#were at an airbnb rn right
kindaasrikal · 24 days
Little sisters can either be the biggest menaces or the biggest sweethearts.
My 12 yr old sister could and has walked into room, started singing in the dumbest, loudest way, and leaves. Before walking back in over and over again with a “i need to tell you something again-” in the span of five minutes.
Yet today, when i have a slight cold, and can’t help but feel overall ill, she looked at me, an 18 yr old, and was like “make sure to call me if you need anything, alright?🤨” as she went downstairs to play roblox.
Best part is, I’ve said that to her every time she’s ill (which is often). Best know your little siblings learn from you and your habits, and will reciprocate them when or if you’re in the same position as them.
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bugmistake · 5 months
i love my mom ......
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brostateexam · 1 year
A bunch of tech companies have laid people off and crypto startups have basically gotten wiped out. Have expectations finally gotten in line with reality? Or is the tech industsry still way too optimistic?
I think it depends on what you mean by way too optimistic. Tech is no stranger to boom and bust, though anyone under 28 or so probably thinks the world is ending because you can't fart into an elevator and be offered a job at this moment. There have been downtowns before.
I think people are tempering their expectations for a rough year or two, and then they think things will start the return to baseline, or at least will improve. If you think that's not in line with reality then yes, these folks are way too optimistic.
Personally, I think 0% interest being gone is a game changer because suddenly having a VC firm that says "Uber for doggy day care is gonna be the next Airbnb" is not appealing compared to like... a bond or some stocks, or at least it's less appealing. But I also think interest rates will start to come back down in the next three to five years.
Incidentally, I think there just aren't that many good ideas right now. Web3 and crypto as paradigms were embarrassing when they were pitched and now just seem farcically out of touch even for Silicon Valley. So this cooling off period is good imo because we need paradigms that aren't discrete digital ownership tokens slash magic bean ponzi schemes.
The layoffs are interesting because on the one hand you have some of the most profitable companies on earth saying "tbh we just don't need this many people bye" which seems potentially short-sighted, and then on the other hand it's been really apparent that FAANG et al overhired a lot of mediocre candidates who could interview/1337code well enough to break in and then didn't do poorly enough to be fired. I'm not sure they necessarily did a great job of identifying those folks when they did layoffs, though; it's hard to assess people at the best of times and this ain't it. Time will tell if this was a sound strategy or a heartbreaking photo taken moments before disaster.
That last sentence is how I feel about the tech industry rn in general btw.
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lil-gingerbread-queen · 2 months
Some olympian athletes (young, probably first olympic, often usamericans) complain like a spoiled brat about the Olympic Village, and how it's not a 5 stars hotel, as if that's not how the athletes have ALWAYS been treated at the Games, because it's not 20 teams of 40 players and their staffs that are being housed (to compare it to world championships for football or rugby), but hundred of athletes (more than 2000 athletes officially) and their staffs from hundred of countries. And the hotels are for tourists, for spectators, or do you not want people to not come to the games? These games are extremely expensive, let's not make them more because you are a lil baby that need staff to make your bed. The cardboard beds exist to not create more waste than what the games already produce (imagine buying more than 2000 beds to only be used for a month and than discarded... Every 2 years...) THEY ARE ATHLETES WHO HAVE RUN WITH NO SHOES, AND YOU ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT BUYING TOILET PAPER?! And I have seen so many comments saying awful shit about how 3rd world countries shouldn't participate so the lil usamericans can have a better treatment, and that's unacceptable. The games are about unity between the nations, the goal is not to win, it's to participate. To be together. It is always beautiful to see these countries being able to send their athletes to compete. They deserve their place here as much as any 1st world countries' athletes, they have work so hard to be here. Their whole fucking country gave money sometimes to help them have the equipment for the games. You're so spoiled you cannot even comprehend how privileged you are. "This is cheating to make France wins!" I literally know a French olympian. She has the same age as me, she is the daughter of an ex-colleague of my mother, so I saw her grow up and train to be an olympian. I know how French athletes are treated, and it's not good. What you are getting rn at the Olympic is better than what they get all year long. Damn, one of our best athletes who got multiple olympic medals in his career RAN NAKED IN THE STREET to find a sponsor so he could continue to be an athlete, because he had no money.
I am SO mad because, as a French, I know the REAL issues with these games. But will they talk about them? NO. It's only about their ass and being like "I deserve better because I'm an Olympian, I'm better than everyone!". DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY STUDENTS WERE KICKED OUT TO HOUSE COPS FOR THIS EVENT? Where are they suppose to go when everything cost all your organs rn in Paris? DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE PARIS IS FOR PARISIANS DURING THIS EVENT? It cost more than 100€ every week for a parisian to go to work by metro rn. DO YOU KNOW PARISIANS DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO WHEREVER THEY PLEASE IN THEIR OWN CITY FOR THIS EVENT? They have to ask for a pass and it can be refused. They were asked to not leave their house as much as possible. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE KICKED OUT SO THEIR LANDLORDS COULD RENT THEIR PLACE ON AIRBNB FOR AN EXPENSIVE ASS PRICE FOR THIS EVENT? Same as the students, where do they go? DO YOU KNOW THEY DEPORTED HOMELESS PEOPLE, WHICH MEANS CHILDREN BECAUSE WE HAVE HOMELESS CHILDREN, OUT OF PARIS FOR THIS EVENT? They forced them into bus to other cities, so Paris could be "clean". No, they are not housed, they are still homeless. DO YOU KNOW SOME SHOPS WERE FORCED TO CLOSE FOR THIS EVENT BECAUSE THEY WERE JUDGED NOT "GOOD ENOUGH" FOR THE EVENT? This includes the small book stores at the edges of the Seine selling vintage books, which is one of the most classic thing about Paris. How are these people suppose to survive without making a dime for a whole month? DO YOU KNOW THAT CORALS WERE DESTROYED FOR THIS EVENT? DO YOU KNOW THAT FACIAL RECOGNITION CAMERAS HAVE BEEN PUT IN PLACE FOR THIS EVENT? DO YOU KNOW MOST OF THE STAFF FOR THE EVENT ARE VOLUNTEERS, WICH MEANS THEY ARE NOT GOING TO BE PAID A DIME AND WORK AWFUL HOURS, ALL BECAUSE THEY WERE MANIPULATED? DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE POVERTY CRISIS WE ARE GOING THROUGH IN FRANCE RN WHILE THEY PLANNED OLYMPIC GAMES FOR THE RICH ONLY?
