be happy" that comment from Jake makes you laugh a little. Neytiri wipes the tears from your cheeks. "I know that being a sky people…and the whole acceptance thing has always made you uncomfortable and maybe it's a problem for a lot of people. But not for us, not for me. You are our family…and we will always be united," says Neytiri as she caresses your cheek.
"Let's stop crying, it's not good for you. Neither you nor our baby" Neytiri pulls down a little, and gives you a soft kiss. "See…I'm the one who's left over here" jake jokes, making you both laugh, breaking the awkward moment. You take his hand, inviting him to join you. -"By the way…why were you thinking those things?" neytiri asks. You pull away from her a little. "Ahh it was a comment ronal made…but never mind" you watch as neytiri's ears perk up and her nose wrinkles. "calm baby" jake says, looking at neytiri. You knew what neytiri thought of ronal. They had been in the metkayina clan for a while and she still couldn't tolerate that woman. But she would deal with this, neytiri wasn't going to leave it at that. ++++ The next morning, you felt a little better. Better in health and in spirits. You needed to have that talk with Neytiri and Jake. Their opinion was very important to you and setting the record straight helped you feel better. Jake and neytiri left early for a day of hunting that tonowari and ao'nung invited them to, while you stayed at the marui with lo'ak, kiri and tuk. Neytiri had gone for a 'walk', she didn't tell you exactly where she was going. But you didn't think much of it, Neytiri wasn't a troublemaker, so you stayed calm. -"Good morning mama" lo'ak just got up, sitting down next to you. You were humming, while tucking one of his braids behind his ears. "Are you hungry? Here's some fruit" you hand him his portion of fruit. The boy was snoozing, still sleepy. "Ahh my poor baby" you hug lo'ak. -"A giant ugly baby," says Kiri. The girl had been sitting next to you. Lo'ak pulls out his tongue at his sister, they were about to start arguing, when you scold them.-"Hey, it's too early for you to start with your stuff, let's eat" you say, taking Kiri's hand so that she sits next to you and starts eating. Tuk was still asleep, so you leave her alone.
"Lo'ak…after you finish eating, could you please go get some more fruit." you speak, you see lo'ak nod his head, the boy had his mouth full. "Kiri…you should go and join your brother" you can hear the girl complain, "ahhh mama!!!" kiri complains, lately she wanted to stay all day at the marui. You knew she missed spider, but it wasn't right for her to do nothing all day. "You're going to go and stretch your feet and hands and your whole body, yes?" you look at Kiri, she was grim-faced. Sometimes she looked so much like grace, you adored her. "Ok, I'll go…but I'll come back quickly. I want to be with you" kiri rolls her eyes, and keeps eating. After eating kiri and lo'ak walked out of marui, leaving the place still and quiet. You hope that this day will continue to be quiet. But you are not aware of what Neytiri was about to do.
Neytiri had a mission when she woke up that morning, and she was going to accomplish it. No one was going to talk about her partner, no one. And for Ronal to say those words to you, it hurt her very much. Neytiri knew that she was not very welcome in the clan, and the only reason they were still there. It was because they needed it and because Tonowari had accepted it. She arrives at where ronal was, the woman was on her way to her marui when she met neytiri. "hello," says ronal. And neytiri greets her, insisting that they should talk. Ronal thinks for a moment, she had already dealt with Neytiri. And she knew she was a strong woman, and that the only reason she would talk to her is because something had happened. Ronal invites Neytiri into her marui. Neytiri sits down, analyzing the whole situation around her. -"So what brings you here?" asks Ronal.
"First I'm grateful for the help towards y/n, thank you" says neytiri. Seeing how ronal lowers her head and laughs to herself. -"Yes, you're welcome, after all that's my job," says ronal.
"yesterday… when y/n came out of your marui, she told us that you had told her that it was better for her to go back to the jungle, and that we were better off without her. I'd rather you stay out of our business and save your opinions," says neytiri, and from the tone of voice it didn't sound kind. Neytiri didn't care what position Ronal had, no one was going to meddle in her business. -"I don't think I said anything that wasn't true, or am I wrong?" ronal knows how to get neytiri out of her mind. "Our life as a family is not your business," neytiri says.
"What family? The strange inter-species gathering you have, because you yourselves became a point of opinion when you accepted that demon into your family" spits ronal. Neytiri takes a deep breath, clenching her hands. "I recommend you keep quiet…" says neytiri, trying to control herself. "I thought it was a joke when they said that demon was your mate, but now it turns out you have a half-Na'vi child and another on the way, who knows how I will come." Ronal doesn't know what she is provoking. Neytiri is holding back, but it is driving her point across. "She will still be a demon, and everything that comes from her will be" those were ronal's last words, until neytiri got up from the ground. Pulling out her knife in one swift movement. Approaching ronal, she curled her up in her seat.
Placing the weapon to her neck. "Let this be the first and last time you talk about my family like that…you don't know how things happened. I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO TALK SHIT ABOUT MY MATE AND MY CHILDREN, EVER!!!" neytiri screams. The woman is furious, neytiri had been through a lot of anger with you, and it wasn't because of you. It was not because of you, but because of the people around her.
Neytiri was not a fan of humans, if she could be away from them so much the better. But she loved you, you were different for her. She saw you as a creature and not as a human. You and neytiri have known each other for years, since grace school. You know everything neytiri has been through and you have always been there for her. It was painful for her when you two had to move away from each other, it was almost like another loss for her. But since you two became a couple with Jake, her anger about the comments made to you had grown. The na'vi saying nasty things about you, no matter that your children were there. Saying that you were too extra in their family. But when neytiri was going to react to those comments, you were always there to stop her, telling her to ignore them. But yesterday, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. Neytiri had gone through so much these past few months, and when she finally felt a little happiness with the arrival of you and a new baby, this idiot comes to ruin her life. This idiot came to ruin it, she was annoyed. Why weren't you here to stop her. -"I recommend you put down that knife," says Ronal, looking into Neytiri's eyes. These were black with fury.
By coincidence or by pure luck. Kiri and lo'ak were passing by ronal and tonowari's marui. When they saw the situation forming, lo'ak and kiri immediately run to stop their mother. Lo'ak grabs neytiri from behind, pulling her off of ronal. -"Mom, what's wrong? Calm down!!!" says lo'ak, while kiri stands in front of her mother hugging her. Neytiri is a little upset, screaming to be released. But her children were holding her back, they didn't understand what was going on. -"Kiri goes and gets dad," lo'ak orders Kiri. The girl runs off as fast as she can to look for her father. While lo'ak tries to reassure her mother. -Mom calm down, why are you acting like this?" lo'ak is confused, he has never seen his mother act like this before. "Don't you dare say a damn thing about my family!!!" shouts neytiri.
In the family marui…
Jake arrived with neteyam, carrying a basket full of fish. "Love…look at all the stuff we brought, neteyam was amazing. Next time I'm going to take lo'ak with me" jake was so happy, coming up to give you a quick kiss. "mmm I see, congratulations" you kiss him back. Moving closer to neteyam, to help him. "Thank you mom," says neteyam. - "Honey…go and eat your breakfast, yes?" you say. Handing him his fruit packet, your poor boy had left very early and you know he hadn't eaten. "hey, where's neytiri and the kids?" asks jake, sitting down next to you. "Neytiri told me she was going for a walk and told the kids to go get more fruit" you say. -Perfect" says Jake getting down to give you a kiss on your shoulder. "I love you…I don't like it when you're mad at me" Jake speaks in your ear. You laugh a little, because you were still mad at him. But he knew how to play your game.-"mmm we'll see…I love you too" you look up, waiting for jake to give you a kiss. When an altered kiri runs up to marui. "DADDY I NEED YOUR HELP WITH MOM, SHE IS DISCUSSING WITH RONAL, SHE HAD HIS KNIFE ON HER NECK" kiri yells, the girl was so upset. "What?" you guys stand up quickly. Following the girl. "Neteyam, kiri stay with tuk, please" you ask that favor, and walk out behind jake.
Tonowari had arrived on the scene, trying to calm everything down. "SHE was the one who started saying all those things!!!" neytiri is defending herself. "I told the truth!!!" ronal on the other hand defending her point. While tonowari was trying to understand what happened. He had in front of him two women with a strong character. Jake approaches and you were behind him. "Mom" lo'ak walks up to you, holding your hand. "What happened?" you ask, this was crazy. Lo'ak looks at you, lifting his shoulders. Neytiri was screaming and so was ronal. And on the other side was Tonowari and jake. - "mom come on, let's go!!!" lo'ak was dragging you with him. The boy didn't want you to be there, he thought it was a dangerous situation. Little by little you move away from the group, and you decide to listen to lo'ak. And you both walk towards your marui.
You were nervous, because lo'ak didn't know what had happened, much less you. And the best thing you did was to walk away, you are getting really sick. Suddenly you see how jake and neytiri enter. - "neytiri all that…" jake starts. - "Nobody is going to be talking about my family, my children…nobody." neytiri was so upset. "What's going on?" you get up from the floor, looking at jake. - "listen to me…we will stay here until the baby is born, then we will leave" says jake. What was going on, this was a lot of information to process. But with the look Jake and Neytiri were giving you, you knew they were serious. This was a choice they had made, and they had no intention of changing it.
When the dust settled, Jake explained everything. This agreement he made with Tonowari. After all the discussion was calmed down and explained. Tonowari knew that Ronal could be cruel when he spoke and didn't mean what he said. So he didn't blame neytiri too much for reacting that way, but he also had to defend his partner. Jake couldn't believe what that woman said about his partner and son. This was the limit, he was grateful for everything they had done, but everything had a limit and Ronal had passed it. So it was decided that when you gave birth, they would go somewhere else. Tonowari insisted that they stay, but jake refused. -"But we could leave now," you say. -"I think it's best to wait for the baby to be born, and for you to be healthy. Then we'll go" Jake looks at Neytiri. She was the one who had the idea, she couldn't stand to be around that woman anymore. -"It's for the best!" says Neytiri.
That same night, jake approached lo'ak. The boy had done a great job, defending his mothers. Jake was proud of how he had acted. Lo'ak was cleaning some fish, as Jake had told him earlier. Jake went over and started to help him. "You know… I'm proud of you. You were very brave out there, thank you for helping" says jake, noticing how lo'ak's little eyes widen with excitement. Lo'ak thinks it's the first time his father has ever told him he was proud of him. After the encounter with the RDA, things between them had mended somewhat, but not for long. And seeing that his father was now trying to get closer to him was pleasing to him. "That's what you should do, sir," says lo'ak, lowering his head. "dad…you can call me dad" jake smiles at lo'ak. " dad" lo'ak speaks, leaning closer to his father.
Neytiri and you were watching everything from afar, both of you shared a few glances. You were happy, that finally their relationship was at a good point.
8 months later…
Your pregnancy went normally, no problems had occurred. Although the atmosphere was a little heavy, nothing happened. You always had someone by your side, and there was always lo'ak behind you. Since that accident, lo'ak never left you alone at any time. And you were also grateful for the company of your child, the pregnancy had been very tiring for you. After long months, liuk was born… a beautiful baby girl. A girl with human appearance, but with na'vi characteristics. Na'vi ears, with a tail and her distinguished Queue. She was also of human size, she was very strange. But precious and unique at the same time. Everyone in the family could not believe what they were seeing, this was very strange.
"Mom…no wonder your belly was so small" says neteyam, looking at her newborn sister. Compared to when you were pregnant with lo'ak your belly was bigger than normal, but with liuk…everything went like a normal pregnancy. -"Yes" your voice sounded tired, the delivery was quite fast, but painful. Neytiri at your side, taking care of you. She had attended your entire delivery, along with Jake. She said she didn't want Ronal's help, she wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. On the other hand Jake looked worried, you looked very weak. In a week they were supposed to leave for somewhere else, but on second thought, he doesn't think it's right. He thinks it's not the right thing to do.
Lo'ak was sitting on your right side, holding your hand. Drawing circles on your palm, while his sisters watched and carried the baby. He hadn't been holding her, he was worried about you. It had been a couple of hours, and you still felt very tired. "lo'ak…love why don't you say hello to your little sister" you look at him, laughing a little. You knew he was nervous, telling kiri to hand the baby over to lo'ak. He holds her carefully, - "she is…very small" says lo'ak. You laugh, you were watching your baby holding your new baby. You wanted to die of tenderness. Lo'ak touched the baby's nose, and then her tiny feet. His baby sister was so tiny and adorable. -"She looks just like when lo'ak was a baby, doesn't she," said Jake, moving closer to lo'ak to take a closer look at his daughter. "Yes… they look just like each other," says Neytiri. Jake takes the baby in his arms, to put her on his chest. He was afraid… very afraid to leave.
Leaving this clan was dangerous, very dangerous. And now he felt much more afraid… they had a new member in the family. And one who was very weak, you had to hide and not expose yourselves in this way. He knows what had happened, but you could all come to an agreement. Jake had to talk to you and Neytiri about it. They had a safe home, their children had already adapted and they had a newborn. They had to stay. That same afternoon, without wasting any time, Jake decided to talk to Neytiri and set the record straight. He made her understand that the best thing to do was to stay in the clan. Neytiri did not take this well, she wanted to leave. But she also understood Jake's point, things could get worse. Neytiri apologized to Ronal, and the woman apologized to her. Tonowari and Jake argued and left everything in a good state. After all, nothing had happened between the families, just that misunderstanding. Although neytiri prefers ronal to stay away from her family.
After three months, life seemed to be calmer. Things seemed to be back to normal. There were no arguments and everything was harmonious. You were on the beach, with lo'ak. You were still healing, but you were feeling better. Meanwhile lo'ak was holding his baby sister on his chest in a kangaroo that you and neytiri had made. The baby had grown a little, but still looked human-sized. You had talked to Norm, who told you that in a couple of days he would see the baby. Everything about her was impressive. -"Mom…I think she's heavier," says lo'ak, stroking his baby sister's head. "mmm I think a little…but that much" you were looking for some snails to make something nice for the baby. - "mom look at that over there" lo'ak points to the sand, watching you reach for it. Without noticing ronal's presence.
The woman had approached you, silently. She felt like she owed you an apology. After talking to jake and neytiri. And even with Tonowari…she owes you an apology. It was very wrong of her to say those things about you and your children. She had not taken the task of knowing you, and she only judged you. – “Hello,” she says slowly, seeing how you look at her with surprise. It had been a long time since she last approached you. –“Hello” you speak embarrassed. Lo'ak holds her sister tightly against her chest, protecting her from her. If something happened, he was ready to defend her. –“I come here to apologize…I know that how I have expressed myself towards you, it is not the best way. I hope you forgive me” she says ronal, she still sounded a little smug. But you decide to accept her apology, you wanted to keep the atmosphere as it was at the moment. –“don't worry…everything is fine” you say. You felt so uncomfortable right now.
“Well…take this” Ronal hands you some kind of drink. She looks at you with concern and then you look at her. –“don't worry…it's nothing bad. It will help you heal faster, the recently given birth women of the clan use it” Ronal laughs a little. You accept her gift, and thank her. Ronal says goodbye and continues on his way. Out of nowhere you feel someone take the drink from your hand. “Mom, don't take that…it could be poison,” Lo'ak says, pouting. Caused you to laugh a little. You take a moment to look at the little people in front of you. They were amazing and you had created them. “I love you so much” you touch Lo'ak's face, he laughs a little at you. And he looks at his little sister again. You knew that your children's lives were not going to be easy, but they would always count on your help.
p.s omg, why do I have so much trouble finishing this series, ahh I feel like something is missing!!! ahhhhhh cries in a corner
Tag: @baybaybear1@hoodiepandaninja16@teyyyteyyy@anika-rose-walker@victoria2054@raviolisblog@jessi-dan@neteyams-wh0re@jimfiqs@bitchykittenconnoisseur@chershire23@holynightnacho@danilezilla@thepotatoislost @esposadomd @ratchetprime211 @juneonhoth @rulerzreachf4n44 @mimimroawwww @l3laze @myheartfollower
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unhakzlvr · 3 months ago
── 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐏𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 | han taesan
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SYNOPSIS: You hate Taesan. You hate his stupid hair, his stupid laugh, his stupid band, and his stupid attitude. Of course you didn't always think this way, when he first approached you to help him advertise his band you were more than happy to help out considering the fact that you harboured a massive crush on him, and you thought feelings were reciprocated on his end too. But following a misunderstanding you now find yourself having to spend 2 months together working on promoting his new band all whilst fighting the urge to strangle him. But as summer goes on you realise, maybe you do have a soft spot for taesan.
PAIRINGS: band leader!taesan x photographer!female reader GENRE: smau + written e2l miscommunication trope WARNINGS: eji from ichillin as YN face claim, cursing, kys/kms jokes, future warnings will be added on in each chapter!
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profiles : DA BIG 6 | rawr xd club
CHAPTERS | titles are subject to change #01 ── in this band shit for life #02 ── #needthat #03 ── don’t fumble challenge go! #04 ── oopsie 🌼 #05 ── ijbol moment #06 ── dniym??? #07 ── freak my stupid baka life . . . tba
taglist ── open ! send an ask or comment to be added ^^
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networks- @onedoornet
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word from wam 🗯️ errr first smau lolsies, ik i have barely any followers here but this is for mainly for me bc i have had this idea rotting in my mind for decades ijbol. also the header is ugly but its my first time using photoshop pls let a girl live....
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wood-white-writer · 1 year ago
"Didn't mean to make your heart Blue" || [6/...]
— OPLA!Buggy x F!Reader
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“On sunny days I go out walking, I end up on a tree-lined street. I look up at the gaps of sunlight. I miss you more than anything."
— Mitski, "Francis Forever"
Pairing: Buggy the Clown (Live action) x F!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 7
Summary: You were an apprentice of Gol D. Roger’s crew in your youth, long before his eventual demise. Along with the Red-Haired Shanks and Buggy, you were a formidable trio; the embodiment of a new generation of pirates yet to come. But times changed, and so did you and your friends.  The crew arrives at the Baratie, and several things go down in a matter of hours. Decisions are made, both stupid and not so stupid. Old and new faces come back into your life, and unable to deal with the events in Orange Town, you handle it in the worst best way possible: through the bottle.
Warnings: Canon typical violence, fem!reader, LA!Verse, slight canon divergence, alcoholic indulgence on a catastrophic scale (drink responsibly ppl), blackouts, morally grey reader, violence, mentions of everyone (marine, fish people, pirates, etc.) having a past beef with Reader/"Cross-Hairs", Buggy POV in the end,
A/N: So, since this chapter was delayed, I think it compensates due to the fact that it is approximately 7k words long. The chapter jumps a little between the events of the Baratie, but there's a reason for that: the reason being that the Reader is shitfaced for most of the time during this chapter. Also, shout out to @ay0nha for putting up with my rambles during this period, really appreciate it XD
It hurts. Everything hurts. That’s the first thing he feels. 
His feet, his back, his torso, but especially his head. It’s like a hamster is running on a wheel inside the bones in his skull, squeaking, chirping, driving him insane from the inside. 
The wheel is pounding, and pounding until all he wants is to chuck that fucking hamster into–
“Hey, he’s waking up!”
Shanks? Why is he in his head? Fuck, he takes it back. The hamster can stay, rent-free, for as long as it fucking wants to, as long as it isn’t fucking Shanks—
On second thoughts, that voice doesn’t strike any sense of irritation with him. In fact, he finds it comforting, like the morning sun shining atop the ship deck. He doesn’t mind listening to that.
His eyes open, and he thinks he's seeing the sun for the first time. The sun and the moon, in fact, at the same time. Golden, blinding, warm, and cold, but he wants to watch them until his vision turns white and all sense of sight abandons him. 
It’ll suck to be blind, but damn, what a hell of a way to go.
The more he stares, however, the more everything else falls back into place. He realizes it’s not suns he’s staring at, but two sharp eyes and a concerned face that makes him feel just as warm.
He’s in a bed, he finally discovers. There’s a pillow under his head, a fresh sheet up until his midsection which strangely smells of vinegar, inside a room he just now remembers is the Oro Jackson’s de-facto ‘infirmary’ which really is just an old storage space that was refurnished when they first got the ship.
There’s something wrapped around his head, tight but not too tight that it’s squeezing. It’s been done by precise and sturdy hands; a professional, someone who knows what they’re doing.
He blinks once, then twice, and everything around him finally settles. Including everyone perched around the bed.
“Ah, Buggy, my lad!” It’s hard not to recognize the booming voice of his captain, who proceeds to lean over him with his hands pressed around his biceps until the massive mustache trickles his chin. “Thought you were a goner for a moment!”
He kind of wishes he was one because the strength of Gol D. Roger is not to be underestimated. His ribs squeeze and it's hard to breathe, but out of respect for his captain, all that leaves his throat is a guttural groan that he hopes conveys the message clearly enough.
Gol D. promptly removes himself from his poor apprentice with his hands raised, and when he steps back, Shanks takes his place next to the bed. “Gods, Buggy! What were you thinking? You could’ve been killed! Rayleigh said you were lucky it was just a concussion!”
That’s when it dawns on him. Riiight, there was a scuttle. Some asshole pirates trying to ambush them, they picked the wrong fucking targets. Some … guy was flying over him? Did that happen, or was it just a fever dream?
He remembers kicking someone in the balls, and then … and then …
Lightning. Making its way for him as the darkness embraced his vision. A line of gold, straight as a sword, narrowing in on him.
Did it catch him before the darkness did? 
He hopes so.
“Lay off me, will ‘ya!” he shouts at his friend, trying to get up. However, the fucking hamster wheel in his head keeps spinning until he settles back down against the pillow. “I was doing good!”
“Yeah, until you weren’t!” Shanks disputes and grabs his fellow apprentice by the collar of his sleeve. “I told you to fucking move, but it’s like you spaced out! She had to carry you all the way back here with your head all bleeding!”
Carry him?
He glances at you, finally. You’re sitting there, hunched slightly over the bed with those eyes looking at him, and he’s thinking you fucking carried him? It’s not that he’s ashamed, not at all, but if anything, he was always hoping the roles were switched. 
He’d be the one carrying you. With your strength, he imagined it would be quite the weight to uphold, but he would do it. For you, he would move the seas if he could, Devil Fruit or not.
“Buggy, are you alright?” 
You’re the one talking this time. Not the captain, nor Shanks, just you. The lighting is here, and he feels his skin prick. It’s electric. Cold. Warm. All and nothing combined. He could listen to it – feel it – for hours, days, maybe even years without ever growing weary of it.
He puts on his best brave face and scoffs, forcing his arms to cross themselves despite the surge of aches that rush through his body doing so. “Of course I’m alright! I’m Buggy! I bounce back, always!”
“Still,” your hands fall on top of his, and he feels his body freeze. “I was worried.”
“’Worried’?” Shanks cackles and gestures to you with his thumb over his shoulder. “You should’ve seen the damage she left behind. The entire place was smithereens, I tell you, Buggy! She knocked over those assholes like frickin’ chessboard pieces!”
“What did I always tell you?” Gol D. slams a hand on top of your shoulder, knocking you slightly forward. “She’s got eyes sharp enough to cut through steel, and pirates too, apparently.”
You laugh awkwardly. “I didn’t cut through them, really. I just … knocked them a little over.”
Shanks cackles. “Don’t be humble. You should’ve seen the guy who knocked you out. I swear, none of his bones were where they were supposed to be. He won’t be walking, or doing much of anything, ever again.”
Buggy can imagine it, but also not. He looks at you now, and he sees his concerned friend with those kind eyes that contain both the sun and the moon. He’s always known you’re strong – the strongest person he knows of save for his captain, but not unkind. Not cruel. Not sadistic.
Yet, if what Shanks just said carries any weight, it confirms what he’s always known. 
You’re a beast, and beasts only follow their prime instincts. They don’t allow others to harm what or who they consider theirs.
And it means that you consider him yours. 
Maybe in a different way than he’d prefer, maybe in a way that’s different from the kind he harbors towards you, but it still confirms he’s yours. 
He will never want to find himself on the opposite side of that. Of you. Never you.
When he looks at you again, looks down at where your hand is pressed on top of his, he takes it in his own. 
