#welwick sdv
purpleandgreen13 · 1 year
High Stardew Valley sillness:
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sdv-polls · 9 days
Thank you for the submission, anon!!
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ryllen · 2 years
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phillypumpkin · 1 year
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I see a glimmer within my scrying orb…A shard of knowledge from the future!
Gave my old Welwick a redraw!
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harveyandcoin · 2 years
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Fall 16, Year 1
Can also be found on tapas and webtoons! Links on the comic blog.
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lizardfootman · 2 years
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SDV Inktober Day 12: Commune 🔮
"The spirits are in good humor today. I think you'll have a little extra luck."
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Everything's gonna be just fine.
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caelwynn · 2 months
All of my readers are such awesome people! When I logged in to post my update this morning, I discovered that not only had Choices: Fall accrued over 1k hits, but Choices as a whole now has over 2.5k hits! 👀 I realize this is partly a product of just how many chapters these fics have, but still! Thank you, all of you, so very much!
In chapter 8 of Choices: Fall, "The Stardew Valley Fair," Callie puts together a 'last-minute' grange display. Afterward, she spends her time not only with her friends, but her sister and niblings as well. Her sister, Bria, takes advantage of the situation to plant seeds of her own in the minds of those closest to Callie. Sterling, meanwhile, finds himself charmed by Callie's niece and nephew; he also tries to make the best impression he can upon Bria. Several other things happen—including a quiet moment with June and a visit with a fortuneteller—so feel free to read and discover the rest!
Sneak Peek:
“Your turn, Sterwing,” she lisped at him. Fuck, that was too cute. It didn’t help that she looked like a miniature version of Callie. Lillian looked like her mother save for her dark hair and eyes—and Bria looked just like her sister, save for the difference in their coloring. Truly, the only difference between Lee-lee and Lillian was that the little girl had her mother's pale skin. He couldn’t help imagining a little girl with Callie’s curls and his blue eyes. “My turn, eh? Alright then,” he said, handing over his money to play. “After this, I’ll have my turn, and then we should try a different game,” Henry said from where he stood to the side holding onto Brooklyn’s hand. “We need to let other people have a turn.” “Alright, ready to be amazed?” Sterling asked as cockily as he could manage, pretending to spit on his hands before picking up the hammer for the game. “You can do it, Sterwing!” Lillian cheered. He gave an overexaggerated wind-up and then smacked the circle with as little force as he could finesse. “A ‘toothpick!’” Henry laughed while Sterling pretended to pout. “Even I do better than that!” Brooklyn declared. “'Baby duck,” Lillian said smugly. She’d ranked the highest at Mouse.
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dewwydelcra · 1 year
Around the first time I was playing sdv, when Welwick said that the spirit's were very displeased I said that they could kiss my ass and the first thing I saw when I entered the mines were like 5 of those serpent things and I got sent to Harvey.
I learned that day that Welwick's warning's are no joke lmao
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insolenthare · 1 year
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Listen ConcernedApe I just wanna talk...
... about what these different things could be. And I just need things to think and type about. (This is going to be a WALL of text, fyi.)
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I do not know what is considered a 'mini festival'. If it is like what the Winter Night Market is, then I get it; A festival that doesn't stop you from going into a part of the map to set up and time will still progress while it takes place. As for what they could be? No idea.
The only thing I can guess is that there is a high chance that none of the new festivals will happen in Winter, due to it having the WNM along with Feast of the Winter Star and the Ice Festival.
There is a mod out there that adds a festival that I would personally love to see in vanilla game play called the Festival of the Mundane. it changes the sewer map into a fun carnival for the Shadow People that you have to wear a mask to attend. Obviously it can't be that exactly but I had to give it a mention.
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Okay, so, what is this thing? Honestly, judging by the shape and the circle in the middle, I want to say this is a seed for a Stardrop fruit. Maybe in the update it will be our turn to actually try and grow one of these instead of being gifted the fabled fruit.
But that also makes me wonder, how hard will it be to get this seed to maturity? I mean, the Sweet Gem Berry takes a whole month, same with the Ancient Fruit. Maybe growing a Stardrop would take a whole year? Maybe a whole year of manually watering the plant yourself (no sprinkler) to prove that you have earned that extra 34 points to your energy bar?
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I love CA's art style, very occasionally I will not be able to tell what things are and I want to make this clear, I think that adds to the charm of the game's art style.
