#were all done live in a discord call to build up the queue again. the rest will be done via polls!
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Mother’s aren’t always the best [Corpse x reader]
Paring: Corpse husband x female!reader (platonic)
Summary: You’re the youngest in the group and recently moved out. When your mother decides to pay you a visit while you’re streaming.
Warnings: Angst, fighting, yelling. Big bro Corpse, kinda abusive mom
Words: 1.5k
A/N: My job just cut my hours in half, so yay. If anyone want to, I have a Ko-fi in my bio, if you buy a fic through there you get to skip the queue. I know it’s not a lot, but it’s only if you want to of course! <3 Also I’ve wanted to write this for quite a bit
You have recently finally moved out from your home and is now able to stream on a schedule and far more often. While living at home your mother had been very against the mere thought of her daughter putting herself out there on the internet. Which meant you have had to tiptoe around when you wanted to stream. Only being able to do so when she left you home alone. The only good thing about having a single mom, was that she worked a lot. So that meant a lot of alone time.
You’ve never really gotten along with her. The two of you having very different views on life, she wanted you to grow up and be a pretty girl, you were supposed to study social science, and get a project of your own, and while doing so you were supposed to meet the guy you would eventually marry, and give her grandkids with.
However, that’s not really what you want to do with your life. Despite only being able to stream when you’re all alone and having to chuck your entire set up into the shirt drawer, knowing your mother wouldn’t go through your drawer as one of the only things. You had managed to build up a small following.
“Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, I wasn’t able to find my microphone.” You tell on stream, and to the group in the discord call.
“Are you settling in nicely Y/N?” Corpse asks, the two of you have been talking behind your mothers back for quite a while, he has become like the big brother you’ve never had.
“Yeah, I still have couple of boxes lying around…” You look around your small one-bedroom apartment. You only have your dining table, two chairs, and your bed set up. And your dining table have been converted into a streaming set up. So, there’s that too. You are lucky enough to have a small hallway, that leads to a bathroom at the end, and the kitchen on your right, and the bedroom/living room on the left.
“I take that you haven’t done any packing out yet.” Corpse chuckles.
“Hehe… Yeah… I haven’t gotten everything out, so I have ordered some takeout, that will sadly arrive here during steam, in about…” You look at the clock, “in about half an hour.”
“Then let’s get started!” Rae says, as the countdown starts.
You get through the first round of among us alive, and wining as crewmates, you’re about halfway through the second game of the day when your doorbells goes off in the middle of discussing.
“Sorry guys, I’ll just go grab my food.” You apologise, and gets up from your chair, leaving your microphone behind, thinking it’s muted.
You open your door, with your wallet in hand, and takes a step back when you realise who’s on the other side. It’s your mom. The one who you moved halfway across the country to get away from. The one who you didn’t give your address to.
She looks angry, and more than pissed off. You know she is going to start a screaming match right here. In the hallway of your new apartment complex, only 4 days into your lease.
“WHAT THE #@!$ IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” She starts off, a normal way to greet your daughter of course. “I GIVE YOU SHELTER AND FOOD ON THE TABLE FOR 18 YEARS AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?!”
You take another step into your apartment, knowing if it comes to it that you must push the door in her face. She will win that fight.
“HAVEN’T I BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH?! YOU UP AND LEAVE ME, ALL ALONE! YOU DON’T GO TO THE COLLEGE I CHOSE FOR YOU! YOU GO AGAINST ALL MY RULES!” ��She’s screaming right at you, you can feel yourself starting to shake. “And I know your little secret, you think you could keep it from me, huh? You think I am stupid don’t you. I know you’ve been selling your self on the internet for money.” You can feel tears are starting to come, this is what she thought you were doing.
She throws down a binder of some sorts on the ground, making you jump a little. “You’re not my daughter anymore. I refuse to have someone as disgusting as you even share my last name. Here’s everything you need from me to change it.”  