“I’m fine,” he finally says, his lip tugging in what is supposed to be a smile. “Remind me not to get on your bad side, though.”
You chuckle softly, and he smiles. Fuck, how can he not? He remembers it all so clearly. The way your dimples are shaped, the length of your hair, the soft tint of your lips.
“You? Never.” You finally say. “Never you”
You reflect on how it's weird that some things change whereas others don't. 
Flowers prosper and bloom and die. The sun ascends, stays up for a few hours, then descends back into the horizon. 
Friendships grow strong, stay strong, then they aren't.
Some things change, some don't. 
Baratie being among the latter.
It's bright enough inside to momentarily blind you, just like it was a little over ten years ago. Save for new faces with the employees and some design choices, the overall place has stayed the same. 
There are people there of prestigious backgrounds - both pirate and not - and you think of how receptive the restaurant must've been to make both parts come together without any regular scuttles. 
A neutral ground for all to come and enjoy the feast. Well, that is the principle, but not everyone abides by it.
It’s been a while since you last visited the establishment, and last time, you were banned for life. 
Frankly, you don’t recall much of the events; too drunk on rum at the time.
What you do remember is that it involved a few broken bottles of Baratie’s finest wine, some mashed-up furniture, and cutlery, a rival captain who wouldn’t take a “fucking get lost” for a “no”, and it ended with you standing surrounded by a bunch of broken bodies of your own making.
Needless to say, Zeff was pissed. 
More than pissed, actually. He was fuming.
He probably still is.He has a thing for grudges if he’s still alive.
Maybe … Just maybe the old man’s chewed off something more than his leg and kicked the bucket? That’d be a sight to see considering he only has one remaining foot.
"My name is Sanji. What can I get for you?"
The waiter - Sanji - is fine, not going to lie. A good fighter, too, if his little display seconds ago is a testament to that. A bit too young for your preference, with a nose too small, and hair too bright and blonde. Not quite blue colorful enough.
All in all, not a bad look at all. Just for the aesthetics, though. A solid 7/10, you conclude.
"One of everything, please!" Luffy requests enthusiastically.
For whatever reason, Sanji does not seem to share your general affinity for the restaurant. That’s odd. Most people who work here tend to boast about their occupation in the famed restaurant.
Though, if you have to make a guess, Zeff is likely a contributing factor behind that disdain. He’s tough on people, even tougher if he likes someone.
As discontented as Sanji seems, however, it does not keep him from trying to withhold his flirtatious demeanor with Nami. A Casanova, it looks like. Funny.
"Waiter, can I get a beer and something for my friends?" Zoro asks, fed up with the one-sided dalliance going on between your shipmate and the waiter.
"Two beers!” Usopp promptly adds. “though, I usually have three."
"And one milk!" Luffy chimes in.
"Three beers and a milk," Sanji notes. His eyes land on you, and that signature smile falls to his lips. "And for the ladies?"
You’re already here, you think to yourself. Why not make the most of it? For nostalgia’s sake.
"A bottle of Baratie's Finest," you request, your chin resting in your palm. "Not the kind you keep for customers, though. Pick one from Zeff's private stash, if you can afford to smuggle it past his bushy nose?"
"A classy beverage for a classy lady, I see." A mischievous glimmer shines in his eyes and smile. "Although that stash is off-limits, what kind of a man would I be if I refused a lady her desired beverage?”
You tilt your head a fraction to the side. "I'm sure he won't mind. At his age, he needs to watch his liver."
"That is true,"
Quite frankly, everything else evades your attention the second the waiter arrives with your order. Sanji brings you your meals, and your pricey bottle of Baratie's Finest, and it’s the Red Apple edition.
You eat, and eat, and drink, and then drink some more, not even stopping to concern yourself with the price tag. 
The food at the Baratie's has not been in decline when it comes to quality above all else. It's delicious, and not a lot of places have earned that kind of claim in your life.
The food is good, but the drinks are ethereal. 
One glass turns into two, and two promptly becomes three. So forth, and so forth. Anything to dull the tightness lodged in your chest. 
A tightness that has not left you alone in the past couple of weeks.
You've developed a pretty good tolerance over the years, and after several more units, you begin to feel the tickle on the edge of your hands. Baratie’s Finest indeed.
After five, the feeling settles on the tip of your spine.
After seven, you start to wonder what went wrong. It's a dangerous area to indulge in, especially if liquor is involved, but you don’t stop.
What went wrong?
What did you do wrong?
In another life, you would've traveled the world with them, doing nothing but drinking, fighting, exploring together.
Instead, you’re here, drinking with a crew yet still feeling like the loneliest asshole in the world. It’s not your crew.
You lose a smidgen of focus, and in the grand specter of things, focus is something you could do well with less off. 
You can afford to think less, feel less, and know less. Life has been full of ups and downs, and quite frankly, you've grown weary of it all.
Fuck, maybe Luffy’s onto something? Maybe you are sad?
… Nah.
Once Zoro orders another beer, you go as far as to share your bottle with him. His face scrunches at the taste and he coughs several times, but he admits that it’s good.
As you sit there on the edge of the couch, sipping your beverage and tasting your food, Sanji arrives to collect the bill. You know Luffy doesn’t have a berry to his name yet, and so you wonder how long it'll take before Zeff notices.
More specifically, how long it’ll take him before he realizes he's missing something from his private collection?
“Who the hell is Monkey D. Luffy?!”
Speak of the Chief… and he shall appear.
This time, you do not interfere when Luffy attempts to bargain for his lack of cash. You simply sit back and observe. 
As much as Luffy tries, he does not have the words or mind suited for this kind of business yet. It’s Capitalism at its finest. 
“You eat, you pay!”
Thoughts and dreams can only get you so far in life, but at the Baratie, it’s coin.
When Zeff grabs Luffy by the front of his shirt, the chief's eyes turn to you, and holy hell, is he furious. 
“And what in the blazing hell are you doing here?!"
“Zeff,” You greet him and raise your beverage his way, a tilted smirk on your face. "It’s been too long."
"Not long enough! I thought I told you to get fucking lost last time? The damages you did cost a fortune!"
“In my defense, it was the other guys that started it.”
He gives you such a dirty look that his jaws clench. “Don’t give a shit. Why are you here?”
You twirl the bottle around in your hand. "Just enjoying the ambiance, as always. I was in the area, and so how could I pass up the chance to try your scrumptious meals again? Or drinks, for that matter?" 
On cue, you raise your - or rather his - bottle closer up to him. 
It’s stupid, the rational part of your brain argues. One does not fuck around with the Chief of the Baratie, but among the few joys you have left in life, this remains one of them.
His eyes narrow in on the bottle and there he is.In the blink of an eye, he snaps it out of your hand with such fast precision that you're almost caught off-guard. 
Zeff narrows in on the mostly empty flask like it's personally insulted him and his entire lineage. “Where did you get this?"
"It was on the menu."
"It sure as shit was not! How could you—" He freezes like a thought suddenly dawned on him, and if a man can become purple from anything other than oxygen deprivation, Zeff's current mood is the closest thing to it. "Sanji. Why that snot-nosed, little—! ... When I get my damn hands on him."
It seems that whatever vendetta Zeff has towards his employee, it outweighs the one he has for you tenfold, which says something. Without another word, he yanks Luffy by the scruff and all but drags him with him to the kitchen. 
Ordinarily, you would’ve intervened on behalf of your captain, but with Zeff now preoccupied, it’s your chance to rob the bar of a few more beverages.
And in your dictionary, “a few” is the equivalent of “a shitton”.
"Wow," Usopp murmurs with a low whistle. "That guy really hates your guts."
"What are you talking about? I’m his favorite customer." You raise what remains in your glass to them. “Anyone want another one?”
"I do," Nami relents.
Zoro laughs, probably for the first time since you’ve met him. "Now you're talking."
Maybe, just maybe, you’re beginning to like these people. 
With a couple more drinks, maybe you’ll be able to tell.
“You know, I kind— I kinda assumed you were an asshole when we first met?” 
Usopp’s struggling to stand on his feet, legs bent slightly forward as he makes a half-assed attempt at ordering another drink. You can’t tell if the bartender is electively ignoring him or not, and truth be told, you don't blame the guy if the former applies.
Between the two of you, you’re more adept when it comes to dealing with liquor. Sure, your lips are a little looser now and the bright lights are starting to hurt your eyes, but all in all, you’re not even half as drunk as you want to be. 
Seriously, fuck me sometimes. You just had to go all out when you were younger. Days and nights spent pouring bottle after bottle left your liver hardened rather than weakened.
Now, because of the high tolerance you stupidly developed, it's come here to bite you in the ass and keep you from getting wrecked. 
“Oh?” Your sarcasm couldn't be any more discernible than it is now as you eye your crew mate. “What made you reach that conclusion?”
Usopp twirls around, horribly off-balanced, and slaps a hand over your shoulder. 
A little too personal for your liking, but you let it slide for now.
“I mean, for starters, you—,” he hiccups. “You always have that look about you. Like someone just pissed in your ale.”
You give him an unimpressed but vaguely piqued once-over. “Descriptive. Go on,”
“And soso— And so I and the guys are wondering if you’re like that because some clown broke your heart or—,” he hiccups again. “Or some— something? Did he piss in your ale?”
You shrug his hand off at once. You don’t want to think about him, now least of all. "No.”
Not even a second later, his arm his back over your shoulder and he leans closer. It's probably meant as a comforting gesture, but given how absolutely wasted he looks, you perceive it with a grain of salt. 
"Y-You can tell the great Capt— I mean, the Great Usopp, alright? We've all been there before, I—I'm ssssure. I mean, Zoro doesn't strike me as much of a ladies' man, but he's probably got stories, too."
The bartender finally stops by and leaves a beer bottle in front of you on the table, completely ignoring your companion, and disappears to make his next rounds.
You take the flask and flick the cork off with your thumb. "Well, if you really want to help, —" 
You turn around so that your back hits the bar counter, twirl Ussop around with the guidance of your hand and shove him lightly towards where Nami and Zoro are sitting. "— Talk to the others first about their heartbreaks."
If he wants to object, he's too drunk to for it. Instead, he recollects his limited stance and all but wobbles over to the corner where your other companions are seated.
He’s their problem now, but it’ll be an interesting display.
You recline against the bar counter to chug your beverage in peace when a voice suddenly speaks up from next to you. 
“I thought you were retired.”
With how loud the music is, it might have slipped your notice completely. Then again, the owner of said voice has always had that thing about him. 
He could whisper, and the entire room would’ve heard.
You glance up at your side, and you’re halfway tempted to smile when you see who it is. 
“It’s been a while, Hawk-Eyes.”
Everything from the feather on his hat to the cross around his neck and the pointy way his beard is trimmed has stayed the same. Not a scar, a bruise, or blemish to spot on him.
In ten years, he looks to have aged only one. Some people are fortunate in terms of youth, and you would definitely consider Dracule Mihawk one of them.
“Cross-Hairs.” He inclines his head to you, a silent courtesy reserved only for those whose company he tolerates. “I believed you abandoned your life behind the mast years ago.”
You take another generous gulp from your bottle before you respond. "So did I, but life finds a way, doesn't it?"
"Indeed." He peeks over his shoulder to where your companions are seated, his countenance less than impressed. Then again, that's just his face by default, so hard to tell with him. "And last we met, you were a Captain."
"Last time we met, you almost cut my right arm off." For emphasis, you pull back your sleeve to show off the straight scar that separates your upper arm from the rest. It's faded, old, and never noticeable unless you decide to wear anything short-sleeved, but it's there all the same.
He doesn't apologize. Of course, he wouldn't. Instead, he raises his sparse glass of wine to you. "Nothing personal."
You raise your bottle to him in turn. "Of course not,"
You drink your respective beverages in companionable silence. However, even with your halfway inebriated state of mind, you can't help but think of the reasons for his presence. 
You have your suspicions, and you're not shy about voicing them.
"This isn't your usual scenery." You say. “What makes one of the great Warlords of the Sea seek out a place such as this? Business or pleasure?"
"Business," he answers curtly, as though he'd prefer to do anything but. "I'm looking for a captain."
“It’s not Shanks, I take it?”
“No, it’s not. It’s a captain by the name of Luffy.”
It doesn't surprise you. It should, but it doesn’t.
The lengths the vice-admiral is willing to go to retrieve his grandson, which apparently includes hiring a Warlord to do so, doesn’t surprise you in the slightest. Unbreakable willpower is a family trait, after all, if you've learned anything from Luffy. 
It wouldn’t suffice with a gun; he had to send the entire fucking arsenal.
Still, at least it’s Mihawk of all people. It shouldn’t be a source of relief, but had it been anyone else, be it Kuro or Axe-hand or Bu-... 
Your fingers subconsciously dig into the fragile, empty bottle you’re holding.
The point is, had it been anyone else, you would've intervened. You have intervened, several times by now, but not tonight. 
Tonight, you're here to drink and forget, then drink some more. You don’t have the sobriety to worry about much of anything anymore.
"Garp must truly be at his wit's end if he employs you for his endeavors." Once you retrieve the bottle at your disposal, you pluck off the cap and swirl it lazily in your hand. The lights from the bar dance around the transparently brown rim, like a shooting star with no exit and no entrance to the rest of the universe. Forever stuck. "Seems excessive to send you of all people after something so seemingly simple."
"From what I've heard, this particular quarry is something of a wildcard."
"If you’re here, I’m sure of it."
Mihawk tilts his chin up, eyeing you curiously in your peripheral vision. "Are you saying that you're acquainted with this Luffy?"
"I'm saying no such thing. It's just mere speculations on my part." Another fistful of alcohol travels down your esophagus. "You're only employed when it's truly serious, and the vice-admiral is known for only getting involved in those kinds of matters. It adds up, is all I’m saying."
“I hardly consider it dire. It's more a means of killing some time on my part." He does not take his eyes off of you, and even in your current state, you can tell that something is brewing beneath those sharp eyes. "However, if said captain has you in his arsenal, then I feel like some investigation is warranted. After all, the Captain of the Cross-Haired pirates is not particularly known for her tendency to submit to others."
You quirk an eyebrow at him and circle your finger around the bottle rim, pondering on the subject yet not biting at the metaphorical carrot he dangles in front of you. "Technically, it’s just like you said: I'm retired, and the Cross-Haired pirates are no more. I’d think most people are aware of that.”
"The Marines believe otherwise,” he counters calmly. “The Cross-haired pirates may be disbanded, but their captain’s bounty remains on the posters. The vice-admiral was quite adamant that, while he wants the boy alive, he’d prefer it if you weren’t."
“I see.” The vice-admiral should learn to take a fucking number. “Tell me, have you elected a means of execution, or is it the dealer's choice?"
"I recall he mentioned something along the lines of wanting your head on a spike."
"I agree."
"Then," you raise your glass. "Am I to have my last drink here tonight?"
He shakes his head. "No, I'm here for the boy and nothing else."
You'd expect him to be forward with his line of questions; demand you just give Luffy up and be done with it, not side-stepping the subject like he's doing now. 
If he suspects something, he'll sniff it out like a bloodhound until he gets what he's searching for, regardless of how many cards or people fall around him. You’ve not exactly been subtle about your affiliations with his quarry, something you’ll berate yourself for come morning, but it all depends on how this plays out now.
"I won’t give you the answer you seek. You’ll have to do that on your own.”
You're not friends, but you're not necessarily foes either. 
For as long as you’ve known the swordsman, Mihawk's only ever had a beef with Shanks for reasons undisclosed even to you. Even after you parted ways with your red-haired crew mate, Mihawk never seemed to have anything personal against you despite the rather brutal nature of your previous encounter. 
If anything, there's a certain level of respect veiled between you, one former pirate to another semi-former one, and it’s something you hope he'll honor just this once.
To your relief, he decides to not push the matter, but the interest lingers in his eyes. 
It's not easy to notice, but you make it a habit to take note of limited details. "The boy must be something special to have earned your loyalty like this, Cross-Hairs." 
"I suppose you'll have to find out for yourself." 
"Perhaps so," he concedes.
You chug the rest of your drink in one go, put the empty bottle on the tabletop in the space between you, and push yourself off the counter. "For what it's worth, I wish you good fortune with your endeavor. However, I’ll warn you; if anything happens to the kid, I'll get involved.”
“Duly noted.” Once again, he dips his head to you. "And Cross-Hairs,"
You glance at him from over your shoulder, but his gaze is fixated on something else this time. Something on the other side of the bar, to the borders of the waters. If he sees anything, you can't tell what it is, and he doesn’t share. 
Not explicitly.
"There is unrest brewing in the seas," he finally reveals, casually as if he's discussing the current state of the weather. "I'd suggest you keep your feet dry for now, at your convenience."
You don't know what he speaks of, but whatever it is, you'll follow. He is not a man who prides himself on his capacity to proclaim falsehood. If he tells you that the sun is green, you'll believe it, and you make it a habit not to believe in a lot of people.
That applies to this warning too.
"I'll see you around, Hawk-Eyes."
You need another drink.
You slip in and out of consciousness a couple of times throughout the night, never coming to the same places twice, with a belly full of rum, beer, and whatever else with enough alcoholic percentage to knock out a horse. 
At one point, you're in the restaurant munching on some bread rolls.
At another, you're puking your guts out in the bathroom stalls. 
At the third, you're chugging even more liquor straight out of the bottle while a bunch of people cheer you on.
The circle goes on and on and on until it spins out of control like a zoetrope. Faces flash in front of you, one after the other, never the same two times in a row. 
It's alright, you tell yourself, as long as you forget.
You forget about blue eyes, blue hair, and red noses. 
You forget about Gol D. Roger and the time you spent on his crew.
You forget it all, if only for a few hours.
Next time you come to, you're still miraculously standing on your feet. You’re currently in the kitchen on the Merry, and currently listening to Nami telling a ridiculous story about how Zoro challenged Dracule Mihawk to a duel.
What a funny story.
In fact, it’s so funny and so outlandish that you can't help but snort. Since when has Nami been the kind of person to tell jokes?
Maybe Usopp's tendencies have rubbed off on the standoffish young woman, or maybe she's smoked something along with her drinks? 
Fuck, you have to ask her where she got the stuff.
It takes a few moments of awkward silence until you realize that no one is joking, Nami least of all. The room is still, and as if all alcoholic content has left your blood, it dawns on you last of all.
Oh hell no.
You slowly turn to Zoro with a deadpan look in your eyes, and despite the urgency, you ask him as calmly as you can, "You challenged Dracule Mihawk to a duel?"
He bobs his head and continues polishing his swords. "Which he accepted,"
You blink, and blink, hoping that this is just a fragment your beer-and-bottle-drenched brain has conjured to fuck with you, but Zoro remains where he is and so is everyone and everything else.
You thought he was one of the smart ones, too. His sense of navigation doesn't work for shit and if anyone can get lost on their way to the lavatory, it's him. Still, you withheld some semblance of hope that he would exhibit the same kind of recklessness as his captain.
Turns out, it has all been for naught.
You rub your temples hard enough to sting. With a nasty headache developing, you decide to pop the question. "Cremation or burial at sea?"
"... What?"
"Pick one or the other, I'll see to it that arrangements can be made."
"I'm not going to die.”
"You are a fly to him." Nami grimaces. "Something to be swatted and forgotten,"
"Not if I win." Zoro is steadfast and determined, like every new pirate on their first voyage.
It’s a look you remember well. In a way, the young swordsman kind of reminds you of Mihawk himself, and if there's one thing you can link to both, it's that annoying stubbornness that never yields. Even when the odds are against them.
"You're not going to win," Nami tries.
Zoro remains infuriatingly unconvinced. "You don't know that."
"You won't." This situation, to your chagrin, sobers you up enough that you can't blame the liquor on your next actions or words. 
You take a step towards him, and with an iron fist, grab him by the front of his shirt and force him to face you. He's unamused. “I think I liked you better when you were drunk,” he murmurs.
"I want you to get this, really get this.” You snarl. “Once you go against Mihawk, and there's no coming back for most. He's not known as the World's Greatest Swordsman for no reason, and as good as you are, take it from me. He'll end you."
He inclines his head to the side with deep-rooted skepticism. "Sounds like you really know the guy,"
"It doesn't matter whether I know him or not." 
"Everywhere we go, we make enemies, and for some reason, they've already got a grudge against you, Captain Cross-Hairs." 
With one hand clenched against your offending wrist, he starts to list off his other hand. "Since you know just about every asshole we come across, you might as well tell me about Mihawk's preferred method of execution. Will he chop me in half, or is he excessive like the damn clown and goes all the way with splitting someone into pieces?"
You feel your nails begin to pierce through the fabric of his shirt, inches away from leaving open gaps. You're not their guardian or their mentor. You're not the one supposed to keep the crew at ease or lead them towards certain victories. 
That's the captain's role, and you're not it. Not on this ship, with this crew.
Your only purpose here is to keep them from killing themselves on their first voyage, but if they're so determined to do it themselves despite the warnings you provide, then it's not on you.
Pulling him a few inches closer to you, you look him straight in the eyes, and that's when you see it. The aforementioned stubbornness that follows each and every young pirate you've come across in your life. The notion that they're invulnerable; unkillable. 
Nothing can hope to end them.
You remember what it was like, that feeling, and it almost breaks you to see it in front of you like this. 
You know aggression won’t do it for him, so you try an approach you haven’t tried in years. Bargaining. 
“What will it take for you to pull back from this?”
“He’s coming for Luffy. I’m his first mate, it’s my duty to protect the captain.”
To protect the Captain…
That's how you know that there's no convincing the young swordsman to stand down, not this time. 
He's persistent, exceedingly so, and if there's one thing you've learned during this voyage with these people it's that hell hath no fury like a straw hat pirate determined.
This is not on you, yet it doesn't make it any easier to let go of him. But you do.
Taking a deep breath, you uncurl your fingers and let him step back. 
You need another drink.
Glancing over your shoulder, you meet Luffy’s concerned gaze. “This is your call, captain.”
You don’t need to be here for this. You’ve done your part, and now it’s his turn to do his.
You give Zoro a pat on his back, just one. It's not meant for comfort, it's not an act of sympathy either. 
It's just a pat, like the kind you give your friend when they're about to gamble away all their savings over a game of cards. It’s the “fuck around and find out, but do it yourself”-kind of gesture.
Heaving a sigh, you sidestep him and let your fingers fall off his shoulders. "It's been fun, Zoro." 
And the worst part about this all is that you mean it, truly. It has been fun to sail with them, share a few beers, and joke at the expense of others. Your time on this ship has been fun. 
Like old times.
You won't go as far as to call Zoro a friend, you never do, but it's close enough that you'll probably miss him in the long run.
Zoro looks at you, his countenance indecipherable. "Say that to me again when I win this fight,"
"I can't." Because you won't.
The water forces its way into his lungs at such speed that it feels like he's swallowed buckets by the time they finally come up for air. He harks and coughs and tries to get as much of it out, but he doesn’t feel any lighter. 
Get it? Lighter, because he’s just a head now and— alright, forget it.
For once, he's happy his head is disjointed from the rest of his body because if it wasn't, he'd probably sink to the bottom of the ocean from the fluid in his belly alone.
The taste of salt and sand stays like a sour afterthought on his tongue, and as much as he tries to spit it out, he can't be rid of all the grains. "Fuck! Give me a warning next time, will ya?! Kinda vulnerable to seawater and all that!"
Whatever fish-guy has him strapped to their back this time does not dignify his complaints with a verbal response. Instead, all he hears is a couple of snickers, like their humor is fuelled at his expense. 
Assholes, the lot of them. 
It takes some time for the tangy scent to abandon his nostrils, but once it does, it's immediately replaced by the fine scent of something divine. Something delicious. 
It smells of food. Actual fucking human food. Not whatever Arlong and his litter gorge on, which he personally believes to be carcasses of dead sea animals they happen to catch on the shores of their island. 
It's honest-to-god cooked, seasoned, edible food.
Buggy can feel his mouth water, and for once, he cannot blame it on seawater.
They're finally at Baratie.
The finest restaurant in all the East Blue, renowned for its excellent taste and unrivaled quality. Only the richest of the rich get to dine here, and while he's not exactly flowing with berries at the moment, he’s famished.