They only give a fuck about shaming France to their own benefit, they never give a fuck about the people. We are going to ruin these games, and we do not feel bad for y'all ass. Cry about the cardboard beds, see how you manage the trash cans not being emptied (garbage collectors are on strike during the event, so nobody is going to do that) and people launching pavement, our national sport since 1789.
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willowrites · 3 months
can u pleasee do a smut where y/n sends nudes to colby
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PAIRINGS. colby brock x fem reader
SUMMARY. you and colby haven’t seen each other in days…
WARNINGS. implied sexual situations, taking nudes, sending nudes…
AUTHORS NOTE. this one was new and i lowkey liked it 🤫 a little blurb!!! PS. i do not condone sending any nudes!!! i strongly recommend that you do not especially under 18!!! if you want to by all means do what you want but remember this decision can come back to haunt you, people are so fucked up these days just make sure you will not regret who you send them to!!! take care 💞
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you were mindlessly scrolling through instagram just looking at your feed when you got an interesting text.
from colby 💕
hi baby
you smiled at the text feeling butterflies in your stomach.
to colby 💕
hi…is it not 4am in london right now?
it was 8pm in LA where you were at and colby was in the uk to film a series of videos.
from colby 💕
yeah but i miss youuu i wanna see you talk to you taste you
you always remembered making fun of your friends for smiling at their phone but now you were giggling and kicking your feet at colby’s messages
to colby 💕
i miss you baby how was the video?
from colby 💕
it was good, exhausted but i can’t sleep
to colby 💕
aww honey why don’t you go for a walk? where are you staying at?
from colby 💕
we’re at an airbnb for 2 nights before heading closer to our next location
to colby 💕
sounds fun but i’m sorry you’re tired baby
from colby 💕
i’ll be okay… i hope
to colby 💕
you know…maybe i can help you feel a little more tired? as long as you’re not too loud
from colby 💕
and what do you mean by that…
you thought about it, maybe if you sent colby a picture of yourself in lingerie he’d you know…get riled up and well…
to colby 💕
the image was of you in a beautiful dark blue lingerie set. you had tried it on when you got home from a mini shopping day. you took a picture for future use not expecting it to be this soon.
from colby 💕
do you think i have time to go to LA and back in two days? because i need you so badly right now
little did he know, you were just getting started
you had gotten up from laying down and stood next to your full length mirror.
you turned on the light right in front of the mirror and put on a sheer nightgown that revealed everything. you put one foot in front of the other and put your left hand behind your back while taking the photo.
you then sent the photo, heart beating out of your chest.
from colby 💕
holy fuck baby…i’m hard
to colby 💕
i think you should take care of that and then go to sleep ;) goodnight
from colby 💕
am rn
to colby 💕
from colby 💕
finished ..goodnight babe i love you
to colby 💕
goodnight sleepy
from colby 💕
still horny, gotta do one more round
to colby 💕
omg 😭
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aery-c · 1 year
1. drink - Coca Cola
2. 📱 call - my bf
3. text - my bff
4. song you listened to - misbehave by one true god and arius
5. time you 😢 - like last year
6. dated someone twice - yup who hasnt gone on second dates
7. 😘 someone and regretted it - ew yes
8. been cheated on - yup and cheated too.
9. lost someone special - milo my pupper
10. been depressed - 100%
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - way too many times
Silver, pink, mauve, black, white.
in the last year have you...
16. made new friends - yes
17. fallen out of 💛 - I haven’t
18. 😂 until you 😢 - yes
19. found out someone was talking about you - yup. A customer who was a stranger and it was rumoured by another customer.
20. met someone who changed you - hell yeah!
21. found out who your friends are - yah
22. 😘 someone on your facebook friends list - lots
23. how many friends from your facebook friends list do you know irl - maybe like 400 but like obvs I don’t still talk to them all 
24. do you have any pets - 1 kitten
25. do you want to change your middle name - nah its been changed lol
26. what did you do for your last 🎂 - airbnbed at docklands and chilled w 2 friends while video calling boyfie, dipped in jacuzzi and had dinnerly.
27. what time did you wake up today - about 11.30am
28. what were you doing last night at midnight - watching westworld s4 the epic episode of generation lost
29. what is something you can’t wait for - meeting up w boyfie irl
30. what are you listening to right now - nothing
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - yeah
32. something that gets on your nerves - people who disrespect women
33. most visited website - does ig count as a website?
34. hair color - black
35. long hair or short hair - short hair but i have medium
36. do you have a crush on someone - does my boyfie count
37. what do you like about yourself - my openmindedness
38. want any piercings - yes. Tongue and snakebites
39. blood type - A+
40. nicknames - catan, cey, aery, vinnie, 女女
41. relationship status - in a relationship of 1 whole year
42. zodiac - gemini
43. pronouns - she/her
44. favorite 📺 show - westworld
45. tattoos - none
46. right handed or left - right handed
47. ever had surgery - does dental surgery like wisdom teeth extraction count?
48. piercings - ears n belly button
49. sports - hate it. Except iceskating and roller skating roller blading
50. vacation - dying for one
51. trainers - adidas ultraboosts
52. eating - nothing rn
53. drinking - nothing rn
54. i’m about to watch - my bf
55. waiting for - bf to wake up
56. want - to be financially well off
57. get married - I want to... but it’s unlikely :c
58. career - design innovator or inventor
59. kisses or hugs - hugs
60. 👄 or eyes - eyes
61. shorter or taller - taller
62. older or younger - younger
63. nice arms or stomach - stomach
64. hookup or relationship - date to marry so relationship.