This is the case here, because I can tell this is most likely a crop of some sort, but that is all. Because it is three of the crop bunched together, I think it might come from a plant that gives out more than one at harvest; Like Blueberries and Coffee beans. Maybe these are just plain ol' beans, lol. For a small bit, I thought this might be Jicama, but I am not sure about that any more.
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Fish TV Fish TV Fish TV. I have been wondering what this could be for a while now but I have no clue. We have the Worm Bin that makes us bait and Fishing Ponds can be used to breed fish if used in a certain way, so I have no idea what this machine could do.
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I straight up think this is the top part of an avocado tree. I have seen people call this a bush but the rounded shape in the middle is screaming at me that it is a ripe Avocado ready to be picked. Maybe I am wrong and it is something else, but I swear I know what I am looking at.
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I think a lot of SDV players are in the late-game, if not the end game portion of their files so this is awesome to see!
Something I did not expect to see is a new totem though. We have 5 different warp totems and a Rain Totem at the moment, so this tells me that either;
1) This totem does something similar to the rain totem where you use it and something about the next day is assured. When you have the best luck for the day, the fortune teller Welwick has a Purple Stardrop over their head, and this totem is a very happy looking one with purple... frills? This might be a very weak connection but I can see this being a totem that grants the best luck for the next day.
or 2) We might be getting a new area entirely that requires its own warp totem. I feel like something that big would be listed here, but I can't fully rule it out considering what most of the totems do in-game.
Turning to the remaining tea cup and the ... other thing now. Being able to craft a new tea might mean we are getting another new crop to grow the different kind of tea leaves needed for it. No idea what sort of buffs this tea could grant but the Green Tea we can brew doesn't give any buffs besides more health and energy so really, anything is good. (I actually love the thought of growing different tea bushes than just the one we have now because it would add some variety to my Tea Bush Fence I have around my barns and coops.)
As for what I can only describe as a Quiver, I literally have no idea. This is probably something we would unlock while expanding the Combat skill? Maybe a new weapon type? Maybe we will be able to handle a Bow as a more powerful upgrade from the Slingshot? Or maybe this is just a pencil bag and we will get a new fetch quest to return Jas's lost art supplies. I literally have no idea.
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That explains this image than.
It makes sense that Ginger Island would need a tune up if you go the Joja route. A dirty capitalist doesn't deserve the magical whimsy the Island has to offer /jking. The clearly fake government drone bird is still in an area that doesn't have an upgrade available at the moment so I have no idea if it for something you can currently purchase with golden walnuts or something new entirely, we will just have to wait and see.
And 100+ new lines of dialogue!! Yes!!! Not sure what more to say with this one, it is something people have been wanting for a long time and I am ready for more reasons to talk to the different characters again.
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**rubs my filthy hands together** If there is any other thing that could possibly hint towards a new area to explore, it is that ticket. Imagine being able to finally use that empty train platform at the top of the map, and riding a train all the way to the new area, aaaaa
It is most likely something to do with the new festivals though. In fact, I think all of these things will probably be in the new festivals. The ticket will probably be something you earn in a festival that will rival the Stardew Valley Fair. I know the box looks like one of the boxes that can wash ashore on the beach farm, but it could easily be a purchasable mystery box of sorts. Something you can buy at a carnival stand. And definitely not Shane in the hoodie there is probably a random NPC to be in the background. Or..
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... That is straight up Shane's new winter sprite and he grows facial hair to help keep warm. He is absolutely the type to still wear shorts in the snow, don't at me.
For real though
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This is adorable and it is getting me through. The mods that give the characters alternate winter outfits are so very valid. (Actually, I wonder if this will break those mods? Not sure.)
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Not going to lie, I definitely will need a very good reward to do anything with the normal billboard requests at this point.
But 8 player multiplayer, holy cow. I know there is an exploit that, once used, can allow for almost any number of players on your farm, but this is great for people who do not want to crack open the game files and mess around with the numbers. I am waiting to be blown away by a fully functioning 8 person farm.
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I mentioned this before on my Twitter, and I know this is asking for a whole hecking lot, but I would kill for a Nonbinary They/Them option for the game. I know this would mean hours and hours of rewriting though. Can't help but to want it though. I would love to be able to run to the Wizard's tower and chop off my farmer's gender, heh.
NEW FARM TYPE THOUGH. I know that would mean restarting on a whole new farm (Something I have done recently and don't really want to do all over again) but what more can be offered in terms of farming space?? I know the sky is the limit, but I have this idea of a hard mode; where you have very little farm space over all. Though it could be used to make small, cute and cozy farms that value aesthetic over profit. I have a habit of always going for profit so this would be kind of challenging to me, working on making a nice looking farm.