“Hey, Lips!" he yells out as loud as he can through the shitty bag. "How about you order me some hot dogs once we get a seat? A clown's gotta eat!"
The only sort of response he gets is an elbow to the bag, which incidentally clashes right into his nose. "FUCK!"
"Shut up!"
There's scuttling to be heard, doors opening, and a shitton of gasps echo from all around him. They have an audience, he deduces, and not a particularly receptive one at that. 
Arlong makes a spectacle, something about "serve" and yish and yash about dinner and last meals as they get a seat.
Fuck, what he would give for a meal.
For the first time in what feels like forever, he feels solid ground settle under his neck. Though it's a pleasant reprieve from being thrown back and forth like a yarn ball caught in a cat’s game, he won’t consider it much of an upgrade. He's fucking hungry, damnit!
"Who are you, old man?" Arlong speaks, and Buggy hears uneven steps approach them.
An unfamiliar voice answers. "My name's Zeff, and I own this place."
Right, the Chief. Maybe he can ask him for some crumbs since his captors aren’t exactly on the generous side.
"Well, I'm Arlong, and I own the East Blue."
"No one owns the sea. Not even a fish man."
Ooooh, burn! Suck on that, shitface!
"Listen up!” Arlong exclaims when the chief’s negotiation tactics fail to appease him. “I'm looking for a pirate in a straw hat! Goes by the name of Luffy!"
The saw-nosed motherfucker truly has to be even more extravagant than himself, Buggy admits to himself with no short amount of begrudging compliance. Fishface even goes as far as to threaten the poor diners with having them for dinner instead, by the sounds of it. 
Buggy can appreciate the message it conveys; he’s used it himself, but he refuses to find any common ground with his captor, so he buries the sentiment ten feet down into wherever the hell his body is.
He listens as the diners lose their appetite, all the while Arlong begins to gorge on whatever he has on his plate. For a while, all he can make out is the sound of meat being torn off something and the occasional cry from one of the diners in the distance.
Even from miles and miles away, Buggy can feel his stomach twist painfully due to the lack of food in it. Oh, it’s hell on earth to smell everything you want yet being unable to even grasp it. And here his captors are, toying with him, torturing him with it.
Seriously, fuck them.
He’s about to demand to get something to chew on when Arlong’s other henchman — Kuroobi or some shit like that — beats him to it. "Hey, boss, I'm feeling for a bottle right about now."
Arlong laughs. "Don’t have to tell me. Take what you please. I don’t think that one will mind sharing one of hers.”
“And get one for me too while you’re at it,” Lips supplies.
The henchman cackles and gets up to his feet to retrieve what he’s looking for, but not before lightly kicking the bag that is Buggy’s current prison cell in the side. 
“Sorry.” He apologizes unapologetically.
Buggy grinds his teeth together and tries to think of something — anything — to keep his mind off his ever-rising hunger. When he gets his body back, he'll take some bottles and shove them right up these fuckers a—
Buggy hears the sound of something breaking from the opposite side of where the fish man just headed. Countless gasps ring through the restaurant’s interior, bouncing on the walls, and he hears the henchman’s painful wails from a distance away.
He’d laugh - he does laugh, because it seems like someone didn’t want to share their precious drinks and decided that full-on attacking one of the fish people was the appropriate kind of response.
It’s impressive, he thinks. Very much so. Oh, he’d pay to see that again, and he’ll have to give that person a fucking kiss, just for making his day a little bit better.
It’s a shame he can’t see the—
"Fucking get lost."
Buggy feels his head freeze in the bag.
He recognizes that voice. The morning sun shone atop the ship deck. Warm. Cold. All of them at once. 
He's finally found you.
Taglist: @kurinhimenezu, @carpinchootaku, @ay0nha, @teh-vampire-bunny, @lokiscure, @internationalsuper-spy, @detectivesparrow , @yuriwk , @notyuralycat , @angeli-fucking-cat, @machinema7k , @shuujin, @avatar-lover, @gingernut1314, @autumn-slaves. @marvelouskatie, @floristoflillys, @dizzyenby, @redpool, @deliri-yum22, @aemondsb1tch, @ackroxia, @gayandfairycore (If you want to be tagged for this story, just send me a message or leave a comment :))
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twstfanblog · 7 months ago
*~Period Drama~* Tuesday
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A/N: SCREAMS. I am...SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG. We had to do double time to move out of our house since our landlords decided to fucking sell the property so we had to LEAVE. But it's done and I'm very happy with it and I hope you like it too. Enjoy~! Word Count: 6.7K Warnings: She/They Pronouns OC, Lilia does look and poke at Yuu's genitals Pairings: YuuxJamilxAzulxMalleus (Poly), (Sebek/Silver in the corner) ~Taglist (At this point I'm just adding everyone I've found who was interested in the fic XD) @twistedcece @deltrea @krenenbaker @koebishrimpuwu @cat100200 @emyluwinter @obsessionswithfandoms @ady-hilborn @lucid-stories @girl-nahh-two @itz-hydrodeptus-foxy7 @chyluna @riddlesimps @death-the-jo @a-twistedheartslonging @qixlin @chaosistheonlyway @welcome-to-my-horde @abell2029cluster @kirans-wonderland @coffee-or-hot-cocoa @the-ace-reader @iamsoconfusedallofthetime @chroniccorvus @marvelous-maxi @prolonged-eyecontact @lozplayer @jabberwocky-warrior @thateldribitch @bun-lapin @mel1rose @ladyraeka @ladyzsgolla Start, Part 2 (Octavinelle), Part 3 (Heartslabyul), Part 4 (Savanaclaw), Part 4.5 (Diasomnia pt1), Part 5 (Here), Part 6 (Pomefiore)
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Malleus almost always forgot he even owned a phone, meaning he basically never texted Yuu. So when his personalized text tone played Yuu was quick to stop their sobbing and open his message.
‘May I see you tomorrow?’
Short, simple, sweet, and weirdly formal. Yuu smiled, typing back quickly before the horned fae forgot he owned a phone again.
‘Sure babes. Sorry ive been mia the past few days. Not feeling well. Ill explain when i see you tomorrow.’
‘I should hope so.’
Okay, vaguely rude.
When Malleus had said tomorrow, Yuu assumed he meant during lunch or after classes. Instead, he showed up on their doorstep with his whole family unit and a grumbling Grim in tow at 8am in the goddamn morning. None of them were in uniform, clad in casual comfortable clothing. They clearly planned to spend the whole day with her instead of a simple visit.
She blinks, almost overwhelmed at the sheer…something of the current event, “Hi…It's…really early.”
Lilia smiles, tilting his head as he holds up a large and slightly weathered first aid bag, “We brought gauze!”
Silver holds out his arms, the dire beast scowling but unmoving in his grip, “And Grim.”
“Oh, what beautiful treasures…”
“Enough beating around the unwanted bush.” Malleus steps forward, hands reaching to clasp around Yuu's. Looking into their surprised eyes with determination, “What is this illness and how can I help ease you of it?”
Yuu snorted, closing her eyes in an effort to not start laughing at how seriously Malleus was taking their ‘ailment’, “It'll…It'll pass with time, Malleus. But, luckily, I'm actually feeling a lot better than yesterday.” They step to the side, managing to pull a hand free from Malleus's grip to gesture for the Diasomnia family to enter.
Silver nods his head in thanks, walking into the hall to place Grim down. The cat quickly running further in the house, remarking Yuu still smelled weird, “That's good to hear. Did you use a form of medicine to ease your symptoms?”
Yuu closes the door behind them, Malleus already firmly attached to their side. No doubt the smell of their blood making him hyper-aware of their every movement, “Yeah. Crewel gave me a lecture and a pain potion when he brought me dinner last night. Plus the guttural sobbing I've been doing. But, I think it was mainly because I finally took that body cleansing shit…”
The beat of silence almost makes Yuu burst into laughter again, the four males all looking a level of stunned before Silver shakingly spoke.
“Yeah, it really realigned my chakras or something.”
“Yuu, could you tell us exactly what is going on?” Lilia's smile was strained. He had spent most of last night racking his memory of various illnesses. Any that he knew of that dealt with bleeding were things that would have killed Yuu within the hour if they had reached that stage. But to know they'd been bleeding for days? Whatever they had managed to catch was cause for concern. But now knowing it was causing other ailments…it was either a truly deadly disease or it was evolving into one…
“Oh, it's nothing serious. Just the muscles that are causing all this-” Yuu makes a vague gesture to their lower anatomy, “- are the same muscles that handle pooping. So…it was expected to happen…”
There was another beat of silence, each male looking at Yuu's stomach, placing the pieces together slowly as they realized she gestured below her stomach.
“Why…why did you…gesture…down there?” Silver spoke slowly, eyes making quick glances between Yuu's crotch, then to Malleus's blank face, then to Sebek's tearfully bewildered expression. Is…are they…?
Malleus says what all of them were fearfully thinking, “Is the blood coming out of you from your nethers!?”
Lilia stood still, eyes wide as he openly stared at Yuu's crotch. This was…he had never heard of such a thing…
Malleus's hands quickly grabbed at Yuu's hips, magic flowing from his fingers in his panicked attempts to heal what he could only fear was internal ripping, “Why did no one tell me!?”
“I don't think you should be bleeding from there, Yuu?”
“Silver. Words can not describe how badly I wish I wasn't. But, sadly, yeah, this is completely natural for me to do. I wish I wasn't. I am so full of fucking hatred right now, I am a literal danger to my and everyone else's safety.”
Lilia made quiet work of prying Malleus off of Yuu, though he was clearly still concerned himself, “It's natural to bleed out of your nethers?”
“Where I'm from? Unfortunately yes.” Yuu shrugs, holding Malleus's hand as the horned fae tried to reattach himself to their side, “The pussy is a curse and the price must be paid in blood sadly.” They say it with a level of nonchalance that only has the Diasomnia crew looking at them in worry.
Malleus grips tighter to Yuu's hand, raising it to press a gentle kiss to their knuckles, “Please, there has to be something that can be done to ease this curse…”
“...” Yuu pulled Malleus to the living room, showing the plethora of blankets and pillows on the floor. Empty bottle and snack wrappers pushed to a corner of the rug in an effort to keep the cozy area of the floor clear. Yuu gestures to the darkened room, heavy curtains closed to enhance the perfect sleep environment, “You guys can do whatever around the house. But, if you wanna join me, I was about to lay down in the dark listening to sad music and take a nap.”
Sebek sneers, eyes squinted as he mumbled out, “It's 8am…?”
Yuu whips around, ignoring Malleus's worried fretting for their neck, “Hey, Sebek? You don't need to fucking be here.”
Sebek's sneer turned into a deep frown, his expression clearly showing how badly he wanted to yell back. But with their ‘illness’, plus Malleus's protective stance, he knew he'd quicker be scolded than actually get a sentence out.
“Wow, you are more full of hate. You normally let Sebek get at least four sentences out before telling him to be quiet.” Silver moves to sit on the couch, only to realize that Yuu had removed all of the larger cushions and used them as padding for the floor.
Malleus looked over the sad state of his lover's nest, frowning before he pulled Yuu closer to ask them quietly, “Would you mind if I fixed your nest? This looks…barely functional.”
Yuu smiles, bringing a hand up to pat Malleus's face gently, “Do as you please, Peligroso.” 
Malleus kisses their palm before moving toward the mash-up of cushions, blankets, and - to his distaste - bloody towels. He first deconstructed the mess, organizing the materials he had before coming to the conclusion he needed more.
No one tried to stop Malleus as he walked out of the room, his pupils dilated as he busied himself in nest-making.
“Beastie, are you really well? Mundane for you aside, losing that much blood at a steady pace can't be good for you…” The scent of blood was off at that. Fresh blood was concerning enough, but the smell of old blood was not good if one was actively bleeding.
Yuu waves their hand, sneaking a towel from Malleus's separated piles to sit on, “No need to worry Lils; Crewel’s made sure I've been taking iron supplement potions, plus I'm still taking the multivitamin Riddle demanded I start at the beginning of the year once our beef ended.”
Malleus returns, bulks of blankets and pillows floating behind him into the room. He quickly turns a sharp eye toward Yuu, seeing one of the cleaner towels had been taken from his nest piles. But at seeing their smile, he could only sigh and begin building.
Lilia clicks his tongue, holding the old medical bag in his hands, “Well, I'm not sure how useful this gauze is going to be then if it coming out from such an area…I'm not sure you're open to the idea of it…being inserted.”
“I'm not.”
“Fair.” Lilia removed the bag from his shoulder, allowing it to drop to the ground. Walking closer to Malleus, yet still a few feet away, he started to teasingly offer his unwanted opinion of how his ‘mate’ would like the nest to look.
Silver and Sebek took seats on the ground closer to Yuu, the second year pulling the medical bag into his lap as he started to look through it, “While the gauze may be useless, I think there's some pain ointment still in here. Possibly a potion but it's long bitter by now…Oh.”
From inside the bag, Silver pulled out a simple arm cuff attached to a hand pump and dial. It looked old, but the metal holding it together still shined, “Lend me your arm, I want to check your blood pressure.”
“My blood pressure? Why?” Yuu still held their arm out, letting Silver gently clasp the cuff to their lower bicep, “I haven't felt light headed.”
“You might not have noticed if you've been bleeding as long as you have…” he starts to pump the bulb, the cuff growing tighter, “Just see it as a way for me to get peace of mind…”
Silver and Sebek watch the needle, their expressions slowly turning concerned at the reading.
Sebek whispered under his breath, one of his eyes twitching in annoyance as he reread the result, “Why is it high?”
Yuu blinked, looking at the dial before turning to Silver, “Yeah, that's…normal.”
“I don't know, man. I'm 15, I've never had to know what my normal blood pressure is.”
Silver sighed, deflating the cuff and removing it, “Did you never take notice of it when you went to the doctor for check ups?”
“Silver, baby boy, I haven't been to the doctor since I was in elementary school. Do you not know how expensive a doctor appointment is?”
“I really hate when you say things like that…” Silver still didn't understand how a simple doctor's visit cost money. It was a universal service, all they'd have to do was walk into the nearest office and simply wait.
Yuu hummed, nodding her head, “I forget that you guys have free healthcare here…I kinda just conditioned myself to be ok with dying since the doctor was so expensive where I'm from.”
Silver sighed, fingers pressing against his temple, “Please, curb that habit. For all of our sakes…”
“You got a will to live in there then?”
“...” Silver looks through the bag, managing to pull out an antique-looking locket that held a graying, grainy photo of a confused-looking Malleus on one side and a more vivid photo of a sleeping infant Silver on the other, “I think this is what father uses?”
“Oh my god?” Yuu couldn't stop the bubbling laughter that started when they spoke. They cover their mouth and gently bring the locket closer to look at the photos. Only now do they realize Malleus in the photo has a small circlet of a crown on his forehead. There was no telling how old the photo was, possibly in a time the first camera was even made and Lilia got his hands on one.
They snort, letting the locket swing from their hand and allow Silver to place it back in the bag, “Ok…that works. I now have the strength to carry on.” From the corner of their eye, they can see Sebek's stern gaze staring into the side of their face, “Yes, Sebek? Can you be helped?”
The half-faes's face pinches together harder, lip curling up into a scowl as he looks away briefly. His mild avoidance was short-lived, turning back to Yuu with an expression of concern, “You're…You're okay now, correct?”
At Yuu and Silver's stunned expressions, Sebek grows more timid, thumbs twiddling together as he clasped his hands, “Ace’s texts didn't give much info. But even knowing that…that didn’t transpire, this is still a worrying state of affairs.” Sebek looks up from his hands, staring into Yuu's eyes with steady resolve, “We have our differences more than anything. But I count you as my comrade in ensuring Waka-Sama’s happiness. Your continued good health would be in the best interest of all!”
It was no secret that Yuu and Sebek did not get along. Their first official meeting was a brawl that neither walked away from unscathed (and Sebek left the fight with a secret he'd be taking to his grave under Lilia's instructions). They bickered, fought, and openly slandered each other every chance they got. Truely, the only things keeping them from killing each other were the facts they shared the same friend group and that Yuu was romantically involved with Malleus. Yuu was sure without those factors, Sebek would have actually declared them an enemy of Briar Valley itself.
So to see and hear the other first-year state that he was concerned was jarring at best. 
Yuu stared at Sebek, the half-fae looking at them with an open and vulnerable expression as he waited for their truth. Honestly, were they ok? It'd been only a few days but this felt like the worst period Yuu had ever had. And seeing how their flow wasn't easing as it normally would, they were sure it was going to be longer than normal too. They were in pain, everyone was treating them as though they would shatter at the slightest inconvenience. They were free bleeding of all things…but, their friends cared and were each trying to make things better. 
Azul and the Tweels had basically tried to cater their every meal, though they kept their distance; mer noses were so sensitive to blood after all. Crewel would come in the evenings with medication and conversation. Riddle was compiling a list of some kind with Jade, but he was using info from their “interview” to figure out ways to ease their symptoms. Ace and Deuce had both swore to actually take notes for once so that they wouldn't fall behind in their classes. Trey had texted a number of times, sneakily trying to gauge their temperament so he could ambush them with baked goods. Cater had sent several photos of wet, angry, disheveled-looking cats with the caption ‘this u?’ whenever they were in a bad mood.
Even just yesterday, Jack had basically appointed himself as their bodyguard, not allowing anyone closer than 2 feet from their person. Ruggie had gone into nursemaid mode and Yuu was mildly terrified at how prepared and willing he was to help them deliver a baby. Even Leona's lazy ass had helped. Held them while they cried all the way to their dorm, calling them at midnight just to check if they were sleeping and not up alone with their thoughts.
And now, the Diasomnia family unit had brought them a first aid kit. Not the correct move, but a show of concern either way. Looking into Sebek's face only cemented how cared for they were by their forged family. Yuu opened their mouth slightly as though to speak, waiting as Sebek perked up, leaning closer to fully hear what they were about to say.
Instead of words, all that escaped Yuu's mouth was a burp that traveled directly into Sebek's face.
The half-fae sputters, annoyance growing at Silver's near silent ‘Excuse you’ to the other human. He wiped at his face as though he could remove the air, growling before he pointed a finger at Yuu's smug little grin, “You should have been killed when your mother birthed you!”
Sebek quickly placed his hand in his lap, frowning hard as he looked down in an odd mixture of shame and anger. Malleus had turned around and scolded him almost instantly. The dragon fae was frowning, eyes filled with a disappointment only an older sibling could give. He stared long enough until Sebek finally relented and spoke through gritted teeth at Yuu.
“My deepest apologies. You are injured and I have no reason to…antagonize you. Please, forgive me…”
“Did that hurt to say, Sebek?”
Silver placed a hand on Yuu's shoulder, trying to not sigh or laugh their antics, “Yuu…”
Yuu smiled, tilting their head and nodding, “Apology accepted, Sebek. Just don't be mean to me, okay~?”
Translation; I'm going to milk this for your whole visit.
Sebek's frown curled so tight it could only be called a pout. But seeing how he didn't speak further, Yuu turned to speak directly to the 3rd years only to choke mildly at the new impressive structure taking up space adjacent to the fireplace.
What was once their sad faux floor bed set up was a large blanket nest. Pillows tastefully lining the sides for support and comfort, blankets laid together to cover the couch cushions while some were still free to wrap in. A large throw blanket suspended in the air by magic cloaks the whole structure like an open tent. It looked cozy, it looked inviting. Yuu almost hated how proud Malleus looked of his work.
“...” Yuu rolled their eyes, trying to hide their blush as they turned away from Malleus's increasingly smug face, “Ok, your nest is very impressive. Are you proud of yourself?”
“Not until you are in it.”
Lilia spoke quietly, eyes giving Malleus a playful warning look as he chuckled, “Remember you two, we're here with you…”
Yuu laughs, standing from their towel and stretching, “Alright, nap time.” They take care to place down the towel, climbing into the nest and making themselves comfortable in the structure. They had no actual animal-based DNA, but they felt the need to curl up and sleep for DAYS from their new cozy spot. Malleus had built the nest well.
Opening their eyes, they could barely stop the snort that tried to escape them. Malleus was pressed against the side of the nest, eyes wide and focused on them. Yuu tilted their head, smiling widening as Malleus tilted his head in response, “You wanna join me?”
The question makes Malleus lean back, eyes almost bulging out of his head before he manages to school his features, “So bold…As always.” He laughs from behind his hand, “I’m happy to see you are in better spirits compared to yesterday.”
Yuu casts him a confused glance, wondering just when the dragon fae had seen them yesterday. While Malleus made himself comfortable beside them, they looked at the remaining Diasomnia unit standing at attention around the nest, “You guys coming in?”
Lilia snorts, ignoring Mallues’s glare demanding they refuse Yuu’s invitation, “Are you sure, Beastie? We wouldn’t want to intrude…” His eyes lock on Malleus’s, communicating silently that if Yuu invited them into their nest, it’d be rude to deny their request.
“I mean I invited you in the first place.” They gesture to the empty space beside them and Malleus, “Plus, this thing has room for like four more people…”
Malleus mumbles under his breath, an arm wrapping around Yuu’s middle and bringing them closer to his body to nuzzle into their hair, “Or eight children…”
“Hm?” Malleus pulls from their hair, smiling at their confused face before making himself comfortable against them again.
Lilia actually laughs this time, “Well, if you insist.”
Everyone climbs into the nest; Lilia pressed against Malleus’s side with Silver beside him already half asleep. Sebek had begrudgingly made his place beside Yuu, huffing as the human offered their hand to hold. Neither of them speaking when Sebek does grip their hand gently. Once everyone had seemed cozy, Yuu retrieved their phone from their pajama pants pockets, opening their ‘sad times’ playlist to start playing music. But the sound of a thud rings out from the kitchen, everyone turning to the noise in mild suspense. Soon, Grim enters the room with a bag of cookies clutched in his mouth.
Yuu raises an eyebrow but helps Grim climb his way into the nest, the cat curling up against their side squished between them and Sebek, “Was that you? Did you fall off of something-hold on.” They grab the bag of cookies from Grim, frowning once they realize what they were holding, “Are these the good cookies? You little shit, you said you ate the last of them!”
Grim grumbled, curling up tighter to Yuu’s side and swatting at their hand tugging on his ear, “I lied! You always hog them so when you left one day I hid them to snack on myself…But…” He huffed, looking at them from the corner of his eyes, “I think you need them more than I do…”
“...” Yuu sniffled, fanning their face as tears started to build in their eyes, “Grim…Grim…” They take a shuddering breath, ignoring the others watching them in worry, “I already threw up like twice yesterday from crying so hard, I’m not doing it again.”
“Parden?” Malleus’s brows creased. When did they throw up!? Just how severe was this illness?
Yuu waves his concerns off, tapping onto their ‘Sad Vibes’ playlist, setting it to shuffle before they connect to the lounge speakers, “It's not important, Malleus. I'm not gonna cry. We're gonna lay down in the dark and listen to sad songs and sleep.”
Sebek mumbles from beside Yuu, his free hand petting a softly purring Grim, “That seems to be the perfect setting to cry in…?”
Lilia gives Yuu a worried glance but doesn't agree nor disagree. He instead places a hand on Malleus’s shoulder, a silent effort to calm the dragon's fussing, “Well, if we're going to listen to music, just none of that Mitsuki woman please…”
Silver blinks his eyes open, tiredly looking to Lilia, “But I like the dog song.”
“...” Lilia sighs, his arm moving to wrap around Silver's shoulders and bringing him closer, “I…I know…”
Yuu tearfully laughed, laying their head onto a softly fretting Malleus. Their weak laughter breaks from teary into genuine amusement as the first song starts.
My baby, my baby…
Leaning over Malleus, snickering as the dragon fae gently presses her head back down to his chest as a silent command to sleep, Yuu whispers to Lilia, “I’m sorry…”
Lilia’s smile is strained, his grip on a sleeping Silver slowly increasing as he fought against his own emotions, “No you're not…”
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The nap lasted far too long, Malleus thought to himself. The dragon fae didn't actually sleep, but he kept watch of his family as they did. Silver of course slept, curled up in Lilia's intense embrace before the bat general eased into a light sleep. Though Sebek had been the most against the nap, he had dozed off not long after Silver. One hand still gripping onto Yuu’s while the other resting on a snoring Grim's back.