65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant
66. 😘 a stranger - yup
67. drank hard liquor - of course
68. lost glasses - I dont wear any
69 (oof). turned someone down - yup 
70. sex on first date -  surprisingly yes
71. broken someone’s ❤️ - im a heart breaker
72. had your 💔 - oh for definite
73. been arrested - nah 
74. 😢 when someone died - yeah
75. fallen for a friend - yes
76. yourself - sometimes
77. miracles - yes
78. 💛 at first sight - yeah
79. 🎅 - nah
80. 😘 on a first date - yeah
81. angels - yup
82. best friend’s name - cece
83. eye color - brown
84. favorite movie - currently bladerunner
85. favorite actor - maybe the main guy from blade runner... Cant remmeber his name rn lol
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dnf-fic-recs · 3 years
i was wondering if you could recommend me the best long fic that you can think of? i only seem to find either one shots or really short fics, but i’d rather read something that i can get really invested in.
heat waves is the longest dnf fic i could find, but i already read (and loved) it
hello anon!! <3 let me see,,,, (under the cut)
currently i’m reading the modern dictionary for ghosts, written by a dead guy by Turtle_ier, with 3 chapters out atm!
Dream is dead, and has been for some time. People come and go, trees grow and fall, and as time gradually wears down even the most steadfast things, he forgets himself. Eventually, the appearance of the man who inherited the house he haunts means that he remembers some things, and learns a few others. But Dream remembers that face. It would be hard not to remember that face.
there’s also Acts Of Love by overthejune! 13 chapters out rn
He leaned down and smiled sensually. "Your name would be nice.
The brunette seemed to consider this for a moment, then leaned forward until their faces were inches apart; a direct challenge. Clay could feel the boy's breath softly ghosting onto his face.
"George Davidson."
Clay's smile grew as he tallied himself a point. "Well, my name is Clay Dream. It's very nice to meet you, George."
George stared straight into his eyes, a light going off in them that signaled his intense disapproval of Clay's condescending tone. The boy leaned back in his seat but didn't relax. After a single moment, the dark eyes discarded him.
"Wish I could say the same."
-- Everyone loves Clay... everyone, that is, except for the sarcastic, edgy guy in the third row of Clay's English Language class.
Clay has always enjoyed a challenge, but he never thought that it would be so hard to get someone to notice him.
George has always enjoyed staying away from people like Clay, but he never thought that it would be so hard to ignore him.
It will be quite a battle of the wills (or pills), and it will change their lives forever.
figure skates and hockey blades by effervescentlies has 7 out of 15 chapters out rn!
George is a talented figure skater who moves from England to Canada on a scholarship.
Dream is the rowdy captain of the university hockey team. Unbeknownst to George, he’s also Clay, an exceptionally bright and mysterious English major.
But what George doesn't know won't hurt him, right?
high dive down by xiechr only has 2 chapters out right now but i’m a SUCKER for mistaken identity fics (those are my Jam yall i am requesting them pls and thank you <3)
George doesn’t know what he’d do without Dream. He doesn't know who he’d be without Dream.
Or: George drunkenly books a flight to Florida. For the record, it was a bad idea. But George thinks finally meeting Dream might just be worth it.
Clay, on the other hand, is the pool boy of the airbnb George is staying at.
lucky charm by persona_kath has 20 chapters out and is one of my favorite royalty aus Ever (i had to stop writing my own king!george and knight!dream bc i was afraid i’d accidentally steal ideas bc this fic is Amazing)
George has had bad luck before.
He’s stubbed his toes on doors, dropped heavy pounds onto his feet, nearly cut open his fingers trying to cut potatoes-- but nothing like this. Nothing in his life can compare to the misfortune of having just been crowned king.
In which George, down on his luck, is crowned king and meets Dream, the luckiest knight in the world.
number neighborhood by Depressed_Anon is actually such a good fic it’s so fucking funny and there’s 30 chapters out rn! dnf isn’t the main focus of this one but its hilarious and i adore it
Dream- i’ll literally bark at you
George- fucking e x c u s e me?!
Dream- you heard me
Sapnap decides to hop on a trend that happened in like, 2018, and makes a group chat of number neighbours. Chaos ensues.
saltwater secrets by earlgay_milktea has 6 chapters out and i think the author has  a tumblr so go follow!! 
George may be a mermaid, but his feelings for Dream are drowning him.
last one, studio 404 by quartzfia is amazing! it has 8 chapters out rn and is one of my favorite fics
With zero hesitation he pushed the door upon, eyes darting to the figure there as he realized it was very much not empty. George found himself completely enthralled with what he saw. He always had a thing for tappers, didn't he?
Or in which, George left everything behind him to pursue his dreams of dance in New York City, and meets two mysterious people he grows too attached to in too little time.
my computer is yelling at me for making a long post but i hope this helps anon!! sorry theyre all continuing lmao
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amicicidalgambler · 3 years
so like, life update stuff (neutral to lightly positive things, even)
right now the plan is to definitely be out of this house by october 4th bc after that the house is getting staged and shown and all that shit. i feel p certain that we can get everything accomplished by then. were making good progress. this week were going to be painting and thats even work i like
once were out were going to be staying in a cozy airbnb for like a week or two and then after that. its still kinda up in the air. but well have something by then. if nothing else materializes well just come back to the house and be on air mattresses for a bit while we handle the last few things.
at SOME point this is all going to involve me being trapped on my laptop for like a month at minimum but idk when ill have to pack up my computer or when i will get it back right now, just that thatll happen eventually
as far as the me in this equation, though, i am... surviving. managing. handling. doing pretty bad but i have a roll of flex tape and gumption and im rolling with the punches as they come
but my problem here is that rp is my special interest so i dont want to be like bwaaaa everything sucks and will continue to suck and then have ppl be like ‘oh i shouldnt bother alex theyre busy and sad and on their sad lil laptop’. like no PLS bother alex actually just be patient with me. rp stuff soothes my brain. and also i luv my friends
but thats about where everythings at rn
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Angstmas Day Four 
Nessian AU // Hardest goodbye 
Nesta looks up at the phone that she propped up on her desk chair against three textbooks. She was sitting on the floor with her clothes sprawled around her. She scowls at the screen, “Stop laughing, its not funny,” she snaps, her scowl turning into a frown as she looks at the half packed suitcase. 
