hurricanekatrinaun · 10 months
Final Serious Update
Honoring Katrina Day has gone wrong.
Wedding dealing have moved the German American Football Team to San Antonio under the German Engineer Crops. A construction relief dinner has gone wrong and most construction company leaders were found dead.
Science news shares strange bugs that were rumored before to be true and found they cause alternative weather events. Scientists have also found that the mutant alligators were caused by leftover nuclear waste. Shell Sisters has taken over several oil rigs in the Gulf.
Thiel's house was found to have drugs, but Thiel was located in the Bahamas before authorities could question him. Guidry is also under fire for notifying the president he has given opiate addictions to the whole nation and was detained by the FBI. The effects were only regional in Louisiana.
After Nagin wins the re-election, Murphey man attempts to run for mayor, but many are tired of elections. Pelican Man is pushing a run for Louisiana Governor, and media suspects a planted pelican plush in oval office was done by them.
The commune in Louisiana, which was found to be true, has declared itself a sovereign state with plenty of girl scout cookies.
Superdome games are also underway and are continuing peacefully with no knowledge as to what's happening outside.
Fidel Castro has landed of the shores of the Mississippi and is looking to bring Cuba to the US.
The forces of the Cajun Navy began fighting the New Orleans mob in the ocean, with some forces of the Cajun Navy escaping the battle and heading towards the city. The Cajun Navy forces in the city have combined with Honore's Mississippi Guard Soldiers to take over the governor's Mansion. Robinette's police force also attempts to storm the governor's mansion. These forces are currently in a standstill attempting negotiations with each other. Governor Blanco's location is currently unknown. The band of bozos is struggling to investigate all this activity.
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hurricanekatrinaun · 10 months
Crisis Update #9
Before the Storm
There has been a request for a recall election for the New Orleans Mayor, with Nagin (Current mayor) and Morial as the two candidates. Pelican Man is starting a clean-up initiative and announced a run for Louisiana Governor. There has been a day declared next week in memory of Katrina Victims. Governor Blanco has created a Task Force for her safety and is currently protected by Honore.
The Mississippi River randomly turned pink in parts of the river delta, sources found it was harmless pink food dye and wildlife and water quality are fine. Louisiana crops have been sent out and any crops bitten into have immediately frozen.
The sponge formally involved in removing water from a city block was removed by helicopter, but was accidently dropped into the lake causing a 4ft wave to hit the recently repaired levees. 4 inches of water seeped into the city.
Footage was leaked on myspace of a rouge alligator killing Gavin Thostle, but set-up surveillance footage (from directives) revealed that rat poison killed him and not the alligator. The area was immediately quarantined.
Criticism of the lack of action on how nuclear drones affect health was voiced but have been in the minority. Most have been applauding Thiel's funded Pathogen cure which was aided by the assigned federal aid money from committee. It is currently being distributed by Guidry and the health department along with more opiates.
After the Storm
Thankfully the storm veered into extreme southwestern Louisiana and only dropped a few inches of rain in New Orleans and minimal storm surge. Slight damage has occurred in the industrial canal, but efforts taken helped prevent any injuries and deaths. Overall in the city of New Orleans 5 injuries took place due to personal error. Major damages only occurred in places hardest hit by Katrina that had yet to be prepared.
However during the storm Garland Robinette secured control of the New Orleans Police, his motives are unknown at this time. The storm has caused minor blackouts, but major problems with the power grid involve a hostage situation until political corruption is addressed.
Satellite imagery from storm reveals the New Orleans mob and the Cajun Navy having conflicts in the Gulf. The Cajun navy has increased ships in the area.
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hurricanekatrinaun · 10 months
It's September 20th (ignore graphic date).
Hurricane Rita has formed and strengthened in the Gulf and it's path is taking it into Louisiana. This will not be a direct impact to New Orleans, but will still impact the area.
Your goal is to prepare for a category 3 landfall (125 mph) winds in 6 days. Evacuations, protecting hospitals and relief camps, and preventative measures should be taken. You have this opportunity to rectify the lack of measures taken after Katrina.
Any preventions taken in the last three directives passed will already be implemented.
You have till the end of Committee Session V(5:30) to produce to 1 directive with 4 pages. If more than one directive is passed, preparations will not be anywhere near as effective. Notes will be paused during the timed crisis.
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hurricanekatrinaun · 10 months
Crisis Update #8
September 16th
News from Around the Country
Riots have started up in Mississippi. A news article on former New Orleans Mayor Marc Morial on dispelling the MDMA rumors and how they had lowered the crime rate as mayor. Another article has gone out that Strock is behind building the 60 year old levees!
Pro Oil remarks have popped up on landmarks throughout the south. The Shell Sisters have started a "Just start Oil campaign" to continue reopening oil refineries. Major damage has been reported in some of the important oil rigs and is stopping that progress.