You watch as she passes your delivery guy, who looks at you awkwardly with tears streaming down your cheeks and a shocked look on your face. He puts down your order, and slowly walks away again.
You get yourself together after a few minutes, enough to close the door, and pick up the binder and food. You dump the food on your table, along with the binder. You run your hands over your face, before you pick up your headset, and try to act as chipper as ever, not having noticed you never muted your mic.
“Sorry for the long break, had to fix a smaller cable issue, but I’m all good now!” You don’t look at chat, instead you focus everything you can on keeping your energy up, and not for anyone to notice you’re not doing the best.
“Y/N are you alright?” Corpse asks, extremely worried over the fact that he just heard you get disowned by your own mother.
“Yes, of course, I’m always doing good!” Your voice shoving no hints to what everyone and their own mothers head. You watch as your phone gets a call from Corpse. “I think the next game have to wait a bit longer if everyone is cool with that?”
Everyone agrees they’re cool, nobody knows what to say after hearing what just happened. You mute your microphone properly this time. Before picking up your phone.
“Hey there.”
“We just talked Corpse, get to the point, we shouldn’t let the others wait for us for too long.” You tease him.
“We all heard?”
“Heard what?”
“Y/N I’m so sorry.” You can hear his voice crack a bit, and you can feel yourself edging a breakdown.
“It’s okay, we all knew it was coming at one point or the other.” You dryly laugh, trying to get out of the topic.
“We both know she’ll be back by next week, it’s not safe there.” He worries, you can hear him already stressing at the thought.
“I can’t exactly move. I blew everything I had by getting this place.” Your voice is slowly starting to crack and you know if you keep talking. You won’t be able to get back on stream.
“Then stay at me, I have a cough. It’s not safe there. She only yelled this time. But who knows what else she might try to pull?” You listen to Corpse, and subconsciously wrap an arm around yourself, still able to feel the bruises from when she hit you, because she found a stack of cash you had been saving up for yourself to get out. You break down sobbing.
“Y/N are you still with me?”
“Y-yes.” Your voice reaches through the phones, nearly covered by sobs.
“Can you get up for me? I need you to turn off your stream, okay? You’re not going back on there for tonight.”
You shake as you push the right button abruptly stopping the stream and leaving the discord call.
“Good.” It comes from the phone. “Let’s get you to bed.” He talks you through the tasks you have to do. Helping to distract you from the bad thing. He stays on the phone worried for you all night, until you’ve tired yourself out enough to fall asleep on the call. He wishes he could help more as he hangs up the phone. Knowing he’s the last of your support system. As the call end, it leaves you alone in the world. Now mother and fatherless.
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, (05/03/17): Kaleidoscope Records has officially released information about soloist, Han Sebin, on the official website! Sebin is a ‘91 liner and has been beloved by fans since her soloist debut in 2015. Find out more about Sebin below!
I, Han Sebin, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of soloist and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of Kaleidoscope Records.
Preferred name: Yachi.
Pronouns: She/her.
Timezone: GMT.
Other muses: None.
Faceclaim: Song Ji Eun ( Secret ).
Name: Han Sebin.
Stage name (if applicable): N/A.
Idol concept: Under BKB, Sebin was pushed to embrace a cute concept alongside her fellow silverBEAT members, which she had no issue with initially. She didn’t object to maintaining a bright, cheery demeanour until the idol life wore her down and she found it increasingly difficult to act accordingly. However, it was at Kaleidoscope that Sebin could finally have a say in what she wanted to do, and is now commonly known for her mature yet youthful image; a stark contrast to her debut.
Birth date and age: May 10, 1991 (25).
Company name: Kaleidoscope Records.
Group Name (if applicable): N/A.
Group Position (if applicable): Soloist.