“It’s kind of funny,” Cassian replies, he had his phone propped up on the counter as she stood over his stove where he was finishing up making dinner for himself. “Why do you always wait until the night before you leave to pack?” 
Nesta groans, “Because I am a procrastinator and I don’t want to think about having to put all of this back. Why don’t you come visit me, huh?” she mutters, throwing a tee shirt into the suitcase and then pulling it out again. “What are we doing again?” 
Cassian stops stirring his food to look at her. “You’re coming for three days, we aren’t going to do anything,” he retorts. 
She runs a hand through her hair. “But what if we decide to go on a hike? Or swim? Or you get invited to a gala?” she questions. “I need to be prepared. You know I don’t like feeling not prepared.” 
He laughs. “Bring normal clothes and if any of that happens I will take you to a store and buy you what you need, but I doubt I will suddenly have the urge to swim or hike in winter or be invited to a gala,” he replies, pausing as he rubs his chin, “But uh-, I was planning a nice dinner for Saturday if you want to bring nice warm outfit.” 
“You can’t tell me that! I have six hours until my flight and I still need to sleep! Now I have to plan an outfit? It's fine, It’s fine, everything is fine, I’ll just bring a few different options,” Nesta replies with a wave of her hand as she gets to work. Cassian sets up his phone on the table as he eats his dinner making small talk as she finishes up packing. 
Nesta zips it shut and looks back at the phone. “Two hours, I’ll be at the airport! Three hours I will be on the plane! Seven hours, I’ll be with you!” she exclaims. 
Cassian smiles, “Remember to send me your flight information before you crash,” he says. 
“You know me so well,” she smiles. “I love you.” 
“Love you too,” he responds. “Can’t wait to see you.” 
The screen goes black after she blows him a kiss, she types in the information quickly and hits send before falling asleep on the floor. She had forty-five minutes to sleep before she had to get up and start heading towards the airport. 
She sits in the seat, watching the line of people walk by, she takes a picture of herself looking out the plane window and sends it to Cassian with the caption: Can’t wait to see my boo, bet he’s looking PLANE sexy rn. 
I literally hate you, get off the plane, go home. I am not picking you up. Cassian texts back almost immediately. 
What qualifications do I need to be your frequent flyer member? She pipes back, chuckling into the sleeve of the sweatshirt she was wearing which she may or may not have stolen last time she went to visit him.
She watches the three dots disappear and then his text pop up. You’re cringy. 
I bet I need a sophisticated navigation system to navigate myself to your heart. She texts back. She sends another one just as fast, I have turbulence in my heart everytime I look at you (uwu face). 
No (red heart) He replies quickly. Where are you finding these? Do you just have a file in your brain of cheesy plane pick up lines? 
If you wanna be a pilot, babe, I’ll teach you how to press all the right buttons. She replies. 
She watches as the flight attendants begin closing all the overhead luggage and telling everyone to shut off their phones. She looks down to see a new message from Cassian. Are you checked luggage? Because I’d wait an eternity for you. 
She bites back a smile. She really loved that boy. My flight is taking off. See you soon! She pauses, her fingers hovering over the buttons. Something inside of her told her she should write more, to tell him how she really felt about him. She quickly types a message, clicking send, as she puts her phone into airplane mood. 
Cassian POV
Cassian sits in the galley watching his friend and fellow lieutenant Rhysand tell a story animatedly to Azriel and Amren. “Earth to Cas,” Rhysand says, shoving his friend until Cassian looks up at him. “Did you hear anything I said? I just told a wicked story about how Tamlin got what was coming to him.” 
Azriel chuckles from where he was sitting across from Cassian, he smiled smugly at him as he explains, “His girl is coming to town tonight, he’s probably tracking her right now. How far away?” Azriel raises an eyebrow expectantly. 
“Two hours,” Cassian mumbles under his breath but loud enough that Rhysand and Azriel start whooping and Amren rolls her eyes at the scene. “I haven’t seen her in six months and it was only for a night, before that it was a year. Forgive me for being excited.” 
Rhysand snickers, “Whipped,” he says through coughs. 
“Who’s whipped?” Mor asks as she falls into the seat beside Cassian. Rhysand chuckles as he says, “Cassian. He’s a in loveee with Nesta Archeron.” Cassian reaches over and smacks Rhysand in the back of the head. 
“I think it’s sweet, at least he had a girlfriend unlike the rest of you,” she snaps back, pulling her phone out of her pocket as she leans back. “Oh my god,” she explains. “Have you guys seen what's trending? Apparently there was a massive crash a couple miles away from DTW.” 
Cassian’s world froze in place. Everyone around him was a blur. Azriel was saying something to him. Mor was showing Amren pictures. Rhysand was already running up to the front to have them change one of the TVs to the local new station. 
Cassian hands shake, as Mor grips his shoulder turning him towards her. “Where was she coming from?” she asks. He doesn’t remember saying anything, only his mouth moving, and the fear in her eyes as she looks back up at the TV. 
“There had to be tons of planes going from BOS to DTW, do you have her plane information?” Azriel asks, standing in between Cassian and the TV. The TV that showed a plane that was so destroyed you wouldn’t have even known what it was. The fire blurred in his vision, if she hadn’t died in the crash then she definitely-, Azriel shakes him. “Listen to me, we don’t know that’s the plane she was on. Do you have her confirmation?” 
Cassian swallows, tuning away from the blinding lights of the fire and the haunting memory of what she had possibly one through to pull up his phone. A text from her blinked back at him. She texted him, she was ok. He quickly typed in hsi password the text standing out to him. You’re my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye. I love you millions, Cassian.  