The New Orleans Saints have gone around the city as "Murphey Man" aiding the city with relief. There will also be a Gumbo Cookout later this week to raise funds.
There have been rumors on attempt on the Louisiana governor's life and officials have found it to be true, and it's unknown as to what is being done. A disgraceful video of the Mississippi Governor streaking has been posted on Myspace. Honore began a mission to contain the mutant alligators but was unsuccessful in the attempt. Thankfully IEM and Madhu Beriwal stepped in and helped contain them.
Fort Gillem Soldiers have been seen throughout the city distributing aid and the 387th has been deployed to the city to help looting. Bridges have been fixed and Medical Aid has been sent out across the area, including thousands of opiates.
Repairs and Temporary Housing is going on throughout the city, including emphasis on schools. Loans have been created for small business and will be going out to the people affected by the storm. Jobs to help in recovery efforts have been created for those in need of jobs. Evacuations for those that feel unsafe from the looting have also begun.
With the remaining 800 people in the superdome, there has been reports of coughing and rashes within. It's unknown at this time what's causing it.
Farmer's markets and soup kitchens have popped up to supply food to the city's people. The Katrina Relief Fund Oversight Committee has been formed, but no one has been declared the oversight chair.
We will be back at 4:30 for another update/scenario.
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hurricanekatrinaun · 10 months
Crisis Update #7
September 9th
The flooding in New Orleans has started to recede thanks to fixes in the Levee Systems and a mysterious sponge that has soaked up a city block of water. Several surveys were made to the levees even after knowledge of the breeches had been completed. The lack of coordination from the higher ups was noticed.
Scientists have looked into stopping hurricanes, and have found that there is no reasonable solution to stopping hurricanes from forming. A scientist suggested nuking one, but was then kicked out of the lab. Tropical activity has continued to be strong this hurricane season and tropical storm Ophelia has formed along Florida.
Surveys throughout the city are showing that many buildings will have to be completely torn down due to extreme damages and biohazards. Superdome has obtained funding for repairs from Murphey Oil. Concrete was used in the foundation of a test structure but mysteriously collapsed as if it wasn't concrete?
The power grid is back up again and is starting to return in the outer parts of the city. The areas closer to lake are still waiting for water to recede a little more.
The Committee Investigation into current rumors has come across new information. The following rumors were deemed fake: Bush did Katrina and Nigerian Prince relief aid scams. The following rumors were found to be true: fighting against government inaction, mutant alligators, a new pathogen, a commune with thin mints, mob looting, and people beginning to be hypnotized by the song played on the radio.
A myspace page with questions from the public has gone online. One person asked, "Why did you guys let Bush do Katrina?" and "Where's my president?"
The NFL is hosting a relief concert in collaboration with Jimmy Buffet and a mysterious musician. A lawsuit has been filed by Mohammed Said vs the Government of Louisiana for negligence during the storm.
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hurricanekatrinaun · 10 months
Crisis Update #6
Investigation into the Bush Radio Message. The White House has endorses parts 1 and 3 of the message, but the middle part including the ploy has been denounced. We have confirmed that this is an inside job from the committee that led to the creation of the glitch.
The Waterford Steam Electric Nuclear Powerplant is now back online and generating nuclear energy again.
Other news: Slides have appeared throughout New Orleans to drop off supplies. The WWL is headlining a new fighter who was infected by the rumored pathogen. There was also a flash mob in the Superdome in support of energy subsidies and decreased oil prices. Unfortunately, this devolved into a looting incident as people used the distraction to steal supplies from the Superdome.
The American public is in support of this committee's efforts but is now concerned with the problems of looting in the city. The whole American South is on edge due to rumors that the looting problems are possibly spreading outside New Orleans.
The animal nets have caught incredibly aggressive alligators in their nets, and scientists on the newly created team found them to be radioactive.
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hurricanekatrinaun · 10 months
Crisis Update #5
Other News before the Press Conference: The Cajun Navy has been seen rescuing crews in American Flag uniforms. Mayor Ray Nagin is also under fire due to possibly taking briberies. On other news, Germany is now creating a pro-American Football Team.
My fellow americans,
I'm speaking to you from White House but thinking of New Orleans -- nearly empty, still partly under water, and waiting for life and hope to return. Eastward from Lake Pontchartrain, across the Mississippi coast, to Alabama into Florida, millions of lives were changed in a day by a cruel and wasteful storm.
These days of sorrow and outrage have also been marked by acts of courage and kindness that make all Americans proud.In the task of recovery and rebuilding, some of the hardest work is still ahead, and it will require the creative skill and generosity of a united country.
To carry out the first stages of the relief effort and begin rebuilding at once, I have asked for, and the Congress has provided, more than $60 billion. This is an unprecedented response to an unprecedented crisis, which demonstrates the compassion and resolve of our nation.