VOCAL RANGE / natural talent, in addition to the endless lessons during her youth, sebin is well known for her vocal technique, especially when it comes to reaching high notes. in fact, it’s quite rare for her to falter due to the amount of control she exerts upon hitting the high notes. in pop music, sebin’s power is most noticeable, meanwhile in ballads, her ability to convey emotion receives praise from both critics and the public. she does admittedly enjoy singing songs that she’s comfortable with, but has demonstrated a willingness to challenge herself across various musical genres and continuing to improve on her skills.
PROFESSIONAL / having been part of the entertainment industry for a long period of time, sebin is very much aware as to what’s expected of her. politeness is key; words and gestures are chosen carefully, while any concerns are masked beneath bright smiles and high pitched laughter. she’s quick to greet seniors, never failing to use the appropriate honorific during brief conversations, and staff are individually thanked at the end of a long shoot. image is everything; a single slip up is capable of ruining a career in an instant, and sebin knows better than to reveal her true thoughts to the world, at least in the public eye.
VARIETY / any opportunity to poke fun at herself is taken up almost immediately, mostly to temporarily ruin her image. sebin quickly picks up on the cues to laugh at a joke before responding with a clever quip of her own. upon debut, she did struggle in joining in on the fun and would rely on her group members to help cover for her, particularly on shows where she wasn’t familiar with the concept. but, she’s since mastered the art of saying enough to contribute to a lively atmosphere, yet not enough to be caught up in a far fetched rumour or scandal.
DANCE / by no means is sebin a horrible dancer; she can follow choreography relatively well without making a mistake, but in comparison to her former group mates, she wasn’t a stand out. her movements might’ve been fluid, yet it lacked the sharpness and power to truly “own the stage”, so to speak. as a soloist, sebin is dedicating plenty of time towards perfecting her abilities now that she no longer shares the stage with other proficient dancers— and it hasn’t been easy when she has no one to hide behind.
PERFECTIONIST / there’s no such thing as a half-assed attempt at mastering a particular task — either go hard or go home. sebin doesn’t hesitate in pushing herself to the brink time and time again in order to achieve a flawless result. whether it regards practicing a dance routine or tweaking a song prior to release, it’s no surprise to find her holed up in the studio until dawn, refusing to leave until she’s certain everything is of a high standard. reassurances by others that it doesn’t require further adjustments usually falls on deaf ears.  
POOR HEALTH / after years of unhealthy eating habits and inadequate rest, it’s to be expected that sebin’s health has suffered as a consequence. gastrointestinal issues often interfere with her schedules, and strong medication is sought to overcome the pain in the lead up to performances. though she tries to hide her discomfort in the public, there has been times when she’s been photographed looking a little worse for wear, sometimes avoiding interactions in an attempt to return home and rest, which gives anti fans further reason to bombard her with hate.
Positive traits: Humble, determined, sociable.
Negative traits: Lonely, insecure, secretive.
i. )
the household is calm and void of drama, where she’s constantly showered with love and affection, apart from the times she’s chastised for taking her older sister’s dress without asking for permission. both parents instil the importance of hard work from an early age; laziness is frowned upon, meanwhile self improvement and contributing to society is praised. in comparison to her sister who’s fixated on a career in science, she decides the arts, specifically music, is the area which she intends to explore, and informs anyone and everyone of her goals for the future: a singer. her mother is admittedly a little worried about her career choice, and although she offers to cover the cost of singing classes as a belated birthday present, she believes this is a phase that’ll pass soon enough.
ii. )
singing lessons are conducted every sunday afternoon in a building opposite her father’s dental clinic, and every sunday afternoon she appears right on the dot, ready to hone her skills. which isn’t easy, even with natural talent. the lower notes are problem free, yet striving for those higher notes rattles her to the core, prompting the teacher to suggest she stay within her range if she wishes, sticking to something she’s more comfortable with. perhaps it’s the assumption she can’t do more, combined with the dogged determination to improve that pushes her to practice over and over again, until going up several octaves is nothing. she isn’t paying fees to be deemed a mediocre student, she wants to be the best of the best.