Also, as a huge lore junkie, I am definitely looking forward to new secrets. Does any one remember when we discovered the weird statues by putting random items in different boxes around the map? There are still some boxes that are just out there but we can't interact with! I would love to see something being done with those.
A couple more things I want to mention that I do not see a lot of people talking about, which I find very weird but eh.
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New... Frogs? Their names are Tails, Shadow and Sonic, respectively. Seriously though, you know how we have Golden, Void and Blue chickens? Are... Are we going to be able to farm and raise frogs? Frogs have always just been this randomly happening creature when you cut grass but look at these cute little guys. I know they could still just be a random background element but the different colors just threw me off.
And lastly
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I am looking through the map and I can't find these trees? (I fully expect someone to tell me they are somewhere and I am just being dumb, hah.) They look similar to the Totally Not Avocado Tree Top, maybe if we do get a new area these trees will be there.
I don't know how to end this post. I just like to talk. Peace.
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
Falling Away With You | Ch. 37
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: Time for y/n's first SDV Fair as a farmer!
Author’s Note: Leah’s joke towards the end is another stolen RomRas line. I could never make her this iconic myself u__u Hope you enjoy, I’d love to hear what you think! Take care x
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
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It’s finally the day of the Stardew Valley Fair. I’ve got a few ears of raw corn, a tray of corn bread, and a basketful of those forageables I gathered with Leah, all ready to be presented. 
This is gonna go sooo badly.
It’s okay though. I’ve got this. I’ve totally got this!
My reputation as a city girl-turned-farmer is definitely not at stake. 
Nobody will criticize my efforts. 
No one will point and laugh and mistake me for the clown Lewis allegedly hired to perform. 
Not even myself. Nope!
No way. 
Not lying to myself at all.
(Yes I am.)
Aaand if my grange does earn the worst possible score, at least I get to see the neat stuff Robin, Leah, Clint and Emily made for the crafting category. Plus, Lady Welwick will be there, and so will a bunch of carnies with games, and there will be yummy food, which could all be a fun distraction.
I got up bright and early to make sure I’ll have everything ready to go, and so I can get there ahead of time to decorate my grange a bit. Maybe the added pizzazz will woo Lewis during his scoring. I shake my hands and head to fidget out my nerves and hype myself up.
Trying to really encapsulate the farmer ~look,~ I toss on a deep red jumper beneath my brown denim overalls. I farm in these a lot more than I wear them out these days, so they’ve got some wear to them. Proof that I am A Farmer!! Then, I braid my hair into twintails and wear the cute hat I won at the Egg Festival on top.
When I arrive in town, it turns out I’m not the only one who had the idea to get here early. Marnie is decorating her own display – it’s right next to the one I’ve been assigned – and Shane’s tending to a pen full of animals next to the saloon. Further down the town square, Clint is polishing a bunch of weapons. While this is going on, tents are still being set up, and Lewis seems busy supervising that. 
“Nice to see you here so early!” Marnie greets me, a warm grin on her face. 
I smile back, grunting as I plop down my baskets and bins on the ground in front of my grange. “I don’t have much, so I wanted this to at least look nice.” I stand up straight, a tray of cornbread and some faux flowers in hand.
“Your first harvest was lovely,” she reassures me while I plop the cornbread dead-center into the display, “I’m sure you’ll do wonderfully today.” 
Marnie places a comforting hand on my shoulder, and as I place some flowers around the cornbread, I briefly lean my cheek down to her hand. “Thanks, I hope so.” 
Aside from the noises of us participants working and the carnies talking further away, the air is quiet. There’s barely a breeze today, and because of the chilly autumn air, not many critters are chirping. Every here and there, I merely hear a bunny or something scurrying around behind the buildings nearby.
By the time I’m finished setting everything up, most of the townspeople have flooded in. Must be 9 already. I’m proven correct as I hear a yawn and feel a hand on each of my shoulders, followed by a sharp chin on my head. 
“Mornin’,” Sebastian grumbles, inspecting my set-up.
“Hello, my love,” I cheerily greet him, tilting my head up to see him. I wiggle him off me, and he obliges, wrapping over to my side.
“Looks good,” he comments.
“I’d hope so. Got here, like, an hour and a half ago.”
“I know,” I agree, “So early…” I hug Seb’s arm and lean against it. “When does Lewis usually grade these things?” 