Yuu was out almost immediately after Sebek, a content smile on their face as they curled up to Malleus's chest. A smile he watched slowly fade through the hours. A common occurrence as one slept, something he's learned from years of watching Silver. What concerned him were the twitches and grimaces of pain that started to increase the longer they stayed asleep. He didn't want to wake Lilia to ask for advice, the older fae having spent most of his night in worry over Yuu's condition and it didn't help he wasn't a morning person normally.
But if the discomfort was enough to affect Yuu's sleep, it was no wonder they felt the need to nap so early in the morning. They possibly hadn't slept the night before from pain alone. He had spent a few moments thinking how he could help, an arm around their waist and a hand pressed to their lower stomach to ease magic from his fingertips. His healing magic wasn't nearly as refined as he wanted. No matter how much magic he poured in, there were no wounds to be closed on the surface. But he could feel how Yuu would curl into his palm, almost trying to trap the heat close to them.
So for the past two hours he laid in a nest with his fiancé, his father, his brother, his brother's ‘friend’, and a cat; palm pressed just above his lover's mysteriously bleeding anatomy to act as a glorified hot water bottle.
Though he had no true method of knowing, he felt as though his grandmother was laughing at his predicament.
And while he did find the lyrics and vocals of Miss Amy Lee to be rather enchanting, he felt relieved to hear the music stop playing abruptly and a shrill beeping take its place. He couldn't help but smile, listening to everyone minus Silver groan at the sound of the alarm. Lilia huffed, snuggling his nose into Silver's hair while the human knight remained perfectly asleep. Sebek had pouted but still sat up, blinking in mild confusion as to where he was. Yuu had tried to bury their head in the space between his arm and chest, a hand reaching out blindly to no doubt silence the alarm.
As much as Malleus enjoyed his loved ones sleeping peacefully around him, he didn't think letting them sleep anymore was the correct choice. He smiled, easily catching Yuu's hand to gently kiss their knuckles, “My dear. I do believe your nap is over now.”
Yuu groans, but doesn't try to pull away, “At least turn the alarm off…”
Lilia clicks his tongue, finally pulling away from Silver to sleepily reach for Yuu's still blaring phone, “I got it…”
“Thanks-ack!” They were batted in the face by Grim's increasingly annoyed tail, the dire beast fighting to stay asleep from the rising noise. A move that had Yuu sneezing after a few moments.
The fae and Grim instantly snapped to attention. Yuu's sneeze was quickly followed by an overwhelming scent of blood. The sudden change in the atmosphere instantly waking Silver. Sebek had tightened his grip on Yuu's hand, almost as though he were helping them to brace against pain. Grim scrambled away from their side, moving to frown and shake from the other side of Sebek.
Malleus brought both his arms to wrap around Yuu's body. How could he let his guard down in such a way? They were sick. Why did he assume a nap was the correct choice to make? They should be in the care of a professional. Now they had clearly torn something, or something had hemorrhaged and they were bleeding out internally-
Lilia turned the alarm off, quickly kneeling and placing his hands on Yuu's knees, “Yuu, I know you said this was natural. But this is concerning. As your future midwife, I implore you allow me to check there isn't actual damage to yourself.”
“I- Lilia, I'm fine. I just sneezed.” Sneezing on one’s period was never nice, sure. Yuu fully felt as though they just forced out half their bladder even though they knew that wasn't the case. “It happens sometimes. The clenching just makes blood come out.”
Malleus growls, his arms tightening around Yuu's body. Lilia was right. No matter how much Yuu claimed it was normal and routine, they shouldn't be bleeding like this, “My love, please. Let him check. Lilia has more medical training than possibly anyone on campus. Just allow him to check.”
“Please…” Malleus pleads, concern clear on his and the other's face.
“...” Yuu rolls their eyes but starts to shimmy their pajama pants down, “Fine. If it'll calm you down.”
Sebek and Silver instantly look away, though both shuffle closer in an act to box Yuu in so that no one else could see the human’s privates.
Lilia was quiet, eyes looking unblinkingly at what he could only describe a mess. He was careful, only touching Yuu's anatomy for brief moments to send pings of magic through the flesh to search for opened wounds. But other than the blood he couldn't find anything that would call for concern. Leaning back he sighed, bringing the back of his hand to rub at his eyes, “By the Seven, this is a mess…”
“Wow, Lilia. I'm so happy you're here to stare into my abyss and call it a fucking mess.” Yuu glared, hoping their voice carried just how annoyed they were, “Really, I'm so glad.”
“My apologies, Beastie. I just haven't seen a vagina in this bloody a state since Sebek was born…”
Sebek half turned around, expression vaguely disgusted and horrified, “What?”
Yuu snorts, shaking Sebek’s hand still holding theirs in a way of gaining his attention, “Wow, Sebek, way to wreck your mom’s pussy.”
Sebek retaliated, using their still joined hands to twist and force Yuu’s arm into a painful bend. Yuu had quickly tried to escape his hold, both by wiggling their trapped arm and also using their free hand to slap at Sebek’s face while making repeated yelps of pain. Sebek had managed to dodge only a few hits until a bolt of lightning hit just outside, the flash sending the room into a blinding state before the light faded. Malleus glared down at Sebek, silently demanding the half-fae release his fiance.
Once freed, Yuu instantly pointed toward Sebek while looking at Lilia with wide eyes. Their tone coming out vaguely whining and childish, “He twisted my arm!”
Sputtering, Sebek looked between Yuu and Lilia. Pointing back at her while he looked at Lila pleading that he hears him out, “She talked about my mother’s vagina!”
“...” Lilia sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before speaking, “Sebek, don’t twist Yuu’s arm; she’s already in pain. Yuu, don’t talk about Sebek’s mother’s vagina; you know he doesn’t like that.”
“Did that hurt to say?” Silver looked at his father, half joking but delivered in such a painfully serious way that Lilia could only sigh harder.
Malleus’s expression only grew more concerned, arms wrapping tighter around Yuu and allowing his palms to heat a bit more. He only relaxed as Yuu themselves eased a bit more in his hold, “Yuu, please. Tell me what is causing this, If not for your own sake, but my own, I need to know. I have never been more distressed and on edge than these past few days. It isn't helpful either that you continue to be nonchalant, I dare say you've hurt my feelings with how you've been handling this…
“...” Yuu takes their time to pull their pajama pants back up, moving to sit up fully to look at Malleus directly, “Malleus, you're completely valid for feeling upset with me about all of this. In hindsight, I really should have just told you guys instead of disregarding Crewel’s attempts to keep this on the downlow for the sake of campus sanity. I fucked up, I will take that L. But I want you to know and consider that I have been in pain, tired, sad, and enraged both consistently and erratically for days. Do you really think the correct choice right now is to complain to me…about how my period…is making you feel?”
Malleus blinked, eyes darting to Lilia who only shook his head at Malleus's silent question. He looked down, then back to Yuu who was staring at him silently, almost waiting for him to answer incorrectly, “...I would still like to discuss this at a later date…when you are well again.”
“I'll make sure to set a meeting up with Azul, so that we both remember. Thank you for understanding…” Yuu's mood does a 180, now smiling and trying to stand from Malleus's arms, “Anyway, it's like noon now right? I know I have a bunch of stale tortillas and shredded cheese in the kitchen so we can make quesadillas-”
Malleus refused to remove his arms from around Yuu, basically pulling the human back into his lap, “I would like to speak about why you're dodging my question though.”
Yuu hummed, looking up to Malleus's face as they slowly twisted a strand of their hair, “...What are you talking about?”
“You are…well aware of what I've been asking you.”
“I'm really not.”
“You're sounding crazy right now.”
Malleus scoffs, rolling his eyes playfully, “Don't attempt to gaslight me. I keep asking you what caused this ailment or how I can ease this plague and you…don't answer me.” Malleus narrows his eyes, arms wrapping tighter against Yuu's body when they subtly tried to move away from him again, “Do you simply wish to…not tell me?”
“...” Yuu sighed, resting their head against Malleus’s shoulder. They smile, looking up into his eyes with a soft affection, “You know I love you right?”
“Your feminine wiles aren't getting you out of this. Answer my question.”
Silver speaks up, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, “Malleus, they may not have an answer as to what caused it…”
Sebek grunts from Yuu's side, eyes casting a worried look back to the other freshman's covered anatomy, “If they don't know what caused it then that's even more concerning. This could be a serious medical emergency and we're all twiddling our thumbs because the one who's ill says they're fine.”
“I am fine. I just…don't wanna say why this happens…”
Lilia perks up, raising an eyebrow as he rests his chin on Yuu's now pressed together knees, “So this illness is triggered?”
“Yes? No?” Yuu huffs, raising their hands in a form of defeat, “It just happens man. But like…for a reason.”
Malleus frowned, almost pouting as he gently moved Yuu's chin to make them look directly into his eyes, “Yuu. My dear. I'm deeply concerned. Please, just tell me what causes this so we may prevent it…”
“...” Yuu sighs, closing their eyes before opening them, “...This happens when I don't get pregnant.”
Silver fully turns to Yuu, eyes focusing on the other human as though he could physically see through what he begged was a lie, “Are…Are you serious?”
“Like the fucking heart attack that will take Sebek out one day.”
“Oh!” Malleus smiles, his eyes shining to the point Yuu was certain they were glowing, “This is easily fixed then.”
Yuu continued to smile, shaking their head knowing what the dragonfae was going to suggest, “...Malleus…”
“I simply need to impregnate you. Then you won't be affected by this plague again.”
“...” Yuu sighed, “No…”
“...” Malleus's expression falls back into an angered pout, “Why not?”
“It doesn't work that way…”
“...” His expression deepens, “How does it not ‘work that way’ exactly?”
Lilia patted Yuu's leg, flicking his head toward the entryway of the lounge as a silent command to Sebek and Silver, “We're gonna go…”
Yuu turned away from Malleus, blinking at Lilia in astonishment as the fae and other Diasomnia pair stand up, “Now why the fuck would you do that?”
Silver was kind enough to scoop Grim into his arms, the dire beast still shivering from the sudden scent of blood, “We’ve come to an agreement that we’d leave the room when you two start fighting.”
“We aren’t even fighting…” Yuu muttered under their breath, making a point to not look toward Malleus’s upset face. They’re pretty sure they’d start giggling at how frustrated he’s being about this.
Sebek shakes his head, already walking out of the room, “You become incredibly uncivil to everyone when you and Waka-Sama have disagreements. Lilia-Sama is right in having us leave the area before you two really start…”
“We aren’t fighting?”
“We’re fighting a little…” Malleus mutters under his breath, glaring off to the side.
Yuu glares over their shoulder, “No, we aren’t.”
Lilia walked behind Silver, holding his hands up as they left the room, “We’re gonna go. We'll make you two those quesadillas!” He ignored Yuu’s wide eyed stare, closing the doors of the lounge behind him and leaving Yuu and Malleus alone in the room.
The silence was loud, the two of them sitting comfortably in the nest. After a few more moments of quiet, Yuu sighs loudly, tucking their head to Malleus's chest and nuzzling into him gently.
Malleus sighs himself, leaning down to press a kiss to the crown of Yuu's head, “My love…please. You're hurting and I don't understand why you won't let me help in the best way I can…”
“Because it wouldn't actually help, Malleus.” They felt bad. It hadn't really hit them just how out of the realm of reality their period was to everyone. Sure the event itself could be scary in their old world, the amount of first period horror stories only grew as the years went on. But to have no frame of reference… the concept of a period sounded downright terrifying.
“How?” Malleus huffed, an air of frustration growing. Were they joking around? Deliberately speaking in circles to annoy him as a tease? “You said this happens if you don't get pregnant. If you get pregnant, then you will not have to deal with this ailment.”
At Yuu's own frustrated sigh, Malleus's eyes widen, “Is…is it too late?” A feeling of guilt starts to grow in him. Were they meant to be impregnated at a specific time? Had a window of opportunity been missed? Was this the rest of Yuu's life now; bleeding out of their intimates and crying so hard they were forced to purge?
Yuu couldn't help but chuckle at Malleus's face, reaching up to bring the worried fae closer for a gentle kiss. They speak as they pull away, “Calm down. This isn't going to last forever and I'll be back to normal by the end of the week at worst.”
Malleus curls around them, his hand still a gentle heat on their lower stomach, “But why wouldn't we simply skip this and just…start our agreement now? If the trigger for this ailment is that you weren't impregnated, why can't we have our child now so that you won't have to suffer this way.”
“I'll be honest with you, Malleus. It's literally because I don't wanna be a teen mom; that's the main reason. But also…there's no guarantee my period would stop during a pregnancy. Plus it'll still come back like a few months after having the baby…”
“...” Malleus pulls away from Yuu, staring at them in a silent state of confusion but his eyes were screaming, “Why…would you get the period…if you're pregnant? Isn't that…you stated you get your period if you don't get pregnant?”
“That is correct, yes.”
“...But…you could also…get your period…if you are pregnant?”
Another long stretch of silence passed in the room and Yuu felt as though they could physically see the gears turning in Malleus's head. Double checking the math one would say.
“...Then what's the point of it?”
Yuu snickers under their breath, “Well, I don't think I'm knowledgeable enough to really give you the TED talk about the Tree of Knowledge and the original sin…”
“...” Malleus placed a hand on their forehead, “Are you…have you gained a fever? Is delirium a symptom of your period?”
“I'm not crazy, shut up.” Yuu pushes Malleus's hand off of their face with a grin. Cozying back into his embrace, one of their hands resting on his pressed to their lower stomach, “Periods are weird and horrible and I do not have the answers you're seeking sadly.”
Malleus could only sigh, feeling a pit growing in his mind and heart as he felt his uselessness to his love in this situation, “Is there anything you'll allow me to do? I only wish to help you during this…”
Yuu hums, reaching up to gently cupping Malleus's cheek, “This is plenty. Just…hold me and tell me you love me…”
“I love you, dear.” Malleus smiles, soft and kind as he nuzzled into Yuu's palm, “Though I'm loathed and disconcerted, I'm delighted to know I can at least help in this way…”
“I am too. You surprisingly make a great heating pad.”
Malleus moves to remove his hand, “Oh, is my hand too warm-”
Yuu quickly grips at Malleus's hand, face still calm and content but their fingernails bite into the fae's skin, “If you take this hand off of my body I will rip your spine out of you through your asshole.”
They sat in comfortable silence, Malleus only mildly terrified at the visual of his spine being removed from his body by force. Their serene atmosphere half ended by Lilia happily bursting into the room with a plate of slightly charred quesadillas.
“Lunch time~!” Lilia walked to the nest, kneeling down and holding out the least burnt tortilla to Yuu's face, “Pspspspspspsps.”
Yuu's eyes snap open, a wild smile on their face as Malleus chuckled and kept them locked in his arms, “Lilia Vanrouge, I will break the fucking bones in your ears. Did Cater tell you to do this!?”
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quinloki · 5 months ago
Birthday Request Event v2024
Alright let's start off with the primary points:
1 - You do NOT have to give to get.
2 - You do not have to get to give.
3 - Read everything, there's quite a few moving parts =D
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Things You Can Do During This Event:
1 - Request a story from me (see the end of the post for the format!)
2 - You can give me a gift! (see "Gifting Quin" below!)
3 - Reblog this post to be entered into a raffle!
Details below the cut!
Raffle Prizes!
-:- 1,000 words of anything you want (within reason) - can be a one-shot, can be a demand for a specific title (make me work on that title you've been dying to read more of). Just has to be One Piece related.
-:- OC Cameo - I'll plunk your OC/self-insert into a story (that is not the Host Club AU ^^; )
-:- I'll draw something for you \o/ I'm not great, but hey, free art xD
Gifting Quin!
❤️ - Pin 5$ to my shirt - it's a local-ish birthday tradition.
❤️ - Share one of my stories and leave a comment \o/ You can do this whenever, but it really makes my day, so have at!
❤️ - Gift me a story, or some art 😳🥰
Ideas (please do NOT send me saucy stuff on anon or if you're under 18):
1 - Draw a scene from any of the stories you've liked! 2 - Draw Quill - by themself, or with you and/or your OC, or a One Piece character \o/ Quill can be a boy, girl, or whatever mix tickles your fancy. Have fun =D 3 - Draw what you see when you think of "Reader" for any given story. 4 - Re-write a scene for a story =O How would you tell me that scene? 5 - Write me a one-shot using the prompts below 😇 6 - Free form a ficlet, drabble, head canon, series of bullet points with ANY anime character and either a "Reader" or Quill =3 Spread your wings beyond One Piece (Wind Breaker, YYH, FMA, MHA, Habin hotel, etc - go wild 🥰)
Feel free to ask me ANYTHING if you're unsure of something
Birthday Bash Requests \o/
Finally, the part you've all been waiting for XD
*** Anon Requests Will be SFW only ***
-:- Give me some reader vibes as applicable (gender/height vibes) -:- Give me a blorbo (or blorbos) - One Piece only please ❤️ -:- Pick something from each of the lists below and then submit your ask! (any items not specified in the ask will be my choice 😇 cause it's my birthday celebration XD )
Pick 1 Vibe: SFW SFW dark SFW Yandere Blorbo NSFW Consensual NSFW dubcon/dark NSFW Yandere Blorbo NSFW noncon Writer's Choice (please include squicks if you pick dark or dub/non con options)
Pick 1 AU: Canon Universe Mafia AU Fantasy AU Cowboy AU Government Mandated Marriage AU Soul Mates AU Modern AU Hallmark AU Mythical Creatures AU Vampire AU Coffee Shop AU A/B/O AU Monster AU (you can say what kind of monster you prefer) BDSM AU Host Club AU Grandline Metro AU (Quicksand, A Light Touch, Heart of Gold, Thrice Prophesized are set in this AU) Writer's Choice (spin that wheel!)
Pick 1 Prompt: Angst / Bad End Aphrodisiac - sex pollen, drugged food, struck by needle, devil fruit Bath/Shower/hotspring Body writing (icing, ink, blood, etc.) Caught in the Act Contractually Obligated Creature x Human Date / First date Dungeon Erotically charged fight Experienced w/virgin Forced Proximity - box, flight, cell, bondage, get-a-long shirt Friend’s hot older sibling Fuck or die Lazy morning sex Long-Term Established Relationship Only One Bed Outside Pliant When Horny Role-play Roughed Up Size Difference (I write this a lot, but I do love it.) Soft/Comfort Sugar daddy/mama The hat rule They were… coworkers/neighbors/etc. Trapped in a Room Trying Again (exes getting back together) Unresolved sexual tension Wounded Writer's Choice
***Requests will be accepted from 6/1 - 7/10 - and posted from 6/1 - 7/31***
Gifts are accepted from 6/1 until whenever \o/ Don't feel pressured to get them in by 7/20 🥰
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mmogurl · 1 month ago
In The Shadow of Dragons Chapter 5: Flower
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18+ | 5.6k | Daemon Targaryen X Female OC | possessive, protective, objectifying, simping, raunchy Daemon | Uncle / niece incest, Smut, First Time Oral, Semi Public Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, V fingering, Targcest, Courtship
This scene was kind of sweet, going back to the gift he had attempted to give Ryna on that day when he returned from the Stepstones some years back. It also rolls into their first real physical encounter, besides that closeness they shared on the terrace in the first chapter. Daemon trying so hard to be good, but not that hard xD Told from Daemon's POV.
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6 | CH 7 | CH 8 | CH 9 Also on AO3
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The two of them walked in silence for a time, Ryna’s arm in his, until they were past the guards and into the long corridor that led towards the outer yard. Once safely out of sight of any witnesses, Daemon suddenly pulled her into a nearby alcove, jostling a vase on the table beside them as he pressed her tightly against the wall. His eyes glittered with excitement, barely disguising his darker desires as he stared down at her.
At her startled gasp, his mouth curled into that familiar smirk. “You, my little niece,” he said in a growl, “did extremely well back there.”
The look of surprise quickly faded from her face, replaced with an air of indignity. “Can you believe she had the nerve to call me dull? I am still livid.” She huffed, her cheeks rosing with the sufferance of insults and not embarrassment for once.
He let out a quick series of pointed laughs against his lips before replying. “She clearly has no taste. You are anything but dull, sweetling. You are fire made flesh.” He had enjoyed seeing her behave in such a daring manner at breakfast, relishing in her cheeky attitude. Daemon had not thought his pure and sweet little niece capable of such aggression, but evidently he had been wrong.
“Do not let her get to you,” he added, tracing a finger along her jawline. “Your father summed it up perfectly. Rhaenyra behaves like an entitled, petulant child throwing a tantrum until she gets her way.” His gaze lingered on her plush lips, recalling the kiss they had shared the night before.
Oblivious to his attentions, despite the obviousness of his proximity, she continued to vent her frustrations. “And to think she called me, a Targaryen princess, with fire and blood running through my veins, ‘still as a pond!’ Even a Velaryon would be offended to hear such insults spouted against them!”
He snickered with a playful look in his eye, the corners of his mouth turned up in amusement. Though his niece had never displayed an inclination towards angry outbursts in the past, today’s incident had led him to wonder if her character was more akin to his own quick-tempered nature rather than the complacent demeanor of his brother.
Ryna’s ongoing tirade was abruptly cut off when Daemon held a finger to her lips, silencing her mid-speech. “Enough of that,” he said, his voice authoritative yet tinged with a hint of allure. “You are far too exquisite to waste your time complaining about a brat like Rhaenyra.”
Daemon leaned in a little more until he was so close that he could feel her breath against his face. “There are far more enjoyable things you could be doing that with that pretty mouth of yours.” His words were a soft insinuation spanning the possibilities between mostly innocent to entirely lewd. It certainly got her attention, her eyes darting up to his with a shy expression.
He pressed a simple kiss against her lips, wetting them with his tongue slightly as he savored the taste of her. His eyes rolled back for a split second as he let out a groan and pulled away, knowing he could not control himself lest he continue. The hall they were in was often traveled and not the best spot for an interlude. They would find more privacy in the gardens.
The princess became flush in response to the small demonstration of affection, the region below her collarbone now a bright pink in contrast to her alabaster skin.
My sweet niece. It doesn ’t take much, does it?
Daemon then took her hand, lacing his fingers through hers and led Ryna back down their originally intended route towards the garden. “We have something more important to discuss, Niece.”
“Such as?” she asked, trying in vain to compose herself as she looked up at him curiously.
“Our courtship, of course,” he said in a playful tone as they approached the exit.
They passed through the stone arch that led out into the garden proper and walked down the trail through the carefully manicured greenery until they reached the inner garden. It was surrounded by tall rose bushes, secluded and out of sight from the main walks. Water trickled from an ornate fountain of a dragon into a small pond edged with smooth rocks and there was a stone bench beside it so one might sit and enjoy the scenery.
He guided her to take a seat on the solid slate bench looking out over the waters and rustled in his pocket to fish something out. Daemon smiled fondly as he got down on his knees before her. Another shocked, almost frightened expression crossed her face, her eyes growing wide at the thought of what he might be up to.
Innocent little thing.
Reaching up, he tucked a loose strand of her Valyrian white-gold hair back into place behind her ear, letting his fingers remain on her face longer than perhaps was necessary. He found himself mesmerized all over again by her beauty, her purity, and the way she could make him feel simultaneously protective and sinful.
If only she knew how much he thought about her, his sweet, chaste little Ryna. How he wanted to claim her as his own and ruin her completely, yet at the same time, he wanted to shield her from all other harm. The irony of it made him both sick and excited all at once. He had been a man of vices, of carnal pleasure, with no thought given to any future consequences, and here he was for the first time, experiencing what it was to restrain himself for another. At least somewhat…
His hand lowered, brushing against her thigh as he took her hand once more, running his thumb over her knuckles gently as he began to speak.
“Sweetling,” his voice was soft and deep in the quiet solitude of the garden. “I have something for you.”
His niece’s expression changed, from worry to a veiled delight. “For me? What is it?”