In the life of this nation, we have often been reminded that nature is an awesome force, and that all life is fragile. We're the heirs of men and women who lived through those first terrible winters at Jamestown and Plymouth, who rebuilt Chicago after a great fire, and San Francisco after a great earthquake, who reclaimed the prairie from the Dust Bowl of the 1930s.
Every time, the people of this land have come back from fire, flood, and storm to build anew -- and to build better than what we had before. Americans have never left our destiny to the whims of nature -- and we will not start now.
Tonight the Gulf Coast is still coming through the dirge -- yet we will live to see the second line.
Thank you, and may God bless America.
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hurricanekatrinaun · 10 months
Crisis Update #4
August 31st
Myspace is running rampant with information and conspiracy theories. Currently, there is talk of fighting government inaction, mutant alligators, a new pathogen, a commune with free Girl Scout cookies, Bush caused Katrina, and Nigerian prince relief phone call scams. It's hard to tell what is true and what isn't.
News Organizations are dropping articles on Marc Morial caught smuggling MDMA and the Shell Sisters are marching for exciting energy.
Relief efforts are rapidly underway and power crews are attempting to get into the city, but flood waters aren't receding. Before major work in the city can be done, the levees need to be handled as media has reported those breeches. Rescues are rapidly underway and the number of people saved is rapidly increasing.
The President will hold a press conference in the next crisis update.
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hurricanekatrinaun · 10 months
Crisis Update #3
August 30th
Fort Gillem Search and Rescue supplies are reaching the Superdome and other key locations in the city to start evacuations to outer city refugee camps and the astrodome.
Relief supplies are being gathered by the red cross and are being transported across lines with requested school buses. These supplies are reaching the outer city relief camps and are being transported with help of search and rescue.
Federal Aid upwards of $25 billion is available for the committee to specify for relief efforts.
The radio network and satellite networks are up and running to play the newest news involving the disaster.
Breaking News
IEM seen testing Nuclear Drones, and we have footage of them currently blowing up mid-air.
Cajun Navy also seen helping search and rescue efforts in New Orleans.
A rally for hurricane frustrations has arisen with people complaining at nearby city government buildings. Media is currently showing a blurry picture of Max Mayfield at this rally.
The radio station 103.7 has played the following track.
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hurricanekatrinaun · 10 months
The skies have cleared to reveal the devastation left behind. The inner city is mostly underwater along with major routes into the city. Animals from the Lake have begun swimming in the city due to this and many remaining residents are stuck in attics and on roofs.
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Relief Efforts are underway with Red Cross approaching the city, but due to the many underwater routes are having problems. Hurricane Katrina has been declared Catastrophic by FEMA, so new funds and aid are available. Teams have been sent out to access the Levees have found breeches in the Lake front levees, and in the industrial canal.
Search and Rescue Teams are beginning to search in hard hit areas, but due to the vast devastation have saved around 60 people so far. They have begun working adjacent to the coast guard in order to increase rescue efforts.
Communication within the city is minimal, but back up again, so crisis notes are able to reach inner city individuals in key locations.
The news, while broadcasting the devastation, has come across several scandals involving high officials in the aftermath of Katrina.
Oh and breaking news there's a radio broadcast from the President that is also being played on 107.3 FM Radio.
I am addressing the people of the gulf coast tonight in sympathy for all that are affected. A lot of the Mississippi Gulf Coast has been completely destroyed and we are dealing with one of the worst natural disasters in our nation's history.
glitching noise The current relief measures are a ploy and the officials are lying to you.
glitching noise We'll do all in our power to help you. May God bless you. The country stands…
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hurricanekatrinaun · 10 months
Crisis Update #2
Mid to Late Afternoon August 29th
Reports of heavy flooding throughout the city have reached several officials. It is unknown at this time what is causing this flooding, only that it is occurring.
The president is currently debating ending his vacation early, but is still at the ranch.
Communications within the city will be down from here on out (excluding 1st crisis notes) until a new communication network is set up.
Katrina is currently still bringing rain to the New Orleans area is currently located in southern Mississippi. The storm has maximum sustained winds of 75 mph and is still bringing storm surge into the city.
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hurricanekatrinaun · 10 months
Crisis Update #1
It is 6:10 CDT on August 29th, and Hurricane Katrina has just made landfall near Buras, Louisiana.
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President George Bush is currently on vacation at his Texas ranch and had few comments on Katrina and more on the situation in Iraq. Vice President Dick Cheney had even less to say while also on vacation.
In the Gulf, 90% of oil refineries and platforms have come to a halt. National Gas prices sit at $2.61 per gallon, up 40 cents from the beginning of the month. Experts believe that the price will only increase as the shutdown of the gulf continues.
Communications from within the Superdome reveal that there are around 11,000 people taking shelter there. Conditions there are beginning to deteriorate and don't have enough supplies to support the growing population.
With conditions in the city beginning to deteriorate, communications with those left in the city won’t last more than a few hours. Unless additional measures are taken, only your first crisis note and response will be able to reach inside the inner city (for now).
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