iii. )
the audition for bkb eventually overtakes planning for her upcoming thirteenth birthday. she switches between songs, unable to fully make up her mind when she stresses over the possibility of humiliating herself and ruining her chances. the indecisiveness ceases to disappear on the train ride to the venue, before being overcome by nerves when she’s confronted by the long queue of potential stars, kids like her eager for a taste of stardom. she spends a good portion of her time bouncing around to maintain her cool, then overhears the velvety voice of a stranger and immediately begins to lose said cool. what her parents expect is for her to arrive home to share bad news, what they don’t expect is for her to arrive home with bkb’s coveted card in hand.
iv. )
reality strips her of her innocence. training is harsh, and if she hasn’t cried in the female bathrooms following a long, exhausting dance practice, then she clearly hasn’t pushed herself hard enough. compliments are difficult to come by when everything she seems to do isn’t up to par. she’s either too slow or too fast, too awkward or too meek in her movements. even her singing voice, the one thing that has led her here in the first place goes unnoticed by staff who prefer to criticise her appearance than utter a few kind words. except it’s the shared suffering alongside the other trainees, her future group mates, which stops her from deciding to catch the next train home and encourages her to stay.
v. )
in her opinion, debut couldn’t have come at a better time. standing on stage in front of a screaming audience distracts her from the hardships she’s experienced to get this far; the tiring practices, strict dieting, homesickness. the group rises up the ranks in a short amount of time, and it would be a lie to claim she doesn’t become addicted to life under the spotlight, completely oblivious to the issues set to plague the rest of the girls, herself included. the packed schedules do slowly get to her, along with the lack of consideration towards sleeping properly and visiting family members. she can barely recall when she’d last seen her parents face to face, but she knows better than to complain when the company has already done so much for her.
vi. )
silverBEAT’s popularity soars— and unfortunately, so does her intentions to leave. of course, such a thought hasn’t stemmed from any discord with her members, all of whom she’s grown attached to over the years together. fears instead linger on how long the group is meant to carry on when they’re falling apart, bit by bit. she desperately tries to hold on; smearing layer upon layer of concealer beneath her eyes to hide the lack of sleep, forcing another smile during another late recording for a variety show she’s forgotten the name of, gritting her teeth when she’s berated for her supposedly “lacklustre” performance. but she too has her limits, and after her mother tearily begs her to eat more during a phone call home, enough is enough.
vii. )
the contract termination becomes one of the trending news stories for the next few weeks. is she surprised by the various articles more focused on addressing rumours than fact? no, she isn’t. nor is she caught off guard by the barrage of hate comments left behind on her social media posts, labelling her a “traitor” and a string of other names unacceptable for everyday conversation. though it’s not to say she isn’t hurt. these same people who were cheering for her, supporting her only years earlier, are the same people cursing her existence. alone and despised, she turns her attention to what her new company has to offer, as if to convince herself that what she’s doing is for the best— even if it doesn’t feel like it.
viii. )
step by step, day by day, she adjusts to being a soloist. a new EP on the agenda allows her to channel her energy into establishing a brand new beginning, rather than wallowing in self pity over a harsh anonymous comment. for once, she can safely say she’s finally happy with the opportunity to look over the material she intends to release; something she thinks would never have happened at bkb, not unless she wanted a stern talking to behind closed doors. despite taking it in her stride, there are occasions when she finds herself missing her members, especially when she stands on stage for promotions. she’s singing a song she loves, but without the people she loves. it’s all bittersweet.
ix. )
the concerns suggesting impending failure has disappeared, or at least is drowned out by the determination to capitalise further on her success. pessimism is replaced by optimism, the fresh faced former silverBEAT member is making an appearance once more—to the delight of her parents and fans. the passion for performing has returned, and she vows to strive forward, if not to pen her many life experiences through music, then to assure the public that she has no intentions of going anywhere anytime soon. nevertheless, she realises her situation isn’t shared by those she’s left back in bkb, and is very active in following up on both their individual and group activities, fully supporting their endeavours from a far.
x. )
han sebin is back— and about time too.