“You’ve got a few hours. Why don’t we walk around a bit?”
“Fuck yeah, let’s go.”
Seb and I played a few games, hung out with his mom and Leah by their granges, and watched the shitty clown in pure horror for a bit. As more people from out of town began arriving, we retreated up near the community center to eat some of the stuff Gus has been grilling. 
“Feels way too early for barbecue.” Seb is still mad about being awake so early, understandably so. Was probably busy working late into the night. He looks super mopey as he bites down on his hot dog.
“It’sh sho good though…” I answer with my mouth full. I swear, I’ve never had a veggie burger that was so well-seasoned. Gus has to be some weird breed of food-wizard.
“Yeah, if there’s one perk to living here, it’s the food.” Seb takes another bite, then asks after swallowing, “Anything in particular you wanna check out next?”
“I dunno.” I peer over the bushes that line the short cliff overlooking town, and eyeball a tent that looks similarly decorated to the one Welwick had at the Calico Night Market. “I promised Welwick I’d pay her a visit, should probably do that sooner than later.” Peering back at Seb, I notice that he seems to be thinking hard. “What’s up?”
“Maybe I’ll go with you, this time, if that’s alright with you.”
Grinning, I nod with vigor. “Totally! You sure, though?”
He nods too. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and… I, like,” Seb pauses to get his thoughts together. “I don’t know if I want to be a wizard, considering how odd it still feels for me to be exposed to all this again.” That makes sense.
Nodding, I urge him to continue.
“But I don’t want to waste this weird gift either, if that makes any sense.” He shrugs, sorta to himself. “Seems less scary, now that I’m watching how well you’re adapting to it all. And also, I guess just seeing you have anything to do with it has been making me want to get involved…” His cheeks flush a little. “It would be cool if we could spend more time together when I’m not coding and you’re not farming, too.”
A little image of myself, Sebastian and Magnus working with one another in the tower flashes in my head. I feel butterflies in my tummy and get giddy with excitement – Was that a vision…? Or just positive thinking? – but do my best to hold it in. 
“That would be really nice,” I nearly squeak. So much for containing myself. “I’m sure Magnus would be happy to help, too. I’m not really good enough yet to feel comfortable showing you the ropes alone.” 
“Yeah, but I still have some things to sort out with him first.” He explains, “I really want to apologize for abandoning him.”
I take Seb’s hand – which was in a curled fist on the wooden picnic table – into both of mine, thumbing at his knuckles. “I’m sure you know by now that he’s literally, like, the sweetest person ever. He’ll probably understand.” 
After nodding, Seb lifts my hands to his lips, pecking my bent fingers. “I hope you’re right,” he mutters, his lips still against my knuckles. “Would be weird if you two start dating and there’s still some unfinished business going on with me and him.”
I snort. “Thank you for not saying ‘getting jiggy’ again.”
“I should’ve,” he tuts. “Wasted an opportunity there.”
I roll my eyes and tug him up. “Come on, let’s go see that witch.”
Fingers intertwined, we make our way down the stairs and through the crowd. We run into Victor and his mom, who is so fucking beautiful holy shit, who’s deep in conversation with Caroline and Jodi. I wonder where Abby and Sam are, that he’s not off hanging out with them…? Either way, Seb promises that we’ll come rescue him once we’re finished with our current business.
Welwick’s tent is set up close to the cemetery. Feels fitting, for her to not just be further away from all the hubbub, but to also be near something spooky.
What’s also fitting is that Magnus is here – not even trying to disguise himself – and speaking with her. I guess he really was serious about trying to integrate himself into the town more. Hopefully he didn’t scare anyone this time…
“Didn’t expect to see him here,” I whisper to Seb. I look up, and he’s taking a deep breath in. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” he assures me with a squeeze of my hand. “Y’know what? This is perfect. It’ll force me to get that conversation out of the way.” 
“Want me to go grab him for you?” 
“Nah,” he shakes his head, still watching the elemental. Magnus has no idea we’re nearby, unless he’s just hiding it. “When you go up to the tent I’ll just sorta… break off with him, and work from there.” 
“Okie dokie,” I salute. We continue walking, and I clear my throat when we get closer.
Magnus peers up, and his eyes dart between Seb and I. He returns my grin, and offers a soft nod of the head to Seb.
“Hello,” he nervously greets us. “Er, I’ll be going–”
“Wait,” Seb prompts, and Magnus’ eyes flush pink. “Can… can we talk?” 
After a deep breath, Magnus nods. “Of course.” 