She always did love it when he brought her gifts upon returning from his travels, whether they be from afar or direct from the streets of King’s Landing.
Daemon turned her hand and spread her fingers apart so that Ryna’s palm was exposed. Not allowing her to see what was in his closed fist, he placed it above her outstretched hand and let the trinket fall slowly until it settled into her grasp with a clink.
The princess’ eyes lit up as he removed his hand, finally allowing her an unobstructed view of his present. It was a very unique bracelet, one he’d had fashioned for her by the same grateful peasants who’d created his crown, to commemorate his victory over the Crabfeeder. It was crafted with small bits of rough sandstone, seashells and driftwood from the beaches on the Stepstones, and accented with an orange gemstone that was abundant on the islands.
“It is beautiful, Uncle,” she marveled at the intricate little shells and beaded stones.
Not as beautiful as you, my sweet, delicious, little peach.
“I’m pleased it’s to your liking,” he smiled softly at her. It was exactly the response he was hoping for. Watching her face as she looked over each tiny detail made him feel a mix of satisfaction and desire. It had taken all of his willpower thus far to resist her innate charms, and he wasn’t certain that it would hold for much longer. “Allow me to put it on for you, sweetling,” he said assuringly, already taking the bracelet from her hand and unclasping it so that he might wrap it around her slender wrist.
“I had meant to gift this to you when I returned from the Stepstones, but I found I simply could not.” His words were almost somber as he closed the clasp carefully, securing it in place.
“I remember,” she said with a touch of sadness. “That was when things changed. When you began to avoid me.” Her eyes wandered off in thought, her gaze cast across the water for a moment before returning to him with a fiery determination. “What happened? Why did I repulse you so when we embraced that day?”
Daemon was impressed, if not also taken aback, by the clarity of her memory. In fact it shook a more direct response from him than he was typically accustomed to giving. “You could never repulse me, my dearest niece,” he began, struggling to find the right words to explain himself without directly stating what he truly felt on that day five years ago when their bodies entwined. “I merely… It was for your own good.”
When I first realized that my desire for you had begun to take root.
“It did not seem like it was for my own good,” she contended his reasoning, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. “I have missed you all of these years.”
“I know, sweetling. I missed you as well.” If only she knew how he’d longed to return to the way things were before that moment. He hadn’t realized how much he’d yearned for the smiling face of his darling little cherub, his precious jewel, until it was gone, forever replaced with the reality of his lust.
Even though he’d already mentioned his aversion to tainting her the night before, it seemed she was still incognizant to why he had started to withdraw from her, believing it was due to some shortcoming on her own part. He had no desire for her to shoulder the blame of his own perverse desires though, so perhaps some further explanation was due. Still knelt before her, Daemon placed his hands on either side of her hips, nudging forward so that he was closer and just about nestled between her legs. A crooked smile crossed his face as he spoke once more. “Do you know why I started to avoid you?”
The princess seemed a touch flustered by his intimate proximity, but did not stay his hand. “I could not say. I only knew that before you left, I had been your cherished niece and upon your return… Suddenly it seemed you held my very presence in contempt. Then before I knew it, you had been sent away again and I had no idea what to think about it.”
If only you knew, little sweetling.
He chuckled at her naivety. It was endearing how pure his little girl still was. His fingers gently rubbed her hips through the soft fabric of her velvet gown. “You really don’t know, do you?” his tone was almost sarcastic, finding it hard to believe she hadn’t the slightest inkling. The look of worried concern did not waver from her face and he knew it was true. Daemon leaned in closer, his nose close to the swell of her breast. He allowed himself to inhale the sweet smell of her skin, all the while the warmth of her body was radiating outwards. He looked up, finding her expression heavy with longing, craving reconciliation.
“Did you ever stop to think that perhaps I avoided you because I found you too tempting?” Daemon’s eyes roamed down her figure before returning back to her face, taking in every little response. It seemed he would always be torn by his lust for Ryna.
She did not respond immediately, but instead averted her gaze to the bracelet he’d given her. Perhaps she was putting all of the pieces together in her mind, recalling past events and how they might be reshaped with the new knowledge he’d presented her with. His little niece seemed confused, as if unable to fathom that his desires had kept him away.
“But…” she started to speak, the words fizzling on her tongue. “If you… Then why?” Her lavender irises turned back to him with puzzlement. It seemed she’d come to terms with the idea much sooner than he had.
The question echoed with a laugh from his lips. How could he ever hope to explain the depraved thoughts that had consumed him whenever he’d seen her sweet body during those years. How tortured he became whenever he allowed himself to imagine the debased ways he wished to use her. Yet, she was looking to him for an answer, her eyes wide and her pink lips parted in confusion. “Why,” he said once again, taking a deep breath. “Because you were far too innocent. A wholly pure thing in this corrupt world. Even I am not that wicked.”
There, he’d said it. The truth was out. A twisted admission, but an admission nonetheless. The words, as well as the secret, that had tormented him for years were now finally released into the open. But her expression did not convey the disgust he’d expected. Instead, there was a look in her eyes that he couldn’t quite place. “Too young. Too sweet. You should never have known the depths of depravity running through …” he began to explain, but as he looked upon her face, he realized her features had shifted to something more akin to anticipation.
Gods, that look on your face …
The little princess’ lips were parted in expectation, her breath growing quicker with each passing second. There was something untamed he saw in her eyes that threatened to set his entire being ablaze. “You’ve heard tales of what a degenerate I am, haven’t you, sweetling?”
“Who in the Seven Kingdoms has not?” she admitted with ease, her expression unflinching while her hands danced restlessly on the surface of the bench.
“Then you know what a wretched man I am…” he spoke in a lower tone, his nose brushing against the pucker of her breast for a moment. “The vices I give into… The women and wine that I consume without reservation.”
Daemon raised a hand up to her face, his fingers tenderly tracing along the length of her jawline. “Does it not frighten you?”
“How could I possibly be afraid of you?” she mused, her voice laced with affectionate reassurance. She brought one of those fidgeting hands to rest gently upon his head, tentatively smoothing back his bright blond tresses. “I will admit I lack the same level of experience that you possess, Uncle, but it does not diminish my own curiosity and eagerness to learn.”
He tried to resist the shiver that wracked through his body as her fingers ran through his silvery gold hair. Daemon’s hand glided down the length of her skirts, skimming over the fabric until he reached the hem. Slipping his fingers below, he groaned at the feel of her leg, soft and silky beneath his palm.
How can you not be afraid of me, little sweetling? I am a fox in the hen house.
Her words had struck him in a way that he was not expecting. It seemed unnatural, given what he’d confessed and what she surely must suspect he desired from her.
“How eager are you, sweet girl?” he asked with the last ounce of his restraint as he continued upward, cresting her knee. “Eager enough to let me show you how debased I truly am?”
Ryna appeared a touch uneasy, but did not move to stop him. It was as though she had already resigned herself to exploring wherever this moment might take them. She swallowed before replying, her voice a low whisper as she continued to stroke his hair. “I cannot resist you, Uncle.”
What a dangerous thing to admit, my sweet little niece.
Daemon pressed a kiss against the exposed skin between her cleavage as his fingers crept higher. He found purchase on her inner thigh, gripping the smooth flesh there with barely constrained hunger as he felt the heat emanating from her core. His mind was filled with sinful thoughts the likes of which this pure, untouched flower could not possibly begin to imagine - but even still, she was willing. A small breathless laugh passed his lips and the little whimper of submission elicited from his sweetling was like the most deadly, yet intoxicating of poisons. Her soft sounds nearly pushing him over the edge, so obliging was she to accept his perversions.
“I promised your father I would not bed you until the wedding night…” he finally broke the silence as he laved another wet kiss upon the slope of her chest. “I admit, I’m still not convinced I can wait that long, but there are ways to stay… Occupied… For a time. To keep that curiosity of yours sated.”
Daemon’s eyes returned to hers, finding a look of trepidation in her gaze like he had never seen. She was too pristine, too eager, too wholesome for what he sought to give her. And, Gods forbid, if she ever did let him take all that she had, he feared there would be no going back. He’d become a man possessed.
For now though, given she was inclined to test the waters, he would explore how much of an agreeable lamb she truly was. He ran his tongue along her collarbone, his thumb digging into the fatty meat of her inner thigh.
“Do you trust me, sweetling? He asked, looking up once more into those pale lilac eyes, almost silvery in their sheen.
“Y-yes…” she stuttered, willing but still nervous.
He looked into her anxious eyes for a moment more, searching for any hint of doubt. But he could only find her inexperience, her apprehension, and ultimately her anticipation. Had Daemon not regarded her as so naive and innocent, he’d have believed she was getting off on this, and perhaps she was. His mouth curled into a smirk, wearing a wicked, wolfish countenance of intent. A quiet laugh escaped his lips as he grasped the waist of her smallclothes, and pulled down the short pair of braies until she was completely exposed beneath her skirts. Daemon placed a hand on each of her tender thighs, looking up at her with a devious spark in his eyes.
“Slide to the edge of the bench and lean back, little dragon,” he urged her, all but salivating at the thought of what she might taste like. Completely untouched, unspoiled, and just for him.
Ryna slowly shifted her hips forward, an embarrassed blush in her cheeks as she followed his bidding. “Good girl,” the sweet praise fell from his lips in a guttural moan. “Now let me take care of you. I’ll make you feel good.”
Daemon’s heart pounded in his chest as he knelt before his little niece, bunching up her skirts enough so that he might duck his head beneath her gown. The scent of her arousal was overwhelming, a sweet, crisp perfume that only served to heighten his desire. He inhaled deeply, taking in the sight, the smell, the very essence of her.
With a flick of his wrist, he swept her juices onto his thumb, bringing it to his lips and tasting her. A low grown rumbled in his chest as he licked her wetness from his finger, the taste of her intoxicating. He lowered his head, his tongue dipping between her folds and eliciting a startled gasp and jolt from Ryna. Daemon wrapped his arm around her thigh, holding her in place as he began to devour her like a starving man.
He spread her apart carefully, alternating between laving her bud with the flat of his tongue and the pinpoint of the tip, delighting in the way her hips bucked with each intense sensation. Daemon slid his fingers down through her wetness, teasing her tight entrance with the promise of penetration. His cock was rigid and aching in his trousers, leaving a mess as he leaked seed to the taste and feel of her purity. He’d give anything to have her fully bare in his bed right now, to be able to see everything all at once, to touch and take what he wanted.
Soon … Soon..
Ryna’s body was trembling beneath his touch, her soft little whimpers and moans driving him absolutely mad. She sounded so lurid for such a sinless creature and finally delving into her tight heat with his index finger was all he could do to keep from enacting the near constant thought of how good it might feel to fuck her. The thought of the noises she would make when something much bigger than his tongue or finger were instead driving into her pretty, virgin cunt consuming him.
His finger circled her inner walls, teasing her as he continued to pleasure her with his tongue, flicking and lapping at her pearl until she was writhing beneath him. He could feel the taut lining of muscle tensing at his intrusion and smiled against her wetness at the sound of her insistent cries. Daemon slid another finger into her now sopping wet core, wincing at how tightly her walls were gripping him.
He began to pump his fingers in and out of her in a steady, forceful rhythm, his tongue circling her swollen bud before he sucked it into his mouth. Ryna shot up like a lightning bolt at the acute feel of it, the combination causing her to arch her back into him as her peak built. There were a dozen filthy, raunchy things he’d love to purr in her ears at that moment, but there was no way he was going to stop until he brought her to completion.
Ryna shuddered and jerked, her moans growing louder and more desperate as she finally let go, climaxing in a beautiful splendor of shaking thighs and ragged breath. Her hands shot to his head even through the gown, trying to push him away now that her swollen bud had grown too sensitive. Daemon let her free of his suction, laving the nub softly with the flat of his tongue and sliding his fingers out of her snug little hole. She squealed as he lapped through her folds, the creamy sweetness of her come tasting like the most decadent ambrosia.
Fuck, I will not be able to stop myself if I keep at it like this …
Daemon bit his cheek with a wince, trying to rein in his urges as he removed his head from under her skirts. Wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, he soon forgot his own need at the pride that surged through him upon seeing her flushed cheeks, her heaving chest exhausted and panting, the evidence of his ministrations and the pleasure she’d just experienced apparent all over her body.
As she locked eyes with him, she sounded tired, but excited all the same, “God! I have… But never like that… What in the Seven Hells was that!?”
A smug, yet satisfied chuckle escaped his mouth at her comment as he slipped her foot through the free opening of her smallclothes and slid them back up. He moved to sit beside her on the bench, his cock still straining against his pants painfully, a testament to just how much he had enjoyed the taste of her.
“That, my sweetling, was your first lesson in pleasure,” Daemon said as he leaned into her, his lips finding her neck and pressing a hungry kiss upon the delicate skin there.
She writhed under his lips, still so sensitive from his efforts. It was enough to drive him utterly mad with need. He could not recall anyone so perfect, anything so divine in his entire life. How could he ever be satisfied with another after this?
“You will be the death of me, my precious girl,” he mumbled against her shoulder, burying his nose into her hair and taking in the bouquet of roses, cinnamon, and styrax in her fragrance. “I can tell neither of us are creatures of restraint, sweetling,” he let out a sharp laugh as he pulled away from the temptation. “But Gods help, I am trying.”
He sat roughly against the back of the stone bench, comforted by the pressure of its hard surface. Daemon ventured a look into those pale lavender eyes and ran a hand across her chin, tilting her head up so that she was forced to meet his gaze. His voice took on a graver note, seeking to assert the seriousness of his words.
“If your father accepts our betrothal… I need to know that you want this. Jāhor ao sagon biare, riñītsos?” Will you be happy, little girl?
Ryna’s brow furrowed, either confused or hurt by the inquiry. “What kind of question is that? Of course…” she peered at him now with a smoldering intensity. “Nyke jaelagon ao, Daemon.” I want you, Daemon.
“Se jaelan ao, zaldrītsos,” he replied with a quick sigh. And I want you, little dragon. “But you are so young and inexperienced, and I…”
I may be too much for you to handle. You engage with a beast, sweetling. I am possessed by the need to control you and to keep you near me in every way possible, both well intentioned and depraved as well. He shook his head to bat the thoughts away, pushing down the worry and fear that were creeping to the surface. He didn’t want to risk losing her, but he also couldn’t bear the thought that she might one day look at him with contempt in her eyes. “You’ve never known another man, Niece. You do not know the extent of my desire.”
“Iksan daor riña,” she retorted in a defiant tone, her eyes locked on his with a look that could only be described as downright challenging. I am no child. “It seems you cling to these persistent ideas, Uncle. That I am too young… That you are too debauched for me. That I couldn’t possibly be happy with you… And to be honest, such worries are insulting to us both. I am not some pathetic little whelp in need of your pity. I know full well what I want.”
She exhaled through her nose with frustration, her features proud as she continued. “I would not choose a suitor for years because I did not want any of them. I knew they would not stoke my fire and keep my interest. I chose you and that is all that should matter. Inexperience can be mended by exposure, and I have never thought ill of you. I have felt jealousy and confusion, yes, I have missed you, but I have never felt poorly.”
Daemon felt a spark ignite within him as she spoke, her voice and words filled with passion and conviction. But, she was a stubborn thing, his little niece. His princess. A perfect mix of both fire and ice all the same. He would have found her impudence amusing if not for the fact that he too was feeling a hint of irritation begin to boil inside of him.
He let out a laugh that was nearly a scoff. “And do you think yourself ready for the full extent of it?” he riposted, his voice hardening. “Do you have any idea the dark desires that swirl in the recesses of my mind?” Her facade cracked slightly as a hint of doubt crept across her face. Of course she had no way of knowing what he actually thought of in the privacy of his own licentious mind. It was obvious the unknown concerned her from the winkle on her forehead, but she did not back down.
Ryna’s voice softened considerably, a blush returning to her cheeks. “You could show me… Teach me… In a way that is not too overwhelming.” Her eyes brightened with mild epiphany. “Like you did today.”
Once again, he found himself caught between a sense of pride that she seemed so willing to face whatever he might bring forth and the fear that he might break her.
“And if I can’t hold back, little girl?” he mumbled against her ear, leaning in and resting his chin against her the crown of her head. “My appetites… They are strong… Violent… Depraved… You could not imagine all that I want to do you.”
“Why must I fathom it all?” she asked with longing in her eyes as she wet her lower lip with her tongue. There was an obvious arousal present in her body language and the flicker of her features.
“Because, sweetling,” he replied, cupping her chin in his hand and gently forcing her to meet his eyes once more. “If we go down this road, there is no turning back. I will consume you, dear girl. I will take and take until you forget what it is to live without me.”
I cannot stop even now. That small taste of you was simply not enough.
“You realize I will ruin you for anyone else?” he stared into those piercing lilac eyes, shining bright with desire and need.
“I don’t take issue with that for I do not wish to have another. Only you, Uncle,” she spoke with conviction, but her cheeks blushed at the notion.
Gods, you have no idea what you are doing to me.
Daemon’s heart ached with so many warring emotions. His little niece - he feared he could not resist when it came to her. “Then… I will show you… I shall try my best to ease you into the darkness,” he whispered as he nudged his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer.
He captured her lips once more in a hungry kiss, his cock twitching at the thought of her keen obeisance - at hearing her proclaim that she only wanted him. It made his possessive nature flare with lust that he knew he must keep in check for now.Ryna was already moving closer though, the little minx, twisting towards him as her leg struggled against her skirts to rise over his. “Stop…” he murmured against her lips, feeling his self-restraint slipping. He gripped her shoulders tight, keeping her at bay as he withdrew from the kiss.
He could tell from the look in those tempestuous eyes that she was still riding the high of her climax, lovedrunk by the feelings he’d coaxed out of her body. Daemon truly loved how eager she was, but if he gave in completely to his own impulses, it might wind up destroying any chance they had at wedding. He was certainly not willing to let her go now that he’d come so close to having her.
But how is a man to hold back from such a sweet, delicious flower?
He clutched her arms with a little more force than necessary as he pushed her back against the bench and pulled away from her. With grit teeth he busied his hands so that they might not wander again, smoothing the pleats of his long wool jerkin back into place.
“I said I would ease you in, sweetling.. Not toss you over the edge,” he chuffed at her, making it known that he was not to be trifled with any farther. With a slight cough, he cleared his throat and took a deep breath before pursuing the topic of their courtship. “Now what plans shall we make to ensure that my dear old brother, Viserys, thinks that we are courting properly?”
Ryna was slow to reply, a bewildered look on her face mixed with a slight pout of disappointment. “I’m not sure…” she finally answered. “We have already strolled in the garden and you have presented me with a gift. So, today has been a good start to it.”
“Yes, little one. I do believe today has been a very good start. But not good enough,” he countered as he stood up and offered his hand to her. “My dear brother will not believe that a rake like me has suddenly become a proper gentleman without proof. We must make a very open display of our integrity.”
“What about a dinner? Or perhaps a packed lunch that we might enjoy on the beach that overlooks the Blackwater Bay. We might even stop by the Dragonpit. I could introduce you to my girl.” Her disposition had improved considerably at the mention of her dragon and he couldn’t help but smile as he helped her up from the bench.
Come to think of it, he did remember hearing that his sweetling had claimed a rather powerful creature, one of the older and larger dragons that had not been reclaimed since its previous owner. He felt a thrill at the thought of meeting such an ancient beast, at seeing his little niece mount a powerful dragon.
She will mount another soon …
He chuckled to himself as he let out a velvety smooth reply, leading them back down the path through the garden. “That sounds like a fine idea,” he purred, enjoying the thought of gaining some measure of freedom outside the confines of the keep. “And I cannot wait to meet your dragon, my sweetling. No doubt, Caraxes will be eager to see you again as well. I do believe that grumpy old snake preferred you to me when last I took you riding.”
Ryna beamed at his insinuation, giggling softly as they came out from the worn trail and entered the open expanse of the garden’s grassy courtyard. “I wouldn’t say that, Uncle, but he was certainly kind in nature towards me. A good boy. I look forward to seeing him up close again.”
His lips curled into an amused smile at her joyful reaction to being reunited with the beast. “Indeed… And I look forward to watching you ride, all on your own, without need of your uncle to supervise you,” he said with a slight rasp.
The image of her straddling that massive dragon, handling its reins and commanding it in the Valyrian tongue was enough to get his member swelling in his breeches again.
“Tell me, sweetling. Which beast did you tame again?” he asked trying to distract himself from other wandering thoughts.
“Oh, didn’t anyone ever tell you?” she smirked with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “I laid claim to Silverwing. Queen Alysanne’s beloved mount.” Read Chapter 6
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littlexscarletxwitch · 3 months ago
Hiiii i have a request, but dont know if you want to do it.
Flo X reader
Flo and reader have been dating for a while. They have a happy healthy relationship. Reader is getting more famous (dj, traveling the world) and thats hard on their relationship. Flo gets jealous because reader gets alot of female attention and don’t know how to tell reader this bothers her. Also because they dont gave the time for eachother. This takes a toll on their relationship. After some time they decide to break up because they feel like they don’t give each other the time they deserve.
Maybe a year after they “move on” but after seeing each other again, feelings resurface. You can decide the ending
── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): a bit of fluff, mostly angst, flo and r break up, i almost made myself cry, a little bit of possessive flo but we love her
warning(s): grammatical errors, unedited, not proofread
word count: 2.9k
note: I looooove how this one turned out, I had so much writing this nonnie. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it and I hope you like it, I tried my best lol. Also, she's looong, I love that xd. Also just as I was finishing it I realised you said a year later, well oops, but sometimes 6 months can feel like a whole year. Lots of love M <3
requests are open! + check my rules + masterlist <3
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“Guess what?” you popped your head into your and Florence’s shared bedroom.
“What’s up?” she asked, her eyes not leaving the script she was reading. 
“I’ve got you tickets for tonight’s show. VIP for you, Ashley, Toby, Theo, whoever you want,” you said, smiling. 
She finally looked up at you, she saw the brightness in your eyes that she just couldn’t say no nor she wanted to. “That’s great, baby! Thank you,” she said, blowing you a kiss. 
“Yeah, I thought you would like to come since it’s my last show here and then the tour starts,” you said, making your way to the bed and lying next to her.
Florence mentally cursed herself, she was so caught up with her work that she had totally forgotten that you would be touring for the next six months. She felt sick to her stomach knowing you would be that long away from her, but it was your job after all. Being the most recent popular DJ opened up more doors to you, and that included a full world tour. She couldn't be prouder for you, but she also hated to be so far away from you for so long. Still, she plastered a smile on her face for your sake.
“Yeah, I would love nothing more. We will be there, of course,” she said as she pecked your lips.
With a drink on her hand, Florence was swaying her hips to the rhythm, her eyes fixed on you even from the VIP sector. She had a smile on her face until a girl showed up next to you, and she couldn't help the smile turning into a frown. 
She was well aware of the attention sometimes you would get, especially from other girls, it was no news to her. But that brunette smiling at you was getting on her last nerve.
“Come on, Flo! You love this song,” Theo, Florence’s friend, tried to get her to dance again.
As she looked back at her friend she realised you had played her favourite song, well it was actually a remix of it, a remix you had made specifically for her. She smiled at the thought of you thinking of her, so her eyes settled back on you and much to her annoyance that brunette was still there, now practically grinding on you. She wasn’t having anymore of that
Florence drank the last bit of the glass before muttering ‘I’ll be right back’ to her friends. She made her way toward you, determination written all over her face. 
“Oh, hey!” you said as you watched her from the corner of your eyes. Florence could tell you were having fun playing your songs but she could also see how tense up your shoulders were, how awkward the brunette was making you. 
“Hi,” she said in a low voice as she grabbed your chin, making you face her and smashed her lips against yours. 
You smiled through the kiss as you heard the crowd in front of you cheering, but unaware that Florence sent a death glare to the brunette while roughly and possessively kissing you. She pushed her tongue inside of your mouth, her eyes glued to the brunette as she watched her face shift into awkwardness. 
You backed away from her, pecking her lips one more time before getting back to your console to keep the party going. Florence decided to not leave your side for the rest of the night, she had to make sure to keep what was her untouched from other people. So she spent the rest of the night grinding on you, stealing kisses from time to time and sending death glare to whoever girl got too close to you.
