#went back and forth between linking the fic or the og slytherin harry prompts series
shanastoryteller · 5 months
omgomg happy birthday I hope I get this in on time ummm time travel drarry? ooh or Slytherin harry?
set in Snakelet universe
“It’s my last year,” Agnesa says, hands on her hips and a gold Head Girl badge pinned to her chest. He had a growth spurt over the summer and now she can’t really loom over him anymore, but the effect is still roughly the same. “Please just have a quiet year. I have Newts.”
Harry considers getting offended about this, because first year really hadn’t been his fault at all, but last year was, sort of, his fault.
Was he supposed to find a giant, ancient snake living under the castle and not try and befriend it? Besides, now Hagrid is cleared of all charges and he’s their professor! Last year was a net positive, really.  “I’ll do my best.”
Draco walks in, letter in hand his eyebrows pushed together. He looks up, blinks at Agnesa, and says, “So you heard, then?”
“Heard what?” she asks warily.
Draco winces, then shifts his focus to Harry as he says, “Sirius Black’s escaped.”
Agnesa pinches the bridge of her nose.
“That’s not my fault!” he says hotly. Couldn’t Draco have waited five more minutes?
“No,” Agnesa says, voice muffled from the hand covering her face, “but it is going to end up being my responsibility.”
Probably, yeah.
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