He says his goodbye to Welwick just as I’m releasing my hold on Seb’s hand, and we switch spots. I hope their conversation goes well. I’m sure it will, but who knows.
It’s funny seeing how Magnus towers over Seb when they’re side-by-side like that. Makes him look so tiny…
As I approach where Magnus was standing, I’m shocked and delighted to see Welwick’s hood down. Her dusty blue-gray hair flows in long, thick waves – easily down to the small of her back – with a thin braid framing each side of her face. Her pale ears, as pointed as I’d expected, are poking out of her hair and adorn a large sum of piercings. Finally, her eyes — which are just as wrinkled as I expected — look soft and sleepy and warm, with irises as blue as her signature cloak. 
“Greetings, my young friend!” The woman welcomes me with a wide smile. “That relic has been treating you well, I hope?” Welwick motions towards my necklace and I nod, clutching it on instinct. 
“Hi, yeah! I think I’ve started getting non-sleeping visions now, actually. Still hard to tell if it’s just my imagination or not.”
“Only time will tell. I hope it is as useful for you as it once was for me.”
“Thank you,” I smile shyly. I wonder if she really just wanted me to keep her company, rather than to discuss anything in particular, when she told me to stop by… so far it seems that way. “H-how’s your day been?” I offer.
“Lovely, thank you for inquiring. It’s always a delight to be in Pelican Town. The energies are fierce here – truly invigorating, indeed!”
“Is that just ‘cause of Magnus, or…?”
“Amongst other things, yes.” 
We continue to talk, exchanging pleasantries until she decides to dive more into her past (or, at least what she can remember of it). She’s clearly very stoked to hear about how recently I started my journey with all this arcane stuff, and to share her own experiences in any ways that can help or inspire me. It’s adorable.
We only halt our conversation when Seb and Magnus return. They were still speaking, both with a soft smile on their features, as they walked over to meet us. Made me feel all fuzzy. When Welwick sent me off, I half-expected her to tease me about Magnus (or even Magnus and Seb). Nothing came of it, though, which I’m thankful for; I’ve already experienced enough of that from Robin in regards to her son.
“So, uh…” I cut the short silence as we stroll a few feet over to the side before settling. Magnus must want to be somewhat hidden, considering how he seems to be confining himself to this small area. “You two made up, or whatever, I’m assuming?” I look back and forth between them, fidgeting with my necklace. 
Suddenly, I’m realizing how intimidating the prospect of possibly “being with” both of them is… it feels weird. Not a bad weird, but just something that’s gonna take getting used to. 
“Yeah,” Seb responds from my left, while Magnus’ “Indeed” sounds from my right side.
“Honestly it feels undeserved,” Seb adds, “but I’m happy we got to catch up a bit too.” 
“Likewise,” Magnus grins. He then peers down towards me, “You hadn’t mentioned you were acquainted with Lady Welwick. When did that occur?” 
I shrug. “I haven’t really had the chance. Happened the same day I met Camilla.”
“Ah, Camilla’s still bugging you?” Seb observes, gesturing with his head towards Magnus.
A hefty sigh and exasperated expression accompany the taller man’s nod. “Gave this poor girl quite a fright, too.”
“Was like a real life jumpscare.” I shudder. “She’s so… touchy.”
Popping his knuckles, Seb says, “Fuckin’ succubus, that lady.” I raise an eyebrow, and Seb shakes his head. He puts his hands up in defense for emphasis. “Nothing happened, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t try.” I tilt my head and nod, completely understanding. She did come off as very flirtatious.
“Is she the same way with you, Magnus?” I ask. 
“Not anymore, thankfully. It took that wretch ages to understand my ill feelings towards her outside of a professional exchange.” 
We fall into another silence. 
This is strange.
“Do you, uh, want to come walk around with us?” Seb asks Magnus. There’s a bit of a blush on his cheeks. I wonder if it’s out of mere embarrassment, or something more…
Y’know, I’ve had suspicions that he might’ve crushed on Magnus in the past, but what if it was more than a little crush? What if the feelings never went away? What if Seb’s jealousy at first was a combination of possessiveness over me, and envy that Magnus has feelings for me that weren’t returned to him?
Muuuch to consider.
Magnus shakes his head, rejecting Seb. “I’d like to slowly assimilate myself. It’s been quite a long time since I last attended the town’s festivities firsthand, rather than viewing from the sidelines.” 
“So creepy…” I teasingly whisper. 
“Hush,” Magnus grins, leaning down to softly elbow my shoulder. 