As she swayed her hips, the thought of you alone in different parts of the world unprotected from other prying eyes upset her, she tried her best to push those thoughts away. She had tonight to make sure everyone knew you were taken and she was going to make sure of it. 
You felt on the top of the highest mountain, three shows in a week, twice a month all over Europe, Asia, and America. You felt like it couldn't get any better, but night after night the people attending would prove you wrong, making each night unique and memorable.
One of the best parts of your job was that you got to party as much as the people in your shows, you had fun along with them, a dream come true really.
After every show you would call Florence and tell her all about it, the atmosphere, the loud cheering, the dancing, the people you met. The first few weeks she had a smile on her face as she listened to you over the phone, but her smile got bitter as she would see the pictures you would post the next day. 
At first she was happy that you were having the time of your life, but that happiness turned into a dark feeling once she saw all the girls all over you. She tried her best to ignore it, expecting you to ease her mind but you never brought the topic up, not even just to reassure her that those girls were nothing.
Truth be told, you didn’t even realise they were hanging out too close to you night after night as you were too caught in doing your job. It was nothing to you, they weren't Florence. You didn’t even look at them, just when your agent would show you the pictures that were going to be posted. 
But Florence couldn’t take it anymore as she saw the last picture you posted and a girl was kissing your cheek, that was the last straw.
“Hi, baby,” you yawned as you picked up her call, too tired after another successful show. “I was just about to call you.”
“Hey,” she could hear the smile on your face and she instantly felt guilty for having thought to scream at you. 
“I just wrapped up in Spain, Barcelona was epic really, we should come here sometime.”
“Yeah?” she sniffed, her emotions being all over the place. Not just jealousy and the anger toward those women, but missing you was taking a toll on her. “If you think so, then we must,” she felt tears burning her eyes. 
“Flor, are you okay?” she heard as you shifted on the other side of the phone, worried in your tone. “You sound upset.”
“I just—,” she sniffed again, she was about to tell you everything, how she felt, the doubt going through her mind. But she just couldn’t. “When are you coming back?” she cleared her throat. 
“Well, it’s been three months, so three months left,” you chuckled, trying to ease the tension. “We are wrapping up in Europe, five more shows I believe and then—.”
“Y/n, I don’t think I can do this,” she cut you off abruptly. 
Your heart dropped, she didn’t mean that, right?
“Do what, my love?” you played dumb, not wanting to hear her next words. 
“Whatever this is,” tears were rolling down her cheeks, but her voice didn’t tremble.
“‘Whatever this is?’ You think this is whatever?” you wanted to be angry at her, but really all you felt was sadness and rejection. You loved her, she loved you. This was not whatever. 
“Long distance just isn't doing it for me,” she just replied, as if you and her hadn’t been dating for almost two and a half years.
“Isn’t doing it for you,” you scoffed. “Really? I’m working, Florence. This is my job. I’m not on sabbatical, okay? I thought you were proud… I thought you were happy about me, world touring is a big thing.”
“I know, Y/n. I–.” 
What am I doing? Florence thought. 
“No,” you cut her off. “You’re not being fair, you are—.”
“I’m not being fair?” you could sense the anger in her voice now. “You left, okay? What did you expect me to do? That I was just going to wait for you at the front door like a puppy?” she finally snapped.
“Not like a puppy, but I thought I meant more… I thought you…” you sniffed. “I guess I was just wrong.”
“I guess we both were,” she said, then silence followed. 
You took a deep breath, pushing back the tears and swallowing the lump on your throat. 
“So this is it,” you waited for her to deny your words, you wanted her to. 
“Yeah, this is it,” she said instead, her angry and irrational self talking. 
You bit down your bottom lip as hard as you could to stop the whimper that threatened to escape your lips. 
“Okay, I… um,” you sniffed. “I’ll text someone to go pick up my things. Not that I have much there anyway…
“Y/n—” she tried, but the damage was already done. 
“Goodbye, Flor,” you said, the nickname finally shattering Florence���s heart into a million pieces.
“Y/n?” she tried again, sobbing, but all she heard was the dead line on the other side. 
Was it masochist of you to watch your ex’s new movie after having broken up six months ago? Yes, most likely yes.
You told yourself that it was just a coincidence, but you won’t lie to yourself, you knew exactly what you were doing when you decided to play that film.
You weren’t sure how you felt about her, you thought you had moved on from your relationship, that you grieved it and now you were at peace with it. But watching her on the screen, watching her smile, laugh, sure she was playing a character but the resemblance to the real Florence, the Florence you knew was there. 
You huffed in annoyance at yourself as the credits played on the screen. It was enough self pity for a day, you decided to go out and have a coffee, trying your best to get your mind off of your ex and her pretty smile. 
Your legs took you to your usual coffee place without much thought. It was a route you knew by heart, it was the coffee place that was closest to your apartment, and it was also the one you and Florence would usually go to. You dryly laughed at yourself as you opened up the door, could you be any more masochist?
You took your time looking at the menu, even though it was pointless since you always order the same thing. 
“Hello, what can I get for you?” the cute waitress smiled at you. 
“Hi, can I get a black coffee and an avocado toast to go please?” you returned the smile. 
“Sure thing!” Wendy, as it read on her tag name, said. 
You moved aside, waiting for your order as Wendy took new orders from the other clients. “Hi! Can I get a black tea with oat milk and two chocolate cookies to go, please?” you heard someone say to Wendy. 
A sad smile formed on your lips as you remembered that was Florence’s order. But it was silly really to think about her, most brits order tea and you were living in London after all.
“There you go,” the person said once again, probably handling Wendy the money. 
A shiver went up your spine as the stranger’s voice echoed in your mind. That raspy low voice, it sounded so similar to one you used to hear every morning, the one that sent shivers down your spine and caused butterflies in your stomach when it whispered in your ear. You shook your head, pushing away all thoughts related to Florence. 
It cannot be her, Y/n. You told yourself. She is not fucking here. Florence is…
“Y/n?” that sweet raspy low voice asked. 
Painfully slowly you turned around to face her, afraid and excited to meet her eyes. Those soft green eyes you so loved, those gentle green eyes that used to look at you with adoration, those green eyes whose owner broke your heart.
“Hi,” you almost whispered. 
“Hey,” you noticed the corner of her lips slightly pulling upwards.
You weren’t sure what to do next and neither did Florence since her lips gaped like a fish out of water. 
“I… I have to go,” you mumbled quickly, nodding to yourself. “Yeah, I have to—.”
“Y/n, you didn’t even get your order yet,” she sweetly muttered.
“Right,” you cursed yourself mentally. “Yeah, I’ll get my coffee and then I do have to go.”
As if on cue, you heard your name being called. Unlucky for you, so was Florence’s. 
“Sit with me,” she pleaded as you grabbed your coffee and avocado toast. Before you could deny her once again, she said, “Please, Y/n.”
She sounded so sweet, so gentle, so broken and wounded. She sounded nothing like the woman who broke up with you during a phone call. 
You made the mistake to look at her pickle green eyes and there was no way you could say no. 
“Five minutes,” you muttered, making your way to a free table, sure she was following behind you.
“Fifteen tops.”
“Ten,” you countered back.
She cleared her throat as the two of you took a seat opposite of eachother. “How… um.. How have you been?” she stared.
“Busy, really busy,” you took a sip of your coffee, buying yourself some time. A half lie, the tour ended 3 months ago so you weren’t that busy.
“I know it’s been a while and I just…” Florence couldn’t find the right words to say.
She had been waiting for this opportunity ever since you hung up the phone, she wanted to explain herself to you, she wanted to tell you what was going through her mind when she ended the most beautiful relationship she had ever had. She wanted to call you so many times after breaking up, but never found the courage to do so. She knew this was her only chance, she knew she couldn’t mess up. 
“That night…” you felt tears burning in the corner of your eyes, but you refused to let them roll down your cheeks.  “Before you called I was looking at some pictures you posted, and I just couldn’t stop myself from thinking how much fun you were having without me,” she cleared her throat. “And all I could see was all those women around you, touching you, smiling at you,” she humorlessly chuckled. “Fuck, I even remeber one was kissing your cheek or something.”
Your eyes winded as the memory came back, you wanted to tell her what happened: that the girl was beyond drunk, that you were just being polite, that your photographer took the picture without you noticing but you pushed off the girl as soon as her lips touched your cheek. You wanted to tell her when she called you, but she never let you explain it.
“And I just got so jealous and mad… and sad because I missed you,” she sniffed. “My emotions were all over the place and I just didn’t handle the situation how I would have wanted to.”
“That night I was going to tell you. I felt so guilty about that stupid kiss. Nothing happened, she was just really drunk and somehow they snapped a quick picture,” you explained to her nonetheless. “I didn’t want to post that picture, I wanted to delete it, but they thought it was a good picture so I couldn’t have a say in the matter,” you forced yourself to meet her gaze. “I want you to know that nothing ever happened.” 
A weight lifted off of both yours and Florence’s shoulders.
“I should have talked to you about my feelings.”
“I should have forced them out of you,” you chuckled.
“Yeah, maybe…” she said, lost in her own thoughts while a thin smile formed on her lips. “Are you… are you seeing someone?” she cofed, trying to act nonchalant.
You bite your bottom lip, trying to hold back the grin. “I am not,” you licked your lips, suddenly feeling them dry. “Are you?” you almost whispered. 
“No,” she quickly shook her head. “I am not.”
Silence embraced the two of you as yours and Florence’s heart started quickly and loudly beating. 
“So, I…”
“Maybe we…”
You both giggled as you both wanted to speak at the same time.
“You first,” you smiled at her.
“Have dinner with me,” she simply said. 
Once again you took your bottom lip in between your teeth. “Florence, I don’t know if…”
“Please, Billie misses you,” your stomach shrunk at her comment.
“Fuck,” you mumbled under your breath but she still heard you which made her smile. “Just Billie?” you asked teasingly and with a bit of hope. 
“No, not just Billie. I miss you too,” she slowly reached for your hand across the table, scared you were going to pull it away from hers. She let out the breath she was holding when you squeezed her hand, that was progress. “Just the three of us, dinner at mine, please?”
From the moment you saw her at the cafe you knew you were back at her mercy, who were you trying to fool? 
“Fine,” you pretend to sound annoyed, but she knew you were only messing with her since you flashed her a smile. 
You would always come back to her, you knew it and you were sure she knew it as well.
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yuus-sentient-teddy · 11 months ago
"You're staying here."
A/N: Spoilers for Prologue, Books 1-6, and certain events. Sorry! I've had this story in my drafts for so many months. I hope ya'll enjoy it and please let me know what you think.
EDIT: I accidentally posted this while in the middle of editing and decided to still work on it while it was posted XD
". . . What? Hang on--"
"Calm down, we just need you to be our in-between in case the beast gets to us. Having you up here means you can get to the Headmaster faster--"
"Wait, stop. Stop." Yuu squinted at Leona, incredulous. "You could have one of your dormmates do that. Your dorm is based on athletics, I'm pretty sure whoever he is could get to the Headmaster faster than me. Not to mention, I'm a Beast Tamer, I should be going with you guys!"
"You're also magicless." Leona was mercilessly blunt with that fact. The words reminded Yuu of all the jabs of random bullies throughout the schoolyear, and they gritted their teeth. Before they could argue back, Leona said, "I'm not saying that that makes you useless, but let's face it: you're not going to survive that oversized house cat unless you can put up a barrier or counter a spell."
"I probably wasn't meant to survive a lot of things since coming here, but look what happened--" Yuu spread their arms out--"I'm alive anyways."
"It's probably because you had one of us or Grim with you," Ace said. "Dealing with the ghosts at Ramshackle the first night and every other thing after that, Grim. Fighting the Phantom in the mines, the three of us. All of the Overblots, a group of us." He was counting off each instance with his fingers, clearly not sorry for making a case against Yuu. "I know you're not thrilled about being left out of something as big as this, but without Grim, you're not going to be able to do much, let alone protect yourself. We can't keep an eye on you either, so it's basically better if you stay here."
He didn't shrink away from the look of betrayal and anger on Yuu's face and stood still when they marched up to him. "Okay, first of all, when have I ever asked any of you to keep an eye on me? Yeah, never. And second in case you forgot, I've handled myself pretty damn well when it came to random magic crap. I literally can't count how many times I almost got burnt by fireballs, impaled by ice, and struck by lightning by people that can't aim, and there are a lot of them at this school. Yeah, Vargas's 'catch-up' lessons helped with my speed, but my point still stands."
They held up a hand, stopping Ace from rebutting. "And if you're going to bring up Grim probably throwing out spells with weird side effects, don't. I've suffered enough curses getting thrown at me and potions being snuck into my food to get used to weird effects."
"Wait, people have been doing those things?!" Kalim's eyes were wide in disbelief and shock. "Why?"
Yuu half-heartedly tossed their arms, palms turning upward, as a form of a shrug. "Probably because they're assholes and I'm an easy guinea pig. If we're being a little pessimistic, it's probably also because no one would miss me. Magicless nobody from another world and all that."
"That's a horrible thing to think about!" Kalim cried. The Ramshackle Prefect was a helpful person and tried avoiding trouble the best they could. Not to mention, they weren't in line for something major like a merchant business or a throne. How could anyone want to trouble Yuu? (And how could Yuu think no one would miss them?)
"No surprise they'd think that," Idia mumbled.
"Hate to break it to you, but even if you got potioned and cursed a lot, there's still going to be something you won't be able to handle," Ruggie said. "I get what you mean, though. I got cursed and potioned a bunch of times before I started working for Leona and still a little after. At some point, you're more annoyed than bothered by whatever happens to you."
There were times he saw his freshman self in Yuu. Struggling to understand the lessons, having to bear with a handful of cruel upperclassmen or fellow classmates, left to carry out a difficult task on their own... he sometimes may or may not have been at the right place at the right time to offer help--in exchange for a favor, of course.
"That still doesn't mean you should throw yourself into a fight without knowing what could happen to you," he added, almost scolding.
"I know, but I still helped with the Overblots, didn't I? I think that's enough proof that I can handle being in dangerous fights," Yuu said, crossing their arms. Their sleeve got pushed up and a healing scar on the back of their wrist was revealed, which caught multiple eyes.
Savanaclaw and the Leech Twins remembered the cry of fear and pain when the Octopus Phantom's tentacle snatched their arm, right after they had stepped out of the way of a funnel of water. Octavinelle and Kalim remembered Yuu being sent flying after the Genie Phantom shot a spell that created a force upon impact. They would have hit the wall like a rag doll if Azul didn't catch them with wind magic. The VDC group members remembered them on the ground, twitching sporadically as one of the Hag Phantom's regular sized apples innocently rolled away like it didn't poison them through touch. (Deuce panicked so hard he summoned a cauldron to crush it even though just stepping on the apple was all that was needed.) And who could forget Yuu yanking their arm out of a nest of thorny branches that had been summoned by the Dragon Phantom? They had scars from thorns that got particularly stuck.
After realizing they were staring, Yuu followed the gazes and put their hands in their pockets as casually as they could.
"If you're worried about us thinking less of you, I assure you we wouldn't," Azul said. "There's nothing about the offer that you should be worried about. Again, it's not because your magiclessness makes you less valuable. It's simply letting you avoid another troublesome fight."
He didn't turn on the charm; no smiles or overly fawning words. He was dead serious and it made Yuu uneasy. Why did he want them to take the offer? Although--and this uneased them much more--it was starting to feel like most of the boys were conspiring to keep them out of the fight.
"After everything you've gone through, you pretty much deserve this. Don't worry about Grim, either." Deuce pounded his chest. "We'll be sure to bring him back in one piece."
"I. . . appreciate. . ." Yuu gestured vaguely while also feeling that 'appreciate' was a strange thing to say. They didn't appreciate being pushed out of something important without being heard, and they weren't sure how to feel about the unexpected concern for their wellbeing, especially at a time like this. "I appreciate you guys wanting to give me a break, but I really am serious about coming with to save Grim."
They saw shoulders slumping and heard frustrated huffs. "Listen!" they yelled, starting to feel frustrated themself. "I almost lost Grim once! I need to be there to make sure I don't lose him again. I know you guys can do what I can't, I've seen you all fight before, and I know you all will be able to handle what's coming, but I can't stand being on the side again! So, like it or not, I'm coming with. And why do any of you care about me getting a few scratches or hits from magic, anyway? It's not like it hasn't happened before."
No one responded.
". . . Guys?"
Finally, Leona clicked his tongue. "So annoying. I told you all it would've been pointless to do this."
"What's going on?" Yuu scanned the faces around them, noticing how uneasy Jack and Riddle looked, how Ace and Deuce seemed to have something to say, how irritated or hesitant everyone else appeared. Malleus approached them and they immediately noticed his brows furrowed in concern. "Tsunotaro. . . ?"
"Two night ago, we all shared a prophetic vision, likely similar to what you have been experiencing as of late. All of us were gathered together battling the chimera form of Grim in the same area as the current one. He casted spells that were beyond his usual abilities, including one that made it hard to breathe. Somehow, in the blink of a moment, you ended up alone with him trying to get him to come to his senses."
Yuu held their breath as Malleus said, "But then he opened his mouth and lunged towards you, and the vision ended. Forgive us for not telling you sooner. It is difficult speaking of someone's prophesied death and we did not want you to lose your confidence."
Multiple eyes carefully watched Yuu process everything he said. Some wondered how this would affect their character (Malleus admired them for their courage, considering their circumstances, and Ace liked them for their gutsy and surprising moments; hopefully nothing would change).
Others hoped that Yuu would relent and let the group fight Grim without them (Rook was regretful of leaving Yuu behind, but someone as special as them needed to be kept safe; Riddle simply didn't want to lose a dear friend).
And others prepared to rebut Yuu if they were still stubborn about going (Leona was mentally groaning and Vil shared his sentiment; aside from the Freshman Squad's reputation for having hard-heads, the two understood how much Grim meant to Yuu).
The Ramshackle Prefect started to observe them in turn with an unreadable expression.
Then they scowled. "You all realize how fucked up it is to keep that a secret, right? I mean, shouldn't I be told I might be walking to my death? Or is it--I don't know. You all think I can't make my own decisions?"
"That's the thing, Yuu. You care a lot about the people around you, and when it comes to Grim, you'd do anything to keep him safe. Even if we told you about the vision, I'm willing to bet you'd try to convince us to let you come anyway," Ace said. "You're right, it was fucked up to keep the vision from you, but we can't let you be so careless about yourself, especially since it's basically confirmed you might die."
"That cat has no idea how lucky he is to have a patient and caring person like yourself," Sebek said. "It wouldn't do for him to learn it through severely injuring you."
"And actually, none of us would be able to stand it if you got hurt or worse and we had the opportunity to prevent it," Ortho said. "You've done a lot already. Just this once, we want to handle this without troubling you."
Yuu silently stared at their Squad, mouth agape.
"When we found out you had gone with Epel and Hunt to find S.T.Y.X.'s headquarters, we seriously thought wouldn't see you again," Deuce said. "You gave us a heart attack with what happened in Scarabia. What you did then was unbearable."
"I know it's pointless to think about, but I sometimes worry over what would have happened if I didn't get my Unique Magic in time," Epel said. "Seeing that vision of Grim pouncing on you, though. . . it's made it harder to sleep at night."
"Frankly, the headmaster could be more considerate of you," Jack said. "Having to take care of Grim and being a Prefect can't be easy. Not to mention, what was he thinking tasking you with stopping Azul?"
He rubbed the back of his neck, looking to the side. "On top of being a little reckless, it makes it hard to not want to pull you back from any trouble."
"So, whatever you tell us, we're not taking no for an answer," Ace concluded.
The anger they had towards everyone for their audacity to keep the vision a secret was dimmed a little (just a little) by their friends' worry for their well-being. At the same time, the worrying made their heart tremble and throat tighten. They closed their eyes and took a deep breath. "You know, this whole time I was expected to be a stone wall. I forgot what it felt like to be cared about."
"Huh?" multiple voices chorused.
"What do you mean by that?" Deuce asked.
"Well, I was pretty much thrown into a lion's den and expected to survive it. I wasn't given much sympathy either by nearly everyone I met, especially during the first month." (A few of the boys internally cringed, remembering the hurtful words he had said.) "There's also the fact that most of the school consists of pricks who are self-absorbed year-round. It's not very comforting to know that if something happens to me, there's a good chance no one's going to give me a hand, except if it's people I get along with or people who can benefit from my suffering."
"I don't blame you for wanting certain attitudes to change, but you know as well as I do that you'll encounter pricks and predators anyway beyond the school walls," Vil said but not without some sympathy.
"I do," they said bitterly. "Look, I get it. I shouldn't expect the world to hold my hand or offer me everything on a silver platter. But--god damn it, would it have killed anyone or even any of you guys to have some sympathy? To be a little more decent?”
"I was able to bear the atmosphere of NRC for a while, but at some point, it gets so fucking tiring. A student population that can't be a smidge nicer unless they're beaten up or more upfront about their actual intentions." They shook their head, then made a derisive sound. "That's why I'm having a hard time processing this. I'm sorry, but I can't wrap my head around the fact that you guys, who come from Night Raven College, are actually showing that you care."
The corner of their lip twitched upward, forming a broken smile. Concern was visible on everyone's faces.
"Yuu," Ace said, "are you okay?"
". . . No. I haven't been okay since coming here, or maybe I wasn't okay before coming here and it just got worse. I don't really know."
They turned their face to the side, but it was too late: everyone saw a tear slide down their cheek. Except for Grim and the rest of the First Year Squad, no one ever saw the Ramshackle Prefect cry. It strangely made everyone concerned, and some reached out a hand.
They raised a fist to their face, as though it could stop the tears before they could spill. They took a slow, deep breath to calm themself, but they never let that breath go in fear a sob would escape.
"Yuu." A hand gently touched their shoulder. "It's all right."
They shoved the person away. They couldn't see who it was from the torrent of tears that suddenly spilled and blinded their sight. "It's not!"
"I was starting to believe people when they said I wouldn't be anything! They told me I was useless and dumb and a nobody. They told me I should've stayed a janitor because I couldn't do anything right. They'd try to beat me up for some etiquette I didn't know or for some stupid reason."
Insulting Yuu's parents and them. . .
Riddle noticed Trey setting aside a big cookie during preparations for the Unbirthday Party. It was for Yuu. Earlier that day, someone or some people had stolen their bag and stuffed it with crumpled paper and empty food wrappers. Their notebooks--thankfully still in tact--had been tossed haphazardly around the school and led to the field where the bag was left. Trey found all this out when Ace and Deuce returned to Heartslabyul dorm scowling. The Unbirthday Party went on as usual, and Yuu seemed cheered up by the cookie and receiving the honors of petting a hedgehog. Much, much later, Riddle caught a bully red-handed and dished out the consequences for breaking Rule #53: You must replace anything you steal. Sadly, it didn't deter other bullies from stealing Yuu's bag, but Riddle still punished whoever he could for breaking an important rule and troubling someone so undeserving.
Threatening to take a tooth. . .
Leona overheard a conversation while napping in the botanical garden. In between sleep and waking, he initially thought he was dreaming the times he overheard the servants whispering disapprovingly about him. What made him wake up was hearing plots to get Yuu kicked out. He couldn't be bothered to care what ridiculous crap the herbivores in the other dorms or his juniors in Savanaclaw got caught up in, but this was something different. Joke or not, someone had to step in before either party gets kicked out--and that's what he did, telling the students off for planning something ridiculous and highly risky (and glaring harshly when he recognized some of the students as members of the Magift Club). After the students scrammed, he settled back down to sleep and his mind wandered to Yuu. He felt a little deja vu when he thought how they needed a tutor to keep themself from failing (and Grim too even though that fur ball could pay to be less annoying). It would dig into his rest time, but he had an idea for what Yuu could do to make up for that. Say, help a certain hyena finish his given tasks quicker.
"It feels like I'm only here for people to use or take from. I keep wondering why it always happens. Is there something wrong with me? Was there some invisible sign telling people I was a tool that didn't need repairs? Was I cheap labor because I'm on the bottom of some hierarchy?"