It had been sent three hours ago. She had sent it before she even left. How did he not see it? Why had she sent it? It’s like she had known this would have happened. He scrolls up to their messages from the night before and the screen shot of her ticket. He looks around until his eyes fall on the flight. The numbers 3529 blink back at him. 
He hands his phone to Azriel who scans the photo as well, his hopefully expression falling as he slides the phone towards Rhysand and Mor before pulling Cassian into a tight hug. How had she known that he would have to go through the hardest goodbye of his life? How had she known the impact of her words based on the weight on his shoulders. 
Was she scared? Did she know she was going to die? Was it quick? The thoughts ran through his head. Even his friends who swarmed around him couldn’t pull him from the tides that ripped through his mind. Nesta Archeron was gone. He would no longer see her bright smile, laugh at one of her cheesy pickup lines, or run a hand through her soft curls. 
He would never see the determination that shone bright in her eyes, or the curiosity or the passion when she was discussing a book she had read recently. How she mumbled in her sleep or how she had to be touching him when they slept. 
How her eyes lit up when he asked if she wanted to get coffee before they started their day or watching her favorite movie. How her lips were curved when she was hiding something that usually ended up with her dragging him through an animal shelter to play with cats or a weekend road trip that ended with a airbnb treehouse stay. 
He would never see her sing into her hairbrush again after she showered and was wearing one of his sweatshirts. He would never see rub the sleep from her eyes as he brought her breakfast in bed. 
She was his hardest goodbye.
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aropippin · 4 years
feeling weird about my relationship rn and need to vent. i’m going to talk to a friend about ti later. pls like if you read, it would make me more comfortable
so josh and i are long distance for the summer while he works at camp, we were last summer too. he’s been gone since mid-june and he saved up off-time so i could come down for a couple of days. we got an airbnb and hung out tuesday morning, wednesday, then he had to head out early thursday morning.
tuesday was fine and most of wednesday was too. wednesday night we were just hanging out and drinking and watching movies. i don’t really know how to tldr this but josh is one of those people who is on his phone a ton which sometimes bothers me but it’s something he’s sensitive about because he got constantly yelled at about it as a child and it’s holds trauma for him, so i try not to bring it up. well, for a while he had it plugged in and we were just really getting into talking which made me really happy. he has another month at camp before he moves back to cincinnati (but there’s also a chance he’s going to move home for the fall semester, so we’d be long distance for even longer). but then when he got his phone back he was just on it and not talking to me and i got really upset about it because of how limited our time together was. i tried to handle it and ended up crying in the bathroom and came back and tried to let it go but got upset. 
this all totally freaked him out which like, i understand because it kinda came out of nowhere. but then he got really upset about that and it turned into a lot of stuff about his mental health and worldview which i won’t get into here. it was heavy but we talked through it and were pretty okay, but still very emotional.
like before the whole trip i had told him one night i was getting emo about the beginning of our relationship and reading some of the things i wrote about him and we were like “lol let’s get drunk and read it,” so i was like you wanna do that and he said yes. so i got it out and was letting him skim through it.
(so, i was pretty sure i had never let him read it before. i remember one time reading passages to him and talking about it, but that was it. he remembers us talking about it several times. i assume i’m just forgetting but idk, i believe him i just don’t remember.)
and sometime in i was like “lol don’t just read it aloud that makes me anxious, i’m letting you know all my Thoughts” and he was like “why i’ve read it before.” i was confused and was like when? and apparently sometime last spring (2019) i had let him stay my house when i had to go out and he was like “lol can i snoop?” and apparently i was like “yeah just not my closet.” i also don’t remember this but that feels like what i’d do. my memory also sucks. so i guess he found and read several old journals then and just never told me, the latter is i think what hurt worse. because like, i’d brought it up since then and it felt like his was being dishonest by purposely not mentioning that he already knew what they said.
so i felt weird about that and then somehow that turned into something else and he started talking about how around then was when he realized i was easy to manipulate and i didn’t know what to do so i was just like “haha i know right???” and just moved on. we went to bed pretty soon after that and i just kept thinking about it and it made me feel like absolute shit. like we were talking about our relationship when he said it, so i was like so did you try to manipulate me? was our relationship built on lies? and it really freaked me out.
the next morning he had to get up at 5:00 and run out the door to be back at camp so we didn’t get to talk or anything i had to make the 4 hour drive back. i felt really weird and gross and didn’t know what to do. when i got back we texted some and i was like “pls call me when you have the chance” and he asked if i was going to break up with him and i was like no. (also the night before after he talked through his mental health stuff he had been like, i’d understand if you wanted to break up with me and i was like i don’t and i appreciate you talking to me about this, which was true).
so we talked about all of this on the phone and worked it out pretty well. like, we agreed that we both needed to be more open to a dialogue about the phones thing and he understood why i was upset about the journal thing (and apologized). we talked about the manipulating thing and how gross it made me feel and he explained that he wasn’t talking about our relationship, he was just talking about how sometimes i’m gullible and people are able to use me and how he didn’t know how to like bring that to my attention. and like, that’s something he’s bad about doing. i’m not good at picking up cues so sometimes out of context he’ll just kind of drop something he’s been trying to hint to me and it like never works. we talked about him trying to be more cognizant of how what he says comes off to me (especially when we’re both upset) and just like being more upfront about things when they’re happening/
like we talked through everything which helps but i still feel weird. it’s hard because sometimes he just shuts down when we talk about things that he does that aren’t great; i’m not going to get into his baggage but he has had an unhealthy/borderline abusive relationship with a parent that’s made him feel like when things are his fault he just needs to cower and apologize until they forgive him because there’s no use talking it through. like, i think we both want to do better moving forward but i just feel really numb right now. 
and this numbness and weirdness is like 100x worse because i can’t see him. it’s so much easier to make up in person and i’ve been making it through the summer by like being overly romantic about him in my head to try and balance him being gone (esp because we quarantined together and functionally lived together this whole last year, so we were coming off spending a lot of time together). but i just feel so numb about him rn. and that scares me too because in my last relationship (which was like, not great and pretty short, to be fair) it got weird while he was away and i just totally lost all my feelings for him. 
i’m terrified that that’ll happen again. josh and i have been together for almost two years and i am so invested in him and our relationship. we joke about getting married but like, i know it wouldn’t happen soon but that feels like the path we’re on. i want to spend my life with him, i’m just scared that something is off and i won’t be able to right it.