My brain heavily hones in on how he has to lean down for his elbow to get to my shoulder. 
I feel… so small…
Stop, (y/n). 
Sebastian nudges me too.
Fuck. I forgot he can feel when I’m, um... feeling. 
I grab his hand and squeeze it, gaze planted on the ground. My face feels hot.
I look up at Magnus inspecting me. He saves me the embarrassment of asking me what’s wrong, even telepathically, but I still feel my features burn darker. I drop my gaze again.
This is so strange.
I clear my throat. “See you around, then?” I offer, allowing Seb and I to part from him. 
“See you around, my deee–” Magnus’ gaze darts to Seb’s, and mine follows. 
“It’s okay,” he chuckles, rolling his eyes.
“...my dear.” It comes out as just barely audible.
Another silence leads me to finally verbalizing what I’ve been thinking. “This is so strange.”
They both hum an agreement in unison, before Seb and I depart.
A few seconds later, I halt.
My partner looks back at me, tilting his head in confusion and stopping in his tracks. “What’s up baby?”
“Didn’t you wanna meet Welwick?”
He thinks about it, then replies, “Not anymore. I’ve had enough magic-talk for the day.”
“You got it.” I give him a thumb up, and then we continue onward.
A few more minutes of perusing the crowd for our friends go by, before we eventually just wind up back at my grange. 
Seb pipes up, “We, um… we talked about you, and us, and all that.”
“Yeah?” I prompt, fidgeting with the ends of one of my braids.
“Yeah.” He sighs. “This is new to me, and apparently somewhat new for Magnus too… but we’ll make it work, ‘kay?” 
I shrug, keeping my eyes on my fingers and hair; feeling nervous and unsure after our group interaction, given how unnerving it seemed to be for all three of us. 
“Hey.” Seb tilts my face up by the chin, forcing me to look at him. “Even if nothing’s romantic with him and I, we both want things to work for you.” 
Seb leans down, stealing my mouth in a kiss. 
“I love you so much, and I can tell how much he cares about you,” he kisses me again before continuing, “so I’m ready to take all the time you need to get used to it.” He kisses me again, before murmuring against my lips, “Alright, princess?” Oh. This man has me in a complete trance. 
His opposite hand comes up to cup my cheek, the one that was on my chin staying in place. I nod within his grasp, unable to find words, and he kisses me again, more passionately this time. It’s embarrassing – we’re surrounded by people, both familiar to us and strangers – but there’s no avoiding the way I completely melt into Seb’s sweet lips and gentle touch. 
…Until we hear someone clear their throat beside us. 
My eyes shoot open, and both of our heads whip to the side. Mayor Lewis is standing there, one hand on his hip and the other clutching his clipboard to his chest. Must be judgment time.
“Please, save that for elsewhere,” Lewis scolds us. 
Unable to meet his face, I mutter an apology as I shift myself away from Seb. 
Unsurprisingly, I didn’t get first place amongst the farmers. That prize went to that Susan lady, who had an absolute unit of a pumpkin in her own display. Second went to Marnie, and third to myself. 
I’m glad I at least beat Pierre.
Lewis had some nice things to say about the food I brought with me, but ultimately, he wanted higher quality, farm-grown produce as well as more variety. I suppose it’s pretty obvious that I just scrounged up what I could to toss in my box, but I’d hoped what I had would’ve earn me less critique than he gave me. I think he was still feeling grumpy about Seb and I having an impromptu snog-sesh out in the open.
Abby and Sam had apparently rescued Victor and brought him to hide in Sam’s yard, which is why Seb and I had such a hard time scoping them out. After receiving the memo, Seb and I stayed by them for a while. 
Seb and Sam smoked and tossed a half-deflated beach ball around , and Vic lamented over how badly he wanted a hit, but couldn’t with his mother nearby. In the meantime, Abby and I sat against the fence neighboring Emily and Hailey’s place and talked about the most recent Prairie King news (DLC, babyyy).
Victor had to leave sorta early with his super hot mom, and once people started to clear out, Sam and Abby went inside for some kinda band stuff they’re working on. They invited me in, but feeling tuckered out from the day, I turned down the offer. Seb, on the other hand, was going to meet them there later. Already promised Robin he’d help her carry things home. After seeing those two off – they both refused my help, those stubborn little fucks – I opted to start cleaning up my grange.
Just as I began peering around for certain red-headed, forest-dwelling, art-making queen so I could give back this huge mushroom she found for me to submit, Magnus snuck up on me.