Taking Ramshackle Dorm away. . .
Once, Azul came across a group of students playing 'keep away' with Yuu and their lunch box. For a moment, he was reminded of his child self, trying to get back a seashell from a couple of bullies who were tossing it to each other over his head and taunting his slowness. He snapped out of his memories when Ace, Deuce, and Grim entered the scene, magic ablazed and yelling. It wouldn't be the first time he would see this happen: anytime anyone picked on Yuu while using magic, their friends would come to their aid. (If Azul had to be honest, he envied the Ramshackle Prefect for having people like the First Year Squad look out for them.) But then, some time after his Overblot, he came across a couple of students on brooms waving Yuu's homework from their perch. The sight particularly irked him, but before he could step in, one of the bullies lost his grip and a couple of papers got blown away. The rest of the homework got lost when he and his accomplice tried grabbing the sheets. It all drifted onto the wet grass below or sailed over the trees, and the bullies, suddenly remembering they had something more important to do, left Yuu scrambling to salvage what they could. Azul wouldn't forget the Prefect's face when they asked, defeated, what he wanted in exchange for helping them with the missing papers. He neither wouldn't forget their face when they asked how he had been able to deal with being picked on so much. For once, he didn't feel the urge to strike a deal.
Using them for a plan. . .
When the high of partying in the desert died down, all Jamil could think about was how he would tell his family that he Overblotted and why. It churned his stomach picturing their horrified faces, and it was made worse when he wondered what the Al-Asim family would do if they heard that their heir had been caught in a dangerous situation by none other than the loyal best friend. What would happen to him and his family then? Amidst the inner turmoil, the Ramshackle Prefect and Grim were far from his mind until he and Kalim found them practicing for the VDC tryouts. A proper apology was due, but he didn't have one prepared. It didn't seem to matter to the two, though, as they acted like nothing happened. As though he didn't force them to "solve" another dorm problem right after Grim expressed not wanting to. When Vil Overblotted, he saw Grim rearing to fight while voicing how troublesome it was to deal with yet another Overblot. His eyes slid over to Yuu. . . and it was crystal clear they didn't want to deal with anything anymore. They stared at Vil's cackling, levitating figure with despair, eyes telling of exhaustion and mouth tugging into a grimace, a sign of reluctant acceptance. He tried to protect them when he could from poisonous spells--emphasis on tried, since he still had Kalim to keep safe--and afterwards, offered leftover food whenever Scarabia had parties.
"Was an Overblot all it took for people to see me differently? I can't control how other people act, only how I respond. All I can do is take things easy and forgive, but I don't know if I can keep doing it. It's just. . ."
Their voice trembled. "So hard to keep going when it seems like barely anyone wants to consider you."
Word spread fast around Night Raven College and it wasn't long before Vil recognized that Yuu was in a challenging position: they lived in a literal ramshackle dorm, had to live on a small budget, and were entirely new to this world. He had to hand it to them, they possessed quite the will and backbone. After all they experienced, he counted himself lucky that they warmed up to him rather quickly--which was why he noticed how tensely quiet they became the night after their friends snuck a bite of unknowingly cursed dessert. When asked, they told him bluntly that it was painful seeing food used like that. They were struggling to pay off lunch debts and it was made much worse when already broken windows broke a little more or parts of the roof had to be patched up after a short downpour. Vil could see a little hunger in their eyes as they talked of instances where they had to decide between repairs and eating dinner that night, even the next two nights. He didn't know about their struggles in the first place, but he nonetheless felt terrible about what he did and deeply apologized. For the rest of the VDC training camp, he ignored any footsteps that came from the Prefect's bedroom and headed downstairs, even as they made the floorboard creak loudly.
Idia sometimes thought about how the Prefect looked when they thanked him for listening to their rambles of all the anime they watched back on Earth. The two of them were sitting in Ramshackle Dorm's lounge, waiting for the next level of the game to finish loading, when he glanced over. Serene and distant, like they had recounted a fond memory. He thought back to all the isekai manga, anime, and video games he consumed. Some protagonists seemed pretty eager to be in another world, others were immediately wishing to go back home, but those who expressed homesickness did it in a cool way, like staring at a moon while sitting next to a best friend (he did remember reading fanfiction where it was more emotional, though.) None had a protagonist talk about something as mundane as the shows they loved to watch, let alone a protagonist who would talk to someone awkward like him. Didn't Yuu have their squad for these sort of heart to heart things? But they insisted that he was the guy they wanted to talk to; according to them, he was the most similar to the friends they rambled to about anime and would very likely 'get' what they would be talking about. Idia was simultaneously flattered and frightened: flattered because his expertise in the media was recognized and frightened because he was in a position reserved for those with high relationship levels. In fact, he panicked when Yuu suddenly got teary-eyed. The saving grace was the next level finishing loading and the characters getting thrown into chaos. The next time he came to Ramshackle Dorm, he brought with him some anime he thought Yuu would appreciate.
"And that's the thing. I don't understand how people forget there's more to a person than whether they have magic. There were times I wished no one had magic so they'd just shut up and stop acting like they're better than me or anyone else. It's like having magic is an excuse to be an ass."
Yuu sometimes joined Malleus on his nighttime strolls. Most nights they would be sound asleep, which was why he treasured the times they were awake enough to walk with him. The two talked about anything that came to mind: gargoyles, schoolwork, differences between Earth and Twisted Wonderland. Then one night, Yuu casually mentioned that many of the students were rather. . . unwelcoming. "Some of them act like I don't exist, but it's better than getting my homework stolen and thrown to the wind." He was surprised, but not unfamiliar with bullying from Lilia's recollection of cruel humans and various history lessons. He asked why. They shrugged, answering, "Probably because I'm low on the hierarchy. I don't have basic knowledge on magic on top of being magicless." When he said it still didn't warrant such behavior, they smiled sadly and replied, "Well, that's how it goes when you got something another person doesn't, and that other person just so happens to not really fit in a certain place." Later, Malleus was distraught to hear from Lilia that some of the students who were unkind to Yuu were of Diasomnia. The dorm was founded on the elegance of the Thorn Witch, surely the students would act with decor. But Lilia told him not to worry, he had a word with those students on being more open. But Malleus still wondered if there was something he could do. It turns out the answer was simple (even though it took place after his Overblot): hang out with Yuu during the daytime. They were a fellow student, were they not? So why should they be treated any different?
"Sometimes, I wonder if anything would change if I Overblotted. Would anyone wonder then why it happened and be nicer? Or. . ." Yuu let out a bitter scoff. "Would nothing change and people just see me more as an alien freak?"
They scrubbed the tears in their eyes. "Maybe I'm just a dumb ass and my Phantom would just eat me. It's not like I have anything else to offer it. God, what am I doing?"
The weight of what they had spilled for the past couple of minutes started crashing down like a crumbling shelf. They didn't want to see what the others' reactions were and continued to wipe their eyes with their hands and sleeves, even if there wasn't much to wipe. Their mind cycled through anything they could say to escape such an embarrassing situation. So sorry, I didn't know where it came from. Let's go back to arguing why I can't come with you guys to save my cat. He has been nothing but a pain in the ass, I should know, but he's become nicer and been my primary protector. He keeps insisting he'd protect me because he's the boss and I'm his henchman, and it's so endearing sometimes. And he's comforted me when I become so sick and just need someone to hold me--
"How long has this been going on for?" It was a gentle question. Yuu lowered their hand and found Ace and Deuce standing before them, the worry on their faces making their heart clench.
"A long time."
"Why didn't you say anything? We could have done something, you know," Deuce said.
Yuu shook their head. "This school runs on sink or swim. 'Losers don't have the right to complain.' And did you guys forget that we're freshmen? What can you guys do against the whole school? I actually talked about this with the school counselor and all he could do was apologize and tell me he'll put in a note for the headmaster."
Yuu almost laughed at the faces Ace and Deuce made. "I'm pretty sure I'm his first case for something like this."
"Still, you shouldn't just take everything lying down," Deuce said.
"I don't want to anymore, but I'm so tired of fighting. At what point can I stop?"
Yuu was once again seen under a new light. The viewpoint was different for each boy: from magicless outlier to honorary dorm member, notorious problem solver to exhausted errand runner, doe-eyed student to determined but kind mastermind, just to name a few. Yuu had laid bare wounds previously covered up by uniform sleeves, things they couldn't talk about or didn't feel comfortable sharing because otherwise they'd go against the school norm and grab negative attention to themself. Their closest friends knew of these wounds; others caught glimpses of certain parts. With the revelation, they all shared a similar viewpoint: an ordinary person so far from home, dropped into a magical, chaotic world and more vulnerable than what anyone realized. More exhausted and heavily scarred than what anyone realized.
"When Leona told me to stay here, I thought all along you guys didn't think of me as someone who could stand beside you and that everything had just been you all tolerating me." Yuu's voice dropped to a whisper. "That had hurt me more than any of you could know."
". . . Anyone who thinks you're undeserving of your position knows absolutely nothing," Riddle said. "Not counting your grades, you've proven yourself enough to have a place in this school."
Yuu gave Riddle a wobbly smile and he found himself feeling a little bashful. "Thanks, Riddle."
The smile suddenly became strained and they looked away. "I'm sorry. I know I said I took things easy and forgave, but--" they grimaced--"I can't bring myself to let go of some things you and the others did."
A/N: This accidentally became a two parter
EDIT: I forgot to add the link to part 2. Here it is
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hashtagboykisser · 1 year ago
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part one
also reminder! this is in terms of how they like to give their love
part one was how they like to receive it if you wanna check that out!
characters included: mirabell madrigal, camilo madrigal, luisa madrigal, dolores madrigal, isabela madrigal
MIRABELL MADRIGAL: words of affirmation
mirabell constantly felt as if she wasn’t enough throughout the movie
so she knows what it feels like to be all self conscious, so she wants to be your constant reminder that you are <3
she’s also very cuddly and she likes to kiss your cheeks almost every five seconds, but it’s cause she loves ya so :)
she also loves doing things for u! breakfast in bed - which i can see her getting julietta to help cook, helping you with basic chores, taking care of you when you’re sick (unless julietta is around so she can just cook you betta xD)
she also LOOVES making u little homemade gifts (doodles, cards, jewelry, etc)
quality time: 9/10
physical touch: 7-8/10
gift giving: 10/10
words of affirmation: 10/10
acts of service: 9.5/10
CAMILO MADRIGAL: physical touch
camilo (like i said in p1) is a damn love machine, he will give all the love he can, but also (like i said in p1) he CANNOT keep his hands to himself lmfao
he’s constantly holding you, in some way, he just loves feeling your guys skin touch. it makes his heart melt <3 he also may or may not do it to make pepa cry about that her little boy is growing up
he loves telling you how much he loves you, especially in flirty cheesy pickup lines 😭
“mi placer, i think i need a map, cause i keep getting lost in your eyes?~”
“oh my gosh, camilo..”
also yes, i headcanon he calls you “his pleasure” !!
i think he’d like gift giving - but the only thing he can give you is juliettas cooking and isa’s flowers cause this boy can’t make shit without setting the casita on fire 😭🫶
he also loooovesss seeing u all the time (he kinda stalks u when ur away😭) so quality time is a must!!
quality time: 9.5/10
physical touch: 12/10 !! lol
gift giving: 6/10
words of affirmation: 8/10
acts of service: 8.5/10
LUISA MADRIGAL: gift giving
luisa is the damn QUEEN of gifts
she likes to make them most of the time, but she does buy you things a lot too
she’s also very cuddly, but she’s careful becuz she worries she’d crush you when y’all cuddle🥺 (let’s be real, she’s probably taller)
she’s not so much words of affirmation, becuz she doesn’t know what to say a lot of the time
and she does like doing things for u, in terms of acts of service, but she’s a very stressed girl n she needs to focus on herself a lot yk :)
she also love love loveeeees to spend time with u so quality time is a go lol
quality time: 9/10
physical touch: 9.5/10
gift giving: 10/10
words of affirmation: 7.5/10
acts of service: 9/10
DOLORES MADRIGAL: quality time
dolores would hang out with you till the end of time if it were her choice
she loves spending time with you, and it doesn’t matter what ur doing
she also love’s physical touch (as mentioned in the last part) any touch can make her heart go 👆👈👉👇🫵👈👉👇👆🫵 XD so she loves to touch you so she can make you feel the same way :)
she loves words of affirmation too! pet names just make her internally explode lol
and as previously mentioned she loves gifts🫶🫶both making them and getting them
quality time: 10/10
physical touch: 9.5/10
gift giving: 9.5/10
words of affirmation: 9/10
acts of service: 8.5/10
ISABELA MADRIGAL: acts of service
isabela loves doing things for you and loves it when you do things for her
she loves cuddles too, and forehead kisses, whether she’s giving or receiving
she loves little handmade gifts - but she constantly needs ideas because she doesn’t wanna only give you flowers, and she grew up really only knowing her flowers, but she wants to give you so much more <3
quality time: 8/10
physical touch: 8.5/10
gift giving: 9/10
words of affirmation: 9/10
acts of service: 10/10
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this took a lot longer than i wanted it to, and i am so sorry about that!!
i have been stressed out, finals coming up for me and all
but my schools just about out for the year, so i’ll be more active!
-hermy <3
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rafyki · 3 months ago
Goth! Nico/ Surfer! Percy AU Part 9!
I'm back!! I hope you missed me as much as I missed posting lmao This chapter wasn't planned honestly, I wanted to write directly their beach 'date', but then this happened and I decided it's gonna be one more chapter before the date - sorry xD I bet y'all are tired of this slow burn, but i promise they're gonna get together soon!
(I hope the texting format is easy to read here on tumblr, but otherwise you can read it on AO3)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
You can also read it on AO3!!
Percy: Ehi, Nico! You have the afternoon shift tomorrow, right? Let’s hang out at the beach again after it?
Me: Percy, hi!
Me: So you really do know all my shift hours, huh?
Percy:  What can i say, Im a great obsever
Me: Huh, are you?
Percy: For important things at least
Percy: so is that a yes?
Me: of course
Me: No need to tell you what time I finish, I guess
Percy: nope 
Percy: 20ish right?
Me: yeah
Me:  see you tomorrow?
Percy: yep
Percy: see you tmorrow! 
Nico had been rereading the conversation for the best part of the previous night, and the first thing he had done after waking up had been checking his phone once again to make sure he hadn’t just made it up in his dreams. He knew the short exchange by heart now, yet he kept staring at it, reading it over and over again. Part of himself was afraid it would disappear if he so much as locked his phone and looked away for a second too long.
Their chance meeting at the beach three days prior still felt like a waking dream, like he had hoped so much for something like that to happen that he had started hallucinating. He wondered if hallucinations always felt so real, if they would let you to feel the water splashing against your legs, the warmth of the setting sun on your skin, or the pressure of a hand holding yours, the touch soft and warm, everything and more Nico had let himself dreaming about for the past months. The way Percy had smiled at him had been so beautiful that Nico’s mind probably wouldn’t have been able to conjure something like it if it hadn’t been real.
Still, it didn’t feel real.
Leo and Jason would have probably blamed the feeling on Nico’s self sabotaging tendencies. You’re allowed to have nice things, Nico, they would tell him.
Was he? Could he let himself hope that he could really have this? His heart was going berserk in his chest at the sole thought.
Percy had stopped to talk to him at the beach, Percy had taken his hand and held it while walking in the water, Percy had memorized his schedule and asked for his phone number; Percy had texted him first and asked him to hang out again.
For important things at least.
Percy had said that. Important. Nico wanted to scream.
His phone's sudden ringing almost made him jump out of his skin. It was Jason’s number, but it was Leoìs voice that greeted him from the other end of the line.
“Hi there, goth boy, so how ya feeling for your date today?”
“Not a date, Leo, shut up- and why are you calling me with Jason’s phone?”
Of course, Nico’s traitor heart stumbled on the word date. It wasn’t, and he couldn’t simply assume otherwise, it would make things awkward, wouldn’t it? And so far nothing had ever been too awkward with Percy - Nico surely wouldn’t be the one to make everything between them crumbling down for expecting too much.
“Not important-”
“He lost his phone”, came Jason’s voice. “Again. By the way, hi Nico”.
Nico rolled his eyes at their antics. “Hi Jason”.
“Anyway!”, Leo jumped in. “How are you feeling for your ‘not date’ then?”
“I hate you, Valdez”, Nico groaned, letting himself fall backward on his bed. His heart didn’t seem willing to stop running like crazy anytime soon, his hands were sweating from anticipation and tension.
“You’re freaking out, aren’t you?”
He put his phone on speaker just so he could set it aside, take a pillow, and scream into it.
Apparently, his suffering was extremely funny to Leo, because his obnoxious laugh came as a reply. “I’ll take it as a yes”, he said.
“Nico, I’m sure everything’s gonna be great”, Jason said. “You’ll have fun, get to know him better, and then-”
“Then you’ll finally date, hopefully”, Leo finished.
Once again, Nico’s heart skipped a beat and did a little dance in his chest. He threw the pillow aside. “What if I make a fool of myself though?”
“Well, your boy has made a fool of himself plenty of times already, hasn’t he? I mean, he knows your schedule by heart”, Leo replied. “So I’m sure you’ll be fine”.
Jason laughed at that, and after a moment Nico joined him.
Nico expected his shift at the kiosk to last an eternity, stretching on and on to keep him apart from finally seeing Percy in the evening. And, truth be told, the first couple of hours were just like that, long and boring and way too slow.
It changed when his phone notified him of a new text.
Percy: i got work today so im coming to teh beach latr 
Percy: ill meet you at the kiosk!
Nico’s heart was starting to become extremely good at doing somersaults in his chest. There were no customers at that moment, so he had time to reply, his fingers shaking just slightly as he wrote back.
Me: alright, I’ll meet you here then
Me: What time do you finish at work?
Percy: What, you wana learn my scdheule too?
Me: It's only fair, isn’t it?
And so, they ended up texting back and forth for a while and, after that, the time seemed to move faster, the day shining brighter, and Nico’s customers’ smile felt just that tiny bit more honest.
Nico’s internal list of the things he knew about Percy kept growing longer by the minute; he liked to text and wasn’t afraid to double text, his spelling mistakes were so atrocious they left Nico smiling and feeling so endeared it was almost ridiculous.
Nico’s nerves eased with every new text, his heart now beating out of excitement and anticipation more than fear and anxiety. The evening couldn’t come fast enough.
Me: Why are you spending so much time texting me instead of working
Percy: Why, arent you enjoying it :( 
Me: not what I said!
Me: i wouldn’t be replying if i weren’t enjoying it
Percy: :D 
Percy: im on break anyay
Percy:  what abot you, youre also on your phone instead of workin
Me: there aren’t many customers today
Me: no one to buy the same old blue drink
Nico put the phone aside for a moment, hiding his smile behind his hand and hoping that no one would think he was a creepy psycho smiling for no reason. He had every reason to smile. Flirting was easier through text, even if he kept spending minutes on end before forcing himself to press send. The downside of it was that it was way more difficult to avoid it when Percy flirted back.
Percy: aww you miss me?
He wrote and then deleted a reply a few times. He was lucky Jason and Leo weren’t there today to see him being like this or they would have made fun of him for the rest of their lives. 
It was strange. Nico was feeling embarrassed, but in an easy lighthearted way, and that made him feel just that little bit braver. Maybe it was because Percy was willingly spending his break texting him instead of whatever else he usually did; maybe it was the fact that he had the feeling Percy was feeling just like him.
He wrote a reply, looked at it for a few seconds and pressed send before he could overthink it too much.
Me: Maybe
Just then, before having the time to send a second text for damage control, a customer came and Nico had to put his phone down to serve them. His heart kept hammering in his chest the whole time, and his eyes kept stealing glances at the phone, hoping to see it ring. It was taking a little longer than usual for Percy to reply, and Nico didn’t know if it was because he had scared him away or flustered him too much.
When it did notify him of a new series of texts, he was still busy with new customers, and it took him all of his willpower not to make them wait while he checked his phone.
Finally, he thanked and said goodbye to the last customer of the queue, he moved so fast he almost stumbled on his own feet; and when he read what Percy had written, his heart was ready to jump out of his chest and start dancing on the counter.
Percy: me too
Percy: maybe
Percy: goot thign were seeing each other in a couple huors
Percy: cant wait
He read the words, reread it again and then again, once again feeling like they were nothing but a pipe dream. He blinked, and they were still there when he opened his eyes again. 
Maybe he really could let himself hope this time.
Me: me too
Time definitely couldn’t pass fast enough. 
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the-final-sif · 1 year ago
Okay, insane worldbuilding baby god c!Dream time now that I'm doing a bit less dying. You were warned about the worldbuilding.
To start this off, I have to introduce the nonsense deity system that this universe has running in the background.
Humans exist, hybrids exist, gods exist. Gods are not quite immortal, but they're close to it. Gods are separated out into different factions or "titles", there's quite a few factions with different corresponding hybrid groups. Some titles must be held by a hybrid from a certain group, some titles can be held by anyone from anywhere. More than one god can exist for a single title, and the inter-faction relationships vary.
Ex, there can be 2 death gods, and how they work together will be different depending on their personalities. Each god will have a specific role usually assigned at their ascension.
For a very long time, gods existed in a natural cycle. They would be born when a hybrid or human was chosen by the universe to be a prospective god (nicknamed "baby gods" or "godlings"), they would be marked from birth, but gods are generally unable to pick out godlings until they start to grow up, usually between 6-10. A baby god will be compelled to undergo a set of trials depending on their prospective title.
A baby god failing could have a range of consequences, from death to simply losing the prospective godhood. It mostly depends on the requirements of the trial. The trials have been set in place by a force that existed prior to the gods, and they have no control over it.
There will only ever be one baby god at a time. The universe picks one for the current title, that one is given the ability to attempt the trials. Upon success, the universe moves to the next title. Upon failure, there's often a waiting period of 50-100 years before the universe picks again for another prospective of the same title. The universe will not move on until a new god has joined the ranks of the current title.
When a baby god succeeds, they ascend to godhood. They're gifted a new name offering them a specific role under their title. Most gods also keep their human names in some capacity, although those are reserved for a chosen few. Some ditch their human names. Some pick new names. Some tell other gods their role, others do not.
Ex: Kristen (Human Name), God of death (title), Soul guide (Role)
Another example would be XD, (human name unknown), God of the End (title), Claims his role was given as "XD", lying.
Gods obviously have a lot at stake for helping out the best of their own titles, so they have agreements in place and rules about what sort of help can and can't be given to godlings. Unlike human agreements, gods are bound by their word (with one exception), so these rules maintained a fair process for a very long time. Right up until they didn't.
See, I mentioned before that gods are mostly immortal. There are exactly two things that can kill a god. Expulsion or an End God.
Expulsion is a process that requires all other gods to agree that the chosen god needs to die, that not doing so would threaten the universe itself. If there is an agreement from all other gods, then the god in question is stripped of their godhood and killed. While modern gods aren't entirely sure why this works, the best evidence suggests it is due to a very old pact made at the start of the universe that almost all gods are bound by.
The other exception are End Gods, also known among gods as "The Unbound". They possess a simple yet devastating ability that no other god has. They can lie.
It's generally assumed that this ability is why End Gods retained the ability to kill other gods. Either that or they were given the ability to lie in order to retain that ability. It's unclear which came first, or if it even matters.
Because End Gods can lie, they remained unbound by the pact of the other gods, and can kill as they like.
In fact, not only CAN End gods kill, but their trial requires them to do so. In order for a godling to complete their trial, they must slay two fully fledged gods.
This complicates the End gods relationship to other gods. On some level, End gods are much needed. While gods of various titles don't die naturally, they do age in a way, and they can lose themselves to madness. The older a god is, the more likely they are to lose themselves. It can be extremely difficult to gather and convince every single other god that one god is beyond saving and has to be stripped of godhood.
Still, other gods regard End Gods with a level of fear. It's only natural to fear something that can kill you. Beyond that, trusting an End God is always a gamble. Any promise made to them must be fulfilled, while they aren't bound in return.
Despite this or perhaps because of this, End Gods still generally maintained good relationships with other gods. They usually honored their word unless they had been slighted, and killings were generally well justified.