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hydrus · 5 years
Version 373 (Qt)
The Qt update is ready for Windows and Linux!
This week's release is for all users, but please bear in mind it has some small layout and positioning bugs, such as subscription popups sizing a little strangely. If you would rather wait a week or two for these last issues to be cleared (and any others that pop up as more people play with this), that is totally fine.
Qt background
Since hydrus began as an application, it has used wxWidgets to draw all the windows and buttons on screen. wx has served us well, but hydrus has grown to be a complicated program with hundreds of different custom things going on, and it was starting to show. Lots of windows were flickery, modern tech like 4k screens were not excellently supported, and operating systems and window managers were unstable. If I could have moved to a more flexible and more frequently updated UI library by snapping my fingers, I would have, but the total UI code is almost three megabytes, far too much to reasonably convert as I kept at my normal weekly schedule.
A user contacted me I think about a year ago talking about Qt and possibly making some scripts to automatically convert hydrus's wx code to Qt. I said it sounded like a good idea, and he worked in the background trying to figure it out and add manual tweaks. He was very successful, ultimately getting an essentially functional build going a couple of months ago. He passed the code to me four weeks ago, and I have since crash-learned Qt and fixed the great majority of the bugs that slipped through the automatic conversion process.
I am extremely grateful for this user's work--this would not have happened otherwise--and I am very happy with the result. Qt is a nicer library than wx for our purposes, runs faster, has much less flicker and related jank, and provides many new options for future extensions and customisation. I also enjoy working with Qt--the library is good.
hydrus Qt
There are no critical differences between the wx and Qt builds. Every label and button is where it was before. Fonts and colours and sizes and margins are all slightly different, but nothing has been taken away. Also, there do not seem to be any dll-style conflicts with a previous installation, so you should just be able to install or extract as you would any other week without any problems.
One particularly nice thing is that Qt is overall faster. Video animations and thumbnail fading should be a little smoother. Another is that compatibility with different Linux distros is much better, so Linux users who have had crashes or drawing problems should now have an easier time.
Also, tag autocomplete dropdown result lists can now float for non-Windows. They can also float on dialogs like manage tags. Options on whether they should float or embed are now under options->gui.
Hydrus is a big program, however. I have done plenty of testing and fixed hundreds of things, and advanced users have tried out some early builds and helped me out more, but there are surely some odd layout and display bugs we have not found. There are also some that we found but I could not fix in time--for instance, sometimes the new page tab drag-and-drop does not do its new 'live' page navigation correctly, discord drag-and-drop file export is unreliable again, the duplicate filter's right-hand hover window sometimes positions incorrectly, and subscription popups will change size too often due to some unusual text handling as they work through their network jobs. If you encounter your own issues, I am interested in all feedback. For now, issues that affect usability are of higher priority than a couple of pixels out of place, but I am open to all reports.
If you use IME text input, let me know how it works for you now!
I regret that I was unable to get a release-ready macOS build out for today. macOS has some important UI differences to Windows and Linux, and there are still some significant things--like maximise/borderless fullscreen support for the media viewer--that were causing stability issues. I will keep at it next week.
Users who run from source will need qtpy and either PySide2 (default) or PyQt5. Check https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/help/running_from_source.html for more information.
I also did some normal work, mostly quality-of-life ui stuff:
The 'archive/delete' menu option now shows up when you have nothing selected, and will do everything.
Some of the system predicate edit panels now show quick-select buttons--for instance, if you hit 'system:duration', you'll now have two extra buttons for 'has duration' and 'no duration'.
I fixed an important CPU inefficiency in the new files maintenance manager that was affecting some users with large file maintenance queues and large gui sessions. It was causing juddery UI, which should be completely fixed now.