“What are you searching for, dearest?”
Also, “Holy fuuu—“
Jas was about to run past us to see what Marnie’s up to, but she stuttered once she reached Magnus’ side. Her eyes bulged as she viewed Magnus’ towering form, then she continued her trek.
I scan the area quickly, and the adults nearby — with the exception of Andy — seem to pay no mind to Magnus. I wonder if they know of him, or if they just don’t care enough to gawk at the height, ears, and weirdly colored skin. He’s at least in normal clothing and uncloaked, so that’s probably helping. 
I didn’t have a chance to admire his outfit when we interacted earlier this afternoon, but now that I’m viewing him in a turtleneck for the first time, I have to stop myself from ogling a bit.  
“Uhhh,” I draw out the sound as I try and think up a replacement to show my fear and replace my fluster without cursing. I’ve got nothing. I grunt instead. “What’s with you and popping up seemingly out of nowhere all the time?” 
“For the reactions, of course.”
“Oh, of course!” I sarcastically remark, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Prick.”
He grins. “How did you fare?”
“Third,” I whine, shrugging. “What about you?” I look the wizard up and down, “You’re awfully elementally, considering you’re out in the open today. I didn’t get a chance to ask about that earlier.”
As he responds, I set the mushroom aside and pile the faux flowers into the container I’d brought them over in. “It would be a tremendous burden to disguise myself as a mundane every time I leave the tower.”
“And if Abby recognizes you?” I smirk. I don’t know if she would, considering how nervous she seemed to be the night she met him as Mark, but it’s still funny to imagine the possibility. 
“I will simply wipe her memory.”
“You can do that?”
“Wait, what?”
“Then… how would…” I meet Magnus’ eyes again, and they’re riddled with mischief. Oh. He’s fucking with me. 
I roll my eyes and snort. I wonder if spending today around another elemental (who isn’t Camilla) is what has him acting all silly, compared to how timid he seemed earlier on. Just as I’m about to playfully insult the man and request a legitimate answer, I hear footsteps approaching. I look to my left, and see Leah sloppily making her way towards us. Her cheeks are rosy, and she has some sway in her step. 
Robin did mention that the poor girl didn’t score very well… 
I guess she drank about it.
“Ah, I was just looking for you before!” I exclaim.
“Mhm!” I grab the chanterelle and present it to Leah with a dramatic bow. “Your fungus, m’lady.”
She curtsies (to the best of her ability, being in pants), and lilts, “Oh, why thank youuu, beautiful.”
My cheeks redden. 
She winks. Fuck. She’s stunning.
I squeak.
Magnus quietly chuckles behind me, reading me like a goddamn book.
Blissfully ignorant to my swooning, Leah points over my shoulder with the mushroom in her hand. My eyes widen, and I turn back around towards Magnus. He seems nervy all of the sudden – must be remembering the painful interaction he had with Leah a few days ago.
“Hello,” he softly offers.
“What,” Leah clears her throat, “what isss swayin', canis lupus familiaris?!” She starts giggling wildly, as if she just made the sickest burn.
“Leah!” I can’t help but laugh with her as I grab the wrist that’s still hovering near my face and lightly shove it back towards her. “Don’t be a dick!”
“You command, whilst nearly in tears of laughter,” Magnus narrates. 
It was pretty funny… A hearty snort escapes my nose before I apologize, covering my face with my hands and leaning my back against the table my display sits atop. The pig-like noise prompts him to laugh along with us. 
“Did I not sound like’im?”
“No!” Magnus and I answer in unison. 
I rub my forehead. “You wanna come to my place ‘til you sober up?” I offer her. “You can stay over if you want.”
“I’m fiiiine.”
After shoving the shroom into the front pocket on her green corduroy overalls, Leah moves closer and puts both her hands on my shoulders. It’s clear she’s using me to keep herself balanced while she tries to put on a serious facade. I plop my palms onto her fingers, letting her borrow me for a sec.
“Where’s Elliott?” I ask. Maybe he could take care of her.
“He went back to th’beach with Willy.” Leah stops to hiccup a little, then pouts. “So mean, that one.”
I chuckle, sarcastically responding, "Ah. So mean."
“Let me teleport you home, at the very least,” the wizard to my left and her right offers. 
I scrunch my nose, peering up at him with uncertainty. “Would that be a good idea? What if she hurls?”
Magnus winces. “Ah, yes, that’s a fair—“ 
“Okay, sure, I’ll do that!”