End Gods create a natural cull, and they also act as balance keepers. They tend not to bother with humans much if at all, and instead focus primarily on other gods. As such, they remain relatively unknown or misunderstood by humans. On the flip side, other gods often sought them out as peacekeepers or to provide an unbiased opinion since End Gods stood apart from other titles that were often tied up in promises, obligations, loyalties and favors. They had their role and they played it well.
The birth of a new End God was considered both the end of the prior cycle and the beginning of a new one. It takes quite a long time for new gods to be born when considering a human time scale, so gods started tracking the birth of end gods to mark passages of time for them.
Or they did.
See, the problem was that XD was born.
That wasn't the only problem, there were a lot of problems, but the tipping point was XD.
XD was one of two gods of the end. He had killed one of the prior End Gods to obtain his godhood, the younger of the two, and he took up his mantle with pride. XD was a bit of an oddball among end gods though. Not that that shouldn't have been expected.
End Gods tended not to interact with each other much. One liar was enough, and many saw it as their duty to maintain distance. When End Gods did interact, it was generally in conflict. They were considered unbound after all, and it wouldn't do to break that status.
XD didn't believe in that. He was taken with the other End God and persistently followed them around until his efforts were rewarded with a reluctant friendship. The other god was much much older, and to some degree they were worried about leaving such a young End God to their own devices. They saw their own end coming, and didn't forsee the damage this would cause.
Things were good, for a time. Some of the other gods were unnerved, but others saw it as necessary. After all, XD managing to kill an End God in their prime had also been concern. Signs were there for the eldest End God being on their way out, and having a trained replacement was better.
Because of the danger they pose if they lose themselves to madness, End Gods chose their own deaths. Some claim that the universe told them it was time, others simply said they were done putting up with the other gods. But each End God would know when it was their time, and they would pick how they wanted to go. None ever seemed sad, they were unbound to the world after all.
But XD... XD changed that for his elder. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe it was purposefully ignoring the signs. But the closer XD grew to the Elder death god, the less they found themselves willing to leave.
The madness set in quickly, and XD did the one thing an End God should never do. He hesitated. He couldn't bring himself to kill his elder. He let himself be bound.
When a vote was called to revoke the elder's godhood, XD had to agree. And again, he hesitated. That hesitation proved to be a grave error.
For the gods, it was a blink of an eye before nearly half of them were wiped out in the mad rage of the elder End God. No title was left unscathed, although thankfully no title was left empty.
XD acted the moment he found himself again, he took the other End God's life and put an end to the carnage. Not before irreversible damage was done, and XD was now left alone.
The incident scared the other titles deeply. It proved just what could happen if End Gods were let unchecked. Many blamed XD, others blamed the fact that two End Gods had been allowed to exist at the same time.
After a heated discussion, an agreement was made between the other gods that this could never be allowed to happen again. End Gods needed to be kept under firm rule.
XD would be allowed to live (if only because not having at least one god for each title could cause major destabilization) but no new End God could be born until his time was up. If XD refused to comply, he would be killed. If he attempted to kill another god, he would also be killed.
There was a newfound fear of death in the gods, and they would not allow themselves to be slaughtered again.
Some even saw this as a method of obtaining true immortality. Of breaking beyond their former limits. They saw a chance for power.
The current cycle continued until it reached it's end, where a new End God should've been allowed to have been born. Tension had been building for what all the gods knew would come next.
End Gods had specific requirements. They had to be born from Ender Dragon hybrids, a race that was generally reclusive and isolated.
The gods merely... increased their isolation. Separating Ender Dragon hybrids from the rest of the universe until they became a myth.
Every time a new End Godling was born and began to show signs, the child was killed before they could truly begin their journey or pose a real threat to the gods. It was cowardly. Pathetic.
And so a new status quo was born.
XD watched as child after child was slaughtered, never given a chance to put up a fair fight. At first he considered it his punishment for hesitating, but over time he watched as the other gods grew... complacent.
He overheard discussions that maybe there should never be another End God. That they should just be rid of them. That the gods shouldn't have to live in fear. They should be above it.
Even as he overheard this, he saw some of the older gods begin their decent into madness. His own ability to act halted by the fear that if he did, if he killed, then he would be killed in turn and no end Godling would be allowed to take his place.
XD watched this go on for a very, very long time. He watched so many children get killed that he couldn't remember all of their names anymore. It broke something in him. He stopped speaking to the other gods. He withdrew.
Finally, he decided he'd had enough. He entered the human world and worked tirelessly to create something new. Something that broke the rules the universe had laid out. Something only an End God could create.
At the end of his work, he had a simple white mask and a plan.
The mask was the cruelest thing he'd ever created, and it was also the only way out. If it worked as he intended, it would hide a godling from the universe itself. Separating the godling from their budding powers and letting them grow strong enough to complete their mission.
It would hide what they were almost entirely, and if XD kept them close to him, any little trickles of godly power that came out could be disguised as his own.
He stalked the remaining colony of ender dragon hybrids for years until finally he found the next godling.
They were only 4, and they had been born very early. It had only been 40 years since the last one.
XD took it as a sign from the universe that he was in the right. The other gods wouldn't really begin their search until it hit 50 years, and they wouldn't really worry until nearly 100 had passed. More than enough time for this little one to grow up and claim their place.
Under the cover of night, he stole the little one away. He pressed the mask onto their face, and took them to a server near where other humans and hybrids were. The child would need to blend in with them eventually.
Although the child protested at first, they eventually understood that XD had taken them for their own safety. That it had to be done. In time, the child began to forget where they came from.
As a part of the process, XD found himself tasked with renaming the little one.
In the end, he chose to share part of his own name. One that he hadn't shared with anyone else. When he'd taken up his own godhood, he'd been given the role of "Dreamer". It was a role he still didn't understand. But maybe his future companion would?
Dream loved his new name, and XD loved him in turn.
Now he just needed to make sure that he kept Dream alive.
How hard could that be?
Anyways the next part of the godling c!Dream AU is just "XD, a god who never talks to humans now has to try to keep a human child alive and also Badboyhalo believes he may be co-parenting with the moon". So stay tuned for that.
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yuna542 · 2 years ago
Connected (OT8 x reader)
Part 5 <-
Part 6
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: 18+, under 18 DNI!, Smut, Suggestive Themes, Swearing, Fingering, Dry humping, mentions of sex, pet names
Word Count: 3k
Note: Yea… What can I say? Lee Know was my first Kpop Crush, so I really put my soul into this. So hear me out: I thought since your feedback is incredible, I wanted to give you something back. If you want to you can write suggestions/requests in the comments or dm me about what you'd like to read in the parts. If I like it I will think of something and include it in the story! So feel free to tell me your dirty (or sweet) little fantasies xD
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
"I finally want to see you dance live!", grumbled Lee Know as you emailed him his schedule for the day in the practice room.
"Maybe someday", you muttered as you skimmed over your messages.
“Stupid JYP with those stupid rules”, he sighed and you had to grin. You'd love to dance and maybe even do a livestream with Minho but the company probably wouldn't allow it. The Stream with Hyunjin was a spontaneous idea and you were sincerely happy that yet nobody from JYP had talked about it to you. You didn’t even know if they maybe had a talk with Hyunjin and you were sure, that he definitely wouldn’t tell you to protect you.
However one of the most important meetings was scheduled for this afternoon.
A meeting with a potential new sponsor and at the same time producer for the first music video of the comeback. So one of the most important meetings ever.
The first video had to work the way the guys imagined it and it was your job to make it work. It was essential that the new sponsor was on board.
To say you're nervous would be a massive understatement.
It was the first big meeting that you would have to do alone with Chan. Seungmin would also accompany you, which took some of the pressure off your shoulders. This was one thing you just couldn't mess up.
You just wanted to send Lee Know his appointments for today and skim them quick with him. The tasks consisted the meeting with a new choreographer and then discussing with DanceRacha whether their ideas for the choreography for the big video could be done as they wanted it or if they needed to work on it even more.
Hyunjin and Felix had both already written in your group chat that they were here at any moment and Jeongin was with them. As you walked into the room, Minho seemed to have been dancing all morning.
There were fine drops of sweat on his forehead and yet his skin was just glowing with freshness. Just like perfectly worked marble.
"The choreographer's name is Chun De-Jeong. His application was the most impressive and he has very good references. He sounded nice on the phone, too. But if you don't like something about him, just let me know and we'll find someone new”, you explained expertly and he smiled slightly.
"You really are the best manager we've ever had."
"I try my best", you replied, and that's when he sat down next to you on the sofa.
With that, you finished discussing his schedule as well.
"I've never seen you in a dress like that before...", he mused aloud, and right away you were tugging at the hem of the white fabric on your thigh.
"Is it too much? Do you think it would be better if I change?"
Concerned, you stroke the fine roses printed on the fabric. Directly, Lee Know shook his head, regretting his words.
"No. It's perfect. You are... It looks very cute. You look very beautiful", he said quickly, stumbling over his own words.
Actually, he couldn't take his eyes off the thin fabric the whole time, where it perfectly hugged your curves and sat firmly against your waist. Exploring your profile, Minho noticed from the moment you came in that you seemed tense and restless today.
"Hey, is everything okay?"
Quickly nodding, you shove your Ipad into your handbag next to the sofa.
"Yeah... Everything's fine. I'm just a little nervous about the meeting today."
"With that spoiled ass sponsor?"
You nodded again, kneading your hands restlessly in your lap. Carefully he puts one hand on yours and managed to cover both of your cramped hands with his.
Instead of a joke or a mean comment that you would have expected, his voice softened and he squeezed your hands reassuringly.
"You don't have to be nervous. Business people like that are often strange and not exactly sociable. They are assholes, but you're so adorable that he surely won’t refuse any of your wishes."
A worried sigh wrings itself from your throat and you finally managed to look him in the eye. Only now did he recognize the great concern on your face and moved instantly closer to you.
"What if I don't? What if I mess up and you lose a major sponsor because of me? They will fire me..."
His chocolate brown eyes seemed protective, eyeing you with such confidence that you wanted to snuggle up to him. He placed his other hand on your thigh and gently stroked it.
"You won't mess up. And even if it won't work out, we'll find another sponsor."
A soft laugh escaped you as he quoted you, and he too smiled in relief when he saw that energetic sparkle in your eyes again.
Minho was suddenly so gentle and caring in a way you had never witnessed. In front of the others, he always tried to appear tough and untouchable, always had a cheeky comment on his lips and seemed to let nothing upset him.
But right now his other side appeared. His touches were careful on your skin, as if he feared to break you and he was full of care. It’s a side of him that he reserved just for you.
You intertwined your hand with his and squeezed it gently. As you did so, your thighs were tight against each other and he gave you endless confidence with just that. He believed in you and that alone was such a big ego boost.
Your heart began to melt and your eyes were automatically on his engaging lips.
"Thank you Lino. That really helped. I didn’t know you could be so soft.”
Suddenly his facial expression changed. He looked confused, as if he had woken up from a dream, and quickly smiled again in amusement.
"That being said, you have Chan with you. He's gotten each of us out of trouble several times."
There he was again. The tough Lee Know, and he wondered to himself why he had suddenly gone so soft. It was your mere presence that made him protective. He enjoyed feeling your warm skin and seeing the happy twinkle in your beautiful eyes.
In fact, he managed to make you laugh again and it sounded better than music to his ears.
"Don't worry too much. We definitely won't give you back, kitten."
His hand squeezed your own protectively and it touched you that he dropped his walls in front of you. Without thinking, you leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
You just could not have expressed your gratitude with words.
However, he froze completely and before you could pull away, he grabbed your face rougher than he wanted to. Firmly, he pulled you closer and it took you a few seconds to realise that his lips were already on yours.
Overwhelmed, you clenched your hands until you could feel his pleasant grip on your hip. The other hand was on your cheek and when you finally understood, you put all the desire and concern into the kiss.
At first he was slow, savoring every second until he took your lower lip between his teeth and let his tongue brush over it. As soon as you opened your lips a little, he pushed his tongue into your mouth and deepened the kiss with his whole body.
He seemed like an addict who couldn't get enough and became more and more impetuous. He tasted like a heady mix of sweet strawberries and spicy mint.
Finally he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you onto his lap, where he didn't stop licking his tongue into your mouth. Your hands went into his hair and tugged on his strands. His hands went on a ramble, pushing your dress up until he could firmly grip your ass.
A small squeak of pain escaped you as he squeezed tightly and you felt the corners of his mouth lift at your lips despite your eyes being closed.
"You even purr like a little kitten", he growled and you were completely caught in a trance of arousal and passion as he began to spread wet kisses on your collarbone. He sucked on your skin and pushed you demanding against his lap.
The little sighs and your tensed face made the blood rush between his legs and he wanted to fuck you right there against the couch. But he also loved to tease you until you would whimper and beg him to fuck you senseless. That made the painful erection in his pants much more worth it. His hand lightly brushed your thigh dangerously close to your core.
His tongue licked along your collarbone, down to your cleavage, where he slowly pulled the fabric down and worked on your soft skin so intensely with his mouth that you feared just coming from it on his lap.
The bruises Hyunjin had sucked into your skin were almost gone and Minho wanted to make sure, to mark you again so that the other members would see it. He wanted them to know that you were already his little toy and that they had to make a great effort, to get to him.
Overwhelmed, you felt his bulge feel frighteningly large beneath you and immediately you wanted to see if it was really as immense as it felt on your covered pussy. The straps of your white dress fell off your shoulders and Minho's hands kneaded the flesh on your ass so hard that you would definitely get bruises. But that only fueled the arousal in your whole body.
"Admit it, Kitten! You only put on that cute slutty dress to drive me crazy!", he murmured against your skin, and everything about him made you dizzy. A hard hiss escaped him and he looked up at you with an exited bliss in his eyes.
“Damn didn’t thought you’re so fucking needy, Baby.”
With questioning eyes you let your fingers go trough his soft hair.
“You’re grinding on me”, he explained and kissed the heated skin of your almost bare tits.
Suddenly, you became aware of your own body, feeling him underneath you and trying to feel as much of him as you can. You feel pleasant heat spread through your body, pooling together between your legs where you were far too effected by the feeling of his erection beneath you and somehow you still couldn’t make yourself stop, even though he looked at you with a teasing smile.
“Oh god. I’m sorry”, you murmured against his neck, but then, you felt his hands wrap around your hips further, fingers digging into the side of your ass, and you realised he’s helping you guide your hips.
He smelled so good that you just couldn’t stop rolling your hips against his.
“No need to apologise. That’s so fucking hot”, he growled and pulled your chin back, to kiss you deeply, while he pushed you even further against his hard bulge.
”That’s it, there you go“, he said softly as you moan into his mouth and started to move your hips against his length and you couldn’t stop yourself from whimpering, when the only thing between your clit and his dick was the thin fabric of your clothes.
Suddenly his voice is right by your ear and snaps you out of your aroused trance, so close it sends shivers down your spine:
”You should have told me you like dry humping my dick this much. Fuck, it makes me so hard, can you feel that, kitten?“
You could just nod and get flustered by his words.
Your behaviour was so messy and desperate, even Minho started to lose himself and he kissed you as if he’s never kissed before. It’s more tongue and teeth than needed, tasting you and moaning into your mouth when your tongue meets his. It shouldn’t feel as good as it does. Someone could come in an catch you, how you pounce on each other like heated teenagers, but the hurried kisses make your head feel like it’s spinning.
It hasn’t been long, you know that, but you’re already started to get close. Like with Hyunjin, you felt things that you never had experienced before. There was something about these boys that made you go crazy and they definitely knew what they were doing.
Even though your underwear and his sweatpants were seperating you from feeling him, there was something so intense about this and about Minho that it hardly mattered, and you knew it won’t be long until he would get you making a mess in your panties.
Unable to keep up with how good it felt, luckily Minho still had a hold on you, and when he noticed that it’s getting more difficult for you to keep composed, he gripped your flesh even harder.
Embarrassed you hid your face in the crook of his neck as he guided you by the hips harder and harder against his hard dick. With one hand he pulled you back by the nape of the neck so that you had to look at him while you dry humped him like a kitty in heat.
"No hiding! I wanna see every adorable flustered expression you make!”, he demanded with a harsh tone, both of you trying to pull the other closer for more stimulation. Your hands still groped and scratched at eachothers skin as you desperately grinded on eachother.
He slipped one hand to your throbbing cunt and started to circle your clit, while you tried to get more friction. He was so hard by now that your mere movements on his dick almost made him come. But he did force himself to calm down because he just wanted to work you to an orgasm and see your beautiful face tensed with desire just for him.
”Don’t stop!“, he ordered and his harsh tone made you whimper.
”I want you to be good and cum for me like this, okay? Can you do that, kitten?“
As soon as he hit the sensitive part of your clit directly with his fingers, a naughty moan escaped you and you started to ride your cunt so hard against his cock that you had to claw your fingernails into his back.
“Fuck… Minho”, you cried and couldn’t think of something else than your high which was announced by the tremendous heat in your lower abdomen.
"Aw, you like that, baby?", he chirped with a growl and guided your hips so that he would still hit all your sweet spots through the fabric. You nodded, unable to speak, rocking your hips even harder against him and his fingers.
He pushed his fingers against your clit and noticed how your body tensed. Directly he accelerated the intensity and held your face tightly again with one hand in front of his so he could look at your teary eyes, swollen lips and aroused expression as he worked you to your orgasm with just the snapping of his hips and his hand. You wanted him as close as possibly and somehow this, his mouth mere millimeters from yours, swallowing your breath, wasn’t enough.
“I’m gonna cum…”, you whimpered and he hold your face even rougher, digging his fingernails into your soft cheeks.
“Look how easy it is to turn you into the neediest, sluttiest mess, kitten”, he growled and pressed you firmly onto his throbbing dick. The wet spot on his pants was already as big as a hand, but he couldn’t care less.
“Oh I can’t wait to fuck that soaked little cunt till you cry my name all night!“
Your hands clawed for some type of, literally any, support on his shoulders while he grabbed your ass harsh.
„Be a good little slut and come for me!“, he demanded and his words twisted your mind.
Eventually you got so caught up in the moment you won’t even were able to stay focused on talking, and he started thrusting up, meeting your hips so you didn’t have to do any work. It’s this that finally does it for you, his hands holding you and his hips meeting yours and you automatically imagine how he would fuck you like this. You wanted more and more, caught up in his scent, his words and his body and finally your orgasm crashed over you.
He helped you to ride your high out and gently brushed his hand over your back.
"Feel better now?", he asked and kissed each corner of your mouth.
„Yes… Thank you, Minho.“
A little huff escaped your lips, while you still rubbed your overstimulated pussy against his length. The friction felt too good to stop, even though your soaked cunt was now extremely sensitive. He laughed lightly and ran his hands through your hair as you let your lips brush over his neck
„Greedy but polite. I like that“, he teased and kneaded your ass again. He couldn’t get enough of the perfect curves and the softness of your skin against his fingertips.
„I want you to fuck me, Minho“, you mumbled against his skin and kissed the sensitive spot on his neck beneath his ear. He instantly got goosebumps and in response he moved your hips again more firmly against his now painful hard length.
He would not and could not wait any longer. He longed to sink into your wet core and fuck you so hard until you begged him to stop. Therefore, he reached for his waistband and pulled it down. With a liberated gasp, his boner popped out and you had to bite your lower lip when you realized that it was even bigger than it had felt through the fabric. He would split you open, but you didn't care. Impatiently he pushed your panties aside and as he slipped into your aching core with just the tip, you already felt, how he stretched you out. Slowly you grinded your hips against his, gasping as only his tip filled you painfully good.
You were so dizzy that you almost didn't notice how the door to the practice room were opened and Hyunjin, Jeongin, and Felix walked in.
It wasn't until Minho glanced over your shoulder in annoyance. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw the boys staring at you over your shoulder.
Hyunjin looked at you with a amused, yet unsurprised grin. Felix stared open-mouthed at your naked ass with the white thong on that Minho still had a firm grip on, and Jeongin looked perplexed but definitely aroused by the way you ass was wiggling and grinding against his friends dick.
In fact, the three were more than grateful to have burst into this situation.
"Can't you knock?", Minho spat at them, leaning his forehead against the crook of your neck to breathe in your sweet scent once more. His tip was already in your cunt and he considered, if he should just don‘t give a fuck about the others and push himself all the way into you. If he did that, he'd probably fuck you in front of them too. He already had to fight against his desire but your shocked face made him weak.
Hectically, you tugged your dress back down and adjusted the straps on your shoulders, while he slowly slipped out of you and tugged his dick into his pants.
"We've been knocking, calling and messaging", Felix said meekly, unable to get the image of Minho's hands all over you out of his head and immediately imagining what it would be like to have you sitting on his lap like that, riding his dick and moaning his name.
He cleared his throat and stared at the floor, trying not to get a boner in front of everyone like a needy little schoolboy.
"Yeah... but you seem to have been too busy. Obviously…”, Hyunjin said and his smile was breathtaking.
Minho let you off his lap only after a short resistance and cursed his members quietly. Jeongin was still frozen, looking at you as if you had just flown from heaven to earth.
Embarrassed, you fixed your hair, not resisting Hyunjin's intense gaze. To Felix, you almost wanted to apologize as his head glowed so much you could barely distinguish it from the red walls.
"You guys have to fuck everything up", Lee Know grumbled, leaning forward so they couldn't see the wet spot and the huge bulge in his sweatpants directly.
"We're really sorry, but we need you, Lino. We need to finally start working the choreography out."
Even though Hyunjin's eyes continued to rest on your boobs, he spoke normally to Minho. Gradually, your heartbeat calmed down and you tried to ignore what just happened. They almost caught you, fucking in the practice room. Anyone could have come in but Minho didn’t seem to care at all.
"You look stunning by the way, Jagi", Hyunjin said then and pulled you close to his chest. With his hands lingering on your back, he kissed you quickly. He just couldn’t resist you. The kiss was short but intense and you returned his smile with rosy cheeks.
"Yes. The dress is beautiful on you", Felix agreed and his cuteness sent butterflies in your stomach.
"Thank you. You guys are really sweet."
Jeongin still couldn't get a word out and shoved his hands into his pockets. Suddenly, you remembered something.
Panicking, you searched your phone in your bag and almost had a second heart attack as you read first the time and then Chan's messages where he asked when you guys are going to meet to prepare for the meeting.
"Shit!" you cursed, gathering your things. Along the way, you slipped on your Converse Chucks that you had left by the sofa.
"I have to go see Chan right now. Do you know where he is?"
Hyunjin shrugged and connected his phone to the stereo.
"He was still here this morning", Lee Know said from behind you.
Felix nodded and Hyunjin glanced over his shoulder briefly and replied:
"Yes, but left again around 10 o'clock."
Then Jeongin said:
"He was just at the dorm."
„Okay, Well shit. I'll go there then. We have the meeting in an hour. Fucking hell..."
As you storm out, a few more not so ladylike curses slipped out, due to the stress. The guys looked after you and Hyunjin sighed loudly.
"Is it just me, or is she even outrageously hot when she curses like a sailor?"
Lee Know snorted in amusement and the other two could only agree. Then Hyunjin looked back at Lee Know with a knowing grin.
Still irritated, he snapped at him:
Hyunjin pouted his lips and shook his head defensively.
"Nothing. Just wondering why you decided to fuck her in the practice room, in the middle of the day, where anyone could have come in.“
„Thanks to you I didn't even get to fuck her yet“, he said sourly and the boys knew, that Lee Know would go hard on them today. He almost were able to fuck the hottest girl he ever met, and of course his stupid members had to screw it up.
"The choreographer is here“, Felix said, glancing at his phone.
"Do you want me to bring him in? He's been waiting for a while", Jeongin asked, to which Lee Know stood up, his hands in front of the big tent in his pants.
"Tell him he'll have to wait a few more minutes if he doesn't want to blow me."
Felix pressed his lips together and Jeongin looked at him in amazement, while Hyunjin laughed. As the door slammed shut behind Lee Know, Jeongin said monotonously:
"I definitely won't tell him that."
-> Part 7
© Yuna542 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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