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swordkind · 4 years
for the cryptid asks: ghost
hoo hoooh boii! 
i specifically have not (other than like. normal shit like waking up at 3 am with sudden and freezing terror and a sensation of something in the room but thats fairly vanilla and also probably my head)
howEVER i have people who’ve had fucked shit happen. the most freaky thing i can think of rn is smth my friend told me abt a while ago. shes polish-canadian and she was in poland for a visit or smth. they were in a hostel/airbnb for a week or so and her bed was the top bunk bed, right next to the wall. nd every night more or less when it was late and she’d be in bed, she’d hear scratching. like, not little animal scuffling. like fingernails or hands or something scraping slowly down the wall. over and over, from the ceiling, right past her head, and down. the first time it happened she checked on the other side of the wall and there wasn’t anything there; it was the living room or the attic or smth. literally no possibility for anything else. and anyway, it was at the very top of the wall, what could it be?
but yeah. that continued for about a week. until she left. shes catholic too and sometimes if she’d start to say a prayer or smth it would stop for a bit. when she stopped it would start again. also no i promise im not making any of this up and neither is she i swear. some shits just fucked up ig!
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psychdyke · 5 years
Hey baby. You are the most beautiful girl in the world.. But this was actually about an ask meme, so could you please answer me questions no 9, 24, 31, 41 and 93? Thank you, baby, I love you so much ❤️
youre so cute baby i love you!! 🥰❤
9: Name the last four beds you were sat on?
mine, my best friend’s (from uni), your airbnb’s and Sabrina’s I think…. 
24: Is there a certain quote you live by?
already answered - nope
31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
mhh yes probably… but i can’t think of anything specific rn. then again i also usually expect bad things to happen so…
41: Where’s your last bruise located?
on my left knee! also like three weeks ago i hit my right shin on the corner of my bed and you can still see a tiny bit of that bruise…. 😅
93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth
uhh i don’t think so? 
distract me please!
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uruhabuns · 6 years
the GazettE PHASE 03 @恵比寿 LIQUIDROOM DAY 2 06/02/2019
Another late af account bc I’m dead everytime I get back to my Airbnb bc I’m still in korea rn. BUT YES FOR MORE TEARS!!! I STILL MISS THEM 😭😭
— YAY SO I GOT STAIRS AGAIN but this time I was behind a tall girl and a pole so I could only see Uruha if I leaned around...otherwise I could see every member quite well, and had enough space to dance around
— Never have I ever headbanged that hard or much in my life...(maybe it was bc it was my last live:)
— Uruha looked at me like twice, which surprised me bc I didn't expect him to pay any attention to me lol (I tried making hand hearts at him every time he looked in my direction/area rip)
— Ruki's dancing..was questionable but that's just showing how much he's into/feeling it HAHA
— Ruki also saw me a few times, and I made a lot of hand hearts at him (bc I love him like a best friend/papa)
— REITA SAW ME TOO WHEN HE CAME OVER TO KAMITE, AND DID HIS TONGUE THING. God... that man is coming for me and my bias list...I hate him.
— AND THE ENCORE WAS MADE TO DESTROY US I SWEAR (go to hell, inside beast, vermin, vortex, headache man, then tomorrow never dies...all one after the other...could you imagine how much pain I was at the end of the live...)
— It was as if they knew it was my last live and decided to finish me off with the encore Imao
— Uruha was so fuCKIGN SEXYI AFDJKSGHKLA DSJF uggggh the way he danced while playing his guitar, and his outfit exposing so much skin...I just wanted to leave hickeys all over his neck and shoulders and armsdikflsdfik
— He wore the shirt he designed (did too so we matched :") BUT HAD THE COLLAR CUT WIDER SO ALMOST ALL OF HIS SHOULDERS AND CHEST WERE EXPOSED (why do I like the thots of every group)
— I almost caught Uruha's pick when he threw it to my area, but it flew right above me :’)
— Anyway, that live was the best finale I could ever have (except for that tall girl and pole in front of me) and I cried at the end :’)
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dawsim · 6 years
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simself tag
i was tagged by the lovely @teael
i tag: @hiddenspringss, @simphoniae, @enismald, @glazeio, @simsdork, @tropicivy, @elnorasims, @bearcula, @ohhiplumbob, @obi-uhie, and @pixelddump <333
traits: music lover, goofball, gloomy, loner, foodie
You have to make a simself and put whatever you wish there, traits, anything about you.  After the keep reading thingy are +100 questions I found that you can answer if you want, but you don’t have to.
