#wembley 1
loveofmylifeh · 1 year
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Harry Styles | Love On Tour London | Wembley 1 | 13-06-23
Photo : nikkimarieJPG
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yessoupy · 1 year
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we're at it again!!
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lunar-years · 7 months
I'm rewatching TL (nothing new there) and its really bugging me this time round how Ted is clearly aware that the traumatic event of his childhood has had a negative impact on his psyche and the way he behaves as an adult, yet he seems unwilling to give Jamie the same acknowledgement
yeah i think a lot of the disconnect between them actually comes from Ted comparing his situation and dad trauma to Jamie's situation and dad trauma without recognizing that they are actually very different situations and that he and Jamie are two very different people who deal with trauma differently as well.
Like, his whole speech about "sometimes having a tough dad makes you stronger/better/whatever the fuck" when Jamie asks to be let back on the team is for me a reflection that 1) One of Ted's own personal coping mechanisms is telling himself he's "overcome" the trauma of his dad's death and come out the other side of it a better & kinder (curious, not judgemental) person. When really he very much hasn't overcome it (in fact it's not something that can be 'overcome,' so to speak) and has only shoved it deeper down until it all comes bubbling back up again during the show.
And 2) it's easier for Ted to assume Jamie copes in the same way (and will therefore be reassured by the notion that he's a great player because 'surviving' his father's abuse has made him tougher and more driven) rather than actually reflecting upon or unpacking Jamie's completely separate situation.
what's fascinating to me is that when Ted superimposes his own situation onto Jamie he has Jamie playing two roles. One is Ted himself, who desperately and genuinely wants to forgive his own father (and therefore he think forgiveness is a good idea for Jamie) and the second is Henry, who Ted wants desperately to forgive him (and therefore he needs to believe Jamie can forgive his father, so that Henry will forgive him).
Anyway, that's why Jamie features so heavily in all of Ted's panic attacks despite the fact that the two of them are not actually that close and Ted actually knows very little about him.
Of course, the person who comes out worse in this messy dynamic is Jamie, who gets a lot of very bad advice from Ted as a result. And yeah it can be really bothersome as a viewer because I do think the state of Ted's mental health does continually result in him letting Jamie specifically down.
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foreverfeelslike · 3 months
*I hope she plays it twice, once in full and a second time mashed up (like she did with Paris in Paris)
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aquareegia · 1 year
mr vessel token the first i'm begging for at least one music video for tmbte 😭🙏
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twopoppies · 1 year
His vocal range though 😱
I know this went around yesterday. But the video I saw had the woman’s voice in it so loud and it was so awful 😆
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rachlou86 · 3 months
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Helloooo Wembley!!!
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daisys-buckley · 3 months
I screamed Down Bad at Wembley for Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley last night x
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crispycreambacon · 3 months
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And with that I've doodled all of the Fraggle Five! This was a fun exercise getting to know how their funky shapes work, and I cannot wait to draw more of these goobers sooner or later o7
Click the links below for the rest of the set!
Gobo || Mokey & Boober || Fraggle Five
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brandnewdress · 3 months
it’s actually so crazy how for rep going to another show was just a matter of deciding if you wanted to go and getting a ticket (even a few days before) but for eras it might as well be impossible
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
🌹🌹🌹 please tear through them like chips. We will send more!
You are so freaking nice to me. Here's a snippet from the the 5+1 jamie falling asleep pavlovian fic:
Then from the front of the bus, in a voice that wasn’t trying to be quiet, Jan Maas said, "Well this is awkward."
The blood rushed to his face, humiliation settling thick in his throat as his eyes prickled. Beside him he felt Roy stiffen like a brick, a sensation so clear that Jamie didn't need check to see the expression of murder on his face.
"Jan," Isaac snapped, his voice booming and captain-ly. "What the fuck?"
"What are we supposed to do, pretend otherwise? That was shit." Louder, he added, "That was shit, Jamie!"
"Oh my God,” said Moe. Jamie couldn't agree more.
"Read the room, man," Cockburn added, sounding hoarse for some reason.
“I’m going to kill him,” Roy hissed under his breath, and even though Jamie knew, he knew it couldn't possibly be aimed at him this time--he hadn't done anything, he'd barely fought back--the words set something scrambling in his chest, making him flinch hard against the window like a wounded animal trying to break free.
There was a shuffling from the seat in front of him. A soft voice asked, "Amigo?"
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loveofmylifeh · 1 year
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Harry and his Harries | Love On Tour London | Wembley Night 1 | 13-06-23
Photo : lifewithlaurel
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twostepstyless · 1 year
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I need to be sedated
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faramirsonofgondor · 1 year
I love that we have collectively agreed that Jamie is bi. But also… imagine bisexual Georgie Tartt. Like it just kind of makes sense. I can picture her maybe having a girlfriend or two when Jamie is younger before his dad comes back into the picture. I can picture them all going to an aquarium or something. I can see Georgie sticking with dating women for a while, because she’s still wary after leaving Jamie’s dad. And like the women she goes out with happen to be more understanding of her situation than the men. And they all love Jamie to pieces. But maybe she ends up breaking it off with them due to being busy. Or like maybe her girlfriend ends up moving away for work or something, but Georgie doesn’t want to leave.
And maybe James knows and he’s angry but not really worried, until he hears that she’s going on dates with girls and guys again. And then he feels threatened because he didn’t really see the women she went out with as anything serious. But the men definitely threatened his position in her (and Jamie’s) life. He didn’t want another man raising his son. He probably came with the scheme to get back in Georgie’s life because he realized he didn’t have control over her anymore. But he also knew he couldn’t be a dick at first or she wouldn’t let him back in. He was also probably a bit worried about whatever “soft bullshit” Georgie was putting in Jamie’s head. He didn’t want Jamie to end up queer just because Georgie made it seem like it was okay.
So when Georgie finally trusts him enough to let Jamie start spending time alone with him, he makes sure that his son knows that he can’t be soft, that needs to dominate and act like a real man. He takes him to Amsterdam to make sure any ideas Georgie put in Jamie’s head about being queer were stomped out. And then one day when he’s going on a misogynistic rant to Jamie, he brings up how he knew he had to try and win Georgie back once she decided to pursue more serious relationships. But Jamie is confused because she’s been dating other people for years. And when he brings that up, James just explains that those weren’t deal and didn’t count cause they were women. And Jamie just goes home confused and mentions it to Georgie, who gets reasonably pissed off. And then she kicks James to the curb for real.
And then on her first real date after all this, she gets stood up. But she ends up making friends with the pastry chef at the bakery she went to, whose name is Simon. And she ends up in a happy and supportive relationship, with a man who understands that her liking both is not a phase or wrong. And a man who does his best to show Jamie that it’s alright to be soft.
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synthsays · 1 year
Don't worry I made one for Wembley too 😌
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music-clan2 · 3 months
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