Our eyes shoot to Leah. “I th-thought you were scared of him,” I claim, in a poor attempt to save Magnus from the curious drunk.
“Naw, he’s just a little weird, thas’all!” 
“How… relieving?” the wizard tentatively responds.
I throw Magnus an apologetic smile, then transfer Leah’s limp hands into his own. “Good luck,” I murmur to him. Then, I put a palm on Leah’s shoulder, and order her, “Lee, until you’re home, do not let go of him.”
“Mmmmhm, yes ma’am.” She winks again. Even through her bumbling, it’s still a gorgeous, tummy-fluttering sight.
I shove my face in my hands again. Magnus clears his throat, urging me to meet his maroon gaze. I do so with my hands still comfortingly cupping my pinkened cheeks. “Come see me in the morning?”
“‘Kay.” I mirror his soft smile, before he vanishes with Leah in tow.
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ohhgingersnaps · 2 years
We Didn’t Start The Fire (SDV Superhero AU)
Ch. 19/32 — They Say We Are What We Are, But We Don't Have To Be T+ | Abigail/Leah, Sebastian/Farmer (Background) CW: Past emotional abuse, flashbacks, panic/anxiety attacks, past minor character death
The saloon is entirely empty, aside from Gus, who greets them and takes their orders. Leah insists on paying, ostensibly because Abby’s been such a huge help this morning, but Gus politely ducks his head to hide a knowing smile, which makes Abby absolutely delighted. They retreat to Leah and Elliott’s usual table on the near side of the room, scooting their chairs close together and making small talk while they wait for their food, and Abby thinks this is probably the closest thing to a date she’s been on in a while. Abby giggles and leans forward, elbow on the table. “Here, here, let me read your palm.” “Sure,” Leah agrees, blushing and smiling and offering her hand. Abby’s heart just about melts. “Okay, so,” Abby says, leaning close and tracing the lines of Leah’s palm. Examining it. “So, this line— this one, here—“ she drags her index finger in a loose arc near her thumb— “is the life line. Looks pretty good and solid. The head line says you have a lot of good creative energy. And then, the fate line, right here… It’s got a break in it, which usually means at least one significant change in your career trajectory.” Leah scoffs, but her smile is warm. “You know all of this already.” “No, no, I’m just telling you what your hand says.” She glances up at Leah— she’s bent over to look, now, too, and she’s so close that Abby could count her freckles, even in the dim light of the saloon. Abby glances back down, takes a deep breath, and traces a path horizontally across the center of Leah’s palm. “And, um, this one, here, that’s your love line.” “Oh,” Leah breathes. “What does that one say?” The line is long, but it’s broken, with several other lines crossing its path. Abby thinks back to Welwick’s Official Palm-Reading Guide, the one she’d pored over, back when she’d first looked into fortune-telling. Broken lines mean that the person may be deeply unhappy with their love life, or may change relationships often. They may be flighty or restless. Personally, Abigail thinks that Welwick is maybe being a little judgmental.
Read the rest on AO3!
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looz-y · 5 years
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yep....i got more....!!
honestly i like that we don’t know much about welwick aside from just giving us fortune tellings BUT the best part of that is i can freely fill in some stuff. i’ve so far had an idea that she’s a charming old magic user (idk whether to say wizard or witch, but she’s powerful than both of them) who’s a big ass lesbian and has a charm to her that makes women a bit flustered.
i’ve so far had a fanon idea that she’d give the farmer a quest they BOTH go together, after the quest she’ll reward you with some random items you would need for the community bundle. after that she’ll also give you a portal circle to visit her if you want since she’s fond you (added note is she can’t be romanced).
welwick will still appear on TV tho no matter what!
added bonus+ i’d imagine she actually was the wizard’s master, and trained him in magic & such, she’s pretty good friends with him but she also tends to make fun of him a lot as well. the wizard just accepts it, joking he kinda deserves it anyway.
I’LL TRY TO ADD MORE Cuz........i galaxy brained on this.
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dunyun-rings · 2 years
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Vincent and Jas are curious about an old fortune telling shop in downtown Zuzu City, and decide to pay it a visit 🔮🌃
This is my final piece for Out of the Valley (a collaborative Stardew Valley fan zine set in a city AU)
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phillypumpkin · 2 years
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“Welcome back to 'Welwick's Oracle'... If you seek hidden knowledge of the future, well you've come to the right place.”
My version of Welwick is telling your fortune! I hope you have good luck today!
Click for the HQ version cause tumblr is trash money when it comes to images~ *
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