Clients with large sessions that include 'collected' media thumbnails with hundreds or thousands of files should experience less UI judder as they browse the files within those collections.
full list
hydrus now uses Qt for its client's user interface, migrating from wx. this is thanks to a huge effort by a user, who delivered converted code for hydrus dev to finish off
a number of hacks and patches remain to compensate for old systems, which hydrus dev will slowly clean up in normal work. ui bug and layout issue reports would be greatly appreciated
shortcut storage had to be converted from fixed wx enums to an independant system. there is a small chance that one of your shortcuts, particularly if it is on the numpad, may have been converted wrong (unusual Enter/Return buttons may be hit here). if one is not working, please check what hydrus thinks it is and try re-entering it
added tentative support for 'Mode_switch' keyboard modifier, for X11 users (and perhaps some users' AltGr?)
autocomplete results can now float in a popup window in dialogs like manage tags! they'll still embed by default, but there are now separate float/embed options for 'main gui' and 'other frame' a/cs
autocomplete results can now float in linux and macOS ok!
page drag and drop now navigates as you drag, so dropping into a page of pages works by you hovering over it and then dropping in the tabbar below, inserting exactly where you want the page to be
a couple of text inputs in the program--the watcher and gallery search pages' text inputs, particularly--now use nicer 'placeholder' text, which isn't real and only shows as grey text when the input is empty
for now, moved to icons for thumbnail 'has audio/duration' indicators, rather than the custom labels
to run the hydrus client from source, qtpy is now needed. either pyside2 (default) or qtpy5 is needed. QtCharts is optional. wx and matplotlib are no longer needed
'archive/delete filter' now appears even when no file is focused. it also appears when no files are selected--and will apply to everything
the system predicate edit panels now support static buttons for easy one-click select for common predicates. duration, has audio, limit, and num tags now have these
system:duration and system:num tags now render a special label if they are >0 or =0
system:untagged is now removed from the normal list
fixed a critical cpu inefficiency in the file maintenance manager's new always-on maintenance, which was lagging several users' browsing sessions while it was working
fixed ctrl+mousewheel tag autocomplete results navigation to skip over multirow parent results
fixed an issue where resetting to default bandwidth rules for a network context would not update the ui properly
fixed a bug when adding a parent/sibling from autocomplete results list
the serialised png export folder now catches when a manually inputted export path's directory does not exist
reduced metadata update lag of pages with very large media collection groups
the inaccurate 'add tags based on filename' button is now called 'import with tags'
fixed a database UNIQUE issue when two duplicate gui session save calls happen within one second
the server's lock_off command now works with the Hydrus-Key header auth (rather than hanging indefinitely wew)
the server now caches hashed access keys in the session manager, in memory, to avoid a db hit on access-key based reauthentication, and in instances where this authentication requires a db hit, now cleanly provides an appropriate 'serverbusy' error
improved some media object memory management and speedy cleanup
improved boot fail graceful exit
removed a bunch of defunct flash (swf) hacks from media viewer code
bunch of misc non-qt cleanup as I went through the code
fixed a bug with rendering network credentials for human display
cleared out the ancient tag archive sync advanced help and added a stub for the new tag migration window
various help updates around wx->Qt
next week
This took a lot of work, more than I thought. I am really pleased, but also exhausted. I am going to take an easy week of fixing little layout issues and try to add system tray minimisation and css theming (which will eventually lead to 'proper' nightmode or any other theme users can work out). I'll also see if I can get the macOS release working better.
Once the Qt-issues rush has eased, I will return to the big tag work and Mr. Bones' normal schedule. I'll also test out adding an mpv video player into the media viewer, so we finally have proper video (and audio!) support.
In the longer term, I have probably a hundred Qt-cleanup jobs to catch up on. There are many behind-the-scenes hacks to get wx-specific code to talk to Qt, so I need to clean up that old bad code into something neater. I will spread this work out into my normal schedule.
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