What is your full name? madeleine
What is your nickname? dawson, maddy, mads, daw, bitch
Birthday? december 26
What is your favorite book series? i’ll just say harry potter :-)
Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? aliens.. maybe? ghost YES
Who is your favorite author? uhhh idk
What is your favorite radio station? i literally only listen to spotify so idk maybe chill lofi beats to study to
What is your favorite flavor of anything? vanilla
What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? cool, amazing, incredible
What is your current favorite song? smile a little smile for me, the flying machine
What is your favorite word? FUCK
What was the last song you listened to? the rain the park and other things, the cowsills
What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? bojack horseman
What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? hercules
Do you play video games? eh
What is your biggest fear? losing the spark for life or losing my big brother
What is your best quality, in your opinion? i’m pretty clever
What is your worst quality, in your opinion? i’m awkward and insecure sometimes
Do you like cats or dogs better? i love cats
What is your favorite season? fall or winter (right in between them)
Are you in a relationship? nah
What is something you miss from your childhood? before webkinz was turned into a capitalistic cesspool 😞😢 and when i wasn’t a sad bitch
Who is your best friend? i’m gonna say my mom
What is your eye color? brown
What is your hair color? brown
Who is someone you love?  my mom and brother
Who is someone you trust? my mom and brother
Who is someone you think about often? my dad :/
Are you currently excited about/for something? winter break so i can hang out with all my friends who are off at college again
What is your biggest obsession? danny devito
What was your favorite TV show as a child? DRAKE AND JOSH <3333
Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? my brother or my friend dylan
Are you superstitious? i just have a lot of anxiety that it spills into that zone sometimes
Do you have any unusual phobias? nothing unusual really
Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? probably behind
What is your favorite hobby? guitar
What was the last book you read? the scarlet letter for school (rip dimmesdale 😩😢)
What was the last movie you watched? the shining
What musical instruments do you play, if any? guitar
What is your favorite animal? i love raccoons
What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? i can’t narrow them down to 5
What superpower do you wish you had? time travel
When and where do you feel most at peace?  alone in my room
What makes you smile? my sims
What sports do you play, if any?  nah
What is your favorite drink? lemonade, cream soda, rootbeer
When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? i do write for rights every year so like last march or so idk
Are you afraid of heights? yeah
What is your biggest pet peeve? so many
Have you ever been to a concert? yes
Are you vegan/vegetarian? no
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? someone with a dog lol
What fictional world would you like to live in? the shire in middle earth
What is something you worry about? my dad
Are you scared of the dark? no
Do you like to sing? sometimes
Have you ever skipped school? yeah lol
What is your favorite place on the planet? my house
Where would you like to live? idk. a suburb that’s so boring but yeah
Do you have any pets? i have a cat named buzz!
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? i think i would be an early bird if i wasn’t so lazy
Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunrises
Do you know how to drive? no
Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds
Have you ever had braces? no
What is your favorite genre of music? 60′s-70′s pop, 60′s soul, 2000′s pop-punk, indie, rnb, some hip hop
Who is your hero? my mom
Do you read comic books? nah
What makes you the most angry? clingy or ignorant people
Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? the real thing!
What is your favorite subject in school? zoology
Do you have any siblings? two older brothers
What was the last thing you bought? pho
How tall are you? 5′4
Can you cook? yes
What are three things that you love? days off, clean clothes, my cat
What are three things that you hate? sunday nights, monday nights, ignorant people
Do you have more female friends or more male friends? depends which friend group but probably girls
What is your sexual orientation? probably pan idk
Where do you currently live? us of a
Who was the last person you texted? my friend
When was the last time you cried? lol an hour ago
Who is your favorite YouTuber? my faves: kurtis conner, drew gooden, danny gonzalez (i also love david dobrik vlogs bc heath is just. my type)
Do you like to take selfies? nah
What is your favorite app? spotify
What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? my mom is my best friend i love her more than anyone and my dad is eh :/ it’s rough rn
What is your favorite foreign accent? liverpool accents
What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? new orleans!
What is your favorite number? 26
Can you juggle? no
Are you religious? i find religion so interesting and sometimes it’s a good escape place.. but there are so many terrible aspects to it as well so idk
Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? deep ocean
Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? no lol
Are you allergic to anything? no
Can you curl your tongue? yes
Can you wiggle your ears? no
How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? if i’m really wrong i’ll admit it right away
Do you prefer the forest or the beach? beach
What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? idk :/ to prioritize my own well being
Are you a good liar? nah
What is your Hogwarts House? hufflepuff
Do you talk to yourself? oh yeah
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
Do you keep a journal/diary? sometimes i keep a dream journal if i’m trying to get back into lucid dreaming
Do you believe in second chances? if what they did wasn’t despicable then i believe they should get a chance to redeem themselves.. but not a ‘second chance’ cuz that kinda makes it seem like what they did is erased
If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? depends but probably hand it in
Do you believe that people are capable of change? probably
Are you ticklish? a little
Have you ever been on a plane? yes
Do you have any piercings? i have some closed up ear piercings
What fictional character do you wish was real? lana winters from ahs
Do you have any tattoos? no
What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? to stop caring what my stupid high school classmates think about me
Do you believe in karma? yes
Do you wear glasses or contacts? YES lol my vision is so bad and i haven’t gotten a new prescription for like 3 years… my vision with my glasses ON is 20/50 and 20/60 hahah
Do you want children? maybe
Who is the smartest person you know? my friend deming
What is your most embarrassing memory? it’s not the most embarrassing of mine but i recently was in an airbnb and it had a lot of dachshund knick knacks and i opened one of them and a bunch of powder came out and we all thought i had just spilled some dog’s ASHES everywhere but after like 20 minutes of trying to put the ashes back in we realized it was a pepper shaker ahahahah
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yes
What color are most of you clothes? blue
Do you like adventures? sometimes
Have you ever been on TV? don’t think so
How old are you? 16
What is your favorite quote? my friend recently said “my roomate asked me to watch the communal juul for the night but i don’t fuck with nic”
Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory
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tk-observer · 6 years
Scandinavia + Netherlands
It’s been two years since I wrote in here! Gasp!! There’s been one more trip to Japan in that time with Joanna too!
Anyway, before I get too caught up in that—this year’s trip!
WAS A BEAUTIFUL BIKING UTOPIA. I loved biking there so much! Even though it was cold and around like 6–10°C the entire time, the city was so flat and the bike lines so well thought out. We never got close to hitting anyone or in the way of anything. Even when we were confused, the bike lanes were made such that you couldn’t cross traffic and get in the way if you stayed in the lines.
We ate so many pastries. I also ate the world’s most beautiful chocolate croissant at Andersen & Maillard. Ugh, it was so beautiful. That cafe was so beautiful.
Lydia and I stayed in Nørrebro, the cutest little neighborhood. We also got to enjoy someone’s tiny apartment, which they shared with a kid?? We don’t know. We had two theories going:
1. They have a baby that comes to visit often, or 2. They’re moving out of the apartment.
Because the apartment was smaller than my studio, and they had maybe 1/3 of the things that I own. Just wow. Really makes you re-evaluate the amount of stuff you have…
Anyway, we biked around, visited Assisten’s Cemetery, which apparently is a place people go to hang out in during the summer. Half of it is public, with grave sites from like the 1800s or something like that, the other half is an active graveyard, where there are memorial services. We visited Hans Christian Anderson’s grave and Niels Bohr’s grave. Niels Bohr!!
Went to Nyhavn, visited the beauuuuuuuuuuutiful public library, went to the royal Danish museum which had a cool exhibit on what “modern” life is like in Denmark now with submissions that were voted on by the museum’s FB group. Also a surprise Pika Pika booth. Visited Christiania in the dark, the time when people are there to actually buy drugs instead of be tourists, Lydia biked with a flat for like four miles (two different bikes!). Food hall was amazing, went to a Zara home I think (dat Scandinavian design tho). Also walking around the Halloween themed Tivoli Gardens at night!! They had all these cute kiosks where people were selling their wares and glögg.
Also randomly while walking around Kastellet after visiting the Little Mermaid statue, we stumbled on a drum core practicing. Copenhagen is really beautiful, especially with all the fall leaves changing colors.
I think my favorite part has to be coming home and watching Pitbulls and Parolees on our AirBnB’s TV. That and Say Yes to the Dress which I surprisingly love to watch. 
Was warmer! But there was a mix up at our Hotel Not Hotel which was a little annoying, but still kinda cool. It’s a very gimicky kind of hotel. Our room door was a bookcase. One thing I like nightmare dreamed about was a fire and then for the rest of the time I was worried that firemen wouldn’t be able to find our room if they needed to… Well, there was no fire.
The canals did make it difficult to navigate since the city was shaped in concentric rings. Also, when you were around the neighborhood that was known for selling weed, you would just smell it everywhere. I don’t smoke bc I am small and I don’t like the way it makes me feel, and I really don’t like the smell. @___@
We had dutch pancakes, ate a lot of pasta, discovered Yogurt Barn which was SO GOOD. Biked some more, but in Amsterdam it’s a bit more chaotic. The bike lanes are clearly marked, but that’s kind of it. They cross each other a lot more, so it’s easier to get startled. Also on the smaller streets along the canals, it’s not clear who has right of way, so a few times there was a car coming from my left or right where I did not know if they were going to stop or if I should stop or what.
Visited the cat boat!! Walked through the Bloemmarket, also went to this BEAUTIFUL, fancy restaurant called De Kas. It’s a greenhouse in the middle of a big park, so it’s just magical because you can see all the park around you outside. Also the food was so good. It’s a set course, but my favorite was the salad. They served it with a raw egg yolk, and I don’t know where that egg came from, but it is the best egg yolk I have ever had.
Museum of the canals was super cool! A great little museum executed really well, had tons of cute stop-motion animations to illustrate how the city was built (they put logs in the ground! Just tons of logs that they imported from Scandinavia), and this dollhouse which was my favorite. One of the rooms of the dollhouse you could look into was the room where the dollhouse was. So meta.
Anne Frank house, jeez man. I don’t think I’ve read the book, so I bought it, and I’m going slowly through it.
Moco museum, a modern gallery kinda deal. Lots of Bansky which eh, I’m never really into since I can’t shake the feeling that he’s kind of arrogant, but the Icy and Sot exhibit was so good. I bought their book even though it only goes up to 2016 and doesn’t have their environmental pieces, which I think are amazing. 
Tea at the smallest house in Amsterdam! IT’S SO FUCKING CUTE. Also our host was a surprise historian! He taught us about the history of the house and was a great local host. He told us about how his family was like the fourth/fifth? people to own the home since it was built. Also a proper tea house since it seems that Scandinavia and Netherlands is really into coffee over tea.
I think this is the point where we were kinda tired from going out all the time. Stockholm again was way colder and even the city bikes were taken in for the season. We took a lot of busses which were expensive (~$5 for a one-way ticket for 75 mins), but the central bus station. THE CENTRAL BUS STATION. Was so gorgeous. It looked kinda like ancient greek pottery.
Stockholm is gooooorgeous. It’s the in-between of the two cities to me. I think Amsterdam was old smashed with new, Copenhagen was mostly old, but Stockholm was like modern old. It didn’t have as many narrow buildings, and way more cobblestones streets and hills. I think biking there regularly would be more difficult. But also, Stockholm is a archipelago city, spread out over small islands. The water’s never far.
Fika everywhere! Unguarded coffee!
We ate Swedish meatballs, walked around the super cute neighborhoods Södermalm and Ostermalm (I think), visited the ABBA museum which was really fun, and the Vasa Museum, which has a 17th century ship preserved from the sea. Like they literally dragged the whole thing out of the ocean and restored it. It’s crazy.
It was also at this time that I discovered that season 2 of Castlevania came out so I ended up watching it with Lydia since she was interested despite all the gore and violence. Season 2 had much more plot going on, way more people, but the animation was kinda stilted. Since it had 8 episodes, it felt like they saved up all the budget for the fight scenes, which were still really good, but I like my dialogue scenes with more than just shots of people eyes. Also, plot was a bit more messy (poor Godbran!). Still, fun to watch! It was interesting to see more of Dracula’s perspective in this one since he was missing the entire first season. I’m really glad they didn’t skimp out on the background artists though. They were A+.
Went to IKEA on the free IKEA bus from central station, which was soooo much fun ahahha. Ate at the nice restaurant (more meatballs!) there and then just walked around. I don’t think we even bought anything, just had fun sitting on things and looking at all the cute children’s furniture and toys. It was so big. So, so big.
And then home!!
I’m so jetlagged rn. It’s like 2000 but it feels like 0200. Waiting on my last laundry load, and then I’m going to SLEEP
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